HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-19, Page 44- .11 II II ;II .... I 1 SOONOMICIAZ SIR 111.0HARD. Arun TUCKERSrlIT11. (Front the Mall and Empire ) Strenge as it may seem, Sir Richard Cartwright, altitough a strict eon - Mt in fOrmer days, is the most ex- peneive lainistec we have ever had. Hie office is an absolute sinecure, and the Wary a $7,000 is a pension. The Most important work done by Ste Rich - Rad es Minister of Trade and 00zn. merce was that of last summer when the gallant knight freaked 200,000 eampaign pamphlets through the mails at a loss to the post.office revenue of $6,000. At Quebec and Washington Sir Alicharctsported himself as A conatnis. donee. For this useless worl; he charg- ed the country Am. Sir Richard, cm. 046101)411y takes a holiday, for doing nothing at Ottawa grows irksome. The traVelling expenses are charged up against us, Last year's figure Was $210. 'When away Sir Richard even makes the country pay his postage. Thus we get an account of $22 for post- age and telegrams by SIrRichard. wbile sojourning at Battle Oreek, Michigan, where the frank would not work. Un- like Mr. Sifton, who has a splendid. stable at Ottawa, Sir Richard floes his outdoor exercise in cabs. Down it goes in the public accounts—"Oab hire at Ottawa, $160,25." Sir Richard has a Deputy Minister to do his work, when there is any, and a secretary, and a staff of messengers to wait on him. This outfit costs $10,000. Altogether the gallant knight costs the country $80,000 annually. Sir Richard has a most luxurious time, and his speeches now breathe that strong feeling of con- fldence in the country which was al- together wanting in them when the taxpayer was not contributing so gen- erous,ly ao- the -hon. gentlenian's • feat. ccin- Piowing was commenced with the beginning of the week in this locality about three days earlier than last year. Mr. Homy Vollmer° has been doing a melting business in maple syrup the past week. The boys think that Hen. ry should end nn with a taffy pull. er h week with Seaforth and Dublin Sy lived at Linathai Hill. That's two Samuel Gibson, took place from his gave the M. Das a good 'natty April patients. ft ientle. ne singers we have from the northern late residence hayfield Road on Mon- We hope -our readers will bear in Mies Mary O'Brien epent Easter With " part of the county. Miss aleVittle be- day Othinst. Captitin Gibson had al- mind that at St. George's enntverretry, /Myth friends. Mr. SidneSmith was in the neigh -Ing the other sweet singer. Mr. Tyra ways been hale and hearty, and being 23rd April, they will need a supply of y dal we believe, is one of the organfac. an old ship captain, who took stores roses turd be sure t wear them at the tory staff. . to the Crimea, at the tune of the anniversary chnner at the Wmi I ne Captain McGregor lefr on Monday Russian War, He alai sailed 3 years hotel which will be sumptuous as the fitla April, to put his steatner, the Gov. between New Zealand and Australia. season permits. ernmentur Svey Boat, in good order He felt like retiring from Dougen McKenzie left on Ma urta, for. the active life, and chose our town foe las 121h inst., for Midland to take a post - coming rieason HAPPENINGS OA WEEK. GOD PERICH Crs.orcas A. SKIMINQG * * Gonneepoispestr Wia.VVosaAskAAWOUsAsafassaasuWe'sAAWANSAataWas. Mrs, F.Layton spent part of last Otalented singer. 'Tyndall former- • The funeral of the late Captain Te changeable weather of • uhortheonochleoandeodfayriast week and picked p arae cattle, Sid lute an eye for goodP lg77gheelwaYs knsIlereaseV1etegegs saie Holmes- tbe guest of Woodstock friends. Mr. Downs of the Ke• nsington Anna home. lie enjoyed life as. only a ood Miss Kate Murcia of the London d d t Alton on Thumb, ture factory, is, we are very sorry to al ill Tarn. last and there wet Miss Bessie Mum of the Toronto Normal Both are spending Easter vacation with old friends there. Mrs. Henry Peffers of Mornington paiclfriende here a short visit oirlatur- day last. She is the Easter guest of Mrs, Geo. Orich, Clinton, Gamey Whitely, son of the late Customs Collector at Clinton, is engag- ed with Frank Grids for the sumnset, Gamey ia bound to be a farmer. Mr. Geo. Turner delivered on Mon- day four good steers to IS IL Smith C) nate .731: Itit araf eo m s::.er(;,4 1,035 lbs. and wee a whopper. A sea of Mr. jennisson bas engaged with the Johns Bros, for the summer. Bunett. Mr. la Quigley lost a valuable cow on Saturday laat, i Miss M. Blake spent Easter holidays Jvisiting fribilds in town. Miss Lambe, teacher, is spending her holidayei at her home in Seaforth, Mr. P. Reynolda, Jr., spent Easter 1 Sunday in McKillop. Mx. T. Quigley, Seaforth, spent Good Friday under the parental roof. A wedding hereabouts is expected in the near future. THE OLD SIR RICHARD. From the Montreal Star. "What on earth do we want with fifteen or sixteen Cabinet Ministers ? Sir, it would be high treason to say it, or I would ask what do we want with coupla of Speakers ? There is no doubt whatever that the general cost of our departments is far too extrav-• agant."—Sir Richard Cartwright. in the rfouse of Commons in 1894. This is a spicy paragraph from'. the eloquence of the Minister of 'trade and Commerce unkindly resorrected by the Toronto Sun. To -day we bave antenaed ter last issue.) ' Last Sunday the residence of Mr. T. Carbert, Gravel Road, had * narrow -escape from fire resulting from a.sperk which had fallen from a pipe on some Sawa clothing. which was afterwards placed Rev. G. W. Henderson of St, Marys on a chant up stairs. Some hours after is strongly spoken of as the bottling one of the members of the family, President of the Landon Conference. finding a smoke, went up stairs and The. face' that the Conferenee meets found the clothing and chair and a this year in his church -in St. Marys large hole in the floor, some clothing makes AA:fitting time to do the hon - on. the wall was also slightly singed. ors to the pastor., Mr. R. Blake sold to Me.. Mcalann . Dr.- E. Leile Skinner. of Toronto: a of Seaforth one, of his horses for the fair petite young lady. held her talk at sum of $140: •. the mother's :meeting ese Monday s 'Mr. P. Brennan, who has been in - termites:9th inst., in the . Temperence declining health for some time, stall Hall: There was quite a large gather- - keeps moving,. • . ing of matrons. - She delighted her an - Mr. :Elliott of Goderich -township bas dience with ber plain and common the contract of the -stone work of Mr. sense views:of things in ,general -and J. Tighe's barn and .Mr. Maitre of impressed upon the minds of the mo- • Londesboro the -frame writer. • there that before we could get good Ir. H Ilier returned on Easter Mon- day from bis winter's stay at Califor- nias He spent Easter at Toronto with his datiglater, Miss Birdie Hillier, The Misses Minnie and Sadie Hillier spent Eastertide at Woodstock.. Mrs. Harry Bothwell left on Easter Monday to make a visit, to her friend, christian can, cheerful with all be tnet, a great church worker, being an elder of Knox church for num years. Among the floral tributes weed -- A handsome and very large cross was tbe floral offering sent by ltir. Watson of Montreal, nephew of the deceased captein. A shower boquet of pink roses from Mayor Wilson. Sneer of wheat with English violets. boquets MISS Marlcs of 13rucefield. Mr, Roth- Da and Mrs. Taylor, lovely anclusr wen also returned by sanae train to To- . from the sailors whose friend he 'ontoI s was and some flowers , Kincardine Reporter :—Mrs. J. W. from other friends. The pall -bearers On Friday evening the E L of 0 E ' Daniels and little son Thorpton have were Captain Baxter, George Mahon, • hela their Easter service. The League _ E. 4 - 0 E. Hamburg are visiting friends here, Mr- and Mre. Wm. Stewart of New i . returned to their home at Goderich - Rev. Spence Atli% D. Stoddai•t, Alex. choir grime some very suitelde selec- . ......___________ after visiting at Mrs. Aodrews for two Straiton and John Aikenhead. The tions and deserve great praises- The • -aePaa Forster family rendered several matrix- Brown's Sale Register. -Revs. lames A. Anderson, -T months. Mr. Harry Rotbwell arrived from - Wilson, conducted the services at the rneutids. They are quite capable of . • — Montreal to spend Eastertide bouse and Rev. James Anderson at the Friday April 20th. at 1 p. m. • giving a good concert themselves. Miss Jeunie -Nairn and Miss Alice grave. Be would have been 85 years Readings and recitaaions were given 'on-Barlield Road, Goderich ToWnship Rothwell spent Easter week at Gen old on June 15th, ale came to Gode- by Mr. 5.'!'. Watter•s, Misses Holmes, clearing sale of farm stock and -•imple- visiting friends. .: rich 25 years ago. 7 children survive Carrie Waters and Beatrice Greene. A unents. —Albert Wise,ProprietersThea. --a asurnber were peesent and everyone Brown, .Auctioneer. The Mission Band of North streeb him, Miss Mara Ann and Geo. G. tail seemect to appreciate the sera ice. El- Wedoesclay, April 28th, at 2 p. m., Methodist church gave a first-class eta' son of St. Lotus the latter being •with tertainnient on the evening of Good his father at le's death, Dr. Samuel action of officers svill be on Monde D. Stevens' residence, Egniondville Friday. There was a large attendance. Gibson, Langford, N. D., Mrs.M.Little, Y extensive sale of household furniture i Easter treat on Monday. Bach child Pilot Mound and Miss Louisa, Gibson evening. , Brown, auctioneer. Mr. Yule gave the children a regular Mrs. Burnett a,nd Andrew Gibson of Mrs. F. Leonard visited her sister at —D. Stevens, proprietor ; Thomite bouts Quite loyal of Mr, Tule, Wiarton. . had the use of oue of his wheels for an _ at home. • Ur. and Mrs. T. 0. Pickard- diked Saturday, April 29th, at 2 p. To., ' . Miss M.yrtie Johnston of the knitting a aeffectiveMr. sharp, on Charles Wilson's farm, ad - Rev Andrew Meldrum of St. Paul friends in Toronto. H. Willson returned on Friday joining Seaforth on the east, extensive factory staff spent her Easter vacation - the evening of Easter Sunday. The to T. Eaton's store, Toronto.- - praise e a very sermon on J' sale of first'class stock and imalernents at London with her cousin, Mr. Barry, . an vs. W. c o er o without reserve:—Oharles Wilson, Pro- church.was filled. A regular bank of ' Mr. d DI W M R b ts f Mit- o ietor ; Thee Brown Auctioneer. The town council and Mayor were flovvers in pots WAS formed in front of chell are visiting the latter's parents, • r ' ' tsll down last week viewing the tele- the pulpit. • . .Mr. and Mrs. R. W. lvicKenzie of graph and electric poles and foand it Sallows has changed the date of Goderich were the .guests of Mrs. . rot dozy. _• , "Baby Day" from.lst May to Monday Holmes on Good Friday, . • • of Basutos, Raffles, Zulus rind Bush- beautiful infants, will please bear the of Fullerton were the guests of her , The African. Boy Choir is composed April 30th • so an the mothers with Misses Lucie and Brownie Andre,vs date in mind. friend, Miss Bettie Stanley,. during, the 143 Mr: and Mrs. Spading and their holidays. -. . • little sou who resided on East St. have Me, Fred Jervis is horae on a .short removed- from - town - Mr. Spading, vieit. has secured a position in tbe Bell Mrs. W. Leonard's sister- is visiting lane 'Factory, Guelph, and Mrs. Spar- her. Won on the steamer St. Andrew. Miss Donogh called upon us on Eas- ter Monday an sakithe en ei a n went to be given lay her and bliss Dug. it will be held on Friday Of this week in Vietoria Opera House, We trust they will have a full house. Miss Lou Colborne of Goderich Is spending the Easter holidays in this city,—Stratford Evening Herald. • tiounesvILLE,• Bittevale. Miss Mary Scott is visiting friends at Bodoni'. Mr. lid, Gray, who has been engaged, in the tailoring business with his bro. ther at Dunnville, is spending a few days undet the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Robe, MePhetson are spending the Bader holidays at Pius - ley, the following students are home for the holidays :—Miss Alice DulaChnton 11•16h School ; Albert Denman, Mat- IltiletinigiBmugahh'Ise889c(31souoljlegofe ;SitraouritshanciaDTutort rulats: 0. R. Brinker is visiting rela- tives In Detroit. Mrs. West and children of Grand Valley spent a few days with her par- ents, Mr.and Mts. Robert Duncan, last week. sease rs.paten. Ri(c)ohardzsion, yanad son of :Bros - of Mr. John Burgess, Mr.Edwin Coultas, teacher of Ripley, is visiting his parent's here. Chester Pugh is holiclaying with bis cousins 001111ton, Miss Ethel King of Winghano is stay- idnogpawidtt.h her aunt, Mrs, George Mace A spectra Easter song service was hotItclhirun otrhneinMge.thodist church last Sab- eautiful ash Goods Of every description will be found in ollk Wash Goods Department. Our stock represents wbatever is cor- rect and fashionable and is entirely free from old and shop-worn. fabrics and you'll Rad our prices are less thanwhat is usually asked for some qualities elsewhere. IITIMIt11,11111111nInInitilit! 11! II? ItriMIttlItittlIMMIttlfVflif FOR MST INCE WE ARE SELLING seventeen members of the Govern- Mr. T. Carbert ot Teeswater gave a citizeriship we must have cultured all at his fathers on Tuesday motherhood. The five o'clock tea was ment, and Sir Richard is one of them. *hest c quite apleasing feature upon the pro - "What on earth do we want with evening. . At the recent examination tiae follow- gram of the W. 0. T. V. In the even- . . . . mg were successful, viz : ing the Pres' ent in the damn. . Jr. 8rd to Sr. 3rd—James Snell, .Effie Leila. Skinner, took for her text "The Jackson, Bettie Hoggart, Rebuilcling of the Walls of Jerusalem " Sr. 2nd toJr. 8rd—Annable Snell, After the fair lecturer finished her talk William Snell, Willie Hoggart, to all asseinbled, Mr. Seidler and Miss Jr. 2nd to Sr. and—Mabel McOool, NellieltIcKenzie each rendered some Elsie Brown, Frank Hibbert, Beetle fine vocal solos, and Miss Lizzie Wilson Nott, kindly contributed a 'recitation "The Part and to Jr. and—Gertie Vodden, Baby's Shoe" in her twell known and Mildred Snell, John Wallace, Ella much appreciated manner.. Revs.S. J. Webb, Essie Mair, john Radford. . Allin and Jasper Wilson each endorsed Part 1st to Part and—Armand Mc. Dr. E. Leila Skinner's remarks on the growing need of the crusade against laool, Ernest Vodden, the cigarette and liquor traffic. Dr. Skinner enjoyed her visit very much to meet the mothers of our town and Dungannon. left rot her borne at Toronto from the Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson of residence of the Pretident of the "Stat.): Auburn visited relatives here on Sun- T. U. on Tuesday p. m. 10th inst. there ?" The answer is easy. We don't want them. But when we Kay that Sir Richard is one of them, we put it mildly—not that he is two of them, but because he holds the despis- ed portfolio of Trade and Conamerce about which he was so viciously sar- castic when it was created. Then we have two Speakers; and. even they cannot always keep Sir Richard's friends in order. Of course, no one will be guilty of the "high treason" of asking "what do we want with them," but Sir Richard as a member of the Gevernment might be able now to answer his own: question. Then when we turn to the Public Accounts for the year in which Sir Richard vitae speaking, we find that the amount spent on civil government, --largely made up of the cost of the depart- ments which was "far too extrava- gant"—totalled $1,402,279. In '96 Sir Richard and his economical friends came into power and the last; Public Accounts show US that this. expend- iture for civil government has been cut down to $1,411,813, It is certainly very cruel of the Sun to reprint that fragment of Cartwrightean oratory. — i Eippen. ably known and their many nen s before, but. had received no reply from The Public School entertainment in wish them a long, happy and prosper- him. Referred to water and . light _ ous tnairied life. • committee. A letter from the Secres connection with S. S. NO. 2, Tucker smith, held in the hall here last Fri- I Miss McConnell spent her Easter titry of the Great North-Western Ex - day evening,was a grand success. :Ma holidays et .Lanesvale visiting relit-, tives. • . bibition asking the council to have the R. B. McLean was called to 'the chair. • main building and the gate offices at The program was quite lengthy, con- Miss 'Ellen Durnin of .the sixth is the fair grounds painted, was sent to sisting of dialogues, recitations solos I I suffering with inflammation of the the same nommittee,but the Secretary • day. • ' Mr. W. Green left on Masonic busi- Mr. and Mrs. Temple Clark visited nese early tbis week to visit London, relatives in Auburn on Sunday. Mrs. Ariderson of Brantford spent The Rev. Mr. Seaborn of Loedon Easter week at the residence of ber preached in St. Paul's churett Sunday brother, Mr. W. Green, Waterloo last. street. She was accompanied by her MaCharles Brown has purchased Mr. daughter. Mrs. Ham and her little James Ourwen's 53 acre farm for the child of the same city. sum of $2,500. Mr. Brown has had . Mr Barry is, we are bappy to state, this farm rented for a numberof years able to be Out again after a severe (st- and has it in excellent shape. tack. ---------- Miss Frank McLean is spending the This town council had no Easter holidays. at honae. two meetings within it week. The Farm help Is scarce around here. first was on Friday, Oth April, and the There is a good ()peeing for a few able second on the Monday following. men just now, Among the petitions to the council George Reid intends going to Mani- wasone from Architect Fowler asking toba shortly. authority from the council.to discharge Wedded.—Miss Charlotte Wiggins A. B. Cosner from tbe chimney con - and Mr. Godfrey Hall were wedded in tracts (waterworks) so that he could Lucknow on March 25th. ' Both of the complete the work himself. He bad contracting parties are well and favor- . written to Mr. Cosner about two week. ling and her little son left to spend Rev. G. W. .Andrews and wife of the summer in W nn peg w re u artonvs e erss , ts, 0 n married daughter.'Mrs. S. will fish .Tervis, and other friends. ' • ' no more next sun:Mier m our harbor. ., Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Keyes of Varna: She was a very successful angler. ' .. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan.' . We had a lovely gem of new maple ley on Monday, . syrup 'presented us for an Easter- gift, , Mrs. Leonard of Bright spent the - wade in Huron County and it was holidays with her sens,.Fred and Will. wonderfully sweet. • Leonard • - -Rev. J.. W.' Andrews and wife of Please bear in mind the entertaha Varna visited their sister,. Mrs. John ment to be given by the Misses Duait and Donogh, on -30th April, at Victoria, Jervis, on Tuesday. Hall. Oar readers know that it had Mr. Geo. Williams of Alymer is visit - to be postponed for- some weeks. ' Mg_his brother. . Mr. Paul Turnbull of the. Bitnk ef Mr. Neeves of Woodstock visited at Montreal at.ehatinon spent his Easter • R. Aellesona. vacation at at. George's Rectory. . . . , .Miss Bella McDonald of Clinton .win Little -Miss Gladys Eliot his return.. on Sunday the guest of Miss Susie Is.cla. ed 'faun her- irisit to her relatives •at min. • • . London. , • s, ' . Ths Easter services •in the nolmes- quartettes and instrumentals. In ad. lungs at present. dition to the part, taken by the pupils: a number of ladies and gentlemen from the neighborhood, also from Hensel], position of policeman during the day rendered acceptable service. Among Miss Ida Brown of Dashwood svas time if the council should establish these may be mentioned Messrs.McGilf visiting her sister, Mrs. Gray, last such an office. Referred to the special Crawford, Cooper McLean, Forsyth', week. committee. A day policeman is really also Misses Moir, Orawferd, McLean . Mrs, Kistner presented her good man a requiremed for this town. The nutn- and Mrs. W. Sinclair. The hall was• with a baby boy and girl -last' week. bees of boys who spend afternoons in - crowded and the interest sustained tin Mother and children are doing web. barns instead of being at school would 12 o'clock. Receipts, $33. • Mr. Atkinson of Sarepta was visiting surely paralyze the parents if they St. Andrew's church,also Hillsgreen, friends in this section recently. were cognizant of the fact. A wide - congregation purpose taking up a ool- Mr. James Petrie has moved to his awake policeman too, he would need to lection on the 29th inst. for the India new home near Clinton and his farm be. • Famine Fund. It is hoped the offer- is now occupied by Mr. Hackwell. Mr, Ohrystal of London spent Easter ing will be liberal. The Presbyterian Mr. James, H. Campbell bas joined with his family, St. David's street, church in Canada haealready forwarded the noble army of married men,having His furniture dad housebold effects $23,000 for the sufferers. Kippen has taken for his wife an estimable young were trent to London on Easter Mon - donated throuh a few friends $22.25 to 'lady in the person of Mies Dale. 4 never seemed to think that the grand stand needed any improvements. William Kerr made application for the Miss Bean teacher at .Auburia ville parish were -well Attended • and a spending Easter week with her mother larger number of members partook and Grandparents, ef the Holy Communion than for Little Master Fred Crabb is spending many years past. There • were fifty - the .Easter vacation with his grandma- fOur communicants altogether, and amales. 0:Crabb. • twenty-six of thos) partook at Sun:t- Does the lady who asked tbe council Merhill. Permission, to grant power to. the night watehman to ring the tee turfewsvel- COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. hell at 9 p, m. for the peaand fare of our citizens ever mak out her- ThiS s lat week voices of the airds self at 9 P. rn. to watch results? re bate been heard, speing is coming fast. she had been out on Tqesclity night The plows have been started again. road strolled -a distance frono the Mr. John . Fowler, who got two of squa re, at 10p. m. or there about she his ribs broken is we are glad to hear would. have heard bunko hollowed out and the tramp of an army running UP inimPT:winiginwn'olark had a sale of his . and down a sidewalk, in defiance ofa farm stock and implements on Tuesday the town regulations. 13oys out for as Mr: Clark is giving up learning .and sport jump fences and run through as up and down yarbas sold his farm to Mr. Alex.' Young - ds as well iSideof the Nile for a good figure. " walks and that is where the' danger lies from. the, Square. There's not much sense in making laws and in not seeing that they are observed. Canada, to the newtin rose culture. Dunlop of Toronto the great Canadian florist returned from the exhibition given by the American Rose Society. He was the most successful competitor carrying off six firsts being first prizes for Bride Roses, 'Strides Maid, Mde. Hosts., Morgans and Pearles. His spec- imens were exquisite. The money order routine of our pest ofrice is not up to date. The advice feature of it is not a protection to the individual, but a positive injury. The express companies,and the bankers' 'associ iation, which s payable at sight, and the sooner tbe post office has something of the kind the better. -- Kingston "British Whig." On Good Friday a. no, a mantle of snow covered niother earth which quickly disappeared with the sunshine. Mr. Richard Sillibs of Brandon Alan. spent Eastertide with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sillibs Victoria St. The son at Cape Norne has not aeen heard frnin for sometime. The North American chemical salt works. (Ransford's) have commenced shipping salt, early. The Toronto Telegram of llth inst. has the following interesting note which will give much pleasure to stun- nier tourists. Vesselmen in Toronto gave their spare time to day. to a dis- cussion on the sneject of Dianna a see- ond &termer on the route fromWindsor to the Soo, operating along the Cana- dian shore, and Georgian Bay. The managers of this route are, It is under - stool, about to purchase the Steamer Majestic. Last year the steamer OAP ,- mona, well known in Toronto, ran it weekly service, but the passenger and freight bositiess has so increased, that it is impassible foe her to do tbe work alone, The Majestic is 250 feet long and will accommodate about 300 pas- sengers. We de not know whether the Majestic is the one of which Mw' - ray McIntosh of Detroit wits Captain and Ed. Campaigne one of the etaff. The officers ot the re -organized Gun Club are its followsi—President Chitties Garrow; Vice President, Harry Rutson; secretary treasurer, D. McIver; molar, Redmond McDonald; Field Marshal, E. It, Watson; Ex. Comelected officers, W. Cattle and George Symons, It was on motion agreed, that the first shoot take place on Friday 27th, inst. and every Friday afterwards during the summer. At St. George's Good Friday a, tn. services a very large congregation at- tended, The choir sang meetly, the beautifully appropriate hotline 'See the destined day arise" and "When I Survey the wondrous ems." No organ music on Good Aldo., At Easter George's church was more elaborately petorated than ever. A large mound of Easter lilies was formed in the chancel surrounded by palms. The reredos was roost elaborate. At;. Georgraci was also the recipient of several very handsome memorial gifts which added much to the beanty of the decorations. A brass cross was presented by Mr. and Mrs. George Porter in -memory of their little daugh- ter, Helen. The many friends of bliss Davis presented two very handsome brass vases. Mrs. J. rt. Shannon pre- sented a loVely &Rae desk fn memory of het husband the late Dr. Reginald clay. . the Patriotic Fund, • • • Mee. McDonald, who Was mistress Surely we will have a city when We The song of the plow -boy may no of the boarding-house at Kelly's saw- are to have so many of our sidewalks be heard in the land. Good work may mill for eighteen months has gone to made granolithie• pavements. , now be looked fortill seeding is conaple- reside in Seaforth. The canning•factory by-law is slow ted. Success to the 'husbandman. .. Mrs. Robertson, whose husband has in yielding fruit, unfortunately become insane.has came • The organ recital given at Knox to reside with relatiyes here. Her for- church on Good Friday evening -twas mer home was in Blanshard township, highly. satisfactory to the performers - A pretty wedding took place at the as well as the general pnblic. It was residence of Mr. George Greigon Wed- well attended, 'rho - duetts given on treader eyening lasts being the occasion organ and piano by -the two clever mu - of the marriage of his daughter, Miss sical artiste, D. A. and Henti 'Jordan Mary and Mr. Crawford of Staffa, were touch admired. The faldieriCe Miss Greig was an amiable and popular was even more delighted than before young lady and her many friends join at, Master Lloyd Ames' rendering of in wishing her and her husband many the vocel solo "Daddy." For an en- core he gave a little hurnorclus mor - years ofhappiness and prosperity. ceau. fits second appearance elicited • a selected song which he gave with . IIIIIsgreen. great feeling, and on hie third appear- ance he sang "The Holy City" and, for Farmers round our village have been an encore he sang "the Choir Bey.". busily engagedsfor the past two weeks Milton Tyndall quite eurpassed eversa making maple syeup, and report a one by his line rendering of the beauti- good season's run. ful solo "Proniises of Light," which Miss Annie Oonsit, who has been at too won for him an encore. Henri tending the Normal school at London, Jordan quite captivated the audience spent her Easter holidays under the with his cornet solos. In response to parental roof. • . a very waring encore he responded Miss Mellick of the Bronson Line vis- with "Annie Laurie," Altogether ited at the home of Mrs. Currie, Hay, the recital was well worthy of patron. Sunday last, , ege and Knox danrch hi to be congra- Mrs Isaac' Hudson took a drive to tulated on obtaining so talented a into the larenson Line on Sunday evening. steal director as Henri Jordan. Isaac, says he had just a lovely time. Theta is a schenae for a $200,000 sum - The many friends of Mr. William iner hotel at Ituronia Beach above Logan, who left, here it short Mose ago Fort Grate% for Manitoba, will be pleased to learn The BOy African choir kr making it that he and his family reached their tour through Canada. They sting in destination in safety but, we are //aril the Stratford city hall on Easter Mon - to say he had the misfortune to Yost day, 16th inst. De. Joseph Payer of two valuable horses and a cow, which London England, says .—I hope all will mean quite it loss to him in that . my frieLas to America will give ahem, - country'. ty reception to the Boy Afrfean Chair. Miss IlaxbY of Varna Wag. the guest Did the ram dance on Easter Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. (has. Stelek during a. m. P We ao not know, A lady the pastYveek, . friend who called said she set, the Shannon and two smaller vases were . . . . .. . , _ . _ alarm dock for 5 a. M. The alarm pretionted filled with lovely Illies,bythe awakened her, but she forgot ell about friends of Mist/ Davia.• At the earls _.....___ _ ...... _. . ._ .. - SWIM(' Line—Stanley. it, being Sunday a. to. and- fell asleep celebratIon at St. George's church on again. She says, and her husband ver. Easter Sunday a. tn. the chow sang in adenaal for lasts issue.) tiled her assertion,that In Fowler/wine, splendid voice "Welcome Happy Morn - Mins Annie it. Sreenart is at present where they lived, the whole village hug." The service comnsenced at8 p. visiting friends in Seaforth, would rine early on Easter Sunday a. ne. There were /0 communicants. Mr.OharroBbreentin moved to his new m, to see the sun dance, and they did , Musical service.. The sermon was un - farm on Monday, 2nd inst. see it. We aaid it might have been rut usually eloquent the Rev. Maak Tum- ult', John me moved to Drysdale's optieal deluaion; hut the lady said "0 bull biking for his text, St. Mark 16: 8, corner on Monday, no, we atm It move up and down thtee "And they said among thernselves,who ., Gpo. D ' Iost.it bid; th shall roll the stone away P" The munical afternoon and will ro.opeo on April On Thursday night last weeki. ' " Tilletfle sun Rhone in all its glory on Has- program was finely rendered by choir 23rd. Our teacher has gone home for . Making maple syrup IS the order of tee Sunday a, in., but before 0 it. in. and Organist Cuff. The service at his 'holiday& Ile wishee all ratenayerS the day, threatening clouds appeared in the racy OV011 Was choral. The voluntary wee having, young pupils who Wend 0 - The Westlake eyannrator is at twe. and "Cl'y soon after rain fell. The very fine "Thou (Wet not leave hissoul dart this summer to send therm When sent turning out IMP quantities of beart of many it fair one nrust, have in hell" front the Messiah. Mr.Lennox ethool re.opens. It will be a groat eon- maple syrup._ beet: suddened to see the Amer, as the favored the congregation of SaGeorge's *Wenee both to Witcher and pupils. Mr. joint WaineleY is at_ present milliners ell said they did a rushing with a beaucot tiful net nolo acm eopan- Mies J. Smillie, teacher of Parr Line. pruning the fruit trees on the Weetlake bitsiness in Baster millinery, but hap- ied on the organ by PrOfeseor (Iiiff. le home for holidays. Mr. Alex. and farm, Lakeshore. pity before church time the rain went The congregation was very large. The Mies Emma SMillie are Ake heme trOM Mr. A. UtialtelOtt is engaged With Mr. over, AO the church goers were not Easter Monday vestry meeting WAR 06001 in Seaforth, H. D. 'Westlake for the season. much disappointed and happily so. , exceedingly well attended. Mensal'. Mrs. Sellery of Kincardine, who in - dyed last Thursday to spend a few days with her son, Dr, Sellers', return- ed home Monday eyening. Miss Edna Copp of Clinton spent the Easter vacation in atensala the guest of the Misses Kaiser. Miss Twitchell of Clinton spent a few days of lest week with her brother Robert. Miss Garden of Parkhill Is the guest of Mies Schafer. On Sunday evening last a song ser- vice was held in the Methodist church. The church was neat to the doors. On Monday eveuing, despite the un- favorable weather and bed roads, two loads of Hensel' young people nest with a load from Clinton and Seaforth at Brucefield. A pleasant evening was spent dancing in Dixon's natl. The Zurich orchestra furnished the music, The many friends and customers of Miss Hagan will be pleased to leard that she bas decided not to leave Hen- sall, as was rumored last Week, but will continue .her business of dress- making. Hay Township, Mr. Tom, I. P. S,, visited No. 14 last Wednesday morning and reports all in first class order. Oue teacher went with him to No. 14 Stanley in the af- ternoon. Sugar making is the order of the day. A large number attended the concert itt Kippen on Good Friday evening. They report an evcellent pzogtain eueh alb was seldom if ever surpassed in the Mr. and Mrs. Ii'iank Taylor of Alma vielted at Mr. George Taylor's on Ras. ter. Newly -married life:teems to agree 'with both. School eloaed at No, 14 on Thuracia Mr. Geri. •Ourrie -has Also purchased twenty iscees from Mr. Wm: May, bath of Nile, ;Lathe sum of 51190. Miss Helyar is spending ber Easter holidays under the parental roof at Clinton. T Aaron Keller has engaged Mr. Mark Mugford for the summer months. • Mr. Jas. Jenkins is busily: engaged getting material reedy for his new housewhich he inteuds building this summer. East Wawanosh. Slowly but surely the snow is disap- pearing and not at all too soon. The nighie are still frosty and the days are not very warm. Sap time hag come and Is passing with very little result in our neighborhood. • "Delays are dangerous." These who have poor health, poor, weak, impure blood should take Hood's Sarsaparilla at once. It never disappoints. Easter was it test, a test that proves how able we were to answer every demand. We ere riot too sanguine in saying that we will score that great uiultitude again foe another holiday and mote too. TENNYSON Many years ago wrote these lines, "For men may come and men may go, but, I go on forever." And if hehad been alive to -day he raight•ha,ve written in the same strain regarding many of the cheap, treat's, imitations of coffee that- are now before the public. They come, and after strutting their little hour, pass into unmerited obscur- ity. The enormous sale of our COF- FEE peeves it to be of undoubted naer- It. Good coffee is after all what the people want and that is the only kind we keep. The woman who thinks there is no sieving or satisfaction in doing her own baking ip the woman who is not aware - of the asuperiority of STANDARD Flour for bread, cakes, pastry, etc. It is one of the finest in town,* Atrial order will convince you. Only $1.80 'per cwt. . Green vegetables en hand every Sat. urday when obtainable. MapleSyrup $L00 it gallon. F.' Melville, • Successor to GROCER. Geo. Swallow. TO CURE A COLO 111 ONE DV Take Laxative Brenner Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25e. D. W. Grove's signature is on each box OLIN TON MAREET REPORTS . (oorreeted every Wedneedav afternoon) Wheat 0 64 to -0 64 Goose Wheat 0 64 to 0 65 Barley 038 to 0 40 Oats • 0 28 to 0 2" Peas 0 5/ to 0 00 Rye 0 40 to e 40 Potatoes per bushel ' 0 25 to 0 25 Bate!, loose in crock , , 0 12 to 0 13 Butter in tub ....... .... 0 13 t,o 0 14 Eggs per doz .: . 0 10 to 0 11 Hay.. 8 00 to 8 00 Dried apples per lb 0 05 to -0 05 Evaporator .Apples per cwt 0 40 to 0 41 Wool . 0 12 to 0 13 . Live Hogs per cwt 4 00 to 4 01 Pork per cwt 5- 00 to 6 00 Flour per cwt 1 75 to 2 00 Bran per ton 16 00 to 16 00 Shorts per ton ... 18 00 to 18 00 In Everllhon's outft OUR TOOTH BRUSHES Peecales,31 inches wide in stripes only, colors of navy,pink, bine, _ white, all last -colors, extra heavy cloth, suitable for shirt waists, special at No taking 'chances or' depencl. in on luck when you buy here. Our 30c Brush for 2150 Our 25e o 20e Our lac o 100 einghams, 26 and 30 inches wide, in small and large checks and . plaids, io all the newest colors of rank, blue, red, mauve and white mixed and all warranted fest,a very fine quality,suitable for children's weal", special I peryard . Pique, 32 inches wicle,in colors of . -White Muslins, 28 to 30 inehes navy and white, toequois and wide,in checks and fan ey stripes for white stripes, just the thin , . with very neat lace effects at g. shirt waists, fast colors, a bar- 16, gain at per yard 1 Chambray, 81 inches wide, soft finishsin, colors of pink and blue • and guaranteed fest colors,usu- ally sold la 18c to 200, our spe- cial price for best quality I UC Birder Andras, it veey One cloth, full 36 inches widean blue, pink and navy and white stripasamit able for shirt waists for early I 50 spring wear, Al value at Wexford Dimity, 27 inches wide, in navy and white stripes, also pink, blue, etc., a fine hard fin- ished dais for dresses or 1214o skirts, special value at American Same Cloth,28 inches wide, in assorted colors of blue, purple,also black and white,for dresses or wn,ists,will give good. wear and always looks the same special at Persian Stripeaavery fine Amer- ican cloth,27 inches wide, looks like corded silk, but will wear . • better, in colors of blue, mauve, ' pink, navy and white stripes, • price per yard 25 White Pique, 28 inches wide, fine quality, narroW cord, special values 1 2IAe 15c 1.80 at ... . • Persian Pink, an exquisite extract that deserves all the praise iv gets 75c per oz, B. Combe Physicians' Supplies. Vw4 Afler.TON The Great Znglieh Remedy. Sold and recommended by at drew:rate in Canada. Only reit able medicine discovered. fib farms 0 seirtitulj'ilackaerneguassirtialreeedflectfit °Or seettla or ewxiace:T,re,htfeental Worry, Excessive use of To, obiacpcdoe,e0spoinuemp_aoorkSatoinisull,aenitex:$M5.alolemdtoonitiveasecelpdt, Pwamoopum cetesmfpreseat;•awnlynadsoddrr,e0ssn. Wood's Phosphodine Is Id in Clintonby Sydney Jackson, druggist ainty hitewear Hello there ! WHERE ARE YOU GOING-? WHY I'M GOING STRAIGHT TO Wrn. Taylor & Son's There's Where you can get the BARGAINS in . 15c 20c to 30 This week we have opened out another lot oftadies' VVhitewear, and those who did not bay at our February sale will now have a chance to supply their needs at prices not heard of in .Ulinton outside this store. Prices like these should be tempting SKIRTS Ladies' &saes of fine white cotton . with cambric frill, all nicely tucked,3 yards wale,well worth 68e 85e, our price Ladies' skirt made of good white cotton, nicely made and trim- med with wide ernbroideey, seams all double stitched, skirt st yards wide, sold elsewhere Q Re .at$U5, our price each u Danes' skirt. of fine English cot- • ton, SS yards wide, 8 rows of tucks, frill of fine embroidery 9inches • wide, regular lb I value $1.25, special at.— a) 1 U Ladies' skirt, made ot best Eng, lish cotton, frill of wide em- broidery, 6 rows of tucks, skirt 31 yards wide, a real bar- cp 1 0 n gain at ........... gal I .0 Ladies' skirt of fine English cot- ton and cambric, elegantly • trimmed with embroidery and insertion, at $2.25 & $2.5-D You can get Ladies' Eine Kid Buttoned Boote for iffil.,0 . it nice Kid Oxford for the stone price. Gents' Fine Lilted Boots for $1,,00 or it pair of Getters, it yorflike them better. Then you ought to nee our Boots—both Ladies and Gents, thei are selling Inc *hitt and $2.00, right up.to.date in style and guaranteed to give good wear, The Boys and Girls wants good School Roots Inc the sloppy weather WM. TAYLOR & SON havejunt the kind you want, Cash buying, teonomleal management and Cash selling in the :octet:of the Low Prices, No trouble to ahow goods. AT THE OLD RELIABLE. INSURANCE OEMS AT TEE STORE. • Lad iee'eoreet, eoaers,toade offine 'White .cotteti, arms and neck • ' nicely trimmed withe,mbroids Q, ery, extra Value at price CORSET COVERS Ladies' -corset covers,made of white cot- ton, neck trimmed with lace, perfec fitting, price • un Corset covers, of fine sybite cotton,square front of good quality ern_ 14oidery, well made all sizes, 3 price 6, LadiesScorset covers,made of very fine cambric, square front of insertion and embroiderysarrus nicely trimmed, perfect fit- 690 ting. .all sizes, price • 'LADIES' ;GOWNS Ladies' gowns, made of good anal- ity cotton, tucked yoke, frilled at ue collar. and sleeves, extra Ai% fength, price each Ladies' gowns, made of heavy, white cotter, very fine tuckea, yoke, V shaped, collar Winona: witli embroidery, sleeen 68 nicely tritnoaed, price Ladies' gown, made of extra fine white cotton, square yoke with 48 tucksarbke, collar and sleeves edged with good quality em- broider3r, covered buttons 98C down front, price 1.1 LADIES' DRAWERS Ladies' drawers, made of heavy white cotton, cluster tucks, trimmed with fine opened 30 embroidery, price each Ladies' drawers of fine finality cambric, with' tucks and deep frill of embroidery, special 480 value at Ladies' drawers, made of fine white cotton, cluster tucks, trimmed witb Hamburg em- broidery, ... . .... Ladies' fine cambric drawers,with deep frill of embroidery, seams all nicely fiddled, special at $ 1 ▪ 00 SATURDAY le MONDAY SPECIALS 1 --e=liresa;"ervesiler-- 4 The following list will be ready for you at:8 o'clock Sat- urday morning and that will not be any too soon to aware some of the. bargains : . . •crxescDcpiiseczyr..., awsia) cz:assam C1:2439CD mesa) 1 Li2saKDI:x$1 A Black Skirt Special 10 only shirt lengths, no tAVO alike, of Black Figured Perola, 1 each, special for Saturday and Monday ed nob to hold the dust, regular price would be $4 and 414-50 52 9 1 40 to 42 inches wide, very neat, deeigns,ell hard finish and warrant- . aaeaseess asseeasss rnialiala eiaaaSs= elairiataa) =4WD or.M82;C:D .321BSCEP:11113310) 33c Plaids at 24c 123c Flannelette 0%c 2 ends only of about 60 yards of 600 yards of flannelette, full 36 fancy wool plaids in whirs of inches wide, in colors of pink, green, red and blue, and red,blue, grey,etc.,in fancy stripes, gold and blue, suitable Inc extra heavy quality, regular waists or children it area eOgre- price is 121e, but for Saturday gular value 33e, special foe Sale or Mondasayour choice per yd. bee urclay or Monday at ...... ....Atte Extra Special 60o dr 60o Silks at 890 120 yards only of Fancy Striped Silks, in colors of pink, blue, green, torquois, etc., very fine quality for tart waists, all new 1 end only of about 25 yards of this week,for Saturday or Mon- unbleached sheeting, full 2 yds. day, per yard leo wide, fine quality, round even thread, our regular price m 230, opeciiii for tem days only 10c Grey Cotton at 70 Ladies' Aprons at 220 Ladies' Aprons, made of fine lin- en and lawnaricels made, some trimined, others plain, regular value 35e, just a few dozen to sell,Saturday or Monday, at... .22e 23c Sheeting at I.8c 121c Lawns at 9%c 200 yea& only of Victoria Lawn, s hall 45 Welles wide, very fitua 86 'nth wide grey eaten, extra quality, round even thread, a beevyquality, round even real bargain at the regular threedaree of specka if bought price 12SaSaturday or Monday to•day would be worth 0e, Sat. while It ene urday or Monday at 7c litlitIttlitittiftlitillitMittlifilt lit Ilt iffitrittiffItt,ffiffittillittlit . *mit Plena ir tattle YOU Wasitat CLXNTON