HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-09, Page 2, � . ! I . I . k� � 0 � � I A0.11100. -1 1. I IN I 10 ,! q 0 1 . , , - , 1. I 1. i 11. 1. I 1. � ­ .­ -1 I �_ 1. n- . . ___ I I.. . i - ! - � .­­� i �! : 4".==11T1111=72111: . N -1 . . . 1 :7_-� ­;;;,4=�__T_­ - ! _W�!_!!! - ,-. - __ PIN, - 11 - I - - - - - - I I a � I �� , JDD DELIVER THEN TO BOXERS ADXIRAI4 BEYXOUR- N I I * mr-W, , ARKETS OF THE WORLD . CLINTON NEWS-RECORP 11- I ... I I 10 � 7 � THE S# S. LESSONo , T"s lit pqbJ4hc4,oyoryThurs4aY%t .-7 - - � Th@ News -Record 000 00" - to 11h BOERS StRUNDJUne Ministers Will be lit QrQ%t Danger A fletmre or the Eositsh sasiov�lvow- - SSOx" Aw. a prices 0- Cattle,708490 Grain, &Q., . � Power Printing House Tollis .. story. Whorl. Your 144144 I - � . When Advance Begins. - I "A"011ow In ChIoll. INTERNATIONAL LE . in the Loading Markets. � aches, and you feel billQua, causti- � A dtapaitah from Rome, s4y4,-'1Th6 My dear P14 friend, Sir Edward Soy, A* Tkot Woral,lIng 8-1.,, 111to xast, ils. 91-3.1 � ----" RE ON. patod, and * t of tune, with your be$ reoelivedl a telegram mQar. Is more than a brother to me, .. . st9mach , r slid no appstlts, 14st Lord D11%,loberts Reports That the Capm. Propaganda 4,101dell Text. X40, 0. It* I - buy oak , � of from China, which state" tb4t the I will remember )its friendship to the Toronto, Aug. 0I. -The receipts in- L . 14 , sunsonaviox-01,00 per . P.RACT40AL NOTES. - 1. �1�111 � �� T=48 ob ' 'Car a . I Chintee Government is holding 64V 0 "i 1, a4yance; SLOO way be charged It net.. pJd . tives Will Total 4,00o. . end. In Manila Bay, when I WAR in Verse. 21. Then. During the gains IU4ed about 1,000 boas, 650 Cattle, 650 Nopapor,040con4nued until all arroarages ffoodPs Pill* . . Europeans, including the Foreign a most trying position, this, English I he p and lambs, with 4 few selves . I conversation at Contain. S 0 1 #Are paid, unless at the option of thopublisher. AnO tas a dose, from I to 4 Pill --'- I Ministers and their f�mitleq. It ls'be- ander atood loyally at my back. Capernaum . I and milch. cows.- . � . 0. I Comm . I which every ligbooriptleA is paid be purprised sit bow easily 'A despatch from London, Says:- saamy bad town up pails, and a sup- it adeolaration of war is a Ing the teachings of the last lessOu- . � I I The date to, YOU will , lieved that� If it h d not been for his moral sup. Came peter, 1, Some good veal oalves are in do, . � do their work, = your in escorted by the SUTOP-9111res Made these hostages will. be released ­ Always the first of the ... ... .1 tsd�llotedouttAQAW, " the % Lord Roberts has telegraphed to the ply tra powt Icannot say what might have twelve to ope . ak out the thoughts, Of Inuad. . -- . advertise- beZawkil 0. being killed and 89 and ordered to leave Pekin within 24 happened. -H tract from Admiral Sheep And lambs were.qu , ApvcRTIRINQ ; ItATES.-TM10ellt che and biliousness, ro e the War Office as follows- Woo doratiod, 13 I let, with .* liver and make you teal happy agaia., re prison- injured, although a special Patrol bad ould mean. the deliv- x all HowoftlBythorabbinjoal, rule =6j) . 14,, cents per nonpariel line, for first 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dcalers. 11H . 1,200, MO hours, This w . , I va FA - Unchanged; but the� sWeitilonArld 3 cents per line for each oubso- � . , unter reports Dewey's epeech,.at Chicago, 'May 1, to;giv,enems was to be afforded three quo , 1, i , . - I 1. q . Al , mente not L Ii. I I ers. surrendered oil Tuesdays with com. been or inIi-pass- Cry of the BUTOP011111, tQ0 the Boxers. 1900. I tendenoX Is downward., I � qatlasortimi. Small'Myortiso 00,000000 . I .. I � , 11 I .- ; 1, I 11 I . wbilst Ing. A ,special enquiry has been or- ,It is Wieved - that China would times. Peter felt that perhaps a Hogs iLre steady and unchanged. Too ' � . I .E. to, exceed ono Inch,such as "Lost,"' "Strayed, .-, � ­ ­ ­ ­ - -r mandarito Rouse and7ontonel, I eon- To give loyal support In a * trying I ,us ""'y 9 I . "Stolen," eto" 10.9orted once for 50 -� , Potgloter, and dered to ;ascertain why the order was I � higher standard might be given, but, . . . ,cents and L - - - --- ­ --- - Com m*andants Deploy; Sider the March of the ,allies toward many light hogs are vowing along. ; I I . . . INSURANOR 'so Namil- dioQbeyed,00 . posltlotu�tllat is the vexy absence of like all who live under law, he expected I , . � I i � . � . each subsequent lopertion 15 centS, . Joribert surrendered to Bra � . Pekin equivalent to. A declaration of I For prime hogs, souling from 160 to I Ad�yorgsomcats withou - ---.,-",. the chuciractor of Admiral Sir Edward. some definite ber to be given, by ,, � � t specific directions will ­ too, whop Collected 10200 rifles* 650 A Correspondent witU. Gen. Hunter's war. Rum 1200 the, the top prioe to 6 1-40; thick I be inserted until forbid and charged Accord . 1. I Hobart Seymour, K. 0. B. He acts up- authority. Forgive him. Of .course, a . � Ingly, , ponies, and an Armstrong gun- XjiOQt- force at Slapkranz, says:- -41- to the motto of hls� family, " Foy pour fat hogs, 5 8-8; and light hogs, 5 1-4c . ' on THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE I com ooufossion of the ,wrong and a destre 1 PC I I � . � '. � Copy for change of advertisements pages 4 . � . INSURANCE COMPANY Anderson, a Danish officer in the "The Winburg and Sonekal - FIFTY, WERE MASSACRIA;-'D. devoir," 11 Faith for daty," I for'Por4on on the part of the offender 'r lb, I I I .1, . and 0 must be luthe offtoo oil Saturday and � Staats Artillery, also ,surrendered. mandoes are now arri,ving, about ON I . I, . . . for pages I And 8 on Monda I . Farm and Isolated Town Property -Olivier, with five guna and anum- Mon. Gen. Hoax ..." . I A, single glance *at the face of the are to be presupp Till seven Following to the range of quota- I . :. �� , , y to ensure change only Insured. has arrived, and Also, osed. . 1. i.: for following issue. I � I I en. was the 0011 I OFFICERS ber of burgbora, broke away in the the commandant of the Wepener com. Rev. Mr. Morgan Reports A. Terrible gallant Sallow who to no�r lost to oight times. Sev tions.- . I.'- , . CONTRACT UATEs.-The following table shows J. B. McLean Prebident, Kipwin P� O. ; Thos: Harrismith district, but Huntsr ex- mando, it will take days to got all Slaughter of Missionaries, laths country'between Tien Tsin and among the Jews, especiall, .- ------ I Cattle. . I - I our rates for specified periods and space * Frazer, Vice-IRresIdent, brucefield P, 0 - T, E f A despatch from Loadonj Friday, Pekin, ,as he pushes farward at the . Shippers, per owt. if 425 f 486 1 1 .. I Hays, Seel-TreAs., Seaforth P. O.; V. G, pects the total prisoners will aMOUAt In, There is a continuous stream o tion ,with the remissioli of sing. 1 Butcher,. choice do, , 40.0 430 . ,, ADVERTISINORATUS, . I 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 No foot, rispector of Losses, Seaforth P.O. ' miles up the va mys:-Rev, Mr. Morgan, of Singantu, 'head of hie omit column to the relief See Lev. . 28,28. must ex- ; " I I Yr. Broad DIRECTORS. to 4,000. � � � wag'gona for Seven I- . ss We I Butcher, uied., to good. 326 350 11 . ' ' "our � tbrother I �. ,, . I Column ......... $7000 VO 00 U5 00 $850 W G. Broadfoot. Seaforth; John Griev "An Unfortunate acoldout occurred I ley road. All the leaders have surronil� telegraphs that fifty mt lonaries have of the threatened legations, suffices pact t1tat will Butcher, inferior. . 2 F0 a Ib . . . : , J Column ........ 40 00 2500 - 1600 000 Winitirop - George Dale. Seaforth; John �W.tlt`, near Froderikatadt, Ork the XrU98rS­ Isred. . The prisoners include foreign been massacred In Shensi Province, to explain the' wA:Tm fraternal feet- Acle,d forgiveness, and must be ready 4tookero, Vier owt , 300 Soo � . , � � i Column ......... 25oo lfioo Boo 950 Harlock, John Benneyloi. Bradlin an ;.Talnos I I . is Ch I . . I � 3 Beachwood; James 0611111011 and that the nativ riotians are on- top of the American admiral, It is a to, beetow it. We should consider, . Sheep an4 Lumbsi � '1�1 ' 1800 1000 5 50 200 Ev 6,11 Y, Clh)t0IL dorp­1.Vo tobefat room, 'railway. The lartillorists." . J.: i -Column ........ A GLean, Hippen �. . ...".11111 � during fearful persecution. fine face, kind, yet strong, The fea- too, that we ourselves will also need Sheep, per owt. .. . Boo 8621-2 , . � -, ,�, 200 125 1 . I .. - -----:- ... . IInch ............ 609 3 60 * AGENTS'. ____ Spring lamho, each. . 200 400 �, '.. . At from 24 to 60 per cent extra- Robt Smith, Harlock;-Robor McMillan, So% OCCUPY FORBIDDEN CITY. Another Berlin mission in the Pro- tares are regular, the month, firm, to � te forgiven. . Bucki. per owL . . 2 W 300 . . OwSpecial pooltio I forth - James Cummings, 141guiondville ; J. W ANIMOSITY '11*0 KRUGER. I . Vince of Xia'ag-SI, neai. the borders of shaded by a short, grizzled mustache. 22. Jeous' sal,th, Christ would have I - ''.t I 11 W, J. MITC11ELLt Ye), Iftolinesville P, 0. I . . , .1 . � I - . . Milkers and.Calves, . . . Editor and Proprietor. Parties desirous to effect Insurance' or tra AIN I Kwang-Tung, has been looted and a Grizzled gray are board and hair, for his followers widerstond that they Cows$ .each. . C�. . � t . "" . �. . 2500 4500 1 I I sMot other business will be promptly Attended President Gave the Burghepo Paper All the Foreigners In This Quar er uAtive wounde& I I aw, but under grace, ... . I � � - the adialliral is in, his ,sixty -f irst y6ar, arie not under I Calves, each. . . . . goo lo� 00 I ,� . , �. � , . to on application to Any ot the Above ofilcers Money Which Was Worthless. of Peklm I - I . aty times seven, That IS, as I .- ._4 , .. . addressed to their respective post offices. . . bat still as hard as halls, and as full Seve . Hogs. . - ­ - I BANKS . . . .... . I despatch from - Pretoria, Tues. A despatch from Paris, says. -m- AIDING- THE ALLIES. of pluck as 'when a lieutenant of 20 often As forgiveness in sincerely Cholce hogo, per owt . 600 � . A 11 . ___� "� � I A . . . . I - _ m . I � 6 20 ,� L � - ,�__ - , 1. . day, $a .-Xrs.,Botha was theguest Deleasse, the Minister of Foreign Af- . I - years Old, he leaped overboard and sought, regardless of the number of Light hogs, per Cwt. . 0 525 . . I., . . ya. . . 5 0 . � TALKING. -OF VOWEL SOUNDS. I men 1 -2 5371-2, . I A" . . of Lord Rdberts it dfanier .Monday fairs, has received a despatch from � �. . I., I . - . I I � . . � . ho So � I I I . r Ille Su,14.rIor1,y of even,ing. . 'Mosques. . nose WatQX$L Far this act be wears Only & GeTtRiU numWber; W he did, w . We, - - ,, - 325 350 . I ,, . THE MOLSONS BANK - . Chinese Mohammedans Offer the saved a sa'iloor from drowni,ig in Chi, timos. God does not forgive Heavy,hoge Pox owt. . 5121 . I . I . I � the ,French Consul at Shanghai, Use of'Their . I . . ., ��, . I �. incorporated by A Footehalan7o Proot 0 1 I . . . The Boor animosity to *JP.resident which says that Li -Hung -Chang has ' I equid be savedli ,And we are to be Stage. . . . . . . 200 250 . . I 11 . ,� Act of Parliament, 1855. Ails livAgnago In That ftespeW. . -ccount of .thefact not obtained a- reply to the message A, .despatch from Tien-Tsin, says.- on his.right breast the Royal Humane . I DRESSE, D FOGS AND PROVISIONS, . . � - I � � I � . � . I." CAPITAL . . � $21000,050 I .A few days agol I was diiiing in one lCrager grows.- an .a I - .1 Gen, Ghselee, the'll,ritish! Commander; Sooiety'A medal. . like God in forgiving o=.fellowmen. I I ,�, ,��� 1. . I - REST- .- 1 '$I',650,000 - of 'the restaurants of the city, says I'lilt he and his officials are persuad- Sent to M. Plobon, the French Minister . force is- reconnoitring If the smp�ess dowager has an ear Christianity does not propose rules Toror�io,_ Aug. 7.-Xarket got poxk 1. I � . � ! I" � I BEAM OFFICTO . MONTREAL. a writer in the Mexican, Herald. At Ing the -people that South AArioan at Pekin. Earl Lt said tho Ministers Wltl1;a strong P for English names-hermemory, as . we of conduct, but rather seeks An at- produats steady and good demand for . I . ... �.. . AS gobd as would be Able to Communicate With near Peitean& . . I I . . . '. � - - I WN. MOLS01 N MACPHERSON, President . is . . �"­ a table next -to. me sat a party can-, Republic paper money � n:s sent a petl- 'know,is long -the news iliat a. "for" - Utude aln4 condition of the heart; all smoked meats. Dressed hogs I I ,1 . ­ F. WOLFEUsTwx TnomAs. Ge�.rai Manager � . their Governments if .the Allies aban. The local Mohammada I . . . . 11 Go . � I . ., ­ . - Bank of England notes, because it is . I and toward those who do us harm weak. At farmers, waggons c oi I . I ­ ,-.". slating, of ,a Frenchman, a Germaial . tibin to Mr. Denby,'seo.retary of the- eign'devit 11 called Seymour Is marcho . I . 1. � Notandigeounted. Collections made. Drafts . I -based an inalienable State securities,!doned their tmarch to Pekin, Li.con- I I . . � - 'i . . ': issued. Sterling and American Excha an'Italian, a couple. of Mexicans and � I . . her capital t lsjuLet her. U Should b4 A. forgeving sp#it� will bring Q7,50 to 08, according to I ' the city commissiOn that is administering Ing on mas d . I . I . ., �, on dep= � even thoughthe, §tats sh firms tbe statement that all is prin- qutility, for butchers' use. I , 0 �, . '. - � bouvhtandsold. IntereRtAllowed. . �. A Sdotchman. The conversation turn- . . ould be con�, ill . e affairs of Tisn6Tsin, asking pro. Soymouir, she must remember, , was 23. - Therefoiret Because - th . � I I - SAVINGS BANK. . , quered. As the English bave notre- f6weigaers in Peklu'are now in the rm�. . I I. ,. � . ' for provisions are as " .1 . - interest allowed on sums of % and up. .: ed uport the comparative beauty of . teation for their churohes,,and- offer- how they Galled the Englishman who 0ple of forgiveness underlies, all God's Quotations , v� ,� I cognized this con.tention many bur- perial or "Forbidden City.": . ' * . I . � � follo.wo:-m�Dry .salted shoulders, 7 to .. �L . . 11 .. . Canton, blew u I tions with men, Whe kingdom of . . i� : , . FARMERS. . languages. , Each one of the. party ' 0 ­� ing to pirovide quarters for the troops. bloeaded P junks; ,and Pe, a' I . .�,, � ghews have been rained, And unutter- . 1, . . heave 714c' long clear bacon, car lots, � . ., � Money Advanced *to farmers on their own contended that his own.lauguage, Was . . . d that city. Seymour was also p, ,An .P . . . . . . : - . I In on" of necessity the troops could occupie, .. .ex ression peculiar to 81-2o; ; ' . �,_:, , notes with one or more eAdorhers. No mort- Able misery prevails. The W d . . Afattlietw's gospel, and meaning "the ton lots, 81-2o; ca'se, lots, '8 . . - _0 '. ,� gage required As secority. . . the superior of all others. - -,The Ger- . Ives an - DRIVEN 15ROM THE KRAALS* occupy the mosques it quahers the f trat to take. the Taku forts, and .. . . I . . . I I . . . . � � I . . I 1� . children of the' poorer Boers- ars'al-. I I . divrae administration.,,, "God's 8-4 to 9o; short cut pork, il8; heavy . . . - ,L 1 . er,Cllntcrd,man ,based his'contention upon the - ' �. . . . . . .-,----! - - - , . ... could.not . � . . � . � . . H. C. BREWER, Manag . Dag 11 .be.provided elsewhere.�.The Seymour's acts Were the prelude to I � . . ;,��,,- � . most Atarvi . I . I . .. . mosq, .016;50. . . - . . , _11o. . -- - --, - ---- wonderful -strength and self-suf- . . . Weeping,XaMp Women, Arilve, at commission. agreed to the propqat- the capturd of Pekin three, yeare IAt metbod of dealing with men," A Cer ' - . . _ . . I . . . .� . , ii , _,�':, . . . . ficiency of the Germa . Gen. Botha's toroo,fs kept together - I . �. ' . I . , � . � tali) king. Here represon Smoked rneats-Hams,,. heavy, 11, I . . �� 11 :� .. . McTAGGART n, language And -by ,ext . raordinary inventio I as... This I . . q Pretorlas ' I . . tion. . ablinese ,report that Generals eir, This was in 180 and 1858. And . ting the 8 . � I � . ,� ­t�'. C. D - . the virile charac.ter of its thoughts . . I . . . . Seymour of those An' a was.Sir Lord God, whols King, whether men 1-2c; mediuraj 121-2c; light, -.13c; , ". . . . . I ondent has seen An official A despatch from Pretoria'sayj� *-A Sung Tang and Mo are .entrancilIed the I 7 I . . :,.. '. . corresp . . . . , fze his authority . Take breakfast bacon, 12 to 121-2e; plonid � . . " . I erature. The Frenchman note of Sir Edward. . m'cOgn 1, , �.� dl' I I ; BANKER. - . and. Ats lit I urghe - number of Kaffir women anct children at Pelteang, and tWat.Vicaroy Yu ­Lu Michael, the u . or, �oot . .:." , -� ! , circular which, to cheer. the b ra , . 011' . � . account- "make a bams, 91-2c; kall, hacon,-. 10 to 10 1-26; 1 . � -1 I . I I � claimed th la, . I For the. Seym, ,rs, are a .famous I Resteed Version, . . �k * : I I I . at the French nguage co., do rts th t Lord Rqberts was on Thursday, passe& through Pretoria, ,of Chili is t4exe 'With a str6og force. . . . . - , . . . - so . a . � . � . .1 � I I r, relronlog." T4e - Analogy is of an smoked - ba,ck,4, 12 to 12.1-26. - � All . . . . . .:;'­ .1 . . . - not only had no superior, but no . . lie ander heard that fatally of sallorki. Tbe grandfathei, c - � � . V_. - I 4 to retreat south:of the Vaal, weeping and wailing. The Boers had T Japainese Comm I . � ,� � . ; . . . force . . . ... . . . . . ories,tasl ruler, with. a-bablate 'power, meats out. of pickle lo:less� than . I ­ .4�� A General Banking BusinesF Transacted, equal in.fis Ability to ,expross..-All a driven them from their kraalsi burn- a fo,rc�s of Boxers was,. at Tulin, 20 also a Sbr Michael,* won a., baroutecy � . pagb% ,Or ruler prlocs qupted, moked meats. ' . . . I . I . . . I _ thoughts accurately and with true and that Lady Robei.ts'oscaped in, . . , th-eas' * ' Val fights 01111111.a.j to account A. for s ,. . � . I . -Ing their homes'and taking the cattlpj� -Tsin, oin, the.'seas in the gr"t na � . . I I . . ­ . I . . . ' . ' I . I , I—. . ,balloon. . miles Solt t Of Tien .and ,� I . . . . - I , . of a. province. Every da Lard-Tierdes, 81-29; tubs, 83.-.4c; . . .�, �­- I � Notes Discounted. Drafts. Issued... , be feeling. , . . . .. . .. I I :d reconnoitre ., y brings Jts . . I I I I . . . �,-,'Z*;-,� . . . auty .and depth of .: I . :...,O. 4 . � ­ �' in -the, district. arotind Coralklau o sent 'troops to the posi- at :the eind. of 'last century and the, . . pa.ils,, 9c. , ,'. ' .. . 11 ­ 1. . .. . I I . � . . 14 1. - '" I . I . ' own account with our King. How . . .. ' . . % . I I . . �r�,'�,',�f�:" ..- - Interest Allowed on Depojits, - . the Mexican. each - '. - : '--r- �--;r� , . PCqrt West. .' - : ( ' tioxi. . WheiL the local I Rants beginning �f tilis,.1ind he lost an arm . . _91) - . . I . ­ , The Italian and .. I . 1. ., . ­ . nhab' . ... . . I ,,�-", pol . .. -001- , - . . � I � I claimed that. bis;,Ianguake Was Pos- COMPELLED.. TO 'FIGHT.- - - �. . . heard n on , the.glarious first of June." Thai much qw.0st. thou untG-thy Lord? I : HIDES, SKINS, A ,WOOL. � . .. I . - . . . . I , 11 . I the troop4 wer e wda.broakht.­ -Evidently . I 'g . ,�(,�f".��. -.- I ' i ' Market for hides weak and oiBg . . .j� "', - " � � I sessed of one beauty ,to. which no oth- - .... , � . - . . 1. I REAT - TO LYDENBURG. begged � the Bo*.rs to -withdraw, so baxonetpy is nAw borne by Sir Mt- 24- . On �.. .� I I . � I - . I I I . I . . I � . �,!,,. %. - . CLINTON.* . I . .. . I RET . *1 not of his own accord' but a wrong- lower.. Deliverers of .hides About . , . ALBERT STAEET . - language 'could lay, Claim,, the , 11 ... � , . - . . . ppose chael Oulme- eynioar,­in c I . . . . I . 01�... 11 ". . --.,- er 4. I . . r-0.0ble, Irf -Keep- - . . . .� . .. � . � � the Japanese found nobody to 6 . 9 6ininand at , . . , I the eve � - . I ,,' ---. . Gen. De. Wet Has I . . . . . . . � I doer bronatt, to�:justloii; the ruler ofa . rage.. W.00ls are, offered free. , -. ; ,. � . . . . . 1. . . .. . � 1, beauty of silorous sound'. The battIv , .. ` , , me. are flgbt�- PoTtsmout,h.; - . � � . I 4 1. ..I I . . . I I , .�, . . I . , �� .�...',:, � . , Ing Burgh ' Boers . . . . I , buit as. bat,* b -_-n ths. case for Some :, .1 I �' 11. L I. a A L . I ­ .1 1. . I I . ers-Toffether. , Evaellato. Machadodorp and them. The Moliammoda . . I I 11 .1 I �, . I � . . sea L these . . � - I 1. I I I . . . ... . , ' , vines who had wrung: millions from Y - 1. I .. I I . .1. "'�" "__... ­­­ I. .. : Waxed hot betw two, the . . 1, . . I . the IIIII& , . I 1111g, tho .-Bowers. . � : The.t.w.o. first cousins, Sir Michael Pro . . . . I . I I. . , ,., �., . - ��* � = . . ., I . '' - . "is ' Make For, I . . I .. I . ,, �__:_�:_ Z, . b" . pwteh from Pretori , says-,- - . I . . ­ . . � ... I t iffie past. demand Lie Slow' Export I * '_t 1.,- . .. . Mexican Mairataining that .Spanis 1. A' ­ I . A . L . . . . .. ., .1 ; I . Culmi-Soymour, and Sle Edward Sey.� 'his People, and. had held fast to hid* I * I I . I I ' ' L��., �, I . 1� � SCOTT I I � . . % ''.., . I I . 'Gen. Prinsloo, with 5,000 men and 17 A ,despatch from Lorenzo- Marques % , . I ... _. .. I I L ,... . . , . I . talents. Thhe 6allooic poor. Sklns �ireabout Steady. ... . . . "14 . i � had -more triw full Vowel sounds than I : I . . I . . . . go , . I .11 .01 e in gains. Ton, thousand I . . . . I . - ...". - . . . . I. .1 ' Boars - have - . I . I . . . ,in (it, after gaining war eixperiene . . . . . . . � ­ . . - I , �,_ -�,�'_ . . BARRISTUR, SOL16ITOR. , I I . . guns, has surrendered to Gsn� Aunter, oayo:-The . . evactuated L . I w6uld amount t& a. Sam variously esti. lallow, is easier, . I . . ­�._�,,',. , I . I . any other living language.. L , . . ' . I . . FAMILY BUTCHER. . . . . hidqs---�Local dealers quote green � .. I . , " . . . . . . . . . . � . . e to fifteen mil. � . _,�,'��­. . , . . . I 111. . � ". . I Thi 1%�s the collapse of th, a ,war. Machadodorp,- and,4t is reported, are . ­ . . I %.�� . . I �. . . L Money to Loan, otc� I , appealed. the mattor to , Is ma . . . . . I . mated at from�.;nln . ,:.�, ',�..,- Finally both. I er..in. H. - cured , . "', ';�,-;.�i% , . . I . - atrary -to :in the north-eastern. portloo of, the. pwq %ring to.retreat to Lydenburg, to An Indian KII:ed Made, WIN &ad (111141 Taekiah�medals, sailed togeffi lion dollais, tiat evidently* meaning cows, 7 �341e; and steers. 8 -1-46, 1 ., 4 . I . I 11:._ I OLPIPIOE-ElliOttBlock - CLINTON -the Scotchman,'who had, Col . I rl. I . p . I . : . M., S. Calcutta to'Chlua to fight un- . . . . �,. -_ .. .. not t.&jGBL Free State. - . .. � . . . - ' . . _. in Tiio Years. - . . I . . ' ,. note& At ' - . I .1 � .". . I . which Place they have completed tele her an' .0 . hides dire,,q � 11 I � . . . chardeteristics, of his-racei . . .. .. . , . .. . . mi rat tudefittifei. vast debt. Who .140- Count ky. " L . . ":7,.. -7 ­ . . 'L i . . . ' -The dew tbeir Uncle.' Edward Sey ,our . i 1-2e. less. . . I . . . ... . I I ood,.bad,. .0en. D6.Wat is at US LzbUxg` gwaphle.cornmunication' L 11 L ,.*A despatch from Ottawa sa ., . . y,LaTS I . 11 I . . �i..,� ., - BRYDONE Any par.V.in. thq disbussion � I , but it . , . � . ys: . I e old, and can e . . . . L * L . I . . . , L -:;'L . .. . 1. into. the following was then a middy,.11 I . . -Sheepskind--Dealor . 1. Z 7 . - , NV . . . . . . I I I ' L . 1.9 . 1. is known.- that hig-burghers 'are fight- . , . . ... 1. Evening Journal pri . I I t 11 what any one I 5 quote from 8120 , - , i , . . L . I - for. tho pr vileges and op. . ! L . .. .-.:, �, . L I . ------- 410� . . our Lord i _ L . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ' or, indifferent. . . I ' ' he steamed up the Fatshaw Oreek. in . ­ I . L ,%.� I . . . . _ ,,, ,�L " in der eo,inpulsion.'This Was adrait-� '' L . L . - ., L ... L . I . I L details of tbo'killing bly � Teto �de , 1. I . -L I ­ b 'L I,fc,f L , . . to f Aol. Spring Iambs-Deajers are , . . . . L . L d his head f a ,g an . CiLl-L porttmitled� of I � . � .. I '�� ", L ' . s6undy *Beratche or . b L ,­ .. 'QUEEN'S `51ON. '-. * � L. � . .0 maud of'the launch of t e . .. - ' 1. . . . � . I 1. ... 8 Piet De L M '. T - I CHI . 1 . .. .. . paytng'40 to 50c., . ' . . . I . . �­­­ Notary Public, &,o.. , t d by hie, rother, ... . ret'- -who * HE . Bouts Indian ,of his. wife, Uncie and L 1. L L. . . L . :. . moment.' as though reflocting deeply;L . , � ., I . I . . . . Cott& L .�� I ' 'J.. " . . I CLIN"N then he sai& "Aho weelt L . ,A dinna* m . . Po I . I . _. . .. .. : ' child at Make'Barriere, in the .1upper . . . . . . 'i � . f . . " Oirvicz-Beavor Block, ke managed to esca Christiaii Do Wet's - . � . Whind Commander, now Sir 25. He bad not. to pay. Revised Ver- Calfskins-Stearly , at 9c for N6q 1 , ­ . ­ . I I . . L I ' i lge the Henry'Reppel. ,'.rho. launch was sunk,. Sion, h6* had. not' wherewit.1i to p4y-�? J90. .2 . .. . . I �. I . . - - - . . 11": . surveillance and came imand surrend- Duke . and 8c. for . - of Ldluburgh Stioeubibs. to. Gatineau. Two years ago in a, ri . . 1,, L I . L .1� , I 7 but wha' yee'll be baith. richt, for Ye . L . .- .. � . . . at the e had VC&L -s - .,I: . ". I CONVEYANOING . . . . L ered. . .. . . ... . I ' . I Indian slew his old uncle wiih-aiiaxe. b middy's reptitation. arose. This El luxuriously, and had no Tallow -Local dealers are offering ,1 . . . , ' ' . . L I L I . . in L 1857 ; ow I I . '. ocht tp, ken �ep. aine., langwidge L weel, . Paralysis of the Heart . . .. . L, . . ... � L , - . . . . in A59 he went n th thing to'sh' . as the reSU1tL of his 1, ': ­...______-__­ - a wife, with was . 1. . , or. � . 4 1-2 to 4 3-4 And asking 5 to 51-4c. 1 . . � , . I.. 0, vowels Gen. � French. -has -occupied Pau sta It .9rom. Coburg, says:- Ten mo'ntba'ago he and lit I . � . . . . i ,,'; . . Bat when R oomes'to takin' ... . . � , . A despatc, . I Lliting .and helped to, blow up the Takti forts. robberies. : True of us all; for what W lq-,Meece, 16o, -offered . here, L I . �'., _,�o �. L.� - t1i OHN RIDOUT . .L Sdatis a , dinna ken 'oily langwidgethat tion. .. . I L .. L ,,, . . . Prince Alfred -Ernest Albert, Duke of- thei:r baby girl, were out hu 11 - . I L .� I op .. . . . L . . . CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER, ETO. "COOMLOOP j6 tha:6 Scotch. The number of men in the various gawe�C aveir.. The six_montbs�old child rals- ,Two years later he was einployod on can we render to God for his gift to � with holders in country asking 2 to L ' . . L L I . . . �::�. . . 1. ken . A11 I . . . ol�burg,, died. -at 10 o'clock Mon- bs . . . . . . the same wowlx � aubse . quent L ly: he Com-. us? To be sold. Title Was not a - big I . - . . . .. .. . Fire Insuran6o, Real Estate. . . iv6 ye a w s story. tliat'illus-; commandoes to.. -the east. -is rapidly day evening, at Roseman castle, from Aid. a little cry..of gladuess'L 4nd the v L IL - but film L3b .her, car. lots; pulledi extra, 20 , ,. . - . . to � . jLst g' I P , . . I 1. . i. . . aitding ,party 'when Sing— Jewish.% Custom,' illar to all to 21,; and -stipers, I$ to 19c. . . : . . Money Lend. . .1 . aies wha'.a-waa te11-y I dwindling. The total number of men paralysis of the heart. .1 man, because this disturbed the- beay. manded a I , . � ' . L � I � . I , : .. 1, . . I thr .11 . . e. � .. ' 'Lof * I . . .. . Poo was relieved and Kabding fell. ' who were .acquainted with arbitrary " .' L � . - . .. L .. . . . .1 I OFFICE-TIVRON STREET, - . . . in:Bdiha's and the �othar commandoes, . , Recently# - At a consultation � er 1. er's . I '. BRE-ADST,TJFFS, . I . I I , . . C11NToN ' 'A: man lance �'Veut. inio a-stori In .., . to L L . . � . ,_tore the . girl f rom , her, moth . - Min oriental, rule.. Wife, and children. Not I � .. 1. .. . ­ 1. - 1. . .. I I I * 1. . - � I . . � XCe L . ­ I . . �:il � - is not believed now e ed 6,060. e L was disoorverr Arms, and hold her head down In the Shr ,Edward Seymour's gig . g QLys . I . at-QUOULtions. as fo!lows"Ont., - . . . L Dunkirk, An' a' piece O' Cloth . spe'jajigts.in.Vieuna� lb� . . . . L Whe I rl� I . . . I .1 . - . - conclude in China, In 1870 lie to be talrLen literally in the interpre- � . ... I, . MEDIOAL These are scattered abo , .., � " 1, atween his fing6ra,An, his thumb an' - lit at several ed that there .WaS.a cancerous growth water till she expired. Then he hand- did not L I . I.. , . . . . . , I . . . . & , . . � . . . . . WAS pu!rsulng� pirates up the Congo tation of the parable. Yet a manse red and white, old, outside, 70c; and z . . � . I . � . Point . . - 1. I . . I I . . a , 68. to 69c; spring, out de, 70% . .. . I : he'said to. the'stor6kesper: . . . . At the.root of hi.s. tongue. .By lit',, Led her back to her. mother. I . e1w at . .. ill . .. I ' ish ves, family, tho4gh innocent, often'4uffers ' L . � '; .. . . - 1. .1 10 'T . I . . I '- : .The Boers still havelons Long Tom - Then aftex a few months, it is al. river, -where be reduced a*'Brit . . . ­ le.; same . ''� . R. W. GUNN . 0 . � I I . - demise he escaped .a PALM al . , I ManUoba, No. I hard 93-t-, 9 . . .-. --- � . . I . O'. - . . sudden 11 . . . .p I , . . 1! . ,. I ,�.c�l D - "A,ind the.,storeikeeper.aald-.� 'Ay, o . that Is'fit for servke,, The other one 1,, ' . ... L logedi be killed his.wife. It was win- set And receive(! a severe. wound., . morethan thb. guilty one for his sins ` ato afid �west,', 88c asked; same, .1 . . I. I R, 0. P. and L. R. C. S, Edinburgh. ­ . . � .. I . .1 . geriing dea.th; - . . . I . I . The love of self, and- the love of oux Toro I L . . . ,. -� __ . . . "'Aw oo?" said the maw- . has been damage#.', ; IT, the - ter,.avA he t66k her out -to thwicef . � _ , . . . . . During'fhe minority of his he . . . 0 . . 'ith,fal lake portsi 85o asked, - .. � ;Z , Night calls at froraddor of residenceon Batten 11.,y a L' - -answered tbe.store- . Gen. * � � . I L . , . T i h . . . I 1. I . . .. , .own, should Prompt us to W fa " . ppor . B . r . it I n. L I . . . .. " , . '. . , . W '06,11 Delarey,,.'With 1,500 men, Coca- � L 'SEYMOUR TO CONMAN servants of oar.God. . . Llifeed-Scaro4 and stead' . L' , bury street, opposite Presbyterian church... . I � - . .. . . . DalFe , of' Albany, the government Of And .cut -a hole'through it. .1 hroug . M . Y. . . `,�-� . 1peeper. - ., � I L . I .Pies difficult ,country on the Crocodile the ducy . . -be ooraduoted Lby 'this, this 4618 he held her. bond downwards . . 4 I . I I % 'Pe L. . . I � .. . I .. . I to $14.50i . . . ., . __ .. . . �.y will .� L 1. . I §I2't6:$L0..A and shortsi 614 ... I:` OFFICE -ONTARIO STREET, CLINTON. - - .: ".'Aw a Col". asked -thii man.. - ..., � , � . . ''. . . - , L . .. I I- - 26. WowshiPped him.. Showing the. . I I. . . . I . .1 - . .. I I rivor, 20 miles w6st of hore. General Hereditary Prince . Of . . Hohenlohe- till life was. extinct. Do- * . west. I . I . . ; �, " 'Ay, aw a oo'� - Gr- L . . Fore!gn Consuls invite Him. to . . I . . I . . ,;; , � . I I ", � said the storekeep, obeller, with 500 burghers- isnOrth L,4,4jienberg, the guardian L and broth- Then heAook her body -away, And bid . . . abject, cringing aubmisslorl of an. !a- ' Corn7--Rather easier+ in: sympathy . I .. . . R. WM. GRAHAM . ­ . . . I I L .. . � I I . .. . ..;., D . . . 'or. .� 1. ­ . . IL ' fend Shanghal..: . � ferlor to.a.Superiot in the Orient, I . , . - . . . of Bushveldt. The residents ot.MIdd6l- 0� tbe`yci ag Duke. I it. , Bailiff A. J. Nault, of Maniwaki, � L ' . with Chleagot. No. lAmeripan, yel- - l I (SUCCESSO ' 'There'A a.complete business trans- . er-in- AW U - . . . I . 1. I .. . if, To DR, TPRNnuLU), - I .. . . A desiAtch from London says:- ill pay thee. Perhaps in terror pro- . , �, . Licentini � . . . ' barg teceived. thei, BritisU troops with" . I . .0 , . I . is af for the man, but the country is a . . . I wt . , L low, 46 We, on track here, and mixed , , . I. � a of the Royal'College of Plir, a6tion.carried on wPolitt. the use o' a. .. I 1, .. .. . . . . I Shanghai telegrams say � the foreign wising mor - it 46 140. 1 i I L � I . - L ��'.`. I . sicians, 1,6ndon,Efig. I ... . expressions of satisfaction. and ex- MBER 11 wild one, anil-it may be months before 0'tJ)4n'h(1 c ' oUld pay. But I.. L . I . .. . I- � 4 11� - I I . . single consonant sopa. . At dinna ken - . . e ,war -would ME S .,OF PARLIAMENT . Consuls met on'-Mouday-, and decided. if he was the governor of a rich pIr' . . .1 : OFFICE ANDRESIDExcE.-Perrin'o Block, lately It. either Italian orL ressedthe hope that th I . I '.. I . . I . � 'L to justice. L - . * I I Ov" - pea& -Car lo.ts.are quoted'nominal- . 1. I . L . , . . . .1, occupied by Dr. Turnbull, CLINTO L I Spanish * or any P , . L L I - I . L to invite Admiral Seymour, British, inde, ow, in our da I " the boss 11 lot a ij at 590, north and. West, and W east. . I . N. . I . . 't soon, be over. The bar-ghers.. lit the.. 1. ... . . I I '. . .1. .0 I . � yo . .. ".. ither langwidge, Can equal - thot. �'L .. .. . Documents Found Showing Them to L to take command of the, Shaugha de- .. . . vicinity are turning in their.orms , . p . L . L great. city brought to justice, he L i3arig-y-:-Quiet. New No. 2, *$&,. out- . I 1 � , R. SHAW . I The above story L as told by the . ... ,. . ... . I . � . avou�.the'Boers. RMSSIANS ATTACKED. - . I . I LL I L I . 4, D . I Scatchnian, is here. given, withl the re- I I 0 �� .. . . . . . F, . I � L. . � fenees. , The Unlited States Consul all ght be able in time to pay a great 'side-,,old.Wo. 2 400. .. . . I . � OPPIGE: I . � A despet.ob from London, Thursday, ' General, Mr, J. Goodnow, and the SUM, ' In the languaga of St. )?Auto . aw Lrys, 49c, outald , and old, L, on'tation . of' the sounds of,th, CANADIANS RECOVERING. ' Ouaranteed Fm� - .. . Rys_NJ R . - . . q "I I - ONTARIO STREET, opposite English church pros .. .. . . I . . SA,VS ..-The Daily Telegraph An. Chinese Government et. L� . � ch Consul -General, M. de Beza- here was asinner seeking to be jus� 51' to 520� s . . . � I ' I . : �', � I L. .1 words, ,in preference to. thi Scotch , . . .. . . "� . . . w L I I I Them mfc..Condu . axe, on behalf of the Con . suls, visited , ' I � I . L 11 . . . . 4ums, on. the aut;Writyl Of its Caps - - ified by 'works. So do many expect Oate.-BaSy, Now white oats, west, . I I . . I I CLINTON. . spelling, which might not be familiar Otter-, Reports 700 Men of . First Town . correspondent, that documents A despatch from . St. Petersburg Admiral Seymour, and he 'Promised to ;,igt.veness of the past by reformation Sold At 25o. Old white oats, north and . . I . , . . I �!L " �L. L - I I to some of. our readers. The trans, . , Contingent Fit Fori Duty. - grave I I mport L says:-Tbe condition of affairs.in the tb � . I . . . . . I . . . � rJR. C. W. THOMPSON r : . . Of - emanating from Ung- . draw up plans*And submit era to a, in the future. I West, 26 1-2e;L and east, 27 I -2o. ' . I I . . I . � , `. ,� D . L l4tion of, the conversation, which took 1. A despatch from Ottawa� says:­rA land, and implicating cartain mem- tar East continuesseridus, Chinese council of officeirs.. The Shanghai 27i Moved With compassion. The nio- Flour_Demand� quiet. Holders ask I . .. .� PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. . , . � . � L . . . L . .. . I I . � Place betwebn.thfa merchant and his cable was received from Col. Otter, ber� of parliament. and other politi' soldiers are now.a0pearing in the lion- municipal Council Objects to the:Cow- . . 1. 11 . I . . . . .. . .. .. � . 1. . I %, L - 'IL Z . . I . five fox compAssion was not the hope $2.85, for 90 Per cent. patent, in buy- I I I � . . , OFFICE.ANDRnsIDENCE- customer is as follows: . I . . dAted' Johannesbarg, Wednedday, ,,�r,U6 have taken it prominent tra 046, Of the Liioitung peninsulal . al . .. �­ * I . . ��� I L I . I I effeetiVOL . cians 11 a ar action, . I I . of getting his due, but a feeling of era' bags, middle freights, and export- . . . I I strength of ' . . . I Next to Molson's Bank. , I ­Woo1,oO.­. I stating that the paxt in the agitation in fdvor of the and detachments of Russian troops . . I . ---�� . .- pity for a -helpless and seemingly Pont- era bid $175. Special brands sell local- - RATTimsuny STREET, CLINTON, . . ., "Yes, wool, By, Go." . . . I the first Canadian o6ritin I . discovered in Pxe- have been ordered from 13crt Arthur L . . - . . L I I , "'All WOOL aw 601.11 - . . . gent is in- Boers, .have been, I . I I . STATESMEN'S WIVES. - tout Sinner. God's meroy, not our Wer- ly f rom 10 to 20a above these figures. . , - �� I "isasing, and it now numbers loo mon: toria.. . . . . I I I to disarm them.' I � . . I I . I . . � I . e I I . L I I . I DENT/SrRV , . . :.Y&, all Wool, ay"aw 00.1, fit for thei field. This In a wonderful *The documents are said to have come COL, Jugoviteh sends I word from � . - L it, gives to us salvationi Forgave him .1auffalo, Aug. 7,SPrIng wheat�NO. I ' . . . I I !All one Wool, aw a boll' I , . . L I . I ' -IC611144 -Hers Is the portrait of ev- I hard, spot, car loads, 85 14% No. 1 . .. "I I . L . Tka4a of Mr. GIAAIPl&.)AA0 And §,ord Ite. thp debt. " I . ; �'Yda, all one wool, ay, aw Ave." improvement in five weeks. . to light. -while a seatch was being made Charblia to Gen. Gradolcoff, that the . I I . . 11 ­ . . R. AGNEW . . . - . L L . . . L , � tteld Wore creskit neIV4 to TheIr ling, Cry saved soul, unable to earn f orgivew Northern, spot.. car loads, 82 1-4c. 1 ,� . . _­ By. to-day4s mall. letters � Were rg. of the Government offices in the oapi- conditions. have changed considerably , . . 0 . . . MI . . ' _', D - __ , L hands, � ness of slifts. but receiving It as God a Winter Wheat -Old. No. 2 red, nomin- . I ! . , 1, DENTIST. . . I I I � Ceived.from Col, Otter, from. whiah'it tal "ter Gen. Roberts' occupation. Since July - 18. The Telin detachment The recent death of Mrs, Glad- free - gift., . . jilly 79o; now, nominally 77c; No. I . . I - . 11 CROWN AND BRIDGE WORM; 11 � 0.1 ed appears that on J�uno 22 there .were The Telegraph adds that inquiries had returned with a loss of 10 killed stone, widow of the gt;pat English 98, The same so I rVant. Unmoved by white, old. nominally 78c; now, 7ft. . 11 - I L ., and 80 Oats -Quiet and easy; No. 2 white, 98 . . . Orriar.-AdJoining Foatees.Ph , 'Gallery , 1 640 men of the regignent 'in hospital infititated -by its cocrespondent leave Wounded. Chinese Imperial ,. � oto P I statesman, recalls the Intipy services his lord's grace, and having the same , . 4 . tate- txoojpa in civilian dress, and with . I o; No. 3 wbite, 28o; No. 4 white, 27 1 ., CLuTON, ONT. I or sick, and only 434 fit for duty. no doubt as to the truth of the a . L L I : u", Says, which she was able to render to her hard, 'implacable, selfish heart as ,of ,-2 1 L:�,' ..:1. - - . 1. rawt. It further .- sated, m L 1-2c; No. 2 mixed, 26 1-4c; No. 8 mixed, . 1.1 . �' ­ Col. Ott6r's diary covering the pere. de their badgqa cone . ade two at- distinguished -husband during their old, One of his. follow -servants. A . L . . VErERINARY . . I lod from May 261h to,Jrune 22nd WAS 4'would seem thati we are On the tanks on the BanslanS.Lool, Sligovitob 25 340. corn- D 1, but firm; �Xo. 2 . , `,F� I . . L I . . wedded life of nearly sixty years. man like himself. A hundred peace. ill f , m_ . . _ � L 'ved Wednesday, .It in a'rec. eve of unexpected and serious devel-, complained to the �uthorities of Gar. Ilow, 43 3-4c; No. $yellow, Z 1.2%. No, . . . L . also recei � . . "'; I '.1 . . . nection with South In and demanded that the offenders 4She wao in the fulleot sense. We 'OA hundred shillings" would be better Y' I , 4; . LACKALL & BALL ' - . Look at your tongie.' , Gird of good effective, -but, at the same OPMOnts In Con L. . L comrade. , She had so intelligent In- (or the Roman donarius, here named 4 yellow, 494-2o; No. 2 corn, 43 14c., No. . I I . L . , ?, � i. B VETERINARY SURGEONS.- GOV. , . Is it doated ? ' L . time, haird woxk. L"rhe Canadian boys African Affairs." . I . thould be punished, . .1 I I I . 2 corn, 42 3.4 to 44c. ]Nirl6y-Comraon. 1. 1. , . I . i --41- torest In the questions with which- he was worth abottt fiftow cents, and new, 45 to 46o offered. Rye L_ No. 2 . . .. ­ . ERNMENT VETERINARY INSPECTORS - Therk you have - it bad axe certainly not feathtax-bed sol . � . Saviikl'0 detachment of 70 men ar- - ��A�. - . . . . ; , CAPTURED, CHI N had to deal, and he relied upon bar the.debt would be about fifteen dot OFFICE, ISAAC 1aste in �out mouth every illarm. .: r. ESE GUNS- rived at Charbin with a guarantee for on track, offered, 58c. Flour -Quist. . . . . I STREET - RESIDENCE, .. Amgmtr . , i i I . . judgment as well its her Sympathy., ItLi*. How small Are otir de . � I , . . bts to ( . STREET, dLINTOR. . 7 � L m0frIling. Your appetite. L .40-. .. I . . V_ . L safe GO rducit from the Chinese Govern�, Chicago, Aug. !.-Wheat was quite I . - He rarely made an important speech our fellowliaen when compared with �1; , I , .- ... , Fiv Krupp And Four N&V -Cannon ment, Nevertheless, they weretreach- I firm to -day, in spite of the decided � . . 0 . al ' by 1, q L L li I . . AUOTIONEER . is Poor, and 'food dis- ROUT -OF ASHANTI.S. Fall Into Russian H . ands. erously, attacked by regular artillery,, in parliament without her enoourag-� What we owe td God I .Took him dullness, And closed at an advance of I : l�,.�'r. , I ,. - - � . 11 tresses you. You have British LoSs'W 7" � ' patch from, St. Petersburg, whille Chinese officarswere visiting Ing presence lit the gallery. She the throat. "Throttled him" would 7_Bo.- Higher cables and a good cash . 11 IHOS. 13ROWN . frequent hadsches and . as Heavy$ Being Out. � A ,do& . I - went with him on his political earn- by the exact meaning. ,Pay me. Do enquiry, with some bad far Western . "I I I . are often dizzy. Your numbered Ton to One. says: -Admiral iAloxieff, telegraph. the commanding officers, The Ras palhge, and ant beside film on the We not often see this spirit in Pro- . I . I'll FACHNSE6 AUICTIONFIRR. Ing under date of July 24, says that Stars had 20 killed And, 0 Wounded. . I threshing .returns. made traders fav- . . I storligeh is Weak and% A despatch from Beitwai, Ashanti, . �Iatform. . . fessed Christiana�ssvere in their ex- our the, buying side of the market. . .. Z�- "I Sitlea conducted In all parts of dio Counties of the railway from Tongue to Tien-Toin Soorga report that the Chinese are � I . � . I '.1 � Huron and Perth. Orders lof bat Tits NEWS Your boWels are. a1w11ys . Wednesday, says;-Majoir it. li. Bed. has been reopened. Us adds that the Advancing on all sides in the direction ,11ritish electors are somettraos 4 actions, selfish in dealings, merciless Cara, on the contrary, was weak; I I RECORD office, Clinton, or addressed to Sea constipilted. I does, with 400 men and two gans, little rough in expressing their dis- to debtors, over -bearing to omployeeg . 1�, I -forth P.O. will receive promptattention. Sat- I line from Tlert-Tain to Pekin can only of oba,rbin, � heavy deliveries, lack of cash demand, )� leftetion guaranteed or no charges. Your pat- There's sin oid 944 re- staxied3tily 24th to locate the onemy'a . . sent at political meetings" 'A char. No man can expect to measure his and'favour%ble crop reports, eausing . I I . � �7 1�� ronage, solicited. � . �6_ ' liable cure: . be repaired for a distance of five I �- . . . ­ . . . . 1. . . Lealxip The camp was found, the, war- . - aoterb3tlo story Is told of Mrs. Glad- tandaird and his I 1.20doorlao. Oats closed 1-8 to. 1-10 �, "W, ii, , . . . . . rats, as the Chinese are occupying a duty to God by, one s , � I I , , MISOELLANEoUa 4- I 11 riors xigmberInq 4,000 to 4,000 Mon, ve Ion lit strength beyond that point. SAVED 13Y GRAND VIVER. stone that on ono occasion, when her duty toward U16111 by another. - lower. provisions showed Advances i 11 ,�o -.---.,,.--..-,-. __ tbxee da el WArob�ag qast of Domp. posit husband had to address a, hostile alld[- gg so. Fell down. JusV! as he had . , - . Y . . The Japanese are preparing to move ' I ."" 0 UP to 7 1-2c. Total primary receipts � � . . . 1 cessi. . . Caveat Snopealair'niftting� In Ore , GELO. IflOWHILL . . . on Pekin, but are waiting wor6 892,000 bush, compared with 723,- � I . r . until they Attempt 4o *4 A441hate Me rerstato umlor. On' fallen down before hit mant6t and i ". . . Several hmra' fLgbtlog resq1ted �q have 26,000-mon. , . gig r*014. .Wish, She WOU the day for him by areditor. Have patience. There 000 bush a year ago. The seaboard re- . I I . HORSESHOER AND , . A despatch from Paris, aa s., -A staindiiag mt. his side, with simple di94 was greater reason to suppose that I � GENERAL BLACKSMITH, I the defeat of the Aellantia aftoX 1% J'or do,*patoh further staton that y port6d 56 loads taken for export ; sea. , . . � , , " 11 otabbown resistance. , determined attempt to assassinate the alty, holding an umbrella over him this promise would be, kept than his 1. . . Woodwork ironed and tirst-elass material and It Gen. Saligarofflo. force paptqred t.40 board clearances were equal to 116,000 r I I I , . I Work guarantood. Farm Implements And nia. J� . *Xajox Beddow tosses were heavy$ fortress AL ' I Shah of Ponta, Xuzaffer-ed-Dln, was as he spoke. The man who had gone own Promise in thd same words. Cast I I .. . chi ries rebuilt and ropaired. fie and Lieuta. Phillips and Swaby lWantwix, WhIO4 wao gqtr- made heire on Thursday moxialng, It there to howl dow0i the Orator cheer- him into prison. Thus nieLking the re- bush. E atimated receipts -Wheat, 295 i . . I I , Itisoned by 2,ODO men, who fled. The � . cars; oat�, $15 cars; I JOBBING -ABIJEOIALTY. .. I. Wexe sevore�y wotxnded. Thirty men Russians was 9.15 when the Carriage of the ed him and his Wife. payment ImpossIble, Instead of giving Care corn 300 . i I . ALBERT STagur. NORTH, CUNTON. . were AMC, wo4rided. . solved five. Krupp and four Shah emerged from the court of the Lord Peaeonsfiald, Mr. Gladstone's A chance to smirit it. hogs, 20,000L head. � � - . I " . . I IIAVAI guns, and a quantity of aM­ Minneapolis, Aug. 7. -Wheat -Aug- . I � _ --- ­ __­_____­ _­_ - I I 3�oft troops wiJl be necessary be� munition. Sovereign's palace, with the Shah and lifelong political opponent, owed near� St. Hisfellow4ervantil. InthAlat(Ir- ' I i� I .. � net, 76; September, 75 to 75,1-8o ; Do- t' fCAre k4o campalgia can possibly f1w, . his Grand V1,%Ier mated inside opposite ly as much to the sympathy and de. pr6tation of the parable those Who like . . I � l 14 . JOHN T. EMMER ON � 0 . . � GerabeT, 76 1.4 to 10 $.So; No. I hard, � THIO LEADING BARBER P I M. 1. . I io I . Gen. Paxelat. The carriage bad pro- votl6a, of his wife as Mr. Gladstone the Man himself, are Professed not- I � ( , . SIR ROBERT HART SAFE, ce64ed but a few yards when a man owed to his. It the lives of greab I U oj the king. We can bring our 77 I -80L, No, J Northern, 75 7-80; No. 9 'I I G Van I I Also Agent for -Doill take a .0atharde STOLE THE PUN050 , - swo.* I dressed as a tabourer and wearing it IstateAM611 Were fully written, Oil y to out King's ear, NoTthern, 74 5-80. FlOur-Fir6t, P2t4 � � STANDARD LIFE 1148URANON COMPANY . troubleA ditect], it word. ' . . i. beret, sprang from between two Auto- 'their personal as well. As on their pub. , 6nt,s, $4.ill; do.. seconds, $3.05,; first z.1, Itcaa Offico for Cah4da, Montreal. dose ' and then stop. Eket- -*-Ilk M@sskLqo Received Prom the Inspee ould be found, In many Worti sorry, Tbis Is the rit) jr Clears, $8.06,; second do.j 0.40; bran, . . � . Iftsuralloo lit f6l,604 - . . slto,000.ow I tor take a lexadvo dose Had $400,000 tar Pu)pe4a$o F664. . Pgr 084'er4l of Customs. mobiles, Ile broke through the line Ito sille, it w borrow It tha wiaian's feeling OV( . Inveamtow In Canada, - ' - � 13,600-000 , each night, JUst enough to I stufft For Boers. A deipataU from ., J�bnion,,Wsdods.- Of PPIldomein . rnifig A bicycle of- Caw, that they have, been greatly , thoo wrongs of his felld*"M Augfir It $12' to #12.60, . I ­ RAtAblished 180, The old reliable and favortio. , oVevtu . 7. -Wheat -No. I hard, I � OP15,109-Smith'ablock, olillogito Post office . 0400 One good free moVe- o4 from, Pretoria, mays: -A day# says -Important addltlo�al eon, ficeir, And Jumped upon the ro�al car- helped by their wives. ths, feeling of ill* JUI196 of all. Told Duluth, Aug � . ,&. doodt orsal. unto their lord. The, first resdilt(!O of cash, 16 7.8c -,: August, 10 7-8o ; Sop. . � - , Pretoria merchant, a 11ollai the Christian when wronged Is Way' t6inb6r, 19 a-8 to 70 1-2o.. D000mbar, i . . . S# . ment the dAy f6116WIng., � id6r, was firmation of the safety of th�a tog&_ ri4gd Mop. In one hand the man had The rule Is by no moans udiv a a � � ,Lhh"4A YOU (661 better the 'despatched to 143urops movoral months tiona, Was received In Landon last A CAIIA, But this MOVenitut Was only 11111tAT1660 Will r6kdilY suggest thOna' bir and it IN never I v ig- sar 61 " 1.8c.; No. I Northbrti,.oaah, 71 7-8c; 1 1 ENIZINCIS Very n6Xt It # OUr . iou to pur. sveialtig by Mr. Duncan oiltupbsil, ro. Intended to hide the real parpqAo.%, In selves in, which wit6a of Statesmen, $90 $8. 04116a hit*, Tha otorm it, 11 1.86; September, 77 8-8 1 . �. . the oth6r hand he hold a, revolvet. by Want at Ayotidthy,of of tact. lisire his fellow-nAnt whoth- hi be the Augw Appetite re rilgo Otlf .1 I obaft foodstuffs for the burghers. Ills preontAtivoi In E uroo of the Chinese I mam. 71 7-8o; No. 9 Northern, 76 140; No. I . I dy8PdP,81A ISL eUredi YOUr I � customs owtvios, from the Commls. The attempted assassination thisia marred tholf husbkodpol oakeeirs It "lord manufacturer" tit tho � r - I h4a tot %trios boon ,heard of. � I t; bar of tho "trade union," thA metchAut to 17 1-2: Dodelab6r, 11 I-& - w- * . 1, ­ .1 hesidachas It owslyi, . ,­,"'... 0 � mw . sionor of C"toms at Obefoo, In the 'came to an end, for the Grand Vixlbr Is probably not so diffloUlt 1116 or the creditor, must 8taba face to face a spring, 72 7-80. Corn -39 140. 00A 1k . . I . -U ,% � � I your tong , de up Y pe pt a Poll:in dospAtob, not dated, st,ruok the W60PM from the ftaft's with a statsAsioAn as with trion of with bk Judge. Wicked sdrvAnt. 23, 1-2 to 23 0-40. , 14F � il I �", your liver eta 110 Atka . OVR h4t belloved. to Uava Wft written on hand, and at the same time offlo6ra Coning In mom other flolds of Ratil'ItY, Doubly so, toward Wis m"t4§r and his , - irftAtig MARK01i . � , ftllow.dAin. noll dtAlroidAt Ms. IW- i - , . I - I I I �u I I. J I I I II � C a I , , , I � � I I I I. I 1�_, � . DitsiANO YOUr bo I no 1001tr � ow" ArgIr 21, olg4til by both Sir Wb6rt caught his axm from behind and ov6r- but to do It "lit (Or consideration, vi"d Vatalan, 111b6sought6st me." 116 - .____-&­_-__.__.- �-. . d"VokwiWit Ad. i1vo you trou . I TWO Hundred and Thifty-Vivo IA%d,- Iiirt, t"V06t6r-04116ral . ot ousitoms, Powero4 him. . &YMOAthY, ANA' & 111AT96 6066 Of bad bmftsrht Moroy, though not full VS111ALTAT FATAL, r. , AiA .1% 61141 d."flmlft I . . I I gti , A . I ftloo# 2S I ­ A � 04 At Colombo. lind Xr, Robork 0xisdoo, Dopoty 19- A (*oWd Of 606 People Witnesaed thg , *41f.4fta0406at. WILb thVA 4118,11- torfftn&w. , Ths, Word DrIgga-The do6tors ejay I am gul. � --bl _____ *"� .... tb I rring from a 00mollostion, of dis- 101*1, -1 ­­* , , A* *on% A desipatolit from Colombo, xilyo - apieot6r-fioin6ral" to tb6 following of. V,ttwiapted fiesithilination, and Itt 00,06 tia & statsiig�Ws 'Wife may woll ptJ&"IV,6 oft Is fe j. I " M" oaft WA's ring hw m Two hundW6d lind 86 Basu Prison- ftot.--istaff and family atilt §Afd�$ r,aade aruall towards the would-be AbItre his ttlu**M, for abo b*g 4 largo, *1 U Mo' '62 n6ra. !r,o th6 tagm. I =, "QOOmi tboft tbs b"t : * in U"04"fia a gin wr*t a sin t � vl;sZ"�" 6ts reatheit h4v6 An thfi trAnsport W6. Ithisk bat b*on confirmed by the Oom. jrAutd6ror. ,like pollee acting ax p&rt IA wianing t1wa. 4111M h t or final J'a4 , any of thom have , "' ; tormutoro. AtUrk hlia ariaga-110-W In . " **Zm k=,a : ;;; Wt a I hawk -100 Trabstaid6ro, mWonsr of Oustoms In Sht ghlif, *ho I guards of the Shah, howovtr, Prevent- .- 0 i - , tributiou. lftm, your YOU m6ftl ove I It ....... : fayerusting r4 hb%i4tK 'Niveft. � mf _�ft­�_ " 16 It ^ b"As. R MIL� L­Ull �1&16 ­ f� 12,11,�L ­ . . 1 4 __. I I --1 &A W-1_A�­J.A.& - I !O.L t t EAU*ragh" . ... IsAt L ,&y.&Wn&!.!1 A gfhAtL I &a f1A iiftt�b r rIAttMn=LAr&_b1dL,tU.,fih44Q" of - . �Nq �4y_ X1616 at., fitit] .- ­