HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-07-12, Page 4I X.�;W ",_.. - -, w-;— — 4w--- 1 1 -1 �
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, &UI) 'BLOW To Tura vxfilry. f4V1_11_^1YkA_11 A r.,W,�FV,-,-,-,-_N MAO A A A_� ------- �� ---- . - ..,- -- '.
� I � - - I __ : � ,. �_,"F�V__ ��1W1FV1W1T111r1r1rV .. 'I BAYFIELD. LINK . f 0 . ,I .11L
",iTvilU,oTQV VOT1.1. ottawti, July, 40.-U6 Laurier Ghiv- . � � - I I I . I . --"-'
— ermunut, will not. fargot in it Ving' thno *W,.� ir " Miss Lizzle W(ldlotop, whi-) haq I ,
I a It, �
knouff debate Olk soil tell of ito adhereilts taught HAPPENINGS taligilteotqtl(.(.�,�g,;fllllyft)t.rtye,tt.all(l.� "When" You Want" Sale 'l, '
I ,
of coul 64oiax A. Ommuma
Ja.JyK,d , [III the 411con. Orlo6m, was on tho faco I halfln (louiet, J-1,4sck collnj�y, hat, i.p. � ��
I Wilfrid Laurier. Pro- of t. I I 0 `MI gin, illa -day. It Wits I C In I * * QQftft1raPQ)VaaNr turned �holllo I
ltllloalo(�,� erial force to OF A WEi-EK GODERI . for her vacailon ,ffter �
'. -
Qc1(,ctJoIIVof00ft'c,, repeated- plitin to everyone y'llose ,good wit3hes I . I . which ishe inten . its going to the Nor. . .
. tire witla tile Administration that the . I irial. , ,
---------- � --- --- I . . �Xr. V red. Richarda of London buq1-
tile tewperatice people that , finding of the 11' uriergency Rations Coni.i. 04*0*4 WIVIVIV-7 � . . I - - W 1 m 04 A A A.- - notis - ,
given- tile reins of powor it mittee 11,as a f3erione ervor. To mlti� I Grahame Williams, druggist, Toron- F7_��'r I . .. college )),%Ill it Short visit to . % I
ate th�3*-Vanio attaching to Ron. Jil. Dr and Mrs. NoGorman of St let, N. W. T., friends on the Up& before going to his i 0 . �
wouldfollowand if-aimajor. - all B1168 Rusk, Prince Allm holne, in J�Illlollgll, , I I
oelctorapr000luiced in Its fay. IV. Borden would. have been pardon. (1179 8Pent it c ple of (lays vc4g�i� to,. revisited his -old home on the 4th of will RPOrld her holidays fit the rest. Rev. Mr.Aboy of Ilytissels pveach�(J a . . 4t_ )
- the guebta Of Mrs. Blearier, and 1,38 July. . I
would introduce a prohibit. able. Condoning in a way the manner r, . dance of )lee parents, Bit and Mrs. "I 11 . I---.,. _ - �
le evades carryy of letting the contract wouia not have Ilayll Ilia Pastime of fishing lilts .Mrs Obarles.and his sister Miss Nag. Rusk, Elgin Ave. I very instructiveand impressive sormoll . -.4i .
ro. Now .1 - d cen ;atIler ate, so the St.. � LASImmonilisave .the guests of Mrs. The Moosvii 1 to in St. James' church, Middleton, oil � The Dr Goods b usiness. , i -allr ' i '
I at earned the penalty impose upon the limited of 1, �. Allju'�4sf the Colleg it I asnally f , flat IL July, and
pledge by. saying ill. : Government Mar sitars could nob electrify Wobert Sharman, St. David's street. I y
is Opposed to Prohibition by ten of its esteemed fat- Tristilbute and eons at tile Rev.. �9, J.
iva Yl ,bra with any Misa Alithes of Walk0ville and Mr. Allin lefb .on k4aturday for th , . Mr#R,obi (jole, and 31 ter, IR$ ,10, ' .
albivittilly his (ko,yern. loweps. Itwas the sweepin$r verdict thel friends ontheirrot e)v new 8 M V sale. t -we hear of "Mashing
. of innocence, thodrawilig of concla. Of our last summer's good luck at the Lodge of Toronto are the guests this home in London, For the last ton 8 )Onb Sunday at Div. ilai-py Peak% 8 %YS Until September. q1wu !a Augu4
temperance people stdmit, � . . Vront Road, Stailley, I .
as. bumbugged them and slons at total variance With the evi- Wharf. , 4 week of. Miss Hayn. I days of their stay here they were t,110 - $)_
� Mrs. Mcoullough and daughter ,Sales" 4114 110learilig Qat Sales after .1yeople haye ceased .
xpect any relief fro ii the dance that causeEl. the secession from The druirt major of the Oth Uigb- Miss Slaimonds and bur niece, Miss Fr "(8ts Of Mr. Shannon,, Cambria Road, Grace of O'loveland arrived here Satur. I . .
. a Of affairs atble hands. the. Liberal ranks. 14very wart of the landers wits siniply perfect in dress and Young, whose mother (nee Miller Shia. MM Salo Cox spent some time in divy on a visit to the former's parents,
. on. this question Hon. ton Who forsook the Government on step. Everyone was charmed by his mands) was one of our 6tizens, years Killuettolis the guest of one of her Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wise. I to want summer goods at any price!. That isi* our way. ,
said they woula have this importRut issue Would bave,tladly appearance. They caled him "Little a, are the guests of the Misses Barry, eons. he spent, White there, bwo The farm of the late Thomas Cole, to, .
ch better -position to , le said he was b r ag (Jay& with Mi,. and Mrs. Wilkinson apil gother with the stock arid Implements, ot. -
soigodey ;a Willie." I 0 a in Glow J4 We're going to clear out'our summer stock ifow-- and a I '
ex. f Ow �jth tile party. lie wouh hoo gin avenue. I
on orl'the question it the it in any : . . .garry. I 11 . Mrs. McManus of Bothwell wits file lound Miss Rattle Wilkinson regain. will be Offered, for sale by ;%uctipp this I � .
iseonfit-to bringibou at ' . � . Before the Toronto train came in the guest last week of lice friends, R Xpress Ill §1 strength rapidly, � of now goods just bo�ight for this occa�ion. 1Wq,Tiy lines .will ,
. Ir's. $Pence, wife of the Itiland Rev. I . . . . I . . I
stage in the session. .. . courb 'house a nave .was the. attrao- Manager and Mrs. Stewart, St David's enue OMeer Spence, now station. ,
, but the barefaced.effort to shield Indl- tion, Everybo y wits Anxious to street. � . . . .-- _._� '
Poetant questiong, It was 11, .
I ) fog end of the session. viduals whose guilt the evidence plain. see the games but we really cannot ed at Berlin, and three,little ditugh. I be sold at half price and less. If you value bargains like
11 � I IV argaod, was wore than mail Miss Paroy OfStouffvIlle, who is just tars are the guests of,Kvs. H. K%vlWu. Porter's 1111X. . � . �
.. V,ts evident from the time at 'con* ifind any rooni for any mention save returning. from hot' school at ]Device We had the honor of prefienting the
I J: I ,solution w,tsintrodriced science and courage were prepared to -the git-161 bicycle raco, The prizes were Mines, cathe down on Sanday — * t , hese, in goods you. can use NOW, this store will have .the
. I stand. The.wonder _, lab leaderofthe pipers -.with a beautiful 44tilte a number of our young people . I I
I .". nteuded.bliat otherthan is that Party dis' won by t, Maggie, Doak, 2nd Myrtle July, per ateamer Pittsburg, and was stem of b1he balls, for which we recejv� took in the celebratio I G eric all I
e1j, I
1, � I - iscilssion should be given cipline hold so many Liberals in checic� How ill Nat" Wright, Wo in"at the guest until ThurBday labt of Mr6. 'ad gracious thanks . . u n ad It 11��eliest sale that any store in'this town -ever had. 1. �
t . esulb of the -plebiscite was Put for the energy ofthe whips the note 8, Pritchard, who won Ist prize bCa�rajn).Tretheway, wberl she t-jok The lodges that affillated with Maple July Ah and till report having it . . . . I � .
oy',!no . an$ an indication Of tile list of secessionists Would have assum-. In .running hop, step arid jump and Ist. 11 for bet, he 16 , pleasant time. It . I . .
�� treng edan alarming,lengtil. Asit, is, lead, in running high jumr. 11heselections where gle Wit a at StoulTville, Leaf Lodge oil Sunday just by flendi,ng Mr. Goo. Kenyvisiteafriands arouLid B ' . . I .
A � 0h of the prohibition sentiment. , I ape lid her vacation. members were Clinto , FiGINNING X - - � .
,11A this country., The reason wits that ers of the Liberal party in the House at the fair grounds van. by the 48LII n 14odgo No. I Porter% Hill on Sunday. � I I I
� . a people had had enoqgh of ploble. realize that a; severe blow bits been Higlanders were teautIful. ,%nuio Captain Baxterhas quite a Beat of Sheppard Lodge, Benmiller, No. 317, Miss McDougall and Bliss, Bannister . I . I I
-varl dealb*the restige of the Governmelltv Laurlo" with variations was grand, row boats for people who would like Huron Lodge, VUng61naOn, No. $53 and of Detroit are visiting friends around . . .
..a. Theyliallbadtherninthe - , . . .
EL Or4yinces.without reeldt'. There- The vonJry� bad reason to Ile Out- followed by "Tile Last Rose of Sum- to take their visitors out for'a row anv Carlow Lodge No, 376, who with the the Hill. . . . I . .
0, Y04: conic avel6pments of afternoon. Mr. 'Finn (it the ocean township, metribers of the A. 0. U. W. It is reported that some person has SATURDATkY, 3 ULY 14th
. . . Inot repeat the suraq, raged,at the di the -Em-: mer,10 4,Miustrel lloy," "Home Sweet . 9
, I .
n . himittee. It has Home" and other leces, which werle H0400 has a Pretty new row boat for and same of the Maple Leaf Lodge, been visiting so,me of the strawberry - �
. . I
. 9 over �aud'o`ver again. The peo- still more cause Xor resenting.the at -i trulymagical in cislect. It was really �ale, so soma of our Clinton readers were invitedgueats at the British Ex. P&06S in, this vicinity. . . I . .
. -. e to the conclusion that they . change for dinner after the parade Mr. Robert Beacom had a I
ala Ou ,A.thlOe 61jam,battlea. It tempt of the Government and It's sup, inhy like to invest. He Is the man from Knox ob oil .
awe-inspiring. I w 0 , v .
� potters. to am woeK ,Sale will continue tor 15 (lays.
. I � . rig lip old porridge, And On 17th of July Me, John Burns, of lilub, so that it, would bd a kind act to The cottage meeting held no Sunday building a, gangway I p to his barn; I � I
.. as I iothei proven factii and waspresente(T *Ith an artificial urch on Sunday. � successful bee one livening last
I � -%vs$ , , a by tbp temperance Weill tl�o guilty. The desertion of the nember of the I . I
1, � . , I ; . Whit -by, a prominQnb I I patronize Me, Finn. '. by Rev..James Anderson Was at the The boys it) I I . * I I
, neo , � � a repetWoo ,be old. ten Libeinals emphasizes. the deceit. of , . I worked well 'and Robert , � I . I .
I -of t a Sorls.of Scotland, *111'give a concert in . Xrei Zeke Sin handsome residence of Mrs. Tutt, Wit. used them r1glit. . Where is but little astiefo,otion !If a long list of prices, The best way is to come
dad elf had gone into the -the Government Which prete the Temperance Hall under the Pat- ith of Chicago, now of ,ism street. . Miss R . I I
�Iab , .. ould not help,contrast- in search of the truth, and lt=e . ubie Stirling is enraged- with
I.. .. ' -Department, of Militia , , rouage of Inverness Camp. He Will be Bliffalo, and her. three childron'will ur. Dle�vlch rt'.1sIgnbd his posiblon Mrs. Stewart - XcDouga I for the 1. and -make personal Invogtigation, however, we'll print the items below and ask you to * I
,nd zeal with the cold . assisted by Miss McLean Mackenzie spend some weeks as the guests of Mr., .. ..
I . . . Ile
ard to the prohibition IUNDIM A 4TIOMA I .1 and Miss -Annie McKay'. Miss Mne, and Mrs. J. W. Smith of. the East D 7 Al"d- Will AcP01111 a Position in summer, I fulfil all our promises, . . . .
" -.' 'street bakery. The lady's husband, ful aith- Mr. Jas. - Hamilton has I eat to-
.. be small number who I laren'sHighland Class i0l also �tWe , strait Mr. Dietrich is'a very f, I . retu'r " n ol Put'it"O the C �i� � I .
. .
I . I . . . .
� 1 - of-fricbropetence, which would load to & in the enti Me, Zeke Smith of Chicago is a Jar Young gentleman and Will succeed 'from Eketer, * . 1'. i I . . I
I I ,in 1898 was no.indlicA. pat, svtaldment-� We are a anywhere. " We wish him good fortune Mr. John Elliott .sports it new,qu I . . I � I . -
� X�-,rance seriblo,enb'in the immediate retirement; of any n1f. t have contractor on the World's .Vale Build., wherever he goesi ., . Me, GoIden'Newtoll, is, Impro, 997. - I I � �
I (,��. . . a4ry the Opera E194 oilould no I . �
I I respecting Minister. The blow which been engaged as the Zices-have better ings at Buffalo.. I . . vilig. . � . . . .
. . .
. '. A'W a the great body not has fallen hpon the Laurier Govoyn . �. ThaXisses Acheson and N, - . .
R I ' - effe t in it large 11. � , . .
i�L� L . � _'.�OVi" 0 ha . Miss Robertson of the Hx9tarPbbliO line Reynolds left for Us. Caro- slowly- - . . . , . I Great Wash Goods Bargains
. . , medt, implies plain want of confidence - Paris with the
"wt,which belloved'in probibl- Goacrich surpassfid herself -on the School, AliasConnle LoToixiclofHe � I . . I
L but aid' net oorne the poll and in the head of the Department of Rev. Mr. Withrow of Toronto whose . I . � M==:!�_ � . . . . . . . . . I .
I vote..'Tor. many reas Militia. When a ,Mlnister's conduct 4th in welcoming the Anton Old sall Public School, Miss Birdie Grnr . . . . .
. .
ons, but chiefly be- Boys. hame of -the Zurich Publ 4, party n1hrubers fifty, _ . .. . . '. I Port AlWrt. . I � � 400 Yards of 27 to 30 inches wide . . �
cause they had no faith that anythill invites the sevet eat censure of ten Gov- Tile town was in gala, dress, flags, and !a School, Xadje and Mis .. . I . . . I ,. . -0 and 120 -Print$ for'lle
was 6 . - ernment followers be has just -about bunting everywhere, and hundreds and Mlsq Beari of the AbbiArn . Public a Doyle, Miss Griffin$ I I I .. . � Dimity Muslin 'and Turkish
a come out of it One could null School, are till spengla Miss eCarthy an . MI Ethel'beLong . ' . .
help but wonder wl;�t would have been 'forfeited hW claims to the position, Blit .came in to help out, citizens enteftairl. g thati, vacations , d it number of other IN - . is home for a . . I Bourett in all the newest sum, ..
oublill he �ia their 'visitors from Toronto. There at their.homes fiere, .. . . . 1�1 , yo ng ladlei; 'of 8t, Pefei'i attended -few -months froin the Queeq ci by. . 1800 Yards of Prints, 29 to 82 mer shades,. at mauve and
the result if the' - JVremiar had spoken Dri Borden will not-milve � . I thingr6at Dublin picnic. : � . I . . .
before the oJection ,of 1890 as, he does forced out. .He valuep too highly the WAR a great- crowd at the station, when - The Board of'Examlnera for - Sbutb - . I Miss L. 0anningliam. is home for her inches wide, in assorted light white,pli.k and white, blue and - I . I
Uptrance e Graud Bend. where and white, etc,,' also stripe Piques, I
portfolio which nets blin a comforta' b]6 the train pulled in. As the Mi hland� Huron comwo � J. 3, Wright of the Point Varm. had holidayifrom th .4a,rk coloru,warranted fast . I .
now, Re proposed �to find faulb ers advanced, playing' ITII6 l9ells o' ere on MandaynA c2andc1b,hu PaP' q . I I she has been engaged its a1eacher. . � colors, in. best Canadian and Amet-lean Charribraye,hifit, . ney . . �
with the Premier th income. Itwillbba long time, how- I . ly.. . . lilts a number of guesto 'this week, �
Mt,be did'not treat ever ster -of. Militia is Scotland,` ,we thouglit we wore car- S-undav School service c6mmenced and Meneseturig Park: has a number Several of the -citizens are going to , �Engllsb make, our regular 10a , colors, regular prices 15c and 11 ��
the quest' parely and fairly And ,, ,,before the T4!nl also. . . � I celebrate the 12tlx at July. �u kincitr- and 12he'qualitles, to clear due -
.ion a . 1 18c to clear during sale at..,.. lee
I .
bon I iendly torms with the Liberals tainlyiA for soulb fine muslo-� When at 0,45' '�. m..In St. Oeorge's on Domin. dine, . . . Ing sale at pet yard. -'. � � ......... 7je. . . I . .
We had reasoned in it . hamsel�es � .. . . -Fards of Corded Zephyrs, .
circle. He knew, tho,sebtimerib .of : wbo refused to - identify, t the pArada reached the square from. lon Day and will contiriiiO at the same' We wonder who will take Wilson's . ' Mrs. A4ara Sebrajer and family, , * - .. I . .. 200 �.' . . .
Quebeein 1890 as well as lie did to -day. with his miserable cause, 4nd it will be Rhst street lt%turned to the right and hour dLiring the summer month% old.drug store and Mrs. R. B� Switb's Milverton, Rre 'visiting her liarli-rits � . Fancy Piques, Oolored Muslins. I I
stilldbnger befoi,e�'he is restored to that marched around to the south turn.; . store. There.js,ri�otber vacant store Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Quend, at -present:. 150 Yards of'StOped Musrin and .1
Was there not a diffbrelat flavop, a The Town Clerk has 0een ,,desired to 1, MoLeaWs block (Orabb's.) ' I I Pereales in mixed colors of blue in all the nevveat shades of blue , .
complete - distinction between the confiden.ce,whith lie formerly,. enjoyed Rtile, 'and thou entered. the Square. .
- . t
ro- !athe Liberalparty. , . I . . naTes of. 'eople Miss Rillier intends going ut of nection with tbel3i oglish church wits a OL11 � . ' ..
sw4ch'Ile, made that day and the p , Captain Young in his khaki . suit, offer aIeward-tcniny person furnishing . I I . . The social.'held on July 2nd in con- % anit, white, gold and vvhIte,etc. .. -and white, royal and . black, �
. -
mises be had h3ade before 1806,: WhAb . � . . I I . I... � I . . mounto&on a very fins steed', hended. - R X who mutilafe tile business'too, . . . 0 . . . ., warranted fast colors, oul� - also black and white, etc., suit- '� .
. I . . - platform, ber, che an trees juthe Court Hous . gFeat success, the proceeds of the a regular.10c and 12je muslins to, able for blouses and,,dressest . .
I .1 . the 48tb Highlanders to the . I e . . . . ven� .
wasthe.resolutibli, of his ilarty in -the -� , I . � I Square, I . . . . Lust FrIdav' Ing being $24.75. . I . . . 5C they were good values .. I
. Oftawaplatform.ofl.893? Itwas not 270 ENT . who wore followd by the Goderich and I . � - a shoot at. the ran ge was I . . clear at;�. 4 ................ ! - ". , �
.gAwdE a&wbi- , gannon companies of the a3rd, the There is a beaubiful holind, .Wljlto� kindly given us by Mr. A. Rougvie and . Rev. Air. Howard, Loi�don, Wasin - - . - . . . �. . � -to clear a.t nearly half prioli ... : 15C I I
merely a -poll of public senbiment,� b b - ' 8 IN W.E'si� HtrRo Dun . all un- with y the village on Monday week last arid .1 . � . I . . . . I
. , DlTg N.' Collegiate Cadets an'd Kqiues, i . ellow-spots, playing -nearly all is &a fOII0Ws%:-0arI Oamplon 4, R. R. 300 Yards of genuine Scotch �
-- it was mean't to, iinddlilhave bheeffeul3t � 7- 7- . . 1. and ,%VhIch . Watson 6, A� Ron called in to the, social . 500 Yards of Corded La*wns', '
�,�, I I , __ I der Lieub, -Col. Varcoe, the Gi5derich day on Stanley street; Nvie 1, 0. Garrow-5, b,.Ob over from Ginghams and American Zeph-. i - Corded Dmiffies, Silk Lawns, -,
I .
�,,.�-_e of bilnging to his side the .temperance I �-. . . . 'Rev.. aspar Wilson 3, H. Lucknow where he a ein .' .yrs, 631 bright ne . W goods � Just; , I 'Foulards, Swiss Muslins, etc.., ' . ... U
. : Iifarirli; Band, eartiages containin seems to have no .owner.' Itis to be, D. McIvor 2�, beogn filling a
".. sentiment, Every answei-which- t1io ' H. B.,Enlbrance'*Exat)iiii4tion.-�-Th8 Mayor Wilson,'Warden Rollins, .J. �f hoped that somet of the readers of this Hutson �, K " W ntmebtf6r two weeks. - I ..
. �. ,�. Premier hjxd made was'so much susten- number of , I kl§oA 1. R . Campion 7. 1%ovieral of the.Lucknow citizens spent - received, in stripes and checks, � in mixed colors of pink, blue, . . . .
tince to the hope of the prohibitionists. each of the centres in West Huron is .. Miller, one of th ,One T from Clinton was Seegmiller of. X6bradka, accompanied They"t outing at the lake last week. shirt, waists, our regular price ' j�, 3 . O., black , �. . . � .1. I
:�. candidates who wrote at Willison, President of the Toronto As- correspondence may be his owner, as We were delighted � to meet Miss . a da the very latest novelties for - - ' royal blue also
I , , . a for� prized hooric . . purp"',
:1, There Wis no need ta"discuos that� � if, - go follows :_ . , . soclation, Mail boa], sought for here .6 nily, Me and w 'te, were nd 35c, .. I
, , � . . ere Mr. Holmes and far .. I a a price just half ...... . ... ..
. � , ,
,k4,,,_,'__ - the Premier had gone on any,platform � - , mer teachers of the Central So owe time. dgo by. -A by the Misses Lang of Stratford. Miss Smi'th McLean and -family, 'also Mrs,, Is25 ,sal I ., I.. Me 11I. to go 4t and price ........,., 18C ,..
�. : Godarich '. 85 , I �Ixeber 42 i,, members,of the Town Council in car- notice. in these columns, � . I Seegroiller- is loyal to the* old tl�wn:a�4 . . . � - I . �.. .. . _ . .. . , , --.-.. . . , .
, � then arid made the .statement he'llad ,, 13ayfleld ,25 Honest, . ' ' Arthur McLean. I I . . I .1 . . .
I � . . I -charmirig-after.lier .sojourn in , . I I I . .
, .. * 1 20 riages, representatives from outside lNow we have a, 41verfromKingston, 'looks, I . . . . ` . . .
, that day, would not all hope hai,e 1: . I . ' , I ... . . I lanhelette. at sle, . ., 1. I .
. Kintall ' 19 - Zurich - 28 -municipalities, -carriage containing Old J0oglaon, whp is supposed id'locate Ne�raska; . . ,. .. I �less than W . .
J, �,�,. I of help for the �dause Du ' .. I 11 . . I I I Staples, .. holeg416 121c"Y . .
. . . . . I �
I . gone f6ta thaV . ' : nwannon 21., ' Credit n. 10. , Boys' banner carried byAthol. Stewart, the Iiiiiaps,on.: the. rook 1. bottom Does . Miss Ntick&y of Toronto is accom- I . .. . ' L ,es - . . . , � '100 Yards of Flannelette in pink - . . . . � �..
quarter? Was therenot that W gbod , S.t, pleas 14 � - ;, 0: . I of Mr. 3 - Stewart of Toronto, Pip, .. . if you d " Pric . '
ground of complaintP . . $or =e know what Canada those partied by her nephew, 'Mr. John Mae- tle or: Ho on't feel.quite Well try a bet . . - I d bludanly, 82 and 86 inches --L . . � �
;.. . I P
I I When they had . .. ... � . . . -- ersi' hand,- Canadian Order. of Fares- ad's Sarsparilla, It. will: bell) . . I � I
endeavored to get froinhim an inter ' VOrhaiIs the'steam (trill might kay L(,Tack,) who. will make their. stay . I . . 411de in twill and plain, be&vy. * - - .1
- I � ' - ' .1 . I . . wi
. I 'L pretation- of the Tote ,, I., . . . -Total - - V0 - fees. '.oitlzlin�sl -Mr. .D. McGillicuddy answer the %iesblon.- � . - � - .. . pleasant with our beautifhl,d you, . . . L . I . . . . Se 'Toweling. for 5e, qualityt bur regular 12J6 . . . ...
. that Would be -ap- I . elves. . . . . . , _11=7 � ..
F. E. Bail, made a very. efficient chairman, speak� � I � I . . I . I I I .
. . plied, he sidd by irblilioatiQa that th . a � I 'The examiners'were Xiii". Married. On 23rd.Oetoberi 189D, at We to&kpu� usual walk to t ' — , . � -Lin..�,,. : - . . nelette to.go-at..'...' ...... 4'... 1. . �
, � . he har� — - -_ 200"Yards, 18inebee wide, . . .80 I
. I . . .
. . - . . � I .. . . .
� - -the wi Hagan, H... 1. L Stra i and.J. E. . Inv briefly of*thople4sitrd it gave ,him bar ovi Monday and foun I I . I I . Toweling, terk flne soft, finish, � . . . I I
i constitution rule was- that 11 9. X, ' . 1119 I Sb. Patrick's church, Montreal, by the d men. busy .
4 Tom. It is -expected. , that. the rosults to receive'the."Old Boys,` afid called pjii'ngup Doherty's lumber w6avej regular ValUe 8c9 80, Flannelette for 5e. . � �- I
": ". .
; . ., � � .
1, `1,,�, of the majority would. rule. .His com.. , � 116v- Father Martin, assisted by Rev. in..rdadi- TO CURE' A COLD I la,n%e 5C - . . .
_� laint was that Sir - Wilfrid b'd t will be published in the - local papers up.on Judge Doyle to. begin the will' Frtther� Halusey, Julia, daughter of ,ness foe the trains to ship. it to Clinton. . . K ONE DAY . ar-at...;.... ...,.; ......... ! I . . . . . �. I .
110� 1. , - next w ' � ... � - - .. - . corne, Rio honor made a veey-sch . . . . . I � . � . 200 yards of rey and brown filln. . �
I .. � ated his position. Ther6,viasillotbing . eek. . . . Pl- Levi Oard, G.Oaerich, to, Robeft-11urns Thed we saw the neiv tug, Edna Ivau, Take Laxative Br6mo Quinine Tab. 9c A' proft Gino'llam, 610, - , . . .. . . .
.. 1, . � . . . . 1. .. the la I . nelette, By inches wide, good - - ' ,
I . � ,arly speech, referviiig in most dour- of Boston, formerly of Mon'treal. - � . at of the four. arders.recei ve& last 4_14[9 ." -_ , I .
efore'1890 about a two-thirds - vate. -. . "! , _ . ry,phr . aseo to � . se%sdn by OiO Popular boat buildex,Mr. if it fails to cure. 25c.. D. W. Grove's . . i . clear at..........-... alue . Sc,. . to , 5e, - I - . � -� .. �-.
m , ; ; I , . _ teona� and com0limenta, I . � . lets. All druggists refund the money %uality,. rer ..... ... .. �
' Be carefulig, avoid6d. any such d6flnl-* I ,.� . . We learn'that Misi Charles of the 1501,Yards of - Apron Ginghams. I . ,,ular v :
I I ' - �is stand,. If he bildiev6!4 than ' (IODERIC" TOWNSHIP. . each of the British Isles,'to France and Marlton. We liongiatulate him u . . . . - ' .
. , . . Collegiate -Institute. staff 1as tendered II signature is om each box . . 35 inches wide, .with and with- . 1. I I .. . I ,. ." I . . %
., . � — , . to the United States, but Canada was her . . the triln"cut of the . tug and :npon pho . .. . . � .. . I out borders, in colors of light . . . . . . . . ,-. �, "' I
.1 I . . . 11 . Miss 0 , - I . .. � � I . . I � . . 11 ��
'I . . I
"I -lone, a. oni� province. , Xr.'John McCartney returned last , 0-bave four of them - and dark blue, . red and .Whiti. " - Summer Corsets at 0C. : ' ' 1 11
as he did riov�'tba.� be did' not believe , - -resignation to the trustees;. , successful venture t . I I
, in probibitian'ro insurpassed. He felt :that living. in _
P'.. , Goderich for fift.y.years gave him- the Oharles has, been in her pieslant posi- ready,for the season andneirly all the � - - . �, . I : . .� 1. . I -
. wits cilaposell'to it why did he net mitke week from a.triyI up the lakes,-. during tion for the past seven years - daid has � .. . i. -check, etc., heavy quality reg- 11 .
F�;.`. I
, , d 13oy'of - work . , . , Ladies', Summer Oorsets,'mads of .. .. '
I the statement then F The 'implied wbi& he called at Killarneyi Little privilegfi* to call himself au'.01 was done in wint6r. Thepaint- . , . ular value go. to clear at ; ...... 643 e I . * ... �
. I .
- that if 0 . I I ore Bay and a Huron. He! also spoke of the honor to lice duties as teacher. . � . are giving it a c . . ' � s , . . .. .
�,, , � I ever been most faithful and attentive ers w ; . . : good strong net, With 5 book, , , ' .
. � I 1,
� ' I ' � . pledge was clear -the will f the Current; G ther p6ints-an 'they have done'.the professions find I I I oat of beautiful . , - 10 Grey, Coi ton. atlie ..: ouble la side steels, long -
'i i: . the.noeth shore, .. green, so,w.e presume it.willbe-greell � I . . �
� �� peoplewas in favolir of prohibition Mackinac ,a,fid- the the lidnorsthey have woninpolities as .- . Mrs. Geor.-Lowe and daughtel,Gretch-' and white . * . I . I , I . rimmed, made to
, � -1 that it should be en -acted. He recalled Saulb. Bub the. greater ,part 6f.'the ..
I . ci� . are isiting at he rest - D 400 Yards a waist a sv, - - - -
I , - at Rv , ,, * f 30 inches wide. grey . .- . , nicely t .
� I - well. Our youngmenshe said, nave gobs .10, I 1 3 Gre . . S I Bell a 400 and Oc'eacb, to clear 25C - . .
I go - A very pretty 'but quiet w6dding ' . . Cotton, . extra heavy� quality, . . . . ., . .
. r . I . . . ..
I Mr. Fisher's words to the electoratei at time Was spent with bas brother - , erl a' "' . '�Lq.wels aulit, Mrs. took place, at the residerce' of the .' . . . .15C. ' �
; .1 to the extivemity.of the world, to the den6,Cof s : , , . "i .
, �,:l a meeting in Ottawa, at *hicli he was Thomas,- who owns. a fine -'farm of 166 George -Black.. - . I . . .. fvee� of specks, - suitable, for s . ..�, .1
I , . . .
. I presei I- xth of the icholas Dietrich, I . I . I
.1 it: "Now if.you want prohib acres some twelve miles noi Yukon, to China, t6 Sbuth Africa, to bride's father, N Esq. . 1. r .and'18c. 'Yost for lft._� , .
� ty . ceremony was perforined by the _OP-. , L - � . . "Vests, made of fine cotton � .. I
. . .
. Bruce Mines, upon 1which'he* settled too. Mayor' Wilson! then carne for-' -Mrs, Donnere . togo during sale days at .......
1: : , . tion vote for and carry the.-plebiocite . .Now Zealand and Alaska, even to Mex- Mr. Donne of Sbayrter has joined The I . .. . . abeetin I g, egular 1.0o quality;, TiefLadies
I .�r He bail fallowed'and said that WoSe more ,than a decade. age . herefor a few. days vac- Rev. James Anderson, B. A,, under the . ., . . . yarn, short sleeves, nicely trim- . .
I I : - Though warli and gave a very pleasing address ation and with her is the guest of Mr. 'arc Lit ofthe drawing room at high I . I .� I � . . . . . . . I . I . ...
� 1, words could only have one interpreta. much of. the country itround the Mines noon 11c White Cotton for 8� .
'le mad and finished, our regular I
, , '', tion, thAt if they got a majority for, -is broken and.. roughi. sti)l, there is ofwalcome to.t)ie "Old'Boys'l tOWhjCbL JamesCraigie,. I . I . .. I . on July 4tb. The drawing ariCIL d L ining i 1 .0 . . , . 1 15c and 18c. values, to go durinR Joe. , L %
L, prohibition -they would get such a law,..4 invoh gooll Iaikd And the settlers appear Air. Willison,President of the Old Boys' . . 11 . I . � I . P L' ' 450'YaMs iifW'hite 00ttim,iqiind - - � - Sale at .. i ! .... ., I I .
There was no reservation thbre. !Is to be in &king 'progress, Strange to Association of Toronto madeil, fitting terMnjSsT'rranceiw'O taiighb for one, rooms� were lavishly, decorated I I . 130L , - . I .. ..
L inthe Central School here; has Asparogus, ferns, lilies, roses, or, . everittiread, dark Bp6ek% - I I I
S&Y'L reply The :tinie;'being so limitisil, . .� L L ' I . .. � .
L recalled a few of the Preiriler'B uttere lapil is che .. , dons and numberless fr free 'of. starch, fall 80 !rich 'a . 121. I5 -a Be: Hosiery. tor 10c. : .
aper-tbanseveral years . e0turned to.het home at Zurich. . . agrant flii% ---. .B " . � 9 L �
ances, notably that at Winnipeg in. .ago, but this is due battle tax laid up -on short speeches only were made by ,.Dr, .. I � .Tft�bride, Mary L,j third daughter at . I ., . . . wide, well worth Ild sale price - . . . . . . I
.. I which he said that if, the people ZI - all properties held for speculative pur. R611ius,L Mr. Welsmiller and AleA 'Now that-1hare is a vae6ncy at.the' Mr. I'd Mrs.N. Dietrich, looked loval . . I . . I . .. � .. only '.' � � . I . .. I— �. 81C. Lad][W ana L �Childrenls black cot- . � . . .
� I � . . . an. . . . . ...... a ............ .
. � .
0 .� - � uir, composer of the Very Eppiiilar -1- for a prinex. in bar costume of white tucked or a . * I . I . . L I . I . .
. , T M Central and Model Schoo y , .ton hose, ribbed and plain,
'':. L " .. ,-&;iNd for prohibition they have it, the : POSPA, which -makes thi� owners anx. song "The Maple Leaf Forever. . .. ' -eeting !or 14c 1 ' , heavy sale, heel, and � toe, every � 11 . .
If ions to sell reabout are a If 11 20c Sh . .
� - Ilia crops the ,pal, in place of the late S. P- Halls; die trimmed with Valencienn a lace' I - � . . �
I 1.�". I. will , *� -��_.� people would'be carried'ou . the�p is a fine opening for some of our ancl orange blossoms in her -Ji :Friday I . � pair Warranted fast black, ocir ' - - - . I
, .. 11 . ' ___,���
., . -, ,�, even if it were to cost power .forever about as here as the drought is also , .The grand stand, aft;r the games be. Hu,,nyoung men who Wallit in �bime Air and a ' � . � � 100 Yards of Grey 8heetjug, 72 . selling prices are ipic, 15C and ' ' I L
I . L .11 . I � . ;
.1 I to the Liberal flarty�. Mr.Fostersgath- felt. There isgoderally a good marw gan, in the F�tr' Grounds. was filled 'to J014L cluster. on corsage,, Tho, bride was ,' ' . . � . I . inches wide' in heavy twill,flne , . . .
I . . ' 180, to gd at one p . A .
.. . �'., I -for produce. the clever Old' D6ys.of .11firon. her I . I even round thread, regular 20 � . rice ....... * 100 . I L
[;'�-!-�, , , i La ii, in. Mrs, R. Burns is now ViSitifig L her ... - - . Vests for. 15g. '_ � �
0 Ingly denounced this unequivocal keb Orats are now Belli withVisitors, Who remained to,Q . given'awmy,by that, The brides- ' - .
. , inaid was Emma, -sister of the bride, . ... .. , I value, to'clear at per.yard ... 0 14 . .
I L promise on his honour and the way in at 40 dents, dggs IgAa and -butter at "11 The -Scotch- - ances were mucli ad- L , parents, Mri and M . . . S.I. ay - . C 2000And 20C. . . I.. .
. . .
1. �,� . which it was fnIfilled. Why, it would cents. Owing to a fire which* ravaged mixed, The lassies and laddies found vs. Levi Card, s1 looking'Lobarming in bet, dress of whit' " I . . . . . C. L I L L ' Ladles'Vests, of flnecoiton yaril, . . . .. � L: . . - I I
� � , . 't district. 4hd it rath their . handsome - residence, - , Picton tucked Lorgandie with - collar and flash L ' . 85c Tweed for 46 .
I have bega,P44 if.balf : the too ftom the the timber; limits'lij tha or difficult, to -dance to the bag- streabi , and ..will keturn, in, August. Monday. . 4
1 ; . I . . I I L
I . . �
, . , � *tr.circle'lidiff" bdin let into th Ich necessitates tho'cutting of the Pipes but they showed no J of otpink satin., pink roses in her- haii - .. I of . � .
. � ,�, at'. Will I witfi hot husband after be sp6n4s and a� L 1, . . i . - plece.only, aboub 50 yards . in plain and ribbed, cream and. L . 1. . . . -
' ir thi - Were is breakingdoWn'. The piping anpli-Tatici, ; clustbren corsage. L Thegroom, . L whii,e� nicely�trlmrned neck, . L .�
rvidas8erably, if.'he had added;.to scorched. ,timbd a season, . . . I I L
I at.a . ' .1 a few days in our beautiful town, I .. . I fine quality 'Iweeii, KnIallLgrey assortW sizes', regular.price. 200 L I . . � . L
.1,11 WOVISOL that' the people' ,a -volbe an active demand for labor.. OneLffyin Ing under -thirteen 1,ears.ot a O.Was Mr, Mr. Anton J. Ruggle, merchant. Flora. ' J '1y 13' L .1 1 L. , . Check, Very soft make, suitable I and 25c, to � clear at .... L I A
' ,
. 1:1 � ould not be mandatory unless they ,alone will want about three h1andred wou3st-prize byAlice Robhv If, '2nd Burns is 6n�b Of the staff" of ".The Inter- dale, Waterloo 06., was assisted by his "_ - ... 4 .... 15C . . '. , I L . L
,v I I'L
. �., a rie. natio I Correspondence Schools 0 � heather, Mr. TWO. Ru gle of the same . I u � , 41 L 6 for suits for men or boys, regu- ge 30e L I .L .1 . .L . . . �
, Bo.
� d a.ma,iority of the total veto. This Won' Mr. AloCartney.says that the, Gladys Whitely, 8r4L Bell& How whersaediloation is Ivan by -mail in place. As 1. . I I L L )r$, 11 L . . � . . . . .. i
� . 9 . . Jar price was 85c, We bought I& I � I
. . uld have been the antithesis Of his '0111490�0f'Ilvuce Mines is making pro. Shaun Trews-ist: Prize HelemRoth- &NI I I L soon authe car . tL ose-tor 19e . I
. �
gress and that a - . 1. . I . cheap and offer itiluring SaleA, . LiL. - . I . I
. . I
Ise to the people of Winnipeg, -large exp connection with the' Ory Engineer enled aind' congratulations eonWeredwaas - . 4 L Boys' black r . �
� enditure is well, 2nd Gladys Whitely, 3rd A -lice 0 a . ton, Pa... , I ---ft.- 0� a - I . L . bbed cotton hose. . . . I .. .
, .. Oran _VP - - — I
. ith cool. precision, keen . sdreasm being made on ,the Ido6ka. The. old. Rothwell. Sword dance-lat prize Flo 0*1 happy. bride and groom, Rev. Mr. and . . I ., I . . I .30c, Tweed at 19c, � - ' L with extra heavy fi�)Ie, heel And I . I .
. n absence of heat, Mr. 'Vosterr 'genes Mine, which was famous many Campbell, 2nd BUR Saulto,' 3rd 0. � ,Mrs. Ritchie of Detroit -is also visit- Mra-Anilerson, and a few invited .. I I iaL 0 1 . . � toe, irfsizes 7 to 9), regular' 9. . * L'
, , d these perfervid promises years ago, is tug Mr. and Mrs, Levi nests followed the bridal party to the The .Chine e war c naidered 2, Ends only of heavy qualitv .
.. how bol . pumped tut Woods. The Sail6r's ... :-Hornpipe, Ast Ing her: parents, I. 6 . . a _ Value 30c, to clear at er pair I
and its present owners �rg hopef 61, of Do . n .09 inches wide, small � I I
.1 � I , ..conduct of the Governknen 't b . L . a)dMartin,2udO.-Wooda,',Jrd W, Card, Picton. street. , Tningroorn, Where, a very sumptuous i . tweed, .. L. p .. . ... I.
I �� I , question.. A number of Sit,. - )ejn able to pa A dividend. Mr. Proldfoob, Ji., and Doriald Martin Mrs, Frail Crabb; Bay Clby, with her dinner was served the guest after to be a greai Slaughter but not Patterns, dark colors, just, the NCL Hose 9 paii for 0C., . . I .. . .
. 11 I 'a other speeches: Were quatell.' Miartney elljoyelhis trip very much was awarded a prize for the. Highland two little eons, George and Irving Will Which all took th I a 80 much So L hen coneidered , I .
LL as ecause of this complete-coll- asdid his traV I air positions upon the W thing for boys' wear, regular � . I
ailing companion,. Mr.' fling, - One little. stranger clanced be.for the summer. months th uests balcony and were photographed by price 80c,special to clear per vd 19C Ladies' black cashmere Hose, .. . .
n1en t th t the people - of Canada William Citijielon of the 7th co -as- beautifully both the Highland Fling of Mr, Crabb's a with our prices on Groceries made of two thread yarn, heavy
, . I . . . � no , mother. Mrs.C.C.9r,6 Artist Sallows and made a lovely — . .
� . :� a gooda ground of complairib sion." 11 . . and Shaun Trows,'but no special prize Elgin avenue. 1. souvenir pictoro.' I . � for the above mentioned days. 50c owels t sole, heel and toe, seamless feet, I .. .. .
- , -the -. Robert 'Ott paid a I .. - .
I . n sit .Government. (Cheers,) Mi Hill Visib to was given her. The ribbon drill was Mrs. Watt of Winnipef T or 85c line price %8$a each, during
I I Mn and Mrs,,, James TOItchell of ,zill address . I . � re t .. I
I to-da:V he gave his lasb word to Toronto, Khmilton,parls and Brantford charmingly given, and the. dumb deill linton will summer on Church strebb, the McGillivray Mission rid on Sat. ices are too 120 Only linen towels - 44x2�,- Sam pair for� ...
..tl -,: 0 Articles and ' , pri . i ., size . ...... I .... 1. 500 - .
, .
, . I - . tig. inquir. Tames Doyle's - . .1 � numerous In white only, with heavy . —_ I I I
I e temperance people, f 'Abandon all last week, and as he wdnbalo also They too had only one drill, but 'They have rented Mr. . tuday, I to mention. .1 ..
a ewb entered under my banner ad aboub the apple liflospects and wag ead. of the pipes. . -. Judd, and family v ' '
: VW7(Jee�ra.) He says under told at variou , .hou.se. . . I . . . Mr. and Mrs.4. 0 � I I . I fringed ends. extra beavyqual- ' .1 .
a points that the outlook The Misses Rusk and Sharman dese ve I . . : , I $4.50 Tailor made Skirts for I .
and Mrs - Rapley of London spent the I ity inen, goad value a', regular � I
� . . bition to impossible. Harm bairr"18), irly g6oa. In Harou, h . r - Maggib Mackay of Tpronto is lab and 2nd, July I . I I I .
. was tax l mention for the offectivenes of Miss , I a . ..
Ad f 0 $a 0 holidaying at her old home on Nelson' _ with their relativesi � Calland 'see fof . Price 50 , special for sale. days ( -$1.50. I . � I I . I �
4 .� ly mi. the plebiscite . rather there will be a pretty fair yj a childrerl'a drill.. I - . . . . . . ill 15C . I .
I g66 7 He bald, - street, I I Mr. and Mrs. R., 9. Smith. . . . per 'p, r ...................... 0. 3,pnI � yladies' tailor-made Skirts, . .
. Imil Always had fruib.. The Duchess will be. ood'. ki. on Sunday last, the Ai 0. U. W..of - The Misses Malcomson of Hamilton . � yourself . 50C Table Linen ior* 20c I . .,
-that in order to enforeb any dras. Elliott lookRfor low Prieestfis fall and 'Maple Leaf Lodge with their Visiting ' - MISS McMahon intends lhiprov'jng arethe guests of their cousin, Mrs, I . . in fawn ladies'clotb. in latest., . I
I .
I .
. I -, �5 they Must 'have a strou und will be., on -the, market . again ,1h, in fill over 100, . paraded to- bar residence on McMahon abreet. Gordon Henderson. - � . . I . I I End out I y of red and I green table � I . style; lined throughout with . I . . . I
I , N6 sentiment in its &vor.' 9 lebi. for the, folarted " 'ru, good lining. regular price $4.50, � .
P ""' rob, where they were favor- Mrs. John Reid has all he lid- I .
.. � be 1111), 9011seftblve season. Xn I Mr.Peter Grant of0leveland is ape litient reversible pattern, extra I I to clear at, each.. . .
�._ . , , Olin lioness by e Property Ing a few weeks the ueqt of his sister, e lavy qualltv, warranted'faab ............. 1.50
,I might educative; but he . Mr. A. 0OU01te of the -Telephone ad with a most salutary dis advortised for sale, 4
: ^ u -hey had sufficien.t of' that Road raised ai barl, On Thursday Iftsb Rev, Jas. Anderson. The choir sang Kno:, church . Mrs. Hour F Melvill * he ..
. *1 . . - y Spence, Victorlet strepto . I � . colors, regular 50c yalu6 to .
A I . %tasiding that the weath ropri,%te hymns cial in the near future. h class of Highland . . I . �
df education. � arid, nabhwitk is Preparing for a imwn . 15c Faftey Skirting at 1011!
I — . � a the I., dancers, Misses Alice and Helen Rath- I .- I I Skirting, I
at Was hA0136ely hot, there wa very sweetl�r .the at� so �t Peter's , Miss MoLaren's clear fit .... j... o ........... ' ... �. 29(1,1
, before the sermon, � T a rev, preacher. con regation Was just in tjZ to go 32 Inches wide, Movie I
* . I . 11SU41 raeG William Jenkins find selected for his text Gal. 6, 2, "Bearye tbO1 t voell Etta Saultq and Gladys Whitel DI& . Reductions in Dress in plain black,black with white , I
� David 'Dbu;ohill were captain OV017, lusciouh str�Wbervies and yo . A . .
: P , 7XXG THE a, with one anothees' burdens, and so fulfill crear . . I I besihes a'
I "', - . . SAME), T.R109. OaQ ',after the leader. . I . , n, . . . ,having their expenses paid, dft000klo Cotton Boot Compouni . Goods I . strivei Wack with. red spot,reg. .1 .
) � I . the law,of Christ." Ile ,extended to were presented With good prizes In . ular value 15c, to clear at per . .
...-I — . Mr. Tindall of Stratford joined Mrs, money by the Dominion Day commit.'
. '.-I . Miss!' Lucy- Powell of dholinsfor ,ofoo.firiccepsfally'ligo ,nionthlyb1liver ,d ....'.. ....................
ull (11 was 0
at week Trour dru sb for cok's Gottoa Root c4m- . �.
. ad a PrKOblcal joke and - wil spend the 'holidays ab her ago, they had joined their majorlby. . Smeath. 1i 91r. as mill Mixtures, pills and . . .
"' N Niplasin -District, -arrivedla and as the soelety was formed 21 years her the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Zeke Smith, contractor, of . Chi. nad, Ake no Me 38 Inches wide, Figured Lustre . Ladies' and Alisses' Summer -
.. I , Tindall here, for a Week and with. tee of Port Elgin. 30c Black Lustre for 18c, "
waggish tailor otth at Strathe Maple Lodge a most friendly welcOIn0` Ladies. Safe, eg ectual. La I es ask 100
, ,
16'raeflutly play f _ A PP
I is friends. Before lemVlhg tOW11 iora- brother's Me Frank Powell. I lie also said thitt great dissatisfite I Mrs, Allati Sparling with her Clinton cago. now of Buffalo, will visit our Mitations are dangerous, Price, No. 1, At iner very fine quality in . .
all- t"MIX0. 2#10 ftreOdStrohgor,sp per box. X0. � I � neab .
arb Xr, John 6. Elliott is havirif a new pre udicial to societies t1oril 'friends spent, 4th Ju y in town, . town this week, and with his wife and I )r 2, inittled on receipt of price and two a -cent r1s, extra bar finish, our Hats at LeSS titan half Price . - '
vily, he fixed tip, a dam my', 0 ,t
old clothes,and Wspond.ed Itfro re I , was being stir. . - desi
M hous6 built and Is'doini the ulk of . TjnL by people wfio called them see. UP- and -Mrs. Charlie brabb and children, who are now the guests of The Cook OolnpAuy Windsor Oilt. regi 0, 150 yards
ad ,,tOd 0r6uncl the work himself. Mr, 4 Iliotb was one I - 2 sold andrecommandedQ all to go during sale at ...... � I . .
Ing a raRe , rob Boa flar price is .90
eck# IV, an .1 .Ill* letiesj�1iut he said they should children of Seaforth spent 4th July at Mr. and Mrs, W. Smith, t4ast street, ,,.Moo. I and .. r. 186 Misses' Hats, made of beat qual- . . I
'he tailor's shpp was of the first masons in the township rathercall them fraternal lie beriefic. the family residence, Elgin avenue. . attend the demonstration4 at Dun ft. esponsiblerlitagglato In Cau0s. ity leghornette, nicely trimmed . .
Ighbors made a and several of the younger, men . who- iary societies, for they were only form. Mr. William Andrews of Dungannon , I aekDressGoodS With assorted colored feathers . .
lid closed curlons nel , non on the 12th July. Mr. Smiltvis No. Vand No, 2 sold in Clinton liv Iffattg & co, Go and 15c BI
I - S. JAC45011, I
.arch of the promises and were borri- is pu I a ecl to. relieve distress, to Visit; the slelk, a ent Saturd and Sunday in town ,proud of this old town, his birth place. . andrIbbon; also fancystraw, I
are -'now In active work were h ' 'I E-Rovey, 1L.B. C
I editttbediseoveryoftlkepre,aumeds I Druggists. � . . .
. .cidefinailtiallybecamgere al- He 7 taught thOd so' w� Kab and to, assist the widow and orphan, tr1e gueeb of %. and Miss Andrew ' _ , . . . . at 39e, - I I
I , I a, . . nicelylined-, our regUl6rPrice .
. it( 80111011'Whon ,they can well had truly Jay: anotber's burden fat- 13itylield Road. I . . I � .. . I 1. . -_ was 85c. each, Just a few drizen I .
lawned upon tkem at they bad TirnNUWS-RECORD J)ublisfies vol? Christ's sake even it It were only tak.. Miss I . I I need Dress Goods, in large and to clear at ........... 6 .... #*.. . we
- - - - - _"_A_A_A_A_N_0,1q_1_R_� -- .
V . y ing to the sick. fruit or flowers, soma --
It wag an oj#�- Woka-very similar A � .
been Victimized. . . Couttk teacher Dunlop Public . small designs,. extra hard finish Ladies' Sailors of line and rough I
Godeilah. towns4ifli ne,,#a _ thalk. ai) 0 - '�
th � to, bear one, . . 40 to 41 Incheit wide, Black Fig. I
v . � will not hold dust or spot, ;Ilsb
0 little token of their sympathy, when Pittsburg for Detroit wher after . ViF, It) black and white, . �
). �hab whio4, Sir i1ft, other paper. � School, left on Sunday per steame
a i4l and his party .11. � . ___ I - 11 the� _ a thething foreeparato skirts,, stril
could extend it in no better w . ,dnavr
,wape�potr ted on the, . . spefiding a fAW with t,)Ilk an I
. people 6 Can V
. 1. . . 7--� I I He said many wish they they cc . will go. to Vir. our reAlalat 60 and 75c values. 3910 vs v8b ribbon
00 � aT re her brothersare In business lim, ds, In newest American . .
&Mbi&, In d ginia,whe dlvys she
, .0allaIdahas bben awArded the Grand live witboub work, and'to them he arid spehd the balance of her vacation to clear during sale at per yard . I
I dkestvy. fish and and 'would say labot is a blessing, the earth . .
.thes0stAtes'non came into of� prize fog f � styieff, regular 400 and -50c: sail- I -
t Salo at;,_ Ige.
.. ere arrayed in all tho lirin., . '*agricultural 0 in I is made hard so thab It, requires labor, N V, Henry Humber has goner to try . I . I a Vilds only of Dress Goods, .in - men IPS 15C. 111all
I � mineval', a with thern, OASH is KING pro 0 clear during
11 OkWh% Platform. -The Parisi., nd: .� I ItTibilts at ., 25 and 40o, Dregs Goods We
. .*. lotheit with ' Free Trade - _1 before you can gather the grain the his
.. 1. �_,�._� -1 - - I fortune in Nelson, B,C, , We trust . teks tor 8e.
�__ - - I �. I
I ; ,lee , Ptliltik, Retrenchment, I I . . ... . � . � I earth days to thern, you week hardfor he may find some pure gold oub there, And our low prices titstst witt . colors of brown and white,bIne I Men's and boys, Hats# made of. .
I I .. Clean i4nmentot melprocit 0 a. . - meatid I will enrich you. The rev. and white cheeks, In silk' mix. fine I
+.1 I .f I gebtlennan also spoke in kind terms of Mra. (Dr.) MeCrae - apil Infant of De. .' � . quality
/" iluetio - 1*6 National Debt X-1ARrJ . I tore, also grey and little tepp, - straw, well sewn, -in .
iii , ) and 40c . I
v / , Vate' Car lablfs,- Indepdfiaeuce' 6i thaChristian Integrity and worbb.of trOlb spent a f0w days &at week at the �_ 0 _� . regular prices were 25 narrow find wide shapes# regu.
P ' ju'St �a gefttle- Bir - Ala residence of bar father, Mr. HAMIin, . I
wk",A�., I N04anil'.en tj Land f or tho. Actual&ttler, , I I , Jar 120 and 15o each, just 0 do2-
r�,ea 8 d8j, Who died recently, 0 1 an, to Bell at each ..............
,. 1,
'61, , � . Hit ce
xneroufj -other professions lat . If 1. . and g, who had gone to and is now visiting friends at Clinton.. I " I I to 6lear dtiti ' ng sale at's ....... 80
his reward. Two other membera of .
Wouldlead olloto2belleve that itie . , Miss Vivian returnedonOrld ay eVen. We are kept busy alid no Nvonder. C10c Dress Goods for 25a --
of it u ,� mild honest admiriseva. I . ifthider I the congregation had been taken awayl Ing from: bet winter's residene . . I
.. wifil Mrs. George Blasett and one other. Rdlarna,200. a at 4 Pieces only, about 76 yards of 500 to 60C Union Carpet at -
tion of V10911744ales had set In. , I I I -� du
. When the people - The choir san very sweetl Another big purcliftsie Of first-class, ui)-to-dato Dress Goods in tweeds, inixed .
-,. however, searched '�'" Mrs, Whitehp�d of Clinton spent last *800tS. & S1100S on sal ' oglors of blue and I I
I � timber of ttceiitints theoffertory lettattlem"BrIssellarg, e Fidayatless flian whole- 89C, 1
A n ,, tv w , old, brown
or the weavers otr bliese Liberal garm. , eek at the residen6c, of Mr. and Mrs, and white, little an, white, all 36 Inch wide Union Carpet in the - I
' enf%, ther fo4nd the,, saino results h�,A been sent out from the Merciful,", and tile young bass J. Ades Fowler, '
. thAb fat oued the this office lately and, train voices showed good results. sale prices. Not b krupt stock but neir goods� reversible,nultAble for childrena latest Colorings, floral denigns,
. fluest of the . Visa Alice Sharman has rOttlened thbi season's make direct farnom tho factory. dreaseq. regular prices 45c and, ' need assortment to-- chooga
']'� curious Stmthoonaites, Tile "dummy" * Several we have heard, a Married. - Oil Thursday,, Sth July, In from PrineliAlbert, No W. �6., to spend .1 60", to cleat, at .................. Ue fromr, wall worth 060 per yard
�. *h1oh 'hits been muquerading as � kindly note aceompan the drawing roorn of the Presbyterian - bar vacation ab,hp .
. t � The Liberal Party. bore no wore . ing the amount of indet, Mause, Clinton, by the Rev. Alex. riGast abr"t, .r parents' resldonoe� �__Q, $0 brog Leogths for $2.50 to cleat, during $&to ............... 39Cb
eselublanbo to the genufner old Re , I tedqosa. But manyi of Stewart of Olinton, Lilian, third � . ' . . .. . . I
. lormors thandLdthe BuSpefidedInaui. . the appounts yet, remain daughter of & Decker 141a Mrs, W. LOO, who has spent, the past Just a few pric s .--- G only French All Wool Carpets at 59C
I . q Goderich, I e Novelty dress .
. , Mato effigy, to the, jocular tailor. I unpald and to the pattief; .to eorgo V. Myera, of Lt'lle. firn, of few Weeks at Newcastle With her lengths, no two alike, In Inixed All Wool 04rpet I a in assorted I . I
16 Is no Wonder thab' tbousatills of I conOWned ting is it entle Becker and Myerp, Goderich. Mrs. littribaod's friends, has returned to the I Girls' Lined Dolife, 8 to 10, worth 85 )c,101139, At. � ..... 1. Ad'd . colora of gold and - navy, bill(,, . . I
conaclentioug Liberalti throughout thb I reminder. Please lot us, Myera will be at home to her fri6nds Hot,61 Bedford. . Girls' Buttonell BOW, Pat. tip, worth 1, only ........ 69e Vreou$ re ,, 01,041 ref ular prices Colors Of green, ted arid white , . .
. . I 't Ned, full 30 filches wide, very '
4 hear from you as Soon as 11 I mi
. Iftfid 41`6 OtestfalleA at the, firicks play&* on 2Ath find 25th July at tile residence Mrs. and Bliss Robiligarl of Sarnia, Men's Lneed Boote, Would Ile plitapat $1, ,for ........ 'Yoe $5 $6.50, to 0 ear during fine tlftll(,Y� usually gold at 80a � ' .
_ � possible, The �rlce of , _ B-110 4ty each'# ... -.-.i."..
� LaillealGenulne: Dong Strap Slippers,worth $J.,yae
11 � bil on ,them, The afleged Liberal Gov- - 'Print paper bits gone up ) of lice mother, Mrs. BI- Bol,ker, South Nv ife and daughter of Captain r3d, Rolf, . olal(id f . - 2,50 and;05o per yard, to cleav&6 ,, 590
- 0*nMent Is 4fecovored ti) be only n stroob" ins011, Vent & Couple Of days in town Ladies' Dougola Kid Buttoned1loots, worth $1,16..$1.2is ,
: 7 "dumtnyl�raaaqueradlog In clothes thaf - , and postage, is nous. 1111tine, . I aunts, Dougola, 10d Gaiters, well worth $2 ........ *1,1$0 . I
. I ) ()')to were voorn by, 4 greltt party. . , I 01 bu6 the pricer of , It' 13, willifting of tile 130mk of vow. Boots, special fat ....... �,...Vae . . . .
"""" ription MOM f0elg, 1119111Y' eompliftlefifed by
I The same hoax liq b Isubso rewitining, _ Mrs. MV-) McLeod returtled on Aat. Misses Pebble Buttonell . . .
. con ropeatod, . the pliftle the courteous and, thoughtful action of urdity frOm a rleastint visit With lice 'The choice in immense', tile bargains untellable. villult 111ONny "Acit L
I Tho Only difference ja In the length. of necessitates I , Awe give you a fall- I 10 TOV WAXW XW .
... timo beforo tile expilAut6, of tile fraitil, � . publishers toq Ase out% old townstuan, B. Corrulao of tile sisteri Mrs. T,11( wig of Detroit, - livarning the"VVIII not 1,196 long. Coffi6eavIyPrIdayllnorning, . . ,.I ,. L, '.. . . I I
� � .+� 1 ile"thig Militia DOP-111fthelft, Dbtawa, in send. Mra. Willi&n, ong of Leamington %b ttb tile Old Itellalge, I . ..
_' �atbeonalb onl3r took one d4y,W I rompb payment, Ple . .
� . I To Iwpiatigate is to Invc
: let us boar from You at, 1119 hiln the PrOtty' Ivish flrq$, wilich &lid tbv�e prottf, little, daughters Are I .
� 1, the doce Lion; in Ottawa, sov. wits utifarled n t the Bank of (,,a the, guests of 111"kild Mrs. Ephraim ' � . I
I .months drd actually elapse be, I . ollco and you will greatly Oil let July Kild 40 mWerce I I
I . . iouliga" I I JUIV,aftd 11000VAtt'd Downing, , . I . 4) 1 1 ;
LH AOP 1) EkN of N 0� [[K10:
: , � 0
. J6K QN16"
, M �ft���� 11
I A ,
MI, 'b"
) � %� '�"'6
- .�O
4� uleftt Do VM . .1.
- 0
. ", . a Math Atid fraud, bacatua �ap; . � . the plitieton in whiell Banker Wfillaing We Intl6t. coi)("raculette our artlatle WK TAYLOR" & ISONN , I . I
� 11 1� . drove his friends ell 5th July. . . ,
. .., 11'..1. 1. I ,Th*_---,*AftWWt44 . night watelimany Mr. Tilamas, all the I
I _X ! I I . � . Alal'anderWaysinith, Toronto, only hituds new wire fence which oil* 111G. � I I - __,_ I
1) I .. son of Me, Alex. Nit .4mith, town, doseg property oil tile West end. , . Wiffimbb,.W. __ _ .
. I 0:1101, Cash and One Nee. ,
I '00 Pool grieulttir I - . Mggs takon ag CAsh - , I _.; �� �
. NOWS im ReW I spent the 4th of July w�tll lris�vp tttive,q LaiG fleanon JIL * , _ I ---
, .
11 as eel e tarebuildthel It, �, hcV6,'Aftev All 09011CO, DOW 11 vinit(le Aeveral Improve. INSURANCID 0141111tOR" AT THR' MUHL 40W -AWA " wpw�_ .. . I
�.. . I tee d deAtr ed y . .. � town of 1A years. I le old luents to Ilia reAtdollne null now tile . . � WWIIIIRFW� UNTOX
� I Prol)erby looks exceedingly attractiVo, � 0 d.1 41.11
. -- . � 11�_A_ I
I . . - . - . .