HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-05, Page 7CONVICT MARRIAGES.
PAIRING OFF THE JAILBIRDS AT -Aft- Through Storm and Sunshine
neer:Intone at Widen tait Brides Are
selected -A BrIett courtimie-suot.
ors 'karat Are Hard to Stitt -wedded
Lite on st Prhion loaand.
"I have known of some queer roarrlagee
In the eo years I have knocked siatiout the
world," mid a sea captain the other day.
"but I think thapairing off of the jail
birds at Andaman was the strangest thing
of them all. For a couple of years I com-
mended the statiner that runs down
monthly from Ouloutta to the penal colony
for British India on the Andaman and
Nicobar Iolanda. I was a youngster then
and interestedin all sorts of things, and It
didn't take me long to strike up an no.
quaintance with the chief conunissloner
or president of the colony, who used to let
me go all over the place. •
"The plasm is as inaocessible as any
sultana; herein. It is built on a promon•
tory and protected on the side toward the,
sea by a sheer cliff 200 feet high, while on
the land Fade the grounds are surrounded
by a 51 foot wall. There are several guards
get by the first of these a man bas to give
a certain password. In return thie guard
gives him another password, which takes
him by the second, and so on, past half a
dozen maybe. These police, as they are
called, are the oldest and most hideous
women in the jail. To be eligible a wom-
' an must have gray hair and a face that
would stop a olook, besidari a record for
sobriety end obedience.
"All the prisoners have to work, aed in
the female prlson they weave all the cloth
for the men's clothes and their own, and
rnake them up, too, I believe. If any ot
the women refuse to do tbeir stint of
work, they are punished. The first pun-
Isament is to out off their hair. This they
don't like vette much, and the threat a 11
will generally bring them' to terms, for
they are just as vain as other women and
don't want their long hair out off. If this
doesn't convince them that It's better to
work in the ahop, they are made to wear
inon's elothee and work in the grounds,
which are beautifully kept, entirely by
the women prisonere, The trousers and
jackets given to those who are punished
ale -this way are of the coarsest material,
rind are very unbecoining, and the women
have to trundle wh4lbarrowe and dig in
the dirt, just like men. If even this falls,
time," he replied; "I/it now I arit net
qUite so ours ott It.'
"Not so sure, Arthur I Whet"
"Because Vivien has been, aa it
Were, trained to the management of
the estate. Wu) really underataiacis it
4i-raromooff, aa well as goy titeward or agent. She
knoWe Mato have leases and for hew
CHAP= XII. Arthur to know I had said anythinjf long theY are granted-na foot, lobe un- CEYLON 0 tEEN TEA
eau 6ir Arthur to his 4,_bout the mattes* RelY oPeal atr derstands all the details. Then she will displace all japan Tea the same as entrant:heti, remarks a war correspon.
wife, "have you no frienda wbont you Knows nothing about hie „Wde an- boo studied, the subject ; she knowa the Salado black is displacing all other dent at the London Daily Newe, The
would like to invite over to lhigland , teeadents." - best position for enurch-building, the black teas.
Britain's refiners In Isouth•Alatee the Mos
Magninteut Ever Seem.
We haVe leavnt one lesson in this
War, it is that no nation on ear.th cati
drive ua out of any position we have
Russiane even delude themselves with
for A few weeks -no relatives ay- "1 shall Sea nothing -in feet, w/aat beet attuation tor the new echools we
quaintances, soliool fellows I you have asserted wpuld be a danger- have planned." •
hin •
er 'I th
the nattering thought that they can
attempt an Invasion of India. With
ehould ba so pleased for you to do SO:* Oda g tt:. repeat, ' replied the ot "To be buitt after your death V" in- A Hewn Subterfuge.
the modern rile and artillery -- the
the draWing-rooM at LancewoOd, and_ ab°ut
They were sitting round the fire in • To 0 a we ttaY no More terrupted Valerie. ' How, can you
the matter. Now that I look talk (If ouch things I" Mr, °lax, that my coneent to your -4 have every confidence that the
Sharp Dame -I muat frankly tell you, artillery we shall have after this war
at ner, there is certainly something
lie's face as. her father asked the tines,.
Vivian looked ue quickly at Lady Neg.
of that kind about her style of dune- time, it I choose. You would laugh
"No; to be built during my life -
marrying my daughter has been wrung PpaarBsoftsivienlyto Ionmdaianconuuldmbbeerhse.id bvy 00(ionan;
tiOn-quickly enough to detect there ling. HOW Unlike she la in even' re- if 1 told yen all the abatruse works from me under protest.
wire are here. No conscript army
ever saw ouch magnifieent aoldiers itik
an expreasion of embarraesraeut, Val- apart to .5Iiss laetrile 1 I am a great
adMirer of railaui, but I must that VIvien has studied -works on ao- Mr. Oinx-Eli ? Proteett
eould hope to equal them. Ten thou-
erie fluahed and felt uncomfortable
under her aorutinizing look. Then from my very heart that 1 ara sorry
BO cial„ scienceateloial reform, eanitary re- Shorn Dame -Yes, sir. I knew thi_kt
sand of these men, under the conditions
she turned with a grateful smile to for Miss Neede. air ..A.rthur had ma form. I have been quite amused -am -
conscience re. t e arm y y an e opemen . en ebe of the latest warfare, would be more
if I dM not consent she would disgrace
Sir Arthur. right to marry again after bringing used," he continued, "yet touched you
know. Valerie, my h f .1 b 1 t Wh
wants anything. we all have to give DI than enough to hold any Russian array
'You are always thinking of aome-
thing or other kind and pleasant for .9ezne te the Abbey she was as Lady
her up as he did. The first tirae I
f!,11e us now-mietress; and let me proathea me at timee. I have never
etronged eny one, yet I have been by to her or take the conaeqtlenees, and ,hat Interual ditficulties would allow
vin weapons haVe made India saie.
or the invasion of Afghanistitia. Mod -
Me," elle /said ; "but I really do not 14 you there waa a diderence in ,the UO Means a model landed proprietor; long experience has taught me that I '
b ?ever need again be scared either
care to ask any of my friende here." tell
oi) of the entertainmente." my indolence and love of ease have might as well try to fan off a cyclone ite
zi he bogey of Invasion or the possi-
There was a slight reflection In her
en another friend joined the itt- •
.. stood in my way. I have been quite rearion with her when she gets angry,
ty of its success.
voice, a slight glance in Vivian's rii- "
motion, which seemed to imply thet no .,
tie group, and they went awaY,
So tba.t WAS tllow people apoke ot
•. tbat it has touched me to see my
oonsmous of mY defeots, and I repeat empecially if there is a flatiron or a roll-
ing pin handy and so I just give up at
friend of hers woutd be very welcome.
Vivian perceived it, bot disdained to
reply. Six Arthur contioued- Six Arthur's wife 1 Others besides
herself evidently considered her an c.,,,t.s. s.
WPat could they. have '"'
daughter in the early spring -tide of '
her life work hard to remedy My de- once. Has the wedding day been fixed
Mr. Ginx-Um-er-not yet, and. in a At the battle of Graspan Major J,
"Lady Smeaton asked me the other • over a noble domain."
ea will make a noble ruler' on yet, Mr. Gin]; ?
, •
day when we should see any of my
sh Lady Nestle looked very discontent. . .
she may word she had failed to hear t e
charming wife's friends,
eould renumber stories as e ad read "'"
have thougt y,ou had slime Irederne b ' " Then you would not care very much
which low -born adYenturesses had
young ems who wog d fa in eve for a son Arthur 1"
by intrigue, gained admittance into -
with Dora Saneaton.". ood mutat aud ad married will • Sir Arthur grew thoughtful.
said t • 11 h
"I ShoUld be sorry for him," ua a t e stories the impostor' I have never given the subject any
Valerie, with snail° ; "he would have
d t* f " was found out at last, her sins were consideaation, Valerie," he replied. "I
do t kn it I hould oare very
discovered, and she was punished for
l3ut Vivien mu; determined she
, o e Brittsh Royal
darine Light Infantry, 'ryes among
efeacnt:tmaffitodradint,6I'Lna-23: ra aGloiot.Tooadfradiadyl
the many killed while storming the
-Exchange. . , main kopje. He had a pet dog, a
' terrier, which ran up the hill with
Dangetions Fluids. ' him under the fiercest fire imaginable,
When he fell the dog sat down and
a 1?3o we nel lit: as ntadn gd a sinii na (3bsobtotul el dorn ienv earn by 6
removed 't •
guarded his body until the ambulance
them. That was the course of events much now for the blessing,* I mice pas- thing else where the hot torn shines on I a er.
should not, as she usually did, divert
in fiction -what would it be in real sionately craved.• It would be hard it. •Not long ago a house was Set on fire
wrttes; "Some tim
Excellent for Public Speakers.
attention from the subject of conver-
sation. " She turned to her. tile ? Lt Valerie Neslie were indeed
what she suspeoted, an impostor who up as my heiress."
too, on Vivien ; she has been brought in that manner.' Never tin either of
have i
Reta, M. Mc a
"It seems so strange, Lady Neslie,"
she said, "that yea should have no had deeeived Jaer father, would a day , Y •
of reckoning ever come for her t A.nd, 'r on her hueband's shoulder.
Lad Neelie laid her arm caressing-. these inflammable fluids in a room .. IC Y, of Goderich, Ont.,
a ere ere s ever so little fire A e ago you sent me
h th i
say that the medicine is all it is
a fair trial and are glad
a arr ozone. We
a bottle of your C t h
- for whora I have any particular af- Another Little incident occurred that
friends or acquaintances of your
"I have plenty, chore fille, but none 00 Sir Arthur t
. Lf it did, what infect wooici it produce
confirmed Vivianai doubts. One ' I do believe " she said, "that You match will ignite the volatile fume.% ex -
claimed to. be. It appears to work
cellent remedy for a throat irritation
well in case of Catarrh, and is an exa
to ic van it
feotion. Indeed, just' as the sun ab -
morning Lady Nestle brought a small
front public speaking,." For
sorbs all lesser light% so my love for
Public Speakers, Ministers, Singers,
you, Sir Arthur, has absorbed. all oth- writing desk into the library. Sir
er liking." Arthur laughingly asked her if she persons troubled with irritable throat,
was about to commeece letter -writing
Catarrh or Asthma, Catarrh -o -zone is
He was touoaed by the words. Vivien '
she bad hitherto been too indolent. of inestimable value. It is a guaran-
saw in them only another proof of -
Mr. Dorman suggested •that sae teed cure. Sold by all druggists.
her wily, deceitful manner.
should use the writing -table. Vivian The trial outfit sent for 10o in stamps
- father.
*Soon afterwards Vivien turned to her
Then Lady Neslie quitted the room.
looked up, wondering aow miladi al-
ways contrived to make Buell a sense -
by N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont.,
tion tvherever she went and whatever
"Papa,'' she said, "I am quite sure
she did.
that your' wife is an impostor."
Lady Neslie declined all offers of
He looked up with a horrified face.
"My dear Vivian, what a. cruel thing help. .
love Vivien better than you love
Sir Arthur laughed, but made no
" Do you -tell me -do you love her
best ?"
The two loves are so different, Va-
lerie, there can be no, degree of com-
parison between them. She is my dear-
ly loved daughter ; you ate my dearly -
loved wife."
But Lady Needle was not content.
;She could not endure that her bus.
band sbould speak so lovingly of the
girl whore she deteeted, bor could she
endure the knowledge that in the time
to come all authority would leave her
and pass to her rival.
" Then I must give up my pretty
plan," she said, " and be eontent with
the old drive. There will he no Lady
Valerie's Drive after all."
" Yes, it must be abandoned. If you
wish your very pretty nante to be
oammemorated. we will plant some
parts of the grounds and call it 'Lady
Valerie'd Pledartuncea Would that do
as well I" .
" It muat do. I see no alternative,"
she repiied.
" I take great pride in one thing,
Valerie," said Sir Arthur,-" it is the
first wash of yours that has been un-
gratified. You have been very much
spoiled, my darling,''
And Lady Neslie was forced to be
ccrntent, although the• refusal served
only to increase her dislike to her
This little incident brought home to
her more forcibly than ever the fact
that, after all,, her sovereignty, would
not be of long duration -that although
she seemed to conquer, in reality her
authority would emd so soon that it
wee not worth having' at all.
To be Continued.
nab* as quick as a base burner in full
blast We make no apology for this
,caution, for hardly a week passes that
some one, somewhere, is not seriously
burned by careless nee of one or the
Judges and juriee English courts of
law laugh at actions for breaoh of promise
of marriage brought against women. Ver-
dicts have been had against such promise
breakers, but the damages, as a rule, were
a farthing, and so did not carry costs,
eater side paying its own.
South Africa is of volcanic origin,
ir "I am goin to devotis the morning and the land in the vicinit f Ki
Fierce and Ravenous, is Diabetes,
Which Defies all Medicines
they are further punished by being put to
sleep in a cell with the floor covered by to say.1
"It is true, papa. She bas imPoe. to sentiment,t1 she replied. "This desk
cannet exist upon it. Y o 131-
berleY is so sulphurous that even ants
branches laid in rows and then In cross ed upon you. She is not a D'Este. contains mementos of my youth, sou -
rows, grill fashion. The branthes ere full - She does not even belong to a good venirs of all kinds. I am going to loos
through it, and devote myself to the TRA.VEL BETWEEN CANADIAN
of sharp theme, which make it impossible ' CasellY. No matter What she maY
to stand, sit or lie down in comfort. have told you, I am sure it is all false. task of recalling all about tlaena"
"Generally one night of this is enough to _ She has no friends whom she. can in- With a pretty parade of importance
Except Dodd's Kidney PHI., the Onlj
Remedy on Earth That Removes the
Cause Of the Disease- Dodd's Md.
uey rola Never Fail. •
make the worst ease ready for the Work. ' vita here. Did you ever in your Whole . The Leh,gh Valley Radroad affords
she opened the .desk. It did not seem
room, but there was 'tree girl who stood the most convenient train . service,
life meet with a gentlewoman who to zontam anything more. than a few
tho extreine penalty of three nights in this bad no friends f" • . • . faded flowers, old letters, anti dried and is a particularly desiarible route
"TOR are so terribly hard on her, •leaves. ' Occasionally "miladi" would .
room and stilt refused to do a lick of . . for residents 'ef the Province of On-
- VEntin " said Sir Arthur, with a trou- turn to Sir Arthur with a smile, and,
bled. look "Way should ' she have thowing him a withered spray, tell tario to use in going to New aVork.
w.calc. She wouldn't work, and nothing '
could make her work. So finally they . i d ' This Co. runs through train .service in
ca le • herself Dalaste• if she had no ' !ague laughable .• anecdote concerning
• claim to the name 1 • Besides of what tt ; and Vivien noticed that these connection with the Grand Trunk -
gave her up as a bad job, and made her .
Mt all day long in the workroorn in mob's me is it to. .rou.se these..s'usnicions • stories were all of people in high life Rahway from points in Canada,.
now r whose ' names she 'mentioned quite and , provides for ' the public a
clothes on a sort of elevated dunce block. •
She'll never get a thance to makeono of . a Thea,,, thought' his daughter, familiarly. • • a . service • walah meets all the
quickly ''he has hod. some suspicion • • Aa mishap occurreda-the desk was requirements of the moat exacting.
tho marriages I'm going to tell you about
himself 1" Aloud she said, "1 should upset, and its cobtents rolled oh to Its Solid Vestibule. through trains be- .
because those are rewards 'for good be. - '
not speak•so to tiny one .except yoar- the floor. They .Were soon replaced;, tween Philadelphia, New York and
hatior, and she is the worst. Wernan on
Quebec, P.O. March 26. -There are
certain diseases that sap the brain
and dry. up the springs of life, besides,
underrainin.g the strength. '
Diabetes is such' a disease. -
Its symptoms are great thirst, fail-
ing sight, dry mouth, coated tongue,
pateness, numbness in 'the thighs,
pains or aches in the loins, or small of
the back, increttes of urine; sugar in
the urine.
Any. one, or two, seldom more, of
these -appear in tbe same case.
Diabetes is caused by poison In the
blood. •
Poison gets into the blood throu.gh
defective action of the kidneys, which
should filter it out.
Neal and strengthen the kidney and
they will cleanse the blood. Then
Diabetes will vanish.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only
medicine on earth that can cure Dia-
betes. They are the only medicine
that can cure the kidneys.
Here is proof : Mr. Sam Dasralchers,
of 167 St. John St., Quebec, soya:
"I have suffered with Diabetes for
five years.
"My feet were always cold. I had
pains hi my lions, and a terrible
thirst. •
"I tried a dozen remedies before I
heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They all
failed to relieve me.
"Five boxes of Doddai -Kidney Pills
cured me completely. To -day I am
well and strong."
Reader! Have you any of the symp-
toms abovet
If you have, you have Diabetes. and
nailing on earth but Dodd's Kidney
Pills can cure you,
the island. self, papa. .111ie truth I am sure will and, when her ladyship had finished
"When they have maybe a dozen ticket be known some day ; it may be long her sentimental little scene she went
of leave men and women, they bave a sort first, but it will be known. I should away; taking the desk with her. When
of matrimonial. reception. If any 'batches ' not say one word to you but that I Vivian rose to quit the login, some -
are made the couples are allowed to go up hate to see you deceived." thing lay 'glittering under the hem of
to the Nicobar group some distance away "If I ana deceived," he replied, "it is her dress. She took it in her hand -
and settle on the government lama There all my crwn fault -we Must remember it was a small common locket, Glum -
they get a certain number 01 acres, a hut that. Besides, I do not think you isily made, and certainly not of . pure
and some commissary stores,. and are left have any grounds for your suspicions." gold. On it she saw the initials "V.
to themselves. The tickets of leave don't "Then I will say no more about P."
take them anywhere except to the Nice. them, papa," said Vivien. The look of . .A. few minutes afterward, Lady
bars, for they nearly all. have life tem, pain on his comely face distressed her; Neslie returned. "I have lost a little
termer/. These matrimonial receptions are • and; as he .aaid very truly, of what . locket," she said -"one that I value
very much. It wart one given to me
the funniest thing I ever saw. The men - avail were titteplOiOnS now V"
are brought one by one into a sort of re. Looking at llim Vivien wondered if . when I was a little child. It has my
caption room, where the women are stand. any doubts had arisen in his mina- initials on it." •
ing in a long row. There are generally it he was as sure of everything con- ''It is 'here," answered Vivian. "The
several breaks in the line, to separate pected with his young wife as he seem- initials are: 'V.P.'-how could they be
those of different castes and religions, for ed to be -if his happiness was as real Yours ? I thought yoUr name was
they are very particular about that in In. . as he wished it to be thought. She . D'Este 1" .
dia. Sonia. of, these men haven't seen a , would never know. He was indolent, "Did I say 'my initials V I meant
woman for ten years, maybe, and they indifferent, careless in many respects; 1 those of the person. who gave it to
look very curiously at them. but he would keep awe a secret well. me."
"When a matt is brought into this room, To the day of his death Vivien never "You are clever," thought Vivien,
a statement is 'Dade of his name his his• I knew whether her father had been "but the day will come when I shall
tory, his religlob, his ago, the cri'me he is 1 satisfied with his marriage, or whe- know who you are and how you con -
there for and so on. There are maybe half when it was too late, he had re- trived to dupe my father."
a dozen women of his religion on the eligi. I ther,
peoted of it. I When Lady Neslie had gone away
ble list and he is taken to the first one in . No friends of Lady Neslie's were in- with the locket, Mr. Dorman looked at
the row. If after talking with her a few vited, and Christmas came. The Vivien. It was not often that he
minutes be doesn't thielt he would like her house was filled with guests. It was made any remark, no . matter witat
ha goes on to the next one. He is ahvays : long since such hospitality had been passed.
shown at Lancewood ; half the country "TJaat seems Strange: MISS Neslie,"
covertly casting his eye along the line to were invited to the grand Christmas he said, "Lady Neslie is quick at re-
am if there are any farther down that he - bail It was on that occasion that " '
Mee better than those near the top.. Some-
Neslie fonnd that other people
times be sees one near the end of. the line
that takes his fancy, and he will walk . besides heraelf had some. cutious ideas
about Lady Nestle. -
straigbt by all the others and go to her. 7.1 "Miladi's" toilet at the ball was
she likes blin, too, they go up to the table soniething •Wonderful; it was a bea.uti-
and her bistory.is read to him. He issaY sful ortramy silk, -with a suppab suite
possibly object to the crime. she was sent : of diamonds. • She' had haver looked'
up for, and If ao the affair is declared off
Bub °finally thereto no trouble about that.
"When they have paired off. as many as
possible. the keepers let the different cou-
ples go out End walk abotit in the groundi
for the rest of the afternoon, to get ao-
quainted with each other and' spark a lit-
tle, maybe. Sometimes they don't make
more than one or two matches in a whole
afternoon, for they are very bard to suit,
those oonviots, though you would think
they would be glad to get anybody or any-
thing, juet for a change of life from that
in the jail
"These Inst./lags puttee elways take
place on a Saturday, and just a. week froin
that day the man is allowed to visit the
woman again for an hour and contintie
their acquaintance. • If at the end of three
Saturdays they are still of the same. mind,
they are married and taken on the boat
down to the Nieobare, where they begin
their married life. As I laid, they give
them a hut, a few sores of ground and
some provadons, and ist them alone
These couples generally get along pretty
well together; though sornetiniel they
have a fight and one kille the.othei from
mere 'force of habit. In that ease the sue
river is sent back to the jail at Andaman.
But thie very seldom happens. If they.
bave children which they go -orally do
not, these aro left with their' athrents till
they die off, for the Nicoatirs are so un•
healthful and full of fever that peopIe
' don% live verv lona there.
"There is only Ono resident °Meer at
the Nicobar colony, for there bas only
• been one Englishman found wile co,uld
stand the climate, Ile lives there all
alone with the cOnviets, and though the
governtnent has built him a line house be
leads the loneliest kind of life, for, of
ceurse, he ean't keep a family there, be-
cause they tvould get the fever and die
'Inside of six months. The ohief oonimis-
stoner of Andaman comes down tope° him
"Yes " replied Vivien, "she makes
fatal eidmissions, and then very skill-
fully negetives them."
The young secretary had drawn
nearer to her, and stood looking. at
her with passionately loving, wist-
ful e es
more lovely ; her bright face was "I wish that. I might dere to ask
flushed with triumph. Things were you one questlon, Miss Neslie," he
going well with her -she had almost said.
entirely eclipsed her rival. She had, "You May ask me what you will,"
to all intents and purposes, eclipsed she replied, kindly.
Sir Arthur's daughter -and she knew "Have you ever entertalned any
it -on this the night of the ball. She doubts as to Lady Neslie-doubM of
saw herself, and not Vivien, the queen her beitug what she represents herself
and oenter of all -the leader of the to be 4"
most brilliant crowd of guests ever "I must decline to answer," she re -
seen at Lancewood. That night she plied."If ever the time comes when an
told herself her triumph was complete
-it was to Lady Neslie the world
paid court, and not to Vivian. .
The ball -room was crowded. Lady
Neslie had herself superintended the
decorations and though some might
have considered them slightly thea-
trical, they were magnificent. Col-
ored lamps sbone from the midst of
the plants and exotics in the dower-
vatortes. Vivien had suggested sev-
eral little improvenaents, none of
which were carried out. Three years
before, when the Christmas ball wag
given, she ,had had the sole direction
of it, .she had been the queen, of the
fete. She had had no rival then. Now
Valerie, in her superb costume, with
the brightest of smiles on her fair
young face, stood by Sir' Arthur's side,
bidding his guests welcome, receivibg
and paying pomplimenta-radian
graceful, with the full consciousness
of victory in everr gesture and word.
At a distaiace was Vivien, who had
once stood by her father's nide. She
was now merela the daughter of the
,htmse, not its mistress. She had nev-
er felt the difference in her position ho
acutely. She went to the least crowd-
ed part of the room when the first
dance was ended, and sat down behind
a great cluster of tall camellias. The
gettlemen foinaed a little group near
her ; they did not perceive her, and
Vivien, not wishing to be noticed, re-
mained quite silent behind the plants.
She was thinking with bitter in-
tensity of the change in her position.
Another dance began, and the gentle -
Man tO whom she had promised 'awes
Meld in Math Africa tt her Prizes are looking for her ; but Vivien did not
even remember that there was a dance
Offered to the Molders. -she was busy with her own sad
The South African auction, which is thoughts. Preeently ahe was rowed
In vogue at the Cape, is a far more by the mention of Lady Needle's name;
extating affair than ite English imi- and/ then she found that the waltz
was ming ob and the gentlemen were
tation. Supposing a house is to be • • - * '
(italicising the dancers.,
sold. The auctioneer rattles 50 soy- "People may talk as they will," said
ltreigna and cries out, "Fifty golden one. "I have watched Lady Nestle
tiovereigns .,for the man who first bids dance, and I inaintain that. it is after
the etyle of Mabille, not of an English
45,000." Nobody bids it. After a ball -room. I ha.ve my own Ideas
Vitiate he dries, "rifty golden sov. about that same lady."
ereigns for the first man who bids "Where did Sir Arthur meet her f"
44,000. And so on, until begets a asked another.
"The old story! Ile saw her at
bid. It by no.inetins follows that the some hotel in Paris, fell in love with
Piroelarte is sold to th* bidder. For her, and married her. Unless am
the auctioneer is again at it, Stila• very intieh miataken, I have seen her
Vase 44,400 is the Bret bid. Then the lovely tedyship before."
auctioneer shouth, "There are 25 gill- "Where f" asked the second speak -
den eovereigne for the first man who er; and Vivian listened breathlessly
has the courage to bid 44,000." POMO,. for an anliWer.
bly there is no bidder. Then 425 is But elle did not tear' was
offered for a bid of £4,550. If there whiapered softly. She saw, however,
ncf bid eventually above the 44,400, the start of earpriiie with which it
',the. Man Who made that offer is sad. wad received.
died with the property, Otherwise °You do not mean that I' Von, must
pOokets the bonus and has nothing he mistaken l"
Mors to do with the estate. InitY he," Was the eatitious Ina.
wer, °but do not think I am. If ani
The Straits Times hes eoneoted oughti toBbeionde it)f the
A well-known magazine writer has
recently stated that in matters per-
taining to the advancement of women
the Anglo-Saxon race seems to have
made greater progress than any oth-
er nationalities. In Germany women
are not permitted to form political as-
sociations, while in Russia neither
men nor women can band together
in any organization of a political na-
ture without special consent of the
imperial government. In Holland such
an act is unconstitutional, but in
France, hang befere French women dis-
played any desire to study medicine
or obtain a university education, the
doors of scholastic institutions were
thrown open to them. And even Eng-
lish and -German women availed them-
selves of the privileges of becoming
graduates of the University of Paris.
atm Was First Attached Willa La Grippe,
the After EirgeOl Resulting In St. Vitus'
Dance -Friends Despaired Of Her Re.
The malls from Wolf ville to Gas-
peream are: carried every day by an
official who is noted.. for his willing-
anawer to y.our question may be use- ness to accoramodate and the punc-
ful, remember it -until then, let - tuality with whioh he discharges his
it rest." duttea. Elm name is Mr. Mernner
He longed to say that, it it should Clevelanid and, his home is in ^Gasper -
please her, be would devote his life eau, where he resides with hif3 wife
to finding out the antecedents of Sir
Arthur's wife, but her dignified calm-
ness forbade him.
More . than two years had paseed
since Sir Axthur brought his fair,
girlish bride home. She had been at
firat intoxicated with her pcniver, un-
willing to part with the least of it.
She had been pialless to ViVien. She
had never spared titer a mortification
or a humiliation, She had never
shown her the least contdderation.
Lady Neslie's only endeavor had been
to prove alWaya that she was mistress
-sole and perfect raletressa-and her
triumph had been complete,
The first check of her authority Was
the refusal of Sir Arthur to agree to
one of tier whims. She vaanted'a new
drive throtigh the parkaawhe, no one
could understandt but she chose te sey
that she would like it made' and, In
order to make it, some of arte finest
old trees would have to be cet down.
Sir Arthur laughed when his young
wife talked about her whim.
"It raust be 4tabeautiful drive," she
said ; °and I should like it to be call-
ed after myself -Lady Valeriear Drive.
Then all the fttture Neslies would have
something to make them think of me."
"My dear Valerie," returned Sir
Arthur; "you have asked me almost
the only favor I cannot grant you."
"Why can you not grant it I" alie
"Because, although I am lord of
Lancewood, I have no povver to cut
down those trees. The timber in the
park belongs to my heir just as the
house deo, could net pull that
down -at least without the consent of
my heir and successor."
,'What is the nee of being master if
you cannot .do as you like t" she said
'That is not the question," he re.
plied. "I am compelled to leave to my
successor the eritatee, the house, the
timber intact rut I reeelved them. X
should'have to,ask Vivian's permission
to cut down those trees;. and, as it
Would deteriorate Viviense inheritance.
I should not like to propoins such a
scheme to her,"
"But she would say 'Yes' if you
asked her Arthur, I am aura"
"So ain't" he replied. "That is the
very reason I could hot aak her; it
would seem as though I took advant-
age of her SOX. I am well aware that
it I afiked ouch a thing from a son in-
stead of a daughter, he would *tares-
ly hesitate to say 'No.'"
He did not see the expriaitelon of
malice that came over her face.
• I did not know that you consider.
abtint 42 fOr the Mansion, /louse ,,So she beard Sir Arthur ail nd Vivian no untirnlY raistreas."
Ontiod. 0 this at least 0700 has been so. She rides horses that Men fibrin "My dear Valerie, the ix not so at
totattibuted ty Malay princes. frotn mennting." present; but in time she will be so- -.....--,a,..........
"Than I. fun right. / reMembered tnnt, in. unless it should be the will A 0 id 0 a . .
. Thd Mind newspaper at Brittitown her fat% when I sew it, though she Of Heaven to *end Me * son." a strata uar writes from
having tiegutt to ores& °Pen treason Wag very young- then; but oho iota the 'Would you net like a son to Size. Wilder iliVerl....ql/Ogifillicl Should be
to the surroadIng district, three HMS hrWht. 'Washing expremilon, tittk (teed you better than * datighter rah* proud of us, They ought to think the
etieripointea of the Warvrickshir6 rem.. Se Me fittnshirty look, I niay IA mit. Inked. "
Her Summary Method of Snapping
Obstructive Official Red Tape.
When Florence Nightingale came, in-
stantly a new intelligence, instinct with
pity, aflame with energy, fertile with wo-
manly invention, swept through the Scu-
tari hospital. Cluths,v male devices were
dismissed, almost with a gesture, into
apnea Dirt became a crime, fresh air and
clean linen, sweet food and soft minds ta
piety. A great kitchen was organized
which provided well cooked food for a
thousand men. Washing was a lost art
In the hospital, but this band of wo-
men created, as with a breath, 11 great
laundry, and a strange cleanliness crept
along the walls and the bede of the hos-
pita In their warfare with disease and
arid grand-cleughter, MiSs Lizzie May pain these women showed a resolution as
Clevelatad, a bright, girl of fifteen high as the men of their race showed
against the gray °bated battalions of Ink -
omen, or in the frozen trenehes before
Sevastopol. Muddle headed male routine
Was swept ruthlessly aside.
who learned, of the physmal condition If the commissariat failed to supply req-
uisites, Florence 'Nightingale, who had
great funds at her dIsporml, instantly pro-
vided them herself, and the heavy footed
offloads found the swift feet of these wo-
men outrunning them in every path of
help and pity. Only one flash of anger 111
reported to have broken the serene calm
vrbieh served as a mask for the steellike
and reoluto vont of Florence Nightingale.
SoMe stores bad' arrived from England;
sick men were languishing for them. But
routine required that they should be "in-
spected" by a board before being issued,
and the board, moving with heavy footed
slowness, had not completed Its work
when night fell. The stores were, there-
fore, with official phlegm, looked np and
their use denied to the sick. Bettveen the
needs of hundreds of sick men and the
oonaforts they required was the looked
door, the symbol of red tape. Menne*
Nightingale called a couple of orderlies,
walked to tho door and quietly ordered
them to burst It open and the etores to be
dintributedi-Cornbill Magazine.
years. A few months ago the health
1 their grand -daughter was, a source
of very. great anxiety to Mr. and
&Ire. Cleveland, and the neighbors
of the little girl gra.vely shook their
heads and said to themselvea that •
the fears of the fond grand-pprents
were by no meants groundless. When
the newei reached the ears of an Acta,
dien rnah, a alert time! ago, that the
health of Miss. Cleveland had beert re-
stored, he hastemed to interview Mr,
Cleveland as, to the facts orthe case.
VV.lien. he explained his errand both
Mr. and Mrs. Clevelaind• appeared on-
ly too eager to give him the inform-
ation /sought. and it is In accordance
with that. wishes that we give to
the pehlio the facto of this remark-.
able care. Early in December, 1898,
Mies Cleveland was taken ill with a
severe attack of la grippe and fears
of her, recovery were entertained.
Careful nuratng, however,' brought
her through this malady, but it left
her system in a oompletele run-down
condition. This sheeved itself prin-
deafly in' a weakness of the nerves.
Ln January symptoms of St, Vitus'
dance began to show theinselves, At
rust the.se Were mot, very prominent, Ile Waited.
but it was not long before she was
rendered altogether helpless by OM .6. hungry traVeler, a stranger in Bed
terribly maladja In a short time she aaa,„ „„A
Bank, N. J.. entered a restadrant in
lost all control over the movements Lua'. LUW" a" V".,"'", '"" ."5".
Of her hands aria feet, For weeks ehel as that seemed to DO tee only available
had to be carried from room to room (Dab After he had waited half an hour,
and was unable to feed htirself. Her staring impatiently at the bottlea in the
grand -parents naturally became Very easter, he summoned the proprieter,
much alarmed and having tried other
remedies without effect, determined tO
vrhom qUestioned regarding the dra
give Dr. Williamie Pink Pills a trial, laY "The ham is all cooked," was the
Developments showed that their eon. reply, "but my little girl is still out in
fidence was not displaced. When three the Yard waiting for the hen to lay an -
boxes had been used the condition of other egg,"
the patient had ImproVed consider..
ably. Then Mr. Cleveland bought siX An Emnloyetavi Faith.
boxes more and continued their uee "Otir typewriter is goitig to leaVe.'
tie before. The sefferer rapidly begat "Winit's the matter
to reeover. When she had coneumed . "She says ehe wants a position With
the fifth box BUR. Clevelend reduced an employer who hes Reese enough to
the dose to one pill a der and by the 103 h ed to to the
time the sixth box was gone a coin. allee 14 • " x up
plate cure wail effected. Mitts Cleveland Mkt"'
lel nOW ail vigorous and healthy as
could be desired, Her grand-parente In the aear 1700 there was silly ono
are persuaded that Dr, William& Pink gententiner the United State&
Pills are alone reeponeible. for her cure
and are devoutly thankful for the re.
milts which, under Providence, they
have produced,
Sold by all dealers or sent post
pttld at 50e. a box or Ms' boxes for
112.50. by addraseing the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Oa, iiroekville, Orit. Do net
be peranaded to try eomething else
said to be "just es good.°
world of every soul who fetes death
Alta hoe *lofted the toren. takett..4t least, AllOnld not like air "L Might hive dolt. *0 owe upcka. for Queen and eountry."
Chicago, made up of luxurious new
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, com-
modious and comfortable coaches, i.10
a la carte dining car service, and the
use of ateana heat and Fintsch Gas,
are features which are highly appre-
ciated by the traveler, and are guar-
antees of physical comfort. The
route, through the most picturesque.
portion' of the eastern part of Ameri.
ca. affords an ever-changing panor-
ama of scenis splendor, delightful to
the eye.
The road -bed of the Lehigh Valley
is ballasted with rock, a decided im-
provement over the old style cinder
or other .ballasting, and one wh:ch
Summer passengers, ithen windows
are open, appreciate, as the rock bal-
last does away altogether with the
too conamen nuisance of dust.
Waiters in London are bitterly OM.
&staining of the elfects the war is
hoeing on their particular vocation,
The men who, during the London
season, gained a livelihood by waiting
at banquets, balls and parties, given
by the elite in the West End, have
earned practically nothtng lately
owing to the absence of such festivi-
ties. It was resolved at a recent
meeting to ask the Lord Mayor to open
a fund at the. Mansion House for dia.
tressed waiters.
Invigoratee and Eltregithtne....
What upsets our me,n, and espect-
ally. the woundea, are the unearth-
ly screams the Boers give vent to when
Take Lexative Brotno Quinine Tablets
draggles *Mond the money If 10 fails to ouzo
115e. M. W. Grove's signature Is on each box.
President! Steyn has given orders
that none of the Army Medical Staff
or of the Red Cross ,bearers are to be
taken priaoners.
seed by motherr tor their children teething. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, 'flays pain, cures wind
mile, and is the beet remedy tor diarrhosa 25o. • bot.
tie. Sold by ill druggists throughout the world. He
we end ask tor "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
A subscription list hart been, open-
ed at the British Consulate. Copen-
hagen. for the Princess of Wales.
Hospital Fund.
AUNTISIAL INTIM 5111101f111111.
The "Balmoral," Free Bus rat
Hotel Carslakel itr$11:11:1:16.1".4
&TX Ittealon,Mootreal. Geo. Conlaket ri9les.
&wimp HousE-ric-par ATTNo
BT. JAMES' 110TEL-Pn°41„„ tr.". VI
rj=inctem.als,poraa Keitinilsr
A gratifying feature of tbe war is
the taivariable courtesy which the
British officers en route for the front
display' at every station along the
line towards the Dutchmen they meet:
" Pharaoh 10o.“P'"'""'"';'4"
In. the attack On Stormberg, saysti
correapotadent, British troops walked
tn daylight in a Column four deep
right under the enemy's noae. NO
(mute or skirmishers were out. ,
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL APPIJOATICNS es they cannot
reach the rest of the disease, Vat trt hi bleoa
or cannitutional inseam, and r vier le ettre
it you nitt41 GAS internal reilitau.11. Maga
Caterrh Cure le taken internallr, aud tuts di.
reouy oaths blood and Mneoue aortae'',
Critorrh Give isnot quit k medicine. It wow
prescribed by one of the bipt ph patient' in this
country tor yea's, and!. reguiarpreverlellwe.
1.ton-tooted of the beet tonles known tam*
bitted with the beet blood purifiers, eating di.
racily on the Muitnie surfaces, The perfect
combination Of the two tagredlente is what
ptedubia Mich wonderful rimtulte tithing
Qatar& Seed far teatime/114s tree.
J, CIISNICY & co., Props., TODD,. O.
gold ItY drugista. vales 7110.
Miles Felony PM' are the best.
The Majestic left Cape TOwni for
England With 170 wounded, Including
Gentraf Feat heratotihatigh, Major
Dalrymple Hamilton, and Mr. ItnIght.
of the LOtidlin 'Morning Pest.
Wadi ./ e,; 40M
it&ou,,n,k. meek,4:1
"fretik .?Y ex A, 4,46/.....,14a
a cite 444Leki
Alt& ellitivimAt, Ago
EVERY DAy adds io the large list of drinkers of
CEYLON TEA. Words Pay tat maim. see, toe trisi *nal* Ma
LEAD RAOKUIL gt, 30,411. SO and OW
INFLAMMATORY, GOUT, 1..tlailliA001
Our Method Is sure and has cured thousands -some Pronotmeed
alterable. Write at once. Isooklet and Proof on request. .Addriss
Tho*SWISS-AMERICAN Co. Windsor Oct Canada
0 9 et
ON THE BEACH., Atlantic City, New Jersey.
The World Framed AU the Tear Health sand Pleasure Resort.
e Sc.*,
r ""
ati/ 1.47 '
f 4:r*t at
• ;
1 ' al i. 14-., -,,,,!'
Hi ...lir.1,i7,1,,,6.
, 4 ,', 1
,11.1 1 .•'1,31::a" tl.,.. • •l i i.4 ,
'I " f......0 Ikll in ." 400.a,
" '' • . i ' ' I I .' .'l
1 0 I . i,:E.1 3. fit .1 4.,i • r.tr ' l' ...., .. .i." i 1 d - 1- ,-,;;:4 ,..`...4. , ...,.,(.
iicil:umsr,_ ...,._:._,::_,I..:.,.$__...._ -.,,,I..-..,.... .., -„-,--.--...
u iy..,ty-,-= ,a.a.i...,, T.1 ,c, 1 ..,1 ; , , • ' ..4' .,:',1_.'•:i 1,..-1,1 1, l'r pt- --. ai,.11,..I1,-;:$1, •
pi ...,... L‘...e$414.24-41,.,..,,..)",,,,,*,5,e .11 eit,Aip-iliAja.itki,44:”(if ',1,..=
' Y -
- tkr
r • I
• . .
osinegage,..1Uuti. 111.11
During -the past foUr months has boon extensively enlarged and Int.
proved: over 50 Private Baths. Now Dining Room einem:sod in glass. directly
facing the ocean, and unsurpassed on the Atlantic coast for decoration
and elegance. Exchange and Hun Parlors doubled In size. capacity soo,
b MO. WHITE, JR , Owner and Prop's.,
. ...
-a -- _________ ._ _
1 P 111.11,15 11,11.1.11/111,11./VOALILIILIE "AI D. IL 14 llaiLlibOa Oa 0.411.q. SAIIMIIAt,
is reached by
and they are mix. l ready tor use.
'Used by err y-approverlfh all. They do not fa le, dO
nut peel off from burning sum or freezing cold,
One gallon covert 360 minor° feet, two mate.
All first -aloes dealera have them.' '
A. RAMSAY & SON, Paint linkers:
MONTREAL. ) Esod 184a.
neasaaaaateaeoltaetaaaaaialtatalaltalaaa ^g• *vs 15,•talsmin -‘••tiamo wv/j/g/s,
- - •
Observations made to test this ques-
tion showed that bees can carry with ,
ease twice their weight in honey.
Several bees were caught as they re- '
turned to their hives laden with honey.
an'd, after enclosing tbem in a little
box, they were,. carefully weighed..
When the bees unloaded that. honey
they were again caught, placed in the
same ;sox and weighed. a second time.
This experiment showed tbat the bees
when laden weighed three times as
match as when empty. It was there-
fore proved that a bee can carry twice
its own weight in honey, and can fly
very long distances with that weight.
Dyeing 1 Cleaning 1
For the vary keet send your work te the
Look tor agent in your towri, or *end Ere*
Montreal, Toronto, Ottaw&, Quebec
The “Happy Thought " Range
lode by
Tilt WILLIAM BUCK STOVE Ce., Limited,,
Is the beet In the world. For sale by leading dealt"
Michigan Land for Sale.
mg tome, _Ogemay and Crawford Countlei Title per.
tee. pn Miehigau Central, Detroit dr • Mackinso d '
• rt •Intel Leee Railroads, at Klee' ranging from eg tpta'ss
•e v 'iv Der gore. uTrhor.Linde ars Close .to.Enterprising New
ca ea, Sehools, eta, and will be sold on
- timetable terms. Apply to cd,
I S. M. PIERCE, Agent, Wed Bay Oin,
Or J.W. CURTI', Whittemore, htioh.
Carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps, 044. ,
ment, Teeth Powders, etc., bare beea R
awarded 100 'medals ard dipinnias for superior COPING, and Sheet Metal Works.
ROOFING`HLATE, in Black, •
exCellenco. Their regu Tor use prevent infeeti. Red pr Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS ItYe weals
cue diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a , Public and High Sohools,Toronto). Rooting Felt, Pooh,
supply. Lists mailf d free en sppliention. cosi Tar, *to. ROOFING TILE (SeaNew'City
Iola Toronto, done by our firm). Metal Ceilings, Con
•3 alooi,oto. Estimates tumisbed tor work complete or tot
MANCHESTER - arratako. otasseassaimaa soy patter theta:ninny. Phone 196C
. MITHISA SONS, Adelaide &Widmer Ste.,Toronts,
fashlogrigir"d caaIlng, tYrl?e btle
ee , rues ossona . 0‘. II SPRING MESSAGE.
rime. Rilhtirst Station, Que.
, ._.._ . .
flew -tarp COLD CORE leo. Cares in 5 jiffy . P. no, ' Everyone iohdiatonie me lido° to clean e the bfroci,, • - .
""' . " ""', . .Corincom & Co., Agents, Montreal. . crace. the nerves, and revittdig.,,• rei.,vigerato the whole. • .
ill-.damp for catalogue. 73 St. Paul Street, Montreal - tray, is, tad spring; 'Maury ne..t they tan get is
8 OX19-1,10IMEgIN'OUSATOn-flost tend oheiipeet ,
. westlokidnebsys,ilnidthttlgl goillte r; 1 grtgnei id, los,i:r3t4,6
tent po, TstipittelilA,
The? kill the germs of all diseases. Purify and enrich..
Or. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. ,
r011"01100•C'plt,lconif prcicaei
-IC)yo,, Limited, .
Mall 'box 25o, ot
Centida'Llfe Bld'g TOrotito.
Sheigest and Ile* Onsiing In the Werid..
• 0. RoUand, sole asent for the Dominion. Send 3ot,
. the b ood, cum oils, rtuitions, skin diseases, female,
4,0 Bugs; Rats and Moe. • gold by all
Druggists; ontIlli Ilnesu W. Toronto.
rass Ban
. Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. .
Every Town can have a Band
Lowest prices ever Quoted. Fine catalogue 500 May
trationt mailed tree. Write us tor anything In
Musks or Musioal Instruments.
Whaley Royce & Co., Toronto., Opt and
Winnipeg, Man.
Wholesale only. Long Distence Telephone' 7211.
and otha PROMOS, to ensuri best results consIgn to
The Dawson' Commisston • Co., Limited,
Ser. WMtsmaritet whom at, Tome°,
Mill% Mille & Hates
Rirristemete..reinoved '
to Wesley Web. I.
mond St, W.. Toronto. '
Mica IP PErE.
Ir. Covering
Shwa mid tite itivia:rezerrr gold Storage
for pentads* oPply to .
Umtata, Montreal, sod Leaden, Sag.
.i.6:;‘,8• W TO,RONIer:
Catholio Prayer 55".‘,...****„,„6",„.ute.try'r,,,
Rowe*. Platurel, Mauer?, saa mums
• •arn.a.
idoostioral Works. Rail eedert rains* maul alt4e
B. J. SAULIII & 40.,, latottreal,
We welt good, litt.11.1 rd tttOOk..ltItt.• tt,•.ra
',Unfermented %Windt. than4i,...zu.
tell our sleek invveuccut. ts.kt ,47A.
gettti dIvlittuds rtall •-• -CV
Ittaitt4 Atta)t0 Vkatitt AttlutiattVat. na
pay tatarsintaa
les swung*. anti Loan teurakw.
. 'tem,*
%Ask *MS
ki4M, 47i,VOK. V•fits,
vistk4340 **Mr*, ,-t-R‘
Me.• I , {11..1.:141
,4N kr4C • AVIVAAV.'1,
111. 411114"1100011191104
ON *Al" IMO. soh iris%
The Canadian
Heine Safety
EsPlanades Toronto
shoo Dressing
H 0 g
ALL !,(17,LORS
For ma tr all first -elm;
I.. N. Packard& Co.
Lona sand &wrings C0121131'450-
Taa iNclast anst taticaat Canadian &wt.
stststa Corperatiel.
Paid4p $r,fiock,oec• .
Resort* wroespois
wee* Witue-Ismati at4 'mar**.
Mem* eieeee-ieempot, us*, vikeerevee. Sa
VAPOldrit 70,110AVIRS. hAvawn ansvel.
VAVAINIVINS Vsitrgitt I*14 tt, swan
• VssiVvefiefertOoierausOrts
sheirlolirlos Ste th6 Olefins Cron. tory Closet CO:k •
Illlitiliton, Ont
Nish BIlll** Wattle; Tilbeu Steam
sat otea.ot,. I OM re Weil pivall., 'WI b It that roll Oan
nrAn MR -Aborlt a 3eir ago/ tonal)! troln You oll
isalwa. tor ju Friss roso $, ei.rotast.), ul my private re I,, , , • with snleadid
of yew Odor Olt Creinstr ry Viol( t and in% i incensed
Oath* and Fold. J. it Mar li, hiedelme. Ost
sh n kno Another at onee r or my 4,,,,4 .. v0111.8 very traly,
MIND Post ISsuCttsPillvitt DATALOGUIL 1110 following are the names of a
,rotoste InienitiliathtneAmm‘wi. . fe‘y prominont citizens wbo are UtlIfig
to setwee, itutowussahitutatioutaLtelisso.,06014,, wow.. i TID::: AnieGtinuTtlihottlalnp:0114wTnOila'OntivtiOn,e,Onotn. t.
iiiitoiMalthreiti: itleo.tolettlioatioitmfic .44 ! tlos eloset, told froui whom wo have
very Mitering testimonials: ,
THE mon rttrrItITIOtia. - I; '; III,Irg's."77ckov$11111)7',$:17ret:ont.
E ppsis
__raptor, Mgr. Rank of Commerce.
ottATsrute.comFORTING. 114
Her. John Downie, Watford, Ont.
Sttathroy, Ont.
Peter Hops, marnhant. Perth, Ont.
Atoffatt. morohant, Amherst, WI
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