HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-06-07, Page 2. 11 I . �, . . . - - - __ - - . - 11=7 Tl=!1�1111=1111tt I I. 1 "... tn!: = � 1 1 , I I A 0 , I I It! - I � I I I . I . �. �'! ! - � . . 11, ­P*p 0.111, 4 0 , , -11 - ­ �- 4 I I I . -,- _ �_ - -0 � ­­ -.1, � .� - .- ­ - ­ - - --- -- -­ , - - ---.l;.-- �­­ --,-,- __- - . , _ -'--'- ----,--- ! ; ! -: --- our pupils will used to be reminded The 'visitors numbered 27,64. �� I., I I - THE, SUNDAY SGROOL that social dancing was and in un- VOLYOLOT. CANAM . - T N 9 - 01 i at IVKV I 'Is Rho A R! y8T*hAuwr40&9t ' I ALL TH WORLD1 FAIM `y- Wlg 6f nn fillfg8it; . Tonight .. - known, in the Fast, but prolooslonal I �O� 400, as many as 165l000 being present I � Ln I The Nows-Record '. I on one 41UNIQ day� MON, jVNV, 10. dancers, who form, a class by them- WHEN AND WHERE THU ORRATEST It Ig intou4e(l that the great uni. , Power Pri ptiqg House It your liver iii out ol order,a4ull.nS INTSIMATIONAL LF , Many, NeOuliallOT4 Reprooelliellt bp the .uu[R . " , . I Biliousueop, 810k Heaftobot Hmt- - I selves, by graceful and . sensuous HAVE BEEN HELD. " �' Selitirr# to site Mtr'Sorolkwest. ' ,R7 aTRgET, - OWNTON. I I � versal exhibition Shall beat all 0110" In the Canadian Northwoot prov. -_ ' I ALur burn, or CoIllotipation, t4ke a 4000 of lf l),Aih or j I ,kp ilie papsj,f4, sayu. G. movements delight the men who as- ".." , that have Preceded It, both in dimen- lodes from Manitoba to tbal"Facific The wives of the OWN or$ playinlit Tlwa)jis, or SpbsoluvrioN-41.0D par ,year In 14-90. 601114111 Text. Hilb. 4. 0. somblo �t the feasts. That a Jewish Englond 1#441 f4o "011our 0C Otgan'll"09 BlOnR and -Magnificence. The buildings Coa ' I I 0 -, $1.60 may, bo charged If not ea Paid I PRACTICAL NOTES. princess should dance before the 'be Fill'"t-111tera"109 f4keill 'll"t F19 WItbI4 Paris will at, are probably to be found an AN ImWrtant 4 Part 14 the war In advalle Hoodps Pills area OC (litkers-Tke Pairl* IFNpooltion. Many colonies of different national- Soui)li Africa, an did the famous fe. 1;:l Nopopordiscoattoved Until 411 Arrolivagea Verse 14. Ring Herod beard ofolm, drunken men at this dinner WAS a lt was Rugland.that had the bonour COVER AN AREA OF ,170 AURVAS. Itileo as In any similar area In the Main d0f01246TO Of AIX-111-011AP6110 in lil�_ _." . . are paid, TAU1909 at bligpiltion.ofthopublieller. On "ring, gknd tomorrow Yo4v 41- Herod Autivos, the totrarch, or king Shocking thing to the people at large. on ' 'k Wh- tfg- to whlCh every subscrIntion Is paid --Ova -v -w -Alt he regulated and. of oroanizing the first great universal PPI4111eutod by a large Annex world, says the Seattle Fost.Intelli. tbb X14dle Agae, They die I* the la denot,od on tile label' a a I I of Galilee and Foreal, board of Jesus, '"" 01- 'no wharsoever thoa wilt, and exbIbitioul Thin was erected under the in the J3018 do Vincennos of 800 acres. gender. Within the last three years froxiolis beside their huabands, rifle In . RATE.$ ` Transient advertise- bright, ,"'tive, mnd,lrea4y 1 will glva� It theO - - I untQ the au"Ploos of the Society ot Arts in Hyde fight on when the men have, 1, I AVYUBTAOINQ .- w ... be ud 01 w i Th I b" who, an we learned in our last les, flora will be An, exhibition of rallway thoWands of,wettlere have been 'gath. band, or .1 - meats, IQ, cents .Oor noppartellino for firat J� 04 � x9criche 0 rk others half of ray kingdom. Herod was only tramway rolling Stock, autonin. ored from 411 quarter of tb fallen. In the storm and stress of 1nqdrtjOA.qudRcq0C$pgpIipQtop, caoll subse. a 0 ; It Son, was now tr4velllag throughout What lit. Park- And was a palace ot'glass-the and I � 0 J'J�X a , a globe. ' , A" Galilee, On biles, cycles, oil . engines, wtudmillso The Xyunkards do rilitsind their only battle, the men have dominated it, al,l, or Onto 0 lil a Crystal Palace, in fact. Tho'building C., ' ean t _ wlldl b S;4 R() !I ( lora 0 ,a of Rerod'a capitals was called king by courtesy. �0 In North X�ako 1. 001 0 7our dea, 044 d 0 Quop't Insertion. SaukIl. Advertisements not by x1l In on, Tiberius, on tb to oxcep(l. Ono lacb,eudh as "Lost," 111$trayed, . a Sea of G 111ce. and tI6 Power he had was 01 gated- He uia4laa And United Sltatos aoricul� hom , . a wild Covered 87,4$7 square Yards, and the tat they are far Most to the exclusion Of a thought Ot I t ,___4.___---_--- ­-�. ----,,- . �,_- -.� oince'our Lord's name was 1,proad could not have kept such a I flooring U tural, maolitnery, eto., as, well M41 mili-, more rl;ulneroue it IS, stated, on the the women, except collectively, willob 118toloul" a c.. Inserted once for 60 cents, 404 I , P And down stairs 118,622 tary and naval displays, and a. groat Prairies, o . , each sablacqVont Insertion Is oputo. romise If he would. abroad rumoura of his words and P I Square yards, Opening on Xayl,.1851, .f Alborta and Assiniboine. Is not the way to think 'of woman, Advortlikilmento without specific directions will JOHN T, EMMERION works came thither to Herod's court. 24. What oball I ask f The Story, . it 010,90d on October 11 of the same exhibition of boats on the lakes. note. Russian colonies are frequent In these while the individual man of the Boer � ,be ingorted until forbid and charged accord , THIPU Lu. ADING BAU10,11 also races, ab*ws of domestic animals, . , . . . � Herod Autipgo was 4 typical Eastern dramatic find ,sensuous up to this Year, And Wan vialted by 6,039,195 poo- two districts, but preferoade, bafk been arMY have, by the very of 1; . Ingly. . Also Agent for despot of great pretension, Small abll� Point, ouildeply b . , force ir. , eoomes loathsome. pie,, as ,luarly as, 110,000 being And gymnastic performances will be given to $askatohewan. a district ly- 0408tances, atood conspicuously out, . Copy for change, of adyortlsoiD40s, On Pages 1 � STANDARD LIFFA INSURANCE COMPANY there held Every effort !a being Made to Ills farther to the north, Yet the womanhood of all nations, _ � . A040mustboluthe 911100 on Satlar447 an(, : Road 00100 for oano4s. Montreal, lty,weaU willand. lavish expend4ares That a girl, led by her mother Into 04, one Single day, It bad 17,000 ex- rend , or ibis annex asattradtivoaspoo� Along the banks of the river, be. vibrutins emotionally in sym. top pages I And 8 on Monday to ensure change ' * ' 4116,000,000 - 18101),000 To Ilia - .. tw.eeA Battlefield and Prince Albert, can attune Insurance in force, a," bundle of potty vices " He said. shameless conduct probably for the hillitors, who received J5,187 awards, Bible. . - patby, forfollowingisalic. Invootmentsin Canada, - - I courtiers. See..the account in purpose of obtaining 'a favor from a Tile cost of the outerp-tise a . � itself. in sympathetic - I CONTUAOTft*TEM,-,rrbQtQllQwlngtablo shows Nstablished:1824. The ol4rdllabloauil favorite. Matthew. That John the Baptist was corrupt man .mounted to, Inside Paijs tbe�QVamp do Mare Is tha, mQSt ,northerly point in America thought with those sturdy Putch our ralos.fol specified perllod$ Sod $pace - OvrIcE_Smith:`sbIook, opposite Post Of4CO- , I Should- 90 to that 440,000. The sum oneashedwas, $903,- covered with 0, large m4la adifice a L . risen from the dead. Herod h4d mur- mother to ask for guidance, and be � rid reached by a railway line, it is, estim- dallies Who are making. sue a strog.' � A-DIVRAWSINQ nAlrea. . --- I . ­­­­... . g4_% Title handsomoo surplus WAN iu� savora , . b . . I I yr.. 6MO. 3 Mo. I MO ­ , ­ " 1. . ­­­ ' � - "' dared John, and Was hatinted L by re, guided to the crime, of murder, is one vested 14 the estate at South K I smaller structures, The Tro� Ated there are at least 8,000 Russians 9,10 for their.couritry: . . I I 0 13 whe 0 Do a art ou- oadero, the 'Whole of the spacious who, it is said, are more prosperous Vfr4t Of the Boor Women,. by position t 091upin .......... 07000. $io 00 $2000 050 morae. See note ,on verse 21, There- of the most horrib a things that hjs� BID to , rL w t d the Natural J Column ......... 4000 2& 00 1500 600 - fore lial.glity works. do show forth tory brings to our notift. The band , LL I ESFIau%de des Invalides, and the quays than those who have found homes no less than by the interest which J Coliona " L ....... 2& 00, If) 00 $00 2 50 L M.QKILLOPL MUTUAL FIRE themselves In him,' Revised Version: of John the History. Museum, I- the Imperial Inoti- On both Sides of the Seine, between. the closer to the main line, Throughout Surrounds b W L_ . . 1000 000- .9 OQ THE P,ANY Baptist, Herod might tuto, tboL Albert Hall, and other build- Champ, do Mars and -or, is tile lie of the presi. I J Column ......... 1800 IN $1, . . . . , the Qual fe la the districts, scattered In large And dent ot'the T � ' . I Inch. _.. l .... j. 0 Qo 360 - 200 1 20 Farm and isolated Town Pr party ,. Tberefore do- these powers work in do many thinga-.4eaf John gladlyLL i4gs. , Conoorde, hav(p been built over, The Aniall lau . ranavaal Republic. . She I gw$ that 101in bad and - indulge- in, Ilftcoholuals by turns In 1810 the V re4eh Opened their first ol . . . L pocial post , ant extra him," Herod Imagined , Mbers are colonies. of , tion from 20 to 59 par Q - . only Insured, .1 . . Greolks, Is the first lady of the couatr�, but I . L L L d Paints do ITIndustrie hash been Finlanders, French, Dutch and other there is little to distinialsh herfroni, . . W. J. MITC=1 141J. I OFFICER$ come back to Ilfa ,clothed with new -but his Implacable, wife through all universal exhibition at the Palals ,&a swept Away . kaitor And tor. J- - oLoaa PrWdcat ippon - ' ' 08. and dread ' I ad it beautiful avenue nationalities. . . . . - Proprie . ful powers. No wonder he 01's Months bad one plan In her mind, I'Lidustrie, in the I math$. Champs 4lysee to .tile wife of any of the butchers, for , I . . � . I , azor. I a- ro-d a , ruco old , . . E. was terrified. Herod was a $adduces, and that wit . dhamPs ES. Y000, Opened fro .. Tbe. list would hardly be complete ,$be N a Simple . , !!W.� 1, , 11. Se Tre . I I on It ' 0,; . G, a for John's earthly rain. which, along with itwannexes, covered the n - . 134118frML Domestic. - 1"P ...v, U.11 r f oss a seafort 'O. 'denied existence of the soul at- .v bridge, Alexander III.; which without mentioning thi, Illy known itY finds in 'her its quintessence, I , . .1 . I and 125. Straightway. Immediately, with 200,931 square yards a , P an . . . I . I DIRECTORS: eve, to . for If , - There wexB PAr has not yet 'been inaugurated toqri Hebrew farming colony' I . BANKS .. foot, L . Or! r death; but A� guilty conscience Is haste-, Herod h1ad. time to become 000 exhibitors A ' . W. G. Broad Sonforth *, John . -in the new Cho Popular imagihation, in so far As I ___ _­ - - I = . .. . Ad 11,03-11 awards, '11,ha. traffic, World, which is situated close to the it knows anything of hery pictures to -=� -- ---- Winthrop - George Dale, Soaforth; John Watt, . I . . I . I Harlook - stron sober, be � might not keep 'his word. visitors numbered 5,160,000, of -whom Th . , John Bonnewioa, Brudlin, an ; Jamw get than a creed. . - Evans Beachwood; Jalues Counlely, Clinton is av'enue, deoked JAL the Contra foothills of the.Rooky Mountains, thir- itself a Woman, old and obese, willp '' .. THE MOLSOKS UALNX John YACI,eAn, IcIppoll � � , . ur Ellas. The Greek form: of E IIJah, A ebareek. A, large plate' or platter. I 121,000 assembled on one d I ay� 'The Witil. L flower gdtderis, affords an un- ty miles west of Fort -XcLoud And devotes bar time to darning tile house, I I . . who -se rotarn to earth had been fore- Sible coveted not only her enemys Ide, outlay kewohe , I . Incorporated by AGENTS: � , . d R.460,000, And the re- brolgon. view of the InvalldS4, from the near the little town of Pincher(CreelL hold socks and atookings, and making � Act of,parliament, 1845. . Robb Smith, Harlook� Bober McMillan, Sea told by Malaolil. John -bad fulfilled but roveled. In his'pains. MO rao � . � I TAL . 1. . forth - James, Cummlugs_o graontlytIle'; J. NY . , I I hat. A third 20.� Thokung was exceedingly oo,ry. ceipts 4128,000, leaving A, deficit of Champs Ely.5ee. On the right hand A horde of . r n colonies are soaA- lingo Pots of' coffee for the cousump�., . I Ce;Pl # 1 $2100010,1141 Yen, Rolmeaville P. 0. this Prophecy. t is a prop 4882,000, which was borne by the State, Side has risen a huge block of masonry tered in all directions and ' ." � 01,650.0m Partlea4esirous to effect insarance or traus I tion. Jesus must be a new Annoyed, exasperated, wori: , . in all dia-, tion of "loom. paulit an Promptly &-tended ex.pans, ied, but ' d herself. Yet , READ OFFIC10 . - MONTREAL. 940t other business will be I not'perlitent, It hurt his . . EKOLANDIS SECOND . Which Is to be devoted to fine arts triets, the number of which Is year- this a . , I . . to on awlication boapy of the above Q111cers. prophet.sent from God after a Silence I . . .Conscience to � . time woman, unprepoo.aessing 0 C WX. 319TAON IVIACPRERSONo . President add posoO to their PS . QCtIvQ Post Ofilues, - - - - anti last u wAsheld And, vis-a-vis, stands a sm4ller buildw IY increasing, � . though qhe*be, is dencended from the - of four hundred Years, Or AS one.of kill (his good man; it endangered, his, In . niversal exhibition .. , ' I . ' r. WoLvsu&vxEs TnovAs, General Manager I I - the proplietz. � A miracle worker whose cause with the people 'to offend them . London in IM, in a 'Strheture Ad- !As last apart for A tetrospeotive ex- Among the visitors in the ,city last 39reat Du -Plessis family, which guv4k � Notes discounted. Collections made, Drafts THE 14IGHTNING SEASON. ' 9 I 1. I - joining the buildings of the Hortioul- hibition of the same nature' A' great week was Herman J. Boardman of the to France one of the Pri Coe f I I . � issucil. Sterling a;nd American Exchanges - .� I � 1. powers rivaled the great prophet. of � by kil ling their favorite;. it dadA I riser feature of the coming gorge a 0 its � I ( bouvht and sold. interest allowed on deposits, . , . . . - teiesta in ,Rome to commit tural 'Society at, ,South Kensington, . oils show Missionary Board it Winnipeg, For church and state, in the person of thq � . SA'VINGS BAN . 1C. . , V.,14 Any IMIA0 vom. Ple 1 or TP4:4,18 in . the past. Ali these various s:xplana- ad his !I1 At this Show, wU!eh*' �overed 150,006 of 19GO will be the puvil�orig. of foreign the last ten years Bf�- Doardrildri,has wily yet brave And. strong Cardinal L , I Interest allowed oil sums of $1 and up. . : -itorlba. . t1ons appeat to have been made to suohfldgraoxice - and -injustice; besides, squara-varas,there were 27,000 exbibl- powers lining. the quay on the 6 t 6 ' I . . � ­- -Herod's cong ience, but that was what unknown spiritual fri6ads might I . . . I f trav Red in the Canadian provinces flichall0q, who, in his. youth, 00'ld I . . . * u FARMERS. The person who in a storm. seekA quiet 11 . tors, !-.vhq received It bank of the Seine, between the' 41ma in his wgrk of inspecting the mis- Wield a sword as well as in ago, a � . Money advanced to farmeraon their own � I _. . . t -OP ? For his , I , 12,306 awards,. . I I I � -a treei should bowar of not. so __-j ---a. , I Do, tb�s holy P1 hot have � � . � .1 I . a ,� . - be opened on May lot and ,closed on and the Trivalides bridges. That. 'of sions, . . . pan. . notes With Oils Or Moto ondorbors. , No inort" refuge iinder , 1. .1 . . - . .1 J gage required as security. � � the nak,* It is a, dangerous shelter. 10. It is John, whom I beheaded: Oath's sake. TM4 , word should . by .6 - ,Great Britain occupies a capital- posim "The Canadian Northwest,!', he said, . . . I . . vorite he 1 . 0 . risen; . The il)ge,niCuo, -an . gges- plural possessive. .He hAdeworn over November let. , It was visited . . . � -The ]Kroger -household to run� on . ! . H. 0. BREWER, Ma. . n . ago., . Clinton Its stout bea.it furnishes a . to . I I a thari 211.108 people. � Tille, undertakln� lion, and is to be furnished wAh the " is settling'!1P � very rapidly. There .is Patriarchal line . s, a ' I . . I , . . tions of the courtiers all fail to allaY Andover Again. Tha Jow4 mor I I I .1 rid the Bible. dool- , . - � - � -­ -. target for. the thunder bolL. I I . . . - was hot a financial success, Thle .to- greatest luxury bysome of our Most probably no part of the wor)d where Inates it.' p rhaps this is the r son I . . . San tW pangs of a Conscience whioli,was amy ahor nation insisted.. that an I I I . .1 .0 .04 . � I I b I . . kept, celpts atriounted. to no - � Prominent uplio . The Ge�man Government has . more than. � Istery: firms, who at within, the same, ared so many Ian- .WbY,Krs,. Xruger, who is 06M,paul's, i 0. D. MQTAGGIART ' - .' Makin Systematic inqui the " a. thousand sword%.". � oath or . vow Most . be .. I - - . I ,to, has,glvenhoad ,to the � , I . . , . 9 . ry into If, knade - under mijitaken R459,631'.1eny4ing 'a, large deficit, but this -moment are exerting themselves gu0ses ate spoken.. We are estall- Second W, . . . . trees, I or per,vonal tea-. Ovorl I . . J ��.. w, .. . � . subject of lightning -struck . , 17..Herod himself. r the contractors consented -to take to the utmost of their power tomake. Ilshinis missions of every nationality Precept ,-Be fruitful' * I . - . � BANKE4 . I - . Overseers of,nine . forestry . .stations, sons, withont the complicity ofpriest � a ' ,'Onditions,, . There were . many � - Oi as grand adisp-lay as they'poSsibly . thAt! Iodate whers we . find. no church for she P has ho and multiply.�, . I . . . I . . I ­ , area of 250i- or Phatisees, Bound hi. 'in -prison. os Wh with him, doubt- overth6buildingsin iseharie.of.th r � . . . d 10 children - a large -"*- I . d I . ' ,%:"X__� � I scatterod, throughout.an . I in . less, who were almost ' er f olafln, and Sig ' I Can. Th;e �Briflsh Commissioners are, work going on, and have now 128 in family ­ jor. So t � � 4 _� . � . as cag or . John Xelk, one of the I . � even [I b arrlca'�__ AAd, . . A 006 aqres1n the district of Lippe, have . Thrust him ' int' A huge building-. . . , , , this pavilion the districts Ot Alberta, Assiniboine. thlair I I . . . � I - 1. O . I XL S . . A General- Banking Business. Tr John's life as was Herodias. fir-, Personally handed,the Dommfs. particularly an. ou that . � .1 I immediate descendants number, 0611 1 fort should do, honqur 'to, our country; and Saakatchewan and Manubba, ' over loo. . . . I saleted- made A thorough investigation- of the r4as, durigecii, and p4laoe in one. .. . ' One 'great Istio � � . . - . I I . � ' . . V_ The king sent, an executioner. A siallers the handsome sum of Allmoo, . ; characteri . . . . - in th t lod ity. � .For Herodias! sake, Hertidl . . . . . . . I I are . I forest . a &I* . . � As.dealred I striiabig ei;,ery nerve to achieve : "I think Aibarta: 'ma,y clahn the she possesses in th t of the golden - . . Notes Discounted. Drafts. - Issued. .. . soldier 6f his guard. . . to enable theni to balance .their, ,a6 . I . ... . They report that the oak is the most -b b - insured . . . � . I I . . . 0 . . . . So 0 gi . .a . . I .. Interist Allowed on Deposit . a,. ; . . - ' � .Brought a head in a. charger. counts. . . . . .. . . I I ift of silence. 'speaks of . . John's deat ecauso:he bad be I 28. hi� i Arst-�olass re It as r gards .archi- distinction of having the only Jewish .She never � . . % 4A Susceptible. to'ligbtiling. - The beach her sinful relations With Herod, P4irt- . .. . . � . ' ' teoture, decor ' I � I I Oringlug.the.head to. the person who . 911 April,lk, 1867,' the Frplach inau-, .ation: And furnishing. . , farming community in the world. It state Affairs And she never interferes I . , ­ . .1 I . . I � .- I . . . . is the )nost Seldom struck, and next �y to Appease her and partly.to pie... � '.The &DMOters of this s'tuplanaous. numbers 400,,'and is being recruited In. matters political -I . . .. . 1. I � I I . � commanded the death I was not �ery. .� - grand universal exhibition I I . I . . . . � . . n ,public. She is- . . . . a. D. napi1sqn- . . . . ,,guraled, . aking, following up tile examplei every year. Beal . so shrewd. a- . . .. .. . ALBERT STREET . O'LINTON, in exeailiption cometl, the, pin I that ,servo John's life Herod.had ,I . Ma ' undert .des stock raising - they . �. . I . . . � - done cin the Cham -p do. , a I _ . . . � - Strange; such things have been . �t rev which Is tea. . . I I . I woman,:, bowe I v6r, that, , - I . . . � , I .. . . . . !I . I locality the forests are composed, of s.d him, Markwxi(es with the ipex0r,� . . set ,at the Exhibition � of .1880, which generally. angage, in - diversified farm- although it is ' ot 4, . ___ I I . ' the usual. .. six Months. It extended . . n oknoWledged, there. , - . , .. i , , , - � - .. . trees in the following proportion: ableness. Of.' Truth * Herodias was repeatedly, Putting it into, a charger , .1 1. . � proved so SA,acessifui, are giving A: ing. The colony la organized on�tho are raA ' L 9J;rA L I I I , .. . . I . * � I .. as 4 it ,were An -article of food wa's dL over Ill acres, Apart from an annex of . Sons for believing that her hu 4 . . I L , - __ � . � .--. � � - � � .-..-.--- Beach, 70 0?er Cent.;. oak, 11 per cent.; Herod's queen', but 14 the sight of.Go(l - . . large measure of tb(eir. attention to qo-operative plan And is wealtby,'The blind , I . I - � I - . . . - * I . . _ I I I hoirible Bar as' � . . ailltin.; . . . I I- L takes counsel with her' W Mal . � . I ine, 1* , she was Philiplis wife. - .Q in, Jerome says that 74 acres in tM little island of B ' . . . . t- L ' j� . . . V 3 per cent.; 'fir, 6 par cent. . ajilillis .:brother L ' . . , a,musemeriLS'L We are to be troAtedto people are peaco-lo�vin d:nd held" in ters of In I SCOTT I . . � .1 . . . . . _ I . Herodias pierced his ,tongue . with- a court, just outside Parili, The main kilide L ' .. . I Qr oment, its 1AL ther Wqnt of hus.- - , * . J. I . I.. L . .1 . There have been 2ro. trees, struck in He -tied her, 11evolli- . ., . all. of sights, hi bigh-eateem by their nalghbours. - bands.-eir . . ' ' . . � . BAARIST, , S01,101TOR . I . � . . roil Antip,ao, mar hairpin, The. damsel give it to. box. building covei6d 108,689, squiare yards,. .1 r. ,Ch most of us . I . .1 L enthose w-boare behrd 'to . I I is acreage within three . I '' . have rioV6r seen, A-mqng tile ' ' ' "O eat� quescian t , , . I . I thi years. EX -r as had first boon married to'her uncle m. are to lie gX hat is going apeak'loudest L( I ; .1 .Lh .., , ' . WfLilil 293,026 square Ya I pf,"the weaker ves461.,, : I L -L L. ' mother. Accustomed to sensuality, and . ids were' Mon- - ­ . . . . . I L � . I pa _ j rab who to confro a a an Govern- ',Tante K -people 00131- I . . . , . . , Money to LoAil,ato, . . 41111.nation shows this to be thexatlo:, Philip -an, Act whio L was itself Con- - b ' LtL 6 park ,57 . � be ooii� Aiia'.Of T'utk Land. A, 0 nt : the C 'il di I L I I L - deeds -of: blood, this -gir�l thought little p;ed-� y . ruger," as the' - - . . I I ej �; �N Fifty4ight -per ' cent, Oaks, .21 t , . I . 1. . 11 ,400,: square Yard . a boore rnaini� ye�r,SAS. Sp'p�re6_L 'm . . L i OrrucE-Elliott Block � ITO ,, per traiy o4ewlsh� law. ` TaAhair home of doifig a'd . by .the gajae�, 9,W8 Squaro. yards by Ivill. go tbrOug4tlie pextorManees ',-of MOIR . � . only� oAll . bek� is a - Martyr' to -,rh I . . . . .1, ' ' I sod that the worst Mo lor a . . I .. . ilon, of the Norman practicea and � . . I !au- , . . -cent, fir, 8 pet cent. Pine, 7per cent. came .Herod Antipaa,' Who,.W'tS also L. . . . buildit 8� h the river bank, and 203,- the howling and. whirling Dervishes L I matism due, -no doubt the most ' , 'L - . . I . . . i � ... . lor1rainal would �eiw.11 from; . . . g O . , o I . , as . . . 11 I . I � , I . � . . I . - I. I . IVV BRYDONE , . ' I beach. . . I : her .undle as guesit. 'He. induced . of,.$-tarnboul,and Cairo who by the. faith.' Five years ago the Mormons of modern Medical . . . .. . . .. - . . . I L L t Ph I . . 29. His. disc as. lolln's disciples. 120. Square yards bYL the agricultural � . . . I . I . ' overconsum' ko L Sokenob teaches' to the I . i BARRISTER. S . . . . ,- dp , , . . . Herodius to asset !lip -'and become . IPI L� display 'at, Baillan,court., L The expbn- way, have. DO connection With - those Utah Lbegan .to. look - for., 'Lt. new field .. . - OLICITOR. I L ' . ' - . . - , ..Vt n -Of the . coffee, in . . I . I . , .. . � I . ...BURNING. BANK NOTES. . . . .They came, and took up his corpse. 'A., - . . of t Q'defunct Mabdi and Khalifa. .of. operation. 'The Canadian North-, ' at tion'she in so I . . . Notary Public, &,d., L . . L. .. . I . . his queon, her daughter Salome came. statement . . which Shows. that�. Boni diture Amounted, to 4931,060 and � the b . . . . L. .whose �pyep a , sk�lled. L . I I I . L . I - . . I I . 119, ee with her. Meanwhile Herod 9 . . .. I .1 .. . ,. . 13- Mme. Joubert,',reljot of tile 110n.of '' -� .1 . . . I With t1lie Bank of.E* land, the. de- to Ga;IW . redelpt I . IL . _. . west Was one of the places seiect d I OsrxoE-Beaver Block, ' - 61N,rox . . . . fivors bad been ihown.John'- othor $i to R11 052 SOD the handsome .i . . . . . . . . I . I 1. , - . I t U, -of its - takes . place had abandoned his. lawful wife, and . I I 7 . ' t t . . �. . � . . and the first, location was made,A� the'republie, is not d native BO rL . ===2=�ft I �___. 1, '11!, i, , s r ctlo�n, notes L " . I . I . I . wise his disciples.could nothave come. surplus baing divided amorig.th6meib-, , AfBOUT � WEDDING � RINGS. '.- . L I . I ' � ihe'town of' ' a ,and .. * M. had,as aconseq'illence, been. drawn ill- 1. . . I . -What ilis. now known., as .by comm . on do 'P.." I . '� About once u 'w6ek-and At 7 P. . . . . . � bars of the syndfo4te, who had guar- � i 1) : Mae$ . . . asent a7renolA iind not . �., . .. 0ONVEYANCINQ -- , 11 L Bosidesi men who had. -suffered capital Th. 180109-is:tbB PrOmIsB.Of rnari'!- 04rdstoil, s u, -few north of the a D I . I �,� , Formerly it -used t6 be. done in the to war with list father Aretas, in anteed the fI' . I 1. L. . .. I . utch title is a.e.corded-to her, She . .. , 11 =__ , -, � 'L . I . L . . ­ . Punishment often. were , tireated. in . . nancial risk. At this age, of.% the a I: S t I I . . . . I I I L .. . :kchange of promse 0 boundary., line between Montana'an'd is the- wayrtok-wot iOHN RIDOUT I � .1'. I L .. daytime, but owing to the unple-4ant A . rabian king.. . .. I . I . . . , exhibition there were 52,200,exhibitors. . . '444 .first, the wo� . . ., . . . , I death with great indignity; Laid- it in . loye, lionor And obey, .of the placing Of Alberta... i9in-ce then every year has' max, 6f'tba, b I . CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONLAR.STC1. $mail ith which the burning,was'at- , 4#,396 Law ' . . . . .1 � ousehold second. She can . - I . ... . .. W . . ' . 18. John IhA4.rePeatidly said,. It i's 'a tomb, ali4d then, as we are'told.'by and - Ards. The vinitors nuni� the, wedding ri!�gs uj�on �th.e . - slender witnessed other . settlernants,,.until qh t lfkd the Boer ML an, *who �. I . I. ' I . L I . . � tended the teighbouring Stock brok-, not lawful for thee to.bavc -thy. broth- -Matthew, "went an' - . bored 11,000,OQO, and 184,00 . 0 persons ap- fingers of.,, tr . . . 00 . � shoots, 'L . . Fire Insurance, Real Estate. � . . � :, I I d told' Jestis.0 I ' . ardbl,ing, white hands, Mon . .. � ' I '� Money th Land. . L . . . . �ars petitioned the Government to do or's wife. A. Jewish king, even though , I I . I ""I , �. . I . . . - ' . , , , there are, upward of twenty, ..Mor . With undrring of , . L . . - . . . , , . � sombled thero.on.one day, . I . . Yet Xew People inow the Origin of settle . m to kill, for from'hok ' . L L . ,� � . I . 'The, . . I I . . I ' L .nients in the Canadian North- @arliest childho'd She has been aeon ' . OFFIQZ-HUROX, STREET, . CLINTO.,; it in the ev'ening-' notes are pre- he owed his dignit . i6s to the Romans, . . . �AVSTRIA,l­HUNGARY , � . the weddiag rin I . . 0 . a- - . .. � . . . I v ching .4 licaq ,was expect ' . .RPAo orLDR. LIVINGSTONE, . L next came forward wIth:a universal of the , , Is, Fewer yet know west, .At first. they were welcomed by joulod to tile use, of firearms, In, ._­ . I .- I I ad, to. kbaPL the Jowiah.jaw, I - . . I . . Mo." , � . I L I I I . . I numerous legea6 �ndauperstj_ the Gov�srrita 4nt and society., but their the a ' ' ' I W - I , . . * . . arly days .of the Kaffir WarS a i How this law b a on Herod's aeta -art xhibition, which 4ehed. in the -Pr&- tions.attaoh�d to the simple 11 gold di" sition to. a . xclu . s lost never, t4iled I . . through the Amount (in figures) and Or' may. . , . MEDICAL .. .1, . " . � . , L A I of'the Tree Vnae.r 1VItich HIS a . . L I ISP9 iveriess soon . . . - - . - 'tearing off thA�Lslgnatura of the chief b ' . . I Heart Ivas ilarled, &T,drevi I i Loadwi, tar',P4rk, at V . . %hore are many, quaint - Can- �tbiem tb a, L ­ .to ,Accompan� her hus� .., I I . a seen from * Lev. 18. '11, 10. It John . lef,, 1878, band I I � 1. . I . . I . I the L I L . . . .jenna,Cn.May i . I I . latt&li.-goOd wilL In these bvMd to "the. front ". L I q I I , ft.- W. GtTNN I . I ,. . . . I cashier. The hotes are burned in a wished to reform the morals of When Dr. Livingstone died in Con- a -11d. occlupied. 2,,1V,J,500 ;.'s4tiare Ya 4 * . .. . .I - L -o ' and . all.duri#g' � -L I . . ' L L I . rds, tdraseonnettea with the lietrothal.arid, colonies the- r! hts� of tho�. church ari t he I I , . - . ­ � I 9 ftmp'Alsh ta.Plaos.were discuss . L . D . closed furnace,, and shavings and bun.L nation, he dared not neglect the vices tral Attica, bis'fa:lthful followers (am. 204,01,square yards being -do-vered. by W !Ch . 1. L .. . .. . . . � I I . I . . I. . . Sailing ring.wb WIII:be ra"'k Inter-' Proclaimed, Polygamy, is practlood; an4 with ber,, ,More tha a LL . , I . I �L . . % ... - I . .n.once . R. C. P. and L. R.'C. S. Rdlftbutgh. ales' of wood form - the ..only age , bairnea4 the body, carried it to the -buildings.. It had - exhibitors t , ihe-saraa� LaUlt Of, this d =Won, the expou . , as the L . - . , .noy and crimes of the .national, leadarg. . � I . . . 42,000 . P eating at the present time, when the. we, wre nearing a line when . . . . . ' Plot future purpose of ' Herod's Sin" war it -had coast and it. n'oir lies in *estminater and[25,052 awards were� made, The , -ion als Utah L . was in' prior to of ,those . CIO Night calls at frontdoor ofregidenceon Ratt0i employed. S re With. the Joe bury street, opposite Pregbytorian church. , . . . I ' I L , , " L -call to friends to witness the ceremony oorldit . I . . WAS .0hatiged, in ;a , . It iDn, 'would bring inevitabl'y Abbey,- Tha heart 'of the .great mis-�' outlay WAS X2,333 '030, but the receipts 0 L "I take tboo" is a very frequent, the ctaraping out of. Polygamy b . _ �' * feren6e.the n6tes.arq .left for five �rougb L Q 9,,Vd a L � 6PPICE-OXTAILIO STREET, CLI.NTON, I on, , I I � C . i, And 'Sionary . explorer was, h6we�er, -buried. did not exce , ad A,465,CM , the enormous I f .1 . . . ­ .0 - I.Y with her. bri'lliant.ideas of Strut . .: . . y rsb6forobo.irig.buraed. Thanum-Il. muh suffering to thousand . . . I c,� 04ngre�s NkIl '&evail. This question and,th,.'Imagivative Instinat of' _­­.. ­_ . .- __ -_--­­_:__._­ . . I . . * . Marly.believe that th6'loss of awe, 1. . �. bar ot notes oomih 0 h sion, faithful minister of . God L . a beirloath. whose bran6has deficit, being borne by the State. . . I . � . . . . I . ­ �.. I . 11 - L . . g into the Bank' f sue . under it trie I Th' � ding tins means th%t:the husband,s is!boing ,:AgitaLed among Canadian innate gift i"s Act Un,- . 1. . . I . �.. . . I . . . I to - a . ft. WX OR A 14 A M . .1 . . . t 5o,000, must- rebuke, � , .'' I . of his Visitors numbered 7,25�,000. . . I I . r War, . gen u L D . I I ,. L England every day i's abou I it.. L Her . . � he had breathed his last. One . L � . I L . I I i . lo I I . ay �0, 'IM, love will be lost'in'turn; U the rini. citizefW, and'ib is hot at Ail impiob.; ,feminine . (SUCOESSOU TO DA. TunNsul.L.) , . and i50,000 are . des&oyid ,every adias had a.quarkel against Servants, 3'ttcGb Wiinwright by name',. On � :M , .L'1110 United Stites w t before, long: the Gover t , L , " Or WAS not Be! na as much, . . L. . . . . is broken the husband willsoonLdia; In able tha I Illn"11 00 goddess as WAS Mars 'the god -of I I week, or something like 1,000,000 ev6ryl. him, - Or, as the Rwilsed,.Veesion, has carved aninscription on the tree The, opened L their first universal -:,a hibl- .Ireland it -'is igeniar'al belief tba� to : �vlll be: Prevailed upon L�t' . Licentiate of the Ro�lal College of PUY- . . . . ' . � I L I I � . . i I . � I 0 take, Some .'War T � If$ 'in 'her warlike attitude ' L aielans, London,Eog. . . year, The stool; of pAid,notes for five � it, "Set herself against. b1m.11 Would part of�,tha tree trunk'bearing this tion In Fairmount Park- Philadelphia. r� OL . I and 1. . I . . . I. I I ub a sore with a. iOideiu wedding action that will put a'aitop, to. the. In, th . I .. aamb 'Lh . . IL , ' . I . I . Slightness � OFIFICE AND RESIDENCE- Porrin's Block, lately year's 14 a6out, 77,745,00. in or, &ve killea ,' hi . Inscription, Or WhatL IS aft of It, has .Thin great show extended ove:r 1,875,- , . I . -1 . .. . . or li.ei figure, t.he . u- NTON. I . An, ,.�'Willed". to kIIlL . ring will cause it to speedily beal-4 The av�ls. ' , , I .. � 1, .. . L �- . iintipo es Of -Mrs. Kroger Mine. ,Iou� . occupied by Dr. T rnbull, OU In L' * I I 1. I . . .d .. . . and .they- fill 13,400 boxes.. - . him.. she could not forgive t4e just ropioho4n London, andhas. been 423 square, yards 345,049 square yard �, ,lot the* rainy settlers in ouir terw L 7 . , . . I . . I I . . an - I .1 0 wedding ringJa supposed never .to I . I . liert is At least her elilial'in tbopOs- .1 I 1 . _ . I 1. I � . . 1, I. L . I . .. .0 . . � � who had denounced her; besides' added to the interesting relics of the being ooXprea b; buildin 'hid turnish,,and lfLit d . I . 1. . . , , . A ,. I gs,. It: .. 11 I oes become dim, Itia I"ItOrY none is in destitute eircum" Session of the ,aoraostio virtues,. When I . I R. $BAW � I I ,.. . xPlor I Una ' I .L Some of the colo . ill . es'are poor, she, c , D . . . o . I . NVX1BF-R FOUR. - I L. John'i Aftack:ofi her was a very Sari. gra��t a er in the collection .of the 27,000 *exhibitors, the oufL�ay said to be a ,warning that love also* is Stances annot serve hot, husband by a& L, . I . I . I I ' ' ' OF.Plon: . I L Excited lady,, at, the' tolopbone-4 ous affair.' Her whole Prosperity was Royal'Goostaphical Society;., . reached 41,60.0,000. . . . � hr'nishe'd and dim, . . . . : I I - L . � I t my husband,' please, at'Once. ' conditioned on his, downfall. '' The The tree wa . t� I � I . . L .. b4t. each- - I,%. making , headway,, and 'vice and help in the field, she sees to ONTARIO STREET, Opposite Ell" a not Se6n by' any white.. In 1878 Franda had. another 'univer.�. with Perseverance will .become pros� it that'n hi g that lip ne d glish church,,.. wan . I L A, *adding ring should fit the finger.' I . . Olt h 6 A Is Jack. . . . . I . Voice from the exchange. Number, GaIlleans .had. never liked 'be' man for more than twenty Years after oil exhillftion,'wbieb opened On May ,If it. 19 too large, it is a sign of shal. peroUs citizens in our, section of the ­ CIJXTOX.., . . 9 I I I . . . r, but . . I Ing, and with ,her own bando� will . I . 1. they relvarenced4ohn, It H I . the explorer's death, . though mean-, Ist,and obvered the Cbg . L I I Peal .. - ploa,so. , erod long . MP do Mars, lowness, of purpose. -, if� too, t�g.ht, 'it * world." I . . . . . I I . I I the potatoes for his dinner with an i � . . . . . I I � . . :11 . . R. 0. W. THOMPSON . .. 'Stoned to John, 'a a I while 'a bronze plate or tablet had .the Tkocadero, .the Q , . I Excited lady, snappishly. Only the. It . . he Woul , be do ' . III AlOrsai as far suggeets thatthe union pinches some- � . I I much nonchalance us if she wore the(- . . . . . . D . 1. fourth, you impudent thing I . throned and deserted, 'She saw been' Sent out� by Dr. Livingstone's *as this Alma Bridge, ana that, part of how. A'perfbot fitting rigg - . GRAINS. OF GOLD - 'an, all unconscious , I - - I .. . . I , is SYM , , _ .. . cook of the canto . PRYSIOIAN AND SURGEON. . . . I - .0 ­_ I .. . daughter- to mark the place where the Esplande des Ilavalides lying be. bolic of a orfaCtly, Uarmonlons -.7 . - I . 1 . I - � . . I cloarlythAt either Jolin or herself . I P. , L . of the fact th Ormen AND RESIDENCE" L . . 'TOO COMMON, . I .. L . � he d104, Valuablo Presents, also, . were tween the ' I ' . I I at her husband was Com- . . . I . Xaxt to Molgon-Ig Bank I . I L I must be destroy�&. She could not. sent by the - I quay and the Rue, st, Doml� union, L ' . .. There., is a. zlimit at -which forbear- mander-iu-Chief of the Boer armi. . . Mrs. Bangs, -Yes, we 'have: straw. Herod, feeble as he was, 'thought too Royal , Geographical So- nique. Themalu bLAIlding,reciangular .Ever man in ' select the ion' t anee L OeaSaSL to be L A VlrtUe._n I � � . . I . I I I L Y , , ay I timen urks. , Dur Us the last native.war, undeter- . RATTENS11BY StREET, CLINTON. berry shortcake ever dAy at dinner cletY to the chief of the district to I& form, 'an tb0f Ohampl do. Mars 'by: th � beat And the. fever, she , . � �. Y . ' L highly 94 John to allow - him to fall' induee him to pro I . . I I. mea. to be engraved in his bride's ring. the' I Be a libilosophor; but,. amidst all red 6 . I - L tect. the -tree and bured 7-72 the XI of in . . ,.. Mrs. Suddenrich-Do you r We drop- into Ifferodias's Clutches, .althb th L yards Perpendicularly, to the groom's initials and b Id s ' till In '.- joined him. I . DONVIS7"RY . fell to. Q.. Nj L MOO gh it, x-� your philo I sophy, ,be a a .an I . . _ a Plate, After many vicissitudes the Seine, 411d'3U Yards Parallel to the Vials, followed by the wedding date, is Hume' I . .. . . � . Cert&Ik I . . . I As a glory Oparted ri�usts one .write. 11 . ped them'wheh the battles _do he had himself -been bronze plate was handled over to riv:or. Tlio palace d,O ' . I � . .1 Present plebeian price. . � L . L . . tempted -to kill him. . . I I king L the heights ,most frequently tile I ' - There is no friendship, no love,� like Of r - ieyn,, who bad -the plane of L . . - . . � - � I 11004PUOXI� But MS S I I I . �- - L ' L' . I R. BRUCS . � .. -----I.- I I I � . __ - 20. Herod feared . - . John. . . Chitambo, Son -of the chief of the of the Trocadero,, which were eonnect., there 'are many beautiful sentiments, that qf. *parent' toy; childi-H. W. the "Irttsi President. -of the 'Orange . .. I ... I . . D SURGEON DENTisT. � I 'L I - - T MO, Tip. 1 fear thAt wan Mo . ,to th With a samle name who ruled the district ad with the Chamba Blysee byapark, and Individuality- and originality in Beecher, ­ . .. . . Lod Roerts called , f " . . - I L An reverence, when Livingstone died there, Capt, Coot I . . ,. , . L LL Specialties --Crown and Bridge Work and I . and for which A I . ailled a hall able to,acoommodato regard to these Mottoes are�becomlng . Thtrb'is,always room for a man Of him in 'his dispqtch-and President I I * L . I . � � preservation of ibellaturld t4343th, � . . I I . . � L are WOTO Mt least 2ia, the -Belgian officer and explorer, between 6,000 and 6,006 ,Persons, The very populai. The'date is. always Sri- force, and b I Smokes room f . or many. Kruger not emulated those be . st-laid � ... .. OFrICE-Coat6l Block, . Ct�NTOX. , Aft three,reasons: 1. John was the most delivered the Plate to the chief, but exhibition -attracted 52,885 -exhibitors graved in the wedding ring. �J-; . P I ns of mice, �nd man and gone agl� , . . ___­ �. Ke. %O . . popular of living Jews, What he Bla wah laot able 0 Visit this(' ties and 10,100,000 visitors, the largest At. . - . L . ,� . Mergon. . L 0 a Y � F . said they accepted without �rgumont. and the tablet was,atolen soon after tendanee on one"d To persevere in no's duty and be would in due courow have boon the I I . I , I D R.AGNIMW ' . �L . . What despot co Id b L tea' it had been . ay being 20,0000, The . , TO.C1x AN F INE LACE . . alltilt is the best.,answer to calumny, wife of tba second President, of ihat . . , u . ut .� the de- I . Put in place by an Arab awards numbered 29,810, The 0 1 � -' copse Washington. ' . . . . � . . . nunciations . . uttay Occasionally a Vices of fancy work L G . great South African Ropabilo reach- . DnNIIIST, Of � Such ft man N2, John slave traderwho was.ralding Cho 01,4111 was X2 360,000f this reee than on the lace 0 The man who loves home best, and Ing from the Zambesi to tile Cape, I ,� V w soil I CROWN A141D BRID09 Wbnit. . rePresented GO i and. how many An- slave trader Who. wan raiding.tho fialf that auto, tho, deficit of 41,209,000 an , L loves it most unselfishly, loves his Hersis ther romance of the chief Boer . . OvFICE-AdJoInIng Postees Photo' Gallery! your, . gels. waited on him, what suPerxiatur. country.' , . 6eWg borne by the State. ough to justify Sacrificing Its new- country best. -J. G. Holland. I .. Woman, though her life has not boon , . CLIA"N, I al powers had been Intrusted. to him, After Mr, DoUlett-Weathorley, via. 'Vas . neSS to the process of w�asTljng. If such . Off'r. V0111h . . . Sing over th'a Universal Exhibi- Good hum ' all prettiness, for she has helped her . . . .11 . 1, . I � . 1, I . I . Herod did not'know. Without spiritual ited -the tree three YeA:ra ago he wrote tjohn, of less impoi:tance held W01rk ,is laid away tot a week I, o, ' . or. and generosity' carry L - - .. � ... religion Herod bd-.d spiritual Supersti. home that Although it wan still Stand. at heavy -book between blue tiSsua Pa. the any, with the popular heart' all husband as much as it was possible for . V5t_6?1NARY - - � S'YdheYo X. S. W., In 1870, at, Mal- Par, having had rubb the ,6il�� the world over.-Alexarlder Smith. . her to do in the . . I .1 I . tiolft. and did not dire to'flsht tho Unw Ing Lt wao In an advanced state of e4- into ., . early days of his . I 1. . . . known. 3. With all Ilero&o Intl talty of deorLy, and must soon perish, lnvolV� bourne in 1830; at Amsterdam in 1883, ad places calcined magilosia or. pt To improve the golden moment' of career, and there are, it. hi Bald, hun� I LAOICALL & 13ALL . It yott Aft young you hat, I . . . ,r At Antwerp in 188o, At Baxeslolift In clay, It will �Orha Pe- opportunity, and catch the good that dreds of documents in the archives I of . . . . . � Selfishness of purpose, he boa in Iption lgeB� Cut Cleaned and B VP,TERINARY SURGEONS. ,GOV- ' urally appear so. will and, g the destruction of the inscri at Brussels in the same year, we brightened by the pr000bs. Th!' is a is within our reach, 'is the great art the SuDrbmo Court at Bloemfontein I It you sift old, why ap. 4 Jewish admiration Of moial.goodw unless some steps were taken for its m e 8 � . which are in bar writing. Mrs. Stoyn. * MRNMENT VDTORINARY INSPAOTORS Preservation. The Royal GoographioaA good Way to'trout, Battenbe of life. -Johnson. . � . so? UBS, and recognized holineali when l he rg and - - , OFFICE,ISAAC STIIXET�,RMIDEXOH, A � LIxAT I OvIllat youn,j InVardly; wo. ' it. Joh,ri V�as A just man VXIVBR8AL EXHIBITION suggests the fratricidal nature of tho a Society decided to have the section at , rarls In 1889, This Wa 'Point lace work which has become din. . STREET, CX,IXTON, I Will look a tot the out. saw- and that Contains the Inscription CA dt Out a opened gy or yellow, . so.fin CAN PROVE IT. I war, for Scotch blood flows III her I holy, and Herod could not but .r on MAY Oth' and com 'sod Yourigpop, a awfully proud of his ,yeins, hot father having been at one ". I . - w4rdly. him. Observed him. "Kept him ever , a a the tree and taken to London to pri buildings , -------#- . . boy, isn't he I I ,time a minister of the North o Soot. AUOTIONEER . You need not w6fty longer I On the Cham*0 do Mars, the Trocadero, .f . - about those little streaks of Ilia Anger at.aohn made Sat"'* be 'Placed with other .rdllosl of Living- The Chiffon scarf Is Ono of the most I should say so. Why, heys boos t I - him glad that the Quai d,O,r 11 a land. I : , r HoS. BROWN . grAy,# advance agents of age. he WAS O,Ut AWAy froft the multI. Stone, Mr. Alfred Sharpe, the Brit. � sat, the Esplande des popular and beca Ing n I oak gar - Ill. pborlogiaph solas 0 cap a record of What obtains with the'throd Ilko- . ' I . tudes', his reverence for Job ' iah Commissioner in the British Con. Invalldes, as welt As the Valais del -In. tu'res Of the spring. . .. the bright things the youngster says. Wins ob, L10 NNSVID AUCTIONARR. . . A made � � _ , -66, . ..... -.-----.-- tains with the fourth � 17. I ------ _�_,�;;- . I SAM 9 . him glad to haVlo him safe from Hero� tral Afrion, Protectorate, undartook dustria. The show altogether includ i- -,--,- , 1-___-1 � . of the chief Boer woman, the I SalosconductedinallRartaof the counties of . to carry out the wishes Of the Society Ing the numerous places of % Amuse: Upton and Perth , or erg left At Tax NEWS . I I dias; Iftoll his .heard him, be did r4s, he n,spector .. 1 ­ Wife Of the supposedly invincible Rnaoxv offlci,Y, Clinton, or addressed to 86a A ' many things, vlb Itevioad Version, when an 001)OrtunitY occurred, Find. moot, Covered 551,865 squaj6 ya . � . Crqnje, who, Napoleon -like, felt be. forth P.O. 'wil receive prompt attention. Bat- The structure took ur I . Wootton uaranteed or no oharges, Your Pat- - 1. . . ­ I following MOSt. AlacleAt., authorities, 109 Idst Year that Mr. R. Codring- .. W1,497 square � � . . 1. . rolIA96 Solicited. - &k , renders this "he was muoh perplex- ion was about to visit tlxe region of Yards. There .were;? r-1,480 exhibitors, I. fore the Modern Wellington of the . . BrItislisarmy. The epitome or he life I I . I Lake Ilangweolo he requested him to who shared 33,886 awards, and the via!- 19, 13d." Ills Staab of ilghb told b1h love of is found in the request Of her busban4, ' � MISCELLAN&OUS I wrong, � the Influence of John And the undertake the work., Mr. CodrIngtoft tOfrg numbered 28,000,000, The expendl- . of Steamboats - ­­­_ . ture a . who, in the moment of his (fateat, Ask � � - ­ � �o ____ .. . WfI#s of Herodias, tn4,ke ,him uncertaln consented to do so And it little lat. . ,mounted to 44660,000, This to. . ad first that his wife might not be GE -0. THOWHILL � . . iVhAt course to take. Heard him glad. or under the guidance of �Ohltambo oalr.ta to 42,000,000, leaving a hand- For -the Dominion dovOrnment Wits UWW16 io find a oUrd for Separated from him, When the his- ' ' HORSPISIrOnR AND Hair IY. go wanted to obey his higher Ale found the tree stIll Standing, but some surplus of 4400,000. The gate ItIlhing Pfloo-After 0 years of topturo he wlis pogItIV61y tory of the war Comes to be written OgNtRAL ]ALACKSMITIt, lfta.ttlro, - buti could not because of the In a "ry bad condition, When the M0116Y 00ne Yielded no less than te84%. ourod by � . 06 harries of these four women Will � Woodwork Ironed and flrst�claae inatefle I � tree W6A fd1lad It was &fAnd to be 40O.. . I . I .1 and Strength a b(ff, lolWer. nature. . I appear, but If the history of theso . work guaranteed. FArmimplOffidlitsand mx _. . I completely hollow. The Inscription In 1893 the 1LTUIted States boldaS6. Obifiev, kabUilt and topalrod. , 91. Apottivotitent ddy, Convenient four women Were to ba written the toV Herodias. nor evil purpose (had bA& been Purtly effaced by wood,bar. Cond UnIversal'exhibition on this a a, I . . World Might then road the real history BBINOA SPECIALTY, . .,arm, , So for as It .Was legible, It was 000810A In Jackson ravk, seven miles "160 in .10 I I long bton chai"ad. 11,orod on I to . DrIll Ch. 0* tment. I Of the war. I Athmat STusivr. Ranw, CtIN-rair., I V r birthday Made', it supper to his ford1s. as follows: f"In the' cfttrO of Chicago. The name � . I I I I I .. . I . .1 I � ­­. , I . . I . . Herod was fatnous for ,big birthday DO, LIVINIGSTONP, given to the Undertaking was the I I .01L � . I �, I so y � MAY 4. 1870, "World's Columbian llialr�l It opened Mr, 0. P. St. John, the 1)(1milliOn ingrlector of Steamboats, I t - . eXPERIENCE supper$. Pordius, a Roman pot, . , r681ding AT TAST, r 11 I 1. �. ! will surely reatm color to speaks, ot him As sitting years after % # . ZA, winiasore, on May 10t, Arid was the largest AN At NO- 246 8haw street, Toronto, was for many years CklOf engineer 01i In a ftmetory near Portlanit, thar# . � I I L gray hair, ind It will also Uellopere, Well as the most wagniflolent oxhil)i- the lake steamprA, AndIs A pronlinent citizell. . are five tablets 01 alike, excoplt the, � . � I I � give your Wr ill thel wealth, at the , tablo, sureoun4ed by his . � . , A : . . I . and gloss of tarIV, life, I friends, AsSeltablod In limor of Ilia T1118 section W48 VorY he4vy and had tl()ft the universe has yet, Mean. The , In the 6110W,109 Voluntary 16-tter Mr. St. John tells of hig e#Orts tO In8orlp'"Ons I which rea. 4'. � k . to be momowhat reduced In RIX6 Ill, or. buildings 13LUbrace Do not allow ifie tolling of ,d We 6novmoum 1 ,Anne, first wifis of Sohn Prowa. birthday. Ii6fore him, (it a red por(i,a. rid himself Of the misery of Itching Pileal And of his final success by ug. Our halr'ttv threateft you dor to tr&UMPOtt It tO 016 Sea, When Orem Of tIOArTY 22)5 Afro& of exhibiting , Mary, second wife of John Brown, ��� ­ I ____ fain diAh-W4& it tunny fisli. Suddenty , - of the gallorleso the Ing Jane, third Wife of $Ohn l4rown, TMADt MA111111141 lonpr with baldrifts. Donot, It wax, unpocked In London It wan apace, Inclusive M. chasels Ointment. He says,-. . - be annoje4 with dandruff. 'A th&t "all' with the red po"O"ll'" found to h&vo stood tho journey OX. entire area of 3ackson Park and Mid. Olara, fourth wifo of John Prown. ��I, 011MIGNS I . 0 I suftored for nine years front Itchingr plIft, at t1me8 bohig unable to I .1 I coo,violohle &a. , We V 11 mend you out book About it, lit smv the heAd of aniurder- ftomely well and steps wore at once way Pleasance, where they stood, I*. -Tahn Brown. ,kt rest at just AfildnargeddidIV it bkote.111 And 4##M an the Halt W Scillp, free ad Man, And b00AM6 S(Ok With T6ffiOr86, steep on stcoollint of the AnvipyAnca cauqed by thooi After trying almo,st _ U16k n 6 ro Wan WAItT. I r1V taken tot Its Permanent presorwt. 1119 ft 462`0,41, Altogether this exhiblo : *11 rctmediet In vain* I bAkan the use of Dr. Chait'-B I my Is P P �6," uponi r*quftt. I LOWN, high taptains, and'ohlof estat- olotminnt, which eft, 1 _____41-__ - to tilb OL 06111 "Illow i ( . 41maid OnTmofta tIon, tiOrl was four tialbs the Alza of tbo tirely cored trie, I cannot speak tod highly of it. I have rceommended It � t .. M", ~4 14 tho 0"fee. I I" uANG . � . , "ONV4 1 1116ft do "" Obftlh 0111 tho ba" - NobIti, army officers, And W610. _­­­ ,,& ... ... __ Paris &hIbItiOn of 1889, Th# outlay to severAl of my friftlis, KII bf whoin havd b6an eumd by Its use." VISUALLY A Clu f i I .. , thy Mon, Th6 Baehelor�­I doult a ,_ , on " "i'd fr-m tho %. *f ' NOT TOO RIND OV IWWORI), WAM 196,000,MO, 6xe-luMV6 of 41,140,000 "' ,,J*, r, iftothodoerrtbantm . Prix1rin I 21, 23, The daughtef; * MAIIIA nanie Aver chanseq when hs, . I r thom it *6w Iffie."It of the said expended by fOr6i9n Power M. Chisi1e,11 OintMent ig an stbgoluta cUre for plfleg. It ig the onl,y I "ILAour fmimat arstaft wba Mrs. Wunder-lter6ls 4n Item ,%bout A. Th6 da- gets marritd, " f, I I 'A I � 4 I I I � c 01 , I , I I... I . - ad . . I ro� � . I ,10 . I I n a on. I I per 8 It 0 , L 'Ii - , - Ail 1_1 'a t came, to 44,00,00, eov6rod P*rtly tOMIdY guaranteed t6 cure plies, whether blind, itehing, b1dedifig or prcu . I I Iteroding Parad lup and danced, Th a, gifl who c4a sing any song oil rol. ft I The 11lenedict--ft, ym, it ,does. jae,l t LWAMW I 1UvIxe4 Vl6rsjon brings Cut mor: dora. I bY a Government grant of xi,ou,sK trudirip It 16 the OnlY pille cure having the endorsement ot ernIntAt fore we Wdro married toy Witim ealled , 11 AtiO11191Y 06 98tonlAhmitnt of the pta. Mt. Wunder--SII6 must be a &ono. Uld As to tW balanco by a subsorky. physicians, &n4 of th6 bsat citisens 1� the Isad, At tilt d#Altrsj or Ed. Ift "D6ArMtt" and now the jgyg . , . I F - - to A" & Prince" datift, ftme. of itles,1*4 L I � ."a, I tIOn tafil&t AS it guArAfttrilli fund -in th4 I SAAASon, %t*$ &'Co., T01170ntO, ' I " 1(46jrt, you V I I I . 1. ,.*' I .1 ,f- ,., I- 1411! I � . 1 1, - . - I . � , . 't A - .1 I '. I � . .1 I . . ; ;_ 11 ... 11 ", , � 1�� �� 'I',, � I 00�`, ;,�,' -,v . I . � N, . � % - ��! ,1W , , , I , & , A, - , I:Ag '_ , __ ______ I ­,%A6Wi*Ar ! __ I.ALi "At -N YLI� I,,; ., �. ��_il ". � I 11 "L*"64 , 4", . 1, , . -,-,--,---�������������������������������������������������� .- 0 F ­? ­�­ _­1A�______l_A" - __ .11 3" �� IN&& k.,��,%J, "0__'-_ __1 I .