HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-07-05, Page 1��
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, ! -r _ _,_ -, , — k0PQ4Q0;~40i~ khloe~ �Orf I . 01400A 000010 0041010o 41010A0011110 . Cemetery— . . VARNA, 00106111c" TOWN$HIP. 11
. I . I - A baseball Match between the senior 200 tickets were sold .at Clinton ONSIDE THE TRUS9 SeedGras4 . a,) , -' .
I ., . . I I I School Report. Me following is
. . I I . � i nines of Ooderich and Clinton was station on Monday, . I . . I U. Carter, work 4 W The farmers In this vicinity are near- Standing,of the pupils In 3.0. NO3 f" 4
, 1 � . . -
.. . . . . In " In , . � I plAyed In 1-tocroation Park on Friday Cautolon Bros. shipped 7,00 pounds SX.Scoo.t, 11 710 ly all busy haying, the mouth of.Turjabwd 9n rogulartilT,% -1
� I I � Jayaneze ,China,. I afternoon )qstand resulted in an easy of butter this week end 4�000 dozen of Tho Town Council Decided on Mon- W. Steep, 46 8 Z11 Xr.,J, J Keyea and wife of NAshville pancturaity u4 � I .�
, � . 11 proficiency.".
. I I . � . victory for the home team by a score eggs. , : J- Danford, " 300 Tenn., returned howe on Thursday 1. �
11 . , day Night That Oranolithic Walks kb,Claso.- � air.,
. .., � I I ofl7to% Another Leag . I R. Reynolds, salary 3000 last to, spena We summer vacation . � I
. . I � ,�Ond .. . I . go game -was Mr. 1), Do Kennedy has sold his to Be OUR on Residence $treat$ I . . I . hoTo., � Or. Uh.-Uddls .1 11 " , ".,
. � Wedding Presents to have been played in Goderich yeater- driver to Mr. .To W. gill and Is now 0alarles-, 0 )a ,
. I . . lboo. WAlker Ana - wort 4re building Jr. 4-th.-ChArlotte 0 lborne, Am 4 S " -
�� �� . � . day, but -is the HuMs pitcher Was not without a horse for tile first time in Will So Placed Outside the Tree,5. Thq%,Oottle, assessor co 00 . I
I to . I . , I Hays, Goldis Rill. � .
. I , the stonework under 4. aoUntitonou Sr. Boa. 11111111�11 ,
- I so
.. li I i I I avail&ble a substitute bad to be obtain. thirty years. I I . . _Ru&"U $0&11 Ka , ,
�. I . I. I . Robt. Walsh 14 Now Chief Con. . 111ROUIPTat barn this -week, ' , ox Mitir, -
,, . . i OX
. ", .. I- . . . e4 as made an Px1atill- The Misses Holmes, from Onelpli, i . , ,
�� - . . I . 0. I . .and thegawo w, � I. . I I I Stock S04166 $ 1710 ' Ethel Smith, Xelvlqpu,. Ethel Lovett, , ;
I . , . I 1. . . . . I . Plod one. . I tilsoliburg and Paterboro,roturned on ' stable, , . . I . . market Scale$' 915 . Oglelfamuevof Toronto IsvIsiting Alva Beacom, 'V�dutio6�cow,', Cavria , ... I
� � - , . . - Monday t6 spOind the holidays at thgIr � I . at So Rathwell's. this, week, W11 . "' � , . I '� I
I I - 400 � UeSauday- School of theSuglish , . �
. '. ,. , Bowil.; coat-sto. - Rent of 00.e ' - Butt, rearl. Wrigh � It . . 11
I I I . . ,. Potring tile lastfew years the demand foo Japanese , home here. . I . The questron.of whether the granO. I ir 1000 Jr. ard.-CaryI. , Lottlo SW "
I An interesting game. of bowls was oemptery I . . t oft picnicked at Bayfleld on $atkir- � .. . ", -, �
I . . I . . . China has been steadily increasing, and almost miss -Ethel Ranwell, Belleville, lithlo walks to be built shall be placed " chur clair, Ernest Oha � .
. . : . .. I � ev*ry wholesale house is Making.t& specialty of it. played upon t4e Green on Thursday , I A , .. I , b - I . it ,�,
. I I . graduate of Woodstock training. school Inside Or outside the trees has been day lastand the Methodist and Pros y Sr, ga .-Aimle � Is HdVA
. . , m . . I . -, , -The reason is, we presume, bevausetbe, goods are evening, last between four champions for nurses, is the guest of *rs, 34-1). much dis�ussad. There,were many DAYFIELO. . . terlan. 19chools picnicked' At fl d I, - ager, k:
�� . $ . . hesame Hardy -c Lona, So ' k Ida, Colborno, 1.
! . 11 . prettier And more tastily decorated than other , of Bligla ' ' r(tt'(1.
. , lid I I
I ', 1) - . . lines and more reasonable in price . . ,, viz., John Ransforit, W, Smith tot, A few days. Ins bat still more Onts and at Monday place on Monday, Varna was almost , �_ . I
. . . . . I . I I I
, . , , . . . I I I . I . Jackson, YacobTaylor-and John liar- I . I came nighVe weeelag of the town council it Mr. Will Baird. was in: town last Sat- . . Lorne Butt, , I , -
, 7 , . . I .
I., ,� "I � . , I I I . - � . I . I tea the . . The Missee Goode of Toronto' . "'day, ; lo, . . . deserted on the 2nd. Jr. 2ad.-Gortlo. I Bella, B.All, 6..
, .. .. . land, .and what, Vvas designa xCursion a . s decided that the vialks -sliould be � -Mr, and Mrs. J. Barber and ,Bertha I I �
, .
. 11 , 1.�� 1. 1, Wc have'last Opened tip , I . I . W .- up by yesterday's 0 .ud spent wa . 1,d ' B - I Bildle Far u t . I . .. . I
I I , isi F. . al a , q
% 0orUserew-Brigade,consisting of Do A., I .1 (id -Miss, Toad of Gode Robb drove down from Robb to Varha
, . , � , ,
. .. .1 ... .. I . . . . . Forrester, Too Rattelibi the day with their cousins, Mrs. R. J. . placed outside the trees- Councillor rich'wbeeledto town last Saturday � , on . I
.. ary, Jao. Pair . Pb. 2nde-Willie ffin ' Murray " �
I I . I I- .. .1 I I I 1. 5,oasesjof begee )in one of the lar, CanteJou and Xrs. Okla Cooper. , ' Johnston favored the inside position Friday last., Mr. Barbor returned Dr4per, Grant Archer, X stil. gat . � " :
�. I , I l . ge � Cases, *bich we secured at a very and 1). -L. Macphereono ' , I)eli � - safer for I I 011ie will
, .
.1 I 9t In Pot ,,, ,goods, direct frc I The Messrs, Jowetb Bros, took thble tug to h on'Tuesday but Xrso'Barbiir I I L
I � � , . I .. � . which he eved to be , .
� � . close figure . Dr, Thompson sold t9 a 18eafoxth' -ad Bon7d to giver excarf,lons. on the 1311a,13eactord,, Earl Mason .
J � . I . # ''. .1 the seventeolith end, when darxiiess . ' Gra . . � Ird
� 1, I I .. . , of the 'man I b week-lils s ad$,, drivor for a pedestrinas and while,less dusty in the visit friends In flamburgliefore return
. . . . . . set in, was , IS to 8 In f,ty as. .pe I I q .. . . ., , � .-As.a, Xaiv,,
. � � : . X. The line cow *sea Alad Bowls, Chocolate Sets. lob, , . Sr. Pt. lat I
I pri , . or handsome figure and has since bought summer time would also beless muddyin Ing home. , 11 I
� "-"., I . . I plower Pots, Plates, Cups and Saucers,. Cream and Brigade. I . , I Mr. Geo.'Balr4, Sr., is condu Erma Jordan, Howard
L I �111 I . . I , . � a younger driver *which gives promise bbe rainy season.. In Wingliam the etIng Mrs, R. McCool and son Earl of Myrtle! Beacom, -
Sugars, Butters, Mustards, Five o'clock Tom Sets, . , Aullitations her .
11 - I 04rden FOM. . - . . . . of. being fast. The Dr, is forid of ett walks were outside, hub In that� town the Junior Leaving ex .a . Drambo v1sito,.1 under the parental
;� � 1-. I . � , I . . , I etc. - . I . .. . . 1 . 1. . 1i . I the trees were six feet froin the line this week, Some eiglibeerl. candidates. to I of on the first of July and returned Jr. Pt. lab. -Annie Ball,
� I . I I I ., .� I . . Thegarden party given in the rec. - good horse., � � whil � a in Clinton nine, M arewriting Otogetlier, flye from our h . I ,clalr, Mary Suit th, Staul
... I I � . r.Johuston' . COW on Tuesday, I
I I . . ,. A lacrosse match will be played in Samuel Barr, Unitea,'t
; - . , . You will find the prices very low. I . � . � 1. tory grounds on Thursday evening last Recreation Park On Rrid Afternoon asked for uniformity and a ruling one own.p. S. . Mr. Pilgrim of Guelph, father of our
� "I 0 � .� . � . . � I 1 . was a. largelyqtttended and very suc- 017 . . the other as it would not be Mrs. .Go W� Holman and family . ,. . ar tailor,visited him on the first. Lovetb.-C. A. Tebbutt, Tea,
.1 I . . . . . . . I cossful affair. The teature of the even- between the Exeter and Clinton teams. way or . spent the past week vl' popul I Mr. adil Mrs, John Tellb. ,
I I I � . I - . - . . . � I -Works,o A lively Add well contested game Is just to enlarge one cltlzert`a lawn and. I I e,iting in Ue and returned home on Tuesday. . last week after visiting, ,
I . ing wao, 4, �i Ja I y WA . . neighborhood of klensall, While Mr -
rle� ,
I . .
. .1
� . We Cooper:& Co., - .�, .� .- expected.. As usual, the ladies will be not that of the other, . I So 0. Rathwell, thevillage p4thinas, - 11 . I
,.. ..: hc er Z.Isink, th`e perform Holman. was conducting the; Entrance tqr�, is Ing the village sideWalks Guelph, I I
- I
I I ... . . . . . . 1. � .1 ) � � . Councillor Ford thought walks. plac� examinations there, � . , . getti Quite 0. number Ir , om, 4 , , .1 � . I
I . I ) ers all dK ' exceedingly.well. . The admitted free. . . I I
I . ( �Y)C'
11 : . . —. CLINTON. ) receipts were large and the promote're. .Mr. J. T, 9110MOVE04, movea this ad outside the, ,trees looked best and . -fixed up this week and not before it is . -t
� . � . . . I . . Rev.� So Go Y.elland conducted his . Maitland concessions went to
� I � 11 __ . 11 I I � . . I I . I � ) e. enter. week into the house he has. bought the experience of other towns hadbeen , needed eiffier, I . -
� . . I . . I � . so� please4 with results that th . first service in the XWiodist church - social in So So No. 5, � 11111lott"
I � I , . . . . . ()as, It" no satisfactory., 3'. Clark, B.- A. Higgins' coachman
;' -ate4qee'e-e talee iae�a 49e . ee&96eeefil tainnieut was xerteated on Tuesday A ow Mr. Hugh R is 01 � at ,quite Winham says I day. evening oflast week,
�- I.: _� , - - � -_ - I I -_ .1 I . ' was 6atside and so does Brusselsi Mr. Ford last Sabbath arid created a very favor, and saleman, is a, hustler, OR the -16t , ;
� I I I � . .I evening. when ,it was again well &t- dwelling and well fitted up and . I I I Mies Clarice Laithwalt.
- � . I o Able impves.sion, Mr, Yelland is a good I at I
I . I - . . I .. . .. . I . . I I . 1, . I nount to bought bk'Mr. lEimmertori at less than, also contended that it would allowof 9, ' .." � .,he drove A� load. of Sunday School pie- Nassey-HaTris. wb, I
I I r/ V . . . . . . . . . . I . . � � I tended. The receipt� will at . . I . � . I I ightipgI, about. speaker - arnest preacher. 'e, . '� � ael.
I . � . . . . � over one linn4red dollars. . Rev -,Mr. Shaw leftfor his. new home ,I- U i. I. A . Scouting parties
, I f it cost Xr,'Ross. I . I bebberaystew. of street I . and a very e� . w kera to, '.,Hayfield-. and. while they - .
I I �
, . I see tj . see . I
� . I
� . I
. � ,
. I I I . I - .
: � � I . .Have you tried Eze the . - -
., . 1. .
. . .
, � '': , �- New Washing Compound ?
, . � .
k I . . ..
I- - .
I , . Absolutely no rubbing'required. I
I - I . , I Saves your time, saves yourliands, '- ,
I � Saves vour clothes. � I..
� . It extracts the dirt without ru . bbing-
I I and its ingredients arb'gualianteed,to
, I
I .
� , � I be positively harmless., .. . . .
� , . I
I 1.11, . . . HZE is sold at So per . :
I . I '. � I .., . -package. I .
I . ,
, � I
I I I I I I 11
11 �, I �� TrY OUP 5 O'clock Te.? I ..
. I
I .1
I . .
I . I
, . I
I - :. r I . ". . - ... .q. I
I I 1. . I �. 1,0 i ,
� . . I., . ��, . c.. package -4 flavors
.,� I . , . . . . '' , . 1,
P, , ". ' - ' I
11.14, ,� I , We..havelusb'opened an,. iniporb of
. ": �11 ? �", 8 -" .
A ; .�, OTOR AOT-TC.,GOODS, consisting
I .1, 1. il . 7 f To& Vote, Coffee Pots,'Bums' Grace
il , � "I , I _, �,W,,kls, Handled Beakers, Sujiars and
t I � Ore4ms,- Hot- Water� Kettles, etc.
1, r. I These are all new goods with .quaint.
�,, I I �.�tos on them.. ,
1�1 . - , �, 11 11 -11 Our Stock of China is nearly 611 new,
. I I I . � Rev. G. J. Abe rector of the, Eng- which there had been constuvraule . , were enjoying emselves a a . .
.1 . .� � . . ys I I in- J�Parxillletr,, laWThursday. Before olat and.aold eighty rod of B, .ws won, South Africebut we uti-4
Death in Mr. Dunford's Family., � : lish church, Brussels, will conduct the complaint Along our well -tread streets. . I unknown peroona as. � - de,
I � v leaving Mrs..Shaw was made the recip- derful s . ,� . . , �
. Yesteiday morning ,death invaded. services at Holmesville, Middleton. and Anpther Argument h4adv4iiced was . . lab fence, This fence is becom. I 11
, ienb of a handsome, present ,by her I - I . I 810 capture the � e. , I by.'10
.Would . . ng very. popular among th6farmers in . �
.tbe )ionic, of Mr. James Dunford, and Summerhill next, Sunday, when Roli thA the ,outside walks keep I . .. . five4aundred—n
. . . �
. I many friends in this place. . . , I 17100111 061ale
bore his I'a,briglib C6 om, driving ,on And ruining . this section of.couribry. � I .. 1
away ,youngest C11111 mmunion will be administered in all farmers # 1 f , .1 . 1. ,.
hi and 14 throe churches. . I I . . I the boulevard. , % .. I : . : W.6 regret very much to Announce 'Tho.Quglish ciiareb. people, are, getto, but bull, rogs. . . . I
little baby girl of 11: mont . I I I . 'Mr. Gi W. .Woods, continued illness. . ap '. a � nd 9f Goderich wak�
. . . . . ' miss Holl . I . �
days. The little one apoeare& 'to' be - The Goderich and Clinton junior bal. Councillor Combo said.that the wish- I . ing their church rep ered. - T. Grave, I . .
, . . .
. ..
qui'�a.lvell when the family left on Sat. -friendly contest on.Mon� I as of the people ,Who petitioned for Mri Woods has not had good health of Seaforth is doing the work. �, . gaest of Miss, C., Laithwalto over �i , . 1'. ". -.-�,.,_. � -�,, "� � �,
. . I I . 1. I � I .. �
. . teams bada . . and repentl he has con- day. I � I .. . �: �� I . ,.'� "., -
. urday to spend a, .Con Is Of days In n Thogame was a lively walks should. be harkened to I and as ,for 89MO.b'die, . y I Win. � Wiley, and Go ,Dowson had d , - . . . a. , . 111�`- �
I .0 I . day after Con. . . . ttdot6d congestion of the lungs add I 0,A,Tobbutt, ominlein �,# , '. 1,11 1�, �1,.Ii,
Brussels but succumbed a. few, hours on4eandthe interest maintained until they ,Were asking for, outside bli'We. I I . I . I successful ilarn.raisings on Thursday' I . � � � �� , ,�-
I - a-. i4th -
' now he is in a very critical conditioni �, was rusticathig. at home on . .1k,
� s all ild go. , ,There I and Friday of last weak and will soon I I �., . "I
after their return home. - The funeral, the last man was out when the score where the walk tot . .1 . . Mrs. Henry Beacom. left oil Saburda�.'il ,
. .. 064 "it, f a' . , , . We regret very . ranch to make this -. . . ''.. I ., ".-.*'--1' N�
at' I v of Clinton,. should also be uniformity. . on the , , . . have their barns.ready for use, . . . . , I f,�
I 0 . . , .. I Ill .^ " �. I,";, z,
ok la6e to Brussels this morning . 9 to IS r announcement As Mr Woods is An 'e'ses for Chatham where she, wi visit. " 11, ""' �,�_ 'I
I *
. to I to-morrq , . drew anif per' � I I. 11 " P', I �*
w h e'rp w afternoon ,the re- On Wednesday qvening of last week � streets,. It would never do. to have an � I . ble citize n va . ad . I I . Stella An ey Wanless - - I .
. . -tim a 14 a In member. of� w , rote on the R ntratibe eiekin. last week. son. for'a, month or soo- . ,
I a , I . . I I.. 11 I '. ��
I .
. . . I . , , .. . I I '-
mains will',be interred iu� thei fami Y Miss Attie Macdonald of Detroit wag iti;Andwont Walk on the same stree�, thecondoll. . - ,, , I The township council met a�C�0,4,0x, , 11 ""., , ,
, � , .
plot in the cem'e�6ry at that place. - utlited in iiiarriagO to Rev. Mr,'Dickle .. Councillors, Walker ...and -Boacom I I . . . in Bayfield. Ina Andrews, J...'O. Keyos, . I , ., �11
I . 1 . . I . � I - . . . I � . - Mr. Jas. Ferguson, Who has been livw . . , I to adjournment on Juno 25th. MinuU!0,,,. ' I !
I I �
I I . Tl� bride is a dan , . . . Norm . * � `�'� , ", ;�
. . I . 'Ile , gh- both protiounced.4a favor of the out- atl4
, I of Orangayi , . a! . an Purdy are writing on the --� � -P
I or. Gifford Creates a Favorn 'ia1,Pf03shA1- . .ing im Port Har,on III: g the � . I �� . -tug read and passed . Uo'IN: � ,,. �_, _t
ble drin summer, of last meet . �
. . . . . . . . � , , - �,
. � . I - I tep of the. Igto Rev. Dr. Macdonald, at side, . The. streets would look better, ,Leaving this woft, I � I � ". . , ; , *� I , ,
I wee on . � . . .,_�, .
. raing . � . . I . John§toli�:That petition of R.S. Dr4pa, -, . " I.! -
I ' ,
. I . ing Saturday and Sunday, retu I . . ddleton,s conAed by, . 1" , , I
Rev. Dr. Gifford,.Whosucoiieds Revoi. . visited his� wife and friends' here, dur� . ad by JohnMI a !_1
. . I . one time of C ' t n, but more recently they thoughb� the boulevards would be . . . Xt* H.:E, V air leaves this k '
a . I . . I . . . I . .�, "'r.:_ `q
. Mt, Olement as pastor; becupieil. the � and up.to A �J'a, Oag4O'Qf Se).iforth,' � better.cared for and'thorre would also . � I .his Balancer Taention. I . - �'�� t!
. . I I . I it 24onday,; acco panted . t the. and others .,be granted,reqiaesting fib$. 4' ",
in . I �
pulpit. of the Ont&rio stideb church to the Port o � ,.... A mile aritt. Win. 3564ttv'spen . 14f, I
. � I
I . TJ,ie:.Ioliy Pulls will , give outertain- belesswidthof street -to. be.,kopbAn. � I � � . I I . I , . a union 6chool section be. formed.: I w- I" ��' ' .'
, . . . .. . . .. . 1 by NIn C. Paldoner. ', � " - - _ . . �.,,",.., -
, I _ first under the par at roof. . . ,,, I
morning and evening on Sunday la.A ant . I ' � I
I � .. twee . I ��', .;��.' �- � I
. mentsinthetown-ball ow'Thursday, c9riditioni . I I . I n Hallett and God6fich t6wnshlo; .. I
. , I I
Ond preaebed'-InStrUctxveiy -without . I .. I . . ` We�undors,band our old mail Carrier' ' . W. F. keyei has bad to increase his . I . "I _.
, '' , ad 4'. . I �
. I . I I Friday and Saturday_�evenjngs,of this - ' Mayorjat�kson'said the back. streets . W, ,�i . � 49
� . ' '
. I . &'I n secured .. andthat William Coate be appoint
I Mr. James McGeeo:� has ag . taff of workman and has secured, the I I I
ceremony. or display . on his' taking -week. The3t come highly recommend- were too wide and -the laying of the . s . 1* I . I
, . , I .the contract of carrying the mails, as . arbitrator" for: Goderielit. - towushi.PA .'., �',
^ ' � . � I
, � . . I I I � .
charge of this dhurcb, In his intio-' ad tirid present an entire change'Of Pro- -new walks outside the VfQuld, as service of ,To Macleduan an:d J..Maxw. . � , - �, - ,.,;��,
� . � � . . , - . . . ", . ..
. . the ' successful tenderer for the Sea- I Move,d by 1� Q. W.' Williaiiis,'secoad.ottA .'�: �11 �`� , � I
� I . I .. _
ailctory. remarks .'h6 paid a graceful ,, .each nighto ,They. Appear bere a matterof course, narrow the,-ro4d- . I well. . . A"
. � . I . gram . . . I I . forth route has thrown It. a ". We - - . . ,s I , I � . I by J.'C'.Woods, That. the fOIIQWidgL � 4W, I 1,.; �
tribute to Up., Edge, . Mr. Switlij Mt- 'tinder the auspices of the O.'O.F� . bad and make 16 less ex onsive to keep . - . . '11. .. p I - . . . . 1 . � I - I 11 I I 4-, �
I . . , . . . I I I I p 'I, - 4- .. 4— bdt so fjv� � � . I 4,ountsbepa'id:�.-NAl'7S-RECORDipri-O. ,-...,..
I 11 I I - . I .1 'T I I . I I . � . . �$ �', LL
. I . IL � . boarlif sincowe moved. � . � . I �. , ''. '' 0 aAd M Were -big ..,While pruning. trees. At All at a 10kyl. . . . . RIN., i�g skm. W Mulhoilland;,vollairto .. �, I
. r. Clement, who ,i Thomas up. � He con&.not see that the out id AUBU
, *
I . � .
k� , - , .. . I . . :. " : . , . : I . , . . . . . theyll,%ye,been4or6lose together: that -, . ':. . . . . ,
, I . I . .. I . I .1 I I .. . I , I .. I I . � I . . ; -
"'' . I . I � ,... . .. pre ecessors'. The church was comt� ;R&nce's.'on Saturday lastv Mr.- W.T., position would'mako it. more'cUnger- . � .�. I 1, � .. I — * � 'V � , L"
I I --��.,,_ , * . ' I I � no a parent benefitis realized as yet. � " I .. ! - I I
. . scraper, $1.6Q +j T. J. Marks, .&Ilar 'to '
� '1� " , � 1. We have just opened up a crate ot : i � K, tottably flLiledo.n both occasion$,' The � I hich .ousbat thogght.�the citizens would .p_ 1. ,. Mm Beadle i5,*improving.slowly.. -1 By-law'94�4cr-ih . , ' 7'.
'� . : 1. Dinner Sets, prices ranging from $6 I . I � . . � .. . . . S16marl metviith an &cc aenkof w � Dominion Day was celebrated in . I . township, $237,70. o" � ,. ,
I -
., . � ' I I
V , , F, ,,, � .., to $12, and we expect another cr4te . . . I . . ... . . .� I rover -end gentleman was also ,present he will bear.maiks for several dayso. take greater 1�terebt in. keeping their t - he usu' � . j . body staying ' Mn J. Nicholson baembved big stab- . passed. Moved ' I 7
. .. � I .. . ' I I road,was .� 0�1 _�
� . I
�-) ; ," this weekthat will range in price from, I YOU . . I � � I .. . at Sunday School in the af Wrnoon and The knife'lie was using WRORYIP9 up- boulevards well -trimmed add tidy. � al Way, ,by ever , le ou�. t,.) the fk6at of his lot and in.' ,� , ''
" , :, � " - - . . . . I , . I . I . ig the. many I I s ded'by, Jis. Jo �.�
- , . . . . . ia�Ilents of Victoria , . . - ,; ,
I I I � at home and eatertoAti,in � tend& converting.'. 0A into a harness . . a �.1i
, , ,. jl_;�*_ I .
, I I a
�. , *12t6*95. Nearly.everyone likes I � out to'tbe' on th .nd the , The followlnp� . . . . That. this council do.atst I I I __1. -4. I �
i I , , gave, words of. encourageip . a 'Step ladder when it fell al re picknickeis wlid'visited our town. on I . I �, - �� . . . . . . . ���
� 1 . I,_ .Aoseenioe dishes., Call: add see them I.' . ed. - . . ol' generally,: ' t, gratiolithic . . I. . I . I . , , '- front-, MAt on , 1,
I. . � , Lb� . . . . . officera and Splidw' 190ho . blade struck him on . the forehead in- .Street' east asked that. b I . ere shop. �. 0, I � -,�!, -,, , 7.
,,; -whether yoxi waritto buy or,nQt. . � I . . , , , . . I 1. money bit- a sid road a
, . ., I . . . . I that day, and ill ' were scarce f6wer . It ,,� I � . ,*i-, �-, .
11 . � . . . .1 I assuring them of his wArniest SYMPa- flicting an ugly gash.' hich had to be Walk be laid from. High to, .. Kirk � . M�. and Mrs So, Marshall are vial -: c6rcessioU �o gaitlandRiver 6AW I
. . . I . '.
I , , I . . . 1. W . 0-vor , #,Vv .a . , , ",
11 � " . I I . . I � than a -dozed picnics and everybody Ing th� forme;�s brother ,%�b Fort Erle lo . , I ". ,,,,
, , ,
�,-.,,, i";--;,_ Fair's Best Famlly'Plour . . to one of those - shoe ghost stories thy andlaterest in this and ail branch, stitched up- hy the doctor: streets -,-T.D. Johnston, Xrs.'$han- a ad' . d !in i " d want . I and cqj2ces§l�T')J 40 - 'P �,-
, . � I tWW a'ad 51, Haiti I . - I -
� I , .. . 11 . . 6 a to haVe'a goo It . a an . . . . I � � . . ' I " ,
I I` ' ' - $1.7 1 I rqgularprice. $3 reduced tb $1.75 as of.the .0hureWs work, . . . . immediately after the, general ser- ,non, Geo, Ao Rorke, Miss Oonnolly,� in at present. , � equestedby,a delegation from 001'.' , "'I ,
. I- -I. I - Oper cwt. .. .. . . . . . I I . .1 .. . ' homohappy,'withOut Mishap Or 4137- r � , - 1 ;
. I I � . - them dear., yl,it to Glinjig ,Lodge So 6, il.. , : ; . TICes next Sunday mdraing at the Rat- W. Wheatley and F. B. Bill ' The . me. &na .Mrs. oheisy, and'daugliter i council ids6iir , , � .
- ., �,,�: , __._'� , . I I and.� you found . . . . . . , . bOV40 township, The I a* '� * ,, ,
I ,
I .
,., I . �.�� 1�, . . , rom May 1,5 . we close at ' . I I . I . .'' . . . . ,.S. p" petitiori was id: Will, go thing tmpleasafit� happening, to .mar Eloa: retur ad home last . week fro4i ad to Meet on the first Monday in.&' ' ."; ", , -.,?
� . , I Please note f . When you want, Shoes again call Mr. John W. Carter of Toronto, the toubury. street church the Lord!s a _ received all . the aay, - -, � ' - I .. .n I P� . �;
. I ' ,
�. .7 p.m. during the summer months. I . .at 11. J. CLUFFIS whe � your . ill b dis ensed. Pastor Howson through the usual form.' ... � . W, their daughter at Learning- - tembe , Clerk " �� , I � �i
I � I I . � � - . I . . I . . . . re � Supreme 6iand Secretaryt as well'as a . per w a. . p , . .. . I I . I . The pier has at.lasb been, completed I vIsItId . . I I . . r,-;Iixon. Stutity, - , ,. :�r - � , ,.,., �f
. I I . . . I . dw Acting - a$ � � . ' . ana .
, , , I . . . CA only �MRU . take for big morning subject I ITfie' , As Chief Wheatley is U . ton, : I . . Mrs, William Je king of Jaullitt, , � ,
1, I � � I I shoes, C they are will . . . 11 , , , ,
. : . I � I �. . . Past Grand President, of tile Son$ of Add Mr. Ross of Brucefteld, the fors- -
. -
I , 1. . . O(9L,B COOPBR & CO. worth add worth what they cost. ' . . 3enkials and non.essentials for admisn Inspector of granolithic walks, Mr, aae a good Me. So Caldwell has returned home berson, John Jertkins� vi4t4d-36i-'1"..'71%'
. . . . .. . olent Society, .Visite esi - . ma J I.. ' ' -
I I � I, .4 I I � 1. . . . � . � .. I.: � . . England . tedev a d!s table." Evening Sub- Robert Welsh was appointed ,'chiet ,a of the works, ha� wa O' r spendin.g a .week Th0o. Webster of the Oth c6noesil _ ,
I .. . � ... s ay, eyeni�g sic;6 to the Lor fr�i in London ofte . wf� I.: .'.�
I I I Clinton Lodge on Wedfiesd I job of -the Work. We understand that . I ..
, I, .11 ' . ' I I ' I . I . . * c. Jecb, "A text in Marble." , After next constIibl.6 in his stead, with all,the . - visititig, . . .. '149t,week. .' .�. * . _,, ��' 1; 11 I I
, I . . . Corneratore-Searlas'bloel;, Phorne,23. ClUffs *ban he gave a practical and instrit . . ither Appropriation -of 6 few - thOus- I
� - � . � I I Ro J. � I ' . Howson will rest for a few powersand 'Ivileges pertaining there- anc � Mr, William lVacdonald is improv- 1 31' , a. d Urs-, John Dempsey vww: �- * -
: . I I . Cash for Butter aud,Eggs. I I . � I tive address on the rise and progress of I Sunday Mr . . . � . . pr , I and has been made to extend the . . � . . r n
. � � I 1". . I . A,
I .1 � I I . . . 1b, � . . .. . I - . . - . � . . . . I the sociat I still in its infancy, with its weeks. I ." . . � to. Mr. W,elsh was for some years. an , I Ing slowly.. . I . .. � . their daughter, Mrs. Thowag,'W661.er , I
. � , , I 1. .
. I I � y . . out].50feet farther,oub. , , �
.., � ., 1nM"Tr5T!!t I . _ . . . : * : .- . � , I - r south pier ab Mr. and' Mrs. R. � Robertson are
I I � .1 . . . , , of a The. Wifighain Time's has how enter official of the co, por&tlon to which he , of Lucknow, during thIi plipt we�k .. .1
I . � , : . s magnificent growth add prospects � If this is done add the mouth of the . . . .
I- p. 4 . I o * THE TWO A XS. � - - 16 '. I ' , ing the* lat with. relatives at *r ,t3 � ''
- , I 0 . , 6 . . . .0. . I still greater enlargement in the future., edupon !.to fourth,year tinder the man- , rendered good service and it goes with- � spend. . . . Mr. Charles Coolt of the Lake 8
. .. . . I I � . , I . . . . I � river dredged out: the Bayfield.har- . . I I . � - . - t-1_1
.. ". . . . — . . . leident of Mi, H. B Elliott, who pub. oub.saying that he willbe an 'efficiant I Grand Bond. .. I . . Roadhasabig yield;'--;� 311.
. .. . . The strong.ties of nationality arid �-ag ' . I . . bor w I leis visiting hat this as& �v . I -
I . I . I . .
, . . I I ._ . which is a credit to him . . Ill be one of the beat in the prov-. . Miss Charlotte Bead I Ula
,_" L . . . � . . . I . , , I . I . - . I . d cause Unglialimen and their'des- lishes it paper . and argusoeyed Chief. I . � . 1. . . . .. son.forwbiohlie'li ' as.o.b,��ia I
. . .��I_ � -
.1 � � I Shir � I . . . . , 1�. . bloo ince add the Safest on Lake Huron's. � . � � 11 ,
� . . . � � .t - . . I - dauto to give this $o6jety their both typographically and, from 0, news Mr, R. Reytiolds, caretaker of 'the 1. I.. . By Another correspondent. �..: in other at present. , . I . good price. Fromt,hirieerisquare ' I ,
I con � � . I I
.1 . . .. . . I � I : I. I I : I . ' that standpoint, The advertising Columns -, asked the council what I . 11 Mr., and Mrs. Mackenzie and family he will have"he estimOes� -at li4.i #** - �� � � q
. I.; �, summ-er S I I . �.. . . . . hratchoice, Mr. Carter believes 1 I ' . cemetery -Rev. P. C. - Jennings,. (Do - V,,) wi n . . , . . , . , I
�,� � . . . . . . I I ' nsall are visitin - bud4red boxes,
. , , I . . . . . I I I I the Times ' well patronized by tbe. should be done With the old iron I Of He I ,g.i thisneighbor His good, or' � W � 4.
1, I I � I I . . . . . fraternal insurance can be . safely � of . are . I I . preach to the Orangemen in Bayfield . .. . . I I P * I W . I
- 1 f a shortag
� I . . . ' 0 a remains of old monw , , I . mrif a shortag l6o i , �, I
. . . I I . affected on 6 than, tb� business men of Winghata and *a ar and storitsi th . ervi6e hood. � Others *=plamof a shortag
. I . . . I I I . . I � cheaper line . I . � . onsanamynexii, commencing a * Mr. And Mrs, To CWUe of Dungan- tocareful culti*ation. Mr, doli'" .' -
I ., If you have not already bou I rance by pleased to hear that the other depart- me I or
,, . . 6 your Summer Shirts come and I ,litswitich-had given way tobettor at 10,45 a. in. and to the Orangaidert. in . j
. see our stock. Our Colored Wh1itts are the latest patterns, beat pregent; rates of stock insu I ments are In ail' equally Satisfactory ones, * The matter was referred to the . Ives
� I It. few day rivom quite a revenue from pj�idg *4 ,
I , . � reason of the tremendous expense -of Varna the same day at 6.30 p. M. I non spent, a with relatt . .1
I coloreAn4bigh grade goods, PricesSOcto*2., I I . . I I � . . " I I 11
I . . I I I ndition. usual conitaittee to be deali with. � Mr. at, the pro�erty of Air. � . . I the cakapere. - I I
I . . . . I . . the one Compared. with, the more Co. The ste&mbo . .0 ,
I I . I I
� I I I . . I . I . . I I . ther. ' . Xr, F. W. Hovey of Trinity Univer, Reynolds is 0, -very painstaking care- . I . . young sons.'recently � arrived it th . �
,w. t . I economical machinery'of flie o I ' I Win, Jowettt presented a tidy appearo I . SUMMERHILL4 I .1 . " I
� . . . .
I . .
I . . SHORT BOSOM SHIRTS . . . . . . '. . sity has taken the scholarship in men- taker and keeps GoWs Acee neat and I t of the harbor on , � I . . � , home of Louis Alsworth and Donal
. �
I I I I � . Calecroala Wheat* . I I tal a . nd moral philosophy in, his recent trim, , I . . .. . . I ance as.she sailed. on Mack nzie of the first 0 - s9bli,"�- . re - 1,
. . . I ; . I I Mr. Do 13, Kennedy and Master Will examinations, . -Combs, chairman of"the Saturday, Througli,the kindness of Mr and Mrs, Brownlee of SeafOrth they a or"co
�1. . . White are the. most comfortable. Prices,00 an cl*f.115. - previous to his final ex Captain Mr, Jowetb the So So children enjoyed speni Runday with friends here. preparing for & keneral election. ; I
I � Unlaundried White Shirts, In thesewe have,special value at returned on. Monday from' a pleasant, amination it! arts. This scholarship is Charity 16 mitte , -presented the re- Id Mr. Alft.,Ostjord of'. thefth, o6no.,pilit - '
. . ... � . . I , com , a - � P1 . I I - '
I . I Soo., .. I . � . trip to Brantford, . HagarsvillO and awarded to the pupil of the highest quest of John Cotton for, assistance in .a, free ride, which was appreciated to I Mr, Robert Murdle of Seaforth: . -visib to friends�in and in, the vicialt I I
. I . � I . . .: , , . . 'latter place the the full, , - I . � a visit to Mm John Bullard, on Tues. a . . I 13 I � I
. . .. - I - I . .1 � Caledonia.. At the . y standing in first class honors of that ps:Ying his rent. The Fathers expreg-' . ails for Sarnia this week, day I I of Wingliam recently* kle, says
I . . . . . .. visited thd old homestead,which is now ' . Mr. Ross 9 . I ii- 1# *" , I .
11 . I departmenti, Our Collegiate is jualtly sed regret for Cotton hub thought that �. . - . crops are, looking $Von up thAt '� I
. . - Nlab� are, our'. Snedalty. , ; , . . � thipropprby of Mr. S. Carionowhollas pro d of the success of Mr. Hovey, and , as assistance would only be a drop we undoistarld I with another load or Mr, Montgomery of Wingliam paid MIST Collins of Kineardine Wts,tho -, ` '_ .
. . . . a- I I . a now . . , .
. I I . . . I I . . forty acres of splendid wheat which I . pointpos. our burgh a visit on Xonaay'everang. . Walter Weston _Ori - Sat-
;. - . . � . his many friends eongratu late him on I, the bucket; that his better plan ' f . % ,
. .. We have the. best make in both. StraW and Pelts, . . was rapidly ripening and will average ess. . would be to take a ticket for Castle We are sorry, to bear of the !lines . a Mrs.McBried of Clinton spent 0, flow gucat o Mrs . ,... �- I . ., .
I . . . . I � . h . . . arday. . . � - ' '� ''
. . enty-fivO And thirty. bushels .1 I . 4 Iliotb of the Goshen Line. days here, 1. _� - ,.
. . I Straws, 25e up ; Pelts, 50c up, between tw � . I French at the earliest opporutanityi of Mr.15 . . visit to Mrs. 110I.M65VIULP., ; I � '. I
. . . . ' Mr. J. Sharp and Mrs. Sharp are vi8- Mrs. 0* Beacom paid a . I ,,, .
. . ; I . to the acre, Mr. Kohnody brought Mayor Tarkson gave the report of , , . . _X_-.- I . , I
I � . . � g: wag four iting friends in Stephen township. Lowery on Sunday. , , ,
� � . I . . I home o, sample and the stall A. HUM. -ACUIDENTa the committee which had beet! ap- 0 village to, Mr. W_ Elcoat, wife a-& , ,
I . . . r,r!S , feet long. The bay is a little light and . I .
I 'A, J, Mo 0 'h . The English church So So f Bay- Miss Allen.,hag lefb'our , . .
. . . 1=4 . . . . — , pointed to consider the pros and cons � atla Varna spent a pleawtnt (lay reside henceforth in Detroit. of Brumfield -visited her�!!Wer,.. rs, ,
I i
. . . . I . I � 1� I . I �. . . I . I I I — the spring grain, will only yield 4boub a William Parsons of doderiob in the scheme proposed for the pur. field. Stanley an Wednesday. . ,
l . crop.' Mr. RandoIly had a . last Sattirdly in Mr. Jowett's grove Mrs, .1. lohnson is Spending a few
. I I . .. I . . . 1. I , two-thirds I 0 He'sald that Mrs, 0. Lida, Xrs, W. Ladd A -da �
.1 . . I . chase of P, rA a track. - In BlYth- . 1. _
I VW� . ,drive through that section behind one Township W as Thrown From The Gostion, Line So So held their Pic- days with her son son aW Afti, Willittme and. daughter
. . , and that Is visiting I
. I TUAT ,SUMMBR SUIP, . � I . of Air, Carson's botmes, a four-yeat -old I HIS Buggy on Tuesday and So the idea had been abandoned 0 nic on Monday. I Miss Hodgins -of London a Al�mee., . ,.�
I " � I . I I . ih was now proposed to increase th I -_ 7 at tile home of Mrs. Thompbon of the are visiting friends I . ,
. I I I I . . . . I cobstanditig 17 bands and built In �rq- ' Severely Injuted That 11to Life size of the present Park, if possible, . - . I , I I 1 Mrs. E� M. Johnson of Innelokip . ,
. . I . . . , . ' , .
. I . - . thlors portion And good for a -three-minutic I . Z loth con.* spent a few days W 0 � .
. . .1 - - This is . sometimes considered ther stock!oeason with CIO Is Despaired Of. Councillor Tolmsons for the street I . EILYTH. Ith Wind Il.'. , ,
. This Mr, Kennedy - . I I . . . . Mr. and Mrs. UcLauglillti of Wid- , ,,, �otg 4. � .
. bob our staff has not been so busy at any time this year. gait without training, . . __ committee, said that they werer acting , , Miss Estella Holmes of Detroit Il I
. means that our workmanship has hood good, our fit of the best 6 joyec hi isit, very much, especially , aughterg, Misses thiop spent a, day with their daughter,
� 11 . � . 11 I 8* ' . from Inspector, Mr. 1, Emigh anit d It* h grandmotbeto, Mrs, 1101, "
. . and our. prices right. Let us suit you. I . - on, advice received b. Mrs. Tames Miller, amt, week , ,, ing er I
I . I I . I . lit his old holne,'bub aftei all there is Mr. William Parsons of the Oth con Campbell on his recentvisifitoOlinto ' Sadie aiidAllie,of Goderich, spent Su . �I;f 1 " "
I � : . . cesslon of Goderfeb. township has for I . no clay in town. ,,, - , Mf*�o Duff of GoderIch was * ,
t I no place fie likes so well aelluron. ary street, of the. bad . Ur, and Mrs. 'John Scarlet ad, f hat? friend, - We= * .,
I . . I I I I A. J. HOLLOWAY- . I . tho past 'two days been lying in on un - He spoke of M Simmons of Toronto,, who was liury attended tilefuderal of the lat., week thdaueat o .
, I Butskry. - I I !on at the home of 'his' state of the big draiq under that thoro- Miss , Brown, hits gone to, ter's uncle, the late Mr. John Lovett, � Stanlayji,�, __011- I
I .
. I . I -1 I conscious condit d, advised that the englneer,Mr thOguestOf Mr � , I I trt stge,ide-eting I
. . I . I I ___aQQi_.�iA DAvis' & Rowland's store WAS � enter�- lintod fare,ad acks, - . th, paia one A6the s in . _
_� - . -1 _ I — ughter, Afre, A,VV'. Purry of (Y - I week it w, e W to itivito Itev. , ,
- a by burglars �n Sunday morningand an' met W. ,To Paisley, be oalled-upon for a re. Goderich for a few W .&Jr. John Sohnston, 331Y
� � . I . I 11 a as the reggif of an accident he . I I e ward for tile
I their whole Outfit of razors, together Mrs. (Dr.) TAit returnetion, Tuesday villag It visit- On Saturday,
with Tuesday, forenoon while driving Port" . ' Mr. Renry'WatkinEr of Holme9yille Ayers of . "
� Y With a number of knives O&d scissors, Mr. R. Irwin addressed the council from a few days! visit with hat, brother
. ts first into town. z : attended the meeting ,if L. 0. L. No. . v0rsarV'- I
\ � , -r . Was catried off, The wiscrean I - in Toronto Migseq L. k , I C. mctlwa an
Clinton. S Popula A'xUr. Cornish of near London, An 'in refer2tice tothe later court of rev!
U1, an. W on Monday oveniag.
I , it, I- on Monday Tdr. S. Kennedy was ' .
I . . . . . I tried to effect an.entratice by the � old friend of Air. Parsons,' had been. � sion and a. matter porta ing thbrOtO to Miss L. Cockerline, , Work bas been resumed oil ,�,V,, Pickard =2rt 11� h"Is I
I I . I . . . I I Cellar - wind6;v,' thiough which they; nd on He said that, at the court Assessor Ited in marriage .01o: lawn Unds1t 'Onow hOUSO, � 1,1, I UPW 01 I kolidays
7I . I siting him for 9, few days & The tennis Match on Brac I Y I 0 1 Ouond%
. - I . . . . bb�ed a; hole, but a, sheet of iron prd- vi Cottle placed it certain villuAtioil on, . s Anxil. lrtt* in Bra �L
I , - I lour . . . I vauted the, milking headway there, .Tuesday they started to drive into his (rrwin's) property and an being with Goderich on Atondzy resulted in The, nioeting of the Women' Ild 9 to U
I . ,_==Z=� . in i town but while descendino the hill east as and 1-tylte (G) beat inry of st. Poter's, church will be h Al 11
I . . . . 1, 'They th6n'Joled the ofilce window In f M , a in at the residence of Mrs. C. Lovett on W
. . . I , P. j. 0. E Ilictes some. part Oj the asked by tile latter if he Would take it X tie' 01
., 1, . . . . I . the rear which was easily opened. The 0 At that figure he answered yes, "Then Cooke and Moser (B)-64. 9-6.. 0-7, 1 1
1 1 1 - . . toy carried off harness gave way and the horse gallop- iva yours," replied Mr. Irwin, who has Dixon add Tait (0) beat Tait ana Tguraday. M
IT, � ". , 1--r'_'- Fales FaMily Flour Ul Manitoba] $2.00 Per Cwt. - value of the goods tb . dollara. ed down 'the hill. When near the Tile brothern of the L. 0. here �
. I . I I Will amount to about thirty . since endeavored to have Mr -Cottle, con- Douglas (13)-040 6.3. Cooke (8) beat Me: T ,, Q plots
� � .I - . . \ , bottom. tile &dIdial turned alf the road atimmate the deal but withoubsuccess, 110111"Ps (G)-0.7, default, Tait )BI will Celebrate the towing I . 1�i . . . 11.
, vaies .11oller Flour * 1.75 " \ . The thieves - liest made aft Attempt atia up the bank and as it d ' it, brethern eafort - Miss,bo" r - '.
� upon Holloway &MorrieWs store and Wh%tMr. Irwin wAnted to know of . beat Dixon (G)-8,8, 4-0. 04. Douglas with the . I n
I . I \ occupanto of the baggefell. out. Mr, eso (B) be T t, (0)-0.4, U, 0 4. Ahye Great preparations . g ma .. dfriends4in the
I - thoughtheaugor was again brought Saul. Switzer -&lid his daughter, who the Council WAS If Its decision on an$ . At at tht!re to entertain the 'visitor# and' . 0. L. Fisher has . I
. , I ' When Ord6ring 7our next Flour Insist on getting. into use itild, a hole bored in the Tear went was based on Mr. UottWs offei (0) beat Moser (B) -7.5, 0-3 toon. There must ,, ,
I ! I . . could make An Wore some distanab behind, Saw the and it it would testify -accordingly in Mr. 0. no Bennett, wRnAg8r Of the gratid turnont of wainbemof the Order n here, ,Claude, .
' ' I
111. sdv4teso and remember that both WRIGHT and 4tTAL- - door, before they accideab and tiondereawhat hasistanco ltu. 13a,nk of 11amIlton, and bride have re. I Is etpected. 14 -1 '
. . ITY are always guaranteed. , . I bightened off, by ik Powell the event; of proceedings being insf slitiltnerhill 119AX10111 scott, was the xuatlit 1.
� � ontfaticethey were lay In their power, Mr. FrAt turned after & three weeks? honey- Fife " IN . .
. . th6iolta"barking.0 6.4og belonging to also witnessed the upset and hurried � ted to enforce a sale' I � are practising nightIr ftr � _ I D, . Scott. I I
. . ' _' :611PUNDITIM9S. . MOOV. - .� %inson Patel
� To those who age flour for paotry ONLY WO clin give ^ ,Win. Moore *'holhres in the same the fields to the scene as rapidly gpent.. the 12th hopift9C to ghtn 4ft Mr. J. TU
" " ,
I dflour Made specially for Mot purow. it costs do moret While oojilg'raunds aboubfiv,C Across � I Mr. W. Moser Of Mitchell , I As it in #% good ., 11 111,011. to friends in 4nd wOutd
I and will give better resultm, Try a, parcel -with Y()Iqr � U6&. , as possible, white Mr. Solih Cluff just Street- lat of July witithis phronts, forth, I wigiOill, , Mrs, Bray of T&oo*
. . evvick Xig�t.-,.Wr,tCbmitu 11orman then happened along and posted into Edge for Road MAtthine * 9 50 hood 1% that they Will 8,
I . . next otilef. . . ..� noticed. the 60ft WIftdOW I" Davis & . 2404 Qtitto,4 number AttendedL the lawn . pin of Mitchell weft _
. , towninhot haste for Dr- Gunn- In, Chas. 0artote, work #ocittl in Londe"bora, on. Monday night. any diffIC"ItY- , 1.
, � � 11owland&,08tiblishment. and at. once ft 17 81 Mr. frovey of Clinton Occupied I pickard1n.
I �, . I Ali orders LARGE or SMALL promptly deli -9100 � . ,dL , Nfr. - itowland. and also thelticantime, Mossro. Powell, SWUMOV So 11, Scott, 3 00 The singing of the 131*th people seem. in.9t. 170ot"it church here In ft _ _ - �� .--- . .
frow. the mill or igon) any of the foildwing grocers *,-. , . sumitiono and otherof did what ther could tOr thO W, WhfttlaY, " od to he greatly appreciatedl, . pulpit I
J Vhtefj*�ecttloy, bub th-)ugh.,tho latter I t, bruis- W. Steev, jr., " 3 M _ nce of their pastor, It". I ".
- I -1 Do COOX I OANTR W#OX BROS, . and Constable Welsh seouretl the. sufferers. Mr. Cornish WANCO 1. 25 Mr. Mit4bell spent his Isk of July stbee . .�, a's fartners In
. Caanil stunned, but when bound UP Geo, 3011116ton, cc holidays in Luekn6w. I Smith. &_
� . I it), (70OPLat & Coot, 0. STFWART, 4,.: country thib greater part of next aXY & Danford, it ,/ IM M he
U. -sox, , * -nd InalaWd . r. John Untlard will neeforth at th-011`1A
, ,
'. I . WILT8A, o. OL -I',- they were unable to locate th6burglats by the doetorbe came to 0 M) M Mrs, ptpp Rmco has retarned carry Ifer MaJ04Y"s mail to And from . Red UM
')) I J. W. 11WY is, A Couple of upon leaving for home thAt OAAV1100111, ,I- Miller, street "tet'ng . from a, few days'vinit, in Clinton, unimpritill A digvulmd *$0,
I t I 1: who are let at large, But Mr. Parsons fell much mort)'Charity- , nd Minton. lo Ihayftld *40
1 .. Young men wheeled to Pracefteld and heavily and was brulsed and cut 0 bout Fare of trItnip to r,ondon 160 Th wAs cleAned out on Wed- 8 . Mcliveen to remvering nicely ni* plel 1�* ,
, everybody going to the Ituton Mrs
I lestned thattWo in' velebration in Ooderich. from her recent Wt fmrn A bleTeW drnbitor, 33 1 1 it
. noticed In Clinton the IOUS, ' Miscellaneous--- ,� � I. Miss No,y Mnaon fell frotia her bley- MotyrOt ,
en, who had begn - ;
our day pr6vx , the face fUld head- He was brought ,* "
, a?
I 'PlIegso note the price of ROLLER 11 had. paned through at an early hour, into Own in an unconscious condition Electria Light -, , � .Xft*fnf,l0 and family of Ron- I
I rusmateed. - I neall btit between by Mr. Prank Powell and taken to the Outta Perchit 0o. a OB romwwad acqoAtnt""s in town on cle-, Injuring hot Arm. Chnton, ,�. I
.1, . I I
�, I I
L"., - I
that-ollage and ifteter I00b tmce Of house Of -his dnaghter, Mrs, Furrr, Mrs. �V. ,To MeWlell. we- am sorry to W- J
� $1.50 per cWt. and Weight 9 They went on to lie Vhp . Rontt!4�Xnglne Uo, 04W ifi,ifty. � Are camping louslyill at hor home herik, M
I ,re he still remitine. Up to I IM Cartei� work # 4 I" , Of gypol an O&Y, Iff Aer
I I 'a . I 4
m them. ,The tools which wer# ueed by ,101 I �
*14 A - "ening he Was still In an uncortme LLAkpoft, so I 0, 0=61rta of cnir town. They it"m bat'we hope to heArof a opw4y r�ewv-
. J. & X J A,%* tU bursUrn vrerouketi ftom Xr,Rusn I . it* "7 1 �.
I rA "to, . . $Ohnsou, I- I )4 4 waft;V quit4 a nmbor of horm. WtY- . 6� I �.t
--- -,-. -,_,,_ ". �.- I �1? �,� UFO *"6 ; I 1, I � I � I
.- I � " ,��* A_ . I F, 14�'. 1 . " 1 .11 1, I ,.. . I I
I . I , I -, �',.", ... .� I I � . , .: I . I I , I 61 �p 'Al '.JJ
�__ � � . kft I I ry \1 .41.111. �1_ I ,'.' 't - � , 'Ll� I I
Arl"119861a, � L 0 , I . �el� 4'. , ,
LL . 'i_'_UW1&ANWW.%1S090 IL ..i, , e, . U