HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-06-28, Page 5ANZ 28, 1000 YOUkOROP of Potatoes will�e larger if you . opriukle with our, . I �, � � PURE FEN-GLISH —4---1 — n A VOTERS' LIST, 1900 UU1401pallty of tho Townalhippf Altiley, county or Ruvou . _�, N . V4*1:010-em ­ ­ --- �­ --- � ---------- -1 I ... � �� ----- I t1 ittid cares Ali sturafter coin- ' 'goa.h,,** I O� regialstes #nd toned the ma ; keeps 4�n the orgome btalthy. lh�i I r41.31MfTt_dW9*tWr.Vr"ftdJr OR ALONZO, 0. Oy'll 00, . fibox 0'z1"1'PA%IAk** 6A00416 V" . 11 I., ... 11 - � . I Wo JACKSON I � A01ENT 0. P- it, , . . , __#1 CLINTON � 0* _Jiftiw��y pArb of th � - . . 0110111(l congult th in r6fere"C6 to d0kot4 . I fares, 6te, , I I . W-AA01<800 A004T 0- P-, f - OUR TOOTH No taking chances or, depend.- � ing on luck when you buy er, h 1. . Out sloo Brush tot 2160 our a ISO �tf 20c, I Our Joe #1 too I . . . � Persian Pi,hk - an exquimite extract , that bdesorvef4 all thoprams 1�t ots 760, per oz ' H a, B., Cotube * I � physidme 8whom. � 8, S, and APISUIR Hadeavol A suoeesarul OQUvention of a. 0 Wor)cera,anol Chrlotllwa Rudoov voreroWaa. H014 in Saafort) Last woex. Tho Vextu%113 Will TaXe Rlaue In Clinton ,Tuno 18th and Nth, 1001. The annual convention of the SUndaY School workers and Christian Endeavor - ors of Huron county was hold in the Methodist church, Seaforth, On Toes. day and Wednesday of last week with ; goollattendance, from the variou's parts I 0, t 0 county. The opening topic, 4611ow can I get the in of out of tbis ponvention ? 11 was introduced by Yr, �, . A. Xillian of God, orlob, who Advised, greater preparation before the convention, the practice of allkiyag questions And the use of a note book, �!'How to make reviews interesting," was introduced by Dr..'Towler of Wing- ham. Review Sunday was too, often va. cation Sunday ; should take up what has been already taught ; no one should take review consecutively ; superinten. dent sbould make out the program Bowe . time ahead ; reviews should be adver. tised and announced from the pulpit; let nothing in'terforo witb review, put it off for nothing ; get variety in musle and ersone ; use oligrt, pictures, black. boar S� have pictures drawn on paper each unday and preserve for.review, I let us make, up our winds that we get notblng good without a great deal of work being put on it. . An address on 4,Graded'Sabbath8chool work And its adyantagoall was given by Rev. W. G. Hanna, B. D., of Mount Forest, The topic was very lucidly dealt with And a large fund of valuable information given along the line sug. gested. The advantages of grading were summarized as follows :--(I) I it brings the work into barinouV. with =i cal prinoilples in the public (2) Thoughtful teachers strive to obtain some plan plong this line ; (3) It prevents pupils getting where they should not get. (4) It enables- the superintendent' to place teachers with classes for whiQb they Are beat'adapted., (5)- It .gives pu Is an in- centive to advance. (6) It afforpd!B one so., lation for the great question--Ro.w o4n. we keep the adults in the. school 7 (7) It makes our teaching more systematic and orderly, (8) It tends to nurture Bible students and qualify them for future. work. . � � (61fow long should the teacher remain with the gains class ? 11 was introduced by W.' I.I. Kerr of Brussels, who in a thdtightful address paid :-($The rela- tions between teacher and class should be as long continued as possible where I good work was being done." I Rev. b, J.- Allin of 'Goderich intro- duced the subject,. 18 The S, S. in the home circle. 11 I A Godless home is one of the sad itetitUtiolia of L' to -day. -The invirbliment of the home has so much to do with the success of our w.mk and we see the necessity of trAning the par - out and becoming Acquainted with. the ,home life of the pUpil. The. work done in the home is the most permanent and many are the. illustrations of this seen . in the w6rld. The S. S. should demand from the home sympathetic, blathudias- tiointerest. We should,use the print. . I ing:press and send a quarterly report from the school to the bome. The les- son should be studied at home. Fi- nancial support should -be Accorded by the parents. A visit to non -interested homes and help �iyen along the teach- ing of the Truth will degood.' * . ' ' .Mr. Yellowlees, acting provifioial socre'.,,ry,to3koh-rge of a conference which. was most interesting.. and In. otructive. - The following are the qurs., tiono and Answers :-Wha.k Is the teach. er�s duty to Absent pupils 2 Anaw.er­ . . Visit thenit write to them, recognize theta, sae the parents. Which is tfie better, asking questions or lecturing to the class ? The questioning' method. What are some of the coramcu errors made by S. S.'teachers ? Preaohing - .reading instruction. off lesson heli)o , don' tprepare the lescon ; telling stories instead of V �ohing, What is the best way to main'.ain order in the class?, Giving scholars BOW( thing to do - wiix their love and rFspe, b ; have sympathy; be interested in them. Is it ever per- missible to scold or threaten ? Diooi. pline must. be maintained but iho less s-olding tb6 better. How.can the te,oheroeoure home study? Teacher give questions to take home'for answer inext sabbath - read. the. Scripture for daily readings . How often should the teacher present the claims of Christ the Saviour? . An often as possible. To what, extent is it wind for the teachdr to do pemonal spiritual work in the class ? . I It should be the supreme object of every teacher ;.. the work should be done individually, What are the tee. cher's week day du ties to his pupils ? Know your pupils wheit you meet them; Pray far them ; be familiar with them on week days'; .invite them to your home. . . . . � � I I The report of the nominating com- mittee was an follows: � prop ident, Dr. Towler; vioe-presidenta, Rev. J. S. Hen' derson and J. P Rose- minute secretary and treasurer J: 0. 9tonoman ; corre� spobding secretary, L. Harold , exell outive, D. M. Gordon, J. Kerr, G. F. Blair, W. H. Kerr, J. A. Millian, J. E. Tom, J. A, Wilson, J. H. McClinton, J. Dustono A. Young. I . . "The Sabbath School teacher" was the important subject upon which * Rev. R. Whiting, of Mitdhpll based a practical address oii Tuesday evening. Any person ennaging in the S. S. work should be converted and called by God to be a teacher, Our ideal should be high. Our work is to bring people to a I knowledge of the Saviour. The teaolrep should (1) Know big material ; answer children's questions ; don,t repress their wonderment, (2) Know your Book, taftch it; love it. Get ieady to be a teacher. . � Rev. W. G, Hanna was the other 11 for the evening, his subject be in'gealkIcabrieb the Model Teacher." He �ad a mission and a commission, Seek- ing and saving i's our business, We are not responsible for conversion but we are for contact. We should fool it as an absorbing impulse. The Lord loved to s e He taught the Word of God, it wag His text book. T 1�0 matter of our teadhing is not the lesson , help, but the Bible should be in our hand. Make it our own. Christ did not begin, his active work until thirty years of age, the former yearn being spent in preparation. The.S. S, should feed upon the Word, 110 made him, self acquainted with the persona, their, habits and customs with whom he had to deal -, no should the teacher. The inauguration of His ministry ties with the holy anointing. We need divine direction and the anointing of the Holy Spi�ib- He prayed continually. Christ wag free from officialism - wag !IMISle in His style ; adapted His eeach- Ing to His bearers: taught by the law of Association ; He repeated the Truth with variety , 116 emploted abundant illustration ; Ile taught y quedtion ; Uo always applied the Truth. His per. sonal charaoteristios we should Imitate, lot, Love for our audience and stro" . sympathy - great tenderness 91101 (R06 .* ballnoss of lite, 2nd, Teach h'ril"3' by the Word On Sabbath and by living ,personality. I ThatChristlan Sn'dq#.Vbr department afthe convention Opened Wednesday morning at 8.80 with & Quiet Itour, Rev. Vt. 11endorson took the leadership. The treasut6t,s ,r6porb ,Wag r6i%d. Total r6mipts, 087,22 -, exp4nditute, � $46. 09 ;, thowing s, balance duo of $7.77, IX � it f Brumli was treasurer, Tibloa! taport, o"Isk adapted. Sesrotaqlo mport 4howed 88 sool6tiost Aotm ,toombors, 1,874 ; amscolat* tomberp, 1 1#154, totid m6mbarfihivo 3,380, A 014hi dooro#A6 Is raporlod. ___ __­__ V____ - - 1?'__"1Xoro­, meat -in � the - m , ouf-�—W—ls t�41 , title given to Itoy, Ur. Ion4arson 0 stibjest. Huopoom !soften due to th* mRauer in which our meetings aro con, dmotodjwd more nourialiwont is lasoes- vary ii the p!epamtlonx of the ' r0i grams. Remedies proposed to lutereo , young pooplot-Ititrod-noe special topics once R mouth suoh as the'sroat Uission, fields I lives of great men; Bible drill, I lh4lle 1 M4 it &training school ; study the churbb doctrines , dig into the Truth and Sather the burlod traasur$ ; have definite work. . 14AII the my Saviour leads well Way . was sung after which Xing Washington, tho energetic and efficient junior super- intendent for Huron countyp presented a very interesting report of the work among the little people who have, hold the '.Provincial banner. There are In Huron 420 members and they .raised $107 last year for missions, Four now societies have bee,j form�d during the past years making fifteen in all, There are About nineteen Mission Bands in the county, Miss Washington was thanked bv the convention for tho good work which she hap acoomplished, $$Christian Endeavor and Bible studylp was introduced by Rev. Mr. Murduok of Clinton. The Bible Is the infallible word. of God, Bible study does not consist in reading an occasional chapter; nor wam6rizing passages ; nor holding it in holy Awe, We should read the Bible system4tioally ; understandingly 1 And Apply the Truth to our daily RN. Don't allow difficulties'or problems to I divert us from the study of the *Bible. Officers were chosen. for the next year as follows :-President, W. H. ,Kerr, Brussels ; vloo-preardent, .Rev, J. T. Murduok, Clinton ; soorotary,. Miss Washington, Clinton -, treasurer, Miss Cash, Seaforth i junior superintendent, miss Maude King Blyth ; executive, S. J. Stone, Rev. Ar. Anderson, A. T. Cooper and Miss Annie Clark. Dates of convention will be June 18 and 19 and Clinton chosen as the place. . A round table conference on "How to recapture lost territory" was capably managel by Provincial Seoly Cooper, Two societies bad been lost last year. Reasons were called for As to why losses mere reported in membership in sow.o places and given as -.-Lack of responsi. bility as set out in the pledges; closing Society for part of year , aiming at members more than spirituality, the discussion should do good. . - Atridealjunior society was represent. ed bX the Clinton Junlors�who did their part in an interesting and. efficient man- ner. The program consisted of an open- ing hymn, prayer by A. T. Cooper, Lord's prayer in concert, repeating pledge'- reciting of Psalm 121, solo by a little Iri, paper on "How and for what we should pray," by little Miss. Holmes,' and books of'the Wo And �'their key- " note ; CIO .t omig -thel Howson is 'In b " ling . ety d Miss auperinten 11 )f ety an, idl omf " . . t Mvgfe Da", assi, . . �s �- '" 's Blair of ... uced the ' , , topic,, -Thristian. E Social Problems," And in the whiob followed Revs Murduok an Seel] I lu'k 0 *� v and Messrs. C;oper,, Gerry and 6yers . took part., . . on Wednesday evening Rev. W. , G: ' Howson -of. Clinton ga . ve a rousing. Ado, drops onYoung Peoples' Work. I � I . � � I . . . 1. I . I I �k Short frop . ok the Prairies , . . . I — . Chicago, Juno 21 -The Timeo-Herald to-morrqw will .'Pkublish a' crop 'report . perpared by Snow, the crop expert, who hasjust-completed .a two weeks' trip through the States of Minnesota, North and South Dakota. He declares the bitUatiOn � R national calamity, and' claims the wheat failure the worst eyer known.. 'He estimates the Dakotas. as promising only 20,000,00 bushels each, and Minnesota85,000,000bus'liols, a total of 75,000,000 bushels, againaO 200,000,000 bushels last year, and 225,000,000. bush- 0�� in 1898'. . , I . . MAXIT611A OUTLOOK POOR. ' '.. Winnipeg, .June 22.---!.rheN. P. IC. drop report issued this- morning. shows continued drought. � The outlook* is )?car, And A complete failure for Ahe � crops is expected is some quarters uh- less there is abundant rain. . . � . , I . . . I - a- � . . I . I . An Vp4o-Date Paper - ' � , - . . I The Toronto Daily Star, has introduc- ed into Canada a feature Ythich is ad novel as it is conspicuous in connection with newspaper advertising. It prints I a line in red ink every day across the top of the page Advertisement of one of their large, advertisers. The marvel of its readors is as to how the thing is done. At the game time it prints special an- nouncements of its own upon the front page of its paper from time to time also incolored ink, sometimes prin "ng a paragraph at the bottom of one af� the columns of.the front page, and occasion- ally strengthening its front page car- tooa with some colored - ink. As an illugtration of this litter, upon. the day that it was announced that Pretoria had been taken by General Roberts, The Star printed a cartoon showing "Bobs" with a brush in his hand,4painting the map of South�Afrioa a British red," painting it from ocean to ocean.as In geographies, herealter, that part of the world, will be colored. It was one of the most striking bits of news- paper work ever produced in .Canada, or elsewhere. More recently, all adapto- tion by Sam Hunter, the cartoonist, of the celebrated picture, "What We have we hold," represented General Roberts as a British bulldog standing upon the Map of South Africa shown in the form of a British flag, which was brightened . and strengthened by a red -dross worked into the folds 'of theflag by this wonderful Star color process. I 0 IS, Itudget. L The Ottawa Evening Journal has ask- ed one of its 0. E. Councillors, Dr. V.H ', Lyon of Ottawa to edit a 0. H. column weekly in its pages. 'Are have no doubt but that Dr. Lyon will do the Efideav6r- ors of the province credit by his peb. An Endeavor Miosionary, the Rev. 0. II, Sheldon, author' of "In His Steps" who is at present in Great Britain, will on his return to America work for the 0. E, sooiety durin'g October, Novato - bar, and December. Lot us remember him in prayer that his work may, be I a great and glorious success. The sixth C. E. convention met In Dublin recently under the presidency of the Rev F. B. Meyer B. A. of Lon. dpn.� We can all understand what a tone Mr , Moyer would give the -conven- tion, for the character of his well known works# I . One of the bool�s Endeav6rers will want to read, not only for Information concerning IN subject, D, -L. Moody, but also for real spiritual stimulous aud help is the recently issue ife y 16 son W. R. Moody, This is the life of Mr,Moody. None tan Compare With It, It is fhapinating as A, novel and full of the noblest inspiration. Noyoungper- son can do a wisor thing than to get his own copy and read it with care, In RMr. Moody,still lives. The county of Waterloo Annual 0. E. convention meots; in Ayr on, Jun6 20th, with a first - Ohms program. Waterloo expect# to be out in full force atGuelph InOotaber. Provincial convention, so should every other county. I — . ,, 11UNOinitt IS THN BEST SAIU011," � eb some PAOI)IC are novel, 111agry.0 hatevor thaV eat has to be 11 forced down." here in, of course, now I inK tong ith thean poople. ing oad's sitrisaparilla a Rlorb tru i y are ItiVola an ttppetite- and _then . 2y _V -a wale,of Hooill's. It !a a, WY6 6h tonle And evotiv done dOO8 � best UM11T 001aArtic Is HOOd's I & I � - - _____ ___ - - - - ­­­­_ tANQ(NT%0 ALTAIM . I I � "Ill 11 14"', 111141 bQW to 44 =4 & " W* M it 010 4h, "I'A *40 ko And stand a tool tu W 4W40 of * W014 13ut, A 3wyqr 4 tool 14 horill? It wn not for fbo soUs ot ot t I tuty, rAugl4k zTer tug t0ollph grown$ tboy =11for, Nor for avy of #11 tkg guqiont Xo4 T4qIX (Atuto kad fought S -Aa 410d f9r, - it WAN Apt, ho know, for tlko UR of tb* ulao � Nor 40 PrI40 of tho 194W thanborg kimp Wot, not for tbao did bo dio his 4eatbi ' 4.44 crWh to th* goala betore him. , IQ thp= thilt he Wrought wore amptr 7"To, And urelA he gatligrgd-thoir laugli0r; But, 4, not hie were tke upo thAt klgacd , Ne -her whom kq hungered after, I "Ut It be that tho ancient loots holds good, L01 it Como that I bow to' tho cm, Ud otaud a tool 14 thg eyes of tho world, But, oli, noyar 4 foQ1 In harxill AYO, the ye4ro he wrought poerned wastod y4luo, All his W09411 Strength WAN brolliqu, W. d hio Nkrivqlcd beart lay 4ry 44 duot# And tbo word waq left unopoken, Yet be stood, at the end, in their wQnd9.rInS tyeg "or st,ll that be held them curs), WILY more of a god than it fool Indeed, . But a tool to the end LA liprol , I I -Axtbur J. StrIpgor $a galeft .. . �� Whe Reporter. I I The average reporter asks, 4!What do PeOPIQ Want?" ' The 'great reporter 10kS, "What shall I make them Wan . , t?') rho public flatters the average report- ar wIth prompt success, "You give as," It 8470, "what we want," To the �reo,t reporter It says In Ito slowly Iwakoned .but Innumerably decisive way: "What will this man Kipling Ivant next? Then we want It." , The average reporter, eternally gad - ling about for availability Instead of � lultivating ability, cares more, about lucceeding as a writer .than he does i.bout the thing he writes about That a why he to an average repoDter, The )Ower to make men Interested In the � :hIn . gs they have not learned to like Is L POWer that belongs alone to the dig- nterested man, the man who lf;.Ied by ionic great delight, until the delight .1 ias mastered his spirit, given. Unity td, I "is 4fe, become.tho habit and tie coin" I )anion of'his power, led him cut into k largo place. to be d leader of men...* krald. Stanley Lee ln'Atlantlq. ,, ­_ No Was wrbm"- . . Odd Mistakes are sometimes made )y printers. A. noted minister ha4 cc. I mnion to write his manuscript for the �rfntor, And In .the. course of It were hese Tientences: '7$ t1fefa n& balm In Nlead? 19 there no physician there?" The COmPO0ItOV Set It up: '410 there ra balm In GOIlad (a town In Texas).? ' . .% there no physician there?" Than, 'In the ra , argin of the doctorls. proof, he oftiOlous fellow put for his lnfora, nation, "Dr. T. a. Nott to still in QO- � [ad"! -Memphis Scimitar, . ­ . I I � RXVIAlned. . I 11 aon't coo how the. defendanti who 8 very.short and fati could have hug. ,ad the plaintiff, who'la remarkably all and thin." � . � "She explains It by saying be fol , ded ker, In a warm embrace,11-Cloveland . Ulu Dealer. , . . . I . . I . ONLY A �SONG. . , I I . ; Love mys not much, b * ut ny, it, . oh, #a w#U . wo cannot toll I I -1 . I . '.What is the meaning of Its osor9t, open, � . �. Its'aharlk divine .L 1 . TO like the muratur of a sounding pb.oll .1 Heard in the pauses of the OCeaa'o SWell'L . In beauty'm oft reclirriggparallal. . . I I � . Its Wling line, Artless of rule, yet mora than rales of art . I . Unconsdous pierces; pr�obem, with inward amartp The lover'o breast, the patriot's swelling heart, � Itamusic fino � To such that It the singer break his 6ng . Aw.stop the very sphores oeem all R -Wrong; We bid him take hio lute and sweet and strong . Renew his strain. - I L . Oh, abiger, ming once more the old refrain And echo faint its burdon still prol6ug' . In m0roory's chainl ' . � I And lost It perioli, being only song, � Ming it again, . . - I Again'Againt , -SpectRtor. . . . �. . . A: V�L=�L sto*r 10rem rarnauscr. . Thai"puma or mountain lion of the kndes Is naturally an affectl6nate and iarmless animal and Is.often domeatis tated, and mom . e of the ranchinew In ?atagonla and Chile often talne them uid train them for watchdogs. An ex- Taordinary at6ry is told of a tyrant Yho ruled In Paraguay for many years Lnd was notorious all over South ' Linerica, for his cruelty; It Is mald.that his ruler, onq* had A woman chained to L tres, In the forest where she, would 4ther starvo ,or be devoured by w114 . masts. After *he had been out about. :en days he sent a geout to see what vas left of bar, and, much to his as- onlohment, It was. found that xho had, )404 fod and protected by two pumas, nale and female, and had suffered In io way except from exposure and 'right. The pumas brou . neat from the animals they had killed Lud ilept by her side stick night Uk* vatebdogm.-i-ChicaSo .Record. . . . � . ---------..a* -*_ . I The World's Women's Christian �emperauce Union Congress reassem- led at Edinburgh under the presiden- y of Mrs. Bailey. I . British Govt. has . ordered five more ruisers to go to China. his repre- enus an additional 50,000' tons, the rews aggiegating 3,000. . I . . I . � I . . ........... ... I I..... I ............ I'...- �j QTYLIS", RELIABLE I i I *--I ARTVSTIC,-%� .11 , .�* - I Recommended by Leading -1 Xt I , Dressmakers. * * , "I , . Tkay Always P caseew � -_ I MS CALLA Ma - I I N�ONE "ER AT ANY PIZIC18 .Y�h%� �1, g.,ternt tire sold In nearly . I t t. emryctyari own fil tho United States. r(YoUr dealu does not keep them send '* � diredt to us. one cent ttampa received, Addri"s yoar hearest poiilt, I .I. THE WCALL COMPMV, I I 138 (a 140,W, 141h Street, NOW Ybrk , IS 11MAX011 oYnOES .6 I 9 Fifth Ave., Ohl" a. And I � JOB I Market St., Son, if. mincW0. I Lac . "Sao CALLS i J� I Contains Beautiful Colored Plates, I Illustrates lAtest Pattettig. F091- - . - ­­­ � L inClUding 11 FXXX MOM 138 tO 46 W- 14th St-, " It - I - I ____ ___ __ CLX)NT01q MARKET REPORTS W% I %-a emissions or any ower errors are porcULY01 therein to take immediate proceedings to bay, I . 41 � � .,G R FE E 14 - the sold crr , ors correcto ecording to law, 4P T. C4URN% Clork 9f tauloy . Barley ................... 10 . . Dated Varna, Juno l6tb, 1900, I � which is guitranteed to be _�4 , ­_ ___­ -,-- - __._TTM M FOR SALE � . strictly pue Al,ad gverurnent . 001M, RICH TOWNSHIP 0 Z to 0 25, standard. 'Those who have The Gale farm, .one of—the best 100 -Acro farm I I � used our Englieh Paris, Grobn . . I I in Gode0ch township. Huron county, It coil Mots of lot 17 apd �art 18, in 8th Com. % mile The farn I 0 00 to 0 10 100nounce it superior to .41, f,om(lodorlch.. TfrQmClintou. contains good buildin 2 and good fonces,is we] There is Wool,*. " I . ".7.'. . lotherp and will uoe no other, . watered and won ua er-drained. i large bearing orchard .and garde', 01 "I'm) TormH to suit purchaser. Apppy 01 fV1r1-11-t11fRos a 10 to a 25 I .WQ sell it at the saule price as or address Qo . Aerich P.O. per Cwt ...... ....... , ,other Paris Green, Which is 25c WILLIAM QQULD , Clinton, June 6th. 1m* 00 to 12 00 I per W * Full directions ou Wool per lb .............. -,--- - -- ------. ­­­­ ---- I . I every package. . . HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE . - . . I II — The undersigned offers for sale cheap and oi easy terms his I� 8torey dwelling on Ratte�.bur: I 1. I I JACKSOR'S street. The house Is in good repair and has 4 good collar, furnace, etc; also offer for sale I . . I ,J single rigs and 3 sets slog , harnoas. I � . I . I . Phone. 2. Prekription Pharmacy, . . CHAS. WILSON Clinton, June 8th. . I " , LL I * , . I . I I I" _ ,!".%W,.W.%.-�%.A%,.qi�.-ft"mb,*&,.%� . , I'll 11 1.1, I . I . - HOUSE FOR SALE I �. - I , I . I 1 $1 1. I The undersigned offers for sale at a, very lov price and on reasonable terms an 8-roome� I . ; I . Watoh . 1. $ cottage situated on the west side of Queei street. The cottage was completely ronovate� I .� �, � . . � . . 1 , I last year and is now in a, good state of repair The land consists of f of an acre and there ii A � 4 � . hard and qofD water in the house. Apply to 1� ,�. ­ " $ $ . E, B, HARTT I . 1. Talk ClInILR!i,Juno 5th. Im* 11 11 ­ A . . I _+ I 1�# * . , . . I � . . $ .. UPHOLSTERI.NG . ��, I . To the busy man an accurate , I I . � . � , , watch is a necessity -not a luxu- . ry As some seem to think. To $ The undersigned - wishes to announce to th( people of Clinton and surrounding country tbal I '11, � I ,� � . , I , I . , utilize every moment of precious � . , time, to meet trains, keep ap" , in to be $ I he has located in Clinton and is prepared,to dc all kinds of Upholstering, Mattress a up .and Cartet Sewing and LRying. or ars on, trusted o me will receive prompt attention, 4, 1 . ,7- . � .1 1� � . I � pointmento, fact. alway's 1 � On time One must have -a good � 1. 0, watch. D1rop in and le I . t us talk . . . . W. M. WALKER. Second door north of the Blevator,Viotoria St Clinton; May 28th; . . � 'I., I watches to youi *e are practical : , � , , ., .� _�.#. watch repair6rs and you can have *01 I — � � . , , the benefit of our 2,0 yeare' exper- WOOL WANTED. . ,.� I t, 0 ience withoilt charge. If you I � � I , I I I hove &� . . watch which 'Ve�ds glean- : The under8igned,svant 50,000 iounds -of wool , , . ' . . I � . ing, has any pArt b,ok I" t . '. ,or os , 1�, � I or one which has been ruined by for which the ,highest, market p -rice In cub , will be paid at the Standard Elevator. . I L � 11 , �": �A�. I : I , incompetent workmen, bring it-, lc.� I 'to us and we will: toll you just $ I . � I HOLMES & SMITH. Clinton, May 12th. 4t* __ - 1� I . wb4t it wants and' what it will - — __ - - ,tl �.'­: I I , .cost you, . . $ . . � 1 ASTERS FOR SALE . , , : : .1 ,*. . I.. I I I � I , � .� " .Watches exafnine�� ve a large n I umber of Asters for sale . ' 0 be I � . I .. " � , I ,. 11 I reg", . $ lated and set to correct tim.FREE of charge.. I w cah' will sold in any quantity.the pur. chaser may desire. They are grown from the : : I ,� � I � . . . . . . best seed that could be got from Now York, I Chicago and housm The following , . I L' I I ,1 � . . . . . . ,. �, .. , I 1, . I 1 � � 11 . . $ I J, GRIGG' ,Toronto are the varic ,as :-Cornet New Qlaut, mixed ; Improved Victoria, Apploblossom, Ameritan Branchin mixed; Temple's Branch � I ''I .1 � ." � . . . .. 'I I �Ax . . . I " ,A, . ro e c or , IV e on white gro rysanthemums.mixe color ;Sull)hury no A � . , � I " I . I . .. . . . . . t 1 I I Let Washiagtoll. Yellow arf Victo,ri el� low, No Rtma 1 r6 , ick's Brandhin , w Chri T ' I I . . ,, "I . . .. � Te*eler and Optician. * . . . . . rs tre colors ; T WT. nts d r I I cc Y, mixed Colo ; uJIled'Gorman, mixed Colo .1 I . _%, � - I I I . , #,�.� A%WA1kk-01q&_1%.-%04W1q11�� . I . I . S. COOK. i * j � �'.-�., I . , . . � , � � , � � . I I 1. � I . � Clinton, may t . . :. � .......... " I - ___ - - � ��, I � ;, 1. : .1 , ��:, i � , "i .,� . I ! � � 1, . . I . � . , . . . .. ' ' .".,: . I 00,R .. � I . . ,� I" . N, &, . I . = I . . . ,WILL'TAKE CONTRAtTS . . � I I ; I -L � �_ , ,� , " , � ' � � � I - � . I . . I I , . . ,� I ., � I . . 4� . � . ,,i —_ I am, now ,prepared'to take contracts for all kinds of earbentering And will do the work :, :",� % L , . :.,, , �, � . AN entrusted to me prompt!X and mechanically. Bend for me or leave orders at T, Beacom �; �� . , I 1, 11*.. � . . I . � . � - . .. � . . ,., " . :, Son's grocery store. . . I. . �. . JOHN DAYMENT. �: I , . I , , , . . � Yo U' will be planting your . 'Clinton,. April 12. . . . . . . I I I I � I.., . I I ''" , I " � coin . *and,sowlng your Man- �4� . . . . .. � 1. I . . . . . . . � I ill L I ' , golds these days And wi . . . � I CONTRACTING# . ,w - I I , ,� . . � I I I . . 1. . , I . . . I., .1 ist seed that can . . woLnt the be ". ' be got. That's the ,kind I I ­ . . I . - . . . A �h ina )resslon Zbr6ad that I will be Mr. Thoas 4a.eenzie's foreman this year, I wish to p �'.. I .have. I have six Varieties of . ' � Ruch Is not the case as I have entered '1'.Ottlhuoliness on n account, -and,having M , " . . � . � k L'�", - . I .L I � eed Corn. Also Mabgold and . ­_111rurnip Seed,. . 1. . . . . Call secured the ViC7161307 Sol, of several first-class car. pontersIam.n6wprepared to take contracts. Before a to . � . 1. I 'k, etei and I I ' . ,see my stock. Both seed and, placi g Mrr work give me chance tender for it kinds of building material furnished. I I I .. . .� . , . ' . , . 11 prices !�re right. I . . . I � D. CONNELL, � Corner Huron and Kirk Streets. � . , � � � , . . . . I � I have some of that 15c Tea . Clinton, April 2nd. I . I -_ I I ; � ... instockyet'. Not , . tpe--m. — I , L . � I ..1. - � M Ir though. I . . I . : _,Uc . I . . . LAND FOR SALE., � . . 11 I I I . � . . . . NQANj �__ . I — , . The undersigned offers for sale that desfiraole .i.to.. (10) acres of land routh of the London .���_ . , __�� , ' . Next the Mason House Road Bridge. It a a beautiful e for building and ,will be sold in one piece or In lots, My I I I . 1, ­� reason for selling Is that it is too far from town to handle myself and it doesn't pay to hire help LI I � 11 , " . I - I I . I r! L - I , 1. .1 I . . . I I A. COUCH Clinton Yune 30fh � . - . . . , ;4� . � r. `., . ,EGGS FOR''.. I . . � ________ -I— I . , .. ' I !- . I . ­� I - . TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE �, t., , . . * G- - �,.,PICKLIN' � � - I The subscriber ofters for sale a very desirable 1.14, � * . I � I I . propert K on Isaac street consisting of four lots foh there Is frame house � I � . I � . I I � . . � We want all the Eggs we can get and will pay the highest I upon w a comfortable y1th -kitchen and woodshed attached. There "' a good "table and a first.olass won of wator - , ��: I market price. We intend pick. on promises. The orchard, consisting of grapos and wIlles, is a good one.. Tbe property will besol figure for , � . . . ling a large number of them *(�,' 1: If you are nob_at present Bel at a reasonable cash oricash and balance on time. to the Owner on 'the promises . Avis. JOHN JUNOR I I I.. r . . I Ing to us give us A, trial sale. I . I 0 ,linton May 9th . � I . . I I I � I BUTT.ER ALSO FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SIOCK I � I � ,� ,We are also buying butter I whether in tub ,crock or loose. � s . The undersigned will keep for service on his promises lot 4, Huron Road,Qoderloh township, � .., . 10 . a thorobred Jersey Bull. Terms -$1.60 - for thorobreds, $1 for grades, to be paid at time of 10 IF YOU WANT TEA, SUGARO � service, .1 . I I I I - , I I I I I or .anything In Groceries, or I . JOHN HOLMES Godorich township, May 26th. I : , . � Flour, we can �atiofy you in - o . , , I 1. quality of goods and price, . I . . . . 4, .1 � ". t . . WE ARE I . , , . . - I . . 0e. OLSON . . HEADQUARTERS FOR I - - . . - i .. . I ri AlL TERM OPENS UPTEM11-911 Am . I � . I I SEEDS I I I I I 4ag,e_ N A . ' I a450'Var"" _ . , � OUR CLOVER I . � " ,7" . " STRATFORD, ONTARIO, TIMOTHY I I I No loss than eight largo busioese college:' have applied to us within the last six week ,,,,, . TURNIP ; t " . felt our graduates to take positions as toullers In their schools. As ruany as five b9aftle8a lima bave to us in. one day for files help. � ", . .1e, � an(WI-Vield and Garden Seeds I . . I I mlied -T C410 the best school for you. � Ali 0.1 . I � I I I . W.J. ELLIOTT, ftn __Alere bought from the most re - liable dealers and We can with I �� �11 - I " ,� . I - . I . 11 I ­ , � Confidence recommend theta. I . . . 11 11 ;I - — .. — I I 1. I - - 1. - � I . I � I 11 � � . � J. W. 14ILL � .. � �, I., . ­ I I I " -1 � 11 I I . � I i d . sWeether ) . We solicit a - share of * ' - trade, .1 ,�, I � lesffi your I I ) - Is muly io a , Moir In __. - ' .� . 11 I iotain if you in Everuhaduls f . I . ". usal . if . I __ ­ J_-, __ __­��____ , I , MGM I I.. � . WATIUCI ULM000 . N . V4*1:010-em ­ ­ --- �­ --- � ---------- -1 I ... � �� ----- I t1 ittid cares Ali sturafter coin- ' 'goa.h,,** I O� regialstes #nd toned the ma ; keeps 4�n the orgome btalthy. lh�i I r41.31MfTt_dW9*tWr.Vr"ftdJr OR ALONZO, 0. Oy'll 00, . fibox 0'z1"1'PA%IAk** 6A00416 V" . 11 I., ... 11 - � . I Wo JACKSON I � A01ENT 0. P- it, , . . , __#1 CLINTON � 0* _Jiftiw��y pArb of th � - . . 0110111(l congult th in r6fere"C6 to d0kot4 . I fares, 6te, , I I . W-AA01<800 A004T 0- P-, f - OUR TOOTH No taking chances or, depend.- � ing on luck when you buy er, h 1. . Out sloo Brush tot 2160 our a ISO �tf 20c, I Our Joe #1 too I . . . � Persian Pi,hk - an exquimite extract , that bdesorvef4 all thoprams 1�t ots 760, per oz ' H a, B., Cotube * I � physidme 8whom. � 8, S, and APISUIR Hadeavol A suoeesarul OQUvention of a. 0 Wor)cera,anol Chrlotllwa Rudoov voreroWaa. H014 in Saafort) Last woex. Tho Vextu%113 Will TaXe Rlaue In Clinton ,Tuno 18th and Nth, 1001. The annual convention of the SUndaY School workers and Christian Endeavor - ors of Huron county was hold in the Methodist church, Seaforth, On Toes. day and Wednesday of last week with ; goollattendance, from the variou's parts I 0, t 0 county. The opening topic, 4611ow can I get the in of out of tbis ponvention ? 11 was introduced by Yr, �, . A. Xillian of God, orlob, who Advised, greater preparation before the convention, the practice of allkiyag questions And the use of a note book, �!'How to make reviews interesting," was introduced by Dr..'Towler of Wing- ham. Review Sunday was too, often va. cation Sunday ; should take up what has been already taught ; no one should take review consecutively ; superinten. dent sbould make out the program Bowe . time ahead ; reviews should be adver. tised and announced from the pulpit; let nothing in'terforo witb review, put it off for nothing ; get variety in musle and ersone ; use oligrt, pictures, black. boar S� have pictures drawn on paper each unday and preserve for.review, I let us make, up our winds that we get notblng good without a great deal of work being put on it. . An address on 4,Graded'Sabbath8chool work And its adyantagoall was given by Rev. W. G. Hanna, B. D., of Mount Forest, The topic was very lucidly dealt with And a large fund of valuable information given along the line sug. gested. The advantages of grading were summarized as follows :--(I) I it brings the work into barinouV. with =i cal prinoilples in the public (2) Thoughtful teachers strive to obtain some plan plong this line ; (3) It prevents pupils getting where they should not get. (4) It enables- the superintendent' to place teachers with classes for whiQb they Are beat'adapted., (5)- It .gives pu Is an in- centive to advance. (6) It afforpd!B one so., lation for the great question--Ro.w o4n. we keep the adults in the. school 7 (7) It makes our teaching more systematic and orderly, (8) It tends to nurture Bible students and qualify them for future. work. . � � (61fow long should the teacher remain with the gains class ? 11 was introduced by W.' I.I. Kerr of Brussels, who in a thdtightful address paid :-($The rela- tions between teacher and class should be as long continued as possible where I good work was being done." I Rev. b, J.- Allin of 'Goderich intro- duced the subject,. 18 The S, S. in the home circle. 11 I A Godless home is one of the sad itetitUtiolia of L' to -day. -The invirbliment of the home has so much to do with the success of our w.mk and we see the necessity of trAning the par - out and becoming Acquainted with. the ,home life of the pUpil. The. work done in the home is the most permanent and many are the. illustrations of this seen . in the w6rld. The S. S. should demand from the home sympathetic, blathudias- tiointerest. We should,use the print. . I ing:press and send a quarterly report from the school to the bome. The les- son should be studied at home. Fi- nancial support should -be Accorded by the parents. A visit to non -interested homes and help �iyen along the teach- ing of the Truth will degood.' * . ' ' .Mr. Yellowlees, acting provifioial socre'.,,ry,to3koh-rge of a conference which. was most interesting.. and In. otructive. - The following are the qurs., tiono and Answers :-Wha.k Is the teach. er�s duty to Absent pupils 2 Anaw.er­ . . Visit thenit write to them, recognize theta, sae the parents. Which is tfie better, asking questions or lecturing to the class ? The questioning' method. What are some of the coramcu errors made by S. S.'teachers ? Preaohing - .reading instruction. off lesson heli)o , don' tprepare the lescon ; telling stories instead of V �ohing, What is the best way to main'.ain order in the class?, Giving scholars BOW( thing to do - wiix their love and rFspe, b ; have sympathy; be interested in them. Is it ever per- missible to scold or threaten ? Diooi. pline must. be maintained but iho less s-olding tb6 better. How.can the te,oheroeoure home study? Teacher give questions to take home'for answer inext sabbath - read. the. Scripture for daily readings . How often should the teacher present the claims of Christ the Saviour? . An often as possible. To what, extent is it wind for the teachdr to do pemonal spiritual work in the class ? . I It should be the supreme object of every teacher ;.. the work should be done individually, What are the tee. cher's week day du ties to his pupils ? Know your pupils wheit you meet them; Pray far them ; be familiar with them on week days'; .invite them to your home. . . . . � � I I The report of the nominating com- mittee was an follows: � prop ident, Dr. Towler; vioe-presidenta, Rev. J. S. Hen' derson and J. P Rose- minute secretary and treasurer J: 0. 9tonoman ; corre� spobding secretary, L. Harold , exell outive, D. M. Gordon, J. Kerr, G. F. Blair, W. H. Kerr, J. A. Millian, J. E. Tom, J. A, Wilson, J. H. McClinton, J. Dustono A. Young. I . . "The Sabbath School teacher" was the important subject upon which * Rev. R. Whiting, of Mitdhpll based a practical address oii Tuesday evening. Any person ennaging in the S. S. work should be converted and called by God to be a teacher, Our ideal should be high. Our work is to bring people to a I knowledge of the Saviour. The teaolrep should (1) Know big material ; answer children's questions ; don,t repress their wonderment, (2) Know your Book, taftch it; love it. Get ieady to be a teacher. . � Rev. W. G, Hanna was the other 11 for the evening, his subject be in'gealkIcabrieb the Model Teacher." He �ad a mission and a commission, Seek- ing and saving i's our business, We are not responsible for conversion but we are for contact. We should fool it as an absorbing impulse. The Lord loved to s e He taught the Word of God, it wag His text book. T 1�0 matter of our teadhing is not the lesson , help, but the Bible should be in our hand. Make it our own. Christ did not begin, his active work until thirty years of age, the former yearn being spent in preparation. The.S. S, should feed upon the Word, 110 made him, self acquainted with the persona, their, habits and customs with whom he had to deal -, no should the teacher. The inauguration of His ministry ties with the holy anointing. We need divine direction and the anointing of the Holy Spi�ib- He prayed continually. Christ wag free from officialism - wag !IMISle in His style ; adapted His eeach- Ing to His bearers: taught by the law of Association ; He repeated the Truth with variety , 116 emploted abundant illustration ; Ile taught y quedtion ; Uo always applied the Truth. His per. sonal charaoteristios we should Imitate, lot, Love for our audience and stro" . sympathy - great tenderness 91101 (R06 .* ballnoss of lite, 2nd, Teach h'ril"3' by the Word On Sabbath and by living ,personality. I ThatChristlan Sn'dq#.Vbr department afthe convention Opened Wednesday morning at 8.80 with & Quiet Itour, Rev. Vt. 11endorson took the leadership. The treasut6t,s ,r6porb ,Wag r6i%d. Total r6mipts, 087,22 -, exp4nditute, � $46. 09 ;, thowing s, balance duo of $7.77, IX � it f Brumli was treasurer, Tibloa! taport, o"Isk adapted. Sesrotaqlo mport 4howed 88 sool6tiost Aotm ,toombors, 1,874 ; amscolat* tomberp, 1 1#154, totid m6mbarfihivo 3,380, A 014hi dooro#A6 Is raporlod. ___ __­__ V____ - - 1?'__"1Xoro­, meat -in � the - m , ouf-�—W—ls t�41 , title given to Itoy, Ur. Ion4arson 0 stibjest. Huopoom !soften due to th* mRauer in which our meetings aro con, dmotodjwd more nourialiwont is lasoes- vary ii the p!epamtlonx of the ' r0i grams. Remedies proposed to lutereo , young pooplot-Ititrod-noe special topics once R mouth suoh as the'sroat Uission, fields I lives of great men; Bible drill, I lh4lle 1 M4 it &training school ; study the churbb doctrines , dig into the Truth and Sather the burlod traasur$ ; have definite work. . 14AII the my Saviour leads well Way . was sung after which Xing Washington, tho energetic and efficient junior super- intendent for Huron countyp presented a very interesting report of the work among the little people who have, hold the '.Provincial banner. There are In Huron 420 members and they .raised $107 last year for missions, Four now societies have bee,j form�d during the past years making fifteen in all, There are About nineteen Mission Bands in the county, Miss Washington was thanked bv the convention for tho good work which she hap acoomplished, $$Christian Endeavor and Bible studylp was introduced by Rev. Mr. Murduok of Clinton. The Bible Is the infallible word. of God, Bible study does not consist in reading an occasional chapter; nor wam6rizing passages ; nor holding it in holy Awe, We should read the Bible system4tioally ; understandingly 1 And Apply the Truth to our daily RN. Don't allow difficulties'or problems to I divert us from the study of the *Bible. Officers were chosen. for the next year as follows :-President, W. H. ,Kerr, Brussels ; vloo-preardent, .Rev, J. T. Murduok, Clinton ; soorotary,. Miss Washington, Clinton -, treasurer, Miss Cash, Seaforth i junior superintendent, miss Maude King Blyth ; executive, S. J. Stone, Rev. Ar. Anderson, A. T. Cooper and Miss Annie Clark. Dates of convention will be June 18 and 19 and Clinton chosen as the place. . A round table conference on "How to recapture lost territory" was capably managel by Provincial Seoly Cooper, Two societies bad been lost last year. Reasons were called for As to why losses mere reported in membership in sow.o places and given as -.-Lack of responsi. bility as set out in the pledges; closing Society for part of year , aiming at members more than spirituality, the discussion should do good. . - Atridealjunior society was represent. ed bX the Clinton Junlors�who did their part in an interesting and. efficient man- ner. The program consisted of an open- ing hymn, prayer by A. T. Cooper, Lord's prayer in concert, repeating pledge'- reciting of Psalm 121, solo by a little Iri, paper on "How and for what we should pray," by little Miss. Holmes,' and books of'the Wo And �'their key- " note ; CIO .t omig -thel Howson is 'In b " ling . ety d Miss auperinten 11 )f ety an, idl omf " . . t Mvgfe Da", assi, . . �s �- '" 's Blair of ... uced the ' , , topic,, -Thristian. E Social Problems," And in the whiob followed Revs Murduok an Seel] I lu'k 0 *� v and Messrs. C;oper,, Gerry and 6yers . took part., . . on Wednesday evening Rev. W. , G: ' Howson -of. Clinton ga . ve a rousing. Ado, drops onYoung Peoples' Work. I � I . � � I . . . 1. I . I I �k Short frop . ok the Prairies , . . . I — . Chicago, Juno 21 -The Timeo-Herald to-morrqw will .'Pkublish a' crop 'report . perpared by Snow, the crop expert, who hasjust-completed .a two weeks' trip through the States of Minnesota, North and South Dakota. He declares the bitUatiOn � R national calamity, and' claims the wheat failure the worst eyer known.. 'He estimates the Dakotas. as promising only 20,000,00 bushels each, and Minnesota85,000,000bus'liols, a total of 75,000,000 bushels, againaO 200,000,000 bushels last year, and 225,000,000. bush- 0�� in 1898'. . , I . . MAXIT611A OUTLOOK POOR. ' '.. Winnipeg, .June 22.---!.rheN. P. IC. drop report issued this- morning. shows continued drought. � The outlook* is )?car, And A complete failure for Ahe � crops is expected is some quarters uh- less there is abundant rain. . . � . , I . . . I - a- � . . I . I . An Vp4o-Date Paper - ' � , - . . I The Toronto Daily Star, has introduc- ed into Canada a feature Ythich is ad novel as it is conspicuous in connection with newspaper advertising. It prints I a line in red ink every day across the top of the page Advertisement of one of their large, advertisers. The marvel of its readors is as to how the thing is done. At the game time it prints special an- nouncements of its own upon the front page of its paper from time to time also incolored ink, sometimes prin "ng a paragraph at the bottom of one af� the columns of.the front page, and occasion- ally strengthening its front page car- tooa with some colored - ink. As an illugtration of this litter, upon. the day that it was announced that Pretoria had been taken by General Roberts, The Star printed a cartoon showing "Bobs" with a brush in his hand,4painting the map of South�Afrioa a British red," painting it from ocean to ocean.as In geographies, herealter, that part of the world, will be colored. It was one of the most striking bits of news- paper work ever produced in .Canada, or elsewhere. More recently, all adapto- tion by Sam Hunter, the cartoonist, of the celebrated picture, "What We have we hold," represented General Roberts as a British bulldog standing upon the Map of South Africa shown in the form of a British flag, which was brightened . and strengthened by a red -dross worked into the folds 'of theflag by this wonderful Star color process. I 0 IS, Itudget. L The Ottawa Evening Journal has ask- ed one of its 0. E. Councillors, Dr. V.H ', Lyon of Ottawa to edit a 0. H. column weekly in its pages. 'Are have no doubt but that Dr. Lyon will do the Efideav6r- ors of the province credit by his peb. An Endeavor Miosionary, the Rev. 0. II, Sheldon, author' of "In His Steps" who is at present in Great Britain, will on his return to America work for the 0. E, sooiety durin'g October, Novato - bar, and December. Lot us remember him in prayer that his work may, be I a great and glorious success. The sixth C. E. convention met In Dublin recently under the presidency of the Rev F. B. Meyer B. A. of Lon. dpn.� We can all understand what a tone Mr , Moyer would give the -conven- tion, for the character of his well known works# I . One of the bool�s Endeav6rers will want to read, not only for Information concerning IN subject, D, -L. Moody, but also for real spiritual stimulous aud help is the recently issue ife y 16 son W. R. Moody, This is the life of Mr,Moody. None tan Compare With It, It is fhapinating as A, novel and full of the noblest inspiration. Noyoungper- son can do a wisor thing than to get his own copy and read it with care, In RMr. Moody,still lives. The county of Waterloo Annual 0. E. convention meots; in Ayr on, Jun6 20th, with a first - Ohms program. Waterloo expect# to be out in full force atGuelph InOotaber. Provincial convention, so should every other county. I — . ,, 11UNOinitt IS THN BEST SAIU011," � eb some PAOI)IC are novel, 111agry.0 hatevor thaV eat has to be 11 forced down." here in, of course, now I inK tong ith thean poople. ing oad's sitrisaparilla a Rlorb tru i y are ItiVola an ttppetite- and _then . 2y _V -a wale,of Hooill's. It !a a, WY6 6h tonle And evotiv done dOO8 � best UM11T 001aArtic Is HOOd's I & I � - - _____ ___ - - - - ­­­­_ tANQ(NT%0 ALTAIM . I I � "Ill 11 14"', 111141 bQW to 44 =4 & " W* M it 010 4h, "I'A *40 ko And stand a tool tu W 4W40 of * W014 13ut, A 3wyqr 4 tool 14 horill? It wn not for fbo soUs ot ot t I tuty, rAugl4k zTer tug t0ollph grown$ tboy =11for, Nor for avy of #11 tkg guqiont Xo4 T4qIX (Atuto kad fought S -Aa 410d f9r, - it WAN Apt, ho know, for tlko UR of tb* ulao � Nor 40 PrI40 of tho 194W thanborg kimp Wot, not for tbao did bo dio his 4eatbi ' 4.44 crWh to th* goala betore him. , IQ thp= thilt he Wrought wore amptr 7"To, And urelA he gatligrgd-thoir laugli0r; But, 4, not hie were tke upo thAt klgacd , Ne -her whom kq hungered after, I "Ut It be that tho ancient loots holds good, L01 it Como that I bow to' tho cm, Ud otaud a tool 14 thg eyes of tho world, But, oli, noyar 4 foQ1 In harxill AYO, the ye4ro he wrought poerned wastod y4luo, All his W09411 Strength WAN brolliqu, W. d hio Nkrivqlcd beart lay 4ry 44 duot# And tbo word waq left unopoken, Yet be stood, at the end, in their wQnd9.rInS tyeg "or st,ll that be held them curs), WILY more of a god than it fool Indeed, . But a tool to the end LA liprol , I I -Axtbur J. StrIpgor $a galeft .. . �� Whe Reporter. I I The average reporter asks, 4!What do PeOPIQ Want?" ' The 'great reporter 10kS, "What shall I make them Wan . , t?') rho public flatters the average report- ar wIth prompt success, "You give as," It 8470, "what we want," To the �reo,t reporter It says In Ito slowly Iwakoned .but Innumerably decisive way: "What will this man Kipling Ivant next? Then we want It." , The average reporter, eternally gad - ling about for availability Instead of � lultivating ability, cares more, about lucceeding as a writer .than he does i.bout the thing he writes about That a why he to an average repoDter, The )Ower to make men Interested In the � :hIn . gs they have not learned to like Is L POWer that belongs alone to the dig- nterested man, the man who lf;.Ied by ionic great delight, until the delight .1 ias mastered his spirit, given. Unity td, I "is 4fe, become.tho habit and tie coin" I )anion of'his power, led him cut into k largo place. to be d leader of men...* krald. Stanley Lee ln'Atlantlq. ,, ­_ No Was wrbm"- . . Odd Mistakes are sometimes made )y printers. A. noted minister ha4 cc. I mnion to write his manuscript for the �rfntor, And In .the. course of It were hese Tientences: '7$ t1fefa n& balm In Nlead? 19 there no physician there?" The COmPO0ItOV Set It up: '410 there ra balm In GOIlad (a town In Texas).? ' . .% there no physician there?" Than, 'In the ra , argin of the doctorls. proof, he oftiOlous fellow put for his lnfora, nation, "Dr. T. a. Nott to still in QO- � [ad"! -Memphis Scimitar, . ­ . I I � RXVIAlned. . I 11 aon't coo how the. defendanti who 8 very.short and fati could have hug. ,ad the plaintiff, who'la remarkably all and thin." � . � "She explains It by saying be fol , ded ker, In a warm embrace,11-Cloveland . Ulu Dealer. , . . . I . . I . ONLY A �SONG. . , I I . ; Love mys not much, b * ut ny, it, . oh, #a w#U . wo cannot toll I I -1 . I . '.What is the meaning of Its osor9t, open, � . �. Its'aharlk divine .L 1 . TO like the muratur of a sounding pb.oll .1 Heard in the pauses of the OCeaa'o SWell'L . In beauty'm oft reclirriggparallal. . . I I � . Its Wling line, Artless of rule, yet mora than rales of art . I . Unconsdous pierces; pr�obem, with inward amartp The lover'o breast, the patriot's swelling heart, � Itamusic fino � To such that It the singer break his 6ng . Aw.stop the very sphores oeem all R -Wrong; We bid him take hio lute and sweet and strong . Renew his strain. - I L . Oh, abiger, ming once more the old refrain And echo faint its burdon still prol6ug' . In m0roory's chainl ' . � I And lost It perioli, being only song, � Ming it again, . . - I Again'Againt , -SpectRtor. . . . �. . . A: V�L=�L sto*r 10rem rarnauscr. . Thai"puma or mountain lion of the kndes Is naturally an affectl6nate and iarmless animal and Is.often domeatis tated, and mom . e of the ranchinew In ?atagonla and Chile often talne them uid train them for watchdogs. An ex- Taordinary at6ry is told of a tyrant Yho ruled In Paraguay for many years Lnd was notorious all over South ' Linerica, for his cruelty; It Is mald.that his ruler, onq* had A woman chained to L tres, In the forest where she, would 4ther starvo ,or be devoured by w114 . masts. After *he had been out about. :en days he sent a geout to see what vas left of bar, and, much to his as- onlohment, It was. found that xho had, )404 fod and protected by two pumas, nale and female, and had suffered In io way except from exposure and 'right. The pumas brou . neat from the animals they had killed Lud ilept by her side stick night Uk* vatebdogm.-i-ChicaSo .Record. . . . � . ---------..a* -*_ . I The World's Women's Christian �emperauce Union Congress reassem- led at Edinburgh under the presiden- y of Mrs. Bailey. I . British Govt. has . ordered five more ruisers to go to China. his repre- enus an additional 50,000' tons, the rews aggiegating 3,000. . I . . I . � I . . ........... ... I I..... I ............ I'...- �j QTYLIS", RELIABLE I i I *--I ARTVSTIC,-%� .11 , .�* - I Recommended by Leading -1 Xt I , Dressmakers. * * , "I , . Tkay Always P caseew � -_ I MS CALLA Ma - I I N�ONE "ER AT ANY PIZIC18 .Y�h%� �1, g.,ternt tire sold In nearly . I t t. emryctyari own fil tho United States. r(YoUr dealu does not keep them send '* � diredt to us. one cent ttampa received, Addri"s yoar hearest poiilt, I .I. THE WCALL COMPMV, I I 138 (a 140,W, 141h Street, NOW Ybrk , IS 11MAX011 oYnOES .6 I 9 Fifth Ave., Ohl" a. And I � JOB I Market St., Son, if. mincW0. I Lac . "Sao CALLS i J� I Contains Beautiful Colored Plates, I Illustrates lAtest Pattettig. F091- - . - ­­­ � L inClUding 11 FXXX MOM 138 tO 46 W- 14th St-, " It - I - I ____ ___ __ CLX)NT01q MARKET REPORTS (Corrattad every WadnekdaY aftathoob) Wheat .......... ­...... 068 to 0 10' Goose Wheat ......... � .... ow to 0 70 Barley ................... 0 .38 t- - oats ......... � .. ..... � .... 026 to 0 97 Peas... .. I .. ............. 0 57 to 0 00 ' ltyo ..................... � , 0 40 to 0 40 . 1101tatoes per busWol ....... 0 Z to 0 25, Butter loose in crock .... 0 13 to'O 14 Butter in tub.,'....,...,, - 0 14 to 0 15 Bgga Pei, doz ....... ....... 0 00 to 0 10 I'lay .......... ...... 1.11 8 0() to 8 00 Wool,*. " I . ".7.'. 0 15 to 0 18 Live 110g; �e,r­p, W4. . * a 10 to a 25 Pork per owt ............. 5 00 to a 00 per Cwt ...... ....... 1 50 to I 10 �]Aour Dran per ton ............ 12 00 to 12 00 Shorts per toll .......... 16 (X) to A ej Wool per lb .............. 15 to 10 - 4 '7'hrJ;(ae)ftDav'd MoTavisb� son of - I 1 � .1 __ --11,511'r-1 --- -, ­ -.I.,----- I 'L""'.­_�'VRNMR� - ­ " -- , ' - ­­­ . 4 " wiffis I was to I ? Q1W*A*V*;; 4""W*'Wlol",%4v4p4".w*,wo.w*.wo Mikes Koe&t Want " I MO 70 'O 1�4NON & 00,10 A Is " ow.uisful not to sircues 'Wh4i '" ; ....'. I 14"y W n .WO need *Ad might Um ." # is to $904". ; ' " ­ 'L ­ ,, -­­­ - � L ­" ,- ­ ­'"­':W�-'A_ � _ - 4P 'WhO you -*#Ady possoss, 504ftlt Is `�;' ­­­ .% ptkotfu possession. rou 04n secure it . ' afta hop it by 401v, 504fs s4ssap4rou 'Whkh Ilortfles the blow, cares ctise-Asep AH4, � ; TALK 18 CHEAP . ("1Wr&ffsih*'WW*Vsf*m ; Boils-" I o" gresity frouklcd ,w11A I ; In fact there is nothing cheaper. This is a free . bolts ,ind b4d bW snd wss o0olsod to country and greatL latitude, of expression is allowed by law a -* - Ir.y 50OXs sars'APAP1114, I fottowcd tho 4ckfce 4nd ths beneftl I r4rcelveil 'EVA$ so ; and custoin. Talk is a valuable ally to a glib -tongue d. s ales- I I vese That I toQA ,% stconcf bolite and ,was ; Wan, It will sell clothing but it wont insure the purobaser . I cared." A L, Pot!4 4.vons, Ofit. ., against disappointment. Now, there is nothing that -jutfs . I P, , , 0 so small a figure in our business as talk. We rely upon I I 44 1 , .. - iylc I 11 0 the merits of our clothing and the lowness of our 13rioes to . A �0_ - . �. 0 onvince people that in dealing with us they are running Wpaila WWWMANAW __ ____,_____,__...__ _ ; no risks, Our stock of Ready-to-wear Clotbing this season , I I . I its superior- to anythin� we have ever sh . .1 I M I en's, J . — , , L , MARRIAGES, 0 I . own 11 . m Bo.ys' and Children's Suits. Specia I inducements will be I . ! HAMImON-WATT-At the residence # ?ffered to purchasers of Clothing between now and Doniiii. A , I of the bride's pardints in Hullett on a ion Day. *, � 4une 20th by Rev. Mr. Hamilton of , Londeaboro, James Hamilton to I Men's blue and l4ek Serge Suits, $3.50, $4. 50 and $5,00 1 Jean, second daughter of Yr. Geo. Tweed Suits, in. chee" and mixtures IGO to 0.00 ; Watt. 0 :: Fine Tweed Suits, new patterns, lined with & beat Ita- CARTER-LE PPINGTON- A t the home co ; - . * Ban cloth', now French facings, ab 7.50, 8.75 and 10.00 0 , of Mr. Geo. Rennellin-'bliaton on 0 " youth's Suits, short pants, sizes 28 to 83, in fan&T tweeds irday, une2 . 2t ,. y ev, J, F. 3 checks and mixtures, 0.50, 4. , and 5A , . 0 e, obn lbert Carter, youn % Boys' 2-plece Suits, fancy tweed,' 1,25, 1,50 and 2.00 . eat son of r Tbos. Carter, to miss Boys? Brownie Suits, with vestee, sailor collar,nicely trimmed, , ; 11 I Annie ' elde t daughter of Mr. the cutest little suit in the market, at 2,50 to 8.95 L 0 11 ".. � I Men's Wool Pants, worth $1.00, for Win. Loppington. ; 3 70c SWALLOW-PHIPPS-At the ,resid, Men's heavy Wool Pants, at 1,00, 1.25 and 1.50 . I ence of the bride's, mother, Holmes 0 1 $ .. T i - - � - � � ___ --,-- ville on June 27th, by Rev. J . Greene, Frank Swallow of Toronto I I* 0 . . . ro. 0 . " . to A ggie, youngestdaugh tar ofM c, MCKINNON &.00 - BLYTH S. Phipps. 0,qk�I )14t� ellt�105141.11 BE BRYAN- ,,kTSON- On June. 12� Win. D. Bryan, of Granton, Selina V , I daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jos., Beateon of Biddulph. GIBSON-KE RNICK.-At the Method. I istparsonage, Hensall,bythe Rev. I Goo. J'owett, on June 20bla, Mr. H'A R DWARE. Andrew Gibson to Miss Ellen Ker. , . � nick, youngest daughter of Mr. . . � L . I , . Daniel Kernick, all of the Thames I , I I __-e:>&(6�___-_ I I I . I Road, Ueborne. - � . . . , _14ZZ>W<;;P1_ 1 : . � I SPARLING--HARDING-At-*tbe resid- . . I . I . I L . ence of the bride's parents, Ford- . . I . . wich, on June 20tb, by Rev. R. 1. fleadquarters for all, kinds'of . . . Honking, Mr. John S. Sparling of . I . . . . I � , Howick, to Miss Agnes, daughter of I " I I � 11.1. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Harding of Hardware . Milges . Tinware Fordwich . I MILLER�COLQUHOUIST-At the resid- Wails . Glass . Looks L I ence of bride's parents- on June 12, . . . I .White Lead & Oils- Screen Doort and Windows . . I . , by the Rev. Mr, Audrows,Mr. David U L I L . . . Miller to Tonnio, youngest daughter I . Daisy Churns . B1 . e F anie Nickless Oil Stoves ,. . . of Mr., Thos. Colquboun, all of Hib- . . . All. Kinds Wire FeDcing . I . . bert. . ' . . I Cel . ebrated Sherwin Williams MiN ed Paints I . ME LADY�FEENE Y- ' At , CdIumban I . . . . . 1. . � . . � . church,, by Rev. Father Fogarty, on Agents for the, American Field Fencei ,the ­ . . ---'A Ahe June 20th, Mr. Frank Melady . . L best fence in the . . V, . . to Cecelia, youngest daughter of . world. It is horse proof, bull pi,:)of, hog proof, 1 and , ' ' 1. the late Martin, Feeney, all of I I? 9 . . . I . Hibbert. . I . . dog tight, extreme cold.or heat does not: draw it out of .. . McCOSH�BUTTOX-At the' shape, it stays, where it's put. 0 ill and see it. I . . parsonage I. . I , I .� . of Mesa Presbyterian , church, . I I . I Pueblo, Colorado; on June 5th, by Ik few'Royal American Clothes Wringel s qt $2.85 while th J L r I Rev. A. K., Harsha, Mr, Roderick . I . ., . I I I .e3 - . . � .1. last. . . I . . . L . . . McCoah, ,of Gardner, Colorado . . I . . . L L I L . I . . - - I ' A few odd shades Ready -Mixed Paints It, a bie discoun't. . I � I , formerly of Seaforth, to Miss Jen0 L . I . I . E. LBu tton. of Detroit, Michigan. . Lawn Mowers at reduced' ]�rices to ble ' * - I 1. PATTERSON - XcGREGOR- At the . . ar out. . . . . I I . L residence of the bride's parento,on I only Firbproof Safe, regular ,rice 35 r $27.00 I . � . . . . I � � I . . 1. , I . I . . . . . L . the 20th June, J, T, W.. Patterson, , L L I.L I . f` � . I . I I . L . of H.enmll to Miss Marian S., daugh- . . � . I . � I . ' I . . L . � .1. L � . . . . I I . I 'L . I . . ., I ter of Duncan! McGregor. I . . I . .1 I SL . . I . . . . . GAUDRY-NAFTEL-At TorontoiJune .. . . I L L � . I . . 12th,at .St. Margaret's church, by . . HARLANU-BRO 0 . . . L Rev. R. J,Mooke, .rector, Prof. A. . .. . . . . . 1; . . I .. I . . .. . . C.-Gaudry., Toronto, to Adel4ide'A R S L I . . . . . . . late JOL HEADQUARTE FOR . + : I " - Naftel, daughterof 'the . STOVES AND HARDWARE .' . : T. Wilftel, Msq.i oi La Vrangue, p -m- . I . 1. . � I , L - . . Goderich'. . _ . L . I . I . . . . I - � 'L . OICALLAHAN-STOCK - At Kinkor . .. I . 11 a GETVALUE FOR YOURAONET � I.. I ... ..''. _;__ I on the'junellfth,by the Rev. Father � I . . . I . I ' , O'Neil, Mr. Win,. OTallahau, of , When in need of Furniture buy from us and you will be sure to get good I . . . . 1 ' White Church, to Lousia I daughter 'value for your money. We have the reputation of makipg Goods that -are sur-, . � . . I . 11 � pf,Tawes'Stook, of. Ellice. . passed by none, TRASHY, Furniture and SLOP Work is not allowed to eAter I TIMMS-EDWARDS-Ab Palmerston, our warevooms. . . . I . I I I . I I . . on the 20th June, by the .Rev. J A. . . , . . . . . . - . . . I . I I I I . L . Aull, Mr. Walter Tinaresy of ifit- JUBILEE RECLINING CHAIR Most COL . I .. I I I . oholl, to, Eliza Edwards of P41mera- . Thisisf the. very latest thing for a Lawn and one of .. the. mfortable � . ton. . Chairs ey . er maddfoi that purpose.. Ask to see them. I I L . . . � . � '**-I-- �._,_� I DOIG-TURNBULL,At'the residence IL I . . I I I . 11 I . � . . ofthe bride's, parents, Grey, On the I .UNDERTAKING0 . . . . . I . I 20th June by Rev.. Juo. I(oss, B. &, In this de artment we carry a cc . mplete stock of Funeral Supplies. Good. I . . I I Mr. Jnd, Doig of Howick to Miss Hearses and Olfit. Charges moderate., . . . L � L . I . . I ; i Agnes M., youngest daughter of Mr. . . . . . I . I I ' I . JAB Turnbull, Reeve of Grey. , BOX& 000.1 .. . : I L . L I . I ___ I . I . I . . . . BIRTHS. � I . . . � 'Ll -1. W .. Chidley, I fiffanager, � . . i . , Night; and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our . I . - L Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley King St., opposite Foundrv. . . .. .. KELLY! --In Exeter on June 20, L the I . I L . . I I . - I ..;- wife of Herman Kellyj of a son. - � -_ 6"=Nil� ­4WAIIIA BROKENSHIRE,.- At Sharon, on Ano' , I � I . I : , 15, the wife of Silas Brokenolaire, of � . I � ,� L ?, L . , I . . I NNE, DY -In Wingham,onJune 16th, . . 11 . . ­ . a son. I . 1. I , oerts I , PEPPER. -In Morris, June 17,' Mrs. KE Louis Pepper, a son. .A Pictupe. Ofr Mrs. (Dr.) Koundy, A daughter. . I I I . DoWNEY-In Mitchell, on June 14th, . � . . - . . I I I I L ro John Downey, of a son. . . . I WILLS -In Mitchell, On June 18th, Mrs. . I . I . I . . . I . . J. H. Wills, of a daughter. I I . . I . . I ()RAWFORD-In Mitchell, on the 14th I . . June Mrs. John Crawford, of a son. -in Bowden, North Dakota, . I I . . . I . � 4"> HOWELL on Juno 3rd, the wife of Dr. Howellp formerly of Goderich, of a daughter, � . �__ . V:e4 . I , , 'T IQ , I t . Qe . _. . I I ;� I S - � V , . . DEALTHS, . 0 4 1 . � I . — WALKER -In Clinton) on June 13tb, I . . I I I . �. . . Illism the infant daughter of Mr. Wi I � I -Walker, aged 1 mouth and 6 days. . I . . . I . BIELBY- In Gray, on June 17th, Hattie J., daughter of Tbos. Bielby . I . I . I Ao all new subscribers of THE NZWS- I aged 22 years and 4 months. � � . Jzimo,RD and the Family Hemld and . - BROWN -In Kineardine, Tp. on .Tune 12th., Mrs. George Brown, aged 31 . . _�_ Weekly Star, the price of subscription ,. f years. for both to the end of 1900 being Ouly NEsBITT-In Kincardine Tp. on June 12th, Robert Nesbitt, aged 71 years. . I . 9 0 ,cents. I. 11 . . TONER -In Howick, on Junto 16tht . . John W.Toner, aged 26 yearop J , I - I months tind 15 days. WILKINSON-In Beigrave, Juno 17thi. . . . I . Than. Wilkinson, aged 73. XoT,AVISH-In Tuckeramlib, on the . I . � This is the cheapest way of securing -the '7'hrJ;(ae)ftDav'd MoTavisb� son of finest portrait published of 1ord 4'Bobs" Pete 'T vish, aged 20 yearn, THXRSK-In Wetaskiwin, Alberta on I I the idol of the British army. June 12th. Jennie Blanobp i;'f,'nt L � I daughter oP Mr. and Mrs, Win. I . ; . Thirsk, formerly of Blake, Huron I . I . county, aged 9 months and 2 days, � - . I � . . , it is now reported that 41: lives w6re S ,� � lost in the disaster on the SouthernTHE NEWS= RE0,0RT,,,,"�"" I Georgia Railway. , . I 5 1"4 1, 1�,_. . �* � I . � ,�_' "S' , : - . 1. 11 I I N . For Over Fifty Years � I - � NNI . I I I - ___ M��____� —1 . I I I ,!,, —.r --- - 111H " S.k i � lfime- Table, Trailla will artivo atawl depait from 01intoll station its follows :-, UVVVAtO ANDOODFU1011 DIVNIOR- Goln *vt Y,xv 7:38 a, In, r 1, Ses.1 2:&') p, no 11 Mixed 40� p. ill: Going West Mixed 'ON' ft. In, "'prIC19 12. r, P. in. :11 1. " L .1,0:27 P. In, tON00% RMLON AND 1111170Z DIVI910N. (40JVA South V,xprt88 A. In. ,# *� . Mixed 'NI V. In. Golf] At MIS a -on). , M .9 North r 1)1"4 11 Ixed 0.0 P, m. A. 6. PATTISON, V. It- HODGENS t. Town Ticket Agent. W8. I)JOASON. I Difittlot Ilm"nNor Aftfib,TOVOJAO� . I 5 ,A#�. ­_-M,­A*�_#.�,_ Eureka Harnesm oil to the beat leather 0 pregetivative of novV of old and h bag leat'hor. Xtolls,00 NO black- ennandprotootiL Use 4 1 Eureka Harness oil on year beit beirnme, your old.bar- R,Aoi,t 101MMAt 01ti 00-i Mal" Pew,& Ape. woon noaghcainso 1 ", TU Gr6at RagUSA lumay. -2 Sold and recommended by 41 I druggists inVansda. On Tell, able mediolue disoove= &I . I nW4 to curb 61) 'Mae .. IV 6 &I . efteets of ablise terms 0 exuafwW% n 'r or excess, mentAl Worm- lxCegslVe use of To, baoda, Opium or Stilamialits:1 Malled 6YMMO of price, one 1pokalle 8ft wit; oure. I l$I,6Ix,$6. Oneteffll)MaWo th, V .alets free to anraddroso. company, W ladvors Out. � Sold In Clinton by q, Jackson, R. B. Combo, E. I I Hovey and Watts & Co., druggists. .�� - NEW I . . � L I I . I . I - �. I . . . I I .. 1,011 I 3111 1111,111"i - I Our too rotarnea it we fail. Any ofta sancing sketch ana deoMption of sity invention will promptly receivo our opiriion froa w000rnmig tho Ateut. . jbMty of same, lqlow to Obtain a Patint" sent upon roquot, Catt modured through us advortleca for ap,lo at, our otpopso., a I Patent t4ken out thro* uo receivo Ve.ditl wtiee, vvithout eharge, In Tno 1"AT),xv UNCOAD, an fflustrated O'na *idal.v droulated JourA44 00AWOW by Manuftoturers end Invomors. Sena for omplo copy 1PR91t* Aadrose, , . 'ifICTOR J. EVANS & 00-t . (Nteot Attorney#0 Iltvon* OuIldingg im WASHINOTONt 6, 0. . .1 11