HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-19, Page 3Her Royal Higbriessle creditoril.
'LEbleading. X k
Aowt Uo will. Like as a waislood his hands of the whole buill There is in particular, 4 certain Par -
father pitieth his children, so the
Lord pitles ou. The pains of earth H 4s reported to bave said tbt 40 Isian diamond dealer who sues for halt
bais bad ctiough of his WIglan Coburg, a million francs on notes made by
will end Tba, tomb wilt burst. he NINE& if RIALS GODI IvIrr-,10 rolatimg, ad so angry Is His Xajoty Louise before her official disgrace. The
dead will rise. The morning star wltb them that he snubbed the kria. i
trembles on a brightening sky, The i Pariqlan says W gave cold diamonds
of the cast begin to owing They�are manufacturing lunatics cess Elgalbeth, Staphany's only 4aagb" for the amount, which diamonds Her
open. The day breaketh. ter, unmercifully when she made her
Rev. Dr Talmage Talks of Their 'at" now for the greater honor of kingship, debut at a recent court ball at the i Highness pawned to got money to Pay
Lutliar and Molanothon, were talking a it that trade Waal not llaturmllY 5olbarg. who is tall and: no onormoug hotel bill in Monte CarW
These assertions -were proved correct,
together kloomily about the prospects
of the Church. ffhey could see no. OvOrbur4eslicil with disea-30. Zing angular, wor a simple mull dres's but maintaining, that his wife
Struggles. After a wbllo,i Leopold, who made aroputation by withOut ornamentation of any kind, hopc of deliverance, and tbpgrandfather was, cruel enough was Inpotac When she at jaed the notes,
Lather got up and, said to Xolarroth� Iteeping poor Carlotta in the Strait- to remark that she might do. for a mit- tries t6 shirk the obligation of Paying
on, Philip, lot us Slag the - ouct all these years, though She is liner's d big frau's board,
or -.Men's forty-isixth Psalm of David: "Ood is J inded as you or 1, is at the duchess - Au-ghter, but not for an Arolr To back up his derriurrer, be bari
Jacows. combat With an Unknown, Visitc our refuge pod strength, a very pro, as sound in barricaded behind %is breastworks; of
. 1 0 Help of ,at bell) in trouble. Therefore will head of the enterprise; itei,headquart- LouLse's friends were likewise dis-
ColAffict With Evil Habits--Wlth, the not Nye fear, though the earth be re- )pointod when they appealed to the roya I preterimlons, claiming that ord In -
ors are the private madhou-40 14raden- T- ary law Courts. have no jurisdiction.
though the mountains be King of Saxony, who, ats.rhilipls Ilege ' but even if
carried into the midst of the sea; 4of, near Dreaden. lord could, it be chose Ma I The case W yet undecided. .
the Lord Th4y Triumph-- Prosperity and Trouble Moved, "' ad him it goes against 'Philip, the creditors
though the waters thereof roar nd Th�ro, in.. a shabby pavilion, at- to,;4easo has wife and,"S0042M redress In o recover, seeing
''he troubled, though the mountains tended by asing)e abigalL the"untor- divorce. - o one may ginsay that can searcely hope t
Compared. King Albert isn't just, even hum that he has it In his power to prevent
shake with the Swelling thereof. tunate Princess Louise of Coburg is t the tact, atta,aanet )its wife from testifying, for royalty
bu of
A des tech from Washington Says: PROMIE, MADE SO LONG AGO, - 961ah." kept In close confinement. Legally that kind 411 Men stick together. Only still clings to the lnfamouscontention
Rev, br. Talmage, preached from the ringing down, the sky: "Thy father- DE, AT -U TO MANY fleadoshe is but it namber in the scoria- a dav after my frie,
rod rom
followlag text:-" And Jacob was left less children, I will preserve Olson nay to 411, is a struggle and a wrestle. mios or the vast engalishmilat that Lindealrof and reported to their Ma- to bar lord's pleasure without the
alone; and there wrestled a man with alive; and let thy widows trust in Mel" We have many friends that it will be makes specialty ot, morpliVae and jesties On Lou*'a sad plight and bar right of appeal, save by the interven-
Some. one s:tid to a very poor woman, hard to Wave. I care not how.briglit unimpaired mental condition, P in" tion of the husband's Suzerain In this
him until the breaking of the day. ,HOW is it that in such distress you our future hope is. It in a - bitter opium. fiends said of victims of love's Philip wag received at court wit oopbi or King Albert.
is fair world, and madne&s. 14 ex� caFe Francis. o
A4ad w1hen he saw that he prevatled keel). elicerfull" She said, "Idd it by hing to look upon ti traordluary eclat, guard of lictrour, From an off !car of this Court I learn
what I call cross prayers. When I know that we shall never again see It's house for InourableR, and tboao state dinner; gala opera and the rest. thrit the form of insanity charged
not against him he toc ht had my rent to pay,mird nothing to its blossoming spring-, its . falling as of me -
the hollow of entering leave hope behind. "It's a wonder we didn't turn tig- ngalyxit, Louise is sWed "lo
)ow f his thIgA; and pay it;i with, and broad, �to buy and fruits, its sparkling StreaMel, and to ers," excImIrned Comte 41 Artois, bro, mor . nvenient
Japolo's thigh was out of joint as he nothing too buy it with, I used to sit say farewell to those with whom we With the excetiou_cj. her doctor Lher of Louis XVI., speaking of the iehicle for defrauding creditors, Par -
wrestled with. him. And be said, 'Let down, and cry. But no . w I do not get played Jr! childhood, or counselled in 'a�d of 10raulain von Debauer, her lady ,reasons of statevi implanted in yo n tkoulrly as the latter have to take
me go for the day breaketh, And lie discouraged. If I go along the street, mamhood� In that ;right, like Jacob u 9 for it.
0. honor in bappler hays, who r0tus- royal minds. But don't we f Here Philip's and his agents' Word
s44, 'I will not lot thee go except when I come to a corner of the $treat, we Mak have to wrestle, but God will oil to leave her mistress, thip grand- we blave a royal woman ln her beat The same courtier hinted that Louise's
I say, 'The, Lord help mall I then go not leave us tiableseiedo It Strait not years, beautiful, amilable and acacia- incarceration for the benefit of a
thou bless me.,,' -Genesis xxxii, 24. until I come to another crossing of Lie told in heaven, that a dying soul (laughter of Loula Philippe is pot at, PlIshed, who was certainly more aln- oortain -royal exchequer would un -
25, 21 the street, an. 1 again I say, 'The Lord cried unto God for help, but was not lowed to see asane person, and her nod afgainat than sinning, There doubtedly be permanent, like t4t of
The dust arose from a �rgvelling elp met' And so I pray at every cros- delivered. The lattice may be turn. days are spbnt in endless snout, as she isn't a King in Europe but knows her the hapless Carlotta of Mexico, Who -
herd of cattle, and sheep, and goats, Slog; and; since I have got. into the ed to keep out the sun i a ook intimately; not one Who hasn't da or Mental
habit of saying these �orosa prayers,' 'set to dim, the ligh(L of lie midnight has, neither. Society, horses n ed and I UQ- though recovered from h sXuatted Nvath her; not one who troubles tens of years agol art(l camels. They are the present that X have been able to keepr up my cour� taper; or the oom, may be f !tied With faeltion-able luxuries to. While away hasn't at one time or another, admired treated as a lunatic and priso
3 . g�oob sends to gain the good-wll'of aga.$11 !the cries of- orphanage and widow" the time. her wit, her protty face, and, ladeedo order that King Leopold, her net, i
br41a offended brother. That night Jacob Learn. again: f kom this subject, that hood; or the Church of Christ may -and-opera pitied 'her for talng married to that and dministrator may continue in
people sototines are surprised to find Iourn over our going; but, if Jesus Intead orponeerts and gr blackguard Phalip, Yet when that
l;ialts, by the brook Jabbock. But there out that Wha all is well. The strong wrosti. "the ohrielre; and yells. (A madmen aa the enjoyment of her fortune.
t they have beIitu Toe khave, bricked'up by his father- ,yet even in these matters there is
Is no, rest for the weary man. No shin gling with *in the; darkness, 'is the brook will ceirse; the hours marching ii looktep, under her -win- In-lafw, condemned her without trial,
ladder to let the angel down an "angel of blessing,/ ' Jacob of.death's night will pass along: O�e dow, as did . the guards otI bar uncle, al these royal gen I t1amen, with oneac- a certain progress noticeable," con-
cord,l tinned the courtier, with. fine saroasm.
into his dream; but a fieroe combat, found 'in the . mornilig, that o'clock in, the morning; two o'clock in the Emperor. of Austria, only two eave bar to her and fate, though ,,, need he Duch.
this . strange personage Wire the morning; four o'clock in the morn� a word of protest from the most in, only remind you of t
that lasts until morning, with an un- not an enemy, but. a God:-despitcbed Ing. the day brd4keth, years. ago. significant of them would suffice to esse ot Ahlden, who was, Sophie Char -
known visitor. They each try to throw 8o I would have it when I die. I In place of the respectful staring uf secure her justice, lotte of Hanover, wife of George I.,
the other. The unkncnv messenger to promise prosperity for . II
n visitor,. to re- im and fox his children. And 'so, am in no haste to be gone. I have no multitude, and the flattering of cour- Ais James I. sat complacently in Ed- Of England, mother of George -,
against t is wor dA aderick. the
The tier-agus-eyelt -keepers, fitted Out inburgh, white his mother, Mary Stu- and,granAmother of Fri
veal his superior power, by atquoh Many a man, at tie close of is trial, grudge I
only fault Ihave to f1lud with the art, wa.behaded in England, so these great,
wrench ing to throw down big own biassing, world is, that it treats me too well. Princes ee one of their number im� "To , revenge,,Verself upon a pilo -
as Jacob's th-igh bone from has ound out that he has been'tr- with reirolvers and "bracelets" for am -
its socket, perhaps maiming him for If you are a Cbristi" man, I will. go UL When t a time comes to go, Itrust ergency cases, and inflexible OOM- muted in a living tomb without raig-� fligale husband, She took a - lover,
itifs: As on the morning sky the clus- back in your bistory and find that the to be ready my worldly affairs all maids of ilitysicians who know hQw ing a finger in defense of their friend- as Louise did afterward. That lover.
tars of purple aloud begin to ripen, gTandest tbings-that have ever liap- Settled.. If I have -wronged others I I to . enfore obedience. and relative, Count Konigsm,arck, they 'nourdered
have been your trials, want.then to be sure of their forgive- I hatvs read several letters Written. in cold blood, and then 'aboll.,had her
Janob sees it is an angel with whom piened to you, -es(I Grand dinner parties -yes, '
Nothing short of socturging, hnpris- ness. n that I"t wi Ing, my arm Her by Loulso since her arrival in Linden- alive' by aO years' Incarceration in the
he has been contending, and not one onment, and, Shipwreck, could have enfeebled with sickness, and my head Roya.� Highness ran still indulge in h0f. How she Smugled them beyond mobry solitude of Luneburg Heath,
of his brother's coadjutors. "Let me ma:de Paul NVUit be was. When David fet-int'l want Jeaus-beside me. If there that priilegit, nay, more, she must. the walls of her prison I don't know;' �vhero she was. made to Stiffer all? the
go," cries the angel, lifting himself was fleeing. through the wilderness, be blinds' on this side of We flood She, has abundred raving females at maybe the address of the exalted per- tortureii of hell.
stretched out -to hold me back, I want sonage for whom they were ntended "Again, ther fl3runs�
ht "the day pursued by his o�vn son, lie was be 'day, all of whom, aa;aa t hem. a was Caroline 6
up Into increasing lig 1pr prepared to become the sweet the heavenly hands stretched out to table with her every wick, wife: of -George XV; If it, h,,td1i't
breaketh." Singer of- Israel, The pit and' . the. draw me forward. Then, 0 Jesus, help including herself,'use spoons on(y, un- - The poor woman prays'to b6- allowed been for Parliament and the great
Yola see, in the first place, that dungeon were the best schools at me ort,'a:nd he4p me up. Unfearing, un- leas they prefer to employ things to f orego her rank andsubmit her case Brouglinni, �vho defended her, Elie
Gd allows good people sometimes to which, Joseph ever graduated. The doubting, may I step right out into w . el.P4 , made before knives a(l, fo . rks to. this. ordinary Courts of,law, at tb,6 would have.andoubtedly.. sbared.Alr�
ver to interw Duhatsw of'Abldso'6 fate. As it was,
uggls. Jacob that upset the tent, and' the light, -and be able ta look back same ime promising no
get, Into a terrible etr killed ob's elilldren, prepared the to my kindred and friends; who would were thought of. fare with Prince Philip's affairs'afteri -he lived and dield'an outcast hough
was agood man; brothers hewas left. man'tif U.- to write the magnificent detain me, here, exolaming, Let we The Louise who lined to sup -with a the divordse she craves for is granted. nominally Queen sof Tqigland. Her
to wrestle with poom that haB; astounded the ages. go -Let me go Ill. The day breaketh. parquiot 91 King's sons was 66, obibest' In one of tiese letterd she says -"'Your way, became -the wife
aloore in the midnight daughter, by the *
enrendous influenc There s no way to g -et the Wheat out Majesty as-weli as. my parents knew of Leopold L, of Belgium and the
a tr, of thestra,W but to thresh.4t. There dresser of ehie Vionria�; -in Li.ndenhof tens of Years ago, that.my Married His andmother of. the present Louise.
Jabbock. For Joseph a pit" for pan- 8 no -way -to purify the gold but to allowance for dress: amounts. to 31
iol,' a wild beast don; for.David, de- burn it. Look at the people wbobave Qtpeof : LD" What a plethora. of moral degener�
florins a mouth. She'was a dev also Was.united to! the grandson ates. that poor , woman numbers
always 'had it their own way. They 11I..toric; I 1rorladily List of 0,1141- IE01"'Ible I ature The foremost Frenoli Writ- Of. Louls Phillpe when scarcely 17
a exile; for John the are proud liter am I ong'her ancestorlil
discontented, useless, and a Years old, and almost 'from her ed case,
Baptist, w ilderness dik and the axe- unhappy. It era of the day Wore-ber friends, h ding day wag ost "There is still a more yerent
youtwant to flnd"cheor�. The i-ollpwing figures convey an idea creed to. witness in The father of Prince A . lbereht of Pi�uL-
outioner's axe; for Peter, a prison' among those who ha:ve 'f tlie fearful. ravages'of the bubonic' is allowed no books -now m%ro German shameless conduct on -the part of her
for Paul, shipwreck; for John, deso-. been purified by- the fire, After. from the time of* the f irsL his- -iollk-and-waler affairs of- the asylurn husband., At last she*c6uld bear no _ia, desirous of obtaining undis ut d
'am Tell more, and beseeched her -mother to control. of� his Wife. Marianne . of the
late Patmos; for Vaghti, most insult- Rossini had plague and be -
rendered Willi tolim, record of its existence: ThO iibrary. allow her to ob- Netheflands's large fortune,
-cruelty; for Josephine, banish- the five hundredth *time, a company history of bubonic pietgue dates from "'Take My word for it, they Will yet persuade the King. to hi. I
tain a divorce, but Queen Marie, her- likewise eager to.marry is mrs-
of musicians came ritid6i his. Window the second and third centuries before tag
mout; for, Mrs. Sigourney, the agony in Paris, and serenaded him. Th' reader her demented," said..alady of self'a terribly abused Woman in lie ru�.Irr on Hatich, conspired
'fe, for John Wes ay Christ, and' -two Alexandrian' ph�si the court. to me, whoi4� Qtieon . Ing for fierr h . r e o,ruin
of a drunkard's vn put- upon his broirw.: Dloaddrideg- and Posidonitis, Wbq Caroline or Saxony seat to Lindenlidt King; L6opold wouldn't. hear of it -and the Princess.
ley, stones burled by an infuriated A GOLDB N GROW I Nwefei contemporaries oi Christ, av - a he other day to.watdh her.relatLV8
toolc his son-in-law's part,. ".The'scherna. 'succeeded. he farnilY,
-mob - for Catherine, the Scotch 'girl, jef t a desoription of the* disease which from aditarice. her ladyship eon, Finally continued domestie unlia pi;.. couric L
for an . -leaves no.. doubt. that it was the same tin ad: 3enalti to, the
applause and enthusiasm Rossini turn- ness led to disgraceful scenes,ttnd on impo-ed ir 1.
the �rowoing surges of the sea',, .14, effect that
he Mont- ad to a friend 4nd Said,- "I Would givef as that. of mo0rn tjnaeis� The plague As if the thougin- tilat fatber, mo -
Mr. Burns, the buff ettang of t never died. out; but it was not' until h9,11 her praissa6t relatives. one of:'.these oceasiopis th .1 -y -her repute
a ; for John Brown, of Ed- all this brilliant seene for a few days r, sisters, struck his wifeln the face- lover, This ama
real popiulact 'fourteenth century y movarch in. Christen- 11
of youth slid love." themiddle of the includ Over Sow of - a'pig , sticker," Louis ried out, all protests f
inburgh the pistol -shot of Lord Cla- rod t 'horrible epidernic, known as dom, �ig 0 . , abandoned her, . wSA not a is rom the Au-
lt is prosperity that kills, ii thA V, tle the reason aid to have'retotted, alluding to the happy Princess noWitlostg0ding, and
verhous, Is that saves. While the Israe- of a Cobuit'g-Kohays des�.ent from a_11un- her own people, the. royal farodY of
for Hugh MoCaltakt.4e, soaf� troub the black , plague " visited, Europe enough.. to qnset
fold; for Latimer, the , for lite. werei on the march, amid great and caused the do: ath of 'more than high-strung wornam cradled in the lap garlan,-cattle dealer. named Cohen, Hollandi 16oking -On'complaceirtly.
Oi whom the ),QOO,�eople..The� disease was epi - flxilry and grandeur, and,naturally 11 a King's jbiii eufo�
�,w,Christ, the Cross. F privations -and 'JIardships, they be�' 25,00( 1 you have -dared to maltreat co(I m6ri-inge
guillotines 'the docile in London in 1348. 1361, and 1368. 0 "or coun,.e
rocks, the gibbets, the of a Roving disposition, the- SOOW and daughter."
-thumb Serowe? sons and haved.wellt _ Af tar awi:tile: they prayed In 1852 two-thirds of -.the academic between the Princess and the jgontlev
For the for meat; and the.sky darkened economic, atinjoisphere, of Lo,ndenhof The Prince thalrallpGn.. 'called. -Ills
daughters of the Lord AlmightY. Some -th , populatipa of Oxford died of it. At . ra-in hostler ws,ii,most unhappy one.
wr great flock of.quails; and it6elf breathes &depressing, irrltat� buritarl-made him fetch a riding Whip, Marianne. �borxied the 6, d ' l.etay -
id to a Christian reformer, "The . . . again 'epidemic in, Loridoh in -1400, t Who
=0 am these quails fell. in great multitudes was Ing Spirit. nd before this and other. servants go fter
all about thorn ;, and the liraelites ate 1406, 1428, 1479 -and 1499,.. In 1.166. ov . ri� w 1p, ed her and lie took his revel
world is against You." " Then " 'be re- a' "It's a, ohedp, house, and the u It' ped big wife until the blood ran,
pl.led' "I axa against the ;;�o'rldkll alid ale nd sti4fad 6emselves iift� '10,000 Par ons died of it. in Paris.: In fortunitteeii confined there, while. not from bar face and shoulders. .. the manner Qf.his kind, whip in, hand.
I :;;X.11 go further and say that ev� tIl t�.Y Oh, 'my friends, it is 1563 R.-itsoke out age. People, "Subsequently I ahDwled my, searied In Kamantz; Silesia; where the couple
d d r Lilt in London, exa:ctly paupers, are, Small
not Iran 1,660 resided, there.. are still. Many people
Christian has his struggle. With _ hrd. 'or trial, or Starvation and the mortality was more whose lack of marimers is aggravated, and bruised face to, the King 11 the. lef�
OrY th the soul, but abundant per week, In* 1572 living whorob -it
financial misfortune you havio,had at Lyons. lost. 50.000 o -L coarse, by their mental condition. ter continue(], " and mother land 1 1111- aember seeing Her Roy,
THE MIDNIGHT WRESTLE. supply. it in not the vulture of of its population from the plae.e." In True Lhe'"Prlincess lives by herself in plor6d His Majosty On *bendW knees Ilighness ran. halt I ot;gh
Christian's 1574 it visited Venice and carried, -off tithree-r6bm, garden cottage, but she e for a divorce, but the park and tits' castle's corridors'
Red-ecot -disasters have dropped into trouble . ther t eats up the :)rtality cannot help se ions and reasons ofsta�e gain put in their trying to escape her busbitiad'o'boat-
What life; it is the quails I it is the quails 1 70,000 -pal-sons. in 1603 the in, sing her, compairt
your store from loft to cellar. You will yet find out that -your mid_ of another apidemic. in London reach- of mu(Ig with them at meal time. non polsqunrus and r wits dismissed ingsi. Marianine finally drank herself
too, is coarse, 'g succear
you bought you could not sell. Whom f. sted fled. Ths help -you. ex)?jBct- night wrestle by the brook Jabbook ad 38000. In'.1603 an epidernio; in �'.Th 4 re, and . the with much good advica.,, to deatb, but, Prince. Albert.
is with on angel of God, come down EgYR is, said to have resulted in' the restrictions against the� use, oAordin- So it went on, kicks and cuffs from sor died-fult of age and boners as a
not come. Some giant -panic, t& bless god to save, �Ieath of 1,000,000 people. An epidemic. -ary, table, necessaries must- be jpArti- the PrI ado cold refusals to protect his peiilonar of the Crown of Prassiar.
rons, and grip like death,
took hold of you dn air awfnl:wrestle, Learn again that, -while; our wrest- in London In 1625, caused a Mortality tularly.odious to a woman of. taste and daughter irom Leopold: until finally I "After such examples, yIrhat hope is
ling ... with trouble . may be triumphant, of 35,000, and in 1636,. 1 More than 10-000 refinearient such as. Louise is kno asked the
from w leh you have. not Yet escaped, wl 1ouisia threatened to- go before the, the& for poor Louise?"
we-miust expect that it will leave its Londoners were -carried off n1650 to -be, In -short, it looks as if Her
histier it. will mark upon us. Jacob prov . ailed, but there was . I . . Belgian' Chambers unless a - family courtler.,
and irt is uncertain w 11i'ghness's relatives placed bar in connel.l.was called tosit on her case,
tbxow you, oryou will throw -it.. Here, ther angel tortioliod 'him, and his thigh- . AIERRIFIC EPIDEMIC Lindellhilif I with the fixed intention Of Thc4amllykcounoll assembled at Lack -
is another soul, in struggle with some bone sprang ftdra its socket, , and the. ng her intellco-tIP an un 09RS! PHYS1141113.
bad appetite. He knew now how.steid- whloh carried off 3[10,010 in Naples, 60.- w.reeki act_ der the Presidency of the King, THE B
good- mao went limpirig on. his way� in "Than you don't think, shel.ig all Coburg Princes and Princesses
thl-ly it was growing upon'him, One We must carry through this world the coo lit Genoa, and 14,000 in R. ually insaneV". I led attending. But they. were evidently.
-Is Said " For the 1605 a f Iresh, apt domic in ondon - to- %ot re. -ant 6r. hour he woke up. 1 63,590 people. is -as, a d bright d6mintod� by Leopold, and after long "Get.
sake ot MY goal, of my faaly, and of mark (A the clombat.What ploughed. sulted in the death of- an our
Y This I' -the first absolbAely"amuTatO da. er," replied my colleague a Dreg-'
thos premature wrinkled in a as. ev deliberations decided agaInAt a divorce The Cou-ntess de Brem6At - contri-
my children, and of -my God, I must f age 1: What Wbitened your, hair be. While a(: the - asylum I bad od- -Was told to return to herwife'
bel3old he f6und. estimate on record. In 1679 Vienria T'ouie
stop this 11, And fore it.wAs time or frost? - What beater husband Without. delay, butes do article Hors
himself alone, by the brook Jabbook; lost 78,000 by'. plaguio,- and in 1681 casion for a snatch of talkwlth the on 'h sical on
was midnight. That evil ap- Silenced for ever so much of the hit- Prague lost 83,000. In 1704 Stockholm governess, Fraulein. Von Gebauero Firom. that fatal day the life of among the Boer . a. The Boar, she Says
and it arity a Your Ihousoholdf Ali 1, 1 t- IS bad an epidemic with about 40,060 fa- anti We Sticks. two of three minutes Priacpss Philip of Coburg changed. petite seized upon him, andthe seized is a sturdy son of tho Soil 11
because the angol of tkoublo. hath
upon it; and 0, the horror of the ebn- oc you go limping, on tal, cases. In 1720 an opideralo in without Witnesses. The faithful wo- The sad and pious woman iof yore, be 6rave and he is',ithlatic, but'he caes
a bad habit hath Marseilles carried. off frpm 40,000 to Mall wore by- all she holds holy that came the -gayeat Of the gay, appear-
flictl' When once, a man, your way. You need not be surprised 6o,00o people, In 1770 . and 1771 the kit'e mistiess does, not, and never didi ing on, alli public occasions in the not a jot for ph;sicitl culture in the
roused itself up to destroy that, those who litive passed through I CO,000 people in Moldovi exhibit symptoms of am unbalanced most -risque toilets and Seeking the a600pted serim ift], Ida
and thi man has sworn that, by the the fire do liot feel iis plague killed 8 . Lnd,: 'I can truly say- so'�tlteso are company of bar husband's roue friends, , 8 a baterest-m
help ot the eternal Gbd, he will do- wallachia,Transylvania, Hungary In Ing study of physical culture "an na-
out GAY ASTUEY ONCE DID. and Poland and in the same yearood her NVorda—'for I have never left her Whom alfe had once abhorred. All Vi- tif*6 side of it he
stroy it, all heaven, draws itself . i Moscow since our returri to Vie'nna.' - At enna qotleed the change and comment- tutal." Of the heia I
in long line of light, to look from Doi not bet out of patience'with those fourth of the population o physicians ad oil it. Only the husband Seelc�ed is Supre he Boar is
ell.stroteloes itself in ho . come not out of their. despond- died of- plague. Since that time there* that moment one of the) Maly ignorant. . T
above, and all h orroy. They' may 'triumph -over their ll�ve been frequent Outbreaks of the came up, preventing. further confIr- not to. sea it. He wanted no grounds an adopt at. climbing., . He is ir skilled
myrmidons of spite try look up from dIvorc Id
d Yet their gait -shall tell YOU disease, and It has constantly existed, dencOs-", for ce, for in that case he won rough rider, . a marvelous Shot, and
beneath. I have seen men rally them- '088' 1' 'Y her dowry,
that th ve been trouble d� touch.. in Lower Hindostan andabout Con- Queen Carolina'$ ftnrbaSS0dreSS dcS hlive to give up the Priticess's
selves for such a Struggle; and they* ed. ATS We StOibS, that we can, un- ataillinoftt but there have been no cribed the Princess as "radiant With besides a considerable annuity, and, capable of astonishing feats in the
have bitten ' their lip, and clenched really g as - though Philip is immensely wealthy, way oL,Iifting, I avy -w.eights- He
their fist, mud cried with a blood red moved, see our cradle rifted df the epidemics. Coming tore- health and god looks, though Seem he
cent time'. ." Remember- lie takes good care that no one but Of rushing
earnestness, and a rain of scaldi bright eyes and the sweet lips? Can, Bombay suffered an epl.. inly depressed in spirit. can fordi a heavy itream'
tears, "God help me I" we stand nmorved and ass our gard-, demlo in 1896. in onuary the mor_ !jig Lhlat insanity is wont. to shine himself onjoya,his money. the wat . or with'an ease* born of con . starit
From a wrestle, with habit, I have eni of eartbly delight uprooted? Will tlity was nearly 5000, and in Vebru, from thfa eyes of those stricken, she , Here to Louise's own, version of,, De- word
Jesus, wh-o wepirt Himself, be angry itry 4 1300. The total mortality in -the tcOk particular -pains to observe scandal that led.to her diagrace� practice and endurance. . In. a
seen men fall back defeated. Calli!lg withl us it We pour our tears into the Preslasnoy, ofBotabay has been,'164,. LOuist?s eyes. "There was no-termined to forea.my husband to dis- the Boer is a formidable opponent
for, not help, buit relying on their own graves -that opened to swallow down 08% In Puna, last August, therewas thing,anusurit about them," she says, solve our union," she writes to ber where the chances are, in favor of pure
resiolations, they have come, into the What we 'love bestY Was Lazarus an average of 10D -deaths. a day,' in a "Hot gazo was steady and kind, royal friend, " I 'encouraged Count 6o ability; but
Struggle*, and, for a time it ieerned as in lot rition to -me, and grit and I natural athIa i
more- deor to Him than our 'beloved population of 00,000� thoilgh searching at times Eta if she Keglevielt I is atte
it they were getting the upper hand of road in the faces f her one fine day Want to his apartments where the so'ence.of.phyaloal culture
dead to usl No. We� have a right it is a remarkble fact that Ruro- was trying to alace, , !me send- I
their habit; but that habit rallied toNeep, Our tears must come' You pearts seem a . C-arcely susceptible totha keepers, -and Who would blame her I in the p, t the bame t is demanded he would fail UttStIY4
again its infernal power, and lifte& aball. nbit" drive them buk to scald Vra,alein von defortuor says Her Royal ing.for the Prince. Iraimalt-reated we
its sout, from itso stqndingo and With disease and tire able to le- Fresh air is an important saaebtial to
aotda gos when infested. the perfection of physical culture; of
the heart. They fall into God's withstand its ryaS,a Highness is forever afraid that now then and there and challenged Xeg
a force borrowed from the pit, hurled indignities will'be heaved upon her. ' , bu.1 said that my plan for divorce
bottle. Afflicted ones have died be- During the recent outbreak in Hong- , vich . 'thin the Boar hag a suff Worley" As
it itito� outer darkness. First, I saw I aalw her after an animateti. walk �t.d fill f ailed, -as hit could prove that
the auctioneer's causethey couldnot weep, Thank Ood kong only 11 Europeans were attack- in the snow-covered park," continued W . all a put-up J b a ' set-off to this, he,ibliabits close
Mallet fall, on the for tire sweet, the MYStOVIOUS relief ad, and the mortality In'their cases Jo
-merits* that coinies. to n in tears] Under this' "Hor cheeks were After that I went to live w! tb MY stuffy dwellings, where windows are
pictures, and, musical instru 2 �r cent. Among the ambadsadress. turn, and the door opening
pe Japan -
and the,-rie'll, upholstery of his family -he flowers of corn put 6 tj Was 00 per flushed; bar complexion is -of thfair, sisfer Stepliany, in Carlsbad, the Co nt at a prom
pdrIour, Af ter a While I aw 'him forth their bloom, God pity that dry, oant,, Amo g Portuguese residents, 18 cat, She bears herself well, and was attending us as master of the house- On the family stoop is the pri
fall into the ditch, Then, in the Mid- dressed daintily in the fashion Of 1898, hold. We, Stephany and myself, both source of ventilation At night he
withered, parched, all-oonstiming grief ease$, the ortality was 00 per cent. I asked the physician in whose care the tried every possible way totget Philip sleeps with every opening securely
,hildren were dream� that wrings its hands,,and grinds its to
night, when the P and among Chinese, 2,610'eases, Princess wa given, how she spent her to consent to a divorce, drodwilion all clised. Then, again, he is an invetor-
Ing their sweetest dreams, and Chris, tat,h, and bites its nails unto the Mortality was 93.4 per tent, 'Walking, painting and read- hope of realizing my sincerest wish ate smoker, an inorclinate eater, and
tilan households are silent with slum' quick, but cannot weepi We may Dr. George U. Sternberg, LL.D., in timal )Pelesgly lazy, He takes no
e `C ()as Ing' he answered, 'there is nothing failed I lost my bead, and, In a moment deeply, h(
bar, angel -watched, I heard himi give have found the c6mf ort of th . Ir I an interesting article in the Geogra- Z; to do.' 'She sees no sooietYl' I of weakness threw myself in X,'A arms, exercise but wat s absolutely neces
THE SHARP SAR110M and yet ever after show hat -in the -phic Magazine, says: Inquired. 'No one is allowed to see " The rest You know. Tea, 1, 1a aiiry; the. consequence follows. that he
that followed the stabf of (his Own dark night, and by the brook Jabbock, 1, i shIL11 have the sattsfattion of of perfect
we, were trouble -touched. Irar except by order of Prince Philip, Mingle; daughter, the desterldant of a Is rarely an example
plonard. Ile fell from an honoured stating that preventive medicinehas her husband, and His Highness thinks family tat reigned over inion for a physical condition, being
social position; he fall, from afamily Again: wo;'may take the Idea of the made such progress during the past HER
50 years that there is very little dan- it beit to completely isolate the poor thousand years and more, I, III devout EIT TOO FAT OR TOO LEAN.
ciliate of which once he -was the grand- texto and announce the, c woman.1 IF
use the day-daWn. No one was ever ger that bubonic, plague will ever Catholle, and mothar� became the mis- This Bust, however, has one great poin
eat attraction; her fell from the ho ravages inthe My Dresden friend added that Queen tress of that poor army officer- Yet Dr—he is strictly temperate
of God, at whpsei g1tars 'he had been more,olad to Soo the morning . thin again commit serious Caroline takes a deep Interest in the or lov- in his favi ag little
or'everl mottles of guro I swear by all that is holy, I nev in the maCtor of drink, taki
collseeirated; he foll—f Buto was Tacob f ter that night of more enlightened cc , pe affairs Of the unfortunate Loulse, but ad tblit man, it, after my first false or no stimulants, drinking mainly
thank Godo I have Seoul men repare struggle. It is appropriate for or that it is it serious menace to G that will not make any difference In step, Philip had consented to dissolve strong, puts coffee. � Drunkenness I
themselves for such a wrestling. They philinthropists ' and Christians to lives and prosperity . of citizens of bar fate. The unwritten law hich our un-Clitletian marilage, I Would xceptton, not the rule
fald hold of God's help, as they Went cry out with this angel of the text, this country. that "Kings cannot err," has a have willingly blotted out from MY therefore th , a a r
in to. combat The giant babit, re- 11T4e day breaketh.0 . The world's rider to the effect that, "Ititlyal Wo. life K.'s very memory. But that ter- among the 1360, 11
, dissipations prospects are brightening. Popery. 991TAIN'S GREAT BLACK ARMY men who forget the marriage vow rible obstinacy bred by avarice, which , Not long, ago I had an interestini;
gated by the cup of ianY hat,10 oontinues' the writer "on th
came out strong and defiant. They, has had its strongest props knocked Shall be adjudged insane," and it goes Induced His ffighliess to. cling to an subject of physical culture anion
There were the writhingel Out- ' The tyrants of the carth are ustowred Thor . &Hand Mill, lit tiae without saying that two crowned unloved woman for 29 years prevail- the Boars with one who has known th
and distortions, of a fearful struggle. falling flat in the dust. The Church fiodfitu Artrity. l e Kin of Sol- ad, and I sank lower and IoWof in 0012- Door under Many aspects. 'The Boer
of Christ is rising, up ib; its strangith
lit alone, go forth, "fair as' ther moon, clear The full strength nf Grose Britain's gum and Philip of Coburg won't fore- sequence. To, silence the voice of my
But the old giait, began kto Waver; as a people I he said, 'are totall
and atl last, In the, raidnig. to -d rbitrary power conscience I plunged into a whirlwind " the law of physical out
With go the sun, an terrible as au army, of Xndian army Is 8D0,00 men, of whom placed into their bands, f excesses, ignorant ol
Tubbook, the gistot, fell; ind the ballbOrs-" Clap Your thauds, all ye g30000 are native and 70.000 BAtish Ao father and husband respectively came a spendthrift and to play, the ture; In fact, they ignore it. The
brook . themselves on, their riding and climb
triumphant -Wrestler broke the dark- Mottle, the day bteakoth. IT116 solaiers. In addition to this military t hip)y have a right to avenge the scaift- spendthrift enecesk' tilly I became a Ing. In this way the . y acquire a pro,
,less Wjth� the cry, "Thanks i�e unto bigotries of the earth tire perishing. force, there are about 20,000 enrolled dal by. which Louise, threatened 'to abeat, it in all this sadusiness One digious amount of physical and lung
1, The time was when we were told that European volunteers, and a ative, eclipse their orwo reputation for pro- circumstance Speaks louder than 10
God, who givoth us the victo), ,, Tar training. This being of a spasino
through our. Lord Jesus Christ. it we wanted -to got to heaven, we d by white men, iniearly fligaoy w0hen she eloped With Lieuteft-, other It's the fact that IVIttillp took AO tic sort, results ltvno Very grea
There is a,widoWle; heart, that first must be immersed or sprinkled; or we POlieei officers K� until my
and must believe 1 200,000 Strong. ant Colonel Count Megievitob, since notion of the affair with I
desel n the perseverance of at to divided into ton disgraced, and Incarceration In Lima& creditors began to bother him. Then perfection. They tire certainly Vat
was ated by bereavement.. Every regime fine follows, and often of grea
, since, by the anxieties and trials that the saints, or in falling afty from niks, each Of Which 18 Usually house is certainly the worst punish- ll of a sudden his Sense of honor was
it grace, or a liturgy, or no liturgy; or 60,11111,81 stature. They have enormous hand
�.ome, fill the suipport, of a faMilY, ferent nationalit at cn be dealt to a healthy aroused, he placed mot'into hn, asylum and feet; the climbing of kopjos i
they must be Cot vinists, or Armint- made up Of a dif Y-
in a Sad, thing to gee a man cOhtOnd- such. as Goorkhag, Silch,s, Dogran, Pa- person. Besides, eritLaismis bound to for lunatleft -, cannot be hold respirnsible c the devolopmen
ing fat it livelihood under disadVant- ans, in. br&r 6 reach,heaven, We thans and Punjaubig It is owing to stop at sight. of the'straight -jacket, It for debt. 'They have no itight, to dis- of the limbg. Their tree -and -es
ages, bid, to See 4 delicate wola have all come to onfess tow that this recaution that � combination of this Princess who threw Zrivention- pose of their fortune, or thdr body, way of carrying ir gan develops a ce
with, helpless ittle a'el: these are forces for the purpose Of matiny be- alitios to *the winds is a lunatic, they cannot ask for divorcs-' fol.� tain rude skill in the way of Hho ting
Of' poverty and NON-RSSENTIALS IN. =151GION, comes almost Impossible. The Goork- what's ilia -use of Inquiring into the The prinbessis Totter winds up as 0
fighting the gfAilts During my vacation, on,& summer, astray I Why Iowa: Ali,, I Wish X. could have Made I romaniber one old Boer who coul
6006w, to Wore affecting, 0 was 'a I has and Silchs, Who8a, 10YARY Is rated causes that lod her vao the moment not shoot straight at it' target I,
humblah6m% aild p4asers by know was in a, Presbyterian audience, and the highest, are', in some I&allties, apwalateo 0.11 prenatal Influences, on good, big promise to kill his life, but put him on a hors
not that within th000. four alls were it was sacramental ay, and with permitted to constitute ntire regi-.tho, effect Of the deba-sing association I was In dangor Of falling Into MY bus- SUVO
with the man whom she had professed band'a clutches again. But they ala- and lot him have a race af tor game
,display$ of courage more admirable grateful heart I received the 9OIY ments by thelagelv0s- and I was carried to the he would bring down his deer at over
than that, of Iraftiallial OrOSSffig. the Communion. On the *next Sabbath I The, pay of the sepoy, or native 801- to love, honor and obey k like an shot. Of course, his erratic style o
,41pa, or in the Pass of Thermopylae, was in a Rethaist, church, and Sit dier, is Iss. ior, month. with a gradual Courtly gossip has it that Lonift sacrificing bloe marksmanship cam6 more from Ion
or (it Birlaklava, where, 'into the at a lovia4oadt. On the following increase after t,htee years' 'good coo- will never againraw a free breath— demnea to Me." Aons which so . pactice than through any speeia
Jaweii ofl death, rode this six hundred." Sabbath I was in an Uplaeopalian duct seirvice. The pension system is not (luring thq. life of PAUM Philip The firoatkolal, qtiletl
and Xing Leopold, at lotast, Her huff- largely enter Into the unhappy Loulsk's skill. Their riding Is likewise devol
Theso. beirom had t1hp whole Would to church anA knelt at the a4ar and re. particularly liberal, and is really the of any
choer theatl �o; but, there were none cotivdd the Consecrated broad. I do Magnet which draws, the native re- band Is 50, Irar father 03 years of age; life are, ridiculously liftsigUlfiftntwhibn r seitnee, The Boer Is person
td 0, , 1111dr the struggle In that hum- not know which service I enjoyed the oruit. When a Sepoy aoldier falls In she Mrsettf 18 past 42, and Prince$, art considered from the standpoint Of the ally the laziest and most lacking I
e. She fought for broad, for mo6t. "I b6II6V6 In the COMMUlliOnOf motion, his WIVOS—and there are four notoriously long.lived, Doctors be-, modern, In case Of mullOula! ellorgy of 'All the difforen
the, life eV6rIerstlng..,, of thtm_are, all pciialoned, as well its In sure of ample rewrd, succeed mar- divorce prince phillp would be obliged sorts find conditions of man It has bee
10,11111 It , for, fire, for ateltar, With saints nd in to pay back to bits wife her (lot of MY lot to lamst, Ile'll not Work, ovp
at I boad, and weiak side, and 61- "The day breakiath.11 their young children, An regards -the ve ously wall in prolonging their life
Iri or afich of the Indian army, by keeping disoaaes at a distance had $200,000. bar appanage of #g,ano per for Money, Ilt lets the natives do th
lo).ivated strength, through the long Aar look upon this audience, I Boo artill Y lor 61givat working, and, barring that, imposes 1
brook Jabbook, Could many who halrei 0 Men onts are employed, both,%# by rtrenching their Vitality by means ;Zr, ;LIZ the Rinpr Of :0
night by, the poissed through waves whit that only tho Mighty can afford. It Is � aughter, would 6,130 ToVert 111110a his "Womcnfolk- An acquain
It; be that none, would give her helpf of trouble that came up higher than commissioned officers alid in the been, for her sister Stephany, to tance with th6 riclenee; of phyalpa
Hail, God forootten to be gracious their girdle. Ini, God's name I Pro, ramk$, and the 9`11fts Ot all forts are It hadn't ne6as"s debts, of Which culture Would certainly mak& th
Not c6rittodfar soul. The midnight claim Oess&tIon of boatilitio, you entirely manned by ritons. the Austrian Crown Prifteogs's deter- As to the Prl Is been mader they Doer, mor6 humane, and ttach him th
air Is full of 'W o9ft, coming to the res- shall not go, always Aadderioa and Of the native, soldiers tire GoorkliA, TW101660h, to MrrY her Ilungatlan 140 Much fuss ht We of musealar powitir, As I
One, she licatiff it wsw, in the Bough he&lct�-brokea, God Will lift Your bUr- is the bmt, And MMY R 11911811 Wqxrtfl Count, Emperor Vaiiela :oftl)b Might vimourit to leso, than W4,000. Really true Vol r 41ndarfitanas only th
'Of Ldfn s the boat soldier. in liavo lnterW- ad, but to*day it's an opo it lookq very much bo If the charge, of' I& now, tbc floe
of th#1 higt wbid, 1xi the flLVIc Ood will bring Your d"d to believe th1t he 'I secret pow4iir Of brAto, toveoill
*.hf,, brook 411booki--the life: " will Stavin& tht, h6ATts the world. In court 610063 that hW 1144 insonity had been brought to dej
V'r0l" the PrenuiliN UP Og ^ 00190043,
In my travels I find that there has,
r1oa the Irreallitablie View .9t tk* stables,
writes Dr. L. Pearson. Thoy,
1111611ty CatlCrAct WAN For*04. are
not In much better condition than
Profesv,Or Hcrman Leroy Fairchild of 20
or 30 years ago. The time has come
Rochester university has brought. to light when.
t here must be a change. In my
some Strange and roniantia geological opinion
the lung$ of many dairy cat -
facts regarding Niagetralo formation in tle
are becoming smaller because Of
prehistoric days thoto are worthy of atton- the
confinement in poorly ventilated
tion. He Ralil: Stables-
"The ancient ancestors of Niagara were
, It is impossible to keep the
hundreds-ofniffiesfrom the present loca-' Milk
free from Igerma and not insist
tion. These extinct rivers hava left re- on
modera.4alrypracticea. Cows Are
m arkable gorges across the ridges separat- forced
more than formerly. They are
Ing the north and south valleys of Ska. fad
More 444 yield More, Conse,
and Limestone, and they lie illong a line work,
theX xUat be given better
Joining the villages jot Marcollus, South quarters.
Onondaga, Jamosville, High Bridge and
S-qbleFi' are dem�anded now which
Myconete. To trace Ningaralo ancestry can
be disinfected and which are oom-
back to t1iii, time when It Is possible to jortable
and convenient. One of the
, any trace of the course of the
idlec over
most important points is an abotud-
original waters It As necessary to go back ance
to tho glagial period. The last great In
Of- light, Light is. conducive to
vaslon of too buried all of New England cleanliness,
it kills mAny �orms, in-
'all of New York stato except a small arg creases
the. animal's power of resist -
now? Salamanca, all of the basins of the ancis
to disease and -aids routrItion.
great lakes and thd Mississippi valley as Therefore,
build a stable with plenty
far soutlo, as nearly to the mouth of the of
windows. Lot the, sun shine In.on
Ohio river. the
This too body, some thousands of feet
- cow part of the day at least.
A, special arrangement should be.
In thickness, uncovered the land it bad
made for ventilation Remove the
Invaded not by general melting of Its our- ail'
frolm as near the bottom of the
face, but by the slow recession of Its front- stable
" possible. . The carbon
age, The summer flo, ' ods from the rainfall dioxide
is -heavy and settles to -the
and tbe,.Ioe, melting carried Immense floor
of the Stable. Four smells are,
quantities of gravel down the south lead- produced
and fermentdilon takes place
Ing valleys and filled them deeply' with thero,
consequently the air should be
the detritus. When the ice front retreated removed
from below. The best ar-
Ao the norbh aide of the divide s6paratbig rangement
for ventilating shafts is
today :ienorthward drainage of theSt. difficult
to determine, but *,a have
Lawrence from the southward draina a of found
that Iron vAi'tjlatoj&1xbas plike-
the Mississippi and Susquehanna, the wa- ad
On the inside of the buildirigsfv�ft%
ters were linpounded between the ice front civienings
near the floor are qui a
and the north sloping land surfaces. satisfactory.
The top of the shaft
"The glacier occupied the Laurentian Should-
be covered with a cap, so In
basixi and Its present low northward and
-so 09 high Winds the cold air Will
eastward passes, and consequently all the
not be forced down into the stable,
waters weref6rced across the divide to the
The iron pipes assume the temperature
southwar4. When the West end of the
04 the air of the stable and are more
Superior basin was uncovered, it held a
effective in drawing off the foul air
I ;Iaoial lake,.w.hlob we now call Lake Do-
from near the floor than any other
luth.' in the same way a. local glacial lake
was formed In the southern and of the
character of the floor is. very
Michigan basin, known today as Lake
Vorant in a cow stable. - It should
Chicago, and in. the western end of Erie
basin, called now'Lake Maumee. The
water -proof, so as to save all
manure -and to,prevent fermentation
lowestof the thiee outlets of these lakes
apid consequent contamination of the
air. Cement. floors'with roughened
was that of Lake Chicago, which formed
the channel mow utilized by the Chicago
surfaces. are probably best, being in -
drainage canal. Eventually, by the con-
expensive, and durable; , Brick ans-
wers very Well for flooring, provided
tinned recession. of the too fronti land was
it is lal&oo a, firm foundation and the
uncovered either side of the Michigan val"
loy, lower than the' St. Croix outlet of
space between the bricks is filled
with cement. ' The cattle should be
-Lake Duluth or the Fort Wayne outlet.of
Lake Maumee, and the Chicago outlet;
made as comfortable as posssible, and
in my experience I have found that
robbed the two higher outlets..
"The high glacial waters In the Erie
Swinging stanchions are the . most..sat-
iifaetory, The managers should be
basin were finally extended north and east
open, too Oat they can 1 easily '. be
by the continued.recesslon of the too (lam
Dleaned. I would advise -partitions be-
idutil they covered all of the, Eric basin,
tween the, heads of- cows, as this tands
the lower. Huron basin and the southwest-
to prevent the tranemisSiOn -Of con- 7
ern part of the Ontario basin. These wa-
tagious -diseases, like tuberculosis.
time the ice front lay against the high.
dead. spaces in, the bairn, where dust
ground 'southward from Syracuse and
a:iid trash.dan accumulate.. Wallsand'
therefore blocked.tbe low pass:bythil Ric-
ceilings should be as smooth - as . pos-.
haw'k-vaUey, which was lower Irl'altituds.
sible, so that they, can be kept-. viSite-,
than the Chicago outlet of Like Warren.
waslidd and free fromi dust and dirt.
Good barns are not . necessarily very
In'the Syracilse.Taglon,, the Warren Waters,
wbIciliformed fii'New York a belt of'sev-
present i1fingerl "lakes, crept eaStward at
enced to select. a good e6w,merelY by
theft.proper .1ovel.
her appearance, 'though ' one may
came, and the.lAg'h-,waier found, escape
'all the marks to indi-
eastward past. the iddto the open. Mohawk
catd a large milk 'production or. i good
Hudson. At first -this rii�y have:been an 'butter
dow. - She may.ha,�e thorn .411"
Insignilleant* spilling,- 'but the flow In
a4d. yet by imptopdr tree ;tment when
oreased, and with the down cutting of the
Young she, may havo'been, so. spoiled
*fiste weir an irresistible flow was estab-
Iiihoa. The first Spillway I' cannot pre-
as to, tall short: of whai; ghe.'.ohould
elsely looate, bu . t It is certainly one i3f two
have boon, She.may have been Led
east,andwest gorges in rook, one being
a(> that 'she acquired the habit of jurn-
two miles east of Jarnesville, the, ot'her
iag bar. f ood..into . flesh. Or tallow in;.
two miles southwest.
e�`_l I With the farther retreat of the too front.
-stead of.milk or butter fat,.before . she
other lower canyons were cut, and a. series
ever came� to milking, and if go, it is
:of great rook cuts were, made leading
doubtfut'if bereditary.influence can
across tb a rldgeg thiO separated the north
aourrterao� theeffects of evil. training'.
and. South valleys Inwhioh`tb6 glacW W'A�
any more. than: it always does with. the
The. most western of the canyons bionds. on,
human rarte,we nearly all know of in -
the Onondaga limestone,.about four miles
Stances where surroundings have been
north by east of Skaneateles and conveyed
unfavorable, rindhave made those go
the flood of hypo -Warren waters eastward
wrong who were naturallygood -,,. and..
to the Otisco, valley, building a huge delta
while there. are. cases, of reform, it
south of Mariciellus village.
From this valley' the Waters escaped to
takes. much time and trouble to'eifect'
the Onondaga.valley by another splendid
& oixre which is doubtful at.the best.
canyon east -of garcellus, with all oner.
The surest way fot this dairyman to
znousdelts at Soubli'Onoridagavillage.
gel good'ibeird is to. raise -them bIm-.
From the Onondaga valley three fine can-
bra to feed for
"Yong Ied east to -the Butternut valley pear
MIT and. to twe.6very met'hod"that
-Jamesville. The lowest end finest of tlidse
he'knows of to develop the milk -pro.
Is the greattook but utilized by tho.Dela-
dUcitag power. Whola this has be an
ware, Lackerwahna and Western railroad
done afte . r the cow is in railk We be -
in passlug from Syracuse ovar to James-�
lieve it is possible to so feed as to
ville, Pastfroin Jamesville, are tbree outs
bring up the percentage of battre.fat 1 -
lending cast; tp the limestone valley at
not perhaps beyond her.hatural cripa-
H Igb Bridge, and three more lead -on north-
bility, but lip to that, Which is' a point
east to loWer ground at Iroquois level.
that Very few cows ever reach. We
"At least three of the canyons are head-
do not think a good Jersey has reach-
ed by similar cataracts to Niagara. One
bring up the percentage of butter'fat
Bile cataract Is at the head of the middle
until she , makes a pound of butter
one of the three gorges at Janesville, with
from five oquarts of milk'six months
(.7ameavillo) lake filling the basin
af ler she drops Per ealf, and as this
ruphitheatAr. Another cataract Is
may seem to be an extravagant State—
fine One is located two miles southwest of
we know of a case more than 30 years
Mycenne. In the latter thia pool at the
ago in which a man won a ivager of
foot of the cararetob has boon filled. - .
"Other and subsequent channels are
�W by four quaris of the cow's milk,
making over one pound of butter, the
found northward-ohe at Camillus and
milk being eared for and cream churn.
ad by a poifeetly disinterested party.
one passing through the center of S yra.
cuse. The altitudes, of these channels cor.
relate, perfectly and show a descending
flow e6eitward in each scries. The upper
-.Swine should not be - crowded in
ones have atlelevettion much'above Ohlcelt'
their pens. A pen 10 feet Square or
go, because. all the land of the Laurentian
eight by tdn'may 4o Mar y . well for a
ern hits suffered, since the too removal, so
unequal uplifting that hag given the old
sleeping room and feeding room for
water plates a northward rise, amounting,'
thi413 hogs, aaA we 'never would put
in the Syracuse region to 800,feet differ,
more than three in one pen If it ward
entlai as compared with Chicago.
twice as large. They will crowd one
$Theso predecessors of Niagara were
not outlets of Lako Warren, for that lake
another in bed and at the trough. In
poured its surplus waters to the Missis.
addition to this room, there should be
alutil Thav were qIow1v 1411i"a waterAL
a, yard quite as large, to which they
which reached a long permanent stage In
Pan go to deposit their exeraninets,
the glacial Lake rroqubis when tbolow-
if this Yard is not too muddy they will
was opened. We may call the Writers with
p their beds clean. A cement floor
is the bes thing for the. pen and the
the eastward leading canyons hyper-Iro-
d outside '100 might well have a
quota, One long permanent stage having
lyi�mriliar floor a few inches lower
t Its outlet by the channeleast of Wardellus
than that outsidi, in which should al -
bus left fine beaches along the SenecliVed'
ways be kept Some leaves, the straw
ley and has been named Lake Dann.
taken from the beds When they are
"The present waters of Niagara proba.
cleaned out, and any other material
bly began their flow When the railroad
which will act as an absofrbent for the
i channel southeast of Sytacuso became
liquid manures, In this Way each
effective, The channels, having a Present
hag will ;nako a rich pile of fertilizer
elevation under about 600 feet SbOV8 t1dev
0 were onlY a low fall At LOwlston, 90 -Phil'
every season. We 'have heard a farA
iner say that the manure made in his
hog pen would grow more grain than
the hogs had etatea, and it he could
not pirove it by figures he was orin-
I kaow you dreW all hearts to 70A
vinced ofit, it one in to grow two
crops of pork a year,'killing his, hogs
0 Iro hold ti,ein In diodain,
AAd, toaching 311011 the way to we%
iLt, six or seven months old, or at 2W
You lot them woo In Vain.
or150pounda Pachills maouralreap, is
I kiloW to worship atvotir f6et
an Important itsm on the farm. With
More prudence wouict forbid,
warm, comfortable houses the October
And yet 1 sought and found yott xwftt
pigs can be fattened about an profit -
t And loved, as others dIcL
ably an the April pigs.
ffilll. Witless of Yca r craft alid guile,
It to not often that a woman in able
a bhowed you fill M:p hoirt;
to array herself In, any fabrio which
t Then, lightly ftiorititig love with seem
SW years ago was the property of
T6 sigh, as other$ did,
Pembroke had, however, this proud
now well I know one way OtItot6w
privilege at a recent Drawing Room.
6 Birt their I thought no hurourn Woo
when her angialficent white and oil -
I Could equal iny despair
vor gown, and light -peach Velvet train
y, Xy hopes foregone, MY 1116 undono,
fateg I
were trimmed with old point do Man -
J. The cruel chid,
Then -Mai orly 0wh, loveta, vocied. and wool
dre which had once belonged to and
A0 *;i, 4ko 6thers didl
had been worn by Queen Blizaboth.
-Pall Mall Gakette.
It was in admirable presetvafloh, and
consisted of deep flounces, partly of
t Mrst dirl-Do, You mo that hand.
terrace wiat, with on pedestals
him once.
t rejected Win tWic6.-Strity Stories.
6 Itsk platit of New 0MItlada, I# a
N She -4 Wish I were one, too I
curiosity. The Nice of it ft ugod
t aa Ink without any preparatt t
Sh"IM01tuad it In known that isvery
a first tho writing is rod, but att r to
star Is millions ot miles AWAY from
kourn It Outages to black.
tho n6xt 004,
" .