HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-28, Page 8ACough
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a
regular cough medicine, a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. Good f or easy
coughs, hard coughs, desper-
ate coughs. If your doctor
endorses it for your case, take
t.. If not, don't take it. Never
go contrary to his advice.
We publtee oar ...e,iq
Wo bsnbt •tooted
nom our mad.*lifersWe urge ier W
4 Arte
The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only
one at bedtime, As a rule, laxative doses
are better than cathartic doses. For con-
stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick -
headaches, they cannot be excelled.
Ask your doctor about this.
•----Y•de as the J. 0. Aser Oo., Lorton, 81u•. -
You always pay
too much when
you pay too little
Paradoxical hat true.
Particularly when buying Gro-
Nearly every article of eatables
COS be /Ian lterased,
14 siiy of them often ore.
Constant vigilance is required to
keep undesirable goods from iweep-
ing into a: grocery stock.
One of thn inose persistent sinners
fs Canned Goods. Thousands and
thousands of thein put up every
year. S;Mehod y sells them.
Somebody buy's them.
Somebody eats deem.
This grade of canned goods is very
common, bit this store hue never
sold a( 01111 of 11 to a customer in its
life, end it never will,
Our way is firsts or nothing in
everything, always.
Cause For Alarm
Epidemic Influenza, flrippe, Catarrhal
Troubles, Pneumonia increasing
A marked increase in troubles of the
breathing organs is noted in many
localities. If yon will ouly have
Hyotuei at haunt to use with the first
soften of Cold in the bead, Pnetononia,
Colds, Bronchitis, bbonseneso, Sore
l'hroat, Croup, in fact tory respiratory
affection, the trouble will he quickly
overt. tile.
If the attack is neglected and be.
0011188 severe, speedy relief will come
in most cases and n porsisteut use of
Hyotuei will cure.
The directions for using it vary, but
the principal is always the same, that
of destroying all the germs in the air
you breathe and (laving it reach the
au' passages with dry medication from
the Pine nod Eucalyptus forests.
Remember that liquids or moisture
is burred from the Bronchial 'Pubes
mud Longs, It's the dry air of
Hyotuei that rezones the spot, J. Al,
lis iiiiton guarantees it.
Complete outfit, $1.
Toronto exhibition will be, held this
year front August 29th to September
14111, The prize lists aro now being
eireulated and there is promise Hint
the great fair will be well no to forndir
standards, I''ifty thousond dollars evil
he distributed u1 prizes,
T' Time
Goderich 1 e. 7,00 a,m, 4.50 p. to,
Auburn " 7.22 ' 5.12
Blyth " 7.:43 " 5.22 ,
Walton " 7.40 " 5.35 "
Milverton " 8.21 " 0.01)
EEhntra...,. " 8,50 " (1.45
Guelph " 0.25 " 7.12
Toronto At', 11.10 " 0.15
Toronto 1 t. 8.00 Rdm, 5 50 p. m
Guelph Ar 101(0 " 7.30 "
lilmlrn 1023 " 8.11 "
Milverton " '11.03 " 8.50 "
lvatton " 11,30 " 0.2.1 "
Myth " 115L " 930 "
Auburn " 12,02 " 0.40 "
Goderich " 12.30 p.m. 10.10 "
SOUTH. 14011TH.
PM pen nm 001
0 40 4 ;ID Wingitam 11 50 7 35
0 43 1 33 Wingham3ot, 11 48 7 25
0 52 i 44 Belgrave 11 40 7 13
7 011 1 50 Hlyth 11 28 7 Oil
7 14 1 01 Londeshorc 11 20 0 52
7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 1.11 11 115 0 35
8 D5: 4 30 Brucefleld O 56 0 10
8 15 .4 47 Kippea 9 50 ti 11
8 22 '4 52 Henson 9 44 0 05
8 35 6 05 Exeter 9 50 n iii
8 46 '5 13 Centralia 9 18 5 43
8 69''5 20 Clandeboye 11 ()J 5 34
9 05 :6 80 Luean Crossing 9 05 5 30
9'12 ;6 37 Denfield 8 55 5 25
9,21 5 40 Ilderlon 8 45 5 15
9 211 ",5 64 Ettrick 8 :15 5 07
9 :15 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 20 5 02
9 :17 0 00 Hyde Park Jct, 8 21 5 (51
9 45 0 10 London 8 15 4 50
Connections are made et Wingham for
all stations on the Palmerston and KM.
oardine branch.
Connections are made at Clinton for all
stations on the Buffalo and Goderich
branch, and all stations from Stratford to
Connections are made at Luoan Crossing
for all stations west to Sarnia,
Connections are made at London for all
stations east and west on the meta line.
and others during July and August.
Remains op 'n throughou% the summer
and teeny evudeits entre at this time.
We have a greater attends vee this year
than O'er boors. Gradoa en readily se,
On:e employment. Write today for hand•
aurae catalogue. It pays to attend the
W. J. ELLIOTT, Princlptl,
Can Yonge and Alexander Sts„ Toront).
When the bread or cake or pastry
comes from the oven light, crisp
std appetising, you are wont to
say you have had good luck with
your baking,
The "good luck" idea is a relic
of the time when housekeepers pitted
their competency against poor flour.
To -day good baking isn't a matter
of good luck in any home where
Royal Household Flour
is intelligently used.
In the hands of competent house-
wives it never fails because it is the
whitest, lightest, purest and best
baking flour to be had.
lithe goodness of your baking is
due to chance, your grocer is giving
you the wrong kind of flour. Ask
for Ogilvie's Royal Household.
Ogilvie Flour Ms Co., M.
161 batrOSI
Alinor Locals.
A report, to the trade and commerce
department by 'Prude Commissioner
Arnaud, of Newfoundland, states that.
Prof, C. A. Z tvitz, of the Coterie Ag-
ricultural College, has been engaged by
he New(onudlaud Government to ars•
silt in t' a organization of the first, ex-
perimental fame to be established 011
the island. An appropriation of 525,000
has bent made for the purpose.
Your Painful Corn.
What it wants is the soothing atten-
tion of PuUu m'o 00111 l xt'actor,
which lifts out the,. very root and
braocit ill short. order, No, pain, no
after effect, blot clean wholesome cure
-that's Putnam's,
Returning Monday, June 22
1: H. Avtalt, Excursion Agent.
C ,ildren Ordinary
Kant Fare Baggage Free
For Goderich
heave Detroit for Goderich 8,00 a. m
(Leave Port Byron 12 noon).
Friday, June 19th
Central time, ar1•Iv0 in Goderioh 0.1(0 p.m
Goderich Band
For Detroit
Leave (iadertoh for Detroit 8.30 a, m„
Saturday, Jute 20111, Canada time, ar-
rive in Detroit 4,00 p. m.
Return to Goderich
Leave Detroit for Gnderlch 1,00 p. m.,
Monday, June 2.214, Cantral time, (2.00
p. m, Csuada time).
Return to Detroit
Leave Goderioh for Detroit 8.30 s. m.,
Tuesday, dune lard, Canada time,
The nick1iunes of the Ontario cities
are as follows :-Ottawa, By -town ;
Kiogston, the Limestone City; Peter-
borough, the Electric City ; To tnl10,
the Queen City ; Hamilton, the Ambi-
tious City St Catharines, the Gorden
City ; Stratford, the Clnssic City ;
Niagara Falls, the Cataract City ;
Brantford, the Telephone City ; Lon-
don, the Forest City ; Guelph, the
iloyal City ; Chatham, the Maple City ;
Windsor, the Frontier City ; St.
'Phomas, the Railway City.
Doubled Up With Cramps.
Stomach feels like an infernal Ma-
chine and (100 want relief mighty
quick. Nothing does the work halt' so
soon as Poison's Nerviline, Why it
kills the pain instantly, If your bottle
is empty get another to -day. Nervi•
line keeps the doctor bill small because
it cures little ills before they grow big,
Nothing for indigestion, heartburn and
cramps like Poison's Nervilbne. I,arge
bottles for Zinc.
ant., with the following staff ''-Chief
staff officer, Col. IIeDottgoll ; deputy
sos)sto 1)5 Id) 11(0!tt'geoeral, A1njo' Shan-
non ; senior AVMS' service 80rp0 officer,
Lieut. -Col. White ; medico officer,
Col. Belton ; paymaster, (Sept, Lev -
born ; musketry instructor, Copt. Ale-
Grimmon assistant instructor, Lieut.
W. P, Gibson ; sanitary officer, Lieut,
Pal hot lien nessy,
Besides the two, brigades of infantry
thele will be the nth 1'leld Battery, a
section of enaiueel8, a detachment-
etachmentco lis of guides, K Company Royal
Canadian Regiment, No, 1. Section Sig-
c,aling Corps, No. 15 Field Ambulance
mud No, 1 detachment Ordnance Corp.
The first brigade Canndiatr Field Ar-
tiller,y, with detachment from No. 1
0011111)11)3' Army Service Cortes and No.
1 field Ambulance, with twain in camp
at Guelph on date to be adnounbed
Captain Charles E. htingsmill, son of
the 1 tt Judge J. J. Kiugautill, ha:
been made a rete' admiral, end appoint.
ed to the command of the Canadian
Marine service. His salary is $9000 a
year. It_ is understood t1ist 1151' )l'
50(01 lIlelit meals en ndvnnco in the
movement for the developement of a
Canadian naval militia,
Let the Stomach Alone,
You can't cure catarrh by dosing the
stonanh, 'Phe dlsense is in the throat,
((008 and bronchial tubes, Inhale Ca-
tarrl)ozone to the spot whine the disease
really is -it cleat's away foul serre-
ti00a, stops discharges at 011ee, purifies
and Items tine passages, litterally ami•
1111111100 every trace of catarrh. Noth-
ing else is 00 direst and certain as Ca-
tauhnzone, Results guaranteed, Tuo
,iZes, 25c and 51, et all dealers.
Error in Book-keeping,
P, 13, DOIC011, formerly malinger of
he Stratford Fuel, Ica, Cartageand
Jontrnctirig Co„ at peered Wednesday
before Police lllogisu'ute O'Loano on a
charge preferred by J. A. Crerar of
,dealing a note for 51000, The charge
.vas dismissed on the ground of as
error in bookkeeping,
Are 'You Losing Looks or Strength ?
Ogee you wore robust, bright and
happy, 1'c, -,lay you are dull, worried,
6ailiug in vitality and appeln'auce,
11181 what) you should be at your best
you're, played oar and need a:demising,
brittang untie. Your blood will s01n
redden, yon• vivacious spirit will soon
t'etur0, you'll be yourself again if you
reg :lute the systuu witli Dr, 1laulil-
tot's Pills. A truly W4(lderhll n1edi,
eine. It searches out disease, positive.
ly drives away headach0. w'ea111000
and hank of vital force. Give yourself
chance. Use Dr, Hamilton's Pills
std watch the result. Sold every.
.vhe: enn 25c boxes,
A Cigarette Bill,
The Government will tante action
his session to lessen the evils of ci•
:svelte 811101110g among the ,youth of
;anode. 1101. A. B. Ayleswo'th hes
,Iver 1lolice of a Government measure
,rovidiag for an etnetdment to the
criminal code so as to make it un in-
dictable offence, punishable by a sub-
stantial fine, for anyone tosell ciga'
iltea to juveniles under 10 yea's of age
for their own consumption. It is fur-
ther provided that guy officer of the
;mace may confiscate cigarettes found
in possession of boys under 10 year's of
age, and the boys themselves may be
deed 51 to $5. Furthermore, any
dealer selling to youths undo' 10 will
have his lieeuse cancelled, At present
ante of the Provinces have anti-
cirtarette bills affecting juveniles.
Men rule by force, Women by charms.
And yet because they lit'o less streti-
uousiy, women neglect the early evi•
fences of failing vigor. The wise
15'015811 will not permit het' 01,l11'1na to
ie robbed by ill health, When she feels
appetite failing, nerves getti111 on
edge, color (adding, she takes Ferro-
aone. How it sharpens the appetite 1
How quickly rich blood is available to
reel ore color to the cheeks, buoyancy
ro the slop, Better try F orttizone,
You'll feel like it new being, wmh new
vigor nod ability to confront life's
difficulties, You are sure to bless the
day you commenced Perrozole, , Sold
everywhere in 50c boxes,
Corps to Compose
Camp at Goder'oh.
Militia orders issued at Ottawa give
details regarding the persouuel of the
ramp at Goderich, which will last front
June loth to 27111.
No, 1 Brigade, conttistingof the 213th,
27511, 28th Regiments, composite bat -
ration, city do•ps(4 companies), will be
commanded by Lieut. -Cbl, J: Monro,
with Lieut,•Col, McEwen as brigade
No, 2 Brigade, consisting of the 29th,
90th, sand and 88rd Regiments will be
commanded by Lietit,•Qo1, Acheson,
with LleutaCol, 'Weir as brignde.ma-
, Col, Peters will he comp command.
TMs is Bost Tiros
for Spring Medicine
Taken Now the Blood is Renewed,
Disease Germs are Destroyed. Good
Summer Health is Assured.
That peculiar weakness 80 00111111011
in the spring is demoralizing to body
and mind alike,
Stupid, sbsent•minded and ,dull, you
feel the need of a stimulating tonic,.
PO impart quickness and great vital.
ity to the 0)1111 a system nothing acts
like Parrozone.
In a short time it tushes you fees fit
and line, creates a feeling of youth and
strength that's surprising,'
Ferl'Ozone revives and braces the
sickly11 cause it nourishes and builds
up the organs that ore weak. As a
spring 'tonic, appetizer and blood
strengthener it is unequalled.
A well•kuown resident of Lttopin,
Ont., H, H, Postle, writes: "From
leug experience I an convinced that
everyone imp -tires Medicine In the
spring. As tt rule the blond is thin
and impure and the whole system is
congested with poisons that should be
carried off. I use Fet'lozOse because
it clears up the system, gives ,you an
appetite and makes yon feel well. One
winter I hod serious palpitation of the
lteort,nervoes heodeches and an ex-
treme tired feeling. Sleep was not
restful end by sprung I was ill hall
shape. I tools nix boxes ei Parrozone
and was made the picture of health,"
Ferrr,zolo snakes "permanent cures,
Absolutely safe because itis purely
vegetable andcontains no alcohol,
Conceettated cure in tablet fop n-
t.hat's Perroznmo, 50c per box or six
boxes for 52 50 at all dealers,
Will. Ratternhur,y, teller in the Mot
sons Bonk, is taking asix weekeholiday
on account of ill health,
Lew Doherty, trio moved to Gode-
rich a few days 11510, has been elected
secretary of Nat 11 sheet Sunday school
in chit town, Lely performed the
8)51115 duties for Wesley, S, 8, for a
untidier of y»a's very satisfactorily.
The Citizens Band will have Foot
Ball munches and other games at the
Exhibition grounds 150101151 std after-
noon of Victoria Day, May 21511 and a
grand concert in 10,8'1 hull, in t he
evening, Goderich, Sen forth. Wing.
Item lonthlil teams are expected,
The C. C. I, football team 00 to Galt
on the 23d to try nod wits back the
Hough Cup which they held for several
year's and only lost last Nth
.1, 1'. Mulholland, formerly employed
at the Iouadry, has taken over the
blacksmith slop at Carlow,
The following appeals against as-
iesamout have been lodged with the
Clerk 7 -Mrs. R. Irwin appeals against
her residence t Clinton Knitting Co„
against bushiness assessment. (thin was
also (1l(poaled last your); Trustees of
Ontario St, Church, appeal against
assosstnent of their driving shed, on
the 81051'1(1 Mat as places of worship
are exempt, this is a necessary part
What the Kidneys Do
All the blood in the body passes
through the Kidneys every three min-
The Kidney's filter the blood,
'They wont night and day to daily
remove about 500 grains of impure
(1,atter. If they fail some part of this
tmtpure'mntter is left in the blood,
bringing on pain in the back, headache
dizziness, irregular heart, llot, dry
skin, rheumatism, gravel, drops', de-
posits in the urine, Booth's Kidney
Pills mate the filtering right and over-
come Kidney trouble. Hundreds of
Huron County residents have found
this out.
Airs, Wn. Scott, of Main street,
Blyth, Ont., says : "Although I had
tried numerous remedies I couldtlnd
little or no relief for the painful and
annoying backache that had so fre-
gnaotJy bothered ane, The sect etions
were scant and the twine was filled
with sediment and scalding. Head-
aches ware frequent and had caused
me an M74111011 1 101 of suffering. My
bock would often be so' weakened and
155 ii' 11111151 1 would be tenable to stoop
over, Booth's kidney Pills were ad-
vertised ler Aft., Iltuuilton's Drog Store
and procuring a box , I commenced
treatlttent They benefited' Me from
the first` and it was a comparatively
short time when the kidney secretions
had been regulated and the urine had
cleared, My back wax relieved of the
pain and I have felt touch Netter and
strongr then in a'long time previous,"
Sold by dealers, mice 50 cents. The
R, T. Co., Ltd„ Port Erie, Ooh, sole
Carnahan agents,
Furniture Bargains
Still Continue t
Having held the attention of the purchasing
public during the past year, by popular prices, we
have slated new goods to begin the second year,
and the prices will at once suggest the advantages
in dealing here :
Lot 1 -Iron Beds
40 Beds In the lot, ranging In nrlres as fnllov,a 54 $4,
54.50, 54,70, 55, 55.75, 50, 017, 58, 50.25, $11, 613, 511,50, 515,
Lot 3 -Couches
Lot 2 -Mattresses
Guaranteed poroly sanitnrt 53, $3 50,
the lot. Our special at „x4.00,
and $5, 32 in
23 In the lot., which means skidoo, Prices will interest
you. 54.50, 55 50, 57, $8, $11, S12.50 514, $15 and $20.
Our speotal 18,10 eprtug Is rue 513.50 and $8,00,
Other Specials
Springs, any size, $2, $2,25, $2.00 and 53.00, Our 85100101
le 53.00, Rattan Chalks, 53.011, $4,00, $4,10 and $0 00,
Dressers and Stands, ranging In price from 50,00, $10.50
512.00, 512.75 and up to 650,00, Our special is $12,75.
Sewing Machines We are special representatives for
the Staodaid, Prices range from $20.00 to $45.00.
House Furnishings
'ibis department has special attractions through the
house•oleaning season, A few retnaantS In Lluoleums at
eneeial prices, also 011 Cloths. Regular OOc Linoleum for i
50o per square yard. }t�,
: Furniture Dealers & Undertakers, - Clinton
* Your Expenses paid bath ways, 'Phone 28
MARKET REPORT.- Wheat 90-00 ; 60 cants gets TRE STANDAAr) 10
Barley 50-50 t Oats 45-41 ; Peas the 11rst ofJfuluary 1909 to new sub.
80-80 ;.Bran 12,i-23 ; Shorts 24-2.1 1 scribers in Canada.
Butter 23-24 ; Eggs 15-10 ; Flom. -_
A Prized Cough Cure
"I have not been without a bottle of
Ooltefoote Expectorant in the house for
over nine years. At that time I. proem.
ed it for a bad cold I had, It worked
such wonders then that it has been a
household remedy ever since, and we
will have no other for coughs and colds
-it is so pleasant to take, and all of
my children look for it as soon as they
got a cold at all. Nearly all of them
have been subject to croup, and that's
when I find Coltsfoote Expectorant use-
ful. You are welcome to use this testi-
monial as you wish."
Free Sample of Coltsfoote Expectorant
will be sent to ads person sending their
name and address and naming this
paper, It has established a wonderful
record as a successful cure for coughs,
colds, sore throat, croup, whooping
cough, bronchitis and all irritated con- 1
ditions of the throat and chest. It is
the prescription of a great specialist in
medicine. ' At all good druggists, 25c,
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
Send for Free Sample Today,
Round•Trip Excursions
April 14, 28 June 9, 28 Aug. 4, 18
Way 12, 28 July 1, 21 Sept. 1,16, 29
Tickets dood (orators within 00 days
Onalltario. pointe
Ranging Winnipeg an,1,n0nn 532,00
between 1,Edmonton and return 542.50
Tickets issued to all North-West points.
numer of
t Bleeping Cars will be run onbeach
excursion, fully equipped with bedding,
eta, Berths should be secured and paid for
through local agent at least ex does
before excursion leaves.
Rates and full information contained
in free Ilomoseekers' pamphlet, Ask noar•
est C.P.R. agent for a copy, or write to
CIL rOSTxa, NSW Peso.511„ C,P,R., Toronto
1 o, c. a f" 1
mi Printing
That We Are Proud Of
Have you noticed the samples of the world
turned out by our job printing department in
the window of The Standard ?
No Moro artistic printing Was ever Clone in
t11. Thorough 50011ltltitllslfip joined with
promptness in tilling orders when promised
have made this branch a buoy one from the
day that we commenced,
If you have printing of any kind that you
wish done, call at The Standard of telephone
No, 4 and one of our representatives will toil
on you,
In job work we guarantee to fill the bill in
first elasa style, whether it be large or small,
The Blyth Standard