HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-02, Page 6E, ,. .
TIUM Kemp Eaters ,
� llasillub, is tile late'st told of the
fashionable beauties, or Loudon writes
I the Uliquiso tie Vontenoy, and With -
ill Ole provints of Mayfair there tire
,'L least. balf a dow,,u very. expeu�
01110, .1114 exelutsive clubs ricstrieted en-
tirely to tb',k fair SOX, Which actl tic.
I t(hfilu more nor Lem than lifiSillob
le!)PI)Jea. They are thialroughly re-
fip'sCta-ble ill the sense that Ilona but
I WoMen of knowledged position in
1`1001e-ly, Mixtro-Lis as well as unmar-
ried RirJa with soveral Seasons to
. Unir record, aro admitted to the cluilbs
. in question, and Willis a, part of the,
41aulne. is run as a ladies' clob in the
. ordinary -tray, tile greater Portion. Of
I . i'll" establishment is do-mand to the
. iLbSO)p0an of Me drug so. famous
I .. lbroogbout the Orient, wilid )Vblch
I(. Is insisted is entirely innoiaivicus.
. The,,V are exquisitely furnished, PsPee-
. V'WY t1he Orientally fashioned apart -
merits, wItiare, that e4flaots Of I tie bash-
. lob are obtained and where not a
"Ingle bound from tbo outside dis-
turbs the dreams Of the votaries, of
t'bls, so ftir its ,Pingland is concerned, -
entirely new fad, and t1irity tire wait -
ad u a, in Oriental
. garb, the ourroundings.conveytrig the
- . impression of some Baistern harem. .
. . Hashish is far less harialui than
tiny of-thesle "..'rtiftoeg to quiet. the
. I
nerves, and Vo give that �eposo fat,
. W1411 -h axle looks in vain in a -sleep
t1bat will lie longer be wooad� I , ,I
has for hu-ndrads, possibly for thou-
sands. of years been used t1broughoul
. (he Qrfeint. Promi the Atlaul-io
�Ibores -of Morocco -to . Me furthest
. 110,11fines of BokhFtra and of Mobam-
uladior Asia, ,hashish in tic -me form.or
11-notheir is at once lbe.favorite stinifil-
ant,and ths favorito.soffloe,ofalColas7
ses of b1balvins -Soma take R in the
form of a liquid, tb.at is ta'aily, an
infusfou; olbsrs'flg�ia.use it . .in Olu
form of a fine powdor, w1hiqb I 1) ey
. 'nix .with tobacco, und smoke elt.her
In cigarettes air in dl-narghil,et. The
smoke, w1ieb is while amid Opaque,
. is drnwto tLA6 lho lungs so as (O. � bring
t1he fames of the drug In'direer.00n-
. tact with the blood. In Persi'a b . tit-
ter and s.ugmr are, added to thei leaf,
. . .
and it is kneadad into zm,alf bells
. wbout t1he size of ol hazel nut, and
4here. are people wh,o will ,take. 'Its
.many AS folux of. Ures� "Airwun . jesk'
. �
. . Or "boluses' .a day. . I
. � I myself, an-Alle, only occasion tilat
le,xperim6nted With this drogi; name.
. ly, ill 11gyp'l., Luck it in ,.File florm'.of n
sweet mimt,�kwow:n its .. in , ajot . Yb,.' Af-
. I . . .
I I or baiftiLr eaten the,eandyl'w1bioll was
. I .
flarored ..with . Some Spices or .otbor.
I wa.s. called upon to &fuk it cup . of
coffee, Prepared Turkiiii fash:on and
- . .
possessad of it Wrong aroma. Be�forp
long the hashilib bega4i Lo show ilm
I . I
. . effects, Every. ventige of'. fa.Ligae,
I ino,rai as�well fts.pbYslcal, disappear-
' ' �
. ad; and there ensu6d:axi iale�api6n of.
' ' "
� spirits and 6 tendelloy to' se.0 ev . cry- .
. . . I
. . . . .
lati.ng fit colors of. the most rosea tv.
. � hue. * The inind seameA . to. - qeV�1,1)p
I lulldreamt-L)T. neLivily, and powers aq
. . well its tdJeIlts'iu4 Okla. iind and, : all,
. other to appoar .that IlAd.Aintif then.
. .
been latent. 'Yet it obuld-not'be.� call,
, - .
. . ad intoxication,, lor I know� thorough.
. iy what I was doing and .saying. and
was �Mble to raimoulbor . a�ory4t.bfnlg,
after,wards. . Anlialliglih-a, aecomp!i�.h
'. ments which it, sicamall to me that
had been called lab ' q extatenco by i.,he
hashish whioll'i had ' taken was Lhe
. .
gUL of tongues,'and it seemed to nie
.. I
. tbat I was able alf Uf� a suddfn to
I .
. talk.deflinitel,y Arable, Wi0h, which.at
the time I PoaseEised a,somowtall. Pic-
. .
. itnoat.. I also ex -
I . . I
perienced tin inordirim-to desireto4-1-Ij
. in Lhe.air, and. ferit that but,little of -
toil would be reguixed to' fillatarQuild
far above .th . -a ground.. Than, I began
. .
to see every.titing in gigan . tic size.
After a trine I&ILdscapes ind-sce4ory.
of extraordina'ry b . eauty unfolded
t'llemselves befare my eyes, palaces of
. a gem -like chavacLer -and glittering
wiLlb every linfigina.1ble brilliancy of
co,lors passed before my gaze,. and
I finally my body seemed to. rise from
Me divan and to flo . at away into space
und I dropped liato, a dreamless sleep,
from which I a,woker thoroughly re.
freshed and toxic the Worse lor the
experiment, . , I I
I was informed (liat1l, affected some
� . I
novices by bringing on it sligIbIt nausea,
' I
of- Illeadachei both of which, however
� call be quickly removed by a.l(ttle le.;
. .
"loll juice. . , I .
I can quite believe, tiblarefore, from
personaL experience, fillo assertion
that btublA, whtoh is made of the
resinaus iind lastroolle leaves of the
bomp Plant, is contpa,rative-ly innooti-
ous willell compared with opium, at-.
oallof and eVell excessive tolbacco swok-
Ing. ,file. o;iily drsailvelitagel is.that it
. really taken you entirely away from
I ..
your surroundings, and Ili its lattei
. stages deprives you, not so inue-11, of
. your will power, Its of your self-ron-
trot. I
I iran readily understand Orientals I
whose life is ajoyless one at the best
seeking to exabouge by means oi
. Ibis drug tho Sordid re,illty or tbnjl.
surrounding,9 i -or ilhe -b-autiful dreams
'. . . ow.lanniption, and ,
. I eali also mdorst.and -blow I Women
In London rt'3d Park3, Whose nerves
. fire ovelralral iod; wthfo are in danger -
of collap8p, 81-_vAd res I f. I -t to this drug ,
rillber than to a natT.1 specialifitw1io
19 111041y to ,11EAerths., ror t1hem a So. 1
nalled rest. t-!itre, ft [ailing it With,
dravaJ from J-.304ty fi�� - several -weeks ,
. F or the drur, glir6a � kmediate relief
. witillotift ent, �Jgia# Sq.1 of the, dra,W.
blicks of tb( olult o1y a, and permits
Its Vot6rle,g 0 Vetaft their p(acos In '
the whirl of Q5cfe,ty af it fashion With.
out any irittrrupitfoo!,
� I ifinger and
. Of course t4ere is t,*3o i
it is a very serious one, that with
I . thal. lack of moderaffon, whiah is one
of th(v prin6pal,oharnetariatic'; of the
fair Be -S, Maly allould be so carrwd
I itway by the [lascinationo of tho, drug
as, to become slaves therefo, and to
permit Its use, to d6wilop into an
-abufjo, a.(; In the Orient. During my
I stay In Egypt wir Moglem scrilants
wdro mwilly totally unfitted f4r work
during thrm or flour days of if,aelt
� Anon0i, owing to t1mir aboorplion of
too much banbish. They beellme
dreamy, tot -filly imprantleahh.", and
� wound up' by an unconquerable desire
1116110 %las 110 means Of
toom"X111'enythilig witly them excepting
to.,,t1loW thp-m to Sleep tha b1tabiolt of . f
I slid off the f0110411119 dAY (1103' Weri"
norne the worse for the axpleri6nP6, ,
0. , . *-___1_
The ar(ya of JAP421 IS 147,655 A0311`6
. jnilo,s, Tile 6re'I of ' L110 11118-4iflift Em-
pire, 8,11114,100 00alriff milell-, I . .
jel A
_ 11 Through Storm and -Su,nshine
. I . �
� *
.. About the HOUZ 10
. 0
101111100�._10411,�,40,1110l�_ _'#
'1111,0#00"o. O,Oww
needed, `Wbere, the soil Is found to
be wrong in some p%rtioular and tile
pl"Ut is suffering, wash all of IC from
the'roolts and repot, using- a rather
Soant supply. , Often the plant will
M AT Tile, FRONT, Like the British Army -
if H n-, P 1`1 -A
0.114pri"411 XXXVIII. I What ban happelied, My brother ,, ... I A WOUAN'S PROJiLT"'N' irive again it,; once, Dome Plants I 1.
. . . .. will 40 well with more soil than the
A year and a ii�kjf had p-,ls,ied. away, taught him what be would never have When breakfast things are CEYLON TEA nt"'. con"'Aucti to inallo li-Iffolf, on(, lojawilly for4hia Ito ivar to tho front. .
find Vivien Neslie, wait once more firm- learned at Lancowood-to fear, and CEYLON ORREN TE . cleared roatts can work over, but uOually they I . I'll &EADPACY.A00. 25,30,40,6
Away will not. . =---==__=_=M__�"__;;_
IY established at Lancewood. Site love, and serve 1115 Molter. 11114mo Savor as Japan, Only moire delicious, The aarae old problem's rising, � . _ - I 111_
had fallen into an even motbod of "You may be at rest nci�i; Lance- . V�Qr She Again Bit$ down to think # (L- . _ -
life that never v . arled, To keep up wood is your own-ttie torrMlo pint . W.'80meltbin-9 appetizing. B&ALEY GRUEL, .
the hospitality of tbo Abbey, she gave lies burled. Lat'lato bear that yuu . Or give the cook directions, I 01 ,g I 1%
night in enough cold water tQ cover ;�; I I , I I ,. -e*
The marriage too); place In June, Title dinner she must soon prepare, Soak a tablespoonful of barley over .
and perhaps there never was one that C-04 �m
grand entertainments, but they dif., have married the rain you love, and gave moria general satisfaction. . And gr—t is- the relief she feels, -
fored grwttly from the gay, revels held I that you are happy;, k actionsl it, In the morning drain this off, and �_ - . - - - '71 i17
� . � _ - __ , .i
. One of the newspapers coAtaininga, When dinner things, are put the barley over. the fire in a pint _ 1. I a I .
by Lady Neslie. Mothers with young I I long to hear this. full account of It was sent toAmetloa, cleared of water. Boll this for five or six
daughters no longer refu3ed Itivita- ' "Once more before 1. die I shall try and read there by a lonely desolate, A%Way, . I
The problem that to upper hours, filling UP'the saucepan as the -
Lions to L�tnoowocd, on the contrary, to see you; it may be soon, It. may be man, who bent his head over the Paper, Is. just the same,. with one Word , water boils away, and keeping always - I
z . --:%- - _
I 4 _
e ely sought after and in years to come. - The kind words weeping bitter tears. changed- I . .
AU entree there was a passport overy� that you will give Ina ilian wilt be the .. . . . a pint of wittier in the pot. 8tra.In it ill —
She will be happy (it last," Said. ", What can I got for supper It, of and set aside to eoul. it will pro. )
where, reward of my life-long love and de' Gerald Dorman, "while I shall never She Wants, tu give them something
I is laqw, b4blY form a jelly and should be used 011. _$ . I ii
Milos Nestle was no advocate of wo- vottion to you." know WIL0 happiness mcans. And long Is modiltation. in'the proportion of two teag �
man's rights, she had no idea of Stand. Sire lookkia at the ploiVers enclosed; . I ipoonfuls .. I
. — Till choice is made, and then begin's of the barley to it onfifut or .
Ing on a. platform and delivering va- 1, t1ey' were coples of certificates of ttii,o work of proparmtIon, I . tile railk . , . I .. .-,- I
his CHAPTER! XXXIX or other liquid food. I I �:. - *.
pid lectures; she would have deolinedi"Harry Porman's death and of . '.
..: ..,
the study of medicine, excapt-so far burial in New York, And an she said "Married And happy-" It seemed 'to When slipper things, are cleared The babies who are, nursed instead I .. .-. .-10-. �
as it was commoin; she laughed at the that Lady St. Just, when she heard, t Away, I 64 bottle fed must rely upon doctors I" .., -.�', � �:,o - � - 4- -� I
I ,
to herself the tragical page of he belle Again heir mind is worried, . .. 1, , -
notion of lady -barrister. Novertba- story is closed. I ,chlm��on lifir ,wedding -day, that she ror.t�hall she thinks of for advice Eta to means by which to re. ; - .1 ,. , " � , 1-1
. . . . breAkfasL time 1. -1 .. % *11 .1
9 % - � �
less, in SPLte, of all this, she Look a Was she glad or sorry The world had redchied the end of her troubles at When meals are often hurried. gulato their digestion, although these : '. , , ..441. �'i �1 . . 1
1 keen womanly interest in Politic,$ -in seemed to stand still; her heart be�,xt last. She was 'in one of the highest ,She Ponders, o'er it long until are more likely to be normal than k :.1 . n. - . .
all social matters. . ,she could discuss slowl her pulse barely throbbed',- her positions tb , at tall to the lot.of . The quesitiorn is decided, . . "I 11 .. —
Y, Women Then bustles 'round till she make I a those of the arttfloially'fa4 children.
the probability of the return of it new I whole '.Out seerned to have suddenly uncrowned. She was mistress of Sure , I It is when the little creatures groW ,. Em
member, tile best plan for model ()Ot- - received a sudden shook. . Ail I.Iour Laucewood, with its large revenues; Tbat evelrything's provided, old onough to forage for them. -Selves, I 11 ,�Z_,a_
. I
i she . was also. mistress of King's I and,.oscitping from the watch and — —
tages, what Was really needed as Pis- , afterwards she found hcr*self kneel. __ . I I . .
-garded tho improvement of the lab- , Ing with the open letter in hot hands. Rest. Lord St. Just was one of .tbo THINGS WO ward of their mothers, to. take what . I .
, I I RTH KNOWING. . -_ -
orer'a condition, the most approved He was dead' this child of a stroll. wealthiest pears in England,.She had cloves to the splo Pleases their palates that they are . � - n -
. almost boundless wellith - boundless , 0 that should be likely to get into trouble. This, 'too, . V I . - - IF - .
school buildings, the prospects of the I Lug player, whose Inheritance, she had I used with elderberries. It brings out . . — �
i love, What more could Woman: de* the peculiar is tile period .when injudicious adutts, - I .
crops, with equal facility. I taken because she did, liot thilak him -1 tang or flavo ' of the
. She was one of the women essenti- , worthy to hold it. He was dead, and otroll �.. I fruit. , . . . r . begin to bestow candies and other
ally born to command. Sha would:, Lanciawood was in very truth her own, Yet as she Wought of these, spion- In making bread pudding it is never sweets upon the youngsters to the -de-
i teriment' of . the small stomachs. . . �� -
have been lost in an infbelor posiLion ' dors, of her riches and her ma,gnific.. a success unless the oven is h _�s , , - -, it- , gn-
. ,
. Sh . a had grand administrative powe r . 8: 1 She might be sorry for what bho had,; ence, she told herself, "My sin will ot and Always it Should be borne in -mind _____ wMiftfimmmr � - __ I I
, done -for the sin of the past�but the - the eggs have beein beatent to a froth. THE WHOLE COUNTRY ISINGS ITS PRAISE,
-Old dwellers in the county looked haunting sense of wrong' was at au,keep me bumb,le before, Heaven and Then beat the batter many articles of food, harmless is I
. .
witir envy at* the fine flourishing as- lead -quite at ab and. � . , ulau." � . �d bealth, may be actually I I DOCTOR HAMMONn'
. . She was,not I . is in until it is light. Thet more( you Poisonous to -HALL'S EfiGLISH TEETHING SYRUP
Late, at -the order, the ,'mothod, the keeping now. t4lit. which b3laflqed to, It was so. There was no kinder, 'nor' beat the better the puddli I ig, the child"suffering from .a. disturbed COMFORT$ CRYING CHILDREN. I I
. I . I . Idiarate, more th ..
prosperiLy. She Was ,(L woman -of anothbr, It i oonsi . . oughtful or chart- od only w . hen digestion, .-Let us glance for a m . What though they sing from day to day, .
. Wes her own. She need' Summer squash Is go I , . Q, . � I
. 1. . � . .
. . ! table woman in England than Lady men at the foods . 11!L,om, rise till met of sun; . .
large mind'. Any'ona going to her no longer feel scrupulous or hesitate! young, fresh find tender. To cook, .,L that- sholild , be There's no less ways to sing Its praise I I I .
with it plan, 4 scheme, an invenLion. to ,uj * , St. Just; above all was she* tender, avoided by the phild who is. the victim . . � Than when they first begun, .. � ,
. oy her life. The dark,' terrible i. wash and cat: into quarters or small . . . - �. . .
� Pooltively Prevonts- Cholera-Infantum, cures Sum"& domplainto, RIv and all �
of- any kind, was sure to be encpurag� compassionate, and loving to little plot, , of bowel trouble. Suppose he has'pass- Ing Trol,111103, without Opiates or any StuptlylugDr .
shadow had vanigh vsi,4' 611
. ad. Sha: was not' � as, The skin and- seeds need not . I . ugs. LARGEBT SALK IN T, N WORLI). .
ad. She adopted all modern improve- I . . 1, . children. . . I I ad Ills fourth or f if th year anil is ac, I . I � . . . I �
. . wronging the heir' of .LanceWood, for .be removed Cook iri boiling salted , �. BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY, Sole Proprietors of
m4nts; she sp�ired neither thought, he was dead. I �� I I . I He looked at the beautiful, earnest, water Hit t' . custom -ad to. such a diet as was ad- - . . .
. I noble face, and Smiled. . I euder. Place in a Strainer- ' I So
labor, nor expense, and it. pleased hat, Yet iha she had* never shad ..H, ' . , recent paper of this series. I
. . pa PS cloth, mash thoroughly, squeeze till vised, in a DR. HAMMOND-HALL'S RERVD-HtART PILL I ;
. . ..
, . . I I
.. . .
to bear on all sides high praise Of bittlerer tea'rs than she shed as . I . Ow you love children, Vivian Ill he dry. . Seaso;n with butter, italt and Potatoes and oatmeal which are am, . � . � :BABY'S LAXATIVE TABLETS, ETC., . . .
. . . ,� .. she 'said. "I almost wish I were a child; . Ong his standbys " when.ho � I . . . I .
Laneowood. . I , knelt and thought of the dead child; - popper and'heat again ,before iserv- is 'Well, I . I I
YOU would love me more,,$ . . . . .� ' , - . 88-i7s. LONDON, ENG., NEW YORK, I �. TORONTO. .
Her life - was. a baay 'o,na' , she bat, when. the, tears we * Ing I . � . . I . .
"Yet . .re spant, li�nd I 0, - . . . . . . Must now be ruled off his bill of fare. -_ - . 11 —_ �. ____ I . . . I I I .
. would fain have, done more to dAve, - I could not love you better, dear", Dip slices, - Corn bread, musti, hominy wheaten 9 1
she rose once more to the level of a � . I of stale bread in.milk, ,then I . _ ..-.----.- --17_�- ._r-.-..._ . . I . I � .
. . . . � ... �. . .
.1 . . v- .she responded. And the, words rose in boatten. egg, fry in hot lard till v I I . .. .
away the specter that haunted liar,. eryday life,'there. was a, great change � ,tell grits, fresh vagetables of all sorts and I ID OUT OF COURT. .. . I
I d regret that never ' . 1. I I . . to her lips, 111 Once wronged a child,"' . . � SETTLE . . I I loiullopiivs I Popumkhlom _.
. I I I . .
the' remorse an I I . . in her., She seemed - to littvis grown I . . I . browkied, and of ter b4ttering sprinkle fruits M.ust, be'forbidden tratil. his .re- I � . I � .
. . . . I but she, did not utter theirm W � . I I I . A lawyer riding his bicycle on u The population of Europe is 381,000, -
grew. less. She � want to, church, but years7. yOuniar. The. rich color re- I . . . . with sugar and a little clulaccinon, Nice .0overy. Butter and cream�lihould be, . . . . .
. . I I footpath was ca'ught by' a policeman. 000, an increalae of .79,000,000 since, 187o, � .
she did not -join. in, others' Pray' . . SO in OvorY way she tried -to make for te on hot morn- . . .
. ar'3- turn -ad to bar beautiful face. She I . � taken sparingly. ' simple �broths,
. . reparaLlon o ng'done. �. I I . or. an, annual, increase, of about 3,OpQ,
how could she, while her injuAiula and f, r the Wro� . I . � - -nil loan ' 04' The cyclist at once eame off -the Path, . . .
. . . I . . laughed, talked, srullod, AS she had � . . . . . ings. . . . . . I. . beef, chicken a mutton, and fix. c . . .. . . � I
,sin rem!Ailed V � � She opened Lhe. pages -not done far . years. The � terrible Then came �-news from Paris- if tansy is SIVInkled throu . . row root jelly. may. . be . giv . an, and, oc., and tvied to �ioaaon with'the polie'. 000. I I . �. I . I � . .
- gh wool. . . . . . . I I . . I. . _._� �1. I
.1 � I
of. her .fili3lo, but 010301 1.1161al. 11.0.1' � weight� had fallen, from her 'She "Miladi". had married ths-Coultedii an cloth!' -irhen I . aid away- . they will casionally, a little.soraplad beef m4y.bii' , xaan� ,, , , I I I .* . .. . . . .R . Fip'rV Y-FARb . . I I I . .
. . .1 FOIZ. OVF . .
. . ' - I .1 . I . I .ng i . .You aren?t really going to' run, me MRS. WINSLOW-8 SOOTRIXQ SYRUP has been . I . .
. . Calloux after all, and'sont her Wed-' I . added tothe -diet. All food should be 1 for this' . .others, for tholirchildren teething, It4owhen . . .
.Words t6lilug Of the rew,Lrd and Lho Wit' no I -koepin unjustly what I never'bocOme "' th eaten- When moth- n T he'asked. the aunts. affairs pain, cures wind -
. .1 ... 4 ongoi mot . I . . uNod by Tr
. .
blessing. that . followed' Jus.0ce ware belo . . I . ding-oakils to Lady' St. Just. - Her . l;al . . . administered I .. . : . the child, softens .�
I . . - I .''', . ,nged to another, _.. . . . . � � I . I . llets are seen in a closet it is welt Ito� frequently and in.9mall . . . � calla, and to the beat remedy for diarrh(is. 25c.a bottle. I . �
� r husband wished her to . yea' SLr -14 1 dall't help it. ' . Be swit. � . . .
. sure to trouble he , . .. - ,, - She Was berself, all . . -ot beezi . ignore them, burn a little oftinphor Promptly� � I,i. qua,ntities. If the tr titile is - . Sold b �OWA Hoothing slin'tip.". , . . � . .
� . . she had It. . . . Q ,movereit �VV k ii�cd�; .all drugglas throughout the world. . . �
. .
. . I � I . � all, come in harb, and we'will till for 11 Mrs. il�kus, . . .m_ . , . . .
.. .
' I
. ."Po right come what ma�,,t- , Nvare. . since. her f.Aitherlis marriage. She'did ,-and he wonder�d why to this woman done in the early spring, �i,t w.ill 4enor- may, be wfee to Pisovldla�. stimulant�s, . . k . I .-�. . . 4 4 . . . . � . 1 .1 . . . . . . I .1 .
� words that contincially'souilded ill her. not js:eBk to hide from herself theler whom he knew she. disliked Vivian Stoat ally rid the etc . set of.the pest . s but always under the doetor.Is ord . -it ban. t it over a glatis of somotbing, . I . T . �
I � .. . . . - - .. .. . . � . .. . . . ars. w . I -TROUIIiiN iN6UGH. , . . .1
. cars. � She thought of them unLil ovelL. ... I . � .. . a ,magnificent prcsent.�,.It seemed Mattr - . . . .The Policeman followail the.gentle- , �, I I . I . .
. . rible.e.normity of the sin she bad roa- . � . losses that have . become fiat- : — a . I . . . I .
�. I . . . to her* some kin( , . � .. I ,. __.. , . , man, who.ordered-,two gjames'of bear, Mrs r.own-What awful- times ,%ve . . :
.her clear inind grow, donfutled. . Was I mitted-with deepiest contrition she . I .I.of reparation, so She tailed will fill. out . to thb . original . . . � . . B . ,. . I . 1. . I . .
. 11
� .
it right to do, as s4i wa$ (luing mak- . I . . 11 I I -, .- . I I . . . . � I I . EVERYONE IS PLURAL:.'.. . I One -for himself, the, offier f the Po� fire likely to have in China.. TherW . -, . - .
U - � herself .. did it - I . I sbape.if p1laced.in the'sun and pure . . or � n no, I
. accused .of it beforti Hoa,van; I .. . .1 . : . . - 1. . . .
. I . . . � . .. I ' I
. . I � 1. . I . . .11 . % ,..,- . 'in, bol.h of which wore finish . . ands'61! people . I I.
Lug Lanca-wood what, even, in US PJ1.m- but the burden of th' , . Lord St. Just studied how to ba . I , . . ... i1cem, I . ad telling how.many thous .
. . I �
, . . .. . I
.. I - a sin seemed to , Pi so .air for.- a few� hours *, each day when Nlimillar Discovery 240W.11afte I ' airii, r . . . will be killed �
. �
Lest days, it had- never been' befu'ro, hav s his Wife in: ' 6 . � . Py 1`11"21141- before he ag emarked: -'. . . , I and how many: other . .. .
. . . d. by the Child', . every way. 'Knowing �how housecleaning is in'progpess. . .� I itid Neltinffllls� I .. . . . . . I I .. . . . 1. .
or was it ri bl� to restore. the estate I I . . ' . . � . � � . . .'t` thousands will. Suffer from,%vant. .
9 . h nd if any anxious � thought well she loved Lancewood, lie spQn't six A.solution of Soda and -water, all.- I . . su�oly�, you are not really going o , . - reen-And just as. like as not . ..
. . I
- . . . . . . . . .
, I . . - Tis rather, a, creepy piece of news malre'a fuss about this? . Mrs. 0
, .
. . '' . I
. . .
to one who Nvould. simply raLn it? Did came to her Ahat. - his death might .months of every Year.there, and with- p1led.with a VVIlisklaroorin kept for the to bear -from the scientists that one's ' t ea Will, go up to $Vfr poundt .. , .
. ' . . . . � � t
thal means: justify the and � Could it have' boon' -his, in the walls of the Abbey, recently the purpose,will i . . I must, air, i,.Is my business. I . � I � I 11 . I .
I . . caused or. hastened by . ismove the brown atre, . . * 1, — . . . . �
. . . I . . . . i aks body is, not, ,is. mast. of, us -think, a Ah I then .. , . I . I
. ,she remain- scene of light rev8ItY,.Wero -gathered in bath�roanli towels, made 1 b . ., at thq same tinae it will bb] �.
be possible that. vatit ever. arose from rem''oval from-'Lince wood . . . . y .sedi- single animal, ,but is actually made up, I I . � I . "BeNni'd of offiEstla)AS 'rbr C,Vuavivh ,' .
. . iald had a, of the noblest and'wisest -me . I . . � . my busin P.ss. t at ropor L - y,ou. to I , . .. . " .
evil -that wrong could 6V13174 be right? bereft what Go said. His ill- 80111 Ill in ments in the dri;pping water.. . I '. .1 .r drink-" . .6'a1,eontain.V . . . .
, � L . . .. �. .1 ". . . . : I Of souilathink ll#e,ten millions of mil- . I . .ercury.. . . I
She poludored Lhasa questialts long and ildian W I .. . . I -in bear. while on.ditty.. - I . ., '. . .
. . 9 I . . . ! _ .. . . I I
. lottifid -number. of years Would have . 1�' d. Lord St. Just Was *a*. keeti hen -a ground-glass stoppbr.S . . I I , I I . .
., . . I . ; - .,ticks lions of animals all, welded i its inerearx ,,vil t,'utci), (.e.lzrq 0.6 if n,o of
- L I ' . I , together . The -v.xprenion chang, I -itngeL1;0Wb0:0A%`,tr1u . .
anxiously, and then she decided Lhat on ather he. were in Politician nothing � delighted 'h, he' safest -plan, for -her to liva.. * . . . pollcetwi.n*4 I ,
. . Ina to an end Wit � . ,in fa,st in a battle t I . I small and r ouipletely det
Lanca*oock we . s . her- dc�arast laterest, Bil-gl3nd . . . . . . I . and helping .each ot .1 ita., . . .. . I . . when c0tring it thratigh the usli. 0:1.4 hl0acciwi, - I
, . . .. or America. If. the idea Ivits more than 'the interest ,Ills wife .tbok loosening it ill to �Frap, a long string of . In ' I 8ucb article -.3 mhould never be il,ed ox-,., p, cit I I .
wo . ' . -othev words, Our bodlas..aro com- You're a lawyer, I taker -RT' ! p,e:-cr!p?iloni'f,om reput,ible i-hyslaiane, io t he .
andthat, she uld atLend first of thl�t O' in his affairs. She: was. of consider- 016 r' . I , I
, :. . f .a fatalist, she � did not. know . . I th around the naok, over which poll ' posed of myriads of litt;Ia ma' I . I &�maga they,will do!srip. f!-I(l 01,h,,grod yon - �
. '
all to that, . . . I : . . . ... 1. 11 . able assistance to little; She entertain. -a stream of , hat'water, beginnih . Yes. . . . . I . . .. poaqlblydorl,�efrolntherh; lial'�Catarrlx.. � .. .
� it . � . . I . . 9 With. - protbtplasms,, called calls,. each! hav'rilf And , all - said* � I I e I 0'..-, - .17n. �
'paere came a day Wilton all these .People -wondered .how she bad lost ad the noble, statesman who g'athered. it,blood warm, , I.. . . . . . . I I . arp . ono, too, . . a, manufactured by F.J. Cheno & ( a .
. I . . I . . . : - and iudep�-ndent life 6f,its.1-6. . . ry,,�r I if !aLint in. . .
� . � . . I � . :a. (W-thriol; lotio O.; cor.tmina ip mercu. v.
. .
questions ware suddenly §GL.tled. I hei uad'gravity, her gloom. . They roundhim. kanyaGordiddknotwas A def dead straw hat may. be cop tl as. lie want ofif and slammed 1 Lern4llj, arling directly upon,thu-1,hui.1 ;,rid ,. , '
. . . . . I
. I . . � I . cleansed own, These calls are really very sim- . I . .� mucoug mirtAces"of tho syt-tent.. In buyit.g
It, was a clear, cold, fro.4ty day In fanoied it was the. -effect of time on Out by her quick womanly wit; many . by brushing with a* strong solution.of I . I .: the door'behind him. . I . I Ilikil'tt Qitarrh Cure be sure 3-0-1 gel, 149 giiiiii. ' . . .
. . . . I ''. . . I I . . I liar, tq�. the, tiny little i ... . . . .. . . I
December and Vivian had bee work ' he a knowl that sho Was a - ' . animalaculao . . . . , - Ina. ID Is t. ken llltcrual�y.and maeo Itill olodo . .
I I 1 �.4 . r sorrow, Sh, I , . strong and noble measure,: blessed borax and pla.ding in sun -light to dry. - t' . I I I . . ._� --W.— 1. Qhlo, by F. J. Chaney & Co; 'Teatfininfal, , I .
. 11 The winto - p . I . hat. One finds, in ponds.'andin every . I ; . kroe.. . - I.. . - � ,� . ..
Ing very 4. rd. ,r was.un released, from it terrible secret that by,half the country, w*as. first dlsolta� A bottle �f liuselbid '611 and time .Pool Of . . . �CHINESE PROVE WIS. I . I *1 Sold by Drirlstq. price 15c pot bottle. . I.
. �
tiouall se . vere and frosty; the . peoPia . had weighed:bor dow' to the earth. I ' red at La I nolaWoOd. �:. . . . ter, mixed Ili equal p4rt Wit- � stagnint water. If you got.one '. .. , ;, I 11 ..� . I � 1 . . � . . � ..
y , . 1) . � ',' Hall'sFamlyPillaa.rothabent. �
, , . I 1. .. .... I .. . I ... s,. is The best one of them under a! miscoscope, you - An.indication'of the Chinesa.charao�, - I . . .
One a . api I � .. I .. I " _ 1. . I . ,� I .
suilar6d much'. fr old. She had � Thenshe heard from Gerald that his ,p)icit.lon for burns, and prevents .1 , .. I . �
. 1. . . ,She was wonderfully happy, there . . . I . I I will -see that it is A little' mass Of t6i ea'n be Inferred from the nature; of � - - - . � . ..
beou'roullid the e4ut.0, giving with 11 brother, no longer having an objaot WeTe thues when she bent her' .ileauti- scars. , . I . I . I . I , . � I . . I I . . 11 i . .
, . 'jelly' which .is'-con,tinually sendingout their proverbs. A few.:of them are ti,-.� PAna,inn-D -FOR -EMERGENCIES. . �,"o
bountiful, lioyal hand relief where it for remaining in America; xyas return-. f u[ head in milt' I I .� . � . " . , . . . I I . .1 ,,�
- . ' I. 0, lowly thanks to Ilea- . I feelers for food,4 and if it meeLs'with follows- "If the blind lead t1le-blind ! First Masber�llrhy, do, a hang, '
As needed. . This - Von, wondering that so I � .. . , a I particle ot'anything I hay.will. both ga to the pit." "I idow,J , .
. � I . yo �
,poor and the rich ing to L�ogland. oferred " . ,
W - . Gerald pr re .
* I
. . much. marcy,SO .. 4 � , 11 t engulfs it. t . ku.old ' 6�o tharmometers in the wit ---s,'
. � . I , k, , " I . . .
oriod, "Heaven bless the guod lady of mahiing where he was. Vivian sent III I .. , , - I . . . I ' .. " . .
- . 11011 Pity bad been Shown to her�l . , .. I I 11.1 .., But in the human od� the masses man marrying -a yf)ung wile, is like: a i &cond Masher -My dear fellah,one, I . . ..
. . . I I.. .. I - .11A'051 - .b . I . -
I I I . 4 �.. 1, . , . . I
Lancetwood.1" whila-she herself cried to bhv-brothei a h.tudsome, sum in .ac-� wonderin wh all �. ,<� 0 11
I . . I � . . . . . I E ,,, - t _ I
I I . .9, Y ,. 0 had been proser- 01 'P.4. I "A, wife is- for the heat, and the other* is for ..
. ".. "'. � � . of jell:y are each surrdua,ded by a densell withered willow sProuting.11 .
for Morey bee'Losal she. wits a stnitat. . kn6wledgmehl; of his � services, and ved to enioY such bleastllg�,ajr fall to . � . I I " ig '. I . . . . I I . . . .
. . - L -.-_-5 -,- . . , , :� . . .
1. I .. I I I . �-, �L -- I envelopei so that they'"have, no po o ur' things; 'virtue, .- the cold, you know. You're,not, .0 well .
this cold Decelfiber. day -she came I . . � � .. _* - I I . . Nv�ri . I I I . .� I
I . � - _.. I I . .
I On - . �. ., then she said to herself that the whole the. lot of few. . . . . /�l I ;i�.�. .� I -
. ' - ,
in f � rom her .ton,, -drive. a) mos L f t6zen aff � � � . i . . 1.11.1 I . I . .� I . I 1. to Put out feelers.- , They are of dif. speech,' deportment ,'and needlework." � up in istronomY qs I thouglit ypu
.- . � ' �
.. . . I stir -was ended. , I .1 I I I . I Then a son and heir W4S 1. born-�-heiir s ! .. I - :, . ,. 1. ".1 I I fe . rent sh.tpas * .Muscles, lungs_ I I 1. I.. .1 I : ,;,,� I ,
: ' ' . . I . . I at in -the, I "rEvd �y day. cannot be .a. Feast .Of Lan-' wc-ro'. : I . .. . I I
� 1.
h.etsali. tihii took oft �, hor; warm,, That year, for the'. first time'. since 'of King's'Rest and his. fathees title, I . I 1. .. I ,�Z%./ .. . �, �. , . I . . . Oh . � � ' I I'll 1. '. WPC .1034'... . � .
-h she Went- to Lon— I I . . . 1;1 , .. . . , . I , liver, intestines, brain, and elsewhere, � terns," "'Wotild, you look at-tho at -A ' . .
rich furs, and*stood'for a few. minuLes her father's deat ,� - � . . . . .,
I It � . . That Increased her happiness, yet . . . . i/ . � .and each does 'a. i acter. of a Prince, look at his Minister, I , I . . _______ - - . ..
13 - I . . . . . 1. I . -, I I . . . I ! I __ I . � - 11-1.1----
- " 11 � t , . . I � � . .
� �
before the olloorf uFfir . , Ik was the don.' She left her beloved Lanoewood bi-ought, the past more vividly' than . -,-,�;> I . body's *Work -that is -to say or' the disosition of mi mail, observe. f . . .
. I
t . wilight, of a December* day, -. A haze in all prosperity, and,went with Ltidy ' � � .. . ,-4 . I ,. .. . . I there is 1 1 1 .
. I I . �. I ,.,,*� . . � . . . . . . -into 0ALVER'S . .
. . . . ever.before her. ,She never looked in .1 e�-.11, , . . . .division Pf labor. 1. . .1 bis comp, .n, or that of a father, ! I �
lay over the fields and hills;Ahe trees Smeaton .and her daughters. In the, . .ir,A I � I
I . I . . ?,I I I ,. . I .
- . � .., ,.)( '. ,,in* all foodi and, ! mark his son." The higher a. rat 6reops , Disin-rectants. Soaps, 01n*
. the face of her civil child ,,, , The, Ill , clarbond .
cod like-hugo bare glanLs, I without .. A " coil. brings th, I �, nilont, -.coth Poulders. etc., hP.,ve been
qt , the air metropollse,ho met Lord St- Just, Who thinking Of little Oswald, burled.'Ilit'll, . . A., . , I". I . ... � a cow's horn the nairower he awarded 100 m6dals �rnd dIp!o as f
. .r I - I ". *% I . curiously, the blood contains.a num- up in or tuperior.
as clear, briilk_ and cold, (L. gray was first amatzed, than delighted. . � I., . . . - t. /-. " ... . I uk to. I
W . far-off land. : .� . . . I .
. I 'Y'.. I bar of the animalculae' you finds �it." "Let us . get dru -day , excellenve. Tbeir regular ure prarer,t inflikinti. �
shade was ,falling. over the land, a "if I could only Understand yout" 1 - , . " . � . find in . ous disemes. A4k your Ilealer to obtala q,
-I.k-.-,. �- . I while we hilve wind, the sorrows of to. : supply. Lists wallcit free oft applica-.10n. . .
'l?.X: ., I . -Which forage for tbemselves.
_ - ponds, .
�. . But his motiller bad ni�it Inv - .M. . I *
gray shade. that gave a peculiar yet- he said to her one day. "You are the . . ad him , . N .
. .1 -
I . as she loved her boy. She had car 11 . .., \ee/�, , . Every one of these calls is a IL IV." i F. C. CALVERT At CO., . �
have ever met with. I ad ' -, . . I. . . . ring , morrow may be born,, by lo....rrio . I .
She wits standing in ,the greatest puzzle I - - � .% .. .. � �. I .
low, light. ,- ' 11 - x\ I I . q4ANCH9eVSR . . ENGLAND. .
only for the Prosperity that -her child . �1 A;.., . . . ailimal. But the, fat and bone of the I — -_ . . . �... 4 - — � .. ,
. ,- -, J ny . I
drii.wirtg-room,. and, . in that weird, But, do you know, I beigin,to think . brought bor,.not for the boy bi . I . NT�, .. ... I . body contain none of them, for,theso Neuralgia's Persl.stant,Ago MILLS, MILLS & HALES,
strangaJight. the room seamed to glow that you do love me after all, Vivient; in- I . *-Mj"J./i1'.',;. - I I
. ..., ),;�'.-- , I. � I Ilarristerp, ete.
. I � � . %,.iQ--: g �� 1 Has but one Source of relief. Ner- rooloTed to, WcsIcyllaildings,
with radiance -the firelight cast a and that. you will consent ,to, be my . . I V--- - e ) .. are really 111clelis substances, On the � LAW. -. Tor. .
self, � . . . I � �! �, 1 4 �
I . . 11 . I - . . . viline-narva-pain cure-penet rates to I . . I
I I 1. 11 To be Oontinued,., _�4' other hand, the muscles, nerves, hill. rt, RicholondHIL IV. .
. I . � I I . I I I . .-a!?!-
raddy, cheerful blazo tbat contrasted wife at last." I . 1, I . � I "I . . 11, ,he irrilmled nerves, suothes'them in- I
forcibly with the gr1tyness outside. . "'Try me," she sald� with a blushing' . -------*—. . � .. -1 I., .. lungs, skin., and every living part con- to reposet -and af f or'ds relief almost- in. t vl"� .
I . I , I
. . I I � � . . . � . .. 11 I I I I I . sists entirely of them. _ . stantl ' range of medi- -
Aa � she looked .round, bar heart SMile. . . . HOW TH1,; COATS DISAPP' . I I 4 .. . � al�i The whole
. L . . M . . I I
.. "Will youl" he asked, ."Oh, Vivian, . - I . . I � . �V_kw I clue ords no parallel to Nervitille � 0
warmed to her beatitiful. home; but A noted German rhoss-Playing pro- � � 1*11 . � � .— eta a Pain f eliever. . * . I I 1) rass 64 d
for the shadow lying over bar life, it cannot be that you Intend, to make .. . . ' — Instruments, Drunnit, uniforms, Etc.
- �
. � I
how happy she should be I ' Then . She me happy at last f I cannot'llelieve it# felsflotr�� had lost three. overcoats at a , , . .. I , . .. AN OLD SAW NE WLY SET,, ! � . .
eafe while I � . ., . � ) I I - � ,! Every Town can have a Band �
. I .engaged . favorite, . . � � = I . .
I . Little Mesa Uffingham, Jr,Pop, if Lowest pelcat ever ted. Fine catalogue fco IUUS
halt wished illat'Gerald Dorman bid Will you be my wife V I - BACK . T11te us for iiinything, I,,
oured less for her. In such a case he She laid liar hand in his and looked pastirso' He was itt a loss to know . . . Irmalow mailed free.
I . � . how10 prevent a fourth from, going . � 1) . I , yo' gill me half a dollar Lot my birfilay,;
( up at blin. � I . Muglo or Musical instruments,
� .1 L .
would never have done what he li-�tc. astray, when all at once a b' I . i , tin' Uncle Rube gib ine- I Wha.19y floyeg & do 116 -to, upt. -,,4
. , - "Mine has been astrangs life," she rillialat . . � . I ap
Her thoughts wandered to him. L,-,,, . I I . . . . Uffinglian, Sr,-Chlle, doan' of. VQ;g. A"*
'a; . said, "a hard.11fe; and it had had soLme Idea occu.rred to him. Immediately .. I- . . I I . . y . I � 11� � ,
bad'heard from him once or tiv, � Ile ACH 6 ,count yo' chickiin befoql yo, git $am i, ,&Ip Books. Roatirlissi,orm
. before sitting down to a game he took Corset, cover of ,white lawn with . . ! I ' Cathollo Pray
eon. terrible episodes in it; but, If you tbjuk I outon tie coop, I 01fix"I Solusuhrot
had W,ritton short, sad letters ' ? . I . I 11,4i�qouii Plotarec, Statuvwr7scid Obturch, Ornaments-
ta, , Ining no . ,particular naive, it that I oun make you happy, I am hlo'brand-now garment, hung it over soolloped edges handsomely, embrolitlo . __ . . � �];Ini,bAtltnlaj livorka.4 Xiall orden recelta virompt mikes,
Seemed like tin answerLo, liar thoughts all your own, Adrian." the back of his chair, leant against it, ored. The ends areas in back and tie . I I Till,,' FIRE BELLS i a. J.8ADLlZR�&CC.,Uoatr46L
whn entered with the let- Be seemed, at first, as. though he and said to himself with a grateful ilround the waist with a ribbon, Ma. . I . . . I King Out an alarm and il. Is broiled, 1 POULTRY9 BUTTERt 9GOIll APPUSt
ter -bag. It had been delayed In the could hardly tidlievS her, its though - he feeling of perfect sciburity, 11 ,%low it torial required, 36 inches wide, I yard. . . Thia is to notify you that base substi- � 11,11,110therPRODUOM to tietatere b"t rstivills sionsto 14
. I I
. . �
. I I fancied, that sha, was still unsettled. must be SAle-" . . . I I . . __ . it you have Backache you have I tution i.3 ljrftcLis.,d when the great, ! The Dituoil ammission Co., 1.1%ited, .
morning, owing to the sta.1;6 of. the ' . I Kidney . - " Ger.woet-wItirketAlIstillismI1114,16Mto, .
E It will d � . ..1.1 I .- .__ - .-.-. I
roads from the frost, and. h:td Ito He could not realize the happiness that He soon beqame deeply ongroased in . , � Disease, Ifyou neglect sure-pol) corn cure is, askod for, put
PLAX.TiS IN POTS. . , lBackitche I . jovelop into Inam"a Vain less: Ciiiii R,xtractor never , I----- .- I .
arrived until Miss Nestle had left the Was really his, Ile, found, tit lasL, that his game WIl,-n it light-fingered gentle. I do not believe -there is any great something worsc�nright's Dis- I failo to take corns off. It makes no k .
&bbey on her long round of visits; it was true, and then his delight know man approached, and, apparently be- virture in soil selection !or the culture ease or Diabetes. There i's no i sore spots and g1ws no pain, - Be. sure !
I no bounds. . came greatly interested. . use rubbing and docto�ing your .. and get "Putnam's." I
She opened it 'mechanically. 'Phare I . of plants in puts, writes John Cham# back.. Cure the kidneys. There I . I I
could be nothing W interest her very Lady.Smeaton was dolighte,do AL a critical moment he topped the berlin 'We got much ralnufla advice is only one kidney medicine but ---. . I I- ___ ----------' ____ - _
greatly. The first letter she SaW "You have come to -your senses, professor on the shoulder, exclaiming, on that line, -and from ItAho Infer- It cures Backache every timen- - y ASKED IVOR INFORMATION, � R 1) 0 F I N Q and shoot Metal Wang.'
Vtvlen, at last," she said; "though why, Excuse me, � , v ,q, ROOFING SLATE fall3lack. .
I. once would be'that every plant, to Emb2rrassed young man-Ilavo you ! Redor0feL SLATE 13 F,ACKBOARI)S. �10 InDly
was one with a deep black border, old - . 11 � ' Pub'10 and Iflach 8cI1w)Io,T4irf)fito) Ronfing all, ek
dressed to her in Gerard's handwrlL,. you have acted in so strange a fashion Don't. mention it, returned the ab. grow in a pott'inust be provided with er-got any cradles? a, .
� - H'03ITAr,0td- ItOQfINU TILE (8-d Now Oity nuild.
Ing. � puzzles me.,, . , I ;nia, Toroap, (Iona br, out firta), itilto callings, oor. I
. sorb -A player, bending forward, Like it very exact variety of 'soil, or it . -Yes, sLr. � '4
1 will Shopm;,tri , 11'atkate- luInAtes, arnfibed orworknorogisorfaf
I . A Dodd's : 106ferialssill Plied to any liarb of the calintry, hin,619" �
What did it mean? The other let- IA'nd Vivian did not wonder .it it; lightunig the thief Withdrew the coat not do Wall. This is true in it rain. I Youngman, becoming still mote am- ' 11, 011THIE&SON11, Ado allIA&WIdnierste.oTartate,
. I i
tern fell unheeded from her hand to looking back, she was almost puzzled from the chair and a moment later or way. We all know that eertain I barrassed. In casm Wbere-wbore- I __
. . I . . TOACHTO OUTTIN4 861100L oftra sivcIal &4,&w
the floor. A itasping sigh parted bar at hernelf. . . had disappeared- into the street. plantat, with Lho ferns leading, pro. I � When. it wasn't just -just what you , 1.11 tUes to all do.,wous of wiluirring a thorough iinem
1. I Kidn- e , expected- you know, and -and -and 7 1�00f C'Uttfug and Fitting Gentlenten's dArments;,
. ____, . Wal.., . far light, peaty soil, an;l that others ! tile, for partlettlara,
lips. ,Whil; did ' it mean, that broad . like something more Sandy, But this . I I . y I you have ti, bity cradle -R, you know, is 1 113 Yongill &L, Tsiroote,
pill L
black border? What did it portend? I N a 16 i it culltumary to buy tivo cradles or- I _
, '
It fieema,l to liar that an hauir had 11 I C1. ... Is till by the way. What plants all de- . I or one or,idle big onotilyli for.both of i I
. een the. first moniont that mand is rich solt with some sort of 8, lem I I DY019 I Cleaning I
P11 kq Hanored, Phys an, - - . . I I For 01-0 vtrq, L996A011dirour *okk I4 the
she'li,.vil selen the leLter and . - I textural so that It will not become - _41! _ . - " 1191ITIS0 AN91RICAN oyeft CO." I . I
the mo- � I f1tril"It'l. Itelti. 011190T011y. I
lakent When it I:ly*opan before bar. I .. � I muddy when it Is, wateved. If it has A MEMORIAL TO " BOBS," I _ '. -, =, � M Look (or tigant in 7tsur town, at send ditislik, '
nothing of this sort, It wilt have a s Ain. Ill I i ontreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Qciebeto 1.
Then Gerald's words seemed to A proploGal to arect a memorial of � The 11 Pial-mr.oll," F O'D au I � __
i � � 1-. � ... - - I.. . -_ til.fiflk"j) EASTRPM TOWIliglillp p1l);ISER —
stand out in letters of fire. Trusted and Admired by Tons of Thousands of tendency to smother. Clio roots of the the milita.ry achievements of 110rd, AVENUE: PhU31,0 ',%f,rWI-CoII,,a6 A Tentl Y.
.,,, ,_
"t have sad news for you -s, ' plant by the exclusion, of air. " ntv,lly Hotel rat" $,'a Itanti, wriora and famont Aeiirinff in liroilum Val-, 11,
md, Itallexts has mot with widespread, fay. - - --.---------- WREF9 for aittunin 0%litillf, 191111% m APPLE,.
- '�_ I F-2, PE I-TRI"N3, (14., will
.1.. 17_7_11-r�_13t,_.____ TAVils, PIX31-TI, f ,
though perh,tpa, after all, for the best. Gratoful Curad Ones Is Dr. W. A. Chase. As a rule, few plaitts are watered or. in Loattion, The plan Is to place S'F* dtsfa�IE61` f-10T�L..0I,t.oA1e0.T.R.1)op And bore firsiWlit,ls treo, sil"109 and V410;6114, and well
upt blocks from ", allapted to the climate, f t to conr�trs-,,,, an 0Xt,,,,,Iy
-half. The I'."!I'v`%%'. rir.tIasAC'w,.n,,r,f 111tillitimil. Modamint, low 0140, Or,10 ditept front u:L us thi., M..aa y6
The boy Is dead. Ile was -unwell all- . -1 _ fo death'in soil that has no tendency a monument in tho Guild 1P
' Virst, by his famous TteOIP3 1300k, 116ailtIg Of Dr. 011186'S Naive rood Vr,,ly'.1,1ta--k.t(l3 ololltr.,u). a will gavtthoNruotootagot)tAnndmerella�tg ' a U
Ing for mouths, and then bet"ame .and later by his great family remedios. I and the world,erful results it to become muddy. The old oautions realization of the idea involves a do. F061,I)AId ffluatraftil batslogne of 81 V6J, with
' directlonfr for preparing rdirnedlea for the tI0,i,rl%ctI6n of
Setri6tislY ill; now h3 is dead. Believe Dr. Chase, proved Ills. wonderf ul skill [ oomplisheld In others, I obtained a box against ovor-watering have driven as partaria from striot prectilent, since InAeots oil fruit trees, rono-busihoi, etc., sent (tit tecelpli
me, he has lis'A thil best of care, the as a conqueror of disease. A grateful! a ad began using it as directed. I be- to the opposite extreme, and we wailir tile menno-riaN already there are de. TAKING AW51MINT01 (�o,lecant,L,�frit EA&Txxx Towsstnit, Xuassial.
H Qua.
best of nursing, of advice, of atten- world now rises to call him blesqnd t gan to Improve Immediately, and fift with a dash that wets the surface of signed to record the greatness of tito The praotlee of taking araonla In w-"A-2-"�__
tion, The oleverest of doctors, the and to tell of the Incalculable benefits'now restored 'to full health and the pot and allows the m"tin ball of honored (lead, There are in the Guild-; minute tlo.qes Is very Prevalent among i L
I derived from the uge of big great Pro- vigour.11 . hall at the present time monuments, the peasantry. of that mountitinoul dis. The
moilt skilled of nurses, have ttended soriptions. "Dr. Chase's Kerve rood is an ex. soil to become solid, an tithe plant to Lard Nelson, the Duke of Welling. ! trieta of Austria-linugaryand Fran '
a .
to him, but it Was fill ill vain. )1,0 fiellent remedy, and I can r000mmehlil slowly starven to death, often no Slow. ton the older and Cite younger Pitt I
r0Z9MA am, IRS "EAo. it to *ill whoare, Weak, nervous, orrun , ly th. , They deobire, that thLq
148 been my own "oil, I could not have at we do not suspiet what 'is the anW Lord Mayor Beckf evil. In additlo�' p,,)Ieqon ana,I)1'e'q,1 and, Western Canada .
110116 more for him; but he is deZ �,, Mrs, Joseph Quarin, Ethel, Huron down in health.01 � matter, Never water Sparingly, either to those thorn are a number of busts them to ascend with ease heights I
Co., Ont., w4tew-111 was troubled i cKage
spite Of all,my care and efforts, 116 With tozoma, on the hmd find face for 11111111' 11ACKA01119 out -doors or in., A Watering that goes Of famous mela, I which they eould floo otheirwimelitab, mot" Corporation,
passed under Cite name of Harry Dor- about 9 yeatw. My head wan a mass of Mr. D.vid afWah, 2V 6,ter St.0 to tile I
mallf, and lest you should feel a scatiq, and though t tried the doe- OLtawa, Ont., ntates,.-111 was troubled bottom of the roots will keep , I I.., _L,�. _'. __ .. _. � I . , ,�ft, i __ -tit Butioute,
, _" h!IIAD ()Anatl
burs I Walt all thit) tIM4 gAtting worse, with kidney disease and backache for them 9vowing as they should, a A& -in- �, I plitft- Of Parmus �
Toptowto st., ToglINT0.
doubt of my word, I infiloso YOU the- If Inally began tit use Dr. Chagels Olnt� four or fiVe years and have used very ty watering sets them to reaching , 111AA11102 0"10*11-
certificate of hia death and burial. talent. and to my surprise obtained re- many remedim without obtaining per* towards the aurfctoe lot* moisture, and : 'tt)t.," ; . vanhiodiremiti.ovaltaauvsrto.§,�at.4thh'al- 1-49
. "I am Sorry for his detith, but it lielt from the first application. Three manent; btaillefitis. Soma timet ago 1 ho," they are sootti iticapablii of maintaining ' $ I — A ___�
�alu using Dr. Chattels 9dindy-Livor 11 � 4&-1
IS well that it lima takon plaeo. I boxes have cured met. ,%nil I would not f t vigorous growth, 44 444t*_� Capital PAId OF $%80W661_Z1_ ,
begrudge $200 for the bed6fit I have Pills, and found hem to be, tho best a- # I
eallreat of you. to believe that k1i derived from this grdat remedy. Dr. medicine I over Used. Their use took Pot soil is very subje,ot to aold con- I . � 'Reserve F011dit' - III&M,006 '_
could not have been move kindly Chaself; olutme,at is of almost tially away that kidwy balokaelle, and 311448 ditions. In some ofislaq a, bit of thus . I I
MO feel batter in evory war, gave we . . . t,., W -?V//. 4e.06, ,
refreshing sledp, and made my digea. I I 01 � I I Pow4init- motley to Loati.
freated., Remember, a certain launa, use Ili the 'home, and I would adviso , or obardoal will dorreet that, but . I I "`* ,
bev of years arli Allated to oveirY out.. e I vorybody to keep doint on hand.11 tion Rood.10 Many plantA do not like lima in 00,04, j . ,, � 11 I . boo 466darlokmi, -
Ile w6uld have died julit thep 18111ime, I WEAK AMC HIRV61191 Imitators of Dr. chat"Is Itomadim � I , 1 6"Zo n/ 6yko W , I" V"�p"t"t-14"t And DCP691111,110ceived .
quantity, and noltbor treatment Is a I., ,. I. I - 11 11 . I ,,, " I I )F 0 "I. 0AvAitilikAtilift"I" I IthAlkniall offtentita
6van ll,�Ad lie riemaia6d at 1,3nemvood Mrs. J. M. Wadley, 100 jan6 stretilt, do not darb to r6produeo ill sure safeguflird. Hotter 1�,t thitt root 1110"Is"000,00#4011,011, . . Oinnrdfttol�- And hlter6tt Allowed
:I Ottawak atAtM:-11F,br severial yeartif I and Signature, which ara t'08r"o'_Va"d' Za
"Now, AVA-4 Nimlie, yo,4 way be hap a if un 4, Iforbort alitliIII", -
li,xvor Wen graduttIly running .16wn 113 on ev.ftry box of hit g6nultilli reinlidl6g. do IN Own work of swootmaing this A -X4 40 -*44 4 I IC4,4, �44� -7 if P. I foll V1,.e.r4,Mf4$ftf�_. I)ebeiltures 19.4tted I
py. You may ecaso to Iant6nt health, I wais ve.rr herVOU3 and weak, I At all deaterA, or Hilin.viijon, nites soil by making sued that thero Is n6v. W. IL 1"tty.
and worriM gr6atly a"r my ftktur#, I and N., Toronto. M'*W0_tNtV6f#t-_ In sterling And Car. -A
mourn. Tho W,y Is this battosr .- . er InUoh mam soil' in a pot thai a IS I . I *At* & "lill, Imey, ,
y - it � 11111111111111� I . 1. - 1. __._ - �. , , � " � ., , -,,,, , , .. � A I - _ � �-, -, __ __ ... . h— '. . .- . � .. .... - - � , - � - � '. . 1- . . __ __ _I.I.I. _-1 ._ 11-1 I—— 1.11.1.. � - .1 I - I.., I .. 11