HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-28, Page 1t
Salvation Army Praise
"I feel it my duty to testify to the
benefit I have received from the use of
Psychine. While travelliug in New On-
tario conducting special meetings I con-
tracted a vory bad cold, which gradual-
ly developed into Bronchitis of the
worst form. 1. was advised to try
Psychine, which I did, and after using
but a few bottlon I was completely re-
stored to health. I recommend this
wonderful remedy to sufferers from
Bronchitis Gild other Gentiles,"
Later: "I wioh to add that my voice,
since using Psychine, is stronger and
has nmelt more carrying power than it
had before I had bronchitis, and the
vocal chords do not tiro with speaking."
P. TILLER, Capt. Salv'n, Army,
Ann St,, Toronto, Aug, 13, 1007.
Throat, lung and stomach troubles
cured by Psychine; also incipient con-
sumption. All druggists, 50e and 81.00,
or Dr, T. A., Slocum, Limited, Toronto,
Liberal Clubbing Offer.
The Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth
Standard ane year each, worth $2.00,
for only $1.00, 'Phis is a genuine bar-
gain, Don't mica it. Call and see
samples at this office and leave your
A Description of Our Trip t
West China.
No. 41.
0 IIIiSSi011a1'Ieo. On the 15th we wet.
sight of the shore Moot of the day,
at 10 o'clock p. In, we landed at
gasakl, Here the steamer coaled
it Is 0 sight never to be forgotten,
is said to be the fastest coaling suit
iu the Orient, We anchored in
midst of It great flotilla small bo
loaded with coal. Ten minete0 0f
we had anchored, coal W00 be
thrown into the steamer at the rite
200 tons an hour. As soon its they
&long the 0team0r, a man with a gr1
Hog" iron catches anything he malt a
climbs, bringing a rope with hi
MONIS info a porthole, ties his tope a
in i few utinutes there is 0 regi
procession of then and rope0. Zvi
these ropes end a few pieces of hoe
they quickly construct n stairway wi
steps ahout3 feet, apart. 'Thai, wet.
11 of these stairways of 0(11,1) side. 0
the steamer. The coal teas placed i
snl:all l;aokets Dud quickly tluotvn Trod
step to step by men aid women place
on each. 'They would tln'ow Op fell
120 to 100 baskets in a minim, and Item
it up hour after hour, land sing at, Ili
00100 tilts, Before U o'clock the nex
morningwe were 011 our way 03(1111
having taken on 1000 tons of coal der
ing our stay. Nov, 1713) at 10 0, 10,
we arrived tit the mouth of the Yang
Tee, and reached Shanghai at 1 p, 1t.
Shanghai is situated 20 miles up the
Wilting/too River.
We spent a weep in Shanghai and it
wits a very busy one. We 11011 to buy
our supplies for the trip into the in-
terior. Shopping in Chloe is a vastly
different thing to shopping at home.
They eek at least one-third more then
they expect to get, and then for half an
hour you "jong'' hint down, to the
As the river steamers only have first
class eccommodetion for 10 or 12 pass-
enger0, we thought it advisable to seed
our party forward in two sections.
Tie first party, consisting of Dr. A. W.
Lindsay and wife, Dr, W, Crawford
and wife, S. P. 1Ve0taway' and wife,
Rev. G. J. Bond who is visiting out.
West China mission, and Rev, G, E,
Hartwell who came down the rivet/ to
guide the party up, left at 12 p, tit.
Nov, 21st for 10)1110 *, They wore upon
1'0aching IOhaug to Bine the house bolas,
which 1s no small matter as the Chinese
do not mind spending a few days over
the minor details of an agreement, thus
saving a delay, On Monday, Nov,
251)1, the remainder of the party, hav-
ing finished the business iti Shanghai,
embarked on a Japanese steamer for
Hankow, The "Sang Yang Marti" is a
beautiful new steamer only having
previously made four trips, We had
the honor of being the first Anglo-
Saxon passengers. The staterooms are
larger and more comfortable than on
the Empress of China. Two cosy fire
places and n new Anerieal photo com-
pleted our happiness. The fart that
the etaptein was a Canadian, a native
of Novo Scotia, gave us a very
"honey" feeling. Capt. Scott has been
on the Yang Toe for 00 years aid his
stories and adventures were enjoyed by
all. Every eve0ieg was finished up
with a spirited song service, Theweather during our lower river trip
reminded ns vel;v much of the IOdhan
summer days in October at home. And
the party spent the greater part of the
days on the promenade deck, enjoyingthe beautiful scenery and playing
games which sometimes ended up with
arousing 11:01110 of the old fashioned
tag around the smoke stacks and
hatchways. One thing which im-
preesed u0 t'ery mucin WAS the number
of little boats coming out to the sae 10-
er every time it would stop and beg for
midi. Copt. Scott told us that many of
these families with five or six children
just lived on these tiny hoots and de-
pended on passing steamers fora liv-
ing. At \Vuhu we hal the pleasure of
seeing Dr, Hart for a few minutes, lie
is a sol of the Bate Dr. Hat, the foun-
der of our mission,
The following lutere0ting letter 1000
000, 101'1110 STANDARD by Mrs, (Rev,)
Longley, formerly Miss Marion Auld,
of Westfield
\Ve 1,010 Winnipeg, Oat, 15tH, and ar-
rived at Veuo0000r, Oet. 2311), having;
sent a law days with relatives in Ed-
0(011te1, St 11111100110 And IVotaskiwin
etl route. Wo were inlet at the 111)in
b,y ❑u old Alberta friend, Dr, A. H,
Wool , land entertained by kiln dur-
ing Onr 010y, The first news ahnt we
received 1000 alma the S. S. Empress of
China had sunk 111 the harbor, Wo
were somewhat dismayed et the news,
IAD the soon learned that she was at
the wharf and would sell about of
schedule time. We left Vancouver on
Oct. 2901 at 2 p, tit, and arrivedat Vic-
toria that evening. The sail across
was just lovely, scarcely a ripple 011
the water, Some ev011 began 10 Pro-
phesy that 11103, u'011ld 1(01 be oink, and
to tell how seasickness alight he pre-
vented, We remained in Victoria a
day while they repofrod the dynamo,.
Hare we met our old friends, Rev. h,
Jliclene• and family, and spent very
enj0.v0610 day seeing the points ofin-
terest. Very early on '1' anksgfvieg
morn we 810)304 011 Dur wn,y, Whel
we get on deck after breukf0st our
native land had faded from our view,
At first eve'y'ohe seemed to enjoy the
esh }Ill', soon, however, a change MIS
0)1111(aot, Manny were seized suddenly
Subscribe for Tan STANDARD, I 1
Enter Any Day
thoroughness, progreselveness,
utility, enthusiasm, expertness
are our watchwords, Commer-
cial, Stenography, Telegraphy.
Mail courses in any subject,
No vacat ion.
11'ing'hetn Business College
Geo. Spotton, Prin,
White 0ll Drug Stare
Spring Talk
The season of the year is hero when
everyone turns their attention to clean-
ing up the wrecks of winter and getting
n shape for the busy ttme. We aro
riglfty0It g job with a fresh stteh of-
li'ormaldedyde 05% (Merk'sl
Chloride of Limns
Moth Valle
Carbolic Aril
Scotch Snuff
Don't forget that we are sole agents for
131atohfo'd'e Calf Meal and Empire Poul-
try Duster,
with a desire to tilnmb the milli] g and
to peer off tutu the blue waters, Maly
forgot about their Thanksgiving dinner
and did not come after it, The first
week out was very rough, in fact it
w110 the lath day out before a port -hole
was Opened, I woe the best sailor of
the party, not missing a single meal
during the trip, The days were spent
iu playing games, promenading, read-
ing told writing. At least that 10'00
the Ivey :those who could stand the
weather spent them, and the ,est are
very touchy on the subject, so we ask
no questions, The 7th day out we
were 111 sight of the Aleutian islands
almost all day. On the evening of
Nov, 11111, we had n 0011001't in the
saloon, the Icon. R, Lomoiux was
chairman. I might here mention that
horn were 30 missionaries lin board,
Presbyterial], Baptist, C. 1. M. and
Methodist churches being represented,
Sonne of them were older missiounriee
•eturuing from [nrlongh, but the larger
lumber wore young missionaries going
or the first time to the field, and we
had many pl0asaut meetings together
toward the last of the journey. At 11
a. m„ Nov. 13th, we sighted the shores
of the "flowery kingdom," and at 9
o'clock we handed for 11/1 hour or so at
Yokohama. Wo decided to see some of
the sights, so off we started in Indian
file' in jilt -rick -she's, 15 in number,
You cannot fnlngiie the sight, and itis
beyond description. Each man car-
ried a Jepagese lantern, and as we
rode up and down the streets, first one
ahead and then another and with
twinkling lights all around tis, amid
011 the strange sights, we hid a dreamy
unreal feeling, tont we rather wondered
if we were in the flesh or not Here
we bade farewell to Rev, Norman and
family, who is one of our Japanese
In going through our stock of Ready-made Clothing we
find that after a big year's business we have many broken
lines M Men's Odd Suits which we are going to clear at
ridiculously low prices. We have these Suits in only odd
sizes, but if there is one in the lot to fit you it will mean
money saved in buying, for our loss is your gain,
25 Suits only, which sell regularly at from
$10 to $12, in blank and blue worsteds
and 0ergee, to clear at 95.
10 Snits only, which sell regularly at from
$0 to $8, to clear at $3 to 93.00.
15 Youths' Suits, 009010.95, to clear $2.
avail Boys' Suits from $1,50 up,
A few Men's Odd Pants, regular price 82,
. to clear at $1 and $1,25.
Men's Overalls clearing at 00e and The.
A Int of Men's Silk Ties and Fine Colored
Shirts to clear et halt price.
Don't forgot to ask to see our Working
Shirts at 25e.
Suite made to your measure, good cloth,
good trimmings and good workman.
ship, $10 to $25.
This is where a dollar does its duty.
3314 ¥TII
n in
Early on the morning of Nov, 29th
WO arrived at Hankow. We were de-
layed here till Sunday night, the
steamer we were to have bitten being
stuck on a sand -bar up the river. We
reacher) Ichang en Thursday night,
Dec, 5th, the rest of the party cane on
the 0teatner as she anchor° 1 and gave
its a very hearty welcome. We spent
five very busy day's there n0051113 0110 -
toms and getting our freight on the
boats, rafter which we fixed up the in-
side ready for housekeeping. We vis-
ited theGirls' School in 1chang, which
is in connection with the Scotch Mis-
sion, The girls are being taught many
very useful things, the lace work they
do is really beautiful.
Before the captains of our boats would
start out, some of the old heathen rites
had to be observed, which consisted of
the burning of incense, the killing of a
rooster and sprinkling of the blood on
the haat, amid the almost deafening
din of drums, tin pans and fire crack-
ers, which ceremonies were supposed
to ensue us a safe journey by putting,
the spirits in good humor and driving
the evil ones away, So;Dec.1011, with
fine weather 0101 fair breezes, our gal-
lant fleet with flags unfurled, started
on oar ten weeks' journey up the old
Yang Tse, Our fleet consisted of four
house boats, namely : The Interne -
thine', Onteri0 and Alberta and two
cargoes, the Snorter and Corker,
[Tits letter will bo concluded next
See our new line of Lace Curtains and Curtain Muslins.
It presents an opportunity for economical buying that
you can't afford to miss. No question about the price
being satisfactory.
Nottingham Lace Curtains
5o pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3
yards long, taped edges, splendid value
at 750. (Jur special value at 9oc.
Nottingham Lace Curtains
Double thrsad, 3 yards long, over-
stitched edges, splendid wearing- curtain,
extra value at 6oc per pair,
Swiss Curtains
See our special Swiss Curtains, 3 1-2
yards long, beautifully embroidered at
$6,5o per pair,
Curtains at $1,19
Special Nottingham Curtains, extra
wide, 3 1.2 yards long. New patterns
at $1.19.
Nottingham Curtains
Nottingham Curtains at $1.65, $2,00,
$22.25 and $3.90. All special values and
newest designs.
Swiss Spot Muslins
Swiss Spot Muslins, frilled, make
splendid bedroom curtains, at 15c, 200
and 25c per yard.
Meetings in the interests of
Conservative Candidate, will
bo held as follows :
Westfield [Monday, June 1
Blyth • Tuesday, June 2
St. Augustine Wednes., June 3
Ashfield Findlay's School
Thursday., June 4
The meetings will be addressed by the
Candidate and others. Chair taken at 8
o'clock, Seats reserved for ladles.
Godorich District Meeting.
The ministerial session of the Godo
rich district of the Methodist church
met Tuesday afternoon in North street
Methodist church, Godetdclh, with
Rev. G, N. Hazen, B. A., chairman of
the district, in the chair, After devo-
tional exercises, Rev, Charles 11. Dur-
rant, of Beu1ui11er, was elected secre-
tary. The roll was then called and 15
ministers answered to their names.
The character, faithfulness and effi-
ciency Of Oltch (minister was inquired
into and found to bo satisfactory.
Rev. R. J. Curry, B. A„ of Walton,
who was ordained for special purposes
list year, answered satisfactorily the
usual disciplinary questions.
During the two days practical and
profitable addresses were given by
110'. W. J. Jolliffe, B. C, L., Clinton,
and Rev, W. A. Smith, B. D„ Dun
Iles', A. H. Brown, 13, D., of Varna,
Sabbath school district secretary, gave
a report, which showed a very satisfac-
tory standing in Ole Sunday 00hool
work Olt the district„
There were 83 preaching pieces of
the district and 33 Sabbath schools,
having officers and leachers to the
unutber of 409, with 0085 pupils.
Twenty-three of these scliools are kept
open during the whole year, while ten
ate open during the simmer months
only, The schools contributed in Sun -
lay school aid and extension, $17,tili ;
for the 00000)3 of their schools, $t 715,•
SN; to missions, $223 01 ; for other pur-
poses, 8170.71 ; their total givings for
110 year annou0th11r to $2107.21,
The 00110110les were audited and nor-
rested 11' Wm. Bailin and Bev. A. E.
Imes, It was 101md that there were
201;ptvorth Leagues 0n the district,
with a membership of 884. The leag-
ues contributed 5809 91 to the forward
movement for missions and 980.80 to
the general Epwo'rlt League laud,
The circuit sohelules showed thnt
after all vacancies by death mud re-
moval were filled there 11,110 01 i11 a net
inerense of 22 in the metnbe'shipon the
district, The givings to the general
hoer 1 of te.ssiols were 91822, an in -
01000, over last year of $185.
Rev. S. Anderson, of Blyth, was
elected to the stationing committee
with Rev, A, H, Brown 100 reser0e.
It was decided that the next annual
district meeting be held in Ontario
street church, Clinton.
Pulls So Hard on the Stomach
It Must Have Help
The stress an l strain of the strenuous
life in both city and country makes
stomach troubles. Five people suffer
today where one did ten yea10 ego
with sick headache, dizziness, flatu-
lence, di0trrss after eating, specks be-
fore the eyes, bloating, nervousness,
sleeplessness and the many other
synnploms of indigestion,
All who aro suffering with stomach
troubles, and that means at, least taro
out of 01000 in Blyth and Other towns,
should use Mi -oma 010/00011 tablets,
Nothing else is as safe, yet effective ;
nothing else can be so thoroughly re-
lied upon to relieve all troubles from
indigestion as Mi-o-na.
So reliable is .Mi-o-na that ,J. M.
Hanilton, with every 50 cent box lie
sells, gives a guarantee to refund the
money unless the remedy cares,
An advertisement in Trtc STANDARD
• Tell it to the
00010100110 00010 /•••4/••i
While the Public Is invited to make
use of this column for the expression of
personal views on public matters and
public men, personalities are debarred and
In all eases the suitability of the com-
munication for publication is a matter to
bo decided by the Editor.
Without differences of opinion there
would, of course, be no correspondence,
and for the opinion of our correspondents
and their differences with our own 'Pius
STANDARD must disclaim responsibility.
orjane and finish a good course
of training for stenographer or
• bookkeeper by November, wbeu
0 good positions are hest obtained.
• Enter any day. No vacations,
•• Free catalogue.
Central Business College •
• Yonge and Gerrard Sts„ Toronto.
• W. 11. Shaw, Principal. •
• •
4440440. 0.000••• .4011141 4
Money placed in your care, temporarily or
otherwise, by relative, friend or organiz-
ation, should at once be deposited In a
Savings Bank- for your own pj r�