HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-09, Page 4� � 4 . . � 11 , , . . . : . . 4 1 1 . , . IT 9, 1900 --,- - � ­ -_ TER, CLINTON NEWS -RECORD , ATTGI.TS -.....- I � ­­. I .­­ 1.11, 7 " � ­_1;­­r­FRW1_ I , ''....,. 11 ... - .1 -..- I 401-1 .1, 0000 .11 .. -.1. I ­ I I 1--11- 1.11 - ­ � 111101010011�_ 111 I I 1, I , - _1 I ­ ­ ­ .1 .111.1-1 I., .I . I ­ . I.. . ... .. ..1. ­ . .1 .. I'll ... .11 I...'' 001-10-- , �.: _ ., i - __ - - - ___ . --------- _. _ _____ --.-, __ ---.--.--------- _ t_ - " , 11 - __ .,O�W� . .. ;,:�"=' __ - __-, -1 _ W_7 r,---- - ­­­­ ­ _-, - - ­ - 1.�._' �:Ir_�_;�_�__._4r_ :�_ _._�__ .. ­­_ ______._., I I I DISSOLUTIOX AT HAM). .1 ,� - . I A meeting of tj�o Execative of the , . Ontario ReformAusoviation, with sip Richard Oartwrif-,ht proven Was held in Toronto on �,,rl,d,,,� and"t . I Is under- . stood thab as a I 's t of its dellbera. I tionsthe gVuetal election I", to take 1. place Ott or about Tuesday, October 10. , I � We met on 100asb street on ,Monday I . - a. m. Mr.HQnry Horton witba lovely large garden boquet of handsome dah. ,I^ lias 0, crimson and yellow anti we thought he was possibly taking them � to the Te m`ptisng P r i* � I 28th Battalion table. So we . ces I ,mentioned our surrialso buthe said ,1 . take a hoquat every Monday a, m. to the Mechanics' Institute" and so we I . found that there are others who look I 0 � . - ,.#1 .ff-.. 41-- - h. ...f. #­ A14V ... #- / .1 ---- --_-_.._1-11_ I t 11 4. T1114 LTBBRALS ARE A lady friend of ours who was pre- Mr. John Kornightin, though im. Mr. George Noble,merchaukHeneall, institutions esides ourselves And we . ior AUgUSU 3011ing. ;w#w4- ­ " "' . . 1400NO- parin to.% the otheravening took out rapidly.. has nob yet been, able I came up with the excarsionists so we congratulate Mr. Horton on his I , I I ]CIQ WRBJX 0 UT 0p,pQW1j1R, her sifIver knives which she had wrap f,r0,V,it1,11`r, ,, Ilia .home, presume Herisall bad its civic holiday. thoughtfulness because people think .. . I'll . I . I BXT-RAVAQA1qT WHW IjN. ed tip earefolly In it lon�piece of whife- Miss Guyott of Windsor is the gaeso Miss,Tessle McDonald, daughter of only women think of flower gifts. . . I . - � , flannelette, and fastens with rubber Miss Mary Robertson otWinds or, who Capt. MaleolmMeDogald, has accept- Mrs. Oliver Cooper.and family, who ­ v . . I - �� ;,, . . . . .. I I . . S14TT= PUT TItEXIOUT. ably surprised by brought Miss Quyott with her 41 o spend ee a positiop lin . . ��. 11 I rings, was disagree, Detroit as atenograph. came down from Porb Arthur to spend , � ; finding when she took the knives Out the vacittion At Miss Robertson's boine. er. . some w . eeks with Station Master and I , . ! . . "I considera yearly expenditure of of their w-rar . ----,h-�,-&�_ , � ,ping that immedlatelY The tug Evelyn, Captain Cralgie.left Mr. and Mrs, TwItchell and ram ra. 8tr ton, e 6 or Sarnia on Tues- I I I . 11, * . $10,000,000 or $38,00,000 altogether too under where he rings were placed the our harbor on Saturday a. tn. tit 11.80 of Clinton are spending the 8 mer a 4a where the would tAke the I . I . I... � . I . - I large for the present rosources.of Can. knives had a wide black ring surround- for the Maultoulins, with a party of Church street in the house tied 0$ o arch," Cap Ala Robertson, for I I ; . I ado, Is,,iyitis4shitwq�atidad!Efgt,ace ingthem. Itwasamysterytober,bub our citizens, composed of Judge Maii. Mr. James - Doyle of Do it. r. Saulb - Ste. arle where Mr. Oliver TULY AND AUGUSTare vacation months ,and trade may be very slow in some Stores but - ­." to the Goiernmout that have been en. we , explained that the sulphur son, 8beriff Reynolds. LlouC D. 13. Twitcholl's'artist son of T uto as Cooper intends aettling his family. . I . � I . I I trusted with our uffairs that they come In the rings blackenpil the silver, (it -Ant., Will Horton, 'Ed. Attrill, Dva. purchased a camera and will ke At the harbor on Monday . a. m I "I but It wits cutious to .find that I I we d that's not the case here, We determined that these months slaould be very busy months i . down to as And ask for An expenditure Ross And Hamilton of Cornwall, Hot,- . views Around our lake and river. -found the St. Andrew anchored tit ' . . . Is . .. of $38,00,000,ii, year for federal purpos. the sm%II fine rings could do so aluch soy of Owen Sound, W. L. B Mott of Mri and Mrs. 4. MeGarva, of Clin. Ogilyle's elevator Wharf Where she wit$ With US. It has been aneasymatter, PRICES have put new life and energy into each week's . . ­ os." Thus spoke Sir Richard Oart- damage. I Bank of Montreal, 11. F. M000rs, It, O. ton are enjoying the West street breez. discharging her car o of 87,000 bushels . . I . 11, . Wright Ili Parliament in 1890. Since lion. James Garrow and Miss Bea- Hays Philip Holt, and Charles Gar. -as with Mr.- an Miss Wallace, We of wheat for Richarylson's. Sholoaded I I :. " trice, his youngest daughter, returned row 'They will remain away balling expect in tbo'near future they- will with 12,00.0 bushels of oats and a large selling. Custom era' dollars become very elastic when buying Summer Goods. at -this store. We ­ , that we have,it on the authority, of ,Sir � . , I I . Wilfrid Laurierthat Sir Richard is it last week from Now York, The !or ion days. . feel like taking tip their residence here, q . . man who yields against his own better Misses Fletcher, Agnes &lid Annie, . uantit of baled bay for Fort Wit- ' . . * 1111al. Las Featherntonehaugh canie bave never ln�de it possible for a dollar to stretch over so much merchandise as We (are � . iudgmetit, t -ve harmony tit the Accompanied them to their borne. Miss Haberlack of Buffalo thinks 'Mrs.(Rov.) Diehl and children are . I . . . .. . o preset Mrs. Ed. Shantiout and daughter she never witnessed such beautiful holidaying at.Bayfleld, down upon her and left for a. visit to ' ' � . . . I party, and now the expenditure con- sunsets before as'thme which Lake Toronto on Monday afternoon. Mr. nC w. Commene � I . . . . aiderably exceeds A million dollars A Carrie, Are here on their .Annual visit On Sunday last Rev. Audrdw Mel- - ing Friday morititig you can buy goods. at prices like these: . . I I week. . I � . . from INIcHwen, Tennessee, and are Huron furnishes, On FvIday ovenin fl drum of Sb. Paul filled the pulpit of Dube accompanied as far as Stratford . . � . . . . . . � . I . �," . , , . . . . . I � . .1 . "I ;; I the guests of Mrs. Shi�nnonls sister, $110 said when the sun was getting a Knox church both morning and',v,n. oil his Way to Buffalo' The Mary S. . . I . " � I . � i . I - i , I 141 as Symonds, Cambria Road. ' the colors of the rainbow seemed to Qordo�. captain and owneir Corson, 0+0****+***+**+++*+********++******+#**+***+++**++*++ .. � I I . MI ing. Rev., Mr. Meldrum is a, grand . . I . Miss Coates of Detroit is spending glearp upon the lake, Her observa. came in for a cargo of four hundred � I � �' . DEATIEC-BED REPENTANCE. , tions wore made from tile residence of preacher, his attitude and speech fib barrels of salt from the North Anierl- . I I I . ?, some weeks at home. . . him for any city. � His voice carries the I . . 1. . I : . I __ . Hild. her brother4it-law, Mr.. James Clark, can Chemical Salt WorkH, Ransfordle, Our Shirt Waists - Rare Bargains . I _ ,�- �� . . . . , Mrs. McColl, little daughteri I the Proseellb, weighb of his ideas perfectly, For forGoteBay. Mr, Dube waited until � . . . . The devil was sick mr- � "' .. 11. . , -red, and sister, 1 's Vanstone of Blind 8nuday's a. in. sermon lie otiose forms the arrival of his old vessel, the St. . . I � 11 '� I . . . . The devil a monk would be.: . River, all Supdayed at Listowel with Miss Rita Carey, accompanied by text the xi Psalm, . . . I is, - Must Go - . from'our'Millinery ,� . . . . . . . . . . . ­ , , � 1% I , . bet, nephew, the son of Mr. Oswald Andrew, which came in on Sunday a. � . � I. .10 , , , A despatch from Quebec Announces relatives. I - . Carey, tire tit Mr. 0. Carey's residence, The cottage prayer weetin was held tn., before returning to Buffalo, This I . '. . .1 I -- . The picnic hold by the Sons- of' Soot- I on Tuesday At the home of 71s. Baker, . � . I . I ' ' that a party ofHouniani . . is almost the flisat Sunda '( - . i� , e . ., , - . has been detaine an immigrants land at Spruce Grove I Oil the estate of the Crescent. The young lad atterids . William street. in which the St, Andre y this season . We have made t I 9 .... I d at Queb 16 by orders Wellesley. St. 5chool, Toronto, and is iv came in in � . I of the Dominion Governmeut, and it is Chief McLean, Huron Road, was one cribers of the a. m. Shirt, tip .. , I t � ; ' . . auspicious events of the making great headway with his stud. The Century' Fund subs . prices of .all our � . . 1 ' - � stated that any Roumanian adult who Of the most lee e will return after the holid6ys, Knox church are called upon to fulfil' Miss Hawley of Toronto, who is a Waists, Here's the Way WO . . . . I .1 . , season or indeed of several seasons. - 14 I I i ra ately Mrs. W. Rhynag is moving t . I tire bound to ; ,I/ cannot show $25, and any Rou anian e day and evenibg their promises by calling. as early as at of. Mr% Tom. McLean, - attended I . . We , t his ossible oil Mr, Strang, Britannia 911epicnic of the S. O.* S. on Friday - , �`4 _ were absol th, ivill All them -,- 0" . maitland week -into her handsome new residence . . ... "I � . clotties will besent, back to Europe, Woad, last. She *its .quite charmed with � ,, , , .. ./// I I baby who hag not got a $10 bill in its Th � I ,�, . It perfect. The breeze from thel . I . clear out aA our Summer " . I., , - was mightful and as Chief McLean oil Sb. David's street. ' I . I - /� I � � � i 1� .. basn9tbeenalleggilso far that these Id It Is Mrs. Carleton has added a. wing to Goderich andourroundings, Millinery and: this is the I . I " . , Rournanians are in any way inferior to sit hot in the sun and cool in Thos. Burrows left last week 01 the west side of her pretty cottage on I I . LOT I -Ladies' Shirt Waists . I . I p .. the Galiclans and other vari the shade. Altho still suffering sonic businessron behalf of the 0. 0. F. and The organ factory. is .busy and the of Percale In, At,sOrted way we intend doing it. . . I I . . ties of Sif- he lodge here East street and now hits a� pretty hall mitna er says they will hive to build stripes and Colo . . . . . �.. , . i I I I I re I and bedroom. She is making it con- an adgition or put in more steam pow- r�q6c`e�ga,i C Your choice of all our Ladies' and 'Misses Trimmed . �i . . tonian immigrants thAt we o not stop- in6onv enlence from the,acelden t to his will,give a report at t I . . . I ped at Quebec. The principal diffet, ankle early in the season, the Obief this week at their meeting on Tuesday servatory of bet- porch and ling itL . . I lar prices were . . �� I , "I . . ence is that we'are now ve managed to walk all o�er the grounds -evqnIng. I . . I � point. er in a shorb time if orders continue as . . . . 850'all to go. at. .... ­ I... 39 � Hats that. wore from $1.50 to .$2.'50, fo , I .. ry near the ed white with trimmings of olive,green they have . . I � r... ... .... 75o I , I �'i welcoming, heartily all the sons, And Mr. H. J. Horton -lefb per steamer and red, it very pret�y combination. started in this. month. : , . I . I . I .. . I . . I � - general elections, and the Government daughters of Scotta, as well as their They- have commenced their season's 'LOT 2 -Ladies' Shirt Waists made of Dimitiesi Per- Your choice of Ladles'Trim . . . . must do -something "for the �rotect Pittsburg , ined Hats.thabwere $.1,50 . - I Ion . on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Andrew Oliver a74d childre to England. The o Dth, etc., in asiorteadesigns $�.50 to $4,50, for ............ ; ........ 1. 0. .... of Canadian, labor�" Bach spasmodic guests. Mrs.' McLean happened to be Fred Smith. .. . . � ,n of shipments rgan - Cale, Marlborough 01, . . . . I I I . . t��� - I visiting friends at Kin,earditie &lid we . I - Galt are. the guests of Mrs. Oliver's factory bad a little UnionJack in every - andbolors, our regular $1, $1.50 and $2 Waistsi . . I . . � 1� : . �. m changes of policy on the eve of an op- ' . . I 75 C. Your choice of p . . . :. I regretted not meeting her, but Miss . Mr, McColl was very Ill at Saalb St. parents, Mr. and Mrs. X Ciessoftan, window in honor of the Stratford ex, all to cleat -'at., ............... 11.1 ....... 4. - I I .. I I 1. all Ou .Flo*brs that were from 150 . , - , ,�� I �". peal to the electors are not flattering McLean, with her, Cousin, Miss Camer- Marie hut was going to :work . this Cainbria Road.-. . . . . . cursion. ` - -, . � . . � . .. . . . . I . to 501c a bunch,,:% bunches. for.. _ ................ . 0c.. � I � I � I ..� - to the intelli ence of the people of Can- . wo6k. Re and his son, Wilbur, had to ' I . � . � I . . . � . I I ... . , .. ada. To senq -of binder Oil of Bayfleld, did'all the honors for Miss Reid of Toronto. is the- guesb of A. M. Robertson, Al. A., a graduate ., . � . . . � . � . � . . '. � .- A few carloads Spruce Grove. Polley's, Swartz's. and tent out and the M. 1D. he called in her brother, Mr. Peter Reid, of the Queen's, wits in the city to -day pid ,� . I I . I � . I twine to. the North-West.; to detain a . Linen and White - . ue-Skirts - ' . . . I � . � . :� , :, handful of immigrants At Hays! busses and bond wagons were in ; told. him he must leave -the tent or kne Miss MeLaien Arrived on Sunday' en routafor Toronto to assist In the . . . 10 . N, I . . ... ... . . I . . I . _ ' I . � I . . I send Mr.Dobell on Quebec r to readiness all afternoon to take out the would not recover. . . A M_ �20th July per 'stearriev examiningofthe vapers at the Hild. ,. . . I . . . 1. � I I , ,another bottle-nedic . . I -at Quick Selling Prices. . .. I � .. 11 . . ' . . I � � excursion, must strike -the average elec. ba' lenickers, who all met at Odd- i . Miss. Jessie Staiton, 'trained, narse Pittsburg. She was accompanied cational Department, He has- been. � . 1. I . . , - . . A Snap in Flannelettes,,... * . '.. - . . .. " I" . I'llowspHall. - Some chose to walk and ' daughter of Station Master St. 1,aiton,, I . I . . . . � ter as rather weak expedients. for vote- I from Chicago. by her cousin'.., Miss teaching for the past two years at . - ' � I I . .1 I . . . . . v . � . . .� . � �1'1 catching. � . . .. many had their ovgn carriages, and the returned on Saturda .the , Miss Williamstown. Glengarry county, I . Ladies'$, 1.2 5 White' Pique Skirts for - . 7S;C 1500 yards of Flannelette, in light Anti (lark colors, I .. . : . , . . . I � - HIS wide yaid at I an� . from Jennie Edward, of that city. 'When his work In Toronto is. complot- .. . 46 . 44 . � . Satanic Mikiesty is evidently very b spruca Grove looked like,, Rochester Hospital*, N611 spend McL* h two ye0s ago, $2.00 - . . all neat stripes, full 30 inches wide, worth to -day , I aren left Goderic' ..*1.25. ard ......... 0 , �,, , ,;, . : I , as if we were at s6me very large,coun- her vacation with her parerits.' . . . ed Mr� Robertson will spend the vac- I � . I . 7�e, special for Augastsellilig, per y, . 15 I I sick. -Montreal Star, I I I for the N. W. T.' *114re she was ,. IN , . . . - . . . 11 . I ­ ­ .: . I ty fair, so nially - horses, and carriages' Dr.'J. M' Turnbull xeturned ftoin the guest of' her.'aunt, Mrs. Tom ation at his home in .,Qoderich-JKing- 11 . $2.950 to $3.25 $1.9r, I . I . . . . . . I .. . . .1 . . . I I � . � - -.! . I . being lined up, besides 6 vast Array Of hisr visit to Detroit last week. . I qton British 'Whig, Jdly 14th. .Mr. . ft * Ii.215 Linen Skirts for * ' . : 79c� 156 Yests for,10c I . . I . . . . . Sturdy-, wife of T. Sturdy of the � . .. � � . I � . . I � "., I .. � . -No.16; bicycles. A. hice kate.bas been put on a � 11 obertson is now enjoying the breezes 11. . . . � . .ss.;ao Ladies' Fine Qual . ity Cotton Vests, in cream and- . . . I . I - �, WHY TU11Y SHOULD Go I In the note of the Indian who'shot Mounted Police, and'vemai ed wit ) I A1.66 't � � . I � . I . I - . I . . since last year let). ing into the grounds . of Lake Huron at his home, No gate ... . . . I . . white,tileoly made and trimmed,regular 121c And : I , . . his voting wife at Kamloops, B. 0., we them unbil ,four * months. ago since I � � . I . W, I . 44 $2.50 .. " 4'. . . $1.60 15c values, to'g6 at,.,. . . I . . . . �6, . , % . Here is another reason wl ' Lou' read that: the. body of the.deceased was which time she spent wfth friends at - . . .1 0c, . , , . ay- the . - where tile games were held,and all was street. . . . � . �. .. I I � .1.1 .......... I ............. . : , . � . rier Government should go - � most satisfactorily drranged, The Child- taken to Gordon's undertaking -estah-- �St,. Paul, Minneapolis, and- Chicago. Mr, Tom. Sturdy has bricked his . . . �, . . . I . . I . , . When in Opposition the present Min� ren roamed aboutand gathered catkins - I I . . ,. . � . I I . . I I . ich abound Ili the.,vi- lishment, where an inquest Was held, Mr. Charlie Holmes returned to his new stable on the squape. , . , '', I 1 I . . . .. .. '' � .1216 ,Lawn for 106 . ... .. . . �� . . �, ... 11 . . ... . 11 I " . _ I . isters declaimed akainst theappoint- or bulrushes,. wb Marsh. Gordon is one -of our Goderich home: at. Acton, 'after . a very pleasant Mr. Platt's eldesb 66n,'Ernest, lately . . /)_ � I 10b ,yards of AV , hite Victoria Lawn, fall 45 in . ches . . , . . I . . . ... I members of Parliament to einity 1 u abh�r%carried on A fur- vJsibwith his uncle,. and -aunt, Mr. and Mur . L? Uods' at Give -A way, f rioes hey's I . 1. I .1 . I : � I , � . -, I clasd of Highland dan- ' f . . . I I I I . - r to �, � I men6 of.any A the'riVer. Q ite a numberof boy, ,e - .engineer on Baechler . Wask . . I . . I wide, fine round thread, regula, 12jo vaitte, . . Ces. Miss McLaren's rl,'�h " "a' lid ridertaking 6stablish- and Mrs. Jamas Robinsori, Victoria tug, is engineer of. the little yacht Stel- .; �.�' I I _ . � .. . . � . public 6M . . * Ing P ,. . .� . . . . . .. .. I cleat, at per yard ........... !"11.1 ......... I...... � .. . , . ., . 1.00 . . . � . . .a were there in costame, and Chief me't he, . ' ' . I . I . . ... . I � . '. � . Mr. Mulock introduced it bill piohib- 'Cer ) little, boys were dresped. e for seven years. - . St. His little brother Harry was with. la on Victoria Lake,. Stratford. . . . . . � . . I I- XeMath's twc I . . ., I . 25c Gin , . ' . .� � I .. . it n lie . � . I , ghams and Zohyrs for 1231�0 . - . . I . . I I ,I . practice. In go doing he de- The beat news that vie have heard him.. , I Miss. Queenle Robertson left last. I . Linoleum at 85o - , . . ­ .. l I , . g t in *true Highlitul. I . . . I . . I � . � . ". . I . red t at no Parliament could bea a garb and quite proud for a long time,is that; F. H. Clergue, mi., Hugfi,Hardy, who lefb some week for'Westminsfero where we learn yo . . I . . I . .1 1. . � ment if its . were they of it. Piper David McKay . I I � ur choice of all our - best American. Zephyrs and �.' 3 pjeces at Linoleum. extra heavy,quality, floral de. - � . . _, , . I free and indepbudent Poplin ted,t6 abt�nd, ,And Piper the controller Ot -the Sault St. Mirle, mon'the ago'with a party 'for ')Duluth, she is to.b6 married.to one 'of the .en.. . genuine Scotch Girrghams in assorted colors,that I il . I 1 '00, , I .. ­ I ��. I..... I.h I I I signs, light and ctark colors, Well worth $ , to . - ,�:�,­. , I I montliers could expeebappointinents ab bA41 been ipv� bo , intends Purchasin,5 Ogilvie'sl returned on Sunday week. Zo� met tolipris ng young med up t ere. � . _ . . Xe , . a It � . a :.. , , . I . Duncan-MCK! lln� 11.1 � .1 were 25e yard, -for just lialt - .... I...... � I ........ I . - the hands of the.Millisterp. .. �. � . of Kintail luckily, cam , e � ,nio J Will , several, Goderioh' �piiopld atAlie Sault. . .� . . . I . . � . .............. ?.J ......... 1.1.2 - � per yard ... ,___ . 1.� ... .... W . � .. � I . F * . ge his salt an lime . I I . I . . . . . . . _. . I . to,t6o'n on .rll A, R% of courso, was t. - here, I - . I I . . . .1 I .. :. 1. . ­ . I . . . . ­ . . .. . -, I � In the first two sessions of this Par- - ch * f Miss Cla*ra Dickison-of Detroit is. the ­ . -- - ­ i . � I . I . .. . . I � . . .1 I . , . - I � I . .. I . . � . I . . , I liament Mr. Francois Lauglier sat -in . quite unaware Mile gathering, but he Three eers for F. H. Olergae o � . I . . � . , . . 10ts, I � . . . I . �: I 1� I ''.. . ans Sault St. Marie.. ., . I I . . gilest:of Mrs. W.' 19urney and . her : . . . . � at 19o,each , .. . � I., I .. . I ­ . . I � � . - '. . . the house with a Written promise from looked up thb Pipes o' the clan here . : . I . win0aln. 1. . , � 12'c Apron: Gingbams fior 100 . , I � �. [Ladies!Ilne quality Polly Belts with And witho'ut . . . � I I I .1 � I citm,00t, So -we had pipers twa, but Mrs, Hartwell (tied .Lizzi . a . Hall) and ,sisbers, the'Mrs'. Campbell. _ i .. . � I . I �� ... '. . �4. � I . I . .. I . I I 1. I Lattrier-in.his pocket. that heshould - baby; accompanied by Miss Hall will' , . We saw,quite a. handsome team on The firm of Drs.' . . f A ties, regular price 36o to 50c, to clear at.. .. ....*... , 190' , I . , the hero ofLucknow with his twa sil *MontrealSt. on Tuesday, .8lab �. July. Jerome & Holloway, l.pron, Gingliants, in � checks Df blue and * , - . � 11 . . . . I . . have either a judgeship or the Lieuten- . I ,?�qo Yards 0 � .. � . . . . I . . I . I . I . . .1 ler medal.� on his breastj Stuart plaidie leave at an early date for Vanco0er, who have been -conducting dental prao � whi O� 'warranted Indigo blue, w ith and with- . . � . . . ... I . . I . . . -Governorship of Quebec. This� * . time . . . n- I Out to r or, Ladie,q'Collars at loo'. ' . . . . 1 I . ant oli,'looked 'maipstic as he kept They had lovely harness and . we , e tloes1n, Winghem and Arthur' for the be regular 12Jc Gingliam.5, to go at . I . ,� ledge Mr. Langlier subsequend - . . On Monday, 30th July,the 0, I. trus- quired-if they were from Clinton, .for . . 3 'Ladi' . .. .� . . . I . Ir . . y pro ith big feet as be per ya.,d..'.'.Otlr .......... I ... I ................ . I 1:0 � I ,. � keed and pu lished, the 'Intimation on the atforni W 11aY- tees held a special meeting -to consider indeed our citizeing.do notas a rulepay Past, two months, has been disaolve& . � . . es'fln'e quality linen collars in two styles, usual' - - I I - having comin for fkhe ass6mbled.throng; 'Then the the applicatio . up for the two � vAcancles much: attenti b ari a D . - Jerome takes the Arthur business ,. _ . I I . I.. . ly sold at 15c, special Eo'clea' A . . I., .10 a..' � . , I . .g to hini that Laurier' ed *on to t e h i es of their .r. . . .... I . . � . I . . . I r t ........ ....... . I.. . pro osedtoviolateit.. � Chiefinvitedthe niarpled people,. and o' the teaching staff. J. W. Field, B. horses. (60 no"said the lady who was and Dr, Holloway will. remain in Wing- . . . . I . .. . . . - P . to n D - ' ''. .:. ' . ' .� � . all th 6 tg6d. young people A., of Walkerton was chosen to ,take .With tIs in , White . Collars and Cuffs at 5c I.., . . The following members of . Pa�iia- a '.'they are� The Twins and they 'hhul; Dr. Holloway will continue his. A Bargain I . I . �. . _L1 ' . I ment have received places : . . prepap?e for lKe feast and we -may dd Miss -Oharles' position as 'teacher Of belong to Mr. Thoinas Sallows of Col- office. in' the Beaver block. .I. . . I �. . .. I . � �. � . . . . . . � I— , . ' passantbliatat thefeast all were German and literature, ixnd G.S, Bale, borne." ' :' 1 .. . .. I � . He is It 50, yards of v I Ir 1.0 doien Linen Collars and Cuffs assorted'styles Al- 5c , G. G. King, Senatorship ; R G.'For. en '. ,.. . . . young man who -has. recently. comet . ery fine quality White Pique, very.1 e ' ' quality, regular 15c And 20c, to c1pit'rat ............. 1 . L .1. bes, judgeship; F. Bechard, Senator-. eugaged,.for a bouatiful spread cov � P .� of stgxch,full 27. inches wide, regular, 15a , a - . � - . /-,A . . . I I 0; - 11 I I ship; 0. R. Devlin, immigration agent; ed the bonnie I or- B. -A.,' of Hamilton to succeed Miss Mr. -Harry Young.of Galt, one of our *town highly recommended from the .to go at.'..'........A., ............... t ...... e, - ., . I I . .: . - . long table' with I its Str&ng'in the 0., I'Afth foral. at a., sal-. ri6t6d .Canadian poultry. fanciers, i . I .. . _. � ... 100 .. , � � . I . � snowylineaCIOth8- :Attho.northend ary of $600. . : . . . .. . 18 'town of Clinton.. . . r . . . .. � I I . . I . I . . F. Langelier, judgeship ;.J. Lavergne, I . . , the �ubsb of 'his relatives, Mi. . and . . . . I . . ,-. .''. . I . . . � . . � . . . . I � . I . � st, � I . I I . .. I . I � d . , 0 I . . . . I I I � . ! � ... dgeship; P.& Choquette.judgeship'; we noti ced Dr. Taylor,'Rev.Fr;We. . hat East Wawanosh voters" list has been . . . . . . - I . I . I ... I � . . I .. ­ . � . .�� . I . I . . . I I I V Mr.D.X cGillicuddy, the gaest of.the ' We feel quite Pleased ,to. note t Mrs. : '15avid, Bell, Britannia Rood, , I - . ' . . ..; ' � - . . . � . I . . . I . . I . I . 0. Cameron, LieuteriAnt-Governor- , .the pears grbwu and, put'u� by 'our. ,. Mr' Tennant of' Detroit, ind lovely delivered to the township clerk. The Buy Your -Hosiery Now. .. I I . New Fall -1 �. . I I - . . ship; J. F. Lister,judgeship ; 0.1, Rih- .picnic Mr. McD.Allen,.and oar.Mayor,. townsman J. W.. Vanattep took &� 'little daughter Ora -are Jile. guests' -of list has a total of 575 municipal voters . . , . P . . . . . . . . . I . .1 I tret, fultind Revenue office; J Dr: Huntei looked after. the Oiliness I ..... , i . . . . . .. . - obn Yee; . -in an - - ' ­ - _ I . . I . I_ . , , prizeat the -Paris: Exposition. Bart� Miss,Coa0e. .. , . and 538 persons tullo can vote at elec'. Ladies' Black Cotton Rose, plai d ribbed, .With. I . - 1=1! I .. . �� . Senatorship; J.. 13, 11, F1 beverage which - Was br!ewed well,and ' . and without white soles,' warranted best Herin Woo , I . . - ..,- I I . ­ . . set,., Senator- lett pears too se.n t4rom" the hot.ticur.' . Mrs, Garrow - has . so far"recoveored tions to the Legislative Assembly, ,.- . � Dress, G - ds' :1 . - . I I . served hot. .The coffee too, Wag . ex- 11 . . . . �f -_ 11 q I . I I . ;ship - C Beausoleil, post �rah . -� herhealth that'sheenjoyed the out- There are 334 perporis qualified to a . dorf dye, regular 25a and 30c values, onto . ,,,. , . . . . ' erve. 1. go at . I I � W . q . . . . ve P ' lington.grapdsgrownby-M. Bartell of Ing at the S. 0. S. at Spruce Forin, in ­ . I . . I per pair ............ ,.,....... ": ..... . . 1 19c - - -V.1 .-.,rq. f . . 1. .1 Sir ffen;I Joly, Lieutena'n-t-a aer- ceeainkir good;. and we heard � that a6 ally of Burlington,' Out., and Pock � , . . . 4 I , � ship. - . . . the north end the 7 -,bad. pickles vvlaieli as jurors. . � . . .1 I . ,. .."..... .­ , . .. 10lur first Sh` itent of: PeA� I . . � . � . - . bor or the Signal, St.CaLherines algo took a prize, . I company with her 'husband, .H - ' . I . . . . . I " I I I . � . .1 . .. 1. I I � I .1 . � IP ' . , I �. . 1. . . 4 . ' I Other members of Parliament Are the' breakwater'641t . The . 23rd annual communicatiorr. of 4ames Gaverow. . I .1 . . On � Dr. Kennedy slid daughter, Gretta, . .� I I . . 1. . . .. �, . - eaPly' FaR Dress Goods 6 I . . . . . . ; known to have sat through last session would not touch at he said he had the High Court 1. 0. F. -will be held in � Miss Harrison and little sister Beat, ,were in Bowmanville 1his week attend. . � . 0. , I I . .11, � under promises that 'they would re- all the Tart(e) he wanted. Alasi poor town on Tuesday and Wednesday, rice lefb'for% Wyorning. on Stindav ing tb6 marriage of his brother, Goo. 40' -tb' 7& Rib - I ' � arrived this . week. - . The .. 11 I . . . � . Eddy Kennedy of. Ottawa, . 0 � bons . ­ I I ceive offices editor, he may be in the pickle yet if . I . I . ad the reward for their 'are plentiful. The -a ofMr.Wil- . to Mips Addle . , . .: '' � . where they will:be the guest goods have; been selecte&, � I votes. . I ' I . . . Ts,rt(e) � answers � 28th I And 29th August. . The 'following. son of that.: flourishing town. Migs' Louise, daughter of. the late Rev.D.C. `� . - . I I . . . � . I., . � � . *ob seeing 'to be I . . .. .. 1. I . . I I �: A Government'ibat breakwater J asting. : loca Committees have been appointed -the, millinery - op- . McDowell, Miss Mcbdwelf'is a foi -1 With great 'care from the , I . � . � e . 'gold 1 1 rmer I 2 -_ can 66611Y re. the twolastriamed with power. tb:ada Harrison will attend I -- for �; 19a, . ' . . . .. i pudiate its promises ii�nd do -worse than whether the GOV runi6nt S. or , . . , .� : - . I � , leading 'fashionable cen. . I I - I ­ . .. , . any. speeches at the to their number !�Billeting to . act enings at.Toronto before her return... . Wiligharnite, her father having.beeii � . . � . . .. . . .. its predecessor ought to 9 1I and not, - If they made - With coulm, . . , I . I 1. . . . . o.-�-Mai Mrs. D. - Cantelon, wife of Alderman pastorof the"wiegIlamMothodist church . . . - � . I., �, I R mpire. I I � I I . . north end- in 'lionor of ,the deporting ttee. of High Coutt-W. 0 ritelon,and daughter Miss Jennie left some y i . I . . . - 200 yards Plaid'ind FAricy Silk tres. and represent the choicest we'ayes , for t' h i's .- � � . I . . ... - Proudfoot,,, GporgeStewarb and F. F. A; ears ago. . . . I � . ... . " 1. .. , , , . . . . . I , . �... friend we, at ,the south ciid� did not � . . � .1. I Ribbbris froni'3 to 5 inches I You are invited .to 'all A &Seo� % ' . .. Lawrence'; Entertiiinmeinb��V. .T.'Prid- Wedensday-of last'wbek for. Toronto Mrs; T.-II611 left on . . � Fall's -wear, . 0 T1 . Friday "to visit' , WM 1 . � . � I ; . N - ­.. .. . 'hear: them. The Bon, James T. and . ham, J. W., Vartatter, W. 'A. Cuffj U. where after spending the day, went on . le, suitable for belts,col- .1 I . I , I . . . O,WaShlp. I. Mrs. Garrow enjoyed the outing very I I her eldest son in, De kerii, Wisconsin, s . . I and ties, regular 4010,50C . t( � ) .1 9etwhat's new, .,"No need to ' ' -if you are . . n , Belcher, and James .Thompson, ' . . ., . . 111cKillop T ' r . , Re- their trip. to Xamloops,; to visit Bar- -buy now . . . ked exCeedin y well, . . rister. -Swanson, youn eat ,brother- of Walter, foreman (if the Advance office : ' I I. . . , ' . .. I . . .1 � '. - .. . .Uch and both lee . . . ., ;'...... . I . .. . . . . . I.. � �� . Killop again H. M. customs -Officer. StraeVir, ac. .ception-A.' J. Fowler, 1, -S. Platt I I . . . . � . Ay. . ' . - � � I compELnied by,the Misses Strachan, his JaChOs Mitchell, Dr. Hunter,,'P�ili� Mrs. Cantelon. Mrs.% .and Ma ter Bole a . . . . . . I � . I . 11 0 t ea I . . � . . L. 0. L. NO.' 813 of Me wansori, moth. 8 econipitfiyIng her. � � I. ... . . . � .1 . .. . .. . . r .. .. I . . ... I secured first prize . at , the Boaforth. .1191t, H.* J. Horton, We A..Ro a And er of both,*.will -be most bappy to meet I 'The femoins of Mr. W. Ridd, - a for.- +*,****#*******+***� s . . � 1 �S . .. I . . I . . I . . .� ". . � . � *******+ . � � . . . . . . . demonstration. on July 12th dmilghterandsister,enjoyed themselves. . the guests from Gode�ich. Mrs. and mer resident of Winghs � . . . I .. . .. . . ' I � I for the beat Mris. (Rev.) Mark Turnbull and party James Yates, ' �_ :' - friends .from Brampton and t m) were brought . . . . . .. . . TOUIL DIONRY BACK - , � . . . dressed lodge in attondance, No - -813 from the rectory came out *after tea Miss Sa,die. Smith will attend the mt]. Miss Cantelon, 'Will also, visit . in orted Ili Wing.' ' ' . � . . Ir IOU WANT 1W . . . . . . . I . I is one of the beat'16cig6s in the county . ab Van6ouver. . * . � . ham cemetery, , Mr, - Ridd has. been I . . � . � I I . . _. . I I . � . and Dr. and Mrs. Gollow about.5 p. rn. linery openings before returning to. her evine who has been in town li�jnp . � � � . I . . . . .. I . .. I of Huron. . It was organiziid in Feb., And were in. time for luncheon, The positibn-atElinvale,.Ont, . Miss D . in Bingbampton, Now.,York I . 11 , 1. I I �. . I for a mouth left*on Saturday to- visit State, but removed to Brampton, Orit, . � . . . 1857, and bus been in -good working Highland dapeem were Misses Helen . 1. . . . . . . I Master. Harry Babb has -quite r.ecoy-. her mother, Mrs. Schultz, at Stratf rd. � . � . . ordereversince, making a term of43 an Alice Rothwelli Ettit Bonita, Bella I I I 0 . lie returned to Binghampton last May. . . I I .1 � . I � - � ered from his late itttack of prieumon. She intends going to Detroit for.the. � . � . 8) . � 0 � years. , It has on its roll some of the Howrie, Maggie McNevIn and Bella ia. - . 1. 1. . . I I to,close up.his business and while there ' . . � . � I . .� . most prominent men of the township ClarR, the littl6 daughter of Mr.' Robb. . Master Davison, I w I ho:had . been . un. .balance of the season, , � 1, . � took ill � and died. He WAS' 'b-uried in. . . . I I . � . . ,� . . I . I . . . : � I and has a membership of:sIxty, all good Olark. The Misses Edna and All'o der the M. D.'e.care for An effection of Mri and Mrs. bvaii�� of Chicago, aild, Brampton but in accordance with his (o . . I I � . .0 , �' loyal men that any society might be StraltOn'were dressed in Highland cos- infant.child are the guests of Mr. and . . . . . I I . I 1. � 1) . . mroud of as m tunie bat did not dance. The dancing the Itings, is -now visiting ftiends in Mr.q. J' W� Smith this week. Mrs, expressed desire it was decided tbat his . I � 1. : The present Lucknow and viclnitv I . . KNONIM11in - - I I 11 embers. . 'A's 61,11111Y 1141vap 9 (Mabol Grahame) visited' Gode- ronlains should find their last resting . , . I I.. . . 11 . . . I . I . � . . kaster is John Bullard, past Digtrich beforeand afterthe feast and games think that he has quiti; �ecovered, rich befdre.her matriage. I place in Witighom opmetork. I . . I , I Master of Hallett ; Deputy Maiter, Wil- attracted all -beholders, Piper David - I . . . .; . � � . I �CLIXTOX '. I � . . liatia J. Kinney I (as both p , era limvethename ofMc- The Misses.Rounteastle will, with In last Week's issue we noted the Mrs-MoTavish returned from Lort. . . I .., 'r- 17-7 . ! . I I . . . . � . I . I . . . I and Prosent.Deputy :Kay) plitye for the dancers before the XV0 BOMO funeral of the late Jdseph Mitchell of don hospital on Saturday after under. . I . . I . . IN Misi Holmes of Clinton, b . . . . I . . I . � . . . I District Master of Hallett, NV"11'am feast and Piper Dunciin fora time after fine simset paintinTs for the 'great Marinetter. Wig.itaking Place froin'ttle' going I an operatiotifor the removal ot it . xwwv� - - - __ , . . . . . - __ � I . . Treawartha - treasurer, also .District North-Western fair eld here in Sep- pesidence of his father, Mr . I � . � I . . . . � I . I . I I Treasurer of Hullett and one who took the games, while both pipers played in tember. They are every evening mak. . John large opnOorouo tumor. � The oper4tiort. I . . . I . I . . . 11 .. . . .1 I - '. I . . concert during the feast and part of tb� . Mitchell,East St., &lid riot knowing the was performed on .July. 12th . . I . . .. .1 I . . � � � � I . � an active part fit suppressing the- rO- garnes; so evidently they are 1.1verra- Ing a study of the sunset,, The trouble true particulars as .to the cause of his . From the a I 1. I . !��_A_A_A,A' , 1ARAM" I I I � I— - . - . � I- . ---A- . . � � I hellion in the North-West. The present kaid friens." The games consisted of Is that, scarcely any two sunsets are death We refrained from noting wh t nnual report of the ' Inspea. �y . I . � vw4AOVV ------- � ----- I . , , A ter of Division Courts for the province . . I . . . County Master of South ,Huron is an jaces far the wee ones, Chief McMath9s &like. .. . . we heard, It appears that the young I . . . -oining in 1. � . . � . a manhasbeenquite a' .traveller since we get a 1AW stfttis�lcff, Ill Ontario , S -t �, . I . I . .. Its JU t - Ro h . � . . I active member of this lodge,ib being the. Highland laddies L for first Tylies' Jennie McLarep is paipting there. are 394 divisiona in which 40 803 . . � . . I I . . � lodge where he was initiated 35 years prizes in their class, In, the girls' race . picture of Mt. Vesuvius. . It is start, lie lefb home some years ago,but wrote suits were'entered representin . . U Youlase To. Our I . . . Ago. William Buflard, the repent Ise Maggie McHwan won first prize- ling in its fiery tone. home ab intervals, at one time from 9$11484,- . I � . . � . . �, " . � Director of Ceremonies, has Eeon a a pretty cup and saucer, Annie Stod- � .if you Want some fine eonfectionery Oklahoma. � By profession a 'cigar 043. 11 amount of claims,2382 trallsorlpits'. . . . � I I I .1 member of 813 for 37 years and has hold dart, a vinegar, cruet, and Aliss May go to Victoria Restaurant,: L I maker. and known by all his friends "4858judglilent Summonses Issued, 228 If the ingredients come . I Great I I Ref here,askindand g6nerous. The do. trials by jury nod jurors reeelved'$197,. .. I I I . . - . 0 . i � his present 6fileo for 28 years. p,,dward . 06rnell two handsome salt and pepper . We learn from Mrs.* David d, ceaseJ hdd boon staying at the Con. '510. . Ili Huron the figures for the from our store, Nothing 00' .; I I I Sparling has been in .connection with of crystal and-shver. Ili the boys' race Elgin Ave,. that her son Alberb of the tint Hotel, Marinette, -and -bad been twelve. . Are - . . _12years-�Rodie McDoliald won first divisions ara -.- , - I . . . I . . this lodge since its organizationj Wil- firm of phartnacistai Reid &Co., Dow. worki the previous week in the , � I . NO. Claim butthe beat can come, out I I C I e ari ift g - liam. Johnston joined the association in prize, a cup and saucer. Ili the 15. son-Ciby, will not visib Canada, until , ng ,.' I I . claims. Amount of our store becoUse tioth- . year race Donald MoNevin took first, a cigar factury of At. Diamon& He . . � I Ireland 55 yeard agoibas been a member vinegar cruet. In.the'married women's next; year. Mr. Alberb Reid Intended and a comrade hod received their . . � . . . Afnh ! _'.� �1. Of 813 since coming to Ucl(illop, about paC Mrs, MoOreath, Wife of the Chief, coming on, to Montreal this season to week's salary, and spent the hours up Goderich . 921 06 017 66 1 Invited .Sale 11 ,sand choilaicals ab Mon- . . . go yerr' ago' AVIII1110, DY1168, Past bih-lir 'to Win. first Prize# but she never ptiechase drup, to 1.80 a. in. Sunday away from their Seaforth .1 197 ing but the best is allow. . I . I . I � _ ". . Master, has heen an'llotivo Inembetrof ,ourid and for this she receiv� Ireal,abut, he'llas changed his milid, boardinghouse. Policeman Eck says Clinton . . 130 4,439 69 edioome in- I J r . -OF --., . . . I ,.1. I ., . . I .turned or . He ,V ry pleased to hild that Uri ted .both Mitch6ll and Bruoso% . . . 1 6 . - -�-_ , , �� I , the Orange Society for, ,upwards of 40 ed fourth,prize, The first prize fell to Hamilton wag leaving'at an early date his friend to the Central Hotel, and Exeter I . This .is the* I years and a member of 813 -for. 20 yearl.. the lot of Mrs, Howrie, who can run as for the old town and gave him ten or 66 -,2 061 go .1 11 season when . I ,. I Ali these members marched with their lithe and supple as her daughter can eleven nuggets of Klondyke gold to endeavored to .awaken the landlord, Dungannon �13 � 666 27 1 0 - BOOTS AND SHOES - I— I _ Mitchell finding" out that the police- Bayfield 20.. 574.071 . g od things to eat are par . 10490 in the line of 'Procession on the dance, Mrs. Muir second prize And take to Mr. Dave Reid., and a promise man then intended to take them to the Wingham a . ; . 19th and were os otithusiastia ,is the 0hief McMatb's wife(nee Nettie Orabb) to send' more, as Air, Hamilton could go 3 654 ticulaly in demand and . I . I � I . . younger members. Solomon J. Shan. third. All received a Prize, but stran e lock -ti ran away, when the policeman Gorrie � . 48 1 693 86 � 0--, not waib till he got them, Mr. and shobarbim, thebullet; entering the . we have made ample pre- '­_ � I I ,lion marched with the lodge playing to say one of the contestants held Me Mrs, Reid are almost as pleased with back of Mitcholl's head and lodged in .Zurich 50 I . . the big drum that he h s carried every other back. The tug df war was almosb the remembrance as it Albert had his brain. Orediton 25 647 15 ' There is o doubting quality in' our store. Our Stock is � tile abandoned save by the little boys and Dr. Bird -was called and .. pardtions. All the holi- I , � 126h for this lodge -for a last 42 . years. girla, who ranged as Scotch and n6t brought the nuggets himself, He is found the * wound fatal, the poor Blyth , - . . 40 . fro m th bes t manufacturers and our prices are unequalled I � I . . .1 isdotch. Quoiting was indulp;oa in for quite well and so is Mr. Charles Shan. fellow dying a short time later. He -_ ___ day staples and. delicacies � � I 1 . . quite & tong time with the clinks of the non,'who sent, some nuggets to big belongedto the Cigarmaker's Union . . Total 881 028 096 15 . anywhere. You Cannot judge of the great Values We Are . . � , � Zurich. steel harmonizing with theetriLhisof .mother, Mrs- Will Sh4drion, Park and they naturally -were very I I are to be found here,. care. 06ering Unless YOU Come and See for YOUrselE IV'e were . . . -.Q..- . pipes. After the games all ad- House, I . . � . . ridig. - , . the ba,%t nanb to find one of their number and Row ember this- NO, other medl- . fully Selected and at right kept'very bnsy all last Saturday, In the afternoon we ' � , ' . . The toWnallip Voters' list. contains Journe , to the: front of the lawn and We- called on Thursday last upon it stratigor shob down - in their city, 04ne hag such a record of Cures as . !�, , it total of 055 persons obtitled to veto jile Lorne reel was admirably danced Dr, Hamilton, V. S., and he kindly without any provocation. All the Hood's Sarsaparilla.. When you want prices. We can give you. could nOt wait on the crowds Without some delay. Come I I ' . " . at both Municipal and .tegialative oloo, theMissegROthwell andEtt&Saulta. allOwed tie tile horns, handsomely set, policeman could say Was, I ,never a good medicine, geb Hpod'A. early ill tho morning and avoid the gl-eat rush for up -to- . ­ I � I Coils .; 100 �vho are entitled to veto at Worland Alice flothwell And Misses of a musk ox which inhabits the Klon- meant, to shoot the man, all I meant to � -, � I ,royal service and Save you � I . I municipal elections ont and 83 who McNevin and, Marwick, two cousins, dyke region, They are the most for- do,was scare him and am simply Over. date footwear, at the old reliable cheap cash store. : � ayt elections, to danced the Highland fling; sword midable horns we ever saw. wholmed with regrob over the sad k#, Wh . on buying . - �, . . i , are entitled to veto only D (lance, Misses Etta Saultg and Helen 'Mr. Johnston, engineer of the knit. ending of the Affair, He refused to 0 Ott . money. I . I I � � .d _ 00 rday -. I the Legislative Asa6mbly. Thonumber Rothwell, which was much admired. ting factory, is building quite it hand. make a statemorib for the press. 0 a on loot comfiU14 Our Motto for Friday and Satu I who may be oalled upon to serve their p to 8110deliftilly usec, Monthly 0 . . � - Later, Bella Howrie danced with the some two-storey house on Toronto UltebellWas in good sbanding with 10.00036adift. Safe, effectilal. 1A MI# ""Ite ' . E very customer satisfied with genuine bargains. 0 country tie jurors is 402 and 40 are re. . -Ftiir druglot for 44% Qflos RoM Cm- -w Fruiets �%, I . � . swords crossedin the moonlight, which street., which is to be finished in brick, the Union of America and A com. . 4 . I I I corded its widows. 1:,,md, lakavloo eir,as all mixtures, pillS and . � Was Well executed. TheMisses Mallo. Steady wnployment is reflected In that mittee Consisting of 0. P. Jensen, H. Itattobs Ato dangerous. 11fiv, No. 1. Al 136f. � I , t-X..X0.*,l0degreeaatron1ter,$ p6rbox. We. . I * The Misses O'Ro of Elmirit and Xiss Yin and Marwick also danced the Shatin building. - Schurman and ohn Seborman were call and see what we have I or 3, Mailed on rdepilp of prite and two 111-66ni . . , Ilartiblitof.211rich AN .Visiting their Troweverywoll. .Between thod&nceg done. , WK TAYLOR & SONE - I i i Mrs. It. 8, Williams, who has been a instructed to see thab justice was # &m1p, Who Cook 6mpany Windsor Oril, to, o9er as we are going to � I grittid-paregiot .Mt. and Mrs, Z, Sell. two recitations were kindly given by wriest. of her sister in tile Queen City Policeman E ek was then arrested on .W- os. I *ad 2 sold and recaratabudod Q oil I . . mldb at Sebringrille, Miss Beatrice McColl, IJA,aleop - ab tile charge of murder in tho first de. respolmlild Drugglito In 0xvAds. handle fruits to your sitis. I Cash and One Price. ; the the past four rbonths, returned last oj� Eggs taken its CAsh. : *Vead. Xibler, who recently wont to Switch," and a humorous one by Miss weeli, Wonderfully 11ppro.ved in health gree by Sheriff Nelson. The Trades No, I and 140, � sol(I In ClIntoi, bg, Watts & Co. faction and onra also. We . I 0 i Manifolia on A . B'dria Stratton, "The old man an' his After flee visit Council too waa also qulek to come to X. Hovey, It. B. 06mbo and . Jacksonj INStIRANOT, OVVICE AT THE STORE, respecting tour, return. wife,is I Silo is a Comppuled by ' ; I I . it Helen R61:31well and E ftit, bet? daughter. Alias -M% illiarrig the front for one of its affillated mem. Druggists. wo buy direct from the . i, -1 od boma Tiles ay evening, 110 'likes Bonita danced quite artistically tile , at Miss VeAles, school hero and standii behind the mentor 0 1 . I . ! I , ­�­ ------ ­­NAA0AA§4AAF4- - 4 Xabitaba fairly well but has not yet, sword dttfice Ana Shaun Trows. The who graduated grOwers, conseq,itontly only . . I ---- . injune . of the late Joseph Mithell just as sollZ . . . � � deoido& upon 0, 100Ation. ally grand. We admired Ilartir Cigar makers. y one profit liaS to be added. -_ _ , . I I a;d We really missed Mrs. Wil . . I music was re. are glad that she is fully re. TO CUREI "A COLD IN ONE CA" � -_ ..-. , __ �.. , � , I . i Chits. Fritz and bride have arrived very much the twelve Silver 111041AIS installed in health, WoftoringJustlis'es laist tahne acquittal in a - �­.�­� - _ - in � hoilm after all extended Wedding tour. won durin formal public trial will entirely cleat, - Take Lavative Btomo Quinine Tab., . I . I '"lee by Piper Mr. Thomas Bell'of'Riverstokle Parin, tile officer In the 0 es Of tile people. lots, All druggists refund the mon I . I [I five'J�eaps'SL � . i We welcome them back. David Mel ay o Lucknow, and Huron God8rleh townahir, lq tile gtlesb of Ilia r, 57- . . . I should feet quite proud ol their bonble At latest Accounts landed your ( porres. If lb falls to care. '"' D. W. Grove 8 ­ I I � . �. , . .. - 11 I. . I I � .. �.. 1 Mal pulling flo the order of tho day laddle. PIPOT DUlican MoXayplayed son, lie, David Ile 1, Britannia Road. - F. Melvil em I . . I . and the yield is fairly good, Miss Fletcher,, trained nurse pondenk Polleeknan 0hrim. Eck was signature Is on each bolt , I exceedingly well, Ab the entrance & front broughb before .Tudgo Bird aija tie I I.. . 1. ­ � ­­­ I I ... I 1-111, 1. I I.. - -_ I . . . Daniel VOC6ritnick, late pr6pplebor of banner Was placed on Willett wits the New York, iff tile guest of hev Sister waived examination. Ile wan bound: - I— --- 1114,14 1 66 commordial hotel, has passed hwity 'not lie Mrs, James Garrow, Montreal 19trea irculb Court; on the chat, e of I CA, C1111,113 I'll - , � to, "Should auld 6,equaintanom �, over to 01 I . After t% few months, Ill"688 of 00"Aturip.. fol,f,ot." The drive Is kept in porfeet Mr. Charles Watson left oil Thare. murder Ili the firab dogreo.' Read out, too roturnea if wo fail. Any ono-senaing akoteh,%nd degeriptiou of �, L, i? - 1r, London g6n, 110 WAfj,hlghl� date6ig6d, good � or, or, o'er shadowed by the lofty troeq, day for Ilia poaitliin in Brooklyn Ili a wornnobfigedandheie still in jai, Western Sul any invention will promptly reoeivo our opinion free conce ' h � to t *, I . flitum b6ing his vorab 6110my. 116 p the lawn prettl and arbistleally Very large pliartuacy. 110 attornoyA 14"eenoS� and Miller will . . rning t 0 ti � . foavrienedellairs madely, Illy, bexb o a 6 .L1_ ability of same. 44now to Obtrdn a rat&V 01but upon � I . 104VOK it WIM Arid fAmIlY of 4wall child. Ilitilds of the Bons of t thO lrlgentlfts . Urn. It, Atiller and childron ppent, V0 to GrOen � � week t 11 v I September oth to 15W10 1000. ren to battle with tile world, lit) Chieftain, Sarlday Clio guests of 11r. and Mrs. j, ihe boudy fixed by 3udge 11antinixg, laoured througli tin adv6tti'ged for Salo at our o:tpo1ftae. I I which- were much Admired by all, Be. f3alkeld. Ile will then be releawd. on bail, The ]ANTUXAS OLOSIM UPTAX3991t Sth. I PAtent t6kiih Out through tift rodelve Spe i ` tit 61-0 G, nuallasun ha# ,returned from his fore partinq Auld tang Syne was sung rnmaltis of young Mitchell, were . . SA21 Hatke, without ehar ... � Tile Illost, pomplete exhibits frotia Pomm, Porost and Vaptory. Now and � 0 the North -W60. IX0 has bob yot and illreo cheors fol, tile queen' #,lid Mrs. Henry Marlton, mother Of Atr- idolififleil I)v Andrew Itoffniftu who Tna PA'knitT UICCOAD, All illustrAtiod AM *Idely oloulated joumal) cou a , . 261"Opidl6d upbn a lodation in vNeli to Chief McLean wore&Iyou beartily. Af� W, Marlton, was suffering last Week had known him for an P01teeablO Alld startling special featuros, Chariot races by imported Grey 1101inds, Balloon by ManufAttur6ts and Inveatora, I from tile effects of a cold, Aseensious, Double Paraebuto Drop by man and lady celebrated Gymnnate, b M h I tit I I- I - , I I I .1 - - - - I ,_ PrActied lam ter the games were nighed Tho Maple kind young inau for it porlod of' 86VIen sand for sgmple 06py P999, Addresm, i I TA&f Forever was Rung by all, also Mrs, VOStAP 0. Well$, her 6011, MAS- years, and sonb Elie telp Aerial Artists &lid Acrobats. The armoted trainlil attrici on the � Door strong. . . _ God grapli inoasagea oullig Zatiolt fall fair will bb hold OnVed Savo t le Queen. Dow sallowel wag tor Calvin Franklin, stud iflece, Miss to hig father and Ainter here. ThA bolds, and many. btautlfal obeddvftex. SWIA1 brA1001 over till lines eaelt, lov VICTOR, J. EVANS '& 00.o . . amdayand Thurmilay, gopt.loandgo. ,Out 11hiseAtil6th but, owinototoo It"1101 Itiolley, "t"I'"it eal'IV 'last ClAar Makers Intertiational Union And after the fireworks, Send for Prim Usth and Programs. (ftfeat Atfornoy6*) _ 1. . 1. I X Xteeher of th,6 14th dond6AM16n trially )elagseatedontbelitwn in front We& to their home at Chimp, Trades and Labor Coullell. sent, strotif M- COL. WX, It, GAUTISROAM :, A, NALL198, ok. WASHINOTONt b, do . � � bio parohmed Mfg. Mithorlit howo mil of the 101180, 11114117 h4a nob the pleas. MrX, Tichbourne has retiArlied ftom resolutiona to Mr. John Mitthol, rroalaant� 800row.yo Xvitne Ikul(dingv uts of ming,taked lid. a trip to Sault, Ste. uArie, father of deceased, . bitsitdo movios,o tho '1111q6, .1 t I I . . . . . . . I ­ 1. .1 1. I ,­­ --1 . .- .. - � � ­­­ I ' ­ ­­­ ­­­ � ­­­­ ­­. __ .. I i�­Ao�.��_ - ­­ I.. .. .1 ­ 11 I _.__.__-_1_-_1 . ......I. -I I'll, . I I .