HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-28, Page 4JAS. McMURCHiE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BLYTH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes %specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Cit Rates We Offer every aueommodaUon con• slating, with safe and conservative banking principles, UNLIMiTED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates ofdnterest. PAGE Fong--T11E BLYTH ,STANDARD -MAY 28, 1908. �tGlic Bluth gtatteai t. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, MAY, 8 IRS People We Know REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our List for sale, Rents collected, CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to, INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance oompenlee, and respect, fully solicit your mount. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to a P,M, Business Cards. FtiOUDFO0T, HAYS & BLAiR, Ball'idters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Rte. Offices -Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderlcli, W, Proudtoot, K,C. ; R, C. Hays, G. F. Blair, G, E. LONG, L.D,S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. W. J. MILNE, M,D.C.M. Physiotan and Surgeon. M,D,C,M„ Unt. varsity of Trinity College; M,D., Queen's University; Fellow ot Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physielaue and Surgeons of Ontario, Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. ROBERT H. UARNISS BLUEVALE — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at' THE STANDARD oflloe, Blyth, El. S. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at the alive of 'lint STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Rabies oat SS G Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. SQ QS SS G First-class Horses and Riga for hire at reasonable rates, Beat o! accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary office at livery stable, KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTN, • 1+ the leading business training school In Western Ontario, We give a thorough practical training on commercial subjecta Isaac Pitman's Shorthand. Touch Type. wrftina and In commercial and roiliest! operating. Each department Is in the hands of experienced Instructors. We assist students to p0' loons. Our gredu• atm always succeed for our courses are the beat. Get our free catalogue and learn more about us. You may enter now, ELLIOTT d McLACMLAN, Principals, I 6)'< $1 upwards Mr, Frank Everett spent the holi- day in Stratford. Mr. 13, Gerry, of Brussels, was in town last Saturday. Aliso Nora Gracey, of Winttham, is visiting AL's, Jas. McMutchte. Miss,1lyrtlo Bengouglt spent the holiday at her home in Henault. Mr. Leon Scott, of Seaford), spent the holiday with his parents in town, Mr. Griffin and Alias Griffin, of Wingham, were in town yesterdny. Mt'. anti Airs, P. Gardiner and Master Cecil spent the 25th in Exe- ter, Mr. T. W, Ralph, of Toronto, spent the 24th at the home of the Editor. Air. Geo. Spotton, of Wingnam, called on THE SI'ANDARo on Tuesday evening. Aliso Lizzie Brown spent Monday at Aurora, the guest .uf her friend Allis Morrison, Miss Porter, of Berlin, was visit. ing her sister Miss Porter, milliner, for a few days. Miss Attie Emig)) spent a couple of days last week visiting with Mrs. John Hartley, at Clinton. Rev. 0, N. Hazen, B. A , of (lode. rich, was calling of Rev, S. Ander• 800 Wednesday morning. Mrs, T. W. Ralph, of Toronto, was a visitor with Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr during the past week. Mr, Andrew Ballantyne and Mr. Geo. Smith, of Toronto, were re newing old friendships in town. Mr, and Mrs. James Sheriff, of Wingham, wore visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Stalker last week. Ah'. ttnd Mrs. Alex, Taylor, of Port Stanley, were renewing old friendships in Blyth and Morris to:vnsltip. Mr, John Shaw, of Clinton, a forme' princiral of the Pcblie school was calling on friends in town Saturday night. Alr, Wm. McKay, frotn Los Ang- eles, Cai., and Mrs, Gen. I31etz, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, R, Al, McKay, The visitors are brother and sister of Mr. A eK iy. Invitations are nut for the Mar- riage of Miss Violetta Ileatrice Thompson, daughter of Mrs, Thorn p. son, Albert street, Cliuton, to Geo, E. Mc'l'aggnrt, ot Blyth. The bride is a charming and popular Clinton. Ian with hoots of friends, while the groom to he is the eflleient G. T. it, agent in this place. The wedding takes place at high noon on Wednes day, Jutte 3rd, After the honey- moon the happy couple 10111 taste up their residence in the house recently occupied by Mr, McNitlly, CHnftcn NOTICS, At London the Junior Clergy Unhat elected Rev. W. H. Hartley as President of the Uniorn. Atcssre, Wm. McElroy, Wm. Jack• son and D. D. Crittenden are op - pointed delegates to attend tate Methodist Conference at Exeter in June, * Re.v, Dr. Jas. Husser, of Po'rlwlch, will occupy the pulpit in the Aletlto. dist church on Sunday. *0* Rev. Mr, Anderson will preach Sunday School anniversary sermons on the hirkton circuit on Sunday. *** From the circuit of Trinity church Blyth, the delegates who are attend- ing the Synod of Huron in London are Rev. Bartley and Frank Metcalf, Blyth ; Richard Corley, ilelgrave ; and Jas. Johnston, sr., Auburn. *,* Services at Auburn and Smith's Hill lost Sunday were conducted by A, T. Barnard AI. A., of Kingston. **,. Rev. J. L. Small will conduct pre- paratory service at Walton to, - morrow (Friday) afternoon. W * * On Sunday Rev, J. L. Small's sub- ject in the morning will he "Grit's Sovereignty and Main's Free will" and in the evening "Tile church and its members, The Imperial Stove Works at Mor- risburg were partly destroyed by fire, Like to Try Psychine I `lcttt0z tttt1 tit -idol: "tvorto "Please send me a bottle of Psychine. I have a child afflicted with tuberculosis, and have been advised to try your medicine by our family doctor, as be says he cannot do any- thing more for my child," MRS. II. STEPHENS. Arthur, Ont., July 3.4, 1907, Psychine cures when doctors fall. Many are sorry they did not try Psychine first, Throat, lung and stomach troubles yield to its curative power. At all druggists, 500 and 81.00, or Dr. T. A, Slocum, Limited, Toronto. hinjn• Stewart Mulvey, n w011 - known Winnipegge', died In British Columbia, -*- Charles Hennessey was killed by a burning tree fatting upon hila while fighting a forest fire near Co- balt, Will. Anderson, ex•1L P. P. for East Peterboro, is dead. -*- Mtturice Hill, a young English. man, committed Suicide near Indian Head, Sask., by shooting. BODMIN LIME WORKS 111 headquarters for Fresh, Pure, No, 1 Lune. Hlgheatrecon mends given as to the quality ot it, hav- ng proven Itself No. 1 on Govern- ment buildings. 13y purchasing from these kilns you patronize home industry. 25c per bushel, delivered Write or Telephone to A. NICHOLSON & SONS BELORAVE DONT FORGET Metcalf's Retiring Sale There are Bargains for Everu odg All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Gaines, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc., 25 per cent off. Watches 15 per cent off, Many odd lines 35 to 5o per cent off, Everything must go. Come and see, FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Empire Poultry Duster EXTERMINATES Lice on Poultry, horses, Cattle and Hogs, Ticks on Sheep, and Fleas on D age. Large package 25o. Fa ewe at Dr. W. J. Milne's White City Drug Store McMILLAN & CO. WANTED Any quantity of Eggs and Butter at the highest cash prices. Standard Butter Boxes for sale, McMILLAN & CO. Officers of the new Western Ont - Lawn Bowling Association, which has been called the Fafil Bowling Association, in iionnr of the donor ul' the clip, were elected as ollows ; ikon, president, Alex. Fail! ; president, W. J. Jackson, Clinton ; s, crettu'y-trensurer, W. R. Cole, Mitchell ; Executive -J. Galt, Gode- rich ; J. Fair, Chalon ; W. ilallan• tvne, Seaford) ; Dr. Btu'rftt, Mitchell ; F. A. Copus, Str ttord, The tourna- ntent will he held In June of each Year for the possession of the trophy, The first tournament will be on June 20th next at Stratford. -,- Last Friday night Ethel played n tie game in Brussels the score being 0-0. But on Tuesday evening in Ethel, Brussels defeated the home team by a score 3-0. The standing of the Lakeside League so far is :- Club Won Lost to play Blyth 1 0 15 Winghnnl 0 0 1G Lucknow 0 0 16 Kincardine 0 0 16 Goderich 0 1 15 Auburn. SUDDEN DEATH.—The people of West Wawanosh were surprised to hear of the sudden death or Fannie Robinson, beloved wife of John H. Al Ills, who pressed away at her home, Lot 26, Con, 2, oft Friday after suffering from paralysis for 30 trout's, during which time a child was born and is still living, The deceased was married to her bereft husband 13 years ago and by the union one daughter said three sons were horn, besides infant now : Mabel, Charlie, Albert and Russell, AL's. Mills was a daughter of James and hits. Robinson, of St, Augustine. She was a member of the Methodist church at Ebenezer appointment, and her pastor, Rev. Ali, Rei 1, con- ducted the funeral services at the house and at the grave in Ball's cemetery. To the husband, chit• Aron, mother and father and other relatives sympathy is extended by the neighbors and friends, ----- 8elgrflYitr A public meeting in the interests of John 'I'. Currie, the Liberal can- didate in North Huron, will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, on Wednesday, June ltd, at 8 o'clock p. m. W. 11. Kerr and Arch. Hislop will address the meeting. Every- one welcome, The Tomb. Afit.ts,-In West Wawa nosh, nn Fri- day, May 22nd, Fannie Robin- son, beloved wife of John Mills, ngred 33 years, 3 months, The Cradle. BALt,.NTYNO.—In Toronto on A pril 22nd, at 634 Wellington street west, to Ale, foul Mrs. Andrew Banality 00, 0 daughter. The Altar. Stats-'I'AsL ICE. -In the Methodist, church, Blyth, Wednesday morning, May 27th, by Rev, S. Anderson, Mr. Wm. Sims to Mrs. Mary A. Tasker, both of BIyth. CoLsON- Bow Es -In Bullets, on Wednesday, May 27t11, at the home of the br'ide's parents, by Rev. S. Anderson, hir. Thomas Colson to Miss Rose, daughter of Mr, and Airs, Geo. Bowes both of Hullett. Western Crops. Heavy rains which fell in Alberta. Monday and Tuesday, have given n fresh impetus to growth, In Saskat- chewan the weather has been very warm, and erops ai'e growing rapid. ly. In Manitoba the average height i3 four arid a hull' inches, Prospects everywhere are unusually bright. Albert Cullen, aged 17, was drowned :it Welland while bathing, James F. Creighton, of Owen Sound, murdered his wife and two stepdaughters and tired a bullet in- to his own head, _*- The Police Magistrate at Brant• ford warned the striking ' moulders that he would in future refuse bail to persons arrested for besetting the the (luck stove works, but the union men refuse to stop and nine men were afterwards arrested in the vii• cinity of the works. lilinery New Shapes, Sailors and Trimmings arriving every week. Come in and see them, they are the kind you want. There are two kinds of Millinery --the Fresh, New Stylish Kind--ani--the "Other Kind." Nearly all the trouble comes from the "Other Kind." We haven't any of the other kink.. Our stock is New, with new goods corning all the time, J. A. ANDERSON THE GREAT CARRIAGE HORSE LORD RUSTAM Will stand for the improvement of stook this season nearly altogether at his own stable, W} lot 80, con. 5, East Wawanosh Wednesday will po west from his own stable to Westfield and return by 0th line, \Sill stand at H111's Hotel, Bel - grave, on Thursday evening, Friday evening will he at Mason's Hotel, Blyth, from 5 to 8 o'clock, He will ctnnd for service at home Monday, Tuesday and Saturday, J, .A. McGill. Owner. 14'�im0 UPJ.00,11 r0 Good Advertising Brings Dollars, 0 0 r (95 ry rot Few men would think of trying to repair their own watches -they go to a watch- maker, Few would think of getting up in court todefoudanuctto) brought against them -they hire a Lawyer. But many ntel conceive the idea of going futon highly specialized business like ad- vertising without training, anti if their advertising foils oti,ve Gott advertising doesn't pay. .54ver'tisintqr will pay in almost any business if pro- perly handled. GO sieves gets 'file S'rANDAItn till the end ot' the year for all new sub- scribers in Canada. 1f you want ehcap reading loon at our clubbing list. CHEAP READING The Standard 91 00 The Standard and \1'eekl,y Ad ver- ... , . 1 65 Tho Standard and Weekly Wit- ness 1 00 'Ile Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85 The Standard and Family Harald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard rind Weekly Mail and Empire 1 85 Tito Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly 'Crimes 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free P>sa 1 80 The 5,andnrd and'1'oronto 1Veek- ly Sun 1 80 The Standard and Itatoiltou Twice•a-n'eek Spectator.,,, ,.,, 1 80 Tho Standard and Toronto Dltily sate 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Dtiily News2 25 The Standard and 1 ta'mer's Advo• vette................. 2 20 1'he S,andr,rd and Daily Adver- tiser , , 2 50 The Standard and Evening Fres PrOae 2 75 The 51altth rd 8 ,15 Toronto Daily World , , , 9 25 The Standard and Daily Free Prose 8 50 The Stet dai'd and Evening Globe 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mail and Ii;wJnir0 9 50 The St 11111rd and Daily 111;01 1101 P:mpiro 4 50 'L'he Standard and Daily Globe. „ 4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to �� n•.' '1'xF 9'rA>Dnitn •e'e Onso'otoreo''Oo MATH, ONT, Bargains in Parlor Suites 5 Piece Suite Sofa, Recker, Arm Chair and 2 Small Chairs, covered In Wilton Rags, six 1r el. Olt in all around, worth 452.50, for 315,0u, 5 Piece Suite Polished Mahogany frames, covered in fancy figured valores, worth 825.00, for 922.00. J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH Paint Protection You realize the nece.sally of protecting your house with good paint, but you do not realize the necessity of protecting yourself against poor paint. It all looks alike to the eon, but one kind conies off, the other stays on; one kind soon looks shabby, the other keeps new, The kind that bolds on strongest, looks new longest, is the Sherwin-Williams' Paint Varnishes, Stains, Carriage Paints, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Roof and Bridge Paint, Barn Red. It is the result of a quarter of a century's paint -making experience ; the product of the largest factory in the world. We sell 1t. McPHERSON BROS. Hardware and Tinware • - BLYTH