HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-06-07, Page 6, . . I I I . I . . 10 . �� I I � _-1 - 7 I I , ­­ - . _ - I - . . . I I— I I � 1 _ ___� -1-m- 7 -i,_ —­� -,v —_ , "IT , ,`� � I 1P, - i 17pp""T 1 - - 1. 11 I . . 1� - � ,. '-7-7. ,777- , 'i , 7 IW;7-W7,i . , 74 , . t . . . , I I . I I . -777s .,. I I I I .,� . ­ - - . 1. ________ - . - ,;* I � I - I I 11,111 lool I- ­. --111--l- ­ 11 ­­ _--_..-1 ­­ . __ ___ ­ 1.11-1. - - , � -, i - IM1010-- - _ 11 ___ _ __ __ _ __ - - _____ - 11 , I ,.-,,P----- - - __ - - . 41 , .!T . I M'. , ". 4F . . ­ -!--- 0 -;! �! . = , - — I . - __ - ____ 00 - , 11 ----I- - ., - .0. - 4 - _V.- -_ i I I - - ____ - - __ --1--r- - ­ __ I I 11NO, never. X *IA not YOPPY 39*w, AU Japan loas ar* color*& *Ad* to raise or lower the towel in , . . -but I haya tile Consciousness that X the air. WjSdOM....wva�. In Wlinjg toavonWas in buying the belit- am doing I#Y duty. It I went away 01* a 11 The Plokoring alx&W Is ollisrated by ' I . * ' PEY Como IM TWugh Stom and SusWnc from Lattoewood. I should fool that the 011143`9149 of the b4lloo4 Or Xag r — - lay duty was neglected exia vily lath- 11 dome until the car Is litted. I 11 M ,. _ ,I - � , � _.. _. � . � _ _ ­­­­ . ­ I—- ­ . I - � ­­ .. ., � Ow or's Command disobeyed. Ile left bin I INTORESTINU ITEMS ADOM OUR m" 1 1 OLZAa OF Tuv OROUND. "I often f-sivied thet he lied, but k4r sorrowful storl. Hlo Joys juarogs. bouor in my -charge. I M. usi ivard . � - OWN ICOUNMY. I . . I I ThO angina Is than started, *ad this L U- D E L L A , I I . . be wait too tru"o a S0400MAX to 06 wltb $very moment that he vent it." CEYLON (WEEN TRA met" In motion the talks and the Pro- __2q3qVz,0ZT 't-JOAL. Losof ftok". � breaths them. I am Ilk* ca* Chained to berpronvaco, until the time Came ;Wril St. Just began to find that . ,.... ...4,..1a1§_- M'14'. " " _Ialll ,.I � I I , , 1-111 .1, i I III .1 1.111 .. ..... .. '0011111,011*4 troggo v4do"s polistol $r9n tiol POlIkul; wheels, It It IN desired to run . to a rock, I long to got away, yet wbou Us knew tbst� life without bar she was most terribly In earliest. He is pure and uncolored. the tons fto bent tiIbov are tarnad *'"�411*1�*�IWW'Sw*%44k* **, %A INIA"J* so, *,opok, AW� . � Athletic to 111116 powitio. q I know vily duty 114* there." would be blank and 4rogry to him. 4ospaired 4t the thought. , . bad aQmo little hops, but she wool "Vivian, you Cannot moan that' you the blast through them aide the Xhl ,---., North Day has a population of 4,337. ,, Aud (be boy who fit to Inherit He amr-_­ ---,- ----- - -==---- 40 that tbOY project rearwardly, and Summer surroula4lage are ikelph'a tax rate in 21 milla on the Lantwood, what is he likel" asked so unlike other girls that to tould Intend to sacrifice your whole. life to to be nil out- of the way. Ropeated p marred by buildings 10 SUMM4 for want of a little - . In Its forward motion, In CAMO the . gre'lly � X") � ell The hot Run opens dollar. ' Lprd St. Just. "How old In list" . hardly judge, whether *be loved him the chimera of dixty-tItts, morbid feel. ummonseo brought a bewildered toot- Paint , The Kettle Point Indian reserve Is 11 He Is nearly Ilix-vory clever, but or laot. She we#. Above, all coquetry lug that you are Poodfal for the bon. Man on the incene. - I operator wishes to cause the sbIptQ seams and warps and cracks I I being, ,surveyed. I I ty, Hard and affectatioll, Above all little gets or of your housel I 0, What to the mattert" asked Miss rise 9114 run on a higbgr plead In the the boards, Protect your , I wantlug in truth And bones fda canuot lateuit Painting. houses and baras with Bolwood expects to soon have a diocipIlue, good training. might JIM Of MOA11111048. He new that her face to o4orifloo yourself aud me- your Noolio. "What In going on bereP Air the valves Are got in the air tiallop telephone service, so that 4 current Of Air is forced VI . __ ­ I . . prop4r%il him to be a good man; ,As brightened for him as It did for no sweet br bt llfq,'your love, your hap, "A fancy fair, miss." replied the downward through them. As this goes . . I The elm on' a Xasa farm was re- I - * , I RAMSAY'$ C lit, he' is simply rallied. Min mother ,other, that her voice took another pluess-to this notion fIl MAN,, " I down the ship rise$. , C . `V_ - contly sold for 41,000. 1% considari; bin wickedness cleveruessqtane, In addressing, him, that bar ,,, must 40 it,,,. she replied, $ , ,M;P-,--C.4,40- . ' I . Ray,. H. XoTiavlsh. of oleagoO, J10110 Heaven help Lancewood when Itfalls, eyes had a deeper light when they � "But YOU It I ova Said, YOU love Inc, The house seemod to be deserted. 04 the other hand It It Is desired —0 PAILINTS I -, , invented a bitlesa bridle, . . , She walked tbrouuh the grand an- to lower the ship the valves s I t I . � .. " It to a oad story," said Lord St, met, his; bat 14 bar proud, noble elm. I ., � . Eilevou dogs wore poisoned 14 , Vivian." trance-bAll, through Ue long suite of versed, ther f ADS are turned and a our. the well known son and weatber , . . St. Thom 00" 1rmt� thoughtfully; 11 the ruln and de- plicity there was something which My first and last love; 1 "hall know . 8 forced upward through to - fighter". Got a color card. . ' Day of many an ancient house could, half -frightened ,him, She ,seemed too "So I do. You, are my only.lovo. roonts, land Baw no,orle. rent of air I � er'o - night at North Bay recoutiy. , � Select your color from a wide as has A popolatiola of II._ be traced to a,foollob marriage, Xb.e- lofty In hor aspirations,- the wol'Aan "Where is Xr, Dortomall, ,;-he III is to be turned . � in. the ship, It the ahl , _ range ,and � rest satisfied you I I 008, an increase 1 .r of 193. no other. But I cannot marry Xou-dcy quired of t1io footman who fQllqwod about the Crooked tubep are oet side, a best in the paint � . � ,it a Yea I Novo. I wish I could think of some who was So roady to lay down her not Ask me.11 I � , I . I N , have tb A, 'hotel is to -bo, built at the Gott- way to help you, Miss, Nestle,,, life for the honor of ,her house could her. . wISO mud OPPOsItO One another, and the making line, of pure oll'tar. , � . ' Dean River by Ottawa,. capitalists. She raised bar beautiful face to his, b4rdkv care for love me other women "Than, say darling, what do you "In his room, missoll was the AD- lateral motion of the Air as it leaves I . Pontine and pigment. .% . , I I mean to do I You cannot be so cruel I the vessel Causes it to be prc zi,ep I at AD OlP0tr1Q line between OwOu SOuAd and lie was straoll. by Ito exproontorl d4d.' ppelled I � axid Shallow LiVke is being- agitated. of pAtieUt davotloa It wait a noble love that he had to as to send me quite away f rom you 71, awer, . I around to either side and At any I "I L � I. -.1 � ' � '. + � "I do not wish to be oruel.1' she said, "Ask him to Conlin here fo mo in desired. Thus no difficulty III afford 4 T I I 0901 9 sop N101 19 - .The population of Sturgeon Palls � ,4 1 see. no way In which I can be offer ber"uQble - In, its simplicity, Its slowly. , tile library," olio , ,, 0 . 11 . NONTIREALo � MS. I -1 - now 1,000. h - my only hope, ilea to patient Integrity and purity; It was tile one "aid' " 4%Y tilat 1 In guiding MIS ship In an 'in � � 'dovibled In one Year. It Is . elped, _ "Vou will n and Wish to Soo him". 00 I even ore I,� s, . � . I . ,at ougag,e yourself,to 140 .have returned triplets fashion' in . . Galt will pay a bOnus of 10 *onto aaduranoe,lw . love .of his lifs-time-ho Was never to , . . the air than is i;.,­%,%ft,%,,%11 - � %,V,WA&,%��o%Al�S,441%*,",%-I&qi�fte"* . I , - . . to. citizens foi every Shade txqe kil an fber. Would .sb act by any promise of xuarriAge? he ask. I TO Be Continued. I discovered In managIng'jn4 d1rootin I . _= . . I .1 "But," he nald, ,gravely, "You do not Ow 0 d, I . I .. . . . out, great Ocean liners at Be 9 I Xl�BW WHAT SHE WAS ABOUT., ' planted, surely Intend spending, the. wholoof reject it# He.was'a brave man, but a I, No," she replied.. "tb I a 8 . . .0 . I .. . . . A, L AN AGSD STUDENT, . 1. Robt. Allen has resigned his position 0 a$ b& be rain ad s I Qrrows.ot . I 1, .� . I . Your life In a plao and I oolety t t t lit lay life have made me Something . of a . . I ____161� I � Monarchs can never afford to leave Nother-Miss Catollem. has a loveli . ' . . as a license. commissioner in North must be hateful to. youf,l . question. My by day he said'tohim- fatalist. Love brings its own fate, It . � DROWNINd . off learning, Whatever their subjects voice, axid you know jt� Why ORA I I o I mit I I . � I . , . . Renfrew. 1. . a er, He W11311. sekf that lie must ask, it, let the bright a are to be married, dear, in. th k NEW KIND OF AIRSHIP . � . . may do. , A striking instance In point ygu asj� her to sing for Mr, Riallfbilot Michael Currie, formerly of larcick- ad we to remata At- n w od until days passod:oxi, thoifrgol4en oalm un- w I 1 . , a I — � . . — I � . 1. I . . I La 06 0 a . . . 1. . Sense rxPliorlonen,fit sheivillig Igo* it. call to furnished by an article In )ftaison's Daughter, after Mr. RiohfeII%_Sea,. ,� ville, was killed at Grand Rapid*. Oswald was of age. only, Heaven broken.. He we so truly happy Lhat Yeats to come, 50140thlug will haP4 IT WAS INVENTED IN HAYTI BY: . I . I . . Ile Avioldetf., . , Nalgazine, an article the proof-abeete that mirror in front at the planof . h . I -a 1. 1. . . �he he ,dreaded to Interrupt bin happiness, pan .that .will remove, my. difficulties; , PROFESSOR VICKE9ING. - Anatomical I I Y � Yes. , , I . I , Imobigo, ! . I kaw.s what would become of of Which were corrected b Queen Vic- . He was aroused froin bin dream -by It not, I shall go an loving yo.u.until . — . * experiments have shown - I I ' Parry Sound expect$ to have HOD- hGase It I left It." - L t h'u L the W61ght of the tiody Is a torla herself. - . . bearinir that 341as Nolle Would re- I 44O." - I NubjOet of 44secu Viclorill the frivessior-it -bout Well, Mr. A141ttello sits right. In I I G� `W, Ross 0 its guest for a mouth "But you may marry, Miss Neslio," , -olvar . Oqua.1 to the saraii bulk of seawater, -From this article it' appaers, th I . . � I a two days, -bar "And I," he said, 41would rather steers IvIsh Its Own Alr.11 -Ar . At range where he can see bar face. 8140 . this year, ' . � he Said, with a flush on his face. , turil to* Lancewood, I I rangesucat or the Veool. . so that, persons failing, overboard who In spite of All bar duties and respond- looks like a wlilt4waslied Chimpanzee . . �, I Mrk, MArgrach, wife of Ovown Tim- " No 11 she replied, gravely. "I nov- three weeks' visit bad drawn to a love you even without that faint hope . Ot SWIM, . if they do not attempt blIttles, In spite of the . fact tbat she when she sings, I close, He must wait no longer -back of marriage, th,jin be t4e,husband of A now airship of remarkable design Dann I .1 . � bar Agent Mar'grach, Rat Portage. er ZZI-I,could not; because I could . � - to keep. more than .their mouth ' has devoted so muoh time to the at-Ady I . I , never leave Lanoewleod--and I have to that wretched home if he could any other woman living," has.b, eon ,Invented, Scientists and men. I I out . Of polities as . ILL TEMPER � . died recently. .." . " . ' of water, can sustain thamselve , to have become one of � I . help it, she should never go, There wan A few minutes, silence. who have devoted their lives to the 9 for ' . � � . - . . I - Renfrew Masons contributed 8100 to never th,QqgI I . . thagreatest living Authorities on the Is more rapidly improved by relief . .it. of marrying." a considerable length of time 'Most , I , I . . used Dinner was over lit Smeaton Park; The.goldon light (lied in the wo*$t, the- conquest of the air for man's flight , from physicial suffering than In any . aid their brothers in Ottawa Who Klitj '! H)DfW 16 tbjit I" �e asked, MIA' persons who fall Into the water lose VW40*41 P0.11ticA.. of Europe,' Queen I I . � : . I I .the visitors, availing themselves of wind ceased to stir the crimson.leaves, say it is practical And will succeed, r year. - other way4 Stop on your friend's . ' I I fered from the fire. , � at her Simplicity, . . tile warm, balmy night-, had gone out. the. song O'f the birds was almost Its love I their presence 9f mind. (jud either' 'Victoria has, Within the late B of Corn, and the impulse to strike is I - . I . , ptor is a man well known In I . . . her reign, %%.olied an intimate an, I I . , A Princeton bicyclist, while, riding ".Before my. father died all zgy love . ve devo draw their hando,up or wildly 4 . strongest.. Putnam's Painless Corn .. . t on to the lawn instead of remaining bushod. . the lists of Owns Wild ba .ted �as]A ' . . -by ,. and all my th to were, given 0 � . . . . I . t1lem through tile air and w . quaintAnce with a difficult language Extractor, quickly ,and painlessly .in the dark, ran, into.a freight. train. Ough ' In the drawing -room. Vivian' ,wan . 4,T I Vivian,,, time, money And brains to the great. I ,ai9r* (� I . . _ . to . . Since .a died I . has% are hard: terms, � . r of L4x, sub inoving lbexxx�'ixxsures good nature'. , I .. He was not badly hurt.. . . . ItAm and to Lancewood, . li i . Course, the instant the Wejg4t 91 the "an by a large numbs' . . . . I . . r pt4nding watching the light fade -in said Lord St. Just. "YOU will not al. problem, hitherto u4solved-the sub- . I . . I Fifty imitations prove its value. -Be, l . . . ' . I have, done nQthixig but grieve Ova. . . I . arms is added to the W�i.igh,,t of tlie joct4, . I . .. �. I .... I . . I "Patnam's"* . Mr. McCosh ,has been appointed . ', � � the Wpstprn sky, thinking of ,'the n jectiall of the lightest.and vastest of - . ware of substitutes, I . . . .It If, . . 1 ' ' low Any promise of marriage betwee . head above the Water. t4a �qdy strIks, fte snakes It a. Custom, we are as- sure, safe, Painless, . ... clerk and treasurer of. Paris at , a., ' , dreary Iqt to yy4ich 840 was return. . . . the elements to the -needs of the, man . ..., I - .- , I . ... ..I see. 'You have bad .no time, for I � A, U§ I . 1. and a to* Ia sq -4, to note in 111qdustani the,dally . . . . - . Jq -to bar. .4 you will not give me any hope of tape jL1.9148 pf ttiq� vqd4 in . . � I ; . I . . - salary of $650 per year. : jing, whop Lord ft. . at yroqt . Calling of the future. Q36 is John EL Piekey-' 4; , I . � I , I (11011,ghtS Of Aught 101861" . � � I you wife, although you .love . .. . angther applilpinte,j or Nom tNVITw. , Galt scho Froii;i one look At; his grue, hand- ' 0 Ts . . . . .. I . lug a subject of Queen Victoria . - � . OTOWiging.." Tb@. event& of her life, keeping a diary f I . 1. ' I .axqe struggles .1vit4 tbp'�.*ands and this special purpose. She speaks the DAUghter-Shall wo,' (41y,tis. Xi,r, MW. ol board has Ordered that There- woo n9t:,the least conscious- " ' 13 , , I pupils must not be face, Vi'lon 4new by ipst, 3 the IQ a reslaelit of the I�Ign'4 of 4 I v 140t !014 pan4ot", she repl!64� lift t ­. � ; .1 .. ­.. I . . , syti, . kept in during ness in bar face as ijb9, ansWared, � - - � SPI46 . . 1 � . . . I I . feet qndgr the water would haye pre- language fluently, having ,devoted . a foe to a . . . , . .. . . . . " p , a . .1 � -' ; Went li�dfes-, � . . I . recess or after school hours, . . , . 4 ej&or� time ppr wh' t . was coming. . b t4 � . . I . . . I Mother -X. tWhIlk we'd better not;.. .. � � No, - I have, bad a same to m,e As thOU64 I qtoq4 .7 . . - I sorvefl'llfo. What all persons should Ift . of . ,rt at every day for the last ten. I , . � � . . "Miss Neallei" be.sald, I have some. ors, O'ot - , I , ]lot 4osert PrOfes4Or Pickering ,represents the Impress Upon .their . minds. -In thin: ,notion In it, apil to ,no- hwa. 41q absent-minded. lie miglAk. . A bank of ear& fell Upon james ljlpljnatio'n� See,'Lord..St. Just,-*theI, - . � V , 24Y ova, 1 n)4st 0 -years to instr . . . . . I His- ver t4ing thQ1 I w!sh to Say io you. Will my Post, let me be unhappy as I may . of students of narac- That'in case they should fall over- qqIrIn9 R'kudwle n a I o,-, cha g i in k 0 11 . . I . . MaKittrick, .near Orangovillo.�. .shladow oL the trees is falling 0 � ­ ­, . younger sch ol ' dge of the I i t I a r 9 _t h lit. '11, . 1. . I . . I go.js you come away from these. people ? t Laucewood.'i Antics. While he recognize the board they must- retdixt� control , At. I . 11 I . . - I . log was broken At the hip. -Us-the Sun is setting -we must . . I I . -1must remain a . .. a of tual treasupes of the Ea � I - - . - I , 1 � OTSOiry-," . I , * I I � . MORT23AL,"OTEL 9111144T . . . . I . . . th, Come.'through the r . a o science of the, exhaustive re- their, se queen .ja4 Surprised many of � 114% I .. . . . . Jas. Craig's acceptance of a judge-' ..He walked by her side through . � "And what of my unhappiness, Vj_ v lue It I nnes, the' bands and arms� - The ' � I ----.--, . ' I . � � I ' . 0 a , Profess Lan . ' ,�- � . - - - - ___7_*W�- 1 1 . ' 11 Balm . Zv� - . . . , . k. They trampled the ' 'Id flow- Without. another word he took hot vilen ? ,- My'llf6 will be a blank. With, Bear he of ,ar gloy, Must be kept unfie'r. water and the 1.4er Ilkill4ri. Visitors by maki.ng.unex- - The ra ,it 9 Am. PI zu. I . . . . Ship in the Yukoaleaves a. vacancy Put � W1 . .hand and. laid it on his arm.. . . I -1 � � . .. I . I � and ' to a ca tain extent, uti-. f eat and hands k t ' ' if ' � tq psote& a ervations in ,,go . ad Hixldusm. . . ­ r -..,.. Iii 01.50h . . I - . I . in the Renfrew County- council. ': I 017614.xider thnir1get; they stopped td: . I. I out yPU.11 I . I . � . r � . op 91 IXILP 11pin lit � . - -_ 1 I I � . . . . � . .... . . . . . . I U8R___x,GiIl_06Ile& A venues I . . , I I 1131:04 to,thIi low, 804,g gf the birds; "'I, want You," he Said, "away from She,looked,at him With. tenderness lizes,the results -of Prof essor Lang,- sustain, the �Oail clif qf Water, Oo joing tant. As everybody kno*s, she jo.al- AVENUE HO . Family 'Hotel.rates IIIAN I ., .. Town 09minissioner Pilkio and Aid. � . I . . I . world. Sit bore amongst ' . ' I ley's work, he has in ­ the I vention 1 .. , . . � . I . I I , - . � 11tr day. . . . . . I they'talked of,the, settiog- sun.Alld all the I . that, he never forgoL . I . . . I .. . ,, ,n ­ - 11' %,S t4o F.444tll arld goatrija do'not got ways attended, when -at llama, by.one — �. - � . Touchbrown, were eaofi filled $10 and tali you 0 i I � of his airaltip .. . Indian ST- JAMES" HOTEL--ovP­lt4% Xro . ... . � . the distant hills, of the wheat-shftVAO those roswl. .04 let Me I Qpe. ,1*1311 mo yqu than fox ". 1. 1, , brokeik yadloally *WaT. s0Morgpd tbore Is'no-dauger. . or more Of 'her picturesque . Railway. Firalt..o I two b1lQaA 11 . ipsts at Lindsay, for bairig disorderly. ,. . . . . . ,� . . . . I .. I . I - .r I '' . . ' ' ' ' * I I . I is" commorqlalIKOU00.1 F=W, , :. .. ­ I . . And the bloom, in the hedges I thCy'id-' thing." - - . .. front, ]profess r T,Ian�gjeyls moth6ill. . . . I . . ,servants. -It is not,loweveri So g6jA,. Provem-*48-RattIs moderate, .. . . - . . . � , ' ' I � . L myself'.". al.4o said gently; �1,but' you . - - I ,q . � ,�. . . , .41, . , . . . . ., . I . . . . I . � .. . � . . ' T. W �bf;. Hunts- , Tiodoon not boIjev@ that it is feasible ' ,r I . . . --- � . I I D. � . right, ,principal , mired the some views; they often gave She'sat down, and he klieli illio.nest .Will a m - , -not . r . ... I . . orally known that'blie, alway.i-spvaks. .te, .. . ­ . vv . . ­ 1, has . r6signed-.Mr. . . I I . 1. I . not 04 a .to 40 Wb4t for � 7 - . � - I [ , I. - H119 POSIT1ON,-,..I _ , - .. . . file Publld,Bohdi) . .. I �. . expression to the same thoughts'; yet� thelailen drimsoxi'loaves at her toot, right.st .. ,1. I ­ . and,wiso to amp the � WARRIORS OV, INDIA. .. to them. in. their own :tongue, How . . I I . I Morgan§ of Stratford$ su0000ds.-him. while Adrian � St. Jus It vowed to him- clasping her I white hands in his. . He : . I . . I Immense force' of gravity in 89 r light � ­ '. . . . � . a small the remark, " or , ho*qkver , j � I�ike 'him? snorbad the,:Old Codger, - - . . I . . . . I . "MAY I come to Lancewood to Bee . : .. The exaggerafed-numbor, of .troops ev r. . . . . . , n4so ­ . ,ad up.IntQ . . .. .. I - . ­ . th , Air 4y f orcing a . . . rious the'oommand, it com s �Ojfiqm referring to: a, iftelghbor whom her did - r � Ged. A. Atii n, master in - Napai- sell Chat be would win the�biiaatlful,' look -the lovely, face . I al"lement AS r 0 . . maintained by the'native Indian Prin- se � , .9 . � . I . . . you I" he asked. � . ,.. , I � , - 11 .. . . � . . d , . I . I sno High . School; -has reiignodIC1. Rob- imperial, dark�-Oyed woxnan . for his "How am I to Speak to YOU ?" ,,he ". "Na.r: t Shouldr " Itot like �to Bee you * .. it. . . . nlway� inZin Us I � I T not in. gAy WIBO ovpreoi , . heavy body. through .tan . . . r " ��, - .., ,,,,,, thalate., . I have . - - . . - � 1. . . I I I . . r . . I Con in 4 form of display .have., a � . I.. I no VAore use for, n ialtxla h with L . ' . . , . r r � . . . . . artson of Vancouver, 04e, Owls blin. , wife, Viv ed,that.she said.. "Kneeling, here at your. foot, you there." ,' , I . r I .. I . I � I .He at,gues, tliiLti' while, it might' ba- b -lety to the Universal, admigektiqla '.has been at-. . I , , .r , . . , r � . i.eja never dream . . . . � . . . . '. son a source of great.anx r 1. I . . . I '13 . . . ...'. . �, ,� . . .. . .1 . . I ; : . . . �. :1 . I '.. . .. I I ' I - Ot *the 'djtd whiskers has for another nian, ­ � L . was In I - - - - . .. .seem as far above me as the darkon- � "At I - possible to . . . � - . � r British . Governmant, forr whit pressed at the,determ�natl(m ,r , , , � . . Jos.' berrick; a Woodstock hostler, r ,OvO . , 11, east you will write' to .me- . . I . 0 tlie . . with ro. .That's how I q r r .. I . , - . ''you 1. died whisks . . r , . ., . . I � � d'05,Q60'by. qL bro- , Ljord St. Just. aidde no seeii3t of kag. skies.. How am .1 to tall'yon'that I allow'me to write to you. Vivian? FOAOE.".AIRSHIP � - ' .. queen at an advanced age, not only to. ., ' -con , .. has- baen bequeath6 . . . I .1i Wit . . : I r hritish forcaS.r Sold:66 exceeded' 0,000 1 fesIr toward Henry J. S*aiak - _ , . r . I I � � that, a ra r Ding Terri� his ilp"it! i ; lie became Viviexi's.sha- I. lo a you with all my ,heart *and 'so Oli, ilar'dimlin how . bard- - ft:saa , 'great weight. against the, . air and Europeans I and 125 . ,600 na, '' learn. to speak Tliqd4stalai, bt I � . . . � . , ,a on . . . . it also to naller in Wyoz I . .v . . . . I - . 91 I Din I", of. . tiveo, the ' .. �� found bfiAl t . . - . , . '' . I .. ., . , - pray you to,be my'wifa?" . . "T. .shall be pleased," she replied, to sustain it. by the aeroplane method, state Armies exceed 400,000 )m . . I r. . . tory. ­ dow; every one perceived it long be . I �ori Andr take aiA� jutorest in -the 'lie . . . . � .. . � . I ­ I ' , . I W. V 0 1024 � 1. I , ..,. . . . f ' nov . "Your letter s, will be the only. gleam . a. jptaptica . I machine 'better eon. 5,000 guns witho * td acquaint herself with I- __ � � I . " - 6ra jibe bersol k . , , what. it meant She did not- rise in. wonder, nor turn, Tildia, and . . . Jack Goodfellow, Bon of J. Good . " I . I . canbe � At reckoning the nit- . � . I - ' . . . .1 . ­ -'-- ­ --- - . . . � ri- - . . I . a bad promlijad to.rep4ain for three angril,y away. She satperfectly, pan- of Sunlight that will come to, me." :, struqted al ng different lines..Aship tive contingents and other' portions of the ideas.and, aspirations of her - 0 i I � ­ . � . . � . � , 0 . ­ - . . . I fellow, chief C.P.R;.train: deSprat�h.r.,-, .S4 . 4.(J.r abo tr r I I ' ' . . . . ., I . ­ � OALVERr.9, ' ' .. , � . . ' f ancled * gively Silent., , He we on 1, . I it - entak subjects , I I ,. I , .z . . % . . ' 4. y weeks at the Vark,, a , n "Vivieb," cried Lord St. Just, "can ,that. sails. on the air ratherAhitij one ,an army siib�sidiieIl by us v : - . Vancouver, though..oniy . ears, of 1: � . I . . . I r � � .the Indi . ...Is . . .� . . Carbon* ololkfoot4knrts. 806pe, 011011% , ��r � . . - ' I that .the, Aew;, vairtio, delicious happi- "it is. the .,whole.: love of . my lit 0 1 you . u . 0 .. ez� your di6lsi6n? , It ihAt. is f ripens. The War In ,South Africa . .. ... . � - . . . �. . mont 'T000ilir 1POWdere, etc.I have besim . .. I I I agd, is An, expert. 'telegraph operator. . I; rocousid. oreed on .the Air follows, lit P . . ard;4 100 dals and diplomas for su al . I . vas the roe . have to offer 7014- - - ryou Will . I . el to me,,doar.?'. . '� I . .. . . . .. . �. . . . . I Aw p or .11 I I . I Dann .ult.of peace.. . r .. V 11 " , ., Is so. cru. � his opinion the pat4r 14 - has, "h9wever, shown an unexpected HE EXPLAINS THE PtCTURE. - excellenoil. i9eir regular ame prevent lntecti. * . . I I , . . 46. , I., . . I yi io - . . r , al If a for in. . .. . . . I � . I . - _ . .. r She had bien So Unselfish all rr let me say Vivian I' it 11 tile z W'Oet,T ."I OA`1169t," libe ropliedi and he saw youtibu * " � .r '41ills, *said 'the artist, . a . w battle ous fteases. 'Ask -your dealer. to. obtain a � . ., . . 1- � � I . . . . . I I I . . . 11 I I -He p*ints -to the fact thati loyAlty twthe-Quesn,.an'd should they . . supply; Lists mailed free on application. , - I . r I I � . �Ife; s.bo..bad thought so much of ant of rall _ 4WOet niLmeo.. I have:naver . I . � .. .. I.J . � . I . r I . her lips grow. white -With pain, . While it is possible to Advigatii a -*0_ 411' prov,s: steadfast� 'as they promise, acens-kime, Say_ the ypd)r 200A A. 11 1. 0.*CALVERT & DO., . .1 . I . . . . % . Lan.ew-od, of ,horfather, of beraiam given one thought to,anothar. I loved "I' must,boar it like a ,� man," he said, marine boat .which is heavier than, onemiet2!Xngland - ". � . . r . k PIONEEW8 STORTS . r . _ willforrthe future The defending force iB,oA tIA0,extreme; ., MANONKSTE4 RIOGLAND. , : , r I . . . . - ..., , . � . "I . . . . I . . ­ ceib*s that she*had never rivenher kou tile moment I saw you lying an 4'although it Almost unmaDs me. � I 7( . , I ' � 1. . I . , I I ' I - , 1. . I . r " , , . 11 the Witter in r which it. lies .'it is:.mg6h have I reckon with 276,000 soldlerS right of the b ' . I r . . — , . ­ I mind to girlish drearlis of r6mance the graps,iny darling, your face white tho,ght, 'when' I had prevailed upon easier to r f 0 . IIOW the tille-honour r ad. of the: r Hindu State, 75,000,of'the Xo- .@ilkvA'A-- r .I- ; TORONTO CU.fflnQr 40MML bffen Sped"I Sdlae-6_� ' . . I I - ' I , . I cantt qet t%ierA,.db,qer,v�ed his friend. ; I gee to all des of acAulting a tborough kn6w. - ., � . � . r I , . - ' 11 . . . . I AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW,WITH, and BeDtiment. Another girl would with despair� I*Ioved you..through all YO to, Say 'that Y a boat which is hammodan r States and 59,000. of the .. Q,ar,tainly not; �re strongly en- ' � of ClAtun an ting Gentlemen's Garments. .. . . dif- custom 0 r , . �rite for pame . tr this DOW file . U ca loved me, all of building .1 . � . I . 'r r . lit yoffliffe ;t -I Toranto. . I r MR. B. L. NASTIN, - have knoWn Wha ling the" months I spent in travel. I love - he first lighter than the W I � . 4 tlrenolied-�- thoyr * " .1 . , � I r . ficulty -was ended, That is t . star and will sail Mahratta, 9tates, . . . - — . - . aloant She did,not. She thought Adrian � you. n6� more dearly thaii words of I .. I or its "surface. . I . ­ � I � . ­ � I . . . � 1. . . . . IN step I find, Let me do. one thing, Ov .. , � � I . I . C&D1 s6e� any entrenchment.'. I ­ . . After tona TiAn or i-erfect nealth lit St, Just very, �Ind,- ver clever; she Mina 0 will YOU Ile- my;rdatling7-7-let me:9vow ilayself YOUrr *Bo has accordingly designed And '. .. - . .Y . I Iin tell. My queenj I I . r � .� - . 1- . WAR AtOnel(ed With Ulditey Trouble van thankful to have so true a friend; cept my 1. love , and, g*Lv . e.me Yours in I .1 � r, I . � Of course you can%� ThQ Olatiench . . . - r ". .1 how constructed an airs -hip Along the lin S r, ; me . lits are sikilitay. tonces, I IiId from . and Otber complicatforoi-Dr. Unitaux., . . -knew thcit, Sh I r � . .1 I . lover -let me tell ;Ill the world .. .�e ` I . brast ,B4 r ...Pinkr 1`1111suring Iffitin New Health. she .. I ,a liked .to be near return V' I . I ... . . . ,sure I indicated. It combines those rOquj4_ . view, I . 1, . . . 1 . I . ­ 1 sweet and how great a plea . ,r . 0 1 1 1 . . . In: ts. Drums, Uniforms, Ste. . � . I . him,'to listen to -bis. voice, to watch She made no answq-there was no ' I ­ lies of extir"O ing#34lifty 'and xnarvol_ . � � Fram, the Picton, Ont,, Times, � have won." r' . . . 1301G,HT'. .1 shq'uld think you'd show some big EVer oan -have a Ban I'll * . , , . . . I .. r his face, but she did not .k,now that mov6mont, in. the Alls4t figuxa�­ he ,, I Plior r I IOUs si'Rplicity w4404 go to t1he mak- - . .... . I � . . I.. . I I . y Town ,, . . Mr. 0. L. Mastin, of Hollowell town- 'she loved -him. . . . .. . * ' ' ... liot yet," she r.e d. "I think L", .. . . .. . guns or something. , . I . . , I . . . I . . . could 'not read. the'. exprossip of 4or � � 3404, , I . Quoted. Fine catalogue 5W iuuw ' . . �. . . . I �- - .. W1.4 fast t� , " " 4 i00.49 41, SqCQe4f,41 0AV6440nii. it ig . Nonsense 1. Tlxe� guns axe 1rr.us,t.%,'r11ceTdfraee.r Write us for anythin .. . , ship., RrIDeo Edward count .- . .. , r Tia4y Ne�llells 4e4rt jq . � , disappear- Win � I . , . . i I I I . . .. � ' . � . 7, was - a . . '. fada-� .. I - . I ljovp.1 .In oqtllpe: a#4 dosig� '.. :" :ISEASE Muslo Or.Muslail Instruments. . . � COAFTER XXX. I . . . I . Lano& the r Douses of t . i Ah4 � r . .. . . . . . I � I t. I that I should marry And leav � I . I I . Ing gUns and they have disappeared. . . , I I caller At the Times office.the, other . , � .. - . 1.1,1 have ldnged,to make you­happ�, . , . I * . Well, how about the attacking . a 101.01 . .. Whit* Boyce& Co., Terev j,"And day and during big visit told of his- ' V.. ; at . wood. entirety,in -bar hatids. I would Rout. . I US, luva�4tiou Is, . is the deadliest and m* :. � � .11an. . � , . � IvIonc Was. now in the sweets " I 'have, longed .to brighten your life. . . I .. � Ost . . ,. . . I .. . I SuffetijIg froint r . .1 I . attested by the. fact that the .experts . .. . I , . kidney trouble. phase of he* - In C�s ry . S rather �hat ohq knew nothing. At pres- I . painful malady to which ... force T . .. —_ _ ' r ,. ' . . I great r v to . Life was all oil, My. d �Ilng, give- me the powqrl r , � . . Ova he7 r ' ' . � I cut. of the United States Patent .Office, 'kindirssulIi4ect. Dodd's re on the - Mille. Mille A "ottgrog I and rheumatism, accompanied.by.dys- 60t�lt would biAt increase my diffi I � r man � . or . left -all under oav�. Barristers.stm.r6moved . I I � . . dlfferint"the-w4rld was A thousand - bright' I .1 . . - alight, in knocking s vpIt cu .! . . . I . . . . r Lot my love an the dark clouds . . . . . Pepsin, cold feet and a, generally.broken times more fair. She Wondered why, the a ties'll I ­ ­ . I.. .. � who take .Special A Xidney Pill. re any - Ori . You can't'expe6t them to expose LAWr-6O wealeyw!"r.. mob.. . . .. I I � - that bang over youd. You. shall kn6w ' ' out'inventions that -aro'not .genuine, - case. of Briglit's Disease. ! L. uland0t. .. events. , . down constitution. Mr. Mastin is one a shine Boomed more golden. and ill r I .,He kissed r�he soft bonds that lay in b a � �. . . Thdij have never failed " L .. themselves to the spectators. anYL more I L . — - . . L . Un I Or ,no more trouble, no.more. sorrowi if . L r . � I . . AV just granted letters. patent to I . . . I � . . ­- L I of the first: settlers of PriacarEdwatd flowers of brighter.hue. What caused r . . I his. � . . . . � . one single case., They are L ..than the enemy, 0. . SAMEM . . .,, . I . county. His IS in his so'VOnty_f,rnt the , L I tL ill � you will love Mo.,. 1. r .. �. "Your wish"' * . I . . Professor. Pickering for his airship, . I the duly remedy that ever . Well, Y . n - I 0 1 1 . . I .. new at had sball'be my law. I have the r ' . our Picture in a mer(k Is d . , .and be'autiful ligh I o his, and he . has cin r . . I .. I I . .. . . . .She raised her. lice i Viewed' from outside there is -edit, and they are . . 1. . Imme I . . year and Is the father of W grown up fallen on 6verythIjtlg? What was the I ' * Won.from you the admission that YOU L . I . the only remedy that can. , scape.. L L 14411111 *111U1111111111 -till -1111 I . . r . I I 'cularly remarkable about : . � r .. saw that the dark proud eyes, wisio' JOL a M r nothing partx . family Of we 1-to"do farmers. In I usic always rising from her heart . � I v 6; I should be wanting in grace , .. There .are imitations of . Tea; but I take It %at!s Illow a bit-, —_ ­ - I I I . . . � ' I I the xn � filled with tears . I . . . I . . the Pickering airship. Smooth , run- . . . V044'8 4IGdney Pill"ill, tie will look 11 kn the yev 200A ' I Cathollo Prayer Books, aossrlse,byw - . . 11 . .. ! bourse of th� conversation Mr. Mastin to her lips I Why did the world seem . ' and courtesy if I complained after . � . . _ i'My darling," be cried, hastily, "let , V,y, . r ners on the bottom serve tosupport it box and name -but imita� I . 4 1 . r I olfixes, loalauhm . L . said. -"I had never I . . I that. on, you will remember one L ' , r I . .1 — . . r Ralliflopia Pictures. statuary.. and Ohutoh, Ornaments-. . known what it full of,strange, sweet welodyl She -9 tjngL On the r tions sea dangerous. I Eduastl000l Works. I I i%ras to be sick. I ha p2y.love bring you happiness, not sor- thing--m-it is b� Vonr own wish, andr do- when res groundi while a The I . Flon. 0. a I " orders rewire iproomnDtir tr - ' ve always had grew more beautiful; theLproud ex- row I I see tears in yourr eyes. .1 �y . . origi 'I and Oat sins I THE. COUNTRY BAND. . J3ADLIan &Go, M . I � I . . good health and worked on ray farm pression of her,.face bad kiv , BROAD RUNNER AiTHE REAR I , nor Br1Xht14$9s" 6i I . . I . an way ire that olir love remains for the . . .r 7 . Ccr4 r ..'spi - I I I . wont to save you from sorrow, not to a I r . j r . whit kina at instruments have yo . . . , 0 I . at. Sists in 9 - . . � . ,every day until some In aths ,Ago, ,to one of tenderness, the light in present a seer , bui you will xiot fojr:� as uiding it in ordinary f * Ight. I u -Dyeing I Clertning v � .when I was taken with severe pains in he eyes, was aof toned and sw . set, the bring It to You. T§4 1.46, Will Y10L tx4y . r ­ In the now bind? . or% a werybeelsendyaqT work tb the . r I r . 'a all It is elongated and oval in shape, 4ay� DUS 4 . . . . Idy back and shoulders. I Consulted $I be'autiful lips curved more gracious- to love me 11, I get now,that yon have one who I . ' r Mostly greouhiarns� . . . I N A14411104kN DYEIR Go.- 1. 1 , 1 "I do love you,"' she replied "I did the ,World .to you, I stand in the Ing sMoqth sldes,�Wblch offei.� little - - r I'll ant 11%,Vw town. or &and dimt. . I . . doctor but received little benefit. 1 was I . . � .. I . 'i ­ . . 0 treat ofito,'.0tta*a,.Qttjbtc;, . . Y. . a f. My resistance to the. air. I KIDNEY I , . 'r told by one:doctor that I had.rhouma. Was this thil' Kdmo dreary world not. understand at first, I.could not PlAOO Of .f thsr brother, friend, . . I I I . 4 � . . I .. P I- I a . r � "ago You Nouwxia, ? POULTRY - — ' , tism and kidney, disease, but his treat. tell what strange- change had come darling, you will tell your trials and . ,The interior mechanism, however, Is I i I I I I It you suffer its agoafeAl dnil tali'. TTER, EGGS, APPLE% - L Lm**J to got a remedy, we wan I t you to try and Other PR DUO-Atoorwareboatroulteowl to - Extent did not help me and I continued that so. lately had seemed to her all over my life. I thought it was due., difficulties to we DOW; and, believe of entirely original pattern., The ship I . I . 15 so _- sorrow, 9.11 darkness? Not that .her TheVlawso nil r .. to my removal from Scene$ of strife me, they wilt seem all the easier to -19 divided into upper and lower. cam- . - Dodd's Kidney Pigs art . iline, Its action on nerve pain Is West.: commisgio C041, Li getting worse. My appetite failed me sorrow had gr6wa less, but that r this . I Nery ,..t.jkOoIbg@u4llIi,. tah I and I fell away in flesh I and dissipation to a'hoino of' peace, ,bear because you have some one to P4)7tmeuts� The upper section . Is, fifty cents *.box at an Simply marvellotts. Nervillue, is the ___" 4.- ­ - . - ­ ' . � became beautiful light seemed to have Ab- � � r share Ah � am. Should. a time come known asthie ballon. section and As I druWamr, I I � most pleasant and powerful remed. �, Now. I know that ,it Is because I love � . I - . . y R 0 0 F I N PA suld Wiliat MotAlwarks- irritable and could no' . . I I In the market. � Try It. . . ROOFINq sr,,kTE in Mwit, - � sleep will, at gorbed it, .The Nestles did nothingby . . � 11 'When. you need A friend, one word -will .carable of containing enough gas to I . . . ftedorOrsen, BT4ATXBLA0KBOAUDB W f night. Nobody can lIonceive the lid. balveaj wh;n they loved 'at all they You." . r - - ­ Public and 11111h Sahoolaforantal nbofinj I OoalTar,oto. ROOVIN TIL14 S-aNjy, . The light from the We . I A BAD FAULT. Ingo, Toronto, donabr our arm), ue�Qotuj C8480 Pain I -endured. vie" stern sky !I- bring We to your sidev and'I Will dd� float the eutire.ship in m ...... Th. r ENS) - Not deriving loved deeply, truly and well. Vi � fend you against the whole world." gan with which the different oomparL _V^ W , � tiny benefit f rom the, f i lumined the pale noble' face. Adrian . PRIGHTENED BY' A P*OODLE. 6110.ttes uralshea or:) 4 or. , Cod I ate and had begun to love unconsclously,and, 'is supplied from the .n__' � . Medlin makes me think of i ljorso Aloe"i'm H' t667partof kh� q0Z . . '"I"I'lle having A Constant I�ain 11, my stomadh I St. Just looked at it in wonder; it was they sat for sonic time longer while monta are filled I � 0.0111,11111111=0129A OIR1464LW(d a f�; --, whap she awoka to full and coniplato I ., to. have, ,:,:IV Igo I moon became aware that I had like the pictured face of a Saint, but the last rays of golden light dio4 away rear of tlxe ship, Each and every Ito iv , it 1111sAlotenry9s Diox t1bused. the I used -1 WAM14% aianto, � ­�_' . I I . I I . . dys- knowledge of the fact, it was toolato � !lied or emOtted OW so? pepsial and the pain in: my back And for Any ehangeo , ­ thar'o was in it Dona of the -radiance A,nd tU6 otArs began to appear; still compaxtutent Can be f Arrhon" Savages. H I I Mlohlgem Lartd ftr 'Sale. . he found so much to, say, and she was :at the discretion or pleasure of tie Perhaos'Burzi;s famouslin; might lie interlikir*q, 6 000 A0111(a QOQA F"Wq It was three weeks of love, poetry or brightness of happy lovei . _ k'� Shoulders Intensified by the stoqoIjkd 4�_ ,h V I ARENAO ' I - orglblzwk W 40tairm , - I . I 4 made life It shall always cherish you ' so pleased to Union, Then, illoy re- 814's Oxagillser; thud allowing the be made to read "A dog's a dog for WYBARIS Mt. lor 411:6 1 0 otintles, Tltlov,ir- weight in My Stomach Lr love " t FOR Ovelt 1PIP 13 Leon XAIII I t jib a Mookinso imill Inc ' to And romance. There could be no more ' I ant 'be raised or lowered to Its a' that," But of all dogs, t4orgugh- I im. WINAWw's sooTaiNG sYniall,19A bee w so .� ianging from $2 to If "most ullibeAr0le.' - Craft the house. Vivian retiredat ship to eathing, It "a has . . * tali pain curea wind = W Igo to EnterptialDif Now . I Was MAO a Charming companid� than Lord St, she said gently', "it will live in my native element as may be desired. Es- bred or ilgongrel dlo used by mothers got their children t ,.r sere. - great sufferer from cold once to her. own room; she wanted � .1 4 allaggy Poo I 4 sortanN the gums, %I KE !."a R... t, a , ,'2 1, ,.,and will bosoldon ons, -it will never d16.11 chh&'OL4. — - heart forever crest 4 Is the best remedy for dieIrrhars. 11!�,% I)QUI& _�,� foeto 12early just, Ile had travelod-ho' had Stu valves and safety vales Coma* would Oooi4 to lid About' the PA mat the world. So 16'. . .0 - every day my feet ,Would get like died, read aniT thought. Be had re- ,"My darling;"' he' returned,. "you to be alone with her happiness. Lady care . . Bold by all druggists UIT009,41.4sx-e , . 11 . iiij.64 t nor 01 X" chunks of ice, I � Smeaton went to Lord St. Just. . munfeato with the , ou.tside, of the kind of dog for defence. Tet oiddsole fer 11 9P., wing'aw'd - ­ 11111, .�-moro%Aok. I - In !, We , ? , and union I —_ stantly by the fire the S 1 W419 eon- solved quite early in life that, though ,make We so happy I" . 11 I hope You have good news-f6r me," ship- . sionary, whose experience ban bpen -x-_ � � . . , notes of my fortune had favored him with Plent� She held up her hand. . among savages and cannibals of Afrl�. 'ESTION OP "JOUT. . I , . I .. I - she sold, - Below the btilloon section and fill- . A, FURS. 'FURSO, , � 4V . A? I feet would fool its though they were of money, With a line estate, an an- "Nay, liston. � I love YOU." she said I ca. says that his, little . I *U * I I wet. One day I told my wife j[ W , "near Lady SmOatoo,'t he replied, Ing the lower ,p6nVartment of the . . V,0041e, $411g, Thea you don't love me any longer? I Importer and exporter, of I , _ a "clent title, he would not an that ac- softly -"I love you with all my heart; Induags. '!I have not a on 4 was one of 4is b.oqt p,roteotoirs. . . . Ravt Furs and Skins. Con. I going to try Dr. Wifflams, Pink )?!Ile. count fritter his life away. Itshould but I can never marry you." touthed by her %I shlj�' Are living rooms for it be pant - .One of `4 . or exploits cogststO4,14 put. she indaned. 611nineuts gollolted. High. Having read so much of these famous ' " gained all I wanted; but Illave made storerooms for various. tpqIK find it - � I . . I . No, he 0,0141Y r6#11164, 1 thitiX You V4F1-1. 01, prices paid for ginstag, . ;-- not be spent In a round of sonselelm Its looked up in utter.wonder. . .4e ting, to fligAt A bind at hostile na- aro quite long enough. I H. JOHNSON,. I Pills, I thought that Whit 0. ,some little progress. r do not des. cessitfe4 And thp driving and guiding. t ther had amusements. It should not bepass- Why not 911 he asked PRI01 . I of the ship, . The first tiv6s. The x4lasionary was trqvaIjjn0 Tbo' Arnprior postofflee in. lWiat- . 494 Nt. Paul stroat, Montreal - I done for others they might do lot ad In dissipation and folly. Ile out- 11.9odause I cannot ietive Lqpoe-� , 'Mechanism Solna distance In 4041406 Of 1418 Cara- renovated; at a dost of 49�094, . me. I Procitred. a box from Mr. E.W. tIvAtea III& mind by reading the ohoid- 'Wood, Nay, 4cf not tr On the following day Vivian return- models, and perhaps all models of the omp4nied Only I OANADA PERMANENT - ast bookit-his Intellect by traveland me. I know all that you would say, ad, to Lancewood. It was k6on,porrow Pickering airship, will use electricity - Case, drugglst,� and to MY great de . y to persuade van, 400 by his boy- ----" I V servant- and Sally. When he camis STATA OP 01110, V -Vi 4XI-OpFnN . I light before I bad used quite ono,box parting with her fridnils-above, all, as a motor force. The entire top of LuCAR (OUNTY. )9#4 L0061 find Sayinglil Cola#^Ay. � � the society of clever men -his taste All that. you would adviso. I know with hot lover,; but, its Shot drove � the vassal will be constructed of rub- to the top of thelhill, a large body of V - Arai ol F j CW ' .& xalooltooftAtom, leg. . I had improved. When I . 1,ANic J. cui,,4 we nv�kox oiIIIA , I 11%0 be 1, had fln- a njor partner or I I, . . 14 . tht Olddat aftit'Largest OaWlsilli M" .for art I)i working hard -at it. Out that most girls would 'seek refuge Burungi warriors in full war -paint I 151 0 Olt Mlily . !shad It couple more boxes I felt like thing be had never done -he hadnev- from such a home as wine In mar� through .the ploksant sailling Conn. bar on light aluminum frames, And (10, doing bu hio-8 16 1, f Toed me corporatufts � were. suddenly seen racing toward Usunty and State 4#61.6"al", 11114 , M new Mall, and I gladly. tell'thift for or indulged In the Idle flirtations that riago, tre,' her heart grew warm within throughout In every case ,possible the � a 1.4%;d firt., Paid. setting, aside love. I cannot wil pay , lie, Am 0. 0SW I1UV�j)Ijjtjj bot". P, up capital, - - $_4,&V6,000 . ,the b6ftefit Of all Who sufforf aft I did.'$ he thinking of bar love. She thanked �Ilghtest motals and materials. will be them- . LAR6 (or 441,;ind *very WA Of CATARUIJ I Marva Viind - - . g,goo,odc so often lead to ruin And sorrow. 116 marry, because -qiy father left the ro . I . I thsit rannal, ( a V.ured by tbrj use of &%LVkj CtOntinUing .Mr. Mastin said: "My, Was heart whole, fancy froo. Hebad h-onor at his boline In may hawls, end if. H4vexx for It -this love which, bad used. � Calling Sally to him, the, missionary CATAHU'l (VR9, Head Omoi-yopellto at., Twoute. rhenm4tism !A -fill gone and lean, come it MrVeht admiration for the sax, but I leave Lancewood I foar IxIt honor changed her whole life -this sweet ' whispered In herear something about I Fit AVIC & CHNNEY. am"oh Oittess--iln"N1114111, 10", VA"669M, 041 . . � In the trilddle, of, the lower compart. Swolln to before -0 wtid mubserlbod In ond go aDd OlIJOY as, good health, as hakVy love which bad dawned Upon inent will atand the dynamo. This will "going for them." Then wall wlt� p.q�ji.j!��,.thls Oth day V I)e0erabol., ,%,D IV. 0XP091" 111,11110XIYAD, juip,aii alkwo& ' not for itay one woman,in 0artioUlar. will. leave it too,'$ her like the malle, of an Angel. Oh, if furnish, I . nossed ,the scene of A Small, oggR3r, - * . A4 W. GLEASON DlIonliftaPs jsatyZD for 1, jl� S, 4 0, 17404 . . wlell AS ever I dia"'With these re- He had never b3ad6 love, played at "Bat YOU. can do so little, my, darl-,� . NVAU : NdtarM PUbUe. 001th 1111AM1111 0012116M MWbad, . i . I , , I I I I !AUMA I f, t I 11 � I , I 1 f 1 1i I I 11, I I h IT 8 for ag I - Ir , , tP it ".j` 11 �10 �A h W marks Mr. Xantin Oct Up to go, but It would but Please Heaven to ta;ka Von *THE ENTIRE SHIP, dog with a very big bark, tali 4V CIAO . MONII*ky,BNTOIi"vityottw,u"nwwigtl� love, or finagined bitOmOlf IA IOV6- The' ing,­And,yqu, suffer so much, , If you POWER 'ii�ii,iib'atatrh(,Ivf)islgLketiluterilAU3, and 11oletamireit and )AqaIoj#d BOA44 *to. : added that his wife was receiving f pity on bar, to belp her. to ftYa Lance. air, O'harging at a oom. I _____ 4 Wt time his heart or fancy was . pAny of wrimed hoto direetly 6n, thri blool sknd mucous, aZtIA068 , much ti could do anything, I would not m6k By a succession of accelerating wheels of the systom. Be forteadmoulale, f* . enefit from Dr. Williams, pink wood, and to give hor her love I gearing men. . F� MENNY & CO3 Two4d, 0, ftr t"Mar particulars apply to r men a A go a Sold li��Drugjqa, 7ad. I . Pillm , " I too] I k7 home 9, couple of,lboxes touched was ,When he. mat Vivian No$- to prevent It; but you Are qult* fie'P- r tly the c r a row upa, or by maahs:of multiplying I 01, " J, 11184011PT MASON, . . It.o. Ile carried tho memory of bar less." Ith the double driving wheels attlie "It was a great fsIght,11 says the HAIN atfillr 1111ti are ills best6 miliftillng bl"titor. Tereets - , IhO other day and she thinks they are . b6sutifut, the f rout 'entrance. There was no ona I sorrowing kt* with hisn, "I klaaw it all,fl-she sighed. "It 's to receive ,bar. The servants fietmed ,"Ar Of the ship there will be no diffi- traveller, "worth going to Afritla for,"' U I 4*16udid.11, I . . and, that memor$ watk dearer to him as you Say" a hoAlehs� fltruggloI with- �. I 1. culty in causing those, paddle wheels tO Bee 'those warlike men running for t. ., MnAT. amms, I , I Sat, Z ANiTro —Mam&,w, _ _�_­_ '' - ___ I AM 4. MAIO, loglot "O Tress, - 1 Dr- Willin)XIS' Pink 'Pills otim by than -the liviag presence of tiny oth, .,wll, gfill_ T ,mjIftI, &jwdo,*,% If_ nit - I e e inconceivably their lives, with little Sally at their I ExIagntnatfoxx of th,A lhianffa A? 4.u. __ I � going to the root,of t] IT-hO.V r4c-&W 40d bMId up . Mild strengthen the n6rveg, . Ing 'disease from tho hyat imltAliona by Insisting tha YOU Purchase is,bixelos6d in bearing thd fall trad6 war littals' Pink Pills for Pale your deal6r I104 not keep will be sent postpaid at 4, box or Ax boxes for $2.60, 1 Ing this Dr. William#, if l3rockvillt, Ont, " �­ . it Is mortetl that the 0610a of G. W. MtR*6 b,A bein purchastil by TAi whose home was, recenti,, 1W fim, * . I& .", I . 1 -11, I . - .. _.