HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-06-07, Page 4 11
_____ 4 wj noissis;ti.___ . '. __ __ TBE CLINTON NF,WS-RECORT) I "I " JUNE 7,1 119-00
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History, of a Pioneer Church, I Sunday School ConventioHe I GARROW VS, BEGKII
Tu 01'T"oWlso Sit= I 'V0;-ATmxLTV
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lu p e WRIT.
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oauncu or ENULAND Susl)Ay
-3 His , olya UA. 4
Mr., Gynitow ftxpnt . r R
I I A" Tux voaTLru Nuws-RvQ0RD By A
SONS Folt WisuiNo To Rr-,:,AxN
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TuEsli.&T or LAST Wun Ic.
W111LE MAJOR Br Ns Twim 1
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- - - EMARF5 ov'rur, PARIsm
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AS 51ANY WILY Tur, Dretsiox UN.
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I Julie- Saleff A!"., I
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1k, — The 20tb of M iy wes'a loug-to-be-re- sr velxo Gxqnow SLIOULD B4 SUS. Miss . Ray returned from Florida On Monday at 6 a. in. in the drawing The W. H. Stone came In through .,
74' -,have, been requested to write an membered day tit the annals of Blyth, , ;1 ,
. T40131). Inst w0ek, after 6 delightful winter room of Mr. and Mrs. Qeor c, Thom': the*heavy fog on Saturday with 417 ...
Belle Hatilip
_ Accoxiht of Trinity church, Bayflold, its it being the Sunday School Convert, , isa e
I . spent in, that state.' iiihe has been the sox), BIRm avenue, M tons of coal for Wim. Lee. Captaiii I I
I , _01xightarld Its Ill b aud,present. tion of tile Deanery of Huron. About guest since of M,rs. arid Miss oh -ver. son, We . on street, sister of Mrs Stone brougilt tits schooner In last .11 . , . .
e rigs with large loads -ow has given to the "ill , 1.
I In so 401UR 1 =e Ron. J. T,Gart .1 .
d to seek -a 11,80 a. M. th Court of Appeal four reasons for think- Mi.. Shannon of the Kensington fur- Captain Law"lon and daughter of the year, 'I .:. .1.1,
f. place in til came pouring into the Village, all the Saturday morning, June Mi we . ' . . .
. , . a colurtalsof yourvaluable in e as 1 p i orly unseated as and Mrs. and M16o lateMr. and Mrs, James Mathieson, Oa Whit Sunday the town corn Ill) '..", I .
I Irst and congregations but two in the county )p it uron,qwbile Major , 11 . '. , ,
= for two reasons, the f , , was given away in marriage by ber of. the Huron B -LO., together collection of W
nst belil represerl hich comfortably a title Ili to , .1
. , or els "' the Queen's Bir h wittlitee will place Oil sale . I I
so , Miss Shannon has brother, Mr. Angus Mathiesono to Mr. Collegiate Ins tittite Cadets and Max. .
. _
widell-read weekly in the county.; Delffthechuroll when service bpgan, 13 ,t,,,,,r,u,00,o,,,,,,Ip,""Y George Frederick Thompson of Owen _
,g lboxisider ittlie, most b * , ted, w. 1. ,
. title e It ucce sfal candidate, but day at 110luipoennt
I I . There are other old land marks here The first order of the day was th i, del, Once ssful etitio or, has supplied the romailleit for,, I nger visit. !pea, beaded hy the Marine Band, Cloods, consisting of Ladies' White-
i court, wit , lee t tit number of rea- Mrs. Rumball, formerly of Lo d I So"rid, tion of Mr. George Thompson of marched to St. George's to Attend ev. I ' i
of interest also, put one at a times so ebration of tile Holy 06mmurtion, n 0", "' the harbor Will. The ride was dress' en service, before going to Camp at mer Corsets, Vests,
permit; its to begm.-- the Rural Dea n and Rev. M. Goldberg sons foru holding the judgement of the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, ed In a handsome travelling suit of Lo I wear, Sum I
Judges Carter and Rope, given last Dqc Cambria Road. inl(1190n. The Rector of Sb. Georga'R,
8omewberein, thefQrtles there was officiatliag and Administering to about, lady's blown cloth with bat to Watch - Rev, MarkTurnbull, hotiored the liat- Aprons,Lawns, Handkerchiefs,
. no church service In either Bayfleld, Do coiximumicau,ta. The followirg cler. exuber, . 1. " Mr. Armour of Woodstock returned The lirldesmaid wits Mies Holdow, tI,1i,u with a special - sermon taking
I G , th refore A The unseated- Mr. 0arrow says;_ to his home last week. daughter of Dr, I. Holdom, Detroit, for his text the glorlous adviele given Embroideries, Laces, Table Lin ens, Lace
, orillen Line or Varna. It 0 gy were present.—Rev. 0. lills, in-
, I was customar.f to hold the old-time etimberit, of the parlsh.; Rev. Rural The decision is contrary to law and The Misses Walsh of Clinton spent who wore x costume of hantUoroo I . I I
I . prayer-meetiog from house to house at Dean"Hodgins, Goldberg, McQuillan, tile evidence, in the 2nd chapter, $I'd verse Of the .
I The trial J udges erred in holding Saturday with Mrs. Sparlitig. French mousseline. The groomsman Cu t i s, Sheetings, Etc,
I the colivenionce4of the obliging neigh- who is appointed as Rev, Mills' succeo- 2nd epistle of St. Paul to Timothy, H r. ain .
. he clergy- b To Eyck, Doherty John T. Harris has built a fine wits Rev. A. M. Thompson of Clinton, of Christ ed a very special lot of goods iou!
- f " I her of the groom. The ceremony 1eq
. '" Y' divine serv' . and adds that none of the other per stable on the back of the ot he owns brot . ,us,pl The reverend gentleman was 11 I
I bor arid the opportunity. of t sor, s ter lee that, Walter anstone was tits agent. . Mr. , I Labour as a good soldiel We bave orelect
. -
man, The nearest church was Goderich and Jow I t vrformed by the Rev. James An
. Jormin I h sons found guilty of.corrupt, practices rip on Nelson street next the residence =oxx mild and earnest in exbortations as - ,
I . I and from there Barfield received her the visitors 1 e eiA eir billets from ' oflur , -The drawing and dining rooms I want at once and Iiave marked them e ow
- 1. , . first service in thed sy.ii of Rev. Uobt. Hr, Metcalf and the hospitality arid - ts , Ire profusely decorated with carna.
11 - I , one might think he daily wulked id the , , at prices far b I
ro Ill, Igen . Armstrong, I "
I -, Uampbell, Who made arrangements to welcome ext by the peo I Is of we he j, '1 A in finding an Mr. Robert Brown has recovered we; ps 0 . It I is n ro( u,c- actua Va ue. .
.. -, I r , hold worship in the then old log apbool 13,11th will long be remembered gy the T 1'.0 (ges at 0 e _ . tiono and ferns also the breakfast table. tor re at ks. were to "The soldiers of . .
i- t; a to bav been commited by s'aftlelently to take his position in Miss Harriet Thompson pla
. . x
ixidel g
. situated where Dr.Woodo:now resides. , de I s - I Ilee 'With a ,r,d ,,,I, Guthrie, Goode's pharmacy., His friends will t e . ueen" after to "The soldiers of . . I
I . . egatdL ,t The convoritiotifiagain as The following will give you some idea of what we
)I Mendelssolm's weddluw March. Only ()brist.. e said "Brethren we. meet . I . 1.
. . so from a historical. point of view the sew e it 11.80 p. in, The rsr, order I and the judgment on this charge all, we are sure, be gl4d'to greet him the immediate f4ends of. the bridal this evening in widely different ir- will do :' I I .
, I Dr. dwells . upon the plot where the of business was the receiving of the should be reversed, I . party were present. After It , -
. . - He finally says:—The corrupt acts on Ills healthful appearance. 06 suruptil- curnstances to those in which we Me I
I , , . Old-time schoolmaster wielded the reports of the various 8, S. of the I A flock of gulls or geese were taking ous breaktast the bridal party .
. birch and the first English Church Deanery; and the result was extremely en at the trial to have been com. a notherly cour§e the other evening, - Owen Sound on the 7 a. x before, then there wits ran6h. to de. I ** I
, . - Prolld where of such a trifling nature n. train, The ess us. Out, nation wits passing ill IMMIM1111111 1111111111.11 fill I? 111111111111111111111ill? 111111111
. . wit" and seemi orxi of our most estimable thr . I
I . clergyman preached tile s;iveet story of gratifying as. there was a decided 'tin ed by the peculiar sounds bride was, t roub. a great crisis, but without pain. .
i old. The teacher ministered to the promemellb all along the line. Next ,and extent that the result of the elec. they made to be in a'very amicable citizens, cheerful and handsome, and fa . .
.... An t,9 the came the papers and.tbe discuss ,ave been affected, an d. . I lessons no - greati stiocead nor . .. . .1 I sk, ts
, needs of brain, the olergym ion tion could not L mood, . we congratulate Mr. George Frederick ir
hould, upon that ground . . I victory is ever won2f The . .
, . -first was. "The he ' oe"'!"n 8 Miss -daughter of Dr, 1. Thompson upon his choice, sermon wits an earnest and elo. . (' .
. requirements of the soul, while the Dr. which followed. The ' 6 e poll . Holdow, . I . .1
. , -completes the number by ,attending to necessity of the Sunday School as a a , W 11 as u 4 other grounds, have On Thursday last the Huron D * * 4 -Ladies' skirts of fine white cot -
V, ,l . the wants of the body. It Was during means of religious instruction of dblld- b n. di,mi,se . . . Holdcim is the guest, of Miss. Belle istrieb quent otio and most befitting the octa. I 0 . . ton with cambric frill, all nice-
. . I the days above mentioned that the ren," Miss Maggie James of Gorrie I xni B M -It's UnFL.Y. Matheson, , I I I meeting.of .ch6 R. T. of T. was held at slon and the music furnished by the . IV I - ly tucke4, 3 yards Wide .,68()
. : . 'N . I Mr. George Fraser, lateof Osgoode the Temperance ba)6,M. COlin choir was -in keeping, Numbers of our ... "I .11 well worth 85c, our price,:
adherents of the Church of England was the author and for complet'&ness Mr;Beck replies that the judgment Hall, is now in HolVe law office, Campbell presided, delegates citizens lined our Otreets on the March I I . . I
O I , I . aspired to p1sais for a church of Lbeir arid ability the paper was an excellent of.the trial Judges is all right, The I m Clinton, Bayfleld. Exeter, toandfroin the church, but the band J .. . - - . Ladies' skirt made of good white
4 . own and Ili the year 1848 or 1840 a k0a one and Miss James well merited till judger -were right In declaring Vans. Air. Percy Malcomson, bardater, Crediton arid Varna. la the afternoon . .
I I . , was absent on the return as the lead. cotton, nicely made and trim,
,, . , 7 11 was constructed arid the brick for the the praise accorded. The next. was tone ail agent of Mr. Garrow. He Lucknow, spent a few days at thp old Mr. F. Buchanan, Grand Councillor Of er, Air. H. Jordan,bad to take his place . mea with wide 'embroiderY,
,., . 1, new church was burnt at the foot of OlThe necessity of lustruetinf tile with - Dr. Macdonald, X. . P. for East home- Ontario, arid Hr, A. M. Featherston of as organist at Knox church. . 16 - I searns all double stitched, skirt I
.1 . I . the hill in front of the present resi- ypun in the duty of giving," ,)y the Huron, Win. Robdrtson and J, T. Mor- Master Andrew Sutherland, who re- Hamilton, Insurance agent of the R, I . .......
" ,,, ,, denceofMr.Wnl.Jowett. Somelittle, Rev. 1. 0. Jennings. The paper was ton, was requested by Chairman Gracey sides with, his grandmother, Mrs, T. of T., gave most interesting and In. We regret to say that Captain .Babb -11 3,1 yards wide,sold elswbere
I difficulty was experienced Ili the choice of a praeticid turn and led to ob lengthy has been ill for nearly a month with I I at $1.15,our price each ....... 8.50.
I . of the local party .organization, at MchlullennearBirigham's grove, went itructive addrbsses. The next tneet-' pleuro,pneximonia and the sudden . . I
, '., of a proper sitefor the ediflee, opinions debate. The next was "The pastor in W-righant, to go ,to 'the convention at fishing the other day and being - aux- Ing will be held tit Seaforth in January death of Engmeei Green would not I I Ladies, skirt, madii of best Eng- I
I . I differing as to the edvisability o6plac- I the Sunday ',`phool," by the Rev. M. wblic'fi Mr. Uarrbw was now. inated, jous to throw his line as far Out into next, 1 I I
I_. _. , 2 . materially assist the Captain in his re- lish cotton, frill of wide em-
, " Goldberg, whiiih.was a masterlypaper. awd that he wen tas a delegate to Mr. Issue Kilpatrick has been -tiiachw broidery, 6 rows of tucks, skirt
", . . lug it next to Mr. Thos. Carneron's or I . pro-, the harbor. as possible., lie lifted his . f
I , : , I I I . . , . . on the present ground. The latter The debate was of great Interest and mote' that nomination. Mr. Garrow arm quickly. and gave the line it vigor- in "wo at Creive. covery, but he is getting on nicely I 8J yards wide, a'r I b
, t' . now, . gai ..ea . , ..i, I
; 1 14 evallod arid the profit. The next was'"11 whim YmIlailr", Megan lost hee watch u at . .......... ... I
;" I opinion evidently p . . ow. to secure in addressing the delegates includill ous whirl; which caused the hook to . I . s i's 91 I
.. w an in good earnest, 9,in 8 - S. teachers," bythe Rural Vaustone said :— It I have a right lodge in the fleshy ptirt of his ear. last fall we to - find it. J- yule makes money by the bad .
, ,
. ork be I the first and tr I . - -
kll '... . . , 110 14 her she would - .
; . tW $ - I fine English cot-
, . ,o loa. s of brick being drawn by Mr. Dean. It, was a paper ably put and it claim the independent, vigorou's and Dr. Gallow had to perform a surgical She tbotigbb she had dropped it on tEe state of the roads which keeps him Ladies, skirt of
, ;.:: . I . S 0 c . I - :
. ,
,.. : .1 - Thos. Stinson of the Sauble Line, and brought forth much profitable dlscus wholesome upport of every . tie of operation to free Andrew's hook. , square but has found it lying safe arid busy repairing bicy tea. I . I ton and cambric, elegantly
I I... : , , Mr. Brownson, who bits since joined slon. ' This portion of the program be- yet,.,, . I Mrs, Newman, who.wben she visits sound In the bottom of her trtink Mrs. (Rev.) Hark Turnbull and Mrsi, I . . . . trimmed with embrolderyk,tild
; , , thefatbers. Itwasabappydaywhen ing ended the clergy retired to the' I -tter wh-.n McKim,—accompanied by the Misses . hisertion, at .
.". Mr. Beckalso says, concerning the Goderich is tile guest of Mrs. Dunald Miss Megan was writing a to I '. - :. I I
. , the congregation and their Ole an Rectory to transact the business of the * finding- of illpgal practises having been 'Fraser, is enjoying the best of health she lost the watch, it possibly falling Mary Letouzel and Nida Rutson, were . $2 2-5 $2050.
.1 rg * ............. . . - - .
,. I.. met for wot ship for the first t1myme in Deanery arid attend to the needs. of the Committed by Alex, Smith and Hugh at her lxom in Chicago, She is the out of her pocket, when she operiod her delegates to the,Church of England S. ,, -a ---.--
. . - . . .s I ..
. .
.. . I tile church. Since its erection many parishes, -while the Women's Auxil- Guthrie, that the judges found that aunt of our old time visitors, Mrs., Wil. trunk for her writing paper, S. convention held last week At Blyth, .
... I .
. . .
_!ies' Gown .
, ,.'. old faces have been * .Guthrie, who was tiot an elector ofthe son and Miss Jones. .1 . . " 118, Made of good . I . I . I
i. . . c . removed by death met in the church to arrange their . , On -Tuesday af last week we were ,The schooner 1odman from Gore I Lft . - .
filth, to ad. 'p .
; ; and otherwise but the old church "Iff'rairs. The total of- the remaining riding, was engaged by Sri Miss Maggie 'McNeil of Brussels, toldofa sudden death at the, Ocean Bay, Captain Lawson, carne in on Sat. ( %lity cotton, tucked yokii, . I I . . .
". , 1, ..! stands with its quaint and cozy appearw business was as follows :-The next dress meetings .Ili the riding, for which . A frilfed- collar: and sleeve . . ,. I
": d . . accompanied by hex, 'aunt, Mrs. Rob- House. We called and ,Mr. William urday with cargo of logs for Dymenb , "', 49c . . . . I I
.1 ance amoug,the trp.es now grown large place- of -meeting for, the convention extra length, prIcc,'eacb.. . I -
% ; I . I - he was paid bV Smith $15 for expenses. , ert: Logan of North Dakota, spent a Babb gave us all particulars.- The de With .much pleasure we note the 9 . _1 . . . I . :. . I
-1 . . . . arid gnarled, its valls faded by the was set for Bayfleld. The Rev. E. 0, That expenditure was not made few days in town .last w ok, leaving ceased erigineer,,Mr. James Green of . marriage of Miss Carrie Cook, fortnerl . . tis, made I of M - . . . I I
" , , .i I I . frostsandstorms of over fifty years.- I Jennings is President for IDUO-1001 and through & financial agent. As Mr. . . 7' 9 Ladlei'4ow mvy , , . I
i .
1*11, _ . . . ngin- orcatitile establish eriC ' white bettor, very fine tuck- . I -
, M - , : 11 . M * I -
"', for Brussels on Thnrsday last. . Thessalon, who was appointed of Orabb's in
1. .
. .
. L The good old Rector served his p2ople. Miss Mary Galbraith the recordingand GaVrow's majority wasotil 45, and as eer of the new trig, N Dyment. died and hxter of I '. 11,:y6k r . I . . . .
I . - -Sarnia lay., at HEIM iton, to Mr.' 6'e, -V shaped, colla . -_ I I
,_ well and faithfully and died beloved by* . corresponding secretary, Th6 time of 14 corrupt acts were proven, 5 - being The tug "Lillie D.1' of . a. W.. tl it, I .. .1
,. L . 68 that Ltheharboron Thursilsy, prepariito suddenly at$ a. in. CKarles.Vessar of, Alexander of the Loan 4 Trust Co. of with ' embroidery, . . . I I
".,: . all who knew him and was buried .in meeting is to be considered later on. .by agents, Air. Beek conclud ry the new tag, who shared his: chamber, , . ' I I . .; I
. . , the cemetery at Goi3lerich; The. Rev. In co Ahey.wei -rifling nattir " i her trip on the lako' to pick u : Toronto, With agency 4b Winnipeg I . sleeves nicely trimIll e * C, = ... I
. ,
. . . rinection to this the WOmen's 1i -6 not of a t a or te 3y and Bitechlel, P was awakened by hearing moans from' wbere Mr. and Mrs At p . r . ice ............ .... t4,.. ... 68.C.- .:..-i ......... __...
. . Mr. Roberts next took charge in the Auxiliary arranged to hold 4 bounty extent, and qertaibly did. affect the re, Alurni. I ' 6 logs which are e?; tnder will're. . .1 . , I t..
. .
1. vear 18,10 and, in addition to. Baytield, meeting in Bayfield u -poli the same , h e C .P) . . . traMpLng aro lake. . . his compaiiion; itrid immediately death is A. cousin of . I . . -N , 0 , I
, und the side. .Me, 'Alexanaer I
. . oult of t e le. tion .1 . , his coming, . Engineer Ladies' gown, made of extra . . 4 . 1%e fl, - I .
. . .
. . ". Varna church was then added and has date-' the following offivers elected -- . I . Inki. ..hi 1 ;4. *1 ;tr 4`k. jerecee5ied . . Mrs, (Rev.) Edge of London. Mr. and 9 . i
.1 . . . I I .. I q I - .7 F1 adspent the. week assisting the Mrs. Alexander. were. married at the . fine white Cotton, square -yoke .. .
I I I . proven a healthy and vigorous little Preoident, Mrs. (Rev.) E. B.. Smith, . .- . . ..: .blossoms of -the chestnut off for large Messrs. Cryst I ' - . .. 0 , _.
" - . 1, .. congregation through all tibese ,years. . Plintolt . . I . mi in fitting out the ,tug Methodist wi Ell 48 tucks, yoke collar and - .
I I f Secretary, Mise. Panchard, . . . boquets, -which give more, pleasure with- her now engine and, bolleri see . church, Hamilt,xi, The lee e d with1good qtxal- . : . .
, . . . . . -chestnut would when it falls. 111-- bride wits prettily costumed "in blue . I I
11 . - . F . .. I 1'. I, . 1 tban the lug perfectly.well, and even *orke& and white organdie, richly 6i Py, PoVered. ,. Leidies"Drawers : ..
I . . by birth and possessed a strong desire Brussels.. The coxiyenti6n. tben dls . , , - , e - mmed. . . . . .. . I .
. I I .
., . . I . or ; after tewtip to 9 p, 111 He's'eemed ' ith * (I fron% price I - - . , 1.: , ,
Rev. Mr. Roberts was an Englishman Sea ; Treasurer, .Mrs. Vanstone - CO It'IT03310RATIVE EVIDENCE ty v s e ge
. u t elllljrolde
q for missionary work so to prep . are I . The lat' Mr. Bingham, one of the ald. w :1 , b ns down 980 1 .
-,v I I perabd to meet agaiii for evening ser. If the Pritchett affidavit stood alone erwon of our town had, thelm planted .erearn lace and carried a shower . . , 1. . I
, ,1. quite well and partook of a hearty tea. boquet. We wish the hapi " .Ladibs'.dtawets, made of, heavy . , . .
. py . Dair _______ ""' , , " . clifster tucks. .
1. himself he devoted all his energies to il, caretaker of the square, He.also t00% a walk up town and On ev& happiness in the N. W4, T. . , . . .
, . . 4 1 vice ,at 7.80 p. m.: The' clergy took Without any evidiefice'to coiroborate and -Me, Hoo . ., 1-1 .
, . I
. .
- . -that end. After his leaving England part in' the service. .The Rev. M.' it,, cit,curustantiAl. as it 16, Nie' Might planted them.. Mr. Hood was later his return retired-., 'A post-mortein . . . ... I . . I ... I . . trimmed with -fine open . "' . I
...;.. I . . . I caretaker of the cometery but.*.for exarbibailon was held at the .Ocean Miss May -Thompson. elocutionist of - . . . . I I : embroidery, price each..... I . - I . .
I .
I . .. . so M as I lve . I I I 1. . . . ; . ... . I .1 I . I
.. - . parish work, came to this place but in from St. John, "Search the scriptures stand-alone. . . I 61ime Ili retired . from act' House, D-. Holmes, Coroner,An at- TQrbnl,o, late of New' -York, hag retrrrn . . ! . 11 I . . ' I . . I
. . I .. . . I
. awers, made' of'flne . .
I .. . the year 1862 was appointed to' the for in thefi ye think,ye have -eternal Lasti session there was before the ed to' her, home at Toronto after a, Ladies' dr, I
, 'c"'m,
. I'll .
he, wishing to gain expert . ence in Goldberg preached, taking Ille'text . l oubt ..the truth' of 1 t; but it does not I work, 'Re resides- on the Huron Road. tendanceo. ,, The jxiry eriiparmelled was I . I p . 3P. , * ,
; I .. . : Mohawk Indialn Reserve, -thus obtain-. ,life, they ztre. they which testify of PrIvilegei and Elections Committee'43 in a tie* house that he. built. " ... colllposed of-t—Messrii, ,H.- W le'asarit visit with her gritii'drn6th . I I . ity cambric,, with tuclts .
. I . , . . I I u .
I a . . ing his long-eberisbed desire. . . . Ball eri . * , , 4 . . I
. Next me." The s9rmon'W4s one of thought .-electors of. West Huron, who swOrO ' '.Mr. Nat, Abbott of Detroit is tlie 0. Cook, and her aunt.'Mrdi Huck.; - 11 , , . ,rid'deepfrIll of e'tribrold. . I .
f: . came Vie Re-. Du Bourdleu, an Irish- I and earnestub.ss and wa's I , istened to positively that they 'Voted at 'polling: . , .Geo. W..Black, Geoike,Green, J. m. t . I . . 1. . I .. .. . : . . . . I . eay, special value at;... ..'. 480 . ,._ . . I
. * Wri= his sister, Mrsi John Oelbueri: -Bates' Charles iXnigbt',. H. Hale; 4obn .6 'P'- - . . . I ,. I
. . . . " . . .
' . . I . . I . .. I . I . . : . . .. ..... .. '. - .
.' . ,. .. mat), in the year 1863. The Gosbe*n -division No;4, Colborrio, that they ' I . .. 1
:4 , , I with glose attention. Taking the day sub it Road. Hr. Nat, has the dis- Sallows, James Baster, Geo. L. Ourrell, . . — _===!! ,. . .1 I., , ., ;1 * I , . . I I Ladles`drawers, made of -tine I , .
--- . church was at that time added,. Mr. all through it was the. best ever, hold in handed their. ballots to the 'deputy re- tinction 6fbeing balled after his gr;ind.. John McIn6osh, John Graba,me arid Am '"Ill weeds grow apa.ce2y Imptiribids . I I . , , .. . . . . white cotton. cluster tucks,
I. .
1_1 - Jas. Park and others being energetic the history of Huron Deanery S.* S. turnitigofficer, andthat they belieyed uncle, Nat. Stickney. the great Ameri McDonald. The post-mdrteth examinz-, a s . . . . .
_ - workers in its erection. This was the conventions and the zL,al exhibited be- he deposited them in the ballot box, in your blood will. 1 o grow unless yon . . I . . ,' . 11 . . . . ., . trimm0d: with Hamburg . I . ,
,,, - . can dredge king, who badthe contract ati6n discloied the fact that Ili I I . I I I . 0 . .
- .!- . I . I I . . . I
I completion of -'-the now Bayfield speaks'th66, as far as the. bounty .cif yet at the conelusi . I Is 11%8 promptly expel thein by taking HioOd's . I., . I embroidery'. price....'.. . 451 i
"je:; I I _.: parish which has existed. indepen- on of the polli.ng it of dredglr 0 1 new harbo some wore in a very diseased state ai I e Sals'apalUl%.-, . , - . . I I . . .. I ... .. I t . I. . . . ,. I . . . I . .1 . ". I 1 .. I . . : I
. . I . .1 .
. 7, , I ; Ifuron is concerned, the -Church of was found that there were only 30 yearrvago. %ir.11,17'. 0, Harrison, now in., organs . of 'the beart'distended. Thb I , . - I . I . . . 11 . .Ladies' fme caWbric arawers, . , s_ . - -
% ,, % I dently ever since. The Rev. D'd England and ift'Sunday Schools is ballots Ili the box marked for McLean, Vermont, who visited lils'farrilly. here floral tributes . were , .. _F , , , I , . with deep frill of embroi . : I __ A
., . I very : bE . I . I I. ...., . '! I I . . .
1 I . Bourdieu Whs a man much beloved and alive to the . needs of the day and is while there were' 68 marked for Rob on .Elgin Ave. at Xmas tiMe, came The large wreath of roses and."carna- ,, .. . . . .. . . .. I . .... , I . . . seams all nicely finish. I . I
,:. ". -
, 1: ,_ . , . . I I . . .. . . . - I
. . . . . . ..
-1 I - I a , . - candidate, here at- that time. We undeis tionis was the offering of the 'men en . . . . . . ed, special at ':....*.'
., his last. resting place may be seen clos do! ng its best to, meet them. : . i it Holmes, the. Liberal .. .
, . I . I . I I .
, 1. J ... I 11 . . I . . tand . . I . . . . . .
I . .
i . . . . . I making 08 altogether, . gaged at the harbor and two lovely I * . . . I 1 I - , .
i, , __1 . I by the entrance to .St. Paul's, church ; . . I , , I ,
. ,. , . . .. . . .that Mr. Stickney has sold all -his I . . ,. . 7 1 - .1 , .. _ ,;_____ . , I I . . .
, Clin,t 13 where be officiated as Riectot. ,' . . . .. . Of the 08. ballots marked'for Holmes., -and outfits and lives.retirod. b note. of lillies of the valley; pansies . . . . , I . . I I
. . 0 ' , I . I . .. I . .. . I I . . - 1
.t _4 .f . leaving this place. The Rov.Mr. . I ,dredges . . . . . % . . . . .
:1) . ,be year . . .. , 14,werabli. different paper from the - . a0a.daisies were the offerlxi of Mr. I . . I . I . , I I . %, . - I . . I . .
. Dauntnext took charge in t id' 'Mrs (Judge). Toms has bben suffer- n I . I 7"5c,AT)rbns forzoo
. , . .5 .
_!,;1 In'Aflintic T ' . - . rest... The paper was thicker .at William Babb of*the Ocean House. ' . . . . I I , -J ' I . oc , . , , , . .
: . ' -quite a Severe, attack of la . wbi t . . . -aprons inade of fine - - I
- - . I IC.S and then followed Rev. Mr. Davis - . .. rip. wfiiter,heavier in weight and flghtqr ' ir ,p from I .. . I I . . . - . . Ladies' . . .
.. , I . . in 10 . Theremainswere expressed.to Thes- . . I . - *
I whose ministrations were, faithful and .. . I co I . I .. 66iSet Covers ,
1, . —, I r than the remaining 84 bat' lots.. grippe, but isAble to be outagain. . sal I . . . . q I . I I . I . I white lawn, skirb -45 ..inches . . , . ,
%A wboseuritiring devotion to the people I on., . . . . I .. . I I I . , . . . . . .
,; I wits This was not only evident to anyone The Messrs, Th6was arid Alexand- I . . Ladies'.corseb Covers, made of . wideistraps overshoulders and , . . I . .
GREGG W- IRWIN TELLS OR HIS FIRST The June session ofthe coo I , . .
I.,., a special characteristic in all his : . I who examined theila, but -it was sworn er Carlyle, accompa bied bV, their dil . : . ntiy coun- 'it S . . . . e - - . ; : ,find white cotton, items and. . full'bib.. trimnied with Ham- . ,..kl .
.11 ' , life. He first took up his abode with. TRIP A(moss TnE, BRmy DEEP. to by hil expert paper. manufacture r, -mother, returned opened on Tueilday4 - . I . . . . . . . burg embroidery, also, child- . ..
, : t - , , Mr. Morrison who livea in the residence .. RE WASN' . T'. SIOk AND NEVER . to their 1 ome at .. Next Suild - . . .1 neck. nicely trihimed with eln , I 11 . . .. I
. . who tested the ballots with an. iii -strum- Brantford last Week. ..: . I . ay, is Trinity,Surt.day. I I . . I 40 - I - . , broidery, , extra 'value at f , ron's apectis of lawn; nicely .. I . . .. , .
I . I I I . . . . ., V triMixied with embroidery, e I I ...
. 11 . now occupied .by Mr. Edwards -and MISSED A HEAL. . I.. .. I : ent,uised by paper makers:.and found ' The committee . When the -douit"roortii is lighted . I . . . I . . - price .......... . .: 48. . r. . '' I
I . . I ... !.... ... ........ . I -500 . ..
I . .. . I
.. I shortly afterwards was balled to St, - . . I . v . . ' _p _ chosen to prepare with electrie'light we see - nothing dif- . . . - - . ' ., _ I I , I . : gular. va ue 75 ea ice
I I I . III 1 tl,,,,, pa e.r ,of these 14 ball6tq was f0the reception ofthe Old Boys of . . . , c ch;. dho
1. . . ., I I'.; I I . I ... . I .twice thic . .. 1. .. . .11 . I . I . I I I I I .. I
I I . .
. I . I . .
1; James' church,fLonaon, where belies The following extracts from Gregg I as that Of the Other 'Huron on J nly 4th Is namedin . the fol- , fictilt in'lighting'the f4eb Of the ciock.., : Wbatever ; we ,sell -you we . . 8e Ladies' corset 'covers, 4hade of , I . I I .
I since served. He wa. made Canon of -ballots. The. printing on these'14 At this writing -we bave a number .11 I .fine cambric, square front of . Extr a* Special - 11
1, - . ' W.Irwin, s6nof& Irwin,.Iifta home ballots also appeared difterent. . . Jo.wing order ;—Chairman, D. McGilli- honestly, truthfully., If* we -should be. A - insertl n and embroidery' . . 2 I
, .
,, V . the Cathedral and now fills the impor- letter,'written on his 'Arrival in Envo. buddy I Vice, A. Me 1). Allan,; Sevre- of invalids in town whose lives are des- , I 100 pairs of Ladies' white slim. N
, . . I tant office of Archdeacon and is one of land; I 'Will -be' enjoyed :by'his Deputy Returning Officer Donald tary, W. Lane ; Treiisixter, W.T. Mun. paired of. 'Mr. .8. P. Halls, principal i3aistaken,' and you find. anythilig not. ,% arms nicely trimmed, per-, 9c . mer Corsets, made of good . I
11 I the advisors of 14is. -Lordship the , many .Cummin riey',s .Executive Oommi of the, Central school, who ope o1c,actly.what we told.. you it. was we- feet fitting, all sizes, price. .
BisbopofEuron. Next came Rev.Mv. acquaintarides here-.— - . I . "T, was given a pad of 125 bal- Mayor .tied the I . .. . 6, ... strong not, -long waist, nicely .
'I lots, -of cliVrewalnedunused.. He . Ion, j. year - at. his - post in want to know it. We'.6ousider it it , . .
i . Wilson, W. 0. G6ode, D. Itee - .. ..
,killere, wis supposed to take all- the ballots favor to be t comings in LadiW corset c v . -1 ..
Wats-m in the year 1876 and took up :B. S. Dominion, Mhy 22 10 a C.11te seeining good . 0 ers Maas of, trictimedwith lace,guaran teed .
e . our.grocery. Don't think that'this is . good strong cotton, well -shap-- - . to give .good -wear and corn. . ..
his residence in th ,house now o6cu-' about 6 a- in, ' With You. I -we used'off that pad, and he -said,he did do ,,d.J. O'Connell ; Sp' ,rts and i1ttrad. Williams, Church streeti is. A very . fot t, sizes 18 to 26, usually, hold . . I
1, t I 0. Makin, Satiles. Mitchell, J. S; Platt, health, is said to be"very low, Mr. I old of any short Wed I .
I pied by Mr. Ross. He served until the sighted land this morning. We passed . so. - Ninety-eight a ny gieat invalid.' Mrs.- B.- D. Hod e too emp.ty talk because it. is printed -in all . .ed andsewn,.nicel .tritri . . . :
I the first sigriat ,s atio % Gfoode,Graut,D. Holmes, . at 45c to 50c, special durinLyn
. I year 1877 Find is now retired and lives t n. called Kinsail ,were torn - off, but tbe,ninet-k-eight tions, Mbsst As confined, to.. her bed after 9 advertisement' We do. exactly as we. . Nvitti em broidery around neck, I - -a 2P, ' . . -
in the pretty town of Wiarton on on .the southern. coast of Ireland. - : As and Knox ; Decorations, James Mit , ' some. do it, from purely I - I . sale days I ab. . I. I "
. soon as we signal I Alls Well" there: is stub, remaining on thapad as well its ,bell -J Xield; J. S.: Platt, 3 ame.s Reid or three say we do and we , well worth 35d, sale pride..,.. . - . . .. .. .7 -, .. - - 1. . . . . . " I ,
..... . I , months illness and ,two . . ' . . . .
. ';a otlxer are in a very delicate s '.',..,.,. i .-- I
GeorpriariBay. Rev. Mr. Forhesfol- the unused ballots were all of. the , H. A an:4. Goo. Stewart 13. D. Grant, tatb of selfish reasons. We treat our custom I . ': ............ 'Nc . ,.. . ''
. , .- - : . . I
. . I
., , . auer as the 94. ballots. .and W. W. MeVicar ; Advertising. A... hea4th, 7rbu-ngMcEvoY wo brought erswell because our business and pro,. . ( I Vests;i 2 fdr 35c . -, .. . .. 11-
I I . a - to'll is - , Corset ,6yors. of fine'whito vot LadieW vests made of very fine , - ,- -.1 , I I..
_. lowed and after him -came the Rev, .a cable rani.sentall over the',world to same kina of X P4POP Me D. Allan, W. Carnpholl,' a home fast,weeX .
I Mr. McCosh in the Tear 1870. - The that Mot and the Montreal gvening -and-dritirely iLgrent. front the: Ild e d, n it. If we wpre going I . I
. a rswillbaveittd-day. Well,.Ijust Wes . ' tell, square fronti-trimmed cotton yarn, in plain and rilb , .. I
, you had beard and seen all that I . . , , . 1. . , I . 'th flne embroidery, nicely I bed,nic ly trimmed neck, well . I . . ...
4l p d . Robinson, and Mayor Wilson; Fi side On Wolfe street. He cannot re- n po
,parents who re u _
advent of this gentleinan marks an of the 14 ballots .' . " i ep b je 9 to-Worrow it might -b4.
. w -Th tc it 8 I I
,., . other epoch in the parish's history for . There was Another peart larity about - di 'I en t. e are here to stay- with w' - , . I I I . .
have since I left, you. I'llave let . nance, P. Holt, W. T. Aluirley, and 1 cover, but he Is With his family. His . , .
. I , .
I I the 14 ballots . On each of them the. I .. brother brought-huni yoo. . I . inail, atid fluish ed, till sdziis, . . . ..
.. the building of a rectory was during irned . I I , . . 356 [ Woeth 25a eddh, very opecial . . . I .
11.1 . . I Idid . , W. Varinatter. .. I - . . . I . I '. . I. . . . . . . veryspe I clal at ...... *; I I at 2 for .......... ........ _ 350 . I.. I I . ... I
,; I his regime carried into effect- and move in the last two weeks than initials of Deputy Returning .Offiqer R. EI -S* ., I . . i I . I .. I . I I . . 1.
V"( I truly the peo e are justified in their in two or.three years before. I**havO -Mrsi W., Shannon of the Park House With late of London, is truly . . . I . I .. I I . : . . . I
. . . I 01196080*6988069100111891 sod b_86686 . . I .
, " "'. quiet pride w en they state it to be a as I k6d with ink I generously loyal. He -ordered 3W Preto We are head- ' 1. .1 I . I I I . . 1.
V bad an elegant .0rimmings'were mar ,
.trip on the boaf,'I W whereas Cummings initials - 6if Ali th . returned on Thursday from her'visitto , .
?I credit to -any congregation. The late sea-sick for about 45 minutes and have her friend, I Mrs.. .J. Bailey of Wood. ty large UnionJacke and had his namo , , . . . I I I 0 . ; . . .
, t other ballots %,veto in lead pencil I will printed on .each before giving . : Baby. Bounets, made' of fine white muslin, trithmed 0 I
k, "' Squire Ritchie and Mr. Stinson appear , .. . 1. . I . I . I
' , . 0
J been as well if not better ban I was Then on these, 14 ballots the cross , ' stock, who accompanied. her ani them . uarte'rs Po r . - - ' 0
, - es . , for away. Hepresen-ted your corr q * . *
as the prime movers in this undertak- aid er since. . The' weather has be her guest at the Park House espon- , . . . . , a with lace, e,tribroidory,etc , . . .
. 0 I I ev opposite the name of R61 Mies Were of, . . . . . . 1 0860 0
1 Ing and made the first payment on the 06an er nice all through but you some weeks. . . den t with one oil Monclay a. M. T e I 0 . I . . ,26c, 26c,50* 19 . 0
. the same size and in almost precisely . I . .
11 I . I he Green Veget'b 91 . . . . .,.
woul I I y Union Jacks 1. . a les 411see , : ,
subscription list. The success of the d ,e surprised how cold itison the same spot, -whereas on all the other ' Mr. Oke of Brncefield was the guest were ordered for th . I e so , .
ubdertaking was in no small measure the water. , I have been on deck nearly Queen's Birthdaye . I . I . . . Q*. . . . . . . .
due to them. The cost ot building was all the time b Holmes ballots the crosses varied in on Saturday and Sunday of Mr. and . . I .. I . . . . I I I .
ub there are a great Wit size and position. The crosses on the Mrs. Paigonii. - , . . - Mt. Abraham Potts, druggist clerk, LETTUCE ,, , RADISH , ' Handkerchief I .
r 11 N I ny , . -writes home-ofthd success of his firm I 'CUCUMBERS . $ -25Q - uilts at 95C... . . . I .
, 6 , I
. something over $320 and is one of the pOoplewho havenever left theircalifilo, 14 ballots were evidently Made by one MO. John Brown of Blyth on' Thurs- ONIONS. , , 12 o ly white7bed spreads, extra I .
' best rectories in tile western li art of There are just about six of us who were Bargain - . . . I., I I
, Ontario. When Mr. McCosh moved not sick but o . erson, while the crosses on the other day a.'m was eagerly' looking Am Ong in New Yorki - who are about to te- - . CABBAGE ASPARAGUS Ladies'liandke heavy quallty,, free ofs'arch, I . . .
'i . rice you get well'you feel 9a1lQts were evidently made by a, n um- the piles of coal at the warf for slate. move o er arge buildi of. their . .. relliefs tnhdo of * e all round,. , will give : '
%; . better ver. I hav, I . . 1.
I from here there was a deficit, on the e never missed ber of different persons. NOW accovd We thought the strangelt was looking f a v YI ,, prevent . , . . I fftle lawn, nicely.bemstitched, fr' d wear, good value. at
i than e . own, w - h w r., Potts .
." rectory aecount ofonly $I(A which amealin.the dining saloon since we Ing to law the deputy -returning officer foidiamonds but be said "No." He rom, sp ble in ,e vada logxl homeas We have -them fresh .oVoijr Wednesday . also childrenIsschoamandker-- go rila I . .1 .
I started and mT appetite increases . early I end g It ck. 1, I 01flef V'th c6lored .*borders, . " riprice, choice during . .! , .
.. was eventually paid off as we shall see c isobliged to destroy the colinterfoils had his bag half full When we saw him Is he would wish . .. . and Sattir ' day evenings tit 1 o1clo' A I' A . oa . Wit le they last at each ... 950 .
, ily -meals -a day,. too. I . itri I . , . .. . . .
ra . . . . Call early atid leave you regni'] oc . I .
later on. Mr. dcCosh was transferred ,dher;Zeget otir when he tears them off the ballots be- later. . * , - . I I I I ., r orders in or. and So,- sale ddys, .1 * . . . . I .
,Oullg fore. tting the ballots in the ballot- The many friends of Mrs. (Captainj ... . . ., I I . . . . . . ... . 7 fo Sheeting at.r2;2o-. ..
, 1 to Winghain and is now in charge of s a very jolly crowd Of y . , = . der to make sure of-vour Vegetables. - choiceat ...... .... . .r 215 . c
.He people on board and we have lots ol I I . i __
. the p incipal church in Chatham. box, t'at instead of doing 9, . . - . Plain bleached sbeeting, 72 iris. .
Is an Irishman and a graduate of the music. I should like to spend anotbe Mr- Olin'- McKay will be sorry to learn of the : - * I 60c Table Linen 38c ide, very fine make, free of .
I I r Wings put them in his pocket. Strange TO CURE -A COLD IN ONE DAY - ,
, Western Universitv, London.. Next week on the water and am not at All to say several other leputy returning , death of her father, Mr. Adam MeVic- I " 62 inch wide table linen, - ?,'III - "' . I .
1. e find Rev. Mr. Taylor as rector. He anrious to get to slitite. it is not very me, tit her residence on Tlxursday The In, All Lands , - . , . dark specks, Al value At ..... 22c, .
. w Igh sea- ,the boat officer,, at differen t polls in the W A deconsed gentleman was in the best of Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- . . 9 * - ble vll ( , hvavy quality, neat . . I . .
$ was an Irishman and a graduate of ea§y to write n the Iri Huron and Brockville elections c lets. All druggists refund the . Tea is the favorite beyerage of - 1161 al CrE Sigi i,good value at re- . Special values in lace curtains . I -
,,.,,,,, , Dublin, He remained only one year eink vor unsteady, , We expect to t%psame . did health and spirits until he took an At. mone'v - nowhere call it be bought 9 . gular peico speclilduringsale38c I at..... .,2'Sc 50a 75o $11.15 .,
,, '. . froth 18-3 to IS'- 1. His successor Was reach Ner cot to -Morrow aboub 5 a. to t thing, . tack of la, grippe, which became cow. if it falls to cute. 25c. D. W. Grove a many, buG , . . I
., the Re ' rhitdo plicati;drwitli asthma and heart fail. signature is on each box , More fragrant than here We sell ail- I -
v. Mr. Hodgins, an Irishman ure a . .
,ston and will any use of Pritchett?s sworn state. unusut.ttly ood'grada of Black at 30, _ . 0 .
, ' ' ill go at once to Pro his point we have -not
: * ho and a graduate of the Western - . I
I a IV ite you a general epistle from there. ment, The 'above facts cannot . . MoVicar was 84 years old at I — lb If obtave not already , tried It . ' . . I
( University who began his work under . . I . . =__===' . .. I be the- time of his death, but looked many . .. 0 I : - A LAWN. -SPECIAL . 0 . ,
certain difficulties. . . questioned. . . . . d . ZI anif get a. -sample. TheTeawlildo . .
, , He was and is an . . qars younger. His wife preceded . We don't handler, cheap : ' .1 . . . . . I
i is . . But when wc ask why did those . 'in .the rest, . .
.11", energetic man and once uttiri III . many years ago. Me, Mevicar acoies cotton noot Compo'did 0 . : .
I shoulder to the wbeel he keeps it tliere. Fort Albert. I Liberal deputy.'returning officers ,put was born In Edinburg 134 trashy 'Tens, 0ood'Teas tit low prices . 250 y,ards of WIlite Victoria, Lawn, full 45 inches 0 .
,;, ., in IE came to , Is Successfully tLacc.. mouthly b I .
— the counterfoils Ili their pockets In. g over are what we sell. ' 0. ,
i , . . . . 0
He took charge in 1,-5 and remained Canada with his family and settled in ' O 000 Ladled. Safe effectual, Lad es ask I
wide, round even thread,very flne sheer qual- - .
I five years. Under his ministrations the Aft. Trotrilie, Goderich, Stinday.0-d. in stead of followin4 the usual cuqtOfxl, Little )t.ork previous to settling in . yourdru s$forCWk,sC6ftonRadGoni- . . . . . I . : , . . .1 a.
the village, the custom proscribed by law, WO get ake no olier as all Mixtulp, PlIls and , I .
,;. debt on the rector was paid together Goderieb. Hewabaflnoitonemmon, ialtAtloirb are dangeirdus Firlse 011.1114or I . . 0 ity, our I e.ader at 12310, to go sale days ato .1 I
1 with other back er, bts and al regular Miss Grace Detong is at pr t all 4ftswet, from Pritcliett's affidavit. making an art of hi's work. Mr. Mc Fx; No.% 10 degrees atr;Iiger,$?p6rbo=. ilo. I . 0 . I 0 I I _.
", 1. I confined to her room under the c esen f He explains tbat, be taught these tn Vicar often talked of working with the I it 2. mailed on receipt ot price and two il-eent . I F. Melville, ! 0.189000 *@aiiis poefioosies.soose4k000*0000000000ess i6009 . I
; dues and a good balance put on the are 0 bow to an bhtitute false ballots for gen. 9 Amps. The Cook CompairWindsor OnL .
'1 credit side of the sheet. Air. H the doctor. late'Ron. Alexander McKenzie whom v--Noo.laudgeolclandrecoinniondedi "I I . .. ' In addition tothe above .
odgiris . nine ballots andin order to carry out he admired much for his good', sound reitponsible Drugglotoa In G=sdo, '. 'Pliorie 48 - GROdBR. I
I ? , , he church t. of his fraud 16 was necessary for tile do- and solid views of current events and I . . .11 I I . . . I I L,pecials in. White Goods . . I
, . in Seaforth where he has since remain. Goderich Compiloyo and David Martin uty--returning. officers to put their UP. ay,%,L '
- ed. He was appointed Rural Deati, a left for London Camp on Tuesday, tands in their pockets, also his skill is a, workman. Mr. Ate. . . . . 'I . ;
. left in IS ) to take charge oft Will. B. Hawkins, Color -Sorg Sat d -
il few years ago by His Lordship the Vicar also spent, same time in Chicago. . we bave selected some
11 Biabop of Huran. Rev. Mr. Newtonj gathering logs alont the lake shore and No.4, Colborne, as an example of the . ceediogly well inform rrent ev- VVVOW WVVW,"_W --lovVy~..". very choice ballgaing for I
. .
. .
.! I who next took charge, was an English- ran their raft Ifito t 0 harbor over Sun. way PritchetVa statements appear to . I I I I I
. . I man and graduate of Huron. He came day, . I .imts, - . . . . I Monday -Saturday' and Monday . I
"', Baechler of Sarnia has ii, gang of men We have taken polling subdivision He was forid of reading and was ex. ", - ,
ed on cu .1.
. Upon his coffin were some lov. 0 0
1 .. .1 in 181 ) and is now in the parish.of be borne out by facts previously Ills- ely emblems. The wreath, li tribute '", . ' I hoppers -. - I
,, . took MISS Maud' McConnell, Goderich, covered Equally dainning eviden, .11 I 8 . .
114, Wdrwick. Rev. Mr. Kerria . from his noices,' Was truly magni - . . . I
. , spent a few days at home last week, d were found at other polls. cent, being so larg . !
, ., I charge in 1803 and remained until 1801, —hioutreal Star. . e and composi I -1i Shoes I , :
. Reis -an Englishman, a graduate of Xilpatrickandhis gan%Of Won are ces of &u candadium and calla lillies, roses arid - Lxrotpa,Specials Snap in Boys' Hose day tit ............ ... ... 11 ........ 7o
. I I ,11, - . I - . .
I I 0 . . I Boys' extra heavy ribbed cotton .
I Huron and a Man of special ability in busy this week attheir jo in the vil. I ''.... . carnations -, A pillow of lovely roses . I
the Welk of missions, He is now in lage, - I . frorn his grendsons, Alex, George and . 11080 with doubleltole. heal arid I Japanese Matting . .
I I , chat, e of the pariAb at Mitchell Rov, Mr,'Shoenhala is again geliting his CANADA)S OUAN33 OLD XAN. Jack ?AcVlcaro; shower boquet of la ge . For Friday and Saturda . . toe, warranted fast, (lye, will at 12Yee . :
, Mr. Itmstrong next appeared ,on the residence In good shape. — . pink and white roses I tied with W1 0 . . y give good wear, ., . 4ves 7 to O , I piece only of matting So inches . I
I i sc rie. He Was at IvIsbman by birth :, . I 1 . I I"... I . bite tatin ribbon from Mrs. Nell I .. . I I . regulars0equality, 200 pairs , wide, -light natural colors I . " I
I . 1 1 . a,nd & graduate of Huron; He car . —_ I - I 81" Charles Tupper is the oldest and w ' I . Ed go tit 2 pair for .......... 413c
4 1. I ,no , . T Campbell ; lovely boquot of pale yel. , . Jilift Sth ItUd 9th Only I . with stripe of blue, cotton ,
In 1901, was transferred to Dungannon . . nost experienced man In Canadian low tulips from Dr. and Mrs. Gallow -, . 0 . ,
Iffarloick. public life to -day. Yeb lie hits t . Warp all -in one length, well -
I . * arid is now in MillbankL. Rev. G, Rob- he lovely bu liet; of purple tulips and pan. . . . I Silk Gloves at emc Worm 18C Saturday, or Mon-
I . ! son also an frialimmi and a graduate __ 64 I I . vigor of a young man, Last Thursday slos fromirom Me and Mrs, Stewart; I Ladies' silk taffeta gloves in day ................... #2 a i
" I of Huron, took charge in 1805 Ofitandea for lost Isail' the House of Commons sab fifteA nod lar I *"0WI1!A1107ZPWft6W_- . , I for. " S 1
and re- , g boxtiet of lillies of the Valle . . I cream mild black with heavy *
mained but it short time, Ile is now bliss Susle Churchill is vl8iting rel. hours. Sir Charles entered the chain. from A rs, . M. Polley. The palf. . stitching On backs,& real bar- I
* I in Bridgeport, Conn., U. S.A. where atives In Godepich township, - her a few minutes after nine o'clock bearers were Ilia randsonal.—Alexand. . gait' Ill all sizila at per pair 26c Waterproof Coats ,
. tf intho evening. There he sat, top ten o t, ,and 3obn Gray Me. a at $2.95 .
" he has charge o paria . Mr. W. G. Ross still vVends his way George, Davif Bouts and Shoes at less than Wholes' I e Prices, . .
I f Ion importan hours, 1continuously, during that time car and Thomas and Alexander I ey are all new goods and up to -date
Then came Rev. S. L. Smith whose to Kinburn, V1 Th it) style. I
, p , taking extensive notes, speaking a Parasols at 600, 760 3 only lad ips waterproof coats of . i
, ,-ws. 'from couple of times briefly, arid delivering Rev, Dr. Ur,e officiated ab the house Girls'parasols with top of g.iod
,,blography witgpubltshedin TguNr Messrs. T. Allan An4 T, Knox' Oarlylo. Rev, James Anderson and . heavyserge With rubber lin.
- . Rgcoub some time ago end subsequent- Godetich spent Sunday around Har- a speech of all hour and a quarter's , *Yee - "On anti sateen,fast I Ing, ruaranted not to go
- ly copied by several of the othev lead- lock. 1. st i a) a(& hard. n black only.'the kind
.' I length aboub sunrise, Then at seven and Rev, JMnes Anderson at tile 00 pairs Men's Plow Boots, greativalue for ....... :.. 1. I black,Thailidles of wood,just. r
1, ( ' , ingpaporg of Western *Ontario. 'He A numbet-of the Harlock boys were in the nionling he walked home with it grave. The deceased leaves to mourn . 21 it American Tan Bale, st%triped $3,rA, for.41.T is tile thing for sch(fol girls, Val- vou usuallf have to pay $1.50 .
, . - their lots, three sons, John, Jarnes (of 35 pairs Lftaies' Kid Buttoned Banta, 8 to 7, goin at ... 00C 11 neat .,; .......... moo & 'y so .
. . was A, genial, Whole-souled wan wbose gsbing on the P!th tit a Certain pond, group of friends, debating a.nd neging town and William G., arid four Oxfords,3 to 7,worth 1.25,at iSge . for, speolit for two days, paph
, . latter daye seem to be dayo ol "' . . .
. . .... 4. o .......
, Daln, when the owner Made his tip all the way, (lanarlit, oi, any other daug ters, Mrs, Thomits, Carlyle of 40 *1 Tan Pebble 9. r, . ..4 ....... 412.01S ,
l Ito the resuk of having mob with an and they had to, take their ,pearanoo 4 80 pairs Misses, robble Duttoned, sizes 11 to 2, for ...... 70c ' *
I , aep.jrture country has few old men like Bit, Char. Drantford, Airs, (Cit titin) Meltay of So pairil Girls' Buttoned and Laced Boots, patent tip, S. 1. 0 canprint, at 70 Plain and fancy silk ribbons — .
aceldem wbile In this charge, He fa ,tp ,t
- les Tripper, Forty-five years lie has town, Mrs. John A. Carlyle of nearit. to 10, for .............. I .. .................... .... 66C worth as. high its 500,01101ce Oil
. . a little sooner than expected. I 141("Igapd navy print With I.
.zow retired and lives In the pretty t I
The present round CIll, tableat."'. ....... ....... "als
. little town of Forest, Miss Ida, r4e tis is visiting friends been in public life Arid ,at the end of ford, and Miss Lily Movicar of R'din. Several other lines going, at similar prices on above dates white stripe arid spot, warralith
, . incumbent Is the ReV. 11 0. Jennings a A ton. that time Is leader of a great party., burgli. now of town, Ilia daugliters ... Try Packard's Bpecial Dressing for Black and Tan Sliges od Indigo blue, 27 inches wide children's new fancy
. , Mr. Mvid Beacom loat a valuable His success is an exemplification of were All at his funeral nud o 1, . to elear on Saturday or Mon. 'Parasols wttll frills at
raduitto of Huron who cattle here Ill onto vnsi,wAm, U & I 1. .1 & I tie Rollo . 40e- 46e, k
. -vv A I'M Il"Moll anu single- James, of town, tile others being in we are out, for business wItu 11111110 bargaills.
. 0 purpw ish, espeol. , I'll
. I April of 16'J. Ito 4a .% 0ahadian by. Messrs. . r UU I U "
. I , Wellgand Deacoin are 11%. mesa le call accomill distant atts, 1119 brother, Me,
. I birtho a zealons laborer In the vincyapa 'b 1% bridge isouth of Harlock but xxot ally when coupled with a good conati - We Will h4ve all sizes on Friffily, morning ,- Satur. .
1, I Ani'l popplarwith all classes in the Vit. x3are fbwds needed# tucloa and AbIliby.-Ottawa, Jou George W[Nlear mild MAI daughtee.of -,ndola may be too late, , I
t 0 and ouriounding Country. V1141- Paris also attonded. The f unerat took day aftei You are invitod. No VOUn MONET "A09
. J- . log , WalkIng teems to be good around I __--__-__ plaeo on Thursday to Maitland come. I , IV vou WAXW 1%T . . .
To concludip%,16 may be Worthy of noto 110 trouble to show goods. At the Old ReIiAblo # , I
. irlock -:sc, some people think. Of ;-, kry and was largely ittten&d. I
th&b tha majority of clerpjymen We COU11ge ibis cheaper than driving, . 10 I I "
I bo,ve meritioned were of nah birtlig IWOR :01ts's MAZORI'M We are sorry Mr. Thos, Swartz I ,.
We are glad t6boar that Miss Ifur. o Aut. I .
i though the elefryman who opened hy is hrivroving. _ red the loss tit a inne atiltriftl lilqb I I I . I , .. I 4)
I p fe
Worlt for tho mr; time here Was, We week f1`0111 lnflfflllknatl(111. 110 had .
1, Messrs. well, Xnox, Allan were Witinepeg, May 2,1 t -The fir WM* TAYLOR & SON$ . . . ,
. undarstit,nd', of Scotell. descent, The grading all last Week Out, between IsiOn Ill the now Le been offored $X1 foil Ib b0fore its Ill. I I
. rislature took I
. , I L I I
, parish has Wen Well sovvodl ind"(1, 011111ton and Londeaboro. place last 111glib oft A. I,, Greellway's besq, Cash and One Me% 12L 0- I I , 1,
I Thciro Ikfo MA11 more debtila wbich Miss Cowan Spent, tile 24th, visitinly UI1%eDdft30nb to thO 1110tioll to go Into Our eit,19"Plis Woe(' all Aorrr to leArn W rtggs taken as Cult. .
v(1" . slels. 81 te ntood:-Conaervat. on Holiday a. ni, of tilo tleat, I Iif Agiloy - I I ., _'.
" ' I -_ goo -
I JoIght be - if your spap did buC ppionds Ill Walt,6ri and Bra ipply, Tile vo
Rrhaps 1 MitY give 70ft ,it Me, and Mra, Sundermik A )etlb Sun. Ives, 22; Liberal% 15, a governiment, Matilda, rinit daillitor of All,, And , . INSPRANOR MICE AT T11P, ST01thI. I -&1111111111111 ,-- -
majority of sevell. Mrs, Charlie -00 of _
Zhipter of k owltllsccnces some other , dity t%tllor fIttheeo, Mr. W, Week, ount 1110nowlt, .. I , ---"Rwp- - OLIX"I T01X4
. _
I , time, .. I . t . 4 7
. . 4
L 11 ,