HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-05, Page 5Suppleoeent to The Nows - iocord
CLINTON, APRIL 5th, 1900
(IODERICH TOWNSHIP. Ooderich Township
The following gives the relative
standing of the pupils of S S. No. 2
for the month ending March 31st based
on punctuality, gooel deportment and
general ptofieiency:-
Jr. 1st -\Vestey dunk, Garfield Mc-
Cullagh, Frankie Chainher•s.
Sr. 1st.-- lint hie Thompson, Nina
Walters, Gorden \\'hate.
Sr Pt. 211(1 -Jennie \'nil, Thomas
Jr. I't. 2nd- Myrtle Prouse, \Viouie
Johnstone, linty Monk.
3 r. 21111 - (lett ie Stilt dy, Arthur Will
Son Albert 3!cCullai;h.
Sr. 'and---llanie Yui1,Mabet \\ alters.
Oliver Prouse.
Jr•. 3rd --1ferry ('luirtthers, Wink
Chambers, 'Mabel Preuss,
Jr. -Ith---NettieSturdy, Pearl \Vin -
SMI, Alice Johnston.
Hr. MI Lioln St urdy.
5t h ('lass --Fawcett Sturdy, Mattie
Johnstone.-FttEn J. LA\V0I NC1a, Tea-
Ali.. James Connolly was in Sea forth
Friday ;attending a meeting of 1J(I0ld
Directors of the Mc Atop Insurance
Mr, Char les 13reker intends buiding a
house next summer and has let the
contract to bar. Thos. Mackenzie of
Ars. Cole and children of Clinton
spent Sunday at her father', Mr. J.
111ulhttllalid's, Holiuesyille.
Fred Fund anti John Tiewartha
delivered three fat cattle for Chas.
Reid. Mr. ii,eid is buying a huge num-
ber of cattle out this way this year.
There was a. wood -cutting be at Mr.
Jas. Muse's, 4th concession, on Thurs-
day last •art hi, year's fuel was
made ready.
Mr. Alf. Tebbutt has engaged \Valter
Willson for the summer and MI'. Jahn
Ford has e•ugaged Lew Tebuuit for it
Jars. Thus. Cook le It, Con. is spend
ing it few weeks with her urother,Mr•s.
.totes of Dunganuoe.
£IIe horse of 31 r. Jos. 1zz,n•d w as the
scene of a pleasant gat hexing un Wed-
nesday evening id hast week when a
loge number ut relatives and friends
assienId it to w i1 tiss the mart iage of
his daughter, Muloie EJ., a popul-tr
young Indy who has, during the last
three years, taught. school successfully
in Mclidl,p, to Di Fowler• of Clinton
who has just returned from Toronto
where he holds the position of demon-
strator and lecturer of anatomy in the
Veterinary College. To the strain of
t he weanling march played by Mv.
E'red Fowler precisely at seven o'clock
the groom took his place under the
evergreen arch tastefully decorated
with roses 114'11' Ile was joined by the
lnstetally attired in cream (.08.
1111110 and carrying a beautiful buquet
of roses, leaning on her bullet's arae.
the eerc11imy was perforated by Rev.
13. Clement of Clinton, the genial pas-
tor of the (utario street Methodist
church. After ciugratnlations were
given all sat down to enjoy a dainty
supper. The ,einniruler of the evening
wits spent in games, music. etc. The
presents, which were ,iunier•ous and
costly, show the esteem in winch the
bride and groom are held.
The Middleton branch of the W. A..
M. A. met at Jars. George Steep's on
Wednesday afteruooi last.
Prospects are looking Might for the
corning season in the cheese line as the
following extract from the Montreal
Trade Bulletin will show. This publi-
cation is considered the hest authority
on matters pertaining to trade and
commerce. 1t says in a report from
London, England :- The continued
hardening of the mat ket in cheese jus-
tifies the firmness of holders who have
refused to follow the week - kneed
notions of some individuals who re.
cantly tried to frighten the Market.
Canadian white has advanced to 63s.
while colored has been able in some in-
stances to get as high as 64s. New Zea-
land are fetching 60 to els. Regarding
the cheese industry in Canada the Bul-
letin says :-The cheese season of 1899
is pretty well over, as there ere so few
lots remaining of the old stake and at-
tention is already being drawn to the
new make. Contracts have been made
for .\ pill make of a few factories in the
Belleville section at 11c. hut most fac-
tot ymen are wanting more money.
The same 11111ke last year brought only
10 Netts.
Mr.•Geo. Miller recently purchased a
fine three year old colt. Thesten paid
was $131. This is a good sunt but Geo.
says it only pays to buy the best.
31r. David Churchill has, we hear,
rented the Whitely farm on the 16th.
concession for a term Of years at $125
per annum. The place contains eigh-
ty acres and is convenient to his own
that is it hits it or neatly so.
The Itcv, L. C. Jennings of Bayfleld
will preach Missionary sermons at St.
Janes church, Midd;ototi'-•. and St.
Tohn's chore:), Rohn; .,vine, on Sunday
A very pretty wedding took place on
the evening of Wednesday of last week
at. the residence of Mr. John Dempsey
of the 10th con., when his daughter
Maude was united in the holy hor4ds
of mutt imony to Mr. Thos. J.\'Vehster
of Lack now. Rev. J. Greene perform -
the wedding ceremony in the presence
Of a number of friends of the contract-
ing parties. The bride was very dain-
lily and prettily gowned in a costume
of pail grey trimmed with cream
satin and pearl trimming and wore a
handsome boquet of lilies of the valley.
At the close of the service, the usual
congratulations having been tendered,
(11e happy cnuple,the bride and groom,
led the way to the dining room where
a very inviting wedding feast had been
prepared. .After doing ample justice
to the hospitality of their host and
hostess the guests spent the evening
very pleasantly. The bride and groom
carry with them to their home at
Lucknow the hest wishes of aL host of
friends for their future happiness and
pr wipe rit y.
A member of the congregation of Be-
thel church. wt it es THE NEws-REcoRL
ILS follows: -Sunday service in Bethel
church which has been held in the.
evening 11115 been changed until half -
past ten in the morning owing, we he-
lieve, to the disturbance kept up by
solve parties coughing. Is it not a.
wander these parties are not afraid
that God will afflict thein with a cough
that would stick to them for life. We
hope they will soon get common sense
and good manners enough t.ostop their
unseemly conduct so that -service can
be continued without such disturbance.
Ooderich Township. •
Mr. Albert Rumball of the.14th,con-
cession is seriously ill and on Tuesday
a fatal result wits feared.
Miss Edna Green, eldest daughter of
Mr. John Green of the 6th con;, died •
on Tuesday night, after a few days
iliness of appendicitis. The 'deceased •
was in her fourteenth year and was
very popular among her associates. .
The bereaved family have the sincere
sympathy of us all. • The funeral will
take place on Friday to Bayfleld cem- -
The township council met at Holrnes-
ville on Monday, when the assessor's
book was received and accepted. The
total assessment is somewhat lower
than last year. The chairman of each.
of the road divisions was granted $270
for his year's disbursements. This is
his allowance and he must govern him-
self accordingly. It does not permit
hint to wax extravagant. A. petition
was received from the . ratepayers of
the Suutn)er•hill school section, in tay. .
or of a union school, which It. is• pro-
posed to form from the present section .
and No. 5, Hullett. The petitioners
asked for the appointment of an arbit-
rator: The council granted the request ••
and chose Mr•. \V illiam Coats of Clinton.
The Act prohibits the appointment
of'any resident of the municipality.The
Fathers also paid: a few acconnts and
,discussed the question of drains, etc.
Reeve Churchill spoke of the statute
labor system and said he would en-
deavor to arrange to haye the question
of its abolition submitted to the
ratepayers at next January's :election.'
It will likely be brought up again at
next meeting .when additional inform-
ation may be fhrthcoming.
We are glad to hear that T. Beacom
and Son have got into business again.
Well find them at their new stand,op-
posite the Mason House.
McNAUGHTON-In Clinton, on April
5th, Katharine Macdonald, relict
of the late John McNaughton of
Stanley,aged 58 years and 1 month..
London Road.
Air. H. Smith of Springhnrst Farm
Hay P. 0., paid a visit to the Lim •
hurst herd hist week and. made a
choice selection of five bead of short-
horns from W. 3. Biggins. They con-
si-ted of three cows and two heifer
calves of the matchless Ryeheck Rose
and Village Girl stock. _Two of the
cows are sired by•the imported Kinel-
lar bull, General Booth (5.4353) the sire
of the first prize heifer at the Highland •
Societies Show in 1889and the follow-
ing year at the Royal Northern in
Aberdeen, Scotland, winnin , first
prize and sweepstakes over all ages.
The other three are ,sired by imported
Royal Don (64717) first prize and silver
medal, sweepstakes hull at the Winni-
peg Provincial Show 1894 as the best
short horn bull of any age and numer-
ous other first prizes and sweepstakes.
Boy Wanted.
First-class boy wanted at once the learn the
baking. Apply to
Clinton, April5th.