HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-05-10, Page 8•••
• •••••••••
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Mr. 11. 1/- Hedger* Was in Toronto
Mrs, Etnigh of Goderich woe a caller
at Mrs, J. Twitchell's on Wednesday
on her wav to Blyth to vieit her
troaLses,reaes.-7--swzreslY. ”iseliselsalistesemollomm.e.
• We
Have It.
datifiter Mrs. Bradavin. who has
Mr. Albert Jackson, who has been
laid up for several weeks with typhoid
fever at Niagara Falls, has eufficient-
ly recovered to come up 011 Monday,
mats novr recruiting at the home
stead. lie is yet in a very weak
state but with a course of sun baths
JUST A. GMAT BIG VALUE and fresh air it is hoped he will
NEVER EQUALLED BEFORE shortly be completely restored to
not enjoying very good health.
good health.
In the shape of a fancy decorated Flow- The RON M. M. Goldberg of Port
er Pot, stands 6 inches high and Is D
over, who was recently appoint -
about the Sallie tn diameter at top, ed to the parish of Dungannon and
bniged wider about middle way down.
here are eight different kinds in color
and decoration, some are really very
pretty in gilt and silver finish and are
about as superior to the ordinary pot
as any one thingof a class can be ahead
of another in the same class, They
are quite good enough to use as a Jars
dilaters ori the table to hold a small or
:Unary kind Rower pot. We have six
dozen and the price is the modest one
of Me. We think it is AN OPPOR-
TUNITY for you, the acceptance of
which we feel very and. reasonably sure OODER,ICH TOWNSHIP.
11 be satisfied with Your in-
spection is solicited.
Port Albert, was a guest at the Rec-
tory on Monday and Tuesday. ?Jr.
Goldberg occupied the pulpit of Sk,
Peas for over a month about four
years also and was very much appre-
ciated by the congregation. His
sermons were thoughtful, forceful
and spiritual, and the Deanery of
Huron is to be congratulated on sec-
uring so able a preacher and lecturer.
Agents Parker's Dye Werb,
The I D. Fair Co;
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best
We have the famous KHAKI Note
Paper now on sale, It is the latest
English patriotic novelty.
New Advertisements
The Bicycle—W. Cooper &CO 1
Esti —0.Cooper 8c Co 1
Now Shirt Waists—Newcombe's., 4
Athletic Butter—F. Melville 4
Court or Revision—W. Coats 5
Court of Revision—J. T. Cairns 6
Rouse for Sale—Robt. Walker ......... 5
Feathers Oleaned—A. Haywood.... ........ 5
Beef, Iron and Wine—S. Jackson 6
Some One Has Said—MoKinnon 8c Co 6
Get Value for Your Money—Broadfoot 8c Box 5
Pure Gold—Wilson Cook .. 6
We Have It—W. D. Fair Co • 8
Tan Shoes—R. J. Cluff ' II
Nottingham Lace curtains—Hodgen Bros8
Famous Clothing Store—Jackson Bros 8
Auction Salo Of Calves—H. Richmond 8
Cream and Buttermilk—J.E. Crealy.... 8
Card of Thanks—F. H. Powell 8
Milton Hall—Gundry Bros 8
Working Horse for Salo—A. A. Schrenk ' 8
About 0 0 0
Miss Bertie Mason spent Sunday. in
Mr. W. W. Ferran was in Goderich
011 Wednesday.
Miss Foote, Toronto, isvieiting Clinton
friends this week.
Friends from the township have
called in to see Mr. William Elliott,
who is a patient in the Gunn hospital
in Clinton and improving rapidly, He
says he has been well treated andis
r idly and speaksvery
%Pr net h ta h
h y o e treatment in e ospits
al. It Becalm to us that Dr, Gunn is
entitled to credit for founding this in-
stitution which appears to fill a long.
felt want.
Mr. Sam Switzer returned on Mon-
day from London where he spent a
month ill the hospital and underwent
an operation, in fact we believe this
is the second time the surgeons have
had him on e table. Ilei s looking
better than he did, -but that is far from
well, but is as cheery as usual and
hopes, which we all echo to be restoted
to good health in a few weeks or
months at the most.
The next meeting of tne township
council will be held. at 11 a. m. on the
26th of May Meeting betore dinner is
for the purpose of getting the work of
reyision over so that the afternoon
may be devoted. to transecting regular
Mr. G. H. Fowler, who lives over on
the Shore Road, has been doing some
grafting for natives on the line. ,
Jasper Brinley 'of the 4th -con, has
sold five cows to William Clark of the
fith and an Ayrshire bovine to J. W.
Hill of Clinton, and has bought a 401 -
stein bovine from J. H. Fowler.
-The farmers have nearly finished
' Mr. Tom Cooper wheeled to Goderich
We hear Mr. Henry Miller has. pur-
chased the farm of Mr. William
Connell of the 10th, con. for the sum
of $2000, We welcome Harry to the
Line. .
Mrs. Thos. Corik has returned home
from an extended visit to' her mother
near Dungannon.
Mr. Fred Jervis after aanonth's vis -
at the homestead,' left Wednesday for
• Baltimore, and • if the prospects there
are not as bright as he would like may
goto Chicago. '
George and Henry Johnstone sold a
Will Haney Is home from Toronto.
Misses Blanche and Ulna Jamieson
of Vordwich are slotting their sitter,
Mrs. R. G. Casemore.
Bluevale cheese factory componced
operations on Tuesday May, Lit. Mrs
Jas. Burgess Is cheesemaker agaln
this season, with Mr. Eraser Little as
Master Willie Craig its suffering from
a broken varlet. lie fell from a beam
in Mr, Hughes' bar
Mrs Maguire's lease of the hotel
here has expired. The new tenant .Mr.
Esty of Mayfield took posseseiou last
Walk of Rev. Dr. Macdonald
A telegram was received from De-
troit vestertlaY afternoonconveying
the saa news of the death of the Bev.
Dr. Macdonald, atone Una° of Clinton
but more recently and for very many
years the honored pastor of the Pres-
byterlan church in Seaforth. The Dr.
resigned this charge about a year ago
and took up his residence in Detroit
but did not long survive his retirement
from active', work, lib was about see-
enty years of age. The Interment will
take place in Clinton cemetery.
week. WEST TUCKERSrliTil
Miss M. McAllister, "who has been
living in Brantford for some tune, has Mies M Bitten of Goderich spent a
taken her old position with Mrs, day with Mrs. F. Layton the forepart
Bailey, dressmaker. of the week.
The °resent bicycle agents are do- Mrs. J. Walker and Mr, and Itles.
ing a rushing business this spring. John Layton of Clinton were the guests
Mr. R. L. Stewart is home from of Mrs. Frank Layton Monday.
Rev, Mr. Clement conducted guar -
ALBS M. Schoales is visting her sister, terly services for this circuitat Turner's
Mrs. john King.
on Sunday afternoon last.
A Court a Revision, ‘pn a Township Me, Thomas Walker, the popular
drainage By -Law was held in Bluevale stone mason, was down last week and
on Monday afternoon, when a large built a foundation for a bog pen for
number of a,,,ppellants attended. Roger Pepper.
House of Refuge at Clinton last week.
Timothy Hewitt was taken to the
old Thn's fauailier face will be last for the summer with Mr. Her
°rich tor Superintendent, Mr. Thos.
Sabbath, School re -opened on Sunday
much missed around the village. Townsend for Assteta,nt, Mr. Chas,
. Layton aseSeceTreas. and a full staff of
Exeter. temacibsesmrs...Diak
returned to her home
in Blyth the latter part of the week
past after a lengthy sojourn with her
Messrs Wm, Dignan and Allan
sister, Mrs. W. 0. Landsboro.
Myers spent Sunday in St. Mary's.
Mr. Malward Lloyd rides a new Mc -
Mr. John. Aberhardt left on Monday. Burney -Beatty wheel.
last for Sherbrooke where he has se- Mr. George Johnston was down part
cured a position as blacksmith. of the Past week and helped Mr. Ar-
Mr.Wm. Southall left for London on
thur Cantelop in with his seeding'.
Monday last Mr, H. Bennett of the London Road
.Messrs. F. Dennis, W. A. Westeott,
wheeled up to Wingham on Saturday
E3. Vestcott and R ; Taylor .spent the distance in the hour and a
large making
couple of months. Mr. Thos. Wood's.
Sunday last in 1Vlitohell witla friends,
so they say. Mrs. Newton Grids leaves this week
The 11, T. of Vs held an open meet- for Holly, Mich., to take up her home
ing in the Main street Methodist there where M. N. °rich has secured
church on Monday evening. The pro-
. a situation, Miss P. Nott, her sister,
gram was goo an e accompanies her and will stop there a ,
Mr. John Graham and Mr. Oddy One of Mr. Arthur Cantelon's team b_Tthheereawaillrlibsei4iannangrstlinnmareynaiveetny
of St. ,Mary's purchased twenty fine was severely' kicked the other day and Y
horses here on Saturday for shipment
. had to be stitched up by Dr. Ball. in the church on Wednesday evening,
commencing at eight o'clock. A good
program is expected.
Mr. George Wbeatherhead, who has
been ailing for some months past, is
now confiped to his bed and his strength
seems to be failing very fast in spite
of the good are which .the farnily is
rendering him.
The Women's Missionary Society in.
connection with the Calvin church,St.
Helens,will hold a meeting in the base- •
merit of the church on the9th inst. at
half-pa,st, two, The Society is endeavor-
ing to -gather money and a box of cloth-
ing for the Ottavva and Hull fire -suffer-
Dannie Horn is helping Miss Tena
Gordon through house cleaning,
Miss Bell spent a few days of this Week •horse -tobuyer Benny of Seaforth and
With Lendon friends. delivered it in Clinton on Friday last.
Mr. Kern of Molsons Bank, Henault, To replace the one sold they have
was in Clinton on Monday, bought a mare from Ames McBrien.
Messrs. J. Taylor and S. Jackson were Williarn Sowerby has sold the bat -
in Seaforth on Friday last. ance of his Colborne farm to J. T.
Goldthorpe, who bought part of it last
Lieut. Plant of the $.A. assisted the
Wingham corps on Sunday, year., Mr. Goldthorpe has a saw inili
Miss Eva Walker oGoderich' is the On the place and vvill make the timber
guest of Mrs. John Walker. . .
s • G H Fowler has been increasing his
Mrs. William Ball of Toronto is tile email fruit farm and will, when the
- guest of Mrs. William Foster.
Rural Dean Hodgins of Seaforth was berries, strawberries, etc., than ever
guest at the Rectory yesterday. \ before. He confines himself to fruit
“As They Do In Polito Society." --
The first Canadian Contingent arriv-
ed at the Cape with, 400 too many
tunics and 400 too few trousers. This
startling fact fired a sentimental poet
who weighed in thus :—
Our hearts were brave and yet we
At prudence so neglected.
They send us to the Front and leaye
Our rear quite unprotected.
We marched for many A weary auto -
in costume light and airy,
A little in that classic style
Of Grecian statuary.
Of course we met some very bard,
Some trying situations ;
It took us all our tune to guard
Our base of operations.
Our eufferings would be less keen
Were there any chance of getting
A box or two of vaseline
And some mosquito netting.
We've scissors and needles and cotton
and pine,
But no where to put the patchee
We've pipes and tobacco and those
sort of things
But no where to strike our matches.
This thing is getting monotonous,
And we long for the sake of variety
• To tuck our shirts into divided skirts
As they do in polite society.
We long to meet the foeman's steel
To hear the welcome rally;
Come on ye royal Sans Culottes
Charge Bordon's Corps de Ballet,
And when the batteries unmask,
O'er head the iron hail screeches,
Then all we ask give us the task
To storm Pretoria's Breeches. •
— •
Services are again being held in St.
Paul's church, Last Sunday the pulpit
was supplied by a student.
Kies Mary Lieshman is visiting at
season rolls around., •have more ma;
Miss Nellie Jones of Seaforth was the entirely and does not dabble in garden -
guest of Clinton friends on Sunday, dug at all. After examining his trees
Mr. and Mrs. . James Campbell. of eel busheeeareftilly he has arrived at
Londesboto•were in town yesterday.. econclusion that the yield, barring •
Mr. L. Paisley and Miss Belle Paisley
were guests of Goderich friends Sun-
Miss Maggie Hillen of Goderich is
visiting. her mother, Mrs. John Lay-
Miss Freel, who was the guest for
several weeks of Mrs. J. O. Steven-
son, returned to London on Friday
Miss Dowling lately of Tan' Elms -
RECORD stair, has accepted a, posi-
tion on the staff of the Wroxeter
Captain Combe was in Wingham
Monday night and in Seaforth last
night in the interests of the military
concerts. •
liaise Maggie Erwin, who had been
the guest of her sister. Mrs. Chas.
Stewart for some days, returned
home on Monday.
Mr, Grigg Irwin returned from Toron-
to on Saturday and, we understand;
leaves shortly for England where he
has secured a situation,
Miss Edith Jardine, who had been a
guest at Mr. A. Twitchell s for sev-
eral weeks left for her home at
Pine River en Saturday last.
Mrs. Wilson Eagleson of Lucknow was
the • guest of Mrs. lames • Eagleson
last week and also visited other
friends in town and at Hayfield.
Miss.'. Barber of Toronco attended the
runeral of her cousin,: the late Miss
Cole, on Tuesday and is- now the
guest of her uncle, Mr, John Ridout:
Mr. William Coates is in Hamilton
and Kirkfleld this week on business
in connection with the 'winding up
of the estate of his 'lister; Mrs. Geo.
Mr. Binning, architect of Listowel,
was in town Tuesday looking up
prospects in regard to the new
church to be built by the Rattenbury
street congregation,
Messrs. W. D. Fair and. W. S. Law-
rence attended a meeting of the Sea -
forth Masonic Lodge the other even-
ing qp the occasion of the °literal Miss Williams,' the evangelist, at,
visit a the D. D. G. M. tended Bethel service on Sabbath, the
Rev. T. 3. Murduek went to Torun- church being crowded from the pulpit
to on Monday to attend a, meeting of to the door, as all could not be seated.
the Baptist Foreign Milsion Board of Revival se IT ices: started at Ball's ap-
which he is a member. On his re-
ointment on Sabbath evening. Mins
by his mother
turn he expects to be accompanied Williams will carry them on through
. the week.
Rev. Mr. Dewer of Toronto, who has The Pay. M. J. Wilson will take the
been supplying for Rey. air. Thornp- auarterly service at the Nile on Sab-
sem at Turner's appointmen occup-
• ied the pulpit of the Ontario street bath. "
church lett Sunday. He was the We are sorry to Ray that Mr. John
guest of Miss Whitely of Huron Brownlee is laid up at the present, but
:greet while in town. we hope to soon see him around again.
Mr. A. E. Erwin of Dayfield was in Mr. William Fisher purchased a
town Saturday last. He was it. new top buggy on Saturday.
companied over by Miss Lizzie Fergu- Mr. Samuel Treble is spending a few
son who took the evening train for days: with his brother, Charles of Cedar
Goderich to visit friends there. On Valley, this week.
his return home Mr. Erwin was ac- Mr. and Miss Fowler of Saltford
companied by his sister, Miss Jennie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nath.
Erwin, who bad been the guest of an johns on Sabbath.
Miss Beacons for some days. Miss Florence Strang'han is on the
Miss Mountcaetle, has been spending a sick list at present but we hope to soon
few days in Toronto. There have been hear of her recovery.
rumors to the effect that the Misses
Mounthastle may take up their rest -
deuce hi the Queen city, butthe citl-
zens 01 Clinton hope that such may
not be the ease'All would regret the
departure of these ladies, but more
especially the talented artist, .
Mr, 'Larry Clark leaven this week
for Chatham district where he will
try farming. If the work is more
congenial and profitable than that at
which he has been engaged for some
years, lie will move his family down,
Mr. Clark in a member of the Sal -
'Cation Artny and Will be much miss-
ed by the local cowl and its band,
Of Which he was leader, in particular,
Mr, F. A. Powell moved to the tag -
field Lino yesterday and is now nettl-
ed With bie 'family at Mr. J. O.
Elliotfle, Mr. Powell gave up a
business whieh he established by
- hard and persistent work, but his
health has not, been very good of
late and a change wan necessary ,
Nat week be purposes taking a trip
to tho Muskoka, District where lus
fattier lives.
ptssible frosts, will be better than last
yeh'. He broke off a cherry branch
an vutting it under a sealer in the sun -
lighten abundance of blossoms soon
developed. •
The all wheat and grass have im-
proved ery little in the past fortnight
owing t the, cold weather and frosts.
The fo owing is the report of the
pupils of . . . 3. Goderichown
ship, for tht month of April, based on
good depottment, punctuality, and
general proficiency :—
Sr. 4th—llikryey Mulholland, • Ed-
ward Badour,S Saida Cantelon, Fred
Ames, Mabel Plekard, Lillie*Oolclough,
Rose Dempsey, Teresa Crooks.
Jr. 45h— Menthe Tebbutt, Henry
Badour, Florence 'Trewartha, Roy
Pickard, Birdie 'Willson, Edith Mut.
holland, Edward W%lliams.
• Sr. 8rd—Myrtle Las, Gordon Ames,
Olive Sturdy, Howard Williams, Mab-
el Munnings.
Jr, 3rd—Evelena Mccartney;. May
Proctor, Stanley Ames,.,Wilfred Col-
clough, Permilla HalsteadtGeorge Col-
clough, Florence Lavis, aagiey
liams, Albert Halstead. "+
Sr. 2nd—Oscar Tebbutt, Albert Pick-
ard, Edgy 'Willson, John Dempsey,
Arthur Sturdy.
Jr. 2nd —Francis Potter, Clarice
Badour, Howard Trewartha. Lull: Mul-
holland, Minnie Sturdy Edith Levis -
Ida Huller.
Sr. Pt. 2nd—May McCartne , Ellen
. . .
Wor"klug Horse tor Sule,
inTiphonUrgefelogenecodno_ll„bre for sale lp and.gooativituorilli:
Vii;:liiinton, May let: uaud b27:1 WIMENIL
to South ricas
The Queen's birthday celebra tion No help to plow says Ab,
comraitteeare making big preparations
with the race track which is being
put into fine condition. Already a large
number of entries have be en made in
She different events which will take
One of our town hotel keepers together
with the Khvia dealer have been fined
for selling liquor to minors. The boys
also had to pay a fine in each case.
Will Montgomery now riaes a brand
new wheel.
Charles Calton spent Sunday with
friends irx Clinton.
S. Wise recently purchased a fine
new buggy from Mr. F. Rumball of
Clinton. It looks well and will wear
a long time as vehicles made by Mr.
Rumball always do. •
James Roberton is at present in a
very poor state of health.
On Saturday last while Alex. Jamie -
seri was driving to Seaforth his horse
became frightened and shying sudden-
ly upset the buggy and threw Mr. Jam-
ieson out, but he managed to 'hold on
to the lines though he was dragged a
considerable distance before he succeed-
ed in stopping the horse. Mr. Jamie-
son sustained a number of bruises but
beyond that no harm was done.
Owing to Quarterly service being
held at Turner's there was no divine
service held here on Sunday. •
Rev. Mr. Dever will address the
prayer meeting and take charge of the
work here during the absence of Mr.
Thompson whe is away writing on his
The men folk in our vicinity are.be-
ginning to look a little more sociable,
owing to the house cleaning being
pretty well oyer, we believe.
Ottawa, OntsAla,y 75h:— A cable
from Hon, J. I. Tarte, Canadian High
Commissioner at the Paris Exposition,
states that the Canadian buildings will
be open on Sundays. — The United
States buildings, however4 will be dos--
edon Sundays, and will be the only
ones that are.
Mr. L. Clegg, drover, will lead to the
altar of Hymen on , Wednesday of
this week; • Florence, daughter of
Charles Lawrence, at her father's res-
idence. . A large humber of guests
have been invited. The happy couple
will take .up their residence in the
house of Mr. Wray in this village.
Fishing is the main sport of our gen-
tlemen of leisure and some good strings
have been shown us.
The evening mail recently inaugurat-
ed here is not of touch benefit without
the morning mail in connection. Per-
haps our M. P. is reserving the morn-
ing mail until the cempaign is on.
-Sohn Coultes, Sr., has one for a
3 weeks' trip to Guelph and Hamilton
a.nd intermediate points.
Violet Scott, who has been visiting
friends near here, returned to her
•home at Southa,n3pton last Monday. •
• W, Geddes has :re -shingled -She cot-
tage o wned by Mrs. Mackenzie of Lon-
The Rev. Dr. Murray. of Kincardine
will deliver a lecture. in St Andrew's
church under the auspices of the Sab-
bath School on Tuesday ,155h inst., at
8 p. In Subject of lecture" What I
saw in Italy." No charge will be made
at the door, but a collection will be
taken up to assist the Sabbath school.
All are cordially invited. •
The ordinance of the Lord's Supper
was observed in tbe Methodist church
here last Sabbath. The seevices were
appropriate and there was a goodly
and appreciative attendance.
Mrs. A. McKay. widow, of Tucker -
smith, met with a painful accident, a
few days ago by which a collarbone and
a rib were' fractured. She is doing
nicely udder the care of Dr. Ferguson.
• Good work is being done in the
gardening line. •
Mr. and Mrs. Gs Dick and family
purpose moving into their new resid-
ence here in a few days. They will
be very desirable and welcome citi-
zens. • .
Beacon', Muriel Willson, Leifa Ford,•
Wilbert Halstead, Etta Colclougb,
Pear 1 Huller.
Jr. Pt#2nd—Horace Towill.
Pt. lst—John Sturdy, Graeme Tow,
N. W, TREI:verstrA, Teacher. E
Jack Frost has made quite a few vis-
its thie last while and 11 he don't goon
throw off his winter coat the hay crops
and fruit crops will be a failure as he
has nipped some of them pretty hard
Mr. S. L. Courtice spent Sunday at
Clinton with his 9013, .10 G,
Mr. and Mrs,W. :Ladd of Alymer
are the guests of his parents.
Mies M. Itudd of Clinton is visiting
friends in the neighborhood.
Miss Alice Stanley returned home
last week after spending a couple of
of months with her aunt, Mrs. A.
Misses M. Cantelon runt N. Miller of
Clinton were the guests of Miss Mc-
Cartney on 'Sunday.
Miss Sybil Courtice of Clinton is
visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrst r.0011rbiCO.
morenoeiable as the lioneeeleaning ie
nearly over and thus they do not -have
to eat their meals on the potato barrel
or any other place that happens to be
The men folk are beginning to look
Imported tlydesdale Stallion
No. 10281, Vol, XX.Olydesdale S.G.B.
Bred by James Brown, Elm., Miltcmhill,Torres,
Scotland, and imported in 107 by Alex,
Innis, Clinton, Ontario.
Will Make the season Of 1000 as follows:
MONDAY—To James MoBrietes,Bayliold rood,
Goaded* township, for noon, and to Geo. 0.
Sturdy's. 711i eon., for night.
TUESDAY—To n. H. Elliott's, 8th con., for
noon, and to John Bothwell's, Hayfield Lino,
for night.
WEDNESDAY—To JohnWigginton's forinoon
and to Wm. Cololough's, con. 11, for night.
THURSDAY—By way of Hohnesville to Henry
Young's, Maitland con.. Colborne, for noon,
and 10 38. Bframmer's at Mumbler for night.
FRIDAY—To Wm. Hick's, 0th con., Ooderielk
township, for noon, then to his own stable,
Hamilton etreet,Goderich, whore he will ro-
main until 1VIonday morning.
TERM -1110 to insure, payable January 1st,
1901. For the season, 88,10 be paid on or before
July let next. Persons ti7ing mares and not
returning them regularly will be charged as
80480P mares. We will not bo responsible for
any aceidents.
Manager. Proprietors.
Goderich, May Oth.
London Road.
T. Waldron has recently purchased
from W. J. Biggins, Elmhurst Farm, a
good young shorthorn "Vandy Re"
33620, D. S. H. B., sired by imported
Roval•Don, 64717 (17105.) Dam,Village
Malden, 26452, by imported General
Booth (543530 etc.
. Auction Sale or Calves.
Tha auction sale of Calves announced by the
undersi ned to be 5415 10 the Commercial hotel
yards. ..linton, offers for Wednesday, May 9th,
unavoidably has been postponed until Timm
'day, May 1755, at 2 o'clock p. m. - •
Preprietor: • Auctioneer.
• Clinton,lVlay 10th.
. . .
• Cream: and Buttermilk.
• • •
On and after May 14t5 the • Central Hurton
Creamery, opposite Fair's Mill; Clinton, will be
prepared tosupply Sweet Cream from 7 to 10 a.
m. and .Fresh Buttermilk at any thole- during
the day. Extra quality; usual prices. •
Clinton, May.Oth.. • "
If you
3 want some
4, thing D.ob-
`,7: by in a
t Tan Shoe
go to
R, J.
3 aluff s
MAY 10, 1900
kit V 1:"
We wish to thank all our old
customers for the nearty pat-
ronage they gave us in our
old stand, and now that we
have moved into more com-
modious premises on
Albert Street, next to
Broadfoot Box's and
opposite the Mat.on House,
wehope tht3y will all continue
to patronize us as it cvill be
our ,endeavor to give them
Good Goods at Low
. Prices •
which we expect will draw
• new customers as well.
• We keep on hand Groceries,
of all kinds. and also Flour
and Feed. We handle the
Zurich Flour which our cue
tomers say makes good bread
Black Tea 15c a lb.
Card of Thauks. Japan Tea 15c alb.
r wkh to return thanks to my many custom-
ers for the kind patronage they gave me and
also to say that I will be in my former place of
business on Saturday night, gay 12th, for the
convenience of those wisbing to pay their ao-
Clinton, May8th. F. H. POWEL7.4.
Jackson Bros.
Established 1.854
THE CASH SYSTEM is the only successful way of do-
ing business at the present time. No man with any notion of
saving money can afford to take credit. He pays from 15 to
20 per cent. more for his good e if he sticks to the old way of
doing businem Our prices under the cash system are a sur-
prise to keen buyers,
Phone 83. Goods delivered to all
parts of the town.
We have been talking a good, deal about this great suit,
but we cannot say too much. It is the most wonderful suit
for.the money ever placed before the public and this is saying
a good deal. The material is a good all wool cloth. The pat
tern is double over -check, an e*act reproduction of the latest in
Scotch Tweeds. The color is something that will not show
.1ust or dirt and the wearing qualities equal to anything sold
for $8 in the regular way. These are strong statements, but
they will bear investigation.
• I
The Creole, price $2, is the greatest selling Shoe on the
market. Value that cannot be equalled by any house in the
trade. One of the best wearing shoes made.
• Price $1, $125 a,n.d $1.60
The greatest school shoe ewer placed on sale. We are hay-
ing a tremendous sale of them awl. there must be some reason
for it and keen buyers should investigate
$8, $4 and $5. We are sole agents for this famous
line of goods and there is nothing in the market, to touch them.
We have an immense selection. We have the finest qualities.
We have shopes thot cannot be equolled elsewhere and we ore
%ening a big lot of them, 'Boys' s
tater hoes $2 and $2.60.
All repairs on boots and shoes promptly
attended to.
116 Pairs
Lace Curtains.
The Rcjason of 11
_ .
_ .
_ .
_ .
20 Traveller's! saples
a. Fine White Quilts
Through some mistake, the Canadian agent for one of
the largest Lace Curiaua manufacturers m Nottingham
had about double the quantity of Lace Gartains sent'
out he needed to fill his orders, It paid better to sell
the surplus out az a sacrifice than to ship back to Eng-
land, so his customers got a chance to buy some cheap
Curtains. We bought exactly 116 Pairs of them, and
place the entire lot on sale
Saturday, IVIay 12th,
And Following Week . . •
at a small advance on the price we paid for *GM. The
goods are brand new, the patterns and style strietly up-
to-date, and the qualities good, or they . Would not be
here. It's a chance to buy Lace Curtains that does not
often come. If we had not bought as we did we could
net sell at any such.prices. We make seven lots for
Satu.rtd.haeyseavnahidneesit week's , selling. Coble and ' investi-
Lot 1-15 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, good length and width', strong net,sss,
• suitable for bedrooms special • ' TA?e•
. • • I ......... • ............. •••••••••
Lot 2-16 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, new spripg pattern, lacesr effect, ,
new woven ,strong net, 54 inohes Wide, si yards long, a ourtain that 90e
would sell iri the regular way for $1.25, special at
Lot 3 ,1.5 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, an extra good pattern, new woven 1A ak
edge, 54 inches wide, 4 yards long, would be good value at 51.25, special llsVIP
Lot 1A-4.0 Pairs NottingliaM Lade Ourtians, handsOres floral patterns, strong
net, will give excellent wear, 00 inohes wide, 3 yards long, would sell for 11 n
1. • 50 and be good value if regular price was paid, special while they last IMO
.Lot 5-24 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains,. very handienne pattern, one pf the
. beat we Ilex° had, new woven edge, 60 inches wide, -3 yards long, would.
• sell in regular way at 51.75, special ter Saturday and next Week
Lot 6 —25 Pairs Nottinghom Lace Curtains, strong net, handsome floral pattern
one of the best yalaes in the lot, good value at $2, speoial for Saturday
and next week 1.45
Lot 7-12 Pairs only, extra good Nottingham' Lace Curtains, very fine net,
laoey pattern, new woven edge, 51 inches wide, ai yards longregulars ss
$2, 25, speotal while the lot lasts.. . 1
These are bound to sell out quickly, and those who
come Saturday or early in. the week will fare best.
• With the Curtains
We are going to sell •
Three.or four special bargains in white and colored
Ourtain7Muslins: They'll be ready with the Curtains Sar
day morning.
1 End Fandy Colored Art Muslin, • 1 End Fancy Coloeed Art Muelin,
bordered, 80 incites wide. regular net potern, with border reviler
14o, n to sell with the Curtains .... 20o, to sell with the Curt'ains s,"
1 End White Curtain Muslin, very .1 End extra fine quality White Cur-
-fine quality, this piece got slightly: tai u Muslin, floral and ring pat -
soiled, regular 20o, to sell with the, s tern, regular 80o, to sell with the
Curtains.... ..... .... . ... 1401.1 Curtains
7.: One-third to Oneillalf Less than
=X Regular Prices
• This ill a chaiice to buy goei Quilie at the •priee of cheap ones
that comes but seldom. There ere no two alike in the lot, and
• • people who buy will get a bargain
W o've got another special bargain fax housekeeperstile week,
and the kind they do eot often get. This week we got 20
Sample Quilts; they are,all high-grade qualities and handsome
patterns, but slightly soiled on the outside, through being
carried for that season. We got them at a liberal discount, and
on Saturday will put them on stile with the Curtains at
..,,,,Departtnetittil Store 1
Special Display of Summer Millinery
We will make it speoial display of new Summer Millin-
ery on Thursday. Friday and Saturday, May 17. 18 and 19
Our 111illiners are preparing some stylish and handsome pat-
terns for this summer dig -Inv, and we will show the newest
and most popular shapes and styles in summer headwear. We
extend to you the freedom of the showroom for those days.
The goods will be there that you may see summer millinery
styles, and you will be heartily wei\eome. Not a hint of buy-
ing unless you wish.
Our Great $2.50 Hat
We will be ready Flaturday, May 185h, with another lot of our great line of
Ready -trimmed Hata at $9,0. Those we had ready for last Saturday went out in short
order, and this week's supply is fresh from our workroom, trimmed es our milliners
know how to trim, with materials of .,00ci quality, there is style and appearance about
slim not approached by mealy hate at mtieh more money.
Girls' Sailors, 20e Ladies* Sailors, 300.
Girls' broad brim street sailor bets, Ladies' mottled straw sailor hats,
assorted mottled otraw, it hat that 1A velvet band, lined newest shapes, - -
will nive any amount at wettrottob Xtft: 'special, °itch 30e
30 Men's Rats•
/At 7.5e. Boys' eloth Mats
80 Men's fine felt Fedora hatsall
good shapes. colon of trown.fawn,
bleak, the kind you pay 81.25 and shapes, mostly dark tweeds, wi 1
fal Tuff:: at efts stores our soo. stana any amount of hard wear, 44„
ne this little lot °tearing at oat ....
"Gold. Medal" erepons
Just passed into stook soma very handsome patterns in Gold
Medal Cessions, skirt lengths, no two alike, They will give
paantytearmnao,unnottowfow6eiairkce,nedhinomaoke most etyllsh skirts, newest
° 6
If you want good Black Dress Goods any time, ask84f0r tho
&MOUS "Gold, Medal" brand, They keep their color and.
stand til0 Wear.
15 Boys' Cloth Heassneat and nobb