HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-26, Page 54 Supplement he Clinton New's Record, i r harl,es to Sir tchard R part tO the roject,, as one which WS? Scathing Reply to, the Innuendos of the Min- satisfied the interest of Canada and you will d that, not,ovithstanding the entreaty of Ur. Holton, a friend of the istor of Trade and Commerce. Hon. Alexander Mackenzie. that Motion waa voted down by Mr. Mackenzie's Gov. ernment. Then I may Sol, t t wheil we wore engaged in the re4t war of the con. Vow Sir Wilfred Laurier TUrew Poster) that the great 4.xpansion of trade struction of the U ko' me ic a 6anadia P it R 11 - and the wonderful pRaitiou the qountry a�o, way, costing n r all prior, Away the OpportunitV f Ob-, . the call t y on citfies to -day are owing to an increase in mous sum at mol- tatulnlW a Preference for Cana- l e did not feel war - VA time. Therefore, thn ho.n. entle on ranted in ushlog t a work with t = 419 made a case against himself, 73ut ere vi f our thJ lye otherwise wo I at it diark Farmers in the British is a libel uttered I I on the floor of w an the bon. gentlemen t I this He ise Whic is 0 I to be.. �-gret 4. Alarket - British St4tesincn. it, re would be utterly fatal to the at i au. .4 the lion. fientle an ared to say oil the ada, Completely ruinous to the country, to Rea4y to Receive Offers Froux car )f this, Ouse: . attempt It At All. Byt,.In the ci 'teen I well- recollect that there was nothl. that we were in power, as t9Q1 e.3. Canada. 0 ' P2.rflster of Finance has said �36,00000 lug that those 11011. gentlemen did not was expended b stOOP to in those days, I well recollect I Y the LiberalfCouserva ive Sir Charles Tupper sKeaking in the that they -induced. manufacturers who party oil canals, and when ban. gntlerpel� Housin of Commons Marc 26, replying to. were carrying on their business At a ogposite were.brought down. to the point, Sir Richard Carturight'n Speech . remonable Pro -fit to uspend operationo t a Minister of Railways and Canals (Mr. criticizing for the purpose of inflaming th ding maid. air teen- act navigatio Mr. Poster's repl to Mr. Fie] Blair declprod that he could open the four. Mr. Speaker. I dare say you have often - operatives higainst the Liberal party, 11 n in two years- but after threO years and more 'the carialS are not heard it -said by people who are engaged in -A LIBEL ON MAN111ACTURERS.,, ypt open to fourteen -Foot. navigation. But, a griculture, that the.bardest woork that the mower ever has to enga in, is vitert lie Now, Sir, there is a gross libel uttered ir, tie bon. gentleren.will. find that with has a very short crop of y. Certainly If mainat a great 31 this aboundin trade, with these enor. 19 body Of gentleman who mous revenues w bon. gentleman opposite are satisfied with have done an Immense deal by their energy 6 E money to burn in their enterprise and , hands, the Government has only spent the exhibition that the Minister of Trade . cafital to build uL) Canada about half a million dollars a year more and Commerce (Sir Richard Cartwright) to its present It gh position. Thor are I on the Canals during the last three years has made of himself to -night, I can assure thus traduced o)a the floor of this 011110 than the Annual expenditure of tbe,three you that that Sentiment is heartil real. by 4 gentleman. who undertaken to, speak years before they came, into power; and procated on thin side of the Heusb. The for the Liberal arty. I say that a gentle- yet one ould suppose that they had made bon. gentlematit has said omothing to' us man 'Who WOUV charge 'ban. gentlemen on' up t i ir minds at one time that they -were on the subject of good taste. I would 111;e this; side of the House with stooping to such goipgl��to take.thiq question of canals entire - to ask that ban. gentleman whether . he a think was again measuring our corn in ly into their own hands. thinks it was in good taste -for the first his own half bushel, He know that it he The ban. Minister of Finance commenc, time tf I believe, in this House -for an ban, had been in our ace at the time he would eb hts budget speech with a grand burst I. ave done that a on vent entan to refer to the plea of indispos' Virnself. But, no man in on on the part of any hon. entleman as the Liber - a ervative party would have the wonderful Prosperity of the,coun. pretext that was unfoundeff and that tTY. He said, k. so a a a himself in his own estimation The . year . 1899 Was I regarded as's phe. was used because the ban. gentleman ma and I. estimationlof every respectable Ing it was not prepared to address the an in I country, by stooping to so, Qqn- loi.neital year; but great an was its ac. Huuse. I think, Sir, if I know anything of temptib a mea;ps>of advancing pa good taste, that it never was outraged more rtk in. tivity, that of the year 1899 was still terests. greater, and I may 8ar of that year than it Was hen the ban. gentleman rw R that -it was beyond al question the tarred to the adjournment of the House in .0 ANGEMEN LTBRILLED BY SIR. . consevence of my ban. friend from York -RICHARD, Most prosperous in Capad?%n history. (Aft. faster) being somewhat indisposed But what more does' he say! He There is no person on this side of the hat dn and not prepared to make a very mal�es a deeper, blacker and fouler charge House, no Liberal -Conservative in Caninda long ad ress, as he had to do. But, Sir. against a a w Aliniste�l -Teitt mass of intelligent people, than that- refer to the urangemen.. i am a Finance was able to make such a state - we had a curious illustration given by thoo po does not rejoice that the bon. ebon. gentleman himself, He rose to answer not an Oran eman,..and 1, perhaps, know as merit 'as that; But What I complain the speech of my ban. friend, and state.d little about Orangeisin as any marl'in Can- of is, that running through the Whole that he intended to go into a very elaborate ada. Bub I -;have always understood that sp call from A to Z. the atory was too,e criticism of all the statements my bon. one of the great featXres of Orangeism Was d asif theseion. gentlemen had brought friend had given to the House; but' bp- reverence for the fla and Crown- I have this about -as- if Canada owed this mar, fore he proceeded very far, he found that a understood k]9a't oe* of tile great 'vellouk rooperity- and progro q to -Borne- 'he was a little indisposed himself. and lie I of Orangeisni was the Maintenance. thing tv ich the d d ' The bon. gen- ?i ��, To ne. ,woved the adjournment of the debate in f: British law and British order. .. Now tleman did gi 'Ovidence a passing. re - cry , order to enable him to prepare fully for the Sir, -',vbat did the bon. gentlemall'say.�' mark at the very conclusion of his speech, ieucoanter which he bad undertaken and for , I remerilber -wheri an OranEe dern' and t WAS' edd utly very grudgingly done. twhich he found himself imegual. The hon. t t- . . . on- aa ra ion was engineered in t a cit 4' I ntleman was good enou to indicate Montreal for the. express purpose 6 a . HE* WORLD POSPI;.ROUS. heat in 188 when I held f1le position., at Ket. ALL -T Minister of inance, I had on the plea at tin religion against religion and race, Butt I think, it would have been. only. lillness faie to reply to a statement he Must race if it were to the detri. fail, on the part of the bon. gentleman; t; 1ad a a on unrestricted reciprocity, and ment.'of the Liberal patty. What did have said that Canada'. was enjoying Ifiis itbat during the whole of that debate I these mea -care then, or wbat do they exceptional Prosperity, not because of the was absent from the House. I think bit care noW�.. Present. 'Government, .and the marvellous, whatever my failings may be, and I 6ow' He is Speaking of every Orangeman in thillga -they had done to bring It libout, .they are many, that gentleman on both Canada tylaeri he makes that otatment- but, that the rest of 06 world was in the sides of this House Will% .,not include -0 - the streets of Montreal were to ran. ame condition. I bold under my hand cowardice among them. I'epifitell the hom red, provided always that they soared art I e;gtract, which.. I am sure. the House gentleman that he was setting _a, bad ex- a point against the Liberal administra.' . tion. a to,read, on this subject, from Arapile-that he was direct the ininda ItIfinel Illolonwdomn Tin rs of anuary 6. 1900: of bon. gentleman in thin Wouse, in a di- the �.hon. gentleman - thinks that I he ction. that would not be vgr' profitable can advance the interests of his t , . ofin ire advantageous to the Gov 4r. 7 in I The year just closed has been an mr ernment at this this country by a foul, a false an a�mall- MIS Mirabilis" in i egaTd to trade.' In bour, dons statimaent of that. kind,�- uttered. the remarkable story told in the series'. lll�WO VACANCIES IN,THE GOVERN, against a, great.bod of intelligent inde- of reports publishea in- our c6lumns, tout Cmna.da,.I think yesterday, and �deahg with"the chief MENT. he greatly mistakes -his,' position. Industries; of the country, there in a The inister of Trade and- ContraeTep record of prosperity rardy - equalled. What is the fact, Sir? That two of the ost important departments held u3idnr the said., In almo-t ll -the Metal and mirieral'trades pr6pjeri.ty rarely equal- Rovernent are vacant at this time on the The ex -Minister of Finance is , act led is reported t: is, evident. i that - plea of illness of the parties who hold them ashamed to sta,nd UP and %ve,thd makers do not 'know how to cope with as the hosi. gentleman these Suspicious House to. understand that, he .4 'I&- the orders which the'llkive booked And faroused as to the sincerity of gentlemen on diteed the expenditure to.a matter of which are comin if rom. the Cleve - this side of the House Who -at 'any time $37,000,0.00., How did he do it? By land district e 04% tha "all previous 4nay be iudisFosed,.and in a condition in starving two of the m6st irap6irtant'hor- recoidif in the steel And iron trades which it wou d be'desirable for them tb,. vi�ea Canada has to : deal with �� no have been surpassed during the past" .make a laboured effort in this House, ow- reducing the expenditure on - millda as ear, p- - - ang to the fact that two of his colleagues if urom prices 'especially being to mal -6 the whole outlay for the year are absent on the plea of illness, because praati�ally useless- tatter t Ian during the previous twenty- It.is conyinjent for the Government not to seven,years. Mamthan one ARMI,�D THE MiLITIA. a bave them 'present in the House? Are we rPort makes it� car that.1890 was the ito understand that the Minister of the In, at year for'about a nuvrter of a can- .terior (Mr. Sifton). who is absexA n the Does the Minister (Sir Richard (.'art. turY plea offailing in his hearing, which is Wright) ,lot know -that there was a, Lib. chronic, and which has existed front the ered -brochure scattered thivouill. the What is tha� history of the United States ince of Quebec- broaftast, denouncia. my of America? Precisely the Same, The lion. ltime we knew him here, a -ad Which was Gverent for hav gentleman knows that they declare that no worse so far as.we could judge is ab- . . I 1719 Spent an eOrMOUS they have reached a positio I n in their trade eent because he found it convenient to go &mount Of money on the Militia service? Does �he not know that when the V and commerce and every Jbing that indi- 1when the Committee on Public Accounts ellezue' cates the greatuess and i vancing prosper a ari take up the Yukori scan- Ir e tronbli arose and when Germany did 1-tvas preparing to I itY of the country, such as they have never d adl and put people on oath and have that n6t Show any -too great friendship tor the knon. matter investaga, the, Mother. Country before Th6tefore, whai I.object to ted thin pension? HAS , one of. the i!rst. acLe,of. P ilon. entleman that suspicion from the Sir' Mackenzie bowell's Go is, Putting th;9e -things forward in a man- vernment was to ner to lead -not the rnerab�ra - 'of this ,fact at he and is co ea h d resort- place the beat I'louse, who knoi h - 11 gues, a expend about 0,000,000 to ad to this mearif of Sending out of his arms that could be secured in- the hands 0 v how little ban, gentle House members holding important depart- of the ' Canadian Militia? Does he not . Pposite have to do with it -but people ments in the public service, because it know: that that Government lost.a large not well informed in some -'of t e� me wag more convenient for the Government support in the province of Quebec� on Sag 80 _y settlements of the eountr _, to believe that that they Should not be in a position to count' of the declaration that -they were thin Government beg achie,,ved - something .have their conduct examined and overhaul- marvellifus for Citniada. that has never ap- wasting money in providing these arms. I pened in its history before. ed when the House is ready to examine may any 'irk passing, that the rifle placed in and overhaul it? I would like my bon. the hands of evtry. Militia man by Sit ae. THE D MOND OU, frien in the future to look at home be- kenzie Bowell's Government, was the very 4TY RAILWAY fore he attempts to indulge in such in- rifle that the British Government Selected. Then -the ban. gentleman said that Our nuendoes, to violate good taste to n ex- fcr service in South AfriLa, and had that tent which I have never known or seen in Government railwava are bein developed I expenditure. not been inade b)r ttlat our a=- whirb is calfoulated tn lead to verl, implea- ernment,every one knows that penditure in that direction IV" a fitable this ITouse before, and to set an example rervative Gm . the .(,on. to a considerable extent. but F Fint foonivarisonq. I -Tow, Sir, the linn. Ren- the best of sending the Canadian contin. one, because it was giving increatiro.roVe.. a gents Of 2,500 to the seat of warowould be nue to the Intereolonial Railway. I deny flem n has Used lanm,airp for which T enormously increased by this that statemeriL lohoupbf, be would apolocze hen ;e arl. voinnient If we could got at the tire -%;ed fhp TTrouse to -day. Ile ought to having to Purchase that very rifle for cach truth, which ought to be most easily- Ob. have anoloaized. volunteer. I despair of seeing a, blush tcined we would hove evidence clear and mantle to the Check of the Minister kSir unmi;i4kable. that instead of the develop. SM RICHARD'S LOYALY. Richard Cartwrt), but if ever a state. went of the Intercolonial,Railway system ment -was made , %v an ban. gentleman. that giving increased earnings, it has . been the The lion. gen lemon made use of lan., he Should be ashimed of, it is that,state- cause of a hemT deficit. Front Levis to Vage which I th I me Nontreal, the itterfoolonial Rulway has I lk we will all on reflec- int. (Cheers.) not paid its experipes or ankthing Hke i . condemn. a. not think ifiere is any. THE CONSER and what increased revenue is pentlemilln nr tilt sirle of the House who a us will say that the term, 'mincreant," is a look for in the Province of ova cotia, Proper tern; fm aronly to public men OR- Sir Charles Taliper The Mit,;ster of and that in due in a reat me a a 0 the on thp ora Mile, or the other. What Trade and Commerce. asked- Where is the development of Newfoumollan the did he mv? Re said: aniendpient. V%ej,, wAd amendineal a herei consequent increased business be a that and the hon, gentleman got due noticof or colt)ny and Our far eastern pro I a a. Ut The old flag at long last cleansed and it, The amendment whicil tile rion. that Subject we will discuss M to on purified, has been rescued in fair fight ter has enquired after, is this. another occasion from the hands of the miscreallts who That ail the words after that be ld But there is �6 difficulty in 0 a traded on it and degraded it. and the t .,surplus in the IntereolonQ a hen Out and that it be resolved that, tias youl old flag now waves better and purer 11060 is Of:opinipn that a system Of that ;pend a million dollars er, r a r4ilway, as you have done I ea an and loftier than ever. Mutual 'trade piLle-Lence Vetloveen Ureat. charge it to capital account. When did that ban. gentleman ev r do Britain and Ireland and the cilonses anything to raise the ol fla a would, greatly stimulate increas 4 g? If there is ductio4 in and tiommece A PERIOD Or, HIGH MOTECTION. one man more than another in Canada who lie has done all that la Countries, and Avould thus X-0111u.b mud Thab period When. the industries il it, his Power to de. Maintain the unity of grade and lower an destroy that 'flaq, so that nothing which 01' die 4,ld Canada -bad the highest pratection�..wae a % as Canada is concerned, it is the non. falls short uf the perlod' during hich our- tariff WA8 15 per coulplete realizat Oil Of ittell a policy cent, I do not say -that the tariff was one Mister of Trade and Commerce. What If did he do in 1891. when leagued with par. should e wil1darLd as hilov, ties In the United States, who were *de. factolir. 6f the Most highly Protective tariffs, but I say that the industries of Canada never fermined to destroy British inatitutions, There in � the Position on which we take, enjoyed a greater measure of protection and united with avowed annexationists in our stand, and there is the line 11 �n *hie than that tile enjoyed from 1868 to 1873. the United States, be led the van in this We are prepared to. lyo to battie � % The ban. ocaylemau knows that a civil r countr upon a policy denounced by the ith tiii. wa 9011t1cluell, in the face of the ligeni, was ravaging the United State a. A million Hon. Zdward Bla re as one so disloyal that electors of Canada and. to ask t mice men or more were' taken � alvay it would deprive Canada Of 13ritigh I irout pro. nsti� to,l Whether -the duction and engaged in *at, Manufactur- tutions—a Folicy so disloyal that Mr. Blake le haft b000 �; Y - Wdnb it pl'orelfitee ing industries of all kinds Were thorough - felt compel ( d to refuse to go into thf, battle the Other 'aide, or whether they want ft ly disorganized. In th# condition things with his late eonfrere Acause 'he was plubtal Preference thaf Canada had a market in the Unite states 0 not willie out -.to - ,g to fight under false colours and in - fie which gave it one of the greatest I periods because lie believed that the commercial = that those Wbn flown lnn�e� subjugation pro 9 of inter-Tiriperial omferalitial of Protection that could possibly be. I,= posed by the ban. gentle. trade halve held fff rrn-,, jQ, r1rat justifying the position bull. gbritlemen up. man to the United StatoA would end in posits found themselves in, 19 1873, when flitical subjugation and destroy our Brit. Tim 1) EEPRIVING OF THE CANAL. they came into power, fortunately for bu. loh connection. I do not attributim to bim� mafiitY�3that great intprutchus struggle was as I properIT might, the term that be flag The bon. gentleman (Sir Itich rd Cart. over. ut the protection that Canada On - 7 ink gilt Bay that no Man but a ' bt) b t d his GOVernmont yed was swept away. Then came the ef. used. 0 r What miscreant would have adopi*d such apcil- la,Yd,n. ovittiF relorence to the canals, and i0lat of a l6w tarift Upon Canada) itaviger ity, but if I Use that term, I take it Tioul may say that I believe they have pretty a slaughter market for the United Stateg ]its own mouth and his\own Ii a. To *hotn Much 4bandoned their attellpt at grand whose industries were re-established and does he apply that term, ang whom does larceny With reference to our canal pColicv. re -organized from one end of the country to he charge with having lowered and degrad. The Minister of Trade and Commerce is the other. The result was that a hi;h tariff .... 11 I- � - f " entirely rdistaken when he toys that tile which was imposed by the Miniter oi It is the men who fought to the death that diAloyal Doliqy policy of de,e hing the cahals'to fourteen Trade -and Commerce, than the Finance .a .6 . the I which the lion. gentleman advocated. It is "Al olicy. Lot me tell hill 'Minister, was a 2nuch lower tariff gelative- .the men who defeated the conspiracy Which, that a carial commission was appointed ;St. ly than the 15 polt cont. tariff f at had the bon. gentleman hAd entered into when mediatelf after confederation with Sir existed before. he leagued himself with Parties in Wall- Hugh At its head, and including in its If the ban. 014,0inaft ton to destroy Btitish institutions in be 1p Ur. Fielding) n eminent engineers And ruer. wished to claim cmilit for Canada's pres. iada. If that term 'miscreant' could be about It WAS perhaps one of the ablest ent prosperity, it would have been Worth hallowed and rendered an booftourable a over appointed in this country, While to allow reason for that claim. Whyy tilet, it would be by Applyinl� it to tre and it reported in favour of the Wel. it was amusing tuttice the rounds of on- conauct of Men who raiied An Saved that land Canal being deepened to twelve feet thaslastic a plau0. hat the bon. gentlema.ii fia as the Liberal -Con did and the. St. Lawrence canals to the same with 'at every sentence, while at- depth. That polio ivag adopted, ond it I, WI, when they d tthIt.1 �thia maghificent, prosperity, if spt to subvert British ill Was UM roceeded wi i under Sir Jolla Mae, 'Canada. (Cheers.) it hid all been due to the Finance Minister, donffs Government And the Contracts let. he could not have been More heartily Then as the question obtained greater at. cheered. But' the applause was greatest A PERIOD OF DEPRESSX tention, eftsift. gentleman in this couriti-y when he said e had taken seven millions OIT. and in th a House come to the conclusio' a n more from, the People than bad ever been Wall, am, he Says theta Was great do. that it.would be better to secure a four- taken, from, them bofore. The welkin rang preasion between IsiS and 1878. Re is quite teen -foot, navigation than a twelve -foot with �rtniendousl elleer. as it he had so. right. .-He says that that gro4t depfession navigation, And this matter was nioZAA if,,. ..m. 4 toro.t 9-1 L- witi; a Win. fC11cieman knowff an so at 0 and Jr�cklcu ated to mislead, the p �r- no toll, bu going into sup- wto hair, not studied this question? I a hattq 1400d 046, h9up iftatmoxi two low 0 Supplement CLINTON, ONT-i, THURSDAY, APRIL ':z6, x9oo. gentleman 'on* the Treasury Beriallips to Make a statement calculated - to said that this preferential ta.xiff l: of great value. to Great Britain. 11 -1� Which I heartily concurred, they would find me repared to do so. The op6ech was 111,1 I lem. re, Peat it g, an Ib W' VW tlbh4ot a u tiou a, rda, on. g an ,, Y_ h ic irIdi'j;0), I I tllink CO,-p1;J.ne,,,,! ehud,, w, e 1, 11seriber one sin 0 act, ol� )Ilcy t1ey have t,",er-Prd0,8,Pebr!ty.d0' �xl day or =obll, is anameasure, A so 0 bhut walpable refusal t' .4,b cit b I Olonuonumloe� I p It,, 0 by hit entirely to himself the credit r for this gre�i fa, it ilnloon of the iguatest itho 0 n # was e in teo 'di interes th 4UM4 ?bervatio-N Our y,,artago last I I a I to1w wu Yi tit, Sydney, -and has Passed this 'a :qrea diSllgeuijous at& =0 rt�`W. 1 shall refer b� and by to the miserable glea, the skeleton of a plea put in b the fin Trade t H. rose, last night, I Mai. say that I had"1811110. Q ortign was Wait,61 or, ' I ould by ,he mayotb who 4skcJ I Pt the pu lic presciota.. ti THE DUTY ON COAT,, ow, my bon. friend said t our of Aia! WAS Z do a 0 4 the =nlviat that 1, bad # W star of and C6mm,fTrcQ to low what they did, do. Whou, we ex. of the speech of my boo Irlern't liftelding) I which he refers' jto t 6 (0, n I of art address from the Board of Trade. The himself 1vois &'Political n. remarkable thing to put in a budget speech. Budget speeches drn 4 to the tariff C, sir� that the bo . 5e tl will aralue that a little More closely we shall find bile reason why theme gent emen are veryatifyig fact'that in the pr uce of 0 nta a Several new estubliahmento ave opponent of mile and the majority of the iRipmbeis of the board, were also are notgeugra%o! an otqresalvo oli4racter, and I Imance misters do not in vain for any evi epee ox ou of things. The q uotatioir litoom, dumb when asked to name One single ,fell. ture of ublio poli , one Act pt ading 9. been started within the last year or twQp and that there is, he believes, every prob. mL POI' itical a Porientao- but he Stated Iran - y to me tha they came to me to see if li.. f generally 446�t the as whill rcmivoi tone the an. gen areal towards, my- 4 Opted proceeds: Sir CHARL TUPPM-Na. W tr4tiou that has. added to the prosperity of ability thab. *he Iran deposits 61 Ithao gssiblQ that I could help them in t self. That, of coursd I- a matter of taste , The MINISTER OF PINAXCX-,4X Canada that ad been initiated by them. rodAce will be worked upon IL very much lifliculty found lie.great and judgment, and Y out inclined to think placed, Inasmuch U of or All Van only whore they had so servilely' farg�r scale. thin ever before. I May 84 the Pressure -experience it -will not 14kely in which thg am el Then, if the tariff of ISOS It is that that after this tall why old the boo, floas foollowe 6 steps of their Z0 Person has heard that witg they could -bring. to bear on the - Govern. be repeated. At all events. I do not expect 00riles7upper vote A Ill redecepsoors, g# net the I WheroL t a I -greater pleasure titan I have myself, It Me4t, the�,,- had met with an absolute refu. it to be eated by the ban. gentleman for ene6jeaturo ol it? It 1%.boo. 144i, i.v have abandoned SIN their prin. ciples a, all their policies and have So. will be remembered by the House that 641 from he Government to-do anythiog a decade. le Paid. him to come and qletond� ceptold AdoVed auto, that they cn When I had the lionour 6f holding the Po- in the way of extending tte.bourlty ey"teni, 110 (Sir Charles Tupper) Posen as a Sir CHARLES UVPEA�Tbb baw sho w th r,, no anytbill, -1 Ritiort of Minister of Vinspee I Introduced as it then 0 cratecl, "'he diflipulty Was, at diselple of the national policy, but geutleman (Mr. Fiel jWOW cure pr 9 t; I Ae do t, measurp into, this House calcul4ted, il; MY tll!s, thtt beW gret ding) bjle� Wi;oid a or this country. ore the enormous Me 0, )udginent, to promote the iron 'industry of quired a build up that greet Capital r- my Memory carries meback to a time questign, ADOPTED THE CONSI&RVAM Calladas and, although that yteasure, ban 0061d be obtaine enterprise when men who were more loyal to the swer it? 9F S that I . 4, the bounty tinder the,. The' 31INISTBR POLICY, 'not. realized all the expectation 141v, Would expire, and they wo pational policy than lie was, YOR uld be do a rived of any advantage whatever fron into this House a. resolution to must in Sir, CNARLES TUPPI They isay. Then (10 you denounce us, do vent%red, at that time, to indicate would i ga: E09-1 df4L �_Ot you attack up for adopting Your poo icy, be So ieved, I am Rafe In saying that not a - could excuse my ban. friend (Mr. Wi ld� certain featuro�s of the original national ,XOte, a 11"t the tariff of Qto Certainly not - � we never have done "' ? blow. would have been struck, in connection ng)v to some extent, Thero; was the In. policy; and when the bon, gentleman ag oay'dthat is & only & So' We 'With the iron industry in any part of Can- cul)128 ution him of found h6 was I, alpat tile statentepta r no they, are to be the Minister of Trade difricul over it, he Motion n%lde L ii. are in 1887, and Commerce If of thw-hon. Main at for H90 ited with. They found t ada but for the poliiy adopted 'A it (Sir Richard Cartwright), voted against tile national policy rather fax (Mr. Russell)., onsilier44 bay war" The reason that !the fullest and greatest ho, 6 do bt regesented to him, that than resign his office. were Untrue, But, I. '11 th wrong for twenty years, or they were 06. of everythin anticipated did it was impoisigi 0 Now, I do not intend to -waste the time of calving the K�O 10 Of this country and they a or that Government to 9011tic-411 (Mr. Fieldipg, out adileluma stultify themselves in reference to. evoty thin House on a matter whi h an be fou d W48 not the tariff of 1 97 the may take w ic i ever horn of the not accrue -%via owln to the reipaikabld fact Portion of their Polloy, and be, (Sir Rich. on the journals of the county; but I aq metal tariff, And is thp.y please -and they threw their Own that shortly after -The adoption of that ard the. tariff. f. all ineasure p iron fell in the greatest market Cartwright), no doubt, gooluted Out this- that from the first hour entered tills 4 C( r Zi to the. winds and adopted that at 0 obden Medal to IfIf In the war d for pig iron, the United Xina-' to h1m, (Mr, Fielding), that a had used 'Parliament down o the -present,. arty- -That is the &a iber4l-Conservative no person one redeeming feature or -the tenure of of om, something ke 50 par -cent. . of biq most powerful. invective the ban ever found me on that'queation adopt- A. COBDEN MEDAL TARIFF prii yainat ne action with I do act refer to that subject, o of protection, and t�iat,' regard to'the duty on coal. I fought for thq c0urse,� there was -no meeting such a Can- trelfile Phases one a the meet ing any but ne line And 'a fice. It is a great sacrifice to public hat 'e. llciPle of bounties, as octet for men to be in that position. Ant, tingeno therefore, the Purpose of disturbing it in the jam y an that, but, No I said before, for- these hoon.� OntleMen wish to invade the tunately for Canada, -notwithstanding that Government should not lis- it in this House in season and out of sea. at aoi facts. You iMOW great fall in the price f , pig iron, ten to Any Such road pr opal as the ex- son. as the ban, the feelings f MY right. hurt, �f, I Ieentleman. knows; I fought leader of the Government. But.t a, Mr. Speaker, as every. 0 of -the Strongest one of the ale body knows, the there in no Means some measure of progress had taRen pince tension Of that system, Whatever the coca for, it yearly. A though it was struck off as Ono 'wo' these gentlemen the ntatute-book by an unegeoloted attack b" which the mass of the eorle of this couq. in regard to the iron industries of Canada, aj I WAS informed b h be y the claim, of . that it is very gratifying, that tha they had yh an Ahoolute -re- On the Government, for whic no prepara* of the Most 000m�lete evidences of 9116 can judge so cornple I and I say funal. Met �WIL Chan a between the tariff that -I try tion. had been made, -lust as the salary of ad t a tariff of 1897 the two great �iarties. contending for public :Under thi policy propounded on that oc- The MINISTER OF FINANOE (Mr. the Governor-General' was struck out 'by and. the favour as to as Which of these caldon, we'have, under the ronewed C'moll- Fielding). Who X868p that it is possibofe to had the wisdom to inaugurate Part'eahas tion of things, under w1rich tile price of niq were Are these gentlera=9 Who A motion emanating from the ami party 4 bal � a Soulad, in, . t a that was a tariff un an carry it out honestly iron has lawely, increased, the gratifying' made that state. and Ruddenly sprung on the House, the ban. friend could to erly receive- the dicious poli ien dor which my rigghl C fact that in ventlernan knOva that I adhered to the Bony Parrer in the aand which Wthem, has been mistaken from amilton, where a considerable me" to ? t bon, member (Sir Charles medal from the first, Wrong in everything it has, m. Iran industry has steadily been carried on TupipegHARLES TUPPER. What itate" policy Of imposing a duty bu coal'until I in which that gentleman gave.1 dertaken, And compelled to abandon e notwithstanding the depressing circurnstan- merit? had an opportunity of seeing it corliplete- Counting that medal the w ut ul line of policy it 'ado IV -Ondicated and adopted by th . i�l AhAt very ces that I bay referred to, a nickel and The MINISTER 'or, FINA is J4011sol, 01-4 Farar Used were that it bight th a cap- XCE. The and brought to an eminently successful is- lion, freirid had done that w I ',was NOW on this quest on of the progress an attel.company geing organized wi statement the bon, gentleman has just is everY made. My hon. friend (Sir Charles - the tariff of. I prosperity of Canada development ital of $0,000,00n, and which there i son. My hon; friend boats of what he actually done in 808i, its trade, especially for the %ast two or ex po�r says he was informed th I would not have assembled Of Cpectatior Will becomoi A very im�grtant luli- did in'relation to the Dominion Coal ()Om* on, is hol fait'industry. I now co I . there to gj�o;' I let we refer to a all j"t which ey 0 met pany. Suit -he boasts of what'he in now ac: that medal. is that i � - � .� I . ears, me the witi, an, absolute refusal. I W oof orAa it,uoo't three . )p to know ­ I I 9, - lot the on gentleman � had not. given. promfil., Announcement made by t a ban. Minister who 11thc& were. nomplishing in eonnoctioll.ivitb that indus here WAS aradical 09rige in the. I ence to. of Finance in, regard to t1le irorl'industry Sir CH LE S try'. I ask my ban. friend where that coal and essence of the t IN TTIPPE A. I have no heal- n�licv art : in 18 THE WORLD'S PRODUCTION, OF a'. Nova Scotia. He said: tat" in saying hat sta , would linve been to -day if he and his pared -with that of Mr, cut was xrout friends had triumphed. I ask it that coal , 1897? Now, 6 a Ila itney and Mr. Grahara Frame it -Cou�ld riot a f reasons why I lid not aup a t GOLD. I can look back with pride and sati8- not Carried by the Liberal- 4PO a A 0 IS failtinn to the m6w,ment of that do# was 't a representatives 0 went of the lion. member or inion, 0 f.the, VOinservative �party in spite of all the- op- The London Economist of anuilry' and 'feel that time has vindicated ths 0 party, and the New position the. Liberal party could givd to it, IcusAell). Let me read that am' an 'a Government.. gow teal any, That this House regards hb, pnoiTles 1809; speaking of the World's Production of 110liev of tbe7Nnva Scotia Governm a I _ti Th R OF FWANCE-W himself among the inumbey. He. not of British preference in the 0 fold, says that the increase in 1898 wao the and' that the enterprise then � starte time? 4 hat in this House, but he was floing'his little customs tariff argest in any.Ym4r since the early fifties. has been fruitful of advantage to t a as. one hich in 't a best outside of it to oupport-the party who plic4tion has already resulted,- ar " I In 1898 the production amounted to geo,. province Slid the direct cause -of the TIM PUB unitedly fought that policy LIC MEET11',rG AT SYDNEY.. -%Vhenever it was in an increasing measure,' continue -to 000#000; 'in 18960 the production was 440;. proontiniv of this new enterprise Which proposed. What has been the effedt of, de� 000,000, showing an increase in two years bidi; fair to intilre the town 6f Syd- Sir CHARLu, - When I visit. feating. the hon� gentleman? Why. Sir, the result material benclit- to.: ;�tho 8 TUPP.ER. Motherincountry and to Canada;�, - - of 920,00.0;000. Now, does the hon. gom; ney tho Pittsburg of Canada. ad MY 00.4stituenta the summer before, last - effect of it has hoen that 'the,coal sales of I deny that it has resulted ! in our biiie. tleman think that is worth a pasFAng note after they -had been here, and met wlia; the province of No a' ountia ave increased At to the Mother- Country. I say that! the ,in a budget speech, as one of the means. hy �'f My ban. friend was ood enough,' in.:re- an absolute refusal groin ray hon. friend from 603,511 tons V in all Nova Scotia in imports from Great Britkin,undor: that mprt- Which this great expansion of Arade,sud ; erence to another part of his speech�, to (Mr. Fielding). MY bon; friend cannot be 1878, when the mirtional policy was adoptdd fer6tice tariff ate utterly, insignificarif. ail business throughout the world has bee# nay that, I had nald a great compliment to ignorant of the facts because there Was a and the duty ives first imposed, to 2,419,107 Compared with 'that they ptight it r -brouft 0 same question let 'his modestv. There is no quality of the Public addresi presen'ted to me,in the afite It this human minil that I admire no. much ' am est ball larg., tons of -1899. My hon. friend now boasts have been expected to, be without :n . 4. 0 the that Sydney could afford� .,and r "ett', E, Railway and Commer crowded to the doors, the plat or of what this iron policy in going to do not ference whatever in the anormou I P udon, of Junimary 7, 1899: modifity, And I arn always ready to recog I 71,111 4 ,ade that Canada has exk jence3 nize it on the part of auy� gentleman, but, by Political' friends of. the ban. in covere only for Nova Scotia, but for. the whole. gion a' ti To this extent, the past eari has I am afraid that I.can hardly Pay the ban,. With tlid'm4yor, gent.leman of 0anada-because he is' perfectly. cortopet 'te,it 1896 and the prement.timp: I Xo his Political friend, in th to uotiv, a in. saying that there is no place iii the Do- Cover. I ray it has not rcjuiiE�d -in" been, pi d * a of excellent results. gentleman the noinDliment of hiving -exhi- chair. I responded to that address and I mini f Canada where that eat enter- good to Canada, It, half not. only revived confidence I -bitdd .4 great deal of Modesty in.regird to frarkly-told then, that 1, thought they pise-o-i 'th a ff" L amonq our traders, who five great 06.9-' 11his matter'*hen he undarthkes to' claim Ought ,lot to des roart bia carried out N -n tter pros.. refusal they Pair, notwithstanding th PRICES ARE NO LOWER. Abilities in the near future for the c9n­ - that the present QTeat development, of the had met with,. an e, Pact of success than in the town. Of SYdL_ Oumptioai of iron and steel, but it -has iron st'rol coal industries of the province of. hoped the. Government d that I ney: but .1 RIc him where would that-poV The hort 'same time provoked a. great '.Navi Scotia isAfte to himself. to 'reconsider th ,night be induced ICY been if he bad triumphed? �entleman, may. 1%. tilidt-1, the" at the air osition and Chan cople have %can reli a eved of no taxsbiWa� rVal of industrial cvtheir attitude. have stood before great masses at,, in Europe, Aartolx them that I THE, SECESSION thb the two Anglo-Saxon nations 'THE REAL FACTS. &a theirt Such biStance 4SL I.0 wou d electors of Canada, and I have. thig, t ould. I do Wher� Ivan that bon. gentleman after b Sides of theoAtlantle are largely not insinuate. for a moment, that my bon. -during the last year since thit to, Participating. The� facts are these: Two years ago the. friend (Mr,L ielding)- was dependnt up. nineteen years of confederation. Why be, question to them: HaVC. you, riff,prefe undertaken 'by t was leading An onslaught hgaihst confedera� ence came in for thm�' goods that-.y6i.,&Qt scheme was he gentlemen on the speech which f made upon that -oc. tian. a and from* Eugla , great industrial de. cosion, for one. lid L The ban*, gentleman himself, in his bud- in the provinceL of N va Scotia speech n9rmected.'*Ith the of the most. brilliant.paiii, nd than YOU get L NOVA Scotia, he succeeded in getting a majolity.L Of tid bQfor0?',A s�?ws; as you will see by� refor- valopmeni in -which bids -fair ages in his budget speech, but there -is a the � on. every occasion there' as been ­ a- $46*5 ____ . 878. Hat; that nothing t 3 do, -with t elf4' A gent entail iial the - e4pansion of trade tbit has taken place? Whitney, of Boston, a Why, Sir, if the Liberal Pa�ty bad. net ontorpriming,man, Who been repudiated by this country -the' ban.- . in equal to very eat gentlema.ri, -would not -have been in a pool- -*as an* gaged ff. . CC tion to 'make any such budget speech in Scqtia, - 'Having inve� 1900 as he has-bben able. to make.... ritineral -resources. X t1 . Sir Charles gave figures sho.ir'n advantges rossessed I !�PpOerfuljy. _Miinjtoob�a, h6W -the Rorth- ant and of $ydrity,_ or thqL del was )men own legialature or tn�tt province pledged to sup- Breton which remarkaD16 likeness 9tween it and the. whelming responsive.. "No." heref ;ent,, and the manher in which he Portraidd the wonder. art him in taking Nova, Scotia out. of the , Core there has been no benefit that hiS Toa4Q Pittob r it- I'd Position Of thol'tOWn 6 Sydney as a union and destroying-colifederation. Where he Canadian farmer, none , that�has reggb�d r. goods , , I in that, great Seat of the iron and steel enterprise. would. there be - td -day iz possibility of any the. proolueez of Canadian. in I suppose,. that. wonderful iron industry in the province of Nova , admit energetic and likeness has that tariff, Thfirefore Sir, I was un4JA,.V3 hown,that lie Arisen froin the fact that rest Scotia if the ban. gentleman bad not been vote J'a &*Cour of a acclaratiQia thdt;X_be. t. - - minds. ?L trues jump tooigth6r.' - oWever I stated tunately; I was Able to 90 down to NO.— contradictory of the facts. The,reg,0111211`7 ial enterprise. if Some' defeated That was in the year, 1886. For- lieve to,be utterly unsound in4abs I - frankly to the card OfTrade cYthe-town la�y of Skaney; that I would myself go toLthe I I h eirt Nova I resigned MY position of High on I" a t Government and would, urge upo g(?es on: Vince an n them, in sloner of. Canada, re-eniered the county toth' the strongest p Governinent as Finance Alinister,wenI flown �­anj- *hich has already atoled wn ossible manner theL reeo�­ WOW, mt of agreat aideration of that important -question. I to Novm Scotia to, 'madt.tbe ban,- gcn-. ing. and 'must still'itiore, firmly weloft:t& became, much told them t case was so overwhelmingly tleffian's Agitation, and came back bere.with Rather, the ties which now'hind them attend that id not despair of convincing two-othirds of- the province of Nova Scotia and desires to express its emlpohmtjoi-� P. Graham Fra- �ea )n and -Steel the overnent that they should recomi. atmy back, and I would do the same thing proval of such British prf der'that question. and change the attitude azain to-morr6w I the opportunity Present. been granted by the Piurliarnout ofC I y . interested. they had adopted. I told them that if that by the Mayor f ada. failed -11 I could say to them, was that. I now come� cam , un f. 11 to one of the most disingen-colint _ The , w"ho'le - co"unifiryV-1taid _be_e___ to' see the Minister of Finance. and they 4 -VIA 1,11e Lima come, when I was in a no. UOUR slid Unfair state The yunister � of Trade anl Co, v .mentg possible for a rl�qlm . - made Prosperous by the development -implored him to adopt the policy of e,�c the North-Wisst. tending the bounty system that had been In" moving the adjourntrient *of -thw de. placed on the statute -book by the Liberalz .bate, he.vaid- Now, I am afraid that the Conservative park� and -which the bon. House. Will be -as tired as I am imyself, an (Mr,. ialding), had himself. longer,' and. if it is as part 6f 'the na it I keep it much d ted tional- polic, agreeable to hon.' gentlemen. opposite, I wig w up he Was swallowinq* the rest of it he. niove the adjournment of the debate.. bringing do * wn his tariff. Motion agreed to and debate adjourned, MR The Prime Minister (Sir Wilfrid Latts I - FIELDING"R REFUSAL. rier) moved the adjournment of tbe, They came to my ban. friend Mr. Untion.agreed to and House d M�Uald* Fielding), and they implored him to extend at 11.10 P.M. that measure of assistance necessary for ++ + TA RTE IN PARis-oll QUEBEC, April U. -The golell, In Its issue of to�day, reproduces an Inter- view with Mr. Tarte, published in T,e Journal to Paris. and signed " Ludovic Naudeatul, Mr. Torte at first dld hot wish to express any. opinion on the South African war. "Fran,�, declarations might arouse the susceptibilities of the English without. satisfy no; the French." The interviewer, liowever, In- stated ainful surfrlsb fait in France When it was known that CAnadaexpressing the P I had consented to the send ing of troops to fight against the Boers. "But, my, dear Sir," said Mr, Torte, '!,TOu must realize the situation. Re. member that the French-Canadian Povu ation Is now very far from forniting a maJoritY of Confederation. There Are 216 memliers, in the Hound of Commons and only Afty-flve of them are Freneh-Canadlans 1, the rest are English. It Must be agreed that, conidering our numbers, we tire strongly represented in the Cabinet, since the President of the Council, Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier, and myself. are rench. 'It is quite possible that in, their hearts 99 per cent, of the Frenob-Cana. + dians disapprove of the war aild think that Canada, could have put the money spent to more practical use. Yes, It Is quite 4pogsible. But as good citizens we havo to submit to the opinion of the majorlty, for CariaAda Is In reality a republi aild unless the minority gives way. no progress can be made. Lest X should%e misunderstood, remember that we afe.loyal to the British Empire. we are obliged to be for all. ktnds of reasOns, economic and social. 'This WIll beaallY understood by every Frencliplanho has lived fr. Zanad Moreover, it must be admitted that the British Empire. does not Worry us. 'it leaves us fui�,ltberty to kn ur languafe and sodfal organization." Besides," sali!?Mor. arte, 'Canada. has not sent troops afainst the Trans, Vast, She hots only Authorized the enrollint of volunteers ntended for the campaign. Slid has clothed and, tr4n9P Otte these volunteers. That Is not quite the Santa thing. vkhm, interVIOWer remarked that It -was. "a rather subtle distindtlon + What was the subject o" and + asked TAr. Taxte of his protest In this connection The lPrench-Canadlans do not wish the sending of the conti ant to*Sdtilh, + Africa, Without the revious Consent Of 11arilament, to be consl9l Cried In an + ease a precedent" ur, Tdrte replied. "The tional circumstances wIllon + give occasion for controversy' .'Xi'Oret ,,r would otberWise Ot the desire to give to tog. JtLod Plural rather than nixterial, aid. may have ustified �the initiative of the + 4. canadlan Qovernment. But we could not consider ourselves bound for the + 9 future, . England IS " much Interested as Canada In the elucidation of this + + question. for if she could At will Involve the. ooloniog in her quarrels, mile + WoUd ha;VC, to accept the reciprodal Po Ition. Might not ther colonies In cer- + 9 + tgAn orwoos dra, 0130 w + ,f, her further than loiled to go, and Involve her In disagree. able tOmPlIca,t Ons? . I + -Canada," he said, "is much morePrench than i Was, thirty -years ago And it the t1dis Of English Immigration Were to be �irected elsewhere, + -prench-CanadiallS might recover the ma ority." + The interviewer remarked that certai French-Canadian Journal,is humiliate + themselves before the English In a, manner painful to observe, + hit. Tarto replied that that was not.the case with La, Patric, Published by + his, two *ong Under his linultation. He then 01-L the trimcolou . i 11 ?,uotedfrorn the Fatirle an article + d r that un QUO aAd holy r6l 0 which still binds our hearts rance, n, W 11 continue to fly In, Canada In coinKa T of Irel d" the StArs And StriPes &ad the Union J" . py with the green see.," I a + oil . d d Mr. Tarte. "the vehlembrance Of the mother land still + lives in Canada. But w6 are under the neaeasity of acting with, policy And +2 discretion-" . , I sEion. render substantial aid to -carry out. t a views which they held so, strongly, and in gentleman 'on* the Treasury Beriallips to Make a statement calculated - to said that this preferential ta.xiff l: of great value. to Great Britain. 11 -1� Which I heartily concurred, they would find me repared to do so. The op6ech was grossly misrepresent the attitude I bad adopted with regard to th� tariff of 18077,8. The ban. last night, as I understood hink, - thl:i had no doubt that we ha publishes verbatim by the Board of Trade, and I have no dotib 'a copy -waa sent to my ban. friend but even if it gentleman read frooli'my a each as foil -which was delivered when 'a brought ilOwwa permission to have trust funds - inveiiNgt. in our securities, which would boi,of,.'Attm,4t, were not, a length report of the speech appeared at -the 11alifax Chronicle, the organ of,bis his tnriff in 1807: The result is that this tariff n.. goes I value to.Canada, lalel y la conoequened', of But ;,4 , the. preferential tari Otis -that, krty in Nova Scotia. I may add that the 3forning Chronicle characterized Irt*bn a peration And the ban. gentleman , knows that the industries of thi the Prime Minister say on .,Is, Ito He ought to be an authority. & a t. Of my Speech as being.of a Poll leareTh'ar. is coun. try are already' paralyzed in conse. leader of the. Government And ke actev, but it was immediately informed �y the leadirij men of the Liberal party in. the town Sydnev, quence, While ban, members gloat over the destruction.of Canadian inclus- Minister of 17tinance, to advise him on flriau� &lt.questions, and. the ban, Minimber , 'of behind him, it, a that-tbere was nb foundation for an sUA Statement, and that the Liberals of §ydney. bcartily tries. I wits reading the, wall, the sorrowful ail of those industries in the Montreal "Gazette," m unsafe as nalik..' be 8i the lion. geritleman, (Sir' o trus 406 Cartwright) Who in- immediate endorsed evp.,r.v word I said. . Then, whenj was Irrvlted� to where one manu. facturer after another declared that sits prpoT' imity. What did the Premier�sayl ' §peiik- ing in the the. ape n the Proyincial exhibition in St.. John - INT- "B those industries Were ruined, that their mills must CIO and that they so, city offMoritteal and citk-,of Quebec, he said that Gteat -.bad; not long afterwards., I 'had the jobl'fo�-- tune. to meet my ban. friend, file in star at n them innt in face a return of the de lots lit State of tbifigs that existed accepted preferential trade at a Arekt, sadti- fice, because, to obtain it she had lipst -to of Finance, mv' bon. friend, the Mia ster of Customs (Mr. Paterson). and M ion, 'Minister i an the bon. gentleman who last ad. reamed the Otis as I I ienounce the Belgian an3 German' trotks and thus lose a large amount of a valuible friend, th of Rairays ancl ',,an. als (Mr. etlair). I socite in interiely charge of the al polic I th C a t 0 a I say that trade, much greater than any benefit 'that from these L gentlemen in the hotel wlere We happeneo to be stayinf. They were a d per Ong a a a inflicted Up. 0 n ada. it would be to her. So,' the lion, goittliman, finds that be is in controversy onAllf4l; good enough to accord me tha interview. and I I may Bay that I was reading from the I stion. with the Prime Minister And -that Fh6 Prime �Winiiiter there discussed. with these three ven�le, mep -t i phases, the great. importance reclunaildersing Montreal Gazette,. and what did I find in that paper? I found that not only one but the on my sido'ae to this preference 'tariff not be! th Great Britain that of the decision they had ar- rived at n of extending the bountv F.0 'bme ' se,hral of the large indu a stri a had locked their doors and thdrof Montreal a were bun- boon to Aidul'd her to Make valuable concessions to �Caw no to I , I th in large.amount of capitil to be invested in successfully promoting dreds Out of employment, in consequence of the tariff ban, gentlemen bi�ught down. ada. that -great industry. I may say that my The bon. gentleman has admitted, what wo THE EFFECT ON TRADE. I ".4, observationq recei�ed the most respectful vowtiderati6n. We diseligaed fully and free-' all know to be a fact, tha. having tried his hand at tariff malting, a perfect borde of Now, the ban. gentleman bqo said'..Ao one of the great features of this pi0f4t6'1`%,,q ly, together, the question, and I tvas"assur- ad that they would give the Most careful delegations of peyld �nquged in industries came down upon im t is entfal tariff has'been the ebotmousl,cs- reconsideration &o the subiect. The MTNISTER OF PINANCE'vol in city, and the result is stated by him in his budget speech: panding trade of Canada, for tho rtakofi, as he puts it, that if you buy fr6xn a'coul. .van gar "reconsideration?" * Sir CHARTiRS VTPPRR--�-Yes, yes, re- And when we did learn something we bad the courage to come down try they -will b I a,'That Is 'the cardinal, princilur. thTatmy right bon. consideration, because the subject had been Upon them by all the parties mo'lt Par"11--pledinterested, ax�l SAY so and to. make the change, And so wil the change in one iteiii'and friend the Prime Minister h#A -again 4nd again enunciated; and he hat gone so 14r wl;� had Met with an ab- k, change in another, here a little and as to may that thin qreat expansion elf",owt. to Great Britain has been in Positivp refuqal. The MTXTTVR OF FIXAXCR--AVo there a little, we made it a. ood tariff But has ban. friend exports �o . sequence of a preference which lievor pro, Shall see about that later. my saill it was a good tariff No. ferred. I havb shown on a former occaalut Chat the statistics of the three, years OUT OF THE BUDGET, HE CHANGED THE TARIFF. vioua to ban. gentlemen Opposite. -pothfAs $11t CHARLES TUPPER-Well, I shall The fact is that the boo. gentleman hay. into power, as Compared with the 0gft'V6 be able to furnish my' honourable Ing tried his "prentice hand at tariff making, since, show that there bits been A decrease. friend With flid most abundant evi. found that his tariff would not suit at all in the imports from England in the three dence on that subject. , They pro� and was cootripelled to changil it, This wall, years under their management Of mised to reconsider that questioil. They did not intimate for a moment, not one of disaster did go up in the reat manuf4c. �uring Centre of Montreal, dflegates joured or about 3.00 per cent. Was there - any- thing in that to make.the English ii%oi- of them that thaK had not given a cont to t a laid in on the ban. gentleman, and lie e4langed tariff I Will in hoty cantile community So wildly. enthuaiastis Canada had done fot them'.! plate reittoal Proposals, before them. The House met, and they were good the not say marilr cases, but will to safe in saying tiventy or thirty about what Did they feel greatly benefited when tl*F enough to promise me that if they arrived at, all events. 'The great feature of Win found that in three years, under lion. t- at a.favourable conclusion, they would give tariff which I condemn was this: lemen opposite with one full year ofc%&� wthA,thinformation. They dia not do ;;a n a House met, as -wHI be seen by hat h1h the customs tariff of any I feence in ?Orcc, they had actually adut to Canado. than before, notwithatat reference to Hansrd, I took thin matter Uil in my speech on the address as one of the country adiuits the products of C ada on terms which, on t�e I an' vhole, are favourable to Canada the lingo an enormously expanding trade in this COUILtr ? In contradistinction wo have -the gat gravest importance, and I again pressed up. as as terms of the reciprocal tariff herein referred fact, 'the Government - ave no War, to the United Statea--fle says t at he on the Government the irreat importAnee or that subject taking it But it was tvitlidut h to are to the countries th Which it may articles which are the apply, owth, ence 've a preference a ainst the Unittd g Abates' in favour of England. And -with effect n.,_friend _brougl�to down produce or manufacture of sitcrontin. +1-+ ;,o fRA 11118 ilflpUrvillllo 11JUL1,12179 again rookc lip tile may t a e imported irLct into question, as..will be sun by reference to Cana a, or taken ou It of warehouse for Hanpard of last session, and preened it as consu Wou ercin at 0 reduced strongly as I could u on his attention and rates a uty provided in the upon the attention olpthe Govornir,!pt, I recipro- cal tari set forth in Se a Ule D,$J1 not only did tha�j but r told my hop, fitienfig Which rtoluced rate was 12 1-2 per cent, frankly, when discussing the matter with the first year and �25 per cent, the second. them in St. *Tohn, that I did not a 0.8 any Political favour to myself, be'l', this That, was the position to which I wa� Invit. nonly assure them that if they cause I ingthe House,; and in that connection I waa could I refused, showing thab radical change bad been I should make that one Of tile leading made subsequently, which enabled these ja. Planks in my Platform whenever I bad du8tries to re -open their doors and the peo. on opportunity to digeums theAe questions ple to go back to Work. wth the great electorate of Canada. A RECL-UlTIVE MIND. - THE Y PM RECOXSIDE n IT. I�tgive the lion. gentleman the credit But let that he as it may,, I am happy of av g one great quality which his �)re. to my tnat, the bon. gentleman did recuu. detessor on that side (Sir Richard Cart- siolor the question; the Scruples and diffi. Wright) was never gifted with. He has a culties they had entertained were over. receptive mind. Ile has shown that he is tome; and they brought down the policy to capable of being tautllt. 110- has Shown, which I gave, that hearty assainty which I that when lie has ilia a a mistake, he doeg had pledged Myself in the city of St. John not come t4 the conclusion that there is to. give, 84 I pledled in the town Of Syd. no other wisdout in the world except thab ney that they woul find the great, Liberal. which he possesses, and whelk I convinced Conservative Party Of Coined& stauding him of 0 rest is ko e made on a d6lialy behind the Government in rhaintairt. mos6 v! I Ue tion, the iron industry, be Ing a polipy of that kind, and that if tha chan e" I it a Oub Ace and did that hon. , entleman should meet with some whie previ u lie. hall refm,ed to do, gn his own side of the, House, he nd so,, Mr. 8peaker, ive have too would n none on this aide. There was tariff as brought down in the first draft, in entire support, 6f the Liberal-Consoervm,- then the fiiial draft of 1897, and than ti" WW f4 tho j40aw. UAdar tho" th'.1 the M4A of 1896, "d, frovi begilitains a a Imports e5 to $77787,206, as against average ta. Parts f&1894, 1805 and, 1806 of 5,414,216 or an average increase of,� of 40,37 per cent., as against a l6as'of 3,90 per cent. of trade Ir torn the !%father 06u'latry. Tile hon. gentleman says that this. Is. of onormou.4 advantage to Great Drital", I do not, think that, the figures show it. These bon. gentleman tell us thatE and will buy our cheese, butter, eggs anNI Q these thingbo, 'lot because thaK prefer �t imt, because Canada ;ave t all 0, or- ence-that in the 91'a, teartli they want to cat our bteolih our butter atif odr cheese, whether they 11 4 L an, going to quote what I Consider a voity high irath6rity to contradict that tatil. ineut. I bQve shown by figuros, that mlitte you live )to preference, as in the a"& -of the United States, there has been an In, crease of imports, and where you gave a � referenca to Great Britain, there ha* men. IL f lihg off. Bat, I, Wish to sit* - 0 higher authority than Any ban. gelitieni*u ,of the Treasur berielies-and that is your olvil, Mr. Spea, at, You tire an agricultu. ist -you know osomething about cheogso alled 06 and You know Something about holy tile salla of thtse articles is to he problotthl. Lbb Me tend what you 6ald on 'the floor of this House, and, I bear 'jr tholarse favery . 0 tot always word of VY0 doo what you W. ZOVV4 ai may 4, IsAh