HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-19, Page 121st Year • CLINTON 2,-'3 3W -1•,-"W., 'V t.:••••• •••••••••••••41t, CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AP.RII, 19, 1900 NEWSTECORD. Whole Number 1113 Cotnpare The NewsotRecord with any paper in Huron for quality and quantity of Local News and say if its claim to lead Is not correct oileaoibeeeeeeeoeesowsieetee The Tint and Design 1.1010 imattle , . Stock Shipments. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cleft entertained The shipments of live stock from a number of their friends on Tuesday Olinton station on Monday and Thee"' 1 ' evening. day included 210 hogs by Oantelon au Mr. William Scanlan has been very, Weller. 105 by n. Fitzsimone and. 04 ill for seyeral days so mute so that head of butchers' cattle by S. II. Smith. bis life was flesnairerl of. Mre.an 4 Miss McCool of Hulled take iup their abode in their cottage on James Smith is having the ruins .A.lbert street this week. . a ce, of his block cleared away preparatory 0 Sight of His Father. His Compan- ion Wee Gallantly Rescued by Guy Os* be Sick Usk There have been quite a nuraber of our citizens on the sick list lately, some with one complaint and others with another. Amos Castles suffered fron. rheunsatics and after a weelea idleness WESLEY EST 11110 Welt He Fell From a Raft on Fair's Pond on Wednesday and Was Drownee In lei to commencing to rebuild, • ti Mrs, (Rev.) lilurduck was quite ill for ia few days this past week with quinsy, but has completely, recovered. Of Wall Paper are selected The cottage on street, and fashioned by artists of owned by Mr, Angus Cole a Wayne, exquisite taste and skill. Mich„has been bought by MoMorrison who now occupies it, O Mr, John Bell tuts soM his' chestnut 1 driver to IiIr.W. Oudmore of Seaforth. The chestnut was a good one and realized a handsome figure. The Brussels Herald says ;—"Olinton . ratepayers are 'beginning to petition the council for granolithic walks. It is time Clinton gingered up in the side - Each style of paper is intended for certain uses and to har- monize with certain eurroencliugs • It takes years of study end experience to enable one to tell at a glance just wheel:tapers are best suited to a house or a room. We have had that experience. We offer it to you. Buying of us means a wide selection aud a money saving. It means present aed future. satisfaction, IALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE. PAPER HANGERS SUPPLIED WREN' . REQUIRED —es. •• W. Cooper & Co., Clinton, Ont. (s,e,Giewa&e4icar..call.Witeeesetece We Have Moved To our new premises in The Corner Store in the Searle's Block where we shall be pleased to welcome all our old customers and many ne0 ones. - Our stock is new and complete d consists of e erytlaing to be wind. ' in a well-equipped and up-to-date Grocery Store. LITTLE REAKS walk line. Rev. H. Drumm, a former rest- ; dent of this town, bas purchased the ✓ Tbarnesville Herald. He is said to be e good practical printer and a clever writer. Four town dogs fell victims to poison on Sunday morning. .Among the quartette was a hound belonging to -Mr. 1. Rattenbury and highly prized by heti. The annual supper of the Curling Club NMI be held at the Rattenbury House on Friday evening when the medals won in the rink competition e will be presented. e Mr. Alf. Barge is able to move about fortreght's duration which pulled Jahn eight and expect to considerably exceed Com be and McTaggart secured seven ty- again after a severe illness of over a down, but a few days ot WarM weather the stipulated number. new. The A. 0; Ps Now Hag The members of Court Prospetity. and sunshine will make hire as good as There was 'a christening in the No. 7,863, Ancient Order of Foresters, Ontario street church after the morn- vvho have been located in the 0. 0. F. ing's service last Sunday when the hall for the past eight years, have now . • 1;1 The largest individual purchase made WAS able to return to work again on by the latter was nineteen head Monday. Stewaxt Seynaour hadaloo a bought ftoua James Hinchley of Hul. week's idleness, but is back to his post lett wilich weighed 26,780 pounds. Mr. at the o. f. again, Alf. Barge War* George Turner of Tuekersnaith brought very ill for fortnight but is now able in six head which totalled 8,500 pounds. to move about and take the sun and The amount of hard cash paid out in fresh air treatment. He had a hard these two days by these buyers time of It but is recruiting rapidly and neoeptede Into the thousands of will be able to report for duty iu a few dollars. days. All three are Three Linkers. rive military Oolicerls• The House ot Refuge and Perm Inspected. The officers of the 33rd Battalion, The county council committee of the who are always alive to what concerus House of Refuge,consisting of McLean, S the efficiency and comfort of their Snell and Connolly, accompanied by nen, are completing arrangementCounty Clerk Lane and Inspector for the holing of a concert in each of Coats, visited the House on Teestlay the following places early in May and took a stroll over the farm. They Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich, Wing- emend everything in apple pie order ham and Brussels. The inteetion ie to and will say so in their next report. use the funds thus obtained in provid- They reconanaend the additioa of a ing more creature comforts for their heating apparatus and also the building men while under convas, be it at Lone of one -hundred rods of wire fence. don in elsewhere. For instance, they The old folks at the home are waiting propose providing a marquee so that with all the patience at their command the men may dine together instead of } for spring in earnest so that they can in a "roughing it" style as at present. move abioad and enjoy the sunshine The bill ot fare will also include More and balmy breezes once more. The s e s dishesfittthoalaprovide.theT Patehrebieo t oalGotsa viernaignoeont mortality during the past winter has e been about the same as in previous sea - one and, no doubt, the concerts win at sons, or a little less if anything., be well attended. • The entertainers A Call to Toronto. Miss May cheson, soloist ; will be Miss Laura Acheson, violinist;- Miss Bond street Congregational church, A Toronto, is just now without a pastor Fisher, elocutionist; and Miss Combe, "' pianist. It was arranged to raise a Rev. MorganWood, who succeeded guarantee list of one -hundred and Rev. Die Wild, having resigned, and the managers are meting about twenty-five tickets in each toWn, but' for a suitable successor. Among the in their first hour's canvas •Captains names• mentioned RS being under consideration are Rev. Dr. Sperling of Montreal and Rev. W. G. Howson of Clinton. The forsner is one of the leading lights in the Methodist ehurch, while Mr. Howeion is advancing and has sometimes • been designated the • "Canadian Spurgeon," As Bond street church is, comparatively speaking, somewhat morbid and likes to be tickled with sensationalism it is not at ' elflike)* either of the divines mention ed would adcept a call therefrom, even if acconapanied by a large salary. In every home little breaks e are occurring daily, a May be Table Silverware. • • . May be:Ilings,Brooches,ins MaYbe Watches or Cloaks'. e Wbatever it is we're anxious • .it shall come our way. We Repair such things in a s satisfactory neanner. •• ' Our aharges are moderate— our services prompt. ' Whether large or smell - receives an the Attention • it requires. We are Leaders in our line.. CrOWS jeweler , 001,B COOPE ''," gt CO. Expert ‘vetph Repaixer • . THE CASH GROCERY. Phone 23. and Optician . Cash. for Butter and Eggs. g• MI I. rHE TWO A..T'S. a Let Us Clothe You •• Let us clothe you either with Home-mades or Read ys mades. We will give you satisfaction in either or botie,, In the latter we have Lailey,Watson 'Se Bond's celebrated ordinaisee was administered to the leased what WAsformerly the Assembl youngest child Of Mr, and Mrs, Robert room of the Twenty Five Cleb.ori Welsh. ' • Huron street, over the Stores of Hollo- Bev. Dr. Macdonald, at one time a - Way *es Morrish and G. J. SteWaet. The resident of • Olinteie more recently eociees have been newly decorated With of Seafoth, bee now of Detroit, paint and. paper in their usual good . is in very poor healthtind style by Artist Ocipp and .assistants has tailed very much in the last few Mailer and Kennedy From New nsonths. combe's was purchased an elegant car- . nd 3 -Piece Suits for Boys We have also a line of Homespuns for Boys that nothitig in the market can beat for wear. We also keep the well -trimmed Fauntlery Suits, Men's Sults from $4.00 up. Tweed Pants from $1.06 up. You will be suited if you buy here. A. J. HOLLOW4K 46 dILA•I••••• HATS - AND TIES Seeees If you have not already bought, a Hat or Tie from us come in and. see our stotk. We are confident we can please you, A. Morrish , - - Ladies' Wear 1133d Housefurnishings The Town of Olinten has added to ite eornmercial community a new business entirely devoted to the interest of LADIES' WEAR and HOUSEPURNISIIINGS. Mrs. R. 0. McLellan will open the iddlecombe Store opposite the Market on SATURDAY, APRIL 21st 11, With a magnificent assortment ofLaslies' * Ready.made Skirts, Wrappers Blouses, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves and Honseturniabings, Where the is showing the people of the toWn and dietrict vinue in these goods that Ate unsurpassed. Het etock hag been bought at diti pricier, for Cash, not. withstanding the great, telvatice in abcnoetevery line of goods. It ie nevatitshiona,ble and just the kind of goods that are now in demand. reom her intithatektiewledge of the bob 'marketer- and bueineo experience she feels assured of liberal patronage froin the pubile. A cordigi Invitation Is eXtended to Visib heetitore, and busiriesei Solicited. Mrs. R. a Mci.,ellan, Biddlecombes Old Stand, CLINTON. • Mx. Peter Ker has had an attack of lumbago which laid hire up ter a week but he was able to Move aronnd again pet, from Mrs Ohidley, manager for •Broadfopt &Box, the necessary .furni- ture in Antique oak from W.D,Fair CO. onlylonday as full Of jokes as ever. It is the paper and -blinds and from Davis & very seldom, indeed,. that he has to lie Rowland stoves , and fittings. The. upon the bed of afflictionpremises will be lighted with electri- t 4 • ' Con Clinton 0 0 F'has smite citet Theo ie Forester will hold their r letter of Condolence to Dr. Williams first meeting in their new quarters on of Allenford whose wars recently died. Monday evening and ceiegratulate It hi some years since the Dr. pulled tip - themselves on aequiringsuch commo- stakes Isere, but he has ever ran•ee re- Moue, neat and comfortable lodge tained his mein bership in Cana rooms. A handsorae lithograph of Her Clinton. • The services intbe Baptist churchon Sunday last were well. attended. In Majesty, Queen Victoria, en which is inecribed Patroness of Court 8160 A.O. F. occupied a proinitieht place on the the mottling Pastor Murduck preached wall. on the Atonement and his evening A ogeption to visit Winglinm. subject had else a special reference to the day. The choir rendered appropra A special meeting of the town conn- ate music. eil was held on Tuesday night, prim'. Mabel Bell rendered • the solo peaty to 'talk aboutgranolithic pave - Miss • ,ments upon which •the Fathers are "The Heavenly Song" in St. P aul s church on Sunday evening. All who • had the pleasure of hearing her sing build wherever the ratepayers ask for • were delighted with her rich, musical e it and after such times as pertain forms voice and hope to hear her more ha.ye been complied with. In the frequently in the future. . meantime they are looking aboub for •The W. M. S. of the R•attenbury itni ofoo r nao ()ant isoi snt laongd oofn mmeostsiorsn. a j ad:kJ seogna: street church held their Easter service Jo hnson, • Coats and the Engineer will program Was especially good. A to gather what knowledge they can by visit Wingham and possibly Brussels on Good Friday evening when the Thank -offering of over $15 was givenobservation and enquiry. It has not This with the Life -Membership certifi- yet been decided who will perform the cate presented to Mrs. H. Foster, Core duties of Engineer, but it is altogether Sec., by the W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid likely it will be tehlef Wheatley, who to tbe Branch Treasurer. is quite capable of performing the duties all o. k. At all events he will makes the sum of nearly $42 to be sent The lime light stereopticoh enter- accompany the delegation. In the tainnsent, ender the auspices of the M: event of bis appointment Mr. Robb, B. of Willis church on Thursday even- 'Welsh vein be made Chief pro, tern., if ing, April 25th, will be given in the he will accept. From the tone of the town hall. Admission, Adults 15c ; talk it is eviderie there are grano- children tinder 12 years, 1,0c. The lithie walks which are good, others objects of the entertainment are niost indifferent Arica many bad and that the worthy, Patriotic rand and Indian eentractOrs are human and. require Famine Fund. A welii filled hell is watching. Whether the walks should akicipated art a large number of be inside or outside the trees also en - tickets are already sold. gaged tbe attention of the rathers.but A Tempting 0,ter Declined, no particular plan bas yet been decided • We understated the Itev. E. B. Smith upon. Oouricillor Beacom• was in favor has received anoteter call, this time a of uniformity, it would not do, in his tenepting one from a prominent and estimation, or anybody's else, to have prosperous church in this Diocese. one patch in and the next out. We are pleased to learn, however, that The Easter Services In St. Nes. Mr. Smith, though he has hard work, The Easter services in St. Paul's is quite gatisfled with his present °berth weee quite up to those cif other charge and intends to remain. Mr. yeats and in some respecte even better. . Smith is contemplating taking a visit The services were entered into heartily practically. unanimous. They will Aleeting of the Medical Association. • A meetinie of the Huron Medical As- sociation was held in thihown hall on Wednesday with Dr. Graham,: the Presideht, in. the. chair , After the prelimbearies,Dr. Shaw of Clinton read re paper on the feasibility of forming a *joitit stopic PhysicianeStipply Co. It was well received and discussed. Dr. Graham of ()Hams then delivered the i'resident's address, dealing with sorue -things relating to the physician as a businessman. Dr.Turnhull of Goderich gave veryinteresting account of some of the surgical work he had witness- ed in Berlin receritly and Showed two modern instruments of special interest to the members.. Dr. Machell of Dub- Iiri described some cases in practice which bore some unique feattues. On the invitation of Dr, Roberbson of Stratford the next meeting will be held • neat july.in Stratford, sakeassesseesse"-t--._ ,,,,easeseseeese*,* to the Isiorth-West this summer and We trust he may come bac x much im- proved In health and well fittea for his fall and winter duties. Raster In Onntrlo Street Church. The special Eastet services in Ontario street Methodist cher& last Sunday were attended by large congregations. The pastora discourse in the raornieg Was re deer and' instructive presentee. tion of the importance of the Route •••••••••••••, For several days past a number of boys have been making a flotilla of miniature boats and yesterday Wesley East, Charlie Moore and Guy Miller, Inds of frone thirteen to fifteen years of age, took them over to Fair's pond to try their sailing qualities. There vi;its BAYFIELD. The "White City" will be larger than ever this season as the Jewett ,Bros, have decided to add one, if not two more cottages and all are rented. To furt•her enhance the popularity of the "City" they will erect a pavils ion which will fill a long -telt want. It will be 20e40 feet, with all modern con. venierices, and a good hardwood floor for the tripping of the light fantastic,. .Our citizens intend to make this the mese pvosperous season in the history of Bityfield, and of the good work the Sowett.33ros. are doing a good share. Mr. A. O. Fergtaion has gone to Cleveland for 'the summer. a small and risky raft with which Wes. , and Charlie undertook to tow their Miss Porterfield of Belgrave is visits -fleet. "Don't both get on together,". • . Ing her sister, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, said Gee'', "its not strong enrmsgh." Alio VVelsh of Listowel is milliner at Miss Martirea this isette4n. . They thought otherwise and ventured - out, but when about the cedtre of the Mr. and Mrs. John Which:Ion intend pond the rafb collapsed. .Gny. Miller, an eywiltEaster tr tripvisit Pennsylvania,relatjyesana cold water to the rescue succeeded in twahkeinreg our School Wednesday of last week, who is a son of Mr, Jacob Miller, . and • only thirteen years old, threw off his - InspectotrTorn of Goderich • visited friends in the Quaker state. . coat and boots and plunging into the Charlie Moore. It was a gallant and expressed himself as well pleased saving deed and will entitle Guyto the Humane with the progress the school is making , Society's medal. Wesley East could' under our teachers, G. W. Holman and not swim and sank at once. His father, Miss A.' E. Whiddon; Mr. William:Ease who is engirieer at Easter holidays are upon us and the mill, noticing the boys on the raft was . childeen of the echool are blessing the on his way to warn thetreoff when the - al. period of vacation to recuperate and powers that be tbatfgive them a liber - pole with which he drew hie -son to the quarter. The teachers too, no doubt, re -invigorate themselves for the next accident took place. He secured a pike surface, . The alarm had in the mean- look forward to the holidays as a wel- tinue been pounded and a large erowd come period of relaxation. - - .harlgathereci. Drs.Gunn,Gt;ahain,Shew The new .dresssmakers, Miss M. and Thompson of town and Dr. Mabee Whidelon and Miss U. Galbraith, who of Dublin and Dr. Robertson of Strat- hay° opened out a dress -making estate ford, neembers of tise Medical Associas lisOment over •Mr. John Whiddon's tion, which held its regular meeting -in store; seem . to be busy and dieing a the afternoon, soon arrived upon the good business. . ' . - scene and made every effort to rouser. Rev. W. T. Noble, B. A., of &even - tate the boy but in vale. ' During ,the hurst occupied the pulpit in. St.• An - few' minutert in which he was in the drew's church Sabiseth week morning • water tho. vital- spark bad fled. .- - and evening, and preached to very . The remains of what had been a instructive serneons. Ma Noble is. a strong, hearty boy but a. few minutes minieter of mete than ordinary abilitye before were taken to.Mr. East's. where .a-maia.of scholarly attainments, arid &neither sad scene was witnessed, the should find no difficulty. in receiving a grief of. the 'stricken mother making good appointment. . ' . • friends who 'gathered to proffer 'their • The trustees of thePublie School are sympathy turn aside atilt more sorrow- ' certtenaplatteg putting iie a, system of fel, • . ' - . ' ' . . ventilationin thei school during :the . ENQUIRY tipt.UMN. ' ' : ed in all schools, for there are no more : sumreee eacabion, . This is badly iseed- , :This column is opeato enquirers., to. answers _ . - depressing effects felt by teachers and • thereto, andte a.dhieussion of matters of inter, pupils than•those caused by bedly.een- est to the -public- at terse. These who avail Wetted sciioor houses, and yet it seems thee:11;0i yes of it will 'stick to their text and. he to :be the particular -part-of school terse. Life is too short for verbosity. Of course architecture that ie generally neglect-.• the vrritees name math° sent us not neoesu- . wee:, • e- . , ' .. • trytor pulAleation," eto.,44diter . NnWs-11."- : , . corm Tne ladies of St. .Andrew's church, . . - Met at, the residence of Mr. leolinan .. , . 11°Isma " Ivia°31 136"B' In 1:?Ing. ". - last Monday evening and decided to • . .Mr. Editor,—In your report .of the : . m,eeting••of . the Quarterly Board of .. hold. a social' on the -evening of . Toes, da, Mb inst., at the residence of Mrs. Rattenbury street • Methodise cherele Sas. Pollock. A. splendid program of lest Week the names oe some members, •music, ete,, is. being prepared for were omitted. They are :—W. S. Hate . the odcabion, butflest 'of all will be the land,,P.eter Oaotelop, B. P. Sibley, Jas. good things to be provided opt of . the Southcombe, T. McNeil and jas. Mcs Math. .These nien, with three alters . ladies' baskets. We. trust there will a big crowd. . . ' . • . whose sebscriptions. were handed • in, Rev. Mr- • Nobiii 'visited the school. contributed alia of the $600. . ' • • . e • last Friday aftf3rneon . and gave the ' Respectfully Yours, children a splendid address, which . - . , W. R. Lough, Re S. contained much valua,ble advice. *A .011:ALLENGE TO DIMaTn... . ..: The following from Baytield Will Sir,—Will you kindly. allow'me space . form- part of. the Government survey. for • a few' remarks in regard to the beat. The Bayfield- crew this year : debate held. 4 short time age in the Act. ReitaILFalconer, Alex,Beown, W. Baptert 'chetah on the subject "Resoly- Ross, 0. Ferguson,. B. Spencer, and ed that circumstances haye more to de john Ross of near Brumfield, It Is with the formation of character Wale - rumored that others were recominend- neture." We • of. the affirmative . ed to ehonest" John IVICMillan„ but 00 believe and, from what I have heard, : account of their Emily political bring. I feel perfectly safe in saying that fully.- ing-up being 'soiriewhat . neglected, nine -tenths of the audience also believe they were not considered desirable that the decision against us was unfair candidates. It is .,Tohti!s Innings now, but, considering there was. a lady in. but it may be somebody' else's after the the moon, metal amount of allowance next election. must be made for sympathy with the' . The following is the percentage of weaker sex. Now, as far as the de- the pupils of the senior department of claims goes, I do not care a straw, shut the Public School here for the quarter when a . man possessing intellectual ending March 31st, as ascertained by ability, which I - have the pleasure of written examination at end of the knowing my. friend, but opponent on term and by work done during the this debate, Mr. Holland, does Possess, qua' ter. . The' number of pupils.on the will get. upon the platforna and 'make roll was 52 and the average attendance statements which were simply ridicu- e2.• In the junior department the bus, As scene of his were upon this neunber on the roll was 60, ayerage at - occasion, and, worse than all,for a Joey tendance 43, lamas. ,intending to of intelligent men and werden to receive send children for the first time this spring will kindly see, that they' are and. cciunt them lam not surprised at people asking, are we going to let hint sent immediately after Easter holi- get away with that. ely•triend Stated days. It would be .well to have them that if the resolution liad been worded development, instead of formation, he would tot have debated at all, thereby. to all, which would be an immense ad- .• Mrs. Arthur returned. on. Monday rid:witting' that if " character is not vantage to the terichers as well as the from yisiting Ingersol relatives and already formed at birds that circura- little learners. Please see that this , is . than nature, But, said he, character many closes. Parents. will also see xi -lends, stances aro certainly more povverful done and. thus -save the trouble of so Mr , Mes. and Miss Riley were nests of their daughter,Mrs,Bradford,rgecenb is formed et blab and all the powers that the children are regular in attend. . ly.. of earth cannot change it and as proof ance and give proper time and atten. .. Mr jtenieson of Toronto was a • he. offers the fact that he has three tion to preparing of lessonsot home, as attest' at the McGee homestead. ohileren at home and no two cif them this too will materially aid the &meta - —. se - —, — . s - . . . Anse zertna, e em.gulut cee tiroderten - are alike. ' Again, he says, take two ers, There has been a merked. im. St. Paulos Vestry Meeting: The regular annual Vestry meeting of St, Pate's was help in the S. S.room on Tuesday evening, but owing to the inceetnency of the Weather the attend- ance was not so large as it otherwise would haye been. The financial state. ment of thetreasurer, Mr. J. E. Hovey, showed a most satisfactory state of 'affatrs. The offertory was in excess of other years and the Missions collection was rnore then the assessment requir- ed. The annual report of the rector will not be presented uutil later. Mr. E. E, Hilton was named by the rector as his Warden and Mr. R, AaWorthing- ton was elected as the people's Warden for the ensuing year. Messrs. G. J. Stewart and. 0. B. Hale were chosen as the auditors, and at the congrega- tional meeting held afterwards Mr. jas.Shermard was elected as the repre- sentative to the Synod. Votes of thanks were tendered to the offlcials and woricers of the cpngregatiois after which the meeting was closed by the benedictiori, s • The Colonel RecOmmends Clinton. As the Government will not provide the 33rd Battalion with the new equip. at en b until it has an armory for the pro- per caretaking of the arms and accout. reroents,the burning questionjust now is where. should the Armory be locat- ed, To be sure Clinton is the Hub of the county, and being the centre and easy to reach kora the four quarters by rail, there should be no delay whatever in decidinee upon this as head- VARNA Mr, S. Armstrong returned on 1VIens day from ylsitiug his daughter, eiraft. McCool, of Drumbo, ' J. T. Ceiens has improved the ate pearauce of his store by putting in a. new floor last week. The work was done by W. F. Kayo and staff. J. E. R. Hartwell and wifeof Kirks - ton are spending their Easter bolidays visiting fridnds round. Varna. On ltiouday J. E. R.. left for a few days visit to the old ttoraestead neat' KM. cardine. Kirkton souls to agree with him as he looks fat. We are glad to hear that he is getting along well le his new field of labor. " 0. Keyes is spending his Easter boli. days with, his sister, Mrs. J. Barber of Robb, Mr, and Mrs. J. McKie returned to Varna on Monday evening. We expect they will be leaving Varna in a few days. The Sunday School entertainment of Monday evening was one of the most successful ever held in Varna, Owing to the rain m the evening some were detained from attending but the hall was nicely filled. The children ot the S. S. gave nearly all the program and rendered it iu a style pleasing to all. The songs by Pearl and Russel And- rews and Annie May Robinson highly delighted the audience. The fancy and dag drill and doll drills were tue hits of the evening. Bey. Mr. Andrews tilled the chair in his usual efficient style. The entertainment was closed by singing "God Save the Queen" ancl. everybody went to their homes well pleased with the evening's entertain - meet. The Sunday service was conducted by the Rev. Andrews of Fullartot who preached in the morning to the child* ren from the text, Songs of Solomote 2 chapter, 15 verse, "Take y e the foxes, the little foxes thatspoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes." The address was very much appreciated by the congregation: In the evening the sermon was to the parents and the church was filled to the doors, some having to go away because or the' lack of accoraodation. The collectioes of the day were in the interest of the Sun- day School. . • Mrs. Herd and two children of near Hamilton spent their Easter holidays with their.cousin, Mrs. Wm. Purdy. emit oaondlyi mops 1 eamdevnetra; d i Td hneo tsa:oemofe the off • ostn° tised, as they were bought in by Mit- thell Bros. beforehand. The farm was .put up and purchased by James Mit- • chell for $5250, , (Intended for last issue.) Mr, Snell of Hullett spent Sunday at the parsonage. Rev, Mr. Andrews of Fullerton vis- ited at the parsonage on Wednesday and Thursday of last Week, Mannie Ward left for Bruceffeld on Tuesday recoiling where he has secur- ed. a job with a. Kaiser. • I. Hart, our new blacksmith, Was • making the anvil ring early on Mons day morning. Mr. Hart comes well recommended and will no doubt get • his share of the patronage. He has secured the services of I. Eberhart to assist him, Mrs. J. McKie is visiting • friends at Kippen this week, jim is getting his business affairs straightened up before he leaves town. Owing to the bad roads last vveek, S. • Reid did not get moved till Tuesdity of this week. All the Varna tradesmen are very busy getting met spring work. For good teadestnen Varna ran hold her own with any village of twice its size, AUBURN. On Good Friday Messrs, Cat tle, Cans- paign, Grant, and Platt, and others of the oircular town's sports, brought tlatee boats Overland and launched them below our grist mill, to make the annual trip on the Maitland, • Mr. Bradford has purchased the property and house which was tue home of Thos. Anderson of the Soo. Mr. R. at Cummings has once more changed bis place of abode, and now dwells on Main street, stere on Monday the 23rd hese if pool • - Rev. Mr. Kennedy has purchased it ble, as this would insure an equal start fine driver from R. lelcGowan. by the large congregation both morn- t in the school the nast year as is visiting her sister,edes. 3. Shultz. most profitable one for all who were was a quarters, There Is, however, a pull men and place before each of them proveinen . from Goderich and as that toWn has bruoh and canvas. Ono will paint a c.rvtiotilsddbrsi=eintahpaecttotrhisarefpaovrot= ev th u Ing and evening and the day , - • T. Clark of Dungannon spent' Easter present. The sermon at the morning been given an expensive postoffice, picture.perfect end beautiful wbile the i y Rev. Mr. Mills of Illyth was a guest service was on the Immortality of the Postoffice boxes scatterea around other with all the training you San report should be repeated at the next soul and lit the evening on the Irnmor the town for the further coloveni- give him will produce nothing but a 'visit Will the parents kindly co-ops of Mr. S. Ooldwell recently. Special Easter service was hekt in daub. The jury took or mistook this erate with the teachers ate requested slated in the service by Mr, F. Hovey of very malty thousand dollars upon its for a point and counted him one. Now above ? If. the/ do so We have no St. Mark's on Sunday night. 0. E. meeting was well attended also. tality of the body. Mr, Parke was as. ence of the citizens, and an expenditure The number of communicento at the harbor, there is apparently the belief if that has any bearing Upon the point doubt. of the prosperity of elle sehool. three celebrations was greater thee that it has only to reach out and get at issue I must confess that / never Quarterly report, Senior deeartment, Olean in theGerman Lutheran church. A number of confirinationd took ever before in the history of the church. the armoury as Well. Colonel Varcoe knew that in the sight of God there G, W. Holtnito, principal : - 1i Olass—E. E. Falconer 02%, Miss Pentland. of Nile visited hero rection of Christ in its xelation to Gos- The eholathough not numerically as at was in Clinton Good Friday consulti ng was any difterence between an. artist Sr. 5t . strong ae other, Easter services, render- i -, last week, also Mrs. Yates of Col- pel preaching anti Christian be•Ileynig, ' s 1 0 b , lelcTa are arid a blacksmith, other things being R. M. Whiddon 83, P. he Fawn° 81, It. ation owe a debt of gratitude to Mr, promised to recommend thellub to the the point but simply to state that it on 75, W. Holman 74, E. Watson 68, - his bueiness here to invest elsewhere. borne. Jas. Young has stattea roller man- th i eth , . d a Shave and Ranee in relation to the equal. But, Sir, it is not my intention Bailey 74. perfect keeping with the occasion. . mat er and the se ou come was a he o u e o r spa e o e i cession o Both the choir and the whole congre- ate and rendered in a manner worthY for South tia Beet Ilu i tci meet Mr. Holland on the late r Sr. 4th Class—.1. Galbreith 88, . k ing up to as high standard. The sue- stiffening of the backbone of the teem- tion, "Resolved that character Is form- Galbraith 68, J. McDonald 60, 3. Moe. g now, S. Cox has an assistant farm htind , The entertainment given by Wallit cess of the ehoir is also due to their her for the West Riding to get a ed at birth," Thanking you kindly for elan 60. M. Whiddori 57, N. Ferguson 46, T. Batley 45, fe johnston 43, lc church el. S. on Tuoday evening was A young organise Miss matey who decision in favor of Clinton. It is pro. space le your Valuable paper, Miss N, Wethertd its lowing in the d VII the upper flat in the I renlain, Watson 42, H. Marks 41. yicinity of Carlow and the Nile. re Beer, things bad been partaken of, the fol- Sue 1 p Pl. Marks GI, S. McGee 56, D. StalleOn 5an ta t°41° Ittaiber to G°t1"Iell' owing program was rendered, with lame, Quaff she is spared, a. brilliant 'Umbel' has ealled the 48, It Marks 4(3. T. Burnside 44. Mrs. R. Robertson is now recruiting building. It will answer tie? purpose ale, Samos Scab es chairnotet :— future as tin organiet is its store for her. very well and, as was pronaised moose atteution of Titil NOWS-Iteeoito to Ord Olass—E. Burnside 8O, &Watson and hopele now entertained for the la - Chorus, Easter Bells, seen Ghee The Choir Was assisted by edrs. a a time since, the uses Of it will be given co es. acratchel upon his plate glass window, 80, a m„,,,6„, 76, 3, mow 74, G. sem. coyery of Mr. Redmond, who has Wed Recitation, evidently wantonly made. 3. B, hi goon ea. 0, Geseeeee 04, ee. Erwin ea, 111 for some time in the village. r tit. Gate Ranee and alr, J. McRae. Tee &cora. e t fe ste. seneehen tions veere very climate and the design - naturally indite:taxa at Anyone Woield et. polled( 57, w, eeenoread 47, ea . lir ' i tu , .. bit ound Address, be under similar circurnstances And eemesee 46, w, mare Ite, of eeti, again. Recitation, Sadie McRae altogether different from that of ()thee IteV. Mr. Ilowson, pester of the Deet,Doegitte Stevetert,WillieWiseman years, Flowers and &trite were in Itattenbury street church, look up thee offetidere and multably . Weed the houee,tut it also Mr. Willi= may be be coneldbee that the Authorities s'Itould 43, 0, egewinAg, Mr. Gilleirb Baer 19 dill confined, to Quartette, Misses Murray and Wises greet abundance, and the whole eftecb expeeted to preach next Sunday, Wks punish them. Adjutaub Collard, the Salvation DoriAld. mato and Moses. Spalding told Was most pleasing. Much credit in due ing as his tubjects, at 11 4, ni.,"A eong the ladies for their work. The offer- I poor feller, named Crooks of Bel* Lenny District officer, Will visit Otitis Obidley Of the morning" coul at 7 pi tn., "HoVe _ .... kick from a horse, Was brought down meeting at night in Lite barracke, no egga yeStetday. This was the tubes Duet, Miseee ROSS and laipey oVer $70 being handed in for Missions The pastor cordially invites the public The song service in the evslning was in t t 1 t s yu c ft th a.s f jr. 5th Olase—E. Dupee 80 S. Canters A.. Youngbint intends disposing of e r parto eservice very -well ee , • (Lomeli as choir director. ale ses Minister of Militia. A.s the members Would give roe the greatest of pleasure W. Whiddon 62. The seleceions Were all tnost aPprom 18 B ufaeturing. of the ability of the excellent eleofte p o m A, tease fire alarm called out the enthusiast in music and does not spare rou are n hitntielf in his effort. to bring the sing- favor of phis town it only needs a little and discuss e ore the public the ques- ROS8 80, 0. Brom '75. Ir. Erwin 60, A. b f force one ni ht recently S. S. Entertsintnent. ta piesssane rout. and much enjoyed, hy leas held the .positron for less n all isresena After the many good, than • twelve months and bete Made Stavely Hall until stich times as the • Government may decide upon e, new Sr. 4th Olass-14, Cameron 76, M. MeLood "Wagon 71, ka Rao 71, Clinton, April 10. .1. Lawson has engaged With 0. Botie Recitation, Poys and Ghia tory was most satisfactory, something he became waster of the situation," gertve, Who had his leg beoken by too on Friday and eonducb a special Cantelon Bros. shipped 3,500 down Of Selo, Mr, Spalding toy work. to attend, ' • to the time of Refuge on. Tuesday. _ public are invited to attend. her gathered since Saturday.