HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-28, Page 5MAV 28, 1908 -THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE FIVE, THE RIGHT HOUSE \Y� RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTIIY GOODS ON SALE AT MODDRATD PRICP15 F011 CASH AND FARM PRODUOD. Illi1. 1M1IN11 itom111 -�- WASH GOODS -�i- We not only have.the summer weather, but we also have a full lino of Summer Goods, Have a look at our Silk Mulls, Silk Taffetas, Mercerized Lawns, Grenadiers, Batistes, VestIngs, white, dotted, striped and flowered Munlino, intend and striped Ganghams, Cham - brays, Latest(/' Voiles, Clematis Cords, Organdy Florelles, Slaked Checks, Fancy Linens, Etc. It you are undecided, either in shade or material, we will bo pleased to give you assistance by a look through our assortment, E. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. b.1 PA \•1 Fel fel lel BENDER, BLYTH y ke 17.71 102S Mari r f 1 1 t ♦ r1/� ( rt 1 �. S{7t3:tFt�.ia'Ytfl .0 n..r �{ � h Y NEWS AROUND TOWN sE Il�' 1 rll.r lar 1{ f1 aI. Vt� r1i� 1 r 1�• YI �. 1 • r 1!11 MONDAY MONDAY next is tho 1st of June. l4osT Wawanosh Council met on Taesd'ay of this week, Two rinks of Blyth Bowlers may go to Guelph on the excursion on June 2nd to have a friendly game with the Guelph Clab., BARN BURNEV.-Tuesday' after- noon about 5.30 the barn of Wm. Sheppard, o:; the 13th of Mullett, was destroyed by fire. Lightning was the cause. Guelph -Model Farm -C. P. R. Goderich Canoe Club Excursion, June 2nd. Fare from Blyth, adult 51,15, child 60c. Tickets on sale at Tnwti Office, J. itic?tlurchle, Agent, TUE Grand Trunk auxiliary was called to Exeter at noon last ]friday, a freight train in the siding there having been derailed, Traffic was not blocked at all, and the damage was repaired in at short time, Now that housecleaning is at hand THE STANDARD has a great 110(03er of old newspapers tied up in bund- les which we will sell at 5c bundle or 3 for 10e. The papers are ell clean and just the thing to lay under the carpets, Conte early and avoid the rush, As'TTTE STANDARD wentto press last evening a happy wedding took piece at the home of the bride eu .the boundary when Miss Rose Bowes was united in the holy hooch of matrimony, by Rev, S, Andersen, 00 Thomas Colson, of the 13th of Huh lett. A more extended report will be given. next week. ARE you interested in good print- ing ? If you are, an order sent to our job department will convince you that we excel in the "art pre- servative." The certain tact In the arrangement of the type, so marked in our work, is as sign of art, Let us fit you out with business -bringing, printing. Call at THE STANDARD office end get our figures. 51ARRIE1'O-011 Wednesday morn. Ing at 6.30 aa, 01. a quiet wedding took place in the Methodist Church when Wm. Sims was united in mar- riage to Mrs, Mary A, Tashi', by Rev. S. Anderson. Only the Mime. diato relatives were present. The bridal couple took the C. P. R. train to Milton for a wedding trip. Tait STANDARD joins in wishing them many happy years, GRAND CONCERT. -A grand con- cert will be given.in St, Andrew's chu'cn, Blyth, under the auspices of the choir, on Wednesday, June 3rd. The cantata, "The Nativity of Christ," will he rendered by a strong chorus of trained voices of Wing - hem, under the direction et G. W, Cline. This grand musical produc- tion consists of solos, dnetts, trios, quartettes and soul stirring choruses, No one should fail to hear this grand chorus of nearly 50 voices. See programs for particulars; concert at 8.30 sharp, FISHING is one of the pastimes in town. CoUNctt Meeting and Court of 12e visionon Monday evening next. New subscribers can get TRE. STANDARD for 50 cents till the end of the year, LAsT week Daniel McGowan, con. 3, East Wawtulosb, sold his pure- brdd Clydesdale stallion, "Cairn- hrogle Hero," to John Galbraith, of Brussels, for a good figure.. NEW cement walks were put in by J. Stewart et the homes of Jas. Cutt and J. G. Moser last week, and this week he is laying new walks for G. Powell and David bloody. A s1I:OTAL train on the C, 1', 1.2. was arranged for on the 25th to re- turn after the concert in Goderiob, so that a largo crowd went up on the noon train to see the baseball match between Blyth and Goderich. A femme meeting in theinterests of A, H. Musgrove, Conservative candidate in North Huron, will be held in Blyth on Tuesday evening next. The meeting will be ad. dressed by the candidate and others, BLYTIO WON. -'Pare first game in the Lakeside League was played in Goderich OA Victoria Day when the lilyth team defeated Goderich in a well -Contested gauge by tt score of 6 to 4. Shortly after 3 o'clock 11]1311 e Moore called the game with Gode- rich in the field. Neither side scored till the iird innings when Goderich crossed the plate twice ; in the 4011 they secured another while Blyth landed 2. For the vis. itw's for the first tour innings C. 'Tenni wee the pitcher and had four athike-oats to hie credit, 13. McAteer went in to pitch et the frfti1 and though he was putting them a little high and tilled the bases the next three went out in order. During the five inuiugs men were 011 the bases but Goderich was only lucky to get one in, the last trine up, The Blyth boys were initialled to take their runs in "twos," scoring in the 4th, 613 and Stir, hollowing are the ea meg, with ruins and outs and the score by Innings ;- Blyth- R 0 D, Somers, c 0 4 12. Sims, 11.) 0 6 E. McMillan cf , 3 '2 W, Watson, rf 1 3 L, Kerr, If and 3b 2 1 S. Buchanan, se.,,. 0 2 C. Taman, p and If1) 3 A•Coombe, 211 0 3 B, McAteer, 30 and p0" 4 6 27 Goderich- R 0 L. Elliott, If 1 3 C. Webb, 30 1 2 C. Devine, so 0 4 1 '2 1, Wiggins, 23 ., 0 '2 D, Nicholson, 13.. ,.....1 3 T. Foster, c 0 4 F. Kudob, rf 0 4 3, Tait, p ... 0 3 4 '27 Blyth...,.....,., 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0-0 Goderich 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1-4 WEDDING bells will soon be ring. Ing. ANoTiER umbrella repairer was in town last Saturday, Excnnsloxs are going to bo many on the 0. P. R. this ,year, not: fire engine wits tested last Wednesday evening and worked all right. A NEW sewer '•vas placed as the corner of Still and Westmoreland streets. 'l'nm tine Milne of G. H. Reese is being refl'eshed by the painter's brush, WANTED, -.50,000 lbs. Wool ; highest prices paid. Also any qunn. tity Butter and Eggs. -G. E. Ring, Wingham. LAST Wednesday evening two carry -all loads of Trinity Church young people visited at the home of Principal and Mrs. Hartley, Clinton. They reported a fine time. TRE first baseball thatch In the Lakeside League will be played on the Agricultural lark on June 12ti. The visiting team will be Kincar- dine, Dunt forget the date, Sonde time ago prizes were offered in the shape of lots at a summer re- sort, known as Newago, near Mont. real, for compositions on Ills resort, and Mrs, D. D. Crittenden of town Ives to successful prize winner. She. received word a couple of weeks ago with the number of her lot, etc. THE Ladies' A10 of St. Andrew's church held a successful social on Monday afternoon and evening on Wm. Logan's lawn. Tea was served from 5 to 7. The amusements con- sisted of baseball and bean bags. A good program was given in the evening, Proceeds amounted to twit' S13, Didn't Agree with Me Mr. Arthur Tennison, 88 London Street, Toronto, writes enthusiastically of the merits of Psychine for all stomach troubles. "Por seven years I have had indiges- tion and dyspepsia, I tried scores of remedies. My room resembled a drug store with nostrums which I had bought. Eventually I used Psychine, and every dose brought permanent relief." All throat, lung and stomach troubles quickly cured by Psychine. It is the prescription of a great specialist. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Our Offer. -*- From now till June 13th we snake the special offer of 25c for the fol. towing daily papers Toronto Globe " News " Mail & Empire " Star Subscribe now and read the political news, Meeting of Huron Co. Council. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Iluron will meet In the Coun- '11 Chamber in the Town of Goderloh, on June tad, at the hour of 3 o'olook p. rn. Accounts against Os county, requiring settlement, must beplaoed with the Clerk previous to the above date. Dated at Goderich, Mny 131,11, 1908. W. LANE, Clerk, MONSTER EXCURSION 10 -- GUELPH Tuesday, June 2 Auspices of the Menesetung Canoe Club, Goderich The Council and Citizens of the Royal City will welcome the people from west- ern points along the Guelph K Goderich tine in return for the celebration of the opening of the new line held ha Goderich last Septernber. The staff of the Agricultural College will receive exoursfoniets and give special demonstrations of the work futile vat - one departments, An International League Baseball Match will he played at 2,30 between Guelph and Niagara Faile, N. Y. A. lawu bowling tournament and other special attractions have been arranged for the day. Rates and train schedule a Leave Adult Child 9.00 a. m. Goderich $1.25 05e 9.16 McGaw 1.20 OOc 0.27 Auburn 1.15 Mc 9 38 Blyth 1.15 floc 0.5(1 Walton 1.10 55e 10.00 MnNaught 1.00 00c 10.12 W. Monkton 950 10a 10.30 Milverton 80e 40c Arriving Guelph at 11.20. Returning will, leave Guelph at 7.50 p. m.. arriving fu Goderich at 10.10 p. re. Tickets good to return Wednesday, June 3rd. Don't fail to take part In this first ex- cursion east over the new C. P. R. line, the f1neetroadbed in Canada. Officered the Menesetung Canoe Club : W. S, Turnbull, President. F. W. Broohey, Treasurer. L. M, Mabee, Secretary. '1'ii plum trees ere in bloom, JusT 11 days and then the elec- tion will be,a thing of Ole past. 'Phil Blyth beechen team goes to Lucknow on Monday to play as leagne match. SAMPLE copies 00 1.110 Weekly Stall & Empire at Tune STANDARD office, 10 you do not receive 000 call and Ret ono, IMPROVEMENT. -The butcher shop of ,John Heffrol has been brightened up by the painter's brush. Ile lute also had all addition built to the heck of his shop, LAST Wednesday Dr. Milne at• tendert to tiled meeting of the coin. nlittee that has the reunion of war- dens in charge. 11e went up in his auto and for company tools along J. 51eMurehie, Dr. Lung and J. Blaney, How would it be to throw polities to the wind and take hold ot'some- thing practical for to change ? For instance, what are you doing to make our Fall Fair a success ? It is not too soon to begin to get busy. Tnr junior baseball teen] from town went to Brussels and succeed. ed in defeated the home team by a score of 6.5 and had to play 10 in. flings to decide the contest. The score card was lost so we etre unable to give the names of the two teams. A return game will be played here shortly. COLLECTING. -Rev. J. G. Taylor, a colored brother from Woodstock, favored Blyth with to visit on Satur- day last, He was canvassing M the interest of the purchase and este b. lishtnent elan industrial 00001 an d school for the r dueatiou of the negro race in Ontario, Chatham being the location decided upon for the msti- Iution. WELL KEPT.- On Victoria Day section 8 of By-law No, 2, 1877, et the village was well kept, 'Phe by- law reads "that no person shall tire off any musket, gun or other filo- arms, nor shall they set fire 00 set off any lire bells, squibs, tire crack- ers or fire works within one hundred yards of any house or other build- ing within the corporation of the said Village of 131yth," FOLLOWING are the licensed auc- tioneers for fluroe County :-Ge,. Beckett, Thomas Gundry, Jatnts Stanley, F. S. Scott, Thos, Catueror, W. 11. Newton, G. W. Walker, 11. Heisenberg, John Gill, R. Pc - Charles, W. A. Currie, Wm. Holman, James A. Smith, David Dickinson, C. II. tails n, Thomas Brown, Alex, Morrison, Henry Torrance, John Purvis, Edward Bossenberry, 13. S. Phillips and Joseph White. '1'Ile licensed pedlars are not as nutnerons as other years. Their Flames are -J. E. Barnwell, Wm. McDonald, Geo. Vandenburgh, FL A, Jones, 'L'hos. Langan, W. H. Whitley, S, A, Millie, George 13eatty, Nelson Ba- velle, R, A. McDonald, A. Dolgoff, James 12. Cott, W. G. Combes, Robt, Stem, John Young, J. E. Frey, Wm. Bushfleld. Bert Jenkins and Thomas John ston, of Fort William, went out in a canoe and are supposed to have been drowned. Mr. Plummer says there is very little proepeet of future negotiations between the Steel and Coal Conn paries' representatives. An attempt was made to operate the Magog cotton mill, tut not more than 100 hands reported for duty. -4- An attempt wars made to burn the separate school house in West Belle.. villi. -*- Ed were) Price was shot end wounded while practising at to tar- get in London. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy 0 recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value. It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. 0 has been prescribed by phy- sicians with the most satisfactory results, 0 has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. 0 only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for so little? BUY IT NOW. .bVarMIA•01.64. 0 i to (0 00 • 00 0 0 (01 0 ©i 0 d • o� 0 00 0 �0• U� 0 Suits Exceptional Values at Medium Prices Size 2f --$650, S ze 22-$1,75, $200, $2.25, $2.75, ,Sue 23--$1.71, $2,00, $3,00. S ue 21-$1.75, $2,00 $2.75, $3,75, $4.00. size 21-$2,20, 32.75 $11.75, $4.00, $425. Size 20-$1.75, $2,00, $2.25, $2.71, 33.50, $3.75, $4.50, $5.00, Size 27-$2.00, $3,50, $8,75, $4.00, 35.00. Size 28-$2.00, 32,75, $3,00, 33,50, $4,00, $5,00. Size 29-$4.0, 35.00, light and dark. Size 30-$3.71, $4,50, $5,00, $11,00. Sze 31-$55,00, halt. and dark. Size 82- $4,00, 35 00, 30,60, $7,00, $7,50, $8,00. 31z83:3 $3,75, $5,00, $0.50, $7,50, $8.00, r0 • Pink, Blue, Tan, White and Black hosiery, In sizes from 4 Inch to 1(1 inch, from 100 to 50,1 a pair. • } Navy, White, Cream, Pastel and Black Silk Gloves, in sizes 0!1 to 711i 10 button length, 31,01). �0 Celebrated Ethel 1310 Gloves, in tan, brown, white and black, at $1.25. 0 0 0 0 Tan and Chocolate Shoes Pull lines In Children's and Ladies' Low and if let Shoes. CASH FOB BUTTER AND EGGS. (0 • • POPIESTONE & GARDINER BLY7C H `` f r r r �Y- )` Y > r� ,) I � ) 'S� �i i ,)o-Ot:10.0C•700)0O0000G'(J.QQ;( Q;flQ.>Q00 TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS ! Try "LIPTON'S" packed only in tine, the flavor is kept In. "SALADA" in lead packages, "JAPAN" the best 25e Tee on the market. Lome 'Tette, black and green, mixed to suit the taste. GIVE US 'A CALL Potatoes wanted. A. TAYLOR - Highest prices paid. Corner Store BLYTH Every order left at Pttttt,ttt' o GDffiLr, whether large or small, is turned out in first-class style. bVe have the plant, we have the workmen, and we have the experience, anti these three very important factors enable us to keep pace with the tinges. QGlje gtaloarto is one of the most progressive newspapers in Huron County and we would like to have your name on our subscription list if it is not already there. he Standard - Blyth