HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-07-05, Page 2! - ,
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I I I the Mod Kat" am"At ?to ow'. - _1 �
11"WOU041"'Wiffim", F ot tion, .1 I 11'' We& rw total Istisorts of all kinds rif �ff , an act allowing t1w pustponott"at of I - - _:W ,
. I I &VA"NA4 rM10801M. the laymont of tho loag, first, I . . , 7 11 I . I . lrlrir TF ,
� tbO ProtspMe stock bad b"n ] 1 �4 � I I
Th0swolo-cord "datchet,0MO " I I � Xiss Barlinir, toaob*r of g"raphy MINION PR � It ant" r , � � .
Power Printing House � H . .. n"so yo IN 1. pa., 15
. Hea4b=, I ' ' In Chicago 1 6-4 second. until aftitr the D*ya*ut of the Hun flAllf
���� , AL11144TSTAX&T. . OUNTOX IrAtitut*, r`6t1%ru*4 from Notes Or ft I and hi 4
"I'll" 111. 1, NWV Its�U AbQA ' va Vad I trip around the world, says the , 000*ftgs to the gatift, 1"t0r#0t On the Oi , t r , — ,
I 4 LogUlatur
� ". ', ,$I.OQL PQr $@$r in IndiXatION DIVIMI'k 0,ur IT of boxer uprising in fiturAd by famine, r I .#. until after tho payinent of it dividend 1,
I . "I T*RafJ Oh SUJeJQRJrT1O:R_ Indideft tmt your 11yor Chink It nationit4ad, Akho holloved, , i, tp." - at the rate. of S per otat, As the Seymour"s Force Entrenched Kept
�, , � * 1. %dvauto,' 41,50 wo6y be ch%rgodirnotso P*Jd L I Tbv TA III, L*q wuld **AqW the world. TOR %ATIA WL. TXRWHITT. Contingency war* so remote it 0OU14
111�1 , ; NOI)D'Vordiscouttkniod until 611 arroaraglow Is oat of Order, The 4*4ith of 091. Tyrwhitt formed hardIr be co4widerod a debt, though . ,*
�1, '! I . or.q ptild,unlNa At the option 09hopulill6bor, b"k me4ldno to roniia ta d tu W" Peter 0. Dooming, former United .
4'. 1 � The date to NYhI0b'oVQr$ %U1MCrIptIQG �U Paid W liver and cure all, . ft%%"%* Statea armay Afficor, bag besil. , in 00 subject of touching eulogies by the public Accounts still jgbowed a Off Hords of Chinese, . -
. . U0,0kMAI OA the 1AMI, . 1 4 *A" '1118, Is found In . take Mr. Vaster aud, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, A d4bt Of 025,000,00. — , "%
,.,,-, , Vvirrism � '. I ., ... CANAD4. from San Francisco to the� prison at � �
.... -, . , , RA"��S.—T III 44var *'6- handsome floi "Wrisath on the desk SOLDIERS XAY OOMR HOME. A: deapatob from I*Mon, .Fr!4&
.I- , �,�L.l , , Do for first The patriotic fund AOW total$ 0805.-, Fort Xguroe. us 03A an NV ay in the vichK
. . L,� ro I adpa Pills . 1. - . . WX404 funds Of Of the 4%Artsd member from $oath T40 MARIO; Departmoat hex 00%, baya:—Col. Dore ward, British Y. progropa ,
inouts, P conts 'Per it ruill.
otor e
� , �, , Insertion 444 a cents P" otore0hatAboo- 110, the Government, and t
11 I � 820, . , has Pow, been 81mcoe was a painful reminder of the Pleted arratgaments by Which, the com- ity of, Tse-Chuliv- rgo preparationo 1. I
, quoOtI400.1914- SiFaVAIIA0415001onts not 0 *W& XW by 01 modkins 4alem Lleat.-Col. Tyrwbitt, M.P., died At Put In 01000 0011firiemOAt" an " M40ded,tho coWmu that rogovod A4- -are being mad* to port and rolva .
:"� , � to exceed quo itich,woh vA "Lost," "Ar%Yed," . 1% con' third gaA which thq (grim reaper 14
", f I I , 444 ='._�,. ____:%�, - I his home In Bradford on Vviday night. vict- . , . as Canadian soldiers lavalided from wral Seymour. Amer!"n mairlues force the Pekin , ving columni �
.,.`�- . 1460104" oto-Jusected. queetoroecont* � m4i In the xanke at tho pooplisle, re- South Africa to guglaud, W110 Or0i In, -Participated W tho Achievement. Tho Twenty tbousan4d t of aIt armot I
11 �,� each- oult4equent Inowton 14 ice - IS =oA of the Ord GENBRA.L, . , seoslojn� J)r. capable of r0turAing
, . nW. ON, Six officers And
. � , Wegentatives ftle
I:!, , �. � � ."'ier"Rent �lte.WithQ44SPOO1404treetloaowiiI JOHN T. EMMERT . to the front, W�U admirpLi a we# foumd sgtrenobsil and largely Japanese, 11
. .0 Dragoons, at Kingston, tire serving The tn4yrroction in '11 now been lon4v
. I
- . THE 14R . I RUIC3144 10 Sprouts, Who W kaoi Tyrwhitt b0 $cut 11,0010 at once to Canada 4by surrounded by Immense niggpes of Chi- ad. : 4 . I I �
, . il, haiasortodunt,11forbidaild, chargod,aowrtl ADING B.&APER �in South Africa. spreading. rifty peamanto were kill- tar tWIrt.y. W,%Wx,. redwwA AW th, ,
, . 4ugly, . . . � I . � . I . 5 War Offl"- Tbose, who are deaIr. neft who wore driven off by the re- The Shanghai 00400pondelit .
� ''. . 11� .. ' � . � Also 4gont for There will be %;Purplas Of 4100,00() 0d) by t1le military sit Dur4u-Ukoh. pxoolatiYely to big late friend's movy Can of go doing, may then -I ' , Of 00 :
, � Copy for change ot %dv0rtIFkc%a0uW 04 pa$00 I be axes, .. eA qua 1 ice , return to p IrIng 11 I
�. 1;- - . and 0 r , uld $TANDARD MFX INSURANCE COMPANY in , , . levIAR 0019ma After a brisk fight, His Dally Tologre, b, w t 9.05 p.ml,
, I . ,Au ,a operations of the Toteroolonlal that the Beorotary Of, State to t 11 t
I I ptholu" oilloo on Saturday I H .oforoai Montreal, � I tb X _1 t . . their home$, gild the others who are A
1 � , ead Colo $110,000,000 - men had made, a 'hwilliaut resistance, Thursday, says ,.�
tk -- ,� A , � ,� � Or pe,goal sAilton Ronday to ensure chtilloo insuranag in force. - - , Railway for the Past year. Colonies has ordered a milit4ry con. l)A,IAyj1q4 11,q !rgg $OUT4W9ST. not yet,necoverad Will be Attach "It is rep _rtod on good Oblueats au.,
.. _ . for toll"vi,* #fta. . Investments to ClAnadot . . . 18,600,0w A now rifle range, Coating About 00ription at St. Xitts and Nevis, by pro ad to - tievoexi failing .in. otntrags, for 15 days,
, . . fessor p .
. � ?14- I I , ,oboxtaou Was, a WRI1006 the Royal Caaa,dian Artillery at Que- , of 'COAt-muoux figbtlag, . During ten tborlt tha 0 "!
�� I , - I �, ;_ . Ooxwamm RATiA-Tuo foliowink tAbI6'$hQWS XstabllahodlW. TbQoldreltableaudfayorlto. V35,00o, bag been, purchased lit Mont- which ovary malol between 17 and 40 before the A . y t the Government, alar=44'
.� , grIoUltural, Committee. beo, And providod.with hOOPIt"I aOOQi days tb I
I I." .:i ", . I .. poi and Apa.0e , OPfflX0X_$q%ltbi opposite Post Offi.co. ; real by the Minister of Militia. Q-614 Samory, the great opponent He showed that ther � e mon were on qua �
, , our rates fqr opgelliod, . - I . . rter rations. by, foreign military preparations, has; I
� 4'� : � -� ",., , - . 'ADYnATIsINQ AATV48. ---. . of the French a has been a great modatioli, there,. receiving pay up to
1 , '� � . .� . i. . I . — "�� . Over 25,000 caw of lobster$. hAvQ - In Wag out in 4 -the $orth_ the time - of tit ir ilischarge, , . . They started I
; I ''I . , . . Yr,` 0 Me, 13;Mo. 190 -!!7-- " '- -=— .t Africa) isdead devolopm --vith, provisions for ten issued an edlot ordering peremptorily. I
I , I . Airyiug. in
, fl . :. e 1A . � I I I Column - t ...... 07006 lio, 00, 025 (P 4860 , . INSURAN06 . been shipped from Ralifa:K for Havre. ;it Libreville, where be. was trainspoi wmt rit6rie". In 1894 th , era was only TUKO$ 'a .days, and they Could have he14 out 8UPPressiou of the Boxers, an . au�
�, � . I .; � iCQlUu)p-.,4Q QQ. 16 M 16 QO a 00 _;_ - __ � I � - I Ter 4 .
, RWILWAY C1R',AATXRS- 0, day, Or two longer. The cQIuma was Counting, a decision to Protect the Its
� - ��""., � I'� , . . ; , .4 800, 9-40. Thaallipment is worth $250jQ00, . ad after his capture 4a 1098I tr Cronimittoo Mr. 0, tow =ilea beyKw4 Laf4i. ' . - I
I , I i colquill I ... _, 25, Q0 '500 MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE ' 04044' y station in that country*, last In the. agilway. - gations at all hizards," However, tbl*
k*'''' I.". I r ulook� acting Minister Of Jamaica is excited over the reporl- ,year 42 .stations and' tributary sta. Blair made i,An impo tom a
.. I . � J, Column ......... 18 0Q �0 40 0 5Q 200 THE . INSURANCE COMPANY HOD- X - M � rtant at k
I ,. .. I I . � I . I publia ,X 0 t DOoming it hopeless to attempt to may b0i'the British consul. at Shang- 'Z
11401i ,ko 360 Works, .has made arrai to liable to compulsory military per- tiOW were In oporatioi and, the� total regarding the Yukon railway r arter.s. 1i
1�1 � , , - .,-f. 00 ' 200 124 Fa Y I I ph break through the bordes, Admiral Atti received �dcfinite Informal;
? , _. ?� ., ,rm ,anO sol4ted ToWn Propert ' 1% . . ,
- , " - . .:% 'W'SP00141, tioli"frQ10 26 to:00 Pat goat extra, � I � I . ments for oon,strQ40119 a cable to V100- . I I . ion, tuq '�
., 1� I.. I . '. i only Insured. . Value at the butter produced was.over He $aid that sowne years a
� .1 - Martial law has boq,a proclaimed at #,10;00,, pro 00 P&Ola- Seymour essayed is might. retreat to-
. 4 . il, � � , � I I , I , feAso I Daily Xppress . correopondent Any
. I.- , m, J. XITO � OFFICERS r Robertson Alan - ment granted a ebUrtor to the white ,a,, �
I I . � :: I . : .. 1, " 1H9LlJ* I I - ; Thus. flaile lala, - , ward.,Tlian-Tsin, b
� 11 .1. ,. . - I ,' A4itor and Proprietor. J. B. MoLean The, Or,gagent, Indefatigable, Tri Madrid, refractory taxpayers �ro, to, Stated respecting, the Arial, shipment 'Pass .Wlw,ay, Oan n git be came, into Col- I that while solemnly, promising coml�
" .�Prcblilont,Kippon P. 0
- � I .1� , I -, 1�� , . - Frazer, Vice- xeslftik. raceflold P. 0 IT E. - b .0 E�ugl4xi 3& I . wa .
, . , . . ll - - Hays Seci-Treas., Senforth P. 04 W, a. One, Psycle, and Quail, of the Nort be Jailed, and oppostilt:tn newspapers of thick to Y' at A time 1131104 'With a 600139 force of Chinese plate abstraction. from 0ke pre-
1� .f , . �, , �- " �,, N_-- _ ,. � .., -1 : . Proa4fook nppQotqrot Losses. Scaforth P,O. American aquadr . out - will shortly suppressed.' 1 40 d in the early when the inVoi of t1l4t Country arriving from .. . .
. , -1 , I � � � . . . � �. I part; of the present year, that aft the north,wast, and paratioi the Chinese are mount' X I I .
! . . . fWA3,ANK8 . DIRECTORS. . Gaiii Sir Robert Biddulph, Gov" paying All Chin I or MAW not fully, realized,. . Since �fien the. in
: L ---. �- _ W.. 0. Broadj4ot. Se%torth; John 01,10vo, visit Montreal. I .. I , rgos a net price of 53 Government bad could.neltber advance nor retreat. several' new six-luch guns at - -
_�_ " . - - I � � , Wo
I � ,. I WinthLop,geoilfe Dale Soaforth; John vati, , felt it to be u!owlso to I � . .
- he magistrate at Hamilton line or. ernor And Commander-III-Quat at "'th" coatg per pair woo realized. He racom-A encourage the constru ' Uere was nothing to do but entrench Sung forts. I
. ,
I s. popobi *, Jewett Copnia yv Clinton dared a husband to PAY his wits V 329 ill meAda the ChnAdlau farmer t go in lines whiob, would baya'th Ii t . Three I� 1
. io.'' . . . Harloo ,. ohn Mnew?as,Br4dba1aq;JA1ngj T . , r, . 0 - ot'Ou of Any and to stand giega. He, vainly at- .
, � .1, I Eva , whilo ridli , Fitisix warships have Salle.4
I _i LSONS BANK 91-1.4"MoLean, KIpi . I
I �
,* 'L I I . . � I . whom he has *separated after sixty SPaufalb territoryL recently, was Stan- far exporting Ohl a Prm'na tempted heliographic.. ommunication. froon Hong lCong to ;reinforce the al- I .
, . Incorporated by . AGENT& I I okkens, as there to on Atmerican soil, or which, mi-JAit alti- L
L . ) -de�oam.pe, UAj Unit 88YIDOOT's Men caught a veral Chin- lied squadron at Shanghai. Ther .
� , ,:� Ro'lit Satitli, Harlock; Ito or McMillan, Sea years of wedded life, 13 4, week. . ad; and his aid or War. money III it. , ft4tely b,s, decided to be ad Stat& . I . I . I
. Act of Parlianient, 105, . .1 L I . %
forth - James Cummings, Eguiondvillo'; il�. W ' 0 were refused admitat gan, was severely out in the I 'east W110 -Said the Legatt�n'a' ,bad been southern provinces are sending troops;
. � . " $2,OW.00 Too, Xk0wesville P, Q� Japanese wh I L L age by 0HINE SO IMMIGRATION BILL. territory.'. With regard to the appiL - burned and the Ministers killed. Oth- toward Pekin, and it . lie ex64us of '. � 1
$J16010 1 Parties c act insurance or I a. fibok. . a flZing rack. The offond'ro were Sir Wilfrid Laurior moved �heaieoond cation before Par L liament this --.Al
lepirous to off ran" tano .ed Ste Is
I oact other Into . Iness Willbo promptly attended ,. a to the Unit L tea Ar I
, . . a
FICE11 . XOXTR'nAL. to on (tp . Captured and will be court� . � year. tbe� .
L . lica. on to any of the above cilicers tug into. I . me-Irtiall0diii 119 of the Chinese immigration Government% policy �WA . glint Continues at,
I S. British Columbia and hiring, I . I I readl c6*said. that the Ministers had been Chinese from'Shan �
� .
ONMAcparasorf, 'I - President 044ressU to ttoIr rpsitectift Post 911100 out to farmers At' ridioulouslY,11)w . - a to w. ithhold imprisoned. The Chinese digplayeii f4n. the iate of from 10 . .000 to 15,00 . -
,.,T�Es TuoxAs, 09noral Manager I 11 I . I - , . : - bill, 04yints he had nothing to add to &ill new Charters until it had been, seen I L . a day. I , "
I - L . Wagon. . - L . , . ' . aticAl courage in the attack. . Russian prestige* bas been 1 qr . . ,
canted. Collections piade. . Drafts . I what he Ud. already stated, ' whether it was -practicable to, build an, . I nj 'Led 11,
EXthapgakIL KRUGER'$ GOLD, SEIZED*, - In COMM,tte L a L . - I
orlin� and Ainorican I . Mr. Lacroix, the missing civio, 00-. IN MIDDLEDERG, HILLS. Railway communication between during the recent fighting, and an �
,.Id Interest %Ilo-od on depoi -� ! . __1 . .. . L 1. Mr. Footer asked 411 -Canadian line into that country-. I .
.. I I cial of Montreal, has been located I* I r _. . whether in this bill the G-ovp ja I . - . ` "Ta,ka and Tien-Tain has b - anti-Itussian rIsIngA -Toug
. SAVINGS BANK. HOW - the lilghlaiide'rs With a Con- M I— .. . I I . r meat " . I . , , San: resuin u the Liau �
llow L on stints of,41 and up, -1 , i ort will be Boers Aro Entrenching .1here � L
ed . exico, mild an off, . made I In was Carrying out the* wishes Of ita . ed, and the troops have been.advanc- Peninsula,- Russian Manchuria, is pro� I
L .. 6 . . i
. Voy W re'.Calltured. , � to brini'lilin back to answer Charges. :. I . . . .. .
. FARMERS. 1: 4" I a , . ' I L_ . L Considerable Force. . Britialt Columbia supporters, quoting STORMED ,. THE ARSENAL F ing. towards Pekin. . Fighting ,was in , dioted., ' . . I � . I .
.L L .1 .. L . . . L ,� I . . . . .
vaitotd to oil their 'Own .A Pat - from London Says .�The During May 3i730,711 tons of freight . In connection tbaraw.ItU Sir.Wittrid-s . . . I . . 1:1 .111'..., — . . �
. L despatch fromLou'd9n, Thursday, L . &.� . I _; : I � _. . I .1 I — . . .1
.one-orinore =rs. No loort- offiola I report of this d4ptu - A . Sayi ' * , .. . I . . �
u - d. as 80011rity. I. I ro of a -con, passed through ille. canal at.'Sault telegragn ng that. he would follow WhY the ' Russian , Loss , Were XADV 11 5.97 1-2 ; N I I
I . ., I I . , . suys:-Tho Lorenzo . Marques correa- . , as L 0. 2, VC89 nominal; okl�_Un .
1, :R. 0. BREWER, Manager, Clinton voy..-Qf fifty waggons,, escorted b I 11KETS 01'' THE WORLD changad. L
, , I y Ste. Marie on the United States Aidi 1 limes, , telegraphing such wishes. Mr. Poster Considered Heaviest at Tlen-4sin. . . I- !
I i. . . . I Highlanders, between Rhenoster and against 361,69oaL tons. on the Can -, pondent of the ! I . . L ' . I . aw-V * - I.. :. I . . I � I I
I I --- — . . . . . . adian Wednesday, says: - "Accordi4gi to this a very grave pledge, I . Ai despatch, fromi London, Thar . . I L "I
" I I . Hollb(roa, June 4, was only received on Ida, I .. I I I L . . . . aday, � 0 . Cattle, Cheese," Grain. &�O.iL Chicago, JUIY1,-Wheat was active I L
I _eS O� . -
.,_ 0 . . . Tranavaal Advises the Boers are an- ,Sir Wilfrid t1dught he could satisfy sayls:-T-be lait steamer At Obefoo PPI . and firm, closing I 5-8o 06r_ M.ter�- . I i,.:
- - Tuesday. tord Roberts reports that I . I I ��
, CTAGGART . . I I I . Sonfe fifteen or ItWenty applies- trenching in considerable force in the this curiosity. It Wa's very hard to from Taku brought message. in the Loading X.arketL .� . .
. - . I . � this . day.. -Th6. recovery waA due Principal—
. . .
, . L , Iffie convoy was aummude4 and sent 'have been sent to* I the' Militia Middleberg hills. L The Irish xpe0ta'tfdna Of. everyone. , Monday:--, . .� L I . . . , - i
� I I , � � I % - .. I I I tions . I . . . I Rol- sa-tisfy' the a � dated Tien-Taln , � . . ..... % lyl to .a cessatildr.h Of liquidation. A, big , , :
,, I/ BAXKR �. " L, I - L I . I
, 4 I R_ I - miessengdM.to, the nearest post ask ,Departments for Appointments Wthe la-Od,6 rps are-gettlag Re, never i yl "The Russian general in -command Toronto July 3 ; �Ve bhd a total. of cash business L I
� -, . I I I . � in L ". . . . � . . r, arid Italian to I . sav� Alin one wU0 coold do it . . �_ liel-0ed corn Lfutures, , � . .
r; 11 . L � gi -fair assistance. But reinforce- , Niger Consta Ulary% Tibe Denies will I L I I . � . . jag the . �
! � , � , "I' - . � I . I . b . uncontrollable. They are. looting The G vernmetat was 'proceeding as of,the relief fare .July finish L session 1 8-8e fin.
" L'' 4. __ - . I - . L . 0 L . a had Ldeeided, in view. 60-looils to-4ay,4acluding 1,100 bags. . I . L. .
. ,� . ,,�;�-:, ments wore unable to.r4aah the con- it, ancy for I t1be It . r I
L . I ."', ,,, - . . L I . . ,a transmitted to His Excell stores and., Tarms. f. 1, . far -as It felt it could go vu a- of Saturday's ,heavy fighting and 800 cattle, 000 oheop and, lamb03, io(), proved, GAts closed a Oads higher, .
, . . I I �
enci4, Awnk --*iiaii�fl' . Tpamiacted. Vdy, and 150'HighlAndelra'L .in reply to . I I I � loCaL,, L I . : L
, I . approvaL 1, "Oar gold is a, drug in 'the I sent condition a things, and provisions Strong; July pork,�152 � L
,� � L I � ' 9 dozen milkerA, I 11
_,�. V I I':. ; �- ,1� L . . I L - And the -marching, that one Any's rest for the cidives,'and xcoWlle a* ; 11
. Notes � - � IS - a flag of tratd: from General Christian uebeo lumberman * v' market, Oi a suspicion thikit it is-' British Wumbia members were in troops essential, and thatthe. ad- Themwas a good demand for export 1-2ol, JUIYL -2 , and Ju. r )r:ibs - . I
Di4OO4,�14.,�;,L'461fsl suea" � , q . want the Go was lard, 22 1 . 0 I
I � ",.�, !._ '', , L, . 'during ernment� to bring to the U64,06 of the Of an inferior quality. A large quant- tio Siline WuggorA.L � ftwx pres - eu4t legis- Xancla should not 66 . resumed , , . 22 4-2o better. . CleNranew( at the sea- . . I I
- _ L I I � De- Weti . (sqxreudered the . I
� . � . . .
' -
. interest 'AfiCWq;d�,'6i_ I , " I I I . .. . L . . I � � . until eattie at troov, $00.to f5.25 per owt . I I
1. ., i Depips ts, - morning (if J no 4. , � Cape, Coloi . . . � I � boardL in w%isat ' �
�' Al .� 1 9 - y,lauthoritiea the.fao.t that ity of stolen gold is Waiting to be lation- was not-tinal, as it wai piopos, to�-day, L L' � I and flour
j�eL . �:-, - '�L, " �� � , , , I .. I . . � for choice, and for light.-shippera from , weret equal 1. L. �..
-1 ., I . I L .
" � I I I �� . The,Boerpsharply attacked General , "Meaawhile ca to 8W,000 bushels. %P I .
I � 11 " L - I I L .1. . , , . ... Canada can. supply , Ali the 'I'AwbOr smaggled out,of the TxAnsvital.11 ; i ad go. %ava, a commiBsiou io advise ths, . me' Admiral - . Say- Ainaryi receipts I .1 .
I . , �, . �,. ,. L . I .1 . . - . . '04.60 to 44.85. per owt.,most -of, the �
I .
� � - - . I Rundle's transporto L near Selftekal, n a ftdr -The; views of piour's hall t wareL 430,000. bushels, 'compared with .' I .
� L �DERT STREET � , .L� . �; CLINTON. I � I eed $or building opefatittu .1 ... . I . I 0averam, t farther.: ograph. that his posi � ion Cattle was *of x4edium quality to -day.. . . . .
'.. I ;. I ' ad L . , en . � I .
I , , . . I - 11 � � 11, . . - ,- `----0- � . . . . � � I . I
I I , , � � . : -Tone 23,*,bat were repiuldod..� . the War. . . , � , I , , t1lio . Is of Bi Columbia were was rendered desperate, And th t he There WAS a fair traa,l. b- - 972,600 -6sbiel '
., I 111) I _ ____ . _ . . I A - , a last year. militied, I �,
. � . I
I 'i '', �, I I : I I L ities, of, bar gold roeslv� , . ' e . 4. L PeOP ' 1, ' - only wo da a. TUO . ai � qtle, And g � Cod stuff '-sold utcher, Talls and I I)qluth, reported 244 -
�/ . . arge quaut , a ell of Reuftow,%40 . ELOFF AT ST. HELEXA . ' .* Aptl w.exe ivot stpred by could , .
� L LEGAL . I Mr. Arthur Gr v L . i Peculiar hold out t . 'i
' - . . . - .. - ��_�_=; ed by mexa,pun01n. the weateru part 'called as tin expert for. the � de , : I . . I. ... .1 .. . . I . I y . . .N�ell..at . Lro . .
. .
-----. - ___ .—..- — . 1 �,� I .. . _." I . . . -- n to-day,,r. Ron- from 44 to 04.50. against 301 last week,: an�i ,
,/�� L ' , "� _ . .1 I - .. . was 11 L . . those who ,yer,e the majority th the* relilat atirted it, da,w .. 491. a year L !
_ I ' . - . . I i . . I i
� . . . . . Per owt. gut medium
- I
L � I ii -C SCOTT � of theTranavaal from President Kru- fa,,,a, in the.Nopanee, bank robbery KrUger's, Grandson arid, 110 Others' Rouse. Tlxexe uld biv - be a day- :. . . C L . . . and.. 1L i. ' L . ago.. Receipts 'he' -_ W I
-Ile , , If. I gar . ostenpibly in payment of re4ulid- . I . ' . W10 a a to . .. I ,. . . aterlo- cattJ4 were a 'shada I re era 90 '.caroo %
— BARRIST , SOLICIITOR. I I L I trial, opened a, sa�6 that was in the L' - . Reach the' IsImid. : L L process 6i education bdf9re all . .this - Sattirdak's fighting bigaft� *i day,-! weaker andnot,inisuoh active dema d thr I Qa of. contract grade. Bitimated I
, , L
I I .
. ;.�s , � �, . ti.qm�,d goods, have been 'Seized by the Hull branch (if the MeXchant '-B it ' L , . .. I . - break..'Tha allied forces 'LL opened w i L th AS bi.k. r . . u _m . % :m'W)iea�t, 105, cars,, co . rn,,, , I I
I 'L � 1 6 - An - A despatch from Jamestown, -st,, views Could be` hurmoxl�;ed. - . '. . I 1. . . . Tuesday,, Wo'bad a large proi, CO or,row
'.. I . .. Money to Loan, etc. � Hritish. If the genuin,o4ess of th ac- L . I I .1 I . . � . i .. . I I
i, � � I , 0 during thebig fire. , � � . � iHelena, sayst-k-i-Sarel �Eloff,, Pre SUpp.tri,X3 9 tS I,& several of the Terrible's J-.7 naval guns portion �t: grans -fed , cattle 14 - 80D cars;�.oats, SM; 6IL�rs; bass', 30;000 L I . I
I . . .
, pitleat, . MARY rSTIMATF � I I . q.
I � - . I or. L :. . . .,
. . .... . � I a not ,
_�,:,� - Oilliott Block . CLiToi counts ciii, ba pr6ved, the4old Will Immonse hodies .of ice -are reported IKrt�ger,s, andson, who wait Captured . 'The' su lanagatary estimates for sixfLold guns, And. numeirauiaxwhiai, - . " , _.i . . '. . - 11 � . . , L . I I 11 , '. .
" .. , , I , gi Pp , .. L . 1. , , : L. LnL Very good ,hopp. L . I L head. , � , , . . , �, i" L .JL . I I
. . probably be, repaid. . . . 'along .the toast of Labrador. And ex- lffaiiekl�gt L L . . � . � . . � I - L . . . I . - 1 4
. . . . I . .. by.the Britislx atL .T O�, gUnA, this firing guns at. long range, we L ._ , , ' ' . ' L , I.
W. DRYDONE � , . I landed the financial . year L ending unef . � . Choice expart bulls re staudi 'at _��__ . . ;
m . . . . . .. . 1 1. . I . L . � I . . I ... . .
� I-------*— L tending far -eastward into this'Atlan here, on. Wedn"esda' wi b- s,�an off' r They continued to advance steadily, I from $4 ta 84.60 1
P "I" BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. . . . L y t � al A� 1901, were tabled by lllon� M -FfeIdL11gL th6 Chinese artillery replying.. . The ' per cWt. -. . . I I -
. . RUSSIAK1OSS HE-A,VIEST.. tie. ,It is not likely thai 4 traniat-. cers and 98 troopers, mostly foreign. They called fbw a total vote of -$7j944,- . . Stackirs con,tini Weak . and ".BOBS" REPORTS IFIGHTING..� . L .
I—- 'L I .L. . . I . . - . I , UIL- .. . . L L , .
I (711p, ,� Notary Public, &c., . . " -� I . . I lantio, ot6amer 4di be able to gb arS. T * prisoners, who were clean 1,*5 . of which 03,784,6V f gan's ,of the allies were more skilfully obanged-, ,'. ' ' " - - 1. . I -,. .. . L . ., I .
. � . L I I Us . ? a chargqatblia .1 ; I . I � L.1" . I . .
1, L I . '' � L . bandied a . . . . . . L . .1
- , . ugh. "the Straits ott Belle is 9 for , I ad put,the guns of tho'Chin- . . I . .. . . �
. .
:, 'L OFFicn-Beaver Block, CLINTON British'and American Forces First :thrO . . .1 .. and. of .reApectable appeirAnce wore tin capital and $3,159,496* to consoll- . . I I - Only a1ew feecibis, came jn� and . 8 . oers. Attae�ced British Post$, But . � ,�,
r., �� . I � . . . . . . .1.
. ' I L
_.� . . in: Tien.Tslli, I -weeks to come. .. . . . � � _L I immediately, sent on ,to Deadwood, . date fund, �,Aei, 4alanda , ase out ot, action one by.on6. I . Were DrIvell"Off. . L .
. I I . .1 I I . . . I . . .L . . ., . I I L 4.1 .d . of .: 0350,000 .. - I . . there was little enquiry. ' .� . . . .. I . . . , . . ..
' *
00NV9YA1V01#VG I ,,,, t It from 011efoo, Say$:_T,1he` . The Grand. Trunk - railway has de- 'the Prison camp.. I . - .. I There, was keen �ivalry . Among. the � . �: .8 rink li�nabia a Wo th L . . I A- daspii tL Ch L fr6m, - London, Friday; - I I
.. . . I A- desp,,� c � � . � . . being to cover the expense of organiz, . ' I . . 1. I) re r from 62 to L ' . ,
I=- '====___ � -, -, , , cided to p al fast _*MO - . ,; relpTesentAtives 01 ibc�.L vaxiolia; nations -- . I . . 1. .1 A aays'i-Lord Roberts h4i.s. sou"allatin .. ..
: L . .' , officeLsof tits British first-class cruis-. at on several addition at -at the Boers at Deadwood .are- ing,.au .g Alif-ax pr *
. OHN RIDOUT ; I . 'L . L. . I . . .. 4 maintainin the B 1. Sin L V4.1i) eai rxoad, spring - lombs Xe "La ' 00", liatia * .
I r .
- � . .. 1. ,� � L I ... as io -er T -T I . 11 I . . .. of.: t i ..
, . aseft that disoord .exists traihs. The first, willbe known as the in good health, and thtti I r ttire' . . .. . . . . I .. .. .: WO InAll fights, in both, of wh .
i . ,,, . .�r Terrible; a � I . , I . L I . . a VISIOnid garrison, ,which. should ent ten wantted. . .. . 11 . . leb . . .
. . COMMISSIONER, ETC, i b, Wean, the R ' Sians aP4 * first, and the, Ainericans and British . - . . . L. . , L . I I : I .��
'.. 1. 'I, I I et us Anilo. International ttinititl, from. Portland has been but one death-fror')i enteric ` �1' -QUESTIONS ANSWER1,11). - � . . I . I For prime hogs, scaling from'160 .to the 139ers.were discomfits .. Inp�4
i, I . L', . I I "' I I . I I 1. � � . . L .. . I wout.in neck ani The Russ" . Lna 200 lbs,thstop pric tj 6 1.2 'L heavy . . : . 'd . . 60, .. ... �
� Fire Insurance, Real Estate I � � Americans, and say' they believe 'the to'ChIcago, The Toronto�. and Kant- fever. .. -�� . . .L � . . . I o; from Pretoria, dated ThuKaday,* he
. Money to Lend. .., . I ' ' L . . . . . . . ! . . ,Tn reply to Mr. Foatett ,H ' on. Mr. stormed the Arsenal, thereby sustain- it i" �e . ' . I -L .
1. . Russians,are planning' to break tille real service *ill also be greatly lm-' 1. 1 . .. : not think L - . I says;- , ,.I L .. 1 .. .
, . � I I . . � . -.61. ;1 , I Fielding said, .that he. (lid . 094 5S -8o ; and .light hogs, 03-4c, L, , . .1 . I .
- . OFFICE -HURON STREET. . CLINTON 0 . . L 11, � I IL . I . . ing the largest losses.' . .. . . ... .1 " of moun . � (1)
I . L GU$S . 'the Solieltor-General intended to pro- b. .. . . . . . . . Wd troops I .
, I L . I 'ME . . Sevoral thousand JiLpi have left Following . - .
� Q,noert,, and take, possession of Pekin provewil, . I I � CAKADIAX�, - CAP . . . . part . A small. force "I 11
- . . . ' L
. lndekteftde,titly,� -T12oy 'assert that , . VIRZAT BRITAIN. . I .. ! . . �. ceed this year with bis.�biil, "Am act . . IS. ae range of With two gunist,commaiided by. Lieui�- . ... . I
. . , , . I . . 1. � . .� . .w'._ . ' -Titn, and altogether - " . L , . quota� - . * ' ...
1. ' . I. . . . : L
. .
- ;,'..', . . MEDIOAL - Seymour's command to secure uniforin couditi6i of Poll'- Taku frox . ti Tien I tions *,_�-- . I ,� � .. 001, Drelper V ' .
_, .." .1". - I —, vie"diniral ., , he Queen .has. returned L to'. . Wi .ndsoi L' . . . I 13,000 Japanese 1A.Ve landed. . I . I I Ois attacked by the enj_ . I
ir,, ,. � : T 1. . Forced Enmity Jo Abandon Them and � The.'Iu- . . : eany tinder Prefers an . I
r ��, �.,` . �__, — - lacked unison, this iore sulng .1 � . . I L . . tho, - 4 �
, . I d Nal, on
- �� I - . . L. I from Scotland. L .,L L , , I � I L . Bro gh, The L ples of,, fire insukanco." .. 1. I L . . L Cattle. ' L:. I . I I . . . .
. UjJd6kLRji . 11 ni.Into Preto . I . . I 11 . , �, .
, . .
I 11 1: R. W. GUNN I I I because, Mey, w4rd tLoh lead- k- UL' � I . 1. . � . , I . ria. . ,Mr.. George 'Taylor aiskl�`4.43a. ' . tornational. .troops now .'aggregate � L I L morning of June 26� seven miles'north, ,' . � I . . I
I D I I - � lih Smallman, one - of Enkland's I L'' I , Mints- I . - n*IS L Shippers, per ew,t-L'. $4 W $5 25 ' I . L
I , ,,L' Mining L A despatch from .13ritor a, $a - i2early*20,000,'and Jdpa 6,repari .
I - R. C. P; and L. ft. C, A,, 44luburgh. ership�` They bitterly denounce � the L . L . . ye: I . 11119 Butcher, Choice- do, ..3 75 4 00 Of Senegal., They beat oft ths, enemk,; '. . I : .
, " �1, , .1 I I . . tar of Militia conowning the 'Pay due . . � . � I . I
, . I * - I
1. -_1 - I I . noted engineers, is, d6a�' . 'The first battalion of the Canadian .to send 20,000 more,- with British, Am�- Butcher, mad., togooi .3 65 and burned their laager. � Our easuaL. - I
I . . L to soldiers in South Africa; reading a . I . $40 , .1 �
- , ' gen I oral conduct of tho, 'Russians' as ' B ... n Loch, former Governor � . . . j3utehe forfor. ,* a 00 330 L t' . ,
, . , - Night calls at front door ofresideije6 on'Ratten . Colonly, jaL of : Mounted Rifles has coma in for high ' X. Sweet Stat_ arlem, and other. troops prderdil .to .r" lia ites. were threel',kil .1 11 .
, � "I bury street, opvosito Pffeabkta;1anchdroh. uncivil ad barbarous and Charge ' . letter -from a,Mr. A. I nd� is A *&4�&'- - ,
, t 1, L I I izedr a - Cape d6ad Lat, London, aged I . 1. . . Stockers, per owt. ,. 0 00 859' . I . . led. a , ' �
JL. ._, , L I , - � . . tailAtf t'i L . . . I 11 -in , img� that the 'amount of pay 4saignsd . Probabl� (50,000, -mon will be . L L. I ' . �11 , , ,:L .
, 6; 1 i:i� OFFICE NTARIO STREEIP; CLINTON. ' he slau tor, at I praise from,the Comma,ndei -Chief go. . .�
�`_]'L 1. . . . . ed,., .
;� �_ -0 .gh peaceful China7 73 j,ear,, . . I , I � . . , . I I i I . . k 'k
-� , ,. . ' L , I . . . , . . , . I . Sheepa and Lambs. ...
�p ,�..-f� t,.! � ? I I - mera At Tlaku ltas aroused the otheti u Lord RoWrta, foi: the -gallant. manner AvAilable'la a.mon*. , I . . L ."'Hunterf tempoarily commandinr I
- , .f� t,:. —.-------- I . L L . . . varied from m . � . . .1 . ,
i�,� i' , I . P to the, present $635,000 ban been I on th to month. Ron, Dr; ; Sheepi per cwt. . . 3 r)q , .4 00 1. . , .
�,.�� ". I , ,"S.pa : ,A, ' L- 't%s for- I � . I 9 Xeii *r' owit.. 4 50 Lan . . . . . n - - I .1 . L
. I ' n ,,ivhich tbeYL-oaptured two of the is Toni Shang refugeas and the . , �
. 11; R. WM. GRAHAM I ,., salve - ativea,�agitiaat ,'A I L . I . 19ordem pr6miaed'.to examine ilito, the , . .� . I . Hainiltonla brikii4e, made a 8,
1 L' , I � i him Boers' 19-pouittler guns at,Ruatfon' -m al'. . . . .. " .1 . .. Jorelga engineers at Chetowestiniate- 4pring L 5 25 . . I
I �. � D .. . I I I . L . realized from Audyard Kipling's I . .
�i, f � eigheks. , � ". . . . : ielit inded Beggar," I � . . , * ' Itt . . . .. I . lamion,. each� 2 qO , 4 001. March yesterday from Heiaoiberig to_ -
(SuccEsson To DR. TuR"trLh.) , ' . _ �— 7M. 1 . . . 1, .. . , . ...
� . . . . . . . . I a - toin, between Pretoria a!n r I tha Chinese'trOOPS Dow in the.fleid as Rucks,� per, ow;. - . . .2 74 1, ja 06 r ing I any, I L .,
, ��., L _ - . L- 1. . . the Duke of I . -NoNall., Ron. Dr. Borden. . . . L ward Vrankto t %vithout meet, I *
., Licentiate of the Royal College of by . Pract,i- Ily all L, Of To Mr. . I .. . . .
I . . ' . . I .
_,.'.',11 P - . I burg. . The guns were d I . I .G - I rilled troops, at Lutal,. 25,00.0 1. -XilIcArs and Calves, � . . . .. I I . L
. .� FOUG"T' THRLEF . .
- - sicians, London, Eng. ' ,.. I . , DA8r8 o Argy�els � estate, real' and personal efentled, stiffly stated that ex eneral Hutton had re 26 000 d . L, ' , I '' ' ' , 2 " L _ ; i. opposition. . I �, . I �
-1 .. , I .� ,:. . �,� . � .. I. . . . I . -.when def6atstared , , . . I I. . . . � each.' .. - 5 00 45 00� - -i.,Th� b . . I i
11;1. OFFICE AND RESMENO&-Perrin's Block, IMAY. . . .. was. left to.the Marquis of Larne-. � L by, the enemyj'and. L . At Shan-H&I-Wan, 16,000 driven- off . aWfi' . 1nemY- atta ked our Roodei .
1. I . Commended the: appointment of.. oivi� . I . . I 43a ves, - such. . ,. , . ,, d 00 1000 .9 .
I ., . I . I I - . ' . I
V occupied by Dr. Turnbull, CLINTON, Pierce Battle: Near" Pretorla,,,. 1kith I Prince . the, Boers in .the face� they hid the I. - . . from Tlen-Tain, and .51,000, tit Pekin. I .1 I . Spruit, post on - . Z ,
. � L" . . . . a4,It-14ziw1Il, of Russia, 'was . . %. . I . . . faus ds.honorary; Colonels. . I . I . . .1 . . I . �,� &Iqgs. . . 1. - the railway,, yesterdar I
. I L
. - I L 150 British OasUaltles. ' iobbe�d OU.Jewellary worth #50,000 it. guns in a native kraal prior to their .1 . .' , I I _-4-- . . .. .. ,... . � btIt..'rivere easilX'beaten 0
� . . . I , . dIappearing.in the nt'ght6 There the CoST . . OP MILITARY TRAINING - � . I . � .1 - . f by ,a -dw- ,0, .
I . . ... . I L ClioXelibgs, 'Ver owt. 0 25 6 50 chm
."R. SHAW . . A deapAtch from Londoi ,Friday, a Lbn4on, 'Eng., hotel ,,as site, was ' th L 11 � .. . : GUERILLA - WARFARfi . I . ta eut!btf theiDerbylshire Light 14t- . ...
. - I I- 1. � I . I . fantry.. the Westr Anstrahaii, mountedl . I I i
* 'a hiogs, per owt. 50 1 675 . I . . L
- - j_'� I OFFICE: . says:-Beunett Burleigli., the corres- about to � start -for ,Part I a,,. . I , gunis. *are. found...by 0.�.Canadla . us ' lu 00mmitteos -On - the milit" ,sit' .L . w . & .. . Light hogs, porowt. 5 50 5 &,, 1-2 * .
- I . . . I I I � 1. . and brought:. to. camp, an exploit mates, that the - V_ . I ; . 1. I L
-phi, in a . Smallpoxhas broken out . in the . L Ron. Dr. Borden said . i I 181tv. W .. ,.. . 2 7.0., la 0o Infantry, ,a I5_PQUnd6r,, and An arm)- . I . ,
. L
I . . . . .
,.�_ ONTARIO STREET, Opposite English church, Pondent of the,'Dally T;plagri . . ining was asnetai Botha. 'Unicbmulonly Active Stage.- . I L . L ,
. � .. daL . . 'which Lord Roberts recognizes by a annual cost of the rallitlaAra . ; . 4 .. . .22S 2 5Q oured, train. 1. - I I
L . . - I . . : . . . .
'L�; I 'CLINTON. . deVattli 'dated Pretoda� Thuri Y, thickly and'poorly settled district of : Special . .mon . tion ln:gduoral orders on about $425,000 to 0450,000. About 35,- . East of Pretoria. - . . I "Ba.d*;a,P 'eill T v 0 �
. '
; " I . saya,,� ' , * L ILI I . L' . Toronto, July 3. - Wheat. - At the - Wrts, the ca tur
.1 � 'L . I I I . , ; ( the East End, tandon.. Several Cases, Wednesday. . . L I 000, would he dvilled within the jear. os�patcbi London, We - dnem- . . . Ow .
- I , ' I .
I � 1. I 1� L �� . ,,slncie 'Sunday Can. Visit& on the hive I been reported already. . .. . , -A d Close the,market showed a nei gain of Of an influential Bo6i named Rayl wbo� : I'll
, ' I .
I . 4 R. C. W. THOMPSON . � I., I L ton on th& riglit'L I . . , I While at RustfOnteirl the Mounted In. the. matter -of the transportati Ask, says:,Tbaliner commandoes in 11
1, D I I I r L , , left Gen'L Un RA!mil Admiral Lbid Charles Scott, brother . L Oil - 2c..Maditobas"were weak early in was mdewouring, to raise a Com- - 1.
� I I I .. Rifles joined hands, much to their de. .of troops, d! low rate was always e -r- the eastern,part of ths'Oran _11
�� PRYSICrAN A"SVROZOM ., and the 11th OWW L. I . . . go River. I -
, . . 4 on in the centre, Of Lilts Duke of Bucclenob, has been ' the day, owing to the weak openlig in mand-a in the Rtisitenberg diptriet. A
��; �,,, I I . per Col ny appear to have boon oken up - i
,�. � OFFICE AND REsmnNc9. I . I . . . have been 611. vor th Surround the APPol mander4n.ch-Ae light, with,'40" Battery, which wits. ihmged, Often as Lmuch as fifty 0 br I Chicago, but at tho Cl;se the tone was pairal brought in over. ahiindred .
� idea uted Naval Com I . . .
f.1, ., ,'i . � I .the, relief of Mataktag and cent. of The men who went to camp :by their leaders for -the . �tftni int a ' . .
��, ,,,, Next tO101800 IMuk eaetay's position' lat present, at 11 I L I . strong again. Ontarios sold to mtil� rifles. Moret thuln 4,000 rifles and I.,. . �
'It" , . in this hills 15 miles at Plymouth, -in succession Ao the .0 . I I .
� I I - `aliii Cross country did not go out a second time. . 041-ftit p2rties kthat harass . large
. .
RATTENOV01taritAtT, CLINTON. toot. (Rhad was fighting for three Admiral Fairfax. L . ho' ' , miaraheii 4' I era at 75o went, but exporters could MO inferior pieces hi�lvs been taken 4
. I I I . 1. . . 11 . I . under Major-General Iladea-Powbll. ` SV1!TL]9MtXT OIP TRAI)t DISL - columns of t,he British Incessantly, I I
- - - ..Z, .. I .1 days, but Tuesdak ulight tbb. en6my deH , The City Council Of, BdtbL bas placed L L . . . . - . . . . eatthig oft isoutits, an . iplag I pickets, not bid more than 70c. Quotations wore during tb,* last tow, days. He states I ,,
11, � � 'ti%aml�od, going,eamst. "The total caotiati. a tablet. in. the house' used as - the , I .. that 3' 1) Boers It -t I .
� . 40EA(,1r11qrRr . . . . 1. I � I , PUTE S. L I as, follows:-Ontarlo.' red and whlte� . . Ave arrived a Uusteft- I
* . . 0 1 . . 'Mr. Mulock introduced the bill to and miking a show of force'litive and berg, going. to .their hones from De... I �
. I I . .
I ,� . ====;__.- . I l!r� �. UAS were tfudet'150.11, t , � ;, i - 4 i English � home of the unfortuniate L' ' L . .. . I 76q, north and west; east, 76e; spring, .
. L .
i 1:1 I - *^—_� -".I..., I . Major Andref- the, you . ng British offi- _ . .WAS FATALLY SCALliEl). aid In, the settlement' of trades dis- there, Commandant Christian Do I hardi 11, iarsY's cOmmandID. .Tha.y. would have . I .
-,�' % L I R. BRUCE ' : '�. - ", . A!� ._ - -4 _ � . I east, 76c, Manitoba No. �
� I
. . , L , I 'T,r -who, I by the order, al 0 L * l- * . ' . . . ,.L � . . pu leation of L . I I ,
..., D . eer, putas And the L bl, iuduitrial� 'Wett Gen, Stey'a's PkinclVal command- Toronto and kiest;.M, ig.i.t.,, And 94c, 1001 before it they had SOW, the OTGio, , . .. I
. _-�-_- .enera ---" . . .
I .. �_ " SURGROXDVNTIPTo - : � W L Ington, was hanged as a spy to inforrarvitLon. .One of the obj�,t,, he. or, Lis the genNs. -of these guerilla I . I
"I I . . A- , ��� ashl W041411460k WOrkMall VAIN 11194 A Vat Of L upper'lake parts. .. I r .1 clawatioD. kvlucu was careful
�- - specialties -Crown and Brldje 'Work and , L I . I . . I 110111160 Witter. . � . said, , was' by the Aid - of %*rAtions. He is the hero on ' the . I I I ..
.1 preservation of the natural tgothi , 1 1780. . . .1 . f6 .' L L Doe . Al Ilfeed, Dull$ Aran, $18 ,to $18.61); waded' by Boor authqrity.1- I
� . ? . With- ` in the London A despatch front Woodstock, OnL Boards of Conoiliation . proi L r side in tbeas last days of hostill- and shorts, 914'to $14.50, west. tord Roberts aaya Wednesday lvtls
,,�., . I . .
. OFFIcr-coats' Block, .!. , Otin It., 0. A notice Gazette # . ties. - I . . , .
� ' 1. I "',_. 10 I out help, a states that her Xaj Gereham Chane mote the eattlenient tit disputes - Corn- r`001!4� 10arket'day In Prs,�Olria for ..
. � . - I _ -_ - _� .. .. � � esty has consent -w says :- . 0, ix y oting man . . I Lord Roberts' columns Are steadily L .Strong, lit sympathy with the -a
I., ' I .. . bald spot ad to the marriage between- Pril'accas employed .%t the James Hay Co. ii�oi Which ArOi. between employes and strong Chicago market. NO'L I Arnbri- Zoor farmers selling Produce. , 11
L R. AGNEW -,. ' I - . contracting the circle of their Advance. I . I
I . D I 4_'Iel I . Marie -of Brunswick and Prince NAZI_ � wan fatally scalded While at work in emPloPorsi It was. hoped it would . OffICIL IS Who tWo can, yellow, Wo,"on .track, bere; and Mart(i at Bioerw still hung on Gon, . L,
.1 64TXJ�Ir, � n e vie r Transvaal a re Inter- mixed At 47 1,U.
, - I ,, I- _---y I I .1 � 4 . millan, nephew of the Grand Duke the factory Oh Wedi Chance : prevent many sftlkes and lock -outs, , . . Butter,s flanks. I .
L, _ . g r q W s MAL I 1
16_� CROWX AND Ditmall WCUS , ' viewed yesterday at MAchadodorp by a poes._Irl L . I
__ � - I __� . L . I I I of Badsii. The. Ptln6esa As is the was engaged with other workmen in and eV�n if these oaourradi that' It I rimer. CiAr lots are quoted ______410_ .
1,10 ' . smaller. am t tte U d r 6orrespondefit of the Daily Express as- ". �
. . I OrirtcE_'AdJ6InI0Z Togt6r'0 Photo ' Gallery, . oldest child of the Duke of Cumber. rolling logs into the vat. I A log wits Would pr a a A ba r n a stand- , nominally at 6,10, north And woat; and f,
)", � , keep S. I land and -was born ,at 0m6nden in rolled in, and . to avoid sterted an Intention to hold out to the 6-2o, i6aatt. . , I I . . .1
dqmsiolii '-ONT. . - L I t tbs. splash, tug, and tend do bring the ppLrties go. last. ,President Xtag, . SEYMOUR HEARD FROM. 4 � I , I
I I , '. .. I- . .i.. I t I . . . . .. . . at will probably L I r , . — .1
, � ... L 1. -11 . L I
I I !!=_ _ . � spre 4. .. 1870, . . I 0hancet stepped back I and wasprecip. gether. The department would pub- Parley-Stoady, No. 9, 40o, was , . 1.
: . V'S '. '.... - L r go Eli - I gellOV189' 'Ci Now. IA.., Colla�. .
. L I . I : � . 't lish a ,Labour Gazette Which ruit, is and t i
.� � . riMAiAPV' 1 '. I I UNIT M, STATES, ittabod Into i second opening. He Was , 44o enst; 'No. 3, 42 to 43d, , .. . �
� , � Ing,until . o udition of � Bye L
. � would 'retire to Wate vat or Net
_. '. OU It in said that 6,OOQ Indiana are at once completely Immersed In hall. fulfil the functions of the .Board of Phy"'6ian �thlnks' Ik's 0 -Quiet and ateady. Car lots, . munleation witil Him* . - . .. I
I . . . .
��� . � �11 at last your friends . Agrfoulture�s report. It iwo.61d not It"Ith will not allow hila to ko to thd* West, 54o; and �Sflc east. I A. despatch train London$ Wodnes-
LACKALL & HALL . .starving III Arizona . b6o&Vst of fail. ing water. Workmen quickly tooklilm � 11 �
. i I � , ure of crops.. . from n ., .
. I �`- B I san 11 Ho�v bald he is . iV4 water, but he Was terribly Contain opinions,' but statistics aid high voldt. I I Oats -Steady. White , Cuts, north day, sayst-A deSP4tCb'tO the OeniraL 1�
I I VETERINARY SURGEONS, GoV.j 11 . I The British prisoners at Noolt Gad- ��
I gei�tiolltg-) United States exports for the fiai6al scalded. Os was.taken to the hospit- facts. - With more information. on � I slid west, 271-2q; and cast, 981-2o, NoWs from Chefoo, daied "Tuaiday, I
... 1 I HRI,qMENT VETERINARY IN9PECtOli �, � . as ' year will be $150.000.000 greater than al, where his death took place. Chance the whole field of labor both partia0i acht aro now mbra comfortstble. Large Backwtienti-Quoted at We west, SAYS that the steamBir Tung.0how, ..!
. I At'n"Ir I ve .
OFFICE, 18-0 STREET " RrAtORN01r, . would be bettor able to understand quantities of food and blankets ha and 540 e4at. . . I brings news from Taku up to f1vs5
- - � STREET, CIANTOX., ( an.. old'boldness, but . over before. ' came here from Stratford, and had been forwarded, to thaw, and their on. . .
. - I.- I I",-- �k easy to.st Increased postal facilities, between only. be6 working in the factory ,each 6thtr's' position.. As to the ma- 610i In lighted by electildity,, ' Flour -Strong, And in better de. o'clock. Monday to the effect that it 1, .. I
-r ome:FA
- It � I Pretoria tolograffin say that supplieu f
I -, , A46 I 1. L' , �� OP !he first the United States and England are abouit three, weeks. . ,thintry, It was tin echo of the Con- . niand. Offaringd small, , Vxport IS Officially st%ted- that communica- ,
- thinni talked of. � I aillation. tion hag beea established with Ad-
, .- 11 ea to . I I ------ to . :ict which bad been in * n bd ight roller, in
11 check I 1__ f warm clothing are reaching Lord buyers,
ilt6s. BROWN . r force In Great Britain for four years. 0 . bi middle freights; and mirAl SaYmoUr, who was Within, rundl
. . I . I . I tAl firststalling Emperor William has! promised to C"Ll? FROM ROBER Roberts' Infantry. who bad beenrag- holderif ask $3.10. I miles of Tien-Tain.
I. 4 , �Otlt# Used in tlme� visit the St. Louis, X.O.,41proposed ex- , TS' These boards wAre at first voluntary god and had suffered from tha cold.
"I . MO ENSED TION99R. " . I ' I
. I . ii - .I � '. _."
I 11 I I � In n4land, but In 1896 the Govern- oommandan Auffalo, July 1 -Wheat -No. I hard, He, Was being hard Pressed. by. the,
ilea canducte(I In all of the Coulte" at bald- , ___ � poaltiony it posalble. . . � ! larnando, I t-044cral .130tha is UYA- � I
111"Ad it"'I pAtfll. , OvAleft tit Tar, Itwo There has � basit A large decrease SUIV611116 Of DO Villiere Co went passed an Act constituting thont round lots, 92 1-8a; No. 1 Xortbern, Chino", And was much hampered br
900i om" bomnlontir actiVo east of Pretoria. !
t;Wi. Or q, sseu %IV OUR ness is of 920,Xen 19-COnfleMod. B of Tra4e. 16 I .
.1%u%" - QhAa 1 112 the export at lianatlain from Jamaica tound'lots, go 1.80. Winter wheat- his siok and Wounided. A, few of his
orth P.O. vVII I 'a RIP ttentoon - ' � The Mhadialls 4rd, 40i splendid
114ftni vt " ffir.o , U10 � At deapatob from &on
i h I , . to the United States. dan 80M-Tht Canada the XiniAter YAIgbt appolut No. 9 red, No; No. J.whita, 87o.; Corn torte have been killodt� 4
ttidtloll _-1 11. y ,made . .
., kliagescAdIted4-1, - 4 ! I , .. ,.. - , Mos. John Adata Xitoliell aged 101, In Warbffice lie$ received the followilag ooncillators It requested, buf thora- outpost wotu. . . I I I -Dull; No. 2 yellow, 481-4o; Xo. a yol- Troops Ara being rapidly- fetwarde(t I..
LAArfirous I of 16 Seeking adivor" from bts wife, aged denp&tobi from LOW Uobeirts-_ I was nothing of a dbaral,V6 nature In � -0 I to I w, 48o; $0. 4 yellow, 41% No. 0 corn, from Taku. It Is estimated that jlktro 11
.. . ir. 72, tit Uniontowft, Ra. I 'Ttet;lft Resfd'004Y, Tuesday.- the Act. Itepresentativ6s of the met]- THE X119DIVE IN LONDON. 471-20; No. 3 yellowi, 433-4c, Oats- are 10,000 troops between Taku arA .
=�� With — I . of a Stir. Sit Marleis Warren reports that, th, tors And men were, conolliat ro, I x1t I . """ &TA, 1. � _*#�' ,
� � ,, I R very window on one aide I Miubraceti by the Duke at Vark ni 116 Quist. No. 9 white, 30 J -4c; No, 6 Tien-Talit. Most of those are I - . I
ILL' I .. � a . lingtou train near X448all city wall r6be 116n tit Cope Colony,. nort,h al was different from arbitrationo, Where White, 201-2o; NO.' 4 White, 29o; No. nese, who continue to pour In. `__ �
HORR ' I .11 . � -OW I � - - brokoo by hailstones. th6 orange rivori is now over. The the dispute was roftrmd'to A third A-111wimy Alation, 2 mixed, 21o; No. 3 mixed, 261-2d. Itya It is reported that all forsimsers I
1A it, .0 �, 1 4 "S 1411ing Mary Bruce, the daughter of a non. last f0ilmIdAbla body, under Commant. PfirtY. There would be no cast-iron A despatch from Landau, sayin-The NO. 9 nominally, Md. Plour-Strong. were sent from .Pekin with, a Weak .�
I iroodAvetk Itched tind 4rat-61411% 106 , . union candubto was th'town Into It anti D6 Villf6rAti surrendered on Mon. rul", as one method,might,be affed- XWiva of ftnA Arrived In London -Dotrolit, July a.-Whs4t olosed-Xot Chinese guard. and It 1A assauted tbaf
mw lemon A " pfflnifte gro,Wth,- ,ana, r,
woOkstuartt, wad. Ma"Implamen I tgkeS Out g1l dtndrUff. P�Jftd by 8t* LOUIA strikoViL, days consisting of about goo Men, Hive in I tit noon, on Wa4nedday, from 'parb I Whitt, (30,6111i 87 1-90; No- I t#a, 87 they Are With AAmlral Sermour. I
hal � It 600opyllrod. � , . . � . �
. � . Ilues rebUl I __ AZlr,.," il- XOAt Chleftgo clari dinappr6ve. 2*414trAft 18 WAggOAX, W rifles, and other. ano' 0AA0,and Another in an' ViotorlAg Whsrd Ile *d been sines he 1-2c ; July, 87 9 -to -, September, 89 - ' I (
. '10aillNe A $PRO' , 8dwsky's ftstofts of forcible chriatiallization 01 Chiba,, 10600 roi of,ammunition. In the r0i Of the COnOilik' StAw4h Dugland from Plushlug, 3tkli6 1-40. 1 ___-__0__-_" t .
I .. NOAT)Rf 11� I . -Well reports t.ua,j. . in ,
.� AtoleRt alavrlro . --- I& to fided or gra favoured by 111ahop,CralAton. "General"Wen-ro, . tloa BOarda ' I"Ingland the" wan 21. Ile ahmyod fow signs of his recent Minneapolis, July S.-Plour- virst SAY DISCORD EXIST'Sif I
I . I � - . SO .1 y net' LL 1 #4 the dgrk�.H% The post-oi at St. alairavII16 VICIfloktroul in going on natlafactarlb. . aMP16 justill6atlaft for Its adoption illness. ThA traveller was. ft($6106d oti pAtatWA, 04.00; 40ond patents, $4,10; W�ft I P .
" oxpirtt N 9 Odor of outy lift. You , Ohio, wits robbed of #OW. Thb burg ' In the. Itusta4barg dirstritst., In Canada, A's thre"16"Ittlis Of the the platform of the ObArIng Crom rail. flrot 0104ra, 000 ,. second alea, rat $9,80. Itussialis and Anglo,-Aftlerielina Do
I I � 11 .- , . * . ___*� I dt6putea were amie&Uy settled. With wity station by tho Duke of York, thin �' Br&n-Highor; io- 111bulk, $11.40, to Not 06t Along Together.
N . _', ,- I IMY'depend upon it , tar$ mIX804 it strant box tiontoll2ing I reference to this Labor Gaxotte, Ckn- Turkish Amboomdor, AnIUVWX16 #lS.50.
I . I M!Y time- It brings #601000. BELIEVED To Br- SAFE$ I ada. was long boblud other touh Pasha, and wulte, a #uKrd of bohour Duluth, Jul A do6patoh from London mays:_An
, k I health to the ligir. An ele,etto line with olgar.ahao" I .*� triom. from the. 0oldstreta Guardig, and r, Y Si-Wheitt-001 XO% I undatod'dimpatob to the 06attal News..
� ars, Which wilt make this trip train WOPSAUN Ift Pekin ThOUght, (41tA hatdi 46 8-40; July, 80 3-401, &Ptom- from TAka, neat by wti,t of Chefomo., - I
4, , . to be ND Tutmi INIoRTF,I)NESS, baud, wUloh playoa tha Xbgdlylal 0
, I . 1111-004"Ok. Allbraftko, Now Ork to (Westgo in fiv,6 hours, AM* In the &natg Ran. Mr. Parley Ask- by,0111, The Duke, Of YOXk embraced hiA beg', 86 8-80 ; Decftib6r, 88 9-40 *, No. Tumday Mys that the fares which, rd-, 11 .1
, 14ft MAN" " I h0i*6 11"d Iftt Iftiff Vigot said Is tx " of, I ,& dmipatoh train P,%rix *ftys; . Tho 6d If the Grand Trunk VAllivray Com- 111ghbeee, After lusWt, I Northoirn, 6ah, at 946 '. July, Ra 0-46; Iloved Tien.Tsla 0011slated of 2.00 ..
I , &P,
I tiota," IM NtftAly phA be the gtwrd ftumber, 86 $4a; Datiamber, Ad 34o; M4n,, Comnignded by, Major Waller, #
I _ *M With it, I 16 Wired Of farmers in the dx#triot ,CbIn,sM MiniAt6v bdx -00mmunteatod to pany owm the Gov6rnmAnt of Canada of bonour, the Shadive entered a r6yal
coit" Oftfl 11464 ond bottle of 1k mj�ryltyjt
I Zymirb" P#d fftxllk `10ftftAt4ft& Of Wabasly, Ind., ars dr9ttiftlitnig to Foreign Minister Delctaso & telegram for any oura of monty, borrIli or NO- I Nlafth6rho ft; NO- 11 AP101119i 10 this Am6rlean WArineA. The Chin �
.1 to
, I surw q4 .1, ly to
1%1 11
Imw "adigg a W4661% "d 4 Ito rrIaPf A660w"n6d by the Duke of
. fA�qyftln ..'" -
'. 1 C41t 00111 A advance tb4 Welfare of tkis Women which ho k061*64 on Tumday an. othorwift o4tsia6d ytars ago, and, " 1-40. 006-21 I4 to 980. 06ft-0 1-90. Sam wore all6ftood by the artillery
411114 1 t?UUWI" '
, lift I Oft I York. and W" dri"A to 13"kingbMA '
fi'd I xfteh $a, Mo. ;40t Wk. ,, of t2larr oottlatry.. � - tAd relievirig, for4*, wl%a tht1k advane. .
It at V( nOuAcing thAt thO RurOP&na lit Pekin If 80, wh&t is the AMOU11(to &nd whilm 'PaI406, o400rtod, by it troop of 41 T6144a, July $.-WUM-Spot, Sk,
I WA 1� I A#
a � William Marks, after it t year, July, 00 1-4e; Auffuot� 88 2-4; 86#4 *d noft the tOwA, Th6 British &Ad . .
& 11 It t 0"o so 06000i *601 "M and Well Wh6n the mensag6 do tlxo 0 vernumnt exwt it to N Swoe Quards, Ana Cheered by t14 *i*& t#n%b6r 46 3
I . C ; It I & 41411aft All ilk# aortrc�, lias found his am t 0 _80. oOrn_X6. 2, ,
I 1b I Is" 61t 02 . I . r W r
I .. # Y�ft th4 It", V"ft a 'WAS 660PAtched, but tha date is, not pRtd o"r$ taten. % I . 00-h AWO 104PA 6 6 thit firat to enter, Aft(t ."
V PO man,, 1114. A offliten t'b$r* thd ' Ladlot#d. . I Ron.. R. NV. Scott PAId tfint In the 40. W; Soptembor, 4S 1-1. O*t*-Xo. 1, they Werb followod by th& reAt of tho ,
-,- `h' , I I *W# A OD 0 ,ftrlfi
11A D
I .
, -
,..." — �1
I* 14 h
" , ,
W, " W&J,11144T -2 W rym -1 ft d" I
*W Fro
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1i ay In t,
I r4o or ,a
10 -part
I I.- ,,It a fvn,olwi�ltwuae k
- �
t( I
- . i)
I `�
�, " I -,
I I _', --��,�:
. �,o��',
6, � " .. " -
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I'll 1
i P-1 �
.1 .
I � 1vo-two # It . I , . . � 14y", I 1, kA!M. � ad the Aon witan an Infant. Tb0t WININIAr &NO Informod M. NJ. early 'fifties the Province of Okesda Oltt&6= at Dwwam 0Ity-k"#,;:w Me amb, No; &pt-sabow. ft 1_U Rys- force.
I . 321 I I 04,104 tbAt the VrMioh rsald,ant* of TAS Rumight lost four killoa
. 1#1 I . I . 0 1 Tho i'vorap slaval tarwalteria TunRIA49(�11 AtArted Aunday far Ton. Advamed the sum, of 49,111,300 ster. hartbw 0^ to the vall-Ottawa r*. No. A. eask IL Olov*r sa*d-10t. PrIms OM thirty woundod, Tho 0ber natiou.- I
I I I!! T 0i ,2t 11wris for tbo Post tau yem I& 4ain, undAr achir*," milli tug. In 1AM the (4oT,Srnn*nt P400d list f"464. 011,111 IM, Pri'016 1WO; "Qbwr, alittao atiffered trifling Joe&
. lip ft-, 0 1 I 06, 1 4 A izA�_AZ_71'_ _ 1, apy eo""" I I - .
k I
I I I . .%i- ,' , '' - � ' # ' . I . . I - ______
. " ' I . 11 .... � , '. , , .. �, �. 1.� t .
1. , '41 �� _a��
I .. ' I . 1'. " I"', - -, " �1,4! �7,�zw ", . ". ,, -
' "
I � �' .v .1.1 -
. �' "` 'I ��-� , ,��, -
V i � i I I , � . 1. �- __ __����
. % ,% ..14 . il ' i"
,�,4 11 leAkiiii 1111 11!"�IL -
"n " NEWWW— WW— bl..qP111111111=11
F.Mmor- 70% - I . -,