HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-05-24, Page 79 � 1� ___ '_ ­ � . -11. I—— I - , " - .__.______,_,__ -_ �___ �_ ._..__,____,_._..___ I - . .- .11., . ____�—_ �__ . The United Stateses Navy 'IQ ,art" HALF A MILLION 11 BROKE MARKETS OF THE WORLD , . Mont bag it *boll tbi4t 141, i4ld to, - otrate the heavi.94 armou platpeou ,r p a a. - SIEGE. OF' MAF KI,Nc RAIS�ED WE MOM 11 WIN Jroha Illarrabraeldt, AW0.4 "IMa"" " "" I PWAM WON PRIME I " 1P. _- - oonfessed tha is killed 11 . . . , it I luty �a, T MPANY'$ , . P" - aired 10, in Jersey City, to got his WORKS DESTROYED. Prim of Grain, cattle, Chem, U., " . ,;;:=_;��__-__�,_­ 0 Newsy Items About Ourselvei and week's wagers of $3. � � in the Leading Markets, �� Note$ 0 , Proc"djuga In ths Nation -0 . . I 0 . Mansion blotrad, th;D Lord Mayor and Our V eighbors--gometbing of Chicago's chief of police believes W-Strieclive Fort aeIl m. vollinerl-4-MeavY Toronto, May 22. -For an off day, al I 011slatura. his wife 490arod an abalcony before : pickpockets In the city have formocl Maims lit M"'Atty a"01 X"say Mess Th"I"wit our receipts were heavy this suo,Frelng, 0� �-W.,,"Praetor'la Officla*11y Announ�,es That IUD rairliculously-assombled, crowd, Iaterelit From EverY Qa,lr" 4 trust and assigned iiiamborij to at- oset or Work. op a total of 72 carloads of livei atoak ROYAL MINT IN CANADA. I . I . I which numbered tons of thousands, An ter of the Globe. . tend- celabradous. A despatch from St. 0itharines, out, came in to the western. cattle yards, Colonel Prior asked if tbars had boon go . The Profostant churches In New Aays:_Tbe moat disastrous coliflagra- t,he Investment Has Been immease portrait of Col. Baden-Powell I � 0 Yoxl� and Brooklyn spout last year tloa comprising 1,100 hogs, 1,000 cattle, 000 any recent com 0 1 was displaycil, bearing the basorip- CANADA. nea)'4' VJ,300,000 for n h he Matory i lambs, yearlings, and alleep, so calves* rm,orial munloatiou wItI& the . I Abandoned, . Uoa:-'*%feRIng Relieve Owen $ound'a population IN 8�861, all The total acovastons. to in Of this city was that which destroy- , r Goverriment respecting the I 0' While . , .e= oual a dozen milkers. establishing of a branch of the Royal .I,*. I . I Vt - 'the Attendants, Increase of 459 over ip.st year. .. w4ra 5,728. 1 ad on WeduaRillty the lurge fact — I . ­ I were waving Union, Dry SbIpping cattle Was ulachangedand Xint in Valeada. There . Jacks, the T,Grd M ROV. Dr, -Tolla H. Doyal, of the First buildings occupied by the' eka . was a stro g I I , ayor bri nada steady,; choice stuff ranged from f6sli,ag all Over the country, especially A dies - . efly address- Ottawa builders will after ,Tuly 10, Presbyterian churob, I valiston a . ,patch from Pretoria says:_U tag that Nafeking had; been rellov- ad demand 20, coats an hour. ., I � the asselmblAga:- de- Cycle and Motor Company and -0 84,60I to 04.85 a,"d �4-00, with 05.as a in British Columbia, that there should, . . 's smelter projeot will be clared against golf, bicycling, _ Ili , I Kingston the Whole ot the Welland Vale Manufac- top figure for selections. be a a 'at in the Dominion, TM." officially awariounaied on Friday I ad " I wish your cheers could reach submitted to a vote of the electors. daily paper, social functions and pal , al A large thht wheya the laag f9fts , 4'W$ IN V,XGLAND. NIafek1n;g­'1-here the,sp000ll, wias In- -Montreal has, thr�e cases of small- "I"I And labour meetings on Sun. turl'ag Company'a shops with, the ex- Good butcher cattle waa steady, but . era and THE, NL quantity of bullion wa, I 11 � .a gol lr to Ban I torrupted by reraloubied' chearing, and pox. the first came from Winnipeg. day. � caption of the -two storehouse build- Interior grisdea wore Inclined to woak� Fran is n , .,, I arolaud, Xafeking had been severely A despatch from London, Saturday, �I,4e siaging of ,, "Rula Britannia 'I- ,The strike at the Sydney, C.B., mines � O OOP And with a Mint here the I It is asserted that nowhere In the lags at- the nortbi end og-tho yards. neiss on account of the large supply. , I I)ambar-ded the allege was abandoned, sayn.-There was a w4nderfat scolle after whio" ark- is over And the drivers have returned Worl o much candy consumed as A fortunate change pf wind saved Several loads were left over. , gold would be retained In Canada, so I I � . . . h the Lord Mhyor rem to work, lit the United States. Dating the tile4a I , that SUPPI � . 4. British force frova the south taking at the opera lit Covent Garden theatre od,_"Wo ,rover dogbied what the � . I buildings, the fire having oat- Small stuff, while not .lea Wblob were now Put,, � . end would, be, ox thlat Britisb pluok b By a recent militia order Infar eA, its way throught, the. whole premi- Changed, had a decidedly weaker ten- chased in the United States would be possession of til itry last year figures allow that the out- . quotably , , 0 place. when the relief at Xateking was made orth be called re, Put of theso sweets amounted to 076,. . , - . I : President St.eyn. arrived bore on t of ttad courage w.�pul,d conquer 0 . attaliona. willhencog I 000, I ROO just to the point where a spark Aallcy I bought here. , �. * � I I . . II)nOvkin. After tho second ac t ,It loat." glinalits. migrant American ships *built to 1899 num. would have- ignit , ad the rooif. Hogs are steady and un hanged. Mr. Fielding said there had been . �, I Wednesday, night, and bad long and "Lobeeigriu." the Prince and,X-Irincess , The Lord Mayor thau lod he-orowd ' The Northwest had 6,500'IM 0 some negotiations between the depart, . I minging "God Save the Queen, and arrivals in April, an increase of 701 bored 954, and they had a gtoss ton'. 'IT WAS .TB;D For prliae boge, scaling from 16D r T I close conferences with the Transvaal of Wa lea, the Duke of York, tho Duelli. in ,. 07,02 tons. 'This is ve - � i FIERCEST pyRE4 - ment ,of . , ry . Finance arid the Home Gov. .' . "Soldiers of the Queetia," and with[ n, over April last YOar. . ,,,, to 200 Iles., the. top price -is 61�80; I . . 914 . � Fife, We King of Snoden and ,lo:: (t,c '1808, when one ship, that the city has ever known"ana , I Government. He left here for the Free ass of 'Tunisian in bringing was more the ga� r erament, but 'not recently, it washy . - - I 1. Norway, And Princess Victoria wore nowed obooringj au(14 the Waving Of The steamship the built, and the tonnage was only brigade were driveri from point to bi�avy hogs, .5"o; and light bo ) no means clear that the a tablishruent . Stuto yest . 10D Royal Engineers to strengthen "42 tons lose. . . I Is I . . I , . � * , -ar.day night., Addressing a present. The news apparently am- flags by the ass -ambled Inulthtude, and Esqu,imalt garrison, I I V�,int by, the intensity of the flames, Mo per 1b. . . of AROyal Mint in Canada under the I I . , . A- � - I crowd ou the platform, tie urged them , anats4 from tb�e jilxia�oe of ^Waloh. but tile 1110aging of "For He's a.Tally Good I -laws I Frank Lantol, a Lower operator in Severa FOIIOIWIng Is the Tango at quota. � 4� � . . Brantford has passed by to ,I .lines Of hoso were destroyed . Isaias terms and conditions as in the . I -iord X-,)yor and -his raise §25,000 for flood proventiou'and the employ of the Baltimore & Ohio do.ers*,- , , � � - to. be of good cheer. 4 . t t416 bouse was quiet until'the inf orma- E0110WIt" thiI' I � Railway Company, stationec , I at the before they could be taken O�It, but I case of Australia would serve the par. -1 f (I reached tho gallery. The Audience p8rty retired. . . , . . , I � It Is reported that 5,000 British 3On . I.. .. 812,000 for hospital improvements. entrance of the tunnel at Philadelphia-, there was no shirking, from the ardu- . -.-. CuIttle, - I Poses Of the -Ufc laical, It must be . . � � . . . . . 's . . . I lw� to the Speaker of the M"itaba,Legis- � 'N" � . Mennonites of Sommerfeld have sent I$ bald responsible for a railway col� � . �ftn . I � there a anounced the no. wa In the voice ' DIA RY OF �7 , Shippers, per OWL. t . 84.25, 05.00 b -broope have surrounded Christiana aH ST.RG lision that wracked several cars, kill'. Olas task thlat was before them. .1 Orne in mind thot the Australian and . � I . . . . 11� of a Stentor, and demanded thht the Oct. 14-Baers marcht . on town. latare §215 for the Patriotic Fund. It was About 8 o'clock, In the Moro- Butcher, choice, do, , , .8.75 4,25 English sovekeign' was the same, bur" � � . and 'that Lauddorart and. other. of] l'oroliestri, play "God Sa . va the Queemil . Oct. 1&-33oer& repulsed, ." . I ed five or six men, and caused afire ,ng When the fire. o . rigin , atod in th Butcher, mad. to good,, 3.25 3.021-2 the fac I It of our five -dollar piece being . q� . I W,. T, 3. Preaton stated at Montreal tbat the firemen could not coln with, ,a Butcher, inferior, . . 2.50 8.00. . . I � � 01. I crials have.,been takeo prisoners. i Herr Mottle, who was conducting, had Oe,t, 28-Bourbardment. that one thousand Icelanders will to- President' McKinley will invite boiler'room at the bicycle shop, a Stockers, par owt. . . 3.00 8.75 different created an . important diffx- ' I .. .1 0711mas Milra3 the correapondentof retired, and ,the remaining musicians Dee, 24-Sartle. . I 11 oats in Canada dawinfil the coming Great Britain'to join in an laterna- room attached to the main*brailding. . � culty. The matter Was engaging the . . � . . * summer. � tional commission, .four from -each Sheep and Lambs. � , . _,,�, .�,�,.' . the Reuter Telegram 0ampally, who 11'esitated, but the audience strack up Dec. 26 -Unsuccessful sortie. .. An Ottawa despatch says the 48rd Government, to consider thadiveral Thera were a few.toolm&iera at.work, . attention Ot the Government, but he . , t,ble,natjotsal hymn. The royalties came March 16-PJumer having on Sheep, per owt ...... ... 4 00 4 5 was not in a . ' I �� , � advanced * , and when the flames c , - 0 .position to make any do. i , : I . ., ". , 'has been a .prisoner 'here, was liber- to the front of their box, the Prince of' saill-thwards t battalion will shortly be furnished of wat6rs along the.boundary.of the r' m( earlings, per OWL ... 5 25 6 �5 I . , . o Lotbatsi is forced to re.�. with khaki Uniforms as an experl- , United States and Canada, caused by 4A alarm was sont in f o' box. 38s Spring lambs, each ... 2 DO 4 50 . , ' �:. I Wied and escorted to the border this I Wales beating time., .perhaps n0000- I tire. to . Crocodile Poo4 . I Mont. .- I . finite 4,tatemout. . . . 11 . 11, ,� I -' � I improvements at the Welland, Sault .which is 'situated just across the oftnal Bucks, per owt ... ...... 3 25 3 '75 . ME MBERS APPOINTEIII. I . . .. I I , - moraing. . . I solously, witu his hand. The ,,,,. March 81-Plilmor Repulsed at Rain- Ontario and New York will take Ste. Marie and Chicago drainage at th6 oil Milkers and Calves. Sir Wilfrid . I I . .e I'' L- - THE NEWS, CONFIRMED, I terminated Withl roars And cheers of athiabasna. I joint action to Prevent the 11 dyna- oarals, � . . d of the float. . Cows, 'each ... ... ......... 25 00 45 00 . Laurier, in reply to Mr, . 1. , . , . There was a quick response,. and E. P. Clar . . - , 1, i A despatch trQm. London says . .---Co " May 13-Badea-Poweil lays trap, in -of f Isla in the. St. Lawrence GagNERAL. I , Calves, each ... I ... ...... 2 00 10 00 ke, gAvo the uames4nIIIe-. . � I , 1� I I jubilation. . - . I Itlag " � meanwhile the south end of ihe large I . . I � . ` �- . I .1 I for river. . I � . . . I . . teen members of Parliament who re- . . I � . . � I . -Drayfus is regaini . Rcgs- I 1, . � I , 1� Baden-Powell's brather, who is in ,Lor . AT THE, MANSION HOUSE, �. Baerg and capt'a-res Krugarlis grand- . The advantage of the new Souiangos . ng his leatill. bloyoLe building was . . , .. . . stgned * their sea , ts in the Commons and - . . I . . I.; . s,an and 70 Boers, 40 being killed. * Canal has been already, shown by the . T4e plague has broken out'at Hong A MASS OP FLAMES, Choice hogs, per owt. .6 00 6 121-2 1 � .� L I ' . s th relief 1 May . . Kong- . . . . . . . were appointed to p'sitiams between .1 � I don, to -day received a tele,graw.from I As'soort !t' We flows of a t I 14-Bumbaraluiplit, . I I number of large vessels using It and . - I . I Light'hogs, per on L- 5'QO 5 37 I -Y 0 . . � $V',� , . . � . . I Tho wind was blowing down stream Heavy hogs, pe 0 � . el, �, - a Dut0i friend in Pretoria, annodne- I of Mufoking was proclaimed a the , I the time saved by them. . I King Otto, (if Bavaria,.i& saiii to be , r cwt. 5 00 5 621-2 Novemb r 1, 1873, and N,�-vembor 1, : , I I . � . ., . I . - � - . 1. ­ , ---. . . - . I I imer of the North- 'dying. . I . and tanned the fire to such an extent Sows ...... .... I . ... ... ... 3 00 . 8 121-2 1878, azd oX two other members, of I . . I I . -------- ---..---.-.---- .. _ . . - �- . -, __. . " - _ _... , - - - � .. . _ 1. . . I .. � ' . Commander Herel I . . . I ' ' I . . - I , _.. I . .. I . . � p west Mounted Police, in his annual Mount' Vesuvius is still In a sta t,i that it wss readily seen that the Stags ...... ...... ...... ...... 2 00 2 121-2 Parliament who, after dissolution, I "I, RD 1 N . . � 14 . � Toronto* Ma�y.22.-Wheat - Local I �. ; �"I.l_ , -01 ERIN,8 LT.NE 18LE' - LANCI'S NEK TUNN U- report, says crime is on the increase Of eruption. '%Velland Vale :shops were doomed. . P I , I . were also appointed to positions. I �, .. LEGIONS LOANED BRITAIN.- FR � I . , 1. all through the territories. � . .1 � . � . I ", " . , . — I I . . Bubonic pla tie is spreading in From the bicycle shops the flames prices were easier, and business con- , LEPEA PATIENTS. . . . I �, l. _ . . — , I . . .. I . . . .. . The I Sanford Manufacturing. COm- Rod Sea ports, 9 � . O offi.;s. tinned d.11. MuniLobas eased off 1-2c. � .1 . . . I ' " . �,� l , � !�:. .: I Blown Up With Dynarrilte and Com- pany of Hamilton has been given an . . . leaped Across the lano to'..th . : Mr. Prior was infor ' Mr' I . I � I MEN HIRED IN EUROPE TO FIGHT WHAT IS -GOING ON 114 IRELAND I Siberian OxIle'is td be abolished - by I Quotations are as folloWs;-Outurio, mad by I . ' .. . . . 98'. con- . . . ' ' .. � .. L'.." . l � I . I I I . pletely Choked From End to End. � . order.. f or 30,000 Ichaki* serge unit orms. order of'th*e Czar. and the axa,'factory. buildin Fisher that there were 19 pailents.in . I , I HLR BATTLES. -,� . I . . DAY BY DAY. . 7 1 . � . for the Imporl ski ted and White, 61 1-2 to 05o, nor th ` �; , � al troops now fighting � � . . :1 "; , . . . . . t , . — . 1: � . I � I .. . 9 to visit I and west; 05 1-2 to 06o ,east�; goose.- . . � , � I . A despatch from Volklerust an the ln.Soath Afrioa�- I Tae Khe.-dive of Egypt hope. , ming the axe sharpening depart- Tracadle LazarettQ. Of these 14 are I , a - , ' " � . America next Inset, the general machine room, the I . I . , *� � FlIty Yenr4 Agn Services air rareigise" Used- llusy.1'e"P:c or tliq 1112keral4l Isle-areeenr.- l er, via .Lorenzo A lady clerk of a I Hamilton law of year. I . I ' from New Brun I �.� 1 ,' , - . Wheat, 72c east,.and, 710 west; spring I swick, I from Prince 1, .1 , ly. at i relices Tiant, will 11plerpIat 11-141k Cam- Marquee, says: -The .1a.rge tunnel -at . . . the ,in. forging departihent, the gFindin . I , I I . 14) He 11:111ze-41-LuNt ocowill)II 111114 ties, while going t , The Sultan has orderis . . 9 Edward, 3 fror ' . ! . .1 o the bank with ,d . . "I" Done Was lit else Crinsealk 11TAL I r. saillaujiI. - . . .. I Media to -renovating of i4lit iron- too east, Bile; Manitoba No.. I hard, 77p, -A Manitoba And I from - , - , . . . � Laing's nek, wbich was 2,213 feet 116rig cheques which she eirried in her ,in, and the carpenter shop., These . . 1. , � l �'\­. k - I I . . . clads. .1 . � . I Toronto and west; and TI So, g. i.t., lake Nova Scotia. Mr. Fisher added that . . I I The British army first became a One of. the British soldiers serving and which afforded the only means hand ;�;e� a gust of wIndwhich blew � . ... . buildings were of frame and of, one I I I : he had beeh info . � .1� . I I ;� "I a i it the �recioas. papers down the street- Cecil, Rhodes is again at Cape Town. . I Tined tha:t there were . , ,, - 11 I � . . ­ standing force ,under Charles: 11, In in 'South Africk is a son of Jame' of' rallway communlextion. betwee .. storey And covered a large area. and rail.,' ­* �. ; . . . � I .. � I 11 11 I � . . . I All were recovered but one, which went There was no demoAstration, 9ver hie , Th . Flour��Qulet. Straight .roller . lepers on Darcy. Island- in British - I . I . . . � $ in - , . I - � � � the reign of William 111. there were. Carey, the Irish " Thvincible" Informer Natal, and the T,.ransvaal,..bas just over a store . , . . , arriyal�. - . � a two large wa�rehouses, whieb Columbia, but- he hadn .. . � . . who -was shot on board the -MeIr . . . � . . . � . . buyers' . bags, middle. freights, $2.50 . . ever been re; � so few gentleman willing to serve 0138 been.00mplately " destroyed by the. * . . were filled. with goods ready for ship- . . . I I I . . -, I I . . Lidut,Col . White, D.O.C., Quebec., * The Bubonic ,plague is generally . . I quested to remove them t Tr' I , by Patrick O'Donnell. j'aamite. line through. 'a . per bbl. bid and $2.60 asked.- Specia . acadle, - . . � - ., . as officers that a certain number* -of I I . . Boers, who blew it up witir d 'goes to Halifax. t I . I 0 1 . 0 1 . . ", 0 tAkb over the com- showing a -material dec ment, escaped by th wind suddenly . and the'Dominion Government bad re. I I ., . . � The, Promoters of the relief. fund d of the -provisional battalion sta- out India. . , . I .. . I � brand, !a- wood, $2.9.0 to $3. . .I - , � I . . I , 1. foreigners had to be enlisted .to pro- of the Irish Times which amounts - Aj very lirge qua;ntity Qf the explo.� .jn%n . . obanging. �. .. . . - . fused to assum, . . . � . . - ' . , I , I " � . wa a t er- -tioned there from Lient.-Col. Vidal, 'Police at'Vionna used swords- todtop - will throw 500 men Out o . fem- Xillfeealm741),6111.. Bran, 813.50 to 01.1 . . ,a the coat .of their . . I , I perly offic,er.the regiments. , . to' 413 000 have undertaken . to .to- sive was used, and !,is effeat . , This. , . _. maintenance flt� Columbia, 1. 1 . who. returns to his duties at :beAd- a f 1g, in :.. 0 � I . 14.50 to -S15 asks. . British I . � ,: � ". " . -was, felt for a.great - I tera as Assistant Adjutant -Gen- otudents. . . ­ . . L because such patient ,*or legally 4 � . - . 0, I :'' Until less than f if L� years ago, *hen lieve ?he" Dally Telegraph of any rific. The shook . . lit between Ger.� an lInd Catholi ployment and cause. it loss.of h4lf a asked, and'sboits, $ .. . I ' , I we had a war a' further grants to Irish; widows, as I quar � I . 1. . I . 1. . I I west. . � . . s. 0 . . _,�'_ '' G band, we sent offi- . I . I dis;tanca, from the. itifinel,, which is oral. . . . .. I -million dollar _, L I . . . . . " . . . ., I L 1. . . . I I . . , r's (7 v Ein.. .L I . � S. . _ . ­ . . . . . . 6harge-opon the province. . . L . � 1, Ent . .. L. ' rope, accompanied by his "favbim . I ,� . -L �Ylupatlly , wi . . I . .. diath2ot from annuities. . 'c,orniAetely choked up from end I .. . GRDAT BRII.tAIN'L The Shah of'Pe 1% is ,� last - .. - L� 11 corn . *war,. in th .. . . L . . . .1 . p . bials to Germany, and all over Opal � The following come..from Ireland, n" . I ,, .. . L . rite' ., AMOUNT OF. INSURANCE. ..-. 60,1IL yel I , - CANADI -EXHIBIT AT - P .L . . � : . to engage men to fight for us, re-� what . � .1 . ­ (In L : end �wlth huge masses of earLb, . 'The lUniversity I of Cambridge will Vife,. ' L� L L Chicago, No, 2AMarl low at 44 . AN., . ARIS. . I. � :` - a -we hkips no !one was foolish L I . , L . who. will disguise herself in maI6 � * � I I . . . . . .. . ­ L' ... I . . I .. I g OSOArLo . -attire . .. . I � . n the prpperty of :1-2c, -on t I . I . I 1 ,, , Marks an English paper. The man and rock, which will require months make Kin f Sweden, an LL, . I I . I The insurance o . .)rack .here; and mixed at 446. 1 n reply to Mr.: Foster L. Mi. F ' , . .1. . . � 1, . I - . . 161101191 to disobey the c6namaiid on - . . . I . � �. - . . . . .L , . I I . ,. 11 . . . . . , . said that 4bb . I !sher . I . . .. � engaged were mostly old soldiers, and . . .11 to. re- P. . . � . L .: .The Sultan of Turkey has sixty offi, the Welland Vale Manufaoturl gCo., nally at). 57-1-2c, north heid west, .and . lUanadian - exhibit at . . . . I otice,boa - wad great. engineering 's%i .� L I - , . L . . I - . IL � 1. I . . . : 11, I I . the .n I rd,;,"Alhia. bridge'LhaV move , L . - ,, . . I . . L . E ighty-seven ' Lamdonl' . laundries cars in Germany, studying military, and of. the .Canada.: Cycler and Motor :fallen offi. Carjota,4 d bra - . I I . . . 1 . .1 ' . . . I joes L . I . . re�.TI06 n i� Paris is,' with the* axe' I ]I -of : the - ' . I .: q I . � I ... I .. . I . . . ., . .. 1. opt O I � I L . ", were hired to fight until the ,war was Ing � bean blown down' no -one is al- . L al advanced pr . . : atharlues,'totalled 4253,- 081 -26. -,east, van I ­ . . I P. ., ' . f crated 1 a, trust- an I organization,� .1 . . Co."kt. St.L C . .. L L , finished. .1 owed .to OrQSS' Until L repaired.il.' ',, - All the­'�ommaudbes are occupy,ang 50 .. . I . I . . . � - . . . . .. . 'L L . . . . . . . I . . . I . � . I � I I L I Per cent. . . . . I . .. � .. . . .- : . German, the most 'id oed towards l: - . : L . , L .1 . L , O.report of Baron 000. Ihsiiranca. men. interested esti- Barle . . L . . . I . . . L . . - � During the reigns of all thaGeorgas For some time past -Ah. . a I T I allamore fine strateg''Ic positionsi, and feel con- L I L , . , A)6cording to th . I .. . Y -No,. 2.42c,west,'. and, 43c east; completion. With . respect to the . I I . I . . Lord - Wolseley, was thrown from his, I , . . � I . . * L , . L I I -Ourzon, Vioerdj.of India, the famine mate the loss to the Welland.VaWpro- and No. 1, 43o west, and.44o east. � cold'sio ' . . . .. a Town CO I dent that they can easily repel any ,horse, on Sixturday and,had his left cohditio6a have. improved in . some . . .. . . . m rage exhibit, Professor Rob. . � . ,, I German troops were regularly M- minissioners have been very fa . . . . I . . . . I. �. I L L ' . . I . party at 85 per cent., and on L C WORtL'5IO:,'Aud . I . , . . I .1 .., � ". � - 0 from. actively engaged in pushing forward i attempt Isy. General Buller.to enter' . arm sovorely injured, . ... . L the Can- . Rye_..�Qsijst . ar lots, . ertson had suctie . I � . . ,ployed. Most of them cam . I I . . districts and are worse Lin ;others,.. . . I . . � ealed in having the ' - . , . . I . I . I � 1. -.� 11, Ixess . L .The wid of the famous'Old Valley, L �, 1, Ig.the ada Cycle and Motor property ,is 52c, east. I . I' * � . - I I ,�': .. a h eorges,, It the Preliminary arrafigiments,for the thp, Tranovaul by W.ay Of Lati ug's nek. , � , o Cape olony d . . I I . I . . . . . : . desired changen! made at small - costs - , L '.. ... . ' .". .1 . .. boti6n of , . London,'is near. The judges L ba,V6 reaports lint C, liarin L total, or *95- per bent, on alit ' ' .: $2c, eas I � L . I . I L. . . If . L 't., '�, . . ,. 1, f at . .forty-five artisans' and � - . . � first three months of ' this year do- . , t. .1 . L . I be nearly 1 '120 , �, must be' r,emembered, were king$ 0 . L ----.*---' , ap;proved of plans for a new - build- I . .. . ,. � : and the exhibit wil L' . . L . . - . . . - . . I L . . . . . . �'., ��.� , I labourgral,cottages, which,W.111 involve - I I .. L . . 'L L . g o L . . ... . . . . crea:qed over'$3,335,000 and the exports . ,; . . I I - - . : . . I . . . i . "L_ L Hanover, as well as of' England. L , "a . � . . . L*. i, . I . With * .1 . , . Oa ts--�-E asy, . White ..oats,, norEle ' 'and' ,quite conoluded.in' ton, days.' . . � ..� . $k�. ' an expenditura- of Over' ieogo. I' � CAPTURED BY LHUTTONO., . Hiffisn Board of Trade retuins for nearly $30,000,000 As. �om,pared - AT MET'""RIA, wast, 261-2c- . L . . .' . I , . " � In 1756 an invasion of A figland was' . . L .A" The L Mayor of Dublin is elected by' - . . I the corresponding period last year. ' AFFAIRS. I . y . . ,, and east, � 27 1-2c. THE CAN`ADIAX.CONTIN6EkTS, . . I I . ,� ��,� 1. 'L I . . . . . ' . . .. . P �` _ I feared so 6,000 Hessians. were hired LIM vot, -of the M , L . . . _ . I. . . April, sh-ow increases of over §16�300 . . . . 1, . . . . . BuolC,�VL heat -Quoted ";at 50c .'w"t, :� - . � .. . . I .. 1, ,,�: . . embe I . I ' Anglop&obla has got ouch ahold of. ----%:L . I � L - I Dr, Borden, T . L , . ,,, �� rs.of the. oorr Colon I , 15,90000 In 8X_ Antwerp that L . � .. and 51' .. . . . oPlying to Mr. E. IF. , . I ..Iais Surprioe, Commandant 000. in. imports, and 4 . . . . a little English girl., at B* 'as c sast.4 ..: :­ . 1. -hat -,was impos . . . . . � . ��, 7, to come and defend these shores PofiLtion, three-quarters of'.wh6mare 24.110ers. ports. 1� I L . . , 'L . car. XeWspape� S ' trongly A dvbca.t . . . . Cl..arke, said. 1. .1t sible, %to .. ... I -ad attack. �qtha's Brother and . the.Ursulines Conient was Punished I .. Montreal, ,May 22.-Grafn�-Thete is ­ . . - � against the expect These Boman Catholics yet It has always . I . I . The British Governmen . . Destruction of the blines.." . . . 0 the boit.'of Provisioning the'sed- . - *. 1. 1. I . ' : L � t. will appoint by the aftna for 0howing'a copy of . I . . - Rome demand for oats-, buit-3therwim giv *. I . - 1; - 9 n paid at the British. been the oustoan'to eIecLt aProtestant , A desp,atofi� trom-.Loandosa, 'aa . A d6s . itch'from Pretoria says:- .. . . . . ' . I l . ;' . Y8:- a committee of scientists. to enquire the - "Absent-slof nded Beggar" to. bar P . . . . .. . . ond. CuAdiann cohtinpnit separ�ataly, � I I 11, L . I L , L L L .. I of pet X_ � OvOlubuts in exPIO- Englisk- se-boolfellOW13. �*- I . � the markot, is very quiet. 'We quote The . . . . . I . . y, and for every man . of .Mayor, every alt(irnate tetra, an a Follaw-fing.1s the text of Lord Roberts' into. I L . , I of liberal -mindedness .1 . L . I ,. L L rc everpea hrebausing . Government has paid $140,573�00 . l . . I . . . . . I L . .. . . . . ' t1a worthy despatolli ta the Wax Office-_ . . L . -Demws � . . . L Ireli gs were � � / the killed their king was paid. temple . sives. possible laspr " prlc�;s af Voat as &Ilowi:-Ontario . ,.L . Of eraulation in other places. - I �----%___4Ib_ L .a splendid, display of patriotic Wralour. I I . a the Elder, ter Line on se-, . . L, "Mroonstad, May i& -Methuen on- . I . . .1 J . . . . � �', . . . . .L . Sir Walter Besant, the author, op- - spring wheat, .-7i@.to 71 1 9�� peas, 68o count, which -includ@s the charo Of ; . , . L � __ \ SO MUCH PER HtAD. At the Spring Commencements st ' ' ,roves' the 'proposed. woikingmen's HOT FIGHT AT MAPEKING. �L Amazon qorps -are being forined, both , . . ' L L L tared Hoopstgal ,yeatorday Iinopposed, r . I I to 68 1-2c; ryo, 60.1-2c,to 62c; buckwheat, C anty shillings per . . . � . 'Wr_ 11dk�`-"a;-i-.'t the American colonists Trinity College, Dublin th-a degree of . he- English 'speaking .. - . , . . . here and Ili .1obannesbuxi, `wlth' the . I .. W ton ' at month:- L, '. . . I -_ , : convorition, of l t , . ... -_ , I - . . � -2c; No. 1 barley 48 1-2b�, I .. . P . I i . ,_ �, I ­ � essAian troop -'were employed. No� LLZ., Was L, , 4 honoriS L caua � Generale Duprey a nd Daniels and fort y people L in.Sagland next February . 1. � . . � object. of, role �571. . ., 50c; .No., 2j. L ' L .;, . �J I conferred . ai. . . . . . . I I . I I ising All available, men � bats, 31 1-2c to 81 8 40. L , - . � I. and the OOL-4L,t Of -,fitting,. coaling andL �' e . - . . . -1, I L of man hnvo. surrendered. ;. .b . . . 'he 11 Iota L . . : : . � :, bo"le L. a Wighness Tbakur Sahib , . Gen. Sit Charles Warren has �' een Billtigh Garrison Captured. Krugeir's. for L activiI servlbe.. The spirit of t . . . .provisioning the boats. The accounts' ... L. . '� ,..: L'. wonder .our fellow-Engliahmeb ware upon bi . ' ,ap6 '. Grandsoo. a d Ninety.Men. . . . 1. . Florur-,Demand for sma has - ' . . .. - LI., . . .. . enr Th . . . "BroaAwood - ocotipied�Lindley ye.9- gazetted Military Goveplor of' �C I P to . L '' . , .. L . -received in detail , . . .. 11 a degrees -of bachelor and L I north of the Orange River, ' A d' . - burghers. Is running -high,` and they i . . d * . , haAy.e arit yet been � aged at this shameless aetion..The GoAdal. . . . I Impf Lst66dy. We I L . 'L .. r . . �.. :, , - Landgrave of Hesse was paid X471 000 doctor in Sacra Thoologid were con- terday, after elfg'bt oppositioo. Only C?Iony . espatch from enzo Marquez, I oved,an ,prices are and 4djuated. Irlibre,was IvD separate . I I �- I - with the exception of Kimberley. . are determined to ipake a.desperate . . . ' 'L , ' ' ' . .1 . I I . .. -Winto - . in three per cent. stock for the iies-1,ferred Jura dignitotis Upon the Right two,of our mein Were wounded. Stayn doted . Thursday, says that Command-, OL to quota. r patent, $3,05; straight � 1, ,., . Rev Henry S. O'Hara, the now Bishop was not there, and his.Govirnme The British Gdve)rnment. seeks to ant Eloff, . . resistant � the British. Thar rolidrs, 3,90 t ' .S� 45; ia ba I, §1,56, to 9.111111DUnt charged for dffiders as dis- . -, . � I L at Of- . grandson of Preside.ntL . . PAS O! . 198 . . tinct from the men,, i lump sum,be- . I I . ... . 1�_� Sians' loss in the War of Indepand-, of 6ash6l. . o .. I L I collect inheritance tax on $40,000,000 L Kruger, 11 *Ith al patrol, an L tared Mats. fav . erlsh. activity in all the Govern- L $1.60; Xaniotoba patents, 83,75 Ito $4,1 - . I I I - " �, L ' ficials bad left last Stinday. . Idf t byL Baran Hi rsch to assist in cmi� .. I .1 . to.*4L7.5 . ing clrkrged for Ali the contingent, .L . . I � ":, . once. This was the amount at L8D , Mr. .Atkinson, In the debate on the " . gratiou of Russian Jews to America. king� �Col, Baden-Powell, .opened fire' mant'and military departments. g bakers'j 640 . . .. ' . . . � .. Hutton's L mounted infuntriL YeSter- � L . . I .. . . . 'tron _ - , . Cerbain names from whom supplies. � :" per inan. . Evicted Tenants, bill, dwelt on the dif- I I . . , AT. Blotiet (Max O'Reii), iiow in I,on- a The Volksstem strenisioualy advo- .. . . . . . 1, . ' . day surprised- and captured, about . n -the burghers killing 17 pf them, Feed-Tliore. Is, .4 gOGal..domand and might. be, gurch-ased were suggested I L Wiftiam L. �. . I .0 'twat . . I L I _ . . a ,he'destructian of'the Wi - - . . . . . I - I I . 1. . The Irish rebellion of 1708 was -pat ferouce, of view'between Mr. . . .. . don, Testing alter hii American le - and Lakin Lg Eloff and 90. �Of his. men Oates t . . . prices -are firm.. �V,e quote. -Mani- to the steamshipL_ companies, - but they I . . ' I . 1��,� down chiefly by H I -Irty miles. njorth-west of this place, I ' L era ' ssary . . . . , - L essian hirelingat To, 0,Btlim and ,Mr. Healy.. " I think,'! th . I I . . saring ton_r. say$, the feeling4n. .the . .. . . . . rand gold mines as a 'nece toba bran in bags $17.6) to 618,.shorts. . , I � I . . � andant Dotba, Field Cornet Gas U.it�d State. I. "'absolutely" wit - . . . . .. . � I .were to L s: . us that is a matter for shame; as said the Attorray-General " that not- I Contra, 11 � . ­ ' L ,. - . I I., . h Prisoners � , I Military nieasure, . . �* , gli.50 to- f2O, moraille- fg()*-tai'�25i not restricted I ,this . liati or to, I L . L .1 ": .. I ieOus with'i no l five Johneenes.burg polieemell,� and the Boers. . . . . 'A despatch from Pretoria,. Tuesday, . .. I , 00� wily list �. . . . I . . . . . . . ,� . it In to the 'Arish one of rLgh Larding the reunion 'of the Irish OR . I IL � . . 1. L . . . , . Michael Davitt, the Irish Ndtional�- tar, . L I 10 it . aAqrts 020 L ' " . I . . . .. , . . .. I . ­. ggest .pontoon, bridge in the sAys:-An official 'bullptin,announces . I I . . ini bran in halk a a, d . LEGAL . . I wrath. ra the long struggLe with N&� party, the member to seveliteen,Doers.' There were aOLCA5­ The bi . . . ist,'who came here ostensibly as the I .. .. . '. I .. � . DATE OF INTEREST. - . I I I is Weing constructed on the Tyne� that the Federal troops stormed and L . . I . .", poleon we treaty hired foreigners but a somewhat distinct r "Outh Occupies . . wOrI( L . pe�. ton. . . . � " I L ... Mr. Fielding introduced .a- bill to . ­ . I . . . . -1 .. entitled to �oall him a X-'S1,tt!a1%t Im"T .U,aAt;bs .on our aide. for 'the Spanish Government. It will occupied the forts i . I . . correspondent of a newsp4p6r, has. Meal--P-rices: RbIOW'L amend the Expropriation Act, and al- , I - . I ..�.. the bulk of the work was done b� Bri- gipa.11 - I L � . "Buller reports that several Natal bar in six sectio a and is capable OfL I . . round Xafeking .. I. . I . no change. .Small I . . L I .. 1. u I started on his return to Europe. - ? . bn Saturday morning. . Th ' . . . . g �Lt,$3.40 per barrel and Ill to Amend t . .. �, ! L ' .. . I L. . L. - . I a same 1. lots.are selfth so bi I . . I � tish soldiers. Wellington found he An English weekly tells the follow- farmers ar.a.lianding.in arms." .. I bearing, Up 12,000., tons, . . L I : ,i6 I . . . I ., a I he L Act, Respseting � , . I � .. . . . I . - . I .11 I 1. . I I .. thug who robbed a saloon in. niglit. the Federal . I .. I d' III L . � . .1. . . at 46D Par bag, ' .. I interest. L - He expilained that both " ._ I , ,� . . . could not rely on his mere4suary gangs Ing story regarding the .Dean of the . . . I A P were surroun a , . '' . . . �:, . , Chapel Royal. Some . shop in Dublin .1 London, Eng,, arid assaulted the own- losing, so far as known, 7 killed, 17 KILLED UNDER- WHI*M FLAG ,' Che.ese-Thp market is quiet af 10 measures were Intended to. Provide I I .. �, -�: � too much. An act was passed. in 1794 , .. . . . . I . .1 . I Black Unlit . ad,, and a number taken prison- � .. ,. � 1-2c for 'western. white and 109-8 for that the legal ratQ a I � authorizing the - enlistment of 5,000 ,Was in the habit of supplying its one- The first case of black nths, imprisonment athard labour, � . I . . . _, of Intere t should , I .� .1 at, bars just ,b6on .sentenced to six wound — . . . I � . . . I . I - . .. . � . .. foreigners. In 1804 the "King's Get- 1. I rain which 1110 era. The British casualtl6s 4re said Roberts' Report of the. Latest Act western colored and 101-4c,foreast-. be 6 Per cent. inat�6ad of 0 per cent., . . . I . I I man Legion," of 10,000 men, Was form-; tomera with liquid. refreshment And and to receive twenty -f Iva lashes I � . I . . . . .1 . . I I . comes under -review occurred at Gra- I ' to Pave been 50 killed, I . . .. . - . �!,;, ad. Thlay assembled, and were drilled, .charging it in the bill under the head . . Ernest Torah Hooley, 'the noted I and wounded. of Boer'Treachery. . ern. white. , .. I . . . as .at present. This rate, of 'course, I I I � . . hamstown and the surrounding dis. ,. . 1� . � . speculator. and company promoter, the I I 0 , . -oats the fOI16 I Buttsr�Tlaere -is' h good � - demand only. Applies in .the. absence of afiy" � I � I at Weymouth, under the cotamanaof of 11 trimmings." Dean Dickinson, hav- tridt In A.6guat, 1888, and It extend d millionaire who became a bankrupt I .The War Office p wing creamery is -firm at 17 . . � 11 . this Duke of Cambridge, Tw ing investigated the matter and re- . PRENCH. LOCATES BOERS. despaltch' from Lord Roberts, under and . I I . 1-4q to 17 agreemeirt bpfween. the -parties oon- �i.. �, 1, .. " , later the force wm increased abyya'�ro mailistrated with the vendors, suggest. Iover.Rn at" of no less than 800 squaere in 1898, is at the -head of a 45,0w,wo L . . . . � . .� . I . I I I I 11 � . I . . . I . - .. I . I I - . - I . ad that in future such Items should be miles, says Chambers' Journal. Since company which will work the Czar's I . . ----" . ,date of Kroosiotad:. ­ . . 1-12o ' corned... I . .. . .. ­ I I I � . men., . . 1. Eggs-Tte Market is moderately ac'. ,. . . - % I I . . Besides Germans from all the Patty entered " �'dalirium trimmings.,-'. . then there have happened several I g -.Id Iields in Siberia. . They Will Make it Stand 80' M1104 "Two off icers and six man of Prince . - . .* . ' I .. `�_`­ - States, there ware also enlisted At a meeting the other day of the showers. of a similar description, but i-lia Ruskin was born in' Hinter ' . North of Kroonstad. '. Alfred's Guards, while out foraging LIVID and. firm. at, .11 1-2o and 12 I -2o for I � . I . . . I * . . , I I . . I . . . � I I I �. ,�� French, Royalists, expelled by.Napo- Rosorea Guardians, the question of as,- less pronounced In their sable-charac- street, Brunswick square, London, on A despatch from London, Fridayi on Monda &,few Miles. from Kroon- OhOiO6- - ... 1. I �. UNION JACK HPISTM I . leon, Corsican, Greeks, Italians, Tarks,' I to of black rain have . . ty. . is good demand . 1. . . . 1 OP-" . . . . I ? fablishing a public bacon-curin ter. Other sbowe FeW 8th, 1810. His.father, "an entire- says: -It I's not known, w'116ther Gen, stad, visited,a farm flying it' ;White Provisions"TherO � . I . Portugt�eao, Belgians, Hungarians,. g 613. ly honest mail," was a Scotchma . I � I I . 1. rth and Mid Tip- .been recorded In Ireland, one of which n; Roberts has again 'started on . his flag the owner of which surrendered for ,lard and: smoked meats. We Oen. Hunter.Ralses the-13pitish Flag I ��;, . and Swiss. .. . ;artner in a prosperous firm of wine ' . . �. I . I . At Waterloo, Wellington's army of perary� came up -for discussion, and was felt over an area, of 400 square Merchants in the city. northward March 'from Kroonstad. himself with arms and. ammunition. quotd;-Deavy Canadian short put .. at Christian&. . � � I . . I . _ � � . I . 67,000 was I made up of only 22,00 Wit- After an exhatistive and Interesting miles. I I . I . ' t P lac , in des- I . I � � moss, $18 to, 018.50; short out back, $17 A despatch from London, Thursday, � I . ish and the rest wore Dutcli, Bruns- examination of the subject, the Boa ' Sir Nathaniel Lindley, gaster of the Correspondents, at thd w 43 They then approached another farm . I , . rd, No one, seems; tallave microscopically Rolls since October, 18W, has resigned. patches dated Tuesday, report that also flying a white flag. .When with. to 417,60,66lected heavy short out mess sayo:-Despatches from the , , wickers, Ilanoverians and Nasslatunor. In the interests of the ratepayers, examined the water Which fell at Gra. - .. . Wel� unstalmously derided to 'take the ini. ,Sir Robert Webster, Attorney -General, Gen. French has located the Boers in in fort yards of the enclosure they park,.boneless, special quality, $19 to Streams district indicate that Goner - They were not natiele good and hamstown, but it was noted that the succeeds him, and Sir Robert 13. Fln& � W . I filigton's despatches from the Paula- Hal steps to carry oat the object in nit were fired Iapon by. fifteen'.or sixteen 119-50, ft)ad'ileuvy moss Pork, long out, al Hunter advanced along the no'rib I , . � I . liquid grad,tially, cleared when, placed lay, 801101tOr-GOTIOral, succeeds Sir strolng, force at P41lionoater apt I I . I I . 1. . . . &Ulu are full of complaints of the view,. � In a. suitable vessel, and it black pro. Richard as Attoretey�General. .. . about 30 miles north. Geha.� I)elarey,s Boers, conebalod behillid the farm wall.. $17 to #17.50; pure Canadian lard, 9 1-2o bank of LIM Vaal river* asi far as Chris- . . � I . bad conduct of these mercenaries. .At'the very Advanced ago' of .10.6 I . J � I two of . the mow were . to I . 01-2a . pot Ili. and compound refine'd tiana, A: reconnaissance. showed that' When peace came in 1814 there were years, Michael O'Shea, f elpitate fell fro -M It. In the latter cases As illustrating his question to Mr. Dotha's, And, Olivier's commandoes, . . 1iiIl.bd,. Lieut, F. . . . armer, of re6rred Lo the deposit has been care. Rorace Plunkett regarding the. cul- with several guns,' are holding an so- B. Walton was wounded, and Lieut, W. at.11c to"80 r.er 14, hania 120 to, 14o the Boers had evacuated this place, ' 11 4 1 1 Ao less; than 29,000 hireA foreigners Laoka,'Bantry, recently departed this ' tivation of the fragrant wo d in Its- . . . . . . .b eon 11 1-2d to 13c. per lb. and were retreating. General Hunter . I I farming corps in the British army, amorable fully examined and was found to con. land, Mr. W. Redmond ex a n trenched position there. The impres� 1130 -vert and two non-ciaimmissioned and a I . . . I . life. At the time of the in Start of Mier hibited 1 Won is that they Will fight at this Of fIcOrs Own Buffalo, May 22, -Spring wheat -No. thorou'pon marched in at the head of , I r Even in 1837 it was found necessary battle of Kelmanoigh he ba ascople organisms, which the lobby during the evening a a era taken Prisoners. � "�'---�- - . to 1paos an act authorizing the en7. e olial . listment of foreigners in the army. his manhood. Strange to .say, .he had averaged ,about the twelve thousand block of tobacco, two inches square, place, and that this will be the last "Thd'owner of the farm states that I bard, spot, round lots, T2 7-8o; No. I his division without opposition, And , I To -day foreigners been Ili good health, his rnental facul. five hundredth part of an Inch In grown in County Meath. . standtho B66ra will make south of the tbO Boers ,threatened to shoot him Nortberno spot, carloads, 71 3-80. Corn for the first time,sinoe .the outbreak . . can still become . . I . so I '. woldlers of the Queen, but there way ties unimpaired, And he carried out length, and which were lalptitliled with The dispute in the British potteries Vaal river. 11 . I . when he protested against their mak. -Light; enquiry; No. 2ye)low, 43e,l No, of, the war hoisted the British 119,9 in , I I I nor to the less difficult farming avocations to the same fungold organisms that are trade now involves 20,000 Men, . � . . . not be more thesm one foreig any ______4._ . Ing an improper use of th'07.white flag.ps ayellow, 42 14c; No. 2 corn, 42o; No, the Transvaal. As the Union Sack, I I fifty Britons in I% regiment. within. a few days of his death. ITO responsible for blight In the plants of whom belong to no union, auddare ' I 9 corn, '41 1-2o asked. Oats - Quiet was given to fh.o breeze th tr * . ad a clear recollection of the WASH'Youn EYEGLASSES. . . 0 OOP -9 . The Crimean War wasthe lastfime 9`0130es's which they Infest. and subsequeatly therefore dependent upon charity. . . 'READY. lind easy; No, 2 whi te, 28 1-201, No. 3 27 cheered for the Queen, amal a' band **Ik__�' - _ � Britain bad to go &-hiring soldiers principal events of the century, and for smut, mildew and rust In Wheat 'Cho manufacturers insist upon clos- "Spectacles an& eyOglasseS are as KRUGER GETTING . " 0 Thirty thousand man had been senj.� wao an ardent lover of the Irish lan� and barley. . Ing dowa their works -rather 'than much benefit6d by . a bath now and . — I 34c; No. 4 white, 271 14o; No. 2 mixed, played the National Anthem, It is. re - to the Crimea, and more ware wanted. 9111196- . T 20 I -go; No..3 mixed, 2do asked, Rye- ported that 06noral Hunter subse- So the Government went to Parlia- A shocking accident, resulting In The writer sums up -his remarks give in to demands , for inbreased then as people area" says, a well-known . he H061? t0itiLl Will - Be ReMoVed . I Mont with abill authorizing the on- the death of a young girl named Mar- thus: "Humidity Is known to contrib- Wages.. I optician. "it Is strange how many to the Mountains No. I nominally (10 1 -go; No� ,I) 600 On quently advanced in the direction of I listment of 10,000 Germans, 5,000 Swiss . -1 ute largely to the copfoUs production UNITE0 STATES. people there tire who think that their A despatch to the London Times track or store. Flour�Qulat, steady, .Xlerksdorp, 100 'miles souht-w8st of * I/ I and 6,000 Italians, at British rates of garet Man, aged 13 years, occurred of fungd, and during protracted drought Chicago schools contain 287 blind Chicago, May 22. -Flaxseed closed, SoNsanesburg, but this is not con- �, *�&; . . . I . at Ryland, Upper, near Newtown. the regions affected thereby will rc� I I glasses only need in occasional wip. from Lorenzo MArques 'says there North,West and South-West, cash, and firmed, .. - PAY. i Pupils. Ing. Now, the favit is, glagsas,requiro . seema ; t,d bb no longer any doubt that May, $1.80; I . . k. Diaraell and others bitterly opposed. barry, county Wexford, She was Over-! main comparatively bare of Itingi, but Fire losses In the United States last " September, 41,27 1.2 bid; - � . \ . the bill, but it was carried by a ma- taken 'on the road by a farmer named year were $163,597,880. actuat baths. ar, ,'requently as does. i.t is the Intention of the Tranava I , . jority of thirty-eight., The enlist- Sohn Cowman Xylt, who during the sensons of frequent raill- al October, $1.22 bid; 41.22 1-2 asked. , CHALLENGE 'COMPARISON. was driving Seattle, Wash., has subscribed $35,- the, ordinary person. ThO PrOoSsO Is to transfer the geat'of G,Avernment . . .1 ment of -the man caused much trouble rited =To at it brisk trot. The falls the production of it fungold vege- to;) topayoff Its debt on itaY.M.C.A. as. simple as you. want to make it, My to 1�ydoklburg, And to onkdavour to Detrailt, May 2i - Wheat closed:- � 91 spi . � with foreign powers, ThaEnglishEn- little girl ran Into is gateway to got tation Is largely Increased." I The Seam6nls Vrlord Society bas .plan, ho No. I white, cash, 73c; 140. 2 red, cash, Another Tribute to Ca-iadWs Tro - 41 vdy at Washington wits dismissed by clear, but unfortunately, the animal —10 , � ­ placed, 1,068 librariews on Aenerloan to a wa Waver, is to take the glasses make a final Istand tharo.1he Volks. 79 We; .1uly, 71 I -op. . I at the Froat. ops I . � the United States and our consul made a sudden rush into the very naval vessels. , . I all, bowl .and give th(�m, a good raad Is reported. to have endorsed . . I I I I I I . I at Cologne Put on trial for .enlist- owns place. The poor child was jam- SOLDIERS, FEET. � . soaking in warm, Water. Then apply the p(ropooal. . . * L - A despatch from London says.:- , . . Y Ing men. . med against -the gatepost by thecart, In the German armies recruits for to Mhd final report of George M. Pull- Soals freely, and rmb it off by the use The &VIatoh adds th - Lit , 'When the last mails lot t , Slouth At rica. . . . . instantly killed, . I However a �motley force of some wheel and I .. an's executor will show at estate of a soft tooth or nail brusla, A.ftei, at are is . I *Tho list of casualties brings toot regiments bave their- feet care- of $0,000,000. I that, NO M 0=4 AXLX PETTICOATS. the British. army and the arrayt of cor. . ' 5,000 men, mostly old soldiers, made he 91've Loin a polish with any of general talk In Pr6borla that Presi. lap of Gorman, Swiss, Ifolateiners, home fully examilied, in cider to see whath- South Carolina Will start halt a t USU 11 t I powders, and then I dont Kruger is contemplating an im. Ought girls attending a high school respondents were engaged in tho- Belgians Polas and Italians, ain o; long million new spinAles in her cotton Clean th4p.M. with tissue paper, to- wear silk pettiooatat This weighty hardest task of all Waiting for the . Was am- to Cork people the awful trhgody of at they Will bear the str. in * 'O mediate departure from the capital. . - ! bodital. an August 9th, 1855, the Queen the War, Pirlst in - tho' list from the marches. The greatest ALILtInCon is al. mills this year. Is MUch bettor for the I rp's, thah, question was seriously discussed for WOW4 to advance. It. 11, Pears, chief I chamois skin or anythii A ,number of officials are alretto, pres. . and Prineo Albert reviewed the force: War Off ice IS the unwis of Colonel Me- so pald to the fit of the boo'to with Chicago now claims 0, population of r some hours by the trustees of - a dorrelpaindent at the .front of the � at Sk,,vneliff a damp. The Germans, , Carthy O'Leary, a County Cork gentle- which each reerult Is provided. More- 2,000,000, an Increase of 1,000,000 in , know of, I 1paring for flight. It Is stated tUt I I 80 ritraing, were dressed in the dark 1 n, who was well known and To- in war t1MA, Whenever practlea- ten year& I "The ordinary, OlOanalleg Is all State Secretary Roltz has chosen young ladioal seminary in Tambd%v,,' L,ondob Daily Xev�, brings out Moro I wioin of the !title PrIga over I de, and Swi ctj able,' the knapsack of eaoh .qo1dier Is right as far ,,is It goes but It I Russia. One of the. teachers had clearly than has boon done btforo the . I r�, Many persons bavao one immbering 1,1600 and the 11 ad ifiroughout the county, and carried In a cart attached to eat� Wireless .telegraphy has baeu sue. 11 'lot South America as his,future home. ,. others sufficient. d I � . . 0 1 formally Complained to them thfLt 1116 marvellotem and varied composition of r !no the reffalar, British unit , a beloved of the regiment he com- co:mpiny for the purpose, Which, of c0qatully tested between vessels at 9teat injury to their eyes by neglect IN(1. � could not instruct his pupilti properly the British foreeg, 110 islIko takes � ; — 1. I manded. Another name, Lieut. 0. JI, course, greatly. fat! litates raliialmove. Milwaukee. Ing to properly clean their irlassw;. MORE PIOHT oc- Daly who. had got his, commission in : well tn. . . The Great Northern Railway will t have had, a number of patients come for the .reason that his attention was C Sion to pay, the Canadian con 11 COR4140T. the hoyal Iris usiliers some two. ""..6 a Lin - Sell its 6mployom 10,000 shares of to Me. With complaints about what' ThirtY Boers Killed, and Wounded constantly, disturbed by the rustling R*Iolet one of the highest of the maty � 804all Willid, after eating two pieces or t roe y to agal son of Mr. M, m9-r:RP`1,At4A�ta,,4 : stock at par. thay called gradual diminution of Ili Cape Colony. ' I of their silk petticoats, Tho trustees co D. I . 1 6 Ill, Is also a,mong mplimauts they have received, go . ' ? of pie at dinner, Asked, for 4 third. th de I An old sea captain who had ilivi. Mrs. Sarah Gaff, a ooloured woman, their Sight, An examination reveal. pondered over this matter earoftilly, , writo"..-: . Why Willie, said his father, you Must 'L ��u . a warl well known � died at RushvIII6, Indiana. She was Od the fact that it ,was won,dorkul A Aespatah frola Uplangton, Cape and, an a result, 4L stringent order I I Aot oat so much, or people will call In athl ti ei es n Cork, being an- gated his ship many times round the . that they Oftlal, sea at all prohibiting -the pupilis "To, 0alanda we take off aat hata, . a football Player, WOtId , for their Colony, reporta that diatriot as being W111% 198110 our g peral arid had . henceforth from W6arin'g silk IpOttl- ShO has 'sent 08, besides oillor worthy you a 01g. You know what a pig Is, loba ls�tad In mItintaining that 110 years of ago' glasses were blar still ulastIttled. -Small bodies of Xe. don't Yout Yes, sit, replied thopr6- At a meeting or t'hoocommitt6o ap. t a globe) at all. but Swedish landlords In Chicago Pro- been fearfully neglected. A littlo tonts during their attendance at the topreaentativm, a regim6nt Of Infan- , - a Ilat Surface. No arguments, doris. age raising rents in orAor to drive out soap and water, to WhIalf &few drops. bola are roolvilag about the country. school. The girls, It Is dkid, are hi b . I OW16US SrOungstor. A pig Is a bog"s Wilted to enquire Into tho Causes Of Iva or painstakingly educational, Milan tenants. ) littld boy. Dublin dexth4ratis, Sir Chas, of ammonia wove added, did the busi. Ono party looted a store at. Gootdrink ly Indignant at the order, but �h' Cry that wine adialration, from ever,r %� � I ! could altor his opinion one 30" Same- , Denver expanded over n , ness.,, 6 r - '" ,. ---*.— 0116'11MhL11b, Superintendent Medical Of- Ono Said to him onco-, I now building $2,000,000 0 itl tIko, neighbo"rhood of Upington"On teacher who complained about their source. For Marching, or IcAdurrinoo, __ f ice , s for business and publio undergarments Is elated, an lit in antis. or fighting It can cbAllonge eompari. �, I , WHAT AUTRUP. MEANT, I! Of Itelilth, 906 OVideft0d as to But it the -earth is dS you my. Cap. purposes Ift'1899, _____06_4� . TAmday. Thoro,bao been aakirinish ra give fall . I , the work d6ne, by ths Public lJos,ith t&In, thore must be an edge to it. k ]XIlibs Gushllagton-Oh, pdpg;, do you Deptlirtniont. Dublin, he maid, in the , Row is it that no one bas ever tumbl, The American army needi 100 men 70 rAtAL CAM 0 XoegaN, 14i Whidb It Is stateil that attention tb hi* work In the claris 86A With Ally battalion of Lord Rob. 1 4 re te moaning of different matterof symotid and Infantile death. 6d over the edge f a week to replace ellsoliarged soldiers __ thirty of 'OrpeAls Mr." brought OW ro0M- Otto, army, A44 that (8 saying a great I � 000081 NOW, William Mealiff good, I ritte, compared favourably with 39ng. Why, of dourrid, they have, he an- In thoi 11bilippitlos. .. 411"Ad inef the lAulook.'a 1,11%guo 1* JN*rs to, bay, atid kIIIW 15 and Wouad- ----***— . . deal." � : $ wonder what Arthur Means'# lish towns. Dr. QuInIOU 6XPrOAsed LIM AWered triumphantly, thatIg WherIo Amoricau publialiert have asked 14 AuAttailla, ad Is of them. _____*_� 1�i L pal*, Aevoray-i . hopo Arthur btlief that Dublin Would nev6r b6 tin jh6 ships go that Congress to InV6stI#,,tt6 the yjtlit6d . A MYSU'A10114 SPELTi. � A PRENCTI 1JULIX. . . tueani bualiatso, Itittildri. lititithr in London owing toth6ratate Ing. are reported MISS' StANA paper truat. A diMp4tell from Hyddey, N. a. W,, I � I . A ­*�-� �-- aays:-Two hundred. -and thirty.fI16 SOMWHINi; NF,W. Th6r,s Xe6ml, remarkpal thb rom&n. A noWly' appointed Premeh Mayor � r I 1 '1�4 E I I J I � � , 'I I. .1 I I I I , , * ._�_ � L� I� , � I , , , , i4 . , I I , I I I he dark � L _ 0 rl , 1 ea� 1 r_ in �, -, Oa JP Cev ia� L i t D a 0 rel key . HL"t1skly ItIffter"U'. Mid that th6 retent high d6 t16 young man, as he looked Moon- laAlagurated his ragime by a notica �' of 66. "I. Mr. 5"ohn Byrne, P.L.0". __ A syndicate, headed by Russ6ll A. cases 01 thO lAlbonle Plague h*vo thuti A n,6w moda ot arimmenting tbe, � WArd, to be & inyaterlout Spell in the to the following effect. , I ath-r It NO OUTLXT. . Alg6r, Michigan, purchaled 200,OOD Your hlr6a girl, I- h6ar, has taken Was du6 to thes eorporation I ' 41 . lot bt'"! I largent body of wAt - �ltoras of timber In Alabalba. I 11� I Ing )vLdtid funds to Cork .5tree! The far bebn offleially r"mrtod, Of tb(598 hair Is that 19 PIACIng A largIs bunch � 0:11imphibre. On thg f!�*t of our patram Saint . W, htr dopowturs I 11 11" L Dr. Ximox Dftb*ML #Mpha er i�eotlh Chicago polieeln6n were'fo, 79' havo provtd fatal, ,&Aeconal death of flowers, high up on tl* finlit Filde, Th6ria is, answ6rabd the young Wo. . . I 4, wrld hotyiig no outlet in Ilit a In, thet fir6 brig'a, will Im reviewed In the , yts " but osarly evorything 611-411 shis, % Ich from the plague hOa ofturred at Rock� WhI16 It Amall bunch (9 tb* 01sittIVA latts lit thfa ca"Aaft SAII., it being 180,0M draw relolvars; to quoll A riot Wh XAM6 flow- MAft, Who IN it toakahe!ir Ilk the Publid h6riloall it 11% rAIA8 in thO MOrb1fig took we%# our#, rt played by tuNr Is tb* dallaih fgtil, square ta, queanalAw'). and in th6 aing It it rains in, tha I 6'AI4%* diftsirs" IIA* I luiles in extient. I folloWAd thes Making of an *rfi%t, haMp ArS r601111 0001111; *11 the bitow at the oebools. I listro t*an oorrNtlng 6X. ir r. , - __ __ ­- — L - � �­­­­­­ ­ - ___' ' ' - � ____­­ ­­­ , . ... , - __ ___aai� _ _ 111ft.11111111111111ilie.,� ­ - " --J ­, , L "'Alb- ItIft. . I isministlow ""ra all *ty. L aftirtno". .. I . I � _11, ....... . ..... -a '­ ­ - ­ .. -_ _­'j��'21ka_ ­ _____� I - "..,-.- - __ � . . ­- ­ " L ..