HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-21, Page 5MAY 2I, 19o3 --THE BLYTH STANDARD—PAGE FIVE.
FAEZEiartingEgEtEr4Z035...disCi....M. M.10411.
You will find It easy walking it you come here for your summer
footwear. Out of our huge assortment of Lndik s', Gents' and Chtl•
dren s I3oots and Shoes you will bo able to get ,just what you want.
Al Ladles :—If you need anything In a nice line shoe, either tan,
or blank, call and see our assortment.
Highest prices paid for Farm Produce.
��eI ��.�I �1 ��y1 :ilk� �qEVA
r a an � ark ul{++• a i.ar nn{a r �.. w ri�a a.a oar �n,anr•n
i limi;5 'id•4K t i`,,i r �ttt,ti y�j i ciimis i?Simi; i : l;:t
i ... . r.,eoi.;6dir� az,f� �Sf ;. i��i?
r ran • +r {. v r} ra v�nry {D a • +{� va • r1:C?; r. n oaf rar ran{a {: -'i
Tris week N. 13, Gerry moved out
his hardware stock and loaded it
with his household effect to be ship-
ped to Fort William.
FINGERS BRDgttN,—While loading
heavy boxes of hardware at N, B.
Gerry's, D. Taman was unfortunate
to have three fingers on his left
liand broken.
ON Tuesday of this week J.
Brunsdon & Son, of Londesboru, had
a car of binders shipped from the
Massey -Harris Co. to Blyth, where
half the car was unloaded and the
rest sent on to Auburn.
Have you renewed yet? A glum
ber have already left their sham
with the Editor to help pay his way
along In this life, Your dollar will
go as far as a dollar can.
Victoria Day — Single Fare
Good going May 23rd to 25th, re-
turning up to 260h, Tickets an sale
at C. P. R. town office, J. McMurchfe
A Pia and cream social will be
given by the Ladies' Aid of St, An-
il drew's church on the lawn of Wm.
Logan in the afternoon of May 25th,
Tea will bo served from 5 to 7,
games and amusements provided
for all. Admission, 10 cents,
RHUBARB pie le
AN tunbrella repairer was in town
on Monday.
Tile song of the lawn mower is
heard in town,
THE polling booths in town will
be situated at Industry Hall and the
shop of C. M. Burling,
LAST Thursday evening a horse
trade and a balky horse was the
chief attraction on Dinsley street
nett' the old printing office,
Tile Elmira Musicai Society will
run a C. P, R. excursion to Goderich
on Saturday, June 20tlt, to connect
with the boat, Greyhound, for De-
troit. Announcements later,
Tar Goderlch Star of last week
says :—James Barr, of Blyth, wns
in town on Tuesday and completed
the loading of 15 care of It., R. con-
struction material that had been
used by M. A. Pigott & Co. con-
structing the C. P. R. between Blyth
and this town.
WE conceive the special work of
the local paper to be, to give the
local happenings as fully and ae•
curately as circumstances will per-
mit and also to be the medium for
the exchange of local opinion on
natters of public interest, For this
reason we also welcome concise
contributions front our renders,
whether we can endorse their opin-
ions or hot, It sometimes adds to
to the interest and effect of such
communications if the writer signs
1)18 own name.
BASrnALL.—The first game of the
season was played last Friday night
on the Agricultural Park between a
picked team from I3russels and the
locals. As Brussels has no regular
team the boys were out of practice,
while the home boys were lucky in
their fielding considering this was
their first appearance. Umpire
Robinson gave good satisfaction and
demonstrated to the crowd that the
Lakeside League made no mistake
in appointing him one of the official
umpires this year, Following is the
list of players and the score :—
Blyth— R 0
R. Sines, 16 .............. 4 0
H. Gridley, cf 8 2
D, Somers, c s 2
S, Buchanan, es.....,..,. 1 5
W, Watson, 1f s 2
L. Kerr, 3b,... ......... 1 4
C, Taman, p and r 1,,.. 2 3
A. Somers, 2h 2 4
B, MoArter, r 1 and p2 2
now on the pro -
day, June 2nd, will bo the date of a
mammoth exeu'8ion over the new
C. P. R. line from Goderich to
Guelph, taking In n11 the stations
fromu the lake port town as fru' east
its 11111verton, The train will leve
Goderich at nine ii. in., arriving at
Guelph at 11,20, Retm'Ding the
train .will leave Guelph et 7,50 p.
m, In addition to the railed at-
tractions of the Royal City, Includ-
ing the .Ontario Agricultural Coi.
lege and Model Farm, there will be
a number of special events for the
excursion day, Those who like an
exciting baseball game may see the
International League match between
Guelplt and Niagara halls, N. Y,,
an excursion from the Falls having
been arranged for the same day. A
lawn bowling tournament, in which
• teams from the visiting towns will
take part, is to be held on the hatrd-
aome lawn of the Guelph Bowling
Club. Riverside Park, Guelph's
beautiful resort, will be open to ex-
cursionists, and the band of the
Gt.:,111 Musical Society will furnish
music. This is the first excursion
east over the new Guelph-Goderich
line, and the council end citizens of
Guelph will give tho visitors an
official welcome. This excursion is
in return for the excursion from
Guelph to Goderich last fall at the
time of the official opening of the
now line, and it le expected that a
large number will take advantage
of the opportunity to visit the Royal
City. Tickets will he good to re-
turn Wednesday, June 3rd. See
advertisement in another column
for rates and timetable.
THE dandelions are with us again.
MONDAY of next week, May 25th,
is a public haliday.
Tito trees and shrubbery are
donning their bright new spring
foliage rapidly Dow,
LET us have the names of your
hoiiday visitors. We will be glad
to publish them,
THE first sitting of the Court of
Revision will bo held before the
Council meeting on Monday, June
Ton mortgage sales 118 advertised
in THE STANDARD will bo held at
the Commercial Hotel on Saturday
of next week.
Tie, time of year hos about ar-
rived when those keeping fowl
should have them enclosed and not
allow theta to run at large to de-
stroy gardens.
Alai you half as anxious, neighbor,
When a fellow's down and out
To go down to him e-amiline
And to help him right about,
As you are to climb the ladder
Where some lucky fellow stands,
And give him a cordial greeting
With the strength of buth your
hands ?
REQUIRE the teamsters who haul
loads of manure over our neatly-
eleaned 800018 to put in a tail hoard
and dress off their loads, Mr. Street
Commissioner, By the time some of
the loads get through town about
30 per cent le scattered over the
The Famous Pedestrian
III was a martyr to catarrh of the
head, throat and stomach. I was so bad
the doctors feared consumption. I
tried many physicians and medicines.
A friend suggested Psychine. I tried
it and it was the only thing ever did
mo any good. I am now perfectly well.
It is the greatest remedy the world
has ever known. I do not need it for
my health now but I uae it as a
strengthener for my walking matches. I
owe much of my physical endurance to
Port Hope, Ont.
Psychine is the greatest cure for
catarrh of the head, throat or stomach
in the world. It is a wonderful tonie
and strengthener of run down system,
acting direetly on all the vital organs,
giving youthful vigor and atreugth to
the system, At all druggists 50c. and $1,
or Dr. T, A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
Jur Offer.
From now till Julie 13th we make
the special offer of 25e for the fol-
lowing daily papers :
Toronto Globe
" News
" Mail & Empire
Subscribe' now and read the
political news.
Meeting of Huron Co. Council.
The Council of the Corporation of the
County of Huron will meet in the Coun•
MI Chamber in the Town of Goderioh, on
June 2nd, at the hour of o'etook D. m.
Accounts against the county, requiring
settlement, moat be placed with tho Clerk
previous to the above date.
Dated at Goderich, May 13th, 1008,
W. LAN);, Clerk.
21 24
Brussels— R 0
A. I{err, p and 3b..,..,.. 0 4
A, Lowry, cf 0 3
R, Brown, 01) arid p 0 8
G. Ross, lb 1 2
A. Coombs, 26,,.,. 1 8
C. Scott, ss 1 2
C. Holmes, e 0 2
11, Lowry, 1f 0 4
(1. Graham, rl 0 4
3 27
Brussels........ 000000003-8
Blyth ,,,, 31380006 x-21
Tuesday, June 2
DON'T fail to read our new story
in this issue. "Paul Vane's Wife" is
the 1la100 of it.
60 cents gets Tim S'rANDAAn to
the first of January 1309 to new sub-
scribers in Canada.
Tile brick work on the new horse
of Brinton Bros. wits finished 00
Monday of this week,
Ct,Ass REsunueD,—Prof. W. Glenn
Campbell has resumed his piano
class in town again,
Eoar Huron 'Poachers' Convention
is in sessl n to -day at Seaforth, and
will also meet tomorrow,
Tun C. P, R. will issue cheap
tickets, good gohig Saturday and
returning Monday, to Goderich for
fiOe, during the Summer months,
ON Tuesday of thls week JtuneS
McCloskey, of Goderich, horse buy-
er, shipped a number of Heavy
horses to Winnipeg for the western
DoN'T lug old clippings into a
newspaper office and tell the editor
that ycu have brought ]tint some
thing to fill Up with, Telco hien n
cabbage ; he can 1111 up on that.
LAs'r Wednesday evening a meet-
ing was held in the Methodist
church to milt over having local
From in town, whtttive can
heti' of the meeting; some were not
in favr of it,
THE close Benson for bass fishing
is from April
it to Junemo 15th, an
a new regulation issued makes it
illegal "to fish for, catch, hay, sell
or possess any bass" between the
dates mentioned.
Now that housecleaning is at hand
THE STANDARD has a great number
of old newspapers tied up in bund-
les which we will sell at 50a bundle
or 3 for 10c, The papers are nil
clean and just the thing to lay under
the carpets. Come early and avoid
the rush.
Liter Saturday evening the G. T,
It, ran a special train from Louden
to Blyth, arriving here about 11
o'clock with the Misses Bradnock, of
Detroit, whose mother is very sick
in least Wawanosh, Owing to a
wreck on the G. T. It. neer' Wind-
sor they missed train connections at
London, so the company sent up t e
will publish "it description of our
trip t0 West China," written to THE
STANDARD by Mrs. R. S. Longley,
fortnerly Miss Marion Auld, of
Westfield, which will be very in-
teresting to all who know them and
who are interested in the missions
in China.
Ann you interested in good print-
ing ? If you are, en order sent to
our job department will convince
you that wo excels in the "art pre-
servative," The certain tact In the
arrangement of the type, so marked
in our work, f8 a sign of art. Let
us fit you out with business -bringing
printing. Call at THE STANDARD
office and get our figures.
DlvlsioN Coomr was held in In-
iustry Hall on Thursday last before
3udee Holt, Owing' to the assizes
at Goderich no lawyers were here
and the cases were disposed of very
quickly. The eases before His
Honor were :—Margaret Thompson
vs, N. 13 Gerry, adjourned till next
court ; Wm. Johnston vs. Jos. Mat-
thews, judgment for plaintiff for
$20 and costs ; James A. Webster
vs. Joseph Govier and Herman
Daer, adjourned till next court.
By the court callender court will be
held in Blyth on Sept, 250,
Auspices of the Menesetung
Canoe Club, (ioderlch
ryt�t Yv�^ VY".CY,I✓'�,;�`(Y' Y i ,' Y"_•! (% r(�:��0
pos00 • om e'O,0,0iOri�>ddi, ,o,cyclo e e
i�• 1
'a. Exceptional
o� Values at
o Medium
The Council and Citizens of the Royal
0115 will welcome the people from west•
ern points along the Guelph & Godortoh
line in return for the celebration of the
opening of the new line held in Geduld.'
last September.
The staff of the. Agricultural College
will receive excursionists and give special
demonstrations of the work in the vari-
ous departments.
An International League Baseball
match will he played at 2.30 between
Guelph and Niagara Palls, N. Y,
A lawn bowling tournament and other
special attractions have been arrauged
for the day.
Rates and train sebodule :
Leave Adult Child
9,00 s. m. Goderioh $1.25 65e
9,15 McGaw 1.20 PAc
9,27 Aubut'n 1.16 fila
0 38 Blyth ' 1.15 OOc
8,00Walton 1.10 55e
10.10) McNaught 1,00 50c
10,12 W. Monkton 95c 50e
10,30 Milverton SOc 400
Arriving Guelph at 11.20, Returning
will leave Guelph at 7.50 p. m.. arriving in
Goderich at 10.10 p. in. Tickets good to
return Wednesday, .Tune 3rd.
Don't fall to take part in this first ex-
ourelou east over the new C. P. R. line,
the finest roadbed in Canada.
Officers of the Menesetung Canoe Club
W. S. Turnbull, President.
1±. W. Bronbey, Treasurer.
L. M. Mabee, Secretary,
Blyth Council.
Sire 21—$1.50.
S io22—$1.75,°k2 (l0 $2.23 $2.75.
Sire 2--$1.75, $200 $3.00
S•ue 21—.1.75, $2.00, $2.75, $3.75, $400.
Size 26--$2.25, $2.75, $3.75, $4.110, $4.25.
Size 20---$1.75, $2.00, ts8.25, $2.75, $3.50, $3.75, 33.60, $5.00.
Size 27—$2.00, 6,3.50, $3.75, $4,007,$5.00.
Size 28—$2.00, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5,00.
Size 20—$4.18), $5,00, light nod dark.
Size 30—$0.75, $4.50, $5.00, $0.00,
S,ze 31—$5.00,110ht and dark.
S'ze 32-44.00, $5 0(1, $6.50, $7.00, $7,50, $8.00.
Size 33—$3.75, $5.00, $0.50, $7.50, $8.00,
Pink, Blue, Tan, White and Black Hosiery, In sizes from 4 inch to
0 inch, from 103 to 503 a pair.
Navy, White, Cream, Pastel and Black Silk Gloves, in Sizes 03 to
73, 16 button length, $1.00.
Celebrated Ethel Kid Gloves, in tan, brown, white and hlaok, at
Tan and Chocolate Shoes
Pull linos in Children's and Ladles' Low and High Shoes.
CASH 0011 BIiT'17:R AND 1;GCS.
�O> MilifirrICT Ii 0
OO 0,0040G,0',n',U„J00', 00000t1040)
A special meeting of the council
was held in Industry Ball on Mon
day evening to consider applications
for the position of chief of police.
The Reeve was in the elude and
Cuaneillors Chellew, Bttintou, 11111
turd Carter were present.
A tender was received for the
position of weigh Master, constable,
collector of taxes and all other duties
pertaining thereto from R. Somers.
Moved by J, Carter, seconded by
L. 11111, that the application of R.
-1OMt•r8 l'or above position be se-
eepted. Fur, Carter and 11111—
moti )1 lost.
Moved by A. Brinton, seconded by
i. H. Chellew, that Samuel West.
lake be re•engaged for one year
from May 22nd, 1908, upon the
same terms and conditions as Inst
ye;n',—Caflied. Nays, Carter and
Moved by J. Carter, seconded by
L. 13111, that S. Westlake he not en-
gaged upon the se me terms and con-
ditions as last year.—Lost. Yens,
Carter and Hill.
Moved by J. Carter, seconded by
A, Balaton, that we do now adjourn.
Try "LIPTON'S" packed only in tine, the flavor is kept in.
"Sd.LADA" in lead packages,
"JAPAN" the hest 240 Tea on the market.
loose Teas, black and gree n, mixed to suit the taste,
.,..__ iL/E CIS ,R CALL
Potatoes wanted. Highest pries s paid.
Every order left at 0. p.tttttatat`itl Ofttcr,
whether large or small, is turned out in first-class
style. We have the plant, we have the workmen,
and we have the experience, and these• three very
important factors enable us to keep pace with the
�C1Jx'giantrarb is one of the. most progressive
newspapers in Huron County and we would like to
have your name on our subscription list if it is not
already there.
Staxi.dtarc1 Bi.17151i,