HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-07-05, Page 6", `� , 4 " . ". � "'�
1110-r"11- -7,-IROFW", , I , IT
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lit-TO11A TXK TACAU HICHOIL - - __ - I M 7 --___ L ." __ ____=--==�� --r_-,-_,t�!!!!!!1! 1 � .... I'll �� - � .,
. I Ims" 'I I ===A:m� Z "I Pon, vorr xovry,1* she Liald, gently 50AWHOM 112UM NJSW- FEW COWS IN Elio -, '_ - ______ --- z___11T_ 1 _! - _____ -111 1.111= ''I
A r"tIC11*4 Visa& life ROM will Make -"but we will not witets, flute in LAND. ... 1:
I A* U04044 logral, aritlitio. ubjec". Through Storm and Sunshine talking- Let us 4"it &*PIS out at Tile 11*140 "140 � ALWAYS A WINNER........ "I
I Jur. Voultenvy Bigelow, the Well -- oucs." I 11"Orld 1% suffirring vraw
I . a 144r;1W fir 11411011gralsola'. i*
I kPOWn American writer, in an article I I I. q! "I"I", , _ . ... .. _- - -1 .1 -11 And, Wbilu tho'hof August sun , "I The Servant prot)JIBM if,, withollf.
upon Pretoria. siya: . beat down with "rollaiiii beat and I doubt, ,�tli eHX,,Iqi"K (,no in 14ondon.
I 11) MY miud'* sy,� I have, a viSion Of VRAPTRR XXXII-Coutiolued. "You ari not a very anxious mo- Power, a wholo,prowd of servants and There I" 14111`411Y atolvo or trountry, III
, ",I wish," she Paid, hurriedly, ,,that ther," observed the' count, with a laiiorera gaardbod the ground,, tio L U D E L LA"'
Pretorl,a ton years bonds. It will be he could be got rid 91 without being Amilli. " Yciu wiltitiot br44 . no It 00 8 be 0 4 a 0 . CEYLON ORE I 11"agland from WiVeh rumpl,tinta on thti 0'FJ'WZf0W W30A� hall the reputalioletto of being ths ogoot _Noolu its oilie,lity.
114, a city Where all Afrikanders unite hurt . Ic your boqrt garde ,taw d -butt rows o RN TEA mubjo t have flot bpen recently re , 1�
I I.... I " -that he could be carried away ItbolLt your child,,, trace of the little heir. e . � . - Load lasoloas,". Is, 3% 4w, " A" S"
, uAdor the, Union Jack to do for that into some ( - MO ftifOr All J"u, only more, delicious. 1811111, InadditlQ11,11011(seholdermwi(b ' - " ' - - --" , -------- --- �__._�_ - 11 *
4r -off I SA ' , ... I —,
� . land. He is so " Y04 are iia!Aak.�4.11 "14 I'vallad., Hour after hour Passed, and no tia. ,,,, ,, ," , — - f4iol".w1k.soos.
I country WhAt Canadians are doing at . � ,,=,-4 QzVeriencO libroad, in Itho rolonse.i. . ** .��*-*%Aok,,w4l6"*A%A��4%.*4%Ap,joi�-"
. Ottawa, ALAd Xankoes at ,Washington. young that he would forgot III) about "That Phild ropreamto Lancewood., lug# were board of him. Lady Nosliq - .
h ks; India, China, Japan,and America, have - I Well, a good .start is half tile plo4surs.
� . bome-and 1J 14 really not big; it "d I value him accoroliqlIly. Aeottitag Muttered k"inly. DomPits, all box fri- ," QRRAT'FAXIKS OF INDIA. tontribixtod infornitttion, .
EMIL In the year of the ,Tameson, . -eady tor ;
. raid, ROY" ouglift to be hin. Better ,that aside all love, I would not lose him, .volity, bar greed, her worldliness, she __ . . 4 poor-p4liat will not give 4L good start, V
� 1896, tioers and British mtx:ed socially Many Objections �Ire raised at the' �� whether It is a Cheap Paint or,a dcar
. dt tho Pretoria club, and, ,while,there 1#43lvowood were railed t7o the ground ., Cox tb(oo � 11�.Qrid. in, losing himl I 4-hould !bvB4 the Obild after ii. fash - !"euty-goven INIIINFIL4 Or lefrople sil-'eflo Itlea of Importilig Joidi�tn or (1hine,'Ji). I .
. , Ion of her I
tbau fall into the hands of & ohildof lose th.18.graud. old h' 4), fly bir twarymiovit, ;H, A xot,ittldr,4, � . paint.
. was" Much divergence of opl'ion on a strolling .1 Ouse and &large Own. VIVIOA too was grieved, it Toostra, 'I FlarVa-uts on account of th 1. tntingm ?
.. . a player. Gerald," she. oon- part of my Income. I ' .. I I . I air corlo"of . .
I . many matters, there W40 unanimity ' . bove: nothing was One thing to wish the boy out of Somp. Istatlatles from Indian Gor- morals and their poduliar views on . &O"4406 i
. I . enough ow certain vital que,9tions to tillued, 00100 him for the first time W411 ever happen to him." . the w4y, beoilltu'se of the evil 140 bad arnWeat reports give an Idea of the 9311AItatiOu, ,O,a the other hand, there I I RAMSAYYS . 0 ;
. I
!� � 9IVa me, considerable Confide' bY his Christian name, 11 it could not This coriverse4looto took place be. brought on to, the place, It was An- tremendous 100 Of life that has tak- are w"Y Who, knowing the silent Ta- I I Old" . I * ." �
.1� I . nee W Ax ,be very wrong. He ban no right to t*een 4, w1jadi?, and the count five Other to find that -he was probably on Plavo' from atarva, wil Or the catlike, Cantonese, woul,1 . DA
, bright futurs'for the united white Lancowood, Ole child of a S, a r Gerald Dorm had let t drowned in the swifts clear r , iver, tion since the woldome 'him in England with open I 11- A n- I
1; strollin . .409 11to _ an INTS
� .
� � 1, 11 . races. 15oar, Briton, Yankee and player, -.a tradasmalifs grandchild, the the AWAY to go to London. The Noon and afternoon passed; the beat dato when Grant Britain establish- arms,, . .. I I I . . � I .
. � I I German-thare were Plenty Of these lowest, poorest blood of France In his morning was �Varw and sultry, cvnii� grow less intense, a Purple light seem- - ad her role in India; and of the onor. . P I., � I I � arc not cheap paints, And they. are not
. .
1 14 . . "van In that Year who ware heartily vOiLLA-he has no. right to Lanowood, 14di," with the Idaintlest of 140, 0-4 to fall over I WOUS sums Of Money expanded IU re- Numerous letters bAvO come from - . I ,dear paialts. They are high grade
I . . , the trees, Thou came ,let w writers on dow . . .
� � SlOk Of KrUgOrISm. much Oki ,they IXIcavau bears V40 and knows that I 81111,W14 and the moo news of. the I , orks wltllotLt, as yet, providing reason estio. service, giving house paints at a reasonable price,
I , . I honored the old man for I . . it coquettish of Ittle Oswald -sad, ter-anY safeguard against tile � . sforthlesouroity, Oaonapoint I made, to wear, to looka little better I
.. . .Its past speak truly," she addod. "'It his mo. '114tO, bad gone out because it Was rible news. Some wileA.down the- . there to unan"alky-reotriction of It I
: , rfcdur� i
I . . services, '. Men' of affairs, men Who taler were a lad , It he had� in him cooler Isitti o under the obade of the ,r,lver, where the current was swift ring calillAity. I L b- PAINI than the best, Ask your dealer.
I I . . I had mOneY,tQ luves[C. won who desired 0440 I Y .4 I In the, Year 1770 1�ela erty. - . . . . I .V. . � I �
. and strong, where It ra gal was visited 11 11� 9 - .
, . park of the true Nealia spirit,l cedar than being la-6ore. . oo straight 4utO by a t . NOt enough consWeration- i he � I I'll,
, ., . .to VrOW up, with tile o9untry-all, men Sh 8 . . The Comte I . amino. !The crop of 1709 being ma . . U the � 41171V is". .
i . � ould be please r. but. do Oalloux had hastened to join her, the Real they hold found tile chiltila , V. tota . tter o4personal comfort is also na- .. ...
- with Progressive minds were. disoleas- he 1144 none. I a I failure, it Is computed that � . -
. d, proud, happy,
-"�'�" .. ad I Wit , b the pretext put forth by the Ike EE will graw tip What,. Ills .intended jofurney� to Paris had hat and OVLPe--;tbey bad evidently Signed by the servents themselves as 1% 11 . . R. ROM301 & SOD I
. � 1. 11, . , I I . nin him been in the. water for some timaj and , within nine months out of a popula" the rea,lDn. If so . . .. MQ P .
.:. is now,-falso,. oun . g, cruel. t.y. I been deterred, and he had availed, . me of the olosorip-, I I - . NTROAL. PON 90630, .
�... . . .". ,. . I Xrugerltes. for keeping the country rannioal, and if his igotb.er trains him self 'of Valeriola presence under ti We ebbing tide bad waslied1bem..on tIOA Of 80,000,000, one-third, or 10,_ tiolas of 11 ' 1`1111A&AIII1,11111,
L no leeping roe 'W%'Uv%�W*'%"W'AL-,%-VA16��10%%Ol,I ol It
I I ms given are not -- i -,,
, . . . . ,� . It " ,, � nged. What will LanicewoQd be cedar to renew his suit. While, he was to the .bank, Further .do a " Y Oxaggeiated; certain Bri,tiall -=.-. _. _!t�. — . " ..
. in a backward State,' The -modern dissik I 0.00AO Perishooi from starvation .and groSal 'r
..:� I . , , ,Boor apprbolates t . W they .disease, In order to obtain food, par-' WA a . APPRHE-NSIVE. � _________- -_ -
. -
I .
I t4 as. , , � form, � . . i . � or re- I Nooks, Rosario% crud
� . e cause of your antipathy affixes, ilostpullrot
� � he necessity for in 011011 hands 7 If lie could bit be got 'talking, Waking love after the in , the little Whip which bo bad ants sold their children into slavery "At Relialoum*pIcturea. statuary, A04 Clturoh Ornaments.
I . I I : liberal, legislation : qui mu It As rid of," she _ est found . � I � What b th Ca.thollo Prayer
- .� . � 11 cried with ,tvild passionz I approved thabl6a, tile nurse Mrs held in his hands. I
I I r 'to lorei,guers? asked the knowledge Works Mail orders receive pronapit ottes, I .
� � i 1 - .. Afrilrdoolder,' and when England It, if be could but be taken away, I Corby, had o ' "H ,P,r until nO .buyers could be found. For ,h,4 ,, afternoon tea the visitors stionfill ,r
I � . " . I T. , , I " . It"Y . � , owe with a pale, soared . a is. drowned, sure ,enouall said . OP10 Is servants, fallings. The � . � SE, -11-�Q
, Oz, h4irO. demonstrated beyond bran' altizile thousands subsisted upon leaves wistr $Baker. 0. & J. PAII&HIR *,Go,, ollefitor"L �
. IL I I � . I ght tip far away from here, with- I face, to tell " miladi," that she oQuid tile count, when these, articles ,iyore Bsses, of course, are PerfeoLl', . � — I � .
, 11 "I I . I I ..� quOstlO`A that she not only can con- out knowing Ills name or his parent. I not find Sir , L . of trees and grass until even that The sarea$M�L comes L Well, answered the Clituaman, we$ ' I L 11 L, . I
I I I 1. � I L'olto Osivild. Lady Nealie. was brought to the house, . . - .� . from aparlok- � re FOR SALE.
�, . L I , _ or all obstacles, iia South Africa . L The unhitlipy . source of nourishr , maid, .. � afraid Pretty 30011 -We'll be JI.1Vj.Ig IIATUR&L HEN 1X00B'AirQR- 100 ZOO ITATOM
L � . v .,� L. - Ilge-tlf it a uld but be, I would give 'indignant at the fact 'of her very mother fell Into a fit livin . plant falling, the . 14411, Vost* only 42, IV I
. . . I I L trolley cars, and than we'll be told to in of conskruotion III.
6L."'. - :, but means to remain the parampunt my ]life tm ;186 it done I" : I L 9 40tually fed uPonthe bodies of .t:_-"-, - ___ - -1 -1 steP lively, and tb .� I 'A. I 1OKELtS, Oalgxr3,,. An,,W �
V., � ,L �. , , , ,C'4 power in that region, it is MY belief, pleasant �ete_a_tote being disturbed, Of violent bY4tOviQs- . I . the dead. � _____ _ __ . - - --.-. an we'll have.auitlu_ . I .
1, _* - L' Ho. l6oked at t "If I 44VO I ,AS it fate were determ- I L dals ill our city council$, I
. � ': - .",_ he beautiful flushed - also annoyed at what Abe deemed a oat him, I have lbst I � 4nd alto- POULTRY, OU .
. . . TTER, 64080 APPLESt
r- . , ", the best portion of. the B60rs will face ! sensation ab . iu,d to revel In irony, it � ,gether we feel as it w' were taking VdIntber PAQDVOE, to ensue best raiultipeonsign is
i - . I I �L 1, h .lighted up With passio.n and out nothing. Lancewood.111 she: cried; and Vivian, that while the, ra . c � 0 h
.� - ' LL I throw iutheir-lot cheerfully- With the Pride. He. draw nearer to h . Or L a I nol I Go and lo . standin by, wit I * I I terrible chances. � .
, 11 I LL 1- � L � , . I . ok for him," she Said; . I 9 h pity Shining in her ILLY 0041sola of 1770 I)Ikwsoq Commissiono'Co., Linlitedl. .
11 11 � British flagaaloyal URL I I I . . . O9r�W8#t-Msrkat&Oo1b "..." _.
I � are It)% French whispored low, a ,sudden, sweet gall- and the woman who brought ail abundant harveot, in"the Tara"
I I . . I . ,
'. . . - clear eyes, said" . . '� -- ____...___.._!T!!�1_ . - , r-
, _; . I., . I of Montreal, or the Chinese ,of Wei- ty joy . stood greatiy in meantime millions of I MONTREAL HOTEL olitticycoly. . too
1� , . - I . I . �-`
. ''. , ''� �. I . . . I : 4hooting Llirough, his �eins. and .fear of ber'lailotres.9 Is an, give all, .that.Latioewood . L. Starving ; , , ___ I I
, '�
, I I Hai -Wei. . pr, hnstcu� *I Would , The 11 RaLlMore I , I .
114.� , " _ I I , ` . - wretches or�wled despairingly from _1", Fro Am. Plan. , I t . "
I 7L � ------ 40— 1 setting1his t on'fire, ad away. . . holds to have him alive Again," And I . . $1,50 & up.
L L - , L " --r-7 . _ _
. I : r77!� I
. � � . - 0 0. SLIPPOsev" he said, " that Some one *1 Halt 'a t; hAA sha, meant what she paid, . , village to another in at . . Ill Is I
1 J..7,: -1 .1 , a hour passed.', - L one deserted L AIV " 11 cot I, Ave I
,� .. . , miladi in E ,UE HOM-l"I'l- .
11 . . is ' -_ For some few days they presery . . I , L _� Parall
"? aid thi -some one who would always forgotten the abstord.little I - � ad . � - -
4_4 � 11 I . � , I noldent. :�Iler - (Is . I
1. .1 z I ' IfOTEL' ; Depot, . I
1 1. � . . , N be kind 'to him,..who would provide She was, lis to a vain semblance of ho ' 'DYING I ,3'r. J A , 'OppositeG,TJ I _____� .
, , va" searellt' for food; L.0 m ago . � - I ot Stea Sinal I .
- A REALLY SICK IN. I . toning some of the . . P ; tb' I IN MOLTITUDES. , r . .
�� L I I . � I L . a a Wen I . . to, l
"L .. . � . 21611way. , S, A.bi.o.o�s from 0 P
. I . . 119 Rheumatism of the back, . ir t-clame Comm: 0
. I ;�_ I I I hilinwith the beat at edudati Pr itle * continued their A gh, in' provelar-4 ,e
. , L �., , I � . 1, . I . ,on, the ,Awbotest. and a at iaomplimapta I - , search,, - th-toll Ility'to live illrough ,the . aide aloder 8!01 Kodej;lw: I
.. � . . L 'L . I advertise . qbi I �
�4� � I . , .... . IB]LE L oil .. . The cause is Uric Acid . . . I . . . I
1- ; . ., .. SUFFERED, TERR DUP Loat careful training, the wean . . . — .1 .. I
� I I -really the count ments. were inserted in. all the news- few week§. that separated them.ftoin , in the blood. It the kid- . I rot the V ,
.' IL' . 8 she hid 'Over heard . _DY810k I Cleanifig I
i . � t "4 a 0� y , of , . . t I . . I
y %,.. .� . . � I . . I ory beat send your, work to the I
, , ,,, I . . TO Kibiny AND LIVF,J earning.his I'liellhoodin all had a papers, large reward% were, offered. 'their L . . . . FINANCIAL TOMMY. - ,
L , . I . . asant
�, - . I ,,, . . honor and genius if" ,saying pie' . harvest, - . neys did their work there . . . 44 BRITISH AMARIGAN DYKING 00.1V, ,
� .. I .� . . .. ' I � I . Would be no'Uric A ' ' : Look for agent In Four town, or send direct. �
! . � , I "Ill. . THMLJ�L I honesty,-WhAt would.you do -for such things -when the nurse ca It was .all in vain; every one came The effects of this famine Wei% felt C 'I 1) cid and Ma-Toramy, you seem. 'to 16*0 pa U614trealiTor L I I
, I . . . me again, - I
L.. a man? What,'Would yva give him I" hai- face looking whits, pCild a a to d I I . - ba �ro, Mak a . , . onto, Oftaw4j Quebec.
l i 7 �, . � I . he Barad ' oloncluslon-4lIdt - the for two gem L '10 Lunt O.,th Irworla th -bett6r than you do me. ' I
". � 1, I L - ,.,.. . :. . , 4, L L L iin more I . . . rations, The abildken I . kidne a d '. The . � . I
I -
. I
I I . , . MY Whole life," she replied, quick- soared. I . . I I sure . - L . I
I == I ====-- L '---�_ I
I. R
.-Ir Pa I
, , 11 I
, I I � � I
i I I ft L.
II ----I---------
= -------- a Bus ___1
b y H
--FAM-ES- y - I
< 4-R
, I '. � Iffellocluos .&Iqlarently 11[441 No rirflet, wiltil ly. Soo . Young heir had been drowned .in the and young people. hav Log almost aue- . L , positive and only Tommy -Oh, nia, I donIt . Inean �,to, FURSL ' . .
_ . L I ,
.. I., L . , I' , . . I _y a FUR
. , b, a man would be a bensfab- "MY lad' 0'.ahe �slijti, I river,, and .that h ca�e f .So
I . . - ni tole solieltation or -a FroellA lie 114ed Y0 q . am very I is body.had .been numbed, there was no rising gdnera- - . . or Luoultago is but, y, See, Pa* allus has his pockets . �L
. . . � I . ttu
L I Dr. witilank4l 111181k Pitlq� and. Ivas for.to the whole race of Nealies, ,He .,sorry, but ind6ed.'Iam, fright6ned-I carried by the swift current out -to tion.to till the full O' Cents. � - . . W Importer'and exporter. of .. . �
, . . L ; I I - field., So , jungles . . Raw Furs and Skins. 00A. . I .
- IV -flied � . . I . � . . . . I . . ' 9 'L .1 - . . . . I
L., - , 1. �. I . . .1 . : would do -,vb-xt I .Cannot do-presery 'cannot find ' -.It - '- .sea, ..� I IL I L up -once been I L . . . �. I �
� - I - . a Sir Oswald . grow u wberiI there had signmOnts solicited. ]ELigh.
I I . I , L I I .
, � . I . . . . . I . . � .
. � -_ .. . I . . I ,
I I FOR OVER PIPTY VEARS ! -�, , eat prices paid for gingistir., - . -
. . . ' ,'Where did you leave b m . -been stolen ?" .ask 'and - I MRS. WrNSL .. I .
.. L . . � : L Its honor unsullied." I �" ask. "Could'ho have I _` fWarlshing forms and villages', ,OW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been - I
I . L
t F r in the Mail, Granby Que. .. . . . .� ad Valerie emphatically, I ,. 11 . . L . , . . us.edch I . . . . � 0
. O , , . I ,, Gerald pgased for La Moloonte' I ad nallaoll," with a slight and elephants � I t "a ' , 404 St. Paul street, xOntma.
- - Dodd. 4S I! H .ToRNS614
. , . I glimmer of tigers � . ,,mothers for their children teething, it moo, h
k ,I: � , : . � I , . I , I . 1 L multiplied to . . . � d, Softens the gums, alloys vain, cures wind . . .
I'll", ur', Albeit FL�liar O' If,". he alld, "some one Aid this � "'HO. did no lesOons - jilis i hope., - . � such an ,extent that the population I . . . Colic, and is tho best remedy for diarrhoea. 25cat, bottle. . ------------- - .
�� "I I � ,- Accountant At. . � . L morning; L I . . . . . . . . . I
- I I I I I * , , , Sold by all druggists throu�out the world, so sum
-1 for your sake - your Indi.Aillp said too � She *ds. told - tli , , . - tn�.Szkfor"Af .winsio-'a nothing Syrup." - .
� . , I
�4 '�,� Pay a's oi ar� factory, GLr I 10 . . lot it Was unlik ly., lair tit tile roe
. � 9 aully, Que mind, for your sake 11 I that I W a : . I .I() . . . roy Of the beasts. I OA" I ra
I., . �_. . .,, t a - . �. MWOR
.1� _�: I Wil - ---
1z K Olw.n,.XO almost every r6eident of
th 0 1 toWn, I .
and is
Alune�wnat would you give hi
I . . ml? Any
raw ard he might askV1, ,,' . .
warm, and that I was* to take .him
quit. � . I I . � . .
I.pat, Lae whole county had be
I ell scour�
and that it
In 1837 , the ,.Nor�tbwast
. . Provinces
I %047
I �_�_. L, . I
-held in't
. I I Ille, highest
' , I
� I . -
. . � �
. . L . . . I I
ed, was% Wall known t
I m -bat
Wax ravaged by a famine. of which
. .
� L .
I eat"n by all who know him. In' con.
. I . I .
" Yes," she repIleolI little dreaming
I -
" I know V, was the iiapat.16oft lid. L
. .
a:InPS L
neither gypsies nor tr had been
. .
it -49 resorded that in .two cities tile
- , ...
, "
� .. � . I L .
, So,, th , are, sa'id - Krs,. IlOapack,, con'-
vexsatlown .Witli the editor of the Ma'
— — 'J L L -, , - l AIL
.what 4hape that reward would take..
--terrilPtion. "Where ',did
. ..you take
6 HYdO Wbods or Hydewell,:
11 L .
Be n.near . I I
. .
inhabitants di I L
ad at the rate. of 1,200
, I L
P0 11
. .
, . I . . I . I I ..
eluding, -her remarks, -A. word- to the
racen. ly, .,� so meth lng� wils '�iid 0011'4,
"I Would give hit
I . .1 M anything he ask-
L . I
him I" .
AW -hope . was gone. � Her ladyship .a
' I
day, and in the r'dra,
,I d .;
. istricts hu
L . . .. .
- I .
Wise is sufficient. . ..
car lug, Dr. � Williamsi Pijjk�
li Pillsf-
d)l L . 11 .. . I
0 - I . .
"We want tl�iOugh thelllYft Woods'
went into dOOPOst. mourning; the urs-
. r
Litiall-beings perlsh4 by villages,
. I , I
. m I .1 .
. . . I
Yes, my dear, iepiled Henpeck, and
Wheil Xr� viellail*Xornarked that -he
I I . , I
.11, or the ,first, time Gerald touched
I . . ..
Ao faras the river Rin 0.tl
.9 7 1
. �
. � I .
ery wits closed ;. the head-Aurse, lun� '
,BY t he three. great farai lies of i866
I .
' .. 11 .. . � .
I . * . L
to..1he average,'married man a wor( .
had f6und th . aSs"pilla 4very vajtiable�
I . 11L.- 1.
her.ha.nd,; on'one� finger Shona a gold,
. I
:� - ".Wellf" said Valerlp,.for- the WQ_
der Whose 'charge the child had been
* . I � I
4806, and_1869 in tiltallorthwest Prov-
_*_RM_ _ .t��
_ ___ kTL_��rlt,
- . , L
ill I . 'I
edgewise Is sufficient- .
I -
I medloine.. - Jti'-W'aS suggested,, that' 170:
, L
ring With .4 largo beautiful pearl in
I . . .
. I
wall stopped and began to sob. .
at the'.time, be,vi.as IoAt,,was dismissad
. . � I .
IlLoes, Orissa 'and Rajputuba, three
: ,
- orit U§.U. . ; -
. . I
I . . . I
I . ..: --- . . ., . , -L
� I . . .. a
. . I I
Should make' h 6Xpgjjea�e
I I .Is L known
I I 1�
and 'to`tlkis
. ' - he' rdadily consented,
L . .
th -,ovloitor. � , � . 11
8 ''. 1. . I. .
" 0. L * ' .
ive Me this " he said 'O as ai Proof
. .
" Then,!' she CoUtillued "
o Sir Oswald
. . I I �, L .
turned or ; L he, said that. h
-With4all possible ignouLit I
.. . liny;. a marble
'tblet was PI abed in H dewellchurbb;
millions of teo, I , L , ' ' I
. .
1. � P a are said, to have
� . t]16Lfa� "'
been swept 'a'
Way, in tV6 1866
_ ' L: ,
... .11.
: , I . . .
, Little Endch-Paw,. What are' tools
, I. .
. . . .1 . . ,
. I
STATE OF 01110, CM evro�U�6. - 881 .
handle to '*t, Mall .the Alowing
9 hLe . to
' '
'that you Mena Nvh' .
at ..yet! say." .*. ,
fish, and'th At I must go back iot fet all
. .
411.theL newspapers had a'para
L graPh .
, , . I
ished Wretches ag
. ain, read ted to oa:n-
good for, anyhow?" � I
Farmer FlintrQbk-To teach. the
FRANIC J. 011SN'Ry Xnakehilath (hat lie 1.9 .
Senior Partnei- Or lite firn) of P. J, CHKKEY &
'O., ,
I letter for -= - L I
. - Publi,oation. I
I $be took the ring from her,' finger
I . ; . I
his fiiihing-tackle." . . _ . , I
. . � .
�felllug how suddenly and unhappily'
I Lir . . I I
nibalism. L . .. . ., , .
I . �
. . us
)results of blowin''into unloaded Shot�'
L, doing -'bul-ilne.9 in tbo City of
County slid $Late arbIre"aid, and thar said tlrrn
Granby,,Mar*h,1(;th, 1900,
and"placed it on due Of his.- -
"Milaoll's 11 brilliallIt: face grew �ptile.
. I I L .
the little he of LanceWood had come -.
,Bengal W AL. again Visited
. a by 0, fam-�
� .
g1lbsAbujin' .gold bridks, guzzlin' pa-
, vill pay the tum of ONE, HUND11101) DOL.
for bicli nd e' 400 Of CATARRH I
In justice to, Dr� Williams' Rink
I L �
- - W Nestle,". he said, ".look int
. . . 0
. . I
I '.
Stirely,!' she.'Said,
. I . ' never were.
to 11s end, and tha
. t I the estatei re- .ilia
in 1873, when 3,900,000. People re,
� tent ni�dicines, lightln';the fire, With
,h"t cannot I'Ntirod by the use of HALVe .
Pills, Ithink it,my d"', , in vi w : J
. . ty a 0
-MY140e Oud tell ma.-4blak Over,your
1 1 I . .
so foolish,' so mad, .as. to leave '.the.
I . .
erted to Sir ATthurla daughter, Miss
.v . . .. .
. a.
- L da Ily. relief at a *cost to the
coal-orl, gain, up iri-btl�llaons, skatioll
what they have done for Me to �ada
anaWfir-do you really mean What you
�child alone oil the bri I
fik of the -,.- p
Noslia. . . . . . . . I . ..
. . .
Governmen+' . 011") Mn Min .
. I
on thin lee, tryin, to -beat other people
Swo6i to bef .
. ore rAe anu subeleribed'In my
I I , . ,.'.. .., I . . 1. I � I . Or I . . I I I I 1. , -aud - to at . - . I
� . . their Own gameS, indorsin, -our � P"'I"I'll, : this Oth day of Decenib0. A.D IMU. . . . I I I I
. , MY testilaoilial I(Q. .tfk'-) in-iny which4. have just aiid'I". . I . I . "MY lady, he kickjol onei lie siciatim. Geraid'bornian was still detained private ObA ity'of'$1,140,000..: t)n this friends' n tes, thinkin' we kno � w it . .......... V luable Book - I
-,"', 11 *h L' ., . . I . 0 I � I � , . . . . I I � ... x . 6 . . .A. W. GLEASUN -
: , I ; For, some, mon ' in . SEAL : . ivatapiI,pukud. . .*., CA Fre
c," . I E!ve seen in print the � " I do#, 1. do P, Shp cried, "It. is the ad, he bit, my 4ands-he was so violent . London, ;he wrote from. time to - occasion, tlid 'previous, Opening UP Of All, f liktin" with *tgras,i-widows, ,and 00 :..... I .: . . . . . " . I 11
. . . . I
" I " ls�lffeiec'�_,Alaost severely ft I Only WaT t savill, . g Lancewoo'd. - not da'r'e to re use (him. time, 'expressing his regr A . . . I h I . � 1-1all's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and Dr.. Hanomond-Rall's. . ON . .. .
- oln.pains 0 1 that I did f � a country. by roads and railways, on and s.o fort , my �son I � . . -
. I
. I i - - � I � . .. . acts -directly on the blood au&mucouta Rurfades I . .
� . � .. . .
111 i UP 'And down wy ,back. .. It Was, CaAngt $$'a it all clear 'Just yet; my ffe.-sat.dowi on the fallen, brancill hid .happ6n6d, 'and asking .bar latlyr, as -well no the eliefeffort' ' ' ' 1 __; - L , F. J. CHE . "MOTHERHOOD"
I .. I � 1. I I . . . � r I s'-weresuc- - �, �� of thosystom. Send Vwtespitnonials, free'. *
I ' brain is bewiiaered--7all, that I hav tr`e ship's. indulgence because of . his de� . . I . I I � . 10Y,&,CO3 Tole
� th011ikt Mesa were due -to liver, and a of one of, tile as, - and � - Van In Distress. - . N
I . . Pr1w&,d m. . . . I cesSful in holding the grim "co rge . I I . I Sold by DrugoiRts, ISO. . I
- 1. _�_ kIdney'-,Arduble, Vile . 'WhILCOVOr the 3�011 'and heard has driven ine mad. not to stir. Myladyj when I -went lay. I at ba A WhOfe�fltm!IY suffertlak. A dull 'Hall's Family Mills are the boor. .
. ,� . . I .
. r *SP, , , . . . . *, so that few actually perished. a - or, . . — . . I Handsome edition, libraiy style, . . .
_ .
__ cause, tliei ale. in terrible agony. I seem .to have lost my ' . TIlen the lawyer Mr. phihg Of nerve or muscle, the .. . - � � .
,, �, � ; I I . . . self, -:control, back with the fishing-taekle, he was ' a t : Graston,* , , From 1$76 to IB79 the provinces of acutOx- Pangs of neutalght, toot AND DON'T FIND EITHER. � - . bound In Clotht.half-tbole engray.
*:;:, �. 1: .: The Pains were not confined to the to' have, lost- the power of thought,' not theire.". � .. . PPeared again on ,the Scene, Once Bom.bay,-.9adrita and MYsOr . e were or I haolhe� , . . .. .
. . . . . I . . I I umbago, inakes life a misery, But I . . . I ings. Interesting and instinctive,
..." ". , I back, but wouwahift ,to ,Other barta ,td.hllve forgotten much that I ought' With a Long, low cry, Lady Nestle wo�o - Vivian . Xe6lioi, -.`w1i *heirass Of owe t. bY. famine and. post" Nerviftole-nerve : , t Whon.'99146 People los.0 their' pool- .
:7 :� .boi . . � . . . . I I P L101106 that. . Pain curA-will T . �. �1;414608 Which evory married
, . . .. . a- . I .
� , of the dy- AS it 'Tesulf..J . 1. . Lanc6wood.' 11 almo t equalled the d' . Jjeve' all. these. ,�N *1, � * , tifts tbey� look arou*iid for sympathy . � .,
I I I . could to remember; OUIS that is dlear.,to :sprang from her seat. . I .. .
� I I . . . . . . . - - . A I Isaitei orvi one is , power- . woman,' and those contemplating
, get Ilttli I, xast,'my . appetite �was md. If lie could be taken -away in vall OL11 the Aarvant�i in.the house L "telieie me," She said, With tears tury before, - At a cost -to ='- ful, Penetrating, and effe tual. - instead. of .a ,new. job. ' . � 1. Inarrial I . shou � Id know.
,, much impaired - , . I . . I . . � . . Y_ � . 1: . .0 ., . I I . . . . . 1909
—, ,, and I was really a that fitialtio(a, Lady Naslie. would have together," she Said, "and let the ' in bar eyes, "I would far rather 116v'- ern �, I — I . ; . . I . � . I . . .
. �
'r .Biok Iliad. 1, . . � . I - I m be� I went of §35 000,'000, 1,500,OOQ. - :- - . � I . WPC 1030. . Sdiilff OF ITS TOPICS-Phygiology of I
k , � I I � tried many different to 16ave, and Lancewood would be ,gin. to search tit onto. Do � er have had it than .that the b , I . S . .1 Pee- - POISONING . A � YOUNG M IND. I . � I . . . .. . Alotherboold, Rehations-Of Mother and . I
. . .
..- remedies, wit fib I I � . . . . . � death Should ha .PY A PIO Were- temporarily .relieved; 'blij What is a bargai I n, pa ? . � � � I I -1 . ____._- _ Child$ Woman's Critical Period, Care of I
. " hoUt Of Oto - and which. savell." I I I a woonent,111 she or -Led, Wildly. . ve'giveA it -AO me." that this sufficed littlais demongtrat- � . the Newly Born, Fee(JITIV, and Clothilig I .
. *
. .
V, disgusted. � me with medicine. .,A She p2as.ed ber.band oVer her eyes `It would be, wiser to have the 'river , ' * 'We cannot choose," -observed 'Mr.. ad by the fad . t tha. . t I in' I . A bargain, Freddy, is. any shop� . � OALVERTIS the Baby, What to do* 1111 -the, Odtor � I I .
. frienii Auggested . � . � . . I I . One district . R.. 0 1.
I that * -I try Dr,� as all Groston;' "We W 09trifollo Dislilfo6tagntom Soup Comm Causes of infant 'Mortal ti, 1 .,.-
. .
.. Williaws - -pink ,- P1 Is. I was- -- .6 spoke, and her expression of ,dragged," Said: the count. must. acc6pt Whatever orn thing We don't need' that youi 6, Oint. a FullureT Prg-sataI Itiftencoa . I
� I Pxovidence Bonds. I am sorry for the ' I . . . 'd 100 , etc., -bave betin "go I
, I of 2,129,OOQ p6opie;.570,000 are supposed ' Intent 'rooth Powders, ` M'rr'N NecestmouY, Thd.Teetblug Period,. I
_ Val. ot .
.... . I . . hot be'Wildoied dismaj Struck him., .. V�alario looked at. bim' with dazed I mother feels oompIlIed to buy because awarlde Inedals and diplomas for. buperlar Many ThIrigs mothers Sholt](I Khovv
,. ', , . � . . . I , . to have perished. - . � . . , . ' .
, . :, .1 . EnSilyllersualled, for I ,had, give . I 6hila-r�oorry, After a fashl6n,.for ILIA � it, A cheap.-, . . excellence
. � I . I I I . n up - d- How you love Lancewbod I" he eyes. .. I I . . I From the subsequent 0 . . . . I - : ' ous dise * Their regular use prevent infecti. 116ins Rvaledies - Safe' to Use, Useful. '
I .. the use of medicine, an nothigg, bad adid,'almosit bitterly, * . 1. I 14 � mothe . � � pidomic of I . . . --- . . . . � kupp) "M Ask your 6 dealer 'to. obtain a Reelpes, .. I
It seemed to Dragged I" she repeated. I ic you , r; but I am Pleased that La . . . . 7- Lists Inailed,fre on application. ted number
I 1161 '" '' I . I D- . I nee- cholera, the deaths werO returned at - - A, - FINE V ELLONN" . : . . G 0- CALVERT & CO., We orb givinil a Jim! ,
Ped ale, but it� 116 insisted, I filia. hiM, so otra not know th' a Swift wood is in good hands -again. The 851,00,br Madras, 58,000 for - . . . , Of this five ohi ling, bo6
. Xge; this morbid love of at the Ringe, is � Mysore . . I .
IIY concluded to give *0111 a trial. 9, -hom � . . � . . I t' whole estate, and family i0o 'would 7ani:157,000for-Bombay. I � wall, duri JIB way be, but if ,be. tell . MAN6HE6T1IE" - - IENQLAND, k FREE on
purchasdaOnS -box, and was ,as. , 1, lIt a. . - ,. . . . deep strea�n, -and that it flows in o . I . I I Ing any prepaiattl6n, * the a' ydu �-hat --'-. � ' I ""' � '- I � I . I , recelpt of 10 cents to cover.wailing,
is the love ofully life -time 0, she the seat I remember -oh, heaven, have g9ne to ruin had the child llya�d. this ' .. in world is as Send ,at once. if you desire one. I
igho-d to find � I _ , , Period, the Famine Commission- good -as Futnams Painless Cokii Barristers,eta'.,roulovoil I � ; , I .. .
", L that before it N49 replied, � .. I I.: I I . Mine, M11116 A Hallitto �. I I
,� ... A � . , ent . ,. .: � I . how well I remember I -Sir Arthur Now I suppose her ladyship,- with- heir ers, reported that liltha Provinces n traCtOT distrust the idvfee I M 1;', a _- LAW to wastley III a., Rich, � . Addiren - �
, . ireI;"uL11A,_J, ,W�n$ quitti,a, bit ro. 4 you VIII Or Pf he said, train of French visitors, will go t" dot 13 ' I n- tions only Prove the � val "' of oat . . 9.1 BRIff
, i . remomb. . told me of a girl -a fair-haired girl . � ritiph adminiistration out us 02ofid ON W... orobto. . 0 CHEIIIiISIt
. . 11 0 . . of a , COMPANY.
� . Ore, was pointing to the ring on his finger. � herself in ,the river .I suppose so'.! said Vivian, thought- p6 i;g *' Painless Corn Uxtrae—. Pee vw-qp, .
, :1 lieved, and after using Six, in' who drowned. .. Lit,
I . I . I . pulation , .Of 190,000,000, , 5,250,000 ,
ly restored to my fornier, good . . A n' 'ure on Babb bottle of. Poison 191A A& 0 . TORONTO, CANADA
I fill '�J,take "I never for 'replidd, speak- ,and her body w "Yet I am so sorry, for,her deaths took place in a 8. nat � 89--m .
il. . I oket," Abe _. as found many miles fully. CO. , TV -_ �
. health. great I xcess of What Get "Putliam's.11 I 111;11 .
�.. I way on the southern shore." . that, if I'thought a . . � . . , L , Ealkiffiffiram
. 11 Pleasure in Ing like One just rouS;d from a dream. a ' - � he, ,would Care. to might*have been, lo -- , � I --I
". , - -valuable r . I oked for during I . .
" " �� - rocOmmOlIftit this emedy, " "' Miss *11133110, I am' zoing to Lon- ."Do not agitate YC do'so, I should be almost tempted to the same peritid in Crain I ary seasons, * Ai I'd 0 IS YJ a 0 0 , �
, . I . urself; . th . VALUABLE FOR RESEMBLANCEL '
. .
, - YA&Y ' . . , vj�,, k hei to remalu." . I . I . I �, I . Yoll hivi a. fine col]
-�". �,, ?" thAt Ot6ii a
� ., I . Profit by lay. Oz- don to -morrow." said Gerald in an oil. may have strolled into the .W " as . [�ctioll a lit- Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. Thetana'da Permanent
. . he may bave'chased blitterf as, or '. . ,. To bei Continued, I . IN THE YEA,R, 1897 . .. . . , I % .
� Verielloe, 0,Ad ]lot Suffer the t v01ce,-r-ho had. seen "miladi 11 ii, - irY Portraits, Miss MYrtilla. .
�, �,,""' that, r did. . :, . . I ; � . � , ; . . I � . . famine once more raised it . ar - i yes '
� � "'; "Is tho�ra anythin � I I Every Town can have a Band
.� � , , . draw near again. followed a bird, It does not follow . I A head in , aren't they lovely? t,�,wcsl ,esf,a.y.,,,,%p1te,d Fine oataIoguor4)6IIlu&
,.. .prIL
I' �. -", �i. . ; . �_ Yours sincerely,. I . 9 that he -must . � - I rthweillt PrOvinoitg, threatening . Every last .,led I, 'n for anything in . Qda
, .11, . I I I can do for you lit . ' have fallen into the 0EAMANY'S COSTLY NAVY. one of them looks like lsomebody I Music or. Musloal"Ins I I , I .
.. � . - .1� I I AX=-A,Z FISHER, , '61 TO .London I" ilia repeated, in sur- river because he was left on thil I � a Population Of 80,000,006, By OOJO_ know. , I I I Wha* R . truments, . Mortgage Corpoilationi , .'
� �
. , ,:; . r. Williams, pink pills cure . b . �!_� I bar, 1897, the total cost of relief had . _ . . . OYCO & CO., Toronto, 011t, end I � � . ,
" by .prio,.- "I thought, you meaftt�*) auk. That marse. of Yours deserves AMA 111arvest Iteompeoi by the VWO I "_ I .. . 11 . Winnipeg, Man I — .. : . ... �
. � . ad . I . . I . I I .
, I ' 'tok the root a. -the diaaas% to'be reproy4o, - , - Of illoo Kniger. stillder); reach 850,000,00; but ,* yet ma . I - ' UZAD - Canadit Perifill"e" .
I I � 11 � -They " 1 am Wolzg to Lonaon,�' he -said, . ,, , - I . . . AY ' , .. � umom— t Bulfaing, .
I UP the blood, o 1,,hali Ion ve here by. the'early train Fetch Miss Neslia,10 she' . hundkeds of thousands . : . 1. .1 _. I , . . TonoxTo S%, TORONTO. . * .
1 .said to The armor of the neW Gerxqan but- I , Perished. T14o : . : ., I � . � �
�, . and ittringiben ths 126,17vias, thus drlv,.� , . disaster was quickly followed by ft., I . . . . . All"(119 OFFICES- .
. flair disease from the system. If yo -and in all Probaloilit�r I may be away one of the servants who bad js tip- eshipo is to consist of nteirel steel- . . , . . . � . 1. . .. Whinloseir, Man. Van'ooLtvor, ax.i st, johol, A.% I I
.. .. deafer dodo lie I ur for a week or , ton days. Ah -her prottelled-'Isend 'to HyoleWell-let the plate, the total east being estimated Plague, which had a deatb.roll in the . I.. . � I I � I . — .. I
I t keep them, thdi will keepers scour the Woods, / I I I . I . � 11 �
�, . ladyship saoti me I I Oh. my ad 911000,00O.'' The w"e f it I to Province of Bombay of 100,000;.Lo 'be I YA6 * . .
I in turn . Succeeded by�tba ' I . — I.:,,.."- I pi, $6,0000000. . q
�110 sent.poatilaid ,at W cents ' a box, W.10 P will. tell her be 0 A . 45zil I Capital Paid U '
"' I . . Y, MY boy, I have lost - Lailedwood be faillishad by two f.' , present fam. - � __ . .---� .
� .
, . :,J . ' �,"'�( 'six boxami fOr.92,541t, byad 'ng, no irw of xrupp line. . I . . 41 . . I .. . . 90, � . 8
I �� . dress, Lady 110116 hid Odught might of him it I have lost You I" and then she- stall Stu))P4, whose nat'profits ii elt- . I I I I . I . Re brve Fund, -a 1000t000
a Dt- WIMAIns'Medichic Co . � . it is V 1 . �
I . . ( . I " , r, I Brock- as he stood by the old sull-diaL He rose up gild h staged toward the, li;titated' at §0,350.00. OOmPutOd thitt1row year . �_ .1 � . .
, , �
V ,,!% oft . ......... . ........... 110" � left Viviall,then, aad went over to house. . 1' . 00ma members of Parilunient Aug- 1770 until 1879, India has been visited 0a , . I I 4'X4 . Presideq- Money to Loan. . .
, 147VIV 44`&4...1-
, , . . . I . dookire Coaderham. -
� .
- I in different, parts by no less than I . . . -lob Vice,-Pr6sident and De I osits Received � .
, . ','I . heir. . . � I The little mOthbrlY feeling that she geated Oink the Government phould thirtY-0110 fAmilleff, with a loss to . . 7 1 ObIfirmAnotExedt1tive -P
" " 1. �Ts O.VP I 9, Possessed was all called Into notion. establish woc� avito I I , , .
I I I �Vj I , I Was juSt telling Miss NLOslist that � A, of their Own or i *%6 1
1 .. . � . In a few minutes a � he stood In Vivian's human life directly and indirectly of � . committee- and Ititerest Allowed .
OPhohe story Is told I WM very much to go. to London Oomtiletltl6n. The 0overnme4t's dele. . . . . I I I J. Herbert Malson. � r . . .. .1
10 I . A I 'exta a lady named Brown. one to -morrow itiorning," he Acid,' "and, room, Panting, Palo, and soared. ' ,gwte replied that thio was imposallil 27,000,000. A glance tit. the wap� of . - , 41tA0 1 4xj 41Y-, , 2idArico-Premide ,' Debentures Issued .
r' 119 -recently she- proceeded from 8 India will show the enormous extent . i . W. "'Beatty. nt--
. "t It thave Your ladyship's permission, . now . f I . .. I 1. . . ManaginvDirtstor-- lit Sterling and Cur. .
� b kfaS He has fallen I , of territory subject to t ' � . 17 . .
"Vivileu," she cried, "my boy larlostl owing to the enormous cost a .
' . - t table to the telephone in 'to -remain there, for'a Week or ten . .into the river I ani sotting up such eatablishirnents. . . base VISIta- I ___ . -1 _.___-__,_!_!1.. �. _ - - I . _ - I 1 Walter S. Lao.. � 1rendy.
-"�116 ball `td`oxdi5r.aomS, thing$ from days,10 sure!" Hens. With the exception Of tl�e . . . ... I . - -.1. . . - I 11 � _ I .. .11 --- 1__.___-b 2n___.T ,-.___n�!r-��
I �.; . . I . WIth referan" to Mr. , 00schen's h the- 1. —,.-- �___ _ _ , . � .
. Xler butcher. . I Lady Nestle was in one of her most There Was genlitlnO Surprise in Vi- statement Jhat England built . mountains � 1-1 1�1 I '.. . I I
1. I vi her from Bombay , I
\11alloal said Mra, BrONIM.'Are you Valciotm mooft . an's face as she llistened, Lady 41ps go per cent oliedper than other moiln, the ': 4 4; z Z z Z z z z a z ,; Z, z -_ � .�,_ � I
I _ ? I . . .; .; z z Z z .
. Nealie. repeated, the nurse's stor, on Z. . ..
� 14's, the bUtchart y. 4 .4. 4. - -L. . .
__' - - I I "Cettainly," she replle& "Lanoe- Countries, Which *eana that Germany saw and Burmall, together with the I . I . . - .6. -!- It- -T. - I oft I �
� YBA C Wood Will ini" You,' Mr. Dormula. ,, "I have told him 00 Often," she said, Is now spendi4g f.1.9,40019Q0 oloore than . . . .
��� tWoil, this Is that.the river wax dangerous -that Zoogland. W-oujd do fq� the saw nut - deltalo districto at the head of the . I .
, Ill Mrs. RVOwn's residence. There will not be a letter written or . 4 GOLD DOLLARS . 11W
.�L Ill you Please send we. a largoij thick he must not go near it. Oh, ,Viviont ho of sh' th Polernz�entla defi. Day Of Bengal, the reat of the penila� . .
. , an account attended to until your re. � I ; 1; z
. k I � g4te As ' 1 oula IS liable to drouglAt and conse- 11'�'1f"' " fir BASY IN CW111, -;-
-k by I", O'clo, what shall I do Ill .14 Ct tn613PgJaqd ijhl�bujjaln . ' I I !Pme"l
fp turn, I 11,41"a It is nothing unplIhasiant I , I .9 �
employed In the butolhiirls that takes you -away from us?" . There wits genuine, dIstr6its n yards ware joiall e4gipped, i4aterillis q4ent famine, with 40,000,000 people at - . I '. " I
Pond coal wore gbaapor,4qA t,4ere ' I I --A a _.� 1. -
I . I �_r . :4 �w .
I . I
- I �1, 1 , �: -
'*h*9r,hapjl 1�, 'to dhilwor the tole. Nealle'a folder,' real paid. . " - . I T I .-
,,!% f . "Milaffi"�'was beginning to under- . J sb&rper ala)ilpe,titj ' was 411 times 04 t4o yerge 9f starvation. - 1z z I I I � - " �
. , . , I . I , _ , � , .1 I on aplong, bi;IIA6q, ' FREE 'o BABIES
OW# an&-Pr6h1tPtIY` ftOondad; stand ILIA. value, It was doonathfuglia i , . .,-. I., I . . I— ... I . � ILL Spite of t4a yasit Sums expanded � : -_ 1; z
I , - - 1. .. -r i upon irrigatign. wqrk#, and the get- . I I _. A. k i . I
_-� - - �__ - . T t, t ."
i . . a ful. . i I ---
. ell, U Just' b6t,your awdet II& those days, when her time wait a Oral development Of the country un- ., he Hand3o[1163t Baby GOtS 'the Handsomest Prize. � ,�, i __
. . .. I 4 I �� ,
I . - .
illi I/ ly occupied.in an unceasing round of . . . . ALL JUDGED FAOM lfodtoORAPHS ONLV. I F I I , ,;-
.11 O you now, air, to vll�m YOU are dWiPatiori. to have one on WhOSO bon- Gre'ast Oures . I der British, auspices, the hopelessness � `IW ft , ft internt Canadian mothers in h I
'a8f I . � * . 8tandolrd PrOPArAtIO11 thi'0119houttheworld , 1: 1;
I .
. Sure I do, a%ld the �boy, I you,,re implicitly rely. No nintter how date_ eminent Anglo-Indian authority, Who ; THE BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY - . 4-
a I I eky, . truth, and . Integrity. she could rou h st About . � Of the '81tuatiOn W49 expressed by an . .
roWn'a coo�/ I less she was th6 accounts Were al. B " 9 , I said that no componsating in- . . PROPRItTo"s or .
, .
I , f.41nati- �.,,. — ' ' � . flueolOes can pre Lit these reourrin 'N' - -
-,�, n--. I .9, t�l - .
You w.4ya.right. .When Ahts WAS Irritated, . I/Arl 4 1 .
� .. A. . By th6 U" Of thil hMdul PrOsorlotion of tho yenifl,. p1riods of odoctineoust drought with ... 11,�oofi;�',, 17 -7.
.ad" BrOWIT her- T*dY NeNA6 spoke of 1119.1eaving the English Teething Syr I -;0gI`*d'i1'&,
, I . I Abbey, but I'miladt', had the sense ItbW Or, JL *a 0halia, , . .. which largo provinces of India are at. . I U P � 0 1 1 - .
J led the . . . flieted. Waterworks on a scale Ade. ;
**-*.. " boy. -JIlail, to know the ViLlub of AL gicod� faithful � . . . . : ARIZ 40180 TO dift, WITHOUT COST IN ANY WAY, �" �
I .
V 1� in; I quate to andr4utee t4a whole of In- A TWENTY DOLLAR GOLD PIECE to tho Prettiest bab i . .
X1 I I at 04 . . I,) the bet dependent. So she was very graelouis Vora are rdport6a three cases In -"This Is to certify that 11rah Pick dia, from. drought not qnlY exceed the I � -
I which Dr. Oh t r in - -_
In a , . I to Gerald, She asked him to spend the proved lug family remedied I In, bad the most of the time for three ossibilitles of fiance, blAt Atra, beyond Canado. A TEN DOLLAR COLD P1909 to tho 2nd pro, c -
. - - � -3 . ov,taing in,th6 &a.wing.room. For a b I 00 Its a's of incaloulablo Years with kidney diseamia, I took P t est. 6
� ' There are thousands of oth-.1 soveral boxes 4 FIVE DOLLAR COLD PIECE to. the 3rd Prettiest. A TWO-
)__.C�.opnratlye factories ln'!"rrje�at gri. reasons of his own, ,he conjoented, arforJtults. Of 011111-41flotent kinds 'the reach Of 61291neering skill, .
I � t As remarkable, for Dr. Chase, nd a great M&ftY other kinds of I AM -A -HAW DOLLAR COLD PIECE in order of rnerit, to ea6h
� 'N last year I -a ,----I*— of the iftext 10 �
� made PrOW& aggre. while ViVion, as the darkening night. thrOU1911 his raoiPs book and howe Patent medicines-, besides that I.Walk, prettiest babies. A ONK DOLLAR OOLD P1909 . r ."
. � Ig over 4200,000 on a -Ak��., Of fell around her, lay with her if 0*4101nes, Is the consulting physiolarl under ttoatwont by four different WHEN PAYIXG�CALLS. � ill Dr&r Of WOrlt, to) 45A011 Of thi)'llext 40 Prettiest babies, whild to every mother sending hor .
I � fiuft. L --W,W, .- th# ground, ocrying. 'lee on 10 the MAJOritY Of homes in Called#, doctors daring tbB, time and not able one who IA unacauatomed t* making . baby's photograph, will filoo bo givoll -ME our ILLU&TRAT90 00OK9 14MOTRION061) N '00 . I.
. � -
1. . � - .. I I ... 11, I . I " . It it be "049, Oh, may I be Par- and . the, 'United States, to work. I began to take Dr. Obatie,sl fol.nin, dalhI should keep in mind the th$ 41116*01 01111drillft 10 R900 40480l 04 r0ftipt Of ten Centil to coVer CO$f I I I
. . I N111111youll OY$Ptp$IAO- 1Cidmby-Vv,6r Pills, and since that and 01 ofropalloo.
. . � I - _' _"we""eme"oessefoo, doned I Xt is my only hope 'I" . I point of leavifig, and whan the *call . 0
_. � " . ., . Mr. $osoph Geroux, 28 Mate time b9,vO 'been w0tkilftff 'every day 0 ID CAREFULLY I rvor�rorsoli
is ended rise quickly and estally, shake Intefiding to solid phoogrAph of b4by, must itind us post oard iot .6hoos, stating When th;i photo
_-w . alf at., ItIthough.a. man neirly 70 years of CONDITIONS REA
, ; I CHAPTUR XXXIII. . OttAW&, Olit-, wrltos!111 was nor- go
I 11 I , *out, had hoadtile& and brain fig. it - Dr. Chase's Xidicsy-Liver Pilig hands with bar hostess, making some ' Will reach tic Al photo$ Stint In 1ANAt reach Oil not Istsir ths" July IfItliv;
I bavla curtil wer." I
,. I " It is *11 nonotenaos," said Lady Val-, was r6stlen at night and could .not . 0164saik*1 friendly rowstk aft she Do not send phottoo of childton ovdr *� yoisrol aid; thii
et1g; " all StrVants Pro isliko-th#r 8166P- MY 4PPOtItO WAS P06r, and X 102tMA al( sAlly, . ?i will nol; be edfAA146tool.
suffered from norrous dys d0a to, and go dirootly out, XAtural- PhOtON MOO bo plainly mArked vrith ap BOX, noting 0 the child and full !name all ,
I � J . I 1016 8 somation. The child is right : glisla, Lit- Mrs. A. MeXilight, lKirkwall, Well. ad&W of the pitrent& Tile, smalloot plotuo* will MMIVO 48 Intich 00boldeltion u sa6 hoT a poott 011106
, I � enough." tl4` 1001111116" OlIrOil WOrrleT and Irri. 109tOn County, Ofit., writes;_1'r feel it 1126,1119 it thd most Potent tharm in An.t A A Thoo, PtIM Will be Awilr4od by it committoo of ReV64 djoiltit4re" _goiok , I
Fff tlt*d IM. After having used Dr. my duotjr to Idt you know WhgLt Dr. 6,00 -M&A or Woman. To, stsind lit the Molt fA 04 rMpoodlyo winners, Aulpid 46h, 10M. 00k1011, a4d 4104tilitk" by *t, it
" It is Juat Po"Lblo," remarked ft6r Ohio"*$ Norflo Food for About two 011AN-8 Ointnatnt hast done In a very door of the drkwing room and goatilp yating will be publiallett Ilk b6tioutifull lialkofto elogm1no 10 4. IIW-- �
I I M*k i Th* plociurftii of all babl6i cow
I C01111011,11106, the CODA* ,do 0411abuit M014this, t Pan frankly Pay that I feel bad case of 6026ma, on our baby. Wil, Tvtmto Globs, bftinnit Ill ' rocit A �
A i 111011, a new M6111. after 046 has V1114A to doWt, k6#p- .* Saturday, Must- 4th, IWO- Photo roturnAblo, on 11 _ of
. � tols, a "" I 11thiolt he may have, strayeA sonoto- had tried AnY numbor of cures with. ills thol hostold standing and uneasy, As Wo hAve,06 time to anitwor a6wim oontiopondelcofl, P1640 do ,t6t 1111)
whors in thel V*rk,1, .1 I "My Oftwtitili 14 90M, trost and Out AnY POrmalftent relief, but from "9000IMPlY "lid PW 06td, 411111,014 Wh" Pitilltv Will Its Pau orl"t.
. INSIM 111160P Wall. abol thU troatnient hAIIl the hour we commenced Using Dr. *bu* hak other guedtal Impittiontlir IV -
T111 C& " 96 hafs; torot strayed,11'slot "Id im- Strlingth4*04 us wonderfully. Dr. Chasit's Ointment there was gVeat re. wilt for a few Wordiol bettors bringin AddooN 13RITISH CHEMISTS COWANY, 04pt. I
11" 91*=., Obasoe% Nor" ftod Pills ar6 PowtainI.! lief and the Improvement contlorliod their vlattis to 0, 61004. to not only " F'R
P*tl*NtIY- " It k otly th6 Aursel'a Idle- tiois, boat f.
. I evar uano,d, sinot I my so b until thOTO was Oomplato our@. we h4b, buto this height of Ill-brWing.
11004. :vwt bodanati; AM dI4 not flood think It tho groatast of family oint. P114066 Wit* it000ptild Ittons- r4st, TOROINTO9
. him where sibe bad loft hion, she has jOgOft I Want to *IV* fall torodit wk#rs ?a -4L 108 V10toria St
tW, jva,," wants." . Noncom - -.--,..,. -11 - 1. --11 _11. ._.. I I I— I �. I... _.- - - I I I OANA .
. tom lasy be foritivoin la a Witaluis or - .
I to CoMs to the touoluA16A that h# Ix WNW MWAM. Dr. A. W. Chase's portrait stiod PIS. it gr"t barat but an or4inar.t awtal � I . .. '. 'IF
L !� e '�'_'_
0 a, r ,_ -
strit, f" '
100. Poole do not atoil childro; In Jk. Sam" walons, No b X111119 ostaturts are on 6VAry box of his can*. must mind his "On and sea" in this 11111 &&' A A A a All � I
- * I thooki Aityx.sl I I Ism r4111110410C ftld Ioftrywhora. AW I In All othor thinga oona"tod ith. A � A , A 411 ALA '
,+ . . counity. aftf,4 writm 3m&*Olts Ntile A 06.o Twootobik I joloetal t"04. . IT � a it trai I * 46 _ - I I ,
� ,,� I ./ . I .. . I t I -,----
I I 1, I I L
. . , I I 1� ''I .1
1 41 'I - :. , I I .. � �, '.
--- __ - . _�t �J � - -?l . ,,kj" L_, __ . _____.&_ I ,. — __
: - -
'. , _���
, I
, - � - - .AMA __ . ,&-y. L � ���A� M,_ �.- .- � __.. _-.6/1-A" .,12khL_