HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-05-10, Page 5MAY WI 1900. 011WW lo I I . . 11100004Sailnailhefifile00000001.911101111 • • • • • and Wine: • • ••• eer, iron _SG A 8timulating Nutritious Tonic An elegant on in which is united the nniximent of Beef, the Tonic Powers of Iran and the stimulating properties of Wine. As a Nutritive Tonic ir: the treatment of impaired nutrition, impoverishment of the bloed and in forms of general debility it is Q f groat value. The "Diamond" Beef • • • • • • • • •° Iron and Wine • • e Is the best, and is sold by • us only in 16 ounce bottles for • • 750 . • JACKSON'S 1. Prescription Pharmacy. Phone 2 • • sees•••••••••••••••••••••,••• ..._. es-gassess-sesateseee-eaasaawaseaswes-easale Re_ s $nioved$ 1 1 Across the Street 3 Doors South of Town Hall- A.J.GRIGG Successor to 3. Biddlecombe. 1 Jeweler and Optician. aisaaaseasses6,-es.,-asswaaseweessita WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR . . SEEDS OUR OL OVER 3. TIMOTHY • TURNIP and all Field and Garden Seeds ,were bought from the most re- liable dealers and we can with confidence recommend them . J. W HILL We solicit a share of your trade. The Bovee Potato I have Seed potatoes of all kinds for sale but would particularly' recommend the Boyee which is fully two weeks earlier than the Early Rose and a most prolific yielder. It is a dry alertly Rata - to. Last year Dr. Blacken raised one big pailful from three hills and Mr. Isaac Jackson gathered fifteen bushels from a half bushel of seed, THE SIX WEEKS has a well established reputation. It noatures early and has quality and quantity. COME TO US FOR YOUR FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. W. DUNCAN., . Next the Mason House EGGS WANTED I intend to pack eggs this season and will he in a posi- tion to handle large quanti- ties, They will be taken as eash and the highest market price paid. SILVERWARE GIVEN AWAY We still give to each pur- chaser of a certain arnounS of goods his or her choice of the nri ides in our stock of Silverware. Those who have already made a selection at e well pleased. ‘, 0. OLSON Butter and Eggs Wanted, SPECIAL NOTICE I have decided to clear out my present stock by the first of May. Don't miss this chance of seeing mon- ey. A call Will convince you that I mean What I say, Good Butter and Eggs taken as cash. G. I. STEWART W. JACKSON ACANT 0, P. R. 14.10111k OLiNT010 Teavellere to any part of the World should consult the above in reference to tickets, fares, etc, W. JACKSON COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF CLINTON Take Notice that a Court oe Revision for tho Town of Clinton will hold its flret eitting in tho Coutiell (hamber, on Monday, May 28th. A. 1) 1900. commencing at 8 o'elock p•Iii., for tho pur- pee° of hearing and rectifying all complaints against or errors in the 4.5setismont 1011 of the pzesent year. 4.11 porno intereeted are re- eUeuted to attend. COA.TS. Clerk of the Municipality. Clinton, May lith, 1900 COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY A Court of Revision will be held in tho town- ehip hall, Varna, on Monday. PUY 28th, at ten o'clock a.m., to hear and determine appeals against the aseessment roll et the toweship of Stanley tor the year 1000. J. T. CAIRNS, Varna, May 7th -21 • Township Clerk. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF GODERIGH --- Take Notice that a Court of ROVIsiOn for the Township of Goilerleh will hold. its first sitting in the Township Hall, on Saturday, May 26th, .A..1): 1900, commencing, at 1 o'clock p.m .,for the Purpose of hearing and rectifying allcomplaints agaiest or errors on the Assessment Ron of the present year. All parties interested are re- ettested to attend. NIXON STURDY. Clerk of the Municipality. Goderieh Township, May 1st, 1900, FEATHERS CLEANED The undersigned is prepared to clean all kinds of feathers. If I have not called upon you, when you want your feathers cleaned drop •me a postal card and your order will receive prompt attention. I may bo found at .the first house to the left on the south side of the rm. don Road bridge. A. ITAirWA.RD, . May 7111, W • Clinton P.O. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT The undersigned offers for sale or rental the dwelling on Victoria etreet, lately oecupied by Mr. Alfred Barge. ROBT. W ALKEIL Clinton, May 81h. • EARLY CLOSING • We, the undersigned -merchants of the town of Clinton, hereby agree to oloso our respective Places ef business on and after the 151,h of May to the 15t11 of September, every evening at 7 o'clock, sharp, except Saturdays and prior to holidays.• • Ogle Cooper & Co. A. Wiltse .1. W. Hill J. W. Irwin F. Melville N. Robson Cantelon Bros, GOOD DRIVER FOR SALE Good driver for sale. Apply to • DR. W. J. R. FOWLER. Clinton, .April 30th, PASTURE TO RENT I will take in a, nuhabor of cattle to pasture for the summer. I have about 70 acres on which is first rato grass, plenty of shade and abendanespf water. Chargesmoderate. • TIRNRY CuOPER, Lot 9, Con. 3, Hallett, Seaforth WILL TAKE CONTRACTS I am now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of carpentering and will . do the work entrusted to me promptly and mechanically. Send Inc me or leave orders at T. Beacom 8r Son's grocerystore. JOHN DAYMENT. Clinton, April 12. • CONTRACTING -- As the impression is abroad. that Iwfllbo Mr. Thos. Mackenzie's foreman this year, I wish to say that such is not the case as I have entered into business on my own account, and having secured tho services of several first-class car- • penters I am now prepared to take contracts. Before placing your work give me a charce to tender for it. All kinds of building material furnished. •D. coNNnr,L, • Cornor Huron and Kirk Streets. .01 inton, April 2nd. . NOTICE . As I have no office since the destruction of my shop by fire on the morning of Saturday: March 24th, I have placed my accounts in the office of Mr. W. W. Ferrari for collection. All interested parties -will please note and govern themselves accordingly. • . CHARLES WILSON. Clinton, March 291h. • HOUSE FOR SALE. On Victoria street. Nair Organ Pao tor $300 will buy aroomy, comfortable house wit good lot -the property reeently occupied by Frank Upshall) Apply to W. BRYDONE, Barrrister March 7th. LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale that, d esira sixteen 110) acres of land •south of tho London Road Bridge. It s a beau Will s to for building and will be sold in one piece or in lots. My reason for selling is that 11 1. too Inc from town to handle myself and it doesn't pay to hire help • A, COUCH, Clinton lune 20111 THE STANDARD BRED TROTTING STALLION'. SAGO Was foaled in 1889 aed stands 10 hands high. Ile has good carriage, perfect action, and his Colts are prize winners. winning first or second place wherever shown. Sago's stable is at E. Slats, _Base Line. On Monday he will be at Slabtown: on Tuesday noon tit Smith's Hill, and that night at Auburn. On Wednesday noon he will boat Myth, and at night at Londosboro; on Friday he will return toliis own stable; and on Saturday afternoon proceed to Clipton, returning to his own stable that night. TEmits-$8 to insure, payable Jan. let, 1901. R. GRIGG, Owner and Manager. April 30111. THE CLYDESDALE STALLION PURE GOLD Pure Gold in a. bay horse with white hind foot, star en face with etripe and stand:: hulls bigh. Ile wail bred by Jarneo Drum- mond,Blacklaw,Thinfermline,Scotland. Ho wan imported by James Addistin to Canada. Paro Gold will stand for the Improve. nient of Stook as follows: MONDAY -Will leave his own etableAtmOhd- ville, and proceed to llittlfay'e Hotel, Bruce. ileld, for noon; to Vaena, at Murray'e betel, for night, TUESDAY - South hy the Parr Lino to Joseph Iludson'A for :Mem 10 Blake by way of the Town Lf110 for night. WEDNESDAY -West 10 1110 SaubleIthie, then north to R. Snowden'e tor noon; then Mirth to the Albion hotel. Hayfield, for -night. THURSDAY -Will prOeeed hy way of Pap field 001:1CCARIGH 10 W. 0:IMO:I, 7th COHCOI. Mon, Goderich toWilahlp, for neon; theliee north to Aleg. Cox'a for night. FRIDAY -not to the 10th cOncession, and meth to J.0.Steeti's for noon .1 thence alenre the Hayfield 001100001011tO the COM. hotel, Clinton. tor night. SA.TURDAY-Thiron Road 0191 10 Frank TAa lora fOr noon • thence end to 1119 own stable in ItgitiOttdvil it where he will remain until rha fallowifig Monday morning. The abeve rade Will be edatinued regularly dining the Scum bealth and weather paella Ong. TalitlifSaaleto !name, ariaable .tenitara Wt. marts must, he returned regularly to the Ittiree, anaper*ons dispehil atom" their inares be- forepoining timer will be charged whether mares are in Mal or not, THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Seaforth„ We understand that the wOrk of lay- ing the granolithio pavement on tha east side of Main street will soon be commenced. Messrs. i.. 13roadfeat and J. Willson, who started for Manitoba last week, have located respeetwely in Portage la. Prairie and Winnipeg. an exception- ally large number of young seen 1111V0 gone to Manitoba and the North-West this spring. Mr. James johnson bas returned front Calgary, for the purpose of pur- chasing a few hundred head of young cattle for shipment to his ranch in that region. Air. R. Winters, Jr., narrowly escaped being severely injured last Thursday. They were unloading hay with a hay fork in the barn when the rope broke, and half of the load fell on him, but he escaped with only a slight strain. The roof of Bell's launday. was da - aged by fire on Wednesday, Fortunate- ly the fire was noticed before it had gained much headway. The alarm was rung at two different stations, and in neither case did the bell in the hall res spend, and this delay nearly caused the loss of the building and the plant in the laundry. Our town authorities will some day awake to the necessity of a systensatio and regular inspection of the fire appliances, hydrants and the -fire alarm system, when neglect of this hastaught them a severe lesson. A buoket brigade was formed and they succeeded in putting the fire out before the arrivaliof the firemen, A large and enthusiastic meeting of the supporters of the "Hurons" was held in the council chamber and elect- ed the following officers for the en- suing year: -Hon. president, Dr. C. McKay ; president, W. G. Willis ; sec - rotary treasurer, J.L. Eillorn ; inslnag er, R. C. Cheswright ; committee, W. H. Baker, T. J. Stephens, L. C. Jackson, o'Neil, R. Cresswell, J. A Jackson, B. A., S. A. Dickson, B, A., H. M. Jack- son, K. McLean, ; captain, '1', .A. Wilson. About twenty-five 01 11191 old players of the "Bursns" were elected honorary members. Much dissatisfaction, amonir the members of the Be ver Lacrosse Club, exists over the district arrangements of the various clubs and there is some talk of their withdrawal from the series. Mr. Allan S. McLean, son of M, Y. McLean, ex -M. P. P., and now of the staff of the Financial Times, London, Eng., is home on a visit. His numerous friends will give him a right royal wel- come. He is one of the numerous young men front this town who are mak- ing their mark in the world. • Mr Ab. Morrison, who returned from Cleveland last week, is improving. He was ill for over two months with typ- hoid fever, and the hospital authorities at one time,had very little hope of his recovery. His many •friends among the foothairenthusiasta will be pleased to hear of his complete recovery. Lucknow. --- • The following extract from a letter written by Victor Odlum, serving with tbe First Canadian Contingent and dat- ed Bloemfontein, March 17111, will be .of interest:- . • "Yoh would have laughed bad you seen me entering the camp six miles from Bloemfontein, rifle and boots slung over my shoulders, feet wrapped in sheepskinoinshaved, unwashed for aaveek, jaws swollen as if by mumps and limping on both feet. LW • spent two days alone on the veldt. with swol- len, bleeding feet, trying to oatch up to the regiment, eating only some raw pot- atoes and a piece of cold fried fat that I picked up on the ground, and almost chocking for water. It was a unique experience, and one of which I shall have many taleto tell whorl I return, but one which was decidedly painful and miserable while it lasted -and which has made me feel miserable ever gime. You little know what it is. to be thirsty. There have been times when my mouth was parched, black and sticky--avvollen so that I could hardly . speak. I have dipped water from mud puddles. between the legs Of mules standing in it drinking -and from pud- dlein which lay dying horses, With my whole jaw swollen and , tender -Wan toothache I have munched hard leek as a boy at home would a dainty piece of cake And I have marched over a hun- dred miles with blistered and bleeding feet and finished in time to march into Bloemfontein. with the regiment. But the worst is over I hope, and we may seen be returning to a land where we can get bread -real bread and butter, God forgive me if I ever waste food or water again." The township of Kinloss has lost an- other of its well known and greatly es- teemed citizens in the person of Mrs. Ann Congratn, of the 8th con. of Kin- loss, and mother of Mr. A. 13. Congram of this village, Deceased was an old resident of the township and had reach- ed the ripe old ago o!73 and 4 montha. By the actions of the church wardens` the services at St.Peter'e church will be conducted by the Rev. Mr.Clark,Perpet ual Deacon, until the coming of it new incumbent. On Monday evening a number of cit - kens gathered at his residence to say good-bye to G. T. R. Agent Ds W. Hayee, who left on Thursday morning of this week taassume it more lucrative position with the Gs P. R. at Fergus. An address and gold watch were present- ed. THE EDITOR'S DOMESTI LES \TRO UR - QUIT HIM THE DAY HIS WII�1 COM- MENCED USING DR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPIE TABLETS FOR STOMACH AILMENTS. "1 was attracted by one of the little Chapter"ads' telling about the merits of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets, and my wife, being it great sufferer and having doctored for years for stotnach troubles, we procured them and its well within the truth to say that she never got anything to give her relief untilashe used them. They work like magic. She has not nnly been relieved of distress, but tbesr have effected what she believes will. be • it promanent cure." Editor "Light," Yarmouth, N. S. Sold by Watts & Co. The fourteen -months -old boy of Mr. and bars. I. T. 0, Laing of Centreville was burned to death, * VHS PREACHES GREAT FAITH DIMP SEA.TED CATARRH WAS HIS CROSts-Dit. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL, POWDER. LIETED HIS BURDEN. The Rev. Jas, L. Grimm, it well- known American divine tviatifig from Springet, Pits says; "Ials Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has proved it won- der in my case. It did everything it claimed to do -gave me relief in it feW minutes, and persistence in its use cured me of it very aggravating attack. of cattaerli in the throat and head.' Sold by Watts & Co. Amer Loysk ofifteee-year-ohl boy, and fell off a freight train at Comber was killed. A BOON TO HORSEMEN tnglish fba- ti ii ment renieves all hard, eoft Or calloused - Lumps and Bletniehes from lunges, Blood Spavin Curb% Splints, Iting Bone, Sweenti, Stifles, Sullies, Sore and Swollen ihroat, Coughs, ole. The lifhe of one bottle inay make you VP. Warranted the most wonderful Mem- lab (lure ever known, Sold by Watts MAMMY O . Pi 04enoadville, May abb. Ottrier and Manske k Co. WILSON Co0R. 1.1.40t, Ft,ORIBAN, Eight hails allot on my Start Macs I saw my queen depart-. vale, Flornaut Kindle lisren and sunset burnt shall nom more retinas Yak, vale, Fieribard Samonoro, eh, eaveraioral Sta. tea epic) death's iron doer. - Vele, vale, Fiorito! Wilat She Ringing through the wsy As it bride en inarriago dayl Yale, vale, Fleribanl Could ye apt hive hold her dead 110 the thorn boughs Outline rose - Vale, vale, Floribanl IV, Yew and mem tree, Weep for her end weep for niel 'Vale, vale, Floribant -Iady Lindley. 1ARLINA.WAYMATCEt But Not the /Chad ot Itunawasr Usual Is Soon Pale,* John Asley,a rerteenieiJr., was a tllasayms 1114/1 about 22, and as he gazed wrath- fully at his father the old man almost quailed before him. Old Solin Asley was of the "old echool," wbatever that may mean, and young John Asley was of the "new sobool," very new, in fact, went in heavily for athletics, ran up a big bill at college for "dad" to pay and then skipped: over to the continent, and there, being up to date, fell in love with a very pretty girl and of course wanted to marry her. • Now, old John Asley not only had no sympathy with his son's matrimonial achemea, but he rather regarded the young man and all his likes and am- bitions as altogether unheard of and therefore dangeroue and to be frown- ed on. It was natural that he should plan for John to enter his office and learn the ways of business. The old man .felt sure it was rank heresy and reck- less foolishness to let the boy marry till he had grounded himself in busi- /MS and its methods. Now the boy wanted to marry Miss Bennett at once and learn the rudiments of business afterward. This did not suit the old man, He admitted that he would not be so. ayerse to the marriage if the young lady hadany money. They discussed the matter some time. . Old John Asley knew that bis son had his own stubborn • and unresisting temperament, And h. changed bis tac- tics. He suggested that John hay* his emit rink the. girl to a dinner party. john's aunt presided at the few enter- tainments the old man gave. This was arranged and the invitation dispatched to "Miss erace Bennett, - Madison avenue, New York." This was the address she had given John and told him it was a friend's • house where she should spend the.win- tet. •Her acceptance came by return post. ' , •The . evening of: the dinner •arrived, and the splendid house' was decorated and ablaze. John's eyes sparkled when he led Miss Bennett up to Introduce her Co his father. • "Father, this is Miss Bennett," be Salt. • u saw his • father give the girl a. • puzzling look and heard him stifle an exclamation, of surprise. Then he no- tieed that the girl was blushing and • seemed in some way ill at ease. ,"How do you do, Miss Grace?" said biinfatherswith the easy familiarity of an old man. "We are very glad to. see you here." Then some one else came up, and the girl.hurrled away. Several times at dinner John saw bis father glance at the .girl and then shake with silent laughter. His hot blood. de- cided that his father was ridiculing the girl of his choice, and he determined to call him to account for it. • He drove avilso Bennett to the station to catch the. late New York train, and when he got back he found 1113 father still up. The -old man became silent and refused him any explanation. All he would say was that if Miss Bennett only bad as much money as Alice Coop- er he would withdraw all his objections and make John a liberal allowance. Miss Cooper was a daughter of an ex -resident, who, 'dying, hal left his only child, Alice, a large fortune, 'John. had .never seen the girl and thought then that he never Wanted to. • In the middle of September youug john'announeed that he was going to New York and would like some funds. The money was forthcoming, and the old man treat chuckled as he handed John the notes in ,a way that only made matters worse. • John went to New York, taking his nag Midnight with him. He was too much attached to tbe horse to leiree him behind and looked forward to 'some delightful gallops with Miss Ben- nett. For two days he hung about the ho- tel, fuming and trying to make up his mind to call on Miss Bennett. One morning he decided to take a ride lit the park before breakfast. Midnight was a handful and needed all his attention for some time. After a good gallop he quieted down and began to act like a rations,' horse agJaollallr% was walking hies along the bridle path and came On a little crowd of persons, including dome of the park workmen and a mounted policeman. • Standing near the group was a band - Nano Kentucky saddler, trembling all over and showing unmistakable signs et having run away, The sidesaddle on him was hanging on his flank, and his mouth dripped blood from an in - 'side nut. There was blood on the po- liceman's arm, His horse was quietly watching the proceedings with mild, steady eyes. He had peen to Many similar accidents that it was really quite a bore to him. John drew Midnight up and tried to get a look at the person they meemed ti be bendittg over. As he pugheehis way Into the crowd he caught a glinipile of the face and uttered an el- elm:flatten of aurprise and horror when he saw it WW1 WW1 Bennett. "Do you know this young lady?" asked the policeman. "Yee," skid John. "She is Miss Grace Bennett and lives at --, fs she hurt?" "That we can't tell for sure till the ambulance and the surgeon come. But We don't think o. They always faint. She is s. loog time caning to, though." The rubber tired ambulance came silently up, and the durgeon was be - tilde the girl before the vehicle atop - put Ile made a superficial examina- tion with professional dexterity and maid: "Thls is not the Ordinary faint from terror. She met be taken to her home at once a the hospital." Tenderly the was lifted in, and John gave the address. He rode on before tit let her aunt know of the mishap. Bunning up the steps, he Wilted for We. Peter*, the girl's aunt, "Mei Bennett was thrown from her horse, and they are bringing her het* In an ambulance. It la nothing serious,. 1 ann sure." "Mid* Bennett, Wes Bennett," said the Itidy. "1 don'tp-or, yek.of course. And art ou 'qr. Ardor In the ex. eitement it didn't seem strange to him that oho ktitte Who he was at one*, They carried the girl to her room, and Meld* of half an hour two sur. itepti is tows bon* woo, by hot side. Tim surgeons elm* their heads and looked very grave. Ail attempts to lame her had Tailed. She lay lu a stupor, and her soft breathing W114 the only' reign of life. When the surgeons said an operation WAS necessary, John's hopes fell. 8ows another surgeon foal another nurse and some suggestivo Worths; boxes and eases arrived. Then John tramped the long drawing room waiting for the doc. tors to come down and tell him if She lived or eon The sickly sweet smell of ether came floating down stairs as the door of the chamber was opened, and he heard it eingsong volce that he knew uttering rneaninglesa words, Then tbe door shut, mad as one of the nurses came down he waylaid her, Se. fore he had a chance to tusk she told him the young lady was coming out of the ether nicely, and.,the doctors bad - found it tiny piece of bone prerrsing ois the braleliut they felt sure am would be all rigbt with cpre. All that long afternoon be staid at the house and hoped he might be of some service. Finally he fell asleep, WOrli out with ail the anxiety and tuts- ery. He was awakened by a touch on his shoulder and found bis father standing over him. Here was more mystery, "Now', Grace?" he asked. "Alice is better and will be all right goon. The girl up stairs is Alice Coop - ea She was Miss Bennett in Europe to protect herself against a lot of for- tune hunters, I knew her when he came to the dinner party and have seen her frequently since her father moved away from our town, But I thought 1 would let you find out for yourself, 1 haven't any further objections, and after the wedding we will talk buss, ness." • John demanded entrance to the sick- room at once. Tbere was really no pro- posal, only "Oh, Johni" and "Oh, Al- icel"-Hartford Times. Violinioct,s Revenge on APIoo.1. The incident of Senor de Reszke re- fusing a check insultingly offered him by Berms Rothschild after De Reset° had .sung .by request in the baron's drawing room recalls an incident that happened a good many years ago in . the house that Bonanza King Flood oc- cupied on Eddy street, San Francisco, before be built that gloomy pile on Nob 11111. He.hadinvited a celebrated visit- ing violiniet to dinner, and there were a great many other guests. After din-. ner the violinist, much to his surprise, was asked if he would. not "play some- thing." He said he bad not brought hie. violin with hires- But Flood would not.take that hint and insisted on send- ing to the ntaestro's•.botel for the vio. lin and did send, and the owner playeci on it.and responded to two or three en- cores, When be :bad done, .he laid aside the violin, put his hand into his pocket, .drew forth a 25 cent piece, threw it on the piano and said: "Now, Mr. Flood, every Man to his trade. Mix me a; cocktail." -Stockton (Cal.) Mall: Elusrptdiows a the Witter. . "Some yearsago a certain 'bishop of one Of the states noutn of Meson and Dixon's line," ,said a soothers gentle;, • man, "was visiting some friends of-• mine in „alabama whom, for conven- fence sake, I Will call the Smiths. The bishop, returning from a walk, :found the family cat swimming • around In and vainly trying to get out of the bar- rel from which the drinkingwater was drawn. • • • "After rescuing pussy the bishop en- tered the house and, finding Mrs and Mrs. Smith in the ,sittingroom, men- tioned the • circumstance, whereat the , head of the house •beca.ine souiewbat excited and went out, so be said,' to have the water butt changed. Mrs. Smith, however, "merely remarked:. 'Dear little .kitty,. she often doe's that. I only hope. the spoor thing hasn't cold.' • • • . "The bishop duping the balance of his stay' regarded the water served at table with an eye of. grave suspicion." -New York ,Tribune. • Irish .W1 t. TWO navies, 111 clad, dirt covered, rain soaked, got possesslen of a heav- enly nook . between two high stale • walls while an extra heavy sleet show, et . prevailed. They had "bunkered" low. and were . watching the smoke wreaths mount fromtheir pipes. "I'm toul," said one of there, breaking a reverie, "I'm toul, Jamie, that the king. of Jarminy niver smokes." Both re- garded the wreaths again for a 'minute in silence. "Poor maul. I wouldn't like to bo him, Larry; would you?"' Betty Horan of Thrummon was a very pious old Methodist. Father Dan often dropped into Betty's for a gossip. "Betty," said Father Dan, "I always find you stuck in your Bible. Now, tell .me truly, do you understand it all?" "Of course I do," indignantly. "Well, well. I've been studying it all my life, and I don't understand it all yet." "And if yer reverence is a blockhead. do ye think every wan else like yerself?" -Saturday Evening Poet. WHATEVER IS 18 BEST. know as my me grows elder And mine eyes have clearer sight That under each rank wrong somewhere There lies the root et right, That each sorrow has its purpose* By tho sorrowing oft unguessed,' But as sure as the sun brings morning, Whatever is is beat. 1 know that each sinful Emden, As euro as the night brings ASA ts somewhere some time punished, Though the hour be long eeloyed. knew that the soul is aided Sometimes by tho heart'. unrest, And to grow means often to sae, But whatever 11 ie belt. I know there aro no errors In the great eternal plan, And ill things work together For the final good of man; And f know when my tout epeeds onward In its grand eternal quest shall say, as I look back oarthWard, Whatever is is best. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox. West Wawamosh. Tames Laidlaw, sr., died at the home of his 001:1, James, on Sunday week at the age of 71 yeara. Deceased was it Sel- kirkshire Scotohman who came to Can- ada when a young man plying his trade as a tailor for some time in Waterloo. 35 goitre ago he moved to East Wawa - nosh, afterwards to West Wawanosh where he had resided unti) his death. ' His wife predeceased him by about three months. Deceased leaves a family ef 3 sons and 5 daughters. Mrs. William Martin of Bast Wawanosh, Mrs, Wm, Jackson and Mra.john Marien,Hullett, Mrs, Wm, D. MoCartney, Parry Sound, and Christina at home. The sons are James, Joseph and John all of whom re- side itt West Wawanosh, Deceased watt a Presbyterian and was for a number of years an elder while resident in East Waramosh. WIIAT WE EAT Is intended to nottrisb and eustain us, but it must be digeoted and assimilat- ed before tt con do this. In other words the nourishment cotitained in food inuat bo separated by the digestive organs from tlio waste inateriak and must bo carried by the blood to all parts of the body, by believe the tea- Seti for the great behelit which so many people derive from Hood's Saran- parIllia lies in the feet that this 020(11. 01120 ghee good digestion and makes plive,rich blood, It restores the lune tiOng Of thoae Oraalla Which convert food into 111011fillInient, that gives strength to 'nerves and »mimics, 11 also euros dyspepsia scrofula, salt rheum, boils, sores, pimples and erup- tionar s, catrh, rheumatism and all diseases that have their origin in ini- ,pure bloOd, "Never Ott Certatntv For Itom" You may We Hood's Sarsaparilla for ail diseases wising from or promoted by impure btood with perfect confidence that ft wilt do you good. Newer take any sub. sittute. .10 Hood's Sarsapanta you have thebest medicine mone,y am buy. It cures,- completely and permanently,-.. when others fait to do any gOod. Tonic -"I ha I k ' _ve Rands sS orsa., patgla as a tank- and generat builder of ihe system with excettent results. If re. stores edfalit,y, &Ayes afway that tired feel.. ing, quiets The nerves and bdngs refreshing steep." ,John Y. Patterson, Whitby, Ont. Sold byWatts & po., Druggist , • _ _ A. REALHEART CH.ARMEElt, DR. AGEW'S CURE FoR THE HEART RENDS THE DISEASE CLOUDS. AND BRINOS THE SUNSHINE OF HEALTH IN 30 MINUTE.$, • The boon of quick relief is abundant- ly realized in the use of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart. In many cases where the patient has considered by Physicians in attendance as beyond all hope of saving, this wonderful re- medy has a charmed effect, and there is no case recorded,. no matter how absolntely hopeless it appears, that this great Heart Cure has net given relief inside of thirty minutes and worked ultimate and speedy cure when persisted in. Mr. C. M. Hays, General Manager of the Grand Truck, has gone to London. "CARRY SUNSHINE WITH YOU." A bright fresh -sunny face is always inspiring and it always denotes good health as well as a happy heart. Many faces that were once over -cast with aloosn have been made bright and sunny by Hood's Sarsaparilla which cures all dyspeptic symptoms, stren th- ens the nerves and tones up and in- vigorates the whole system Constipation is cured by Hood' pills, the non -irritating cathartic. Sold by all druggists. . Mr, W. D, Dyer of Oshawa was kill- ed at the Raglan crossing of the U.P.R. For Over Fifty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING Stertue has berm used 'by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If diettirbed at night and broken of your rest by A sick child suffering ahd crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ng Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re - Move the poor little sufferer immediately. De. pond upon 11 mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Difirrhosa_,_ regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind. Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the vvholo system: "hire. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and 000008 10 tho United States. Price twenty -Ave cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through- out the world." Be sure and ask for "Mrs, INSLOvr'S SoOTHING SYRUP. Tivainaig A k Tithe Table, Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows :- ' • DIIPVALO AND GODERI011 DIVISION. ClOir4g East Express Mixed C4oh5 W9stVlixed •„Express 7:38 a. • 2:55 p. m. 4:35 p. m. • 10:15 a in. 12:55 p. 10:27 p. m. • LONDOZ,t, HURON AND BRUCE DIVISION. Goir.tr South liKeciss 7:47 a. 4:25 p. in. Goillg North Express • 10:15 a. m. • " Mixed •6:55 p, m. A. -D. PATTISON, F. 11. HODGENS. • agent. • Tow? Ticket Agent. M. 0 DRWS$is, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. • WARNING • Notice is herobv given that all trespassers on the prope 'ty belonging to R.& J. Ransford will henceforth be proseeuted. This warning is es. pecially addressed to parties contemplating shooting or fishing on this property. R. & J. RANSFORD. Clinton, April 2410. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale averydosirabla property oil Isaac street consieting of four lots upon which there is a comfortable frame house with kitchen and woodshed attached. There is a good stable and a flrst.class well of water on promises. The orchard, consisting of grapes and tipples, is it good one. The property will bosold at a reasonable figure for eaeh or f cash and balance on time. Apply to the owner on tho promises • MRS. JOHN JUNOR • Clinton May 9th Eureka Flatness 01119 Mel:rest preservative of new leather and the best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black- ens and protects. Use Eureka , Harness Oil on your best harneeo, yotir old liar. • nese, and your carriage top; end they will not only look better but wear Ringer. Sold everyWhere lo eans-all altos freak half pinta t* live gollOoll. WAG 117 IIIIVIRIAL 00, CO., Dolled. „ ATTEND TUE BEST -4T PAYS -afiroz,q4 Ape,4e7: ‘edt/p,e0 STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Before you decide to attend any other school lot us correspond with you. Our magnificent catalogue explains our superior advantages. Students aro in attendance this year from Can- ada, United Stateand Newfoundland. A largo number of our recant students have accepted choice positions. Enter noW. W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. tplOoolen Cotton nod compound. Is successfully ust, monthly by over 10,1300 Ladies, Safe, effectual. Ladies ask OV•V'your druggist for Zoolrs Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. PrJ.e, No. 1. M. nor x; No. 0,10 degrees stronger,i3 por box. 110. ssmailedoe receipt 01 priee And two keent amps The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. -No8, 1 and 2 sold ono recomraended by ill responsible nniggists ie Canada. No 1 and, No 2 sold in Clinton by Sydney Jackson, Brucrgist 5 geca..Q<aeW^caytS.circvie..vcaeir'cs*'*OQleirNse4''S's4iYqie,iiYqirqtb4Y1t>otQAte 1 MoKINNON & 00 ct IFS OME ONE HAS SAID f.t 0 (11 "You might as well be out of g the world as out of fashion" 0 And the trite saying has much truth in it. No ne- cessity for the ladies' of Blyth and vicinity wearing ancient 2 and antiquated Millinery when they have a large up•to-date Mil linery esta,blishment like ' this in their midst, where Q they 0012 get the latest Parisand New York styles at much 2 lower prices than 'you have to pay in larger towns. This ; department, under the able management of Miss Baker, 's rapidly growing in favor. New customers are being add- ; ed to our list every season. 52 We trim Hats at any price you want from 75e to $10 • Ladies' Hats, trimmed with gauze and flowers, 75, $1 and $1.25 . . " chiffon and flowers,at $1.50, $1.75 and $2 ; .. " beautified with chiffon, feathers, buckles and flowers, for 82.50,88.50, 54 and $5 e Sailor Hats, in great variety, for 15c, 25c, 500, 75c and $1 0 Silk Gauze Veilings, large and small chenille spots, in all the new 0 Ladies' Silk Capes, trimmed with black sequin and wide lace, for $4, it c5o41.o5orsa,nfdro5m5 5c to 50c per yard Ladies' Brocaded. Satin Capes, for $3.50 and 54 f A•" • Cloth Capes, for $2.50 and $3.50 *0 Girls' Taws, in new designs, for 25e and 85c i Girls' Caps, n new colors and shapes, 20c and 25c 4) 0 . ti?, 4° ; MoKINNON & 00. - BLYTH ; lEN,e^t-e-ea•efrit›e-o.e,goelbes4111.Met'qb,941ttAfiKlboiMIlrCIPCifr41)"Zib-iiip-:).,,ech.e) DOCTORS AND PAINTERS Your physician will tell you that paint is more healthful for interior work than wall paper.. • Germs of disease get in and under wall paper, but paint keeps them out. Health, cleanliness and beauty lie in THE SHERWIN.WILLIAMS • SPECIAL INTERIOR COLORS. Prepared for home use, for walls and interior wood -work. • Ready for the brush, easily applied, • 12 delicate and velvety tints. • HARLAN D BROS. IRON AND HARDWARE STOVES AND TINWARE is all it costs you to regain your health. Na- ture contributes the safest, quickest, and most effective remedy for all diseases of the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. Every box is registered, and contains a positive guarantee. If directions are followed and a cure is not I effected, your money will be refunded. Is Nature's greatest remedy. Treatment for 200 - days iil every box. A few doses is often sufficient to restore your health. Keep the remainder; it is a certain preventive of disease, keeping the blood. pure, the nerve's strong, and the whole system in " harmony. If you cannot get it of your druggist, we v.rill mail you a box on receipt of' $Loci. Our Native Herbs so also sold in powdered form THE ALONZO 0, BLISS CO., 232 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Can, . , • , , , . s .. ti , " . ), . N n a A i0 eSQ ' I emeetalV4W64171neoz /-,02411.7..k., "01/A WATMENEROS" 1 10"*°"• Ctire$ /iNvimatilm, aro' COW, pleat, WooniAri,S, Jefaida, Mier, didos Toga% ery.r014t, coathpant ,r, fere r ale .444ka Ass* Xteator, ,Mstiyrotko, OWney Oisroleer: 040404 ...........- PUBLIC NOTICE eweememisieweemeioloweeseelleia Shorey's Clothing is sold by Reliable Dealers only others cannot bu3t it, consequently you can be sure,,,, it is as represented. H. Shorey 45c, Co., Montreal, All Wool Business iuits SI. 1.01..la§ Retailed at $8.00 Cannot be beaten.