The Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-26, Page 81 %%._4
i so fAvour#1510 to trade and 0011Y
't is it 40t W'A'at, foolishness, Is
veryopppsite, of rem -9n and earri-
� to d"laxo . that. because the4a
�Vgn to'llip, into power at thiat
tintle.thpiefore, all. the splendid
14 tradq wbieb, has taken place
ft.either to, the adralialatration, or
lation, of -these lion gentlemen ?
ttful Ift*n vill be misled who is
coulli �ud to, financial and trade
it.put so the case was by my hon.
Finance Minister, it do do, forth, to
�,frqrg their Position are not able
to th�.sio matters said judge them
must take,
ffim statement accord�
I crodeftoo they give to, thei mom.
is it, As I oad _- I do not for 4
aeorb deny the increase Of trade,
y that it is so great as lion. geri�
Ire stated,, and I tifink that one or
wordi s may no well now be heard
'use ;t�d tIfts countr It]% re
_y Nn -Prd
Myl jubilant and hon. friend,
0"0# Triad�.jud Commerce, When
Masiody'HaU. declared with a
rish Of trumpets that the total
*liq%da in 1899 %vus 490,000,000 and
;or than it was in 1890, Trade
iierce roports, -rvh come
lue 'g, they
a that to $82 000, -That, is
6, So far as iter PrOQUSg?kI0 lvorkers of tho forest, of theWorkers intlie inaking for itself a line of commerce and of TOW . .. .. .. .......... 5 3.89 6.92 there was an export from -Ktnub "r X a 4 the, exports of, rain, you will fine toot In volurago I$ given to Orhers,
e, Are Concerned? A1 is the Communication, with success almost from llogi,, ......... 0.19 0.17 0: 1V64 a certain Y'ear, of $lili,mo,000. and to the 1801, 2,000,000 tushels -were exported; in With regard to the posed reciprocity The amounts drawn by the Ministers, Lau-,
sell, of the 'worlrers in the dtiiry,� 0 an T.n .. .. ... 4.64 %97 a it6a States an export of $44.OM.0004 I ?Mffi
amount of imports for ranches, and erAtle ranges Of the (You ? th6 outset. That honjentlamen have torn Deal, (standard 10D) ..21,24 91.63 1896, 11,600,000 bushe�s were exported, in treaty with the. West a Island of Trin- . Cartwright and Davies, are in addi,;
.1 1 while we only had an import of $32,000,000 1808, 30,0Q0,M0 bushels were oxgorted; and idad, Mr. Poster said that whea the Con- Iner,
t On the one - up, They tinkered , it I a brokers! firm Firow,cid.(cord) .. .. .. 1.82 1.76 01:216
Of i a Would they have. opened. tip any fewer mar I tin, compared 'With the 11111 1899, 2,,),200,00P bushels. urnming it oervatives were trying to arrange for re -
ex orts which kets than bon. gentlemen Opposite have for moiMbs and months, and then came Laths . .... ...... 1.27, 1.11 .1.02 Irom'Great Briti in to their salaries of $7,000 each And ses.
a of the un train the United States. itween UPI and 1897, c1procity With the Weat Indies the Liberals tiOn
,�t qoun
110mit It P Would they Mve built any down and.. told, this House that the fast Logo (pifie) .. ..... 9.77 8.69 8.63 $58000,000 u
co try 11 the opened up? E."'del'larea that that was a4ross discrim- fti, the increase lic of, chease, W
The trade Which rushes line project.with which they were in grVat Logs (spruce) 3.63., 9,13 alit the exports as argued that the United Stites woo the only sional indemnities of $1,000 each, As Will
stearrighij sympathy was put out of sight for the Staves ..... .. ........ 6. QL 4,56 4.30 rest Britain.
fewer railways, would they have subsidized tion against the trade of 46 per Cent., of bacon 040. worth having a reciprocity treaty
r is of some service to some country
1. -2.29 2.32 Per
moment, because of the rise in the Stave bolts 2.68 1"' 1 and of irrains - 410 per edut. be oveft jaunts and entertainments constit
is not to be Wren into and kept running any, fewor He Sala: cent. %vitli, ife quoted at length train speeches by
lines? In what,w�,V, let hon, gentIRTMA'Silyl price Bloopers 0.14.8 0,14.4 0.10,9 a
have exer- ban. Sbinfles . .. ........... 1.90 1,76 1.73 rom a. able share of the billo
wo0d their con one ex- b on, 9 per cent, and in and Mr. Fisher, to show how they he
with 13ottle-necke4 Plance and boArdis(TAL)II.00 10.72 10.90 jol$Q JJeb%V4en sneered at the idea of extending rade with PERSONAL EXPENSES.
is of a eountry a greatriess cal discrimination to an enorm
Own you are trying to get of material. Certainly; and noiv the There, if ydn -will, is a gennino Prot ti, e -nere' in 1897 to 1899, in cheeaep Sir Richard Cartwright, Sir Louis Davies
aing into power I P ute a respect
cised any effect to destroy prod�lption in any gentleman comes down Th 5 ar cent
-'the dutiable -and and in favor of the i 7 P nt. The R cerf t
If you take as honest These, I may pay, are all. prices t States, I have always said that - 5 per cent.; In the West Indies, Air. Foster conclud
of these forms? Answer that, and battle -nosed. ships that have been can- tent against 143ngl , " er -Ce in chee 0
the free goods imported men. you :will say: We are party men vassed over and over again, and I am Unite 9 it 'I 1 18 ed with
the Trade and Navigation. �189 a 'm 6 P 85) nt. Hlob Coninihisloners-
of the tables of the national voliov was a Yankee device gra in 2 er as an eloquent peroration on the bright future
r for home consumption, but we know quite well that If ypu hi;a afraid that the travelling minister has -lost Returligi, and consequently are the figures he Yankees, and in fact a,
tat the i!nport,,; were itiat -power these thin sve his portfolio �so far as that is Concerned, - copied from CONTINUATION OF GROWTH. df Canada. Sir Wilfrid Laurier ......
greater in 1899 than they come into _go woWd h ur after, all these attempts have been made, upon which are based the values in L Our benefit to them elliefly, and here is a Sir, the point I wished to makp Wits. that Silr Richard Cartwright ...... ....... 8,861.08
If that be YO
[f you take the exports of gone on Just the game. ports.. proof of it. Sir Louis Davies ...... .... 21690.91,
anower;Lthen, fer pity'a sake, doinot spend the hon, gentleman comes down this year in these 'great. staple products of agriculture,
on will find that they were two or three hours in making -whrit is -P- alid,sayh; Oh! It is all out of sight now on With reference to the prices of articles The hon . Minister L of Marine and Fisher. which are typical of tile Others, there Wis. THE GOUNTRY PAYS. John Chariton
� r in 1899 than 1896. �scl to be bud -et Rneech into a It Account of the Aver which has taken place that the farmer -has to buy I have a very ies (Sir Louis Davies). speaking at a, great before these, gentlemen China into power, A
,e -"3 1 . MU es & -.0 -nw- M 4. 1 -0 a Ron. W. s. irielding � ..... ...... .... .. 200,00
1PHR than in ItI90. be that, we reoluce.pne
114wount first from $90,000,000 to $82,600,000.
Maud t.belo, to $71,700,000. But, furthei, if
you. . only the actual merchandise im-
�Jiorbdd, or home consumption, and the
I ie corn, which
dd cable e Orts (deducting tl
jii- iSovght into' this country and entered
,`.for h4m� co mption, but -which goes out
PS i4 fie' product). that figure is again
a out sixty -rive mil-
lio4 larx. which represents about
I amount of the trade, export and
t4h� Te al mine
. 1. t. basis which I have laid
ampor i on the
tioiyq. as the gain of 1899 over 180B. Well.
$ " Ait is a great g
Six, -ain. It is a gain which.
any, government and any country may 'well
"lbw�proud of; but we derive no benefit, for
6urselves, and ' We do not advance the real
'interests of this country by representing
our trade any larger than 'it is.. so far as
its -real value to the country is concerned,.
Now I want to call the attention of. my
hun., i6end the Minister of Finance to
andther Point. When he is talloing of the
trade of 1890 being so much greater than
-the 4de of 1895, has he never realized
-the fact that he is I ing about values
'01 trade and not To
v.Turn. of trade?
tiakea rough illustration, suppose that in
2805. there was exported from this country
2%000,000 bushels of wheat at $1 EL bushel,
thitit.-would swell our exports by 20,000,000.
14.0ppose that in 1889 we exporrel an equal,
A)iddrmt, 20,000,000 bushels, but only at 6
41iiation of 50 cents per bushel, our export
trade would then ellow $10,000,000 less on
prietly the same amount -of 3we4t and la -
lbdur.and toil represented in the produati
-6f� wheat in the country. The difference in
�:vklfte must be taken into account as' -well
aiihe diflerenge in volume. I am not stat-
in$;that that was the difference in value
betweeft 1895 and 1899. but simply use it
for tbe, purpose of illustration.
-I am going on to make two more state,
monts. As everyfinancier knows, there is
klX tjip in the old country and in the Uni.
I'd - States, and to a certain extent in this
Conan what is known as a barometer of
i,-,Cmates roin year to year. There is . none
tter On this continent than that kept by
Bradstreet. Bradstreet's index of prices
is,known and relied upon all over this con-.
tineftt;2 For the last fifty years they.have
-takeft. the prices of some go or 100 Staple
articles, arranted their aystera in a series
of -index num ers, which show the differ.
-ence in prices frorn�year to year. If you
/will go to October, 1990, you -will find that
�t�e index number is 105,996. 1 am not go -
1 ing to take up time explaining the tealini-
cal. Construction of this system, but will
therely give the figures, ana any hon. gen-
t4eman who wishes to look into it will very
soon find out the basis on -which the thini
is worked. In October, 1890, the index
p4ce number was 105,990. In 1895 it had
gone down t6 71,672. What does that
inean? It means that the average Value of
articles in October 1890, taking all classes
and kinds, was 47 per cent higher than in
1895. If' any one attempts to show, by
VI "I takin , the values in the ra e an
.1gation sterns. that the purchasing,
uci I the exporting and buyl g Cape
ilities this country are so uc less in
11805 th in .1 90, he will et no adequate
idea of e ere e. e as to take the
rd 01
comparative vaJue; and if he Wants to
find out what the trade of 1895 was as
compared with the trade of 1890, he has to
compare the levels of value in each and the
difference between the two levels, as shown
by Bradstreet's index, is 47 per cent. Sup.
pDod we work that out. Taking the actual
exports and imports in 1895, their valuation
in Canada was $203,504,332. We no* want
th find what the value of that 1895 trade
Vould have been according to the prices of
October 1890 We add 47 per cent, which
is $95,6415,000,'and 'you have $299 15D 000
What- qvpuld have been the va�e 'of 'tre
ttdde of'1805, had pricois kep
the level at
thined i� 04ober, 1890, Hon. gentlemen
see the point. Some one says: Your trade
is'dinainishing because the books in 1895
show less value than in 1890. 1 answer
him in the light of this index, by saying:
No,' the activity, the production, the ei-
poftipg and the buKing volume of this court -
try, is actually big er in 1895, measured by
its troop, t.,han in 1890, and you get at
Tme prices or the duterent years inte
"unt and bringing them to the samo:
ft each catie.
ell Suppose we aprly that rule to 1895,
than compare wi h' 1899, In 1899 the p
were 17 per cent higher according to
index than in -1805. so that if you Wi
make a fair compdriFton you would
to add 17 per cent to the trade flguro�
1895, which would give an addition of
_iri, co ng peqjvit�
#bt exhausted the subjwt -When we simply
f' Itt the figures in our books unless we local
in view the varied rates of prices in thes
goods year after year as our trade lAistor
goes along. If a were to apply the differ
e of prices in 1806 as compared wit
IFMP9 it would reduce the $64,000.000 t
out $30 00 of exceas ifi volume o
de, and. A ill we would.have a magnifi
cent a Won to our trade,
Let it be well understood that
-ilor any intelligent man; nor any
11 to Xrom b some ople 6 00 1 so Xcuro Oil
)untry for Credit for tweert. Great Britain and the South Afri- feng Just, V These ate informed the pe Staff and assistants -
IV meeting in London Into
h ge
havifig ,%nd increasing export, and that what
arpeal to the a( cle can Republics. -But if the bon.. gentlemen items which I will read. that, under the policy Which his Govern- an place since, lias been but the'con- Dow-zL the Gulf, H. Bour4soa, secretary ...... .... 2,200�00,
done that is perfectly or you that are on this side of,the House re. the New York prices as tiven for the first ment, had adopted, this disparity and dig- tinuation Arid extension under better colt- W� G. Parmelee . ...... did not do. had year, 1895, 1899,
mained in power, a, fast line service would week in January for eac crindriation wit consumption and purchase the In the summer of .1898 Holt. Jo a It
)uld be done, away WI ditiono,of it Israol.Tarte resolved that a trip dowus tt, a Joseph Pope,
a away W. F, Xing ... .. ...... ... .
WHY, DID IT HAPPEN? have been in'sight, in action, in operation; and 1900' Well, we.will obe hoW it.was don - world over, in these same commo ' "" * ... .... .... ...
and if the hon. gentlemen had followed the 1895 '1899 isco ith, Of dutiable and free imports mer you take the United States market, Which gulf would do him good.
-Did it an happen because these bell. Fen lead of what was laid down for them in Leather (oak tan) .-.$ 0.27 $ 0.31, $ 0.38 chandise entered'for congumption, the per- has no legislation such iis these gentlemen The expense is recorded. in the Auditor. R. N. Vermin, ......... 1.1so.00
.tlenten came in? Then, let, us see what that case as they did in so man ;other' Rubber .. .. ........ 0.73 0.94' 1.04 centage contributed to the trade of thi General's report (page Q-145):' F, Gourdeau
'has happened since. What. hap, � happened whiell hot$ nout of tile inspirit -
,thin cases, we would ave had a fast line per. 'Rice .. .. ...... ..... OAM country by Great Britain and, the U. S. wa: have here, ir guidingolic, and Which Provisions.... .. .. .... . $ 643.46 R- Boudreau, Private; secretary Of
Premier ...... .... .... - ... ..... 807,60
wl Rix ro,��nbjls, 'up to. 1)eitimber Mantle, 0,04 0.06 41 OM ing effects of the
slat, 1899, Why, 1be mining products have vice to -day- and Sir, our own volunteers Sisal , 0.02% 0.067/8 (),09% 48 follows: has a Very high prote�tive taiiiff you find Provisions .. ......... .. 86.45
would pr6i;ably have gone to the' seat of PIg iron 10.00 1J..85 - 26,00 * . . that in 1890, the exports from the United, 'audr 35,80 S. Lellevre, east. secretary of Prentler, 485.00
gone off by a million dollars, the %nAr in our own swift ships with the Cana- B er 100 lbs.). 1.10 05 2.50 DUTIABLE. Tqhlewiyi��.: 9.11 r, C. T. O'Hara, private secretary of
fisheries have kept about stationary this or Iron ....... States amounted o� $85,7,00' OPP; in 1895,
also. and Billets 13,00 16.85 5.00 1899. , R 4.50 Sir it.. c96rtwrlght ............ .... .... 854.41
By ;i,30U000j000, ug 2-50 E. B. Williams, private secretary of Sir
.English flags waving at the mast 3 4.6
current year they are going behind. Aget- head. 1899 n to $824 00 000, lint In M
Crude petroleum (bri.) 0.94% IJ9, 1,60 Loss. 1899, they had inbrea$ed t�
cultural proaticts have dropped bi 0,201 Wow -Sir, the basis of all this increased Refined petroleum .(per 0. 5.47 p.c. olicy and a large Tlu�eiiecotpis,. 1.50.
.000. . Heie is a short statement -%v ich wi I P trade i's to be found, a ........ 1. 0106.0 0.081/4 0.11 Great Britain so.j4 p.c; 30.77 P Gain. under it, large rotective p . .. .... 3.75 Louis Davies .... ...... .. 102.59
show the decrease within, the last six 9 1 have said, in the gal) 81 . expansion of Zle export trade, which is Thrbe sweaters..
months ofJ8FM compared With tb6 last six previous steady and long continued prepa Sugar (muscovado), . 2.63 $188 U.nIted States ... 43.28 P.C. 49-73 P,c. 6.45 P.c. Wapkin ripga .... .. .... .. .. . 1.20 Staff and assistants -
Bit due to none of thoi catises that ban. gentle- 0.00 W. C. Gordon, private secretary of sir
ri ktar (standard granu. as the reasons 'for tile Four rubber cosa
months of 1897 in th�- products named. ati When the opportunity came a ad) . . .... ........ 9.74 .4,72, 4.95
'ast lines of railway making FREE GOODS. men� seek to,bring ., -trade with Greit Two alpaca' otbats .. .... L. Davies ...... ... ..... ....
did ;�e find? r increase L Of 3.50
EXPORT$ TO GREAT BRITAIN,. their -way across this continent, opening up Instead offiving.the various articles made 899. our export' American flak.. .. ..... .. 7.50 -C. B. 'Burns. prlv�M6 secretary to W. S,
almost every field of development as rp. from iron have mentioned only the raw By.. 18" Loss Britain during the ast three. years, ix rup... 50 .... 101.75
Cattle.. ..$7,177,533 $6,391,644 R, S, 51. Fielding ...... .......
mally, Belgiqm� Austria,� lall tile
gards wheat growing, cattle growing and basis of manufactures. Generally the prices Great'Britain -.22.19 Die. 16-70 P.C. 6.49 p . t E . . thieL
Horses.. 941,193, 479,223L grea i uropean countries have hoid Sundries.. 24.03 * Simpson. secretary of Mr. 181.60
r, had been, 9n staple articles which ire bought have Gain. 600.00
Wheat .... .. .. .. .. 7,414,273 5,983.282 Produceof all kinds. Thege.-Si 3oith of export and import Various' Items,, ... ..... ert Taylor ..........
built on lines 'Of L Policy laid down by the Increased in accord witli the nited States ... 64.07p.c. 7S.43P.C. 9,36P.C-" large expansion I
Cheese 13,458,844 12,112,649 Ltberal-Congery trade , during It, last three or'four Years. 9236.82 captain 0, G. V. Spaln'L ...... .... .... 300.00
ative party, interfered. with the articles:which I ba;ve* read. On this haractcri4tic'of.:busines9 And trade Total ...... .... * ..... .... Captain WakebELm .... ....
VVO9d 21,166,303 J8,09%249 ad, ridiculed and fort v hon. ge;-- point it is certain that if the former to- TOTAL, IM ORTS s a
n afflit b.- a ar day is havin prosperity it'is not because ia. ov The Auditor -General reports that the
g of these hon.'geftilernen O?po,' opposite, individua y:aiqd its the' war or.
If the Coral tain I think, thereforei.l. have Y. J. McArthur .... ........ . They'found in this c(;untry�JLL ace,.Iess. taxation is taken out By 1896 1899. origh ip. L tlj1p real at Min itbr?s
into ty. wiNcl; in the first gf, Lssaid an )eat to show th provisions, washing, caps, Messengers -
ower and their remaining- in power slXallers, coats*, rirgs, etc,, are charged up
causeg all ibiF; great burst of traae. why is c;tended industrial establishmetit built up of him by t a present financial leglslation� Great 'Britain p.c, 24.72 pte. 6.43 p:O. the preference Which theie lion.. gentlemen P. Connolly. ... ...... *71S.46'
it,. since they have been firmly, seated in on theL lines of an adequate revena�S_to Which Gain, haVeL given ii 'the first plac has had' but & the followihg servierst P. Z. Connolly ...... .. L .. ....... 511.86
at protection not because the. general 8,46 P.C. small -effect upon the Imp Great 1,epA6'of*Piers, P. E. 200.00 It . . . .
power for the three ears, th th4we ex- which -these gentlemen . fought against, he contributes. aire less; for they. are, more United States 600 V -c. 69-24 P -c- L Arbbambault ....... ....... ..........
Britain.into thio'c6untry, r 011rolol. prac- I'llairborKL and rivers in the Mari -
parts have commencel to go down? -Is it which they ridiculed, from 1878 to 1896, .-not because be is. getting a higher price I think tbegeLhon. ittlemon -were very tir4e Provincps .. ... .. .. :..,. $1618.50.
tically no- effect upon I exports. fro- EXPENslas.
not far more cominon sensp like -tosa that which they declared, when thEky' got. into for'bis staples; but he is pr6speirnis, be-. in'denomicing t 6 national policy GENERAL
wTon� e this HarbonrS an rivers L'o Quebec.. 368,82
governments rLy come, aud, governments power they ould destrn�, but which, after ady as t
cause he is gettin a re market., for 'Ce, on account 'of lts'dio-. Oun rY. 51.50 Off . I a is . ut o$1,SK02)
the ankee devi , Harbours aftil, rivers elsewhere.,
may go, but -unless leirislaion akid"bithinil they have comeAto power, they have kept what be hag to Self, and he* is raisifig larger crimination. ey were either ' wrougL in A 4REAT Y LOST. Hotel Frontenac, -August 24tb,. i4eptem-
tration are radically aanked, in d:d6iintry up at about the same general lei;el. In that - t mefully nbcolect,
quitntities, and in many respects of a better d m� the. , or thei have . shai ' No �ater opportunity had ever offReol
like Canada, with its enterprise, its pluck; respect is well there had. been a long period he raised el have any differ-' lify! no better 'opportunity CvPr Total. $2236S2 her' 2 '� .... ... fade of stuff for the market that d t air duty, for.if they POW will ...... ... - its general iliffuson of knowledge, and'ito of preparation so that *ban the time.came t But this does riot include running ex-' Hotel. rr�ontenac, 21 days, to October
efore'- lie is pr6duaing.more.
general - business activitF these groat -lines they found all'i these eatablishments 'mann.-. ant machinery from the'Yankee,devipe, it Offer than -who 6ffereid -within, the -last three
effect. not of mitigating, but of - an- years to. the right hon. gentleman wh'o leads perges xcept, coal. ..... .... .... .... .. . 105
orward,,ve,ar after e TRADE WITH GEATtBRITAIX...
of production. will go fl nh� discriminations:'which they 5117 the GoverAment to, get frouir Great BviWli Thd pleasure yacht was at� first leased The Shoreharn. November'T to rebruary-
It Ch and ready to 'work, ready to add t p 412. but after- tallo ir power ind to their output.. So:to,day by Mr. Torte 'at. 5 a week,
year subject to those changes hapel , re. and all the col
by reason -this large. i du trial � activity and ow Sir flulsbing that. parVof the gub-' e.i.te lo 6nids a eans vivendi'*ith onq wedk's experience Mr. Torte liked. Including ietvice ......... .... place i. trade in every country. we have 11 at reference' to the p6rts. I- on, some Entertainments ($1,637-32Y"
of forces within the country, or 'even ... of prosperity in. -the call t ' b ject f:,&h �come to the queetion, of,our So much with reference to -trade. -matters whiel the yacht s e ht.her-and*
n r e;use of, the with Great Britain, upon -Which we But; if their argument fails on thd q1!,e,tl6n fair and reasonable prineiple,:-woul Quebec Garrison' Club- dinner . ....... .. mos.
,forces entirely' outside thdt -country, but -'in foundation and preparation eriod under h- t1i re- ( iapidly. she cost us $26,000.
either case, Iqgoly. beyond. the power of ave a pretty strong divergiance of express* of'im orts, what can we say of it W, tually b�neficlil to- all. E vents inove
the Libeml-Conservaiive party and.. their hen they attfib Toronto 'Mail and Empire. Trip on steamer Aberdeen to.'the Bag -
ed opinion between the Finance Minister gard o the *exports. Who -would *have thought, three,yettfs ago, I .... ....... . .....
the, government to affect or' mitigate, policy. lative pogitioii' of Canada and, rx6te-Loonside this lit -
I . I . . . . : - - and' gentlemen. of business experience and. the increase. so far as Great Britain is con that the re ring the cost of a Trip with Lord Herschell end party on
HAS THE G0VZ'kN1iENT - HELPED ei -which they � have ;Y *are to- tle'. trip to he. Country, 'the electox
ONE CAUSE'OF PROSPERITY. Fapacity on -this' side of this Houst and,, cerned. to'the.preferenc the Empire would be,w4t the teamr Aberdeen to the Saguenay M0.41.
' I I I Lports itci this' country? -aldtig "Capads will. wonder how much Mr
in the couttr Thoi Finance Minister van Britis I I= k'sJubilee the bra out
y. there -is some reason In d4y,.The Queer *. Trip on steamei Aberdeen 100.81S."
Sir, there -is another reason; and I think and the light hool. leader of the Govern- 6ne can sea thad f the war between the, �'6uth.Africaii Be. Tartois,trio to. Paris is going to eosi,)
that the preference, however,. Trip on"stearner Druid ....... 0;..00,.
Newt while -Virrr bn'this point, let me it is worth. some attention. ' One cause of ment, and I � suppose the party as -a gap osing in another coun, priblics and -Great Britain, 'and the couse-
drive it home, go far as I cart, by a- little the unexampled prosperity of theast three whole, take the ground that. the- 4 ams?l, on the intports fro
aded. tient'great outbarst'of-loyal'and patrioti( VV OF PRZF.ZRnNCE; Trip to.Tourville Fish and Game -tlub's
additional argument. � The -assumption, that years is due to -what? - Is due to hat trade with Great Britain'is due to the pre. try, will lead to an increase of these fin- - . I I . 91
-has brotight, sentirfient into a state ran air the Way through my on. friend's r difficult.'on'busirlosi celing
always takes,place' in aperiod of enforced. -fetence ",hich is given under the tariff of. ports. but it is, Van (v roin Hamilton, Spectator.)
-this, �tll tiossible of ripeness which is fa-Murable-to the opera- Two-thirds sh of banqaat*'atS'b0r'
speech- was this: After ercfore oil economy. For the Country as often for.the, 1�97, as worked..out. in 1898 and. -I899. I.Che. principles, to conceive how it m I " Th6 the British
is, or, as- the Latin hi�; it, this; So far that'artly large 1pxte made in tion of.changes, that thtee-years ago Would -price of grain fluctuates in ham ......... are.
account of th man, a. pried of enforced econom is a view I would tak6 of nsion. shall be tot. have been. looked at by Public rach'in iharkiit; Frequently- it. goes lip 5 cents a
propter oo-lo strengthening fow better Yfuture the export trade on account of'the prefer- Printing and stationery ($1,002,54) -
post hoe, ergo dcause we p4 as imports are coticerned there is no. doubt impoirts. Wall',. what are G�eat Britain and Perhap's not by maiiy' -bushol, or falld 5 cents a bushel. , Som6times Pamphlets -Trade, between Canada., Aiij
came in; because we introduced our polie-vi o erations. Ever man he understands a - quickenng haftence �felt (in � iccoutit of once given the ilose we take *the figures public plan in this coupbr�,.And it Was a it remains 5 cents tip'for some tilue� And 'United States ...... . .. ...... ....... therefore, these things have happenid. . I ant 'life knows t at. if It;- -wanis to ProL the slight practical reduction whiqih is the facts? Sam ana Navigation Returns* pitk of. all the-pities.that the right. -hon. is wat followed by aft increase in the price
have taken'the leading lines of p a nation; as a stocky plant he has to cut off the froiri the Trade Paper and envelopes ...... . made to the British exporter to theXalls.- �6t, there is an buor� gentleman did not'carry out his pledie to. of brea? No. Rip Impossible to divide 5.
and results in figures. .. ill any. 66ts.. to cut off the buds and branches, and Ree. whether or' m e bushel of Lithographing ..... . 24.381
a Canada to Office requisites ...... 200.84,
dian market but the main -increase- with . the pedple of Canada,jt ws a pity ftt. he loaves which a
one say, with regard ;to the mines, any a�t even though it break his heart to o it, to G- mal increate. of exports from
of administrati allow it to make root room and. -gather rest of; compared with. the in- did riot Put.himself. and, the premiers of wheat *111. make; and i five comil rise in
on or any initiation Of this Britain is an - increase -which Great Great Britain, laift'i :Ivbkt is mot felt by the bread consumer. Forms .... .. i ..... ... ......... .... .. Government has given an impetus to - the strength for the d a to, come -when it'will Britain participates in, as the, rdoult, q�eaee of exports4roin Canada to other the other -coloilies,- at Mr. Chamber If Britain were. to adinit Canadian I and'
maps and charts ..... .... ...... ... of the- general increase of Canadian trade, direct request, into a commi6sion for taking
opening Of mines, or the. production Of astonish him by Wle yigolur of its growth both countrie other Colonial grain f
different from as-to,importo I to this country and over, and -arranging thW ii�atter if,possible ree;..and.put, a duty of BODICS., pamphlets; eto ...... .... .... .
mineral2 in this . country, and the freshness ofits,bl6om. It is true 5 cents a bushel oil foreign grain, it goes -Messengem. etc., at Quebec ($606.60)
expo'rts from this country. That, pop..ition ], Home Products on some reoisonable biiis. Nwier b4orc-had
what w6uld have been given if this GeV- with the country';4nd With the business is99 increpsg.. there been such -an oppotturfi�tyj. alld it, way i�,ithout saying that the very worst that. D. H., Dube, . stenographer, 44 days'. ot
ernment ad not been in power? Are. the man. The enfori , ad economy from 1892 to I think I Shall abundantly prove, While be many yedrs before su6 a favourable, op- could* happen the � British bread consumei:, .... ........ 192
minor's tools any cheaper than they "werd 189,5,has'been a -strengthening time for the there. is a small practical differential in G OIR - . -
zeat; Britatn $62j717,941 49
masse -n -ger, 30 do
favour of the exporter from Great Britain, 431,097 646,070 . portimili will -be found,again. - 'I do'not would be a tax of five cents a. bushel ou that MIcha. ys, at
.before? No, Sir, he is paying n 'his iron busines backbone and power of the, 'coun- that is to 9, large oixtbrit. offset by - the 95;329 446,667 370
at to 200 per Amwail ... -.1,876 185,096. 0) propose to say -much more with reference Wheat -which did not come frorn the'col- ;2v ..... i ... .. ...... ...... ...... ....
and his 25 per 0i try. But, it did more. There never was a greater distance and.larger cost Which. is 572,836. 1,651,909 170 to this question of preference: It'is evident orlies, IvIlich, if it 'had influence on the J. T. Lamb, 30 day0i at $2 .... 130.004
a France
Comb of an increase over wh t he was Pay pi;iriod in the history of Carlad&� -When attendantu&n imports from that country. Gormmny 60010 1,310,373 115 that - the preference. of. 12 1-2 per eent. did whole importation of graiii, would be offset F. , H. Gauthlei, SO days, at *1.50 .ing
; b6f6re these gqntlemen Came into pow stocks in thiskountr, Were at a, lower ebb
or, because the prices . of these. articlea, than in 1895. Every' bit of old iron. that The longer time that it takes to fill orders, 62;440 176,347 ISO not- have. much. effect. it, is ejually evident, by- the grain admitted free, -so that much T. McAlister, :4 days, at $1.50
that much:itill4riced. Dods and' the. competition with her groat com. ........... -56759 125,265 IN e'statip'tics, that* * to abushel would be the tax Andrew ClIne, 11 da�,s, at $1.50 ...... have be�u by could be'worked up*out of -a railway Store- 8:148 133,139 1,aro from th the. preference of lesR.than 5 6en
he get chebper food? I think not; I thillIt room ws'worked up instead of putt, I petitor, the Unitod States 6f America, for . ........ , per cent.'did not:havq very Inuoili more: on the whole importation.
Ing in Sweden. 41,262 120,244 i90 25 . 13. Plante, 80 days, 45,00
rked -in L '6 stimulating effect. * Hon. gentlemen' have - But'it is -simply absurd to say at in
the prices of his food are about le 'new stock; iQvery bit of $took that could be . N-r-l'i Alfred Bedard, 10 days, at 41.56 ..k#. j�.: 28.00
vel -with all kinds of textile goods,. have we British W. Indies . 1,627,388 26,821.
those he paid before. Are his clothes any, sold out of the'shelvq§.was sold out.rather the past and will � work for the present and S rilsh W. Indies. 97858, 31187,661 21 gone to the -extent of'adding another third ease -Great 'Britain put a discriminatory
: than Put in new "ito6k. duty of canto a:bushel on foreign T.-Montretillo 19.days, at'$1.56 .... 28,io
cheaper? The staple articles VnIt,d States 460:42, - - and have'ruade it 33 1-3 per cent.. wheat,
.. in this res" Manufacturers the future -to a Certain extent against im, 34, a 34,766,995 .- VVc, 0. Dellsle, 11
pact, have increased in value, Has he any. cleaned out their lofts, t4eir garets and poAs to this country from see- what -effect that v�ill have in - ithillillat- as.compared -with the doloothil product the days, at 42 ...... 22.00
enlarged market for his products? Not 0441. Now, what is held With reference to this To 411 countries. 109,707,1305 $137,26D.793. 2l. ,.4g inio tain tohis "tax" would be Paid by. the importer 'and iNore Legee, charwoman, . I days,- at
their cellars, sold.everythgg that they pos- rts.from Great Bri court,
let. me notice a most Won- These fijuies,. taken from did blue -books- try.- But this is a wat therefore by the consumer. Take two lots Sea ...... ... .... ... ...... ...... 6.00,
He meets the game diffiegIty in big export sibly could, so that in i's country there matter'! First, t6r which, I think,
of the finished artiele---�-wh derful argunient addressed of wheat,--4iie from Manitoba, and one from Caroline Guy, charwoman, 19 days, at
at he may lisp- was whaf You. might call it Iiungr_v. man�s by the right of Canada,, allow that ivhilst, there Was & should -havi been 'approached with iverY
pen to finish on this side ofthe, line, so far Bri- zota; both graded No. 11ard; each of.
j. . appetite. What -happened, then?, The turn lion. geittleman who leads the House to the large increase in our eiports to Great care and. bcon thopight out oil more Vill 600 .........
as -his lead is . concerne Has of the tide came. There -was an increased people of Bowmanville in October, 1899, tain, that increase -was not nearly- so -large fir.eeastthaa one.117hat is one Of the first ef. equal --iolue with -the other. Let the pro- ...... t1.40
No name, charwoman, 11 - days, at We- 6.60
.be diminished - competition. Nos production stimulated by an increased price Speaking before an munen5c; and I venture as the increase Of our exports to -nearly facts of this �ut of.33 1-3 cents,. made hori- posed duty"of five, cents a bushel be in Oper- Hen. H. Arcliambult., speaker, *to pa
the cornpetitidn he bag ' to for cereals and cattle. 'That caused an in- to think, a very 'intelligent audience there, evory one of the other ricipal countries z(jhtally,,. witilout disciiinination as to or- ation. at Liverpool. These tW6 lots of grain permanent. emplo
yes of Legislative'
meet is s, keen as before. As I have eta-, .,flow of money into the country, that called the Premier Was endeavouriuk, as usual, to wit)i wbich we trade, Plrni none, of these ticles. Jt is that- it plaoies article% Of luxury arrive there.' Does any Ratio man mean to
ted, hon. gentlemen hav& at last paid the for greater producing power, greater trans- draw the credit. to. his.Government for the other Countries was. there any generous about, the fowett on, the list of ollitiglole tell us that the British purchaser would Counctl,. ..... .... -triode between Gre t ri sell goods coining into.thia country. If the 33 1-3 -tobi wheat 0.. Laoque, abrgeant-at-arros, to pay
silver -lead bounty, but' that was planned portation facilities, caused pester -demand great increase of B - f ad aroused b reference given to ceuts�,less f6r the Mam
�Corlser,.�a- ourd smake them buy more pay or the Dakota Wheat, or permanent employee of Legislative
and provided for by the Liberal far meW stoc.1c to replace the old stocks in tain and this country,, on account of the pro- them wbich ri per cent cut is effective, it lets jewellery in the- tt.
tive Government, bitfore, it want out Of tllb storecand taking all that into colloid- ference policy which had been 4dopt4d,.Und of our. exports. And yet, sititiply in the at 20, per cent. It. ICU manufactures, of go;d five ce more for the Dakota wheat than Assembly .. .. .... . .... .... ...... 1 50.00
Power. Therefore, ray bon. friend has silrl� oration. every. man knows that a -large he said this: course of trade and with the expansion of and silver used by rich people in at 20per for the Manitoba product? The thing is ab- Telegrams ($520,20- . .1 1. . I
ply carried out the legislation he found at part.of this extraordinary activity ilf the trade, there hai4 been a percentage -of in- cent.; it lets in pilks, Which are used by surd,, silly, impossible. The two lots would G. N. W, Tel. co ..... 4.a. . 10.4.5s
hand. So, go through the Whole of the' last few years has been expended in filling The merchants of England, the men area^- in out experts to these countries re- sell:at exactly the same pricein Liv rpooi, C. P. R. Tel. Cc ........ .. . ...... .. �25.50
the wealthy, at 23 .19 ' cent-; it. lets in e
miner's outfit, and his work avid . condi- the. void -wbich who have to buy articles in the mar- presentc& by the figures I - have -already lacm at'23 1.3 per IPIC. and the producer of -the Called an wheat Western Ymnion Tel. Co....': . . .... .... 379,17
Was created in the period kets of the world, no longer go to the
tions, and we sale that no legislation made ? Because given, some of the increases being of aston- would get 5 cents a bushel more than his Paid by Mr., Pope ... ; .. .... ....
no conditions p to 1805. Why do I mark -that United States -to make their purchases. ishing proportions. It does not destroy at 20 per cent.; I porcelain goods neighbour across tbe'line, That 5 cents a
this Government and I think it is the part of Wisdom to recog- at 20.per, dcnL; t letn.ribbons in at 23 1-3 Gratultlea to servants ........ .... .... 407.05
Ohich exist tb-dey 021'acedunt of stic� leg's- nize that these booming tirdes are not go- They come to Canada, and this is the that argurnent irf the least to say' that Our Per cent.; it lots shaivls and rugs in at. 20 bushel would make ranada boom: it would Expres a . and freight ($320.80-
a direct result of our preferential tariff. -trade with other -countries is comparative- repatriate all the Canucks in Yankeedem-
lation, makes the minor's occupation ing to 06, on.always. These large manufac- per cent.*, it late in -watches' at Id 9�8 per. Can.'Express Co.... .... ...... ... 167.68
More favourable one than it was before, turing plants. w2ch are now bending Now you have to stop and think over a. ly Small. The increase is there, and it is cent.,. it admits high class worsted goods. at it -would create an exodus from the Unite� 58.40
Ask the same questions with reference to- every muscle,'with orders six monthe and statement like that before you really tak(f it. on exactly.the same principle upon which 23 1-3 per cant., velrets at:210 per cent.; States into the great, CanAdian wheat plains Dem. Express. Cc ......... .... .. I . .... .
ame th refer- 'a e ill t o powers of do,- an increase occurs in every, case -that is, in too- North-West; it Would fill our vacant Can. Atlantic Railway i ...... . $7.00
the fisherman, ask the a ' Wi ahead, it in. To think that any man leading a. party.- the pri at Is of the The Sborebant .... .. .... .... . .22.55
who had (It 16 2.3, Pei -
once to the' lumberman, ask. the same with pro nation, their mil- of average business intelligence, . general expansion Ot Brussels, carpetff at 23 1-3 Per cent.; Cot- lailds With the, pick of the. eople of ..the
-and, bK. the way vZopment an 0! rade. Uy., take tbo case of the United. tons gray, and whitat cent., F,
reference to the former lions of.capitals, soon reac t a point of. kept himself at all in current With the busi- 8 'Coloured cottons at P 1-3 per cont, Old World; it would speadiy enable the. Thomas Norris there is an additional point.wit, ref6renea isfying the email, of . t a . store- State of America;- does my lion, friend and great wheat fields of Canada to grow all Cabs, including. ba;;Z ness of. the worlrl� would, before an audi- know that they had the largest exports It is an- a�knowledgcd principle in, the ........... 219.80
to the former, which I shall speak of it lit- too 8 an the ]or era, ut t ill ek- ence of three thousand intellig6rit people, ley ug of tariff ratwin ever country that '200.00
e LW J g last year of any ear in their history, -and -yi the wheat Britain Would went; it Would Legal servlces�-Alphons.e POU116tL
ble later. It is a significant fact that when jet, and . with thejr� Immense proolud n with newspaper eporters oft.eiich side of urics of Title, which'call be the greatest blessing -that could possibly Typewriting -
that a. larger pr6portion of these exports What We cill, the lux 'a country. These results are self. At Ottawa
ft go through the returns of trade and power, they will become , competitors in him, make & 10taternent of that kipd,,almost. come to thi 50.86
11 find, that in the large. well supPlicil,markets, and then Ivill co a went to Great -Britain than in any preced- be afforded by, the rich. and nob much evident.. No man can.say that a preferen. .. .... lo'ler" pasies belief' Lot us analyze it, Under this r? And yet. Sir, no prefe;ence lids wanted lo� the poorer.elasses of peol4e, shall tial duty of 5 cents .bushel in favour at At Washington ...... .... .... .... . 180.35
has to buy has appreciated a different state of things fro hat Ing Y(
while - ne policy, "when 06 people of ngland con granted by the United States upon pay EL llig or percentage of ditty. tinder. this Luncheons sent to Parliament Build -
in price, the main, stock, articles hsv4t to -day, Now, you_go an(I Vace YO t 86 articles will be thiii kountr Would not produce the results
that he bad to Sell have deprociated In. birder. The man says: I am ful a want to buy anything in the markets of the Britis Imports, nd I suppose there line cut, if it be effective,. he Indicated, 'And yet the Grit Go ernment Ingo by Quebec Garrison Club .... 170.0
they no longer go to the United been no answering throb in the great, gen- amonpgt those which pay the least duty, and Lord Hotachell and party-
eno more I have no power to do "Vor"' of Atherica-they cOme*t6 Canada; eroup British heart which would cause the our farmers and artisans will n* of Canada, instead of making evary effort Ex enso�s of.trlp*to Manitoba, N. I States cratum�iu-
lut maybe six,months. or a,year, or and this IF; the direct result of our prefer, British consumer to buy United States. ggy-beriefit, compared with th'At, to' bring hbout.this great'desid p
THE FARMER PAYS MOTT. a little longer than that 66in t I t, catial tariff.", tie because of,the inestimable benefits t e richer 'closes. stead of doing -all in I ts'power for Canada- Territories and British Columbla.. .4 230.81
t;191eng geh n an end
Now, Sir, there is tot a go these Tdids' Will have been filled, t is W this Lord Herschell's funeral -
by the 33UY-LNG F ROM THE UX�T -,D STN=18-, Bill. industries of this
been 91101111, 1 'i to poison Vxpenges of Can. representative ...... 128.4?
,atleman cbn litfe red upon his country by the DingleY Another-p6int to be observed is he versant with business that Will. attempt. to mand will have 0
You will -find overtaken is going o affect tbb t 0 n u the pr -pool' 40.00.
deny that general fact. 6upply, and then these reatl increased 'o I The i ft GeV doing One floral Cross and crown ...... ......
some exceptions to,that rule on both aides to *,I the market W611,;Sir, we will take thd factaas ven HOW.'EXpORTS GREW UNDER CONt country. So fara I arm judge, soule of the t Called r.r" nt r thil,
productive energies will most important industries of this country an Podtage ............ .... ........ ..... . 108.14
ties RULE. tmy owspapers, ate. ($131.30-
e 0 test
of their by tistics of 1808, and iYa wilif . , t Would t fi t h
of the list, but the rule is r that there still to produce to the extent the eta SERV do had he , anee.
Ttible, and in settle, iftstances, plants if they can the oompetition in their whether that is true. or not. The � a $In a will find that the ,cut 0 Craton to
is a.perce ;?a
e b diminution in the Pices that field of. trade iff bring drowft prices, and of England wanted to. buy cattle 1 1 08, To beat these entlethen talk, one Would extent -that the tariff a ords them little, or At Washington ...... .... trap, spize -went to the United tates to u I to, from am proteation. 'What is the Principle upon' W112 DO TH= OPPOSE IT P Canadian papers � ..... .... .... ....... . 81.81
Is farmer. gets for hilt products. , Take it will consequently act as; in every cycle and they think thait there iki been no expoll tlenion are acting? Are they
1899 into- account, and there is a; sensible. it has act0d. and reacted.* The ban. Minis- them to the value of $30,331563- t a wan this country to Great Britain on the lines which bon, gen Grbat Britain imported in 2806 for home Press clippingal ... .. .... ... . ...... '. 28.06
increase fit what the fatmer hag to gay 1,, tar of Finance and every other than in ed to buy pelted beef, a�d 6ey' at to the of natural products until they eat -at into satiny in favour 6f,frcc trado'or in-frivour Crs.rds and printing 400.03)
f,h4; they consumption $7Q0M0,0W worth of food pro,.
this, ourittf may, just as well come to ;o buy $1,297,745 -w6r power. Let me take three aiticles out of of. a ejuate ?rotection to. the industries t Quebec tngraving,Co...... .... .... ..... 28.00
,verything in the � a ape of . I tile United States i
Ire, Coal oil and all tha elusion ha ihere rdixn&Of heese, in 1891, we exported 117.- this country. The late Mri Bertram now, ducts, -611 of which, with- the. exception of
li afictitious as wel wanted to buy fresh beef, and they bought Geol Cwt, Ottawa � ... .... .... .... .. 6.06
Y itron, nails, wl earn a gre from the United States $22,763,498 -worth; 000, pounds to Great Britain. But, Sir,, and he declared that they -were acting in tea, sugar, and fruit,, and some minor ar-. W F Roberta, Wasliffigton ...... .... 51.25
great Part of which the farmer bao to use aA Teal reasons for at expansion ol in 1801, this had increased to 171,OM,000 favour'of an ade Ilat protection to the ticles, amounting to about $100,000,000, can 'Wj.d�ard' and Lcothrop, Washington. 11.715
I in his business, has gone up from 60 per trade and activity, that the demand is be- the), bought bacati, $31332 763 worth- halats, wunds, sit increase of 40 per can great induattlee l`�
rapidly filled up and that the time $17,770,215 worth; tri, Nated, no� hains, t. P real i ol this country. 'The Ron. be produced in Canada.
0 cent. to 150 per chat., or 200 per Cant.; 897 to 1809, the increase has been from Clifford Bitten *declared that. that Was -their She imported 130,OOD 000 bushels of wheat, 'Photographs ($52)-
f whilst on big staple articles there has been i I comep e hope not. for many months, 1,092.732; butter, $ 338,504; cheese, $4,808,- - ?fwhick Canads, supplied Only 10,000,000. M. A. Montmin3r. Quebec ........ .... 66.00
but it m4y be within a few months, when 119, lard, 13608,699., wheat, 74,434,528, 71,OM,000 pounds to 197000WO pourids, an basis of action. The Hon. Mr.,Tarte do he imported 12,000,000 barrels of flour, Gilbert Photo Co., Washington ....... 10.00
a decrease in the prices which he obtains, It t, at an
I have here an illustration of that -takitn matters will take on a different complex- baAey 0111669; oats, $11,146j,458- rye, itileease of 15 Per cc t,' u r %011 clar6d that adequate. pratectionwas embod� of which Canada Supplied only 90p000 bai- Views of Washington .. .... ...... 12.00
l. friend.,$ report, 111 1894 wo ion. So, it is well for the country not to $722,0V2, ;aiz'�, or Indian,porn, $35,AO9,350, enough as compared with 1808, there as ied as a principle fit thbir legislation and
from my hor been 9, decrease of 5 Pat- cent in the exports would nob ie interfored'with, Now thin lr'o' Telephone service -
be too lavish in its expenditures and it,is flour $46099431- bay. $731,418; a 1 $1 'ehe
�41 expoli to Great Britain $8,316,373 worth 10 -3,Ver 'Oent. will act ,,imported 5,509,000 bushels of peas, Of Three months prsvate phone between
of cattle, valued at $78.43 per head; in well for the business people of the Countr 956,0b; $1,472,488; bellow, Roug" of clibese from. this country to Great Bri additional cub bf 8 1
not to thinIx that trade will go on um� wood and timber. $V%680,300; lioup� tafn, and this in the year when the see- in two ways. It will alet in the way I have Canada supplied only 1,40%000 bush- Chateau Frotiterioa and Parliament
1805 e exported $6,707,015 worth of which 8 end half of the pteference calculated to sibi already mentioned, and besides it will at- els. Buildings ........ .... ... .... .... y in an Increasing atio, But to look and fittings, $2,830,200; leather, $14,781,147, She imported 58,0W.000 bushels of o
the value par head was In 180 'or-' III the face, and whilst, they tire I otal 801,592, 45. o towel Fin it- the gencroue heart of the British buyer set sorne of the principal industries of this ate Messages to Montreal ...... ... I .. ....
the value, per head wag $72.40; in 1897, - I remain, countrV o roll f to t e of-whioll Canada supplied only 500000 bush!
facts for this prosperity ag prudent men, tio to the tle- Typewriter --
r glad and consumer, Avant into effect Whilat it Will give n e h
$5.1.70; in 1808, $0.03; in 1899, 141.75. ce Ciso tr iAble bet when, in 1800 or 1801, as Ministesir of farmer for his implements, While It Will els, n, it. McNell, Ottawa, dliferenco on ox -
There, on very large oxports id a staple come to the conclusion thht what has hap- n1i serti I..t tte ere 0 -n - Finance in the late government, I introdue- Ova: little 6r no -relief to all the users. Ot , She imported 52,500 bushels i%Varl[M chanter .... ... .... .......... 60106
poned before will happen again and they lair Ia ea t Nye t, at to a A. but to -with 'Which Called& SUPP 0' ly
gftAuct of this countM the pried per he4d tol th tariff changes reference to iron gopoig, wilile if will give no opening of ?led on 47,
-although the exports of the plita-, will reftect tltqt this reat. period of pros- t a 0, ri to u a 8 meat products. Thia was the beginning of market, for tho famers, of this Country, She imported 610,000,000 dunds of bacon, Sundr es-
arity will ebb from Ae volume and values a of tile articles ove a tio him a policy ur ........ .. .... 92 al
e bar of cattle have one up 4folit, 80,00. In P1 evailing, at the present day, a 'n, with, is an atigwer-a conclusive answer, I think erg aw producers of the country. and Provialoils"ifor official car on trip, to
1804 to 115,OW in 19% farill fed on the Government by the if is piissible� it is even very Probable, that of which Canada, supplie only 47,0W000 , though by t4o way ih will have a, damaging efrect on certain Pound$,
1809 allows a diminution of 116111t 7W pr, den t, to bloosom and bloolai forth -to the hon. gentl6man's inclusive state- by none of them move strongly than my of our large Industries. ad, after all, the She imported 163,500,OM pounds 'of ham, Washington, ganuarit 4 ........ .... .. '18,00
head of cattle as Compared with the year put an,extension of the prosperity even of ment; and out of that I think them arises lia , friend from E ast Ort in da (1 0 ich Canada supplied only 6,50()WO Towels, oto ...... ....... 16,10
t1l, present period. a great necessity for some older and nibra r. CoebrAttel, who brought v l4r Liberal-Conservativo.,Ptitty" formed with f Wh
d 1898, being Aix O'clocky fho Opeilker left thelb Principle, growing y that principle, pounds. Brushes and combs ...... ........ 12.83
1. Now, there is a point that could have need an more discreet Inember of ('6putation ivitl 131111, fiedomp is Y t a having stood by that, principle -since 18761 She imp - crockery ...... .... .. ...... 12.13
hI to accompany the right hon. gela-
ry -orfed 824,0N,000 li�unds of mut
I ur
W lit
a line
h de
Le beetti made by the present ovetument IF; Ilea. mimber for East Gray (Air. proule) ich, Canada. supplied only 4,000 Soap, mateliew, etc . ........ .... .... .. rn e in the
AM, It RV09$S, tile and othors,repirmenting the farm uIran boxes for Papers ...... .... .. .. f- fix the complicated inechanism,-the widel tlmpan IN journeyingg, and, keep him. to the present hour, does not propose to go tah, of w
ig distributed mechanism, of transport tltdi� Air. FoAter-I said before, Six olelook well Within the line. different constituencies, back upon that prilibipiq* gowl. Ovii And She imported 6,M0,0W bushels of appitHo naff and lettering IA had been some appreciable olifferew- made, t1lat it, Would be found that the prices of Let us ask again what am the )Statistics above everything else, the grqat::oAdot at of which Canada supplied only 1,5 Trutilc for noners .... 1.00
is Let -us ask oursolves Whother-tliore' hal the great stApleff that the farmers of this of trade with reference to imports fritti THE OUTY Ox MEAT PRODUCT& this country in its natural regourote's; and bushels.
tt b" or not. Hon, g6rilletnaft 6ppoalto country have to sell have on the average Canada? Is it true tbait Great Britain ex- We li�ioned to what they had to say and over and above everythitig else, i6'otight, to f Cheese Packing cases .... .. .. 4.13
I 'Ahed in, lol&tion of thid She imported 251,000,M) ourlds a Ia! -
111 have spent, milliona of do larst foj� ritilwov ihot only iat increaned, but dimilut Parts to Canada and that we imppit from we put n? the duties on pacat pr64netp. be the guiding star of tlie le ht 0 of Which Canada auppliel only, 113, 000 Commission on cheottias ......
is Subsidies, for Canal work, fof diffore�b price, wbilst, the chief staples which the her a larger amount, compared with -the in- And iOiy Because tbp competition from cotintty to worll for the li A. , ..... .. ............. . 101112
1 those great reArturces so An to *fake MIA pound
ir; briptrovemento in one Way or another, whieh armor and consumer in rural parts and In crease of our trade with all the other dif- tile filted States was destroying, the stand- court" Art for' IP We possibly cidil 'W [live She imported 240,OM,00 ounds of butter, Cash In handa f Mr, Pope .......... 49.45
of I ears to Como wmake the cities have to, buy, have on tile ever. rent countries of t a orl , t an wo do ing Vound of the producora of meat, in
1 6 40 iihon the treflerld trade iof ave increased in price. I wish to p all those o untries coliterile in this 'countrt, Unless the pr6ducers of of indu4try, Where Tabour fifidk ifi ohanlq- Of which Canada aupplieolp only 5,000000 R61!ulldal made but t0l Oftt(10 tlll lid -
regent � qgfi M CTOI.d credited
It is hard to rd,_a_ftW,3. reasonable ealwfa-
flon at to this Increase of trade and how it
hi " 0.0 r 6 its advantage. - B t J I u
il Oil over, not a 41 nitle I r e rk
not it
a table; to the Houqe, of Priem, iftel d'
n, large humbor of those I "Ing
II&VO, Ifteftliolle
he has to
the 6ne I ereage? ' 16 the ta lea or
le 14o n doportirtment,
the on, In d
the a 1) at the oi.
to the men who bring them forth
, likind.
fashion them ta the use of mg
IV 18M and 18W the exports of home
bag yet Poland, to the point of CO i The
is in use tht
prices runs through the three
d IWO, and is as
the',p9sition taken by the, relent Minister return*
of rade and Commerce ( ir RichardCart- and
r A
products -were as follows:
so that it actually oftater
it was in 1893 for the farmers and the =or- fears
o .WS" P.C. in-
Isoo crease.
wright)? Ile opposed Abe imposition of There
these duties, and moved a revolution sate
is no other thinullich will Core on -
t p
this country. for t, a loso of that iueB-
Inc. ol�
clients of this country. The bell. entle-
have spent $9,WO.Wo on,the eguot, but Cattle,
rxport Prices. 1835. 1898. to. V rom. IWO
I Yr. and less ... $2.81 ;8.74 $10,00 Great Britain _32,979,742 37, 123 12�
afainst them. I thought I had by me both timable
privile;e, for the obliteration of
to. be Clear-
16911. 1899. ileoreme
M50,00o, ;13.30.000 $ 9,410.00a
not a, pound, not a ton, not a box of all Cattle.
felt the le b
this has as
over I year 42.95 A4.00 United Htates ..68,574,024 93,0(71 00
Roroes, I yr. or less ..76.0a 170.38 19.00 rrilned, .. .. ... 21810,942 349:295 �8
t to resolution and a short extract from that
synch. I Should be sorry tp deprive ther ly
line of policy which ought
defined and Constantly followed, and,
The, Cost to Canada of thib
Animals, and
36 500,00 46,700.00 101200190Q
import and export -
advantage of that, expenditure yet, Vag- She"'
Creep over one car ..89.611 104.05
I yr. or Tless 2.27 3.09 1023 Germany 6,031,459 74,1,456 24
S $61,778 5,24,482 48
1 Ouse of the holll� gentleman a remarks al- 91r,
together. and I must ask the bell. t Cable, oervative
I say as & member of the Liberail-Con-
party and as & lover of my coun-
their prod'to ,
Agricultural pro- -
SQ10, went until the end of the last sea-
h.Ql) over one year 7.60 0.14 5.18 on'la,
Portugal 48,1306 43,220 q9
X114n and the House to take my recol ectiot, try
in its industrial and trade devel6p ent,
Joint High Commission.
14,01)(1,000 22,900,000 8,000,000
11,070,000 9,909,000 3,170,000-
Ron on the same depth of Water and with
the SaMC CA] partity tbat,they went in 1699. Dried
9.39, 6.13 6.22
11 0106 0.05 0.05 Ital 230,917 395,599 52
Green 2.13 2.97 2,44 K *1 209,853 7
of them. The hort. gentleman war nod the that
overnment and the H
0 ollse that no more the
I believe it is essentially necessary that
pri riciple of adequ to protection for the
27.1700000 28,00,000 830,WO
M"Vfa�!t ures 91360,000 1117W,000 2,840,0011
Large sums of money have been voted to
railway subsidies, and these railways are PoIr"
pples.. Rol slid
3.22 3.02 8.12 Bqlgium 920,758 2,318,723 151
U. k ;4�;t ... 14.87 14-08 11-90 4
in saneand utterly foolish pro 0610011 001114 industries
b a enacted into law then to a tempt to Put upbere.
of this country should be kept
Butwoaretold- This
The 0 onforpnoes Coxt Canada Over
,iotal 4132,560,000 WAA91
Only completed in part or n ot completed Codfish,
at all; and we will have to wait for Rome
V 4.18 8-.62 D51,412 5 27,000
freen 64, dr 3.01
Codfish, 11 0.01 0.02 0.0.310 West, -Indie% . 1,890,400 1,304,930
1,175,584 107
P. ality on pork and"pork products in this Great
utry. And one reason why he made
Brit4in is now an acco, iq fact.
When yovet into power, Wl a wil oil do
Thirty4pur Thousand Dollars,
Now, Sir, I put it to any reason able man,
there many of thern. In this House,
years be('ore we gct tiny advantage from.
their c9mPlet ion so far as the distribution
Wheat flour .. .. ...... 3.76 4.34, South America 607,027
Flex .. .. .. .. ........ 9.08 6178, '51-90 China 4, Japan 2,67 418 �,709,4991 4
b 76
statement was that it would irritate -with
the United States producer of pork, and Gjlat
it? 1II you ro Cal t fe ace to
Britain? T at is a ties ion that will
and are
question, and I lead for a
1 ask this one il
in thia
and carriage of goods are concerned. So 134rlsy
With reference to the mechanism of trart-
.. .... .. .. ::: 0,43, 0.36 0.46 Switzerland 33'3,1420
Beans ... # ... ... ... 1.21 0.13 0.77 Other countries 2,41 000 2 '493,20,
oats 0.35 0.31 0.8114
would operate to bar ub, and continue to be
bar us out of the market of the United
asked; that is a question t at must be
My an wer to it is this -that cer-
Nothing Accomplished bv the WOW
fair,-nienly answer: Does auY Plan
r this ( !ountry, believe that if in
'oelh o fortunes the' field bad
sport, nothing that these hon. Lgentlemen
have dope yet bafs added to the facilities
.. .. .. .......
Peas ... ...... 0.75 OM 066
.5 $110,587,480 $154,051,093
Rye .. .. .. .. .. 0.63 * 0:59 Total
States for these products. Well, Siri the tain
policy Was introduced. In. 1891, there was come
ideas when once they are eartoted, be -
a0complishe facts, an t oil I - they
than Commiss ioners, But Thev
1�r P of political
X t. add a. Liberal -Conservative Govern-
for trade and comitribrote.
Wheat .. .. ..... ... 0.61. OX 0.76 Decrease.
Him -.11.1. 11 . ..... 11 9.21 9.05 also
an export of bacon'to the extent of $,MO.
000 pounds. In 189Q, t4at had increased to
were cgrit ir a
i 4 out against the wl I
the one arty, and agllallolt
ment to power, We should have d one
dollar less raised from the mines in 18
Marc., 0.77 0.02 0.68 Summed up, that means that our increase
a? 0 111u gar .. .. ...... 04.6 0,04.4 0,054 1, imports from Great Britain was 12J per
470MODO founds, on. Increase of 5M'Per
ccZ The atest year, 1800, shows an export
at wish of
w at was considered by hat party -to be a
Had a Pleasant Visit
one dollar less 'brought from arrIctiltur
products, one dollar less from aurmlq and
But they did one thing, Sir. They found
at their hand -wheu they came here a con,
blil . .. .. .... 3,31, 3.14 3.30
r1ile. . cent.; from All countries with Nithich We
Refined coal oil. 0.10 0.02 It.;, and from the United
0.09.4 0.0819 trade, So per car
of 111,800,000 pounds of bacon. What hap- fair
poled was this-,* III the first place, compe-they
and judicious poli& Yet, once
Tlis ed., it becomes a
have been accom,
in Washington,
their products, one dollar more1rom. fish!
Cries - in which bon. gentlemell. Mite
tract ready to be signed -which -would have
Into operation an ocean fast service in
Bacon .. .. .. . .......... Q.09.4
Beef .... ...... .. ...... 0.07.7 0.06 0106.7 Statcii'59 per cent.
Butter ... ..... ... ...... 0.19.1 0,18,2 0.1 a So that, so far from there being an abnor-
fition from the 'United States producer of
pork and meats was doll. The Producer
question -whether, pro tably to the interest
of thp country, and to what extent, these
be One
bad a decrease -one doillarr les�s from"Re for'*
dollar less from the manufactures
aY Of last yeaV, I verybody knows what
the - developments that have taken
Cheese .. .. ...... ::.::. 0.09.7 0.08,9 0.1-8 mal Increase in our imports, from Great
Eggs 0.12.4 0.12.1 0.43.1 -Britain. the Percentage of that increase "as
here got his home market to -a large ex- Can
tent, and lie built upon that basis, and it thing,
repudiated or antagonized.
however, is pure -that when the
OTTAWA, March 19. The following
ests, one
of this country? This is % dir. common,
place -since in this country and outside,
Hams .... 0.08,7 0.08,8 0.00.6 been almost the lowest on the list, and
Mutton :... 0.05.1 0.00's 0.07'a - that of the other
was that which 'i;ftabled him to reach o4
Liberal -Conservative party comes into pow-
ep, -.NvIllitever is to the Bri-
amounts were. paid, as shown in, the Audi . t- I
sense way of putting It, If Liberal -Con-
servatives, had come to power in - 1890,
what 'an Immense sweep of advantage a
fast line service, which -would have gone
.... than
Meat (Canne$) .... ........ 0.092 0.09.2 O�08.7 very much lowel'ith Which we trade.
P rX 0.0§:2 0.03.2 0.02,6 ore4t otpuntries vi
to the British market, until to-dar, the tish
meott proolucer here has practically his own
preference given
manufacturer, -that party will take care
or- neral's report up to Ist July, 1890, In
what barrier ar I ould they have raised in the
way of t Workers of the mjne� of the
into operation last May , would have hold
for Impressing itself u the world and on
po I remember the bell, Minister of
otatoes .. .. .. ........ 0.38 0,44 0,48.4 Igo, that
straw .............. 0,26 2.91 2.23 and Commerce iiaYing, not long ' 4 4 ,
market, and has also an opening into the
markets of Great Britain. Now. it we take
to see that home industries are fairly and
adequately protected no matter what ad -
connection with the Quebet-Waohington
Commission which an d With t results.
6, So far as iter PrOQUSg?kI0 lvorkers of tho forest, of theWorkers intlie inaking for itself a line of commerce and of TOW . .. .. .. .......... 5 3.89 6.92 there was an export from -Ktnub "r X a 4 the, exports of, rain, you will fine toot In volurago I$ given to Orhers,
e, Are Concerned? A1 is the Communication, with success almost from llogi,, ......... 0.19 0.17 0: 1V64 a certain Y'ear, of $lili,mo,000. and to the 1801, 2,000,000 tushels -were exported; in With regard to the posed reciprocity The amounts drawn by the Ministers, Lau-,
sell, of the 'worlrers in the dtiiry,� 0 an T.n .. .. ... 4.64 %97 a it6a States an export of $44.OM.0004 I ?Mffi
amount of imports for ranches, and erAtle ranges Of the (You ? th6 outset. That honjentlamen have torn Deal, (standard 10D) ..21,24 91.63 1896, 11,600,000 bushe�s were exported, in treaty with the. West a Island of Trin- . Cartwright and Davies, are in addi,;
.1 1 while we only had an import of $32,000,000 1808, 30,0Q0,M0 bushels were oxgorted; and idad, Mr. Poster said that whea the Con- Iner,
t On the one - up, They tinkered , it I a brokers! firm Firow,cid.(cord) .. .. .. 1.82 1.76 01:216
Of i a Would they have. opened. tip any fewer mar I tin, compared 'With the 11111 1899, 2,,),200,00P bushels. urnming it oervatives were trying to arrange for re -
ex orts which kets than bon. gentlemen Opposite have for moiMbs and months, and then came Laths . .... ...... 1.27, 1.11 .1.02 Irom'Great Briti in to their salaries of $7,000 each And ses.
a of the un train the United States. itween UPI and 1897, c1procity With the Weat Indies the Liberals tiOn
,�t qoun
110mit It P Would they Mve built any down and.. told, this House that the fast Logo (pifie) .. ..... 9.77 8.69 8.63 $58000,000 u
co try 11 the opened up? E."'del'larea that that was a4ross discrim- fti, the increase lic of, chease, W
The trade Which rushes line project.with which they were in grVat Logs (spruce) 3.63., 9,13 alit the exports as argued that the United Stites woo the only sional indemnities of $1,000 each, As Will
stearrighij sympathy was put out of sight for the Staves ..... .. ........ 6. QL 4,56 4.30 rest Britain.
fewer railways, would they have subsidized tion against the trade of 46 per Cent., of bacon 040. worth having a reciprocity treaty
r is of some service to some country
1. -2.29 2.32 Per
moment, because of the rise in the Stave bolts 2.68 1"' 1 and of irrains - 410 per edut. be oveft jaunts and entertainments constit
is not to be Wren into and kept running any, fewor He Sala: cent. %vitli, ife quoted at length train speeches by
lines? In what,w�,V, let hon, gentIRTMA'Silyl price Bloopers 0.14.8 0,14.4 0.10,9 a
have exer- ban. Sbinfles . .. ........... 1.90 1,76 1.73 rom a. able share of the billo
wo0d their con one ex- b on, 9 per cent, and in and Mr. Fisher, to show how they he
with 13ottle-necke4 Plance and boArdis(TAL)II.00 10.72 10.90 jol$Q JJeb%V4en sneered at the idea of extending rade with PERSONAL EXPENSES.
is of a eountry a greatriess cal discrimination to an enorm
Own you are trying to get of material. Certainly; and noiv the There, if ydn -will, is a gennino Prot ti, e -nere' in 1897 to 1899, in cheeaep Sir Richard Cartwright, Sir Louis Davies
aing into power I P ute a respect
cised any effect to destroy prod�lption in any gentleman comes down Th 5 ar cent
-'the dutiable -and and in favor of the i 7 P nt. The R cerf t
If you take as honest These, I may pay, are all. prices t States, I have always said that - 5 per cent.; In the West Indies, Air. Foster conclud
of these forms? Answer that, and battle -nosed. ships that have been can- tent against 143ngl , " er -Ce in chee 0
the free goods imported men. you :will say: We are party men vassed over and over again, and I am Unite 9 it 'I 1 18 ed with
the Trade and Navigation. �189 a 'm 6 P 85) nt. Hlob Coninihisloners-
of the tables of the national voliov was a Yankee device gra in 2 er as an eloquent peroration on the bright future
r for home consumption, but we know quite well that If ypu hi;a afraid that the travelling minister has -lost Returligi, and consequently are the figures he Yankees, and in fact a,
tat the i!nport,,; were itiat -power these thin sve his portfolio �so far as that is Concerned, - copied from CONTINUATION OF GROWTH. df Canada. Sir Wilfrid Laurier ......
greater in 1899 than they come into _go woWd h ur after, all these attempts have been made, upon which are based the values in L Our benefit to them elliefly, and here is a Sir, the point I wished to makp Wits. that Silr Richard Cartwright ...... ....... 8,861.08
If that be YO
[f you take the exports of gone on Just the game. ports.. proof of it. Sir Louis Davies ...... .... 21690.91,
anower;Lthen, fer pity'a sake, doinot spend the hon, gentleman comes down this year in these 'great. staple products of agriculture,
on will find that they were two or three hours in making -whrit is -P- alid,sayh; Oh! It is all out of sight now on With reference to the prices of articles The hon . Minister L of Marine and Fisher. which are typical of tile Others, there Wis. THE GOUNTRY PAYS. John Chariton
� r in 1899 than 1896. �scl to be bud -et Rneech into a It Account of the Aver which has taken place that the farmer -has to buy I have a very ies (Sir Louis Davies). speaking at a, great before these, gentlemen China into power, A
,e -"3 1 . MU es & -.0 -nw- M 4. 1 -0 a Ron. W. s. irielding � ..... ...... .... .. 200,00
1PHR than in ItI90. be that, we reoluce.pne
114wount first from $90,000,000 to $82,600,000.
Maud t.belo, to $71,700,000. But, furthei, if
you. . only the actual merchandise im-
�Jiorbdd, or home consumption, and the
I ie corn, which
dd cable e Orts (deducting tl
jii- iSovght into' this country and entered
,`.for h4m� co mption, but -which goes out
PS i4 fie' product). that figure is again
a out sixty -rive mil-
lio4 larx. which represents about
I amount of the trade, export and
t4h� Te al mine
. 1. t. basis which I have laid
ampor i on the
tioiyq. as the gain of 1899 over 180B. Well.
$ " Ait is a great g
Six, -ain. It is a gain which.
any, government and any country may 'well
"lbw�proud of; but we derive no benefit, for
6urselves, and ' We do not advance the real
'interests of this country by representing
our trade any larger than 'it is.. so far as
its -real value to the country is concerned,.
Now I want to call the attention of. my
hun., i6end the Minister of Finance to
andther Point. When he is talloing of the
trade of 1890 being so much greater than
-the 4de of 1895, has he never realized
-the fact that he is I ing about values
'01 trade and not To
v.Turn. of trade?
tiakea rough illustration, suppose that in
2805. there was exported from this country
2%000,000 bushels of wheat at $1 EL bushel,
thitit.-would swell our exports by 20,000,000.
14.0ppose that in 1889 we exporrel an equal,
A)iddrmt, 20,000,000 bushels, but only at 6
41iiation of 50 cents per bushel, our export
trade would then ellow $10,000,000 less on
prietly the same amount -of 3we4t and la -
lbdur.and toil represented in the produati
-6f� wheat in the country. The difference in
�:vklfte must be taken into account as' -well
aiihe diflerenge in volume. I am not stat-
in$;that that was the difference in value
betweeft 1895 and 1899. but simply use it
for tbe, purpose of illustration.
-I am going on to make two more state,
monts. As everyfinancier knows, there is
klX tjip in the old country and in the Uni.
I'd - States, and to a certain extent in this
Conan what is known as a barometer of
i,-,Cmates roin year to year. There is . none
tter On this continent than that kept by
Bradstreet. Bradstreet's index of prices
is,known and relied upon all over this con-.
tineftt;2 For the last fifty years they.have
-takeft. the prices of some go or 100 Staple
articles, arranted their aystera in a series
of -index num ers, which show the differ.
-ence in prices frorn�year to year. If you
/will go to October, 1990, you -will find that
�t�e index number is 105,996. 1 am not go -
1 ing to take up time explaining the tealini-
cal. Construction of this system, but will
therely give the figures, ana any hon. gen-
t4eman who wishes to look into it will very
soon find out the basis on -which the thini
is worked. In October, 1890, the index
p4ce number was 105,990. In 1895 it had
gone down t6 71,672. What does that
inean? It means that the average Value of
articles in October 1890, taking all classes
and kinds, was 47 per cent higher than in
1895. If' any one attempts to show, by
VI "I takin , the values in the ra e an
.1gation sterns. that the purchasing,
uci I the exporting and buyl g Cape
ilities this country are so uc less in
11805 th in .1 90, he will et no adequate
idea of e ere e. e as to take the
rd 01
comparative vaJue; and if he Wants to
find out what the trade of 1895 was as
compared with the trade of 1890, he has to
compare the levels of value in each and the
difference between the two levels, as shown
by Bradstreet's index, is 47 per cent. Sup.
pDod we work that out. Taking the actual
exports and imports in 1895, their valuation
in Canada was $203,504,332. We no* want
th find what the value of that 1895 trade
Vould have been according to the prices of
October 1890 We add 47 per cent, which
is $95,6415,000,'and 'you have $299 15D 000
What- qvpuld have been the va�e 'of 'tre
ttdde of'1805, had pricois kep
the level at
thined i� 04ober, 1890, Hon. gentlemen
see the point. Some one says: Your trade
is'dinainishing because the books in 1895
show less value than in 1890. 1 answer
him in the light of this index, by saying:
No,' the activity, the production, the ei-
poftipg and the buKing volume of this court -
try, is actually big er in 1895, measured by
its troop, t.,han in 1890, and you get at
Tme prices or the duterent years inte
"unt and bringing them to the samo:
ft each catie.
ell Suppose we aprly that rule to 1895,
than compare wi h' 1899, In 1899 the p
were 17 per cent higher according to
index than in -1805. so that if you Wi
make a fair compdriFton you would
to add 17 per cent to the trade flguro�
1895, which would give an addition of
_iri, co ng peqjvit�
#bt exhausted the subjwt -When we simply
f' Itt the figures in our books unless we local
in view the varied rates of prices in thes
goods year after year as our trade lAistor
goes along. If a were to apply the differ
e of prices in 1806 as compared wit
IFMP9 it would reduce the $64,000.000 t
out $30 00 of exceas ifi volume o
de, and. A ill we would.have a magnifi
cent a Won to our trade,
Let it be well understood that
-ilor any intelligent man; nor any
11 to Xrom b some ople 6 00 1 so Xcuro Oil
)untry for Credit for tweert. Great Britain and the South Afri- feng Just, V These ate informed the pe Staff and assistants -
IV meeting in London Into
h ge
havifig ,%nd increasing export, and that what
arpeal to the a( cle can Republics. -But if the bon.. gentlemen items which I will read. that, under the policy Which his Govern- an place since, lias been but the'con- Dow-zL the Gulf, H. Bour4soa, secretary ...... .... 2,200�00,
done that is perfectly or you that are on this side of,the House re. the New York prices as tiven for the first ment, had adopted, this disparity and dig- tinuation Arid extension under better colt- W� G. Parmelee . ...... did not do. had year, 1895, 1899,
mained in power, a, fast line service would week in January for eac crindriation wit consumption and purchase the In the summer of .1898 Holt. Jo a It
)uld be done, away WI ditiono,of it Israol.Tarte resolved that a trip dowus tt, a Joseph Pope,
a away W. F, Xing ... .. ...... ... .
WHY, DID IT HAPPEN? have been in'sight, in action, in operation; and 1900' Well, we.will obe hoW it.was don - world over, in these same commo ' "" * ... .... .... ...
and if the hon. gentlemen had followed the 1895 '1899 isco ith, Of dutiable and free imports mer you take the United States market, Which gulf would do him good.
-Did it an happen because these bell. Fen lead of what was laid down for them in Leather (oak tan) .-.$ 0.27 $ 0.31, $ 0.38 chandise entered'for congumption, the per- has no legislation such iis these gentlemen The expense is recorded. in the Auditor. R. N. Vermin, ......... 1.1so.00
.tlenten came in? Then, let, us see what that case as they did in so man ;other' Rubber .. .. ........ 0.73 0.94' 1.04 centage contributed to the trade of thi General's report (page Q-145):' F, Gourdeau
'has happened since. What. hap, � happened whiell hot$ nout of tile inspirit -
,thin cases, we would ave had a fast line per. 'Rice .. .. ...... ..... OAM country by Great Britain and, the U. S. wa: have here, ir guidingolic, and Which Provisions.... .. .. .... . $ 643.46 R- Boudreau, Private; secretary Of
Premier ...... .... .... - ... ..... 807,60
wl Rix ro,��nbjls, 'up to. 1)eitimber Mantle, 0,04 0.06 41 OM ing effects of the
slat, 1899, Why, 1be mining products have vice to -day- and Sir, our own volunteers Sisal , 0.02% 0.067/8 (),09% 48 follows: has a Very high prote�tive taiiiff you find Provisions .. ......... .. 86.45
would pr6i;ably have gone to the' seat of PIg iron 10.00 1J..85 - 26,00 * . . that in 1890, the exports from the United, 'audr 35,80 S. Lellevre, east. secretary of Prentler, 485.00
gone off by a million dollars, the %nAr in our own swift ships with the Cana- B er 100 lbs.). 1.10 05 2.50 DUTIABLE. Tqhlewiyi��.: 9.11 r, C. T. O'Hara, private secretary of
fisheries have kept about stationary this or Iron ....... States amounted o� $85,7,00' OPP; in 1895,
also. and Billets 13,00 16.85 5.00 1899. , R 4.50 Sir it.. c96rtwrlght ............ .... .... 854.41
By ;i,30U000j000, ug 2-50 E. B. Williams, private secretary of Sir
.English flags waving at the mast 3 4.6
current year they are going behind. Aget- head. 1899 n to $824 00 000, lint In M
Crude petroleum (bri.) 0.94% IJ9, 1,60 Loss. 1899, they had inbrea$ed t�
cultural proaticts have dropped bi 0,201 Wow -Sir, the basis of all this increased Refined petroleum .(per 0. 5.47 p.c. olicy and a large Tlu�eiiecotpis,. 1.50.
.000. . Heie is a short statement -%v ich wi I P trade i's to be found, a ........ 1. 0106.0 0.081/4 0.11 Great Britain so.j4 p.c; 30.77 P Gain. under it, large rotective p . .. .... 3.75 Louis Davies .... ...... .. 102.59
show the decrease within, the last six 9 1 have said, in the gal) 81 . expansion of Zle export trade, which is Thrbe sweaters..
months ofJ8FM compared With tb6 last six previous steady and long continued prepa Sugar (muscovado), . 2.63 $188 U.nIted States ... 43.28 P.C. 49-73 P,c. 6.45 P.c. Wapkin ripga .... .. .... .. .. . 1.20 Staff and assistants -
Bit due to none of thoi catises that ban. gentle- 0.00 W. C. Gordon, private secretary of sir
ri ktar (standard granu. as the reasons 'for tile Four rubber cosa
months of 1897 in th�- products named. ati When the opportunity came a ad) . . .... ........ 9.74 .4,72, 4.95
'ast lines of railway making FREE GOODS. men� seek to,bring ., -trade with Greit Two alpaca' otbats .. .... L. Davies ...... ... ..... ....
did ;�e find? r increase L Of 3.50
EXPORT$ TO GREAT BRITAIN,. their -way across this continent, opening up Instead offiving.the various articles made 899. our export' American flak.. .. ..... .. 7.50 -C. B. 'Burns. prlv�M6 secretary to W. S,
almost every field of development as rp. from iron have mentioned only the raw By.. 18" Loss Britain during the ast three. years, ix rup... 50 .... 101.75
Cattle.. ..$7,177,533 $6,391,644 R, S, 51. Fielding ...... .......
mally, Belgiqm� Austria,� lall tile
gards wheat growing, cattle growing and basis of manufactures. Generally the prices Great'Britain -.22.19 Die. 16-70 P.C. 6.49 p . t E . . thieL
Horses.. 941,193, 479,223L grea i uropean countries have hoid Sundries.. 24.03 * Simpson. secretary of Mr. 181.60
r, had been, 9n staple articles which ire bought have Gain. 600.00
Wheat .... .. .. .. .. 7,414,273 5,983.282 Produceof all kinds. Thege.-Si 3oith of export and import Various' Items,, ... ..... ert Taylor ..........
built on lines 'Of L Policy laid down by the Increased in accord witli the nited States ... 64.07p.c. 7S.43P.C. 9,36P.C-" large expansion I
Cheese 13,458,844 12,112,649 Ltberal-Congery trade , during It, last three or'four Years. 9236.82 captain 0, G. V. Spaln'L ...... .... .... 300.00
ative party, interfered. with the articles:which I ba;ve* read. On this haractcri4tic'of.:busines9 And trade Total ...... .... * ..... .... Captain WakebELm .... ....
VVO9d 21,166,303 J8,09%249 ad, ridiculed and fort v hon. ge;-- point it is certain that if the former to- TOTAL, IM ORTS s a
n afflit b.- a ar day is havin prosperity it'is not because ia. ov The Auditor -General reports that the
g of these hon.'geftilernen O?po,' opposite, individua y:aiqd its the' war or.
If the Coral tain I think, thereforei.l. have Y. J. McArthur .... ........ . They'found in this c(;untry�JLL ace,.Iess. taxation is taken out By 1896 1899. origh ip. L tlj1p real at Min itbr?s
into ty. wiNcl; in the first gf, Lssaid an )eat to show th provisions, washing, caps, Messengers -
ower and their remaining- in power slXallers, coats*, rirgs, etc,, are charged up
causeg all ibiF; great burst of traae. why is c;tended industrial establishmetit built up of him by t a present financial leglslation� Great 'Britain p.c, 24.72 pte. 6.43 p:O. the preference Which theie lion.. gentlemen P. Connolly. ... ...... *71S.46'
it,. since they have been firmly, seated in on theL lines of an adequate revena�S_to Which Gain, haVeL given ii 'the first plac has had' but & the followihg servierst P. Z. Connolly ...... .. L .. ....... 511.86
at protection not because the. general 8,46 P.C. small -effect upon the Imp Great 1,epA6'of*Piers, P. E. 200.00 It . . . .
power for the three ears, th th4we ex- which -these gentlemen . fought against, he contributes. aire less; for they. are, more United States 600 V -c. 69-24 P -c- L Arbbambault ....... ....... ..........
Britain.into thio'c6untry, r 011rolol. prac- I'llairborKL and rivers in the Mari -
parts have commencel to go down? -Is it which they ridiculed, from 1878 to 1896, .-not because be is. getting a higher price I think tbegeLhon. ittlemon -were very tir4e Provincps .. ... .. .. :..,. $1618.50.
tically no- effect upon I exports. fro- EXPENslas.
not far more cominon sensp like -tosa that which they declared, when thEky' got. into for'bis staples; but he is pr6speirnis, be-. in'denomicing t 6 national policy GENERAL
wTon� e this HarbonrS an rivers L'o Quebec.. 368,82
governments rLy come, aud, governments power they ould destrn�, but which, after ady as t
cause he is gettin a re market., for 'Ce, on account 'of lts'dio-. Oun rY. 51.50 Off . I a is . ut o$1,SK02)
the ankee devi , Harbours aftil, rivers elsewhere.,
may go, but -unless leirislaion akid"bithinil they have comeAto power, they have kept what be hag to Self, and he* is raisifig larger crimination. ey were either ' wrougL in A 4REAT Y LOST. Hotel Frontenac, -August 24tb,. i4eptem-
tration are radically aanked, in d:d6iintry up at about the same general lei;el. In that - t mefully nbcolect,
quitntities, and in many respects of a better d m� the. , or thei have . shai ' No �ater opportunity had ever offReol
like Canada, with its enterprise, its pluck; respect is well there had. been a long period he raised el have any differ-' lify! no better 'opportunity CvPr Total. $2236S2 her' 2 '� .... ... fade of stuff for the market that d t air duty, for.if they POW will ...... ... - its general iliffuson of knowledge, and'ito of preparation so that *ban the time.came t But this does riot include running ex-' Hotel. rr�ontenac, 21 days, to October
efore'- lie is pr6duaing.more.
general - business activitF these groat -lines they found all'i these eatablishments 'mann.-. ant machinery from the'Yankee,devipe, it Offer than -who 6ffereid -within, the -last three
effect. not of mitigating, but of - an- years to. the right hon. gentleman wh'o leads perges xcept, coal. ..... .... .... .... .. . 105
orward,,ve,ar after e TRADE WITH GEATtBRITAIX...
of production. will go fl nh� discriminations:'which they 5117 the GoverAment to, get frouir Great BviWli Thd pleasure yacht was at� first leased The Shoreharn. November'T to rebruary-
It Ch and ready to 'work, ready to add t p 412. but after- tallo ir power ind to their output.. So:to,day by Mr. Torte 'at. 5 a week,
year subject to those changes hapel , re. and all the col
by reason -this large. i du trial � activity and ow Sir flulsbing that. parVof the gub-' e.i.te lo 6nids a eans vivendi'*ith onq wedk's experience Mr. Torte liked. Including ietvice ......... .... place i. trade in every country. we have 11 at reference' to the p6rts. I- on, some Entertainments ($1,637-32Y"
of forces within the country, or 'even ... of prosperity in. -the call t ' b ject f:,&h �come to the queetion, of,our So much with reference to -trade. -matters whiel the yacht s e ht.her-and*
n r e;use of, the with Great Britain, upon -Which we But; if their argument fails on thd q1!,e,tl6n fair and reasonable prineiple,:-woul Quebec Garrison' Club- dinner . ....... .. mos.
,forces entirely' outside thdt -country, but -'in foundation and preparation eriod under h- t1i re- ( iapidly. she cost us $26,000.
either case, Iqgoly. beyond. the power of ave a pretty strong divergiance of express* of'im orts, what can we say of it W, tually b�neficlil to- all. E vents inove
the Libeml-Conservaiive party and.. their hen they attfib Toronto 'Mail and Empire. Trip on steamer Aberdeen to.'the Bag -
ed opinion between the Finance Minister gard o the *exports. Who -would *have thought, three,yettfs ago, I .... ....... . .....
the, government to affect or' mitigate, policy. lative pogitioii' of Canada and, rx6te-Loonside this lit -
I . I . . . . : - - and' gentlemen. of business experience and. the increase. so far as Great Britain is con that the re ring the cost of a Trip with Lord Herschell end party on
HAS THE G0VZ'kN1iENT - HELPED ei -which they � have ;Y *are to- tle'. trip to he. Country, 'the electox
ONE CAUSE'OF PROSPERITY. Fapacity on -this' side of this Houst and,, cerned. to'the.preferenc the Empire would be,w4t the teamr Aberdeen to the Saguenay M0.41.
' I I I Lports itci this' country? -aldtig "Capads will. wonder how much Mr
in the couttr Thoi Finance Minister van Britis I I= k'sJubilee the bra out
y. there -is some reason In d4y,.The Queer *. Trip on steamei Aberdeen 100.81S."
Sir, there -is another reason; and I think and the light hool. leader of the Govern- 6ne can sea thad f the war between the, �'6uth.Africaii Be. Tartois,trio to. Paris is going to eosi,)
that the preference, however,. Trip on"stearner Druid ....... 0;..00,.
Newt while -Virrr bn'this point, let me it is worth. some attention. ' One cause of ment, and I � suppose the party as -a gap osing in another coun, priblics and -Great Britain, 'and the couse-
drive it home, go far as I cart, by a- little the unexampled prosperity of theast three whole, take the ground that. the- 4 ams?l, on the intports fro
aded. tient'great outbarst'of-loyal'and patrioti( VV OF PRZF.ZRnNCE; Trip to.Tourville Fish and Game -tlub's
additional argument. � The -assumption, that years is due to -what? - Is due to hat trade with Great Britain'is due to the pre. try, will lead to an increase of these fin- - . I I . 91
-has brotight, sentirfient into a state ran air the Way through my on. friend's r difficult.'on'busirlosi celing
always takes,place' in aperiod of enforced. -fetence ",hich is given under the tariff of. ports. but it is, Van (v roin Hamilton, Spectator.)
-this, �tll tiossible of ripeness which is fa-Murable-to the opera- Two-thirds sh of banqaat*'atS'b0r'
speech- was this: After ercfore oil economy. For the Country as often for.the, 1�97, as worked..out. in 1898 and. -I899. I.Che. principles, to conceive how it m I " Th6 the British
is, or, as- the Latin hi�; it, this; So far that'artly large 1pxte made in tion of.changes, that thtee-years ago Would -price of grain fluctuates in ham ......... are.
account of th man, a. pried of enforced econom is a view I would tak6 of nsion. shall be tot. have been. looked at by Public rach'in iharkiit; Frequently- it. goes lip 5 cents a
propter oo-lo strengthening fow better Yfuture the export trade on account of'the prefer- Printing and stationery ($1,002,54) -
post hoe, ergo dcause we p4 as imports are coticerned there is no. doubt impoirts. Wall',. what are G�eat Britain and Perhap's not by maiiy' -bushol, or falld 5 cents a bushel. , Som6times Pamphlets -Trade, between Canada., Aiij
came in; because we introduced our polie-vi o erations. Ever man he understands a - quickenng haftence �felt (in � iccoutit of once given the ilose we take *the figures public plan in this coupbr�,.And it Was a it remains 5 cents tip'for some tilue� And 'United States ...... . .. ...... ....... therefore, these things have happenid. . I ant 'life knows t at. if It;- -wanis to ProL the slight practical reduction whiqih is the facts? Sam ana Navigation Returns* pitk of. all the-pities.that the right. -hon. is wat followed by aft increase in the price
have taken'the leading lines of p a nation; as a stocky plant he has to cut off the froiri the Trade Paper and envelopes ...... . made to the British exporter to theXalls.- �6t, there is an buor� gentleman did not'carry out his pledie to. of brea? No. Rip Impossible to divide 5.
and results in figures. .. ill any. 66ts.. to cut off the buds and branches, and Ree. whether or' m e bushel of Lithographing ..... . 24.381
a Canada to Office requisites ...... 200.84,
dian market but the main -increase- with . the pedple of Canada,jt ws a pity ftt. he loaves which a
one say, with regard ;to the mines, any a�t even though it break his heart to o it, to G- mal increate. of exports from
of administrati allow it to make root room and. -gather rest of; compared with. the in- did riot Put.himself. and, the premiers of wheat *111. make; and i five comil rise in
on or any initiation Of this Britain is an - increase -which Great Great Britain, laift'i :Ivbkt is mot felt by the bread consumer. Forms .... .. i ..... ... ......... .... .. Government has given an impetus to - the strength for the d a to, come -when it'will Britain participates in, as the, rdoult, q�eaee of exports4roin Canada to other the other -coloilies,- at Mr. Chamber If Britain were. to adinit Canadian I and'
maps and charts ..... .... ...... ... of the- general increase of Canadian trade, direct request, into a commi6sion for taking
opening Of mines, or the. production Of astonish him by Wle yigolur of its growth both countrie other Colonial grain f
different from as-to,importo I to this country and over, and -arranging thW ii�atter if,possible ree;..and.put, a duty of BODICS., pamphlets; eto ...... .... .... .
mineral2 in this . country, and the freshness ofits,bl6om. It is true 5 cents a bushel oil foreign grain, it goes -Messengem. etc., at Quebec ($606.60)
expo'rts from this country. That, pop..ition ], Home Products on some reoisonable biiis. Nwier b4orc-had
what w6uld have been given if this GeV- with the country';4nd With the business is99 increpsg.. there been such -an oppotturfi�tyj. alld it, way i�,ithout saying that the very worst that. D. H., Dube, . stenographer, 44 days'. ot
ernment ad not been in power? Are. the man. The enfori , ad economy from 1892 to I think I Shall abundantly prove, While be many yedrs before su6 a favourable, op- could* happen the � British bread consumei:, .... ........ 192
minor's tools any cheaper than they "werd 189,5,has'been a -strengthening time for the there. is a small practical differential in G OIR - . -
zeat; Britatn $62j717,941 49
masse -n -ger, 30 do
favour of the exporter from Great Britain, 431,097 646,070 . portimili will -be found,again. - 'I do'not would be a tax of five cents a. bushel ou that MIcha. ys, at
.before? No, Sir, he is paying n 'his iron busines backbone and power of the, 'coun- that is to 9, large oixtbrit. offset by - the 95;329 446,667 370
at to 200 per Amwail ... -.1,876 185,096. 0) propose to say -much more with reference Wheat -which did not come frorn the'col- ;2v ..... i ... .. ...... ...... ...... ....
and his 25 per 0i try. But, it did more. There never was a greater distance and.larger cost Which. is 572,836. 1,651,909 170 to this question of preference: It'is evident orlies, IvIlich, if it 'had influence on the J. T. Lamb, 30 day0i at $2 .... 130.004
a France
Comb of an increase over wh t he was Pay pi;iriod in the history of Carlad&� -When attendantu&n imports from that country. Gormmny 60010 1,310,373 115 that - the preference. of. 12 1-2 per eent. did whole importation of graiii, would be offset F. , H. Gauthlei, SO days, at *1.50 .ing
; b6f6re these gqntlemen Came into pow stocks in thiskountr, Were at a, lower ebb
or, because the prices . of these. articlea, than in 1895. Every' bit of old iron. that The longer time that it takes to fill orders, 62;440 176,347 ISO not- have. much. effect. it, is ejually evident, by- the grain admitted free, -so that much T. McAlister, :4 days, at $1.50
that much:itill4riced. Dods and' the. competition with her groat com. ........... -56759 125,265 IN e'statip'tics, that* * to abushel would be the tax Andrew ClIne, 11 da�,s, at $1.50 ...... have be�u by could be'worked up*out of -a railway Store- 8:148 133,139 1,aro from th the. preference of lesR.than 5 6en
he get chebper food? I think not; I thillIt room ws'worked up instead of putt, I petitor, the Unitod States 6f America, for . ........ , per cent.'did not:havq very Inuoili more: on the whole importation.
Ing in Sweden. 41,262 120,244 i90 25 . 13. Plante, 80 days, 45,00
rked -in L '6 stimulating effect. * Hon. gentlemen' have - But'it is -simply absurd to say at in
the prices of his food are about le 'new stock; iQvery bit of $took that could be . N-r-l'i Alfred Bedard, 10 days, at 41.56 ..k#. j�.: 28.00
vel -with all kinds of textile goods,. have we British W. Indies . 1,627,388 26,821.
those he paid before. Are his clothes any, sold out of the'shelvq§.was sold out.rather the past and will � work for the present and S rilsh W. Indies. 97858, 31187,661 21 gone to the -extent of'adding another third ease -Great 'Britain put a discriminatory
: than Put in new "ito6k. duty of canto a:bushel on foreign T.-Montretillo 19.days, at'$1.56 .... 28,io
cheaper? The staple articles VnIt,d States 460:42, - - and have'ruade it 33 1-3 per cent.. wheat,
.. in this res" Manufacturers the future -to a Certain extent against im, 34, a 34,766,995 .- VVc, 0. Dellsle, 11
pact, have increased in value, Has he any. cleaned out their lofts, t4eir garets and poAs to this country from see- what -effect that v�ill have in - ithillillat- as.compared -with the doloothil product the days, at 42 ...... 22.00
enlarged market for his products? Not 0441. Now, what is held With reference to this To 411 countries. 109,707,1305 $137,26D.793. 2l. ,.4g inio tain tohis "tax" would be Paid by. the importer 'and iNore Legee, charwoman, . I days,- at
their cellars, sold.everythgg that they pos- rts.from Great Bri court,
let. me notice a most Won- These fijuies,. taken from did blue -books- try.- But this is a wat therefore by the consumer. Take two lots Sea ...... ... .... ... ...... ...... 6.00,
He meets the game diffiegIty in big export sibly could, so that in i's country there matter'! First, t6r which, I think,
of the finished artiele---�-wh derful argunient addressed of wheat,--4iie from Manitoba, and one from Caroline Guy, charwoman, 19 days, at
at he may lisp- was whaf You. might call it Iiungr_v. man�s by the right of Canada,, allow that ivhilst, there Was & should -havi been 'approached with iverY
pen to finish on this side ofthe, line, so far Bri- zota; both graded No. 11ard; each of.
j. . appetite. What -happened, then?, The turn lion. geittleman who leads the House to the large increase in our eiports to Great care and. bcon thopight out oil more Vill 600 .........
as -his lead is . concerne Has of the tide came. There -was an increased people of Bowmanville in October, 1899, tain, that increase -was not nearly- so -large fir.eeastthaa one.117hat is one Of the first ef. equal --iolue with -the other. Let the pro- ...... t1.40
No name, charwoman, 11 - days, at We- 6.60
.be diminished - competition. Nos production stimulated by an increased price Speaking before an munen5c; and I venture as the increase Of our exports to -nearly facts of this �ut of.33 1-3 cents,. made hori- posed duty"of five, cents a bushel be in Oper- Hen. H. Arcliambult., speaker, *to pa
the cornpetitidn he bag ' to for cereals and cattle. 'That caused an in- to think, a very 'intelligent audience there, evory one of the other ricipal countries z(jhtally,,. witilout disciiinination as to or- ation. at Liverpool. These tW6 lots of grain permanent. emplo
yes of Legislative'
meet is s, keen as before. As I have eta-, .,flow of money into the country, that called the Premier Was endeavouriuk, as usual, to wit)i wbich we trade, Plrni none, of these ticles. Jt is that- it plaoies article% Of luxury arrive there.' Does any Ratio man mean to
ted, hon. gentlemen hav& at last paid the for greater producing power, greater trans- draw the credit. to. his.Government for the other Countries was. there any generous about, the fowett on, the list of ollitiglole tell us that the British purchaser would Counctl,. ..... .... -triode between Gre t ri sell goods coining into.thia country. If the 33 1-3 -tobi wheat 0.. Laoque, abrgeant-at-arros, to pay
silver -lead bounty, but' that was planned portation facilities, caused pester -demand great increase of B - f ad aroused b reference given to ceuts�,less f6r the Mam
�Corlser,.�a- ourd smake them buy more pay or the Dakota Wheat, or permanent employee of Legislative
and provided for by the Liberal far meW stoc.1c to replace the old stocks in tain and this country,, on account of the pro- them wbich ri per cent cut is effective, it lets jewellery in the- tt.
tive Government, bitfore, it want out Of tllb storecand taking all that into colloid- ference policy which had been 4dopt4d,.Und of our. exports. And yet, sititiply in the at 20, per cent. It. ICU manufactures, of go;d five ce more for the Dakota wheat than Assembly .. .. .... . .... .... ...... 1 50.00
Power. Therefore, ray bon. friend has silrl� oration. every. man knows that a -large he said this: course of trade and with the expansion of and silver used by rich people in at 20per for the Manitoba product? The thing is ab- Telegrams ($520,20- . .1 1. . I
ply carried out the legislation he found at part.of this extraordinary activity ilf the trade, there hai4 been a percentage -of in- cent.; it lets in pilks, Which are used by surd,, silly, impossible. The two lots would G. N. W, Tel. co ..... 4.a. . 10.4.5s
hand. So, go through the Whole of the' last few years has been expended in filling The merchants of England, the men area^- in out experts to these countries re- sell:at exactly the same pricein Liv rpooi, C. P. R. Tel. Cc ........ .. . ...... .. �25.50
the wealthy, at 23 .19 ' cent-; it. lets in e
miner's outfit, and his work avid . condi- the. void -wbich who have to buy articles in the mar- presentc& by the figures I - have -already lacm at'23 1.3 per IPIC. and the producer of -the Called an wheat Western Ymnion Tel. Co....': . . .... .... 379,17
Was created in the period kets of the world, no longer go to the
tions, and we sale that no legislation made ? Because given, some of the increases being of aston- would get 5 cents a bushel more than his Paid by Mr., Pope ... ; .. .... ....
no conditions p to 1805. Why do I mark -that United States -to make their purchases. ishing proportions. It does not destroy at 20 per cent.; I porcelain goods neighbour across tbe'line, That 5 cents a
this Government and I think it is the part of Wisdom to recog- at 20.per, dcnL; t letn.ribbons in at 23 1-3 Gratultlea to servants ........ .... .... 407.05
Ohich exist tb-dey 021'acedunt of stic� leg's- nize that these booming tirdes are not go- They come to Canada, and this is the that argurnent irf the least to say' that Our Per cent.; it lots shaivls and rugs in at. 20 bushel would make ranada boom: it would Expres a . and freight ($320.80-
a direct result of our preferential tariff. -trade with other -countries is comparative- repatriate all the Canucks in Yankeedem-
lation, makes the minor's occupation ing to 06, on.always. These large manufac- per cent.*, it late in -watches' at Id 9�8 per. Can.'Express Co.... .... ...... ... 167.68
More favourable one than it was before, turing plants. w2ch are now bending Now you have to stop and think over a. ly Small. The increase is there, and it is cent.,. it admits high class worsted goods. at it -would create an exodus from the Unite� 58.40
Ask the same questions with reference to- every muscle,'with orders six monthe and statement like that before you really tak(f it. on exactly.the same principle upon which 23 1-3 per cant., velrets at:210 per cent.; States into the great, CanAdian wheat plains Dem. Express. Cc ......... .... .. I . .... .
ame th refer- 'a e ill t o powers of do,- an increase occurs in every, case -that is, in too- North-West; it Would fill our vacant Can. Atlantic Railway i ...... . $7.00
the fisherman, ask the a ' Wi ahead, it in. To think that any man leading a. party.- the pri at Is of the The Sborebant .... .. .... .... . .22.55
who had (It 16 2.3, Pei -
once to the' lumberman, ask. the same with pro nation, their mil- of average business intelligence, . general expansion Ot Brussels, carpetff at 23 1-3 Per cent.; Cot- lailds With the, pick of the. eople of ..the
-and, bK. the way vZopment an 0! rade. Uy., take tbo case of the United. tons gray, and whitat cent., F,
reference to the former lions of.capitals, soon reac t a point of. kept himself at all in current With the busi- 8 'Coloured cottons at P 1-3 per cont, Old World; it would speadiy enable the. Thomas Norris there is an additional point.wit, ref6renea isfying the email, of . t a . store- State of America;- does my lion, friend and great wheat fields of Canada to grow all Cabs, including. ba;;Z ness of. the worlrl� would, before an audi- know that they had the largest exports It is an- a�knowledgcd principle in, the ........... 219.80
to the former, which I shall speak of it lit- too 8 an the ]or era, ut t ill ek- ence of three thousand intellig6rit people, ley ug of tariff ratwin ever country that '200.00
e LW J g last year of any ear in their history, -and -yi the wheat Britain Would went; it Would Legal servlces�-Alphons.e POU116tL
ble later. It is a significant fact that when jet, and . with thejr� Immense proolud n with newspaper eporters oft.eiich side of urics of Title, which'call be the greatest blessing -that could possibly Typewriting -
that a. larger pr6portion of these exports What We cill, the lux 'a country. These results are self. At Ottawa
ft go through the returns of trade and power, they will become , competitors in him, make & 10taternent of that kipd,,almost. come to thi 50.86
11 find, that in the large. well supPlicil,markets, and then Ivill co a went to Great -Britain than in any preced- be afforded by, the rich. and nob much evident.. No man can.say that a preferen. .. .... lo'ler" pasies belief' Lot us analyze it, Under this r? And yet. Sir, no prefe;ence lids wanted lo� the poorer.elasses of peol4e, shall tial duty of 5 cents .bushel in favour at At Washington ...... .... .... .... . 180.35
has to buy has appreciated a different state of things fro hat Ing Y(
while - ne policy, "when 06 people of ngland con granted by the United States upon pay EL llig or percentage of ditty. tinder. this Luncheons sent to Parliament Build -
in price, the main, stock, articles hsv4t to -day, Now, you_go an(I Vace YO t 86 articles will be thiii kountr Would not produce the results
that he bad to Sell have deprociated In. birder. The man says: I am ful a want to buy anything in the markets of the Britis Imports, nd I suppose there line cut, if it be effective,. he Indicated, 'And yet the Grit Go ernment Ingo by Quebec Garrison Club .... 170.0
they no longer go to the United been no answering throb in the great, gen- amonpgt those which pay the least duty, and Lord Hotachell and party-
eno more I have no power to do "Vor"' of Atherica-they cOme*t6 Canada; eroup British heart which would cause the our farmers and artisans will n* of Canada, instead of making evary effort Ex enso�s of.trlp*to Manitoba, N. I States cratum�iu-
lut maybe six,months. or a,year, or and this IF; the direct result of our prefer, British consumer to buy United States. ggy-beriefit, compared with th'At, to' bring hbout.this great'desid p
THE FARMER PAYS MOTT. a little longer than that 66in t I t, catial tariff.", tie because of,the inestimable benefits t e richer 'closes. stead of doing -all in I ts'power for Canada- Territories and British Columbla.. .4 230.81
t;191eng geh n an end
Now, Sir, there is tot a go these Tdids' Will have been filled, t is W this Lord Herschell's funeral -
by the 33UY-LNG F ROM THE UX�T -,D STN=18-, Bill. industries of this
been 91101111, 1 'i to poison Vxpenges of Can. representative ...... 128.4?
,atleman cbn litfe red upon his country by the DingleY Another-p6int to be observed is he versant with business that Will. attempt. to mand will have 0
You will -find overtaken is going o affect tbb t 0 n u the pr -pool' 40.00.
deny that general fact. 6upply, and then these reatl increased 'o I The i ft GeV doing One floral Cross and crown ...... ......
some exceptions to,that rule on both aides to *,I the market W611,;Sir, we will take thd factaas ven HOW.'EXpORTS GREW UNDER CONt country. So fara I arm judge, soule of the t Called r.r" nt r thil,
productive energies will most important industries of this country an Podtage ............ .... ........ ..... . 108.14
ties RULE. tmy owspapers, ate. ($131.30-
e 0 test
of their by tistics of 1808, and iYa wilif . , t Would t fi t h
of the list, but the rule is r that there still to produce to the extent the eta SERV do had he , anee.
Ttible, and in settle, iftstances, plants if they can the oompetition in their whether that is true. or not. The � a $In a will find that the ,cut 0 Craton to
is a.perce ;?a
e b diminution in the Pices that field of. trade iff bring drowft prices, and of England wanted to. buy cattle 1 1 08, To beat these entlethen talk, one Would extent -that the tariff a ords them little, or At Washington ...... .... trap, spize -went to the United tates to u I to, from am proteation. 'What is the Principle upon' W112 DO TH= OPPOSE IT P Canadian papers � ..... .... .... ....... . 81.81
Is farmer. gets for hilt products. , Take it will consequently act as; in every cycle and they think thait there iki been no expoll tlenion are acting? Are they
1899 into- account, and there is a; sensible. it has act0d. and reacted.* The ban. Minis- them to the value of $30,331563- t a wan this country to Great Britain on the lines which bon, gen Grbat Britain imported in 2806 for home Press clippingal ... .. .... ... . ...... '. 28.06
increase fit what the fatmer hag to gay 1,, tar of Finance and every other than in ed to buy pelted beef, a�d 6ey' at to the of natural products until they eat -at into satiny in favour 6f,frcc trado'or in-frivour Crs.rds and printing 400.03)
f,h4; they consumption $7Q0M0,0W worth of food pro,.
this, ourittf may, just as well come to ;o buy $1,297,745 -w6r power. Let me take three aiticles out of of. a ejuate ?rotection to. the industries t Quebec tngraving,Co...... .... .... ..... 28.00
,verything in the � a ape of . I tile United States i
Ire, Coal oil and all tha elusion ha ihere rdixn&Of heese, in 1891, we exported 117.- this country. The late Mri Bertram now, ducts, -611 of which, with- the. exception of
li afictitious as wel wanted to buy fresh beef, and they bought Geol Cwt, Ottawa � ... .... .... .... .. 6.06
Y itron, nails, wl earn a gre from the United States $22,763,498 -worth; 000, pounds to Great Britain. But, Sir,, and he declared that they -were acting in tea, sugar, and fruit,, and some minor ar-. W F Roberta, Wasliffigton ...... .... 51.25
great Part of which the farmer bao to use aA Teal reasons for at expansion ol in 1801, this had increased to 171,OM,000 favour'of an ade Ilat protection to the ticles, amounting to about $100,000,000, can 'Wj.d�ard' and Lcothrop, Washington. 11.715
I in his business, has gone up from 60 per trade and activity, that the demand is be- the), bought bacati, $31332 763 worth- halats, wunds, sit increase of 40 per can great induattlee l`�
rapidly filled up and that the time $17,770,215 worth; tri, Nated, no� hains, t. P real i ol this country. 'The Ron. be produced in Canada.
0 cent. to 150 per chat., or 200 per Cant.; 897 to 1809, the increase has been from Clifford Bitten *declared that. that Was -their She imported 130,OOD 000 bushels of wheat, 'Photographs ($52)-
f whilst on big staple articles there has been i I comep e hope not. for many months, 1,092.732; butter, $ 338,504; cheese, $4,808,- - ?fwhick Canads, supplied Only 10,000,000. M. A. Montmin3r. Quebec ........ .... 66.00
but it m4y be within a few months, when 119, lard, 13608,699., wheat, 74,434,528, 71,OM,000 pounds to 197000WO pourids, an basis of action. The Hon. Mr.,Tarte do he imported 12,000,000 barrels of flour, Gilbert Photo Co., Washington ....... 10.00
a decrease in the prices which he obtains, It t, at an
I have here an illustration of that -takitn matters will take on a different complex- baAey 0111669; oats, $11,146j,458- rye, itileease of 15 Per cc t,' u r %011 clar6d that adequate. pratectionwas embod� of which Canada Supplied only 90p000 bai- Views of Washington .. .... ...... 12.00
l. friend.,$ report, 111 1894 wo ion. So, it is well for the country not to $722,0V2, ;aiz'�, or Indian,porn, $35,AO9,350, enough as compared with 1808, there as ied as a principle fit thbir legislation and
from my hor been 9, decrease of 5 Pat- cent in the exports would nob ie interfored'with, Now thin lr'o' Telephone service -
be too lavish in its expenditures and it,is flour $46099431- bay. $731,418; a 1 $1 'ehe
�41 expoli to Great Britain $8,316,373 worth 10 -3,Ver 'Oent. will act ,,imported 5,509,000 bushels of peas, Of Three months prsvate phone between
of cattle, valued at $78.43 per head; in well for the business people of the Countr 956,0b; $1,472,488; bellow, Roug" of clibese from. this country to Great Bri additional cub bf 8 1
not to thinIx that trade will go on um� wood and timber. $V%680,300; lioup� tafn, and this in the year when the see- in two ways. It will alet in the way I have Canada supplied only 1,40%000 bush- Chateau Frotiterioa and Parliament
1805 e exported $6,707,015 worth of which 8 end half of the pteference calculated to sibi already mentioned, and besides it will at- els. Buildings ........ .... ... .... .... y in an Increasing atio, But to look and fittings, $2,830,200; leather, $14,781,147, She imported 58,0W.000 bushels of o
the value par head was In 180 'or-' III the face, and whilst, they tire I otal 801,592, 45. o towel Fin it- the gencroue heart of the British buyer set sorne of the principal industries of this ate Messages to Montreal ...... ... I .. ....
the value, per head wag $72.40; in 1897, - I remain, countrV o roll f to t e of-whioll Canada supplied only 500000 bush!
facts for this prosperity ag prudent men, tio to the tle- Typewriter --
r glad and consumer, Avant into effect Whilat it Will give n e h
$5.1.70; in 1808, $0.03; in 1899, 141.75. ce Ciso tr iAble bet when, in 1800 or 1801, as Ministesir of farmer for his implements, While It Will els, n, it. McNell, Ottawa, dliferenco on ox -
There, on very large oxports id a staple come to the conclusion thht what has hap- n1i serti I..t tte ere 0 -n - Finance in the late government, I introdue- Ova: little 6r no -relief to all the users. Ot , She imported 52,500 bushels i%Varl[M chanter .... ... .... .......... 60106
poned before will happen again and they lair Ia ea t Nye t, at to a A. but to -with 'Which Called& SUPP 0' ly
gftAuct of this countM the pried per he4d tol th tariff changes reference to iron gopoig, wilile if will give no opening of ?led on 47,
-although the exports of the plita-, will reftect tltqt this reat. period of pros- t a 0, ri to u a 8 meat products. Thia was the beginning of market, for tho famers, of this Country, She imported 610,000,000 dunds of bacon, Sundr es-
arity will ebb from Ae volume and values a of tile articles ove a tio him a policy ur ........ .. .... 92 al
e bar of cattle have one up 4folit, 80,00. In P1 evailing, at the present day, a 'n, with, is an atigwer-a conclusive answer, I think erg aw producers of the country. and Provialoils"ifor official car on trip, to
1804 to 115,OW in 19% farill fed on the Government by the if is piissible� it is even very Probable, that of which Canada, supplie only 47,0W000 , though by t4o way ih will have a, damaging efrect on certain Pound$,
1809 allows a diminution of 116111t 7W pr, den t, to bloosom and bloolai forth -to the hon. gentl6man's inclusive state- by none of them move strongly than my of our large Industries. ad, after all, the She imported 163,500,OM pounds 'of ham, Washington, ganuarit 4 ........ .... .. '18,00
head of cattle as Compared with the year put an,extension of the prosperity even of ment; and out of that I think them arises lia , friend from E ast Ort in da (1 0 ich Canada supplied only 6,50()WO Towels, oto ...... ....... 16,10
t1l, present period. a great necessity for some older and nibra r. CoebrAttel, who brought v l4r Liberal-Conservativo.,Ptitty" formed with f Wh
d 1898, being Aix O'clocky fho Opeilker left thelb Principle, growing y that principle, pounds. Brushes and combs ...... ........ 12.83
1. Now, there is a point that could have need an more discreet Inember of ('6putation ivitl 131111, fiedomp is Y t a having stood by that, principle -since 18761 She imp - crockery ...... .... .. ...... 12.13
hI to accompany the right hon. gela-
ry -orfed 824,0N,000 li�unds of mut
I ur
W lit
a line
h de
Le beetti made by the present ovetument IF; Ilea. mimber for East Gray (Air. proule) ich, Canada. supplied only 4,000 Soap, mateliew, etc . ........ .... .... .. rn e in the
AM, It RV09$S, tile and othors,repirmenting the farm uIran boxes for Papers ...... .... .. .. f- fix the complicated inechanism,-the widel tlmpan IN journeyingg, and, keep him. to the present hour, does not propose to go tah, of w
ig distributed mechanism, of transport tltdi� Air. FoAter-I said before, Six olelook well Within the line. different constituencies, back upon that prilibipiq* gowl. Ovii And She imported 6,M0,0W bushels of appitHo naff and lettering IA had been some appreciable olifferew- made, t1lat it, Would be found that the prices of Let us ask again what am the )Statistics above everything else, the grqat::oAdot at of which Canada supplied only 1,5 Trutilc for noners .... 1.00
is Let -us ask oursolves Whother-tliore' hal the great stApleff that the farmers of this of trade with reference to imports fritti THE OUTY Ox MEAT PRODUCT& this country in its natural regourote's; and bushels.
tt b" or not. Hon, g6rilletnaft 6ppoalto country have to sell have on the average Canada? Is it true tbait Great Britain ex- We li�ioned to what they had to say and over and above everythitig else, i6'otight, to f Cheese Packing cases .... .. .. 4.13
I 'Ahed in, lol&tion of thid She imported 251,000,M) ourlds a Ia! -
111 have spent, milliona of do larst foj� ritilwov ihot only iat increaned, but dimilut Parts to Canada and that we imppit from we put n? the duties on pacat pr64netp. be the guiding star of tlie le ht 0 of Which Canada auppliel only, 113, 000 Commission on cheottias ......
is Subsidies, for Canal work, fof diffore�b price, wbilst, the chief staples which the her a larger amount, compared with -the in- And iOiy Because tbp competition from cotintty to worll for the li A. , ..... .. ............. . 101112
1 those great reArturces so An to *fake MIA pound
ir; briptrovemento in one Way or another, whieh armor and consumer in rural parts and In crease of our trade with all the other dif- tile filted States was destroying, the stand- court" Art for' IP We possibly cidil 'W [live She imported 240,OM,00 ounds of butter, Cash In handa f Mr, Pope .......... 49.45
of I ears to Como wmake the cities have to, buy, have on tile ever. rent countries of t a orl , t an wo do ing Vound of the producora of meat, in
1 6 40 iihon the treflerld trade iof ave increased in price. I wish to p all those o untries coliterile in this 'countrt, Unless the pr6ducers of of indu4try, Where Tabour fifidk ifi ohanlq- Of which Canada aupplieolp only 5,000000 R61!ulldal made but t0l Oftt(10 tlll lid -
regent � qgfi M CTOI.d credited
It is hard to rd,_a_ftW,3. reasonable ealwfa-
flon at to this Increase of trade and how it
hi " 0.0 r 6 its advantage. - B t J I u
il Oil over, not a 41 nitle I r e rk
not it
a table; to the Houqe, of Priem, iftel d'
n, large humbor of those I "Ing
II&VO, Ifteftliolle
he has to
the 6ne I ereage? ' 16 the ta lea or
le 14o n doportirtment,
the on, In d
the a 1) at the oi.
mcc Secure standing froUnd
Lto could fairl
s Impossmie for
ift, the hot ne mar at, ib I
th 6, to reach out for C
I great, foreign-
meat and, its wrigep hild Where abundA111 ;
reet, itir woked 41) to the
","ural "'Ou aft e
eat vA
go lo,
And, Yet tile Laurier Government is OP
poAed to the preferentittl treatment of Can.
courklit 6 1
tO casual tOv-, WO ... ....
IMN tak-olit Plato? Let the read you Rome
IT i lave onteei&', in le
roat ex ituree th t�her., 4.t,'
Its fArmer's Produate-wbat sell
-that triv bo exported from, this touliatty.
is 0ouiltry.
wha a
10 1 g t It 0 glanote
0 1 o 0,tion,
6 which they wete after. Wh4t,:046
V40 0,14 40rik Ott, �w
I thi ICU rilit
ildiotL.Products in the Biltioli matkot%