HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-05-03, Page 1TRE OLIN TON
21st Year
Whole Number 1115
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Buying of us means a wide selection and a money saving.
It means present and future satisfaction,
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To our new
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any paper in Huron, for quality and quantity of Local News and say if its claim, to lead is not correct
Little Locals, The Queen's Changes Hands, The Commercial Renovated.
Caotelon Bros, shipped four thous. The Queou's hotel changed hands on Since Mine Host McCeughey tools
••••••••••• •••••••••
and dozen of egge on Monday. Tuesday when Mr, 0. Milne again re- possession, of th C t 1 Tilts column Isom to enquirers, to answers
possession. It Is his intention has made • manyere4 Miss Emma Mason spent a few days
e oromercial 110 e he th t 4 d todi
to renovate the house throughout and adding to appearance, interior and ex-
alt oot to toh,0 a a salaam of matters of inter
as week visiting friends in Wingham,
Mr. A. Couch is having his residence sinned
enlarged and otherwise improved. improvements,
, ofthe ouse auto the corn- themselves Of it WM ethyl( to their text and be
publio at large. Those who avail
last Mr. Cornell of Goderich was in town
Mies Alice Cottle bas taken. a situit. make it more comfortable than ever. terior h d
tion in Mrs. R. G. McLellan's store. The late proprletor,Mr. Thos. Bell, has fort of lais guests and patrons. Of late tthorosew.ritolfAitelatemooshort ter verbosity. of /MUM
mustbe sent us,"not nocess- Wednesday looking after the re -
gone to Blyth for the present, but in- he has had Paperer and Painter Fisher publication," oto.—gditor Nows-Rs• pairing of his oven at R. R. Douglas'.
tends shortly going West, acreYn or
MISS Clara Mason.has returned from
and Kelsominers ()rolls at work arid imam
Dorset:4 T WANT A NEWSPAPER visiting friends in Londesboro,
A 411tie Child Burned. doing their best, as they always do, the • CONTROVERSERY. Mr. 0, 11. Bennett was in Clinton
The eighteen -months old child of Mr. o
old 0 mmercial is quite up-to-date. ' MrsEditor :—With your kind per- last Saturday. ...
Charles Wilson met with an accident Ovedse, Miss liesCent. mission 1 have a few words to say with Mr. J. W. Bell and. daughter, Miss
on' Thursday last which might have ' Miss Seattle, Beaeom died on Thurs. regard to the letter I Inserted in your Selena, spent Sunday in Goderich,
terminated seriously. The little one day a. m. last in her 67th year. She, paper two weeks since. Many, and Miss Attie Enaigh, who was .visiting
was toddling about on the boulevard witb her sister, hefriends in town, returned to Goderich
near its home when it gob into a Clinton for a few years and previous pressed both of the letter, the result of
on Saturday.
smouldering heap of refuse and upon to that tirne had lived for many years the letter, ,and the writer. Some have Mr. J. O. Miller of. the Clarendon
live coals. Its screams brought to its on the Bayffeld Line in Goderich town- charged me witla foolishness, and some notClinton, and his wife spent
assistance Mrs, Hilton who, It fortun. ship, where the family were among the with even big-beadednbss. The former Sunday in town.
ately so happened, was near by .and firet settlers. The paneled took place I will not deny, but the latter I do, be-
Mr. Scandrett and wife of Belgraye
the infant was speedily out of its on Saturday afternoon to Bayfield cause I am spent Sunday with Mr. Wnas Shane,
wearing the same hat I
dangerous seat and burning Clothes cemetery whet e the remains were in- have worn for years and it tits me now Mr Ed,Canipbell spent Sunday under
and being treated for the barns on feet terred in thefaxmly plot 'The services just as good as ever it didthe parental roof,. Bat apart
and body. were conductedby Rev. Mr. Shaw. from all this there is a mere possibility Blyth is to lose another of its popu
Improvements. The Trout Season. . of doing harm by continuing the dis-
lar young men in Mr. A. Dennison
the g of the cussion. in this way and to be the cause who leaves for Toronto on Monday
Newciambes' have about removed all Tuesday being
traces of the fire ivhich destroyed some fishing season a number of our local of engendering strife or ill feeling in where he has eecured a good position.
have since had the paperers and paint creeks where they made good catches any way is the last thing I care to do. Mr. Mitchell of Lucknow bas been
Therefore I wish to say distinctly that
of their stock two weeks ago. They Nimrods hied themselves away to the. secured by Mr. Feank Metcalfe to look
newspaper controversy is concerned. The first football match of the sea -
with this letter I am clones° far as the ,after hisjewellery department.
ers in and the walls and ceiling look vast- in days gone by. The weather was•
1 b tte Thestore hasbeen trans- • b
orchestra and quite a nunaber have al- and pretty appearance. The Palace* reported.Mr. JohnJohnstoneof R
y hadsfii a
in the first letter is as good as ever, hag in the park between the Alerts and
Notwithstanding, the challenge given son will take place on Thursday even -
Miss Hallett intends organizing an formed and now presents a very neat successful day of it, good catches being .
repairs- tenbury street came almost up to the ,,, _,,c
but that must be decided by Mr. H. - the Clinton Collegiate.
ready signified their intention of join- has also been undergoing
Dr. Thos. A. Cook took in the bro.
ing. Which will make it still more commo- legal limit, while Messrs.0 "an°'"" -
The green of the Bowling Club being .. . Now sir, as to enquirer. I am no t graph concert in Clinton on Tuesday
The adjourned Vestry meeting of
St. Paul's ,church was held in Monday
The street concerts by the C. 0. F.
Band are much appeciated, by the
Mr. D. Forrester, Jr., is learning rail-
roading under the tuition of Agent
Pattison. •
Tag NEws-Bacoolus will be sent to
.any address for the balance of 100 for
half a dollar.
Mr. Joseph Lawson of Auburn is
assisting Mr. Downs in his bicycle
repair shop.
Mr. brealy is fitting up his creamery
this week and will be ready for operas
time in a few days.
The Canadian Express Company
G will carry goods free to the sufferers
4'• by the Ottawa -HO fire.
a. St. Paul's 5. S. has decided to hold a
cc/0 picnic on the afternoon of May 24th on
a pretty spot convenienbto town.
in fairly good condition the first game
of the season was played yesterday
afternoon. . , •
The Misses Mains have moved their
. dress -making establishment to . the
aS, P -••••
dwelling next Mr. Seale's on Ratters.
bury street west.
' The street watering cart made its
• first rounds on Toesday. As it was
somewhat tardy in making its appear-
ance the fire brigade laid. the dust on
Mr. William Webb has had' a great
improvement made upon his dwelling
In every home. little breaks
are occurring 'daily• .
May be Table Silverware.
May be Rings,Brociches,pins
May be Watchedor Clocks.
• Corner Whatever it is we're anxious
it shall come our way• ,
Store• We Repair sueh thingri in a
• satisfactory manner.
Our charges are moderate—
our services prompt •
Whether large or small it
• , receives all the attention
it requires.
. .
in the Searle's Block '
where. we shall be
pleased to welcome
all our old customers
and many new 'ones. • We are Le ders
Our stock is new and complete in our line.
and consists of e anything to k
be fonnd in a well•equipped
and up-tAate Grocery Store.
, Jeweler,
a Expert Watch Repairer
THE CASH GROCERY, Phone 23• and Optician
Oash for Butter and Egge.
o •Co •ERE TWO A.J'S. •
Let Us Clothe You
Let lis clothe you either with Home-mades or Ready-
mades. We will give you satisfaction in either or both.
In the latter we have Lailey,Watson &Bond's celebrated
2 and 3 -Piece Suits for Boys
We have also aline of Homespuns for Boys that nothing
in the market can beat for wear. We also keep the
well -trimmed Fauntlery Suits.
Men's Suits from $4,00 up.
" Tweed P4nts from $1.00 up.
You will be suited if you buy bore. •
AV. vs/ III
If you have not already bought a Hat or Tlie from us
come in and see our stock. We are confident we can
please you.
A. J. Morrish
during the past fortnight Which ' when
completed will add to' the .appearance
of street.
The congregation of Willis church
have - subscribed. over $1500 to the
Century Fund. The lists :are not all
in so that this handsome sum may yet
be censiderably added to.
• Captain McTaggart has received
part of the °Maws new equipment,the
belts being khaki in cuter iustead of
black as of old. The -equipment will
present a very fine appearance.
• The Members of the 1.0, O.F. Lodge
Will attend divine service 'in the Rat-
tenbury street church • next Sunday
evening when the pastor may be ex-
pected to deliver one of his most elo-
quent sermons.
The military concert to be held on
Thursday of next week promises to be
one of the most successful entertain-
ments of the season. The artists who
will contribute to the program are all
first-class entertainers.
The Tennis Clab already hese:mem-
bership double that of last year. • It is
so large in fact that the use of Mr.
• Senses Fair's court has been secured to
furnish accommodation for all who
wish to engage in the game.• •
Mr. Will Holloway has successfully
passed his final examinations in dentus
try and will shortly hang out his
shingle and be ready for business. He
has been considering several locations
but may yet decide upon Clinton,
• Mr. Joe Ryder, deputy game war.
den, asks THE NEWS -RECORD h0 sound
a warning for the benefit of those who
may be indulging in the pastiine of
bird shooting. He says there's a pen-
alty made and provided,and if needs be,
he will enforce it.
dious, The Hodgens' firm are always
up-to-date and their big establishment
never more popular,
Entertainment in Ontario St, Church.
- The entertainment given in Ontario
street church on Monday night wasa:
thoroughly enjoyable one. it consist-
ed of choruses by the always efficient
choir, solos by Mrs. Wall, who sang as
sweetly as of yore, a solo also by Mr.
Humphreya to whom an encore is
• always tendered, when in order, and a
number of elocutionary selections by
• Miss Tessa McCallum who delighted
the audience. •Her numbers were all
well given but "Our Bobs" perhaps
called forth the most prolonged ap,
plause. Rev. B. Clement presided and
a pithy and practical chairman is he.
• Wedded in SC Joseph's Church.
• St. Joseph church was the scene of a
pretty wedding on Monday forenoon
when Rey. Father West performed
the ceremony which made Miss Maggie
Shanahan, daughter of Mr. D..Shata
ban of townsand itlaJohn McIntosh of
Hullett man and wife, The pretty
bride was robed in grey, trimmed
• with white silk. Her bridesmaid was
her niece, Miss Lizzie McGuire, and
the groomsman, Mr. Will. McIntosh,
the groom's brother. The church was
thronged with friends of the •contract -
eat ey an o er a sou sups
pers. . Mr. I , Rattenbury also made a.. aware that I challenged the town or night.
Surroundings 6) a discussion4 but if he Quite a number of hogs weresbipped
big catch of ten -inch speckled beauties. is sincersi in his desire for information, from the Blyth station by Watson &
Per the famine Fund. Webster first, then a course of honest Emigh on Itionda,y.
Theetereopticon entertainment given reasoning with a generous sprinkling Mr. S. H. Gjdley is having the stairs
n the town hall on Thursday evening of common sense will auswer peat. co his store milled clown to make
last, under the auspices of the Mission qttestions, no doubt to his entire satis- more room to display lais epring etock.
Band of Willis church, was both a faction. But if, on the other hand, he The Blyth Alerts are billed to play
pleasant and successful affair. The • is simply desirious of getting me to football in Lucknow on the 24th.
views were good and the crowd a Conan:met myself to any statements, Miss Elva, Adams of Londesboro
large and appreeiative one, at a small not knowing who he is or what his in- spent Sunday with Miss. Atone Me-
adthission fee $15.60 being realized for tentions are,- he is greener than I am. Quarrie,
the Patriotic Fund and $11.70 for the Now, sir, I am done with the subject The young 'people • of the Trinity
India, Famine Fund. Add to the latter • through the papers and with many church held at At Home at the rectory
sum $82,52 contributed by the W. F thanks to you for your space•I remain on Tuesday. night:
M. S. and there is S. total of $98.02. ' ' Yours truly, A Box social Will be held the
contributed by the congregation of • ' F, Baer. Methodist church onWednesday night
Willis to the famine sufferers in India, Clinton, April 30th. Dr. Tait is having his resideuce ren-
• , • ' . ovated with a eclat of paiut. •
Willis Mission Brand.
Rev. C. T. Mills was giving a de
The regular monthly • meeting of , •BAYPIELD. •
•• •monstration of the 'proper svay to driye
Excelsior Mission Band of Willis '•
church was held on • Tuesday evening The annual vestry' Meeting Of Trin- a horie on on ay afternoon.
when an interesting program was pre- ity church, Bayfield, was held on the
sented, Miss Jean Caking gave a opening of Monday, April 23rd, and a ' " •SOMMERHILL.
paper on the Round Lake Missien, very satisfactory report was handed in
which spoke of, the good: work that by the Church Wardens, McNaughton
had been acconaplished and of what and Galbrath. Mr deo. W. .Hill, who left several
May yet be done by the church. Mrs. The money contributed from various weeks ago for the Wait, is now in Bill,
R. Irwin, who takes an active interest sources amounted to over $400,00. ings, Montana. As he started out. to
in ExcelsMr and 'is always ready to The Sunday offerings amounted to see the West he may remain some time
help with the program, gave a reading. $92.18, exclusive, of special. offerings, time io Billings and again he may not
as also did Miss Pearl, Macdonald, being the best on record for over ten 18 will all depend_,,,on,,circum..stances.
while Masters • Willie Wiseman, arid years. After all dues and debts were untrnost. --stev, .m. P. Smith preach
ing parties. After the ceremony the Douglas Stewart sang /4 cluett vezy paid a, balance of about $13.00 was car- eda very able sermon on y
wedding party repaired to theresidence nicely. , ried oyer to begin the newyear with ,. evening last from Lake 10.25' "Son'
Mrs. McIntosh drove to their home in ssulaed not only for their
s Dr. Bruce intends shortly to The congregation is to be cougar, remember." We understand he leaves
united effort
and liberality which has placed them on.Thursday next for Carberry, Man -
of the bride's parents where dinner . Nen Officers.
was served and in the evening bin and • , A
Hullett. Congratulations and good leave the limits he has resigned the
upon good standing, but also the re- isn for a time.
itoba, vvhei e he takes charge of a par -
wishes galore go with them. Lieutenancy in Captain Combe's Com -
tiring Wardens are worthy of a word
puny and the next Gazette will coot
ain A meeting of the members of the
nye Licenses citt011. .• the appointments of Color -Sergeant of'al e as
P smuch of the success is StmdaY School will be held in the
The License Board of West Huron Miller and Mr. J. J, Fisher as Lieuten- church on Friday night to elect officers
due to their zeal and ability, two qual-
ities which go tevvitid making capable and. teachers for the term.
held an adjourned meeting at Inspector ants. The former is one of the bestshots
men . The following officers were
appointed for the ensuing year :-- The regular meeting of the Women's
Paisley% office ,on Saturday last at in the Battalion' and hastakeu :scours& •
Watylens, Messrs. John Tippet Auxiliary was held at Mrs. Noble
Which a license was granted N. G. of instruction in the Militaiy School,
Boggs of Carlow. The Saltford licenses London, while Mr. Fisher hest also had Mr and Mrs.3 Brownlee Sundayed
and Lovett's on Thursday at 5 p. m.
did not fare so well, however, both volunteer experience. Captain Combe W• 3.• Stins°a• • ' '
is one of the most active officers in the
Battalion and displays a very com,
mendable amount a interest in the
whole 33rd, but the welfare of his own
Company in particular.
being decapitated or will be at the
expiration of three months which
period of grace is giyen to allow thorn
to dispose of their present stocks of
liquors. The Board was influenced in
its decision by strong petitions from
Saltford which intimated that taverns
were an unnecessary evil, so far as
their peaceful Village was concerned,
and were neither more nor less than
Bey Killed.
A didtressing accident happened in
the saw mill at Ethel on Satnrday
last which resulted in the death of the
six-year-old :son of Me. Sig. Cole, a
Clinton Camp, W. 0.W., Will attend resorts for those bibulously inclined
individuals who after "loadin n "on former resident of flullett and related.
divine service in the Baptist chureh . . . .. , , gb, 13 to severel Miami families. The
the Goderrfn Innuence invariably stop -
next Sunday morning. Pastor blur -
duck is himself a "Chopper," as the ' ped at Sa t crd for a series:of night- little fellow had gone into the mill
with a drink for his father and after -
Woodmen are sometimes designated, isnowengaged in the parish of Bay- „ of his
A Speeding track. wards in taking the water to the man that swam hopes recovery are
and is thus the better enabled to Point who was (*rating the edger, a board Captain Shaw of Company No. 7 enter Wised. . .
on such occasions. Fall Fair held in the Hub le hampered striking him above the ear, knocked wants recruits. The pay this yaw will Mr. and Mrs. John Colborne spent
out morals and draw lessons therefrom As ibis felt that the success of the which had become fast flew up and,
Among the orders recently. received from want of a ilsore suitable track the top of his bead off. Tho poor lad be seventy-five cents per diem, The , ,
Sunday with Witwanosh friends.
battalion will go into camp about Stine Mt Isaac Brownlee commerical wotIE
Red granite sareophagus for grave of citizens looked over the available sites eye ib Was a sad sIght for the season with Mt Guttridge on
by 3, B. Hoover for monuments are i— for speeding, several public-Weited was a corpse in the twinkling of an isq
and inexpres-
• wife of D. McPherson,Goderich i grey 'one day "set week to see what was best sibiy shocked those who •witnessed it.
granite, Gates Ajar, to memory of son to br4 done The present grounds are
of A. B. Cornell, Godetich; red granite so situated that an enlargemeut is •OODERICH TOWNSHIP.
for grave of the son of William only possible on the north side and --
Sidesmen, blessrs.Elliott and Causer- in Seaforth as the guests of r. an
• on. •
„ Mrs. F. Guttridge.
Auditors, Messrs. G. Hewson and •Mrs. John Johnson and Miss Liddie
visited relations in Stapleton part of
Miss Susie Kennedy swas ip Clinton
on Tuesday,
Mrs. William 13runsdon, who heti'
been quite ill, is getting better, we are
pleased to tiara.
Mr. A. Woodman is still in bed, but
Mr. William Whitely looked. very
much better. when we called to see him
the other day.
blr. James McCurdy of Walkerton,
has loaded and shipped his stook of
amare timber.
The school agitation still continues
and both shies are growing warra,
more so than there is any occasion for,
What if a new section is formed?
is only a question of a few dollars evert
to those most highly assessed, Those
who favor a school in the village have
!edged au appeal to the county clerk
and fully expect to have their wishes
granted at the June session of the
county council. A. village ptatistician
has 'furnished us with the following
figures:—The Londesboro • section, if
made up as asked for, will consist of
2810 acres. No, 4 now has about, 5100
acres, No, 5, lifter the Summerhill sec-
tion gets the asked -for slice, will cover
8350 acres. After the redistribution
No. 7 will have also and No. 8 2000
acres, The same statistician, he is 'big
on figures,gdes on to claim that the vil-
lage children will save 88 miles of
tramping every school day and those
trona outside the village 28 miles.
Needless to say he is in favor of the
new section and is pushing the Project
along to the beet of his ability. ;it is
• sortie forty-twoyears since Londesboro
had a school in its limits and though it .
has made several attempts none looked
quite so promising as the present one. We• ' noticed noticed Mra Matt Mains, the vet-
eran framer, drive out, of the village
the other morning witui the following '
"old wire pullers":—Alf.
David Floody, John Weymouth, Box- ..
ton Hill, Witham, Griffith, Frank Gibbsi
Fred Richards, Jess Mountain . and
William Combos. Some of these. mem
have been with Mr. Mains for ten or
eleven years so that he naust be a good.
man to work for. On this particular a:
they were on their way to Goderich
towoship, where they are busy this
Week on Peter Oole's barn. In adds
than to this piece of work Mr.Mains has
the following contracts
• Goderich township—John Stewart,
'Roland Jenkins, T. Jenkins; Hullett—
John Lee. Th�s. Stapres, JamesTighe,
James Leiper, George Wheatley, Rata.
Dunlop;• East Wawanoth—Watt Mcs
Gowan; atIcKillop—Thoe, Leeman;
Stanley—Alex Innes. •
The Sons of England have been adds
ing to their numbers lately.. This is one
the most vigorous lodges we have its
• our village.
The $100 flag owned by the Orange-
men here has been sent away for re-
pairs, being setnewhat the worse of
Weer atter the tadysnaittfcelebration.
It Was in a good cause aidthebeeth-
• ern were only too glad to have their
flag irl the procession. By the way,
We haven't yet heard where they in-
tend to celebrate the &Pious 12th.
They haven?t been Asked out yet we
• believe, but no daubtsoon will be,
• Mrs. Brown, who was for some time
at the Queen's Hotel, Clinton, has re-.
• turned to our village. •.
• .
last week. •
Di'. G. E. Holmes has opened a den- Miss johannah Straughau is at pre- • Dnugannon,
tat office at the River Hotel where he sent visiting her sister, Mrs. W.
will remain till May24th and after that Ball.
date will come back every Monday. Mr. and Mrs,' Bullard acid family
Mr. Ed. Reid left on Monday fot Sundayed at Winthrop.
Owen Sound to go aboard the Govern- Word has been received from Mrs,
ment survey boat, Bayfield, of which N. Bingham who was noted to her
he is an employee, • home in Michigan some time ago ow -
The Rev. F. E. Roy is busy in the
lug to thesevere illness of her father,
interests of the Diocese of Huron and
which states that ho was very low and
••• •••••
To the Ladies' of Clinton.,
Surrounding Country:
The undersigned begs to inform the Ladies'
of Clinton that she has opened up a
I?eady-to-wis r
0,4 meat Store
to the Biddlecombe block and trusts that.
by honest dealing, reasonable prices and *
goods in keeping with the times to win a *
share of thek patronage,
Our Goods are exactly as represented.
We have in Stock several lines of material
suitablefor fancy work—Berlin Wools, Silks,
Arrasene, Madonna Cottons, etc,, which
will be sold at a great reduction to clear,
• Come and look through our store
• and get familiar with it.
• Mrs. R., a. MicLeibia,
• Iliddlecombe's Old Stand, •• CLINTON.
B. A. Higgins has moved back
Mr, John McCartney bought atwo- the home on his place that was close
Blair,Goderich township. though the Fair Bros. will sell the year-old grade heifer from asr. James to the road and is fixing it up for a
Mr. Harry Cantelon, who has been required amount of land, an extension
conducting the Metropolitian Hotel in on that side would he a very difficult Reynolds of Mullett for which he paid shop. W. F. Keyes is doing the work.
Exeter for several months, has severed matter. The Andrews' course, which fifty dollars. It ie a fine heifer or MrII. A. believes in fixing things up right.
his connection therewith and about the was used for several years, was also McCartney would not have given any and will have a good shop when cone -
middle of this month takes possession taken into consideration as well as the such prise. Ile says Mr. Reynolds has pleted.
of the hotel In Hensall the present
landlord of which is best known to
the public as "Happy Days."
Next Sunday will be Communion
Sunday at the Rattenbury street
church. The Lord% Supper will be ad-
ministered at, the close of the morn-
ing service, Subject for the a.m., " A
snake bite and its remedy." In the
evening, the pastor will preach the
annual sermon to the I. 0. 0. F.
Mr. Charles' Cook, who is a great
admirer of house plants and always
has a fine collection, now has a. Drago
lily which he expects will bloom in
two or threeclays. This is a choice
plant and. has been mud) admired.
Mr. Cook has in all SOMS sixty take -
ties of plants art d has the names of then)
all at the tip of his tongoe.
The shipments from Clinton this
past week inelude t—carloads of salt by
R. &$„Wansforcl, flour for Liverpool
by 1 & N. Meta Faiteggs by Cantelon
tiros., two ears liege to Toronto by
Wallis & Cantelon, three care cattle,
One export and two barbell, by 8, II.
Smith, one car live stock by MIL Held
and one car veaett t to Marseilles,Vrance,
by Smith & llohnes.
The Clinton 8. A. °Akers attended
Gun Club prdperty near the elevator. the finest stock of cattle he has seen
.. kthe
However, nothing definite was decid- manya day, not of the blue-blooded shed and saintlier kitchen erected
ed upon. The committee which have stock but rather grade?. t.Iil8 k •
the matter in hand consist of Dr. W. and G. Weston left on Tuesday J. T. Cairnss putting& stone found-
Shaw, Inspector Paisley, I, Batten- for Duluth and were booked through. ation under the leanto at the back of
bury said A. Lines. by A. 0. Pattison, G. T. R. agen* at his store, I, Brown has the job 4)1 the
•Clinton . iiAnne work and will make it solid and
SUCOSSIIII Anniversary-Servicet.
Mr, W. Perdue was in Toronto on Plumb.Tuesday. will start on Monday.
The anniversary services in connec- T. Wiley's, Parr Line, little boy has
Miss Jennie Barr is visitiog her engaged with S. T. Cairns again this . The quarterly set vices in the Metho-
thin with Rattenbury street Sunday
School were very successful, both on aunt, Mrs. Tebbutt of Clinton. summer to run the peddling wagon. suitaichtirch were well attended on
Sunday and Monday, The addresses Albert Thompson of the Bayfield The little chap has been so long on the sir. John Tressarthe, was called to
by Rev. C. W. Bron of Exeter on Line is contemplating the purchase of road that the hens almost know hini.
Sunday were much appreciated. The a new tandem wheel. We hear he is when he makes his remind. • ' Hamilton to attend tho funeral of his
attendance was large at all three ser- going to run it with coal. • R. Grahatu and family of the Mason uncle,
Misa Minnie Hill of Clinton visited at
Mr. Ed. Levis'. on Sunday.
The official board of the Methodist
. .
AUBURN. 21st to consider financial matters.
church met' Monday evening and ap-
pointed Mr. John Jervis to attend
District Meeting and Conference. An
adjourned meeting will bo held on May
Special meeting of the C. 0. F. mi
Monday evening,7th inst. All tnewbers
are specially requested to be present
as the organizer Is expected to be at
the meeting.
Lost on Easter Sunday, somewhere
between iflb, ;John's- c hunch and IP.
Leonard's. llth 0011., one pale of blue
kid gloves with white stripes on back,
The finder will obese oblige by leaving
them at, Mrs. Mulholland's.
Miss. Emily Partin of Mtwara, a pa.
tient at the ilasoilten Asytum, drank
scent.” disinfecting fluid Which Mr.killed
n S
johcruton. 10eid nlanagor for
•Case & Go., will do his Maughterthat .ing at
Clinton in fame atul is on the lemma
for th a *ere bent beeves
Wednesday bet. '
• .• • .
Me, and Mrs. Watkins of Holmes -
vine called onfriends in the village
on Tuesday last,
Mr, Prior has his men busy at Kr.
Lindsay's house. He expects babe able
to occupy 18 111 a few weeks,
•Mrs. A, Cousins and children of
Stapleton yisited her father, Mr. %Vat-
MissE. IiicIlyeen of Nile was the
guest of Miss McCartney,
Our popular cheese -maker, Mr. D. M.
- Scott, and his assistant,Mr. J.Robison,
arrived here this week. The factory
?d 5. W, Mulholland sports a new
vices, On Mondaym
evening the church any happy retatm_sdr, ssho House,Clinton, visited at 11. Dowson's w h
watt crowded and, with a silver eol- McCartney will celebrate the 70th on Sunday last,
lection, the large sum of ninety five
dollars was raised. The centime,no looks several years younger in health
in I
which sixty-five voices took part, and good for many seed times and her- .
S. A, Moffatt disposed of eleven ex -
was exceedingly well rendered and re- vests yet. He WAS In Clinton on Tues- port steers to 3. Hunter this week and
fleeted, great credit upon those partial- day accompanied by Mr. George is on the look -out for more good cattle.
pitting and upon their instructor, Mr. Cantelon and the two pioneers had.
C. t. Tanny, Who was indefatigable in their pictures taken, Mr. Matelot) is
his endeaVere to make it e. success on the off side of eighty years and firs4,
anniversary of his birthday on Satur- Mrs. A. Duncan is slowly improving
vshieh it proved to he, During theleven- saw the light of day in 1820. Ile lived MMS Gertie Armstrong visited hero
ing Mies Aletha Poster. Who has been near Toronto at the time of the rebel -
organist of the school for some time, lion of 1837,and remembeea incidents in
was presented with a handsome gold connection therewith as well as If they
chain, Mr. W. N. Maiming was ehair- happened only a year ago. The
man and the program was as follows:— • Company of which he was a member
Hymn, "Onward Christian Soldiers'," Wag mustered into sande° but did not
the Army emote& held in London hot rawer, Pastor. reach Toronto until the ove of the
amok and report having had it great oessstasses report, Mit L. Doherty. collapse of Mitekenzie's attempt to
time. Officers from all parts of Western
Ontario Were In attendatice. Prom all isesitation,
Treasurer's report, Mr. W. It, Lough. overturn the powers that be. Mr.
aceounte the work is in a prosperous Elsie Bruce. Cantetort is hale and hearty.
condition and several new echernee Pantotnine, Pearl Shannon, Elsie A meeting' of the members of L.O. L.
have been Inaugurated to Atilt further Bruce, Ituby Bruce, No. 303 will be held next Tuesday
push It ahead. It has been decided to Mary Holtnee. Getty evening at, 8 o'clock instead of Monday
Chant evening, blaster Geo. A, Cooper nad
• adage the tine of Self Denial from Reeitatiou, Clifford Andrevve, Secretary John Thompson request a
the fall to spring as the Harvest solo,
comitig too doge together. The &stet Cantata. "The Galilean " SiXtV.•
Luella Tenney, full attetlitp_ee,
gee bit'. Frank Eastman, baker at Me'• Pestial and Self Denial Men been Hong, one Maple Leaf," —
have been fixed for this pia, ati'May voices 'Clachet ty's bite rented Mr. Mall/whirs
oitla tat :tine 2nd, God &we the Queen, ty's cottage on Joseph street.
on Sunday.
Mies Daisy Higginbotham, bliss Effie
White, bliss Maud Johnstone of Gode•
rich are visiting ID this place.
Mr. Hain of Itostoeh is the guest, of
Mr. L. Plateer at present.
While Mr. II. Cullis wee itt Blytir
Maims the other day his horse took
fright at the train and jumped over the
fence, breaking the buggy and harness.
The affair might have turned out a
great deal atom and Mr. Cull's is
thankful accordingly.
Mr. Joseph Lawson hasbought a
fine driver from Mr. A. Robertson.
Mre.Atquith and Charley have near.
ly reeovered from the measles.
Tii Nsiss.itsconn is growing in
.populttrity in this section and Its
molars banumning more numerous._
' Miss Frank McLean has purchased
a wiled.. . •
Mrs. 'Win. Morrow of Goderich was
'renewing old acquaintances here last
week. •
The masons have commenced oper-
ations on Win. Thempson's house.
They are putting a stone cellar und
lib sod will also brick veneer it
Quite a niunber around here 'are
thtougb seeding.
Mrs. Alex Pentland is itnproying itt
health we are pleased to state.
We understand our genial .and pope -
lar hardware ma
erchnt. Alt Davison,
is about •to lectie Dungannon and we
hear a firm from Blyth intends locat-
hag here, Mt Davison and family
will be much missed.' Mr: Davison has
been a very energetic and pushing natal
an business and pleasure alike. The
!departure of such an active resident,
means a great loss to our village.
Mr, 3. Parks is indisposed.
Mr. McWhinney hag been working
on his new house neat the Presbyteri-
an church, 'This promises to be a
snug residence when completed,
Rev. Ale. Goldberg has been ap-
pointed by the Bishop of Hurons to the
parish of Dungannon and Portsalbert.
The reverend gentleman has been
stationed in the village of Markdale
in Grey county,‘ for some years past,
where we hear ho was quite success-
ful. Ho Is n. Jew, as ,the name would
imply, a greduate of an English TIM.
versity and an able controversalist.
The annual. Vestry meeting of St.
Luke's ehur claGoshen, was held onthe
evening of April 17th and although the
night was wet the attendance was
very fair. The report for the past
year was satisfactory, the books show-
ing that back taxes on property bad
been paid this ear and all dues and
debts paid up to March Ilith,1001 The
balance on hand was nothing, the
money owing, nothing. If the back
taxes had not appeared then there
wouldhave been eoinething to the good
but, loft is the congregation are worthy
oF credit inasmuch as the eondition of
Oahe is much better than last year
• as rewrite flriances. The Malone are
also worthy of prated as they are men
of energy acrd the books reveal their
untiring efforts lit bringing matters
to so successful a • eoncluidon, The
• °dicers were appointed to sew for
the coming ray its follows:—
Wardens—Messrs. Jas.Stephentort
sod M.
Anditoret—Mesers. W. 146 ntZ
Robt. Mettlhwhey.
Dektnete to Synod—Mr. VP. Pee.
• ,