HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-07-12, Page 3-711n —I--,- - - " , ­ I I � "IT 11 ---1 � 11.1 il­ ____ ---.1-- I ) , k *I � . ........ .. , ,. , __". __ - _ � , __ � � ,- _ _ "_ , - -_ _­ �,__ . ­-, __--_71 -''- , ,� . ,�r � I � :1 11 . .. I . 0 0 I .1 ,� � k, I 1� , 1: 1� . I � I , � . I :.,- 1-� v � I , , 9 I . .1 . I I � - '. - _ L - . . � � . . ­ ­ - __ .- � __ __ _ - I � I � - I - - -1 ---,��.-.,�--,.�."-,.--..�"-,.--,-"---.--. ___._._,._____,___ " — __ , - ___ - _ ___ �,_._ ___ - - --...-.�,�..�l-..�-.-,.---�,�.,-� _.._­­_.__.. --1-1 ­ . - � - - . - - I .. ­ - -- � . , ­ - - q � - I'll, I . ijapotaou* motion, prououpou tbo . ----. tie, WUR bollin *46 sliiil� I I . 7 1 �'W'swvrvrwp- I I I &.A&. . couch, and woqp the first boart-toars . 11 I ilatartor at tho sWx, &YA v%ft. W — W - - ��. r iii 9 iliiv, no , , .1 T11E KING AND THE BOOK I #she bad ever abed. , 0 ended - he Home U­illhiw%7�. 44 -W,I&W ?Xo# z. 1, "'.., �' I U , . 0 .. � 11 The drama ba - MISS Alit Jklask, AA4in a lbtlo WaLl #A & Jaux" " I __ � 11 I son has refused him." This was the . I UAW ProTonts t1w t"It fvon beat I oavuw eatom beve 6wo It wttla tAN ftw vido "110" I � . . general verdlk4, when, 1tWOAtY-fQur . . I � I kard. . i.1 torioas Briny." -so 0 6 44 SIX I -Feet �, d1wo W* Ar Im I - I R � f I . .. I . THS IDE A.L PICNIC. Cucumber ap4 Tomato Salad 44"Aw kaja "Iw-ky "Amil; .,ev, Dir, ', Talmage., Speaks o the , , . hours, later, Bayard Ranter, bade his ' is CHINESE NOT PATRIOTIC, 19 I � I . . .hostess, alo and withdrew to town The Ideal pion ;txvorst, WW CaM XWW ,lo leaves ,one ,resite.d, the OuOulAbOrm sud Out 10 thin al 00o XW his 1, China" 0bgraotorlstics 11 sho $00tiallopi , , I . ". ­ On a Pie% of sudden (business. Of' refreshed, vitalixed, ready for ,Lue* lot stand Ia Salted water five Minutes. Arthur Smyth saym: 11 The quostL9p is Moto "lawrow V"M . 1� .:,., "', Genultigness,of the Scriptures, . the paws reached Sydney's turn At tile w�pej , eel Take the same amount Of ripe t*rAa- a condition* of I . � . . often ralmil *hather1be Chinese have Under tavor4ts' I I � I . . 4 I I An idle boat, wlth'idle cars, floating courses . of action. To f toes, peel and slice, thin. In a class OAK #Owlo" 10 V"4* I -f , its good effects, one must not go to it 4, the mortality am . , I ,� ear. . � �Oumbera $Lay patriotism, and It Ia not a 40 � I .,�,ile'olle_*4w idly down with the ourrout. of a calm, � arattop. dish placet a layer of the Q1P � I AO � , . * atoll'trom Washington says:' has been spoiled by it, A% thousand him' -tion that can be answered Ia. a world. tlQAIIY the least k WA# Wit'% & " t. P , smooth lutkc, on whose breast the $ 'I have not refused ", fkbe Staid, "worn to A fjraxp;Io,,s in its Prop %I- , .go preached tr in the dollars reward U you will show We A � that Satisfaction Ia It must not trivolve so much of exer- and then a. layer of the toalaides, - rats Of only 6 In o"ry "OK "Rev. Dr. .ral aloud. " Not even , There Is undoubtedly a strong nation ,. AlA 0 . . , . . moonbeams played at will, ternating, until the dish Is full, Make in Is Ate thso following text: ,,When �xehudi had man who bas been made cruel, or ob- . Ine", she added to haraelf,_11por tiou during its prpgress as to bring I al. feeling, especially among the liter. Pared with a soldier'#. Oft. t, , . . ad throe. or four lea ,, . IR, .Stloh the Picture, had one been m6re M . only the I might back an aoho every tIMS I , , yes, Up out it scene, or jeck, you look at a dressing.of Anegar, olive oil or Ian Are_ , Ve �,,oss by the Bible. Will to the allatio'seene; but to ever will be I It W43 ary claws, and to this feeling, much AaP OVOU Of a -clergy'aiia . with the peukaife.41-1oremiali xxxvi. YOU ares trying In vain to Pick Out spectator i , have been.' " : I .it In retrospect. melted butter, I teaspoon to I cup . . - dmuxor, for him death rate 14 I such V, one, I will $bow Y,Olg give ,run. the two actors, surroul.idings war I of the lin4tiLity exhibited toward for . I 43, . I He was not the man,she, knew tall The objective. point decided noon. vinegar, season with salt And pepper, aigners and their laventlono Is to, be. 1000, Or More, than twice as � I I . We look in upn o by lost .,sight of -they thought only of sq - tu, uraber and to- that of his, Militant broths, - in Jeruso.- dred men in this audience who have 1 �. Well, to plunge desperately Into tlir- lot the hours not t too long, An all and rn over the 040 traced, But that any considerable ,at broth* : � lem. Two mon are there. At the It been twined oj�t of xudonass! and themselves. . hey tatiou, 6r associate his name At once day plonio, when mato, enough to a 'rlr � I , P � there are little ones, sa _ cover, . Lot body of Chinese are actuateil by a do- 'tore die off quicker still, to � table pits Barnob, the @Qrtba, with a I lifted up out of sin, and enriched with Mo4ing the woon,raya, when t , with another wolhan's, or to retire. ta a Weariness to. the flesh of both .stand five minutes and serve,, sire to serve their country because it every ,, 1000, "Reading in their bl I , roWof. parchment Aqd *414 Iron pen in , innumar9ble vIrtu, glanced upward, they could sea on the o , r rise earlier, or to %VY way children and oare-takera. . . Spanish Chocolate Oake-Grate baIf , taxatio I � a.. ' later , is their country, aeldo from the pros . Al, e I _ I I " , - r '14 walking , gain, they strike fheir milkatte bank above them, the twinking lights a; mix with py � .. his hand. The other Alan A I I I diaturb the even tenor of his way. The ' Don't wear ,your beat'olotbes. Don't a Oaks of, Baker's ch000lat I t of emolument, is 0, proposition Priests die off more rapidly o". S too full of Cie vllla, and bear the merry voices as -2 cup Of sweet milk ind yolk of 1, POO � the floor, as It strangely agitatail. tbr6ugh this Bible because it I 'I will and Say laughter *o . difference between them WAR only this, I take your beat dish � Don't plan re� I Put on the back of the stove. which will require much more.proo$ . lawyers, at a rate of 10 PDT 10^ + 11 . . 0 of unexplained mysteries, What , f the group. from . I , . . . There is an unearthly appearAne , YOL his wound was healing, perhaps had froshments that will be difficult to egg- . than has yet been offered to secure cabman take their last tar# At t about his ghastly, countenance, u ,act believe anything You eandot which they had escaped. . Doaq thoroughly wariaed and dissolved, ' and his whole , frame quak yo tween Ito already healed, ts�t be would bear its 6A.rry and difficult to serve. , its noceptavoe by any one who knows ye4rly.rate.of 26 Par A09Q- f,c �ea ,is If explain? Have . u iinger-nalls ? You Arab smiles had passed be t:iko too many sweets, IVe the sub. Set Of f to cool. Take I egg and the . But* the tables, are cOMP1491V ,0 . . I * ' sear to the irave, hers hurt the more . . I say ,,yes,, ,F ,embers an the' had oeoa.SIda.,y Atli, I , _ the Chinese, At need not be remark- I . .. .Jxplaln Whys OA tho t, of al Y . It , atuatiala tha I white of one, 2 cups sugar, I cup but Chinese might be turnott whou th . . pressed upon by something uAseOu' 1p - f arm that Rho had let tile Physician W 0 1 .t count. Banish. care, : patriotic a soldier Wins fighter, ' your finger, there oomei 4 nail. You son and Rayird Hunter stroll of Banish fastidiousness. .Make A , p your ter, teaspoonful soda dissolved in 1-2 ad that a . . a and his normal mortality for A full % 11. . and appernal. It is Jeremiah, 14 tbo� - , Wa might worlk its care pass her by, I . without taking -much interest In tb � - . in the In arm to where the little boat 0 1 , Add tile chocolate An4, eath rate for,ev- spirit of propliegy. ' Being too much cannot tolL me. � r waned to its Asa, Na. I mind to the "peak of dirt" with a fair cup water. his 4 law of �rravliation; explain it, it -you moored. . The-summe I I Tinkling of entomological speclmen� flour to make a thin batter that will to.rtunes of a Tartar dynasty Like the year becomes t wor to , e2toited to write with ]its own band. . . . tare lk.ad- lent autumn its wonderous', BJP . present, bat thete is the ,beat reason , cry mouth. . This means tba , ghty pours oaA,*' I can aek you The women bad almo�t ceased to be � Ia brush, and the , thrown In -then '10it out and rest," pour Smooth. Bake carefully. just twelve times, as deadly for him I"' . . .. I jealous of Sydney, or to ask where lay pa.iot-box and Mag I I bar- ..to think that whatever the dynasty :: I upon his mind about the destruction A HUNDRZD�QUESTIQX-S mountains and hillsides wore convert- I I � 41 . . Canned Bluenerries-Place rips he f AS a life of peacii and barracks. I , . . . . her charm. She exercised her' fasoln- ' Ties in tightly covered pan in hok might happen to be, t , eating of the 1. -Month . of the , of Jerusalem, he dictates to Baruch! about your eyes, about your cars, ation even aluoug them as among men hereby Into glorious beauty, Then I � . During the first five .8 . I I ad t I ' I I . oven, with 2 tablespoons hot water in mass of the nation, would' be, the present war 2418 Englisla,sol4ters In � I the scribe. It is a seething, scalding, about your face, about your f0et,,thkt and thsy bowed before her -first from came King Frost, first to heighten 13Y - . . same as it is mow -a feeling of pro- � �: of Jehoiakira, I you cannot answer, and yet �our fiii(l neoessijy, than frorn choice, its toubb, then to kill, followed by I . I I I .. bottom of the pan. Lea�e till they I South Africa were killed;. 8747 woro , I I I .� � burning denunciation I I lug footsteps, mercifully . . ". . I .. . steam through. .Try with teeth. I If found indifference. The keynote' to, .wounded; 3483 missing, I and 10.29 died , I � .- the king, and a prophecy of Coming Exult that I cannot Answer , all the, But, though bet Victims were winter's lagg . I. .. . . coo d, till Self. this. State' of affairs- was Rounded by from disease. Thus, taking the over, .1. . r ' . , ' . . . I disaster, questions, you may Ask :about this countless, she was twenty-thres .and bearing the exquisite white all oud of- . .1 .. 'glass jars, P34 full and cov- Ccnf�clus himself in a pregnant sea , . .... I . . 1� . I - 11 .- - . .settling age number of jightsks during thq� ` ., 1, . . - Of, course, Jebolaklm the king hears. I Bible. I would not give a farthing for, Sydney Allison, still. However, this SA`W to cover up all signs of devas I tence found'in the Analects. 'The mas- five months 48� 0,000, no I . .1 . I of the occurrence and he sends 1ohilill I the Bible if I ,,aid understand every- time she bad encountered, the little Cation and. decaY. ' . or, � . 0 1 10 egg than , � � . I . - I I tar said ; He who in not In ad 04, 0 ' . I . I ­ I ay world Was at . � I one man in. every al* has been put I . . .. . .; to obtain the parohment.and read its thing, in it.. 1would know that the world at Mrs. Grabarn's. villa- said, a The season in the g I 11 . , . . . . . has no concern. with the plans for the I I .11 �, 1, contents. I heights and depth,% of Goilts trath were foeman worth of her steel. Its height. occasionally. Murmurs am- . . . adiLnistration of its duties.* 'To our bore du combat daring this short � . . . � I.". I . Y ' . THE WARRIORS OTORINA1 � � tinli, ., %� I .1 Jehoiakim is sitting in his comfort- I not very: great if, WltN lay, poor finite What;abo was among. men, Bayard Ong the debutaaW3 0r it . . I thought these significant words arc � I . . I , I a onoral . ­ . r to count , L � . . I able winter bodes by a fire thati, mind Icould reach ever.vthfng4 !A. Hunter was among women. 'Therefore". arose at Oita fact that though ,P'S. "'. . .. . . I ----q I pretty much the result, and to a very , It 1p. however, scarcely L4, . I � � . * .. �* . - PATH . the full number of wounded as ... . and lights 4'plain'f, ison's O rth winter, her former suo- - I LITERATURE IS THE ONLY . ... � L, 11 Iowa llpon� the hearth, riner. paid to a Sceptics "The seeing these Awo brought beneath the I ' f a . .. . . . . great degree the cause, of the conati- � . 1. I I- 9 - . . TO GLORY THE,%E, . manently placed out of the figh '. I the faces of the lords, and princes4'raysteries of the Bible do -not bother same roof and thrown 'into ditly in. comes Paled Ia, 'its more. effulgent I 1: ,. I ' .� I I G . . . I I 1� . . tutional unwillingness of the Chinese 'L� c I . I . . � I — . . � for of 261 wounded offitiers 61 : , I and senators who have� gathered to 'me., Yread the Bible as I eatfigh-In tereourae, rumor was rife, and speou- light- - . I I While Lit 144 JaPas 1i Full of 600d to interest themselves in matters for been able to return' to duty `iilt .; hear the strange' document. Jehudi eating fish-, wben I come across a bons, latiOn Awaited- results with bated She and Bayard Hunter constantly' L I I,- I I .F1,h40rA-W1d,�-4.4)ate*& Beti,1001P ;he which they are In no 'way . respou- front, and -705 out of 4583 Wounded I . I � I "I 1, unrolls the book gleaming with the I do not. try to, swiallow, it� but I lay- breath. Meantime $he little ,boat met. She aWQSj wished he imight " I . I Two Viar Rswterak AR414HA—Al RARM or ,Bible. . $t .. . . I . . I � . . I .. . I words of God, and* as he reads the it on one side� Who' I her; bu i chance . 11 I he tornigoak'an.1 4he Tiger.114ty Yet Re- . . WeW are simi4rly,'flghting again. So . . , I I A, in reading the floated calmly on the quiet surface of avold I . So,: to suniap, China herself is help�- that at least . . . 7 1 ,_".� ' I . I I � lc� . '' � king frowns; his eye kindles; his check prophecies, I come across that which the � � enoounter he had approached now the: . "tall Front Preiient Troulds,ft. . . . I I "L .11L 11 , r. lake. . . . .. . . . I" . . - . . " �'. lesR. ,Xa'them days. of the Universal ONE MAN OUT OF EiVERY SIX . el 1w � I . � I h . burns; his foot comes down. with ,IA inexplicAble, Isay, 'There is a bone,, - " Miss Allison V, I . . -precipice's brink P' - . . , . I . Japan lovesmilltar� and nav'al glory Peace Conference the only really .. I . .. I 1, , v �, I I . . . . thundering indignation. Re snatches and I lay.1t. on Onq Side. When I find - . 1, How , charming you . also looking, , ,.1. . " ' . . g have - 1. . kbove all things. China does not. She wounded has oeen privilo ad .to, � �'N , She glanced up at the fspaiikeii .1, .. �.., i . . peaceful -� -nation represented . there is .". . I . .1 . 111.� �� ... I 11 � I . - , . I � . n _: 1. , 1� t - rd for - represented another Shy" at the enemy, 1, I ., 1. the book from 3'ehudi's hand,.'feeis for something IA a doctrine that ,stag.4 Meeting the magnetic (gazaf of the kiss Alliso. .111 he had said. .. 1. ii� is literary, xrid�bas small rega . I I . . ­ ­ � I . � , ., f i .11 t 1, . conipelled, by the other , t ,v - � :. " re A I I ... . fighting mail. The only -officials in I So far tile 4eath rate.,due to 4rlt, , � �i:,�'. "I . his knife, crumples up the book, 'and gers iny reasons I say 'Tj�jat is a bone her, hers And all in vain she bad watched for. .�, .:.*r � I I - ' . t . . , 19 . . . dark, earnest 6yes bent upon , . .1,.,,.r,, nations to break'the peace. She mus -, 7'... - of �' tit has reached ,the alarming ,. al - ' ' , -fall f,r� at instant -, them, as a remor ill !its tons ,or a shade . . . . 1��, ­�� ""'44 her empire- ake. bookman. those who . 1. goes to work, cutting- it up with'his and I lay.it On one. Side,". Alas I.,my t . . ( .4­��, �i , learn to fight, they tell her, uuless.olie .. . . A .'� . . . I . friends, thAt Mtn should choke them.� though ashamed of the momentary embarrassment ill, his manner. � i.,. .;-W.� .1. '.. I � have passed -stiocessfulij the Civil Bar- . of 60.5 deaths per yearfor eveii, 1400 ! . . IIL . . " , , I � . I . . .. penknife. . . . . .. I I I � ': ,.�.: . ,U'.j would iltsintegrAte. Each'.0ountrY is. . , . I . 1. I � , I... That Oriental scene has vanished, Salves to. death with bones, of mystar q6eatiop7. " Only a week, betwolan him unit .. . "': 1.-ia, � ' vice xaminations in phii Ophy. L-01- . $ . .68 Yed. and if'we add, i the . - . I . �. a .She will men emp1b .. , *4' � I '. Y, *eakness,'shO again Shot a . : � ,­�, , .. . readyto teach her, provided � � V, I "I a been often repeated.' There wjle re h meat in ,.this Ing look into Mr. Hunter's face. . - shipwreck!" she thought, bitterly. . . , . �X� .., . � 4. :'. - I . f Tom attributable tr, the ; � . . . .... 0!-" ­,_. loss proso and poetic ca,090911i0r, We . disease *L 1, , but it ha' . . I . . ' ' . I �1, 1,,�' - 1. I refuse -to learn from . others, or is '*' , L. . are thousands of Jeholaklms yet alive Bible on. which the soui, jAaY got s.trong ;, kiss Allison," he repoatod slowly, ,"-A:h, he has sailed so far,from the fa- � ., ��L -�,�'i.,. - to' y and the like. There.are no ques- I ,campaigns the rate is 86.2''per 1000., ' .. . I . .. . � I . I . I _.1'-".,r,. - r .Q vat, Z.eje4c, silos of bar territory, . * I ' � , . who out the Work of Qod with their for eternity. - -. I � � . I 1,1, . _.. ready to take a � �" 11- k that doubtless he would now . . �. . ' � Apart'from epidemics, this is almost ; 1, I 1'� ­ . . . "do you know that we Are it% don'. tal roe I . . . . ". 1,I .!,-� i . . tions oil mllitaW or, . a provided. it shall be the largest silos. � I ' I I .. -- � is ear � I � w - and I . .i � I � � , ._,;,,� . to means of pro- . � . greater than any death rat record- ' . I �, .� penknives, and my'object in th s . laugh at' his Supposed dang( , . I . I ­�. .'� �. ! , - , --,.: . i nothing that refers .8 I � . - Again, Me infidal strikes his Pon- gar I's I .. '. ., I � In this predicament Chino. has tarn . � '7 . I I ­ ...'�t­r­ .. I � . I . -vat I I � �.%; ... A� I % Adi . tooting the country . I ' ad , although, in times of plague, as � mon is to designate a few of them knife t1l.rough thts'1106k by saying -1 was weak a,Ad n eftough to . �. fkoal the " outer -, � I I . . � . I ' ". . i ' ! .. . " . . . I 11 In danger ?" � . .1 ;'..... '.4 A � ed to�her conqueror, .7apan. China ? r In � I . � . , ,4kw-",� , in ve I - .. A,� , . ­ . ary.cla:sma rule . y recent days I India, it has . . The first.man I shall mention as "-You havO no right to make tlleBibl� Her' -cheeks a shade pliar. She think he Stood upon �the precipice's I'll 'y ; I , - .." 1: ,� I bar6arian.` The liter ' . I., . .. . � I I " . I I a a grew . . 11 1. .. .. ­ I :, -'. V,� , ,; ... � hates all Europeans equally, but she ,an . . I 10�1- 1, thus treating the.Word of God is the SO' P,r011lineut beeausel ther ar other glanced u � at the' blue � vault where brinki I I . . . . �. j:e, roops go ragged, ' far exceeded. � . &.. ­­ better of her I I I I P I I N! . �� and,steal while the t . . ­ 11, ,1 1, , . has learned to think I . . , . 'kear lied come, and One � .1 v I , - :."...;�'.', . W 'I'll ; i f ", ;... , , 'k h , I � are underpaid, underfed,.robbaA and . The risks. of:deaths faced by asol- I �!, , one who receives a part of the Bible, boQk9 that have in them great beauty of The No * . I : .. "... �� . , . I . . miled so majestically the 90a"69. '­., .�,,` .."', \. , , little- neighbor. In. an -alliance with I � � ." � ;,�J;."r "I , de alone in her fa- � , , , . dier in battle are - m6m than six times' I a rand thi- " . I ' ' hold. in !contempt. The beat part Of ' . ngs aning Sydney Stood . . . . , ,1%A'! .. .5, . , , , . .. . . .. , ", !, �,., .1 � 9 it as the dangers of � . but cuts out portions of it with his and val.ti ." There lire g' night�do*n. into the dark' .Ptbs of ev 1. - I .1"'. ... e. ­� . .. Japan ills goes safety, but she is fear To - , thelb. Jehoia- in books professing no more than I - thef's drawing -room, looking,.out at �� .,� ..", " . . ". , into. iliti Mandarin's ; railway ­ ',.-- -- . penknife and rejects . ,the waters, only to see LNina's bril. . . 'i,i '� * ":. , their 'wages goes I . I ful.of lall entanglement with Earo- as , . I � . . I - U. " , 1 . . . kim showed as much indignity toward human :. intelligence The heaths -there-round about , ,the fast-gatharlWg darkneas,! - when. I " - - ,,.-I , L ,., atr6ing box,Arobery and wrestlift are, service, Tn.1898, 490 out of a tofal.of � I. n lidney reflected � . : . '... I . . . . ;,,�.. ,'. � . Chi . . - " " "' �-.l - . _ peons. Ja.paiii though not gre6dy for I ay -as Bible . Of the Persians SOL , �11 I., � r�. I �.. I . . . � . 1 534,141 ., railway , employes in the :, - I L when he out one W � . is, "The her. . Not 4,leaflat Stirred. I . through its Sombre shade she saw it ... "'. - .. �111 . I still part of tlie. training of the the scroll . . .. . . , I - territory, Still wishes Eurbpe.to keep . , ,�, . I . . � " X _tl�. � . . . were -killed in the - � . � /­ ` �'i.�,­ .r. stling lucludep . . . I United' Kingdom ' 1. � when he cut the other- YOU might l.teavans are 440int from 'the pen of §1No,*, he SaK, in. answer to.her look, figure paasand:mount the steps. . , , dese'"die . Wre . .1 box- . � . i , � , , .I I I . . � . . . , ., " 14 ,'e " tar East, aud'sho.will help. . I I I I . . uttered, wearily, . ��',, t�­%.":Ie. out. of the .. . he r,dafy, and 4117 were, i �, as well behead Moses as to behead (46 's Porf etion." "Tille wprld,isa 4"not f Tom ppy of these.' The Moon, " A' Visit is . . ., 1. , I ��__ .1 1, � ' discharge of.t. I : I d .a . orl" he . � .,,� - I I lug', wheake the Wxers-the difton- no. . I . . . - I . ,�.- - ­., I . . . . � I I out. Her instr . , . bud from, tAe bowar Of his b*Aty.1 . � .1 an-- - . I.. "".. " � China'to keep them - injured. . Thwalortality was thus los4 ,� i . I '' Jomall. Yes, Sir. I shall take - -, . . . . . then she waited; the inevitable .1 ".. " '.."..'*- � � , . magry rabble that is making . . , I . I 1. , � I . . . . � . I I.. I . L� 11 . .... ��,,:.%.. , I V ­ tented, � �h ­ I . I . aary in China. - A� . �agaiust' "The Run is a spark from Vila. ligl.ht ncement she knt . . . . 131 L N so much trbuble at�pKp I Sea - , tors re b .wj and soon ALL OP THE BIBLE OR NONE. . . 'O the. wind, the water ., all, , are , our m )must 'follow. L ... t , - ,.4 . tbirt:,on6'per 1000 as the 6.� . ,, � . ,, �. I friends tbrnighL Ve are in danger men . ,. 9'_ I;, ��:, I � . �. I I .. Chimp - studentem3tudying in - . I I I I I . � � . I .. ... . 4 . ��? .� I � . . . . . . , � I .1 . . his wls4o;ii�" !'Tho sky is.'a bubble on- I ; . I ' I . I But in .Spl.te.,of her. very :effort' she . �....... , . � 1:1 .1. ..... ,. I . . . - .Re . of the',soldier, while wounided o4l- ' I � . . , . I . . Men laugh at us as 'if we more the � . I . Tom each other." .': . I . . .. . I . 'i t". . - ' MILITARY GLORY.: � , :w b . I . . ' . . - . I—_ I � Japan ill a home again Then China the - Soo of life pQw,qr,,.' I . * I rva�nt, throwing . ,/..-�� . . I . . . illeis are�TOUghly three tinics As- :� r , *aUtifull on .� .1 . . . . ` ,* . . . . �Oh, how She prayed the Mo might 6t. WTtOd When the ,m . Mr. I Hunter's . I M I- � . . In Japa Y I . I ay not have numerous as injured ' 'rillway ffix�. -, . ,:: r, . moat gullible people. in the world for BIBaUtiful-i - 006fuclus taught kind- tali to mak . a :'apparent ' the inst at Open be 'door,, uttered � I � . m. Military gior �bas been will Understand that she in , 11.1 of tile . �. I I I a . t I . � , in- � millennium'ill by herself and 'far 1-1. .� � . .1 � . � . believing in the genuineness mesa to enemies; the Shastar*has great she'wasthat.thi� . . the greatest glory aiince the beg � I . . . ployes. . . . ,. 1. r� . hashing of hot.blood t he , dheeks I name. Oh, how glad. . I i . I �' - . .1 � .1 - 1. I , scripture; but there call be no doubt - I o .. r . . not: yet'lighted as she , . . I . . . . . ning. .The songs of the schoolboy arok abead of time, but raust share witif ..,.The sailoTa, however, every year � . �'L ' that the Bible, as we have it, is the Affluence of iniagery; the Veda ,of ;She felt them g ow, even while .Rho I TOOMS were. t . . . . . � . . . . . I . . . . I . � gi I . I- .. t * . � . I . . . others do, or two to , . logr.-- � the Br-Aluins has ennobIL Iva him I., . , � white- linen 7ar songs, songs .of tho.sword. Male. otbers, do an . . - I . face a ,slightly, greater, risk of I , � . . . mg spliti-. ialmd ber.head al' t defiantly, as Won forward to,,rece .-Yacht, . - . . I . .. I . . . 1. . . 1, .: same -no more, no less -as God wrote . . I lace . . ' - 1. . 'the dark- - ing I . t I i I . t r a 'pieces, . Singers at �utortalnments chant of plecips. . .. - .. .. . -, 1 . l'ag their lite Qjau�- Mr. -Atking, t , �r in I . �, i - plants; but whot. have, yoa proved by though to burl a challenge.at his.an.- , 11 May -1 �weleoano you Jn. . duok. The* 8kir is in h i ; - I 'The : 0 — I ­ ,� . . . � .1. 1. ? - . . ; . it As to the books of. the New Testa- I th.� T q. - - - he . , . . . . she, questioned, - I . . I . . - the Prowess. of, departed heroes. . . .. I . . the m�4raaatile. marine, 61.7 * out .of I , * 4, . al is 6imply t1hat, t, Authbte' of, ai, � I , . . mass T',' I with inverted box -plot a3i."k and. I . . . . 1. I . . . . . , . .. . � t writers of the dif- da"ell . , - . ... . ­ . , . I -., _ the -Bible W.aa ' ­ . . 4" As y 'u will," he answered. ' I t ba,' military class -the Samuari�has. rul- ' I - - every 100 sailori.lq.it .their .lives. by', . '; I m�.­L--_Wdl ment, the grea as wise as. all tile gxeat . 0 . ... trout. The fastening in a k. . . I . I . I . ORIGIN 61P THE BOXERS., . . ferent centuries give complete -eata- . I Mon. lied made love to. her in many., _ I . I I . ad,- always, and to -day -though caste* . -.. . . I . . accident, : The- dan- - - - ' ' me -11 that have'ever lived plat together; to- I .. . I Wive but a: few moments to StAy. - Bands of blue. lm''ell trim skirt, ending , ' . . . — � . . s4ipwreek and i ' . . \ , � . , rms, ,but a1w I . is ... � I. I . ' ' I . " - T. distinctions have gone, 'those Who Th' gerous aing 0 a0rox�,, woom togues of their contents. Polyparp, 8 . aye as sappliants.� Th; , . . a SINtlety, Siglol to llav� peen F-4tablighed wbik of coal nit . - .. � I., . .1 - '11 cause, after YOU. 6v'%.,C�ae through qual have come lomish you good-bko and at edges, Of the Plaits in front. 'The , . I . I . . , . 11 . , . . -. , 1, , ' 3 , " . Romatims, In the . man.had dared suppose her in. a . . I . go. . . arc Sarntirai-military *ratainors. of , - . La.9 Wear bY at Robber tiblef- . I imate . � I 4 all lands, $Lnd all ages,- and . 'to ask you to wish me. bOn -TOYa .Walst is close fitti . . I ly a third as fatal as the battle! . I � ,� Ignatius, Clemens . f . � . all danger *ill himself I . I. .". .1 ag, with.'stritps of !�_ . . , � the origin f laid I 8 for of ,ovary �1000 idiniari 23.2 1 .. ,� I New Testament books; Tertulian, Jos- ­ . . I � . I You .. are gol feudal lorda-bold 4he grqa� offices. .Thb following account. 64 � llteratkires,, and After .you.-hame beap- - ,.: ..Mr. Hunter,' ., "Bon. voyage . 119 blue linen stitched -Across vest front. . . I . I I . . � 1.41. . I . . � .You deal in enigmas, I I .. I been military of the B xers is taken I roja the tire- killed.' every. year in the per. ­ . .1 till Martyr, in the second century; ad everything excellent together and � d Ill . : .! A, bolero coat of the white linen has', The spirit of Japan has � 0 . . . . I I 1 . . . . I the third ' : I .. she returned, haughtily. I 11,ani'accus. abroa 1. . too. long for a ch I -e-- � . . I I I . . '06iWal.,you bava.99 ad in al , .1 � I 631- a wide border of I ld . us . linen, on WhIch, � ango. to take p 6 . . formanc,6,of thei.r'work.. . op ­ I I .Cyprian and Origen in I boiL64 it . U I I I tomed to,plain speecb."­�. . . .1 ,� 1, Iles , 'I Salt' on Saturday; I It ' - . lace Chiriese A ,.vspaper Shen Paoz . . . .. � . . - . , .� , . century; Augustine, Jerome, and Eu -e- I . I . . tated about calling, bat my desire to are Tows of silver buttons. A sailor suddenly, . The legend, "The sword I.,, I . m that -realm Of the qges but . I The robber chief Tichu Lung Tong . It is interesting, to co pare the pro .1 I � . � "Bother say that plain appeoll is. . of ille-Sainuarl," w4s.a. . y,.1899, in tho.prov ce . a . bills in the fourth century. 'Chair . . It 1. � f�d � to believe � that you O* ' U he is the soul founded -in Ma lace portio.a�lof. off! i rs tii me killed ind , . ? ooks of X POATION -OF THE WISDOM . tg you in unknown tongue, and that $so You ll�a: ollar of white. d ck turns over t . . . . . '.. catalogues of the different b . . . I . � I . - 6ne ofbitle; titifts Ilre.of b1iieffinen.The true one, and is truato-day. Some say, of En-lisien -aiad. Plng-�Yuen,Hsien, -a wounded in tho.present war. .. ..So far � I � . . _ ' ' � . 'who has dared.to Would pardon mly aildacity ill SuPPOS . 1, . I . .. . I ,. . I . . il in this one book . �L am the first,man . . � . . . . . I . . i I ot Which ' originally . we : by the - one off icer his -been - killed for every the New Testament; silence the Isug- that You. fin ' that Japan is becoming a commercial At I . . . I . I , A a. question, of enough . aiding' signs in cor- f . . . .$a .. . I . ry I Let Voltaire.cOme on with hLi..acute speak frankly. Would you:"ve. ,Me 'Ing my 9071 9 I br � on edges and de * . ., .1 * I . '.. geation that any now books could, .. . . � .. . , I � ant to make it worthy. Of a -spa- nor is Of the finest blue linen cord. nation and is forgetting her ancient naines Hung Tong-Tschan, Red Lamp 9;5men; and one wo.UnAed ,fol! OVO 11 - . - more open Still I'llou ah&ll have your' mom ... I . . I . . . .. ' I � . oportion of .inad . . been stealthily put in. HOW ,hilosopshy;. and. H4nis with his scholar � � . . .. 'Stock has band at top -of blue finen,. honor. That is a ,jnlatake.' she, in ShAdel, Tschin Tachung Sohangi Vail U.5 Alai.' As th6'pr. I 1�. have � I . . . . I ..- I �.. I . . I . , and Chesterfield With'b' . Polish. wish. A. week longer under the same cial Pall-'.' . . Ing gr OP 'a- of the Golden B&I, Lis Pa SchAp, Shirt to. off icii as poOib.la'� ,, . :�. . ,many books are on this stand I You � ship.,* .. I ­ . IS' . . of. exp . 9s_ �. .1, MY friends.. are Always Welcome,,, -and rows of cord below� Tie of white imak . eit'affort to. devel man To is .as nearly � . I I .. I '�Ique, knotted sailor scarf of blue lib- fac'thies and.to in t - TatanhnL Seat* oi the to 1, it' is- clear that the: men, hii'T ' . - - 1:f ' eay,,three-two Bibles and a Hymn- ad inalnitataiia,§;' and'Gibbon with his roof with you,a week more not suppose it ne� reign 61 Iron, and # . I ... " . � . . I state . Me . hts',. a:64 ure . to,your . ,maddening fasolmations,. Mr'. Hunter, I did .1 The sailor bat has a fou- . . . 'the organization . . FARRI) . VER . .. � . , � ,rhare are twenty mea here on"ided.* historical . l poat� arty satin. trade, Vat she is doing it *.as* � mes�ns Great.Water.' - Soon . Y MUCH BETTER - : . , - ,,, , __� - book. ary you should hear that To lard '�s&rf twisted around- crown, . "' , I ta,king a list of these books. Would ,Spattesibur my -.ship. would go to wreck and cess I . I . � I .. .. - - ­ . I - -reasm; And and . � .. � ation to the- Province of , - I . ..,. ` - . .y . witlb,.his.sa . d' : ; . .. forming: rosettes -and smile at aide. to, am end. In: order to establish her- extended'6por .8 � ­ than their leadal�o- - Ili no battle of. - . . i - . i a)nd Blount ruin on .tbe bar -unless "m -he leaned. a nDNV-$$: it, ,It wiis only milrbid, fall- I . � . . . . . . . 1, "England of the East" Khan -Haien aifd changed its name to . . . . , . � . I it be possible for any man- to come 'Habbes. with fils, subtlety; . . . . I I ... . .. � self as thi6. . . I � .. . . � . . . a . I e . " Nor is .. � . . . this war has the casualty-Alst a n� .. . I . . . I I I. on to this Platform'a':nd lay a new, and 18olingbroke with. their , ax,med, deo,rer,.h1s voice grow sof.W, more , . .1 . . . .. . I � she must, have an army and a great Lin Hu Sehuea� Willow For"t Flat, talned more than 9 Pei . oofit� OV -4h .. � � his hand. 'BY oil my part : me to AAKA-TING.' 11 . . _ ,which induced i . . . . I I 11� you not know hostility -yea, come on Platonic philo- . full of tender. feeling, and ­ . . . . WHEN YOU GO X . I .. I I - these she cannot (hdve Gover ' are seat to stop , exc'eit 11 _. I . . .. I . . it. I shall deals back I : .. - . � I navy'. and . nment trOOPSW . fighting numbars.� unress V : book on. this stand and . I fell on hers, very ljghtly� ' .. itlon . � . . . ... I . ,a �_� " out with qUe.9 , . � I I . � To Choose Pdultry-7The I Is .fa. I without. "ealth. So.she Ia busy with the [disdoods of its sneiabors and. to Splon Kop, a battle Ih which if.is 1. Neither was it possible for any- 86phers, Find Garma.0 fillidels, �.and . I my laind olearen At least; . I I I W . it I . i , . . he caressing grace-"finles , Sydney,you trust, With . and they; he . . . slibuld be chosen in prefe a tot a d. back . . body to 'put an additional a d . .. . so ear' Qlaer. *When I . � commercial anterDrise's. . . extinguish, them, � I '. book into Boston tr&uSeenileAtalists, . A all t . . � . . . . . ' almost impossible to'ancertain the oz- . . , *ouldletlt float Your: pennon, . and V $hall be aome: Y a � female,,and the shorter t rat a I . . . ­ . - I this NOW Teataineut. when all the belineted - sons ..of, il&rkaa�ss�--J[ chitTge I . . I I I to their first f WAR of work the #rO7 - . - I .. 1. I , I I ir o( Your return I prestime I shall look ."for I . ILDREN. 'ARE SQL- vinees of En-Husi;all, an L azt number .engac4. ' . t ingi upon you W1tb a,regiment of moun- guide it into the site harbo younger the bird. The i3laWs mild JAPANESE OR . � d Fing,Ynon- . . In , , plaristiag world was watch' . . ' �. ., I I . . . I . Kiss Allison ill vain, until I find her . � PIERS. 'This ratio has "a far exceeded . I . Galilee fishe men. IOVs-" , . . �. I I . . . � beaks are easily broken *in a young I . Hslenland again chanoed their names f a. tain,aboohards and . er . I , I . � . :. I . many of th6 great battles of history, No, air; .you shall not rob me o .1 . I y t in some matron ally charming.. I bird'. 4Short-boned and short-legg,6d I plat of 'Patrio- . . . � . I Y& .inspired' men to 'tha: She had been Wooed man bass, -in . � , .., equ . � , In Japan'every able-bodied mauls to J-Vc-Tschaen, This . I . . I jangle word, of a single. verse, of , a, Forward I elL many climes, by Many do , but can't inig.gilas her quite staid. And ... ' . . I . . At Sadowa the Austrians lost 14 per When life, afrifel ,Steaqyl Take aiml . Fir . . ,a . I .. poultry Ia usually considered the a Soldier, and, even thei children know tilm tud Peace. , . . I . . - ,4 - .Bible, I L � . I . � . . . . � . I I centof .their forces In.killed, and . faugle boo]; of my . . ' . . Ducks, godse, and tur- t are ppriaided- to join . . . ." , . 111ge an oomn, billows up witil trou- Their rgrdUs waverl They, breaki'They naught.had ever moved her as, ilits poritly." . I thus lightly of her in&t, delicate. he um of arms, Military drill is a "The Chinese � wounded; at Gettysburg. the OpPosta'91-1, . . . 8, wooing, on thia.m6onlight night. yet., So he could speak keys should have the. feet ,and logs pait of the regular educa,doh in the this met by being toid'that the society ble, and death comes and our bark' flyl Viet.ory,-.thr16Ugb our Lord Jesu , ' becoming th � Wife of another manl , . -armies together lost over 19 Per coat.', ., . . . .. I this man dar Aell. her that in - an- a . limp and., moist; it they are, dry and schools throughout the' empire. �ontrols many ljow0riql'and wonder- ts sea-amittea, with halyards cracked Christi .( . . . ad - I , . at Waterloo 28 per coat. were. placed. . . I . ',&ud`he. we& going away; She might I . . . ' I 11 . . esojil 'in the other week this all might -come - to I atifi it is a Btalp bird. I � I Sohoolboys�dress in ai military uni- till magic formulas, which makes the -co '' and at Borodino � , I a maniac's gray looks in the wind, It infidelity is as suce . I . . I . ­ .. . gain hear his voice, nor see . I mbat, . I . . and white Sails flying in.Blirods, like n6kt Oft ' ; in its war -Pass. . . . never a . To Select Butter -Fresh butter form cut on the pattern of cAdet unt" owner proof against swol-d or bullet , bors du . .y yearat . . .. � . . * . y short time the sect.ha� the total loss of both armle�, wait - . . . I I . . Bible, ,.J as it � bas� . .0 go from her big fage. it was too cruall Should. be the. same oolor..'throuf . ope. Their instructors are In a ver I �, . Others. had sworn t o Fh' forms in* Sur' . . then we will want God's Word to steer against the , . I fit ty, . - the presenc , to put an suit to, the exist -a Ueand fate ,Were too strong f9r bar.. out; .if it streaky probably two I or regular army . of floors, Veterans of grown finnionselY and spread. Over, slightly greater. . . I I . I I . . . us off the rocks, and shine like light- beer) IA the � ,past ,. ' 6 , . I Tears gathered in the gray a as, but three Sorts linve'lJoen worked - togdth , . many prOvinees. The leaders . even gav Of.9,11 the battles W South,.Africa � . ' . It the dark channels year 1950 Will seelhe Bible in posses- once she had rehilered miaera.ble; or ' . I Y . " the war with China, and some of them 8 during tli6 present war that of j3pion .�.f houses throng L I , A the earth v�ho had vowed that henceforth awitman's the darkness hid them. , - I , er. It should also smell pleasantly.' unin. Roballion,of 1877. This out that the luclabsts need not fear . I � , . . of death, and With hands of light boo- Stan.- of .ovary iman. o � . He rattled omi--�she bad no.,nead, to of the Sats . � Xop Was the most fatal, with A loss . . -tossed souls into the� has. a hand to..hold 'it. Ono Wave of 'smile would' -be gall, and wormwoo& - . . . . TO Choose Eggs -Hold them up. to has Ito effect on the youthful mind, the'shot from cannon.. - � . of 1729 men. Colem4o ranks second I X* kon our storm . . . � L. I " I Ip and t bly ,. "The first murders were committed , . . . . ; or pleaded that she had Shorn their speak. Then be. rose to go.' , - � . the light, and it the egg is fresh it I � V . rones, of tyran- � . ­ I . � . on'., -he took ever prone to herd worshi To . with 1123 man killed and wounded, harbour. In, that last hour take from this Book abo a the th I . or- " Good-bye, Miss Allis I will look'clear. If at all thick it will . Catholio'Chrlstians, but by '* .. . . manhood of its Strength, and rend I �. ��. . � all Roman, . . me my - pillow -hey shall fall; above the . I . . . . %. , . . I bar hands in _', good -by, God . . I . .... so in Japan, where folk build temples I ember no distinction and is followed by. Magarafanteili . � , take away all soiikhing my, and t I ad their life a burden.. - � 4. both his - ba'stale. . . to their 'heroes, for the' drillmaster the middle of Sept . , . - temples Of superstition, And they shall I Isl � , . . . . . I oz- with 970, and 468, , 1, I . . I . �. . draughts, take away the faceS of tem I , I k This one.did none of. these, things.. biess you " To Choo Meat -The best Joints tells his puplis what he saw with his was made between thes4 and Prot . lie English log , I ­ I . Ily and kindred, take away every crumble; abovethe wilderness, and I � Was it, bar fanoy that, just a j . tb�6 . . $a I I 1�tiana. After the missio At Jacobsdal t . . *-Was. � � ;� ovary 'consoling shall bloom like the garden of the While his strength yr3t was h1m,. he . I � I L have the lean -well mottled and mix- own eyes� how he ,suffered, how he. tant Chr ' 11- , . f all and only amounted to kZ - - I r and . I -. orican least 0 � I . helping hand test me die an the moon- ,Lord. Thou Prince of Books, We hall Saw and Met the danger. . 1. . . I last, his voice trembled d gain- edwithfat. Neat whiali'lla's the lean conquered, how fine it- all Was; and aries had tolsgr�pbod to the Am men; at Gaborones . it was 32i and at � , Is 11 . . voice; alone 11 . " A week hence," she said to her., He crossed the room.; he ha I . I � � Consul in Tiala-Tain for help and Gov. I . taim, on a fled Of rocks cQv6rod only lbee'to. thy ciarondtion, I The wheeling . .. door. In- aho'ther instant he of a dark red color and hard skinny L�q pupils ,are keen for a chalice to Yu of Shnng4fuug had Rent. 100 Gov. ,Koodoosberg Drift 48, 11 . _ . self, �bitterly. " and the flame might ad the . . t it (at IS usually Old. If the Ma"t is do likewise. So it isthat to achieve At Elandslaagte tile English lostud .1 . . s by a Sheet of embroidered frost, un- earth thy 011ailott the bending sky thy . 1 tau . . . drameat soldiers out against the Box_ . . .. . Lad, and ,triumphal &rob I'the 1great heavous stage him. Now his wings are all un- would,be gone -in Another As . I .good it,will rise quickly when pressed Success lit war brings great glory in . I der the slap of the might w . I I love might be too -late. � . I . ' I era, they suddenly vanished. . But Oil fewer than 0 out of every 100 09 the f . . -studded, oloud stri ad ban- scoroh6d. as does not city, . , � 4,13 'by the finger.. ­ � japaii-ainicat divinity, To serve Dai . I leader again gathered men engaged; tit Modder Alvor,0-8,, � I breathLhg out my life On the bosom of, ohe attir I . .P . you., He. says, " In time I might love ayard 1.11 she Rat i it. softly. I __ . . . Nippon, to die for the Mikado or. Tom- Oct. 11 the around and at Graspan a I nly 2.8. .. I **.-. . I the wild, wintry blast, rather than in nor 1. is . I . . Two strides, it seemed, brought him I I nearly one thousand of the Sect I �. . SOME GOOD RECIPES.* no,the I sued a. proclamation, signed 4 . that last hoar take from me my .01ble. Mike: the application of this subject YOU.' Heavenly Emperor, as they call At the battle"of Xodaer Rivir,it I then. ye carping, cliPPing, yaarial�vas. 4 have preached It that WAS he thus to win so easy a vie- back to her. . . . � * a whom Poo- him and is as Stated that 'the Doers: fired no , 1� . Stand of is tory I Not soo .. . � I., You. called Mae I , For* what I To ' ,Canning Peas�Fbr peas, the very him, W to Jolla those spirit ... With his full name, in which lit says; W , . . . . I I I I . rity will worship through � I � 'bullots,killtn ,tz ' ' meddling critics, with your p6nkniVMI Imight, Show you that we who believe. , " Let us go home," she interrupted, make my going harder V I beat way is not to can any that are to . coming "The Fiat of Patriotigm.and Peace In f0w0r.than 1,000.000 g - I I � . . The next man tha,t,l ,shall mention in the Bible are not I so vordAut as . peo- � 11 me, I ung, Latthe pods got quite iges. - Every'year the imperial troops the, Empire . will eldvitts, the Ma4ichu and wounded 390 Emil. Than of evOrY . . with a little*ohiver, " It is growing . I 10h, It is haTil: I In mercy, to] raw up before the great Shinto tem- all foreign. '2137 bullets 2IN failed. to "find a bil., . as following Jehoiakim's example '19 pie suppose, since we have a ;great ly.)v . . for my own heart Is breaking.'! I plump, not of course too Old; partly d dy"ty and extinguish . . ohil I . . Xojimachi, in the I . . 4 . � jet, --a fact which is.eloquent, rather . - 'to through many stoat reasons for believing in "Sydney is t�is my answer?" " Your heart breaking I Sydney I boil them the game as YOU would for pl Shokonsha. at . I I � the Infidel, who runs his kni . a I ers." . . At out of the Boar's prodigality of ammuni- - , % �. I � the Bible from Gancals to Revelation, it. 1 have tried, by My remarks, to ,, your answeiFill with an assump- Sydney I what does this mean I I the table but do not put Bait ill the heart of Tokio, and present arms to ' "Government, tralsolA 30 . . . !. , and rejects everytbJng. The hostility raise the Book higher in your eatim- tionof,surpri,se. 111wasnotawareof But the sound of her Sob$ was his water. More they are quite done, 11 our soldiers who. died in battle." It against - them suffered defeat Oon- tiOn than of his fcouraoy of aim, .. � .. � existing -that night In that winter wtion. Take. it into your heart I Take any question," I . Only answer. I . dip out the peas with a small Strain- is In ;Impressive ceremony dear to the stantly and the misdeeds of the rebels ' - - . . . . � - .. f -the cooked nation's heart, and makes her pulse tiplied from day to day....A. battle . CE ' I house among those lords and senatorS4 It into your house I Take it into Your "You will not bav even this ex- "can it be that I have judged you or, fill your cans fall 0 1 Mai NSUS 00 MOHAMMEDAN& I., . I . : .. 0 11 12 �. shop I Take, it jqto your store I Though cuse. Wilt you be in .L peas, and then. pour over them* the beat fasien . was fought'sear Idn-LO-Tion betwee I . exists Yef. . I y wife?" wronglyll' he continued. "Look up, y were cooked In.. Make .1 I . the soldiers and the Boxers, in whidh The number of Mohadilnedane has ' . . �, I THE ENEml%S OF THIS BOOK yloa may seem to 96t (along. quite His voice wan. stern now -stern' to my darlingl Is it.your wish that I water the LI HUNG CHANG. been estimated by I Missionary 111VIL . I have gathered, thernselves into clubs, Wall without this, book ill your. days h,r,hness-and his grasp tightoneil On should stay V, I . . it enough to overflow the cans. Place China how different all things the Government troops lost NO Men in Arabia at IW,500,000. Of these I , . and have tried to IAD,rs]A%l 00 their of, prosperity there will come a time her hand. I I � Then she found bar voice. the rubbers and covers and set Ili Ill literary classes, tnaAe upof and the rebels 200. But many of the OW,000 are Under thd rule of the T I � I r only consolation 11 YOU hurt me, Mr. Hatter." she water In ,your wash boiler, of the ar6l The wounded of the latter pretended not to . * . . side, the cheintat'S, Ickborato' y; And as- to us all When our "I thought you did not love me oft- � t, 23,000,00 ara 11.11 � eillogiat's Wilt be this Wassail Gospel. domplaln�d, patulantlyt making.an of& ougillso heat as that in tho"bans, and those who have Passed the Civil SOT- have been members of thd seat, bat, kish Governmen I . . � she Murmured -, " but stay and Same . xaminations in ethics, philoso- I shot 'by -other Mussulman Soltorel - i ..� tronom3r's telescope, RM4 19 the let boil for -10 or 15 minutos, Tight- VIOO 10 peaceful coantty'Voople who were �, .. pry, And xn neraloglat'S hammer, Awl ,Oh I In that Jast hour when fort to withdraw her fingers, I will try to make you love me more. I ,000 areaab��ot WAft r Uses, - . . . at a they. bive w6rld--goes away from our-grisP, Instantly he released her, or, It you Must go, take me with YOU.' oil the covers as tight as possible be- phy, poo,try and -prom COMPOSItiOns by the GoverAMOnt soldiers. The To. 600 .000 live in China, and 0,000,$M " 1 � I or,nItbolo*gLqt1a gun; v%n me press this prdlouo'gosPel to OUT lips, 1, I Igoe that I I have hurt you," he re- fore taking out of the boiling water., etc, have control. There are Many suit of this defeat Was the dismissal of 20,00 Ali rulers. of those ,,,, . . ransacked the earth and the heave June had given Place to January, tars of foreign affairs, and of the Govetaor of the district, Teoh. are tinder Clirbiff . . I ey could not find argu.! that in that dying kl8s,'WO may tatte turned, eoiirteouslY. and be took up and, warmth to cold -, but where was and once afterward while they are Minis Hung Chang last about U,004,000 belong to India !, . to me it th the Bible, tbe sweetness of that promise, "W11631 the oars, " Pardon me." he continued. cooling. When quite cold never die- them only one -Li wor- Wang, which oaitMd great satisfaction and Belooehistan. The religion of the nlepts with which to refute coldness now. was warmth, and the . ad do not lift the cans knew anything of the outside Id to the Bo"rs, who arranged spacial I . . I 1� . _h, and ollp the thou passest through the wateras I 11 I will never do So Again.to Winter moon 'Was happlor than that turb them; a apan. These Men jubilee days to celebrate this event. Arabian prophet oifends from the 'L . and �iuII4 the chairc as I -for in Sydney jllt� ,bY the top$ when you barry them Wore tht war With J TO POWA -,Since than the Boxers have become a to the coast *of 81orra - , 3alyptid RAIK81 - W' bth th ; and through the Atfew bold strokes and the boat's of early. June loosen .now think that(Japin is Mo J I I wing of t.Ue Apt;� - With Ill be W " keel grated on the shore. 'fin minutes Souls heart was the $Ong of birds and away, as this will Sometimes ill bate Europeans a Africa, bift has no I . - the baol; h0l; Of tl%eLv pirate craft rivers, they shall not overflow thee, ul, but they at more and more daring in their attacks Uone, In wester . ------ 011-� them. x1e, sure your rubbers are O,Tf footing in Japah, "kUstralia, aitathein, 11 they hqyo trja4 to run down tUia Gos� JAPANESE CL9RXS, IN LONDON. later the two reappeared in their has- the fragrance of flowerS, mingling quite pliable. It Is better to get neAv and Americans- ThOY have gone so far Upop Missionaries, and the Seat Ilk .' . . I . . Ing onorrauda of salva- .. . team' t1stefallY appointed Raton, with the words which stole softly into I 00 young Chinaman, many spreading constantly .to all nearby Africa and America. . . . I . P61 amp Avail patri- Somo exporting houses of London A group, of Man Instantly gathered her ear, while nestling In her lovgr'a on" than to use those that have be. as 0043nd 4 andsons i.Lnd ui' districts, and very interesting news , o es. . I ' I tkon, They hV;VO tvied to stab a recently been making export, itboat Miss Allison, Never had her " come hard and unyielding. of them the sons, gr X &4Atoh. CA,RUYING OUT THE BOYCOTT i I � Ad vngelist and UP— lit I %V arms-t#o Wlprds, s My love - MY PhOWS and Vice.roya, over to Japan to 136 looked for In the lie t - . I I is by employing Japanese clork,, laugh rung out more clearly, 'hat g&y love Ill . . .Clover 'Cordial -Make a str ' Ong de- thelaselves in eg Holm, the united action Us the Eard. - I 10:KA. . I 1. � . Ostia, with Joholakim's peaknife. They M64 , of a quiet, indust* sallies of wit and repart" been more I 11, �1110 . , ,.., 000tion of* rod clover blossouis by learn bow to (dcfana I I any that the Bible is a , very weak The Japanese Is . hen tirle of War'; but thore Ia. not Much poo,n Powers and the United States to The union, I-xbor leader to,ik the $5 . I I and Mon. rious disposition, and entirely trust- Sparkling -, but ever, from flino to .'t NOT THE ONLY CASE. I first drying them In the shade, t Of what a nli�rop'oan. would -call All- undertake the punishment Of tM bill atid examinod it orliloolly. Thea �,I. book, filled with big stoflea Tilly, 116 is satisfied with a Small time, bar eyes roved restlessly, tothor .. . I Stooping In Witter to cover. strain . A I and has oomore WO Biggs -Why, what causes your tit- tional spirit or ambition, The average rebels themielves Oil scoonat of either ,he handed It baak and, abook hW head. _�_ I . � . dhjus;e& adventures, aster of the dompelloaLtion, and does not objeetto opon\window, where, on the parterre He boy to cry sot, - and reduce by-bollinj.' To OvaVY Chinaman does not oars about nation- ,the inability of thd* Chinese 00y6in. I can't 4COO9 It. he "14. , , ,- , i 11 authority 'than the Sh fLour at two of overtime whenever beyond, shono, the light from a man's J)Iggs�X_t In the result of big #bSonoo quart add a Pound of out sugar and ,Ile admits that Scale Chin- went to deal with the Dox6ro or the ,-'Why but I'llou've. #Arn6d It, prote4to % 11indoo, or the ZendoAvesta of the In . I of mlnd� a plat of New Orleans molasses, stir al.ho"dr. . %. I Persian, of the Talmud of tile Hebrew the 11 rush 11 requires It. On the oth- olgar f it at the hands 000peratloil ot part Of the Chinese od the other, . � I . of the Chin- er band, the oxperiments with Japan- It was still there, still gleamlogo : Iliggg-Absenee of mind I HOW Is Until the sugar is dissolved, and To- 6% had the WOVAt 0 tht late, war, but Government officials with the rab6s," Tinos, zipl(ad th6 labor rA*,,A, but I I I 1. or the COnfuetaft Writing'; of the Ito. age an tradesmen and ftpPrAntIO69 11O.V6 when ahe had gond up to her own that, duca, to th# consistenoy of not Very Of some japiumts In blggs-wetl, Y')U geo he didn't mind himself W" flat thajo.. No one hurt __"__6*e_ eiinaost find % union label on It ul. 1 . as, or the Sibyline WOW; Lases, coat and bo#1o. , his 0 f 'all of the U0116101 -up. been - unsatlafaotorY, 4 number of TOOM- She oromed to the window, to what his mother told him, so I had to tht0k 1'4014 of his buaineAg, Ile A.FRW YBAUS 119NON, wii�rl' ,AD", Or tile Kor I Manufacturers in London. after bay. . pull down the shade, but Stood 9; Milft- punish bins. ! . mo add halt it pint If alcohol as 1% hIM, it WaA none I ; I . .1 n Ouid not die for the Einperor.if he � MW1 employed Japanese hell), found Ute, fagoluated, motionless. A..w- . I . P escrVative, but If stored Ilk a got)], w The Waylarer-Plbam, can You. help HEARTS Or V0.01TARUNN. I , Ingdab Strike r MAN 'k%11kfilf6 I Ing n must 11 After t6 -dight be will forget me," A QUESVON OF FUNDS* , dark cellar, it VAII kaOV in warm &A114 avoid It- Not Much. The h1m. , a pore man that call't git no wotk 'it Examination of the, hearts od the I . ... . tirko:6gh thi's nook botauso they SAY that the first thing theAO MO ke MI. She murmured madlY. It And 1-1 shall My doctor ordered a trip to Voropo I weather without thl!1. ptror is, not (011AM15; he is Tartar, his trade. vegetarian &Ad!tka gitit sAbor 4*ft �, I I usl and Weeent, T.borq are be taught WaA economy With 0 the remember him forever," � for me. I Cavrant Sam-WAsh, MOM and mAsh 1146 IA & uAuroar. why, his finilly The PhilairAhropl9t. And h t I I , Z, MD!� I PV,o - [[[ �Tv_ T� � . �` I !) I 1 114w-- 1 I I that, It is -or Mon,s Soogyj teri&l, after that, groat care of . * 11 *I that the 1wabor at b"to to t1w * -I., �4 .�. I thing's in Lvzoklel and 9010 the Japan- Thou, as though a sudilati truth bad , Did you folloW hill,dir6ctl(108 I I the ripe fruit. Allow I lb. sugar to has reigned less than 350 YORTS. Were your 6, plootso f Met UO fft-iiltht to thfa I I . ­�' - on:tt want read In their tools and Maelilfiory' For down the No, Ile pregouted big bill and them' I lb. fruit, Put the fruit and one- it a4t for the fadt that he tAkeq his it IV to bb Me Un' h0ses-Whe* I . tut they d I ,. is to 1�or. M6 seem to .have absolutely no idea burst upon her, she draw I fourth of the jugir in a granite ket- , wivoo end mconcablum f tolft Manehu 041 W114 16tUt ter tO be 06101 of the Wist ""Atir-wrok , -� famthe& Xhl. It th16 JBI416 Shade, to throw herself, with'quIck, took the trip to Europe himself. .1 i�` I I I . rilcio6s, pst show 0* somebody that AS to the value of ills appliances Usad. . I . � . . #1 . . � . #__ lo - 1� , " I . . , t ­ - I I . - 1� I . 1% # � - I � I - �. - �., ._ .. "I I I ­ k., � � - 1. ... . -L ­ �­ � � .. I - .W , _ ., � I jw'.. ,'7