HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-26, Page 7E ,
H E us" I Or 60R PRO S I PE . . . . . . ..... R T1
to enable you to maue tv large capital ex. dant revenues of the country? Or if they that he has made since 1897 to
laeviditurc, and yet not increase the debt are dissatisfied ivith neither of these things our, Now Air Chairman, so
rgoly, but Wo plain truth is told by the 10*- this lucid ejaulation.? If you add all dealt 40i ibe Illyge figures of I
total expenditure, and, It is 11his plain. truth thoo expenditures from '1878 to 1800 to- ture. Let me give the House
that this House requiresand that the Conn. gether, you will find that we' spent on data!). I will compare 1895.0
Mtr needs. he House will notice that these great services of the country $16,. C enditUre on consolidated act
e average total exk XR
�eftdlturo of the late coo,000, -whilo they spent no more than (11 cront departments of Liberal -Conservative Gornment frout 1892 $1.1,000,000 an similar services; and, Sir, What was the great charge hu
0 1890'was less by about $100,000 per Year will you remark it, while we spent $1U,- us by ban. gentlemen opposite
than front 1887 to 18DI, In 1890 it was Me 0001,000 our debt increased only $118,000,000, 1 Were extravagant in every de
702,383. the rest of the expenditure being provided governmenti Mat, -every department might 2. per Coot of a reduction, equal.to 4 -so. Mr. RAGGAUT-WAU *0 Now, Sir, when you leave the year 1890 for alit of the revenues of the country. well have is OxPendituro reduced. Take Nctliin of ta,xiltion of �3,070,000. calculated by 1805-0 which w4 the )%at fiscal t � him? what do You find? You find that in 1897, nd Yet, my lion. friend thinks that it is a �eq of lie 'rho, Minister of FinAnce-A reduction as Air. FOSI'ER,-yox with 60 the uver4c total expenditure riscs to - lopare 4 with 1894. Compared Vith your tariff, not as eq in- age% themselves PaGlawd by lkilt� $12, 9 under bon. gentlemen Opposite. pared with any tariff of our own. ment,, 4114 set dOWA by the depa l;
fah, thing t6 send out to the country a earn late dovernment, and to
9%.755. pnrisoll n ouch dissimilar grounds as he t,
The Millistef of Trade and Commerce placed before this House on Friday last. *)& -want this 16 simely A copy Qf th A
he Laurier Ad min.ist ration Does (Sir Richard Cartwright). I do not Let us loolt at another point. suppose we I have Pu UP04 WIN p4por VOXA to interrupt the lion gentleman but Would did increase tho debt from 1878 to 1800 by ON COXIMAIVATIOD UND ACCOUNT. am he state again -what'he makes iho tQtal ex- $0,503,OOD a year, while they, increased it Percent. of r. MOXTAGUFr-AA%4 undov tho *POW peA41ture for 1806? I during the last three years by only $2 503,- Interest. on 1805-90. .1898-00. Increases. Increase. tion of the preference. Mr. total OXPOuaiture for 000 Q. let us go to the' other slae of Admir debt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $10,602,800 410,855,000 $353 0 8% D.C. FACTS AS TQ THE PREVOWN(IIII,
Not Deserve to' Get Any, 1609 is $41,70,383, and to assist ray bon. the lodger. How much t x1stration of justice ... ...... 816,000 07'000 74, .a. Mr. FOSWIR��Xcs, under 11to
ill tell axation did wo Art", Agriculture and Statistics .... 48' of the reference. Xqwk Ww rV A 0,000 268,000 000 22% a. friend (file Richard Cartwright), I w take out of the people of this country from Civ, government ...... ... ... ... . 8 0,0flo lo411,000 . 1878 to 1896? We took $20,500,000 a year. Geological survey ...... .. 134,000 149,OOD 15,000 him what the Finance Minister (Mr. Field 15,000 112% facts dWIZaed s to this preferec.1001
ing) has had to tell me in this House for How much have the -se gentlemen taken out Immigration ...... ...... ... 320,000 255,000 you have art important policy forlod[e4 9
Credit For It* threa several times, but only Upon my 31047 in the three Quarantine ... 05,000 486,000 105.000 no .01 a preference, A prefervr-.e of wlbatl A Years since they came into Aq 0 fing his memory, namely, that in a book- office? They have taken out $31,000,000 a Indiana ... ... .. 41,000 42 086,000 iomoo Ja P:o: Preference of 20 per cent, of the 4ut 8104 Light house and' to 466,000 546,000 79,000 16 P�Q. it, goes into force 121,2-p gy�
cesping way he charged u to the � Govern- your, and they Are increasing this in the Mull subsidies ...... . ...... ... ...... . 034,010, at, out. W 07A4
r Amwmw
meat expenditure in 1806 �21,394,000 for the present year by $4,000,000. If we had Militfa. and defence ... ... 684,056 00,000 0 P.C. than another 121-2. mqUinj it 20 d ti
... ... ... ...... 1,186,0 Z,112,291 076,000 DO P^ Worth Shore -Quebec Railway subsidYAW)"Ch taken the same taxation out of the country ... ... i,, , *** ... ... ... 172,001. elflvbil months of ltbig. Year 1899, N3
waa A liability incurred in 1882, And act in that these gentlemen Are taking out of it ocean and river aery ce, ....... IgI,OOO 318,000 U13.000 84 mo. cent. reduction has been. in forco. Jf Y0,4
Penitentlarles ... ... ... 830,000 149,00JO $0 P.C. tak 30,20, which,%vas the toriff go 4uVAbI* 1896. And though he included it in rail- to -day, we would have met all that expendi- Penal 386,000 417,000 32,000 8% P�Q. ay subsidies - actually paid in U90, 1 ture of $142,000,000, and we would hove :1 .... 8(6000 9Z9 M,� 1896, their full reduction of ons . .. ... ... . s .... .... . .....
the World Is Prosperous No and Canada Share' Public, worlts MOOD 12 All W9 S In' Challenge the Finance Minister to -rise in coingaratively little of that $118,,000.000 add- Railways a , odCanals'Ot4"111 *111, I I 1,290,00, 1,902,000 603,000 so per cent. wott' �, be 7 .0, but instead of that his place now, and tell this House that he ed the d4bt of the country. The bon. Superannuation ...... nue) ............. 126,000, 384,000 268,0DO 200
..... ...... .... $25,000 P.O. they are 3.58 per ent. O-ut
14,000 4% p,c, I will deal'more with. Wt- %iostion later,
has paid off that liability. Re charged the intlenl4n Pays: - Now, look at m I Custorps . ...... ... .. ...... .... 8901W 1,037,000 141000 16 P.C,
General Act it c tive Pot Railways and canalA My bon. friend (Air, Fieldin 14n4ortooV
the iv* Be ause the - Conserva icy total sum in the railway subsidies of 1890, es, look at his surplus, Why, &Z r ... ... ... ... .......... 31826,000: 4,?,46,000 420:000 11 to the -late Government, and to this day wk% an ban. gentleman close behind him Trade and 0ammaroo .. ... ... ... ... ...... 9100.0, 88,06-6 10,000 800 1) a to go ver a large- number of Vat he Called he is - pAying the interc9b,' as was (Sir Richard Cartwright), who made re. ions of prosperity in this simply Indla4t: 'Total ..... . ,ee with him that in the main th a Mainfaine&P=Mr. Foster's Criticism. of thp condition of the grant made in, 18s2, marks -with reference to surpluses, not :�6�0PWO _;,441,900,000 j;;,00,000 14 P.C. agi
Ws That'is, why I wish to assist my hall . once. but many times in this House, Let evidences, of prosperity. First, the gwrlwlt 'friend (Sir Wellard Cartwrilght), lest be fall me read one, In 1882 he declared, when at trade; second, the deposits in the, pub- into % tTap. Mr. Tilley announced a. surplus of $4,000,- ASTONISHING FIGURES. lie banks and the savings; tbirdt the *loar,
Reldift's Budret Speech ODN AVMAG)D RATE OF CUSTOMS
No when you come to, the aumma. Now, lest I overwhelm the M Of TARIF F, llig-house returns, which register the trario- 'w ,I I ask how it was lot. . . inister tion 1, Th"It matter let it for ever silence 0,100,00Q Was Trade and Corarhrat (Sir Richard Cart- W Poster-I'will. carry on the oomparl, actions of trade to a large extent Then derived from two a the most odious Wright )with these Lotorlishing figures, relt- son a little farther. From 1802 to 1890, a gentlemen who state that the Liberal -Con- and oppressive taxes which were never C there is the immigration into the co4pto Pervative Government for I a at ten or peging big own department, I will say, eriod of, live years, the average rate at and the various other points w1lich he t4en, fifteerl'years of itsxistence, was oxtrav%- im osed in any civilized country before tidned. But, air, Nvhen the hon, geritlemot = t, at lonallas4 he has plucked up cour- oustorn U'riff was 17.47 par cent; from 1897
Or similar circumstances at least- t
ch 27, what would be the sources of and extravagknee that we should find gant overnment as measured by.great in- ago".to pay t a a' ver-leud smelting bounties to 1809, three Years, the average (Mr. Fielding) was speaking I lbou&' I in the House of Commong on Mar wing public the taxes on breadetuffa and fuel. If rate Was had heard an arg r made the follo the revenue, which the, lion, gentlemar: it neccissary to atigmeat our number to creases in- expenditure. What is he really wants to relieve the people, iii British Columbia, f which logislAtI911 17-17 per cent. So that if you talce three _ument advanced p0,cop- Hall. George H. Foste's budi;4 speech:, oa a this year going u% to the 5o million save: It is tbat'the Liberal- was prepared and pA eail of, the bon, gentlerrian1g; Administra- tra on that very line. and in looking It lip,
rea to I r. Fielding' ateen. This is far too many, and�, that summation? lot him remove the taxes oil breddatuffs by the Cohservo-
to-4aY with a good, in y'i Why ? Froba ly ecause hedid not is a dissatisfaction'to, the country. Conservative Government. spent in totality and coal. tiw Governident before they, we# out of CA,' They have . reduced the tariff I found that the Minister of Trade 'And
Speaker, I rise wish 0 tell the Hdose, and more partiout And,t.if,,I may be irrinitted to join the $388,237 per year less from 1892 to 1896, office and that a, Urge pArt of the expendt- mt,6%' by 80,100 of one per cent. Commerce (Sir Richard Cartwri140" ;*Vv.
deal of pleasure to venture some emarks; -the country, that in brin ng it up to less ,a If my ban. friend boasts of a surplus to- I one Occasion in roplying to rayee 1, whon
of plain, and, I hope, truthful criticism on larly greater, would gay, that, in than from 1887 to 1891, and that the pres. lure in his department is due to the payluk Now their mawer tD that will the Lll
the address Which was 'delivered oil Friday the 50 million mo he would Va-ve to take 1894 the present bon, member for Worth ent Government bag exceeded eral- dd, there is an ban. I atleman. sitting of these long-defsrre4 bounties, in the be: Well, but, in 1897�we bad done no- I gave in- A4 Careful 4 planner As I Q441d
of as r
p in. About four million �dollqs more in taxation Wellington (Mr. a lie ). said; Conservative average e*.penditure from 1892 beside him who I ell him that' thinf. 'With the tariff until� the very last these same evidences and drew concluitons last b my ban. friend the Minister of M XA n . '. he need not look around ver ,gas of comparison in the
out,of this country to 1896 as- follows: y lon5 for % yhole of the po �utl. D lie accountil'of this year, there are only. our MCA h, or two months of the year. Very of prosperity,from them; -thelon. gobtlemOrt ance Ur. Fieldind), as an exposition of,the p which he must drag I musli take exception, in the first method of remitting that to the peo a, and or five departments or sub-departmeuts* of well thert, we will take 189s and Iligg, two .(Sir Richard Cartivright). rose'and m4de a budget of the country. In the latter PlLr� from the packets of the -people, place, to,� the office ever having been thus riddlug the people of what Me pro- veek serioun and vers, .lmrous comment
of his address, he spoke of the history Or THE IMMENSE EXPENDITURE. created. In 1897 by . .. ........... $ 830,092 inent member of the Government declar- government. in which theta haa not been, go Years" During WeRg� two years their aver- nover again, an increase. age, I as, 16.82 per cent., and it you deduct on my position. And'wht id he say.
Canada as a story, combining certain Pa. Wheit office ? The, Mnistqrship 1898 by 3,192,518 ed over and odious tax .0, -
ill take up adriatim soma of of Trade something wit',referenee that Ora the average rate from 102 to 1896 Baukdeposital Sir, culiarities; and, I thinl�, it would be'not Now, Sif, I w In 1890 by .... 9,400,872 which a we iii an Now let me say 9
travelling out of the record if I were- to the princi al'points' touched upon by my and Cominerce... hould not be allo d ' ' to the taxation of this country, 'The opift. it gives i reduction of 05-100 ofl one r are not evidences of pros
lized country -the tax on broadati Tis and erity. -ate. But t e ings bank deposits! . 'A here ifs thl,
say that the bon. gentlemaills speech bears ban. feienTl; ajad'fitst,.with referbnee, to the I do n9t see why it was Oreat6d, Un- And as estimated by th'Finane Mifibber coal. io� has prevailed, roado to prevail, by tfiese Oelit.-of the average tariff i y all the marks of a story eail I plain- expenditures Of the country, The bon. less,it;. w4s to give a,rbsting place, for for ifil; current year of 1900 they will ov;er-- Mr. COCHRANE. Who said W&V bon. gentlemen very largely, that the taxa. 'Will say: Our full preference was not in money? You have not got it, If 4� Am I gathere( he stat -long of his:uear the ba.lalr8� of his life, to the hon, 4611- expend the.average expenditure of the late Mr. POSTER.-Tha Sir tioo talwil, from the country by the Aerai- lar�o in these wo years, * hen , take run were mi -day. ly recounted, I from T, istics. gentleman was totally obliv t' was stated by is e We oil your bank to -of the Gdvernment, of the banks, and of neighbour, the Minister of Trae Acid Coln, tlernAn who now occupies the position, Governmept from 1892.to 1890, by the earn Richard Cartwright, But we have another Conservatives was exceedingly high. Th the yeart 1899, whorl;� by their own calcula, YOU would have to go to England M: some of the business interests of the coun- werce (Sir Richard Cartwright), who sat dra-wing 1117,00Q a year for virtually of -$la,9os,250. authority on this question, also'a member VRO Urged as a strong reason for We. defeat tion.. their Tate *aa 16-70; this is a reduction borrow it. You owe it; it is interreil try, very much dispinted, mud, I may Von, very close behind- him, though immediate doing nothing, Now, Sir; I invite any gentleman on the of this Government. -by name D. Mille. and of the late Government. The pledges � Of of 77-100 of one per ceat. com red ith in ublic works and railway subsidies, tortured for the pur- proximity seemed during those particular I suppose the hall-, gentleman -now is will- other side of the House to take the public the Hon. David Mills said, those wbo are now in power led the Whole he average tariff rate *from -1892 to 1,896. o Ficep some one behind the ture to any, somewhat pose of upholding the interests of a Govern- hours to have been shunned. He took no ing that this office shall be retained in order aecounts which lie can have put in his hand Ile boasts of a fourplus� I say that a. country to believe that the l9ad of tQ o, these are'stotements w- hich are made In good,humour, notice at All of the way in which he must t i ' * ; place for the "onlooker" and to -deny one single statement -that I government is not entitled.to have a . Tom their own, The. further extract is blurred here.
ruent whose inconsistencies are quite as OJOlt- a ive -a restirq tion would be relieved if.they were returp- gures, -sylil6h, are Od to power. It Will, be interesting to read. -he Uouse'awl W1 0' to - Mr. IvIONTAG,UF-He rot mixed. I as were the weaknesses of my non, have been' borrowing fhe feelingi of my. of bte present Cabinet, who lilis'passed his have inede*wlth reference to a Comparion surplusi There is no stimulus to seen- hich ca, be Canvassed b
brieridle speech regarded as a bud I
speech and an . exposition of III I
financial and fiscal affairs of the country.
Necessity? of course impelled my ban.
friend and he listeri�d to. its voice, Any
I ime, could have can'-
clirk in a wry short I
piled the ligures that he used; but- any
clerk should be drummed summarily out
of the ser. ice, who would make as disin-
genuous a use of those statistics as, I am
'bound to say my hon. friend media. I
Piope my wor�o at the Commencement Will
not be too strong for the proof which I
shall try to adduce as I proceed. If an
one had been in the cry, unacqualnt;�
with the affairs and.' ritory of Canada
especially in a fiscal and financial enge.. I
venture to say that, it he took hisi forma-
tion simply from the, figums whi W r
.quoted and the peculiar logic used on 6 -
day aernoon,he would go away with a very
inalifficienti and very erroneous idea: of
the :history of Canaaa, in these respects.
Ile Would have looked entirely in vain for
jan analysis of the expendibires of last year,
IRS to how they were applied. and as to the
%Uickening and:vitilizing ffeets of the, ap-
aication, of such an Immense sum of money
9W was 6xpended by' ban. gentlemen op-
Posite during that year;. he w6uld look in
(in for any inquiry,into; and any compari-
11 , of the courses and currents of the trade
this country, or for -'any discussion of
fle'tariff as idecting the geat problems.of
labour. and. industry.,in alladA, some of
which are very close now to a public &_ cision, and Public action in this country;
and he ivou 4 have. risen * from his seat
had one sirigle proposition
p_lwod beTore un y my ban. friend for
the joluff6u'of the imat ind vexed ques-
tions which are pressing for solution upon
her public men. As I said before, it would
rathir seem to be a simple collation of'st,%--
tisdes, the disfecta membra, of which, it I
way be allowed the use of a Latin tet7n,
0eemed to -have been promiscuously thrown
wherever it was thought an appeal might be made,.ad eaptandurn, to peofle who, have
liat had the. opportunities of Coking into,
and so ave iot the power of -discerning
what are really the facts of the case as bear-
ing on the questions under discussion. All
through the ban. gentleman's speech there
seemed to be a leading up to the *reitera-
tion of the almost endless refrain- Behold
what a people we are -"Is not this great
Babylon that I have built?" And,.no mat-
ter from what quarter the facts are taken,
whether from the first years of Confedera'
#�sno fragments were extracted, or whether
Joined to them were fragments from later
years -no matter, everything was done,
anything was done, which could be used to
prop up the idea often made in so rnany
Words, but more frequently by inference
and appeal, that all We wonderful progr�ss
of to -day had'its origin and is now. main�
tained by the gentlemen who, for the pres-
ent, are governing affairs in this country,
There was a great glorification of what wag
called generous expenditure, and of in.
creased -revenue; but there was a very dioo
creet avoidance of the obstructive contrast
between the professions and policy of these
gentlemen, when they were out, and the
igerformance of these gentlemen now that
ey are in.
My bon. friend was so hurried, along this
particular line, that he had not the time
to give the House some very necessary fit -
formation which I think lie should have
given. For instance, he quote& immigra-
tion returns, beginning his statistics, so
far as imintation from the United States
a cancerne . with the year 1897, and -pre-
facing his ifgures with the remark,. ifiat
there did not seem to be any statistics with
reference to them up to that period;, and
than after quoting them all, as a strong.
argument in favour of the propositions
which he was sustaining, it was found that
he had not gone to the trouble of ascertain-
ington what these statistics were based-
" ther they were simply the numbers rd -
turned by the immigration agents, whether
they were the numbers taken down by the
customs officers as the people came acroas
the bordeg, or whether they were bersong
who had actually settled on land at had
taken up their abode in Manitoba and Ole
North-West. Yet we all know that.this
same immigration from the United States
bad been going on long before 1897, He spoke
of the fact, which we are all glad to know
is nmv about to become a reality, that.Can!
adian securities will be equal to the best
British securities, so far as the investment
of trust funds is eoneerutd. But lie did
not have the time to lay before tlii4 Houi�e
or to give information to this Housie, as I
trast funds.
He came do -
position. 210
micii are investea in Tnern
i with a very important pro
ther than the propogiti6n t(
duets of a largo and fertile is
I est ladles into community 0
�h the Dominion of Cartida
A either the time or did nol
)10 to give 63 this House of"
liformation as to how this In
the products under free trad,
%vowd differentlate at' Affed,
,his oo�lutrY, Ile took art im
, gv.0 A bonus by way o
Customs duty upon expengivi
! the beet root induc4try h
I - - - - � O.
beet root augar industry
[a ,one which can be nuedog-4'
lion. friend the Minioter of Tr e and Coin- . period of active se ice-, Mat 'Cre. - these of. tlii[s -expeuditur� as. between the two' Cray when- a large surplus remains in these figures, talren from the -bon. gentle. h4.countrT and pondered. upon. The foi- Ili I will stop at Ogoqd' l 4 . . Mr. POSTER -We perce, whil6f lid was 'roiling forth from that I have. been' reading These state- Governments. the hands of the government. A large . man a own returns. In 1889-90, we ..had the oing tabs shows the-rate.of duty XrOln humoui." It ia'a very apfrDpriate pJ&cgt,A' ,liatongue the immense expenditure of the inent- that I have been reading rep . resent Let us'now take.the total expenditure surplus invites -to extravagance,, a . ud period of hig4cab taxation, ia this 6ountry, 480 to 1890 inclusive: stop land. the argument a the ban. geptlow, last year and of -the present. and current 1he solemn Vbdges of grown -men, who have, per head of the popu]otion. I Am not going has invite& to extravagance in - this. And I begin with -that year. R f on Imports for 11onio Co man (Sir Richard CartuTight) is brioughtt n-
�ear by the gentlemen who, in 1893 and lived in th a country and eng ed in. Its' into any fanciful enumeration of the popu- country.'. The Government and Parlia- SUMIATIM DUtiable and Free. out� I did not,entir agree with my ho P,
E '911tedil 14tion of this country, became I am not in gurat6 TAXATION AND REV- -Under Llberal-Conserv. r Liberals. friend (Sir RicbArd artivright). whon 40 01�, t896 made it tbo'particular plank in their politics for thirty, twenty-fIV6. oW a' ant of this country should inan VOW= OF TTnde o16
platio;�; that the expenditures of the coun- years. These aie -the, utterances of molh, able to do so any more than is the Minister . a system of oconomy. 21-65 P.C. 1897 17.87 oriticised these indications, but, an �r were outrageously high, and that the Who., stood before the pea .21.21 P.C. 1808 16.95 p. c.
ule, with their of Trade and Commerce, although in his That is a statement made irr-1893 b Total 1891 2106 there is what he said. The.mlinister [Ait-e I -Conservative Government should be hands on their hearts;. an declared that speech in Massek Hall lie Undertook himself P.C. 1890 16.70 P'C. ;a, C Of Trade And-. om-
t of power because they would not they w en an 0 81 a. a e a a Taxes. Kevenue. 1892 17;56 p.c. n a and. the Minister
ere honest And truth4elling, W46se' to make'up- the -V 8 country in e niFfter .,$31,587;071 'V9,0i925 1893 17.38 P.O. morce are now sitting together, and tU of tbi _opulatiop i i8ter ilaInce, an en re
e,them. But, Sir in contradb, I wish are the Utterances of men, all Anxious to from t f r, of . . SO,314�151 - ' 38,570,310 11394 .. .. .. 17.13 I
and draw big deductions he figures nrice to es. 0 �Axl . oa0ts of one 1895 109 er of
m bring the atteriNit �f this House and say that -on Friday night the Minist
of climb into- power, taking hold. of. these he made, and he got himself into an Absurd surplus 0, 700,00 a 'a in , one of M,4`40,07 36,921,871 Trade nd. Commerce- (Sir Richard CArt. ion, Intlemen oppositq to the position they Pledges as -of the rungs of a ladder, by which 1892-3 29,321,367 38,108,008 1896 18.28 )).a, �ook efore, 1806, slid to the strange com- tangle in hi t pt o do.it. I alli fak- 15001, 1 refer I . to colleagues. Average 1892-96, 17.47 P.C. right), UictIV took the Minister of Finance
-they have gained power, but which, after 1803-4, 36,374,693 (Mr Fie.ding) by the Impel of -the colLti.Arld
what the public records give us as to Avera e. 1897-99 nentary. Upn what they call their - prin- 0 AND DEFICITS. 16 11.17 said: they have kicked Ing LUSE 1894 ... ... ... 25,446,198 33,979,129 Re they have gained power, iiples and thir policy in the years precc�d over, th Population Of Wis Country,* as We have 13URP I 0 Of I -P.V. and broken entirely ' the pledges, do between the years -when the census 1805-6 21,759,285 '30,618,590 & her, ielding,. 'You make a great mll�: Zg, to The hon..ientleman wanted to show that take in that. ' D i know that evidenceo-
1890, made by their sets siribi 1895, Which they made. . Hdn. gentlemen staile 11398,7 28,e48,620 37i829,778 ese ' tI commenced, in the era of effcIts had passed, and that an 18074 29,576,455 40,555,238 is t4en. Well, ft,'ho,* does A stand? But there is a Peculiar circumstance that.
In 1893, th gon em as I reo0unt these things, Why T Because T , following. table will. show it at, a I Would Me to tall to the attention� of the of,debt are not' evidences of.proopokity! �hcir oilientiorl, with 9,eclsiring: essity for h they believe thierb is no.lon or neQ giance, �,ei� f surpluea. bad succeeded.' :.Well, .1898.9 34,058,069.- 46,741,249 )IlOn t�irristg.of Customs who deals honest- Why, 'you have not, got that morigy,' I
with"abirm the t years do yoU,suppote lie chose in or� -whst� is interred. in railivay 'sllbsidies and 31i liq We cannot but vliaw truth aildonour in the pult'lie men of this W a Tihtfigures W.15h.W. to do' large increase of the public debt and -of country, because'the behive that -the else. 15xpen. der to make. a fair comparison between the We. see therefore, by these fi res that worlw� to keep some troublesome fo ,the controllable annual expenditure of. torate, is: "Ked, as utterly to be 'ron: Population. Total Expert. per head. two administrations, in the matter, of Our, 1894.5, viieri the - taxation. wAs CORk- NOT FOR HOME CONS U*MPTION, b6hind You - in . proper subbrdina
de-' 1892-6-5,011,000 $49,141,704 $8.41 tion; do the Dominion, and the conseque5t. Uri- . contennied, as utterly to be pluses and deficits, and hw do you sup and.the total,r�venue $a3,978,129' *as the were eallktr for 1696 125,436 .41,702,383 8.14 YOU hot ](now that if you. . % I V .
pose he.treated the question. even. after se- period of lowest taxation, and we fatow that I will ask him if; in 189D, 23,000,000 bushels the money in the savings banks yqu-baVo. due' taxation of the people under; the spise as are their comises 00 1897 --5, 185,990 8.2& b 5, 281 &63 from 1890 to 1804, including these � years, of Indian com.had.been imported into the not *got it.14 your treasury and that
Governments. that bien continii, en. repeated 1898 -5,248,315 45,334: lecting his ground? He * took the, years of , ously in power since 1878;, and we do, "before -the people Is there any reason 1890 --51312.600 51,542,635 SM. Conservative administration of 1893, 1894 three -successive reductions bad.been made country how would it have been entered would have t, borrow it. mand strid economy in the administra- why these gentlemen should -not cover their a1hd 1806, and he amid that in, those three in the itariff of the country. Now air what - in, the Trade and Navigation returns of that � And so. I'think that. a rapdIfyin influence tiort of theL Government of the coll[n- faces with their. bands.whenever they 3neet Here we bai� per qapita expenditure 'years the're,was a deficit of $0,694,759. He fifflowis? That, herva&in 1889-'96, $h,500,- 'year? He knows that that 23,000,00O.buah- ni�y..have been used in that way fy the Cq1- an honest man in this contitr ? Do they in 1890 of $8.14"tild in 1890 of* $0.72, ac- -then took the three su6ceeding years of the' .000 were taken'from the country in taxa- @a Would not have been taken for.consump- league of the Finance Minister. -Rowever ,try.. believe that by means of the machine which' cording to the figures given by t6 Minister present- Government, and he added up the. tion; in 1894 -5 -that had been reduced to, tion in thio'couiitri, and, that a very small maybe the sweets of office have."modiQ Mat ivas the pronouncement of tho.Llberal they 6;�trol� of"the cteatures4hit fhey,.take a.' Customs Arid by the Dominibil Stais. surpluses and. deducted the small. deficit, Z5,500,000, or in round umbers, $6,000,00%. proportion comparatively, is takep� even the.-asperiflea of his former criticism; rr f $4,800,000 slid iay, =velation f 1893. Mr. Davies now, Sir - t �their confidence,'und send off to ;do tician. an increase of $LN,for- every man, and made a net surplus a targely bk'the tariff revisee-which r )ioms, cousumV' of' the- cOTn be that the delights of sittin back 48 An
bouis Davies the'llr6sent Minister of Ma- -wornall'a I nd child in the Dominion. Now, then addilig. this; surplus- to the f had tak. now fo 'on
their electioneering work� 'they are going to ormer de- 'an face, Under the Conservative Govern- that comes in from the t�d: States. It onjooker and alternately long ing, ine and Flle��;, declared - I Sir ficit, he exclaimed.. Behold 9, betterment % - , 4
Pais soot -free for. this violation of -what,- in , let. me 'make. another com�irisofi, meJ. These figures, I think� are a striking pagoes-through the country. intrunsit,'and is derneath . his heard- sometimes, I feari swear. The Liberal party asks that several England, -would consign� ny public man. to in 1893 it; , wa:8 that , my Tight Of $11,000,000 Does my ban. friend. think commentary updri two.things- First the al- exported from this'dountr' as foreign pro- ing at* the vagaries* of his Callon . guea; per- political ob1hrion 'as surely as he bas ell. honorable friend (Sir Wilfrid Lau- it fair to select a period of depression, such leoed extravagance and the'bigh taxation duce, 'I ask the ban Minioter of llaps these have so softened his former opla. millions may be lopped off.We Present Customs.
expenditure, without injury to the pub. gaged in publild life in that I country ? iler);,denounced.' the Libetal-Conservative aw existed in this country from .1893, to under. the Liberal-Couserjfve Government, if, under these oonaitions, in 1896 there. ions or obliterated them, that he has .not lic service. Goverhmerct for its extravagance and 1895, and' to compare. that With a period .and -the beautiful way, ther.unique way,, in had be6u. %,000 000 bushels of America'n corn used the keen edge of criticism on his rho Hall.. David Mills, -how I Minister of TAKING MONEY FROM THE PEOPLE' declared that he would bring the 6f'the gigatest expansion,.*as he himself Which these economists 'have, Arried out 1rou it into Me country, in.whait column Nn thes says, ever known in 'Catiado.? Why did my 'honourable Colleague the Finance lViAl
rustics in this Governuierit, stimated that t wo'millions or their pledges and reduced the taxation b Woull it have been enteiid�for h roe con- . tillon. gentlemen came in,.and tnre of 'this ount% to t back to 1891? Re would ister what 1 aye t ey.'done since they caaae in ? three millikisc Mr hon. friend not go' t 0 AN ABITRARY DIVISION, "The probable saving, would be four less n -it was. No have found thot in 1891 we had a surplus ncreaiiing it to $7,190,A)b - from .189e 0 sumption Or under general Imports?' 'Xhe What'have they done witli the expenditure comphrisons?W1 1899. ban. gentleman knows that not'a bushel of Speaker, What are the Millions of dollafs." of this wuntr ? The bon. Minister: of and also in -1892, and he would have found 11 sIr,-I have nothing to quarrel with MiJohn' C arlton at that time and still nd out some -other things. ' He would have Well, sfr,'Weie totber way of making it Would have been ent6red for home con. I PIVI, inUicastions of prosperity, but Finance (Mr. Fielding), said, in a light a 6nst,lidatod Fund Total ' arisous, whiobli:nthe ta:pion er head, gumption except that small quant! Which c member PthiiilYJ;�se, declared in, this airy way: We bad last year more money; Expenditure. re, found that -in 1891, when we bad a buoyant CO.'? 11ty have som- remarks to make as to th Q m071, with an- that will be shown, by the. was actually intended..for home consunip- acell..
Elouse.; e had a revenue '$6,186,000 greater than 1893 814,052 7",x43,e,,'di7t2u7 revenue and asurplus of $155, table. ner in which they were collated and pl,
$26 51 other surplus in sight for the next, year, tion, and that. the rest of it would not have - Does- the Ik T, 0
The Liberal party, it in power, �ould. we had the year before. (Great applause 1809 41"00s,500 '542�635 before the House. finisie
At Once reauce.the public expenditure from the back benches'l) Lot me translate - 1, as Finance Minister of 'the Governinebt Taxation .Per Haad� o i me consumption total& for Finance (Mr. Fielding) tell me that he ig 64ud' effect Other savings to the eXteht thatintoplain En lish,suchasthelion,-Mit- of that. day, came down to this House and the, calculation of.the revenue rates, and it Increase- 40,089,"8. $10 689 108 givin 9 I ,an roduct x- ment of the trade of Canada by divi4ing it
of five raillion dollars per. annum with,' ister of Trade aN Comiterce would have wiped out entirel, the duties on raw a Customs, & Pxoioe, would have gone out as forel 9 any fair comparative or other atafe. 1SQ0 .... .... $5.01 which* were very igh. If he had lo k I a ported, W�*, the -thing is Anan-tked, Coin
cy used in 1896. What does it mean ? That And Yet those'llon. gentle4en. claim� that - the .$060 is free, and I 4sl . a Arbitrarily into th o I CO. imilairilig tho� efficien of see-' the.calculations he would have faung 1892-90 ... ... ... ... . .8.96 5,55 i: the hon. Minister of Una- from re unequa pe vice. -you are takitio -out of -the packets of the they 'have fulfilled their plq4ges. Having 28D5 2.52 'and Navigation Re- first period 1868 to 1878 �tep year$ people, the . wage-earners, the. labouring river 'qh following result, and. I give It I im this. table 5.02 torns to take his Trade kud Mr. Wilfrid Laner, now the leader d L out Government whi , was soex- for comparison., 1896 3.94 5.42 turns, to turn up the book and find how the'secoud period,from 1879 to.1806 (eig classes, the farmers of this country. $1.16 1897 ..... ... ... ... .... teOn kears), and the third period,trom 1806. )f this Government, declared in, Toronto- travagant� ' these gentlemen hbve markedi' 3.93 6.52 Much carn, from the UniW States, was cia� to 189D (three year#). On Wht. basis has . par heAd more than the previous year for and mariced in a significant manner. their Sugar. tax 1898 . ..... ...... 4.22 563. 6 column of -total imports_4nd
W remission. Surplus. Deficit. '1899 .. .... . 4.84 9,58 tored in.t he inae the collocatiti-of-theso fig I If we get into Power we Will * folio every, man, woman and child in CgUild&. appreciation f economy by sp6ndifig. $10,- 1.49 not included in the home consumption Col. -ure
mample of Xr, Mackenzie; And 1 -m4 227, gr
the Re Maclt, the statement that t1hey 1891 474, 165,977 Nil. Reduction 1890.tp 1896 on -what basis has he triads th
68.9,000- more. in the last year than -was spent lsq2 5,200,000 1,854;555 ........ Increase, 1896 to 1899 I8 is a gation!
say at$ ug a may, not be Able h4d 90 :r, Unin Upon the scale and rate of duty Does not -my t a taken. five millions and odd more in on friend know t at when
to bri t expe ", Tea to what, they - 5" in 1803. ell,. Sir, that is nob -the best of 1893- 4.000,000 ...... U;210,832 is to be calculated. How much will Ile find? he states that -111 1868 tho trade ng torns And excise than they took last year. it 6, - 4,821,OOD ,i . ... 4,163,875 That is i� say, t r head from I venture to tell him that he will not find Again applause from the back benches. 1895-- -5,603,501 . ..... 330-6531 180D to 1805, undtr a Conservative 4dininis- a' bushel, but he will find that, 23,1342,847 MONO; and in 1870, it was Only 4153j000,000;
were .1 e 0 can reduce the the orst of it, for' the estimates 1894 he roduction pe giveri by the Flitance Minister for te cur- does
rs r year. millions Of dOI-' Tkanslate it, and what does it mean ? That rent year are as follows- That -the expendi- tkation, as $1.40 in customs, and 4L58 -in bushels of America corn wdre brought into he not know that be, has people, who, in the. language of from these $10511995 $1,610,532 $5,094,159 th. From I y caricatured . the state of itsdo ture on Consolidated fund will be $.43,175,- -Total remission of taxation ..$19,851,995 cust'ams and excise bo, 896 to 1899, this *dountm placed in the.columns of his 125111%, 1868. to 1870, because it
rhe present Water of e ray ban. friend opposite, were� "bled hite," 000, and on capital� $9,875,000, a total qxpen- Net deficit .. ... ... ... 41194,227 the increase in customs alone is 90 oents'per returns,, 'tutored. for home consurription,* nerce; a for nearly tw nt Liar ent the fhriners, the people whoe -backs. were diture of $53,050�0,00, 'as- Compared With a bea , and in customs and excisq together, that the value of that was $8,066,925, And if you look over the Course of trade, ou will 3o'llowing itrough this count i I 5 a bowed r3prowth the burdens of extravagant tota otpenditure in,1896 of $41,702,393.'In Net gain to country ..$15,667,708 $1,16. And this past year is but a pr6mioe he -will 0 to the collumA a exports he find that In 1873 it"bad gone up to ;reat expenditures; of the over di. government, you are taking $1 perlioad ovdr of at the resent current year ind the will fint thiJit of that $2.3 � 000 from $131,000,000 in 1809, And then. Ut CC to go up to - , 00,0.00 bushels,
0 and above what auto ing year are to be in the way of MpOW,847' bushels, valued at $0,302,683,
be year'befor Those are facts which were knourti to my ilareaffont his place in a on, f4o C t a -1,000,0 a e'eeFz of $4,40�0,000.owr last 1873, for some reason it commenced to -de.
7 ban, Wend and which he might have taken still greater, increases. ilve been, exported from this coun.
in taxes alone. 'Then, Sir. he boasted that alme until it Went down to WaOOD At
Of the -MW For ray wn part, I do not hesitate Y a t a exp I is to increase into account in making his comparison but the end of the administration is I I that I consider a yearly ex- he 'had. A. sur plus of $4 897 000 - It was again t , as foref product, to the old coun.
a dit a of rty million- dollars, or goted with apPG86. Ne-transdiation-of 0 t t of t a present ye 11,500,000. ve COMPAUISON OR TA107 RAM' try. If the on. gentleman wishesto deal
which, unfortunately for him, would I& kt-lizie Government in Which my bon, frie
t t
t t is into'langua ld.have . THE INCREASE OF THE DE, (Sir Richard Carbw% I -oig Te of old times wo BT. entire Y destroyed it. That no doubt was holiestly with figures he will instruct the I ht) was FIASAOS xhl� later as compared wi h'$217,000,000 in 1$73.', t lion dollays, altogether been: "A surp us, Sir I You have no bu- Now, Sir, having inside this to parison, the reason why he guSred - thern. Hove is Now, sir, I want to say a word an the clirka of his departments to take that $6,- oO a.ge for t a present resources of .. ol another table. tariff rates so as to mal;e a comparison' 862,683 worth of corn entered here for home siness with a surplus- �Wllen on take suf- I wish -to come back to-. the statement which, Welt, take the Other period, front 1$70 f
"alia a. I a tbait it is a disgrace and - ficient out of he people of was made by the Minister of F 180S... In 187.9 the trade was .. ame e ovmirmpirt that. have . T inance He 1894 to 106. 18K Ex6elio. vhich will bring out as clearly as wo,pos coneumption, but ;1ich did not go into 'O been ent iihis bouptry. to'caie for the ordinary con- desired t& show as -regards the increase of T sibly can what'is the differsiles, between home consumption, and which and in 1896 it was 239,000,000, ote with our siltairs that they Polidated fund expenditure and gervices,.Yu :,01'1e.ted. ;80,100,000 . $93,100,000 $12,400,000 theso ban, gentlemen under what that, call juesint to go into was nevo,r looking over the tr4 X. the debt, that the iresent Government was Other their, low "venue tariff, or moderate , ariff, -home consumption but in- rePorto knows 04t d Wit. us and ask for an e 'have no business to take more, You should in a much better position than tho� late that Imig otiod a, eighteen years tharli come d I
penditure of $38300,000 a year for fed revenue. 20,200,000 8200,000 to the ex arts of foreign products, rr,;�, the Goverrimprit; and how did he atl[ctupt to' 1 $164,000, which he hall #ken as the
oral purposes. �ir� the thing is uitro"; bave lot that remain in the Pockets of the 5,800,000 and the Liberal-Conservotive, Government were periolt of greater au4 Was trodop be%
se it i great deal bet- show that? ' ulider what -the ban. gentleynon opposite do- Why, Sir, be took the Yeats Total excess 9 years (Liberal).,$18,200,000 cause cycles of greater or less prosperity otw nominate as the extravagautlybigh national home consumption totals uPon**hioh to cal- ceeded each other -twice, three Unless oft4p ter tbin you could use it. here." My ban. from 1878 to 1806, and said that in those. 4xpenditures -policy duties. ow, I am not gaingJo m4ka 614ta his %ver1r. Will the bon. gentle-
Vhv present economical Minister, the Post- friend was very solicitous lost We should- eighteen years the debb,ivas increased by on consol- man do that? 001 times four times, in that len ;h,,o timo.
naster-General (Mr. Mulodk), who, when he eonfqw the expenditures upon consolidated 6, Idated these calculations myself, There is one n a he consider that - this. ZZ t 0 1cht, AraA tying to got Into office, objeeted to fund and capital, No said that s6me gentle $118,000,00D, an average of. 503,000 per fund W2;00,000. $110,100,00 $6,00,000 thing that 0, member of on Opposition Can to dea h , tly with the �00=tryf I My hoo. Wood knowa alga on
year, whereas from 180o to 1890, three years, on Cap.. sometimes tot out of the Governiftebb, that give my �11 freiNend greater credit for sagA- Ournstances. Of this country radioill ruell t ings �as the Governor-Genbral's -as- men were apt to confuse them, . Who t Are there was an increase in the debt of $7,700,- Account of - 'l k from period t* period, and sa the. -to be call- 000� or an average increase of $2,503,000per 16,006,000 20,760,000 5,700,000 is, informs ionond whim W A itv,and, nowl6ilgo than riot to know the aryi shouted himself hoarse over seventeen etitlemen ? They are apt ;o ban. Re son was entirely w6rthleiW, excepti )r even fourteen Cabinet Ministers in a Nadi, when we find the bou. Minister of year; and then he imagined that he had Total oxoeso export. a years (L1b,).#2,WO,W0_ tlemen do got t IT blue-booUs down -which currents of tra46,upoft such important 4r.
ountry like Canada, -swullowing up the r. Blair) spreading the Minister of Trade And Commerce has fibleo as VAdA corn in the department of egerate the 11mr4onft dad RaiWave and Canals satisfied this House, and this country,that Making the comparlson in this whic h splendid increase the last three Yors Iii
upon de estimates anrl _4
noneg of the country in an attempt to gow volinj through this not done yet, and the lack of which I Wk he a the heWo And where he Is can.
he had proved the matter up to the hilt, way, comparin% the Actually Call- in My preparation for in stalit Y�- in touch with the details of the registered in the trade of thisoulittf, tojt� wil tu 0 Was there ever a m1are Unfair statement lectdd revenue in both cases, they Cal- to the bon' bbolitobs. Why is it they have gairidd the Ing these'unfavourable pointA 'at to a people, in 1895 declared, with his Itouke, on the lines of capita dspendi r , wrerly
gentleman who spoke on &Y-1 04Y that 0.70 land on his heartf hundreds of thousaras of i1ollarn which, in made9 Was there ever a more flagkiint teIrII8,200,000 more from the people in when To do get the figures made Up, by advanta el Of a lower rate, per cont.. this as he did$ in 1878 And 1800, We ir I
'I ition of thi's $0,000,= - .,+" this Ilea" 4-A , X&, , Who can justify the expenditure of preceding Governments, were always met outitage committed upon all rikwonable rules th a years of their administration than I us look ait! .9 question of tra a out of consolidated fund Ad, chargCd to themse yea, I propose to take theinu long Year Wh all the Addi a" A
.our country to -day 7 It cannot be jus- of compbrigon? The lion. gentleman. tAkes- we did in the three years. of our admiftis- doubts at All that the trade a t d" be, flloto odd, whera, it should Payer have been el dlV , tilled by the w4lth of the country. Consolidated fund the pdhoA fram'1878 to 189Q,,and be earn- tration which the hom gentleman elette , as I think they fairl Conserve t advanced a liendidl I Wel la "a
Ing to warrafit. this snorm- things, such as Will, Sir, which make it pareff the increase of capital experlditupe'iti and this woVd have entirely wiso out and are based Upon TImnartial lines, 'So, Z gddid, boa given thei? Because, either the a 10 th yasyk
There is tiotl ?a 4 , take from the trade and navigation figures, 00. geatIften'd clor 9 did not choose to NOW W will 60 i
Oita expenditure of nearly impossible for people to i4glitly Appreciate ears with the increase in the three his so-called etterment., of 'I'd the duties On dutiable and free imporW In- do the ri4ht thing, or, because when the trn of the tide 4 A =t,,vtbe. fAct that we are burdened the OX andbturee of the -country, unless left $7 00,000 to the good b as $An Ith you ta?le the total expenditures, 'because years just past, when Canada bad almost V 'lot to this countil boo. gentlernaft was calcolsing the titeiv NO PANIC IN OAZtADA, debt; and with office -holders. completed her house and installed hermain. Conten with collecting $18 ore, , for home consumption and
resent it As allows. he highest year of �6 did not.give what was fair and honest the line of distinction 'between c6ml a I
great and small. tisrevenue expenditures 'bits been obliterated, furrii-ghings, and now had but to provide the they made an extra expert t a in, these fariff rNto was in 1800, -when it -tvas 21.65 per tiforrarition in referonoo to them. if he Nobody, who has read the AUVAcial *4 ,knd Mr. Paterson, now D, member Of I lotted out, a courad approved by hon. g6n, lesor ep I roments in the various depart, three years of $12 2DO 000. cent, The Hoitiso will see that from 1889 to will deduct that $0,262,683 from the $164,� trade history of this country, doubfil Abi At
p ld *11tiell has been most . h Surpluses, says ;�y �on. friend. Does he 1$05 the peroentago rate of talc 049, lovetnoletat, in 1890, declared : ments V e public service. TA me read know that since confederation there have ation, fell qw000. and divide the remainder into the single moment -that, the conoervi
In I 80 e ere C1 115,000 more d6terminedly op osed by this, side of the to my ban. friend gains figures, and then been wenty surpluses in our Ariantial his- from 21.65 to 16.99 under the suodessivd to, duty colleoted, he will nd that instead Of of the national poligy from X801 6M see if *be does not himself feel ashamed duttions of the tariff which -were made by 10-70 per cent. so I have burriedir made, the reft"aw in on, Of le., so e than we Rouge in the interest of a party, of action, tor? Does he know that*tho Liberals can did great things Or CapaAll, p I ' hio
f at a 9 7, 1, are Wa we and eoumequcotly 'of fair comparlsion,' as of having Attempted to palm off so Unfair a only boast of three of these, and that out the Liberal-Coullervatives. In 1896, the tata taloulation, his ftt6 for 1809 will be 17.30 in a osition enjoyed by very few '.6thm
f3hou d. o 4 at an era of sea- well its in the interests of tood -administra- OtatO trv. From 1878 to of twelve deficits the Liberals are respon- goes up, because, as I said, iL pArt of the per cent., as compared with 10.99 per cent. countries In th,t Let me gi" 't* nomy in expe iture a a I a at once tion Itself, Let us take otli. 1890 we were buildilig the banadia-A Fatific siblo for five and the Liberal -Conservatives sugar duties ere put back, and WaL V6,t4 in 1898, and with 18.29 per cent. ift 1890, side Authority for, that. -4n autb�Oelans 0 a
RailwaY, And we spent $05,000,000 of as, I in that year was IS -.28. I O I I
entero upon. Ital for seven. ifut, of the seven, two wore duo wid he will find that his gain of reduction has been quoted in this House 16"
qr. David Mills, at that time, but now Two GOVg1tWunius COMPAInD. oil tha.1; road; in the three Years Raab t;tcA0 to the paying of the North-Weat rebellion Now what is the state of things which of duty in 1899 over 1806 is only 02-100 of famous statistician And publlal#, the W04
;he Minlst;4T of �Yustice, ftlar6d in 1802l, , It, ha bon stated over and over againt gentlemen have spent just $23,00 on the expngog out of tho revenues ot the coull- they Alsol400? It we compa" 1889 With Otte pir cant. I may be mistaken in this Mr. 'Wells, who i4 -the 06tum of M *10111% We. say th Uy hon. gentlemen opposite, that when the Canadian Pacific Railway. From 1878 to try, and the other three ware due to this 1896 therd was a reduction of 4.* per cent, point, I am atlxiouFj tbst.t may be sot right as follows., at the -government of this late GoVernlrnelkt� Were in power, they were 1698 we spent on -canals, 36,000,000; inthe remission of sugax, taxation of which I have in the rate of taxation under the LibetiLl- if I ain mistaken but if X am right in my in tile Dominion, of cans4k aquw_Ato country ma be carried on for A, very 4
elinagant Government. I Wish last throe years these gentIonten have spent ,spoken. hoervatives. If you take the impoitg of calculations X think it is the duty of the Irom, us oft the ft6rth by 6ft Itnagi: hi* much small;r sum than that which is a before the House, $4,300,000. From 1878 to ING we get agide I am willing to take P. defidit when It, is which were *105,252,00% You Will filld ban, Minister of Customs, the hon, line, there has been no pilallo, to un now being taken out of the pockets of ficres con: 1111� inister of rislaftte, anct of the, kon, dtinasid for itione,
to pir will read the as debts to the provinces, $10,300,000; while caused bv relieving, the burdens of the th. 4.00 per cent. of it is $4,900,000, that jit, o stogase of 1A.
in it. It gives tie expendi these lion-. gentlemen have made an appro. eople but; what burden of the people, to say the reduction in the rate of taxation ,the people'for that purpoge, tamed Inister of Trade, and' Commerce$ to set duOrlog, no toAtrietion of rade, Vre are taking for 4 reduction of tutes on consolidated revenue account, and priation of only $260,000. We spent on Eas a genAeman, Tolieved? I fail to see. from JBiO to 1895 was 4.W per coht - and the this matter right 'at once, for, Sir it you weasea rate of intevest; JA 469 no 1A.
ibi has added taxation. He has added actual volume of t4x&ti cannot take our bluo-bookst so em;]y given beyond the ordinary coorlm 1-oll- elon taxalon, we ate askinq for economy in also the total ex enditurea in parallel col- the Intercalonial Railway branches, 20,500,- Sir, be on taken o 0
the management of public, affairs. umns, tonsequ6ntly; I offend in neither To- 000. they ba spent 0,400,000. %fle as. taxation on liqors and toacco. And, he basl� was $4 900100. Now we, Will toko 1896i to the people As a record of facts, its in except 00 f4r as thes* en
�Tr, Chariton, sit that tifne, and still, it greet, and. I do not Confuse the two 'has added taxation on sugar,, under the pro- their own Wku;�s still. The to
sui�ed the St. Lawrence tebbi 2,700,000, xiff rate was
t every respect true to fact, and mAke your
tense of givilit A PrefercncO to the WOst 18,29,1 in 18D9 it Was 10.70, a difference be, caloulations upon the basis of the eircuria- m 01.1 toal OA0 w1l,
nember of this, Rome, declared that the ot on thereaft,or Wit tie improve- been influenced , tontigul wbo
wople were becoming �igguated. EXPENDITURE ON COXSOTADAT9111 And W( have assumed nothing Indies, wliloh e kiiew at the time would twteert the two perf bo terined a nauciol ment ourselves, they 1 stances which actually exist) then, ir, you pat ay of destruction with to not be Operative said he came up at the merchall J's lx& Conti .
They see the Uxation from customs YU14D ACCOUNT AND TOTAL ard to the debt, incurred by the diso imports or 1809 we mugf; surely implant, the tanker and virus
is increasing. they see the public delA Montreall Harbour Commission in imProvin next session of Nrliament and declared 459. go, if You had taken, the tariff rate of Ong to, but ilot WWWA piling UP,' %ey see the inordinate in- that it had not been operative. And wily? of that ausplolon. and want of Con ends, tory. the St. Lawrence, On the Quebec WON 1896 and applied it to these imports You in the expenditum Consolidated Total Because at the very time he put on this would have taken, from the people $2,M9,066, Which Will tffeatuaJAY dest That is a statement of peat force and "k
and Sliore, Rallway we assumed $%3010000; they duty, there was such legislation in the Uni- more th&A-actually was taken. That is to our public records. Row, I We a pI 19 our people are leaving the oountr3r in Fund Expenditure. ttothing. On territorial expenses 'w x- worth, co n fram, the, ftinfrit =10 wh
disgust. ito $3d,826,82I ted t1tates of America in respect of the say, by their own showing they have stivtds ars the tells utp until it a coot 10 d, . . Ir that per of 1801
18e. Sol (average) - 2,630,000 inded $900,000; they nothing. And yet the countervallin% ditties, that it more than what. do we find! Vrotit 18 unt I t !eiwo Jed .1
& Milla agal 21 . 0* 0 . ...... 30,765,894 %inanco Minister of this eountr made up to t o West, India ano ougar pro- in th volume of taxation $2 4M,000 by their Ile penveit it 11 8
1803 2,272,130 rate average was 17.47. In 1800, It was 18 28 rity in t
.. #. .. $0,814,052 0,853,727 reduc: ions, whilob the Liber�' was ono of Veflsu;talued utli
" declared in 1880, -sr thinks it b I W�noetvktllves Dominion of. Canada, There Aras
I have to aouht at all that the ofil 87,586,025, 43,800,%3 is not beneath, his dignity, and that it is ducers lot, the preference he ave thom. saved $4,W000 by their reductions. Ddts Find In 1890, it was 17.00. That is, in lig IL dlsw�b
,cienty of the public, service mi& be 189-� fah, and reasonable, to make a cqmparigou Yet he added from $300,00 tot-,00AW on tile tariff rath is just eloven,one hundredths Arica of trado; there was a failing off Irk jol.
increutd. and the e2 enditure dimin. 38,132,005 42,872,338 between those Utterly dissimilar porlods ng, sugar under that pretence, and even when file Ron, Vinleter of Oustoras 'to dispotei of One per! cold. less than the tatiff. rate ortal them wits In or* at two Y64VA a slight
ished by almost otio-b5f. IM2-1806 7,210s2M 42114lp763 regards; eat xpenditure. On thof Worth- lie acknowledged that it Was but 4 pro- those figures? fjoin 1892 to 1896, upo . ..... $0,049,142 41,702,383 West Rev( The Ministor of Cuttoms Mr. raw"On _n the Average. And, allin,5 Off in OXPOr But, Sir, by ION t4
THE MINISTER OF TRAVIi A14D 6.. 1: 138,249,769 42j972j755 Ilion we paid $4,800,00D out of -the, tense, lie had not tile sense of I playo �No, but I would treat them Romewlial the %*auction of taxation Which the Minis- tide had turned anNot -veto oilt the uphill 280.7 ;. revenues of the country; they incuftled no whiell ahoulil impel him to remit 10 X4- di tot of Firlatice calculated ytaterday At ft- course, 40 Was ;iiown by such signs of pros,
COMMERCE. 1609 SM821532 46,334,281 like expenve. tion which he putonthopeoploup a pro- evently.
On a a eclat point6the present lion. in- 1800 41o003,502 ycst4i�_Row would, the bon. gentle- 017,MO will be reduced to $1,417,000 over verity Which the bell. Ontletosti, watioa
Ater of ommereo -(Sit Richard 61,54,025 Some hen, membera-0h, oil,, tense which was: unfoun&d. man treat ithem, differently it he treated 1800, 0 tile tAto of reduction of ft1ftetY`4wO- in his bu ot lipefth. in Ion into I ade, and ILTAIMED ENTHUSIASM From 1891 to 1895i there were throo sov- them honeA the pogro" of thist oftntry lartwright) dedared, Now, Sir, one vbrd w td,,total expenditre, pral reductions of the tariff under the �Iyl 1: take my bon. friond'ot onn hundredths Of One Per Cent. I have one And ift, I XOW5 I believe 'that the services of for ifter all that Is really what wo spend. Mr. Fostr--Wh statement now. Ile Would. treat theta dif-. word more to SAY With McOncb to Was up*aras in a Cycle of to this outburst O HIO conservative part on sugar, on molaases, y 7 0 W
ry aga n t th
H Ilse
to It "Du
$1 000000, esia a
200 in
6� g py,
roy us
f V th
I rad W
02 890
this 'Government will be infinitely bet. Tbtt is what we gettither from the CoUnt tinied onthuslunt.1 'Art the Sion or ferotiti bon. t1c. M a general revi ]�,, How? the�e rates? Again, they are not my own prosperity, And th n. ry on po iniFtor of &to ftirds, but the figures of the Minl6for of into power Just when taking ovi
ter conduoted if we had or' sr borrowing; mitl that it ig which mctts� Men Opposite dipatisfied that the e 41 tarilf which, Onlettlatod -in &UY way I give them foi attt, vigo-ar and ih th, ave to Only of a lion was quelled? - Are they, ins s Rlat my �on, friend 1)leagos, mado 1; great- �peakitlg of wdueltions made on your own Trade And Commerce, and take htlgit.A -- ' . Minhiters nd a moderate number of urom the extravagance or thib clean t, W#r
junior Officials to uslist them. it does Gov6rhmont. It is all very oll to anillu. that we did not add that exPoll ev Veminsioll of taxa, iolt, by, far, than all figures, Our reductions are made upon what thbY 2re Worth, and T tbom to, doligmtW&W aft apptlir to be a toonstrodsiece of folly late surpluses and eapiw expenditure so as national debt, but paid ik out a 116 tile cuts And 01 the revisiobs of the tarix yotir M,0111108 6ad Vou figuro. be true, ','What &To the;V? I have ore it list 00 #Q, 0044
Mr. Foster -1 am taking of reductions
made the figure& Trade Navi-
of the rate of dutIANO #-*M-o *1101W*4
on o7the and
94 tion Returns, oil the figures which your
from Grva+o� Britsin, i4d I ftl
Iwo the r4to of t arig Jmjoi$4 Ott Asaah&
Civil report,gives me. I have made the cill-
colationsi I Will put them before the llouso,
it is 26.62, or just throo.4irld fift
a th;
and I svIll challenge you to. dispute their
correctness. 1 am following up, cxlk(%Jy�
hundredths of one peZ. c#nt.
waa, in 16N. Aggin Jay the$# An 10" V*7
the method that tile JlOA MlUiSter Of Fift-
figares. They Are tho i ligurso tAkoo
I we
4LAeo Ate. Fielding) pursued on Ifactay)
the table, published by the UWAVe
nt of
whea said lie had figurod, out a rate Of
Trade and Commerce ht 140 report
702,383. the rest of the expenditure being provided governmenti Mat, -every department might 2. per Coot of a reduction, equal.to 4 -so. Mr. RAGGAUT-WAU *0 Now, Sir, when you leave the year 1890 for alit of the revenues of the country. well have is OxPendituro reduced. Take Nctliin of ta,xiltion of �3,070,000. calculated by 1805-0 which w4 the )%at fiscal t � him? what do You find? You find that in 1897, nd Yet, my lion. friend thinks that it is a �eq of lie 'rho, Minister of FinAnce-A reduction as Air. FOSI'ER,-yox with 60 the uver4c total expenditure riscs to - lopare 4 with 1894. Compared Vith your tariff, not as eq in- age% themselves PaGlawd by lkilt� $12, 9 under bon. gentlemen Opposite. pared with any tariff of our own. ment,, 4114 set dOWA by the depa l;
fah, thing t6 send out to the country a earn late dovernment, and to
9%.755. pnrisoll n ouch dissimilar grounds as he t,
The Millistef of Trade and Commerce placed before this House on Friday last. *)& -want this 16 simely A copy Qf th A
he Laurier Ad min.ist ration Does (Sir Richard Cartwright). I do not Let us loolt at another point. suppose we I have Pu UP04 WIN p4por VOXA to interrupt the lion gentleman but Would did increase tho debt from 1878 to 1800 by ON COXIMAIVATIOD UND ACCOUNT. am he state again -what'he makes iho tQtal ex- $0,503,OOD a year, while they, increased it Percent. of r. MOXTAGUFr-AA%4 undov tho *POW peA41ture for 1806? I during the last three years by only $2 503,- Interest. on 1805-90. .1898-00. Increases. Increase. tion of the preference. Mr. total OXPOuaiture for 000 Q. let us go to the' other slae of Admir debt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $10,602,800 410,855,000 $353 0 8% D.C. FACTS AS TQ THE PREVOWN(IIII,
Not Deserve to' Get Any, 1609 is $41,70,383, and to assist ray bon. the lodger. How much t x1stration of justice ... ...... 816,000 07'000 74, .a. Mr. FOSWIR��Xcs, under 11to
ill tell axation did wo Art", Agriculture and Statistics .... 48' of the reference. Xqwk Ww rV A 0,000 268,000 000 22% a. friend (file Richard Cartwright), I w take out of the people of this country from Civ, government ...... ... ... ... . 8 0,0flo lo411,000 . 1878 to 1896? We took $20,500,000 a year. Geological survey ...... .. 134,000 149,OOD 15,000 him what the Finance Minister (Mr. Field 15,000 112% facts dWIZaed s to this preferec.1001
ing) has had to tell me in this House for How much have the -se gentlemen taken out Immigration ...... ...... ... 320,000 255,000 you have art important policy forlod[e4 9
Credit For It* threa several times, but only Upon my 31047 in the three Quarantine ... 05,000 486,000 105.000 no .01 a preference, A prefervr-.e of wlbatl A Years since they came into Aq 0 fing his memory, namely, that in a book- office? They have taken out $31,000,000 a Indiana ... ... .. 41,000 42 086,000 iomoo Ja P:o: Preference of 20 per cent, of the 4ut 8104 Light house and' to 466,000 546,000 79,000 16 P�Q. it, goes into force 121,2-p gy�
cesping way he charged u to the � Govern- your, and they Are increasing this in the Mull subsidies ...... . ...... ... ...... . 034,010, at, out. W 07A4
r Amwmw
meat expenditure in 1806 �21,394,000 for the present year by $4,000,000. If we had Militfa. and defence ... ... 684,056 00,000 0 P.C. than another 121-2. mqUinj it 20 d ti
... ... ... ...... 1,186,0 Z,112,291 076,000 DO P^ Worth Shore -Quebec Railway subsidYAW)"Ch taken the same taxation out of the country ... ... i,, , *** ... ... ... 172,001. elflvbil months of ltbig. Year 1899, N3
waa A liability incurred in 1882, And act in that these gentlemen Are taking out of it ocean and river aery ce, ....... IgI,OOO 318,000 U13.000 84 mo. cent. reduction has been. in forco. Jf Y0,4
Penitentlarles ... ... ... 830,000 149,00JO $0 P.C. tak 30,20, which,%vas the toriff go 4uVAbI* 1896. And though he included it in rail- to -day, we would have met all that expendi- Penal 386,000 417,000 32,000 8% P�Q. ay subsidies - actually paid in U90, 1 ture of $142,000,000, and we would hove :1 .... 8(6000 9Z9 M,� 1896, their full reduction of ons . .. ... ... . s .... .... . .....
the World Is Prosperous No and Canada Share' Public, worlts MOOD 12 All W9 S In' Challenge the Finance Minister to -rise in coingaratively little of that $118,,000.000 add- Railways a , odCanals'Ot4"111 *111, I I 1,290,00, 1,902,000 603,000 so per cent. wott' �, be 7 .0, but instead of that his place now, and tell this House that he ed the d4bt of the country. The bon. Superannuation ...... nue) ............. 126,000, 384,000 268,0DO 200
..... ...... .... $25,000 P.O. they are 3.58 per ent. O-ut
14,000 4% p,c, I will deal'more with. Wt- %iostion later,
has paid off that liability. Re charged the intlenl4n Pays: - Now, look at m I Custorps . ...... ... .. ...... .... 8901W 1,037,000 141000 16 P.C,
General Act it c tive Pot Railways and canalA My bon. friend (Air, Fieldin 14n4ortooV
the iv* Be ause the - Conserva icy total sum in the railway subsidies of 1890, es, look at his surplus, Why, &Z r ... ... ... ... .......... 31826,000: 4,?,46,000 420:000 11 to the -late Government, and to this day wk% an ban. gentleman close behind him Trade and 0ammaroo .. ... ... ... ... ...... 9100.0, 88,06-6 10,000 800 1) a to go ver a large- number of Vat he Called he is - pAying the interc9b,' as was (Sir Richard Cartwright), who made re. ions of prosperity in this simply Indla4t: 'Total ..... . ,ee with him that in the main th a Mainfaine&P=Mr. Foster's Criticism. of thp condition of the grant made in, 18s2, marks -with reference to surpluses, not :�6�0PWO _;,441,900,000 j;;,00,000 14 P.C. agi
Ws That'is, why I wish to assist my hall . once. but many times in this House, Let evidences, of prosperity. First, the gwrlwlt 'friend (Sir Wellard Cartwrilght), lest be fall me read one, In 1882 he declared, when at trade; second, the deposits in the, pub- into % tTap. Mr. Tilley announced a. surplus of $4,000,- ASTONISHING FIGURES. lie banks and the savings; tbirdt the *loar,
Reldift's Budret Speech ODN AVMAG)D RATE OF CUSTOMS
No when you come to, the aumma. Now, lest I overwhelm the M Of TARIF F, llig-house returns, which register the trario- 'w ,I I ask how it was lot. . . inister tion 1, Th"It matter let it for ever silence 0,100,00Q Was Trade and Corarhrat (Sir Richard Cart- W Poster-I'will. carry on the oomparl, actions of trade to a large extent Then derived from two a the most odious Wright )with these Lotorlishing figures, relt- son a little farther. From 1802 to 1890, a gentlemen who state that the Liberal -Con- and oppressive taxes which were never C there is the immigration into the co4pto Pervative Government for I a at ten or peging big own department, I will say, eriod of, live years, the average rate at and the various other points w1lich he t4en, fifteerl'years of itsxistence, was oxtrav%- im osed in any civilized country before tidned. But, air, Nvhen the hon, geritlemot = t, at lonallas4 he has plucked up cour- oustorn U'riff was 17.47 par cent; from 1897
Or similar circumstances at least- t
ch 27, what would be the sources of and extravagknee that we should find gant overnment as measured by.great in- ago".to pay t a a' ver-leud smelting bounties to 1809, three Years, the average (Mr. Fielding) was speaking I lbou&' I in the House of Commong on Mar wing public the taxes on breadetuffa and fuel. If rate Was had heard an arg r made the follo the revenue, which the, lion, gentlemar: it neccissary to atigmeat our number to creases in- expenditure. What is he really wants to relieve the people, iii British Columbia, f which logislAtI911 17-17 per cent. So that if you talce three _ument advanced p0,cop- Hall. George H. Foste's budi;4 speech:, oa a this year going u% to the 5o million save: It is tbat'the Liberal- was prepared and pA eail of, the bon, gentlerrian1g; Administra- tra on that very line. and in looking It lip,
rea to I r. Fielding' ateen. This is far too many, and�, that summation? lot him remove the taxes oil breddatuffs by the Cohservo-
to-4aY with a good, in y'i Why ? Froba ly ecause hedid not is a dissatisfaction'to, the country. Conservative Government. spent in totality and coal. tiw Governident before they, we# out of CA,' They have . reduced the tariff I found that the Minister of Trade 'And
Speaker, I rise wish 0 tell the Hdose, and more partiout And,t.if,,I may be irrinitted to join the $388,237 per year less from 1892 to 1896, office and that a, Urge pArt of the expendt- mt,6%' by 80,100 of one per cent. Commerce (Sir Richard Cartwri140" ;*Vv.
deal of pleasure to venture some emarks; -the country, that in brin ng it up to less ,a If my ban. friend boasts of a surplus to- I one Occasion in roplying to rayee 1, whon
of plain, and, I hope, truthful criticism on larly greater, would gay, that, in than from 1887 to 1891, and that the pres. lure in his department is due to the payluk Now their mawer tD that will the Lll
the address Which was 'delivered oil Friday the 50 million mo he would Va-ve to take 1894 the present bon, member for Worth ent Government bag exceeded eral- dd, there is an ban. I atleman. sitting of these long-defsrre4 bounties, in the be: Well, but, in 1897�we bad done no- I gave in- A4 Careful 4 planner As I Q441d
of as r
p in. About four million �dollqs more in taxation Wellington (Mr. a lie ). said; Conservative average e*.penditure from 1892 beside him who I ell him that' thinf. 'With the tariff until� the very last these same evidences and drew concluitons last b my ban. friend the Minister of M XA n . '. he need not look around ver ,gas of comparison in the
out,of this country to 1896 as- follows: y lon5 for % yhole of the po �utl. D lie accountil'of this year, there are only. our MCA h, or two months of the year. Very of prosperity,from them; -thelon. gobtlemOrt ance Ur. Fieldind), as an exposition of,the p which he must drag I musli take exception, in the first method of remitting that to the peo a, and or five departments or sub-departmeuts* of well thert, we will take 189s and Iligg, two .(Sir Richard Cartivright). rose'and m4de a budget of the country. In the latter PlLr� from the packets of the -people, place, to,� the office ever having been thus riddlug the people of what Me pro- veek serioun and vers, .lmrous comment
of his address, he spoke of the history Or THE IMMENSE EXPENDITURE. created. In 1897 by . .. ........... $ 830,092 inent member of the Government declar- government. in which theta haa not been, go Years" During WeRg� two years their aver- nover again, an increase. age, I as, 16.82 per cent., and it you deduct on my position. And'wht id he say.
Canada as a story, combining certain Pa. Wheit office ? The, Mnistqrship 1898 by 3,192,518 ed over and odious tax .0, -
ill take up adriatim soma of of Trade something wit',referenee that Ora the average rate from 102 to 1896 Baukdeposital Sir, culiarities; and, I thinl�, it would be'not Now, Sif, I w In 1890 by .... 9,400,872 which a we iii an Now let me say 9
travelling out of the record if I were- to the princi al'points' touched upon by my and Cominerce... hould not be allo d ' ' to the taxation of this country, 'The opift. it gives i reduction of 05-100 ofl one r are not evidences of pros
lized country -the tax on broadati Tis and erity. -ate. But t e ings bank deposits! . 'A here ifs thl,
say that the bon. gentlemaills speech bears ban. feienTl; ajad'fitst,.with referbnee, to the I do n9t see why it was Oreat6d, Un- And as estimated by th'Finane Mifibber coal. io� has prevailed, roado to prevail, by tfiese Oelit.-of the average tariff i y all the marks of a story eail I plain- expenditures Of the country, The bon. less,it;. w4s to give a,rbsting place, for for ifil; current year of 1900 they will ov;er-- Mr. COCHRANE. Who said W&V bon. gentlemen very largely, that the taxa. 'Will say: Our full preference was not in money? You have not got it, If 4� Am I gathere( he stat -long of his:uear the ba.lalr8� of his life, to the hon, 4611- expend the.average expenditure of the late Mr. POSTER.-Tha Sir tioo talwil, from the country by the Aerai- lar�o in these wo years, * hen , take run were mi -day. ly recounted, I from T, istics. gentleman was totally obliv t' was stated by is e We oil your bank to -of the Gdvernment, of the banks, and of neighbour, the Minister of Trae Acid Coln, tlernAn who now occupies the position, Governmept from 1892.to 1890, by the earn Richard Cartwright, But we have another Conservatives was exceedingly high. Th the yeart 1899, whorl;� by their own calcula, YOU would have to go to England M: some of the business interests of the coun- werce (Sir Richard Cartwright), who sat dra-wing 1117,00Q a year for virtually of -$la,9os,250. authority on this question, also'a member VRO Urged as a strong reason for We. defeat tion.. their Tate *aa 16-70; this is a reduction borrow it. You owe it; it is interreil try, very much dispinted, mud, I may Von, very close behind- him, though immediate doing nothing, Now, Sir; I invite any gentleman on the of this Government. -by name D. Mille. and of the late Government. The pledges � Of of 77-100 of one per ceat. com red ith in ublic works and railway subsidies, tortured for the pur- proximity seemed during those particular I suppose the hall-, gentleman -now is will- other side of the House to take the public the Hon. David Mills said, those wbo are now in power led the Whole he average tariff rate *from -1892 to 1,896. o Ficep some one behind the ture to any, somewhat pose of upholding the interests of a Govern- hours to have been shunned. He took no ing that this office shall be retained in order aecounts which lie can have put in his hand Ile boasts of a fourplus� I say that a. country to believe that the l9ad of tQ o, these are'stotements w- hich are made In good,humour, notice at All of the way in which he must t i ' * ; place for the "onlooker" and to -deny one single statement -that I government is not entitled.to have a . Tom their own, The. further extract is blurred here.
ruent whose inconsistencies are quite as OJOlt- a ive -a restirq tion would be relieved if.they were returp- gures, -sylil6h, are Od to power. It Will, be interesting to read. -he Uouse'awl W1 0' to - Mr. IvIONTAG,UF-He rot mixed. I as were the weaknesses of my non, have been' borrowing fhe feelingi of my. of bte present Cabinet, who lilis'passed his have inede*wlth reference to a Comparion surplusi There is no stimulus to seen- hich ca, be Canvassed b
brieridle speech regarded as a bud I
speech and an . exposition of III I
financial and fiscal affairs of the country.
Necessity? of course impelled my ban.
friend and he listeri�d to. its voice, Any
I ime, could have can'-
clirk in a wry short I
piled the ligures that he used; but- any
clerk should be drummed summarily out
of the ser. ice, who would make as disin-
genuous a use of those statistics as, I am
'bound to say my hon. friend media. I
Piope my wor�o at the Commencement Will
not be too strong for the proof which I
shall try to adduce as I proceed. If an
one had been in the cry, unacqualnt;�
with the affairs and.' ritory of Canada
especially in a fiscal and financial enge.. I
venture to say that, it he took hisi forma-
tion simply from the, figums whi W r
.quoted and the peculiar logic used on 6 -
day aernoon,he would go away with a very
inalifficienti and very erroneous idea: of
the :history of Canaaa, in these respects.
Ile Would have looked entirely in vain for
jan analysis of the expendibires of last year,
IRS to how they were applied. and as to the
%Uickening and:vitilizing ffeets of the, ap-
aication, of such an Immense sum of money
9W was 6xpended by' ban. gentlemen op-
Posite during that year;. he w6uld look in
(in for any inquiry,into; and any compari-
11 , of the courses and currents of the trade
this country, or for -'any discussion of
fle'tariff as idecting the geat problems.of
labour. and. industry.,in alladA, some of
which are very close now to a public &_ cision, and Public action in this country;
and he ivou 4 have. risen * from his seat
had one sirigle proposition
p_lwod beTore un y my ban. friend for
the joluff6u'of the imat ind vexed ques-
tions which are pressing for solution upon
her public men. As I said before, it would
rathir seem to be a simple collation of'st,%--
tisdes, the disfecta membra, of which, it I
way be allowed the use of a Latin tet7n,
0eemed to -have been promiscuously thrown
wherever it was thought an appeal might be made,.ad eaptandurn, to peofle who, have
liat had the. opportunities of Coking into,
and so ave iot the power of -discerning
what are really the facts of the case as bear-
ing on the questions under discussion. All
through the ban. gentleman's speech there
seemed to be a leading up to the *reitera-
tion of the almost endless refrain- Behold
what a people we are -"Is not this great
Babylon that I have built?" And,.no mat-
ter from what quarter the facts are taken,
whether from the first years of Confedera'
#�sno fragments were extracted, or whether
Joined to them were fragments from later
years -no matter, everything was done,
anything was done, which could be used to
prop up the idea often made in so rnany
Words, but more frequently by inference
and appeal, that all We wonderful progr�ss
of to -day had'its origin and is now. main�
tained by the gentlemen who, for the pres-
ent, are governing affairs in this country,
There was a great glorification of what wag
called generous expenditure, and of in.
creased -revenue; but there was a very dioo
creet avoidance of the obstructive contrast
between the professions and policy of these
gentlemen, when they were out, and the
igerformance of these gentlemen now that
ey are in.
My bon. friend was so hurried, along this
particular line, that he had not the time
to give the House some very necessary fit -
formation which I think lie should have
given. For instance, he quote& immigra-
tion returns, beginning his statistics, so
far as imintation from the United States
a cancerne . with the year 1897, and -pre-
facing his ifgures with the remark,. ifiat
there did not seem to be any statistics with
reference to them up to that period;, and
than after quoting them all, as a strong.
argument in favour of the propositions
which he was sustaining, it was found that
he had not gone to the trouble of ascertain-
ington what these statistics were based-
" ther they were simply the numbers rd -
turned by the immigration agents, whether
they were the numbers taken down by the
customs officers as the people came acroas
the bordeg, or whether they were bersong
who had actually settled on land at had
taken up their abode in Manitoba and Ole
North-West. Yet we all know that.this
same immigration from the United States
bad been going on long before 1897, He spoke
of the fact, which we are all glad to know
is nmv about to become a reality, that.Can!
adian securities will be equal to the best
British securities, so far as the investment
of trust funds is eoneerutd. But lie did
not have the time to lay before tlii4 Houi�e
or to give information to this Housie, as I
trast funds.
He came do -
position. 210
micii are investea in Tnern
i with a very important pro
ther than the propogiti6n t(
duets of a largo and fertile is
I est ladles into community 0
�h the Dominion of Cartida
A either the time or did nol
)10 to give 63 this House of"
liformation as to how this In
the products under free trad,
%vowd differentlate at' Affed,
,his oo�lutrY, Ile took art im
, gv.0 A bonus by way o
Customs duty upon expengivi
! the beet root induc4try h
I - - - - � O.
beet root augar industry
[a ,one which can be nuedog-4'
lion. friend the Minioter of Tr e and Coin- . period of active se ice-, Mat 'Cre. - these of. tlii[s -expeuditur� as. between the two' Cray when- a large surplus remains in these figures, talren from the -bon. gentle. h4.countrT and pondered. upon. The foi- Ili I will stop at Ogoqd' l 4 . . Mr. POSTER -We perce, whil6f lid was 'roiling forth from that I have. been' reading These state- Governments. the hands of the government. A large . man a own returns. In 1889-90, we ..had the oing tabs shows the-rate.of duty XrOln humoui." It ia'a very apfrDpriate pJ&cgt,A' ,liatongue the immense expenditure of the inent- that I have been reading rep . resent Let us'now take.the total expenditure surplus invites -to extravagance,, a . ud period of hig4cab taxation, ia this 6ountry, 480 to 1890 inclusive: stop land. the argument a the ban. geptlow, last year and of -the present. and current 1he solemn Vbdges of grown -men, who have, per head of the popu]otion. I Am not going has invite& to extravagance in - this. And I begin with -that year. R f on Imports for 11onio Co man (Sir Richard CartuTight) is brioughtt n-
�ear by the gentlemen who, in 1893 and lived in th a country and eng ed in. Its' into any fanciful enumeration of the popu- country.'. The Government and Parlia- SUMIATIM DUtiable and Free. out� I did not,entir agree with my ho P,
E '911tedil 14tion of this country, became I am not in gurat6 TAXATION AND REV- -Under Llberal-Conserv. r Liberals. friend (Sir RicbArd artivright). whon 40 01�, t896 made it tbo'particular plank in their politics for thirty, twenty-fIV6. oW a' ant of this country should inan VOW= OF TTnde o16
platio;�; that the expenditures of the coun- years. These aie -the, utterances of molh, able to do so any more than is the Minister . a system of oconomy. 21-65 P.C. 1897 17.87 oriticised these indications, but, an �r were outrageously high, and that the Who., stood before the pea .21.21 P.C. 1808 16.95 p. c.
ule, with their of Trade and Commerce, although in his That is a statement made irr-1893 b Total 1891 2106 there is what he said. The.mlinister [Ait-e I -Conservative Government should be hands on their hearts;. an declared that speech in Massek Hall lie Undertook himself P.C. 1890 16.70 P'C. ;a, C Of Trade And-. om-
t of power because they would not they w en an 0 81 a. a e a a Taxes. Kevenue. 1892 17;56 p.c. n a and. the Minister
ere honest And truth4elling, W46se' to make'up- the -V 8 country in e niFfter .,$31,587;071 'V9,0i925 1893 17.38 P.O. morce are now sitting together, and tU of tbi _opulatiop i i8ter ilaInce, an en re
e,them. But, Sir in contradb, I wish are the Utterances of men, all Anxious to from t f r, of . . SO,314�151 - ' 38,570,310 11394 .. .. .. 17.13 I
and draw big deductions he figures nrice to es. 0 �Axl . oa0ts of one 1895 109 er of
m bring the atteriNit �f this House and say that -on Friday night the Minist
of climb into- power, taking hold. of. these he made, and he got himself into an Absurd surplus 0, 700,00 a 'a in , one of M,4`40,07 36,921,871 Trade nd. Commerce- (Sir Richard CArt. ion, Intlemen oppositq to the position they Pledges as -of the rungs of a ladder, by which 1892-3 29,321,367 38,108,008 1896 18.28 )).a, �ook efore, 1806, slid to the strange com- tangle in hi t pt o do.it. I alli fak- 15001, 1 refer I . to colleagues. Average 1892-96, 17.47 P.C. right), UictIV took the Minister of Finance
-they have gained power, but which, after 1803-4, 36,374,693 (Mr Fie.ding) by the Impel of -the colLti.Arld
what the public records give us as to Avera e. 1897-99 nentary. Upn what they call their - prin- 0 AND DEFICITS. 16 11.17 said: they have kicked Ing LUSE 1894 ... ... ... 25,446,198 33,979,129 Re they have gained power, iiples and thir policy in the years precc�d over, th Population Of Wis Country,* as We have 13URP I 0 Of I -P.V. and broken entirely ' the pledges, do between the years -when the census 1805-6 21,759,285 '30,618,590 & her, ielding,. 'You make a great mll�: Zg, to The hon..ientleman wanted to show that take in that. ' D i know that evidenceo-
1890, made by their sets siribi 1895, Which they made. . Hdn. gentlemen staile 11398,7 28,e48,620 37i829,778 ese ' tI commenced, in the era of effcIts had passed, and that an 18074 29,576,455 40,555,238 is t4en. Well, ft,'ho,* does A stand? But there is a Peculiar circumstance that.
In 1893, th gon em as I reo0unt these things, Why T Because T , following. table will. show it at, a I Would Me to tall to the attention� of the of,debt are not' evidences of.proopokity! �hcir oilientiorl, with 9,eclsiring: essity for h they believe thierb is no.lon or neQ giance, �,ei� f surpluea. bad succeeded.' :.Well, .1898.9 34,058,069.- 46,741,249 )IlOn t�irristg.of Customs who deals honest- Why, 'you have not, got that morigy,' I
with"abirm the t years do yoU,suppote lie chose in or� -whst� is interred. in railivay 'sllbsidies and 31i liq We cannot but vliaw truth aildonour in the pult'lie men of this W a Tihtfigures W.15h.W. to do' large increase of the public debt and -of country, because'the behive that -the else. 15xpen. der to make. a fair comparison between the We. see therefore, by these fi res that worlw� to keep some troublesome fo ,the controllable annual expenditure of. torate, is: "Ked, as utterly to be 'ron: Population. Total Expert. per head. two administrations, in the matter, of Our, 1894.5, viieri the - taxation. wAs CORk- NOT FOR HOME CONS U*MPTION, b6hind You - in . proper subbrdina
de-' 1892-6-5,011,000 $49,141,704 $8.41 tion; do the Dominion, and the conseque5t. Uri- . contennied, as utterly to be pluses and deficits, and hw do you sup and.the total,r�venue $a3,978,129' *as the were eallktr for 1696 125,436 .41,702,383 8.14 YOU hot ](now that if you. . % I V .
pose he.treated the question. even. after se- period of lowest taxation, and we fatow that I will ask him if; in 189D, 23,000,000 bushels the money in the savings banks yqu-baVo. due' taxation of the people under; the spise as are their comises 00 1897 --5, 185,990 8.2& b 5, 281 &63 from 1890 to 1804, including these � years, of Indian com.had.been imported into the not *got it.14 your treasury and that
Governments. that bien continii, en. repeated 1898 -5,248,315 45,334: lecting his ground? He * took the, years of , ously in power since 1878;, and we do, "before -the people Is there any reason 1890 --51312.600 51,542,635 SM. Conservative administration of 1893, 1894 three -successive reductions bad.been made country how would it have been entered would have t, borrow it. mand strid economy in the administra- why these gentlemen should -not cover their a1hd 1806, and he amid that in, those three in the itariff of the country. Now air what - in, the Trade and Navigation returns of that � And so. I'think that. a rapdIfyin influence tiort of theL Government of the coll[n- faces with their. bands.whenever they 3neet Here we bai� per qapita expenditure 'years the're,was a deficit of $0,694,759. He fifflowis? That, herva&in 1889-'96, $h,500,- 'year? He knows that that 23,000,00O.buah- ni�y..have been used in that way fy the Cq1- an honest man in this contitr ? Do they in 1890 of $8.14"tild in 1890 of* $0.72, ac- -then took the three su6ceeding years of the' .000 were taken'from the country in taxa- @a Would not have been taken for.consump- league of the Finance Minister. -Rowever ,try.. believe that by means of the machine which' cording to the figures given by t6 Minister present- Government, and he added up the. tion; in 1894 -5 -that had been reduced to, tion in thio'couiitri, and, that a very small maybe the sweets of office have."modiQ Mat ivas the pronouncement of tho.Llberal they 6;�trol� of"the cteatures4hit fhey,.take a.' Customs Arid by the Dominibil Stais. surpluses and. deducted the small. deficit, Z5,500,000, or in round umbers, $6,000,00%. proportion comparatively, is takep� even the.-asperiflea of his former criticism; rr f $4,800,000 slid iay, =velation f 1893. Mr. Davies now, Sir - t �their confidence,'und send off to ;do tician. an increase of $LN,for- every man, and made a net surplus a targely bk'the tariff revisee-which r )ioms, cousumV' of' the- cOTn be that the delights of sittin back 48 An
bouis Davies the'llr6sent Minister of Ma- -wornall'a I nd child in the Dominion. Now, then addilig. this; surplus- to the f had tak. now fo 'on
their electioneering work� 'they are going to ormer de- 'an face, Under the Conservative Govern- that comes in from the t�d: States. It onjooker and alternately long ing, ine and Flle��;, declared - I Sir ficit, he exclaimed.. Behold 9, betterment % - , 4
Pais soot -free for. this violation of -what,- in , let. me 'make. another com�irisofi, meJ. These figures, I think� are a striking pagoes-through the country. intrunsit,'and is derneath . his heard- sometimes, I feari swear. The Liberal party asks that several England, -would consign� ny public man. to in 1893 it; , wa:8 that , my Tight Of $11,000,000 Does my ban. friend. think commentary updri two.things- First the al- exported from this'dountr' as foreign pro- ing at* the vagaries* of his Callon . guea; per- political ob1hrion 'as surely as he bas ell. honorable friend (Sir Wilfrid Lau- it fair to select a period of depression, such leoed extravagance and the'bigh taxation duce, 'I ask the ban Minioter of llaps these have so softened his former opla. millions may be lopped off.We Present Customs.
expenditure, without injury to the pub. gaged in publild life in that I country ? iler);,denounced.' the Libetal-Conservative aw existed in this country from .1893, to under. the Liberal-Couserjfve Government, if, under these oonaitions, in 1896 there. ions or obliterated them, that he has .not lic service. Goverhmerct for its extravagance and 1895, and' to compare. that With a period .and -the beautiful way, ther.unique way,, in had be6u. %,000 000 bushels of America'n corn used the keen edge of criticism on his rho Hall.. David Mills, -how I Minister of TAKING MONEY FROM THE PEOPLE' declared that he would bring the 6f'the gigatest expansion,.*as he himself Which these economists 'have, Arried out 1rou it into Me country, in.whait column Nn thes says, ever known in 'Catiado.? Why did my 'honourable Colleague the Finance lViAl
rustics in this Governuierit, stimated that t wo'millions or their pledges and reduced the taxation b Woull it have been enteiid�for h roe con- . tillon. gentlemen came in,.and tnre of 'this ount% to t back to 1891? Re would ister what 1 aye t ey.'done since they caaae in ? three millikisc Mr hon. friend not go' t 0 AN ABITRARY DIVISION, "The probable saving, would be four less n -it was. No have found thot in 1891 we had a surplus ncreaiiing it to $7,190,A)b - from .189e 0 sumption Or under general Imports?' 'Xhe What'have they done witli the expenditure comphrisons?W1 1899. ban. gentleman knows that not'a bushel of Speaker, What are the Millions of dollafs." of this wuntr ? The bon. Minister: of and also in -1892, and he would have found 11 sIr,-I have nothing to quarrel with MiJohn' C arlton at that time and still nd out some -other things. ' He would have Well, sfr,'Weie totber way of making it Would have been ent6red for home con. I PIVI, inUicastions of prosperity, but Finance (Mr. Fielding), said, in a light a 6nst,lidatod Fund Total ' arisous, whiobli:nthe ta:pion er head, gumption except that small quant! Which c member PthiiilYJ;�se, declared in, this airy way: We bad last year more money; Expenditure. re, found that -in 1891, when we bad a buoyant CO.'? 11ty have som- remarks to make as to th Q m071, with an- that will be shown, by the. was actually intended..for home consunip- acell..
Elouse.; e had a revenue '$6,186,000 greater than 1893 814,052 7",x43,e,,'di7t2u7 revenue and asurplus of $155, table. ner in which they were collated and pl,
$26 51 other surplus in sight for the next, year, tion, and that. the rest of it would not have - Does- the Ik T, 0
The Liberal party, it in power, �ould. we had the year before. (Great applause 1809 41"00s,500 '542�635 before the House. finisie
At Once reauce.the public expenditure from the back benches'l) Lot me translate - 1, as Finance Minister of 'the Governinebt Taxation .Per Haad� o i me consumption total& for Finance (Mr. Fielding) tell me that he ig 64ud' effect Other savings to the eXteht thatintoplain En lish,suchasthelion,-Mit- of that. day, came down to this House and the, calculation of.the revenue rates, and it Increase- 40,089,"8. $10 689 108 givin 9 I ,an roduct x- ment of the trade of Canada by divi4ing it
of five raillion dollars per. annum with,' ister of Trade aN Comiterce would have wiped out entirel, the duties on raw a Customs, & Pxoioe, would have gone out as forel 9 any fair comparative or other atafe. 1SQ0 .... .... $5.01 which* were very igh. If he had lo k I a ported, W�*, the -thing is Anan-tked, Coin
cy used in 1896. What does it mean ? That And Yet those'llon. gentle4en. claim� that - the .$060 is free, and I 4sl . a Arbitrarily into th o I CO. imilairilig tho� efficien of see-' the.calculations he would have faung 1892-90 ... ... ... ... . .8.96 5,55 i: the hon. Minister of Una- from re unequa pe vice. -you are takitio -out of -the packets of the they 'have fulfilled their plq4ges. Having 28D5 2.52 'and Navigation Re- first period 1868 to 1878 �tep year$ people, the . wage-earners, the. labouring river 'qh following result, and. I give It I im this. table 5.02 torns to take his Trade kud Mr. Wilfrid Laner, now the leader d L out Government whi , was soex- for comparison., 1896 3.94 5.42 turns, to turn up the book and find how the'secoud period,from 1879 to.1806 (eig classes, the farmers of this country. $1.16 1897 ..... ... ... ... .... teOn kears), and the third period,trom 1806. )f this Government, declared in, Toronto- travagant� ' these gentlemen hbve markedi' 3.93 6.52 Much carn, from the UniW States, was cia� to 189D (three year#). On Wht. basis has . par heAd more than the previous year for and mariced in a significant manner. their Sugar. tax 1898 . ..... ...... 4.22 563. 6 column of -total imports_4nd
W remission. Surplus. Deficit. '1899 .. .... . 4.84 9,58 tored in.t he inae the collocatiti-of-theso fig I If we get into Power we Will * folio every, man, woman and child in CgUild&. appreciation f economy by sp6ndifig. $10,- 1.49 not included in the home consumption Col. -ure
mample of Xr, Mackenzie; And 1 -m4 227, gr
the Re Maclt, the statement that t1hey 1891 474, 165,977 Nil. Reduction 1890.tp 1896 on -what basis has he triads th
68.9,000- more. in the last year than -was spent lsq2 5,200,000 1,854;555 ........ Increase, 1896 to 1899 I8 is a gation!
say at$ ug a may, not be Able h4d 90 :r, Unin Upon the scale and rate of duty Does not -my t a taken. five millions and odd more in on friend know t at when
to bri t expe ", Tea to what, they - 5" in 1803. ell,. Sir, that is nob -the best of 1893- 4.000,000 ...... U;210,832 is to be calculated. How much will Ile find? he states that -111 1868 tho trade ng torns And excise than they took last year. it 6, - 4,821,OOD ,i . ... 4,163,875 That is i� say, t r head from I venture to tell him that he will not find Again applause from the back benches. 1895-- -5,603,501 . ..... 330-6531 180D to 1805, undtr a Conservative 4dininis- a' bushel, but he will find that, 23,1342,847 MONO; and in 1870, it was Only 4153j000,000;
were .1 e 0 can reduce the the orst of it, for' the estimates 1894 he roduction pe giveri by the Flitance Minister for te cur- does
rs r year. millions Of dOI-' Tkanslate it, and what does it mean ? That rent year are as follows- That -the expendi- tkation, as $1.40 in customs, and 4L58 -in bushels of America corn wdre brought into he not know that be, has people, who, in the. language of from these $10511995 $1,610,532 $5,094,159 th. From I y caricatured . the state of itsdo ture on Consolidated fund will be $.43,175,- -Total remission of taxation ..$19,851,995 cust'ams and excise bo, 896 to 1899, this *dountm placed in the.columns of his 125111%, 1868. to 1870, because it
rhe present Water of e ray ban. friend opposite, were� "bled hite," 000, and on capital� $9,875,000, a total qxpen- Net deficit .. ... ... ... 41194,227 the increase in customs alone is 90 oents'per returns,, 'tutored. for home consurription,* nerce; a for nearly tw nt Liar ent the fhriners, the people whoe -backs. were diture of $53,050�0,00, 'as- Compared With a bea , and in customs and excisq together, that the value of that was $8,066,925, And if you look over the Course of trade, ou will 3o'llowing itrough this count i I 5 a bowed r3prowth the burdens of extravagant tota otpenditure in,1896 of $41,702,393.'In Net gain to country ..$15,667,708 $1,16. And this past year is but a pr6mioe he -will 0 to the collumA a exports he find that In 1873 it"bad gone up to ;reat expenditures; of the over di. government, you are taking $1 perlioad ovdr of at the resent current year ind the will fint thiJit of that $2.3 � 000 from $131,000,000 in 1809, And then. Ut CC to go up to - , 00,0.00 bushels,
0 and above what auto ing year are to be in the way of MpOW,847' bushels, valued at $0,302,683,
be year'befor Those are facts which were knourti to my ilareaffont his place in a on, f4o C t a -1,000,0 a e'eeFz of $4,40�0,000.owr last 1873, for some reason it commenced to -de.
7 ban, Wend and which he might have taken still greater, increases. ilve been, exported from this coun.
in taxes alone. 'Then, Sir. he boasted that alme until it Went down to WaOOD At
Of the -MW For ray wn part, I do not hesitate Y a t a exp I is to increase into account in making his comparison but the end of the administration is I I that I consider a yearly ex- he 'had. A. sur plus of $4 897 000 - It was again t , as foref product, to the old coun.
a dit a of rty million- dollars, or goted with apPG86. Ne-transdiation-of 0 t t of t a present ye 11,500,000. ve COMPAUISON OR TA107 RAM' try. If the on. gentleman wishesto deal
which, unfortunately for him, would I& kt-lizie Government in Which my bon, frie
t t
t t is into'langua ld.have . THE INCREASE OF THE DE, (Sir Richard Carbw% I -oig Te of old times wo BT. entire Y destroyed it. That no doubt was holiestly with figures he will instruct the I ht) was FIASAOS xhl� later as compared wi h'$217,000,000 in 1$73.', t lion dollays, altogether been: "A surp us, Sir I You have no bu- Now, Sir, having inside this to parison, the reason why he guSred - thern. Hove is Now, sir, I want to say a word an the clirka of his departments to take that $6,- oO a.ge for t a present resources of .. ol another table. tariff rates so as to mal;e a comparison' 862,683 worth of corn entered here for home siness with a surplus- �Wllen on take suf- I wish -to come back to-. the statement which, Welt, take the Other period, front 1$70 f
"alia a. I a tbait it is a disgrace and - ficient out of he people of was made by the Minister of F 180S... In 187.9 the trade was .. ame e ovmirmpirt that. have . T inance He 1894 to 106. 18K Ex6elio. vhich will bring out as clearly as wo,pos coneumption, but ;1ich did not go into 'O been ent iihis bouptry. to'caie for the ordinary con- desired t& show as -regards the increase of T sibly can what'is the differsiles, between home consumption, and which and in 1896 it was 239,000,000, ote with our siltairs that they Polidated fund expenditure and gervices,.Yu :,01'1e.ted. ;80,100,000 . $93,100,000 $12,400,000 theso ban, gentlemen under what that, call juesint to go into was nevo,r looking over the tr4 X. the debt, that the iresent Government was Other their, low "venue tariff, or moderate , ariff, -home consumption but in- rePorto knows 04t d Wit. us and ask for an e 'have no business to take more, You should in a much better position than tho� late that Imig otiod a, eighteen years tharli come d I
penditure of $38300,000 a year for fed revenue. 20,200,000 8200,000 to the ex arts of foreign products, rr,;�, the Goverrimprit; and how did he atl[ctupt to' 1 $164,000, which he hall #ken as the
oral purposes. �ir� the thing is uitro"; bave lot that remain in the Pockets of the 5,800,000 and the Liberal-Conservotive, Government were periolt of greater au4 Was trodop be%
se it i great deal bet- show that? ' ulider what -the ban. gentleynon opposite do- Why, Sir, be took the Yeats Total excess 9 years (Liberal).,$18,200,000 cause cycles of greater or less prosperity otw nominate as the extravagautlybigh national home consumption totals uPon**hioh to cal- ceeded each other -twice, three Unless oft4p ter tbin you could use it. here." My ban. from 1878 to 1806, and said that in those. 4xpenditures -policy duties. ow, I am not gaingJo m4ka 614ta his %ver1r. Will the bon. gentle-
Vhv present economical Minister, the Post- friend was very solicitous lost We should- eighteen years the debb,ivas increased by on consol- man do that? 001 times four times, in that len ;h,,o timo.
naster-General (Mr. Mulodk), who, when he eonfqw the expenditures upon consolidated 6, Idated these calculations myself, There is one n a he consider that - this. ZZ t 0 1cht, AraA tying to got Into office, objeeted to fund and capital, No said that s6me gentle $118,000,00D, an average of. 503,000 per fund W2;00,000. $110,100,00 $6,00,000 thing that 0, member of on Opposition Can to dea h , tly with the �00=tryf I My hoo. Wood knowa alga on
year, whereas from 180o to 1890, three years, on Cap.. sometimes tot out of the Governiftebb, that give my �11 freiNend greater credit for sagA- Ournstances. Of this country radioill ruell t ings �as the Governor-Genbral's -as- men were apt to confuse them, . Who t Are there was an increase in the debt of $7,700,- Account of - 'l k from period t* period, and sa the. -to be call- 000� or an average increase of $2,503,000per 16,006,000 20,760,000 5,700,000 is, informs ionond whim W A itv,and, nowl6ilgo than riot to know the aryi shouted himself hoarse over seventeen etitlemen ? They are apt ;o ban. Re son was entirely w6rthleiW, excepti )r even fourteen Cabinet Ministers in a Nadi, when we find the bou. Minister of year; and then he imagined that he had Total oxoeso export. a years (L1b,).#2,WO,W0_ tlemen do got t IT blue-booUs down -which currents of tra46,upoft such important 4r.
ountry like Canada, -swullowing up the r. Blair) spreading the Minister of Trade And Commerce has fibleo as VAdA corn in the department of egerate the 11mr4onft dad RaiWave and Canals satisfied this House, and this country,that Making the comparlson in this whic h splendid increase the last three Yors Iii
upon de estimates anrl _4
noneg of the country in an attempt to gow volinj through this not done yet, and the lack of which I Wk he a the heWo And where he Is can.
he had proved the matter up to the hilt, way, comparin% the Actually Call- in My preparation for in stalit Y�- in touch with the details of the registered in the trade of thisoulittf, tojt� wil tu 0 Was there ever a m1are Unfair statement lectdd revenue in both cases, they Cal- to the bon' bbolitobs. Why is it they have gairidd the Ing these'unfavourable pointA 'at to a people, in 1895 declared, with his Itouke, on the lines of capita dspendi r , wrerly
gentleman who spoke on &Y-1 04Y that 0.70 land on his heartf hundreds of thousaras of i1ollarn which, in made9 Was there ever a more flagkiint teIrII8,200,000 more from the people in when To do get the figures made Up, by advanta el Of a lower rate, per cont.. this as he did$ in 1878 And 1800, We ir I
'I ition of thi's $0,000,= - .,+" this Ilea" 4-A , X&, , Who can justify the expenditure of preceding Governments, were always met outitage committed upon all rikwonable rules th a years of their administration than I us look ait! .9 question of tra a out of consolidated fund Ad, chargCd to themse yea, I propose to take theinu long Year Wh all the Addi a" A
.our country to -day 7 It cannot be jus- of compbrigon? The lion. gentleman. tAkes- we did in the three years. of our admiftis- doubts at All that the trade a t d" be, flloto odd, whera, it should Payer have been el dlV , tilled by the w4lth of the country. Consolidated fund the pdhoA fram'1878 to 189Q,,and be earn- tration which the hom gentleman elette , as I think they fairl Conserve t advanced a liendidl I Wel la "a
Ing to warrafit. this snorm- things, such as Will, Sir, which make it pareff the increase of capital experlditupe'iti and this woVd have entirely wiso out and are based Upon TImnartial lines, 'So, Z gddid, boa given thei? Because, either the a 10 th yasyk
There is tiotl ?a 4 , take from the trade and navigation figures, 00. geatIften'd clor 9 did not choose to NOW W will 60 i
Oita expenditure of nearly impossible for people to i4glitly Appreciate ears with the increase in the three his so-called etterment., of 'I'd the duties On dutiable and free imporW In- do the ri4ht thing, or, because when the trn of the tide 4 A =t,,vtbe. fAct that we are burdened the OX andbturee of the -country, unless left $7 00,000 to the good b as $An Ith you ta?le the total expenditures, 'because years just past, when Canada bad almost V 'lot to this countil boo. gentlernaft was calcolsing the titeiv NO PANIC IN OAZtADA, debt; and with office -holders. completed her house and installed hermain. Conten with collecting $18 ore, , for home consumption and
resent it As allows. he highest year of �6 did not.give what was fair and honest the line of distinction 'between c6ml a I
great and small. tisrevenue expenditures 'bits been obliterated, furrii-ghings, and now had but to provide the they made an extra expert t a in, these fariff rNto was in 1800, -when it -tvas 21.65 per tiforrarition in referonoo to them. if he Nobody, who has read the AUVAcial *4 ,knd Mr. Paterson, now D, member Of I lotted out, a courad approved by hon. g6n, lesor ep I roments in the various depart, three years of $12 2DO 000. cent, The Hoitiso will see that from 1889 to will deduct that $0,262,683 from the $164,� trade history of this country, doubfil Abi At
p ld *11tiell has been most . h Surpluses, says ;�y �on. friend. Does he 1$05 the peroentago rate of talc 049, lovetnoletat, in 1890, declared : ments V e public service. TA me read know that since confederation there have ation, fell qw000. and divide the remainder into the single moment -that, the conoervi
In I 80 e ere C1 115,000 more d6terminedly op osed by this, side of the to my ban. friend gains figures, and then been wenty surpluses in our Ariantial his- from 21.65 to 16.99 under the suodessivd to, duty colleoted, he will nd that instead Of of the national poligy from X801 6M see if *be does not himself feel ashamed duttions of the tariff which -were made by 10-70 per cent. so I have burriedir made, the reft"aw in on, Of le., so e than we Rouge in the interest of a party, of action, tor? Does he know that*tho Liberals can did great things Or CapaAll, p I ' hio
f at a 9 7, 1, are Wa we and eoumequcotly 'of fair comparlsion,' as of having Attempted to palm off so Unfair a only boast of three of these, and that out the Liberal-Coullervatives. In 1896, the tata taloulation, his ftt6 for 1809 will be 17.30 in a osition enjoyed by very few '.6thm
f3hou d. o 4 at an era of sea- well its in the interests of tood -administra- OtatO trv. From 1878 to of twelve deficits the Liberals are respon- goes up, because, as I said, iL pArt of the per cent., as compared with 10.99 per cent. countries In th,t Let me gi" 't* nomy in expe iture a a I a at once tion Itself, Let us take otli. 1890 we were buildilig the banadia-A Fatific siblo for five and the Liberal -Conservatives sugar duties ere put back, and WaL V6,t4 in 1898, and with 18.29 per cent. ift 1890, side Authority for, that. -4n autb�Oelans 0 a
RailwaY, And we spent $05,000,000 of as, I in that year was IS -.28. I O I I
entero upon. Ital for seven. ifut, of the seven, two wore duo wid he will find that his gain of reduction has been quoted in this House 16"
qr. David Mills, at that time, but now Two GOVg1tWunius COMPAInD. oil tha.1; road; in the three Years Raab t;tcA0 to the paying of the North-Weat rebellion Now what is the state of things which of duty in 1899 over 1806 is only 02-100 of famous statistician And publlal#, the W04
;he Minlst;4T of �Yustice, ftlar6d in 1802l, , It, ha bon stated over and over againt gentlemen have spent just $23,00 on the expngog out of tho revenues ot the coull- they Alsol400? It we compa" 1889 With Otte pir cant. I may be mistaken in this Mr. 'Wells, who i4 -the 06tum of M *10111% We. say th Uy hon. gentlemen opposite, that when the Canadian Pacific Railway. From 1878 to try, and the other three ware due to this 1896 therd was a reduction of 4.* per cent, point, I am atlxiouFj tbst.t may be sot right as follows., at the -government of this late GoVernlrnelkt� Were in power, they were 1698 we spent on -canals, 36,000,000; inthe remission of sugax, taxation of which I have in the rate of taxation under the LibetiLl- if I ain mistaken but if X am right in my in tile Dominion, of cans4k aquw_Ato country ma be carried on for A, very 4
elinagant Government. I Wish last throe years these gentIonten have spent ,spoken. hoervatives. If you take the impoitg of calculations X think it is the duty of the Irom, us oft the ft6rth by 6ft Itnagi: hi* much small;r sum than that which is a before the House, $4,300,000. From 1878 to ING we get agide I am willing to take P. defidit when It, is which were *105,252,00% You Will filld ban, Minister of Customs, the hon, line, there has been no pilallo, to un now being taken out of the pockets of ficres con: 1111� inister of rislaftte, anct of the, kon, dtinasid for itione,
to pir will read the as debts to the provinces, $10,300,000; while caused bv relieving, the burdens of the th. 4.00 per cent. of it is $4,900,000, that jit, o stogase of 1A.
in it. It gives tie expendi these lion-. gentlemen have made an appro. eople but; what burden of the people, to say the reduction in the rate of taxation ,the people'for that purpoge, tamed Inister of Trade, and' Commerce$ to set duOrlog, no toAtrietion of rade, Vre are taking for 4 reduction of tutes on consolidated revenue account, and priation of only $260,000. We spent on Eas a genAeman, Tolieved? I fail to see. from JBiO to 1895 was 4.W per coht - and the this matter right 'at once, for, Sir it you weasea rate of intevest; JA 469 no 1A.
ibi has added taxation. He has added actual volume of t4x&ti cannot take our bluo-bookst so em;]y given beyond the ordinary coorlm 1-oll- elon taxalon, we ate askinq for economy in also the total ex enditurea in parallel col- the Intercalonial Railway branches, 20,500,- Sir, be on taken o 0
the management of public, affairs. umns, tonsequ6ntly; I offend in neither To- 000. they ba spent 0,400,000. %fle as. taxation on liqors and toacco. And, he basl� was $4 900100. Now we, Will toko 1896i to the people As a record of facts, its in except 00 f4r as thes* en
�Tr, Chariton, sit that tifne, and still, it greet, and. I do not Confuse the two 'has added taxation on sugar,, under the pro- their own Wku;�s still. The to
sui�ed the St. Lawrence tebbi 2,700,000, xiff rate was
t every respect true to fact, and mAke your
tense of givilit A PrefercncO to the WOst 18,29,1 in 18D9 it Was 10.70, a difference be, caloulations upon the basis of the eircuria- m 01.1 toal OA0 w1l,
nember of this, Rome, declared that the ot on thereaft,or Wit tie improve- been influenced , tontigul wbo
wople were becoming �igguated. EXPENDITURE ON COXSOTADAT9111 And W( have assumed nothing Indies, wliloh e kiiew at the time would twteert the two perf bo terined a nauciol ment ourselves, they 1 stances which actually exist) then, ir, you pat ay of destruction with to not be Operative said he came up at the merchall J's lx& Conti .
They see the Uxation from customs YU14D ACCOUNT AND TOTAL ard to the debt, incurred by the diso imports or 1809 we mugf; surely implant, the tanker and virus
is increasing. they see the public delA Montreall Harbour Commission in imProvin next session of Nrliament and declared 459. go, if You had taken, the tariff rate of Ong to, but ilot WWWA piling UP,' %ey see the inordinate in- that it had not been operative. And wily? of that ausplolon. and want of Con ends, tory. the St. Lawrence, On the Quebec WON 1896 and applied it to these imports You in the expenditum Consolidated Total Because at the very time he put on this would have taken, from the people $2,M9,066, Which Will tffeatuaJAY dest That is a statement of peat force and "k
and Sliore, Rallway we assumed $%3010000; they duty, there was such legislation in the Uni- more th&A-actually was taken. That is to our public records. Row, I We a pI 19 our people are leaving the oountr3r in Fund Expenditure. ttothing. On territorial expenses 'w x- worth, co n fram, the, ftinfrit =10 wh
disgust. ito $3d,826,82I ted t1tates of America in respect of the say, by their own showing they have stivtds ars the tells utp until it a coot 10 d, . . Ir that per of 1801
18e. Sol (average) - 2,630,000 inded $900,000; they nothing. And yet the countervallin% ditties, that it more than what. do we find! Vrotit 18 unt I t !eiwo Jed .1
& Milla agal 21 . 0* 0 . ...... 30,765,894 %inanco Minister of this eountr made up to t o West, India ano ougar pro- in th volume of taxation $2 4M,000 by their Ile penveit it 11 8
1803 2,272,130 rate average was 17.47. In 1800, It was 18 28 rity in t
.. #. .. $0,814,052 0,853,727 reduc: ions, whilob the Liber�' was ono of Veflsu;talued utli
" declared in 1880, -sr thinks it b I W�noetvktllves Dominion of. Canada, There Aras
I have to aouht at all that the ofil 87,586,025, 43,800,%3 is not beneath, his dignity, and that it is ducers lot, the preference he ave thom. saved $4,W000 by their reductions. Ddts Find In 1890, it was 17.00. That is, in lig IL dlsw�b
,cienty of the public, service mi& be 189-� fah, and reasonable, to make a cqmparigou Yet he added from $300,00 tot-,00AW on tile tariff rath is just eloven,one hundredths Arica of trado; there was a failing off Irk jol.
increutd. and the e2 enditure dimin. 38,132,005 42,872,338 between those Utterly dissimilar porlods ng, sugar under that pretence, and even when file Ron, Vinleter of Oustoras 'to dispotei of One per! cold. less than the tatiff. rate ortal them wits In or* at two Y64VA a slight
ished by almost otio-b5f. IM2-1806 7,210s2M 42114lp763 regards; eat xpenditure. On thof Worth- lie acknowledged that it Was but 4 pro- those figures? fjoin 1892 to 1896, upo . ..... $0,049,142 41,702,383 West Rev( The Ministor of Cuttoms Mr. raw"On _n the Average. And, allin,5 Off in OXPOr But, Sir, by ION t4
THE MINISTER OF TRAVIi A14D 6.. 1: 138,249,769 42j972j755 Ilion we paid $4,800,00D out of -the, tense, lie had not tile sense of I playo �No, but I would treat them Romewlial the %*auction of taxation Which the Minis- tide had turned anNot -veto oilt the uphill 280.7 ;. revenues of the country; they incuftled no whiell ahoulil impel him to remit 10 X4- di tot of Firlatice calculated ytaterday At ft- course, 40 Was ;iiown by such signs of pros,
COMMERCE. 1609 SM821532 46,334,281 like expenve. tion which he putonthopeoploup a pro- evently.
On a a eclat point6the present lion. in- 1800 41o003,502 ycst4i�_Row would, the bon. gentle- 017,MO will be reduced to $1,417,000 over verity Which the bell. Ontletosti, watioa
Ater of ommereo -(Sit Richard 61,54,025 Some hen, membera-0h, oil,, tense which was: unfoun&d. man treat ithem, differently it he treated 1800, 0 tile tAto of reduction of ft1ftetY`4wO- in his bu ot lipefth. in Ion into I ade, and ILTAIMED ENTHUSIASM From 1891 to 1895i there were throo sov- them honeA the pogro" of thist oftntry lartwright) dedared, Now, Sir, one vbrd w td,,total expenditre, pral reductions of the tariff under the �Iyl 1: take my bon. friond'ot onn hundredths Of One Per Cent. I have one And ift, I XOW5 I believe 'that the services of for ifter all that Is really what wo spend. Mr. Fostr--Wh statement now. Ile Would. treat theta dif-. word more to SAY With McOncb to Was up*aras in a Cycle of to this outburst O HIO conservative part on sugar, on molaases, y 7 0 W
ry aga n t th
H Ilse
to It "Du
$1 000000, esia a
200 in
6� g py,
roy us
f V th
I rad W
02 890
this 'Government will be infinitely bet. Tbtt is what we gettither from the CoUnt tinied onthuslunt.1 'Art the Sion or ferotiti bon. t1c. M a general revi ]�,, How? the�e rates? Again, they are not my own prosperity, And th n. ry on po iniFtor of &to ftirds, but the figures of the Minl6for of into power Just when taking ovi
ter conduoted if we had or' sr borrowing; mitl that it ig which mctts� Men Opposite dipatisfied that the e 41 tarilf which, Onlettlatod -in &UY way I give them foi attt, vigo-ar and ih th, ave to Only of a lion was quelled? - Are they, ins s Rlat my �on, friend 1)leagos, mado 1; great- �peakitlg of wdueltions made on your own Trade And Commerce, and take htlgit.A -- ' . Minhiters nd a moderate number of urom the extravagance or thib clean t, W#r
junior Officials to uslist them. it does Gov6rhmont. It is all very oll to anillu. that we did not add that exPoll ev Veminsioll of taxa, iolt, by, far, than all figures, Our reductions are made upon what thbY 2re Worth, and T tbom to, doligmtW&W aft apptlir to be a toonstrodsiece of folly late surpluses and eapiw expenditure so as national debt, but paid ik out a 116 tile cuts And 01 the revisiobs of the tarix yotir M,0111108 6ad Vou figuro. be true, ','What &To the;V? I have ore it list 00 #Q, 0044