HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-05-24, Page 3.......... .... ........ foulblon they are not proporly hungry
ad I tell you, ishe III roming, So he VAI104. MEMO IN DATT1111
so fillort," lie added reflectively, ##a 'p, we to get at six, Bud, beside$, AS Is too lato
it is vo weoy walting. Paint eNdlo all a trauble. hol you wl. for a, child to oat tho heartiest meat via For RonoWs Saket ti 14,hwlt I up. Wheria is the bQ,;quDt. Ill
D1 droop, dainty eyes ure, e been know her at % glance. blue ey's and of the day. ONE XINISTER WON THR VICTORIA
URE OF teas. .4kh sue I but I bav golden hair, yoll cannot take )tog.,- ]ROVSEHOM 0(toss FOR OALLANTRY.
A D111C[ cruel." e, 8114yr4n CASM summer vacation In River- Shame and remorso hold me Silent I Wood for Buy'h9dy else' Where is tb Cases of oasiton flautiol for silver woos Isl4usovi 114ye Neco port a certain Importrt I woWd have given anything to recall boaquet V*
t busines At- Shaking hand. It. fieveral V0
l. my oruel curiosity; ba brutal Pro" I ced It In his HAIR RROVIV are desirable properties. Make each tr4 of Me 9"Orm-T11110 PrOV034111 NOO
Reov. Dr. Talmage Ditwourses on r0s fair took me frequently to -the rv. pitot that I wasp 1jjy wand bad 01101' " down find waito I)o not expect To there any article more of a tie, one to bold a dozen forks or -Spoons, risiiker 0011411e. way Station, where, I Sent and rocelv" ad the old maulli heart, and 014 bitter too 11, hia sald with eon. otaWty to feminine comfort tbausome utterly
- At waters of Inomory won oot to be ro- " 'Rhe is cooling I, with two lengths of flannel 1314 One There are few callings so
ed numerous telegraphic WeS53905 viction, , I imu�st be, the. first to great so.rt of a convenience as a recePtacls on the other, and 41VI404 Into COW- opposed In the common idea Of the
4W Wonderful issiono every one Ot my visits saw an old Strained. Ing for my daUghtOr,"he her. But It You PlaasO I will hold for hairl Vvery bodroom occupied by partments by muchisio-stitching. work peculiarly belonging to Oacb as
M-,tn whose solo business in life seemed "I am wilit 8 laugb, that your arm. Jim, excited, very excited Ill should be Supplied witu Have the piece which forms thaback those of a soldter and a clorgymao, .131t, said with a Ineauloglea yw many girls have Ling oil She li�aa forgiven Ho held my, arm and stood near the the 1901100 BOX
ended In a Sigh. edge of the Platform, glouejug in the a hair reeiver. Ili -trout to I,t I$, therefore, astoulabing to learn Difficult. tiOr Bila AtIlYthing Gre4t or Fainou-,In This to be included In owing back tel S, and. At- of the case wider than tile
on the railway platform. Who Man Ma at last 444 Sho !a 0 direction Of the 11PPI`030111119 train, Ov- Tr lit a might at a friend ad furnish a, flap, to told over at the that there are living to-4ay not titles of never amused himself with u13wsP`3Por me. not do a cry balable In big body.quivering with making the Morning tollet, look a- top, say. trom. three to $ouir Inches World We Get 001Y *the F"Otl"tes*& out I oso certain abo could excitement, It was with difficulty that in Yoda for oomothing in WILIOU to 4 O, or throe, arainient clergy.
46k, but sat idly with big sun- . Objection, ble little rol sure the size of each Casa one or tw
wiser thing.,' I sald to break the Palo- a I of deep. Men, a the various Churches, but
Wh4t CbrIst Is --The Dr. Says Christ Is Every. or b t I could wevoul; him from leaping On P061t t114 t -Of sight I by that -at the article It 10 to hold men t browned hands in his lap staring in 0 %ul Silence. . hair one wishes to put Ou.
vacancy. The expression of th fate 4, She was eighteen five years ago the track. be tousLd I Not even A SQTaP -table, dessert, tea, or coffee OPOOD, many of them., wbobave 40tuallyp be'; When I think of It now I always Nothing to,
ing -in the Oreat Plan of Redemption, was weak; the face of one who had When she wen* away, and "Us is twe'u- I sky. the gray ou- basket-;-another"usieful &VtWI0 4814%1' dinner or dessert forks, ate. fore they became pastors, served
�rl_ turan landscape aald the unaeasOn ly considered Superfluous in bedroom$ ty-thres now,,' coutiou , a recall the grOY, ft( able their sovereign "with the 0010urso"
Be men- fought in the battle of life and been . ad the Old in% ---so She Is forced to leave the uuat� TO DRS$$ BECOMINGLY- foresice to the geologist. The with a childish delight in these I n % as the fitting asVearson's WeeklY. deopatou frvj� Washington Says 11, the Vale vial details. -I Vivo years ago. f IvO long flakes of falling 6 0 v
era X will 4ay-suck 11-0100YA defeated, Irresolation WAR background to the �Icture of this lit- tractive reminder of her dainty Pre
Talmage reached from the ", il vers. They b tion. and tha shadow, years 'ago and all through MY Sol- ( once in bold relief, on the dressing. EvarYunt kriows that vertical stripes he most loworLant of such at the
owieweet flay Inc eyes ; Irriesoi-a tie tragedy, give length of figure, and horizontal
Is all a -ad -In fatten their infidelity U�ion the truths as 18 flahnegs. but how could I know the ,Is it coraing?o be asked impatient- present day is, doubtloss, tile Arch* which have led thousands to bOAVOU, at a wonder or surprise, such tendar heart at % young girl, filled To Make an inexpensive and pretty lines widt,ts, Only tall %Ad slim f 19- bishop of York, x-viso bas done duty 411.11-041, tit. a. found in the eyes of those who have s and golden IxaIr ly. be liere in a, minute I hair roosiver'o take a butchers Cuff nits, threefore, should were horizon. As a liquEenaal;
Bvary age of t4113 'Worlil hII4 its and in th6ir distorted vislim$, prophet Some gre -with love -131-40 eye, It love, "Yes, it- will . I Irith! prophet - ouce - looked On At horror how could any one help bu harl they are %bout five outs a Oir,��-404 tal trimmins on their skirts %rid with, his old regiment
to War , And, avaA - But I opposed it, Goil forgive me, and See there it Is now.'# r the bell, put in u bottom of carboardl neatly .historians, fts philosophers, its WittlX evangelist, and apostle which they annot banish from mom she left P ,'I see nothing; but I be, silk, Line the 0 bodices. Those Are fundamental in India, und knows well "VQ911-
wi� r Is - Thank Vrod, it is cotdidg at JaEl t rr w rules which even a n
teachers, ; and it they Cad find . ilia no I it was a father's Van t. Toll covered with, uf 9 with ovileo In tile art' Ing it" Is- And it Is to big credit ardst,s, its thi)(114OVS, and its trait -of character in a man ory; there was Irresolution in all. giving nothing. AS me, whon it arrives 1, a cloud is before, colored Silk, gathered wl It a na o there histories to be written? 4100 bad outh, with its weak, tromillous lips' ity, claiming Were ioried in tb;xL Bible, those To ' It she had no rights I I was cruel; but 14Y eyes and I cannot %ee� It has not ruffle around theo lop It red silk is of dress kn9wo, and yet how often we that, even when his tilst,68 Ia.y In, a
a Many aMOSOS, or a Of God meat the hag -as, the long, in my loneliness I thought it out , used, sew on the 1twile of the cuff � military dix-obtion, it was prophesied
there fliali bee And, Stopped 7" 4 'a" them
k-arrion crows caw and 914P their wings Irresolution 14 ass, Another rill 8, to write ed fingers at which were thought it all out 9 r Ros.0mond's sake eon- a bunch at poppies or re :o�also frequently dig of him b; th-so Who know him, that,
Xenophon,. or a JoseplA4 ever tile earcagio, Because they 04DUOL tbick-joWf te to her Ask- *No,, but f 01 Ly to see Suspend the receiver by a red $%Ust f dress QQms to be can, understand how the whale swallowed acting and elaxlng!�s learned my duty, I wro eirself. What ill she st reg4rded-is to choose a style a ould not be,
thiem. Wgro there p nervously contr and Shp Is cora- trol Y()' -wILh a small ls�7w, at the top, In hmsmorly with the person and Its- in that line big career w
alws they attet the More ou on, aotivity and Ing bor to forgive me,, ribbon, ve varied wit), 010 tures of tho'tai3e. For Instance, a undlatingul.4h . ad. But the Indian otructoill there was ",,a, Xhe bf $wallowing the. , 0: if undecided beLwo Ing bacli�, she Is coming back eyou go-oxeltedt" feat � rose. For Rosamossills sake I F or Rosa.. Thw flowers, may.
ot tuej;a. Waive quiescence, A small bouquet Offresh- Again tenderly touched the whit color of the listing-4aises with Yel- stout worgon should never dress like army and his old regiment did not
a Homer to conatfu roged " wand's Sake I" roses with pink, forget-me-nots slim girl Like a stout keep him,, his leanings turned to more. t gtor Whale of ra was always op the , I suppose she will find we cha 'tr0n. 'now dashod 'up to And low, a Slim girl, or 0 , here thrones lustrous and Powerful to ly -plucked flow 0; and the 0 a said,in a atte-of- act voice, -in Ths- the with blue. It is always desirable, of one; a divergence from this rule pro�. peaceful work, and he resigned his be lifted? there. has Always beta a nly stapped before the station. Among courae� to have Such t Onize (,uses discord And offends the eye. raise them. 'they -do not . believe it Possible, that "t beside the Ma inful contrast to t 6 otlost ex- of the travellers. to leave the cars hings, harm, commission to become a clergyman. 6 true Which change in big attitude was when he anner, "Five v%,Rs handsome young woman wIth the prevailing color of this room, Then, again, a different out of dress. I or Ll� Caesar to de ended for tho'BLble Story should b pressed in is eyes an low many people know that the
tviO4 -there teapbors . M dumb, ass SNUG while turned to store down at the flowers years of loneliness a, re orse are with blue eyes anti golden hair. She Is roq�iired for a classlo. rofile and Bishop of Liverpool, the hlghly�ea� Says that the I 0 reedifig' grou a for rinUles. d face. It, is by tho. profile,
ho jutellect'- and the beartf there they Lbe thing pea- And relax the rigid lines of his face 90 stepped daintily to the platform and A roun face must be judged, teamed and venerable Doctor Hyle, Own uti,oranceal 1 a4M ut a c is so, in ao as 'you will out this oreoge$ in the skirt of however, W%t the was once 06 "Soldier of the Queent" 3j�s beeo % Socratos, and a Z640, and Bible by their pule, fiestiug smile. shook it your dress be chosen as an adjunct L bound when I hear Ia Sea.". from, the her rich travelling 90wn� Glancing Ydt it is a fact that he was. Before Ono. ilent, rigid figure soon became He� had dra*n a latter- d
4�010antbssy and a Marcos Antontus amused bey bout a fu- The a It ).lar eyes rested on the to.Ayour parsonal appearance, bad
rago. talking a -abot the famous Scholar and prelate no.; torth on Pho grand and glorl- ture life, J . u4t. ask.,% man it amused and Paill- breast pookyat of big boat, and after calmly lacidly what gives the profile its par wlxQ re- filmillar to me old man, and with a , smile one P -yes, tile ose. made up his mind to become a par-
ious 4ulasion. 4vorY age of the ,vorld jectE that, Bible what Leavort is, and od jut at the same time- In the first gazing at it witll hungry, affection vanced toward us. t, loularity I The nose � of your nose son, be took a fancy tj military ate eyes, handed it to too. L hesitat' ad rheretors, it t4e line He wit' toa a h air of loneliness , 11 Father I" [ pure, like a Grecian, things, and joined the Cheshire Yea
�&aa Iliad its triumphs of reason and hear him Pet09 Your soul ad to take it, but the eagero;anxIous � rm-grew is long and cap,
You that eave ismarely the davel, The hand re ury, with a commission as A
about the wast, Bud loneliness is 0- proud manner-ot the old wast conquer- Status, you qUOUld dress with severe Ma �Moxolity. There htxs not been a ainglS, opment or tne "Internal resourcos of Ing. So ed my not over-atroug scruples. heavy than relaxed; the old. man stood if, On the cost- ily at his duties.
-of the world which Umi not had nee of the dyna� Ways pathetic in a human be . lit for a moment, - the - light of and noble Simplicity. in that department for a Year', . I ILL is of floreace real and far as I could go 'M, "Lack first at the beautiful hana- uprig ace -, then trary, year profile lines are irregu- a decided ystem. of religion, tDe OrCeS into a $teLe Of ethe a no one Spoke to Ill in h4PPIRess abisilng on III$ T ilder counsel$ at trignus -isoan writing; she was th lax, givIng you a little Impertinent two; then us in Orlesitalism, t�toioisw, transcendental- lucubration in close seemed to know him, Trains ar�. a best scholar I body Swayed and tall back heavily and changed inclinations of his own present ac one her class, and always Won the Prizes iontstretobe -what the army lost the juxtAposition, to the ever d arms. air, thou our (tress may be,fanciful,
arted without Is I I Liato my with P. dasb Of originality in.1t, not prevailed, and
and Buddhism, ooaslder� d and dep, rJuKkul� But road itT ou will see.then that Father 11, Church of R ingland. evideatLy gained. was,, and too groo,r. - ,p oe�ll and rive a It to say cotpiioe- -Ing the ages in �whloh they were 00tab. the everlasti I nir " no 1,, Considering A change of 'eXpression t is placid, she IS, coming back." handwriting .bnile came to the pale lips, 0110 Dr. Harry Frank Johnson, the $tit- 'Ingenuity themselves to -be wise, LbeY are fouls patient face, without bringing the I openedthe letter;. the last glow to the cold, flightless eyes, fragan Bishop ot..Colchoster, is au- -fishedi,y4ra not looking in hand at the Stimu- woo,fflultless-i every - I dotted, every t and the ohfidOW Ot (teRL11 passed over 'to �aod 'Oroe'' Now, in this line of bone- for time And eternity. claa.9 at a friendly y crossed. I read:- other old array man, now risen
3rI the patient face and chilled thlb lines IN XEJRY OLD ENQLAND. row lnIo pp high honours and. preferment 16 'the
Mhon, there is ano�ter class of per- Ing, bf a f viandly word. he air of ut- prIFeather,-As the climater bere, L ace prelate -ficen, institutions and of noble., MsA, to he BrLblo as eon Lro- allness was sad enough; but ratbar wearing on tile nerves I will 9X Palo And oand church. This distlugiiisbod who come On- Bou's, ar.101114 staill an ther Ixopeared a. paraonao more W enormous Pro tor Ion Iabout which YOU, art rest" 111tereiiiiing XCITA can say even more abilit. his mill a versialists, TuOY are or vilo- it, was sadder to notice dullness and. pay, you a via' xelle.. - We have Ior Rosamond's sake I tary. .can either of --derful . thass any predecessor, He came byterian a, 'or fierce. JBAJ�tlat,B, so ituslooessarily a experiences than idiots, They cut 'the Bible iltire absence of hops Or OxP0ctftL'Ou agreed to let by7gones"be by-gons$,. -1 imanufacturers Vilve ra- his contemporaries above alludedi'too. ifrom family Witout any. royal Or lent Xetltc Cincionat a a W isuit.Leir creed, inote 'ting 'in his face an&affitude. Ile,satthere otter you ex- to r near_ ror he has actually done, duty on a Nad Of 61�t but as In letter ifter I Y N&MES, on Ile became Rlbla� If the at I am happy in FAMIL calved an order from Loud tive service, Dr. Johnson "a Claim 0 �tboir creed to sixic the passively in sunshine or storm, a use" the hope tit 'ly nime ly GW000 British flags, He had no ad- Soxipture thinks. As they, do, w.011; it a encumbrance on the Platform Of my marriage, let me settle the roat- 'it to curious how many fama tLo be an old Crimean veteran, and Lady Margaret Fitzolau award, the lessons,he learat-during thatoel- from. the schools, There not., so touch the wrse for the Suri. -P les tqr once for. -all by �011lslg You ChAt- I -are substantially like those of familiar ay, tliiosr. , The Bible is at -cold winter of Lerely tho What- the AtatiOn- - s1lot happy- -It IS s "Opla beslae.111mi.,day after d the Oeaaont stone -on whicli they shappou the dis- tly'-polntOd Out it and that I eloped and m1r-; things. Take, for Instance, daughter ofthe fourteenth Disko of ebrated war in the One day I cover -nd Southern Russia. have stood him in ean a t. in do I Nv (f no idea that H was going o controversy. They -Also Winter, & excellent stead many a twe a will but your Opr There is spring, Norfolk, who died at tl�' ago Of'39, secting-knIfe of to the station d �askgd ile. against your ated Mo. I di(�! 97407, Ing with various claisses . of Men, able,. or do 'any- come.to It as a govesim nt., intime position only ftggraV there is, no Summer there is Summers, left personal estate valued,at.X! -"Who is he?" remarkable yet, notwith- ok war comes to armorlos Or arsenals not. know may own mind, and had. you i d t has promised & do, trying and tried, who have bomieun thing the- in, Place of, an hough there maybe, no Fall there Sir J. W Bills hureh work. His as. They hu've orunk I't was calmly reap6ned with me the Ithe U'ewlY� der'bla notice in a standing all this a'11d � withont any 'for weapons and MitnitiQ: ire Falls. Those that folloW static of ll000 guilleas to a VrlaStIng agansGone In bit; %PPor story' acting like a hysterical,, pleading we- at blue cloth irim- 111 -benevolent fund of th . a Bur. was tile let . Royal. Dra- lyr pretension) -or flam- answer -are: Jan., March, May- As 0 Eton jacket of cad formed regiMen, 'he remain here, all. day 2" man you Might I ted . we months 0-1 or schola other soots; and.LlieY wasit go.many Does Lave proven i60..., in which he hold a coinatcy. -iog rbetorio Hoe Startled � the. world many muskets, o Due' and haole kg -those, of . the, smaller. d The scalloped voyors"Ins L ate'. It. has often. happened that . army broad awards, so He comes hare befote the first frow. making this i I do not 09 the names 11 .. me with stitching. divisions of jury 'tit. the London chaplairtil Ott the field calendar time� �Day witts, the scrallgest aiinouncements, many howitzers, so, ma"Ay columbLads, mistake of MY IIX6- blame sub is reve;ra and deep! collar ELTO stitched Olt grand of battle have �:, � L L I canister, so many train arrives and does not g wa) I have long since agreed' to for- dark blue ented a had, from force f elreumtauc4s, to ran in Collision.' With '401 tests so much grape an( you, While, the -edges rind inlaid with. ns 'recently pres 6 emn pr -ake the H -get 'the past; but� when.. will fathers well. known,: also weeks,., velvet. Sleeves out with shaped, actual field pieces, With which to t until the last train has.passed govern their. County t'of- bQooMe soldiers of the Queen, r6 may , be no such name petition ask ng - for' '�at least on anti rojud. rulers, and with, a �PiOei field Of dispute for they Media, tw get U'S not 1 though tile pointed cuffs, which ire ornamented and to undertake of astronger $ . . r d4iner is In_ that'. tin can uudes�:- the learn tbat. they M, t - and as T . o -w ame nature, r from .9, mllita'ry. point'of.viewl. that rang th.r6agh toakple and pal 'as tile victory. though t 0 daughter$ through X84SOU arrow, there is a fallillY n -stitching. Material required, LLP with ned wItI1,3140ke, and.the earth seat. through tyrunby? r'O n`gS 610th, 50 ties Wide, IS.:4 Ya jaS... a. a, lie has died than those that. they -aexeed. to per-. and �vr -ad m otin, top, darks Mor W. As for familiar thl 11 Miry Goodwin, W e, 31ile here I He 01MnOt t 1310 for-, their the 1%ond,,with the thuni a they. ", Does It . r p But engb of this I hve grown R�M rfol At jho� Age, ia�f 90, as let t forw When �rthey. signed on lef the Lord man tp'waste, tipae in this husband, and ho, has Dature,take for inst%ucei, Dew,Froo,, ad pn ight r e exIc ALL= t a,poor, weary a% MY Raines F ARMER'S CORNED BEEPi 110 direct ecandants, inolad.Lag.:. 7 work. Bishop Brtadle,. the 4ont care abOU't tile religion 0 world 1"i Moo wore taken all aback At Jesus _bhiistl 'I bave , Both Some W�ly. me, And so.1arst'able Snow, Cloud, Status, and Galeat aSaistant_prelate as owna a nice little house-, bat. =tify yor desire to 'Bee me- aa:nii % grandsons. 'tb,idea.tbat that hand, yet from such come !back r from an ecolesio.g. Ling thtoti4b"nie- and Uale� . To fasupy, uames like those An old farmer orns beef by this a Ca�rdinal Vaughan, r I men oil ru 6 think The. mayor the Ps'oud Of their it is all fallibe; intr I can live in' comfort' with You MY asy a pilot, (it Hastings turns Most Celebrated of tb -use, of the dud h fir9t at two new olp chap !no the and. adz,* tical mfts warrior recilie, Tor'pickle 501bs of beef, out oil th- ZftlSh
t achievementi L Is,- Garnett, Diamond the Water I a ki au Indian gleet all but the. jjo%vor, garden t at, visit wlll,.be roloriged indefinitely; of minerato it is 6 nto'th� who have 40taA.Ily It scalps he ll.,Z-ps -in gond order." - I Arays had a' prae Cole Rock,- Star r in, a kettle, add d r - onsfrucited! I should wave the. 896P, r but -you. know I all 2 undergroan airs 0 army on more fields thun one,.' and Jbwell; and. ofmatalp and boasting of :the number at dach - , . Gold gala cold Wdtp :6i 'it orlty; and - 'that upon 'that I r 11 What is he doing.here?" t, al mind; we� uiuL 'salt,: lbs sugar and 1 z.sa church is �more I I it taken, I have mae admiration ' - .. .10, . . 0. not come to you lbs 'at Faitligh No Man in any s"Ir don't know.lo. .1d era from WWoh they had, $0 Often for & isdart who goes , f orth - with other plainly. up. you Silver and Steele.r Ayer. �ua Wat minutes,Akim well! Mr, T. W. Lewis,, a. well-known highly.. esteemed by ll �class6s of Sol- Id and, h -day than. is the bravo and f is ts to get tile 04AMptonshipj than 11as he. no f rionds To' I reckon ment . a and Mod t 16 diers to f toll, �th6ra for�any,-, to (]a - I urn of, suggest the Ole. ak, I . un I and fath i-p)B the sweat a He � doesn't Soak AnA does-. must.have quite it' nice little a fire and sat'aside Wales minin anginger, or of 'Beau HIM W I - 8 pugilists, or thes bOy for supposing you have, Clay are not alike earthi. Astptlaings a fub Sir - W. T. 9 the stipendiary mag- noble -Father Brindle, f6r Soldiers do magazines. Olt ney lit the b codPitt the pieces of beef in Lewis, )�buld ye� Coma thV'CX0Wn of our.'Mr- - Any, Life is. too you have this grand fielp'to themon who -snake our theological w1i d not forget his aost people to worry about.aprank." so -If there -is Mean - all Lill meat caskand cover* with i t t of Cardiff, is dead. or am in the.. heaves is ro�- a ances -that ad spetid6ur and at universal dolo- r ng with not squandered it. . on very lovingly o0 the battlefield in more inst,
IDoea h6 live , till alone Money we shall gal I hat6 pov-'Starr, and of be 01awPass, cover Wakefield cathedral is to be on- one. 'They will tell you how big.- liilon. We all know how difficult it THEIR. HORRIBLE WA11CRY - 'i Yei; and enjoys. life as you see. and comfortably tog -ether.. brine, weight the meat under, -him the D- is to baronyt a ame legend. or'ot her that inr is than. I hato my hus- "well'as 14ortb. cool, dark place. larged cut a cost of ;"4,600 as awe Wrk.there has won for' hing, great orfamous; and -There, 1 n the topi and set. in. a 'Waisham. How, . 0. from the Queen herself; li�w, bee TJ*re %re.men who seesIC to thl past be 'was cheated -and ibused bond, and'rr do u6t Melia 6tO Buffer I There is a considerable number of Ill keep..ona.yogr. .. The morial t�;t4o*late D.r. no Nvonder.that those who.had 11. Only UB6of the word of -truth is to the he -ca . red for.: Somebody was from it. Charle tins once lOv0d._ The me- w first bishop of, ther diocese. he wears the Order at the A16djidiah, boys I vi'th"dirist in: the r, . ieta is, ona. passage by those Y Yaki of colors, -as orning are the brisket �otick som6body-TI lase othok day; and Twan a f 0.01 not - to take him., family names like those' best cuts -for 0 his brav- 'like bet- telling the A red the iceof ongiop give him by the Sultan for' �gxaretli, andeen, 1-lim, in after years of' tbg Scriptures that theyr abrmt it 6reen, Blue Violeti r J,, Asat interested I didn't pay ate White, Blasi, and piece$ adjacent to the, backbone, Ad -goodness the, wounded the daya. Of' HIS 'that is -this: but is I lN raciie still rich and unmarried 9 I h �of (1,90 r t that has taken Place ery 41 31 Gray. LIke though ribs and any Vanes can coal, the fire iferred upon lit I Complete! Obscurity, �eVr flign.all.ocbers and tore is something the publicity of. a divorce, but I do Sch d M b, hve.beezi very SIbW't6 aokaoW-r -.the Lo I rd . Which teacheth much attention. T1 rlett Brown an t Mat, bow the Khedive cot blegsed is, 'f k0m rI6t intend to waste MY life for -the rs 0 features ba for six months, was made a� ',StiLr�`;- and as to Me& -Should Y nomes Of various mambo . r coined. the Egypti
1� ar and ray itingers to about somebody running awa sbarid. I co6king. -look; the decrease being M per. ton; service, both ac� a( God' him; go��g *off %ith lots f Money wrotchad thing I now Call hu els a knack in or -all. sorts of tight." W.. oe torus if wecome st Than, ther SSIONmy "ads to W to . and jewels. tI do not know exactly whe least of he bo.ay'are Ha do Armes, Legg, . the mistitke ot putting it. aWin Rabjqhns tual, fighting a;nd al&TM the wound- d as 'Colt* r versiallsts, OT -as seep- a he lov- Hairs# Board, and Many make r 'take it from The estate of Mr 'E 'POS7 Q'Itriat 1W s fault- - FOOta,'Done, Chinn Man. into cold watier. The5 . ton, Cardiff,. And ad and dyin could eing deceiyed by,the person come, but expect me at any time- at Mo.�ey, of Th�orver amidst the worst Erama,rk,.1h tho first place, -I pro or as bOnnoisseurs. or a y. He doesn't in 0 a so a family name the brine, just. Wasbi 11 a ethic. dangers, Bishop 1s:.0ve)ryr1Ang in the Bible. � 46 not t, sly as poets. Those only most turned him cra7 ter the receipt Of this letter; , (I there is mrry House, Barry, J. P., solitary bil to and being in
fin ego -over it first few: and not MISS here.1 6poll the Bible, I find iad or me;f -truth who Irobk though its it any one could prepared for me, My old room will Like those of. names borne by animilla bas o t6r proprietor is,valuad at 4188,000 )and anyone a In, Whatever path I s,tart got into the heArl�of God's oil i k that 'be satisfactury if it is rebung. f bftte eBull,.Bulioek, Laisib, Xidd, Colt, and. keep, it, oiling antif It fairly �d of tender. Abet- At, Maid ahead recently 'the corner them. is, to the Eethiatiom. ut froy1jL is wanting Cor an OW Olt, There grows hard fiasteii And ovary soldier in the array is comi seeking. for Christ. Welcome all him' ner, And in my. blue and I love*pInk. I am glad mom go Hare and W, ter way whether vegetables are cook- field. an inquest on Mr,� H. F. Trigg, proud of two r1orgymoft, such, They will find, coming. 0. ik.is so Valueless that, -is 11 16 to see my rilisery, iL Badger, Hag ono of whom c e Old (It$- by, until 7kpinloa -the trut 6t ali are.cx� the other Of ind:iho curtairi� of proph6 it will rot before it is claitnod, WO are many' ta.m ad with it or oot. -is to cover. V. t n ona'SOe a lamp an the altar be' aid have broken her haart;. I ea.4 ily names that And
He stamils in the, full light. my Interest Was deepened by these not, Wilt w, as the car- ilartoihi sin plant boiling WThis will coagulate tItO 27� a Lbndon corn Merchant, whowa g t the C. to t and say. B6,ftold the Lamb of God ut, disclosures, it, a any more. no actly-like or sim ng Jameson whom ought -have had Ito.' �ever Who tageth, Away t the " 1: of $aw Testasoe , I the fragments f a possible r history. , waiting to taka, me to. the for'ox- outside and. retain - the juices. Then oue at the jurymen. Ito the I id deserved it sin 04 the jasug, .the ,Bon of God sniore riage Is life, oso-their productionS,wAsy any so W hope,to tswporsrlly� sel, Rover ibe fir(" lot it come tot a tri 1. au on 6 --world." Tnen I �gd and $40 the Manua Satloar Of r the find may be that I as curious Lhan tbgtr a,t Kills. Xhazi or'.era where I for bravery. It'Wits world. - T ey, Z11. dotermined -'ample, the name Plant, Rose and V, low- Bristol has presented. sympatb6trie but I to f�rgaj My troubles, and so I sign my boll And simmer slowly. -An old rule The BiSbqop Of Rev. J. W,
provided for the . Iarg.elites,Aa 'the' u_ St. piltil'S, neat Cabul, the _,,jeaus, ienelogical table nd, ohrd of sytea, Cotton; or every pound of meat the imp Adams won the Victqrla Cross for gal- I say. the Him in i probe into the.beAt the Ion old self. or, Budd, Wee, .Wheat, OA, is 15 minutes t ortant benefice of wildarnoss,.- ai�d ologicatl oaloplation, Ili poetio $tango, man. Your ever a4factionate daugbt8r plaw,and Qilorry.; Oakes% buVraore, time lar necessary. When Hanworth Hal it lantry in' 'going to the aid of .tW9. ,ban i 16ok at, illaook 'Iva, in pro- Berry, Ileal ' . lot stand halt swinotom, to the Rev. broad ofrlife." T d lit historical naeat to *tba'station ROB - done set off,thA (48 and Worcester College, Ox- wounded Lancero and rescuing them On Iny next visit AMOND." which wais smitten by prophet's rod, an i,pla, A familiar tam! Wackman, of afid In Startling Mir- him, 0. 'drtbers An hour bi, from certain. death, �whon under parable i wished oad-worning in, chad me.with pain- &she, PITIO and Mt and fore taking up. If It is to found The old Man Wat afid, as tile. water gashes out,.. I say.. jI see: _. His. foot' on sing fu) eagerness Nvh* a reading this ly name is that of Root, be, Borved - coLdt place under weight$ tQrd,. chap- able They by The #4nd army "It. is Jesus, the fl States of Jersey hAV6i by 96 to heavy fire tountai Opened,for S -and His toaTs in thadrops �M'As 'Otln� expression of' surps: consequence I are Branch, Stem And Tiggs- �Ss for four or five hours. Slioa The ISO brutal letter, and in and -pr( to - aj- lain had -just. before' saved another .�Liia'and tneleaunass," Igo back and a ined from allowing MY Sug 15., adopted It standing order Lancer, who would almost- certainly of dsw�on Harman, arid hear Ilia eapais to his faco, but he c0urteO Sly arefully ref rai Herron and Wrenni - viiy thin, garnish f �.,6onvenient and Qat in the wind, and behold in wy.1 Bid, Wingi Entook at thb writftiga o>f 0,6b, aissdr,l hear His Oturned my salutation. Val exclaim:, tbAt Jisly _ Re_ Al r days 11 good -morning feelings to find, expression gest themseIV6 G and serve With some Ot SAUCO- low the optional'use of the 'did not 8; als Crane, CroW have been, killed, but the terrible don,,, words all' abloob;i in, the valley be- For sever, Corned Beef Owelet-Fatimate 1 1- language, in, thatAssembly, where ger staring him in the face go 4,6 za- famll� , uame,� and at' and erusalem given and returned wag.tbo sum' of SAYS Abe. Will Come, do, Fish ig a he -official lan. hbaidai.him, going out again to fetch 'kiel, and I fiod-Christ presented, there tween Mount. 011v I ot Vs. bone and objection" French was hitherto t S "a lat, at 'renown;" and.iljaen I There are Same. mons Urba ooirLer And our conversation, Having tudvaneed go I . ?" he asked, in.'.breathless Sue :others might be mentionsil 318170 Ibis meat, re Adams yet lives to this temple of truthand fo, I determined to advaneejurtber� pause. .1. s�'taps, mines, Add bread orumbsf gatige. Inc the other two -nd Christ �a o walk aToulld he usual lare.jig4dook, Pike, ELOnoh, Bass and able e 'strata at enjoy the Cross, the only clergyman turn tot Isaiah, 4 poken Merely- See the outside, There are and so One morning after f 3stive of stir in, 2 eggs, Season. with.pepper and . The magi or alleep, before her soajjjj�r is Saluta the ::yes; abe says'abe will V011 Crabb,- Family hot !Mad an adjoarnied rather, who was. d t f on Eive names Bugg( pan of has dism summons who ever won its it.
oilthol others. who walk into. the porch all seated, saysel It is very painful waiting, And I I in' Balt, ilipl into a trying . 6, dumb, to no opens not His M, I a it _ . rank are. K1. go Queen, ever gazetted" to Vhgre Are othe'rS..wilt, benc besidelhim and offered...Ii . im . years is a long time. titles or Salt.,fab or dripping and allOW against Mr. Roller, a local banker, there was, aud is, another par�. to Ir
it is Jesus all., the Way between, Goo- then go Away turn, Sula 'For nd look at the plettires,-but eiga,r. Id to ban� Prince, Duke, Marquis, -Lord, Baron live minutes. Do not 0 his child vao ad miracles of to come -in id 11 But she will aome Ill Bilfor neglecting ta bliv son who erform gal edis and Mulacil Than I turn Over wht. areL the " ThAnk yo, I doWt anioke I" 116 gal d I)SQ0011, eLent. tot., eight persons. cinated. - =taud arage at ItorkeS Drift. the Nevin Testament, and;.it lot- Christ they'know nothAng job, the eloada from, his. face. It is quietly, carefully removing the � bou- dyes, she will come.0 he answered and Knight, besides Pope an -Chop fine t lit tiIa parable, it is Crist iq the. wir- chief -attractions Of the Bible.. r is lap. Ilitary titles, Marshallt Corned Beef with PotAtO--; At, Bournemouth, Laura, Brown, he terrible fighting and a man who comes. and nooks quot from the bersOli to W W a Smile she will surely came I's Next, take m it in the,-Uvan only ill to the Ilabit?" ith d peoples,. Eng� a quantity. of beef and eason with 14 slaughter. of that fearful dar, amidst
,Asia, it- Is �ThTis_ gellAts. . . '411 Would see 1 You'object er, passed AWAY kajor and Sergeant, an
'fAL r in tile APO0610S' atr the go -to, Spying. - with The summer, howev an and butter, salt and pepPOr. - Then mash wits 69 a Reserviit, was sent to burning rooms -of the hospital story, it IS: ClAx -for him the 91048S of that . He staad $It me for a 1110111611L ana 4till,she did not come, t "Ily lisb,' Vreneh, Walsh, Norm days, imprisonment for obtain ieplgtlea, and it is Christ in the trumi, jesus" do a j:�erplexad trown, on his face, as if it Vi4lLein)ooldmattandwashalf pain tatoes, add Milk and butter and Money from the war funds by false tending. the sick and dying, andr 'us- Pot Peal. at -the, Aiiocalypso, book open, and he goes in and flil' �ook time and labor to extract the Dutch; while. amoino family names hot Do a help himself in I know. there. are a, great mtb:ny Christ, and with Him, Peace, pardon, J e, h,a.f,glad to note that his life wal , It vvell-beaten -egg casioftally lending hoavoss,,"All in all -losaning from My worAs., then said fading with the summer weather, He like those of countries there (Ire Bog- And stir t 'bratence. driving back the hordes of ulus. people witai do not, findt, 04riat in the life, 003 placidly and slowly: I do not I Franca (Ind Wales. The then place Upon the bottom of baktng Mr. Leverson. Tos.a0p, solicitor, Boa: through It all there moved the tbit in'the Bible.. till, resolutely watched on the Oat- laud� lialasi a: dish a I&YGJ� of potatoesi alternating was found dead in his bed re figure of "Parson" Smith,,wltbL his .Bible. Here is a man who studies is esus" object.to tbO habit, I Used tb amoke a a morning to night,.' that rosamb set until ford, the 'ethic as' itift'. bistoriain, -Well, if ark a I gain that Christ is every- ,once but—'* f OrM r Station fror ith Add!- ones, 10 r buildings ar with, a, lajor; of the minced b Ha haa acted, as due Of the 'red board Shining and stiff, with his m liMtorian, yols� -Will rid an of rodemp. Hi's voice sunk ito silence and he but each day touched him W aAbb 0 agents for the borough water.bottl6 r Jar the worunded. -a rid tiLir"191a in the great. P1 .. tional pallor, each day -kindly helped Church, Tempi ey and Tower. tile dislat is filled, out small bits Of centl:
find' in this book how the worldiwas t gives into impassivity Again. )rtoriV pain ', &AOth- butter upon thl�, surface, sprinkle over Conservativ dying, his instruments for the But- mrads, how the tiefts Lion. We are slaves or Chris Wo are I't exploration in a now dl Oc-, to e9face.the a( from 'Anothsi family name is House ried r Me of Barnes a little pepperr bake until the fop for 40 Years. his hinds ready for doinganY7 tied to their his weary goal He found apleasure r is Millso And the'ha toting of the geon, places, bow, empires were etablishod, deliveranoS to the daPtivts- I jmlva- tion. when We Sat in browns. This is "variefy" for a At th J' r�t annual us donlans, thing, or defensive, that the thirst , Christ is the r river Those are a I 1 -tion to slake our thirst. 'how. nation fokight with? nation, jave very handsome flowers-, in'sny.compary, even is familiar. There is a family name -We are are mognIfieent." r Silence side by aid#, staring, out at snug little dinner." London Society Of Hunting officers a -ad men might neede 31)1 ringing against harbageon, uhtil ungry; JaSuS sya "I -am Lbelaread the white roseE rat, at me, then down the sunll�ht.' Xy waiting for artim- of Shedd, and .0tiora are -Post ' W ' all, Corned 13eg Hasbi-Thls Simple but Sir Poster, president of the Tiierb Were soldiers who had been Ith the dead h He glanced h !Jt6ow, Roof, Rafter, Frame, Bills and carelessly , Wa -unanimously in South Africa who cried "ShamOtl#
that a rth was ghaKtly WL I tildewrigd to die I dainty dish, being often British AssooWlon tbyr a of We ar; ca, flowers In his lap, aginary sister aroused, his SYMPatkY Ars When read In you will sed the coronation orpigint Christ Says, "130,116 that 'non frow go- at" tY'Aee pretty, and did wjiat time was Powerless to liall with Locket Aoldits if not 1101t; one, wiarronto the repeating of a alocteA president. ') SmItWs zes, the triumph, of conquerors, and.1 a, the white roses tire ',formerly secretary the p pers that '.,Parson' Ing down to the pit- I am tile ran- very profttypl He touched them llght� do, make him reghrd me as it friend, asid'Hty, Lilao Yar& is familiar and ficient cooking Patrick Burke, 0. . , gst those at the the wolld turned upside down, and I d Pickett. Vames recipe, though fnSuf ociliLtiou, name Was not amen Sow.,, We are tossed On a 380, Of btly as which I hope and beli0a I Was- solo Garden at of all failure, of the Leigh Labourtri` Ass' lat day's work, back gain, and down again, cleft ly with'u rough finger; as lig know MY. heart bleA for him, cad that 0, Gates an bravo men 'who,
troubles, 30, -us 0011289 OvBt It saying' like those 0 traveled ways are Street, to generally the Seet Igh on for tl and scatred with great , agonlis of I at aftaid." We are in Ll.zaathav would touch her loved Filoep- ive him "a Lane, Ailey, Why, Rhodes. 'The beef and Cold, -potatoes should be has been remanded at Lei _ d been awarded the Victoria I% !.a 1, be n Lou W-49 NYOU using the death of his ha to. as one of them
earthquake, and tempest, and -bat- a Say. t young is a familiar game, and W slieparstely, add halt of a charge of 0% 8u said to the So ll. m, the Ing child The slight act'
put. darkneSS 1, J86111 deitullY eloquant. know but 60 ehopix but- tie., jt'ia� a wonderful history, never sal -d d onion, melt one tablespoon 'ter bright'and morning ataf'4!" - NVO are gxe N inj'jol the frying Va-&f drast in a tea- brother a WrL.
.Uss my curiosity, but do (be9r, also is Olds, Long, Short, Sharp, Blunt, m
the -bluafil 'all others, Ord On the ou. jjet, I watched Dull Strong, Stralghti Small# Stout, The number of inluUt "Never You Mill ting to (I d. Wa, 1. grow here,- it so, they have it v� -b- ter or mister. * We knOW
112 flowers to Rich ,Ind poor, Bliss and J?alne I)oast oh flour, stir until brown, PC t
twoumoy oil It.$ recital, and he5lbk;- the balra of Gile with him through the waning Suln lick County Lunatic, asylum hag who )to even it
escaped MY Prying BYOS'll - h * ithat he gained it or xv Im into it records. Homer are dead; hear the Shrouds rend and 'ng again and gain to the a tatoe and Meat and I Pt a B 8 'ad bless III
.I ,,stupendous evo `bould grave hillocks heave, a,; lie cities, "I ,They grew in here -in my gilr- wor, iCstdn, And Hurry and Walte. pa ix. thoroughly, Seaso �u 1863 to 50 In 1890, he has not got it. and Thutydides, and Gibbon et a resurrection and tho life, he' dent" he ansvrored, a tar.Ing meaning- old story, to the old hopes, to the There are many family riames like hot water, 'M risen from A57 1 4 report Intake gra.t stories of little' , were less %Cma. old expectations, and I have always implements, or of household it nd atilt, Cover and lot accordiog to the committees
site at SLwr pepper Have a care up- Issued on Uoaday TO A140SE THE SHAH.
ln,me though Ito articles of U96, as mallet, oar let simmer, send ap. -a made dead, yet S 0,11 he live," C The Queen has approved the
lbitt it took a 900-00 to tell how tile that We want , I am very fond of flowers. I eon- beon grateful that be was not utter .11 it, atlr alf 'to hou -
and the eartU Wei ly lonely when the end comie. .9cales and Lampe, Icke, Ono Add Wat:r.
Illeaveza "being justified , by tinned. to t4bl. gt. story 'ustificatio Broome, NOO Sib el , polutment of Mr. Archibald 41. S. M,
list Ono chapter, and to give te lit it , we with God He sighed; than,logt all interest in One Morning In early Antonin dles and hillualorlat to Altut IV140 iva" cot thousads of years have PC= Xalust the my ,MiLigi visit to the station and Button and nxiokle, Of 1) as Farmer's Luebeon alad,Boll un- man, to be clerk of the House UPON, TWO throu our Lord Jesus 0hristo" WO me, go eamod his head Rl his hat found the old win In hia.usual place- of an-atel here are der in anited watsi, cabbag% In the room of Sir Rag- rly,siorlosare told of the shah, Of. Ant to exercise faith ' "Believe 110 wall of the station, Pulled those 61 articles of apparel Maj
and thou over his eyes and stared toward the BL6It he bad cast aside, the old worn C;ates, vest, Cuff, aiid like distances ill ton of Co Persia. in connection with big last 'Than there are others. who find the Ord 03us Christ, avery-day suit of clothes, and was now 1. I turnips, beets, upland cress. CbOp inld PalgrAve, resigned - of these tales, in. the \Uible but tho poetry. , be gave t Los ofthe distant Ocean, are Furlong arid Miles, dd 1 pt 0 in the London Ga- 'Visit to England. One OMO as. a Posts YOU WIIL shal d." I Want o got from I' Ara Yo waiting for a train?" I Attired In Carefully PVOSO,vd 9,1 I Pertaining to military things are' beats SeVotatfly, Mix and a A- recent notic bly More' amusing than true, IS Well, if you r book faultless fl;i,ythm, Under Condemnation ' "ThavO Is llow, again. wants that might have been fashion- � names, many As Camp, )rum, FRO- Minced beef, Season with white Una' zatta foresbado�vs an order �prolllding PtolitL d the Prince Of Wales linA In this therefore, no colidelodatiOU to them began Is word he uttered in able thirty or forty years ago, A, white Swords, Spears, Cannon, 0111111111 ground Mustard, servo cold with 0.06tylent, when in admixture 'that he adViSe ,and bold imagery, trod atartling flinti� " yea.11 Till row. waig in his button -bole And tbb "Or". � 3anner; also, like those. Of vinegar, pepper rind salt that
who rt In Christ Jesus," The cross Flagg and I lierts air or With oxygen, quietly to make away With ft certain
theois, rind ra, _He carried it. The flames of boll- was unusually naturill features, F r od Inustard, having first With atmoo be an exPlOsivO, extremely -influential *duke, as thO
pturous lyrio,and sweet whispered voice Ld grout nstrtictive narrativeo Ito arqfored the antia-He 11 So am 1,10 I 1satd'. utterinst it fillse bouquet beside him as - Lake, 0 rest, an 4r, shall be deemad to potoral, and I 1 pgalwk(thoidghts, ex- .w. The sh were hood that pains we more now I ban it I-11190, lie revolved sse With a Smile loleld, Marsh, Glen, Dale, Pool, 'Aidd. Wm, Pasteur, M.D., F.H.C.P., latter W40 growing too powerful to
:tvnd d6vatiot 6ndured it. The otoWn-116 (bat wasIn Strange contrast with his Pond' 1 a, Meadow, Cliff, tin than It, and did when I first; spoke it. 111rooks, Rivers, Bank Corned Beef olaq.-Put join meat to Dr.
It. The heights of heavenallIg I tiniland, assistant he �Preased IrA astylii more solai ig jot Ili lie sunken eyes, I M.R.C.8"
that 01 Xantgquary, inure bold than worlds of light, all " Whom are you Waltiv I eir Ridge, ver night it, tepla water, in the Loildoi ,
more terrible than ;.�orlda of light to S cry, ,Glory iisked wlth� A suddert interest and $.he In coming ,, he. said gayly. Many of the names here efillait,rated soak 0 ma P o the Middlesom HOSPH&I, Bat a story which is VOU01lied for Is 11 ' lee
that of, Milton, around the 110&Ou dreamed it, and my dreams. always as or ohp PhYSIO1011 tA
excitement, mad of her and of are thse, ot men famous in history,' morning cut Ill a and Dean of the Medical SO11001,11ag the account of the shabla visit to Nov&.
;that bf r%nte, More natUral than I Ill true, I drow them are borne by, men eon- let Stand up -Ott the Steve until neat, bee elected physician. to the boApital, there he Suddenly For my Riatow," I anAWArOl in tit"i- colisif Ithat at Wor4sWorth, rabre impassion. g cry Naked up no happy many 'of gate prison, While
of poll6ok, more tender Lot us go forth and. gather tile p,Liration; then with 11181',Iva- wi "t r WltA, ilnot 1 In coming. toemporan6ously widely known, 'They lot simmer jive hours, sift, then boll shire Militia twe, requested to SOO an OXOOlttIOn- He
Lodi than tilt d* tion I added - "I h&Va not. neet bar an a lark. And. cold weath re not hunted up, but sat down its lit fine a, ll rive 01, orbobed crack- V Iva most of the Hamp,
, I 0, VTOIA GOICOn rowdq of swallows yon -1 both flOUTIF11111fig and And five Of t116 Royal Irish were
thaft that of Cowper, more we d tb n trolibi a for $osus. wits courto�USIY informed that at the
ly the diamond,,A 1, from formattyyears, She also Is vpry f O -I Look tit the 0, they occurred to mo4 r don't doubt ar. This - is that Ok Spef�ior. This,' great Minas we gather , of flowers -der; they Are gathering together lie that Many MOrO Could Obally be Vo* stimulatfug. c tort with being 4r ttif the ge$aw of, the aartphlobiu- Ceylon banks we gather the pearls* Ing tore they migrate, Rosamond was al- called by anybody Who Should ON his '1110110- They present moment there WAS n One brIll corc,bet and it W69-ves; the from all ILIA& And kingdom$ we her tlitit" he Said, pineki f, watching them. Ahl, Corned 1300f SandwIthes.--ChOP well absentees frOM their rags nenlence,,. Tifa shah swept
to iteso its garlands gather precious Stones � And we bring with tremulous �auds a white TOAO WRY."' fond a, last totilly. Nt A, mind to It. cooked Corned beef VOrY fine, 8011don gvot out of the train and mismilthelt Under ling objections With&
flames of jDA9meat in nding It to I feel liks A inow 13 Oro brInded ver to 0,13 &Way these trl" "Take one of MY
Aga pau-M etarnoI halrMOUIOS in the glittering burd6us And Put them from the bouquet and 111 Loueb of rhPiumatisso. You Younatera iglatli With Salt., pepper and Mustard, ship. 'Pboy wave of his band.
evrytIlin this book down at the feet of aesu$. and SAY- mt- "GiVei her timt and remaInbOv," Wer old f OI- DIAMOND CUTT MW Woux. . Mix this with malted buttop, spread escort. d suite 11 said W. "AilY Ono will do�'
its rhythim. : "I'hou at - he Sold with & Sudden drOPPing of the belong to a weaker raco.,ol be Added, slices of brown � btelid, A curious coludi(looO6 Is r6porte And 6 Was Wofully a0cinted be-
okes beauLlft dim
touches It M ul, from the 44AII these, 41!0 1111110- s tender lows are immortal. Put Not only Is diamond-dutting not ft upon aVAPIO
ag�,oln 11011�r voice, "that all,womn are on, A local shoemaker Must this officials On the' $Pat declined
plain stones, Of tha surnmor throshlng� wortlly,l, We go forth a 'tin 08. w1th sudden Sympathy, ' We will not or cucumber from Taunt
beat wo as white too, , a rough touch (tud. � You; we'll keep YOU Company specialty highly -paid Occupation, butit serve with! raid Slaw e ae were tak- to comply with his request.
floor to tho daught;ors of NallOr filling more trophies. aild IfitO Ono Abea 0 dwqeri is one involving e; most humiliating pmkion. and his wife,
OS, of the their hearts breakl't worker.
and tile gather (Ill tht, Seepti aesars �uu -tvlt for your slater."' vaiad aeof.-Aft The Rhall had 4 =4911100611t C0110-
C!zars, Thli; boppened years , laystem of espoinage to the To Vragg -CO Or the bitia and Influenza
the trm,gh for the e&1116W ago, but lhaVO While � "a his gaiety I noticad that he 6111 Ill With btanc W minutes of floin of jewels, Among them being An
Of Hosbon; UP to Elio sold the, Aloxandets, and the Each man has to strictly nee M cooktd, remove, and died; Within 9 to , large (Lit abien's
fish pool$ dg God with diapason 'i" and Carefully proqaed and preserved the Doispil w habit of dozing mamen- onot for Meat hair been W4 emerald nearly an polimlat pralsil: aud the Sultang Of 0611 VOYA4 4 old manis gift, It lips before- MO 0.6 had thp n - the stones he receives Oh going to, work bones, tit geOUrely In a cloth And press each Otbot, and Job lead' doinlona, And then WO bring thO pen -king 'and then Bad I , of Wimble- egg- IfAh Avill make &eon.
atorxa And whirlwind, I write, it's awc6t.perfamO OUtladting tarily While a] up with &start, Tile In the morning, and the count has to basin beneath heXvy Weights Mr. Siegfried A- The ipfosent A the look at it I Again I devil It, 3full taken wboft the unfinish- Into a Ing
Ing fbrth 'OflOfio, AretUrna and 'the sheaf of sceptreo and Put it at -be caro (Ind let, st(tud o o 01 tbO Unental tour thia, Summers Visit
[a & wonderful Poow,nd foot Of ytigUs, and say, "Thoil Art Ito life, And Ak r kded In at nlOt to be Pleiades. It hea, V-Stailaoil Voice Of pleas�AntwtAmulonrgnlnt;'turne.d into & ohill,i London hospitals tIn July. It Is Said that he Is
"Is read it as they Xisig of king& and thei6 thou hast r the hshod, too, ternoon and I hinted to him I ad work is hat POO, lug'. looked up In a Safe, a0inst the return bringilag with him a number of costly ,,All woMer, are an tinder may 60616 25,00, to found and ou-
Rookh " And unqvicred," And then we go fartla the old - Mu To t - g wbitib of sheltering himself for his royal nd
-dOTh0WA%31trB ,Lady of the Fjako," litgain to gotthar ore, trophies, and roses, a rough to el th , ' of tho workmen the next day. The SCHOOL doW, in tdemory of hig Iatb wife, at and bbalitifill) rts from the bititag wind, W.11toir Scot AU4 air hea; though Tho mistake most PavOlits luvk`5 Is vy hosts in I thb III6095 Its In-
Soutboy's "'CUTOO Of Gehenna-" we. bid, this rtldelftd Ot 0111 ages, the To -morrow, not iD-dftY- ShO Is eon- Possibilities of theft are greatiliat an Zunz WAV is
brea.0 ho tisk_ Ing and it Shia, (Ild not find its borN a dishonest workman knows
Absorbed In 140 IV15 Of the Lord Al- With Awift passing emotions utfinished trying to proviao it school lunobeft "Arinie' Loa And 1061upa"81tol vlalt. tout will tak6 six
ns dad daughtt she,would be erribly disappointed, Is attempt to dIALPO M(intlis. go Intpuds to stop In ltusaI4 They sit ddWft Allf Ate 80 of & nooiL_ At SusAblify lookinig At thie $bolls on the, Short, Mighty, to dome, NV6 ask them to it 1,611ftingt,l he, a9kod anxiousi'v- stone would bring suspicion Upon hIM thot shall tako, th nd 'Mr. .1. rd6ee Ana
Wt Q4Y forget to look COMO and offer their true thaksgiv- or V, Without 110ratt
off on t, now old Is your mist No, & few unseftsoambI6 flWiAs Of whar"Or the attempt was made' day Weill- That is difficult oath flri6d gg It Od% Including costs, Vnglatld�
I �. of hearosa bring V - - - Dean
ocean of Goals merely, and INAI I and the hootS ightoAn.,, �now aro falling', It will not biltting up a bulky piktli:426, and A for Ic6tAlling VrMerv6d, green I&nd Valm, and Adeptre, 114' 111% she marviddPO ho ciameto hbre(f)lv blep 0, "I how the brought a, loak with RATURR �A$ A large 1111antity, of cold tend eaten in cotourea with OOPPOT that flaildoroil 6 by th6sfi and b to I;ot yot.o 4 4AId 016 old her, I boMlf ro. In injurious to hosltu�
is book to iaeepWs. The! cry. 8 tiMb, and Re,MArkably Pleasing patterns WhIch the, tultdle of the 40 doias not P the
psggage,- andtAr"It"6114htellt, tbis'woundAd heart, "Don't vmoft hetill Voice. "Wh6ro The dost) was 16119ev tbi don 006ttill r646ntly OOU- whbn the dentibt finAlly took this
larvel, $Ind And boflOur, and glOTY, anti POW6V be man, in go awe. -At ritken the br6athlng "jorom labor6d. the tAhmoro shawls from the POrlY lit th6 Child ter Afterhooli Tht TAU or-l*.00wholl, dividing rubber 41"I out Of No Mouth th6 pa-
Ittil Luitt in 0, AV lmtwe6n� unto HIM that xitteth UPOft thf hisr timrt Is let her band go. SiStOr ,It in d1woet too exciting," 116 Maid ot this Itimalayi% Moutltalftlt 06 study. A hisarty n"Al At hAlt rAt tiluta an ovdi tl6nt retaAArked th%t he bad only one h&V6 & dII)erf"ney the 1,amb for evoit or oLught6r,,1 blis volp,(5 tremillf d here. diled with y 6f VA"I itto throb dig- LO L 3D* Paul, &hd # lr wrer." 'a as of the bego "I "Mod Ahd Whitt is thAt f amktd the dba-
Alta thty try the aceoutit, ani H6 brey* thoR. boarts wrid is �ooa lit vArled 11110tht- r4outlu6j but It 16 propet for ohildroft triets for 40 orks, burdwit that, onletimes Me ITARIgn boats, It r~tIVOIY the AsAtarn. tb# Ustr eto b* huggr on ptting lftfmcoirning'fbe ermflon by did not vib#A I11 ym Ai finger W5 eAr 3!, but '6vtkrY C411hincre shawl tbKt I* 'AA politaA, UA tbL6 Sluth"A "Ind W118t* reW atut tot th(At OAAS ohmdd bilp
Mut faith throat, S(I to rAe Of & Lear Ils -1 they aro tAnder tMA914, TO M16" d�"`Ai nt- 4 fr(ft, the leav tour may broiak, up ths holim" old the, Count comment to Make, emodo _,r own.,, With a restle It Wd toy tak# A "lift of mmisthinX a
oof g viotory thott H6 It 4 at hill contl4r as if to 100861i ac I sual orn, And re. ala not fmrry, of & bAttIt that 4 tral mamt w6mo beta, 106=1'yo Z 4 goolains rfkp1,osftntx & design Adaptod tl lorkx bstWeAsli did nOt ti if�hfy 0 t I rais out to pl*Y" 4tt*r tho vilual
and tho In- did lk"t. FAX11"vVi. "All In lit ix Pouit"Irt. honot r##A your heart, and from vegetable life.
SIT$ thoprei. in [h# gr4at VIA* Of ritidempika, yog (,A"*Ot T6#A tMira, And I& IN Jim It Il' --- - - -----