HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-06-07, Page 8n I 4 I , I . . 4 0 3 I� I I I � I � � 1. I I I I - I . I - ­ � I- - -_ � I , ' ' tho . �Aso; .. I of I , I . . . .1. first s1tornam, to bo s"d Ia aid , ,X� 1- I 4 , . ,� the war sufforgrg, ;,�,.: � ., I I . . I . �, � � . . Ill *0 ]KOU" of C,Ojalamw tho Guy. W PRI10'. IN THE GOLD REEF CITY.' �4 �_' . ., I, . 11 . ffidwhs� , IMM, � ��, 'O W~ - _ksr 410.00 boing txk*a la during So", a � . , , ,�",.. I � � WKS , P -H . � .-IA'SURRE'NOERS, 9m f" N oralUAllat I*Rdor. A. J. Balfour, an. I - � -, , , ­ ". . I I - I � . I . . . _-4�,,,, �"__��� 1, . - . . 190VV Itm About OunWvet od riouiscod that Lard ftlisbury would )ToW a Isro$4odino in t4o fttlon. " A�, � "__ _,_____,___, 1 _ —, ' ' . "' ' , , I . . I o . "I I � � �, I' ,- _somethfiw d consider it propwitioa to Yholti a iiii. - 11 Legh"tum The British Flag Plies Over the ,''�. .. I I 0 Jgte"d rroM F rs000000. � , ,Vray. QUU. tional thaskagiviag day In -Aoknow. ii,� C a, pital 6fTr4nsvaa1 Submits ot ft N*hl*" lodgin"t of Uod'# Youchast'llt victory POINT CIAIM FIRE SUFrBSERS. , Government Buildings, " . . - I � I 11 I 1 4 . �. tv d ow Glob$. to the British arms. � . �1. , I I � 0 A 0 1 , 0 1 ' � ft's"Woo-10 Cab hire is P-90 por hour at Pro. Xr. XQuk asked tha Govsrument, ________ 119 � ­ w � 0,&NADA.- , � - toria, And can hilloolly be wurod at for aid to the oufforart; from the Uudou, May 31,Tbs following do- vAwbarg, In suSvort a- Frsaohlil I - . � the., Braish ,_r ithout a Shoot ., recent fire At Point Claire. ITo said opatell from Lord Roberts, the British Cavalry , which w" diroctod -to go .. . 1 , � � � q� Aprematory is to be built at Mont- any figure. The foreign represents. , 1. I" I - _, . , - . . . ') � I . -1, , , , tives find th that two-tbirdif of tbo village had been � commandor4XII-eblof !A Soutb Africa, north near the road leading to Pro. . I � �� I sil" I . . rail. Sir oalariam insufficlont � troyed, eighteen famllio*aro In Ww bee I I I . . I . I the numbor,9f to moot the ordinary expens" of aes , 0 fecolve4 At the War Office toria. I have not board from Fr#Ach .;,.. . L � I . , I London has reduced living. absolute Ased. and .dixtress, and about bore, ! yet, but Hamilton, In a roport which -4�"'11 - - .11, BWnao Fired ward0frometO4. ­ � . Iq I . is � 0 . 180 People without K home. He know WobAntioeburg, May 3i, 2 V.m,-T16r b" just r6achod Mo, states tb4t, at I - 'air � J I .1 ,. I q.. . . � . � I . . Canada'a exhibit at the Paris. 1, T114 AlltbOrttlOg W&biva apparently - that Parliamoo.at could not very well lKajosty's forces are now.1a. ". session About one Wolook In the aftornoon he I . - � ,. . . .1. --1._-.1'. . . . . � is to be closed, on Sunday. have begun to realize, that the "Boxer" grapt R84iotanoo in a case of this of , Johauneahar . go and the British flag found hiA way blocked by the enemy I � � Thursday J.goroWsl.�ir bae peon appo - I out Is too serious to remain , L Inted to pre eight bases of Ino"m . 1 4 . 4, despatch,,froni London, t . . ,CONFIRMED BY �OTHVR CORR:0$� Port Arthur has kind U1110" it %lZ9u4t04 to A floats over the 0overunaent . I I I .1 oays.—w4e, Daily Mail publishes the i serve life, and property durtug the Ia- . inuallpoi; Fort Willianxtbroo. longer undesit wltb,. Troops are being . . build- strongly posted on, x4me kop* and I �', I. I � . PONDANTS. � - 4ent from Pekin to the diatur - national calamity, but in this _. case, ,lngs,11 . ridges three alilea squth of the T�aud. , I . . . following despatch from the Earl f terv,griura 1. . I churches. Are In bed dim I " �., Q so ar I , . I tch fr. ru L96 on s.a -T Several Hamilton ,tricts with Instructions to rigidly Ou owing to 0* recent great fire in Bull The following despatches from .the They had two'lleavy srulls and several . � I . Rossiya, who was a prisoner at Pre- I ytliluK is quiet* biLt Crowds A dcapa 0 lid .yo, . he opreatilAg,the NAlary' of their pastors. P" and Ottawa, private charity was .not commander-In-oblef wore recolveds*r- field guus� and psom-poms. Hamilton � . 11 torla, and who, as a civilian, appears are waitlaK expectantly J,ri, 0 , as Guards of � pipal bar ur Press t a o tra qu. . � , I ,� , . , ,. . tiurob War O.Alce h . issued nothing from the pria bo b A 0 forthcoming to the extent tbatmight 'liar in the olay.- forthwith 4,04oked. . I I - � . , � . s . L� . I to have been released - sqAare for ,the Arrivgtof- t1i �' RT!tlob, Gen. Roberts sinc� It made Public Its fortification& at Halifax b&vA been '� � I otherwise be expeo I ,4'Tlvo6 right was led by tb I . I !, r � 0 1 pted., -- "Gormiston, May 80 ,, a Qordoua, � � '� � I I "Pretoiria, Wednesday, Mai K I "Fearing a poastbl@ A1.11A4044AD despa�oh sent frojin Ger Iston M - doubled. 4 Sir Wilfrid losurlei paid that he was 11 In ' . 11 I 1 2 1 1 � � , .nd . ues Ott w a assessment is 024,4,78,800, ORANOE RIVER COLONY . answer to a glag of truce I w�ho, after capturing one extremity I a,in.-Protorla will be occupied in and blowlobed amopg tbo prisoners Of, day, 4pua 1 unable personally to reply to the ro, sent to Johannesburg this morning of the ridges wheeled Around and I , quile,ing that be expectedto a a, , 1. , � ­ . I L . t and PoPu)a- — , I � , about two hours without resistance. war at Waiteiml, United States con. -I vocapy Johannesburg wit],Aotit oppos!4 .I a net debt 42,940,045, New Name Given the 'Orarl - Free quest, as he would have to consult bis the comjAalidant came to sea me, Ile worked along it until after dark, I : - 1% � "The President has gone to WatOr- sul 114Y And Mr. Lei h Wood, insisted tion, but tologr4ms frora. oprreppoild- tion 57,009, . . � go . colleagues,, 14 A case of this kind the begged we to defer entering, the town clearing,, It of t4Q enemy, Wboo iQug,ht I I . I 1, :4, . .9 I . r refineries have ,State by the Military Governor. , I I upon 20 officers being liberated On onto 0 Pretoria otatis that the Boer The Montreal Bug,% ' Government could not be guided by In- for twell t,y-four lioara, as. there were I Woot obstinately. '1U One Hundred . i I � valbovert. I . . I I "The burgomaster, Do Sousa, is parole to *�Q. to the rAen. 'Their ae- capital has' beeii, abaQoinod to ,the made a out itt sugar of five Cents A despatch from Bloemfontein, dividaal insti t. Aline had been many Aimed bitrgliero still inside. I 1:1 . � , L Per 100' Pounds, Monday, says: -Amid salutes 'And ' uO And Fourth led on the other flanic. . authorized to receive - ot lie too highly praised. -6 forts J draWn at the V and would not be denied, but the chief 11 . 11 the British. tion oaaa . . British, th having been eVaoxi- , aullpox death has occur. the singing of "God Save 04w Queen," . r1riciplo that AO aid agreed to thig, an I Am rr�ost anxious � . F I . I .., ia "I�ieolden�' Krager And the The. sixth or � should be granted except where the .to a � ; , , . 'Re, with an influential committee of "I was 'Periflitted,io ae.00mp4ny the ted, Mid. I p- the military Governor, XAjor-Goneral . ve.rt the possibility, of anything share in the action, as In the casual. , . , I.,.-, . � I �. . quiet," t.Execativo Counci *vIng tied. rod at Winnipeg. A Minneapolis W calamity *48 lot Anational character like diaturbance inside the town,and ties, tell to the Gordons, whos gal. � . . � Citizens, including Chief Justice Gre- 1 Officers- - R,Very`tbi,nk� was . , . , .11 . George Pratyman,_at noon formally . I .0 . ' I I., I 1. t - ". .. I � � - �� . % L . I — I - - I I . . . mAn Was the victim. proclaimed t4e Annexation of the Free and beyond the ",tbillty Of relief by �A bodledot the enemy ara,stlIl. hold- lAut Advance excited the admiration I " ''r.": � ..7. �% ­ - - D LOCUST& BY THEROUN0. . I , THP FIR W OF CAANA(M . , Regimenfq from omallPDX-ilifected Ate undor' the designation of the private charity, H ould be Inclined law the hills In the trimaodiatellielgh- of all, . - I I I., I � Pt, from all- K .. I 1.- MARKETS OF THE WOBI districts are iO be exam - ' t9tilink that this fire was not of that bourhoQd, from. which they will ba'VO , "Hamflt(M. Ia' ,new' ut ,Florida, duo . . I , I -� I - I -17* I — 'ileiilo- nual drill this year. Orange River Colony, The ceremony character but he r000 nized I I � . W "R- . Se .Teng . "s`iir soum *rricaow natao was somewhat Imposing, An 9 , that -to be clearod off boforelia,ad. was,t of oJohauriesburg, xud French, I ��,. ­, Dow Sough Africa Pe:klsi W10A 04to or Its I InceAdisrleo Attempted to burn the . d the scope, , ' . 117 , � ,-,."- � I . The sqvretaiy Wit rot. . while private charity wQuIdordiriatily ,,Rnudlo reports tbot� lie attaokad a is a few miles further to the north� � , 1: �_ I - i Prices of Grain, Cattle, Cheese, &O., 11141411coo, - . , ,. ity of Scarboro, British Indies, in the rket square inspiring, An , I I . , These are rare days for the vultures 0 , West . 'me, I . be Autft*at to meet such Amos, it large party of Boers near $a a . . I .. News has rbeautly come from Bagu- � I , � Immense concourse bad gathered, and " , . nekal on eaet. The Gordous, the cavalry, the � I 11, I Southl AfriQa, *- The horrid, carnage ,and poartf4lly succeeded, * , I " �4 .1 . , in the, Leading Markets, Wand and other Parts of South Africa of � , 'he town wo gay With 4 -bunting. The mlghV#Qt nowi owing to the influence May 28. He @aid I his casualties wiWo anounted infantry, and the Beventli . . "I �. . . I Ottawa machinists and moulders t I __ of war onpplie,4� thea4, with g I . recent gr I . division are holding th 1, . I . I . ,� , ": . 11 ; that locusts have pAt in their- perlodl� �11 da� Are joining in the general movement balconies and windowa surrounding .,p4t fire in ]Tull, And not heavy. I , e heights of . . , - � I 7'1� I 1 �.. Toronto, June 5. -All round prices cal appearance "in myritt � ds, and are plqa�y� and to spare, Julian Rail 4 shorter the square were crowded with ladies, Ottawa, He proit,is.6d the sympathitl� . "Brabant . reports tUat'on May, 20 the town. The eleventh division,wxtb " I � . , � p. I scribing recently a ride to.Bloomion- for ,increased wages an Consideration of the, Government. two of Uis patrols$ consisting. of two Batteries 1HI and 'Go' and the heavy � I . � I .. , were steady at the range of last Tues- doing immense damage to the crops. , among, them Lady Roberts and, the I �; - � :_ I I -1 Only 40 loads came in. I I . . toin in tba� wake, of Roberts' vietori- hours- � . Mug XOT-TMED 'POLICE. officers and forty men, were out Ott artillery, are south, Of JobanupAurg. I . I 11, ­ day. The Qove,rnmont has. organized, labour I .1 I Port Dalhousie ratepayers have Misses Roberts, the CQuntess of Air, 'Sir w. L . I I ­:. , , 11 For prime hogs, scaling from 160 to parties, who are destroying the,, at ous 'army wrote.� . � lie, aad Ladies Henry Beatinck a ilfrid'Lauri6r'stated1liat last by the eneray, and taken pr(sopers,11 "Hamilton speaks in ,high terms of , I I I I I � I . . ' -too ing , nd 'Praise of the manner in wJxicUB,ruce I � '. vo 1 112 to 3, in'favollur of grant " Germistdn, May $0, 9.�.ra. I � , I . . I .1 ice is 6 5-8c; heavy 116 walking sta . . I "I saw ailicad a me a swarm of vul- "OttvillOtOn- . year the force. consisted of r" men, I " � . . " ", � . 2QQ lbs I , go." a, books Ot'V6.600. to the,Toroilto Rub- - . exclusive of the 950"ruen 1A thei Yukon. "Ther brunt of-Ahe fighting onel Spam, 0 the , 1, hogs, Go; and light hogs, 5 3-4c per tures soaring, in as thick, a cloud As , yester- Hamilton, &lid Col f � : ". � �1. . this is probably A sombwhat, enig- . I READING OF ZUE RROCLA-MATEON. . I Uton'S rColia I . �'� I , ' . 4 bar shoe Co. I � I The Average cost ,of I . I . � mat if they had been raoths,' 4s I draw , 1. , � maintaining day tell upon Up Ham Mo. Shropshire Light Infantry, handled I . . . ,,_1 lb. ical message to the ordinary carer I noticed that th Fifteen now grain cievatong fire to The troops were drawn up under. them was VW Par man. There have I have sent film, a Already ment*�oned, their L arien, . Smit2i-Vqrrien-# I .1 I - 1. 1. . I s under , � , �� . Following is the range of qu(,ta- reader, particularly the ,last part n I e b A lk I of each a erected by the, Ogilvie Milling com- command, of General Knox, And enter- � . I . ,�L I ,, I . one's body was very great I ..' or, � the b I I . gone to South . AfrkA, 18 officers to work around to the west of Jo�axi_. direction," I . I - . I . . .. thereof, referring to the "walking . - points in Manitoba taliked t.he sp�otators. T,be Go rnor, dnd .160 we ­ ,; . . I -- -- !- - ! . � I I ­ - tions ;- � � Pany at. different I v . . ,::�.�' � . �o � 0, The force in the , I .. I � . '. I I V, I stage,,' and yet it, Is very simple. in grounds where there were .two scoro, - . - . -_ . 11 Cattle. . and the Torritories. this Year. � '. Accompanied by General Kqlly�!Cen, . I . . .1, I � . k"' �:: . . waddling about' they, seemed biven . I Yukon, ha.4 ftirridled to 115 " ' ' .. "", .! I reality.. � I I , L The City C0111101 of Ottawa, by a py, men, the : tion should be exerapted by names (but �, 1. 0525 . . and their staff,p, escorted, by the otbers havirij left to go elesw.he . I I I , I large* They markodf the, outer edge . . re or to. enact a gene,rAt cla - THE WAR . , LC, _" i Shippers, per owt. . . 6425 JOITIAGS ABOUT , I— � I There are two kinds of locusts, says , -is I _ �� I . . � 1 375 460 ­ . I � . - use of b 1. � .� Butcher, choice do ... . I " vote of 12 to 11, defeated the by law Walsh Yeomanry, was. greeted with a . - I . , .... - horrid - ' - , engage in Milling Or Other 0AUft84 En- . o-6- � #, : ., 1.11 1� � 1. of1he great.Aind field of earn haracter would amply give oppor. . ­ , _ � Butcher, med. to good. 325 3621-2 a writer in the London Daily Mail, the . . oiring that. buildings erected in general salute, After Winch, ,Amid an lWmeata 11%ve, boon going on %to,fill I 'a I , ITEMS THAT WILL INTEREST YOU - . v "Ir I :� _� . age Many dead ho se re, I I . � tunity (or all kinds, of evasions. , . .1 I . . . I L � - 375 Boers call them. That is the foot I I . I the �Govern- aque, , A " a Tlio Amendment was. losr,' . . I . , ", Butcher, inferior ... ... 300 325 Voetanger andflieSpringhaari, as the . r s. lay on the ,C. area be fire Proof. - mpresg&s silence,, .qnd m a Clear up the depleted r&xiks so -that th ' -AT THIS TIME, . I , . ."., : the virned , , � . . . % I ��, Stockers, per owt . ... ... 300 - vol�t, and these birds .; were eating . _.t . ex . I I I 1:,-�� I , . The 120 ao;es Which voice bear Id in oXp�y part of the fe I . - . � I I I � I ,;,;,: - some and pore . hing on, the backs a& I I .a, ,w 7 me), in the. Korth�West. . I I . - . - ____91__. I � I - , , I .. � r I �. . �;, Sheep and Lambs. walker andthe junippock. The former ., , went has added to the St. Regis re- General Pretyman road Lord, Rob- - . I The Boys oik the Ila I ' 1; '.1 , ,I I . are the more. destructive lodusts be- others, 1. .. I I .. I I � I . . and.176 in t1la 'tukon, Tile intention tteellotil paid Tlaoso an , I 1, I , , i , I , 1 ,,,, - Sheep, per cwt . ...... ... 375 450 . serva � tion ,near Cornwall have beell. arti.- j)-roclamation - annexing the is to ra,kji the n' 400ERTS' PROCLAMAIION. Tneir Way to) th euvii—All. 11ruagn 1. . I ' "Foul, nausaoue, ugly,, bp.aetl I I eoessary� 0ansfora so I . , I I I 71� , .�,­ Yearlings, per cwt .... 450 525 fore they can fly, when they just walk . . y,birds divided into bornesteads for the In- Cravings Free' State As couquei(eol by , I . . __ . ­_ . . Zooksi to Deeols; or. llr;4Veryq � I ­ ­ .1 %, �1.1 . . I � �Id� Spring lambs, each. ... 250 450 over the crops and destroy every ves- * Are these. Theyt were to, be, my con- . 11 . I . . . as ip keep'500 men in the North'Wost 1. I 1. : .� ,L v ' t Will only, lie Respected * A bombarilier writes. from Xodder I I 11 il I ­. I I ore . I While I . . I .1 I � , I ilant Companions for three days .diAng. . her Majesty, 'q f 08 to the Quean's A]ad 266 in the Yukon. It .is estimated I I I I I .;:I Ducks, per cwt . ...... ... 250 350 tige of green thing within their march. . -, I .1 nent Society' . 'bli , � - ,,, - , , Milkers and Calves. Hamilton City ImproVel dominions,, and proclaiming that the I ,that the expense of- the, for' 11 I I I River that when General Trenc . ndreds upon hundreds , , ce Wi . �Forbe Compels liespect. ' . I P" �:' 0 - The second is the fully. fledged article Was to Sao hU the bosf�kefit I r*gade Lord Roberts' Me ', I . ,L. ., . Cows, each . ...... ...... 2500 450 . . I . will, offer prizes for , _ State shafll 4slaceforth -be knowm as be the ,,me As. last year, ,0353,750; - iA Aeoplalt6b from Cape Towlfi says: B 4 joined I I . I � I I . � 1�` . I , , , . , , - , i) �.'­ .. I Calves, each ... ......... 200 1000 that flies in swarms of incalculable of thern,..and never once, by,day, fail . � 1. 1� . number of.gunq,amounfed to 122, � � 1. . , . I boulevards and I I Awns, and also. for, the Orange Rtver 061011y. .. i 7 . � , I � 1, I ' I . ,� " WINNIPEG CAT 1� -'Th Qns, Land, an Aifrikander organ ' I I I �.: , . myriads, doing less -damage perhaps, to. see them.. Yet there . were nof flower,decorated windows, porches and I I I . 4 - ROLICS, R SOLU..; � - 0 1 1 The Book prisoners at St. Helena "e. I I ' I . f I . I Hogs. but absolutely obscuring' the sun by enough of. them to. ma,k I a away� With . ., . I . . . TRL ROYXL STANDARD. - i -- - - � TIOX, ' - , i . idea.ling. Witlil the *atteii. OR 'the An- . . I I I . � 11 1 I , 1.1�.� � , verandahs. . � . I I . I pleased. with camp, lite'; they spond the. I . : ,� � !I. .. Choice hogs, per cwt... 600 6621-2 of . nexatiop by Great Britain. of t1e. .. � I I I- � ". " wt .... 525 57 the blhLek shadow of their cloud, and all the food that war had given them. d Ioujity cheers greeted the c " eluding Mr. as called atLoxitli)n to the . timo Singingi � I , - 5 Frank Wiirke, the italian'Who kille I . . am Dug -Ange Free ataLe says it playing games', .and ,, I . ," .,�, Light hogs, per c � 0. cannot' 1% . . I . . . . 1�� '.,� Heavy hogs, per cwt ... 550 600 actually stopping railway trains by the Natural as,'i$ tho feeling of repul- his wife, ' to, man. words. of tbe procla(mition, and- these ,recent meeting -of Winnipeg Cathol! - ' I S ajer%, Oil genaially� a . . I . I pleaded guilty 11 . . I I . C-�, *the. -'ireso musing themselves. � z. , , . - , ��� . I ' I , , I , , Sows . ...... ...... ... ... ... 300 3121-2 greasiness of the rails which their sion, which the preseripe of these scav- . the -Welland Assizes and were renewed with ever-increasing aj W.hi� voug"TatAlate . � t I 11 A large .' case of goods containing , . . . " - , - � I ,� .. - slaughter at . . , chl-a resolution was passed ia,4 ' . �, � � ­.. . I I I ' . . their ue,vy oRigenshilp. They are now - � � � � I I, �,,��, - Stags . ......... ...... ......... 225 250 crushed bodies produces. angers of the battle field arousas , in - fed the atru 4 . .1 1. I � ,. I ­1� . . . I $ will serve tan years in Xingstow pani volume as -Lord A,bheson anflar , eting,tho committeato take irb- , 4 somp - dozens of footballs and "a qua�i­ , I I I . I . . ' ­ , � I . � � I � � ; ,`> Toronto, June 5.-Wh.eat-American Several more or less efficacious me- the economy of nature!, they perform tentiary, Be is 60 years of Age. - I RoyAlzStabdaid,arid the bands sturck eitiz-ons I ot, an Elinpim, w�hlch . requires tity - of oricketing gear has' bem des- .. ... "Q , � medla.te steps to lay their gribyarices 1. � . . 11 �],:�� I. Xbsiglt 4s up� "God Save the Q400n,".all present L . � . 250,000.mbfi to criiis1,h!,�wo small(Roeipab- . . . . - ­ - markets opened firmer, but eased off thods are adopted for the"extermina- a most Offilul.work..,They lesson the � Rev. G. 0, 'Troop may I On the school.,(lues Lion before thq-Do-. , � . phtchad to the ,troops at the front�-,': ' 1. .1 : ;��,'�.­ I I I I . . I ' olatuaLion is- . . . . � I I . . 1�%� again toward the close. Local prices tion of the post. One way is to dig a danger. ;cf peStilence. Th I's church, Xon�f� joining. in singing the Xiitional,,hymri- minion Gov r' ' ' 't'liat' relief lies' The Annexation pro , s d I I � , , . � I , , . , I � _ 0 really pastor �of St. Martin I I . . a, riment so I . , . . , .. ­ - . . I . � . � ", . . ,- I . . obeirts. wIns subject Thb.2a Middlesex have*a.beautiful , 1. I I L - I 0 . were about steady. Quotations are as trench at either aned bfr Geg. R . . . ".. I ", -and of a long strip make war less, terrible to tbol9e Who real, as a.r0s.ait of tiouble with the, - .The ceremOny'concluolod With cheers might be given them. On the lines lai - collie named Estc6urt.' Which A4s tol- � " , , . , - . l . , . . 1. .1 . I .. - It * Will o'nlfy � . . I .,i � . 11 I � ", d but jwt hearti% '. � . be re- � � I �_, follows: -Ontario, red and white, 64 of cloth nailed to poles in the ground escape dacafii,.�y ,�tie one : . I . I :. '' L My ,juries, Committee, over, the . question for.the Queen, ldqrd Roberts, and the down Ia the- Privy Co lanoil decision.: I n): � " � . I I . r Fi L .1 I I I � I 8 s. lowed the since' they left that. place , � . ,, I '. .�. I � , I I I , ' ted While force - compe s resp c ­ . . " . I . I Id have rmy, Ia. - .1 '�,, 1-2, to 65c, north and west; 65 1-2 to like a -fence - - "AaAvogels." which -meana carrion of'VeNy� reut.'Tho: Pastor won I IL , And a Salyato Of twenty. one guft , Sir Wilfrid Uttrier 'sai that 6 �P"c on� JApaary 9, and was with, them On �, . , 1, I I . �; 2 " I I . I � 1. : I . I � - Great, Bri� 1. . � � . I . _ . I 1-1 �i - and . - . I .. � ­ . 11 : 1. .1 , , , ence,has: ve,d that I I 11 I I I I . . � . , . . 1. � 66c east; goose wheat, 71c east THE LOCUST CLOUD � a ' angers' t a: ll�oprs cAll tbera,',- Of free I I -0 � � .1 rous Expe�ri Pxco 1. . . I - , , I eaT I 11 . I "We. �- , 9, . --�­ 1. : ,could qu�bte to Mr,'Pugais num( I . ,. un� I . . I I I I ,,;��L��, - it " b I ai . been-notioed ', , . I . ,� I . � 1, , , . Spion Kop � . � . . I I I 1. 1 7 � �"., 70c west; spring, east, 66c; Manitoba runs up against this barrier, is unable recent years � . catholl t * tr t6 li�er Dutch ,subjects I I . �� 11:1.�� L .. %, I I . I I ,The Patrie is highly elated over the : resolutions of other 08 6Xpr6s. . , a'A a�at . . � I . .1 I � . . I I ., glioll. Not - A. private in the: Somerset, militia , I I . , "'. � � I- o li 0 mmerical re JL,uu o ain satiefaction with the.school set- aqua I . . . � . ': L I � I.., No 1 hard, 76 1-2c, Toronto, and west ; to got through if, falls into the trench-'* that their number has,, greatly -establi hme t - f co, . THE WAR' MAY CONTI[WE Ily WitU the, Rd W�xth- � I., ' 11��,�._ 78c, gi.t., loke and rail; and 73 to . . . . re, � . .. . 9 . I t a procli4nation Afrikan- dudeigoing punishment drill at East I �,�'. I - as, where they are burled, by- barrow decreased, owing to the. destTuot a lations between 'France and ,Canada .. -, - tlement. He had f ntly at . London -deliberately shot' Sergeant �. I � , " . I � X u , , '. . . . I . . 11 reque ated standing ,, h I ., ,L., ,,;,_� loads of earth, Another way -is to clash of �the, big game, which greatly dim . d , at Montr Of Ahe , K at was no' t dex nationality will, continue to grow'. . `14 . 73 1-2c, Owen Sound. eal . . . Ellis, lie has bels handed over to the I � ,� , T.�,, � " 1 �7 byAlle arrivu _ � ruger and the goors E:Ki)eeted,.to that, while the Rettlems 'tac]A P-ri-0 I n . L I I_, � Flour-QuieL Straight roller, in buy- Otogether any Pieces ot metal that make in:shed. thet'g, funeral. banq.ixets,.. - But Mont.Blano the first , st th,tt,could be, . . Tile paper procceidig to at .) I I � .11 X 1. - ,�, .1* - . I I he V etire ,to the LYdenburg Mountains: perfect it was the be . I . , . . I I I I , I 1. 7 . . I I - , Lion with civit authoritles'JI 1. I . I ',�� ­ di man's new 1'rene � I - I *uista I . . I . . �, _ era' bags, middle freigbtis, $2.50 per a'noise like a cymbal thereby driv- apparently the t! ngs that %�Canadian line. . -, ,' made updoirthe circumstances. In I),- AL .r Schreiner's op -opera . I - " , r",., I I I L � I Wbfle'so1me of. the newspapers in , . Lk1fr.ed milrier, . and Writing from, J"obsdal, a Germ�:n .,. Z I. I bbi. bid; and $2.60 asked. Special ing them into previousl� prepared pits, hand had turned against ma"Lid"011b � - QRA&T, BAiTAXN, e ember 1896,Mr. Gkeenway,,4eaking Governor, Sir I � . ' . . ;, � ��', . � . I � , . , . . � ;London regard .tbie iiarronder ofPre-. c �, I - ecil Rhodes, ambulance doctor'saye: "The Boer is.. . . I ' '' . . 1, Ix " brands, in wood, $2.90 to $3. where they are promptly smothered. small, portion of Africa has, travelled : ' I toXIA, (to, th� ' , ' Lr, there at Montreal, said he Was Prepared to quotes the sayting Of*0 . .1 1. . � ., . L - , �1 Mr. Chamharla!6 will attend1liv Can- . elad of the we . . not brave. He ta.kes to flight on the - !�_ , I . . . . .. I . . I . ' , , Milifeed-Dull. Bran $13 to $13.50; Sometimes they may be watched in far. And wide amon , thein, and. they di � an toth . 16 appeal., t1jat "The Schreiner Ministry serves . ­, e.mino ty if they � . - . . ' �, ��:.' � ,9 an banquet. in Lobdon on Dominion are othiers. that &D n' outuie such list . . , the field cortketA I . . . . I 0, v, I uow,ax� .our,pavpose batter than a .progressive approach of -danger . � , is " .1,;1 shorts, $14 to 14.50, west. their flight, -and when they settle, to fiav� gathered,- froen great Afstances� Diya . � .. . . . a san.gulne opinion, contqnting thwn� . ed to bliza. L" any grievances I s� . " . � � .1 . . � I . . � I . . I . . I 11 . . . often, running first." . � , ' � _� .. . Corn-Quiat. No. 1 American yellow, lay their eggs the spots are marked to participp�te, in tho feast. � , ' ' .. -und in.11, ' � . isted, the minority would have toldok 0114-, , � ion of th One Land has � I , , . I _.;, , . � . - The Mansion House f ondon selveo by saying it Is '1;lia beginning ' Colonel Harris, of the:2nd East Sur- , . . "� � � ". , , at 44 1-ic, on track here; and mixed and the eggs dug up and burned. � . A war cor eapondaut also tells of for victims Of the Ottawa fire has.' I of this en&' th recall -the: frequent. tb the Px0vincial Government, And it The CirOulat a . .1 11 11 . I I , I 1. : " [,�, �"; L � at 44a. 1 * r _ I . ; I . . ey I 11 . dde � in the, Britaton ,and rey, who is on -his way ,home, in the. I I � .1 In 1895-6 a very disastiou . a plague seeing . the secretaky � bikil-11a stately nabhod 150,6N. . they:,'Were:. then not satisfied with, the� beelk . � . . � I I f ly reiterated intention. of.t1lo Boers I ar under Nubia, wag wounded early in the at- I � 1�;. I . Peas -Dull. Car lots are quoted nom- of the most virulent type of locust, blVd, holding himself proudly -and. I 0 provincial auth Ieska .districts,, - which a I �� I : . . Whilg' ity England the Khodiva of to with)lraw Into- the mountains of Ly--� , troat""ut of th I . . I I . 1. . ,. I tack on Groblorls, Ikloqf,. and ,before I I ', inally, at 50 1-2 Lo 57b, north and- th ... with violet wings,., a1flicked stilkind:al6ng with noble atrldos� As Egypt will ask Lord Silis In per! denburg, and find confirmation .Of itleig, they could appeal to,Ottawai martial law. I . I .. . I I I �.',' . . I ��� . bury . he Could li brpugbf,under cover, nine . . , I I , L- west, and 57 1-2 to 58c, east. Natal and did a fearful amount of lie glanced about hian for a breakfast mlssi* a to. visit America.. .: . this intention in, the fact that Presl-' FINES ON POSTAL EMPLOYEES. . I 8 . . . P I I ' . I I . I 0 ... I I . . I � � I � more bullets hit him, none of thew, - . I I * Barley -Very little doing, No. 2, 390 ha,00 among the standin' crops. The of snakes." The, secretary ap- ' Tw , , fqrm�d. b 'MAHON JOI I . f6rtanatelys in, a vit . al.part. I I . . . � 9 . bird W onts. miles of tramway " �have &cut. Kruger liho gone to Waterval- Mr. Monk wasin 'y Mr. Mu- , .: IiS HUNTERI, - . I . 1, " west, and 40c east; Mo., 1, dt to 42o. 'Government arranged to bay locust pearance presents: a stri,ki i � I . - . . I . "-- , . � q . 1191 0011- been added ,to those already 'under bovori, - kArom tbAt place the main look that the fine's which, w�re'latvlk I � . . .. I . . � I I . . . . Among the wounded ,officisrs who . I �*,_,W_ e-LQule.t. Car lots west, 51c. and eggs. at 6d per pound . They had to pay contrast to the vulture, .Maji hails -it orce to Advance to � I I . . � � Control of the Londoir County Council. road 'runs due nort4l to Lyden.burg, imposed upon, Postal employes in The combined F I � arri ad on board the Maine 'were I 1 . 590� eckt.. over ;91,750, therefore they bought 70.- as a ir,i.end. - -Because of its usefulness Capt. 1�,elpy, Uul � orlist. I succeeds Sir They argue that it the President. - I ore inflicted for serious .1 . . . I I Lichtenburg. � :, .v I * � I � . . Was, Montreal; w . . I � I I �. . Lleutenkbt, A. Wise, of the Irish BrI_. . � � .1 f I ­ 1, .:'Oat&-*1;Easy. White oats, north and 000 pounds of eggs. Locust eggs aver- in destroying "venomous kuakOs'it Is Richard Webster as UP., for,the'lale merely. seeking to oisompe 'capture 46 neglect of duty,' and not upon ,any A despAtich.frcra Lando ' n - I . � I .. I .. I . - . . . ' us Saturday, gadeo' and Lieuteiant,Caffin, of the. . 1, ;.1 .1., west, 26 1-2e; and east, 27 1-2o., age about 75 to one cocoon. Mfe co- protected -in all parts of Africa, ' of Wl,gbt, jTaraP8AIFa�!,,, . Would continue b)is journey to Lorenzo trifling pretext. The amount so obla: says: -An undated ,despatch to- the . t . I . dirlsion"6t I - . Y.orkshike Regiment. Both. tire hbw � � I 1, - I . Buckwheat -Quoted at Mo was , and coon 10048 like a Piece of tangled thre; 41arge, sna h:,from�',M.�fekiagj sent . I I I . fire east. I � ­ As many as ke& �havo It is Persistently rawoured that Sir Marques, Instead Of hiIalting At.',Wa.,, lected became ,part of the consolidated Daily Teleiral) oceup Ing the rooms .at the Savoy . - I I I , I - I . y I I I I brown thread, the loops being the 'b'e'eii. taken; fro�n the sto"mach of one W1, arlay on. Thursday, Hotel whi I � at the disk. . . I I I , Illiam Henry White,'who has been tervalboven, which is 110 miles.'. west revenue of Canada. It is not the, in- .by w!Ly of Kirab I ich 'were placed . . � �;�', , � " 1. , Iluffale, June 6, -Spring wheat -No. eggs. About 5N cocoons -weigh a of these birds, --besides lizards, tOrtO1s'A- direotor'of .naval Construction sinc6 9f tha eastern frontier oU the Trans- tention, of the Government to ko�lm­ .says that�'Jpartof ,Col. Maho .i Ia' . � I I . . L I Northern,, spot, 71 1-2c. '. Winter . . . . a . pal � posal of J?rino . ess. Louise. , . I . I . 1� pound, therefore .no less than 2,80.0,- and d quantity of grasshoppirs. "When I � vaal, It ii� a4surnmed ,that Presiden a 1. � �, � , heat -Strong for red; No. 2 red, 74 I attacking a c6bri the se�6rpt�ry bird , 1885, is resigning his I . post. I t 'purse the amount bf saidlloeq. Neith- czAtimu. is leaving, to join Gen. H 4- I is: moth , . . I - W I Writing to b er from Praro � ' % - .� ; 114, .1 00,000. , eggs d ne � . - ' ' I j �� � L. , . . � � 74 to 74 1-24 No. -I defendi itself from the venomous There is�otill no change for tha.bet� , Steyn,,- of .this Orange F.ree State, and er is. -it true that this is the first tixne tevs, main force at Marigabo junctiono� . , .;:. . I �, 1�.% to 75c; mixed, I I I I . . J, Gillett, 11th corn. . . I I . . 'tz, " arrive I . . . !'�� 7 , . locality IA one season. No bad record, �, 'fangs by holding its wings in f t ' State Secretary Rol � .., . of th;o Trans- t . I .1 , wbiter, 73 1-2,to 74c. Corn - Weak, I rOn ter in th taken Aistrict.of . each fines have beed imposed.within where the, � I I a famine str' . . . . 6, : were exped ad- to .ill pa�iy .-*,We I � ­ " � "; I , The locust proper belong$ to the as a shield And strikes the snake down I .1 vaal,, It.18. assumed that President, Royal Engineers, says. . . I � I I ,�,,� .. . No. 2 yellow,'42 to 42 �-Zc; �;o. 3 yellow; orthopterp.* famili, although different by vigorous blowa� of its feet V're- India, accor I ding to Lord George Ham-, the last 20 years, On ,the,00ntrary, it Tthur . solay. The combined force W were in that fearful battle"at Colenso. . . I ' I , , " , . , 141.1-2 to 41 3-4c; No. 4 yello*,'40c; No, 2 nations apply the name of locust to quently it kills a large, snake by carry- 11ton,. Secretary of State for India. � KTuger, but thibre is no certai"- has been the regular . practice of the then probably kdvauc . ce to Lichtelf- , ' I I . I . I I I _ I � formation. concerning' thleir move. . We were marc):iing up, thousands of I � � 60u', 40 1-2 to 40 34. No. 3 corn, 40.to ing it high in the air and then.drop- . . I iepaftmerdthrou&out its -whole his- .burig. � � . � 11 11 . I any insect of the grasshopper species, - UNITED STATES, . . . . . . us, whistling, singing, smoking, etc., , , 1, . 40 14c. Oats - Quiet, t%asy; No. 2 white ' ping it to the ground, I I menta. i 11 � . . . ,� tory to impose fines when oircumstan- I . � - . I when the first shell . fellabout forty I � I �� I -1 I e of the English counties the It 19 called the secretary bird be- Michigan Statebanks have $11,327,- . -*- ces warranted them, , ", � . � � , 1 I 27 1-4c; No. 3 w,hite, 26 3-4c; No. 4 24, common, 0ookeliater4a called a locust. cause of its fancied, resemblance to 18t more on deposit than a year ago-. V . * DEATHS FROM DISEASE- ' ' yards to my left frorit and burst. It . I , I 51b - . 101waupposed to carry . - COL SE COMPLETE . I . 'just like 9, hailStOrm7ghraprlel, . ­_ � , 1-4c; No. 3 mLxed, 2, - Rye -No. I nom South Afrioa*n species, aery- * 0 140oretaryl W A German firm ba3--ordered 100,000r THE LAP PROFESSOR ROBERTSON. , I - .. I , I I - - was � �, , �1, .- lually 60; No. 2.59 1-2o, Flour- Quiet The . d quill pens behind his ears, I , , . __" . I .. I I Ish . a 0 . � I didae, has a shoit stout antenna, an . . . I tons of Alabama coal at $2.50 a ,ion. - I � . Mro Foster Ia * arned from Mr. ,Fi . r 92 S Idlers Have S14ccumbed Since shot, and shell burst in aU directions. . ! '. and steady. only � three -jointed torsi. In length .. alkes No Stock ill Threat that nobody Is perfor)niiig. Professor "Ma.V�� 27 . Last. - , We were fighting eight hours in, a , ' � so . Chicago is excited over a report Thundever T ' � � , . � , Minneapolis, Jane 5 -Wheat - In they often exceed three inches. . . I I . .1 : :' - that Pla , gue-infected coffee from Hra- . of Guerilla Warfare$ I Robertson's dutie.\during his absence A despatch- from London, xays;-The I rful sun and hundreds of brave lei. . I . . I O THE QUEEN'S EYESIGHT. I eo . I . ; � stoie, No. lNorthern, May, 650; July, (rho natives eat the locust with . ere. A despatch from London says: -The in Paris. Ile was�also told that no War Office prints , -i-he names of. 32� lows fell tohise no more, It was a3i � I I � 1 65 1-8c; September, 65 3-8c,' on track, avlditY, and declare. that it is very . I �. � - I , Four children of T6& Brady were Daily Express says: -"Mr- Kruger has hoises were purchased for the British 8 who M so sa . a Cep, awful . sight. We have been in- sov- I I I � I No. 1 hard, 66 7_8c; N6. 1 Northern. 05 . � sbidler died fro di a b tw . good indeed. White folks, however, ocillintyl May It. Ist 11i.iPlolly rallf"Zo anil t burned to death in tlioi hom6 near invested 4140,000, of 'his Money in Government through, Professor Rob- Xay 27 and May 30. It also announces eral other skirmishes since theft, but, \ � I . , , 3 -Be, No. 2 Northern, 61 1-80. Flour and 01te to, old Age A1141 Iftee,ossive, frAf... - . . .7 . I . . . . . I I . bran -Unchanged. seem to be prejudiced against it, at- Several references have been made I Nashville, Tenn. I . lands and mines. This took place be- ortson, but that this official did act that 35 officers have boon discharged thank Goa, I am - one of the lucky ; . ., though there -is Biblical Precedent -for Mild cases of smallpox have 'bequ fore the war 'broke out, and to this for the Imperial authorities in the from various blospitals, as cured, in. ones, and have not got hit."' - :�___" Duluth, June 5. -Wheat -No. 1 hard in the London newspapers of 'late to . . . 11 . , Up- use as a food. I " reported at Oneonta, Tarrytown and fact may be ascribed the, failure ;09 purchase of large quantities of hay. cluding tw- A captive Boer was delighted when �, I Cash, 69 1-4c; May, 69 1-4c; July, Ca 1-40; 1 1 the Queenos faillug eyesight, and un- Haverstraid, New York, the officers to­bloW up the =Ina,.$I � . . , " o Canadian Ilentenants, R. � I � 30 September, G9 5-8c; No..J Norjthe�rin, .0 I fortanately. they are, only too well Over 2,00Q moulders In ,Buffalo tire The Times says ,-',Any farther resis- . - . PLAINS OF'A.811ARAZ. G. SteAvArt and E, & Wlletlii.; . I taken to see the engine room 69 a . I I I '. . Mr. Marootte wastoldby Sir Wit- The War 011fibe Allip &'111161111000 that trin�port, dad exclaimed, "Had there I � ' . - cash, 67 ��-8c, May, 67 3-8e;,Yuly, 07 &8c; -MODERN BULLETTS. founde,d. One of the gentleman pithe on strike, refusing -to work with cores tance the Boers may offer will be fu- frid Laurier that the Qovernme�f, has one -man was killed, two. were Wound- been no I I war I should never havo.seen ' . I I I . September, 673-4c; No. 2Northern, . . Court states that all.those who . at- made bY ntln�-unton covema6rs. tile. -- The collapse of the. Transvaal received no offer to S611 to it the land ad, and. �5 are missint. from the Im- such , He evidently bon- . /I . . wonders." � .1 . 05Z -8c; No. 8 spring, 62 5-0c, Oato-22 They Are Not Ewletive Agalluit 511vageot t I � " I . % . . end 11ai Majesty tire very well, Aware no German steamer Albanoi from as A rallitant.ttate may be regarded . made . - is In ' - I t , �, 1-2 to 23c. Corn -36 3-8c, . Whis, Iftlit Till They Die. of thd feebleness which has 'recent- 0amburg, i known as the Plains of .-Abraham. perial Yeomanry, as. a result of the sidered that they more than I MllwatLkee, June 6�Whont-llull; The modern small-bore bullets- con- ly come over L her eyesight. -Several *ell ,quarantine at Now as complete, Threats of obstinate Thi, pr,poijt y , which comprises about fight at W41iburg- . � I up for his defeat and capture. � I L I 1 XQ. I Northern,1 $7 1-2c; No. 2 North- .81,st of two pasrts--the care and the . kodwn oonlista have been consulted, York WitA two cases of smallpox, guerilla ,warf4rd'need not be taken 86 arpents, belW, a to Ahe Vrsullne � I . ! 6 . 1, , � . A party of balloonists have left I I Presbyterialas of Woodlawa Park, more. seriously than the exploded men- nuasi liatthe Government is willing SURRODERING DAILY.' St. Petersburg, according to t . be local � . - I I . I ern, 60 to 1061-2o. Rye -Stead$", No. 1. envelope, -The latter is stamped, cut but beyond recommending 'this best Chicago, will, hold services In a church 'ties of resiattinee at Johannesburg and to buy it it it can be had At a reason- . . apers, for the purpose of orgdfilzing ' I , I 0 66 to 56 1-2c. Parley -Steady ;. No, 1, of thin sheets of steel or by graduat- kind of glasseA to be used they can belonging to the Romax'l. Catholics un- Pretoria. The formal annexation of able prices , I I I � __" s Nek are Melt P . irk the � , . . . . I ! I 4Z'to 48o; samples a7 to 412o, . ad punches. Thei leaden Ore is then d<! little, because 'the Quebw,�g eyes are til their,new building is Completed. I $urghers at UIng* - a military - balloon service I � a bullet, by mom . the Transvaal will speedily tolloW. SlUNI)AY IN PARIS. I . . . Ing Away: . TransAal. They take at I 1, the mater- I i � . . Chicago, June 5. -Wheat Novas strong fitted In, and th i * no Perfectly healthy. t0at is to fgay, tile Massey, defaulting cashier of the The war is rdpidly approaching its lais with them. . . ' L-­-,_� _ early to -day on higher cables, but ot'ah ingenious machine, Is made one 0011liSts, agree Chat there Is no dis- Merchants .National Bank, of But- close.,, Mr. Chariton asked whether it was , A despatch (from. Newcastle, Natal;. I I 11) , . . ." weakened later on rains and profs- solid Whole. I " . Ofift ekiking, aud therefore therol . the Canadian says:-T)here is & general dimparsaf of A olergyraftri who was'recently ex - I ' I I . pacts of more of it in 'the No . rth--.Wdst, The anorwo" Ve�oclty of 2,lfffi - foot no effective treatment that s land, Vt,, will serve seven years, "it Five thousand fresh troops will em- trt'd, as 170PO"ted, th&t . palled, from'tbe, 'Transvaal declares I I can be Farrar former cashier of the Water- bark for South Africa within the next portion Of' -the Paris Uxpositton was the Boers n o this , district. ' ' I � , I . . ' � I . that the Boers in the Kragersdorp ; � Jaly closing unchanged. Corn efOS­ par second traas�mitted to the pro- applied ana no Operation that can�.be bury National Bank, who stole PO,- few days, . to be Closed on Sunday. - ,of -the Burg- . � I Large numbers. I � �, I ' I 6d-1-8 to 1-4c.lower, avotdttta�a shade jectile by cordite would rip up aby pe'dotmed. . 000, W-111 serve six years. �_ ---*- Mr. Visher replied that tho'Cana- here; . surrender. : aaity. Trust. distrfst who roturneol o ' xi leave -boasted . � . I I L. higher. Provisions at the C dtdso word leaden bullet to pieces, -and henee the ' 00 the Sams eXcellefit OuthorltY it CbAcalro meat pac I . Meru are of having shot British wounded outm I . _; I 1. �� 11 kosrs tire asking ollau exhibit w%s in three i)tirta., One worthy reports say the I ., a trifle lower all round. Adoption at the -b�arder Metal. , tjlj� Ia learned - thut what the Queen is at- the United States Government to pre- . . DODGING SHELLS - part. was in tho Colonial building, totally demoralized. . side I Xitubarley. I . . I I _ �. . - - fortunately the steel or nickel is so flicted with Wpurely And simply dim- . '. 11� I - � . vent the German meat inspection � whibli had been st�oclally created fw . Letters received by rel(Lt.Wes Of- Of- RE�AIIMINCT THE INDIAN ARMY. touglA that It penetrates ' the body u0so of sight, arising from old age. ' shoW that.t)xe North . -1 . withdut.voi shock being suatalued by And much reading and writing. lie law, just passed, from going into of- A germe'tnt4rajor Telig now li M,,y be the Colonies of the British Jt2avlre', WD 'NOT C0SS ,VAAL- fibers seem to . cut of the Imperial � ,, ­* y . inst oav4ge Adds that Alt have observed how, hav- feet until the contracts no* held by � . 1"Ne. I I and whtdh was ocents(ed by Canada, .1 — - Somerset conting . .1 . I ."o*,Z11i,e Ittilp,4 Me Ilooply to Threateik lug the victim, And banco aga Chicago packers tan be filled, "Shell-dbilging" and "dodging a Tasmania, And Western Australia, SX,_,% , Yeomanry has been Appointed spe� � I races is ineffibiout. TO remedy this ,ing, lost her might to such a degrees resident Steyn Said to Have � � I r4oves by llux0a. A The Massachusetts Supreme Court glielp, are exbressionn'trequently uied Zgs buildfrigi would"be closed. The . Plod to Verdi., cial body -guard to Lord Roberts. . I I I Orders have been sent fiom. Eng- soldiers fiavb sawed off the end of the tha Queen haa deve ' loped the fac Ity has decided that druggists cannotsell in war reports, as well as laconversa- Canadian isiilblt, of Agricultural ion- Their commanders Major Sherston, is - I I , jufan, onvelopsei and the bullet at Once be 'Of hearing to An 8`xtiadrdilkaty ex- On. 'The Plements at Vincennes Would Aj despatch fromr London, Saturday, Lord Roberts', nephew. . . land to India that those nAtilvei I . Mho will cigars on Sundar, This decision is the tion between military sn' Also be , . I I . try regiments which form aportion conics art, 61VIVRIV6 one. Directly i� tent, Often when at meal, . .,says--4AcdOrdiu9 to a deaptitell Prom . . . . L closed, There weris EL number of - I . 1t.#oAd mushroom( 11 I of the field army first for mobili,tatiou , hit thb case spit I 0, in- edtob the words some one is using outcome of litigation promoted by Worda'naturally suggest the inquiry V,ereenkging, dated Muy ;1, - Of A telegram has been received At ' . I I . Perhaps at the far eod of the table 13"toin tobatconists, who were. suffer- whether flying shells can be men, and C#nadfan exhibits scattered through, none Warwick Oastle� to the affect thilt : I I are e magazine fli-d-Ing a fearful Wound. . . Ing from the druggists, success, it not, how if in possible to dodge thas,general building along,with the the Prose State Boers Crossed-, the Vaal . Lord Brookes oldest son of'the Earl 1, I rifle Immediately. The regjk�orif4 s6.. Subsequent experiment at Mai- without being wall able to.ms the � tho British river. Preoldout Steyn ar*d 4cisr- I � I 11 -nosod speaker, and will ruentlon him or her GENERAL. - them. exhibits, of other parts of and Countess of Warwick, Las reached , I I 1, � %acted are chiefly those stationed dams, ' In 'India, prodAloed. a aofa . . Itto Jantira hAo several cases of A, London -paper quotes a sergeant. 941pirot and theati could not be Moe- inin number.. of ,his follotw6" are r . 0. Bloomfouttig and joined General I � ttlong the Afghan frouti6r,or 1131 oup� bullet, since, modiflo& to Mid in which by 114me- , 0 ported, WAnve, tied to Vreds. % i . . 1, � 11 I porting distance, and v,re, oiglitoen In the h096 fit astbelotd, bult simply dent- The ocaltat8 have advised liar MA- Plague. . Major of the British , artillery as ed b100411140. thAr w6r* not withill,th Fralich�s.,gt4t$. Ills lordship will not . � d is not served out JM tj 6 wear v6ry large glasses, which RussfAn crops btv6 been damaged sayink that it Would be impossible for control Of CsPuu- , 4", be 18 until.lieXt 4�lguftt, 'and Is one I number. Thoy tits t%146A obleflY � Mr. Uonk asked it the buildin � !of SURILIAINUSED BY MIELSO: .1 among the.Sikh Gobrkhd, Mgra, and against eivillta,d ostiontles, as it i...will r6llovk the oyeA,irkstoad of more by ftoat& Any )hall to $to a AbOt COM11 w go . of tile youngest officers in, the Army. . � . � # a gen- found by eXperiento that a White fashionable small ones, which focus An American In dead from bubonic him. In a few Instaxicos only, dur- , thob United Ringdom were Closed on - A,'remark4ble story Of two Sol- . Punjab aud'ftombil� r0gimblit, , -1 I 1, � man the pupil, and try it unduly, Th6" plague at bUtills. The first death. Ing a long sxporl6nca, this soldier had � SuAdAYA. ­� SIXtsell BrIUsh Said to HAVO 11"A diers transpired at Bradfard, on - � I I erallY catoblibil the best troops ill the When. hit L6t as 11, rules, VO.adY to bit , rove,, in All Mr. Fisbor replied tlftt thoro wax no I Xilled at Dousgla% M riday, James Balk and1amm Bla- � I . Inalan., native Army , , , : , down. the savages eager to .ftdth gigases are not very litoorning, but The first battalion Of the Went 113- "an a shell in flight. These v as . 0 � , they itre exceedingly praotICAL, dia Regiment, at Xingston, *JAmaica, cameo, shells from a gun he himself building ot- the Unitod lCiAgdom ' A despatch from, Cape Town, says.- 1&5y, chums, Who marriod-companiong, � . plily, �Jfie thf46atonlug, outloo,k in I fillll' paradise only, seeks to kill him , It la, frequently noticed nowadays Will be sent to otrerligthaft the 13cr- had fired. . Nuah, ,Uls E,tighok 1301bltil:were Seat- A number of robots surprised & small enlisted in the West Yorkshire RbSi- I � - I . Porsid afid 661 Russian movements enetay-littr ,own lite is oi, no value how couatikutly the rrlh"as Beatrice madot Itarrison, Dodging shell* Is done by getting torod through all the buildfligs, and body ofAritish troops at Douglas, Grl- Mont together. They lived neigh. I I. along. the Afghooi bordet�bbUld havti� to liku, and hibiloce her mugtbo fitlopPed or any ane else In atEends,ned *0 the , Cosell Rhodes, and other South At- under Cover just b6fore a gun I& fir*d. Would be onLvJJW On ftlida " usual. qualand West. , Sixite6u of th6l1ritigh, b6uVa an "reserves," And v0IQllt06tA4 . . 401ded, the british 40roorement 'to At aft cost � 04, � I Queen, talks to hisr."That iK aco0antild rIcaLn taining millionaires are about I . A,3T ZOTTBRTX. � I , * -*---.A**..*- : "For Instance," said the sergeant- : including the oomiukridero Colonel, ,at the same 6140 'tOr thO front- Mth take this st6p, �,&& its Policy, han MWAys . T&OIXIIX STRAW HAT. for largisly by the Queen vosquiflult to d6valop a gigantic mining outer- imbing a hill. at � On th6 th-ird roo�dfug 4 the" hI V to S"We, vero& killed. . I fought at ragraeberg, Milk was re- '- . . I I . bderi,t& keep this e�tive fr6ops arm- to be told things much more than prime IA Gorman W000t Africa. the top of which a gun Was-ollrieootosd , amend tbm Criraiml "a' Mr. Ova"r, supposed widow ro- 'r to thatin to cledu Atraw hatftZ use'#' L _*...."11- ported killed. the � I Ad With it, Wdavoill infdrib . -minoula formerly, o*julg to hot tot being able The Spgnililii- Prenob, and Gorman Agai t me, I 0ould tson slaotly Wboll Ot 0Uy%b0r0" Oklatild Alk- W0114IM611t . lite amount of in- I � . the hArkdo. of 1. the, 11ritisif eoldlel,s. f,q � and ,Water, � or i*e ah, ol& tootu brush t6 oet, This much witoromarked when ns ' BoliRs. eeiving a e6risid6ra, . � . I govtirwaonts, It to s"orted, aro spend- a shell Wall likilly to voilit bounding to tbo offoct that lottoriaA, Intoxeded MOUND FOOD * FOR .OAM 61 a war W* Xurance and patrIOU6, 0*11ts. Nb* I , ItilAaasia, t6scud. the auoi wash the StraW With'a 11ttI6 to- 44, was IA Dabliti, 'Th4eQuosmils now 4-40." ent,q Into action With V1a,Wk0f,'sj%rh14ly mi0a with bor- Itiglaoney inBrAidl to Create &fOtl- � along. Ilefore the Order is givell too f#r tb*, turtboravoi of art should bt . N ,q, native t6gifu 1. pivaetbutIly prohibited 'reading or *=*pt000i fr= tho opors,ticni, at ths, larltabilisat COAVIeted ot TftalOn lesttgrs show that Balk, though offi. loss I " �, ly, lig'AtIrtini 'to oppw tb this fto* '&:t hhd Whit43 bank, 8"fige Off as Wr Iting, All tht r4iding Is dous, for ing against Britain and the ILTnited 'fire, tho men in okargo of ths pleft � 41stlim forbfiddlv4 lattorlos. ptoridad and Sent to PV12(in- tiAlly deAd, in offive, and Mrs. Blakay I I � an bl4ga"'Plue title would bot4o lull(�h 0 tho so-Ap AS PoWtble before he2'1 ftnA #A for WrItIng, 6x0opot In the statsi. * 'stand altars' and that Is the warillag � Natal, is the reAl widowo BAlk thAngod I ,ttiolft to b& Slaughtered And to dtying, . William Waldorf Astor, has oont a not*, to to speak. Xosp your *nth. ra4b Ara witifto bold drawings "t A dempateb from Newcastle, tUnics with, hit d6ad tiolarads o4 the 1, " � I , time$ , , 11 , ' a ET R I I I I , - , , I I , e�, ,_. 52" _ ''O. I , _ , . , W .t � 0 , . , , , � . 'a. � 5]r c. , '', . . hn I t- 1� I � - rwl�l I. fte, onty alt6friative mw 'Urgent climes, sho. Confines her- Ott~ tt" 4M W MO 011012thil. says. -An RUXIIA11MAn nAld8d, J � I I , S4_11 1 d6felt, I -----*- , "it to 016 *Igusitltre. - - chequis for 910,000 to tho Maidenhead er sys ou tho gus diroat*d aij%4nst ham be" '06ntoueed by -the battloffeld, . . I t4,13tuat to thoe loyalty of file na- . (Wtagos Hospital, In Pngland, irt celo- you, and whqu the gunnora StAn4 I 4hrWUh"t&tft#r61ftA44 toaftept Torpoy � ­ ,,, ,,,, om� j,tdr ibn � fl" tittay uAdIstade, It on Ali equality SA� nOA81W. � W,Jth it$pbssible eA,effiyo, and1bat has, 1"", - I , , " � �, 4o , -, brAti011 of thil coming Of Ago Of his , olear, dodge ike thasiss" . � . fla ANOWNwrit., Es *AA "t it thoits oritkk ai.thoritles to "rvo 11YA ytars ,,',',r I I wji� Is .Okosft any togitimatai art 'in prit", &ad ta pay a fine of X100, RX'POT XVLBS,. . gd'doubt, with doft,sidortiblit, r6luetos Gpdrg6 maya h6 dofan't kno.w the Tlie HarlIn stroset 0Ar strIkA ims bison 414ost *oil. - ' , stices won done., The total cost of r6, Uktite of 11(titor. b%vo ah"tOr Tho National )RasaAr wo.N oponod by Park Is AIVHAX On tallor4*&& 9SAS 1011isbU119# hS PWIrst b,y for CrislAisiff moklite for tbA 11mrs. Thb average oRt Is froft I tot 14 IN* I ! , AM11119 016pholo, of tbo'dittion txoppff Pouts, it dow* iw foilit I sappo*o froo forl,afteriltwis. , AM40 4 ii lattory at* as Imutu. Tko ollarrii Wiest hift wax 4ratison. 0*0 to h4sm I , i - 11, 211;;4o"` b � J*, eAt1mdt6d!0kt hbottt #1,00. that his Vallits dOM211 Not ft�ehtnft .1 lkoilts-, 04 Ptluss" of WA144 at x4tisington, Itottols ft fter � . . I I I . . .3 1 ., I � () 4 . . - "'i, *1 '' , , 1 " ,,, 1� I i .1, � . . , - " i ,., k. 0, 1% '. , . ." ;�, � .." ­ "' , � 7 , g,,L)�&"�%._,�_�i"b& I %1�1 . � I � I - ­­_ ___ ___._I__.,�,,��k" .--.-'t,�tE""",--.�L-,--,.,"-,-,.�-4�r,--:L �_ .-: 5 .� __ .:��,��,�i,.2.:,�-.-----�..�.---I , 1;, ".., �iiz,_�: L�xk,`_ , ` _I ,� ,­.-,�., , � 1� ��. .