HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-06-04, Page 1BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1908,
3130 Fit1 C
and Steamer Greyhound to
Saturday, June 20th
Under the auspices of Elmira Musical Society
A special train will leave the following stations at the time Specified' below, tak-
ing passeugerg at the following special reduced rates :
Pares to Detroit & Return Pares to 1oderloh & Return
Gaol b ' Leaving Adult, Children Adult Children+
p 5 50 a, m $3.2,' ', $1,25 Oso
Watson burg 0 01 u, m 9 20 , t 1.00 1,20 fi0e
Elmira (115 a. m 3.15 I.00 1.15 60o i ,
Walleneteln 6 25 a. ni '315 1,00 1,15 ((Hlc
Linwood 0 35 a, rn '3 10 1,55 1.10 05e
Milbank 0 47 a, m 'i 05 5,55 . , 1.05 55o
Milverton 6 57 a, m 3.00 1,50 3,00......50o
W, Monktou 7 12 a. rn 2.85 1.45 85o 45o
MoNaught..,.,..,.,7,25a.m 2,80 1,40 80c 40c
Walton 7 37 a. m 2 65 1 35 (150 950
Blyth: 7 X48 a, m 2.55 1.30 35c 900
Arrive at Goder'ch 8,35 a, m. 'To return Saturday, June 26th, take regular C. P.
R. train,
Two separate sets of special Helots will bo issued from stations named above to
Godorleh and return, and to Detroit and return.
Tickets to Goderteh from Guelph to Linwood, both etatfo a inclusive; good re-
turninJune 20th only, nly. from s to Dl etroit from Guelph to McNauns west of Linvvood to ght, both stat returning
ns Melon -
lye, are good returning Juue 23rd, from Walton and Blyth good returning June 22.
Passengers wishing to go to Detroit will kindly note the"following:—'
After arriving at Geduld the passengers for Detroit will immediately board the
steamer' Greyhound" which will be in waiting at the wharfs for tbo arrival of the
above special train, The steams will stop at Port Buren on both going and return
trips ending the passengers the opportunity of etoppleg (fret this point If desired,
and their tickets will be good to return from Detroit or Port Huron on Monday,
June 22nd.The yy
d" will
22nd, at 2t p. rn.m(Canada tine) or 1 5, m. (Central ave Detroit timn e), anhe d will arrive at Godon Monday,
lioh at
about 8,30 p. to. when the special C. P. R. train will be In waiting to convey the pas-
sengers to "home Sweet house,"
Make arrangements now to spend a day or two at the lakeside, or visit friends at
Detroit over Sunday.
The Western Ootnrlo Military Camp Assemblage will be held at Goderic1 coo-,
menoingJime 10th, You may not again have the opportunity for years of seeing our
"Canadl'rn Soldiers" at camp,
, The E. M. S. Band will aeoolnpany the exeurelau to Goderioh and it is expected
to Detroit also
Come along and he with the crowd.
If any further Information be desired at any time apply to the Saoretary,
Presldont, 'Treasurer. " Secretary.
Liberal Clubbing Offer.
The Canadian Pictorial and the Bluth
Standard one year each, worth $2.00,
for only 81,60, This is a genuine bar-
gain. 001111 111 100 10, Cull and see
samples at this office and leave your
50 cents gets THE STnE1MM) to
the first of,January 1909 to new sub'.
fiet'lbel's 111 Canada.
Law Suring Fever
Doctors Report Many Oases
Something happens every year, At
winter's close the body is weak and run
clown, Damp spring `vent her brings
out rheumatic tendencies, exhausts vi-
tality and simply demands everyone to
use a bracing, atre.gtheniugtonic,
lime won't help ; matters grow
1001'00 i 1181011 of hotter if your system
Isn't fill Of its pOisO1101,1,5 bn1'dP11,
In going through our sock of Ready-made Clothing we
find that after a big year's business we have many broken
lines in Men's Odd Suits which we are going• CO clear at
ridiculously low prices, We have these Suits in only odd
sizes, but if there is one in the lot to fit you ,it will mean
money saved in buying, for our loss is your gain,
25 Suits only, which sell regularly at from
510 00512, In black and blue worsteds
and serge,, to clear at $5.
10 Snits only, which boll regularly at from
$0 to $8. to clear at $3 to $3,50,
15 Youths' Suits, regular $5, to clear $2.
Small 13038' Suits from $1,50 up,
.a few Alen's Odd Pants, regular price $2,
to clear at $1 and $1.25.
Men's Overalls clearing at 00, and 75'.
A lot of Men's 5110 Ties and Fine Colored
Shirts to clear at half price,
Don't forget to ask to see our Working
Shirts at 25o.
Suits made to your meaenre, good cloth,
good trinmelnes and good workman -
011)5, $10 to $25.
This is where a dollar does its deity.
S. H. GI
Your blood is not only thin, but is
coet:unialtI(•d with a whole winter's
accuumlation of wastes.
A sti:notating blood tonic is required.
4t'hat's it going to be ?
Not bitters or alcoholic dope, but
concentrated cure in the form of "Fen
rezone" which is known as the bostgf
1111 spring rejuv0nators,
it creates teen appetite,_
Produces prodigious digestion,
Converts food into nourishment,
Gives richness and vitality to the
Makes strong nerves and hardy rnus-
1 orrozone possesses power that can't.
bo doubted, It will do for you whot it
did for \Varier Woods, of Beaufort,
Cir Co,, N. B., who writes ; "I can
soy that i errozone• has given me it 1100'
lease of life. A year ago I suffered
much from tlerdous weakness. 1 was
really Scarcely able tpdrag myself
around. My appetite was gone, t lige
no 00108 01' ambition and felt generally
used np, 'The first box of herrozone
started inn back to health,. f took 'a
number of loges, hut it was worth
while 0s 1)5 health was ;completely re-
Get back to health with Peneater,
six boxes for $2.50, or 60c per box at'rtll
East Wawanoeh Council.
'The Connell met on May 20th as a
'Court of Revision and Appeal, mem-
.hers all present,
Having each severally subscribed to
'the oath or affirmation required by
statute, the following appeals ware
then brought up for consideration
M, Lockhart, Robert Henry, Gordon
Johnston, Nath. Johnston and Walter
Scott, or„ all complained that their
several properties were too high as-
sesstd. E501) of these cases were left
over till the next meeting for further
The G. N. W. Telegraph Co. appeal-
ed against their assessment on the
grounds of exemption, no action was
taken in the matter, the assessment
being confirmed.
The following names were added to
the roll ; Nortnsn Walsh, If, S. & 11,
P. Ni lot 42, con. 0 ; Walter J, Scott,
Langside, and Chas. H, Scott, itiliton
West, to bo assessed as owners of Ili
lot 85, con. 5 ; Wm, W, Straughan to
be assessed as tenant W$ lot 30, con, 2,
Several parties made appiicatiou 'to
have their dogs which they have des-
troyed or otherwise disposed of struck
off the roll, but as the several parries
had failed to give notice in due bine no
action was taken in the matter,
Moved by Mr, Cuming, seconded by
111• Gillespie, that the court bo now
closed to be reopened again on Juno
80th next at 10 o'clock,—Carried,
Minutes of lost meeting read" and
Account of Sawyer & Massey Co.,
Hamilton, for repairs to road grader
received and ordered to be paid.
By-law No. 8, 1908, cited as the
Granby Drain By-law, was reed a first
time and provisionally adopted,
Accounts were presented and ordered
to be paid as follows :—Wm, Robinson,
salary as assessor, 1908, $65 ; Chris,
Johnson, repairing culvert on •eastern
boundary, $1,10 ; Sawyer & Massey
Co., repairs to road grader, $11.65 ; 0.
IL Wightman, drawing tile and mak-
ing nutlet, cot, 6, $4.20; birm. .Love,
building guard fence opposite lot 84,
con. 9,51,
After discussing the need of repairs
to several small bridges and culverts
throughout the township for the coin-
ing ,eason, talo Coancil then adjourned
on motion of Messrs. Scott and Gilles-
pie to Meet again on June 30th next,
Alex, Porterfield, Clerk,
Breathe Hyomei and Bo Cured
of Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Nature has a remedy for catarrh,
epidemic colds and bronchitis that is
far better than dosing the stomach
with medicine and drugs,
Itis the healing oils and hals0uns of
Hyomel which medicate the air you
breathe'; reaching the most remota air
cells in the nose, throat and lungs,
killing all catarrhal germs and restor-
ing health to the mucous membrane,
Hyomoi acts like e. curative internal
air bath, and has the same healing and
antiseptic effect ns the Kir where the
Pine and Eucalypti, forests give off
their fragrant and healing balsams,
Breathe healing Hyomel and see
how quickly you will get relief from
catarrh and head colds, If it does not
help you there will not be a penny's
expense, as ,i, M. Hamilton, agrees to
refund the money. The complete
Hyoalei outfit costs only $1.00.
Mitts Ida Drinkal, of Detroit, is the
guest of Bios R. McCurdy,
Will Jordan, of Bayfield, spent Sun-
day with his parents on 5th line,
Mise Nettie Iiellington, who has
been studying music in Toronto, has
returned home,
The young people of Sunshine Sun-
No. 41,
Our values are supreme. You can't help saving when you make your pur-
chases at this store. We always figure the best values for: your dollar, even
when purchases are made under extraordinary and most favorable conditions,
How little, not how much, can we sell it for, '
Higher qualities at these
prices than for several; yeas,
Full' cut garments, don't be
misled if you 'see a 'garment
advertised at a very low price,
examine it, measure it, Many
sales are made up of garments
"made to sell" so pinchingly
tight and skinned in every,
way that many are only regu-
lar goods at regular goods at
regular prices. ' Examine the
goods. Know your store,
We are proud of the excell-
ence of our garments.
Ladies' Underskirts at $1.25
Made of good cotton with extra deep flounce,
set with two rows of Torchon insertion,' finished
with frill of lace. Very special at $1.25 each.
IONOMMINM1011••••• 11•••••11111.111.1100111.0.
Ladies' Underskirts at $1.75
Made of good quality cambric, 8 rows of fine
tucks with frill of fine embroidery. At $1.95 each.
Ladies' Underskirts at $3.00
Made of extra fine quality Nainsook, hand em-
broidery, flounce bottom, finished with baby Irish
lace. Beautiful skirt at $3.00.
Our management traits more young
people than any other in Ontario.
There must be a reason ; write for It.
Special Couree for Teachers.
Mall Courses.
Geo, Spotton, Principal.
day School are preparing for a River-
side social to behold at J. Russell's on
Tuesday evening, ,Tune 10111. The
Wiugham Salvation Army Band will
he in attendance, Admission, 113 and
15 cents,
It does Cure Womanly Itis
"I feel it my duty" writes Mrs, S.
Mead, of P1'aserville, Oat., "to let you
know that sometimes previous to the
change of lite 1 suffered more than 1
could toll. Neighbors told ale Ferro -
zone was the only remedy and their
advice was good, Perrozotle )Ota stop
to my pairs and sickness, had a direct
action on my troubles that relieved
from the start. 1 sofel,y passed the
turn and new enjoy perfect health nod
rest, No womanly medicine can be
better than Perrozone," Instant reliof
is found in 1'errozono for female weak.
1/005 of every kind, 50c per box at nil
MITI Burned at Linwood
The large grist mill owned and oper-
ated by Joseph Eidt at Linwood 0'110
totally destroyed by lire at an early
hour Friday morning. Loss will be
in the ueighho'hood of $8000, partly
covered by insurance, The cause of
the fire is as yet unkootyn.
A Cordial Invitation to Disease
This is an apt description of consti-
pation, It's an unnatural condition to
-eghl with, and it's more, because it
brings about blood deterioration, inter-
feres with digestion, renders you sus-
ceptible to infectious diseases and
eat1800 nrnramla, Not SD 11111011 1t ptll'-
gative as a natural stimulant to the
Item els is what you need. You get it
in Dr, Hamilton's Pills which increase
liver nativity, restore the bowels to
perfect action and positively cure enn-
stipat im1 mud its attendant evils, In-
sisten having only Dr. Hamilton's
P11le c( 'Mandrake and Butternut, 25c
per box at all dealers,
Chronic Coughs Cured
Mre, Joseph Eccles of Dromore, says:
"I took 4 or 5 bottles of Psychine,
and a cough I had continually for nine
months disappeared, It is the beet
remedy for chronic coughs that I ever
Thousands of living witnesses pro-
nounee Psyolrine the greatest medicine
in the world. It is not a patent medi-
cine, but a prescription of a great phy-
sician, Put it to the test in any
case of throat, lung or stomach trouble
or any run down or weak condition, At
all druggists, 50e and $1,00, or Dr, T,
A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto,
White Mg Drug Stare
Spring Talk
The season of the year is here when
everyone turns their attention to clean -
Ing up the wrecks of winter and getting
In shape for the busy time. We are
right on the job with a fresh stock of—
Pormaldedyde 05;'; (fork's)
Chloride of Line
Moth Balls
Carbolic Acid
Scotch Snuff
Don't forget that we are sole agents for
Blatohford's Calf Meal and Empire Poul-
try Duster,
An advortisenent 111 TUB STANDARD
Tell it to the •
••••• •••••• ••••• ••••••••••
While the Public is invited to make
use of this column for the expression of
personal views on public [natters and
public mel, personalities are debarred and
In all eases the suitability of the corn-
munication for publication is a matter to
be decided by the Editor.
Without differences of opinion there
would, of course, be no correepondenee,
and for the opinion of our correspondents
and their differences with our own Tim
STANDARD must disclaim responsibility.
••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••
i••••••• •••••••• •••••••••
June, July and August leads into
our fall terns without any break.
Eater any time, New catalogue
free, Write for it to -day.
Central Business College
The largest and most reliable of its
kind, e
Yong, and Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
W, 1I. Shaw, Principal.
Every Treasurer of Church, Lodge
or Association Funds should at once
open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT for these
Trust Funds.
We specially invite this class of
Accounts and pay highest current