HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-21, Page 8Without Alcohol A Strong Tonic Without Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol A Blood Purifier Without Alcohol A Great Alterative Without Alcohol A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol Ayer's Sarsaparilla Without Alcohol We 1+ublieb our formulas We bealeh alcohol ' fret our medlolaee We um, you to roneutt your doctor millilliallamilinage Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They act directly on the liver, make more bile secreted, This is why they are so valu- able in constipation, biliousness,dys- pepsia, sick -headache. Ask your doctor if he knows a better laxative pill. -!gale by the J. 0. Ayer 00.. Lowell, lust ers You always pay too much when you pay too little Popular Stallion Routes Gervais, Blyth Peroheron Ase'n, Props. Monday --Will leave his own stable, S halt of E halt lot 41, we. 5, East \Nawar nosh, and prooeett to Altau 0eott's, yon. 11 Fist Wawanosh, for noon ; then to \'ml. Suthetland's, cea. 13, that 1Vawa• nosh, for night. Tuesday--Ptoocel to Elisha Walker's, eon. 12, 11 ass Wnwauoah, for noon ; then to Bobt, Taylor's, eon, 1, Morris, for night. Wednesday -Proceed south to Rohl. Sheridan's, con. 1, Mortis, for noon ; then south to Michael Kelly's, eon, 7, Utiles, for night. Thursday --- Proceed to 1.00l1e leenr's, con. 9, Mot 11), tor noon ; then to the boundary tot' night. Friday --Proceed to Mason's hetet, Blyth, for noon ; then to Alex. P.ttteroou's, eon. 2, East Wowannih, for night. Saturday -Proceed along Thor, Kerntcll's stderond to1119own atnble where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Paradoxical but true. Particularly when buying Gro- ceries, Nearly every article of eatables can bo adulterated, Many of 1.11510 often are. Constant vigilance is required to keep undesirable goods front creep- ing into a grocery stork. One of the most persistent sinners 10 Canoed (foods. (1110118a11118 and thousands of them pet up every year. Runehudy sells them, Some hotly buys Mem. Somebody eats them. f This grade of canned goods is very common, hat this store has never sold a ran of it ton customer in its life, and it never will. Our way is firsts or nothing in everything, always. CASH FOR ALLKINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT 1r3LX7'H Time l . Table TO TORONTO Coderich 1 v. 7.)9) a.m. 4.50 p. ni. Auburn " 7.22 " 5.12 ' Blyth 7.33 " 5.22 Walton " 7,111 " 5,35 " Milverton " 9.21 " 9.0) ' Elmira ..... " 8,59 " 0.451 ` Guelph " 0.25 " 7.12 Toronto Ar, 11.10 " 9.15 " FROM TORONTO. 'Toronto Lv. 8.10) a.m. 5 50 p. m, Guelph Ar. 10,00 " 7.50 " Elmira " 10.105 " 8.14 " Milverton " 11,06 " 8.59 " Walton " 11.31 " 0.25 " Blyth . 11 " 0,30 " Auburn " 12,02 " 9.40 " Goderich " 12.30 p.m, 10,10 " GRAND TRUNIf TOUR" EM Lord Jim. A. Spuhl, Proprietor. 111mday-\'111 leave his own 8tablr, Londesboro, and proueed to 000. 13, then iy miles west to Wo'. Dler's for noon ; north to eon. 1.2, Past Wawanosh, and east l:l miles, then north to Simnel Weish's, lot3O, oon. 5, tor night, rues PAGE EIGHT•• --'THE BLYTH STANtDARD-MAV 21, I9� Eat What Yon Want But Find the Way to Digest What You Do Eat The first thing to do ill 1110 ease of indigestion 01' stomach weltl(ness i8 10 strengthen the muscular walls of the stunted' and intestines, so that they will care for the food that is eaten, hl no other Way can this he 110110 00 wW(41 '118 by 1111(fog a X11.0 -u0 tablet before Onch meal. This restores strength to Gm stomach Muscles end stimulates the pouring ottt, of gastric juices, then the food digests reedfly and you begin to get the full benefit front what yon eat, 'Use \I i -o -tilt whenever you have sick headache, heartburn, bad teeth in the mouth, coated tongue, spots before the eyes, sleep'essuess and 1111115 other symptoms that are the direct result of nldigestiou, J, ht. Hamilton gives with every 50 cent box of 51 i-0-115 a guarantee to 'T- hud 011e motley enlists the remedy 011'00. day -North to 0t11 eon. and 11 miles east, then north to 9111 con. and east to HIV's hotel, Belgrave, for • noon ; south along gravel to Rehr. Nesbit's, eon. 7, Morris, for night. Wednesday -Mast 11 miles and south to 8th line, then along gravel to 2110son'0 hotel, Blyth, for noon ; south to boundary and home to 1118 own stable, Londoshoro, for night. Thursday -Pro - coed to \Vm. Sanderson's, ran. 13, Hal- lett, for noon ; then east It mile and south for night. !stable U s o h - 0wn and weet t i9 frida)--West and south and west to Chas, Le•ett'e, Base Lisw, for noon ; south to Summerhill, then east to gravel road end home to his own stable where he will remain until the following Mon- day morning. TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH, 5oter1. Nolen!. am pm 0111 0111 0 10 3 30 WInghaut 11 511 7 35 0 43 3 36 Winghant Jot. 11 48 7 255 6 52 3 44 Belgrave 11 10 7 13 7 00 3 513 Blyth 11 28 7 00 7 14 4 01 Londesborn 11 20 0 52 7 47 4 21 Clinton 10 15 11 05 (i 35 8 05 4 30 Brueeteld 9 58 019 8 15 4 47 ' Kippo'n 9 50 (1 Il 8 22 ,4 52 Hensall 9 44 I) (15 ii 8 3o: 5 05 Exeter 9 30 b 51 h 46 5 Iii Centralia 0 18 5 43 $ $9 5 26- Clandeboye 9 09 0 .91 Sl 133 560 Luoan Crossing 9 05 5 30 9.12 5 87 Dendeld 8 55 5 25 0 21 5 40 Ilderton 8 45 5 15 9 29 5`54 Ettrick 8 35 1 07 9 35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossleg 8 20 5 02 9 37 (i 00 ' Hyde Park Jot. 8 21 5 00 0 45 0 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are made at Wingham for all etatlons on the Pulmeraton and Kin. online branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on the Battle and Goderich branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Luoan Crossing for all stations *Est to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. PREPARE FOR POSITIONS paying from 935 to 9100 per month by attending the popular ELLIOTT Tltie rchool Is noted far and near for the superior education {liven to the ate - dente and ter the remarkable success of Its graduates, college open the entire year. Begin now. Our trelnhlg will make you independent. Write to -day' far catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cur. Yonne and Alexander Stn., Toronto, 5 $2.00 "TRIP GODERICH to DETROIT SATURDAY, JUNE, 20 Returning Monday, June 22 STEAMER GREYHOUND E. 11. Av1111, Excursion Agent. Children half Pare Minor Locale, Spent Eighteen Dollars "Gentlemen, -1 have pleasure ie etating that I have used $18.00 worth of Psyclline, and as a result wee cured of very serious throat and lung trouble. My ease was a most difficult one, and the doctors had practically said that I could not get well. I tried Peychine, and it did me so much good that I con- tinued its use until I had taken $18.00 worth, with the remit that I am now a new ratan physically, I have gained thirty-five pounds, "It ie with the greatest confidence that I reconunend Peychine to all who are afflicted with throat or lung trouble, Yours truly, 0, A, PINKHAM, Seotstowa, Que., Sept., '07. This man speaks from experience. Peychine cures all throat, chest, lung and stomach troubles and gives renewed strength and vitality to run-down pee• plc, At all druggists, 50c and 91,00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 'Toronto, Charge Against F, B. Deacon 1'I -e Stratford Beacon of Inst week has ole following item, of which one of the patties, James A. 010(11', is known to many 111 town, being a 5011- il•lttw of Mrs, .1. C. Wilson 1- P. 13. Deacon was Wednesday served with it warrant sworn out by James A. Omar, of Shakespeare. The charge was stealing n promis- 00ry 11010 01'9500. 0o eppearilIg before Police Magis- trate O'Lotule wi111 his connse1, J. C. y(akiue, Mr. Deacon was admitted to hail in $40b)O-$2000 in his own surety and 92(k10 in that of his brother, Dr. G, B. Deacon. The Original Corn Cure No substitute has over been devised that gives the (nick, painless results 01 Pnt1111111'S Cern Exmoor, Per 50 vela's its success tae been unequalled. For safety and thorough cure use Pnt- llalll'0 only. Ordinary Baggage Free For Goeurich Leave Detroit for Goderlch 8.00 a, m. (Leave Port Huron 12 noon). Friday, June 19th Central time, strive in Goderloh 6.00 p.m. Goderich Band Moonlight 8 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 For Detroit Leave Coderich for Detroit 8.30 a. m., Saturday, June 20th, Canada time, ar• rive In Detroit 4,00 p. m, Return to Goderich Leave Detroit for Goderlch 1.00 p, m., Monday, June 22nd, Central time. (2.00 p. m. Canada time). Return to Detroit Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.30 0. m., Tuesday, June 23rd, Canada time. WHITE STAR LINE HOMESEEKERS' 2ND CLASS 8ound•TrIp Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA OOINO DATES April 14, 28 June 8, 23 Aug. 4, 1S May 12, 10 July 1, 21 Sept 1, 15, 28 Ttdsde dood to return within 80 days VERY LOW RATES from all pointe 1❑ Ontario. Ranging Winnipeg and return 132.(10 between {Edmonton and return 542.50 Tickets issued to all North -Wert point., TOURIST 9LEEP'ER$ A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Oars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc, Berths should secured andpaid for through local agent at least ex days before excursion leaves. Rates and full futormation contained in free Idomeeeekers' pamphlet. Ask near • est 0,9.11. agent for a copy, or write to C. E, POSTER, Metric((.... kit., CPI., Toro.te Fre revel and fill information see- bIIl1L'IiCI1IE Agent BLYTH Local option in the township of Ren- ick was qusshed at Osgoode Hall last We nesda,y by Judge Falcon bridge, on account of 12 deputy returning office's voting when they had no right to vote. '@1e majority for the by-law was only four. Is Your Trouble Indigestion ? Then probably you know the evils of distention, fermentation and 1101101iou that necompally digestive troubles, Next important is to know how quickly Nerviliie cures, Quick as wick it re- lieves bloating and feeling of fellness, puts the entire digestive apparatus in perfect order, snakes you feel fit and fine all over. For internal pain Pol. son's Nerviline surpasses every known re aptly. lir, p tin the house always, (1'05 030100 o C0111 101't in the hour of einergel,c,y. Large bottles for ),150 at all dealers. Western Ontario summer militia trniuin5 problem, Regained Nerve and Vital Energy From Walton P. 0., Que., comes the following; from Nezairo Begin : "If I1iyole had told me any remedy could build up my nervous system so well, I 100(11d not have believed theta, 13efo'e using 0errozcue I wits yeti down fu nerve and vital energy, and in very weak health. 1 didn'tget enough sleep at night, telt, poorly in the day time. Forrozone has filled 111e with energy and vim, increased my w,ight and made n new Man of me. Hundreds tell the smile story -week and dispirited, everything going wrong unable 10 catch up They took Ferro - zone and till was chained t0 health and serenity, Price 500 per box at all dealers, Help Your Town A town that 110ve11 11110 11 1l3111111g 10 do in a public wuv is on the wily to the cemetery. Any citizen who wi11 do Oo'hiug for his town is helping to dig the grave, A 111ar1 that curses the town furnishes the coffin. '1110 main 910 is 50 selfish as to have 00 lime from his business to give to town affairs is making his shroud, The man who dors not advertise is driving the hearse, The roan who is always pull- ing back front any public enterprise throws bouquets on the grave. The 111011 tv110 is so stingy as to be howling hard tfnl's preaches the funeral, sings ,ho doxology, and thus the town lies burled from all 801101' and caro. Is Your cold Better 7 No, it's 118 bad as ever. Nothing 5eeln0 to help. Why not Ilse the up - to -dote specific, Cntarrhozone, which drives out cold 111 one day, Inhale Ca- 01rrhnzone and you will be relieved in two minutes, Continue the tre tm51n and cure is assured, Healing, neem destroying end pleasant, nothing for colds, throat trouble and catarrh 50111. pares With Catarrhozone. Sold every- where, verywhere, 25c and 91,00. Quebec Tercentenary We have r,'ceived the Quebec number of "Onwm'd" 011,illust•ated weekly pule Belied by WM. 13riggs, Toronto, con• tufting five articles on the 1'onu1ing, Five Sieges and Conquest of Quebec with 24 engravings. Gives) popular a0000110 of at subject of interest to, all Canadines. Send for free sample. SHOW ME PROOF 80540, It helps the 00105. Ifyouei complete satin, 991.00, Liberal Clubbing Offer. 'rite Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth Standard Irate year each, worth 82.00, for only 51.00, This fs n genuine ber- gti11: 1)011', 111190 It. (-:all and Nee samples et hila office and leave your sttbscrlptiml, MARKET I1Erult'r.- Wheat 90-90 ; Harley 50-50 ; Oats 45-46 ; Peas 80-80 ; Brain 22i-23 ; Shorts 24-2.1 ; Butter •13-24 ; Eggs 15-16 ; Flour 82.75.-$3.00 That is what Hyonlei will do in all forms of Catarrh and Troubles of Breathing Organs Easy to Retain Health Afoot in,pr.r'a»t of ell is proper rat• tension to the bowels. Avoid consti- pation, it's the heal:h•killet' of to -day, Harsh, griping medicine is ruinous - beware of it, Best results follow truly vettetal le ,remedy like Dr, Ht1, - iltou's Pills of Alan dos std Butter- uut which net 01115 relieve costiveness til cite nig1'1 but cures the cause of the trouble tied pre;on's its relurlf, No dist(Pas or inconvenience 'Mende the 114e of Dr. Hamilton's Pills which tura 1v0rld (010000 for their mildness 511(1 'fflriency, Sold everywhere, Ole per box. Camp at Goderich The town tit Gode'ich lets mode 0n offer of a Invite site with free warm and light, and it is probable that the mi- litia authorities will accept and hold (111 (('1' '511155 11(515 instead of at Lon - The matter has not been finally dealt with. but it is expected that at de- cisiomtwill he reached shortly. It is Mated that the camp ground et L011 (1011 11e0 110011 found inconveniently on011 for the growing militia corps 15111011 have to be accommodated there cent year. The proposal of he town of Godelle h o9e'i a 1(11 01,011 for tine It's not a question of Ilyomei having cured some one else but will it reach your own particular ease, 11 its Cold in the head, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Pneu• atonia., Croup or any affection of the breathing organs J. NI, Hamilton says yes, and will reined the money if it fails. No other preparation for the 501110 purpose can successfully do this, because the 14)0>000 system of treat- ment is different front anything else. You simply breathe 01111 inhale ire medication in dry air form which des- troys the germ life that causes oppress- ed breathing, Nasal Catarrh, 'Throat Irritation and Lung Troubles, It brings to these suffering orga115 the balsam laden mfr they would get in the Pine and EucalyptusV forests. The air that stamps oat Bronchial troubles, The prince of entertainers, Marshall P. Wilder, says :-tfyomei is easy to 0410 101(1 swift to cure. It insures antinial coughs and colds, It gives yon pore air and hills the germ of di - East Wawanosh Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the Court 0l • i0 of the A 850881 nrat Roll e ' the Revision f r of the Township of East � \i nwnnosh will be held In the Forester) Hall, Belgrave, on Tuesday, the 20th day of May, at ten o'olock n. m„ for the purpose of hearing and settling complslnte against the said Assessment Boil All interested persons will please take notice and govern them. selves acoordingly. ALEX. PORT Ell IELD, Township Clerk. : Furniture Bargains * Still Continue * -Having held the attention of the purchasing * public during the past year, by popular prices, we * have slated new goods to begin the second year, and the prices will at once suggest the advantages in dealing here : Lot 1 -Iron .Beds : 3 , 4 40 Bods in the lob, ranging In nriers on f all we o $ , $ , 94.50, 94.75, 95, 95.75, $6, 97, 98, 99.25, $11,913,01.50, 915, Lot 2 -Mattresses C Jnranteed purely sanitorv, 93, 93 50, 94 01.11 95. 32 In the lot. Our special at 94.00, Lot 3 -Couches 23 to the lot, which means skidoo, Prloea will interest you, 91 50, 95, 90, 97, 98, 911, 912.50, $14, $15 and 920. * Our opeolsl this spring is the 913.50 sod 98,00, % Other Specials - Springe, any size, $2, 92.25, 92.10 and $3.00. Dur 8peotal Is $3.00. Rattan Chalts, 93,00, 94.00, 94 50 and 90 00. Vit Dressers and Stands, ranging In prloe from $0.00, 910.50' ' * 912,00, 912.75 and up to 950,00. Our special 10 912, 75. * Sewing Maohinee. We aro special representatives the Standard. Prices range from 920.00 to 945.00. * House Furnishings This department has special attractions through the homes -cleaning season. A few remnant 1, to Linoleum$ at special prices, also Oil Clothe, Regular 60e Linoleum for 50e per square yard. +>r GOODS DELIVERED, FREE 3* WALKER & ROSS 1� Furniture Dealers & Undertakers. - * - Clinton Your Expenses paid both ways. 'Phone 28 ****7th` 71v'r(v******710**%1 ******** THE maxim of many housewives is, "When in doubt blame the flour." This is unfair. If your baking goes wrong, investigate -find the cause. Look to your stove, your yeast, your baking methods. If you succeed in pinning the trouble down to the flour -if you clear yourself- then take up the flour question in dead earnest. Consider that flour, to be successful from a baking standpoint, must be fine to produce light bread or pastry, pure to make that bread or pastry wholesome, and rich in nutriment to make it nourishing. The good housewives all over the country are learning that Ogilvie's Royal Household has these three qualities in the greatest degree. Ogilvie's Royal Household is milled by the most modern methods, purified by the only process that makes for absolute purity and made only from Manitoba Hard Wheat which contains the highest percentage of nutriment, Royal Household Flour, in competent hands, never disappoints. Your grocer will guarantee this and gladly furnish the flour. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited Montreal,