HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-26, Page 9PUBLIC NOTICE amitasiteWir ii orey's Clothing is sold by Reliable Dealers only others cannot buy it, conseque iffy youcan be sure it is as represented. r Shorey WIv,Co., Montreal. AlI Wool Businegs Suits Shorcy's detailed at $8.00 Cannot be beaten. 4 l3 .T1PJL 26, 19O0. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD •••#RNN•N1ANN•NnNNNA1IANee'~N► Ki larney- 111aultaba• • �1 For Spraying Fruit Trees • The weather la very warm. Moat o • the farmers are through seeding an • • •. for oats. n Prairie fires are starting emir this east and north-east of the town o Saturday night. Mr. Mobrey of Oshawa, Ont., arrived d the wheat is up good- The farmers y busy are v r y esygetting grou d n ready y • a hla • , :: ;'`' iolr the first spray be fol a the buds are open S. •• pounds of sulphate of sop.. .• s per or blue stone is need- • ed with 50 gallons water. • • • • • Far Destroying S • $mut t $pores on Wham a • 1 pound of blue stone to IIR a • 0 gallons of water for 10 s bushels. • For Destroying .•• smut on Oats a 1 pound of blue stone to • 6 gallons of water for 8 • bushels. . ; For Killing Pea Bugs a 1 oz. bisulphide of carbon • to 100 pounds of peas. • s You will always find • our prices right. s a 0 ills ••••••••••••••t,•••Na•••••a • season, The skies were Blunt Hated n interview with hint, published in .the Paris Journal. and sent over to the Soleil by some of Air. Torte's friends, is in the same bad taste which char- acterized his effusion in the Figaro during his last' visit to Paris, and will • ATMOSP1Lk RE ski PARIS NOT GOOD FORtMR, TARTS A visit to Paris may he the very hest thing for Air. Torte's physical health, and we sincerely hope that it will do him good, but the air of the French capital seems to have a bad effect on his political discretion. The in town with a carload of settlers' • ef+fee�s, and is reoving out to the farm he has rented front William Cooney. Mr. William Ilod ins bus received • the contrast far building the Ohurch of .England parsonage. Work will be commenced shortly. Killarney's population is being stead- ily increased by the influx of settlers from the East. Nearly every freight brings in a carload of settlers' effects, T. Liddle went to Winuipog on a business trip last week. Mr, Fred Finkbeiner received a tel- egram this week announcing• the death of his father in Crediton, Ont. Mr. Thomas. Buck went to Crystal etity on Monday to have a look at Mr. Greenways stock farm, He says it is well worth a trip there to see the stock. Miss Nora Cleave has purchased a new Crescent wheel, The prairie is at present like a tow- er garden, being covered with all sorts of lillies. JACKSON'S PrescriptionPbarmacy. Phone 2. r1ellaev1►'ealM•'rettesVesseb/lIr O moved Across the Street 3 Doors South of Town Hall to 3. Biddlecombe, • �R G� • Jeweler and Optician. viiti WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ..SEEDS OUR CLOVER ti 7• TIMOTHY TURNIP and all Field and Garden Seeds were bought from the most re- - liable dealers and we can with c nfidence recommend thetn. J. W. HILL We solicit a share of your trade. GOOD TEA CHEAP. I have still left a few pounds of Tea which I am selling at 15 cents per pound. It is cheap and at the same time. good. I also keep in stock Raisins, Currants, Dates,Figs,Prunes, Syrup, Molasses, Oil Cake Linseed Meal, Oyster Shelf Grit, Etc., Etc, My expenses are mall so that I can make theprofits the same. Do not mfrs the bar- gains I can offer. Try my Tea, Always the best Flour kept on hand. W. D UNGAN Next the Mason House ATTEND THE BEST-iT PAYS STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Before you decide to attend any other school let us correspond with you. Our magnificent catalogue explains our superior advantages. Students are in attendance this year from eon. ads, United States and Newfoundland. A large number of our recent students have accepted choice positions. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cook's Cotton Rod Compound Is saecessfnlly user monthly b over 0,000Ladies. Safe efieotual. LadioSask your dra ist far Cook's Cotton Root C petted.Take no odoOWr, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Pride, No. 1. elver i'' X; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, t3 per box. No. 2 it 2, mailed on receipt of price and two S-eent 1 ams, The Cook Company Windsor,Onji �bruieaiadmended by a l responsible and b Cnaa No I and No 2 sold in Clinton by Sydney Jackson, D runglst 1 TVLISH, RELIABLE e i ARTISTIC lb Recommended by Leading D ressmakers. They Always Please:ft.. 151. Ms CALL PATTERNS NONE BETTER AT ANY PRiCE eve thy and petunia c-n In the Unfit d states if your dealer does not keep them and Address your neate t postamps recelVed, THE McCALL COMPANY, 1 138 t0 146 W. 14th Street; New York munch orFtrss : tee Verb Ave., Chicago, and 1051 Market 5t., San irancisco. 'MSC LLS MAGAZIN,E Brightest Magazine Published Contains Iiectutifel Colored Flatau, ,cyoattains, Xa!h• IonsFanyW t,tents wanted: far thietnegt{:Ina in orrery .tnliay, Be'aetifel pro man's fat a little ,l w k', Write for tern,al and other petite. elate. sot:gm:dem olity150a.per yaw, iaerediatta pieut1.ratteni, AMAIN TIIE McCALt, CO., 128 t0 846 W. *4111 lets Neter York removes all bard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sora anti Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. The use of one bottle may make you $50, Warranted the most wonderful Blem- ish Cure ever known. Sold by Watts 4 Co, 11 -lot A BOON TO HORSEMEN En Linime Spa - A The Mante Montreal dhas de- clined to accept the plans of the Con- ners syndicate for improving (the har- bor en ground that they de not comedy 1 with the agreement. p ti �Y The Canadian Mounted Rifles and Strathconas have had their first exper- ience in battle. PASTURE TO RENT I will take in a number of cattle to pasture for the summer. I have about 70 acres on which is first rate grass plenty of shade and abundance of water. grass, HENRY CuOPER, Lot 9, Con. 3, Hallett, Soaforth P.O. • WiLL TAKE CONTRACTS I am now propared to take contracts for all' kinds of carpentering and will do . the work entrusted to me. promptly and, mechanically. Send for me or leave orders at 1', Beacom & Sou'sgrocery. store. Clinton, April 12. JOHN DAYMENT • CONTRACTING. As the impression is abroad that I will be Mr. Thos. Mackenzie's foremanthis year, I wish to say that such is not the case as 1 have entered intobusinesson my own account. and having. secured tho services of several ,first-class car- penters I am now prepared to. take contrasts. Before placing your work give mo a eharce to tender. for it All kinds of building material furnished: D. CONNELL, Corner Huron and Kirk Streets. Clinton, .A.prll 2nd. ' NOTICE • As I have no office since the destruction of my shop byfire on . the morning of Saturday. March 24t, I have placed my accounts in the office of Mr. W. W Ferran for collection. All interested parties will please note and govern themselves accordingly. Clinton, March 20th. CHARLES WILSON. HOUSE FOR •SALE. On 'Piotoria street, Near Organ Fac $300 will buy aroomy, comfortable house wit goo.1 lot -the proper recently . occupied by Frank ITpshall. App lly to March 7th. W. BRYDONE, Barrrister. • TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE The subscriber oli'ers for sale a very desirable preporty on Isaac street consisting of four lots upon which there is a comfortable frame house with kitchen and • woodshed attached. There is a good stable and a first -glass well of water on - promfses. The orchard; consisting of grapes and apples,' is a' good:. ono. TheLproperty will bosoldpat a reasonable figure foi'lbash or } cash and balance on time. Apply to tho owner on the premises • MRS. JOHN JUNOR Clinton May Oth • LAND .FOR. SALE. - Tho undersigned offers for sale that desire ole sixteen (16) acres of land • south of the London Road Bridge. It s a beautiful a to for building and will be sold in one piece or in lots. My reason for selling is that it is too far from town to handle myself and it doesn't pay to biro help A. COUGH, Clinton 7une20th • .. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STOCK. The undersigned will keep far • service at Lot 22, eon. 10, Goderich township, the Shorthorn Bull, Captain Marlow: re istered ( 2 0784 1 in the Dominion Herd Book. Termsr8i. Also a Canada ImprovedYoksireHog bred • by the Ontario Agricultural College from the sire Favorite,breu by John Hord &Son, Park- hill. This hog is registered. Terms, $1, to be paid at time sorvlee, with privilege ofreturn- ing to hog if necessary. CHARLES BAKER, Jan,20th. EGGS WANTED I intend to pack eggs this season and will be in a posi- tion to handle large quanti- ties, They will be taken as cash and the highest market price paid. ILVERWARE GiVEN AWAY We still give to each pur- chaser of a certain n a,mouna,. of goods his or her choice of the articles in our stook of Silverware. Those who have already made a selection are well pleased, O. OL SO N Butter and Eggs Wanted. W. JACKSON . t AGENT li • iP. ft• CLINTON Travellers to arty part of the world ehoold consult the above in reference to tickets, fares, etc. W. JACKSON AGENT 0. Pa Re yeeeelemeetiei SPECIAL N ►a"TICE ' 1 have decided to cleat out my present stock by the first of May. Don't miss this Chance of saving' mons . oy. A call will Convince you that 1 ' mean what 1 say. Good Butter and h ggetaken /�yy�y as cash. Ge 3. S «T. WA,L>fi be resented by nntny of his compa- triota in this country. Mr. Tartu sue• seeded in giving the Parisian' journal- ist who interviewed him the impress- ion that 90 per cent• of the French. Canadians disapproved of the war, and consented with reluctance to the enrolling of volunteers,who were not sent by the Government, but allowed to go. Paris is the last place is the world which we should have thought suitable for this puerile and hypocriti• cal distinction. Mr. Tarte .did not tell the interviewer that Sir. Wilfred Laur- ier had justifired the war in tmpass- ioned rhetoric which had aroused the admiration of? the London newspapers. Ile did not tell hint the tench more significant fact that a Frerfch-Cana- dian cornpany, which the Government "allowed to go" to South Africa, was •in the front at the taking of the tren- ches at Paardeberg. This is what Mr, Tarte calls "moral rather than mater- ial aid, " minimizing the, gallant achievements of his own countrymen to throw dust in the eyes of a Parisian journalist. His "no precedent" and "recipral obligation" talk was .equal- ly disingenuous and delusive, so much so that to those who know the ciroum- stances it is ,its own condemnation. The extract be. read from the Pattie also calculated to give a false impress, ion, as well as being id exceedingly bad taste. The Petrie gave the tri- colour the firstplace, and 'put the Union .Jack' at the tail of the pro gram, even after the Stars and Stripes. as if they were not enough, Mr. Tarte told the.interviewer that the loyalty of the French-Canadians to the Empire a a for econo- mic o - was matter of obligation a no m. is and • social reasons, which were well known to those who had lived in Canada, but had better not be went - toned. He hinted that as a matter of political expediency, it was necessary for the French-Canadiansto conceal their real feelings. We no not believe Mr. Tarte's insinuations, which reflect discredit upon no oire but himself. 'But It • must be confessed that it is a serious misfortune for Canada, that the country should be represented at the exhibition •by a man capable of making such misleading statements as to the sentiments and aspirations of the people for whom, lie is supposed to. be authorized to speak, -Montreal Ga- zette, Wingham. • . . • Mrs. George Tervit died a few days ago. Death was not altogether unex- pected, though none the less sorrowful as doomed had been suffering for some time, the lungs being affected. ' Her maiden name was Mary Linklater, 'and she was born in the t)rkney Islands a little over 68 years ago -a, member ' of afamily of four sons and six daughters. She was a sister'of `Linklater Peter Linkla er of. town, Andrew Linklater of Clifford, William Linklater of East Wawanosh, and di' Mrs. Robert ' Currie of East Wawanosb, We Worn that Win. Sutherland, the brakeman who was recently so severely injured, is recovering nicely. Jamas Gall,who has been baggageman.for some timehas been removed to Palmerston; Will Agnew takes his plane. Charles McGuire of Barrie has been appointed flagman: Walter Briggs, operator, who has been at his home in Tara on account. of illness, waa able to resume hisduties on Monday. • Mr. S. 13 Fraliok, who removed near Brussels last spring from the•wieinity of Wingbam, has sold his fifty -acre . farm near Brussels to Win. Rands,. for 112,200: Mr. Fraliok retains possession of the house and half of the orchard until next fail. Our townsman, John MoNevin, has. again entered the matrimonial estate, the lady of bis choice being Ensign Brannigan of the Salvation Army, who was atone time stationed in Wingham. The marriage took place in Guelph. There is a flowing well now at the salt blook. From the pipe in the hole drilled last fall the water flows at a .fair- ly good rate. It has a :peculiar taste ; Is it a mineral spring ? . Amos Tipling, President' of the Flax Co. is busy leasing land and pushing the interests of the Co, The direotors and shareholders hope for a successful season.' Zurich. 3, Kanoar, who has been working in Hensel' with H. Bauer, now takes a pos Won in town with A. Middlholtz &Co,, butchers, Mr, Charles Grob contemplates reno- vating his hotel, Miss. Mina Doan of Lucius 11. S. is bolls daying at home. Miss Clara Klopp, teacher at "Tavis- tack, is spending Easter at home. Mre.Finkbelner of Milverton is spend- ing a few days at the home of her father, Mr. D. Faust, J. P.Walters of Listowel spent anight in town, O Mr. and Mrs. Kellerman and family of Dashwood spent Good Friday here, the guests of Mr. F. Kibler, Mr. Weir of 8t, Marys was in town 'odking after flax ground., ' Miss Graham, assistant teaoher here, in spending the holidays at her home in Goderich. Miss Tillie Kibler spent Easter Sun. daystt home. Mr. J. E. McDonnell of Bensallpent Sunday at home, Mr. John Deiohert, who has been laid up for some time with inflammation, is now convalescent. Dr. 1+. A. Setlery of Howell, who makes a professional visit to our burg each Monday, was acoompeniedMonday by his mother of Kincardine, who is vis- iting him. Brown's Sale Register. • Wednesday, April 28th, at 2 p, m., D. Stevens residence, B mondviile extensive sate of household furniture D. Stevens, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. Saturday, April 2051, at 2 p; m„ sharp. on Charles Wilson's farm, ad- joining Seafortb nn the east, extenalye sale of first class stock and implement(; witheutreserve:--Charles Wilson, Pro- prietor ; Thos. /frown, Auctioneer. The Duke of Argyll is dead. The Marquis of Lorne, his eldest son, suc- ceeds him, Manitoba, Liberals have entered it protest against the election of the Pro- vincial Treasurer. Navigation is now open on the Mus. kohl), Lakes and etearers will ruts to Lake Joseph and R,,sseau today eseeries OLT]NTON 11IAItItET REPORTS (corrected every Wedge day afternoon; Wheat 0 04 to 004 Goose Wheat. 0 64 to 0 05 Barley 0 08 to 0 40 Oats,.r,.....r.. r 026 to 0 si Peas...., , .. 0 57 to 0 00 stye,,.....,.rt, ......,...., 4t1 to (' 9(1 Potatoes per bushel 0 25 to 0 25 Butter loose in crock , 0 11 to 0 12 Butter in tub ....... '0 12 to 0 13 %,ggs per don 0 00 to 0 10 Hay 8 00 to 800 Dried apples per Ib . 0 (15 to 005 Evaporator Apples per cwt 0 40 to 0 40 Wool .012to013 Live Bogs per cwt, ....... 400 to 4 03 Pork per cwt 500 to 000 Mout per cwt 1to2 00 Bran per ton ....... ; ... 113 07 16 00 tihortr per ton,,... 18 00 to 18 00 Brussels. MARRIAGES. The License Board for East Huron met last week. 't'lle applications for license* were considered and all the old licenses granted. The following will hold licenses for the year 1900,01 a Brute sets, John Amort, Strettou Brea. end O. Siliax; Bolgreve, John Soandrott llelmore, John Latnondby ; Biuevale, Binevale house granted to the house as the present proprietor ie moving away at May 1st; Uranbrook, Jacob Long ; Dublin, Joseph Webber ; Ethel, 1. • IL Henry ; Gorrie, George Brown and Rob - 011 White ; Jamestown,'I'hos. Mo'Ewan, beer and nine ; Lakelet, .i, J. Emel ; Leadbury, Thos, Junes ; Molesworth, Chas. Seehaver ; Walton, Mrs. Saga ; Wroxeter, Jobe Goitan and Alex. Wal- ker. A number of accounts were pass- ed and the Board will meet again on Wednesday, May 2nd, at the Central hotel here, ' Chas. Connery, president of the Royal Artificial Stone Paving Co., who laid the cement walks, was here last week. Ile expressed himself well pleased with the way the walks had stood the winter. He reports that he is getting a lot of contracts tor this year and that prices are better than last year. There is not likely to be much built here thia year, though those down now have come a winter goodshape,there ugh the wi t r m e e being very few cracks to be seen' and this is the more surprising as a lot . of filling had to be done in some places. • Their Golden Wedding, On Friday week John White, the sen. for proprietor of the 'Times, and his es- timable lady, celebrated the fiftieth an- niversary eftheir wedding, at their home in Exeter, surrounded by the members of their family and more olose- ly connected relatives, to the number of thirty. Mr, and Mrs. White are of Irish descent, both being natives of County Tyrone,Ireland. They were married in Philadelphia, Pa, , and came to Canada, settling in Stouffville, where Mr,White was postmaster for teeny years, alio conducting a general store there. About thirty-five years ago they moved west to 85. 1ltarys, wberetheyliv- ed until Mr. '11'bite was induced to start a newspaper in Exeter, and in August, 1873, established the Times, 'which has since been under his control. They are both in the seventies and enjoy compar- atively good health,:. Mr. White,notwith'. standing a fracture to one of his hips a few years ago, being t;till a daily visitor to the office. They were blessed with five sons and two daughters. Their fam- ily :-W. J. of the Immigration •Depart- ment, Ottawa ; T. M. and 3, J. ,of the Windsor Review ; M. J. of t t e Times, and two daughters at home. The reun- ion was a very pleasant one. Many costly presents were received In com- memoration of the unusual event. St. Joseph.. Sickness: is very prevalent in our burg at present and several are under the doctor's care. Mr. Ben Allen of Stratford, general agent for the Great West Life Insurance Company of. Winnipeg, , was in these parts last week. Mr. and Mrs. T:of orton 1r1 Lumley spent Easter with'his parents, Mr. and •Mrs. R. O'Brien's. • Mr. and Mrs. P. Bastard spent .their Easter visiting friends .at Drysdale.. . Mr. D. Wilson bad the misfortune to get his handseveretyjamed;whlle attend- ing to a sick horse. • Thepopulation of St. Joseph is stead- ily on the increase, the latest addition being a young son to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyrock. • Lnchnow. The sudden death of Mrs. John Grady on Sunday. week was a sad surprise to all our citizens and. her many friends and relations throughout the country. The deceased lady was. a sister of Mr; Geo, Middleton of..Ashfield and bad reached the ripe old age of 69 years and 11 mouths, She had been a resident of Lucknow for many years and was greatly .respected and esteemed by all who knew her. Her aged husband, who is in very feeble health, in fact almost es helpless• as an infant, is greatly, to be pitied. The bill passed by the .Provincial Legislator, providing for the regula- tion of the width of wagon tires, le an important one. 'The bill provides that no Wbeeled vehicle drawn by horses or other animals shall .carry a burden •of 2,000 pounds if • fitted with tires less than three inches wide. It cannot be denied that narrow tires and heavy burdens are in the main responsible for the many ruts found on someof our highways. They cut right In the road -bed where. a wide tire would run smoothly over the surface. Mr. and Mrs, John Winnie have the sympathy of all in the' death of their little daughter, Mary Janelaged 9 years 11 months and 15 days, 'with ulaerated sore throat on Sunday week. This is the second death that has occurred in this village from the same cause withia. a week. The Rev. Mr, Br Own own of Whitechurch preached educational sermons in the Methodist o'aurah oh. Sunday. Mrs. Johnston bus purchased. the restaurant business formerly 0 oil carried on by Mr. D. C. MoMourran. • lidttillnfr the Maple Trees. Walkerton, April 21 -It is a fabs ad- mitted by everybody who has given the. •matter any attention that the trees of the forests in this vicinity, both maple and beech, are slowly but surely dying, Various reasons for their decay are as- signed, the most general being the rav- ages avages of the caterpillars shortly after the trees leaf out. But now comes another reason, Mr. John Hogg of Carrick, brought into town a day or two ago, a chip offa large maple, In this chip are two dead"borers." Ur. Hogg has studied out the modus operan- di of this insect, It lights upon the tree •and with its long slender bill bores es a hole through the bark, Here it res mains sucking in the sap, until it can get no more and then dies for want of nourishment. The tree can atand a reasonable amount of this tbing,.but too many ►'borer&" saps the tree of Ito life. This explanation of tbodecay of so many trees is at least reasonable and Way be. the correct one. meseseerreswereesewor ItUDItY-�IItWIN In Bast Wawanash, by Rev, F. 3, Oaten, on April 17th, Mr. Wm. IBuddy to Miss Minato Irwin. BOSMAN-PERDUE=--•On April 18th,at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. henry Af:, Bosman t4 Was Diary,seoond dough• ter of Henry Perdue, Esq., all cf Morris. QIBB- Il4IRI'J - At the Manse, Bzeter, on April 18th, by the Rev. W. M. Martin, B. D., David C. Gill of Fullartan to Jano, youngest daugh- ter, of 141r, John Imrie of Tucker• smith. YULE -- EDIGHOFFER a -At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, Blake, on April 18th, by Rev,' S. Acheson, S , Wm. Yuil of Fullerton, Ont., to bliss Kate, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. Bdighofler of Blake, CRAYFORD-GRIGG.-.-At theresidonoo of the bride's parents, on April 11th, by Rev. A. C. Tiffin, Mr. W.T.Cray ford of Ua serve townehip to Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. George Grigg of Morris, ANDERSON -WOOD -In Ueborae, on the nth inst., at the home other brother, Wm, Wood, by Rev. Mr. Jewitt I. N. Anderson, teaoher, to; • Miss Ida, daughter of the late W. Wood. JONES» -DENT --In Mitobell, on the IQth inst., by Rev. Mr, Kerrin, Charles Jones of Stratford to Miss Freda, daughter of A, Dent, Barris-. ter, Mitchell. CAMPBELL--DALE--At the residence of the bride's parents in Tuoker- smith, on Aprit 10th, by Rev. Mr= Tiffin of Walton, James Campbell of McKillop to Harriett, daughter of Mr.George Dale. • BIRT111S, GREEN --In i t REE n I Tav s ook, on Tuesday, April 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Green, a son and daughter. F L1UN-Tn M Kit o Q o 1 on April , b, to Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Fulton, a son. MoALLISTER-In Grey, on April 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm, McAllister, a eon. RICHMOND -In Morris, on • April 11th, the wife of Mr Russell Riohmond,of a daughter. STEWART-In East Wawanosh, on April 13th, the wife of 'Mr. Charles Stewhrt,of a son. SANDERSOil-Near Wroxeter, on Tues- day, April U7tb, the wite of .'Mr. D. D Saunderson, of son. HARRIS -In Howick, on Sunday, April 15th, the wife of Mr, Russell Harris, of a sen. O'LEARY,-In Stephen, . on April 7th, the wife of Geo. O'Leary of a daugh- ter, METCALFE-In Turnberry, April 118th, Mrs: John Metcalfe, a son.• RYAN -In Hibbert, on April 13th, the wife of Mr. Patrick Ryan, of a son. 1DEATUS. • BAILEY -In Goderich township on' April 22nd, Mrs. Raster Bailey re. - lint of the late John Bailey, aged 76 years, KUHN- In Crediton, on April. 15th, John Kuhn, aged 75 years and 2 months: CLARK -Tri Crediton, on April ' 17th, • Wm Clark, aged 79 years,l0 moiiths and 3 days. RUNCI'MAN-In Wingham, April 17th, Agnes Runciman,aged 79 years and 4 months. MULHOLLAND- In London asylum, on the 13th inst,, Joshua Mulholland, brother of John Mulholland of Ellice, aged 53 years, 1 month and 8 days. MoGROCf3-In Egmondville, on April 14th ,MoGeoob, aged 88 years. DECANT'ELON--In Sea(orth, on ' the 13th inst„ the wife of Mr.: Patrick DeCantelon, aged about 65.yearp. GREEN -In. Logan, on the 18th inst., James Green, aged 86 years, IS months, and.9 days. YOUNG --In Blount Forest, on April 9th, James A. Young, formerly of Ethel, aged 47 years and 3 months. "The Noblest Mind • The best contentment has." Yet, however noble in mind, no man or woman can have perfect content- ment without physical health. The blood must be kept 'pure and the stem • itch and digestive organs in good ord- er. The best means for this purpose is Hood's Sarsaparilla.: It promptly sures all blood humors and eruptions and tones up the system. The favorite cathartic is Hood's Pills. 25c. One of Sheldon's Troubles. ' The advortisementa seem to have been a great source of trouble to Chas M. Sheldon in running his paper, He tenders the following advice : "1f the Christian business men in every t or ci y in every country' town would support their local papers with plenty of good, glean advertising; the publisher of the. paper would have removed from him one of the constant temptations which now fades him --A temptation to take ques- tionable advertisements on account of their'inaneial inducements, The Chris. tian business men have.a splendid op- portunity here to'help the newspapers by rallying to their support with such a quantity of good advertising that bad ones will apply in vain for an insertion. • 'MOTHER AND SON SAVED. CArARrt11 HAD PINIONED 'rrn'M, BUT Dn. AGNEW'S CATARRirAL Powoun CUT THE CORDS AND FREED THEM FROM TI314 DISEASE, Mrs. W. A. Steele, 2-1 Inkerman street, Toronto, says: For months and months I suffered For from pair in my head, caused by acute chronic catarrh. Iustd Dr. Agnew's w 's Catarrh Powder and found it per- fect specific. My son was also a vic- tim of this malady for three years and suffered a great deal. Doctors could not cure him, but one application of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gave him great relief, and it cured him in en incredibly short time." Sold by Watts & Co. alialliowleretereasatiwielles • fiM1AiM yliMrtl• "Great Haste Is Not Always Good Speed." Many people trust to tuck to pull them through, .and are often d(wsappointed. Do not ds itly" dally in matters of health., With it you can accomptrsh miracles. With. out it you are 44 no good." Keep the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood healthy by the use of Hood's Sar aaparillar the faultless blood purifier. Rheulmtatlslm--" Z had msitient in my limb and toot, acute 1 commencerheud treatment with. Rood's Sarsaparilla and cored." WtLLr and Rasxrrr, Brantfo d, Out. and Impure-,,blowodp tAroucutdontkrny ardi� would not heal. Rood's sarsaparilla was recommended and atter X had taken three bottles I was well." Ms= Roluxeoll, 0234 Treauley Street, Toronto, Ont. _ r hood'aI'Alaova liver ins athe non•irritating and. 'on1v cathartic to taste wits, Hood's Banaputina; sold by Watts & Oo., Druggist MISSED BULLETSTO MEET -A. WORSE FATE. BLrTTER TAirE LII'n's CHANCES ON A BA'TTLEF'IELD THAN WITII • A .DIS- EASED REART--DR. AG?NEW's ()Dint FOR THE HEART GIVES RELIEF IN 50 MINUTES, A man may pass through all the dangers . of war and come through without a sc ar' ons to find that disease has laid holdof him and he has enemy more ruthless to. tight. It was this way with a well-known American df leer in the recent war. Heart disease developed, and be says in writing : "My ailments were.palpitatiori, flutter - Ink and pain pt ui about my lieiirt, I used two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart. I feel like a new man and • would not flinch at facing another campaign, It's a wonderful heart specific. Sold by Watts & Co. • Montreal civic employees sentenced to intpvisonmentfor stealing some of the •city's money. . NOT "SKINNY" FROM CHOICE. BUT SHATTE'R•ED NERVES AND POOR DIGESTION FULLED TIER DOWN -SOD; TR AMERICAN NERVINE CURES TIIE NERVES. 1A,ND •G1vns PERFECT DIG- EtsTION, A lady .down East, in writing of South American Nervine and what it. did for her, says: "1 am. naturally fles- hy but la grippe upset my nerves and mydigestion, and lost forby pounds in about that many days. Friends said 1 was going into a decline, but I used two: bottles of South. American Nervine and my digestion is now per- fect, and I am putting on flesh again I mean to take six bottles .before:I quit it." Sold by Watts & Co. The. three 'men under arrest • and charged xge 1 n ith attempting to destroy the locks on the Welland Cana' were re- manded, - e-manded..... .... • • .For Over Fifty Years . . MRs,WIN$LOW'S SooTiIuNa SYRUP has been• used by millions otIf dimotsturbhers: ed for their ohfldron while teething. and broken ,at of your rest by.a sick grindnight sufferingg and orying with pain of Cuttingg Teeth send o.t once and dot a bottlo02 "Mrs, Winslow's sooth- ng Syrup for Children Teething. Tt will re- Ilevo the poor little sufferer immediately. Do- ppendupon it mothers, thorn is no mistake about it, It euros Dfarnc�ea regulatos the Stomach and. bowels, cures wind Colic, softens: the Gums, red'pecsInfiammation,and ivestoneand energgyy to rho whole system.. "Mrs, Winslow'* SOothtng Syrup" for children teething, is tea - sant to the histo and ift the prescription of Otto Ili the oldest and best female physicians and nurses intho United States. Price twenty -flue centsa bottle.. Sold by 'all druggists .through- out the world." Be sure and ask for "Mrs. 1'1 nN$LOW's So01u0/0 SYRUP. r a ,�iR,WLVh�h�i Time Table. Trains will arrive at and deport from Clinton Station as follows -- ticarrALO AND OODERIa11 DivLsION. GoingEast Express 7:38 it. in. 2:65 p. m. '« " Mixed 4:35 p. m. Gettig 1t;ostMixed 10:15 a. m. Express 12:65 p. m, 10;27 p. m. LONDON, ntvuorr AND nacos DIVISION,. Going South Express 737 a. m. Mixed 4.25 p. m.. 'Gothg Nortlt Express 10;15 a. rn. Mixed 005 p. m• A. 0. PATTISON, F. It. '1IODGENS wets t• DIOTownKSON. Ticket Agent. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ., I, ., . Clubbing Offers. Theseason for renewing . subscrip- Mous has come again and we present to our patrohs the following (clubbing rates : Weekly Mail and Empire • and • Nam: - Rama: ..$175 Weekly Mail and Empire, Nnw -1 r oiw • and Atlas of Canada 'and the World, price 81.00 32 00 Family Herald and Weekly Star and Nrws- ItSconn $175 Montreal Witness 'and NEws-RECoum, $166 Weekly Globe and Ncws•Iti.eonn $1176 Weekly a:IN:tater and NEWS-Itr.conn.....8176 Ladies' Journal (Monthly Magazine) and Maws-Its:conn 3125 Weekly Sun and Ni„ws•Ruconn 8140 Daily'Nowa and NEws-REcozn ,.-, .8180 prserave'1Othvti0110W leather and the bolt renovator of old leather. It elle, .Ottens, meek - ens and protect. TIC Eureka Harness Oil en your beet harness, your old Iran inn, and your carriage top, and they 11111 not 0811 leek hotter but wear longer. Sold oVer hor.1n cane -all sites from half pints to ave ralleSL Medi bT iir15Ur.eftco., limitus. 5 . ��a�Q���r��w�a�Q�v�w�w �•wq►.G�.a.s��►.^�vrr4•e �,.a•�fytn McK1NNON I NOW FOR HOUSE.CLEANJNO. We have made great preparations for house-t:lellllin a C` and 111 ust'-furnishing this season. Lit this time of the year g el when Carpets are tllkeii up and dusted 101(1 Curtains taken 0 E down and. washed it is often found A they are not fit to be O used again, and the thrifty housekeeper begins to eonsid- E er where she can get the best goods in the newest styles 0 at the lowest pilt,es, and her thoughts naturally turn to e O our mammoth establishment where she knows the best as- ' qP O snrtnent of Carpets, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Curtains, Art P Muslins, etc„ are.to be found, and itgoes without saying the prices are always the lowest. y g r y Wes . All Carpets over 25o per yard will be. Out and 0 Matched fres of charge. o 0 hemp Carpets, yard wide, at 12ic, 150; 20e and 25c © Union Carpets, yard wide, at 25e, 300, 35c and 600 Wool Carpets, -new patterns, At 75c, 00c and $1 i' Tapestry Carpets, new colorings, at 35c, 50c and 65o • o Brussels Carpets, new patterns and colors, 75c and $1 (r1 Jttp1ulese Matting, fine finality, at 20c and 26c Lace Curtains, 24 yards long, at 10c land 23e " . yards long, at GUc and 75 c it3 yardslong, 5.1 inches wide, lock stitch edges, new feral designs, worth $1.25, for $1' • .. 3; yards long, 54 to 60 inches wide, $1.50, $2, $2.b0 0 A Art Muslins, new patterns, at 5c, 8e, 10e., 12b : ltnd 15c V Floor Oil Cloth, 1, 11, 74 and 2 yards, wide, 25c per • square yard • CASH AND ONE PRICE :0 IDA MCK NNON &, CO. o•mem•e-o•o-o•e•�e�,•e•a�•e�s•tn©�i•��.�Wc�.o•Ka� mv.vv�•o.�• �•oo.o • DOC TORS AND ow/4a,- -PAINTERS w/AL1 -PAINTERS '1fy(4mii iilJ `• Your ' physician will tell you that paint is more healthful for interior work than wall paper.' Germs of disease get in ' and under wall paper, but paint keeps them out: Health, cleanliness and beauty lie in SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SPECIAL. INTERIOR COLORS Prepared for homeuse, for walls and interior wood -work.: Ready for the brush,, easily applied, 12 delicate and velvety,:tlnts. WARLAND BROS; IRON AND HARDWARESTOVES AND TINWARE YOU. MAKE NO MISTAKE When yell buy your rURNITTIIIE from us. We will give you good goods, well made, well finished and prices as LOW as the. lowest;' UNDERTAK ING. We are the Leading Undertakers- Our stock is com- plete its all the different branches. Our prices will be found very moderate for.good work. Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of . our Funeral Director, J,W. Ohidley King St., opposite Foundry. BROADFOOT SOX & 00 J. W. Chitdleyy Manage mm,pmma•mreOP�n irASN/NS NAIM'AS E/TY, MO' .tAN FRAN MOM'RtA1 egsis Dee 74,.10 iV LFi ts.ut.Sto nL tonrze9 aNA .cDA oemonI emo .......- ”,....,,,,,,q,,-, � „w. -r+ "oakefAT/VENEinss" ,/9f 69S eons ,9I,umetiam, tire,- rgnr- Na r.F/.t. scrotum, r pTrrell.r Q/codes aM, . �IsO,Qeshon, *trine" dAVOordee t3t'p "o _.1 Like a Bank Note Every box of our Native Herbs bi stamped with a registered number, and contains a guarantee that, if taken as directed, this remedy will cure all diseases arising from impurities of ; 4, the blood. The name of every purchaser is registered, with the box. Should the remedy fail to benefit hint, he has only to sign the guarantee slip and mail it to us tis get back the full price of the box. You. will not rule the slightest risk in using N[ive lierbs It is purely vegetable -contains no mineral drugs whatever ---and, cannot possibly do any harm, evert if it fails to cure you, And if it does not cure you your money will be returned. There is no reason, therefore, why you f should not (and every reason why you should) begin treat- '3 went to -day, if you are suffering in any degree from ivor complaint kidney dlootder norooao affection :sok headache bloodd poison tomato trouble rhoumatien t auran:as neouralgia dyspapputa aonoti etlon scrofula eczema totter catarrh is grippe Cough or cold Our Native herbs tablets is sold by druggists at II.00' a box (also in powdered form). If you can't get it of your druggist, we will mail you a box -too days' treatment -on receipt of price. THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO., 282 Si, Pau( Simi, Menlreal, Can. 9 MONTHS FOR 50` The News -Record will be sent to any address to the en.d of 1 000 fox' Raaf a Dollar. r