HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-12, Page 7`*''
elcorne in Dublin Joined in By
All Classes.
o hing Like It Ever Witnessed.Thousands Cheer,.
ed ,lier Majesty as She Passed Through the
A despatch from Dabliu, April 4, years, and many vvere the curioua
eartir—A alight shower marred for the oommenta made as teetegalloped past,
memo* the peenpeeee tee pen:We theommeWgeereTarrrylMar Iron;
clay, but it was soon over and the Wea- Wbite-Itidley ; the Dulness* of Con-
ther reteatne4 eplendtd. naught and her daughters, acetate.
No eooner had the Queen arrived Pattea ohlYrelheret oet the eeecAlg'
at the vice rept lodge and lunehed,ittlimanumeore Tare Glerde. Ainally,tamei
than ate drove out again in Phoenix I almost perfeot silence, Sa,Ve for the
Park, betng much cheered. It is un..1 eello chettrs and otitis of "God SaVe
AO wondertully pleased with the re- 4
Iihmait?eueerge tifiez.4)&u:eurttaiiirrsetlr. tit;
poeite her in the carriage sat Princese
deestood that she expressed berself
caption, and as having suffered no Christian and Princess Henry of Bat -
fatigue, tenberte
Dublin was wild witn delight. over ENTHUSIASM BROKE Loosn.
the excellence with which all the ar- Tier eIrrutts Itlevb!Ito r Irsitolt
rangeraenta were carried out. Not payee, -men aheered, shouted and
one black ttag or disloyal object mark- sang,. all harelieeded and the women
ea the line mereh ; and the popular %%raved their handkerchiefs and street-
Metleuslasue buried all political feel-
ing for the time.
N%70114 .13UNCH or SHAMROCKS.
ale() to get a better view, many of
them even weeping. .
Beside the Queen's carriage rode the
Duke of Connaught, commander of the
Before landing tbe Queen, who look- forces in Ireland. During the fere pm.
atm wben the Queen was remising
ee- - ed remarkably well, asked tor a bona and answering the address of welcome,
' . of ohararotem, These wtre secured and there was scarcely a lull in the titan-
. thronghout the day she wore them tie cheering from the crowds. Fre-
pinned upon lief breast.
euently Pfer Majesty nodded, in fac ,
she eaarcely ceased nodding ..durinn
tbe entire nine mile drive. •
After the Lady Mayoress bad pra-
t .. most intereating ceremony took 'seated a bouquet te the Queen the
• :Place at the city limits, where an an- procession moved on. Behind Her
. tient gate and. castle towers had been Majesty came a dazzling escort of
'• • reproduced for the °Maslen. Da the tgra,f10:infetheraszlemoefnenfitteea
ultrir d LI irKiizitid.
*y side a the gate were tie° Lord ingsg, who' were loudly &eared ans 3they
. Mayor and Council, in their scarlet moved into line. It was a pagearit
robes; the mace -bearers in blue silver sueh ea had never been eeen in Ireland
and. several hundreds of the best hewre'
. known Irish, who we're provided with.
ared with the Queen's recent
seats on stands The Royal. Inniskill. .0.°w
inn Fusiliers lined the road as a guard :V tat titEft= wthlel asignr Moigctlie;
of bettor, while behind them were,eor- : vivid oontrate.'Deafening and 'con-
done of police and lancers and militia. tinuous cheers marked every stage of
-'..' ' LIKE A SIXTEENTH CENTURY tbe route, especially at. the historic
- etollege•grounds, where the crowds
• - I
PLAY. . , were thicker than et any other point,
' Thousands of seeetators eagerly Trinity Calle& was almost hidden. by.
.awaited the coming •of the •Queen. stands, evhich were black with people
Shortly before her arrival . the and flaming with Vega •and fetitoons.
wreak' vent -et -arms, wearing a gorge. • Amid the thunderous welcome of the
' ous oap of Royal Heralciy, galloped to populace the bells of the Catholic
, the Lord Mayor, and asked permission Cathedral rang out a greeting. '
' for the entrance of the Queen. Grave- • During the evening . the Queen,
-ly end in quaintly worded terms :of through Sir Arthur Bigge, her private
courtesy, the Lord Mayor 'granted the secretary sent tbe LordeMayor,a mess.;
barn. Although theseeed beef -eaters,
- ant -at -arms, the gate bttnging behind
scarcely totter around, the whole
scene was a counterpart
feentb century play.
regTunesEt. tluBaBssok gawllopeAs :Nthesic4puuraTu. iv -
rigged out for the occasion with cos- by the welcome she had received., The
tumes from the Gaiety Theatre, could
of a six- mildh Pleasure to her stay in Ireland."
ILater, through Sir Matthew White
had been deeply touched and gratified
age, saying that she was not over
fatigued by the morning's drive, and
message concluded as follows:
Ridley and Earl Cadogan, the Queen
"Her, Majesty looks forward' with
i efficient' conveyed to the Lord Mayor
Then from the ramparts of the the following:
gate came a fanfare 'Of trumpets. Tim "Convey to the Lord Mayor and
Queen was in sight, Out upon a eitizens of Dublin the sincere thanks
scarlet cloth, laid Raleigh -like upon of the Queen for the loyalty and en -
the muddy road, stepped the Lord thusiasm of the greeting which' Her
Mayor and the corpoeation, their Majesty received during the proces-
robes glowing in the bright sunshine. oion through the beautifully -decorated
- st.
a.nd wands and maces flashmg brn- route. , . •
gently. Tbe gate creaked open. The• "The Queen is happy to be once more
Earl of Denbigh rode through,. and among her Irish people, from whom
then came Jim Life Guards. Ireland she has gained and received so warm a
bad not seen We Guards for over 30 .weloome." ' •
• • •
s ge, a /Cathie Chief, is Fighting Col. Baden-Powell's Troops' Have a
- the Boers. Narrow Eseape. '
ONTARIO LENSLATIME, rtfurdt,fiorttlr=4
hill to amend the Aet respecting the
What the Legislators of the Province slaughtering ot cattle gild the lissom.
tiott of Meat And mille au
are Doing at Toronto, cities and twat:. It autborise* the
The Crown Lande Department is i eateeneetex „tete sekeeetge.beetsee
formed tbat the fleation him been an and cattle yards.
unusually good one in the lumber dia• TO PREVENT IMMORAL SHOWS.
but& The snow, luta held out long M.r. Itlutrhe introdueed a bill to
amend the Municipal A,ot‘ It gives
enougb to get all the loge to the rivers
outoot io the head ot the Council, in addition to
ready for "driving." Tit
about 800,000,000 toot, will.* le One of
the largest cuts in tbe buttery of the
31r. HarcourtAZrod8u.ced an Ant to
amend the Big% Sehoolg Aet by al-
lowieg •the 'Speed ef Trustees to re-
ceive money by gift or bequestfor the
establisimaent et permanent schelar-
ships, and: aloe; allows the Board of
Trustees to grant gratuitiee mid re-
tiring allowances' te teachers.
Mr. Harcourt also introduced au Aot
to amend the Pablic Sobools Ate, winch
itnebles the boaid to make grants for
promoting gyomaatics and other atb-
lett° exercises, end also enablea the
boartrto grant retiring allowanoes to
The Attorney-Generat introtineed an
Aiit to amend the Industrial Schools
A.ot; winch, providea that every child
committed to an Industrial echoed
shall after being three year:4 an in-
mate be given A trial; in his parents.
home, or be apprenticed or placed oat
in a foster home. It also provides teat
children commetted to an Industrial
school abate remain under the guard-
ianship of the School Board until they
attain the, age of' '18 years.
Mi. Gibson also introduced an Act to
amend the Irtistees' Investment' Act.
It enables trustees to invest in muni-
cipal debentures, and providea that ex-
ecutoro ann trustees snail not be liable
for brim& of trust by reaktors only of
their continuing to hold an investment
ektryalinisatwr.ument of trust or hr the gen-
The Minister of A.griculture has
given notice of a resolution to provede
$5,000 for the eneouragement of the
growing of sugar beets tin Ontario.
Coulieil ot any city or town; to grant
aid to private portions: or companies
31Ir. Tucker intreduced a bill while))
amends the jurors' Act by providing
that jurors man be summoned' by re-
gistered letter' instead of by perm:mai
lion. Mr. Latchford hategieen netts&
of a bill providing for the establish-
ment of a bureau a labour and in-
dustries, which will collect' statistics
of importance to the working class.
• rtrus BECOME LnW.
The following bills received • their
third and final reading:-.,
Bill incorporating the Board of Trus-
tees of the Presbyterian Church in
Canana.—Mr. Gibson. • •
Bill respecting the ,Town of Leuze-
ington.—Mr. Auld.
Bill respecting the DavenportAtetho.
dist Chureit Burying Grounds. -- Mr.
nill respecting St. George's.- Church,
Otte wa.—Mr. Powell.
Bill to emsoliclate the debenttire
debt of ebe Village of Arthure-Mr.
1 SOIL .
Bill to confirm By-law No, 954 of the
Town of Durham, and a certain agree-
ment entered into between the said
town and the Durham Furniture, Com-
Limited.—Mr. Jamieson. ,
voting with other members, a second
or castle:le vote in ease of 44 tie, and
gives muntoipalittea power to paaa by-
laws to prevent the procinetion of bn-
moral or indecent plays and shows.
Mr. Drydeuta cold storage bill was
amended so that a subsidy eliould not
be granted to a oold storage plant
wetbin five miles ot a plant alreadY
In connection with tbe Seri Jose
Seale Act. Mr. Dryden exelamed that
it was proposed to substitute treat-
ment for destruction of trees. The
treatment by fumigation waal not to
be made, compulsory, but the bill was
designed to encorurage ite use. It was
not expeeted to eradicate the pest thta
year,. huh at least its woad would be
Prevented. XL Dryden gave au inter -
eating history ef the San jose scale
and the. efforts to combat it.
Oataere Will Clear tbe Boers Away
From the Railroad
A despatch from Springfontem,
Orange Free State, Tuesday, says:—
Owing to informatioe that the Been
are hovering in tha,neighbourhood of
the ratlroad running from this plaoe
to ritoeutfontein, Gen. Gatacre is pre
paring to take vigorous measures to
cope with, any attempt to out Lord
Roberts' line, of comenenication at
that point.
ferente Men of the Mounted Rifles
Leave Cape Town.
A despatoh froin Cape; Town, dated
Wednesday, announce* the depart-
ure to the front of the second contin-
gent oft the Cuoadiart Mounted In-
fantry. •
t!onettion ot noel. Priamier4. at tom
irpw ,„ • •
A-deepateh from Simonstown eat's:
—The condition of the Boer prikoners
is deplorable. The inedinal authOri-
ties seem unahle to cope with the
spread Of typhoid feeen There were
four additional deaths on• Monday
night, and the siok are hente-etrie-
The deed are buried wItn as ranch
respect meths exigencies ot the place
admit. But the gun carriage is no
longer •used, a waggon being roguish..
noised to convey a. laumber ef coffins
it a single trip.
At a mass meetin.g held here On
Tuesday -at which 20,005 peva:ale wake
preemie a resolettion was. passed amid
scenes of great enthusiasm deolan'ng
the solemn conviction of those aseem-
bled that the ineorporation of the
South African, Reenblie and the
Ora•nge Free State Into the Queen's.
donumons alone would secure peace,
prosperity', and public freedom in
South Africa.. The 'Nanette! Anthem
was 'then sung. , . . „ • •
Prices or Crain, Cattle, Cheese. 80e
in the Leading blaritets.
Toronto, April 10.—Wheat
cern and wheat developed e very
strong tone in the west to -day. The
local market was stronger all round.
The quotations are as followa:--04-
tarn), red and white, rao bid, west;
67* bid east ; goose wheat, 71. to 71 1.2o,
low freighta to New 1:'ork sieving,
east, 68e; leraniteba, No.1 hard, 81 1 -Re
North Bay.; and 82e, g.t.t.
Flour-01rue, Outside millers offer
straight rollers, in buyers' bags. mid.
dle freights at $2.70 per loble and ex-
port agents, bid 6240. Specten breeds.
In wood, ter local account, sell trent fa
to 0.10, according to brand,
alilifeed—Searee. Bran io quoted at
V10 to 61640; and aborts, at eV to
017.50, at tbe mill -door through West.
ern °uteri°.
Corn—Very otrong. No, 2 American,
syeettilroewc, quoted. at 47, traok, Toronto;
and mixed at. 46 1-2; Canadian eerie
i .. e i
Peas—Steady, Oav tots, 00o, north
and west, and Rep east. •
Earleye-Firra. Car Iota, No. 2, raid-
dle freights, 42 1.2o, and east, at 43e;
No. 1 is quoted at 43 1-2 to 4,10, out-.
alto.yeea—sQt.uiet. Car Iota, 1520 waist ; and
Oats—Firm. Export demand iraprovs
ing; white oats, .north and west, 28
2t900*28aued-26;aamti2t1,41t4cfreights, 28 14 to
Suckwheat—Qulet. Offering ligbt.
Car lots, outside are cleated at 51 to
1 here, , and in small lots resell At . ge;
1 pit nbaia.m.eiger.vBai s flig .actl: anagloi. at I Inabgolp, ' 1,1 3:isgUi " - " 'elaBe°1 I I, D 4, °:71 3odq( 153 ,Se 4: n lilt NV1 I 1E 1Pi I:1 ilneXI:gdi g ke: , Blnaaa rUinak1417art be: "I Is : :xi at fhvgi 71 Ter'' il oi gji.1: Ille 4:-
PoUltry—Good local demand. but
geese 7 t 8c; and turkeys, 18 to Ides
Potatoes — Plenty coming in. Local
,dioetmobaanrde eisol4li,gobut, atanadokppriactes aebaosuyi Cutter,
t aboet 45 to 00c,. per bag. Out ot store
;tholes stook bruig about 45 to 50c, per
; Beans—Choice hand-picked beans are
IDried apeles. — Unchanged. Dealers
. per ag, and at farmera' wageona at
' bag.
!worth from 61.70 to §1.76, delivered
herek and reaell at 61.85, .
evaporated, 7 to 7 14c, in Small lots.
08 to 08.25. Dealers here resell at
$4,50 to $5, on track.
ada, '99's, at 13 to 15o.
(Thickens job at 70 tb 90c, per pair;
per lb., for 5,10, or 60-1b. tins, and in
comb around en to f2.20 per slozen
market is quiet. No. 1 timothy, will
about 69 to f9.50 for choice.
receipts are vele light. Values firmer..
Baled hay-ellothing much in. The
Baled straw—Car lots are quoted at
Hops—Dealers here quote choice Can-
Honey—Dealera quote from 9 to 10c,
5-1 2 f 1 • d t k, ci I'v d
mantles now, end them is
rup-33eginning to come in
to $9, delivered here; No, 2
'Seaters here sell
. .
tuts oft 1 14 ma, at $1,
Market very item and prices of pork
products likely, to go higher. Dress-
ed hogs coming in slowly. Select
ewde,tgoh7t; dbreetsvgyedahtelis6,151a.rs olowtas , atde5loouvetro-
01 off theSe prices. On the street, tn
farmers' loads,''ohoice bran from ;VI
to te1.25, accordtng td quality,
Quotations for provisions are as
follows:—Dry salted shoulders, 83-4
10 7e; leng clear baeort, car •lete, 8l
ton lots, 8c; case lots, 51-4et back& 9;
• short cut pork, en to $17.§0; heavy
• . - . mess, elli,59 to $16. • •
GOVERNMENT NEARTANs. HAVE LOST 23 GUNS. . Smoked meats—Hams heavy', 11 to
Hon. Mr, Gibson antended his bill for
11 1-2e; mediums 12 to 13 1-2e; light, 12
frcen Marfeking, Frirlay, A despatch froze London, • Thars-
. resersvine the 'franchise tit Canadian Orfila rgve Wen Pertioutarir . 1-2 to 13e; breakfast bacon, le to 12
e members a the Strathcona noise
trop , South Africa so at* to include Torten to to Tiii4 war. . 1-2cl halms, 8 to 8 1-2o; °II bacon
—There has been little excite- day, saym—The latest news concern-
. To iose guns has always been con- ec; smelted, backs, De to 111-2o. All
d ring the past week. The Boer ing Mafeking comes from Ladysmith, and etnYeetber voters doing taiiitary Meats out of pickle lc less than prices
Mr. Gibsort also amended his bill to sidered in military eiroles a disgrace, quoted for smoked meats. , -
has little effect., The British casual- Powell on March 27 was received Tiles- In the present war the British have Lard—Tterces, 73-4e; tubs, go; pails,
shell fire. mimes in fitful guste, -and where a inessege .sent bp- Col: Baden.,
ties are almost nil. The Boers seem
to be breaking up their ma. in laager'
weetward, but have taken up an en-
trenched position northward with
the view of preventing the apnrciaoh
of a relief force. The sharpehooters
keep up a steady interceaniets oi fire.
It is xuxaoured that relief is near.
The usual*Sunday truce enables the
garrison to continue pla.ying cricket
matches. •
Mehete, a native ohiei soutliward,
has broken out against the. Boers,
There wad beavy firing in the .direce
dna oi his c.hief ktaal Marob 22.
An 1.rish-Aanerican trooper of the
.Proteetorate Itegment eas deserted
to the Boers. A reward of £50 nes
been otfered for his capture, dead. or
On Mara 12 a detachment at colon -
Lai native troops, under Lieut. Mace
kenzie, made an advance on Jackal
Tree fort, the position originally ea-
cupied by the siege gun on the amit.h-
western heights.
The Boers got wind of the movement,
and evacuated the !position before it
could be carried through. To cover our
advance on Jackal Tree fort a detach-
ment of Baralong natives were dis-
patched to make a /Ant attack on Fort
snyman, a new work recently erecited
by the Boers, and threatening our
most advanced western Position. They
eucceeded in creeping to within' 80
yards of the enemy, many of when.
were sleeping outside, and when near
the fort poured in two or three rapid
volleys. Trooper Webb got sufficient-
ly close to the fort to blow out the
brains of one of the enemy, The na-
tives than beat 'a rapid retreat, in
accordance with instructioxis previous-
ly given to them, bevies inflicted aome
losses upon the enemy,
On Monday a raiding party of Bane
longs, .who had gone out on their own
eneouttexed a patrol of the
enemy,. and opened fire upon them,
kitting one man, whose rifle told ban-
dolier they secured. The enemy retir-
ed for reinforcements, but the Bare -
longs ambushed these reinforcemente
from a convenient ditch at Medlin aid-
irtg, and the enemy fell beck he count -
Sion, losing six men. The Renaming,
being nanble to tope with long-range
fire, then commenced to retire,
Of course, it Is impossible to prevent
the Baralontes from xetaliating by
reads of thia deseription upon those
whom they ettli the murderere of their
women and children; in fact, the mile
omelet refusal to allow them toatteinPt
the capture hf the enemy% big gun
might 'well Wive reaulted in a Mut-
ITU great diffiettity will come later,
when the enemy commence their re-
tirement on Pretoria. The Itaraiongs
vvill almost certainly want to wrealc
their vengeance upon the Hoer Women
and childree.
TYR/alb:1f, BUT NO roma;
si/porionfos or sOvai Mettletlimen Amnon
lintritteith. •
'the London Times correePondent
at *Lorenzo Martine§ quotes the Itev.
Watkinson, Wesleyan clergy -
.17., of Ile rrtemi th, Whieh plate he loft
Maath 2o, as denying aUthoritatively
the old and &heady diseredited story
that tbree Ungliehmen were shot in
lietrogioith for refusing to fight
agaitiet the British. letr: Watkinson
seyle theta meth petty• tyrautlY
ithoWn teiVaVa EtleILIIMen in tbe Pros
State, but e is not *ware of any
violeace teWateie thenee
day, eongratulating the peeple' and
girrison of Ladysanitb. on ebeir ee-
liett The message concludes:el.
"We are. still besiege4, but hope for
speedy reliet." •
'rho papers have despatches that.
were sent from Mafeking on March 24
and March 28, declaring that the pres-
sure on the limn was then less than
'ever since the beginning of 'the siege.
Many Boers, it ist declared, are leav-
ing daily contrary to orders, The in-
vesting lorce is less than 2,000Men, and
these' are well remote from the town.
On theinfght of March 28 the Boers
enaeuated the brickfield trenches,
where there was mach severe fighting
during the siege, andt the British oc.
cupied them. They found 250t pounds
of nitro-glyeerine connected with s
wire, which. the Eiritisti, out before it•
could be, exploded. ' •
1• •
Ati Army or Platy 20,00e hoer** Matto a
Few *.ties.
A despatch from Bloemfontein says:
--The Aritish cavalry encamped on
Boarnan's kop on Monday, after having
ridden from Waterval drift without
gettitig into action. Bosman's kop is
now the eaatern-most British position.
The British horses are .again in bad
shape after their hard work in the
neighborhood of Karroo aiding. They
wore brought from tbe south in a huer,
ry, and sent eastward. Many of them
are new useless. Otte company of the
Carbirtiers has only five horses in fit
condition. .
There is little doubt that many of
the Orange Free State burghers who
recently turned in their arms to Lord
Roberts have been rearmed.
' There are now over 24,000 Boers
!within a radius of 20 miles of Bloem-
fontein. Commandants Lemner and
De Wet, who led the fighting on last
Saturday, are still receivieg rebaforce-
• The town of Bloemfontein is quiet.
The fact that the Beare Itave occupied
, the reservoir has bad no appreciable
'effect ao far. The railway is ;AUL in
working order.
Doer patrols' have been seen within
ten miles to the weitt of Bloemfontein,
, The Etritish troops are cheerful, and
I anxious to get into action. The drought
oontinues. •
meat neinana ira• neve Erma*
ley Portugal,
4 aespatch. feora Lieber:, saye:—In
the Chamber of Depattete on Tuesday
`Senator Veiga Dania, Minister of
Foreign Affairs, announced that
Great Britain, had demanded portals,.
authorize niunicipal grants for the been articularly 'unfortunate in this Bleu-
benefit of Canadians on tmlitaFy oer- DAIRY; MARKETS.
tesPeet, their losses guns having
vice in South ,AericaSso as to include , ee„
grants by way ef supplementing the ueen "'"‘" reeeipts, Local demand good. Values
Buttere-Bad roada are keeping back,
vier than in any shinier per -
pay of the members of suob forces; or ,iod of their military history. The about steady. Dealers bore sell •to
making prevision for their equipment, IOSSeS up to date ere:—
or by way at insurance or other pro- alecholson's bek. . . . 4 the trade as follows:—Dairy, tubs,
raedtura, norte in; targe roils, 15 to 16e;
vision for death, or for the families or atormberg. .... . . ' 2 small dairy, lb prints, 16 to 170; cream -
persona dependent upon the absent Colenso. . . . . . . 10 • ery, tubs and boxes, 21e; pounds, 22
soldiers. Netl.t Bloemfontein. ,,, .. 7 to no.
Hon. Mr. Dryclen's bill for the pee-
vention aiid destruction. 'of noxious in- • . Total. . • . . . .
. ,
seats was also amended. It is .now In excliange they have capfured onle ordinary way • at 13 to 13 1-2e. •
provided that where the Oweer or •oc- seven guns, five taken with Crowe at
. . - Toronto, April 10.—Again We had a
eupant of any lot neglects to comply Peardeberg and two buried in a mine moat unsetittfactory• 'market here to -
with the Act, tho tweeter may mute In the Free State. . . , day, 'with heavy* receipts and little
the work to be done, and shall then „ • ' trading,' encept for the best • butcher
Make report tothe Municipal Council' .
.• . ss - • • . cattle, which was in fair demand et
nachanged prices. . .
of the met of the .work. The Council • . REGIMENT OF IRISH GUARDS.
mae thett• direct what amount It • . . . Shipping . cattle sold a little mere
pleases to be enteted on the nolyietOrS' An Ottittal tonewieempat That Oas I* to ' eaotations.
•freely, but there is nit improvement in
roll against 'the owner. .
e • COLD STORAGE BILL.' , . ' ne termed. • . . Sheep. and lambs aro steady and
The Minister of Agriculture's bill tO London, April 5.—Tne army ordere unchanged. .
The market all round was a dull
provide•for the incorporation of oo.. to -day contain the following— . and unimportant one, iwith nO 'quote
operative cold -atorage association "The Queen- havtng ,deetned. it desire able change in prices. Should the
passed. .occantittee, The Premier able ' to commemorate the brarery supply of • cattle be. heavy to -day,
said they expeeted that about twenty shiewn b the Irish regiments in -the P1'10011.1)10 take a serious tumble.
kittens. would be established this Y Hogs are steady and unchanged,
li Al 'ea has
year, and each would be aided with a recant '0Faratia" In-Saat Al • For prime hogs, sealieg from 160 to
fifth of the cost, up to $6110. .. • been graciously pleased to command 200 lbs., the top • price ts 8 1-4c ; light
. CHANGES IN REGISTRATION that an Irish regiment oe toot guards and fat beige are bringing up eo 53-4c
In movingthe second reading of ilaite be -formed under the designation of per ound.
e g 8 ry 0 , 0 Irish Guards."
• ,
23 Cheese—Sales are being matte in the
AttorneyeGeneral explained that the
Objeot was to rearrange matters so THE MANITOBA WHEAT CAP.
that every ,instrument affecting the
descrifition and title of lands be en,
tared n various books, so that in melte Expected to Exceed mon Vear's Werth,
log seateh for title.'all the informa. and mill' ntemele•
lion •will he before the searcher. The
bill passed its Roond reading, A. despatch from Winnipeg says:—
It le eaxieulated that there are now
in reply to Mr. Duff, Hon. Mr. Stmt. 60°,13°0 "res•PrePare'd for "°11 Man"
ton said that binder twine was being ifoba in exeette 4:if that which was ready
manufactured at the Central prison, for seeding this time last year. It is
and it was estiniated that 1,200 tons
would be available for the use of the
farmeri this year. The price wouln
be fixed and advertised on ,Tune 1. Al -
reedy farmers had been notified be' ad-
vertimment to send in. their applieae
tiens. Every facility would be afford-
estimated that• this year's wheat crop
.exceed that a '09 by over two Oows* each. • • • • 25 00 45 0
Calves, each. . . 2 00 10 0
and a half million bushels, and the oat
crop will show to increase of six hun- goga.
Choice hogs per ewt.
Light hogs, per ewe
Heavy hoga, per owe
Fe lowing is the range a quota -
Lions 1-.
Shippers, per cwt. 4 26 5 00
Butcher, choice, do, . 8 16 4 25
Ilatcher med. good. • . 3 25 3 53
Buteher, Inferior. 2 75 3 00
Stockers, per cwt. . 2 /6 3 50
Sheep and Lambs.
Sheep, per stet. . . 800 3 75
Lambs,. per cwt. , 4 50 4 75
Bucks, per 'met, , 2 50 2 75
Milkera and Calves
dred thousand bushels. The late fall
is peal* accountable tor this, tutwell
as the increased imbiber of settlers.
ed to them to purchase direet. Ail
they had to do was to inditate the
quantity they Ivan e EASTERN WAH CLOUD.
be shipped on receipt. of the money.
t d and. it would
Sows. . .
Stage. . .
6 25
5 50 5 75
5 50 5 75
8 00 8
2 90 -2 26
Buffalo, April 10, --Spring wheat at
nitwit cashing Graln lute Part Arthur. No. 1 Northern, carloads, 85 8-8o; No.
2, Nortnern, carloads, /7 3-8o; No. 1.
Mr. Preston moved his resolution to
A despatch from Shanghai, says:— hard, carloads, 83o. Winter wheat—
make it a coudition of att Gove.rnment
eontracts that workmen efaployed on The °Inatome preparations of the Rus- Nominally, No. 2 red, 74 le2e; mixed,
there be paid suet wages as ate gen- sian and japatiese War Depparniants 74e; No. 1 vvhite, 73 1-243 Corn--thie
orally eceepted• ourreeat la each ng lilsttled; No. 2 yellow, 55 3-44e asked;
trade, and that the same rendition ap. c°33.8•611e0 The Rumiana at te—taki
ply to all sub -contracts, and In the strenuous efforts to fill Port Arthur o. 8 yellow 45 1+20 asked; No. 2 corn
ease of all worka receiving puha:: aid. 45 1-2o asketi No. 8 (torn, 45e, Asked.
Mr. Bridglandet hill to amend the
Municipal Light and Beat Aot passed
its second reading., and it was gent to
the Municipal Cominittee. It propose.
ed to allow municipalities generating
their own power to rent the same.
IlIte Carpenter moved tbe eecend
reading of his bill which proposed to
raise the dog tax for the protection
of sbeep. The owner of a dog killing
sheep is also required to pay full
value, Tim bill went to the alunleip.
ston to transport troops' from Beira, al Committee, ittter an animated die.
Portuguese East Afrioa,to Tjantah, 11°1814311••
ithodema. Portugal bad consented, TREATMENT OP CONSUMPTION,
beause Geeat, Britain in thus tran• lion. Mr. Stratten introdueed his bill Whites. . • • 114 No, I bard, 1-8e; No. 1 Nortbetn, require a railway company which had
with grain, even at war panto prices,
and are importing quantities of wheat
from North China.
japan has called out her naval re-
serves for service during the approech-
big manoeuvres, when the entire 3ap.
ants° navy will beeingaged.
Twat touring the Siege Numbered 1,5144
despatoh tram Co.pe Town., says:—
Tim Gazette /Milts the fallowing table
of deaths at Kimberley during the
tinder 6 years of Agee-
Notoso PTie,eittzt.he Nati"- Belgian Youth Fires Two Shots a
QUESTIONS ANSWERED. the Prince of Wales.
Ur. Paterson told Dr. Smote that .____
the value a agricultural implements
and machinery imported, for the eix He Had a Narrow Eseape...The Would.Be Assassin
months ending December 31 waa$880,- Was About to Fire a Third Time.tie Boasts of
490, an4 the duty collected inti6,72Ir
The Preraloer informed Mr. Monet Ills Attempt.
that the Government gave no order*
to eali out the Victoria Rifles during
the recent disturbance in Montreal,
The Government was not informed
whether tbe Blot Act was read/
Sir Wiltrid told Mr. Rogers that
the cost of conetruotion and rtght of
way of the Trent canal to date was
82,406,018. Far land damages there
had been paid 8246,8E8. The estimated
cost of the canal was 85,008,000.
nelr. Clarke was told by the Fremter
tbat the Government WAS cousidering
the advisability of providing accent-
medation for cavalry and artillery in
tee Torouto armouries.
The Frontler told Mr, Bostook that
the report of Lieutenant -Governor
McInnes, giving his reasons for die -
missing. tee Semlin Government, had
not yet been received. He had been
aaked tO make his report, and On
March 28tit the Secretary of State was
informed by telegram that the Lieue
tenent-Governor had mailed Ws re-
port on that day. •
Mr. Davin was infornaed that
Mounted Pollee suPPlies were net
purehased by tender.
Mr. Duges vas told: by Sir Wilfrid
-the Prime Minister had frequent-
ly dee/tired thlic'the enly wfly to settle
the Manitoba sehooi question, was tO
take it. out ot Irederalpolitics and re-
fer it; to the Legislature of Manitdba,
whiele in a spirit a conciliation and
good -will to the,minority, had passed'
important legislation. amending the
Act of 1880. Such legislation was al-
ways subject to amendment and im-
Mr. Robertson was informed by the
Premier that Col. Otter had been in-
structed to send weekly reports of
the doings of his force, and, to cable
ians of utisualties, Col. Otter states
that he cable& .cn February' 19th the
hat et tee eartualties at Paardeberg
on Sunday, February 1811, but the dee
partMent had never received the lists
from him The, list of casualties of
Feb. 1811, was received on the 25th.
net. Laltiviere learned from Sir
Wilfrid that. the Marateba Govern- to RcEis) suRRENFIER
ment had asked for a conferenoe
referencia to the control of the school
lands et the province, and the wafer- Jr
ence would be held.
Mr. Henderson. waa told by Mr. Pat-
erson, then the total value of agrteut.
turai implements and Maehinery
ported from Great Britain( ander the
preferential. tarifa last year was $15,-
e44, and tor the six menthe to Decem-
ber 81, 27.692. No fano, waggons had
been impertect from England, bat for
A despatch from Brussele, April 4,
iiatesee-A desperate attempt to natnts-
Single the Prince of Wales watt made
at the station here this afternoon at
8.85. The Prince and the Princeee
were on their way to Copenhagen to
attend the colebratton of Xing Wise
tien's birthday, WSW? Ocettra April 8.
As the train wart leaving the atation
the assamin jumped upon the Note
board of the Prince% Baleen oar and
fired two shote at hia Royal Waimea.
Both shots missed, and although the
Princeea load otbers were in the car
none of tbein was hurt.
Hearing the shots, the stationmase
ter rushed to the scene and knocked,
down the woulh-be assassin% item as
he proved to fire a, third shot, and
a number of pereone threw theraselves
on the Prince's assailant.
In the confusion a second man, who
was quite innocent, was seized, rough-
ly handled, and. beaten.
Intense exciteraent prevailed for the
moment, as it was feared the Prince
had been hit, the shots having been
fired almost point blank. The ralleay
carriage door was hastily thrown open,
and great relief was felt when the
Prince himself appeared at the wtiadow
Both the Piihae and Princes& how..
ever, hada very narrow escape.
After the Prince of Wales had aseer.
tained that the man who fired the
shots had been arreated, he declared
himself and: the Prineesa uninjured,
and the train 'again starbed.
The assessin tinsmith named,
&Aldo; a resident* of livussels,10 years
of age. His pockets were found to be
full of, Anaro.hist literature.
When examined by the railroad sta-
tion officials, Sipido declared he in,-
tenddi.to kill the Prince of Walesethat
he did not •regret his action, and that
ho was ready to do At again if given a
Chance to do so.
. toSkiiplildton:urbrozengeueeonttiwy altiod,,laboce awl:on:11de
eaused theuaands of men to be slaugb-
teTrehda pointieceomtitahn 0A.nfrdlueaty."001; sipido.. in.,
eharge. The latter appeared Pro= ot
, ihtivsedexopni 0 tie aunude SdeeeMitetivo:lete, 4.,......ii,
.... L., •the authoritiel thaill.be
, Gilles, pro mileS BOnth et Brute la.
1 The attack la condemned oven et the
! labour headquarters here, aud at the
! ruse% cTt Petiole, lettere the extreme
nu"s 4 grOettt °I 4S 4: till fantgd Irs'e
tee young t i t Tort g
his denunciation this evening of
SitiadDPatriote, in. a special edition, de-
nounces the attempt as "cowardly :lad
sense•less," and says:eh' It viill• (treat°
general indignation ; end tbe worst
edneaertytbgefeoul3netirgrtuemfoureuribdlonwo,t" kave
As tbe train restarted after SiPide's
arrest, the nubile loudly cheered the
Prince, who acknowledged the demon-
stration from: tbe car window,
Sipido hat; a round boyish facet black
eyes and dark hate At the examina-
tion' before the magistrate, it was as-
certained that be had purchased a
Penny ticket in order to reach the de-
parture platform, where he walked up
tahnradetrdatoohtnvosn awhile at the same time
rwholicaet tawnadsedPrtre elaYs el nage.- u
Petiole yesterday say they bear Stele°
deelate eliat if the Prince of Wales
settee to Itrnssels be ought to have a
bultet in his head; and they also beard
,hvieniMidoffitrre tacit btehte fitly:448f ra. nos that he
According to La Patriot& some newe •
of the views expressed at the meeting
referred to was conveyed to the sta-
tion -master, who had taken what he
thougett were extra precautions.
Sipldo appeared at the atation in his
best clothing, having explained to his
father that he was going to seek em-
The Prince a Wales appeared quite
unaffected by the incident. He asked
whetber the revolver was loaeed, and
on being informed in the affirraative,
smiled, end begged that the ountrit
raight not be trehted too severely.
the pasir year 1,827 bad been brought
in from, the United States, at a value
of e78,455,. while for the *six months
to' December 81, 547 had been import-
ed valued at 528,178.
Some discussion took place orerrthe
affairs of the Ville Marie Bank,
Messrs. Monk and Chauvin contend-
ing that the circurestanees were such
as to cast a certain amount of re-
sponsibility upon the Government, and
suggested that therefore, something
should be done for the depositors. Mr.
Fielding repudiated the idea that the
Government wita in any way to blame
At the mate time he promised to con -
Bider the advisability' of helping such
of the depositors as might be in need
although, lie has was careful to point
out., the Goverrunent Under no legal
Five Companies of British Troops
Captured South of Bloemfontein.
deePateh. frOm Lotdon say:—The .er forM of the One;mY with four or five
glans. • .
hifoallowitrongopsis:_the .tiex.t of 177 Robots'
despetth to. the *Wet' Office aneounce
tng •the capture of flee companies of •
Bleerafowlein, Thursday; April 5,—
Another unfoetunate occurrence has
oecerred, resulting I fear, in the cape
titre of it party of. infaetry, .centiste
ing or three cempanies• of the Boyd.
Irish Fusiliers and .:hvo. ,yompanies of
the Ninth Blegiment of Mounted In-
fantry, near .Reddersburg, a eittle
eitetward of •Betlaany railway teatime
within a few miles of this plaice. 4
." They wire stirrmi,nded by a etrong-
'The detachment beld eut from 2.
before moon April 3 until 9 A.M., Amil
4, and then appareatly surrendered,
for it is reported. that the ,firing
ceased at that time. .
"Immediatety after heard the news,
during the afteritoon of April 3,T or-
dered Gatacre to proceed ftom Spring-
fontein, Ins present hearquarters, to
Reddersburg, with all pessible speed,
and I despototted •the Cemeron
lenders beam to Bethany. •• : .
"He arrived at Reddetsbuttrat,10.80
yesterday morning, .without .opposte
tionebut could get no news of• the
missing detechinent. ; •
"There can be no doubt the wbole
party bee been made prisoners:,
oblegation to do anything. ' .
Mr. Gillies was informed that the to-
SattrriVitthwarrin1129171119d,304 METIIIJE ' TrT
'Lel amount of duty collected on tobac-
sto in 1899 Was 04,086;289, of whiels at, G
067,656 had been collected under the 0
duty imposed on raw leaf tobeeco in • , • •
1397. , .
grants came from Europe to Can
bYigarli Captures An Entire Boer Commando,
11.11t7IftItZ ililt973119.8-nu'inbcri. North=East of Kimberley. .
of immigrants was 840, in 1898, 9,919;
hdr. Carroll thtai
the aro,ount paid for postage by dif-
ferent newspapers last year was eon -
Menthe. The total revenue on news-
paper postage last year was $704.32.
It was not the intention of the Gov-
ernment lo abolish postage on news-
Mr. Carroll has given notice of an
inquiry whether the attention of the
Government hoe been called to Umbel.
that the postal tax bears heavily on
the newspapers, and whether it is the
intention ot the Government, in view
bf the growing eurplus aocuring to the
exchequer, and of the panoity of the
total revenue taken from this:service,
to amend the postal act so as to reduce
or suppreee the postage on newspapers.
The resolution which was intro-
duced into the House of Commons on
tbe 22nd of March by lir. Muloek, to
prevent abuse from the sub -letting of
Gomm's:tent ontracts and to secure
the pityment of such wages as are
generally accepted as current in each
trade for competent workmen on all
C4overnraent contritote, le not to be
allowed' to remain a dead letter. 31r.
D. J. O'Donoglitte of Toronto has hien
appointed to see flat the provisions
of the resolution are carried outeand
will enter upon bis dutien itamediate-
deepatch erom London, April 6,
says:—The War Office has recetved
the following despatch from Lord
Roberts, dated Bloemfontein, Thurs-
day, April 6:— f
"Methuen telegraphs from Boshof
in the Orange Free State, a little
north4ast of Kimberley) as follows :—
"Surrounded Gen. Villebois ektarettil
and a body of Beers to -day. None- es-
caped. Villebois and seven Boers kill-
ed, eight wounded, fifty prisoner&
"The attack lasted. four hours. The
oorps behaved very well. Our force
was composed! of Yeomanry, the Kiln -
beret), Mounted. Corps, and the Fourth
Battery of Attillery.
"Our lomes werer—Itilled, Capts.
Boyle and Willianue bothl of the Yea.
mattry, aud two men of the Yeomanry.
Wounded, about seven mene'
Volunteers SUrrounded the Enemy,
and all Surrendered.
A, despatch front London April 7,
some -There are two or three reports
regarding General, Methuen% success.
fut action . abtert nine mileit,
south-east. of Boshol, int which the
ly. volanteer mounted, troops won milt -
In the Private Bilis Committee the
bill to confer on the Commissioner of
Patents, power to relieve patentees
were considered, but wore adjourned
until after the amend reading of a
general which Mr. Fisher, Min-
ister of Agriculture, is preparing to
cover the whole question of extensiou
of patents after the 'expiration of the
usual time and to meet exceptiona/
eau. Hee said that he had not yet
fully thought out the bill, but read
the English petent act, under which
the 14 -year term may be extehdenaf-
ter investigation by the judicial Come
!rates. Sir Louis Davies suggested
thet the Fechequer Court might be
Oats—Stronger ; No. 2 white, 30 1-2e; substituted for the judical Conanalt.
No 3 white, 31o; No. 4 white, 29 We;
toe but Mr. Fisher replied that ho
No. 2 mixed, 28o; No. 3 mixed, 27 1-2e. had net yet fully thought out the
Itye—No. 1, in store, 64 1-2c. Flour— bah
Chicago, April 10,—Flaxseed—Closed ItIAILIWAY BILL.
--North-West and SoutheWest, caste Mr. Blair introdueed a bill to amend
$1.65 bid ; May, $1.65 bid; SPot, $1.20 the Railway Act. He explained that
bid; October, iti..15 1 2 to $2.16 asked. it provided &Meng other things, fOr
Duluth, Apri 10.-eWheet—No, /hard the exemption of atreet railways and
eash, 60 I-40' MO, 70 1-40; No. 1 Nor» eleetrie railvvaya, under certain condi-
thern, 67 lehr May, 68 1-4c; auly, dons, trent the operation of abate of
89 2-8e; Septeral;er, 681-2o; No• 2 Nor-. the diauSes of the General ItailWay
thern, 661.4o; No. 3 spring, 62 1-4c, Aot the bin also oontained a -clause
Minneapolis, Apcp — Wheat of kat year, providing thatl the' Rail -
1 C II u rt to that *ri the bill
0a.ta-231.2 to 2 e. orn-39o. stM ay n p rpo
elocied — No. 1 oethern April way Committee ef the Privy COMO)
66 1-843. mat, ea l'86' '1•13',• 67 may, On duo Application and on being
Lai to 67 1.4e; Sepaeuber, 135 1-4e; aatisfied that certain eon:Wrong exist,
tie lege ; No. 3 Northern, 01,taiie. • reeeived aid from the Federal or a
te Provide provincial aid for the estab. Natives. . * . . .. * 44
Provincial Government to locate its
Ilahtnent Of SanatOrin or consuniln °ver 6.$eata Of Val' , ,
arming her treatY rights. The Ore- tivea. It enables the Couttelle demo). Wbites, . . . + . . tot • station or stations at palette which in
abrogate treaties that were in Ione treetment of persons suffering from .-----ese.......... ,
sent, state of wat in Seta)) Africa, the thsa, eitieS, or towns separated from Natives. • • • . • • • 866 MAFEKING CASUALTIES. the judgment of the Itaileerty Cot:emit.
Total. . . . • . 1,414 ''. tee might be neeessary. The Mee -
Foreign Moister added, did not counties, to eetablish sanatoria for the , •1•001.6.
sporting troops; WOn.14 be nuttele ex -
tary approbation,
A Central New% correspondent tele-
grarar from [Reshot under date of
Friday, that ehe Boer force, number -
tog seventy men, andtcoraraanded by
Col, De. Vilbois .Mareuil, were mov-
ing afong the jacobsdal road,"threat-
ening the British flank. , They were
discovered Thursday, •but before they •
could be. attacked they had tanen a
strong position on kopje,
Gen, Methuen sent a flying column.
under COL Beekman, to attempt to
capture the position. The Kimberley
Light Horse outflanked the Boers,.
who were soon surrounded. Then the
Kiinberley troops eovered by the
shell fire of the Sktish artillery, ad-
vanced upon tbe kopje under a heavy
fire tram tee Boers, which compelled
a slow advance. The Yeomanry sup- .
ported the attack,
.After three hours end a half of ,
heavy fighting, the Boers raised a
white flag. The British moved for-
ward to reeeive their surrender, when
a number of the Boers fired a volley
at tbe Itimberley troops. A it/W. others
fired independently. They all event-
ually yielded.
They used soft-nesed and split -nos.
ed bullets. A mejority of the prisou-
ers twat:kers, butt there are Freriehe
men, Germans, end 'Hollanders among
them, .
prated monements and the noise cif
every ntglit.
• the tranwports going through almost
i Lord Roberta' des/xi-tele describing
RritiSh Were Remtned in by Settle
ed in the Dublin evening papers, and
the disaster at Iteddersburg•was priet-
April -7, sayse-atery little can •be. ad-
Queea's visit ao the greatiaade, of tit:
lereughpr the 'thp:ptuelitznwithovarqugk
potting rispectively disaater and: sue- war, and cast a sudden gloom over
,rtturday, I created general consternation, It
ded to Gen. Roberta' despatches re. tern
' tne gayety (of the party at the eastle.
A telegram from Norval's pont states
bees on April 6.
Iteciderebitrg were hemmed in by Sonut
that the British troops captured at
lave atentenet emu:teem Prisoners to
010080nd8 ot Boers, whd•are believed
ba. Sent Pecsnwttli.
to belong to Comnaandant °Uvula s A despatch freest London Hayst—in
further concerning the affair,
commando, buti there is nothtng
George W'yri d ham. Parliamentary
the nevem, of Contemn:4 to -day arr.
pont, dated •April says:—
Another despatch front Norval's
ing to a question relative to the Boer
Secretary of the War Office, reply.
"A, detachment: of Damara who e.ere prroliers at Simonstown, said the
proceeding hence' to Bloemfontein, are tie ths ashore far exceeded the deaths
reported to theve been netained at Ed- on hove ship.
enburg, about• fifteen miles south-,,aat Ita added that 2,000 additional Boer
of Itedderstittrg, tho Orange isree
Helena forthwith,
-prisoners would be deepatthed to St.
-4:if the: Irish •Pusilier.s oaptueed neer
a6Piddlae6ratbillivrigt; of the Deere in venous
diireetions iri) the neighbourhood of
Bloemfontein is evidently going to Um:treat thinter tteeetvox a Inn *Mos,
eause the British a great deal of trou- erom the War
bie until; or unless Genera Roberts is despate,h from lefontreat aays:—
able to deliver some telling blow. Mark Niforkinare the Montreal clothier
conaiderable lone ot Beers were
reported Thursday as moving South received ttlesaage informing him
ward through Thelat Ebbe. Probably that the British 'War Mee had ae.
i my, were the victors at Red:total:erg. repted hia tender for 80,000 greatcoata.
Others are eeported oa varitme sides The mail instruetions have arrived
of the eity, which, it is supposed, theY , with tbe eloth And sarapies, and the.
1 contraet provides that the goods shell
ttrlte6ttainalverilst,6 arc"matertalrelioborts Is re-: be delivered three moat)* After the
Onftalliting VnYttt of his arme (Mae. date ot the arrival of samplea aria in-
eumulating atepplies. but, says the core; atruotions to the Militia Depaatment
ttaott6"rted°fItOtr dtlietjelltrrIrInaitIreg riPilltette'llst171111nCtrit.naWdoar.kmett le also ordered to
awaited, end ;herein apparently is the make 20,000 jade:Ifs and 20,000 pelrel et
maio emote of the British immobilitY. Walsers ot kheki, mid the oloth le
ThegetteritI activity Of the prepare.' sent out end the *ample* &leo; in
does may, however, be gauged by the *settee to have theln done.
etetemelit that the troop* are having The ordere OtteaS largigy threUgh
t sometvlhat unetoy time, °wily to re. the influence of Lord Strethemia.
StAte, and despetehed to the assistance
:lure also proposed to enisure uniformity
before the outbreak of hostilities consumption. It provides for the mail- Anothee Liat Of Tsvelity.Nine
. In tho TWOS as reeptate al) railways
wider the legialative Authority of the
Portugal, in a spirit of loyalty and . agertient of the 'sanatoria by aboard
I t I
Maintaining the dtitiee of neutrality of not more than I ve trus ees. t Mac:
SAILED PON ST. HELENA. Reported. Parliament of Caned*, that is, rules
had commienteitted the feet to th; enable* intitlieilaalitiea to emelhine for ,kapsfah, from Eoneed, sayet.enn governing workratri employed On the
Transvaal end ell intereated Itartiee. 016 Inurse "tabli8btuff dzThatorla• mid Loss omor Prtiomvrt War Offiee, tetthilelies the folios line. Another Section provided for
The Mitaleter, ilreettektieloti, deolared and ant orietea the Lieuteriant.Goveree tent coo Towle additional. list, of eamualties at Wake torattel 4 t•ailway whioh bed received
v Ild the sequestretion of raileveys, thug to
emphaticaliy that the relations be- mein.Counell, to make a grant, not to A despateh ftom Cape T d t d a outbid:1y to OpeTatO not Merely a part
°Wilt a e Mg itue to Veheuary 28:--
tweett Great Britain and Portugal exeeed one-fifth of the sum expended
were unsurpestiably 'cordial and loyal. on ihe ?lite. and Tint Mat% than $40,000 Titeeday, ear: that Genera Crottje, tailed. . . . , • $ of its line, but the: whole of it.
td that with Ged'e helP thelati vela.. and Pietas art to be apred of by the other Boer prisoners sailed Tuesday Letisodag. . . .. . . , i
Tho hill 'was road tho Britt thee.
He rod Iced thtt thie waste pill toot. altogether for the PurPose• The Mtn Commandant Seigel& and it theimand Woetnied. , . 17
gons isnnid he neelnteitied ferever. PriWitiddl 004rd of dlill• evening for St. Helena.
D atha trot* enterie tev•sr Mr Piteeatriek introdued4 *bill to
meet' 1111,11111111 a II 11111111