HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-12, Page 3. . - I � ­­­ I I . . . I ____ __ __ --.---- ! - � - ,� -11.1 . ,-1 T:�', I --.;- I 1-1--1- 11 -1. _ 1. �.-i'�:_�l:lr:,:.L"1!11::111.:11"�ll,� - __ . I . ­­- ­ ,- ­. __ " , , ,----,.--- �,_=:�_: 1.: .... - ­_ ------ ------- -.-. __ __ -.-- --"-- ______b ­ ... . 1.17Z,_._ . �., -----1 _�! - . ­ - -­ -1 t 1� ­­-"___�.;;.�-,6�__ �____ - . --- - _ W"o and the proper flo,vor. Try V.P__ - - - I - �, !!= M ­­.. �- � I - he Pathless air . � . . - _W � *16"111111 '.1 11 through, tretiding t � I # the 1210 Ing roolk-0, and, see it It 111. �.' blobler CIS , III dossul, ,,w,,,, ou, Just right-,' Ad W to Moth '" t, alcolo and V1 ; 10 t the T� until Us came to , �� of rQuo, and he Home make ono iarve Shank ol beef, and -- I I OSING HIS PRAISES* , " Snk ...", I I . t's feet, well scraped and I I AT'L HgAvbw ww v,r .J URILE, R = of,tvg � AL L I I --- a them. on to bull in Sep- Girls naturally c.vav�i oympat,hy, and, e n conqueror. Is Pe _r - __ in order to ?i4tlsfy this longing, we % - � there (Lay 'gong more appropriate for _4441,1111, �, - - . arato vessels, using just enough Iva- � . � A Sabbath troijglat than this song of I . I . MOURNING ,falg SR&SONS. ter to cover the meat, Bell until tile have cur chum9. *)'.hors arla PaI0110 . rX% . 11 � _ . WiM Dr, Talmage Speaks of ' Our Jasnol Lot the passers-by In the Street � I . . meat; allpe from the bonds, lift Lite of ,,these doav ,,girltj,, that 'tome be- . hear It. Let the angels at God carry , Blossom$, Meet to. mourn the dead, Moot from the pot, drairlipl; it well. tweein them and th-Sr daughters, but I I . it amid tile thrones. Sound It out - ta . On elicit soasela's grave are spread; - mud Jay it on dishes to cool; act the . . . through the daricness. Jesus the night I Lilies white and ,rosep, red vessels with the liquor in which the allcAy Mo to tell you. mothers, that Saviour's Loveo I A 11 _ .1 $Ong, appropriate for any hours but �. O'er dead spring are canopied', pig's feet wore boi ed aside Until 00 tho matter lies In your liftnols. You . . .� . . . it Ia especially sweet, and beautiful, . �,14'6 Bases In their latest bloom next tlay4 or until cooled. hould be, our natural confidantes, and �% I sad blossed, on abatibatil night. . Dim , xen, golden Summer's tomb; t'at Ii,s at to take the bones from 'we long. to tell you our pla" and do - i , All Our Homes Should ChlMe With the Songs Of I- say once more, Vitriat IN the, ever- I I . '. . V 5, Stealthy showers of petals fall 4 I 6 fast, while they are yet es. -%,A3 not often come to you � I . lasting song. The very singers some. - - , - At still Autumn's funeral; , warla, Next morning skim the fat sire, Have , ..4 1. : I'll. Josuslool,.M. Cradle Song More Beautiful. -Death times got tired. The Strongest throats I .." But the darlings of the year . fro)a the liquor of the pig'a feet, and. b. -ea cWoked mt the very outset by I .. I - ��. , 1i . ire. which has now become a "tiff Jallyi Your in4if; rence, or lack. of oympa- . sometimes get weary, most mmay who Strew rude Winter's elepulet , . Is 0 ight 117� ater owliol, Cut the meat of the feet and the bee ,�, Bed ,Scene of a Little Qhildoloo-S60gs in the N sang very sweetly, do not sing now; "I �� �� . . Scarce a flower doth Wl! . out all (by 7 "Mother would only laugh at . � I b grace of God, we , � . ­ I Of four'oeasons be. alone Shia into small -pieces, . . e, got up and slug the . - Scarce a - istle and tough port leavingtho lat- well', or, 11X9 bpr wcialln't urder .taud, . . . I will after a Willi . � , . bad does tollim tolio- tons at if for All., ' . praises of (,,-briat where we will never I , Barren for the future's sake, 9torr. put in with the pig's foot jelly I apuldnit jbiluk of telling bar;" or,. I � . - aays:'Good�aight, papa; good-ntght, mam- be weary, You know there are some . . :: ;� -:1. I Well content to none possess.; and melt all together. "Why, iiiiia w,vuld be awfully angry . . �' " al�biugton .". . I I , . When it emes to a boil, add poppet, A despiatobi from lv� . ". t.. .. I.:,,, "'.,, I -faithfulness- , ..,.::. . �,�. And sweet violets ag a mite at 1. ", � ma.11 And then she was 9911401 It Wes songs that are especially appropriate '', . � at rue� and I'm not do! . N, . , ''. I I :.. .-Innocence- salt, one-half a teaspoonful ofgroand .�Theo Rev, Dr. Talrave preached from ,, good night" to pain, and "9004 night" for the home circle. They stir the soul. � ;, .. And white onowdrops .1". --- . - i �/, I . - ,� ,_ :--.::,, ly sampl,"s Of the ,� the following text; ,,The Lord is ray to tears, an4 "good night" to deatIll 'They start the tears. They turn the 1 .�,��,i - . .1 I ... Are Ia death his recompense; olQves,- and tile 0.mma of allspice. title harm." Tlao,ie are on . . m .. - � ght" to. earth; but it was heart in un* itself, and keep Sounding .., . �;.,', I 1 "�V;11 .. I I ;.�� ;,:� . atrongth and soug-'s-Ps,oxviLl. 14. and "good. at "', ! �- �4 .....,I,.. And these darlings of the year. well, and pour Into a mold, and when iao&wors yua would get, from girls if 4"' ' I . , , to Jesus -it was in ... . ,., ;', ;,��,­%_,­­­ ,:�..'L.�'.,!I� , , Strew rude Winter's Aupialchre. It is perfectly cold it caW be turned asked. owmhy they did not conilde In ..Who �x/, lrph� gut and cut into th!U,'f!rM 6111[365- - . Mont fascinating theme for a "good mornyug" after the tune has stopped, like so o ��_�, 11,1R,NL"\\"­ .k 0 � Kl�,,\ \ 'I - � � . . I 11 I beiart properly attuned is the fsavjiiiur. ,,good moriaLug" to heaven- I can cathedral bell, which long after the , I �,�.:,�%.-,:,,��Np I a their mothers, Just pause a Moment, , I . , I I has ceased, I U;R \ pon as . K ­ ,� W.I..".S Although this Is looked u die song tap of, the. brazen tongue I ...;, I ,\� !�.�,;,.,-"­--*.i;,K.�s SOUPS. rare delicacy for a luncheon dainty, imothars, anti mok yourselves if it Is . I There is elooisethl#g in the m9ming think of no ora ­ �4 ; � , I .. ), no . . E S Tj ,1;, keeps throbbing In the air, Well, It ," 11M,4� ! THAN J I - . Now is the time when I hot soup therelano reason why it should not not tr _ I .� � right tb suggest Him, a�.Ld something MORE BEAUTIFUL ill be a home song In heaven; 411 the � .,X�; 1� , &all, and a little often appear on. the daily bill ut fare . V� - - , ". - �, W ..::�' A, I . � ,�..� ,/) W,,�.';� welcome I , , in the even - speak His I, imext spaak of Christ as the old wester becauso those who sang with 11\\ I, . is a very and Tell Some Ono we must, however, so , . I its , .� 1\ �'R . as it is imally prepared, wbe� Him, mar0a song. Quick muslo lose$ us in the domestic circle on earth shall � .11"..'.1"N " forethought and care to making and, well cooked and spiced will keep for a we get a bosom frierld and pour lutg� I )praloe. The flower breathes L . ... W§ ,�, , . , t ',�,-.,, . : . % r the. aged ear. The, School- - ;1 � ,5:.... . <�:�"!-. I a , ng %*good stand-by her ears trolos of oar Irlersdah',ps, IQVes,, , the star ailines Him, the.6asoado pro- charm to' 3, sphottisolis. a - . join that great harmony . serving makes it a v luable, addition long time, maki . . ", " ... . ... Zi� . � for an ,,emerg 'or dinner or tea. I A � . girl asks tar i r a gloo, 11 Jerusalem, my happy. home, , ...,'. -Q,�,,­ to the, mid-day or evening meal, ,oney . � I I . ol4ima- Him, &II the voice$ Oft nature but bar grandmother asks LOT "BelerA a e �11"/,!�' ", , :. . � i . taspleaLlosis, and desires. She listens, . . . I . .r .4 -the "Portuguese HYmn." .0 labours have an and . --,11�-�--, ,� .. . . I entering into our very spirit. Therein. .1 I ." . . Wbateve I grand, ma" or When alkali my .,..-.-,,.'.��-111� I Soup to not only very nourishing, ,RY. , . � � but when. served. before the heartier , liloq,tbe secret of it all. It. alas were � . bright, � and beautiful, . it you only Fitty Years at 'trouble have tamed the - In joy and peace with Thee Ill . ., L " DON'TS" FOU THE NURSE . . . . , c. " �..... �,�' _. praise, So spirit, And the keys of the must . . . � 1� liate](1, tO, it, will speak His. The Christian singers, and, compos- I ,�,M.Z!�.�'*,..', _ _ ..,.,: instill acts ski a warmer of -and gentle Don't hang heavy curLains around oat eager and, enthusiastic, woo. would . board must hava, , soloniou tread, . , I . . . I � 10'. L - .1 1. me in the sum1wr era of all ages will be there to. Join, k, 1 .", I stimulant jo thp digestive apparatus. boby'a bed. The most that can be ell not be so rgad,�'to take her into our , I � now, when I co; �., � Though thei voice may be tremulus, so I I I . I I � . time and pluck a floweri 1, thinl0of in that song. Thomas Ilastingeir wilV I It . . . Some ,housekeepers .think it a gres& dured are'light Swiss draperies, and , ." . I I 1. , L ,_ that grandLather will not trust it in be there; Lowell Mason will be there; . � It i � a shou. Y week confidenoe. Our 44tle Secret$ are ,01 . . I and church, still he has the psalm -book k . " trouble too make and serve soups; Ion tbes 'd lie laundered ever I .i t 4, . o � . . I �, , � Him w!ho is "the rose at Sharon . d Mrt will 0,6 there; . 'Children need fresh air, especially no, .*Ulyll to Jim because ,she fully , , , � � I the, lily of the valley," When, I see open beicire him, and lie sings with his . 4 1 . 11 . . � . ' 'A thIs 1k a mistake. A little time, a soup when sleeping, and curtains prevent Sympathizes with is. We discuss all , soul; He hums his grandchild asleep. they who'scounded the cymbals and I kettle, something to put in it, and' I � I ' ­.. - 1. � in tile fields a lamb, I say:."Be"old . I I free oirouladon, while they collect manner of quo.illous, forming our op. � I ... . . with the same tune he sang p n the ancient temples � I . I . . � . . . . I .. the Lamb a God, that taketh dway years ago in the�old country meeting. will be there; .the forty thousand, � I considerable judgment is all that is dust, inioms,of right and wrong. � � I . . i ,� ­ Id -11 When, in Very' house. 8,mna day the choir slugo, a liarvers who, stood at the anoiont,de-, tl I necessary. If Lt Ia your busy, day, and Don't ptlace the baby's crib in a post- Thai's is' a serious draWback about . ­ I the sin of the wor project, tuna so old that the young people do diriation will be there; the ten hundred, � � � � . you "yeast time to prepare ',,much � Lion where the light wi.l. fall upon I . I . .. hot weather, I come under A I - . . ­ -,-a, nor In a draught. ' a obara, and 1L Iles eight here. . She I know it; but , starts the,tears sin V Will . .1 .. not sted on that des. . I's'l . . .. . Ing cliff. I say; . I down the cheek oil the aged man, forl goes that asoi . �. of a meal 11 then' make a dolLO10111 i I by's bed on ,the lacking experience like. ourselves, IS. I I be there. Patriarchs who tived' am4d ' . nourislAng soup, which will be a"din-; floor, The air near the floor is al- I . . . . l I . It reminds him a the revival scones In threohing-floors, ahe);iihards ' who "41 . I . ., I � "Book of Ages, cleft for me, I which he. once participated, an& oL the watched amid Chaldean hills, pro- . I ,I N . � n,Br'*Iu Itself." Being a,bousekeeper, ways draughty. not fitted to h Ip as sloolde on) right . I . . . Lot Me bide myself in Thee.' � .. v ol'oth- a4d m 14itsis is just where MO- ' � � , . radiant laces that long since went to pilots who walked with long beards . . u already have, Don't load a child with heav - . . . I Who "plane abead�ll YO d , fbors co,uld come to our aid if they . . . . I I . I Over the old-fashioned-pralpits there - dust and or.. the grey-haired minister and coarse apparel' pronotaiiobigi. woo a quart or more of good Soup. stock, . Ing, His garments, should be,warm, . . : . . . . was a scioundin -board. Tbe'voice of loanSidg-over the pulpit and sounding -agaw,t will . . . . . but light. . would. We don't 'want advice given . . I � _g ancient; abominations, I . I . I s , ­ the minister roe to ille Sounding- the good tidings of great joy. I iwas meet the mare. recent martyrs who ,,, I In the house, made possibly after this [ Don't neglect to air the bed -cloth- in ilia u.,oal way. our chum knows' - . . � , , . I . one Thanksgiving Day in my pulpit in went* up with ,. . . . . I . . rooelpt.: I . . � I Ing every day, and remenster that a too mac)m to.oL- r it in that wayl She I � , I I � ­ board, and then w.aa struck back algain. S . h -1- I - . . 40 . I . I � , yracusa, New York, and Rev. Daniel , r pounds of lean half hour's airing in the open air is, I I . . I Soup stook.-�-To ton 1ppin� In. a suggestion 0 1 , 1� I upon the ears of the people. And so, LEAPING COHORTS OF. FIRE. . . . . . . I . � � ­ -its as n n a 11.91.01111 Cc uo,.al, ., Waldo,-m-te-ainety-oight years of. age, .� "I equal to a whole InOrni 9's I � I I .L . and some will spoltIq of :the Jesus at I ... - I I beef, the Inferior parts are qu . ask her f� 8 of earth -, I ,,�,' I - quarts room., onoband. a WhIae... We finally .. , . the ten thousand. '#aloe s, r1s4 stood beside: me; I The. , choir sang a 1, I purpose, put loul � . I Ing uA find the heavens it sounding. tune. ,I said; I'lam sorry they so 9 whom they tprophesledi alart others of 9 *1 1:��Iptbt:,, 0 4 . I . �; Don't allow a child t' leep with am �pjnion. In rtplylug, tihe prinariesher � � that now, tune, nobody.goema to knu -died, .Ohl 11 V01111i a I , soft. is beat., wash Liar , . ��_, . =1 1,� 1111�1111`111, I�K�0 11 . "�",MNI . " I OW the Jesus for whom they, MOM, - I - ,� , " 2� 'M M " 2= "I, ,� 'M " " 2= "I ,� 'M " " N= ""I � = ", ,�, 1. I .. .1 . board, which strikes back' to the ear . t.11 "Blass you, my son," said the what a 43ongl It oarme tot, 1.)bn Upon � ­ M I... . . I meat and put it iii'Viiia Water without:'eldor person., even its own mother. Its ifilvloo WaLh 6 remark sinallar to LIAR. .. . 1 _.. . � - I ty years Pa'tmos;. it came to CalviA in the . I . salt; letAt coma slowly 1. io boiling rest ivill, be' lbss disturbed and. more "My �dear girl, yon -know iar VeLter . . I � I ''. of all the nations the praises of Christ. old man, "I heard that Seven I . - .`114, �)I�neficlal - alone. .. . :. . �, I .. . . ion; L� dropped ont John Knox: -in ver lace pleated Into the walst-lina. The sleeves point, skim well bef6rb the agitd.1- than I do.. You have dope all right, ": The heavens tell His glory, andl the ago.pl. . I . pru Gray cloth and Willie all -O . . Idd[ . - _ ...- . -.11 Thers she goes . I .. , .. �� ... I I . � a slight fuln"s,at the Shoulders of the water has broken the scum, I bu I think I would, .. , , I - handiwork. 'The Titers was a song. to -day that the fire; and sometimes that song has have . --r.--!!-, I . t ' .. I - . earth sbowis .His t6rucholl'the lips of the aged with holy camo to your ea,rs, perhaps, for I were combined for this. lovely kowli. I and are out to come Weill down over a fittle salt and a dassh 61 cold wa-1, % . . .1 .- on to tell tla What Shia would doA Nve � . I . :�, 1. : - thrills wit . . ml KAFF�111 WOX=T .-,.. , are as muzit above liattery as most 61 . . L . I Bible It. one great Story, of Lire, and.kindled a glory on their via- . really,do, think it Sometimes breaks The bodice Is cut with full fronts of the hands., Smart bows of.velvetxib- ter, to, assist. the scum to rise, ski 71, . . 1, . .:1 ...� . . . -of heaven. . . the . ' . cloth o -either side of a deep yoke hen f"ten together the fronts of the- again, set back and let itboll gently ., I - . A X�ca ilia 'human family, yet we like.to be . I . . . .� � � ,�� � � redempLion. Upon 'a blasted * and tax,, that our younger eyesight cannot Wer the battlements On � not The Kaffir women of South' 41 'I..- - .'', , , . I . cation I that runs d* n to the waist -line in gown. The Skirt is out with five gores oa oneL side or in one place, and ., . i0d. woo are d-ol g well, - . '.1 � I faded Paradise it poured the lighl; of des. It.was the song salvation. Jesus I wonder -and thist is a qu ow in Is n axe 'as noted for their efforts to be mmhiers�oai 16g ofyou to become , . . � . I . . � I , a glorious restoratiom, It looked up,,v Who �Od them - all their lives long; haveibeen, asking myself all'theoven- the form of a narrow vest entirely i and has a handsome scalloped tunic. all over * "the, pot should a I . at N otw .. � � 1: � 1at song? - Will covered with all-over lace. The back I The back is laid in. -the modish double Islug-b 11 'for six or eight hours, Until. beautiful.as arO their whita sisters of a. ,the , . . , I . ' J4asus, who wiped away theIr tears; ing-Will. you, sting I I . L ' ' . M . . ar- dhiana. DOn'L Object to . I . . I . �,_ . 032 Abraham from the ram caught In or sinsia axe ia .t .. I . � � the meat is In .rags, rapid bot Ing �thor and more civilized lands. They word, foe dWry girl knows Just what � 1. . , ' . .loans who stood beside them when I sing W Not, .unless a in one piece and has .I 6 fulness box -pleat. � . . . meat. and the . . . . I that. means it ,,as come to mean far . . I I . . . . I . . liv� � � . . this thicket. Lt. Spoke in the . bleat-: all e1e itailbol; .Jesus, in whose name pardoned, and we learst-now to s1hg. . I . . __ . . . hardens L the fiber of the � . in pay great . attention to beautifying , , , 1. . .. �� J . I I . - 11 % . I *down to, Jar- their marrigg . . rarso at Christ, will we* ever I sing � . - . __ ------I- savory flavorescapes, with the stear , . ' mora to us- than tl�o 'firLox- fp�nd. W6 1 . I . � .. ,� . . . Ing I . . I . . their bodies., They are gr E beco;��'6101c!Re � , of the berds driven, . e. was consecrated, and tit, a P a lirst great concert'that . . add a little popper, strain into iteitone I eat ath, are In great dangeT a, . I . 1��:. - ' red light . . � 'I die, but those oittint. the 'absinthe . I I I I : , i letes, and their iifs,in the open .air Ia our ideas. 'Our very - freedoin IS'.'"' ­ I . . � , usalem for slocritice. It Put' infinite whose resurrection has pan Lt there, TA jar, let it coal, and remove all 'the . � 1. . upon .the gr4ses at their departed, . k when . die first. Yet the vapor of � I I I � 1-1. . . . .lever attended was in Now Yorl LIT' F A . . - This stock will keep for Ong, and telling against us, Foece Won't win,. . :N__N­1 �, �� � , thost into the Speech of. uncouth .. SCOURG"j- Q.. ALCOHOLB . ! will . . an. Within grease Rev-' im physically' str 1. . " ; pill ; . Dot yon know met" said the whe to Jullien, in, the ­oCrystal,ll stood bew , . . . . : prussic acid will kill a m oral days in cold weather, and from makes the . our con e' con-fted. .. *1411.1 � I I . . I � I �.:.. lialtermen. It lifted Paul into thO her aged husband, who was dying, his fore hundrects of singers and hundreds . , . ! the last ton years the consumption of 1-t cold be me& many kinds, of . douP-� Wall formed , - Tbey qre. - piorticulur , down to our-level,an,q , . 1411�1 ' I �. .�t � . seventh heaven; and it broke 'upon the mind already gone out.' ,-He said "No." of'playeirs upon inMruraent94 some COMMITS .1V1ORE'kAVAGE, THAN FA- , absinthe has increased. to such ad ex- - .. --the e6ndit ion of their !�kin, You must come - . . . . I I , . . I . . I . . . 11 . I � . While the above makes a goodstook about enter into our thuuglits and syinpa- . I . . . _.­� . . - And, the son said; "Father, do you of yon may. remember. Lhat occasion', .:tent in France that five times hs . 11 . . . ._ . I I . � � I MINEP PLAGUE, OR 'VVA R. I . I courage us -a I . 1. . . _1-:. ear of St. John with the brazen trum : .11 ' . .. . I I. : much� alcohol is sad an excellent soup is tbe'result of cook- and daily.bathe and anoint the enti-re [ illes. En t tell you our - . . ...:. - - - I . . � u foot the manufac- Ing scraps of left -over ments, bones.' I hirles like plans, Discuss our frioudsWUh, us On - I � : . , : know mat" go said "No. Tile Lt was tile firs one ,of the kind, ,at . . .., I pet, and the doxology of the elders present . . . . -Ir- . I taft of the "green serpent".- as. was - 1. body, ma.ssri lug it until,it s � I I � .. - ., I ' ddughter,said: "Father, do youknoW whigh. I was ,, and I shall never .. I gains 9 I. . � I . . . ; .. - . 'loh,y - are plunals and wall . . . I �, .: ::;. - '.. alad the rushin wings of the serw' trimet" He, said �'No-" The,'* mini tor forget it. J i.,renriksm-no.it llrtsolost Facts sla"11.1-W-01,1,41iij I . etc. from beef, veal, mutton, out, levial, u.4ag your Last. to point:iiut' � � g . 'a sawAlrat one man stand- ad -ten years ago. I of till kinds, all the.uncookea ebony. I. I . . I I . . I . 1401.4how That A1011holIA11111 11; iiskereashk;; ' 'iTh,ough.alcobol is always a poison faw , tha.unde�4rabllity of cerLain lines .of .. . . � . � �.. � �:, � #,him. . 1. I _­ oe the Gospel standing by, said;"'D.o Ing, miod.,with the , hand and foot * - . . trallim. Hair - l'it may' be liarmless if't,akan in Ve-rY bones and,, gorapis .otherwise unused, -,juunded, and woolly 6f-.alandsome ry pa tiont wa th us. Let � - - ... ��� _L ai harmony; beating . fil 111pi Coblioutry sit, itia Atil . . action. Be ve I. * ., :! us until you'.get k0u* know Jesus 1". "Ohl yes,"' he said; wield that gre V, . . everything being avallable. save ,only bronze colot.- T 'feel yo apal.hy tlsrob� I . I . 1: , : . Instead of waiti . 1. , . Is .k Wally Iseligg small dos 'but the worst feature of. . he style: of dressing us -ur to" mad -syn . � .1111-11, . "I know .Him, 'chiet'among ten tboo- rwhelm- . Ni4slialitlY, 110 SOYA, . asi I . . . . , ..�. I �. I ,the time, .It was: to, me ove loppi)p1absted by '111 mutton fat. To such. savings. add 'a 'bing 'through all your Advice. . I . I . 1. I sick ano worn out *before you speak one altogether lovely.'?' Ing. . BuL, Ohl the grander seene--when pis Cfl18?4e--01oJ"`e1, its. ravages,is that.they are not al�- 'one or two the hair is nextin importance. Their - I I : I I ..;� . . . . gand, tile �. . . beef or.vroal bane, Or bi3th, � � . .1 -is not tha end WOrth'Striving for? : ...... 'I, I . the praise of. Christ, while.your heart - shall come tro the aj,at and tLessolis folit. IN. . � , I . . .; ways apparent 11 the French scientist , ox_tmi,Isl � a .7 - , ,ton ,kinky 'locks zroo, filled wi�ll 'a cla � ' � . . ,.� , . ­ - Blessed the Bible in which spectacled Lhey in ' .. , . . 1. ' piece of beef .or runit . . I I. 1. , I I I . ­;.'.. � ads the. promise, 111.wili from.-tht, wesTj and from the, north, ; T48 so a 6 It goes on to -say. "It . works silently, . , ' y you have ourbest interest's 0:,L.heart.' . .1 - � . � . 1-� is happiest, and yolur step i's lightest, old age , re . a rg .4f alcoho sin th from the -heck, ilia juiacest part of tile allotment by meansl of whZeli th y Xe- , . .1 . . I I . . I . I. t, 6 I 11 you faiil,-to itaLluence. U -i As -You . . I 11 I _ I . I ham, the toughP turn any pus ' - - I . '. I � , " . nd Your fortune smiles, and' your never iLorsake you." Blesserl'the staff .and frojil, ttfie,ortuth-"a gteati multi- the - civilized -. Such. is, the i slowly, in,such. a. way that 'a. man .animal, a blVof lean or. . ltion' desired Without. the milril, I � "I , . , 'a � . , _ . . world L., ! . . . hL. , YOU.ara�sa, cingrossed with so �. . . , . it on Which the worn Out pilgrim -totters iwile that. no.:iwan can number,"- into . . .may. beedind,alcoholic, without .ever parts of a7lowl; any one or m re, or, . , . the Work and - ' - . ,�. . 1. I , � . � ­ . pelihmay blossoms, an& the oversee - I � . �ayond astounding conclusion .'of a ' French . baving been warned by .any bf the I 0 use of pins oil other fastenings. The clat itinaLionso, (tress, or . . .I 1. .. . . . . ' on towards the. welcoine oi his'lle- the temple of the'. skies, hot b all'ito'cotribluation give theiir distine- . . . . I I . I ' ' management of: :the- home, that you ., . , :. , I Upon you their be t who 1- studied the history', polientimand bf drunkenness.. This is Live. results in varying degrees: c . n1L0 have no Linig..t& devote to the: study , . 1. Ing heavens;drop . . no- ritemerl Blessed. 'the hynin-book. in host, rank beyond rdnk,'galipry above scient'is L ' . I of hingle women'stxetch their hair.,! 4 1. I * I diction, speak the praises of* Jesus- Wh . k . , Ear pe for the last half cantury� . . to it th t I . . I . . I . . . . 11 . I . .. failin eyeel.- find Jesus, . i nation is 0011AWiOn an extra- . . . I - � I � ... I I � , ./ that greaT. Ifiost to- ndu 'the bar- 0 " .an alcoholizes himself. without . .. I .,. I - - ich the ialterin tongue and the gallery, and .Jesus shall filLand belo,ra 0 i what is ,called chronic alcoholism. strength and excellence. See a it peak'atAlle Lou at tile back of. tlie� ot our characters. . &rs. riot bur ,11v ' es� I . I.. I I I THE OLD GRBEl<.ORATO9S,- - Z . � - His own This M all ire thoroughly cleaned, before 'us- or ' it r(mains for weeks.in a of more consequence . than load . or . .. . . . . is w '� I knowing it. � He is certain that he Ing for butch 4, sts.,.j.het4d, whi a . . . . cc' P I . . , . E OLD MAN'S SONG. . many, WILli El d P, n n . He'takes ers, blocks, hand. . .. � train . a . ... . Ills wounded food could . I b of a ohol'yearly. -excess ' i . nd. - Th ion L ? I mc,iild not say. ono word ' ' :�, in 't- . : T4 . . Lik the voice of uantity .10 dross not indulge to - Are open to criticism. 1: Dolid mail . . e married � women . th I . . . . .1 against thi lailuenc.e. a mother ' . when they. Sam air audiences � I . . . . . h he -very Ii �,Oi,tjle,Froin�h people is hl� riparifive- innrlihig lind evening. Bonn anti split -pea. Soup -For your . twist'the frout hiiii: into -a fi, lngo of. blas over .hot . child. It , cun- ' . . � . I tentive, and slumbering, #aq one word Wheg my another had been. put'a-Way many watbrs. like the voice of Alig, ty T ­.- if . I . . I . I :. , , I I . I e� oulaiger;o the scion- soak a pint of beans or . . . . ' ice the. resurrection, we, *fhe children, thundering ��Jttriy giiball ciy:'."Worthy being sapped by th s' . At lunch and dinner he drinks.as much hearty soup. Waxed, but:mlght it not lie , , . I . . . I ith which they would rouge them up as be leels like,endh4 each meal with. split peas over -night rind cook to -m,1JIny. .curls by . inixing the hiiir with not be mell . I P Aw m . a, ,came; to the. old homestead, and each W the Lamb that was slain to'rec6lve List alfirms. But not alone Francs, he 'afternoon and even� �slay and then tWistinj it. between the incre�%sed? You Lliirsk th'-it we ,iihotild , . m . . - to the greatest enthuslas . In 01 one wanted to take. away a ineme0o blessing, and- riblies, and liontiur, and- . . I � pony. In the . . mash in .the morning'i rub* through a' . . . . . . .1 t ake ybiar,.' love . and* sympathy, Atok . . � ,�. : . � . midst a( theIr .. orations ,they .Would ot hir who had loved us so long. -and' glory, I and ' it withant end. says, but all Christendom is 'failing ing his takes tw:o,or three beers. 'and. . - -put * through a -potato- 66.1, iingers. These twists hank' thick,y . I .. . , power, worl I . ' the strainer, ox I � . -on We are pining,for some . : .. rathoulP and loved us so well,. I think I took away Anaeu, and amion."' Oh,' if my ear shali Or -BY to the ls6ourgei and he; brings a glass � of brandy. . Where is a . r, and thin to proper consistency ith' ' . grant,ad, wih . . I stop I harm? This, man is no,drun . wk 'down over the forebead, and realiy,de- OULward. expreissi6ia - at it. By - woolng, - � .. . . and'.cry out: "Ma the host Of all the membn,tos. ' ,kard; he en- stock.' If 11; -seems thin -thicken with -e . I . ' 4 .1 how many toolish, U . � I . . It heir no othar sounds, m4y I bearlhat. irlefs and figures to '1pFove his ease. joys tits respect of the'e6mmulaity. But .a little . . ` a �. I . I . . . - rve the name of fringe lookLog N cry . . . round glass her. glad assemblage a .flour, season with pepper, and I . I I . I . . I '. . . the people's enthusiasm wpuld be un was the old tashioned if I join no'cit Among the symptoms �of_the scourg some fine .day, suffering from insomnia is liked. i much lika the fringe of the Russian not Anluli trioendships you mightstoP.- , I . . I unded. My bearers, though YOU bpectaeles through. which she Used to E -join that. I . . � I . salt and a little thyme, if it . . . Ro1w rilany unhappy marriages. you . . I I . . . : y have been borne down wii;I4 sin, read her.Bibl.e, and I pat them on; ,I was re6dingl �hjs Afternoon*. at �Iie boo notes are au increase. in the hum- and gastric troubles, he goes to son- � Vegetable Soup. -Or, chop fine three poodle. � The - back hot), thosy dress in a might prevent. Girls J001ing the lack . . I I . . . . trouble, a -ad trial, and - f Bult his physician. The physician . . . . � . d ,thou . e, an& I I I . . potatoes,. one onion, one earrof line i var g . ' 1:6 listen' 11 I . �gh too old iorlm battle of Agincourt, ill which Henry. bor of suicides, of,the insane, and a . emptation May have come'upon YOU'. . I finds the cause of the 'trouble in a nip and axis tomato, With ' iety of ways, usin clay:always t6. o,f love in tile home axe ready . I I . . I I � I could not see - across the room, V, -figured; and, it, is said, after the e'riminals, Thass' general , signs of tur � adiffle the piofwseod love and admiration .. . . .1 at 'through them I could gas b I . moment by various symptoms. and. parsley or. sum - . � . I Vp . a. .. . I .. I . I . ... B . ask battle , was won­klowiously won- I -aighten out thei kaiks a d like' to. [r gentleman friends. So plea ' I � I ad you feel to -night hardly .like loak� , mar savory. Cook ufi_�'sti sa W up, me6inka there is one grand, degeneration be notes, along with te ' of, the! . to bhi . als bls,� astonished and indignant Lil. -done and add to threa �pirtts of!*tbew. straight, Young woman -.vear .. . . . . . I 1. 41, imperial Word that . , ldhood and f6rward to the hills the king wanted to. acknowledge'the ; I . I . . . Ing are .a low doulOaSt.rations Lhat . . 11 � .ought to of heaVen, whore the ankles1hat were 10 .. , more alarming evidences. such as thei pal-jeoiat that' he is alcobolized, ,This Roup -stock, Or try this. vegetable. soup - I . . . . I. ini Wine interpositiou, and 'he ordeied . .. . . ' only. bands and beaded ornaments, character. Ili. forgotten, and they sell '.. I . . your soul to .I � the way -it goes With thousands upon without stock: Three onions, tbreo'bar- I I . . .1 . . nite rejoicing, . � I . . I . . . I _ , , . ��� d hat word'is Jesus. .Caking the 'but thesti are iluiteporofuse. .Theonjy thermelves, for endearmarats, only to - , I ,_ e stiff with ago have become limber the ollaplaiii to road this, Falames *of decrease in the number of births and W, labo , L , . . t again,,and the spirit with restored a hen he camelo the wordst in thi stature of adults Ia partieular. thousands ' of busines� men and r- rots, three turnips, one imall eabbagoi .. these things - . I I .1 . I , ,. 7 uggestion of the text, I shall speak . . Ye- Da.vid; and w . I sea. Unconscious of' their gradual one pint tomatoes; -ollop all the vege- 8emblances at garmen.Ls are a. shoi . -t find litLer ,mit rri age tbat: "to light I � . sight, stands in rapt exultation, cry. "Not iinto us, -all Lord, -but unto Thy . . . cease. They tire then left .. 11.1.1 a you of Christ our Song. . Ing: "Thislet heavoill" , 8- loealities,whero, alcoholism has attack- ruln, thiy tic change their -organism tables oes very fine e and a cheat PrOtect0r, the terrible battle of life:a1drid, hinde I I I . . . I remember, in the first polacel, that, I . name )is *the �oraiss," the. king di ad the people or,whole sections. that it becomes the easy'proy of all- have .ready in a porcelain kettle three � . . ,. . eVadle, song, � , . But � I - Alcohol as- u . .. The gauge or. bf,iintY is Piumpness. The emsirrither than belped .by their hu I s- . ' ' .1 . I , , - I speak to.you'agailn of Jesus mounted, and all the cavalry dis- . Is hilermined quarts boiling water, Out in all ex-, plumper ,the girl the more beilatiful bands.'. . - I . Christ ought to be the as the night ;3dug. Xob 'speaks of Min . shudder at the long list of the diseases. � I .1 . . I What our mothers Song to us ften . . ,mounted, andi all the great host 69 , "We � . their constitution's so that. at. the cept cabbage. and: tomatoes and slux-1 she is considered and tho� more, valum .1 . . . . . i , I .1 who giveth songs in-tIge uight.'John Officers and 'men throw themselves dead and wounded in. South African I . . I As, the husband. is, the wife is I .. 11 . ­ . � 11 I $lisp is singing yet. Welch,'the­old Scotch ministe .. . .. . ... - east shook they' fall to ear.th. � mar for half' an hour,' th;u add thro; able she.1a.- to her parents, lot, her '- thou art inated with. a clown,' . . � I We may t, used on. their faces. . . . I . I I . have forgotten Lhe,words, to put a plaid across his bed on cold .. battles," he Says- "As we read the ac� t chopped cabbage and .tomatoes, the to -i admirer 'pays "lobolo,*' or it sort of And, ilia grossness Of It. � , . . Saviour.s . I . ­ . H S A MAN, is. no,ture Will . � , . � I - but they went into the fibre of. our nights, and .some and asked him why 1. Ohl at the story: of the, I � I I counts .of the ., ravages 69 ffitiallae, I . .. I 1 . I matoes . ,previously stewed, also a ;dot, for. her, a . . -hi,avo Weight, to dra-g thee down, . I . . . .Bout, and will for ever ba'a part ol'it. ove and thei"S;iviour's deliverance, I Ph$slolang tell us precisely how bunch of Sweet herbs. Let soup boil, . nd. the &eafer tile . . I . . he put that thero., He sruld: , cholera, We are shocked at the " beauty the ore cattle he wil ' . He will hold thea, wh�d- his passion, U is not so muoh what you formally " Ohl ,hall we tact lves be- Plaglas . I 116ohoi acts on the System. Almost for twenty minutes, strain through , I I pay . . , 1. I � . I sometliaes in the night I'want to sink fore himl to -night, h -number of human n I a he vegetables . .1 ki I .1 . . I � i For financial reasons, therefore, girl �biall iopant its: novel, fares . teach your children as what yousin.g osts of heaven, beings: . taken UA- that marine L it a swallow' a it inakes. sieve, . rubbing ' all t ian Ill -s dog, a III:-. I I I to 1henri A hymn his -wings and .the, praises of Jesus, and. I got down failing upon our faces, and. crying: timely from.'aafth . But to�day there its way through the. .voins of the through. Take two tablespoons of best - babies are more to, be desired than Something better tl I . . I . , and pray. Then I just take that plaid "Not unto Ais -not unto, us, but unto . slain � a i ila dearer than his horse." , . . I . I . I -can fly every wohithek. lone hundred . . is a 'scourge fat-more.inimical ,to the ach Into the blood which it dark- butter and One of flour 'and .beat to a boysi nd the . more i girls it � mother . I . � . I land fifty years after You tire dead, and wrap it around me. to keep -myself Thy names beothe glory." - . . I afis. Its action is, imlediate Lor it soup. to haso 'the prouder. she is. Girls are more Do nuot.say, mothays, that we should � I � and "Old mortality," has wbruputtlis from the told." Songs of the night I . I . an war or pas ' ,cream. .NOW pepper and salt give you,our confidence unuought. Can- � I I ,� . . h til- no'tran on other reason . . . . . �. nations of earth t. has undergone siormati ' - It taste and add. -a teaspoon of White � dosirable'than boys for an . . , I . . . ' 11 I 11 . I . . .Ohisel in re-outting.your name on the Night of trouble has come down, on . :. NO ..' . ofmoder ' I tidence begets oonildence. Confide in ­ I once. This scourge n society passes away very slowly through the sagg�, a half cup' of sweet cream if, -the. women do all the work. Men are I . � 1. I . I tombstone, your great grand-chil- many of you. commercial losses .put QTIEER ' ' Us mad allo(W us to cohflae� in you un- I .. . � out one star. . glanderous abuse put . NAMES FOR. CHILDREN. is one of the costs of the extreme skin, lungs and. kidneys, which are ir, you have it and last stir in the butter �.expected only ,to go to war, hunt, and checked, Do no,,. let pride or insilLer- : , . . ,dren will be Singing the song ,which 'bereave- Thousahlids at ,people ritated by- its passage. .. . Once it has and flour; lot it, boil up -and, it ,Is enjoy themselves, While- 4 the women . ., . this afternoon you ,sang to your lit- out anothaf.0ar, Dbomestio . I I , 90 through civilization of our day. It does not been introduced into the body it per- ready for the table, : I gather- in the crops and manufacture ence prevent you, for it is so import- I I . I . ment has put out a thousand likhts; life , cherishiag � I .,� I ' - a."grudge" against kill its victims in. battle array, nor aul., We are. really afraid of our mo- . � .. tic ones gathered about your lines. 'and gloom has.bii6n added to gloom, there pa Lorms its deadly work. - The diges- if soup is to be the "first course 111, wait Upon them, till the ground, thers, so the rldvance, must be from -, . . .. . .� . . 'There is a place Ili Switzerland wherel , I renus lor giving thoult absurd does it do its work amid the long lines Live apparatus is the Arst point of at- only, then make it clear and light and . . . . . � y utter your voice, and chill to chill, and sting to sting, or incongruous names. The Lansion . . everything in the way of homekeepi ing your side, Tako the place of our , . . I I . if you distincitl seemed t rners that stretch out their. task. The stomach, whether bloated serve only a small portion, and in utensils. . They dig the ore out oftlie chums and g1tide. us Shloothl I . I - :1. � . sit tell or fifteen'dis- and one midnight has a bar- Chronicle has collected several in- Of MOU � y over I . . . � there come bti, es lit cities ravaged by the by taking or shrunk by brandy soup cups it you have them, if not ground and smelt it. In oases of war tho-rarigh places.' . . . . I . I . I ! row the fold from another midnight Stances where there seems to ,be dark till rl or "I soon becomes ulcerated, coffs6 cups will answer very well. botween tribes, the women are always' L, R � I I 1. tinct echoes. And every, Christian . . I d rkin I iviere, Man,'. I I , 6 more uitbearabliri ground though . its action ristuallog g� Digestion be- The following soups a,ro easily made I saved and become tile wives of the � . ' song sang by -a mother in,'tbo ear of to wrap it elf In for illegitimate grievance.. plague. , But hemorrhages. h I I I... I .her child, shall have ,ton thousand darkness. I . .. IL is little -wonder that a demure and 1,. not so , noticeable it is 'all the comes more di,ficult, for the gastric and are delicious,: I conquerors and their descendants are . . - I I., I . . I I I � '. I . . I echoes back, from all the gates of . Songs in the night I Songs Jn the pretty girl in m.nortih London sub- more deadly: . Silent; constant, it juices are diminished in quantity by . Cream .of Celery Soup. -Boll twelve accounted 'as belonging o The I DOORSTOOP ' .1 � I . . � . . . . . I . -hot pillow,no one tb put a,n,swer to tile L . .os of theo conquerors. In this -1. ,heaven. � Ohl if mothers only. knew I night I'Por tilt! Sick, who have no one urb� feels. resentful when she, has to works on unceasingly. The evil theltaralyzing of the gland& - stalks of celery out in small pieces, I trR way GARDENING. - I � - . . ll, 'how to turn the name 61 llu�Ybody, gnm,�vs at the body social like a cancer "The liver becomes congested . and in throe pint8. of water 'for half an, the tribes ,ire becoming fewer each I I . . the taper on the stand, no one to put . . so r $10 to. $300 are now,'madco by city . . I out the ch hp from gathered, and all our homes would ice on 'the temples, o'r pour . of a race, fifteen years ago; and among reetly to .the source of life itseff. This fat.ty degeneration of the liver. Some- blades of mace, "and paset through a . I I I the power of t n investments ranging all 'the ,way muoh oftener the little ones would be give , to her in'llonoi bifl the'winner that works its way certainly and di- swollen, heavy mud pain,al. This is hour. Add halt an onion and twoiyetir, for they at, . ,. I . .chime with the, songs -of Jesus.. soothing anodyne, or utter one elieer- the ,names registered. at Somerset scourge. is, � none other than alcohol- times the liver shrivels up and is cov'­ sieve. Mix one tablespoonful offlour every harvest time, tak,ng away the residents for the purpose of decorating I . me ocitinteracitin, itkilu- ful word., Songs in the nig4t I For the. House irb, 1898 are Alit% auck Graeae and ism.o . . . rops, Cottle, goats, 'and Women after Cho exterior 'f their home with-,orna- I ; ,. . We want Sam g . I . ared.lovith a hard, stony tissue. This and a heaping tablespoonful of but- a Ing off all the nien. . I I . 0 . . w ence .upon our children. The very poor who freeze in the winter's cold, Nun Nietr,'whiah are innocently borne , , is cirrhosis. The taste changes very ter-, add to the soup, with a pint Of killi .. ­ I . . .. . . taqtital greenery. .This fashion comes . 1. . child steps into the and swelter In the summer's heat,and by two little girls who ,may% And them . FRANCE'S IMMENSE uSE OF early, leading to all kinds at aberrit- milk, and salt and popper to taste. A ' : , 11 : . from Italy and Vr&xxeo where, sin a . . � moment your . . � � �. - . 0 ; . � treat 'he steps Into the Path of temp- munch the hard crusts that bleed tba embarrassi-ng. fifteen 'years hence. I � ALCOHOL. I tions. When an old absinthe drinker cupful of cream added just. before, . . ; ' 11 'shiver under blankets . � HER. TWO STE PbAUGUTERS, I I tation. There axe foul-mouthed �Bors gums, and _ The appalliag name of Wellington , . was put on a milk diet in the hospital serving makes a great improveirconti I . time Immemorial, it. has been the ous- . I . Retail your that cannot any' longer be patched, Wolseley Robert"910 bolens by a young France, says this Frenchman, is children that would like to b sovely ajilloted with the scourge. Ia he complaineA that the milk burned Crea4n of Corn Soup. -To eAcih quart I The poor queen regent of Spain hr tom to embowbr ,the entraisces at the' . . I . little ones. It will not do to keep and tremble because rettit-day it; come, main who,.In disposition�aud_appear- his throat. lie lianaged to got some 'of earn, out from the cob, or canned . I Your boys and igirls in the houelro,.and and they may be set out on the alde� stories, is anyl.hing but mflitant� andt as 1898, he. points out, the French people pare a slut a,. which he Swallowed, 6orn, add s three pints of water. Boil '.having a hired time. trying to, marry great houties of Rome, Paris, &a., in, . . 1. . m useplaints; they must walk; and looking into the starved little likely to win fa,me an the' batile- consumed more than fifty-throP. mill- 'Off her two Rterodangliters. The elder -sheubberY, clipped and grown and.pot- . I . . have fresh air and exercise. God face of the abild, and seeing -fanoluo r Wet- Ion gallons of alcohol Ili the form of clalmin th t it rei.reshed and,cooled until tender, and then add two ounces ' of As' test .' bi tubs f r the special purpose. , I field .its his predecessors, Arthu . is bitters and aperitives. , This, his throat wonder,ully. The ciraula� of.butter that has been well mixed, Maria de lag Mercedes, Princess - to Ig .. save your childfon from the seething, there, and death .there, coining home le_qle� Wellington NViLterlort Cox and "quark , Lori system is no less alfected. 'The with one tablespoonful of flour. Boil. turlas, lef nearly 96 Years old, and as (it thro.illoid. emb 111ahnient. I . I I 0 was an average Qf nina pinti foreach I )�11 . Scalding, blastitag, damning influence from the bakery, and saying in th 'Napoleon the Great Eager. artaries become hard and brittle. As- for fiftden minutes nore; season to her little, brother, the king, enjoys' English ivy, Ittillan laurel, pori;Vet- ----,' -'._'__ a the street. I know .of AO counter- presence of the liftld famished ones: Eveill these names, iflappropriate as inhabitant of France - men, women oidentS L which would normally a',fect taste, and just before serving, add a _ . . influence but the power Of " 0 my God, flour has gone qp Ill Yet they, may be, are to be preferred to and chil4ren. !t !a calculated that only the aged seriously strike down berspittog cupful of whipped cream. anything but robust health, she may dwart cedar, Canadian .Spruces Eng- I . till I three-quarters. of this alcohol is 00n- -Add to m. some day become the reigning queen Lish. yew or hawthorn and Dutch box . I Z1.9tian. culture and exam�lc- Hold songs in the night I 1. Roger the Ass, Anna Domini'Davies young 116oholized persons. The irri- Cream of Tomato Soup. . I , before your .little ones ' . . SONGS IX THE NIGHT f . and Boadicea Britsbeir. . I sum -ad by 6no-tenth of the Inhabitantsy tation oL the lungs produces it dry pint of writer ten medium-sized or ono of Spain, Eligible husbands of ilia are-sorne of the most popular andi ser� . I . I TAB PUR2 LIM OF JESUS, .War the widow who goes to get the To paretits of large families the od- go( that one out of every ten* French- cough, tending directly. toward Limber- quart of canned tomatoes, it te . I Lot that name be the worst that shall back pay of her husband slain by the ven(t at another child to not always men drinks. two ,hundred pints of ouloals. The kidneys, worn out by tul of sugar, three dr four whole cloves, Catholic faith are not, very numerous Oceablo Shrubs for doorstop use just . . exercise evil,from their hearts. Give sharpshooters, and knows it is the last weloolms, but it is scarcely kind to brandy each year, or eleven ponies ion oi alcohol, become a alice of onion and a little parsley, now in Europe. ira,41do the glass storm doors or out - to your Instruetion-all the fascination help she shall have, moving otlt of make tbo unexpected child bear a every day. In. this estimate no ac- in � n f he S ee I � count is taken of the alcohol contain-. ,�Aamme,d leading to Bright's disease and boil fifteen or twenty minutes. During the month of October Henri t4de itin tho. stt,ue landi g a t tr t . . � . ) other Id at music, morning, noon, and night, a comfortable home In desolation; to,ken of disapproval, It must be CL ey a4ection. . .� Add a small* tettsp000nfill of soda, and d'Orlertus presented. himself at San .�3toops, lklop-headedItalian laurel, tro,,!s I . a -g. This death turning back from the exhaust rather terrible to go through life, for ad in lighter liquors, such as wine. "The worst . troubles resulting from In,ta few moments strain, Thicken one . . 1, I . Lot it be Jesus the cradle Elul a cheek, and the exempts, as Nolt 'Wanted James, older, beer, &o, It this be considered alcohol's abuse are those ol. the ner. quart of milk with a large tablespoon- Sebastian as a candidate for marrige, are the mo,t expensive in this kind of . . I . I I . to important If your children grou Ing cough, and the pali u'V, but perhaps they may not. Theit lustraless eye, and refusing all to- What Another, Only V ancy William the average vonsumption of alcohol in vous system, weakening. of memory, ful. of corristarch, stirring and boiling After a three days' trial, he was giv. verdure, for a good healthy pair co,it I . . gat=,may be aort, -Jesus MOY list. N.'et songs In the nightl Songs In Brown, or evem als Last �of `Zml Harper, all forms rWo to twenty-eight pints nightmares, visions of Impossible ani- for ten minutes. Add to this a little on to understand that his presence on oil the way from OD lo, 0250. Vine . . e ng that obild. Thou there the night I For the Soldier in the field or Still Another Hewitt. And yet of. alcohol instead of -nine. This mals, hallucinations, general paraly- salt, asprinkling of cayoune popper, I the other side of the Pyrenees was ,peclme,ns of ii,nglish yow come next ill . . tremendous tionsteraptionof *alcohol is I i it heaping tablespoonful of buttorand will be a soundless step in.the dwell. hospital; no surgeon to bind ese axe all names which th"Oollsit developed only within a ew sis, Insanity. Delirium tromew desirable. When, a few days ago,the ca,timation, while a richly leafed and Ing, and the youthful pulse will begin gun -short fracture, no water for the caprice of pareints has imposed On In 1851 the consumption wag but three threatens every alcoholic patient. �Tho- the mixture of tomatoes, allowing the I quaintly Axape I I p-ilt, of lititch, hos I . I - .. ��_ A . to flutter, and little hand's will be hot lips, no kind hand to brush away innocent. children. pints per capita. littlest intelligence is soon destroyedby whole to become thoroughly boated -prince, regent of Brunswick took the hwilies are woudorJully ornamental, . I - lifted for help. You cannot help' the flies from the fresh wound, no one . ­ this poison. Superior talents are through, but not to boil. I - - - -- . . Order of the Black Eagle to the lit- ,,turdy and valuml)14�. Plaill, green- � and a great agony will pinch your to take the loving farewell; the . "What thin is alcoholistoll" this drowned in the bottle -op Potato Soup. -Boil and mash In two tic king of Spain as a giff from the pointed boxea or t.Vlis give the pro- , heart, and the cradle will be empty, groaning of others poured into his . SXIRT NOTES. . scientist asks. "Alcoholism is not Ton PaTIN Op NORMANDY. quarts of water four large potatoes, par foothold, to any of t1_,_-�!o's4PecioA Of . I .1 ty, and own groan; the blasphemy of others drunkenness, nor does alcoholism ro- a small onion, t" stalks of salary, German.emperor, he %van accompanied now (lit, briv-a4wd'o . start the nursery will be emp irit -, the son- n of race do- and a sprig of paralsk. When done -by 1118 oldest, son, Prince Frederick "' t1be world will be empt Your ploughing up his own ap A variety of handsome skirts. are to suit from a moderate use of ferment- Taking up ilia questio - on t"Ong I ,% �y, and . prin but t ed beverages, In attempting to prove generation, the French solgintist states pabs through a sieve. Return to the Henry, Thri queen and her stopilaugh. ppizi m fro.ih oli- I No little feet densest bitterness of dying iaway from be fashionable this B go bees, everg,re , �eall 'a soul will be empty. . too much th,6ra Lit danger of proving that alcoholism is d6popiLlating Nor- firs, season with salt, pepper and two ters made much of the young prince, dom'o �y , traae,an, importing from .., � i, No toys scatter- home among strangers. Yet songs In are three styles which will in all prob- li'�tussi r f a c , ,'rigland Lima met- . standing on the stairs mandy. - . - who, is a broth of a boy, with a f rank Italy I one "list J, . . - let. Net ht I " Ob 11 orninent. They nothing. Tho man who drinks a few noroas tablespoonfuls pf butter, rub lowe� � at be. fully (-Jofi,�Pllod old I . ed on the carp quick following the night I Songs in the nig ability be the most pr he says, "shown the 0 Into adessertapoonfal of flour. And pleasant face and affablp anti fr0rin roOnIt to m. No strange said one dying soldier, " tell my ploti. are the single. box -pleat, the double glasses of wine, beer or older with his , "Normaddr," inarble vavee; tW glo�ifletl illpliteenth ' A questions. No upturned face, 'or that last night there wets not one box -pleat, and the tucked skirt. dinner, the convalescent who uses territle effects of alcoholism morei Zeep In mind those things If you matiners. The usually rather cold 4 wine as a touts cannot be included strikingly than any other place on the would strengthen Your reputation ' pc5pulation of Madrid waxed entbuill- century gardens once. with laughing blua eyes, come, for a : cloud between, iny Soul and Jesus." These skirts will be, unfortunately, li,�arly ill tile ,spring the owartly . MRS. But Only it grave, and a. wreath Sougs in the night I Songs In the rather more expensive than the plain among those subject to alcoholism Al- globs. , Ruin and poverty rule In a souO maker: Xaver serve a �, astle whatever the GarMan princes kept city houqo will, (ligplay a brace of cabalism, then, Is the abuse of ftico-� many districts,. No more older is to soup. Strain your soup and let showed themselves. If it were not . of white blossoms on the top of it., aria night i . � . skirts used lasL year, as they require be Lound in the saloons; nothing but stand over night, when all the 'ivet or prettily blooming haw- , desolation, alld a 191911111119 at We. sing Ills birib, the barn that more material and trimmings hot.,, fat may that lit is Protestant Prince Freder- Ciro P1 � bitter ' The )UU9 cheap brandy is called for. When a be easily removed. If you are In it iolk Henry might beeoline, the husband t1lora, bu.4hea in green tubs, while pot$ nightfall, with no one to put to bed, sheltered Him, the, mother that buts'- new tucked rikirt, In order to be sue- IALCOHOLIS EFFECT ON I man goes to market he asks for four h and of the Princess of Asturias, but it !�: oin the Stone po-sts or rough green pat- I 11 � � and a grave, and ad Him, the uattlis that fall beside cessful, must be very carefully made ANIMALS. . tburrypfor your soup, skim it Wall . . and a Wet Pillow; . o0onts" worth of coffee and twenty ,e Las a blotting or, wrapping Pa- not likely that Emperor William Would iory arroo filled withAwarf codara and it Wreath of white, blossoms Ellim, this arigol that woke up the shop- and baugg beat over, m drop skirt of - Dumb animals are quickly killed by cents' worth of brandy. when he per over It tor take up tevAlining par- allow his cousin to change his relf- at tho ba.-,ies of these Scarlet gor4al- , top of it. The 11cov,clily, Shepherd hords, shaking light over the midnight silk. Insteadof being gored, this skirt alcohol. Forty-five grammes of 41- has time and money he will drink t1cleo, � I gion. I urns bloont, In the lower windows Will take that Immit -safely anyhow, hills. We sing his ministry: the tears Is now Lacked to tile figure, to about Cobol injected Into an eight pound twenty or thirty cups of coffee, ac. If.you want good seasonings, raise 6 . Ilausixo1nely tiled window boxeso ot . � . ,whether you have been faithful or U31- M w10d away from tha eyes Of the mid -skirt, when all the fulness falls rabbit will kill It at once, The Ger- 'companiod by mixed drinks without your own thyme, summer savory, mar- . geran.laras and green vino,s are ser, . faithful; but would it not have been orphans; fbt lame men that forgot In rich folds to the fdob We cannot man tloil of Wines" added to some for. number, The woman of Normandy jorgm, � . 11AUDLIKey 09 RAIN. atid i4tich an exterior decoration eosts . . pUtill,intot if you could have heard their gage, chervil ditid tarragon. I " I OrUtC ; the darmsel Who from thd say that even this skirt In very grace* merited beverages, kills a dog weigh- drink even more than the men. The These will grow In the garden through % 'The English government ads recent. the owner f,'SD or $76. In the autumn . from those lips the praises or Chriatt Mar boon ed out Into the sunlight, ful, but it mhows, that skirts are hot. Wig twenty-two pounds, If Injected grocei, vegetable dealer and chaircoal the. summer, and Many of them, with laurel treeg In tub.; replace the privet , . :ng more beauti- her looks a akitig down over tilt flusb� ginning to tbink of !noreaning in ly prohibited In India tile petuliar h4f- until th6re, is danger of a heavy frwtt, I i never read anythl only to the extent of an ounce. The vender olfer brandy as all Inducement cars, can be raised, In tile, house d me called 11 11mrso, ka satta 11, wilfoh Ole laurel dieq not often N0,01- . t ful than this about a child's departure, ed cheek;, he hungry thousands Who width, w1iich will be o: real boon to "fine, champagnes0l are reinforced by to 'lady* customers. When tha �vo- through the winter. 4TTIA'aarriO eautoOt be Play"t except ort and then eonto a Couple of foew or I I The account said she folded her hands, broke the read as it blo8somed irktd tilese, ladiet; who have always object- adotle, 1§dIpburlso and hydrochloric men go to work they take along tlasks, Do sure your draokdrs ttres briall that when Lt rains, for, In fatt, it cofini0d i4x,sideid bax pyramids or handsomely kissed her motb6r gooa.-bye, sang larger loaveg--that mtrabliti by which 6d � to, the tight skirt, aelds. Easenoo of cognac gives a de- which they Jill and empty sovoirit you serve with the sou . of betting on the date of rain, and tho, It Is said that tile umbrella skirt 1101OUS poefuntis, to brandy, only OU6 times a day. To simplify the tooking Always lame cold writer in making ahapedr fiterlple Pollited yewn, atid thii 11 I 0 bet bymn, "turned bar face to the a boy with five loaves and two fishris d uantity that may d6gond from tho, wall',' said her little OVATArio and then became a sutler for a Whole arltay, We will also return to fashion. It fil made huzldftd Or Ono hundred and fifty they take a pint or so oA brandy an mit soups. window boxes are OtarMand roplant- , 4&d. sing Hie sorrows, Ilia Atione-bralsed of several gored widths, each seam grammes being used for two hundred pat it fow crumbs of bread In it and with a %sles. on all the ortleos, or 11.0tans," ect wfth: little pines and ofurdy r,;pruee . " Havel a good soup kiottlt its they are C4316 In India, there ire . On are not It cover. certain tubA Introdu a Which have it no ricbe,.;t ivy. The repit of ;ill this . I ON If I otiald, Igathbr UP In 604 febt, His aching heart, His mountain being markod by moord, or Rome oth and fifty gallons, but one-hundredth call this soup. Tho childr T and ced,ir weIt tedde.4 and d raped wil Ii .1, . I '. .. 1parsgraph th46 last Word$ Of the IttI6 loneliness His 4emert hunger, Ills storm or kind of trimming, ,%a you see, we Of ft gramme Injected into a guinea. spared. Varly they are taught to 171 mrvi6 'All soup,% hot, 0 ­ , .11 - all these pelted body 66 eternity of anguish shall soon be 016 to walk oagily again perpendicular pips In, their colitres . q4tis Who h6ve gone out from Dig will kill it In tell minutes, Those drink like men. They go to the Mitay add orcutous or noodb�x to .� i,q to tako in no ,small degree from I . obristirlu birdis and it I could plo. that shot through his lost m6montA though, let us hope, not in the dth- liq 1, tho VItio being providAd with equaf the stony hardne,sq Inc] monotony of . . I folded and the ImmeasureLble mean of torrent latle style of 06 shdrt-Wrt6d girl . noes called aperitivea require ape. saloons with their parents and drink heir soup. divinion marks or notches. The point clo,e-,sAt. reqfdotieo streets, and against turis the calm looks, mud thdi 61al mention, Vermouth and bit. brandy an the chief part of their .1-1-4 . . h 2d and the sweet dopottaroi me- tba,t heaved up, a9dinst Ilia dross, In of 0. couPle Of Years ago ' r Of the 96111618 to d6hWMIZA In advance tile new hou,�cq or eroani. briek, gray 11 "' to 6`1 ' - the Writer arty$. are rill made ot metals. The results a a diminution In tbl Its cons, fogtoolng, wrathful, aMnIpotitifit StRobing, brialding fanty ailk t"Al JZMAM) NVAZ just at what time d eartain height I I it Would be grand And bCAUtI- tim worst kind 0 alcohol, the taste of the number of birthis and marriages, stone and whitil marble ibo display � -1 I ZTt J I I > " , , . L � I 1_� I I . � � I, I I I � . I !, I I f I I l6l I. I � ful &a Ones of U,holvi6ft,st greitti doxolog. surge ; the sun dashed tout, and the ginitig, lace and taffeta appliques and which Is maAkM by still more harm*ul and it tremendous Intiream In ths A, well-Wepardd dish 6f J61led: VA610. will be re&cbed by the water. The at gre6jisery il.q t!elightful. In Iny pavigh In PhIlidoloolobla a dtad, sbroftd6d-wtappod, breaking oP611 above rill, pleated -silk rufflos are to JoIld ViAtIvirlis havoto Pursuod this mothodot I 11" Ili, trininititigm of the new substances, Abaluthi surpaBsos mortality�l that will slilea down firm And A , gambling With anth Pasalon that) ­�_­46� ---- - -- � 11416 thilit wilej do arting. 8b6 hdd tb6lr s6pulphres, and,fumbing oat to Ile, the popult, them all in its toxic violence, If we ­_­. mikitis aft Idsitl d19h for thb cold rislisb bon. sick till her I a driplpta. seoi what Was tho m4ttilir. W6 min# ITAn Apring SkItts. Some dreftsmakerm Itto quarr6lft, knd danpVtons 0110,11, Oftsto '' , mys and rmarterclon; the Guard that could making toikirts finely gmth6re,d all . take, two globos of goldfish and drop, Anut trop ot 189# wo, fix 0 ,`u I Thom kro In the tynife'd statot, V) It Was 116-cohday Wh6n she wimt, Ana tud at the waist, with tha Axcep. Into ofta soix dro i og pramie field and The N I nearly litt a Itift6heon %arty, but tbdr6, art , r4multtd. find henes) the r0 f th �oynhargs, ,.13 foavita boai� as the whadows -of dkth tatborM oft not lkg#p Ifiln, the, morrow of RI& dIN- rot I IN. in tho WO tb4b tlltr ali)� drolm 0! 04,46"co, of - 1,MO.OW bushels liesvier than the orop f6w ban"wWo4'who asoft to h4ve the lgngll�h gov6rnment to M:%ke the I Ilerlitim, 21 11 and 13 Londonit. h6v imblid. she thought It ' tivitin 61pjejol, this oleouds, polling. up, on',,elther tiob, of the froript gom whit � . - - ­kfalkek- cc OMAN it tu rilglat 06n r4ay Illestal. I Ing tile natua of Paris, - 11 f AWnthe tb6 fish In both globos will ,Of 110- . I I I t , , ,�' I and tims to go to bed, and sd sho ZI 41de in 1p,iftritd ployliltsur Air 11 wout form i0f & tablidr. � . I � ­ ". . 1. ­ � *. I I N 1� . I .