HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-07-12, Page 8� ., ­� � I - - � --I ... 1-1111 -11- - � . - --- - , T- ­­ -- r---- . � � .1­.rl....._11W __­"�. � . 11FRIPRIMPIRIPP11" , 00�� "Im 4 W, � , —_ I . 1. � ,* _____ -I----- , "I I -1 I , I � "I I ­ I Tlit OLINTONTZ I", I * _r 'I 1� .� 19 — ___ I I " ­� I i _10 ___\. -, � � wftw,oal) 11 ­ - L�--7=�:-_,­4�. -;7,� - 11 1.16--l- ______ I '___._­_____�__ L., " ., 11 -- --- - . . Ly 9 , ____ ___ � . . . . . �6-2--:,"-­­ , ,--- _­�:_,_ ­-, - � I, I' 111 . ­ ­ � . . I 'iisselfl* is tile MICA 18-111bit X100—stlInleY4 ��___­, ­_L­:�,�­._ � 11, . 1­­­__._,�� . ­ . AT 10 1900 - ----- . "11110.81111on. ' ' - ___ - ­ � ___ -�-! =. __ ­`�­ �!N_ "�: 777 . ­ _. � ­ - ­­ ­_ . — . .- .---__,_!m _!41�­�­__ 1- - 1____., .­­ ­­­_ -.-- - __ ­ ­_­ — colbernewowokibip, Torouto rourikem stock. _ , ­­-- � —.-- . 4 . � Ve I .(Wcbi+9t,,Tr.,Tcm,ont0. vif.s. Ilaving IR now the ortler of tile day Little miss M - - - Shaw, tile )astor, occupled ?,Ion . ___# I lie parental bomo yesterday. and tiI011all wheat 1011 soon bEk bar, Iltell, Auburn, is spend. Up HOD"N'S IS R ON -' BIG DRY GOODS STORE - ..... ��� Mr;Jaekand Miss X. Brown of Gode. vested If tha (try weathet, provalls. 1119 ber' holidays With her auut, Urs, T� wilpit on Sabb.ttit for the first time. Western Citttle Alapk' I ................... Clark, Wire, QtTaesdiy 1. - YVV,S" - , ______ rich were Rue'As of Mr. Jae. Stevens Hpillug crop,% promise a good -yield if a took for 1116texb John 44 chopter Trade fail'. . , , 0 -Y -M-001% ­_ - - 134 week. there is no drawback. it bIls been AIN J- WrIght Of Auburn apent Sun. and 4th vorlie, ,,And he ,Ullgt needs Stockers off. � � � tl� t " � IU .. T.Ie t .. I 11 I I � W�lc I ` w 0 1 1 day around the village- Must be some through Samarh&l. , . . la4t �v cc I F . Mr. Ogle Cooper wits oil a fishing rCPOrtCd Over niany parts of Stanley attraction " Hoge lower, . , I I o� v - o" . -Tack. . . . . 11, I... . 14 - - - W. exPedition-In the -Potorboroagh dis- tb3t the Tollit. worin bas been - We are glAd to see Mrs, John Tredle FIXPOrt Cattle steady, I I � . 4,- -let last week, very The Prosbytorl4a Church was re. Around again aftep a few. weeks ,,In 8#. ,-, � . tA 'i I 0 � I � , I' is 0 a Common to mediom dull I , I . anytbing ill our ine ti dt'strIACtivO to Mll wheat and a] o t The church has QUttP, a number froul around hero Other Cattle imobangeil. . � I *101,- Ive, stand ever ready Miss Parloo, of the Collegiate staff is timothy bay, been All niee% �,,aporect And tile . seats took bitho game$ st.0 aerich :m the ,41lee y .4 . la Toronto reading Departmental The 6009 Oil tile line have proven to a 0 , and lambs steafly. I ��� I I 111� I lave been I � � , N11 ,� opainted . Qual ty OJ fat cattle was better than I I to sel,j,e ,you profit, be ti, grand success,overy .one turning rid woodwor I 4th. Ft . , I examination PlIpOrS. . . and varnished, making the church MI' Win. Hamilton lost a fine colt On last week. Really cholco butcher)o * - . . . t and giving his neighbor a day. look qnitO freehand clean. , The oerij. Saturday movill" � . . Mr. Ike Rattenhury left Monday for oil � '. � ably and- ,fo, your ad- most of the summm The people of Staliloy belleve in 11olp- ces morning spa evening were very heifers and Steers are bard I o, got 9 I I * ., .,*�-� Windsor and will likely be abselib Ing 0 1 The run to-ilay wits larger than o I I . vantage, , no another. largely Attended, the oburch . being Quite a $ad acciWent happened on the I I I I . while the after. his fAther, Mr Jollril,Celrifthan, late"72 load8—I,(0 cattle, 1,272 Sheep I . . , I.. . The shade trees which were set. out filled to the doors farm Of Mr. Norman Kernallan when And Iftilabs, 893 hogs a0d 70 Calves. I I I � . . . Mile. P. 4.Nell arid her daughter, Mies by our barber have proven to be some- uoon servicewas hold in honor of the up On -tile loft and falling abou 1,leing St6ok all. rou . . . . Lloy, are guests at the parental, thing to attvact tile eX0 Of the fair Sunday school, The U nd sold out fairly well . home. Mr.0. 1). Gilchrist. . ev. Mp, McCoy breaking his leg. Mi-. Rernallan 2wolifeet . gon I . seir, Wn believe Tom does consider- preached the afternoon and ove I be and it steady erat-trado wits clone, . . . . ­ ­ � � . .11 - - �, I -,;. I I I , Mrs. S. Davis has been visiting bar. able wheeling once a sveek, eervicos, ning laid up for some time, Export Oattle"Some extra good 11. � I . .1, ­ .11 Rat ab 15 Mrs, Vanstone will leave for the 800 catth� sold told ­ . o --,L a Hammock daughter in Woodstock for the past . M, Sam Cleave lh� making good Pro'. ay as ihigh it! $5al,5 PCp 01: , , ��� -111. . I � - I I There was no Sunday school or ev,pn. On Wcuensda. --- ,- _1 . . fortnight, but returns this week. ITO$ toward tile completion of, his Ing service in the Methodist Church on v for a few weeKs visit, owt" btli that wits al)Ove tile average . - Sir on A In - , Rev. J.'T, Murduck was In Toronto tarn, . Sunday. Mp* Salialial Stephen$ Spent Sab . bath PrIcO'fOr choice stock, Gencral quot. . I . iVI-l" . , . _ - I '. this , 04, ? . - last, week visiting his brother, who Mr Jno. Howard of the 146h Con, Rev, Me, Goldberg did not . With his brother John of the Maitland ations were froq, $5 to 5,25 for Cholee 66 If mrg., it at "The Palace" it's good, . . I , 81)(34 0, short time last week in 'Bay. 1110 Dominion L)ay. sermon as .preach Concession,. and $4.05 to $1.90 per cwt for lighter . has been very III -With bralp favor. was an, . . . I . . , fleldvisitlog his uncle Quite (in excitement, took place on stock, � AAAOO^4*41~VYVVWVYVVVVYVYVVVYVVYVWOVVVYVVYYYYV , , Mr.A. M.Todd wasintown Sunday , Mr, R, Uouatt, nounced last Sunday evenin . Mond - I I The guests at Maple .Grove tbI aV week About a mile and a Boitcher's CAUJO—Cholco butobar,s I � on his wily to, UcKillop witlihisfg.ra- week are Mr, T-1, 11 S A large crowd is expected ereonthe umrter south of 0 . 11 -��, - .- They are cool to rest , 91, . edarValiey,wban an cattle were scarce In den, nd. . .. I . Ily, who will * . E ngel .and wife 12th, . � a ' �. uglishmAn and i Se()tcbn)&n got; into rAriFed from $4.25 to i , - b th _yTit At the ScArlett and two children, Mils- DrA34 and , Mr. and Mrs. Calvin, Walker and I PrOttY hot wovb trIf el higher $4.00 per cwt. A � r- in, good to sleep in., � J�. veil, W Prices . Wee attle Ball, all of nano fain .s but w.e are glad.to, rl e -was pallffor in Oda bilk - J Miss Minnie Pearson'returried to her Mr. Hl H. JOhnston purchased W "y Of IngerS011 are visiting Mr. say . that DO blows were given. loek- GOOd to 00inm(m gold down to e oyable' to read in, Walker's parents and other relatives $3 . Shirt Wa*s . 03 hoine, in Ogniondville on Saturday, horse from r, Tile$, Nicholson. We bare at _per ewt. i t . accompanied by her little cousin, believe erbarthasvllen�_ elf 40 f ,present. . .;__ _., ��_��� Veodem—v 0 3 . I . .. . . 1- . . 1 ly'�M Or ouss arriBon spent Sunda . My Ow offorea, Frices. . I . An"le Walker, him, � T in the East W ' ' ranged as quoted In table, I. I . . 1. village, the guest 4� Afro, B. . Crawl � FAW4119shl, 1. . Stookets-'Lower in k0ePing With the ,. Investigate Our "Prices- Dr. Whitely.and Mrs, Whitely. Gods- Up. Alfred. Westlakevialts his neigh. ford, "'. As A. & " . fl�h -1 u- I n n " 0 a .1 hors au1to Often .'etil 1� 1. weakness -, o m . I V . � . I . ..1 .8 01 .g ch. ,V9 - eveAurred .0 0 alu lyth is visiting at u ato. xotinuiteersof - I , Aw were the g will need a house warming in Miss I54WO YQIJII�� bae rehirtied Up. J. Menzielsor "' . gOdd.breed aol(I at W.50 to $ -per . tiests of Mr, Jos. Ratll I � ., tile homo,-After a months visit with her il ,85 W 11 0, . . . .Arlents.Parker's,Dye Works, tenbury on Sunday. future. . U 0 W and 09-00IOr and heifers at $2 to i . . : Mr. James Dewar disposed of his sister In Wilbert, . . 04 Of Fordyce and miss per Cwt. . ,� 47501 . -"��.nard­ftg­­aitis . Was Laur.% Olson is, visiting her uncle, Cummings Of Wingliain I 0 . . I . � I'll fApm to Mr. Sam Howson of Ba Miss Jones Of 01111toa' is visiting at guests of Miss Trwili last Week. . I . - . Mr. H. . J, Hitmbledoa of Forest., yfield Mi. Charles Brown% , , were . the Sheep and Lambe. Large run sold I . I I . � . . I - . leve Miss Jones ,sang a solo in St. p&ups terloo in table, , rices quoted , . . . .1 Mrs. Olson accompanied her down Road., We be) Mr. Dewar intends to Mrs. Pone of St. Jacobs, Oubto a steadyciernand Ato . e___�_____9 . but has since returned,* live in town, ­We wish Messrs. Dewar � I . � . ---�;G----;--E��l­ - I . I . The, W. "R Fair, , go' ` * . Church 4ftyday evening. county, is renewing acqualnWbatioes in . I . 0 1 1 ,$t%if and HOWstOn success in their, now Mr. and Mrs, 0, 0. Brown spent this locality. I Hogs -Decline 12jo pep. Cwb all . � . I . � . I . Mies O'Neil of tile Public School homes., . day with relatives In Port, .Albert. Sun- A bee at the Brick ,church cemeter roond to $0.25 per Cwt forsolectlon6, of e 1. 7 . . I , spends hall holidays in Battle Creak, I � . . I _y 100 to 200 ,be natural weif I , �. " Hero are three bargains in shir , aist$ Mich..wherehersister,Uos�,Tolina,is a Mr.Solinson ot North Bay is, On Saturday afternoon last resulted in or ewt ror fa ,'hf, $5.87--i 1 . t W, -i ------------------ `� is and $5.W per Cwt fo Often Me C166(t.peO, Alwaysthe Best . . � I _ raying a a marked im;Vrovement of God's Aore. ri 71 -0 . uick'buyers, The . ' I ve In, ney for q I �. . - patient in the sanitarium. . visit to his sister, Mrs, T. Lit le, here I Rev, Mr, Ights. Unch r . hat'.will Sa , __ __ I I Up.. Albert May%arrived on Monday, . St. AuxastMe. at present. I baleYo in the absence of to $6 or cwt, Iled Car lots sold at $5.vo . I . . . . Rev. Mr. Hall, Occupied the p�lpit of . 1 41 . ale but samples of many that.are to 'from Stevensville, Montima, to join 1. . . __ . The town bell has been removed W. IN. Dean -bought nine loads of ex� . . ,, be Dicke . I . . N4�-w Advertisemwits , I . from overGa Calvin church last Sun& vening. up all over the store this mouth. People ,., , ,.`o �'s Hall to Mr. Thompson's porters, 1,200 to 1.400 ]bp, $4.90 to $5.25 . . . � hi's wife and daughter, who have Mr -John Boyle, Sr., has diisposed of blacksmith s op. Rev, Mr, Dunn of WhIoRechurch Is p eF wt, ,%,.� l Who shop here will ruil a , ' s! . . been guests or Mrs. ja , Hon son for his farm and crop to Mr.'Win..Kernillan. Hence.Mr, Thomp- expected to preach next Sit . -1 . oross. many a bar., - � , Clearing Sale-s,.C. Rat"Well ........ ___ 5 several wpeks. i The Price . Son Will swing the rope in fatqro.. - irig at Calvin. � nday even- t� Mage sold tbreo)oads f ex� gi,lin themews of whicli ' ' � . Highest Price for i)horr1es_O.' Comer Co.- - I I aid was $3000. . The rarmers are all t)usy At their Por ers, ,220 be, $5 per awb ; t o never L-ets iqto the 1 3 Days of Bargain Prices -F. Melville ........ A Mrs. A. Austin of Varna e,pent a few Robinson And children from bay now. I Itev. Mr. Brown,the new Methodist i ) I wo cows, .- . ' . . ....-11'.. 5 closed for the . , minister, occuplecl t116 Pulpit of bbe and steers, 9501 per 4wt ; two heifers . � . These Shirt Waists ar�`all this seam. . — ' Voters, Lists -Nixon Sturdy.- d last week with her brother, M3 a;1' were visiting her fabhor,Xr. Before School , 11,150 lba, $8.25 . Papers. holdRys Brick church on Sunday morning, . be, $4.25 p . 7 �_ - A ')� Seeley, on her way* borne le, for a few days this week. ill PapI a resented Allp. T..A.11' or dwt, ' I - Son$ StYles ,and at regulai I ninderTwine-N. D. Rouvie.....­1­11.1 5 U,7 A 1VaUi7;1a,d . a .1 an with . W Dulmage of Harriston, sold 20. 1; � . r s *wer6i down . . , from Blyth where she made a rnore Mr. And Mrs. John Mills,.Sr., were . o6. beautifuly Morris chair and a Centre . rood heifers, 950 lbs, *C25 per cwt, and, . . price' . Horse Strayed -J. J. MoCaugtoy .............. 6 extended visit. . ... vie - . . right,good value. . Now for Bigger Businoss-MoMmion & Cc ... � � . iting at Mr. T. Flilland's on Sunday table accompanied by a neatly -worded I . . . last. . I 1.1, . I , I I . 6 rough cows at $3 per owt. * �� .. .. I . I . � . � I . . . . ".. Fruit Wanted. -b. Olson ......................... 0 Mrsi W. Moshler -of PAImerston was . Mr. and Mrs., . Address. Mr- Allen -as a. teacher'ba LONDESBORO.: - . 10. I . . � I I , L. Lawson of lKinVurn 8 I I . Zeagman bought 17 Steers, 425,lbs, , . . . �lx Mont,W Trivil-Nnwe-Rucorw ............ 0 the guest of Mrs. Peter Xer on Motim, .been vej,y sucoessful�and was hel,,l in - .. — . . ,$2.75 pair owb; Fine Cambric Shirt Waists, assorted fancy stripes of light blue, . . 4 I. , . � . I When You d were visiting her" father, Mr. Goo. high esteem 'by bispupils, 3 export steers, 1,200 . dark blue, Xihk arid black, styli .1 . Want" orr%bc's .-.. 5 gy,rwhile on h:pr way home from Beadle, last week. �' - . ) Mr. Allart Dr, and Mile. H. Bell of Montgomery, I be, $4.80 per Cwt, %'and one feeder, 070 I. sh garments, regular $ 'on ... i I , . _ . resigned We poiltiori . I I . sale - I I goods" , 3 Shirt WaWt Bargains-Hodgens Bros ....... 8 . . . - to look After his With., left for home T Y- inorning . I . - I ... 1. ......... Ill., ... l ............. I ...... -10 .50' � �. I Iler, where. she had been. visit I Mile. Wallace and . lbs, $3l75 per cwt. 4 Auctionsale-W. Brydono -.. . , Ing for a few days 1. � ter have re- grocery business. . .uesda ., , .,.Satur ay fo . r. . . 6 ..... ....... I ... 8 . . "a I after a few weeks visit * Pat Holland . bough,', o* . . . 1. . . I . =ga visit with ' Xam Ith friends lie TAllob cow - V1,XtllA' u0ity American Percal ' splinol of Art --miss Ella Cline ................. 8 Miss Ada, Jones Is visiting friends In - friends near Stratford. � . Fowler has.returned home here, . .'. b $50and two at $87. . I , . .1 . a a Shirt WAlsts,newest style,ioft . � . fioni, tehseNot-th-Weabi . . . culMast colors, a very. stylish garmen , b, an extra barga, - - ____ . and will be � I ' Mr. Ernest Durnin Is h oial a from Monday evening. . . . ., � . Dtingannou and vicinity James Craig and sister attended a Miss Cora Nawton'left for home on Maybee & Gillies bo4ght 20 stockers, " I in at $ 1..00 - - . _. . . the guest of the CurwIn family near weddin in Winglialn IaSG week. Nebraska. . � . . 600 to 70D lbsi $4 per cwt, . 7 Ouly*Cauibtlic and Chambra . . � I 1. . .. About0 . � I �. . * tock delivered to J. Y Shirt'Wrkists, all that are left of, .. .. ' I . Goderich before'ller return home, Mrs. Y101in Mills and, children were � . N Mr. James Whitely left for -home at . J, Vance of Taris otir two best lines msorted-fancy stripes with white tticked She expected to be absent two or visiting her. sister, -Mrsi Bupkitt, !list . lelita, Man., on ,9atardsy, via lowen Gould three 6%rloads of I export cattle. yokes, reguldv,$Il85j $2,'00 arid $2.50, all to . . � . three -weeks. . . � week. I I � I % . Sound, 0. P. R., being ticketed through, a D., Corbett of� . Noorsfi . . . . I � . � .clear Saturday at ... ... . "I -1-0-01- , Peo le. ­ Mr. W. G. - Dohert - loft on Thursday, I . WEST TVCKF,P,5rII"T. by R. B. Jeffrey. � ouble deck of abeep at $ old sold a , : -------- I ---------------- :____L� . . . . $1.136 y The farmers in this vicin14 I I I . - .... 6 -are bask . I . . I . 4.25per cwt; I � . . .. WHERE THEY ARE P.. last for his father's timber limit in haying., . . - .. -- I a. E. Fair, a former principal of No. GI Ill Ing steers, 1, IS � . I .. � I --------------- — . 'Algoma to ova . . . . ' P I be, $4 � - * ' . . � . . I . - $d.70 p r . . . rsee. the output. . Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Walker of D 8, is renewing, acquaintances here - at. C1 00 75 pet, AND WHAT 0 . He Mr, and. Mrs. Gem Naylor, Jr ub- . � . 48,a2five heifers, 801be' �. . . . . . . � . I was accompanied by -N. Blewett, W. VWiti � ., were tin were the gue8ts,of friends here on present. . � . . Cwt. . . . . . I . �. 1:19 at Mr.. Thompson's on Sunda�, . . . . . I L a d *1 s' Hat . _ . . . . THEY ARE DOING ' �A�eConnell and W, Coats, who will . . . I Sunday, . Cows' each_.. , . . . . e 4't, . S .19C . I . I . . . I ' . ' ex"0000MX9000 WeKUOW* , � I , last. . I . Mrs. N, H. Stclilin, daughter of Mr ' .....$30 OU. 50 00 I I ' . I . � . . I . .. � � Assist In the work. , , Miss's. King, Miss Olivia 016meris of E 11mville Walter Riddell has. arrived ho ' Export cattle, cl�o'6-.-... r) 60 5 25 ... Cost or vafue was- nc-t Considered . . who has been living d .. me Miss Maud Goodwin was in Blyth,.I�sb * The following were among the in � rove up on, Sfiturday And spent a frona Dolorallie, �Warx,, for a visit..� . Export cattle. in.lna�king thi em- .with bar aunt, Mrs. Wallace, left this co � . I I 8 price, - - � I . I. �, I bers of Court Maple Lekf who *at- week for; her home in Michigan, . nPle Of days with her oldfiliend, Mrs, . . I - . . - light, - - ,,,, 405 4 00 It was Simply a questi ' ' . .. week. . . I . J.G. CrIch. . -1 I I . .1 I � -_ 11 . Butchersl�catble, Choice- 435. 4.00 . . on of, Clearing the showro,om.of - the last ; I '' teiid6d a, church parade, Ili 'Seaforth Mrs. R; H. Anderson and M . ' Biitchersl�cattie good..,.. vestige Of— . .� . " I � I., Mrs. Thos. 'Judd. is visitingToronto I r8- - Win- Miss Lcia Dalmag4 s 1 385 ' 4 25 . summer millinery. Untkindmed 'hats, good 'Shapes, .- I . I . on Sunday' --A. J�, Gr�if`g,. T. D, Me- Anderson have returned home after a Out the fore. . STAKEY,TOWNSHIp. � ,' Butchers' :med. mixed ' . I.. . . . . part, -of I .� . . - friends. - * � the -Week at or - I . 385 3 75 thilt . . .., . * clip, i . visit With, frt . . I 9 - home livi � . . . . Butchers' common - � you can get trimmed 'Tor . J. X, Fishe .- Trowhill, , 1, � 6nds in Petrolea. � . MCKIIIOP, . . I . The. farmers ... " "Fy'' littlej.Valkin a . Mrs, David.0 aWe k . r., I � R. Baker, H.'Glazler, W. Bea� -siting I Bulls, export, beavi ..... 4 00 450 SailOrs, nOW sellin ', .. 3,ok is spending e. 0 ..' Dodi miss Rachael.Redmond was vi . are just - ab6ut through .. 8 -60 --'3 25 g h ts and , - two at the Ale. - I . Up. and Mrs.: Goo. VVatb were up with their bay and Are. in .. g at bne ' rice ... . . . . , . conli H. HiMt, X, P. Sheppard, . W.� with Mrsi Baker a few days last wefek. Goderich *on th to to cut their fall wheat aking ready do , light ........ 350 400 . I.. ­.. . I 1, P 4 ., � ,.. I . I Mr. -and Mrb. J. T. Cairns Of * Varfw Jones, . W. J. Harland,`. Q.'Warnar Miss Sarah ,C I& Was visiting her C e 46h. and . . . 'Feaderej. from Mo to 1100 4 00, 4,50 . . . � . I . elebrate there urn ts' ad 0 , . . . I ' ..Ladies' UntelmmedSbrawSbapes.in B * ' . 1. , Saturday , �'--�.Inch,A�.Tlo�ltcholl ,Bf day last 11 ,,, I I . . . I I I'll. I � . I I . I . I I . . , Boston Studying musio, Butchers' bulls,.... where $1,50, Trimmed Walking Hats . . ' Fine V. � , cok, ., p. , � ,. I Mr. Thos. Walker,ClInton's popular has returned .borne. He says -he was Sheep export ... 1. -8 00 3 50 - Ora that were 35c.,Girls, White and'Nav . fr in his holiday season at Forest. , is'r � Barr, W.. H. X J�o$eph PI nulias bought the stone mason, is now, ab'work onthe kind of lonely. ewes .... 875 - 4 00 - on sale now at your choice y 19c �' ... '... .. Mrs. William Pe J-� � C 1, lOr"from Mr, Phil 1ps where the black- Richard loved the girl ' 'export bucks. k ....-. . 2 75 8 OQ t', . _��n�a . .. were Ili �Clinton on Monda ,. H. Folland, W. Cudmore, 3'. Powell' friend, MISS Lealriall obinson, on Sun- Boys. ` . t. ,of the. HurO4 OtId - Mr. Richard Peck,'who has spent Light'litock bulls...' � lack find colors,,not one that ' * . * ' Y. - ., I . I Some time in 2 00. 2 50 � ha, 7 0 q ' I � ' as 'Oe' , w' $1, 'S Mr. Pprey Smith returned K that were Ladies all 0 .. . . . Sailors 'It were . Mc, Web']b Nel . th 25,. a� ., arm, ,, J . E, Robinson,, M,. Ti .do . . i for.....-.. acl; of London is .visitt . S . , . .1 . � . .. I smith shop Was. ! . . : .1. . foundation to Mr. �Ed. Walter's barn - be left behind him. ,. . . . ,. . . I ' �40 'butcher..l.....;,...., . . : I See thorn jfi our Albert Street. Wilidow . .., ' I ... , I . � . ... ��� I . . .11 I . . ,.� . I I . � -6 , ' .8 00 400 . I � . . . I . I .. � . Ing her uncles, P. and H. B. Ker... . ,. � I . . I � � I . I and is rushing the �7ork &Ion I Mrt Robert Reid, .13. A., of, Rldg a Ing Lambs.. . . . � ' . . . I I . . � g in fil . . I 1. . . 11 . ��. -1 : - -_- M=-- I � . . . I . �. . I I ...... I �.. -2 90 4-oo , . . I I ,_ I . --- . I I . Mrs. (Rev.) Hall left Monday for Ayl- - . I � . . I I I I usual -good style, , .. I town and Mrs. Reld and daughter., &,is Calves each . ... .... 1-11200 . . . � ' .. . . . 11 — '. I I . �. ..: . I , "' I ... , , .1 I I ..; f ­ . — . . . . mer where she will remain fo I . . Kr- Chas. Wiltoe spent Sunday week visiting-friinds in this nei � 8 00 I ­ 1. . . . . . 11 I . 7, . . I � .11 a few RE . . . P I � . . I � - ' . I I i....'l....l. , 6 50 .. .. 11 . .. I . !� - ., USOXiiTTION 16 ' - � ; gliborbood. - Moke choice . AT - . I weeks. , . . , � .. , : - '.. ., -, . atppen. I � � with Wobdharn friehda. I I . 'Mr. R� Peek sold a a driver to Hoge heavy,j�tr .......... 6 000 -T. ew I . . .. I N W ­ � . - . Mrs. J. P. Doherty left on Saturday to — 1. . ' Mr. S,' McHwdla for a M I 0 00 I I l. ..... . I . � t. ' I I .. .. . . dt)N136zEN0F. I ., Miss Cora Autoliffe' is this' week =me figure. Hogs light.fs,t, .. ,. e � I I I I iting old friend . I . . . I ....... 5 25 . ' I . ' . I - : '' ­ ' ' . . . spend the summer months at, the Mr. . James Du . !.*- I I . . � . The crops'in this section of country Tie . . , s in Usborne. � . . . . I . . .r I . .. . . I ---000, Millinery - - , .'� - Jette'd . �.' . I . : . ... homestead at Poplar Hill. I - . � . nforc 1. neverlooked better at th . - : . . I . . ___ I - ___ I � .. . . . I . . � � I . ..... .. - is,', season of . 1, ! � . � . % . I I . � ' � , - I . I - Mi . llinei , - 'd .1 . ' . t -t . it . �d , � .� : - . . . .� . I � I . ' Court Prosperity to tender . ­ . . . V. ' . , .. . 'Miss - line' � oul! . �. 11 1. Nils, Broder,Miss Broder and Mr. Fred Dear &V and Bro.,-1 am desired by� the year, The hay I� a bountiful crop � . .. . . . . . . . Ash field Townght 1. Be s . d " b ' -ad-in good sha ,� YARNA . IR11a - C I y epar men Broder, who have beerrguests of -Mrs. . -Mrs. Dun- an is ein sav , Pa. The � . .. I I I . I � - � . . 'Certificate oftbe Ontario School of Art,Tor .. I I . . . ., . I I G, D. McT�lggart, left Monday for f6rd' and yourself their sincere symw fall wheX is maturing nibelyja . . . �-_-__-"� : .. ­ .. I . . . . I . I is right: up�t . . i � . pathy in ,thd great trial you have bee free from -rust and will be a good .quml- Rev. Mr. Soon � . Rev. Mr. Oten preached an excel In Water and Oil Colors will talco, � . o7date and .is show- Tba � most popular bblt of - I., . lent number of impils'for 4 limited . . . . I ings - preached a 'very sermon to, the Orangemen in Zion oii. color p instruction In Water and ing to -day some cif . I their home in Morrisburg. , ' n interesting and Profitable sermon to . the I , * very �scar called upon to endure in losing from I . ' at -tinge, also Cr on Work tanglit. the St. Clair, Mich., returneid home on your family circle here one of 15eaven's Church last Sunday . It was his first For furt4er Information app y at the residence . ce at� - I - ill'& Oran Oman on Sunday-evenin last. grinday and the penple were'.* delighted of Mr. J, B. H06VOr, CHntdn.. Terms moderate, . siting. in Revs, Martin Of -Exeter and Aches % -styles in bats f6r.* summer wear. the present time, I Mrs.T. H. Cook, who Was vi ity. The roots tire also doiug well., :, . new,14 season and. choicest gifts. your littlebaby daugh- of$b. Andrew's Church exehang4 on About t%, t khers of the 8rder _ : I � - Just opened � Tuesday, aceompanied by Mrs, Ant- �d Ill y mem . - with bib discourne. . I I I Pearl . . terson and bar daughter, Miss Mag- ter. Wo'know your burden is great, pulpits fast Sabbath, Rev. Acheson be- marched to the Church, and on return- � . , g1ley ., and castor felt thi� Week ' B ' �. . =eh -large crowd took advantage Of I . lips . . gie, who will remain for some time. and -we Carl and do syr.tipathize but we Ing invited to conduct Anniversary ser. d'ag hall a vote of thanks was A . Estate of T hats in.' ' a ew good quiliti- . - . I cannot comfort -that must come from -vices for the Or uge bodv, Mrl Martin' Mr.Jennings for his able the Cheap excursion to Guelph last I --hoihas Cook, Deceased .military Sbapei are hay.. in.thes'o-- fashionable good a .6 I I . . . Week. . - . . . . . . ' ' . ' ... I � I I . . Mr. Frank Hovey will relieve-Aev, Mr. the.Cbroforter. We.trust. that, You digeourse. in Kippen was quite hater. address... . . . . . . . � 411 * I ing a big sale in the cities. We bright jet, strong,�166;4- h . _. .. Moore of Listowel for the nOxt two may feel His -hel in this your* h6ur of asting andedifying. . County M�%ster Searlett was also We are glad to hear that little Bet Auc . show them 'in . h. ' I . .. I � 1, I . . weeks, while the latter gentleman is need, and wky IVO t6int through the Misses McGreg ' present and gave al short address at , Ferguson, who basheeii seriously It ''I . I tiolisale, �. I alf-a-dozen SOMO buckles, at- . ' _. I I . , I . I . . . , , �on and Murray, each is gettihg better. . I . . ers,arehomeon olidays. t - the hall. � I . I � . � es , .� . away on a short vatAtion. - Frank is - great dark clouds t at, now surround . . . . -Or- - sty I at , , . I in great demand at -the preserittime . . . Rev Mr. Oten wilt' preach in, Zion' , , � �. . . . $160' . . .1 which speaks well for his sthridin ' ou to the brighter picture of your :' Rev. Acheson and.Mp.. R. p. Bell Mt. Rev. Mr. AndrewA . has returneid Chu , . I .. . and Implimeli . . . . . . . . I 500 � ­ 9 TUW lamb now safe in Jesus' . onded Presbyt�ry meeting in Clinton from his tripi to OttaWs, poll next Sunday evening. .Farin$ Farm Stock I I I : I . . arms,. . � � where he w4s� *1 ' I I . , � . I � . ts . . . .� 1 .176 - I . , .. . . � . . I . . � I . . L L -Tomplars. I �__ 4 . I ­ .. . . . . . . . ... -, I � .. . - Grov&g Crops, - , 1 $1 -OG I I as a student. . . . . waiting for you in'that Beautiful Land, last Tuesday. a6tanding a m6ating in the .,in. . . . � I ­ and . 2.001, . . 75C - - Mi3s Ackley of Tara, Who had been where. parting Is unknown and Death Rev, Long, pastor .of � jh� Methodist to"Its ofthe Good . I . - . I . . The- Yukon field force airived in hicludi horses, cattle. Implonionts � _­�_ . . 1. the gtiest of Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson changes- its sable wings to Inlinortal churell,is . po* - t4ikirig. yacaillon,his ,:Rev, M. Laidlaw, a �ttldent from .Winnipeg last nigh�,, and left for tb Datg. fall'twhoSt an . and hay. I . . nox - College, a 4 d barley, also the east halt of , - � , 'brightness and glory, Yours fratern. 0 Absence by py. east bythe Imperial Limited, Lie 214 Bayfleld concession, Oadorich township I � . � for several weeks, returned home oil � . Pulpit is being, filled in III .preached two . yo lot Belts at She I . . . . interesting sermons in the Presbyterian Col ut.- it th promisesi on � I I., � . � -3-110 Links . - '.. .... Saturday. was aceompailled ally, F,W., Watts, Secretary Court Rev* Mr, Gramm, * I � Homming, Captain Farvuhar , - I . I Cull . I.. by Mrs. Thompson, who will visit in Prosperity A. 0. F.. No. 7883, Mr. James McDougall I church on Sunday last. I I Lieub. NeLean And Sarg.-Mal. osters S' . ' 296 1 . � . � . . . � . I � , . _! 's ' - aturday the 14th inst. I I .1 . . . Tara, 'Owen Sound and other places. . . � I.,. . pleased to state; Con valesce b. we ale Beatty Bro. are busy hauling sand Of the R, R- C. X., with seventy, men, . . � . I . -_ for some time. - , . 11 . . . . � � =ME! I . The Shamrocks of.our, burg still hold and 9 reparing to build the f.mudation will proceed to Toronto and Quebec. ' . . . At 1.30 p.m. I . � . . WG,�laqe on Sale on Satnr, 5C. ,. - . Miss Ella Cline of SL Thomas .18 the OXTARIO STREET LEAdUn . the Crawford Cup. Well done 15h i i of t air new. store-, We. understand , . . . . � . I � .: rocks. . . . It is reported that Mr.' Richa, . � . Sed postardor apply to . dity With -the----.§hirt- - waists,ad. , .With the ' ' guest of Mrs. J. B. Hoover, 'Miss . . . . am' that Thos, Walker of Clint . rd Crok- . I I waists an d. belts, 1, � ., 1� din. has tthe , 1.11 I'll, .... . MissM.'k'*Itobei1 . . . I � . 11 . . � cofitract.of the stone work. . 11 . I t T, to have ex -Governor Hi TorontoGoneral Tritsts Co.. administrators.. vertised to,day a ' litti L,e going to s .. I Cline is an accomplished artist and ,, gave an essay on " . .. . . . 2 . I or is. ryiD ' W.Bry4ono, solicitor for administrators, a lot -of we X , I el an --- . . . .. . n for Governor of New York. I . I . I ma The powel? o . � .. � . fancy. -belts -that .we boucrh't of Oak. cuff lin :S ,, ytor lzeaclass in painting in f small things" at the @!M!!�� ! * I R. Dickenson, auctioneer, a in ri� Speeimens of her AM will League meeting. in. Ontailo 'street - � . ' . " � * I .1. . r -_ . �, ... . I . . . 0. . , , . . . . I I . . . . - away less than regular. .There . be on exh .�hu . I . lbition in Mr. Curtis Stev- ,�reh last Thursday, evening, ,MIS , , . - . .. I . � . per set. Al" X � . . of s sat I I . . I . . . . I * t velvet a -ad leather ill I ties and w�ortl I I - enson's window the latter,part, a ig "That old, old story'! tlltfltllillt!il � are je AS I -.- - -1 . ,._ . I 1111 1111 J�P��-' o , . . [I ti (Y�,4. , -1 1. . " . I the weL�k- ` . . . true," Nekt Moriday. the meeting will I , . 11111, 1. I I *-��11111111111111111 the lot and the -cheapest is. . times the. Price. , We bought - � I .. � %. I , , The following members Of be rnisslonary4 the "subject to be C: . . I . I . the A. 01 a, .. I . . . I I .. � . i .. I.. I . . I I . -a . , . U. W. attended � - . 4. . . . . .divine service with , China," A% collection In aid of the 2:' . I I . , � . I = well worth 50c your choice on I them, cheap and give you your "_ .. . the GodeAch brothern on Sunday :­� League missionary will betaken" All 0*- I . . I are welcome, . I a- 0 � . =2 's * I W. O'Neil, T. Holloway, L. Trick, J. � , M_ . , . I . . .. a . atul!day . . 290 choiceSaturday at per pair 6c � W, Irwin, D. Stevenson, L. Scott, J. . . I .1 . . I = I . I - I I ...n I ... � Sheppard, A. Armstrong, J. Poster, I � . I .1.1 . am- Th . I - - I., =". L ., I,-.,- . . . I . M -1 - . I = . . ---w . , ion . r ind . , . L 13 a - , W. Stanley, . � . L = I . .. . .. . . _-m - I . -.0 . I . Me- . . L .. . . '111 .11 --a M '" ds - R. Pitzimuftonso T. Trio , J. Woon, .001 , )BRICH TOWN.ShIP. , - *'- I I . , ') I I 11" 'Those' CUrta"' 1:�ti Im- . . .. I L Xrx P,n&�%re- Bert Potts and family The fariners in the vicinity are' near,l w" . , . I I � = I . . . Im where Mrs, Potts and filthily good one this yea . , � I -0 There is still a good assortment of the curtain ends aaL - )save this week for Oloveland, Ohio, ly -all busy baying. The bxyveldl a- L . I , r. . � q W ' I --a I 01- _-,MR veil remain for a month or so. Bert's clough sttya hahas Ay off = � . - will Mr,Ro art C a-- * tised last week, Over 200 of them coftldn!t-be sold in a 1 22 -mmdb=W--, _�l I holidays will extend only overa fort� eight acres. . I I I of Cloth . =0 day Or two,- This'Week W1411 likely 'clear them out, so it you night, and as he is -a great admirer of V. - , - - - . ---a MV, Goo, Rathwoll visited friends ab , L . . I L . . . . '. . . . . . I _." want them you'd b I W I -,& -speidy horse will spend part of New Hamburg and from thOL Z= I . I I.. . . r 1,09. ­ I -;;iI, --a ettCr Come soon. X n- . . way he 1-- . . I . I � . . '10 da .a _v. ,different uses they I the time at the DatlAoit and ,Cleve. talks will be, making another -trip soon. = ., � .. I �� -11 t - .-M R be put to around the. house. . . I land big rabe meets. , . . . . . ... _ , -0 . . . I . � . RObuliparently fond of the Dutch I . . . I . . . . L I . . I ­­ 11-0 I . � . I . 11 . I ..WW � . . L . . . . -16 I L Mrs. W. O'Neil and her daughteri gids. . . = . . M 90,TnPle ends fine white muslin, nearly all'l yard long, handsome . . am- I Is a sp6oial maki�, by lackson, 16ros..' who give to thO buying &blie A*ClaSs of -goods not --A I applique patterns, goods that sell for We per yard.choice of earn. , 71 Miss Dell O'Neil, left the latter paLrb Mr. Robert 001clough has starts d* his 11�_ equalled by ordinary good's and then agalu . I =:M - Plea each- I ..... I ....... I....- 11 1. I-, ... ...... I I ............ t. I 00 - of last week on a month's visit -to 94le stable of cots. 0� I � . friends in Buffalo And Sandusky. The followinggives the standing "� . I , I the'middleman's profit is saved. Shrewd I I L =2 ,. 11 of , I . . ' L By the way, Miss O'Neil, who in a ' . ]buyers 4preciate this fact and hen6e our big sale of goods man . I - S&MPla ends Of fills Swiss Curtain net, white or-ecru,nearly I , thePuPlIsOfS. -No.2forthe month '="' - ufactured by.011119elVes. . =2 All I Yard long and 27 Inches wide very tine qualities; sell at 350, W teacher in th6 Auburn school, wits re- of June. It is based on punctuality, - . Our cut, style and make is so different from goods shown by middlemen th _-W 5(k, 75c a Yard, choice of $a I � =,d just before holidays for good dOPOrtment and general preflef. = � at there is. . . L -W mples'., , 1. I ..... I ................... 31 a' L year. and for good work giv.. ency , . 1� I . . I I. -M I . . I . . 4itt,10 Wonder foi' our big business. For the coining Fall We Will Ile in splendid shape =2 Nottingham lace c ' I -_ en'4n Increase In salary. I . Z= I foi, 6hOWing th _-W udainsf ends U. and 14 Yards long, all I st Class-W-eslay Monk, Garfield -= L , .. a best and cheapeA clothing on the market. OUr T. Xackaon,, Jr., who =2 good potbrile,qualibi8.9 that sell -at $1 and $1.25, choice ....... .... 156 Mr. John Calland6r is spending a IVICCullagli. , . I I _-M . 81- L , is TIOW in Engla6d,advOes us of Some big pu . ..M Notbinghtim lace . couple of weeks in town the -guest of Jr. Part 2nd--Ruthie Thompson, z= rohases of lines suitable for out- trade and . -W CIIA41118f most of them very fine . I ­" elegant patterns, -ends ii to 1� yards long, samples 0 qua Ities, a Mr. Jos. Ratteribury rind his man Nina Walters, Gordon White. a- � 'the whole months of July and August.will be devoted to wai ufacturin them illto the , =2 that Sell at $2, $3 and $4 per pair, choleo of lot ... � ... '!o 25 old friends are much pleased to havy' I -0 0 a I "Lion�l brand of Clothing, .Our Children�s Clothing trade is immense and the I . ....... OV the opportunitr of meeting himo It Johnstone, Joey Yuill. I . . Sr. Part 2nd; -Mary Monk, Winnie E X g Sogs' , is but . . a SaVe ends Swiss not curtains, showing the leadlig lines of one . . . .= of lie I I , a short t tine since he returned Jr, glid.-Trene Rick, Alexce J'ohn- E L . littlO WOndet for iti The: line of Coats and Pants in medium sizes at *2,60 ,, ,re is := home after spending some months in stone, Meredith Clark.. = . . . I � I argent Swiss manufacturers, handsomo .des gns on fine Colorada and Arizona, whither he Sr. 2114,-Gertie Sturdy, ArthutWill, . 01"'le . �llM strong net, IJ and IJ Yards long, pairs of nearly every p% I went in search of health. He Spent ,Son, Albert MCOullagli, . I I thing that no 010thing dealer can equal be6ausa we make them OUI-SelvOs find there is . = samples of curtains, that sell , ttepn, . no middleman's Profit for buyers to pay; We have sold hundreds of pair$ of . 1=2 lob eack ... 1. t..... I ...... .... ...... I .......... I ... 4.11�. .. Pico O � Boo the winter In Arizona and says the 3rd Olass,-Marme yullls Alice . Boyso "o at from $4 to $10 per ptdr%ch . . I . ... f . . . . climate has much to recodimend it Hielio Irene Clark. : NO L . 1�nee Pants at 500 60 and 760 during the Past threemonths and the ieaSoxi f6r - Samples Of extra, fine Swiss Curtains, the best goods the . The air Is dry and bracin and th * 4th Jr,-Peari Wilson Sttle Sturdy it is not hard to finI No dealer of Olothing in the Country Can approach them. � . . . . manufacturers make, 11 to 2 yards loop-, �pftlps of each pattern, *, I .. sun alWayssbining brig bly. a Alice Johnstone. I t , I I t ,0 . . der the sun it is hot -anti in the sbTyn' 4th Sr.-Lllida -Sturd1r, I . I I . . - ado I . i . . . I . ChOiCa Of lot. each ,, ....... I ................. ... ... I ......... ...... a I positively cool. Dwellers in small MJuniny Leaving-Fawdie Sturdy. L I . __ - L". I — L ' ' L I . . � . L I � ­­�­­� 1 65 . . att,e --- --- N.-W-0-60-fto --- 6 0 M I . frame houses are not iheonvenjef2c. TCaCbe-70hustOlie.-�-Frod, J_L&wtence, -1 i . � . i I P. 1� I I I , .I. .1 — F I ad as the sun heats the buildings an d . . i 6 1 No i .W,f�L makes them pleasantiniloors,but,in a . I . a*% VW Wrappers Councillor Middlebon's yalingeab sort, . 11 L L . I I . brick hou je upon Which Old Sol has Barkwho was dangerou L I I I . �, but little affect Sly Ill Jaebweek, I I the t6ir is so chilly, as with typhoid and what Was supposed I . L Bright and now tIAIS Week are SOMO neW print Wrappers to be uncomfortable, The climate, AO be 04COMPIleation Our $10 ,,Royal Oak" . I . . _ . aturn for tile better on Sunday and . I . I I ors., Tb ey are made of good prints in the newest Plicnigli, on the whole, is invigorat of diptheria took . in dark col . Ing and those who have wintered In the doctor Says that what Was at first r ) IV . , I . I .1. . � �tyleS� 81kirts are full width and waists are lined. Not ordinary , both Lower California and Arizona thought, to be diphtheria wag no more . ''. . . . . I . I � say theyenjoyed bettor health in the MAO A Wild case of 8011e throaL Thia P . QaA11*tV'd3k Q ' 4- . . I I., cheap goods but real good qualities, ' - � . z I . I . satrap. X -rola tin agricultural Stand.: will 1'elleve the anxiety of the ho I I " I 01'""NOMP- I . ll - ''. use- . I %-.01 � Print wrappers, newest style, darl ��', ... ,. point Arizonalifte atlittleto boast hold and theft, rhany friends. . . I I . I cOI011S,a good aprvice,tble C Prillb wra verg,best quality,full I . sizes, dart eolo.rg, regular it of, as months filay 1pass by wltjioub a Mr, James Connally attended the � . hous $1.40 �. wrapparpatter It sizea tp, 5 , , . . fAinfAll, All growth depends upon 11160ting of the Dairymarivs I . a wrapper I irrigation, I Association It . I _ _ ... .... -_ no, a 17' 1 . I Of Western Ontario held in Milvoptoll ! . I----,----------- 1. I Rar. S. Acheson of XIOPen, w ho wits 1496 week, Ir I � � . ls another sample -of a line of suits which i,g not equalled 4y peoplg handling Ready. 40c Lustre for 25c 1 . in town on Tuesda attendiV$ the $,The OebrY of R arth Is novel, dead," = ! - , , mad,08- By the time t1lat -the mftnUfactarer and the retailer get thel*r pi-ofib this suit -4 I . . �,.; . meeting of the Pres6tery of Huron, �� ,w when all bave would cost $14 but buying from the m4nufaeftrOr you can - -=�:81 "enuine bargain in, 131ack Lu,stre for 850rts, j list nelff I Was one of tho, del tea t ill Gen. So Says ,teats, and ne A 'o a I 11 exhausted their 'POWO talent a d r� . L' -,-VW mbly ho, in Halifax re. nt,_Annaem�l a I Strained their vivid imaginations oval. I I 90tIt for $10. The . I cent Sr an �al 1# I Serge is imported direct from the Old Country. Cut made a .. a k. I V� a 1, I thig wee ' xt'i ION( nor of preach. themes 'of war and patriotism in, this I , Style, can be had single or double br�48ted; ab Pattern, . suitable for Skirts, befght, a , ing In St. Mathew.6.9"church, which gallant arid heroic 11 a, arid fain would I J* nd trimmed in the latest 1131ack Figured Lustre it awil,y from tie race of Vera . -1, linattdod the storms of only bandred so, F, 2!!-. It is, a suit that we are proud of and We lab, a regular 4oc, # " � and fifty Wara andis the oldestXon. makers, there comem forth a 0 know that the Value ig SOMetbingeXtita. L, At Ea quality,4i inches Wide,gpecial for jrn, Ili` 250 .. . I I t I INU U - rl­.A. %r_ famous 9� I b Then nvain take our ov -n maii-a ,%r 1 ^ s ___.. , � y Re ug . ,011 is" SE U'. .4 I . . I As the in . AssembIT. were 14096 tortaine b -v the good quopee on h1f; way . tile return trip, 41 �� dntertainingly thi of interest at6tiod America, The t Quebed and ivollfri to, commond it to 0, #Arden of *farma I 1 'r4ok na bewedr, thoydfdnotsc%�omr, lot ", I' L "ll 't I . ) a I I Y, A. 11 491 61 ttc�r )OftS 4IM: e WS 0 . 4 .writ, I t 0 t6sb, Iffilft at r 1� A ,� . . . I . I I I I . . I I 0 . � . , ft W war., to his ex. on I poetaster, Ono in whom the life of It living' 10010 has been Ingull6d, ,yes, eve" a 80e0nd Shakespeare, and rom where, P Who knows F The rythme. tleal Compopitiona of the composer ap. Pear PerlOdIcAllyin A dertitin periodical, Can, it be & Homet., it Virtil or a Mit. ton Called bAck to eart P Anotho .Aho. no I . . fro-ertf, VV40 sfw� AtimirlAir -h.. I and wo Ibe- but little tOW'nahip -6i dj;djj,�;j,­"� , C"'y XeXlOWVCU I 001. "r from a to Huron two cities _-4--_�___ 1066 before tile 1101180 r696 WCd 11118. otidbuild. a a barn. � day matnifig tile jtliliftnt!% tabled Clio atipplemente,fly jest, Allulator mates for e0fi Biwa 1001, providing, f0j% rdvot,otv to tho & thO VO� Amount Of "'176, Tho itomol tire lkd pros. thurah In I . .­ port, VOIbOrno Ift4illy)p M,W 11"ll rublip buildingit, *193W, bridge over he Chaudlere 41144, #10,dd, . " 0 "MM he lines,which we sell at$�1.50 and $2 aresomething extra good., There is a -shape and style about them that youeonnot got in machine -made goods and our prices Ara no higher. We handle goods that we know vVill &O satisfaction, . . I I I � All Repad on Boots or Shoo � ,!P 8 PrOluptlY attended to. .. I -_ I I . I - (d'�J () 6 � I � I � JACKS..' I N BR� 0**% S � I . . D' - ."gn, I ll-�� VeTarttnend-al &L , I V T".1 V '. luialAigiAlAAluigiummiuiiinil"iAiAilulwo%wo** %W0"ftWJU1UA11U1fl111J111111I1 Ill Ill ill ill ill Ill fit 1,16000000*000 a I . � # � , - 19, N ____.JL,. _ .... .. _ ____.- _____ __ __ - - - -1 - __,______. - - . 4. I Men's Hats , <:vow— 99C Wer are , ' Dodo 0 0"Ing Out Ne0l Rard. 4nd ra 11ats at 900 eftch. "I'hase aro good stYles and first class qualities, We ddt'nob Wallt to carry a singlo flat into next seasont or Ire wouldalt sell at thia prieo— . $1.60$2$2 .to 0 (Tard and &fb Tiald all Selling at each", 99C � r1i . . 1. - I I � I � . � '' Of, )� I I � aft k� '' I AD r E 0, C I .