HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-05-24, Page 4M
� 0 .4 - � . -___ _00 . TIHE- C..LINTON NEWS -RECORD MAY 02491 1900 1
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. .
I The Affidavit of Pritchett
I Is Not Pleasant Reading For West Huron Liberals. The Government
at First Nfused to Investigate the Charps But Has Been Forced �
to Do So ,and Will Annnitif n VAM I 11171 Will 4-1, 0
� I ------ r _ - I __.______�7 �__ _. -, ____ ____ - _:_;_L_7�7 I
, ..
Henderson -In Goderiell On Hilljois ccww.,�-ic-i�;NMZTI�4�'-saa)cpw-p (ZXNCr10.100CP 1r..1110W.10rr30kW(rA"CZ)
I May 13th, the wife of Air. (ic,14,011', - - .
11011derson of a son (atilt born)
We have heard tbat the! 11 I
llinp,a �; I-_ " I .1
Daughters hope number60nivioll ,rs..,
George Dube, late of tile p.vow of thp, '
St. Andrews f now one of the crew Of . Your . i
fino JrO1,11st -,I . ;
p, 1, .
tile eauler J31-azil running I v A !
il I 1. . . 11
out of Obleago. i ,�-`I � �
� 'k; .. 11 . I
Mr. James 011tr6o returned on Sat. � M — I
4 U V 1110blull Expreampart Stowart As this week, Her Majesty% Birthday ThCUOVAA, Caine In flom Chicago urdttyfi,owotieotliisbusine(su'ViEilts. 1. .. q X� � . I . .
00), ? There Is Some Doubt no "' " 11" I fails upon the same day as the issue tif on Monday of last wee T1,'lfox4-On Wednesda, . I
Got to Work Before, the General E lee tboa new honso on Bridge atr4o,c l'afe k with Zq,(N May 100), AN? Ile urub () I - - 1 --pi
q� I I I
purchased by Mr. Jamieson 11cid. Mr. THIQ NEWS-Rl?C0R% we beg leave 'to bushels of corn for Richardson's ale. to Mr. and Mrs, Williasll`�.,Iford, South �J IqQVLA � 11 I _� �
. . About It. - . . Reid has hold It newly painted a green. re -produce in these Columns ($,Tribute valor and cleared on Thursday for Ala,. street, 3 Non- .. ot "I I . '� ,
, . . . fell color, also his house occupied by. to Queen Victoria" received by H. R. baster, U,S. . Mrs, Oollu Campbell, superinten. .. () . .. ,
___,V____�� 0 Air. Carter on the sarne street. I It. Princess Loalse, now Duchess of Rev. Mr. Anderson of Knox church dent Of tile sailov'ri depattiount, W. (". . 11
The f011OwillgAs the aftlolavit which of handlog his ballob to. the deputy Mr. William carvick, , os- Argyle, w4lie she filled the pdoition .it P.reacb0 thrice on Sunday, at Mass.. T. U., will gratefu -at"re 4 .. �� Is the nkost, conspicuous, part
0 s, would place ton. drov nd sister u 0 In the a, in., Smith's Hill in t�( . c1cobsited where
CRIX10 AIP for discussion jo,lbe House of returning officer, th 1,tter �4xcellelscy, the ter ) at her home, to blelydil's �Itvp ][Let of your Summer outfit. 110'w. iln-
0 his mother a jeweller, B Ottawa of being Her F (�� I
-on Tuesday to visit his rO- sax ors maybaveaccess to it. . portant it is that you have it just
Corastions during the debate Oil the his left Aau4 UP011 tile table with a Klutall to wife of the Governor-QenerAl, Marquis Art And ab Leeburn in the even- I
West.Huroii election frauds t % . of Lorne. The song wits set to music I epilooll -
false ballot, without st, counterfoil, un- ther, Robert. ng and reached his own church In Mrs. Hutchison, whose husband bad 11.
der the band, . by the writer and published lit song time to sa. hat he tonsorial Parlor on the square in � . .
$into of Michigan, Olty of Detroit. , At the same tinle h& Engineer Miller Is as fond of horses, form by Oliver - Ditson .y to tile congregation t t I � � correct, If yr,u choose a Plain or
Would accept froal the voter with his as be is of his engine. 00-,BO$tOns after the last. hymn th t F I
- fine young p4cev and Archie has a 113r in town. . a natlunal. anth- he Bedford Block, has gone to reside I anoy Parasol from our stock you are sure, of getting only
1, John G. Pritchett, of the city of right hand thegenulne ballotandcoust He now has a and purchased by almost every fam- em would be sung, Rev, Mr. Hooder. with berliusband's relatives lit Staffa,
Lopdon,in the Provirsqe of Ontario, . .
contract tQvfOII- He then Would place the genu. sort of Auburn officlated At Knox both while he tries his fortune In Matittoba. the newoot. We buy direct from the makers and every
', at PrcaeDt Of the city of ine ballot under the -left hand Angers fine time driving it in his sulky. I I TUXBUTR WO QUEEN V10T01tiA. itsorning ail,d evening'. .
. I hips. John Atkin bits had nows of a 0 wo alike in our Wov-
0 ., Mr. Snell b,,removed from his late On bills out, beloved Queessole natal day At the sale on Saturday last of Mr. rigbtful, character from bar brotheri I De we 8011 is ftilly guaranteed I _ �
. Deti Olt, make oath and say;— as it for the purpose of tearlp ,� off the residence to tile house owned and 'at' Let Oanada's sons and daughters pray idence near ,.,Gleugowanl, an Wilson," otit in the North-West, Q e .y arao ,. Not
I have fox, sev counterfoil, and wlth`� a il, It P Ole.
Oral Years takiars part In I to move- ely occupied by Mr, John Dickson, " . .
municipal affairs and in politics it, t,ha ment ot the right hand Te would ra. ];its of the registry office. . 1. That 10,19 maY our Queen nor seeptre 9d4",gv",'r1',r-"k"ing the lake. Me. ,Egener P. Ben Wilson's son wits employed ,
said city of London and have acted As mRve both genuine ballot and counter- . I I .of the Inland Revenue was the highest n a planing will orfactory and felf in.
deputy returning officet, in municipal foil at the same. momenb raising the Mr. George Morrow has sold his real- swa6ler sea and land. . bidder. H( will improve it and reside I the chute which carries the sh4v.
I �
left hand and leaving on the to, dence near the chemical salt worts . � itliiiiiiiirilFllliltiiiiiiiitillllI � 11111111111111FIMIMPI"I"liff I �
elections And Also in the elections for ,hie A there. , to the furnace to the depth Of 12 .
the ILegisWive Assembly. ballot from which the counterfoil bad tO Mrs. S. R. McDougall and now ra. Let Scotia from her Highland glen, in 4
1 always Ard from mountairs, forest, field fea't" and in some way was drawn into .
acted with and on behalf of the Llb. Apparently been just removed. He sides in the Cottage on Britannia fen, and u Mr. Doty of Doty Bros., ist we learn, the f urnace, where men foun . ..
wo I tidertaking the superintendence of ,d his re. � ndly. note these Pricles : �
eral party, In U98 I was elected old pw6what lie hadin his right band RO'td- Mr.Morrowbasbeen foreman Tune her p1broch for th the engineer depart mains later" presumably whon-the ftip- Ki . I
alderman for Ward -a all in hie coat Pookeb and then put in the � of it section at the breakwater both , a on went of the engine na ce was am I . , I
, umber six, in tho box -the ballot lylp last summer and this spring. At their queen' =e and bicycle works. Tile Ill � Ladies' Umbrellas withsteial rod4 Children's Parasols made of C
maid city of Lopolon. . q upon the table. . . so mile HIM Pty.
Iq the general electi � . 'k r. John Atkin tit present resides in has been Put in Plaoe and we trust; wl I The Old Boys of Huron, .who reside and 23 ineb Paragon - frarne, , . ria ,Silk with trill in wbite,r4
The ballot so pub in t is box would he Let Brin's harp with its bearbst,ings be a success, "I"
on -for the Legis- We of those previously furnished b the bodse owned and lately occupied . tort), . . in Toronto, are coming to Godericls on covering of gloria; fancy blue,:ftsindlos to, match, N,
lative Assembly of 1808 I took tin Ac- me to the deputy retur Mr. Henry Naysinith died. in the July Ub. The band of the 48th High- I bone handlos, our leader at 1.00 very pretty, at each - � � ... 1.00 I
ive pa ning officer ani .uy Mr. Allchael Nellan, Maitland Rejoice like the Sunburst on this happy I . - a, .
9s opposite the ad. -He grazes h . . .London hospital At the age of 77 .
t* rt As a canvasser for votes oil on which I put a cro, I , is Jersey bard in morn years landerp will Accom any their). An - -
behalf of Colonel Lays and wits ap- name of the Liberal candidate. I macle Ransford's .Park, overlooking the And ihe brow of Win's Queen adorn on Tusdayl5thinst. Histlephew effort is being made fo bring the ,t8t.11 Ladies'Paragon Frame Umbrel� Ladies' Silk Umbrellas with cov-
PointedbY Sheriff Cameron his deputy an exception In my practice of making Ma I itland, . . . . James NaYsmith of the WO 0 Mr. Batt. and a meeting is to be held oil his with flue Gloria Silk cover- . .
. returning officer fop the said election With Faith's diadem. odstock Friday evening �o con I . er to match,large size, elegant
the cross inyself lit the case of the bal. pharmacy, who was al%ays attentive , sider the feasibil- I
tit polling diyision nurober three in the lot$ given tb Ournmings as lie obje t Mr. Currell, decorator, _ � . Ing "I'Dolsoine bone And wood . handles of wood, born, eto.i-,
C ecl SO to ()h lives in the Let Albion's balls with mirth resound, to his uncle, went; down to London and 'tY If it" . i"1111111111 ateel rods, tops guar- I sterli silver and ribbon on I I
Sixth Ward of the sald city of London. hou I erry street, the late re$!- And "India's Coral SCrand" abound made all arrangements for the funeral An accident occurred at the' break. anteed 'not t & 1,60 , bandIne! beauties . .
. F : its is found which took place in the Forest Ofty oil water at about 0. p. in. -on Monday . oil t, spe I 0 1 .2 5, .At ..... ....... 2.75 . . I
.rQm my experience in the various presence and, therefore, I'corseluded' nowof C at , I . CIA tit ..... I 50 �
lo,pulling his'initials upon lberrim my deoce of The vv�ner, Mr� John' Neilan With love that in loyal hea
. I
electinus I formed the opinion that I not to put the cross on them. . I. lev and. . The Christian's gem. Thursday last. Mr. Henry Naysmith evening. A sots of Mr. 1&Bpide, Cape. I I . . .�_ � .
elections could be' more easily and When it was settled that I was not Mr. Edward Straughan, who resided The telegram announcing the relief was head clerk in several mercantile taker at the organ factory, we Were in- 1,11(lips'Utubrollas with steel rods Ladies' Fancy Parasols with1us, I
Surely won by the manipulation of to be a deputy O'Gorman spoke to me about forty years to Colborne, and of lutifeking did pot reach town until establishments in Canada during his formed, was run over bi nd I arwri frairse; covering of tas. Silk covering in colors,af . . 1, � I
ballots than by buying votes ; and at- and- Grant did also about acting as c residepce bout5p. m. on Frid a refined and thoroughly had his leg broken, Drs,, � no, f� red, navyand white,. U 'n� �'o ,
. who b"ilta handsome bricl a ay, too late fop life. He was Vau',0,rbr,y,h 'a' I a oloialit'y Glorla Silk,assort�
-ter the said general election 1, in con- scrutineer and it -was arranged- that I oil Nelson street has a handsome pipe om� citizens to show much loyalty. courteous gentleman and a widower Taylor were quickly -on hand And set ad, colored bone handles, also of polished wood to watch
versation with friends, used words to should act in that capacity atp, poll (or tube) fence.enolosing his Pr 11 I tY* The English church bell And . a the without a fwnily.� . 1. . I the injured litrib. I black gold band, special via. top, extra valueat eaqh.. � . 1..25 I 11 �� ��.
I . . about seven miles from Goderich where Which embraces several lots on 911181011 whistles added to the rejoicirig. The Mr, Ferris has sold the 61d Gordon Mr. Frank Johnston, eldest son of ll� I I
thateffeeb. . . 11 '
. Thei,eafter,"a;t the request of John a deputy sheriff Was to acb as deputy street. _� town clock had a most loyal stand by, * warehouse to' Messrs, Sturdy which Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of Newgate at., a I Q 1; Ladies' White Frilled Parasols, � ,
O'Goirman I a I 75 2.00 & Ulu
f London, r -took �art on returning officer. Giant brought this Mr. William Farr has built a neat for the alarm rang for hours. All the �hev in tart) seem to have sold, retain. street East, is wbeolsman oil the . . I . covering of nearsilk, polished
behalf of the Liberals in bye�electlons, depuby, A splall t � , Ladies' Parasol made of bi wbite wood handles� 'price " ,
. bin man, whose name picket fence in front of his residence school girls had little flage, waving it, only the old workshop which they stearner.H. B. Tuttle, running from, ack .......1m.., ................
". I Rind -bite checked 1. 2 5'
my special dut,y being to instruct do- I cannot now recall, to*me at the hotel on Cambridge street them as they walked from school, wi I have removed to their new pDr- � . . 0 1
1 1 .1 Cleveland to Lake Superior. . - nearsilk I
I puty returning officers in the method and introduced him. Grant then le& mally having arnall flags decorating chase oil the s4unre at present occupied � � - , I . t . s'ParasOls,co I verin I g of silk .
of manipulating the.ballots a . A pretty white pigeon flow into an With fancy carved handles, I 9 5 Ladle I
. � _______ . special at..,
o as to win T talked to him for some time and fin. open window in the upper stovey of their -hats and dresses. Some of the. by the Cattle Bros.' , . I I _,�_ . .. � ............. . 4 with satin stripes, navy and -
theelection wbateverthe votemighb ally explained to bW how to substitute Barrister Holf1s. office gentlemen too had them pinned on. - "Catch thoopportunity.11 By taki d ' red only, polished w d
. . I "' 0"'
really be. . at about 7 p . m. . Ups, Horace J. Hortan has found ng. Ladles'FarseyStriTe SilkPara�' h
. false ballots. - Re.practised in my pro. on Wednesday. 18th inst. It must A little bonfire wits, made nea, Jordan's the geranium is a water flower its well Hood's Narsaparilhi now you inay, .l. �,
At the request of the said John sence and agreed to work it. I q a law chambers for a drug store and five' evackerar were in ag the Obinese lilies. She put one into build up. your health itud prevent I Sol in colors of b tie, grey and . andles, very stylish, at, 2.50 I
I . I I
-loan I went from London to himonlytenfalge ballots as is ivi, dove cot abundance. Rokket' whito [Diked, white Polished Children's Parasols made of �
O'Gor . ye, have mistaken th
Goderich in the h e. What a mistake was there. a too were sent up a goblet of water, and it was only a serious illness. . I . I wood handl?.R, no tw, .
, . . - '
were in a g - reat many �vindows of bt I an s __ . . .1 . I . .I It . .
I part on behalf of the Liberals. in the I took 99 the counterfoila and be in- or of Barrister Proudfoot, has sold out is!- Mrs. Crabb and her daug iter Mrs --__W_______ ------,--- 0 . .
Spring of 1890 to.. take sion was known to beit very close one. Mr. Robert Proudfoot, eldest broth. at Harper's comer, and. little flags brok ;tam, but it is growinf steadily. . I dikv, Special . 5 . gi,p9harnsI with and without.
-election then About to be Mailed the ballots. 1 put ,the crosses ness houses, The diati Office and JAmes MeMath.and two boys 4're'mak- . . Laill ... _.r.,9:25c 40. . .
Federal bye , 1 2*09 ills, assorted Colo
held. is !,egon estate and gone. to seek . . . OS' Parasol made. -of fine- special at._ , . . . .. . ,
I arrived in Goderich on Thurs- on .opposite ,)It-, Holmes' name and old in the ukon. Court House'flagadlit'duty. ing a holiday visit at the residenee of quality Satin, black strines,' Lad . . . I . .
day or Friday between the nomination gave the false ballots to the deputy His, ,vvifo .will The party at Oddfelio Mr. 0harles Crabb of Seafow . Flour . .* .. : , lee Umbrellas with,sale'en .
and the election and want . accorn any him later, Rind is now with , ws, Hall Oil th. . I fancy black Polished d' 'Ovep,n
to Craig's 'We drove out to the rolling ,place to hersis r. Ali a Page (Belle Notval) for Wednesday evening was gotten up by . . ' I . wao.�2 65 frames,gs, ....good V & 756
hotel whole ] . ' . . handles, extra -value at... a I
. I registered. The first gather. - - He called at he hotel for me. - The Sb. Andrew, Captain Feather- - . ,
person I met after my arrival was I acted as scrutineer, inerly .of the btalff of . the Central tile -"On to Pretoria" Co., who were stoneburg,' came in on Sunday front . - * . I � .i I I . . . . I . -at - ....'., . 5 . .. �. I . I .
I . . I .
. �. disotppoint�ed in not acting In Clinton' Fort, William . with a-cargb of $7,000 -_--�_ . I . .. . .
Nof organizer forthe 'puty substitute three false ballofs-but . I .
Alex.Stnitli, the c I I -saw the de- School here. that evening We trust they .' . Flour . . I
her I.asked. him - where the I do not kn , A very 'interesting - and laudable . . were bushels of wheat for Itichardson's C-lev- . . . .
Li a' 4 . Ow how many be succeed- Patriotic Concerb was given by the satisfied with the 'change of program. ator. Oaptain Feith,.prstoneburgh looks . . � I . I . I �
. . . . .
Y' Ila said :-"Ob, .about ad lit working. The other side watch. . . . . . , . I . , . � . . I . '. * . ,
ys r� . After the.count- Epworth League of. Victoria a reet on , We Were extromely sorr)r to find on exceedingly well. , .. ur . ' * ' .. . . . � , .
be wpere
came in. 116said there would be no Y. I . Tuesday, May 19tb, in Victoria sbreet Friday -evening that the life 7of. Mr. ' I ... . . . . . . 1. I . . . :U . . . . . . �, . , 1.
- ing,was finished and ths. t6tals givan Mrs. Colin, t Campbell, artist, is quite . � . .., . , . . .
Ile its t , I I I HOW is Youi stock of Floun We . I I
they were not in shape.. He also.said itive scratineek say bythe Rew S. J.. Allin. And Rev. Jtw. oftlee, was despaired of. He had be . . . -_ . . . . � . . . �
thing for me to c . church. The pafrIotic addresses given Lewis Elllotb, er-janitdr of the post a cleviar wheat swornan .' She invited handle an Al Roller Flour, regular at , Daila-t .
tow" ." Shortly afterwards O'Gorman ad him veryolosel t _ . . . . . Flo
lo for it little wh I he4rd thisCousiary � Y: S. MM . ep
. . � . .
de ut we . . � .. I I I I I . � I . . I . I . .
I �
returnin I . . . . � I . I .
,,Rulei Brit- ill during tile winter fvOm it severe after Which they made a by way of the will sell our best Family Fl . I � I I I I .,
.that be wanted nie to hot as a "I'Wonder who the three traftors'are ; per Wilson wero good'. . an her S. S. Class at Knox Church, to tea, $1.80, but in order to trinke a special .1
. -ill was sung -in it most inspirited attack It I& grippe, biA with the ,re- Huron Road to Pollays Farm, and back . . I . . : 0 � .
we will find . oub,", They seemed to anni, .
will act."F officer. I said, - IfAll rigIC, I know exactly how many votes they manner by Miss Bowlbjr, everyone turn of spring Mr. Elliott sbetned. to to town -by the Bayf laid Road, to the our on Sat� . . . I - , , �
In the afternoon of the f Is urdaYfor*11-66perewt, Wi8eWO_ I.. . . . . "
O'Gorman 1145ked weto a listof the but last Victor men know at bread-makibg is a I .
lowing .day � nl- Ought to have had. I had as scitstineor joining I .the chorus. A patriotic have gained considerably, th . . W 1. I
. I
is restaurant'where the party scitisceand an art corn , - . I
I voters marked asto how address followed ,by the dh%irman. wdek.heart failure had t6be combab- hadrefresh ant after which Courtes bined.. Ib re� I I �. , � ; . . . I a . .,, F Pi , _S . I .
. .
1 cannot now recall. This man lives ar - . . - .. , . I I . . , 1. C
. �
drive out to see a person, whose name they had, promised to. vdte and I had I Rev, S. J. Allin, in which be said Pat- .ted, hence his weak'state.' His daugh. from their in 8 quirea skill. and the best materials to . I T,. T 8h, . I ,ab I I I A ,. e
.. I .. I ,, . I . 1. 1. . , �,
I . . _. I I . . I 1,
wgatneged with the dep.nLy that when I rioti' hostess - and Teacher, a I make it a success. Sometimes a wo. . I �
about four. miles from- Go a . am at the present balls ,%stakin ters, Miss Mary Biltott bf, London, and � T, . . . I I
derich And to give him a'hint to substitute rootin the . loys, an wheeled to the residence of Mrs. Camp. I . � . . . . �� ,.. 1 . .,
wasacarpenter And pump , Job 1would press -his leg'with -hearts Of all ou Mro.Sickloas-ofPorb�Hupop with her bell where all enjoveda pleasant,. and baking -herself or her recipe�or the . . ,E___� I I , . � -
-maker and. a bit] A, 11 man blames I , , 11. �
had some other business as weli,. He foot. Y thats000 of our brave Canadian young baby boy, Vance, were ,sent. fort And . Ii. � I . 1, 11
I gave him the -signal forinoria men went out-cheerf ally to South Afri- arrived last Week. [Litter.. Mr. Elliott prof! . _ � . . -
,powder when the fault is really . I . .. - 11 . . , . i . . �, .. I . .
was to be a deputy returning. 'Officer than three I . . . . 'in the k lour. - ubilig. . I . I. . . I . I
table evening. I
_ I man but"I saw. the'deputy on to help Britain extei�d'bei empire. died on Monday, aged Q8 years. . - , ArUst Sallows accom - By our,Standard .. � . .. The lates't'JAeas in. I . . . � . .. 11 . I
. and O'Gorman Asked me .to see him w , I partied .the S., Flour You can ,,ways tall. where the . . Dainty Wash. Gooqsdirect from - . , - ,
as neryous and -was not working. it The Rev, gentlowan'wdurid �up with' ; The funeial of the late Gilb�rt'Baer . S, Teachers Misses Polleg: and Morris . faulb�,qsn%.!, Is isWt in ,that br*nd Of . ".the Fashion.,!,e . Qs are now s , . I ... I
. and instruct him how to dothe. work. well so I stopped.' On, our'way home the recitation of an eponym poem, of.Knox. hurch on their , S. picnic to. - . . .. I ihOwn- On Qur coun ters. ., ,
I I . . . .
I I I . .
of' Auburn. took placa,'Ou Saturday Polley'sfarm andlook views of �the . Flour. .. I . . .1 : , I . . . .
4 the man hoi told me they watched. him very which is exceedingly pretty O" 1 � ..we. i vife your in4lyectio3rx of the. - .. I
I drove. out but when I me( e I I
and talked to him I did notAllink it closely. I "UP.With from the residence of his mother, Mrs. . .. I . . - . .. , n, . very I . man.y new .
, I never spoke to.this deputy the.Proud Old Banner."' � , awem bled party, The$ ., . '' I I . :
wiseto use hI6i.,' I therefore returned about money. . . . . . . miss Movitte ,a first to the Methodist chnrleb,� . . iS-.piCnic.,was- Reinelfiber"ou May,26 , thillp to be fo 1
, . a delightful one,, altho' we had quite a .. und he.re,sueh as Marlboroug .
to Goderich -without �Rllsclosing my . - On the'Sunday before the' . sang In .good voice "The, Flag That lv'bepr's the Rev, Mr. Kennedy officiat- little shower abo t. we w Madr's, Fo * � . I �. - . . , Sidar, . .
election I Braved.aThousand Years tlle.Battl u to& time. The ill sell Flour I a ul r , . gaudies, etc. ' . . .
I . a . . .. .
mission.' On Saturday a m'&n named told,Granta scrutirieer I a edat the.fpneral service.' The choir party drove.'liquie early in the band at $1.60.'. - , .. I - . 1.� - .. .. .. . I : ds Or I I I . . . , I . . ., I �'
Grant, a school-toirtcher of G could,gIve us and th� Breezei" Miss Alice Roth- sang several hymns of which the wagon.'.Some of the party wheeled . .. .. . �1. � . 1. . I . . .1 .� . I . . I. . . .1 I I
I � . . . . . . I - . . .
. . .
- oderich,. help. if he. Wished to try And that I well's ' recitation "Marrimy!s L'Ie Young man was very fond. , The de- outand . �, � I. I I .1 31 !net) wide Marlborough Cloth, a very fine � , � . . I
ing Baby BOY" 'was very . well executed. ceased succumbed to: heart failurii. I I Our business keeps growing and . ." 11 �
began to bring deputies to me. - 116 could-sbow them something. . Noth' .
b It a man named ' � In. ' 6 . . . . . � ." I , . ! , . .. .�,
; r6ug W ' Farr who, he 'more was said to Grant; about that but Alicia had quite'a'measuve of aP He . Mr. Ferris only solol'the buildi go' oil �rowlnF and growing. We watch it . soft finished cloth thathas the appear. . T4 �. ...
as a deputy raturnibgoffic.er. plaase was a great favorItIa'and While the � 0 .... _:
aid � oil the 'afternoon - and evening before meted hen The, quartette' . "Land of funeral passed through the * streets 'all I 'Street, retainill I ' I ande-of silk,.comegin colors .of navy . 9 . _. . .
le 6ist awa the lot on West: * .
. . I I
� , ng the as caremily as the Florist -watches his a , I ,
. 7, leaving Farr Witib me - the� election. he , beoughti to me . .. . � .. . .
. . .." I �1,
0" sting by Misses. Myrtlo the stores an4 business houses .s'tsa' "I . . .. tenderest plants and most, delicate - green and white I I .. 1,
-h Varr but did not coheid- seven to nine young men, brIuging oni Johnston, alto: Vida Bell, soprano ; - were closed. The Foresters, to Mr. Lawrence of the Godedch organ , flowers. I stripe, also sky and'white figure,special UU- ,
I talked wit - from' the Mapl I . groand, With, pink
er him safe. I suspected him of bav- I . tie at a tirne.and leaving him Y . :
in t is nurtured.. with ever I i .. . I I
a lean .� -tow -that by with 113 factory h4 7 I . . - I �
* ards, ther'Cons.erva- I.told each man a, Mr. Shannon, tepor ; and Rev.* S; J. -which body - the deceased belonged, .a visited his family at; A 6� �
In he inserting. a ' I clin� method we -can think aboutto give bet- 81 inch *ide Dimity in p -with '. - - . . ..
.1 - -
man who I ton the p4st two Sundays.. His . little. . ter And better service. What we � Are stripes,, a very serviceable cloth . e, - '', I ...
drank. I repel - nail and soprano solos were sunk flrst, then cempteiy,. whord the deceased was laid . s. very Ill on last the limit of ourknow, - amoot"Inerdresses, warranted f t I �1 ,
tivas and looked like a bitotleistd.undesi his thumb I Allin, basig, Wii.§ lovely.. The alto and, Conducted -the- funeral, and at Ballys . ale blue only �
. I infar) t .daughter wa doing now is
. . Is tehor to resk one of tha . .1 -
. !at service. The casicetwith beautiful - Miss Kate Macdonald, sister. of. Mrs. � ,� . I .. .. ) , . .
Sting was*very good and indeed Al'the voic Ounday. .. . . I C $ , . : . ,...
oil he as were, clear and full. Rev. Jasper floraltirvibutes,sh.oNving the esteem in Dr. Clarke, is spending some week I 9 ab morrow it will be better if w( ' I AlhambraC6 I I . I � � . .
would not have.anything to do With the deputy to.open tind Jay . t ...... _ I .... � ............. .... -.20 11 I
� t. body read the bur ledge. It is the best store, that we be- � .. - ors, a I as co
-ted to Grant that I did securing it With, mucilage or bicycle ce-t the 'qhartette.. Mr. Shannon . for sum" .
not think Farr a safe. man. and I ment he would be able, when assi . . lieve anybody -can conduct ' - . I . *
� .
him. After my report Grant and a Mr. ballots for counting t.t , "' 0 1 . � , I .
. clock, . ; cf, avof- rded Zephyr, a hard'finisbed , 3 . I
- Mr. and Mrs. A.O. I . material With heavy cornswoven in and' I .I- I A . I
mity, comes in nAvY,black � . � . . I 1� I . .
from him his authority to a - Compare' it closely -prices, quallt�� " -, , . �
� to spoil Conservative ballots by mak- was exceedingly complete, touching oil Among. the tributes -wepe*:-A hand- Pattisono,and will. return letter to Do You'll appreciate this above Inore lf y-ou . looks like Di
i�rr'in my pres ,Wilson then -gave his address whith which the late Gilbert Baer wite held.' Olinton the guest of Ve something or other to imp ove it.
Horton talked about r after five o' , , . .
ence and they deci , o , b back -Ing a mark on the paper. -All of them isall *Iength and breadth of the - great � some wreath1rom the Foresters, also troit, to attend a. . , � and wh '.4 � -, , I 1*1' .
et, as de- Said they would try it., ' Their names British Empire. He .said. that � the one . wedding.' . I I ite, also black, white and . light 11 A ",
. . . .. 21 I *1 I
I every ti. : rice ......... . ,',Ji,,
I . , . . - : . ....... ........... ;... ,,�.11 -1 I"
I er pretty wedding took I . . � .1 ,
. . I . . - . . . . I 1. . "
le, supo I : i 1, .. I
� 1,
and said they bad to let Farr 'go One of them told �psa Ile was a h of it. who' plop to the'American form of whit'e roses a tribute frorn Miss ,Place on Wednesday bf last week at 0 H , . !4
After that Grant came to see me again sence but I have no recollectio - British rule of government was, on the, Ba family.circle, a handsome. boquet 'A. quiet bob 22c
p,uty. That was on Saturday afternoon. may have been mentioned in 'my pro .which was very beautiful from the . thingiwfitc � . . blue, P
student of Ouse 411d,Ve t .. Bourrette, a fine cloth with hea. . . " , . I 9
I 'governmi . . . knotted stripes, co VY , '� " . * , I . �
through ant, whicb, its A . ge a,ble I Tsitkish �
and tbab' be would be all in Mr. Gar ow's office and 1 u � - papublic . Maud Johnston, Picton street, and a a, tn. in the drkwin room of the Pres- . . . . I I I Wes in mauve.and I � i, V%i� * I , �
right. I repli r siderstood chitnged.. its 'presidential ru er and lovely boquet of pink and white roses bytety of the 2nd platitts . I . . : . I . . . . , I . ,�
I ,.
� .. I
I orn everyonVeoriftectid with it every four front, Mls�'Effle . I I -, stylish dress I . .., �
ad, "Well, if You are wilt- filin to say that he had just come f I, Iventse Presbyter- . . I . I I I � � . .1 . I White only, full 28 incheswide, will make a real �,.-�-� , ,
ing to risk it, I am willing.,' . Grant Toronto. . He is a tall slim ianl6bureb, Detroit,. Mich, The con- .0 and I s�.
brought Farr to me again on.'Sunday low, . oung fel-, �e . young trapping parties Miss Isabella McKenzie " f * different; varieties on hand all very moderately priced at ............... I., ................ �., j.
and I would recognize 9 I lea having Attended the funeral the time. - . I . I I 1. I I Ir . . . I . . �-
I ,
afternoon, and went away at once, . , . � . I im again. . are and if we want, new rules we Risk from town. Theta were were 100 car- Of Detroit, youngest daughter of the . Genuine French Orgaridies 09 inches wide, in Whit I . , -
leaving Farr with x I I I nembers of Pits,liament to grant riages in the PPOCession, including . I . r . I � . dotty, �
_qe. I then talked to . (signed) J. G. PRITogETT.. Out" late Malcolm McKenzie of Lacknow, I . I , .very fine sheer qualities, at .......... . 2 P a6c, �
ars. hAvdeverything we want lad Wyatt, both . . . 66. ,
. I
Farr. I instructed him bow . . . . .. I � them, arid'if they do not Comply with those of h1es and Mr. William E.- Corey, city tn U.; . .....7...-., ... a . . . I . I i�:
to sabsti. — I . � srs. Frank blartln� Will . . . F. � � . I" . -. .1.
tube ballots and showed him how . to � ___=40__ .. 1: " our. wishes we got new members. HO Given and'Oharlps and Samuel Treble, ager for the larVe Pharmacy of Plea , M I elVillo, , I Marseilles in black and With self stripes, extra fine fi I . �
NOV Ell anied her . . I I . . I . . s or skirts, special at I I
. . I I ,� ?* of'vantax6owned by Britain, the Suez brothers. Mrs. Zellar, a co"aiij of de ad chat ming in a dross of white intill, � .. .. I ......................
— . . . I .
stand boiv I could do ib Lind made . n- 20c . - 1.,
i Bros.j Detroit, i6b. The bride look. IPhone48 I GROCER. sse
work it. He did.,xiof - spoke at greatlenirth of all the Points Miss Lottle Treble accomp red isb, suitable for dre white only .
,earn to under- WHENC.'15 0ANE.rimE. I
do it very slo .me Canal, Egypt, Gibraltar with its im- - trim � , . . . . . . . . I.. . . . �i i
vAy for him. -Then he ; The Canadian who can read the Prit- eased, arrived in time. to see him be- med with valenciennes Mee and . I . . , . . .
. . . 1. �
I .
. inse I � .1 I . . . I �'i
tried it and got quite handy with ib, �chett festirriony without a flush of pregnable. fortress, Soudan witb. its fore be died. rtioll, sash of cream satin ribbon .11 I . � . . I . I - I I . I
. I . , ''
. � I - RddSea' Persian Gulf, I . ad upon . with fringed ends, and satincollar, 11 7 , . . ' � A . . . . . ..� . - .. . I I
ing some. He seemed amused And quite he did not; work alone. Other men took Armed -man and the -Bermuda to record the � � I . . I �) ' .
Pritchett's India, Afghanistan, Walta, We are very. sorry to be call ' with diainond broach the rift; 'of the .
thou'gh rather'clumsy. . I told him to shame Is not t.o be envlea. vast, territory,
, �eep on practising. lie bad been drink.' conductwaq bad-iniaxcusably bad- but . appaten't1r,oudden death,* groom bridal veil of but a fastened I *0 . I I . ,
with its fortresses, and Halifax with on 7 riday, May 18th, 0 one of one of with e' .
delighted with the thing. He said, hills tq the Constituencies; other men . great PaCi0c . rescent of bridal roses. and car- 1. . I I . I
. I .
. ..
"BT kripes, I Will take c Ila Evert D a I-Satupday M iiday
c6asb. Alis � ourmost esteetned citizenij, Mr, $, Me- . . V 8 * . 0 1
.paid him money'for his dirty work;' e -Bowlby - then sang gaw. ried a shower boqu6t; of bridal to, I V� I �
them all; there of He was one of the old staff of oses� InaUto
ways rL . I � . .
a vote in the box but other man became his*.willing pupils in . " ,on The bridesmaid was a ma . . . �
wil not be IIAI A ,otty Lind well -given Public School teacherq 'who were .Mis A 0 .
. the Fagin arcompi recitation entit sister of the groom, who I C I . . . �
aa: ing ters"was given by Miss Gladys Whit It 1% g 0 .
, Grits." I said, "Do good work and you . lahment of Ste � 'd ".& Story for Kill - the superannuation lisb. Mr. le AW of Detr it, � . . .
if F"! i, - . -
d . . . . was beautifully dressed in mull trim. . . � I
will be well. paid for A.!' Re sai I ballots. ely taught in all 35 years, 15 � of which med with insertion and pink ruchings, ' � . .. I � . . . ,*� I ,
. .
,"How much PI, I said I' would Porba a. the mos'l; humilating part of ely. Then adumb drill given by.the . I 0�_ - -
him ten dollars if be. worked five . I the clever littledaugilter of Dr. Whit- were a ant; in 011nton�or environs and also carrying a shower boquet of pink .V S �,
gbiavlo, the whorls exposure is the success severaGears in Noiwtonville, and for a I pecials,
. I .
I -
. that Ii I .
lots And fifteen dollars. for twenCy.. I Ale Misses Fertile Allin, daughter of number of years has enjoyed resb and and white roses, and pink crescent of OUR-. TOOTH . � . . �
said, "All right." I He he and his confederates 'had in fereet- the pastor, Alice Rothwell, and May good health here in roses in bar hair. The roomsman was . . . I 1� I li .. I
who to, fetirement. We * I ,
gave Fart, twenty Ing ont'nsess in every constituency Wyatt. . The exercise brought the rose have been d that be never needed Or of the groom. The Datrolk brobh� , I 0
rriage car., USHFIS � . I I 1. . � I
duct tint to the Cheeks of the clever trio, the services of a doctor betore and his emony. was performed by the Rev. . . +.. . I . I .
ballots and he put his initials upon were willing to undertake to con Mr. Wilbur 0. Corey of I , . I
them. I tore off the counterfoils and the election fairly and then to crimi ma BR I
and gave them -to him to use. Onthe others in their'stead. te . Pres! n McDowell. , After the ceremony . I . . I - � 9 I � I . I 1 . . � -,
destroy some ballots and substitun" was finished. Alias Wilson drilled or tions, In helping at the sa was performed the bridal party drove
made twenty ballots � no in a parcel ally . at,,- the drill, which had 101 variations. wife bad never need of , doctor7a Job
4iight of the election he came to me men Some honest them and the drill *a learn is to be re. fulp le of
-thank . Heaven�he di rniture the Olt gentleman injured to -The Cadillar," where a sumptuous � I - -_ U JrA S 'I *
terribly excited and asked where he d meet peated oil Empire Day. Miss Shan- himself and when Dr. Whitely was No taking chances of- depend- DRESS GOODS SPECIAL '
And. these, it muet be rernettibered,haa non Accompanied on .the organ and called be.brought, Dr. Gallow with bi wedding was served for the bridal par- in,_,,- on luck when ou buy . � . . . I � .
wastogetthemoney. Hosaidbehad been examined And judged tobe candf` kindly presided at the organ during Arty at 11 a, in. The btidal party I I y I I . I � 1, I . .
and both thought Mr.Megawls state so eft Detroit, on the noofi*traip for God. . I .
date criminflils by other members of the the concert; The next; number wits sepiouvtbAtan operation might save I .
fixed twouty-til Allots.' I had only , in
pea ,b, - , � �, 3CP , fine RInalityj in neab designs, .
I . . I wide ard finish, our regular . .
take his good ballots over to Horton far LOG many -were re . I l'I'MoIs it% volom of garnot and . -A� quality, special for Satur- - I I
him.' Either Grant or instruction In the light-fingured ac lit- i Our 30c Brush for 215t, I Me I Ixt rest $aiwile for day or Monday at ............ 22e, . 1,
, n " is , . . .
ady to take his rich, Miss Wilson's fine rdoltation, on. The operation was saijeepsfully vray., sister of the bride. The going. . 49 childre04 dre"sos, ;Will q . .
- finally debauched. But Lomeyille, in fine voice so round And ad for Drs. Gunn And Shaw Of 011nt� guests of Mrs. (Rev.) Donnia McGi
sent -out and. got.more, I told him to Pritchett to be to given by Mr. Stoddart, rettirn-d frorn erich, St. Mary's and Buffalo. While � �i 2 Juvce"q oul.r. 40 Inch extra It
I given him twenty bob he said.he had Alachine before they were brought , F, hvre, -" aids'for 25a
I �
who would EAY bl'slife, Dr, Whitely then telegraph. in Goderich last week they were the N -
O'Gorman ad told me to say that if complisliment and then to seek p - "The Drummer Boy of Kent;I" brought performed but could nob save the old I Out, 25o, 20c, . ive , I
Payment; for the oximo they had, committ way costurne of the bride was a COS. I
there was any question about )a her a hearty aneore, bub owing to the gentleman's life. The funeral took taumo of grey, with tam. crowned I Our I Be 11 foe 9
of firsoney. el late hour Miss Wilson. did not respond, turday from. the residence hat of .. I ,,t1,%1t,1,wPar, our r�rgul:jr vjjluk� 6,0 i S
mmunity . I .t SAtUrday '�r Montiav at 390 I I I
act; but,when discover- all repaired to the lecture rooto, - composed of tnany folds of the mater. . . special at .......... � ..... ... iase.�12t)'v,,Irtisolllyotv4kney St "' a I . . .
On Sunday nighb Grant also brought is a menacing f - I
I saw no moro'of Farr. That such men exist in the co After the. national anthem was sting I Dan Sutherland. The 10 Palo blue chiffon, the rim of which was � , , () S 1h
P"'Ce O" "'
to me an elderly of C . StAt- ial. The bride ig well known to God. Persian Pink . " I . I
ha � ad, tbeyshould be pub beyond the where lovely vef resh men to were serv� ion, thence to the residence I bru"C# I
f Mr. find ertell and Clinton people. who will join an exquisite extract 11 ,1.. 9*1M, borquots. etc...very fine I . I
I think Grant said �the man I N)lo
heard. slight in ulld and " Power Of Again -for many a long day ad, which i,'Wly was at, sonlooked-for A a Ch it �' 300 Blaok- L-astre - . I """'
9 entleman roiltber gpoy . tnai�%,Ptalnr,"taken to I he G, T. R. . r.o ,of Pink,r
I, nAm tall I
Cummings but 1, am not -at all .sure po 410vorth Leaguo',eid all ill .
a wZ tearing down the very roundiltion of treat. The L Ir . �At - Its Id in 'Stratfard, from with the writer in wishing the bridal
whose house the funeral took place Oil , & 1>11 . I qIUAIRY &V Shirt waNL4,all new , ,
about that. I would recogniie t a r solar kovernment, . . . th6ir Powei to wait well on everyone ' all rosperity. . The groom is an that deserve h at 226: . . I .
b. �; Tuesday. Mr. Megaw left three sons,. , .% 'All , flic, 1) r .- k i. -t �; ,, ,. ki i t I 0 1 1 N% i,,, t. V% t*,,r Situhlay or Monday, per . .
Dan o' =itig�yreflne and well educated t % zZor( I Lit,
he supplied the money that paid Lovely tulips grace cl the many , O.; , N �,tw,vt, _ , 1
6, deputy returning officer. 116 left the nine ballot kept out of the - tables. . illiam, ex m . i 'ry vlar,11_11. I .............. _tlsa I
I VIshouldseebim, GratitsitiAllewas Pritchett and that; paid for every gen I � iitkl Wi r of Vernon, B. � J
I . -1. Mika a erb of Ljortage Young 1CAn, With Pleasing manner. it. go � 87 . 610. lier oz. * ' I ____ - , _.. I I . .
him how to do it. . I made 'a employers 2 ' Vorresb, left f6r Bracefield oil S � . . . I
manipulate the ballots and sholved PPItChett -like a murdered body -to Mrs. Forposb, wife of Express )&Pralrie; andtlitoodaughters, Mrs, 1, .
man with me. I Instructed blip how to delivered "box" and Alex, of Kew&Y,00, Rol) N W.*--ift � I
atur .Holmes of Clinton, Mrs. Archibald of ' � llt��, ___Z, f --,-- - _____ I 1:. .... - _____ I . If-- -_
hitn'the This was no labor of love. Pritchett d, y a. in, to spend a 'few day4 with Seaforth. and Mrs. Davison of Vernon, I . --.-.- I - __-____:1_1 `r�_ - -I----- . - , I -.1
friends there. 13. 0. Me, and Mrs. Holmes find Mr. IN .
same offer of money as I had made to liked money. It was because he did not � TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY i
while We had the pleastife of meeting D, �
what he could dbi I tore the R theremaina. The pall -bearers lets. AlldruggIsts refundthe money � .
in my presence but said he would see in Debroit that he turned Take Laxative Broino Q I
!Parr. He did not try.to work the ballob get paid his promised allowance and Mrs. Archibald Went down with uinine Tab- H. B. Combe N Extra Special .
Queen's evi- - Mitobell 'of, Toronto, who Is can- were.- I
counter. . vassingnur town in the interests of the Messrs, I- 10 7 at r d S ,0 f 22 01-, 0 _'Saotoh Ginghams
fteen or twenty ballots and Dunn, McCracken, Stogdalo and A. 50. D. W. Grove's i .
dencei The Criminals Who followed his R. Johnstone, Murray, .1. if it fails to cure. 2r .100 I
fold'sado instructions ft"d stole Consetvative ,Etna Life Insurance Co. lie Is quite it signature is on each box Physiciftlis' SlIpplie.q., I ,
the ballots and gave thom to ballots were always hot enough After literary e a It a 101 L. ,Johnstone, The deceased was a at lea. . , ,
did nob initial the aternal ___ - 1.1 .
' " , to 00
him. He . golitl in n . nd hi i _ ,- . .. I . I . -no
. 111 while their money. great randfather wits a Cousin of the longand esteemed mom bar of the Ply. . - __ - ! I 1! h �i .� r'll,
Withme. .He took tbeballots away . . I _ � , � k t`i1k1,'%t'0 Puy�eh'*80 114S MadO it possible for tuls
With him and I did not see him again. Where did 16, come from P, poet Zurns. mouth Brothern. I - I I � . � 0 to �;) I '
gl Mr, James Farr, the exit 1'qt�ll %1*4� &10tel MUiT)Utnit� Rt 160 On Saturday or
If the Government would muzzle its Do not forget to ass a himself, ww_�_ - , � tolula ,
stricken majority and let an in- to make 'use of on N ay 28th in order to is perhaps a contented man now; �' 11 I
O'Gorman asked me to go out About panic ,iot darkened
seven miles from Goderieb lie y..
to see a vestigation be held intothiase two dis- See tile eclipse of the suit. and his birother,,Michael, have lucrative I ,
man named Young who was to be a graceful b7 .The eclipse I .k
, 1NN1 %,11-4'� x"T O'slIlliII0 AC'001 Gil`191131119 irl'Plaids and Checks,
deputy taturnin _e-elactions, we might find will begin here at about 8 a, in. and employment in some large planing ti 141 1'411,4 of 11111(stPink, Grepti,etc., warranted fast colors, I I 10�
,nd talked to lit g officer. I saw Young out who paid forthese crimes, Pritchett end about 10,15 a.m. factory In Detroit City, i
m. I hinted that cer- has come'forwardwith an affidAvit but �Ai stvr�nln V p7,4'4% 2i'v, 141 rlozu 0 ...... ....................... I A . i
- I � -_ - so i
Itlain thin go could be Quite a number of Private residences Our ,prices Keep 9S Busy , - _=t ��__
-done with the bill . Olt Thursday last Geor St r I I -�-,m__`__�! Z2:�t
- florist, bad his Knox church S, S: were decorated with little flags on . —
lots and said that If lie wished to it is too much to expect; that his con . ve . ,Owa, b . N " E��i�_ )
Obang,e a few vo federates will do the same, Pat them Cadeb corps drilling in his yard. Saturday and many of both sex bad . . � ; W .P I
Les I could show him in ther-wittlegs box, however, and. put ___ . 1. .— ... I !
how It might be disne. He'refuse4 verv, thir oath to them It them pinned on. I . .
9 ositivo nd we may get at Mrs. James Olarke is making Prep- ,
� and said if he had to do. that many All Interesting truth, For the arations to Occupy her handsome new People must take note now that . I . , . I ,
some one, either to Play a prank or for . . 760 A . sl
a WOUI give up the ballot -box, I re- Governtrient. to Stand With its majority residence on St. George's crescent. fgrandizernent, entered the 1 "061i . �
turned and so reported to O'Gorman t 80, Toweling at 60 prons Tor 600 . .
ton Is to "Interfere with the police,, IZ, Lidles' Aprons made of fine
in the Way of such a . procedure is outer rest �nce of a family in the more 41�j vtsvy 1111t, %J11Ah1V,fATley Weave I wbibe'Lawn, trills over should -
I was not made a deputyas Hot as, th Mrs. Clarke 18 an accomplished artist; Personal a c WM. Tairlor & Son' �
sOd local People iligisted upon the p ,.a South easterly direction of the town I
and In China painting and Is fond of brie 'i 1811101 wille TAilon Towolin .
tions, I . 0.81. conniveat the escape of criminals, It brac. some pieces of which she has on and took some good Wool Capp . � ' ' . - Rutf VolotAl hortler, special for I ers trimmed with embroidery, � 14
At the hotel I will never be enough to Punish the which French violate are exquisitely _efing I
did my work in O'Gor- tools of this black eons . that bad been scoured durl � 8-tt UpdAY M MOM14Y .......... 19c I regular 7r)c to clear at ........ Is
lball'S r000l'as my bedroom was on the membe 'me,y, B van if Piloted- net toilet set Alid some other ng house . The place to buy YoUr 13octs and Shoes. , 4*0 1
third floor. When I went Into lit is who have Xready satfora pieces of French chin& ate done in Cleaning time and several other things I _ . . "., . - -_ _ . , . � I I ,
on Sunday morn. spoons, session of Parliament in seats secured blogsoming clover. Sonja of her china that Ifty neat,; tied them up fit the ood I . . I
ing no person wits for them b hett, bits Is done in paste flnishad with flannel shoot and left it In. a neigilor's A,f ew Spftials'tO go On sale Saturday
1h%PAthere- On the table under some Writ- described 9 ould for very, shame's sake We had nob seen anyChing In that & line but e"Idently the party or Morning :
POr there were Some packages -gold- barn Yards of cappet were Pinned on . � _ L, -1 , I Ladies' Saillors at 40C
( allOts, four li.ackages I think resign, We have done nothing but tart before. it is more in At- pApties got fr . I ,:r,�, � I I .
style 0 design than the rest of the � - -,#,
knew they were for me,to be distri I Show thab 801116timell such dastardly worial untouched, I J litened and left the line . I - -_ . I
but* tactics way partially fail, placeso . ge neighbor heard of the So Men's Oxfords ab ...... ..... ... ... I... age - � T,ddiei' Sailors made of fine
ed Among such deputies no I should Ar. There is no guarantee -in this that . losaand was able fortunately to restops ., -';'..!,�`�,� ,." . -
T will not, betried again, I House on, of the Park theMiSsing things, This is thefirst. 80 pairs Be s'Pine Laced Boots ............ T Do - straiv� others of rustic straw, in
range With. I took the ballota and gavo the Mr. Walter Shann _ 00 Ladies' Oxfords at ....... . ............ 00a I ___1 '"",
Q�. �.",Z,..
r,7 "+- I
some of them to F 0 IT And to the man The principals will be. at large And men, " One of our well known sports- Occurrence of the kind in years, we , 4
!sup ose to be, Cummingo, qs I have undetected. They will know that it Cour hasthe Contract; of paintilig the believe. . . � I 80 Ladies' Tan Oxfords at ....... I .... ... ... 70c ", (, I black arid white only, with silk
otatek The others I blivilt on th b House. 110 will do hie work i I M Laffles' Kid Buttoned Boots .............. age I 1�. . an
of the election. onight; they can stoal & majorltg, of seats In well, . ellancerysitting of the High Court � . Several other lines going at ...... Wholesale prices . d Velvet bands, usually sold tit ,
� , 1�
On the day before the CIO the House of Commons t air Creations of Jilstlell will � commence nil Mondar � t,.�', I
Invest'gAbf" into theakatiny rink laeb winter has, we siding. I
their conduct. At the worit; they will Are Vease to note, beon,elected V, 0: At the hisb meeting of tile Royal
.etyon day will vote Agal"tany Charles Reid, who was manager of next; with Chief justice Meredith to. 4 I 150, Saturday and Alooday spocial
O'Gorman paid me, twenty S 5 .
-five dollar P � I tt . . . & # t W a . 4 W
for iny oervicea itild fiftOon dollars for � -Clomo early Saturday morning. We are Always h usy I 11 40c
hub lose what they tried for, They � .
Ing after the election, of 1� Dpon Lodge, No 62, 1. 0. 0, V. Tepiplars -- of Temperance ift the afternoon &lid evenings. With eXtra help last Leea
exPenn6g` 1 left GOdoaricil Oil tile Morn- arc P10ing tot enormous stakeoij And vice N. D, Rougvie resigned, arrange. Sat. (tV00) alwa) a�vws a2mm-) (T-1W=(%"Knd_W"69�D d:��l
is tile nighbol'the election they Are required to PrActletilly take WO learn Millits Were,made to holg a grand . tirdAy We Could not wait on all our oustomers. �
r took . I .
tarb In the proce , celebrAtin no risk, that chief Allan P, He. entertainment, Oil tho'evotlitt g of 3186 See our Stoefz, OOMPAI-8 our Pr'ees, . Vokin NON% NAOX .
iberal victory. ssl,on g the But Jet 'Us 011te, that, Corrupting Lean Is retiving from business, We Ab WhI011 all the, delegates of tho . Ir Is I TAW I
� AcGillictiddy.Toin . fear tbab Ills late accident ha% lillps,jr. "I I
. stream of monoy to its ,source, &nd we .
Levpla and I obeJ, 111"Strict 0011nell will Convene, Miss We Are headquartors for Footwear. I
I )e one call . .
think Grant was Ill our carri 0, I shall drive from public life the Inest ed Ilia health, for before thi%t hAp On. Wynn, will preside ovel, tile litualeal . . I
bittlaninotauves oubihat. a a190 W110 arm Pf'1111011Y reapotsmible for this spled he waa an eag6r and netive tus- parb ofthe entertainment, . .. � . ,
A �- tit SYMtematic debaslehingof this fOw find Inflas plan. , 1. . . .
I Tile inethod o lbatitutill 3onathan Millor dispogod of Ills twO . � 4)
ballot for the genuine one me dofrauding of the many and *ill Con- Mrs,11ar rofflieXingistonre8taur- fast horsoo Vh19Ini& and Payroek. Mr, WMa TAYLOR & SON110 I I A I
dePl1tfO0R'W1kiCl1 I IIAVO Inentione 06 Vince voliticlans tbr4t thim posal 84 Ant is visit rog her 11
,(t ble lo velatives In Tofon- Miller could not pay U16 attention, to
n, the prosspeetiv6 . . .
1. 1-11",
��i , - 114 f- All. -I
I �
11, I
I I.
- I.
I .
.1 .
'I I
) .- 0 0111 cer NAInF4 from such a cauroo. Mr. W. 0111no. Into Photographer, Tito Tax Seavisan reitchea Our harbor ,
U80 is its foll(o 8* ere OCR tire far greater tha to, thOln that J3011 Allan Will, V_ �
the false ballobt so that he'(.,oul ren( . Athoroti h,relentle"'Pubile'ein with APHAL $AlloW Clash slid 0116 Priee. 014 Fggs taken an! Camli. � 0 I
ily tske one in his left hal)a when he on oath tin with,every '7111r,70 s, Is now In Dr, ongundayis,111, With & raft.0flogs 'N
I osts 011111111IMM""'
wished to work it. When ikkfjoWn In, the be*, *111 be d POONA w Meats John Turnbull's dentAl offled learn- tPot), Johliston't harbor for the harb6r INSURANUM ORMON AT TIAN STORN.
00118tirvittiVe VoOr Would be In t 6 act . *Mftcldmd by every Ing t4oth lillin and somos day he 1&&Wmill. . . 110011� ,
doc#nt waft In 0"44.-Montroil Sw. me'rhave A - - - A , 00 -0 -0 -0 -0 -A -AA -1 - __AAAoA01AAAAA AAAAA MORA A A I 0LIXTO
A. 0, After big name, I .- _0001101010 ---AAiA1%h
I � I I . I
, I
� 11� � I . . �,�.', .1 11 I
.1 I I I .1 ___ 1. 4116�� __ - _. __ __ ____ __ - _ _ - _ __ -
,'I. - - ______._ , 1, ,,, -_-v - ... I—— 1. � 1. -1. � � -1-1--_