HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-05-24, Page 1Till CLINTON st Tear CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAT Whole Number 1118 ,coany paper i� 1�uro�. �o>�' quality'.. .,._ . � �..._... ,............... ,Compare The News -Record with and ':quantity of Local News and say if its claim to lead is not correct Have you tried Eze the " - er /11 N 'q c; , "land Blown OM DO n* Dike on the Std►wilkv. &Idle Locals. 1314YTH. VViridovifi -.Ades cion Saturday night last -Mr. Frank bicycle riders who prefer the sidewalk rich Cadets Wednesday. , R i discharging While di barging a giant fire amok- :. The- Chief is on the look -out for The Boys' ,Brigade visited the Godes We sell the kind that don't curl, crack nor fade. They are absolute opaque and guaranteed to give eat- isfaction. The twoother lines we handle are the "Imperial" and ",Alberta.,, The first fa an oil color shade, the latter a water color. The interesting part of this advertisement however is thein• riouncement that we bought -8500 worth of these goods away below regular prices and while they last we will give customers the benefit of our geed fortune. Meyer before did we quote'such low prices on Window Shades and it may be a long time before we can do so again : 48c and 40c Shades for SOc Shades for $0e Shades for • Trimmed with lace; and ' fringe, 40c to 715c, 3Qc 40o SOc some very pretty lines from IN TOWN • WE HANG THEM FREE. W. ' Cooper & . Co., Clinton, .:. EZE ... New Washing Compound ? Absolutely no rubbing required Saves your time, saves your hands, Saves your clothes. • Its extracts t the .dirt. without rubbing and its ingredients are guaranteed to be positively harmless. . ' EZE is sold. at Sc per package. Try.5 ouro'clock Tea . . Waferette, foe a package --4 flavors SCOTCH have_ just opened an ampere of TCI~ iIOTTC GOODS consisting of Tea Pots, Coffee Pots,.Burne' Grac Bowls, Handled Beakers, Sugars and Creams, Hot Water Kettles, etc, These. are all new goods with quaint Sei tcb mottos on them. Our stock of China is nearly all new, bouerht sincewe moved. We have just opened up a crate of Dinne els, prices ranging from 86 •''to 512, and we expect another crate this week that will range in price from o Wel. Nearly everyone likes e. dishes. Gall and see them u want to buy or not. rr's Best Family Flour - $1.70 per cave. . Please note from May 15 we close at '7 p.m. during the summer months. OGLE COOPIE: e GO. Corner store—Searles' block. Phone 23. Cash for Butter and Eggs. 11,JTTLE REAKS •• ., as Mitchell, a prominent business man of to the roadway in violation of a town Fairs' mill has been running day and Sarnia, had the fingersof his right by-law. Oh Tuesday he called an night for the past fortnight, hand blown off and his nose split open. offender into the presence:of the Mayor 4. meeting of Jubilee Preceptory No. Mr. Mitchell's home was formerly near who inflicted a fine of one dollar and 161 will be held on Friday afternoon, Londesboro and some years ago he was costs. The moral is plain. Service was held in St, Joseph's a clerk at Reagens Bros'. dry goods Mr. Itowean't Texts, church on Sunday and on Monday Rev. W. G. Howson of •Ratteabury morning. . Orders for Monuments, street church will take for his subject Cantelon Bros, have shipped this next Sunday morning, "Row we may past week 5000.dozen of eggs and 4000 Mr. 3, B. Beeves has secured orders be kept from falling into sin." In the pounds o f butter. for mon pantie recent iv from a the evening' he will speak especially to Thursday being Ascension Day' Hensel' following parmes;-ilrs. E. • Reused ly, merchants and business men whom be divine service will be held in Sb. Paul's Reason ; James Stanley, patrie ; cordially invites to attend. church at 11 a, m. R. MGClinchey, Stanley ; Patrick Mr, Harr Oantelon obtained posses - Cronin, Goderich township ; Mrs. The Pre„ Stators' Plan; Y p •'r Robb. Farrell, Kincardine township.; Hodgens Bros. have en view in the sill ofthecommercial Hotel in Hen- - Bianohard Herrington, Hullett ; David big show window of the Palace a flag a on Saturday, 6 Mountain,Hullett; executors of the late of'the Orange ,Free . State, that was. After service in S. Paul's church John Eagleson of Stanley township. It is not a handsome piece of bunting- next Sunday evening there, will be a o In addition to these monuments Mr, by any means, but will do very well to special induction service of the Daugh- kloaver will supply the cut stone for the represent a lost cause. The colors are : teas ot the King. . stores being built in Blyth as well as orange and white with'a half bar each Me, 3. W. Green has disposed of the for the Methodist church in Ripley. 1 of navy blue and washed out red. Tavistock Gazette. Mr. Green is a Prase son•in-law of Mr,3ohnCrolland known Has Located la Wingham. I a w On the evening of Saturday last an to many in Clinton, Dr. W. T. Holloway has bought the exciting football match was played in .Mr. Henry Baker sold a three -year - dental practice of Dr..Ross of ,Wing. Wingbam between the seniors of that old draft Colt on Monday to Mr. Robert ham and located in that town on town and the Clinton collegiate Insti. McMillan of Hullett, • it was a fine Monday, Dr. Holloway graduated tute team. The game opened with a colt and the price was in keeping, from the dental college with honors rush by the Winghams, which result-" St. Paul's S. S. picnic takes place on and was especially complimented• by ted in one. goal for them. This was Thursday p. m. Basket providers are the staff for his high standing in followed by a piece of excellent coin- 1 requested to send their baskets to the practical dentistry. He is •musically bination on the part of Clinton, result- school room before two o'clock p. in. inclined and in addition to being able , ing • in • Campbell scoring onen, O Mr. Ben. Webb ot the First oanadian to c• Palace. perform upon a variety of, instru- and soon afterwards Thompson rushed ontingent. sends us ' copies of The. menta is an excellent singer and,was in two more. For. some time the Friend, a newspaper published: in . Ifor years a valued member of • the score stood 3 to 1 in favor of Clinton, Bloemfontein and 'edited by the War echoir of the Ontario street Methodistbut in the last ten minutes the home Correspondents at that place, . church. THE NEws•Raeoaxn hereby team scored twice, thus snaking the The I3olmesv,ille and Clinton Juniors recommends him to the people of game a tie.: The referee was P. Camp- played a draw game, of football on Wingham. bell, who gave entire satisfaction to Monday' evening.last, The contest Atter the Tramps. both sides. The Clinton players. were : took place on Mr.' Thomas Jeukins in every home little breaks arescars" o ng Bail . ay be Table Silverware. May be Rings,Brooches,Pine May be. Watches or Clocks.. e„ Whatever it is we're anxious. vl it shall come .our way. We Repair such .thins in a satisfactory p g ma unci. Our charges' are moderate -- our services prompt, Whether large or small' it receives all the attention; it requires. We re Le.; dets in our line. P. It. Crews Jeweler, Expert Watch Repairer and Optician: If You Want o • THE TWO .A.,J'8. Let Us Clothe You Something Nobby in a Tan Shoe go t0 Re J. Ch tiffs Let us clothe you either .with Home-niades or Ready. mades. We will give you satisfaction in either or both. In the latter we have Lailey,Watson & Bond's celebrated 2 and 3-Plece Suits for Boys We have also .a line of Homespuns for Boys that nothing in the market can .beat for wear. We also keep the well -trimmed Fauntiery Suits, Meas 1s Suits from $400 up. Tweed Pants from $1.00 up. Yon will be suited if you buy here. A. •J. HOLLOW4Y. HATS AND TIES 4 If you liaver>itot already bought a Hat or Tie from us come in and see our stock. We are confident we can r please you. • A. J. Morrish Clinton's Popular , Fair's Family Flour CI Manitoba] $1.70 per Cwt. Fair's Roller Flour - 1.50 tt When ordering your nexi; Flour insist on getting "Pair's" and remember that both WEIGHT and QUAL- ITV" are always guaranteed. To those who use flour for pastry ONLit we can give a flour madeepeeially for the purpose, It oasts no more and will give better re;eulte. Try a parcel with your next order. .All orders LARGE or SMALL promptly delivered from the Chill or from any of the followinggrocere :— D. CUOifr NTb: A LON B 1105. O. COOPER IR do CO., 'G. STEWA1RT, ISL WILTSE, 0. OLSON, tot. W. /14W IN. Please note they prices of ROLLER R ft'our g`• e'l .b"tJ► per cwt. and weight guaranteed & N. FAL farm Y —Forwards McKibben Yeo, horn aim .and was witnessed byoils a d' , ,'�' , T .pq The Superintendent of the' Gran son, Campbell, Aikenhead; Half backs, crowd. Trunk Railway system has notified the . McLeod, Baird, Weir ; backs, Pass- The directors of the Molsons Bank station agents that all agents, opera- era- more, McPherson Goal, ;Peck. have appointed .:jllr. James Elliot as tors, roadmasters and sectidn fore a G.era n i Manager anagei to succeed the tats men are to keep a look out for tramps: Mr, F. Wolferstan Thornes,' and Mr. E. For the Pur• pose of ridding the Theimportation p o do h o n u t cofcav 'o p g ry1 esinto..$ur n C:' Pratt is made Local Manager. in, and railways of thiefs, tramps and from • the adjoining cheese -making Montreal. vagrants' it has been arranged with sections has become quite an industry. Bob Riddle has presented Joe Rotten- the authorities in Ontario to send and the few who are engaged in it are bury with a .fox terrier. ,Joe waxes officers over the lines to arrest or drive turning an honest dollar. As may be. i from the coon quite. enthus astic over the Carp, which any person of this somewhat' well known, a calf on its :he .maintains is. quite a Ver de Vere q e , character found on trains,about station arrival m an exclusively cheese district . and'has. "wet its head and christened premises or on. the right-of-way, : The Is.ronsidered to have fulfilled its arias it.Bobs." agents are to report every day. the sion and is held of so little value that Mr: Joe Rattenburg is again improv- presence of tramps in their locality, if a purchaser doesnot speedilyy turning his hostelry. ' This time MCo 's alit" the y me r. Pp ng direction.in which they are upan end is not unfrequen.tly put to staff has been painting the interior travelling. its calfship. Of late years, however,while Mr, Mackenzie has his menatt The Sons ofEngla farmers from adjacent districts; whose work sides u the outside. Thesidin nd Attend Church, g p g, Pursuant to the laws and constitu- in and bought•what they wanted at. a . bion cif their. Order the members. of The report that the Huron Baseball Sheffield Lodge S. O. E. with visiting have bought up a.load of the calves at League had given up the ghost has a brethern from Goderich, Beamiller and from three'to five days old and peddled little premature. 3t was rather:taken Londesbore, some seventy-five in num- ber, them among their .neighbors. Now anew lease of life and the manager of celebrated Her 1V lajest'syBirthday We see wagon loads of the infants the local club is akinge illi byarrange- 0 attending divine service on Sun- menta as are expected "to rnake.thini;o g v being auctioned off at every` town in ,, . day morning last at the Baptist church the county, averaging about four dot - where - where the pastor, .Rev, Me, Murduek, lass, a Miss Defile Fair,who has so gan1ent- a s ahead. cordially welcomed them. and preached ly performed the duties of organist of •an eloquent and an -ro riate sermon • A4ewsult. Willis church•for some years, has Pp p stock needed replenishing,. have driven by the way, is double thick. very cheap rate. Other thrifty souls, from this scriptural passage, "Honor Mayor Jackson bad two suits at law resigned, Miss L. Irwin will take the all Men, Love the Brotherhood, Fear to abjudicate upon on Tuesday. The • positionatid, as she is an accomplished. God, Honor the King." The choir gave complainant in both cases was. Adam musician,.will, no doubt,flil the position choice: selections.. The service closed Glazier of Hullett who charged Nelson acceptabl with the national anthem. After re- Bingham of the sametiownship withso a, hearty vote obstructing the branch of theMaitland, *turiiing to the lodge room of thanks was voted to Rev, Mr, Murs. which passes. through his farm, that duck, the choir and the officials of the fish could nob find their way upstream. church. The collection goes to 'the This charge was not sustained;, and the Red Cross Fund, payment of the costs of the court • devolved upon Mr. Glazier, The sec- - Death of the General Manager at Maisons Bank. and case, one of assault, arose from the Mr; `Wolferstan Thomas, general first. Mr. Glazier applied a very manager of the Molsons Bank, passed offensive term. to Mr. _Bingham who away at his residence in Montreal on promptly knocked him down. No Thursday of last week, . For, months evidence was taken, Mr.. Bingham past Mr. Thomas has been failing in acknowledging the blow. His worship health and since the first of last Jan- imposed a fine of one dollar • but in uary has been confined to his home. doing so said Mr. Bingham, while As day after day went by and there violating the law in using his fists, was no permanent improvement—a had only done what a man of true little better one twenty-four hours,and spirit should under :the circnmstan- a littleworse the next• -=it became ces. The courtroom spectators appear - recognized by his friends, as .well as ed to coincide with the Mayor's senti- among the family, that there was but meats. little hope. To'almose the last,' how- Ranstord's a ityperrlaa Curls." ever, the able, well balanced "brain, The following extract is from a mon- which for so many years had directed thly magazine, known as The Fireside the destinies of one of Canada's great Gem, published in the state of Maine, financial institutions was as clear as and refers to a pioneer in the salt in - ever. Sinking in health, as be was, be dustryin the Huron Tract, viz, Mr, kept abreast of what was going on Itansford, father of Messrs. R. and J. about him. The death of the able Raneford. The paragraph is founded general manager of the Nelsons Bank upon fact and the old fireplace still will be regretted by a very large circle • stands in .. Mr. John Ransford's rest• of friends all over the Dominion who deuce. The extract in question runs esteemed and admired him for his gen- thus :— fat and social qualities and his capacity "A pat illustration of the sort of man as a sound . and safe administrator of who "breasts the blows of circum• banking in all its branches. stances" is given in a story told of'a cashing, handsome Englishman who came to Canada in 1832,took up several thousand acres in the Huron Tract and began building a homestead. He wore long curls, then the fashion. One day the morter needed for the building of the fireplace lacked hair. Mr:Ransford Wipe Out the Diocesan Debt. Rev. F. E. Roy, Missionary agent of the Diocese of Huron, preached at St. Paul's on Sunday morning and evening. He set teeth the claims of the Church strongly, asking for the sympathy and help.of the parish to raise the debt now cut off the "Hyperion's curls," chopped resting upon the Diocese. TGe parishes of Huron, so far appealed to, have them into suitable lengths and mixed given over $2,800 in subscriptions and them in the mortar. 'The chimney cash towards this cause, One of the . corner to •this day' says the Canada objects for which assistance 18 sought Company, 'bears thetestimony to the is the debt on the IloweMission Fund. riches on the outside of a cranium and The purpose of that fund hi to help to to the bump of determination they maintain the services of theMlssioneryq Covered, clergy in the Diocese: The Mission gmpirebelx parishes in this county have received Wednesday of this week is Empire over $24,000 from this fund during the Day 'which is set apart for patriotic past twenty yearn of its history, exercises by the school children. The For nearly a score of Years St. intention was that It should have been Paul's was itself a Mission palish and .celebrated with great gusto by the receiving assistance. Most of the Clinton school but as no place but the parishes and churches in the 'Diocese rink would suffice and as it is yob some. began their existence as Missions and what damp the celebration wiilnottake tbirtyflve are now receivingassistance place until the evening of Friday of out of a total of 180 parishes in the next week. Principal Lough and bis Diocese. Owing to this debt the grants staff are making such preparations for to missionaries had to be lowered 100 per cent. eome time ago and in soma eaves reduced aimed to the verge of cruelty. Assistance is axes asked for the See house', the residence of the Bishop, *bleb the Synod pledged "teal# to ptovide a few years ago. Because• of the eminent services which Bishop Baldwin has ren- dered to the Church and to religion generally during the paetefxteen yea's by his noble zeal and solf eacriflee and the delight which his words have carried to thousands Of weary /Joule it IN expected that the responess to this appeal will be liberal. No efforb being wide by the Diocese to raise a Century Fund, help le simply *eked -to The Huron 'Old Boys' Association of Toronto has decided upon an excursion, to Huron the first week in July. They expect to bring with them the' igh= landers'band and a couple of pip-eks. A. low excursion rate has been obtained from the G. T.'R. ' An editor can write puffsabout a man until he is. bald-headed and he never hears anything about it but let him put in a ,two line • item the other way and he has somebody to whip before the ink gets dry on the. paper, says an exchange. Miss Hattie Miiloy, daughter of Mr,. Dan Milloy, a former resident of Clin- ton, died in Detroit on Saturday. The remains were brought to Clinton Mon- day evening and taken to the residence of Mr, James Twitchell, from whence tbe funeral took place on Tuesday. The services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Howson, • sUMNIERHIL.L, Mr; McIntyre of London preached here on Sunday evening last, taking for his text, Exodus 25, 40 1 preaching an excellent sermon. Rural Dean Harkens of Seaforth will preach on Sunday next especially to the child. ren who will occupy the front seats. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be administered at the close of the service. -Mr. and Mrs. A. 11.. Plummer of. Blyth spent Sunday at Mr. J. H.. Low- ery's. M fes Alice Burnett of town spent last week as the guest of Miss Mable Sheppard. Mrs, P. Wallace is at present visit- ing at her daughter's, Mrs. H. Wood- yard. Mr. I. Carter and family of Stapleton Sundayed at Mr. John Johnston's. Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas Mason of the Base Line spent part of last week visiting Brussels friends. Mr. R. Jenkins was a caller in our vil. !age on Monday last`, Mrs. W, 3, McBrien and Miss Mable Sheppard visited at Mrs, Jim Miller's on Tuesday of this week, We understand the L. 0. L. of this piaci intend holding a picnic on June the 20th. Everybody invited to come and enjoy themselves. Mr. John Lovett, sr., ie on the sick 1st at present. Mr. and tars, W, Trewarthy, also 11tr, Hannah and Mrs, Warden and family of Winthrop Sundayed at Mr. John the event as will corium ib to bo one of Dullard's both pleasure and profit. The pre- Mists Itathwell of Stanleys has been gram wit/ consist of marches, drills, 'Visiting at Mrs. Noble dovett's. songs and tableau* by classes and by The officers and teachers of the San - the school. Mr. Tanney is training day School are tat follows :-- the pupils to sing the following nation- Superintendent W. M. Lowery Assistant Mrs. ilia hard al and patriotic choruses :—The Maplei� Leaf, The Land of the Maple, My Own 'treasurer John 11111 Canadian '"loins, The Soldiers of the Librarian Stewarh 1I111 Queers, When Johnny Canuek Comes Assistant , A11ie Melliyeen Rome, and "rule Britannia. The rink Organist Lizzie Lowery will be fitted up to accommodate 1200 % Teachers to 1500 people and an admission fee of lloy's .Bible Glace, 3. 11. Lowery 10 cents will he charged to pay ezpen. _ " 1Vo.1 0. M. Lowery ces and the net proceeds to be applied „ No. 2 Mies K. Lovett to the purchase of a new fleg or other Glirls' Bible Glace Mrs. N. Bingham wheel supplies. lie dura to attend and "No -1 " Mr. Tyner enjoy an evening with the gide and " No. 2 "Mies WinnieThoittiton Air. J, Ewightt Ioderich was in town last friday. Mr. 3. Ritchie of Mitcham paid Blyth a visit on Saturday. Mr. L. Doyle of Wingham relieved Mr. P. H. Douglas of the Bank of Hamilton who is down with an attack • of the meanies, Miss Sadie JJmtgh. returned to Gode- rich last Thursday. Flags were flying, bells ringing, crowds .w ds c egrin g and fireworks set o iP galore last Friday night in celebration of the relief of Mafeking. Everyone was delightedto hearthat plucky Baden•Powell and his braveband were at last reached by British reinforce- ments. Mr, W. Emigh has disposed of his driver to Mr. 3. Swartz of Wingham. Mr. 0. A. Bennett Sundayed in Qoderioh,• Mr. M. Brown and his gang started at the stonework of the new block on Monday. Dr. Cooke and Mr. Scott epent Sun- day at the latter's home near Clinton. Oitipt, H. T. Rance and wife spent Sunday in Clinton, • Messrs,. Doyle and Macdonald were Goderich visitors on Sunday. Theopposition bus started to meet all trains on Monday. Cheap rides will nave be in order. Mr:'Moon, liveryman, is down with ap attack of the measles. :n At Home, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, will be held in the, basement of the Presbyterian churchonthe evening of Friday, June let.. Rev. C. L. Mills exchanges pulpits with R r ev,M ,Mc uillan of 0 arts" h Q o t g on Sunday next: Many of our citizens intend taking in the sports in •Wingham and Luck - now on the 24th.' The. annual Sunday School convene tionwi ill .b be held in Trinity church on Tuesday, 29th inst. We are pleased •to see tiie name of R. R, Steen, son of Mr. Andrew Sloan, among the successful .students of:the Guelph Agricultural college The :watering cart . started on . its rounds Monday "morningand is thor- oughly.appreclated by the main street people. Mr, Ed. Moser paid a flying:visit to Stratford. and Toronto last week. Mr. J., Eiiiigh:.of. Goderich was in town on Monday having the stables in the Commercial overhauled. A fatal and sad accident took place on Sunday afternoon •while Miss 3, Bradnock.was driving home on Sunday after attending service in the Presby. ter.iaa church. Two steers fighting on the road ran into the horse, throwing Miss Bradnock;and the children with her into the -ditch. The.. • children escaped unhurt, but Miss Bradnock- received xi `serious wound on the temple and was carried unconscious to her home where ebe only survived for a couple of hours. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoonto the' union cemetery and, as MissBradnock was a general favorite, it was a large one. Dr. Cook left on Wednesday after- noon to speed the 24that his home. in. Toronto. .• , HENSALL. Mr. Z. N. Babcock, formerly of Blen- heim, has bought out J. F. E. Berry's drug business and .isnow finally settled ,in Hensen. While driving from Blenheim to London Mr. Babcock's horse took sick and died shortly after reaching the, city, The horse had been over fed. The . fact that, the day before leaving Blenheim, ' Mr. Babcock was offered $150 for the horse does not lessen his annoyance. , Dr, J. W. O'Neil of London stopped oyer Sunday with his brother-in-law, W. R. Hodgins. 'He left Monday a, m. for Kincardine. Rev. Mr. Parke of Clinton took Mr, Doherty's work on Sunday .last, Mr. Parke is a favorite in Hansell and is always listened to with pleasure by the congregation of St. Paul's. At noon Saturday,' 10th inst., the Commercial Hotel changed hands. Mr. I•I. Oantelon of Exeter has 'taken possession. Mr, A. A. Goetz, t.ie late proprietor, goes to Paris sometime in June to attend the exposition. I). Cantelon of Clinton paid a flying visit to our village on Monday, Mr, A. A, Goetz is visiting friends in Seaforth. We are glad to learn that Mr. Geo, Trott, Who has been suffering fro in a swollen knee, has, since his operation, been steadily improving. - 13. E. Karn of MolsonsBank has pur. phased a fine delver from G. 0. Petty. Sometime Monday night some evilly disposed person broke the lock on Mr. Trott's photo show case, which was hanging fn front of his place of bust. ness, and took several photos. They also carried off some three ' dozen' dile photos which her. Trott had on exhibition. • - Dr. Sellery one Sunday at Mr. Whiteman's on the second concession, Mr. Doherty hae been in London mi. dergaing examination for Priest's Or• dere. HAYFIELD. Uri 13.Oampbel/ of Zurich was the guest of Dr. Palliator last week and Mao called at the rectory to renew old acquaintances. Wo aro pleased to 16a41 of• the .re- covery of Mise E. Stephenson of the (Mallen Line. Mr, 11'. Edwards iimprovingthe M,a appearance of his store 3' fixinthe windows and laying a new platform before the door. Mr. Ti, Harrison has the contract, Hayfield hats new baker, Mr, King. The store le open for business and as Mr Ring is an old hand he can attend to the requirements of his customers is flrst•clese style. -Rev. end Ilfre. Jennings erespending the 24th In their old borne at Parkhill here. It will cloth.. good. Infant clses Mies Mabel Bingham :.this vreek. WEST TUVKF,RSMITH. AUBURN. Mr. .and Mrs. George Stanbury of the London Road were the guests ofMr, Isaac Dodd of Clinton Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Johns spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Jack- son of (Minton. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bali and family were Sunday guests in Seaforth. Mr. Ed:. Walters ie raising his barn this week and Mr. T. Lane raised his barn the week past. Mr. D. Ross has the contract for the frame work of both and Mr, Thos. Walker the masonry. Mr. W. Wheatley of Clinton moves a shed for Mr. T. Lane this week. ' He also bas a contract for sorne work from 3. W. Johns who is building a stone foundation to his barn. Farman are busy planting their corn through this section. There will be a I reel, average grown here than ever before, a number " putting up silos. Appleton Elcaat, Roger Pepper, Fred. Waldron and G. W. Layton have erected one apiece, Wedding cards are out fox themarri- age of Mr. Fred. Nett one of London Road's prosperous farmers to Mies Blanche Craig of Londesboro. The event will take Plate on the Wednes- day evening before the Queen's Birth- day. Mr. J. Oriole and Diss Cora Rout- oliffe were the guests of Vsborne friends Sunday. Mr. Amos Townsend and family spenttSunday with relatives in Olin, ton. Mrs. AL 0. Lloyd of "Seaforth spent' last week in this locality with friends here. Mr. FrankPlewes will celebrate the Queen's Birthday in Sarnia... While there he will be the guest of hie sister, Mrs: Levi Strong. Mr. Chas. Crich had' the misfortune to sprain bis ankle in jumping from a wagon which has confined him to the. house for a couple of weeks. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. and Mrs; John Davidson and Mr. and Mrs: Ed: Johnston of the 'Goshen Line visited friends in Clinton on Sat- urday last.. •. The courtof revisionfor the town- ship ownship meets at Varna on. Monday next. Mr. R. G. Reid wheeled up from Usborne township last Saturday and• spent Sunday at home. Miss Clara Webster•of Lucknciw is visiting at Mr. James Reid's. Mr, William Clarke has' had • an attack of pleurisy recently but we are glad to report he is now on the mend. Mrs. James Campbell intends spend- ing the 24th with her mother, Mrs, ,Evans of Centralia. . Barn raisings will soon be the order of the day in .this vicinity as the masons arepreparing the walls. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Joseph Richardson, who for the past. few weeks, has been suffering from sciatica, is now recovering. • Miss L. Miller of Bayfield has been sewing for 'Mrs. L. Clarke the past week. Miss 3. Reid of Brucefield Sundayed at Home. The Church of England S.5. on the Goshen Line has opened. for .the' suns.' mer months, Mr, Sohn Sharp is Superintendent. The Auburn ' Methodist choir seats are filling up again, and the Presby. terlan are toe. .. Mr, B.Mole intends to go.to Dungan- non en the 24th to help the barber there. The hell has been erected on Mr. Ferguson's shop. It is trying to make vp for lost time by ringing five times a . day. . Lady fishers do not succeed very well in Auburn. Ross D • rR s is very busy now. Mr. Geo, Youngblut's horse ran away from the slaughter house and Was in- jured somewbat. Mr. Youngblut is driving Mr. J. Wright's horse at pre- sent. Miss Wallace of Londesbore is the guest of Mrs, Riddell. - Three ladies ot Goderich visited friends in Auburn on Tuesday, Football practise is going on every night so as to be ready for the snatch at Dungannon on the.2lth. Mr. George Marshall, who has been • away selling books, was home. on Sunday Miss Florence Armstrong -was home on Sunday. Mr. G. F. Youngblut visited people in the village on Monday. BAYFIEIsD LINE. G. W. Hare -welt wheeled to Kirkten last Saturday, The barn of Mr. P..Oole was raised on Wednesday of last week.. Every- hing went together in. fine shape and best of all no injuries were sustained. Sides were chosen byR: Chuff and 3. Elliott. The race was a fast one lasts ing a little less than twenty.live min- utes. Both sides were evenly matched, lout the former succeeded in getting their supper .first, which was the "re• ward given to the winning side. Mr. Cole will have a large and strong barn when it is completed. Epworth League service was taken last Sunday evening by .the 1st vice president, Mr. A. Welsh, while the topic, which was one ' of . Temperance,. was given byR. Cole. Miss S,Hudie of Meltillop visited her sister, Mfrs. Mason Sterling, last week. Jack Thompson and Mies Gardner Sundayed at Auburn. Rev,Rural Dean I -lodging of Seaforth. will officiate at. St. James' church next Sunday morning and. will' also admin. ester the Sticrameneof the Lord's Sop. 'pee. • Mr. Edward and Miss Emma Morris sou of Stanley ,spent Sunday at Mr. . J, Cluff's. East Wawanosh, On Saturday afternoon last the barn and outbuildings of Mr. J. Shiel were burned to the ground together with most of their contents, including forty five pigs, some calves, three hundred bushels of barley, several hundred bushels of wheat, and most of the Postai machinery. The fire bad made good headway before being discovered and as there was a strong wind blow. Ng at the time it was impossible to Save many of the contents before it was all a mass of flames. The loss is a very heavy one and only partially cov- ered by insurance. The origin is tins known but is supposed to have been children playing with nintehes. Mies Bean of 8. S. No. 8 spent&dun. day and Sunday with her friend, Mien Menzies. Mies Deacon is hotno fr'otn I4xeto r • and Will now enjoy a woll•earned vac• ration. West Itullett. inspector Robb delted i1.8. No, 5 on Wednesday of last week and found: a. satisfactory /date ot affairs, Mr,' A. G. Voilden hae built a sub• Atantial addition to his barn the work being done by Mr. A. Oollineon of Lnneimboro. Mr. H. Radford fn jacking up bis balm preparatory to having it bated by a stone wall. HOLMgSVILLU. On Sunday morning Mr, Thos.Murch of Clinton preached an' excellent ser- mon in the Methodistehurcb. Mr. Walgate Tebbutt left on Tues- day for Rainy River District. We understand Miss Oakes of Cilia - ton on has formed a musicclasshere and will meet her class at Mr.Mcoartney's. `. Miss Emnia oourtice .returned home after visiting . friends in and ..around Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs Stole e n visit is Stanley d h brother at Constance on Monday. Miss Minnie Hill of Clinton •'spent Saturday ' and Sunday with Miss Bertha Graham, Mr: McIntyre of London supplied in Sb. John's church on Sunday after - nom!. • ' By- permission of the Inspector the ' March promotion exam. was postponed till. last Thursday and Friday. The following is the result :-• Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4tH—Marks. obtainable 810, • to pass 4055 -Gordon Amess 627, Mabel Munnings 579, Myrtle Lavis 546, olive Sturdy 482,11oward Williams 421. Jr, 3rd to Sr. 8rd—Marks obtainable '780, pass ss 8 —E e a McCartney rtn o p 90 s vl n c a py 552, May Proctor 528, Stanley Amess 526, Daisy :Williams 458, Wilfrid: Oolclough 438, Perniilla; Halstead 418; Sr, 2nd to Jr. .3rd-: ;Marks obtainable 6255, . to pass 318—Edgy Willson 490, Albert Pickard 432,- Oscar Tebbutt 429, Arthur Sturdy 840, John Dempsey 386. Jr. tad to Sr. 2nd -Marks obtainable' 605, to pass 303 --Clarence Badour 634, Howard Trewartha 409, Frances Potter 382, Ida Huller 1361, Lit1u'Mulholland 318.—X. W. T'REWAxxtA, teacher. Dgngannon. A frightful accident happenedt:fa Goldthorpe's portable: sawmill in Ash• field township on Saturday ' last. Charles Carpenter, who was about 22 years of age and a mason by trade, had been engaged for the day and was helping remove the lumber from the big saw, ' He was standing; near the saw and in some unexplained manner his foot became caught and he Was tos- sed in the air and in descending fell across the revolving saw which sever- ed him in twain. The cut ran from the loft shoulder to the right hip and one part of the body layin one spot and the balance some feet away. It was a shocking sight and the men were inexpressibly horrified, Under- taker Sproule of this village was at. once sent for and took the remains in charge and so well did he do bis work that, had they not known of the havoc made by the saw, could not have toldit:by thele view of tile body as it lay' in the coffin. The funeral took place on Monday, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr,Goldberg. The deceased had been married about a • year and a half. VARNA. The rush of seeding and house cleans ing is almost past. Jacking up barns and raisings come next. On Saturday evening last three of Stanley's heavy men met in H. 0, Rathwell's shoe store.. Their united weights figured up pretty close to half a toil, .They were T. Wiley 410 pounds. il, Peck 471, A. B. Stephenson 210. If any other township can beat thiswe would like to hear from them aboutit. The surrounding lime kilns are all going at full blast. Turner and Att- wood finished burning their third kiln on Saturday. J, Foote has completed his new kiln and has one burning fin• fished in it. AndreWReld also burned last week. They get rid of it as fast as it is burned, Mod:wveu Eros. keep their shingle mill running at A. Duncan's. The boys celebrated the relief el Mafeking by ringing the school bell for half an hour. St, Melons. Miss Me(towan of Blyth visited at tr.,111cPhereon's over Sunday'. Mr. Millet' of Toronto, is visiting his eieter•in law, Mrs. R. X. Miller of St, . Miens. 111r. James 1luenia has moved hie barn with the intention ot puting t1 new foundation under it. Mr. Jos. Wilson has the foundation his barn almost completed. Mr. James Agar has- his barn raised up already for a new foundation, Mies Syaila Edge haagone to London to see her brother, Ilcv. Jos. Edge,who • is seriou*i1' ill. • Quite a ~umber frolic Lueknow at• tended the Presbyterian church here on Munday'morning last,