HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-05, Page 3•
_ _
. Celt itt. the preeenee of the Instrument - ing about the Garden. of Eden. Mel. i iThelpeompimomimumm......, .Otber hip.rceopeestrolinelzedosnuooutaoprilsa tpioettankree •
,s_s..- ,
DESCRIPTION- OF JES of torture that was to ‘put hint to
-now. I have never beeu before." And
death and Bald; "I em a Chriatiau ro .,-.sa.. olio; a . noes wail in ite Infancy then—lon was
. - •
• .. so again and again the Lion et Judah's •
trtbe hee torn to pieces the wild liettete . dielike anything as aeon aa it beconave , ,
r454'="it; part," he eontinuedi "I ! About the Roux .11
e: ward., It is aeceseery to begin at the
, a length of china silk of a harmonious
tint, and lay it In Welts standing up- LEGEND OF VIM E0110
—_____. ,
....... a duty. I ueed to like hunting; snice ,
•••••••• -0 top of thei spat*, at the frieze, if Poe'. ORIGINATED.
,i' of martyraoin. seer rome iime,,, observed eer, masks they made me master I look torward 1 .
able, and lay the tuoks deep eaough to • ' ' . - --- . k
Rev.. Dr. Talmage Speaks of the tbr'sliritetkliett° aWrlifolt"adtolve g bane "I have been beset by the idea ware to Sunday, and yet there was a e
lo the ;tutu= as a parson looks tor -
time wizen he doubtless loved .going Wie4,111,VakIvi:ItAvNedDainal)dVlo4vpeaTts54%Vierikat. hold up photographs, Them) tucks men Accounted r„ tee es„essale.
how the Red Skinned Dee ote Monte -
mean by • that it you. say. .of proposing to you." should. be taaked with brass head-
• ... F.lowers of the Bible. , ‘
frequent Use house a God, hut seldora He was standing with his excellent. to church, when it was only a par-• Through many changing years.* Atiewerinor Voice That Grew Pallet- •
, _ I mean you • who used to
,,s go there now; yeu- who once usect to ly that back to the mantelpiece, and miesible recreation. Sulnmaing it were We have bleared each eiher's gilailnetie elcta'clekr.asmtunkteeigphttlyheamorioen spitabeco,sapt t.he er wind Painter. •
Ike . . , . , ,,ovneesheofutihdegoTetno geombanautinsvdzentutate41- 1 hAanyde, wneevpetreicanehowouthre
,, . . . .. y but never
PraYcolinrmui nYirn, whrt 8o goaw" Title is a pretty deeoretion.even wCh • The whoopnethe red skinned huntsmen
aurtictel Sett tg the holy. Mise •Greatorex was covering a silk
aud the opera every Wedneeday!" That wee loog unsoothed by thee;
but a 'few pictures if the odor Is well ago, when, the prairies of the west were
was rinewered In ravines and canytnis tong
youce,re on:eite,rj
CI= giv;flistliatieln. iteinclaila handkerchief with an oppost•
tion pattern in adored wools — why, "And you mean. that you, woual die- yet thy smile oan make a manner •
like the duty of being permanently in N Where. daricuess oleo would be.
The Vineyards of En.gedi..The Sweetnss of Christ's
Pardon..Men - Do Not Carry Their- Religion With Jecueurts inoa 1 eilhaatmaidsuitooffeete . aft Marehara could not make out.
love with me," said the young ladY. Like the leavus that fall around us.
. chooen. Where there are a great dotted with buffalo herds, and when Ude
many pictures and the background is . road country had ne onus u tv g
TheITIoetaCk of Religion Makes You Gloomy.. '
word! .Uackstider I. From wht-tehalvve.
g st 0 .Tbore waa no one else in the room,
Christ's Comfort Makes a, Ma,n Mighty. .
• early geed lhabits. You 'have been
you slid back? .You hales slid baok
from your father's fo.itle from your and, as was evident, the gentleman
was disposed to be confidentiaL (Aiming too general, "though as a
who VerhaPil feurld hie rematks be-
have not hitherto found it disagree-
temporary emitimental excursion yott. Are. the traitoresmiles that darken a loSig expensive material will -do sust .
And, though many meth we've known, Where there Is a aet of pictures
In auturan's.fading hours
When the cloud of sorrow lowers ; as well.
corapletely covered, a. firm 'quality of .
wenn, no people but Indians. The an.
towering halloo grew fainter, ena Amity.
Miss Greatorex smiled.
which would make a straight axing
.,A. despatch from Wostrington saya man's window; • plant it On every sliding batik trom Christ, from the "And why have you not?" "Wfiat I Sind fault with is," be
of views across the panel the silk oan tions of time have changed it.
and this is the explanation AR the genera.
wore to marry you. one cou,d _ _
Whona• time could never change,
fold with pretty e.feet.
Rev. .Dr. TalMUggi Preached from the ievirgavra•pdi!t• Zasalte:evelstsuftesrsoeravesryirdwy; gem— , l "I have at times been half afraid
We both can speak of one,- love,
Tnn .prone, alas 1 to range,
top WA as well. ate the twee holeing . ear s. gulch, in the Bias* Hills of the
Turtle Dave, who lived. years ago in
declared, without very directey rePlYs be espeolaity arranged ao ati to form a B ,
following text: "My beloved is ante 1
every garland wave ite branches in SLIDING BA.CK FROM HEA.VEN that you Might accord," relined t)30 jag to ber question, otoat unless wee
Me as it cluster of . campldre lo the ' every home; tout when I era about to wa
en e man begins to slide, he ' candid young Mae, "At others," be
not do several- thinge one would w . A lattice of ribbons or tapes may be Dakotas, had oue little babe, a boy; whom
vineyarde a Eteredi."—Soloneon% die, and my hand lies oold and stiff,
and white unon -the. pillow, let zio sup- have been sliding back towaed an un- added, thoughtfully removing. an al -
much to tube •you to Indite"
like. For instance, I would like very • Through many ebanguag year , •
We have shared each other's gladnese
e neve Jived and. loved togethear.
oiled in the same way, and sub: a col-
lection N always far more ix -iterating e e a Y. g"
the called Sago Cook, fuel a girl of 6
maned. Ohoteu. _It wait her oustom when
h • d il th red seeds in the valleY to - ..
knows .not avhere he will go. You
Smite i. 14, ' erstitious pietist mine with Mumbling blest grave, toward a precipice, tbe most invieible dust . speck from his
'When Be inquired the young lady, And wept each other's team; than in a basket or album, both of •
Bolomoirs song has been, .considered fooleries to put a crucifix of wood or •
first ten million miles of which down- sleeve, I have beep much perturbee
wheel are at terribly oases that they carry Sage Cock About meter .bmic, as In-
dians do, but one day she grew so tired of -
eeetunentitlists; written by a volute plain and humble soul—lee him (mime eternal plunge. You were, perhaps, poseibility—that you might refuse."
by the possibility. — oh I certainly the
ber Indio. n th "ddl r th
"Not," tee replied, "till, my, Oa0-
.. . 1 0 nn . e o e Eva I will ehare with thee thy sorrows, wits Net aaleep, under a sagebush mid told .
by Many as fit ouly for moonstruek stone in' my bend, . but rather some ward are only a small .part of the with somewhat startling detunteuess.
As the past has been will be;
• - • •
are never seen nowadays, except as h b d th t h 1 id '4 o Cock who 6
tilnagle etteng, lealYvitdire= tolleca.ailve professors. in the country. You have Anti thee thy smiles with me. heirlooms. -
Ohotou to watch him. Turtle Dove went -
tuary—the story of a man crazed by .
lideIttrOneirl "It would. be disagreeable 'to be re- son you would not enjoy O bit. But I
really fear uutese we do get married, . •-t -
eft* maiden—fit neither for family phirefrom the vineyarde .of Enegedee . ITee dteheathilf=at toiteetv; e hued," remarked- the• lady iropereon- ......_
. WARS THAT SEEM ENDLESS. farther and farther down the gulch, and
. . •.prayers nor for churches. Indeed; It ' is some twenty years ACM since
I found the Lord, aed I anusdt ityour
h you married. You have no more hole) ."That," the • gentlemen considered, I 'should love to explain the ILO to ,
youe it may be the kind oe wife whim , eitY• • - . the trip is impossible. All the same, . SPRING CLEANING.
It is about Mies time that the •old-
. . saitenoutry struggles The' neve "ell • °11 she asked. She knew without
while she was away an olcl witch eame.hob-
bling up. .
"Ohoteu, lathe litMe boy your brother?"
we Meet admit that tbere wereeyeara
Asking tied
for _heaven eels' than if you bad lived you,. and Sbah Alien's . mosque at . ha Thi.d. h
. ilf &lawn% life when he hart -several resee.11te: 141 agr. n....
UttIrelfrain00 til.:111 undnam:rrobher L g "depends. If I was sue% I wanted oueelei fe seta. a bwit the • .. ., ..
it was Sage Cook, but Ohoteu, who hed
• .Irandred more wives than. be was en- . I have given hirn a hard thrust in His ICIII1oT. 1. tat thrj d to maery you,. it would unquestionably , Alineedithad—oh, and the Golden Gate fres it a . 0,M S4 1 or re o Illitiesf• and NO reaeo
titled to; but he repented of lus Sin, soya • side ; but He has been patient is 'that Bible you used to read 1 Where be distigreeable to be rethsed." I cannot teke yOu there. without. there are dome, who belong to that en -
marrying you."
et San Francisco; it is tiresonae that yearly heemeoleaning. Of *purse,
Since the first foreigner, in the per- to carry off boys than girls„though frIght-
iii sight, . - • been taught that witches were more likely -'e6 06" er. ei.,..
and, •God °hoes., him to• write awns of Ngehf 11 LiVy. trgi rh,(1td?lertttlattlel is that room where you used to pray ?
whhosat have- you done with that Jesus ' "And you. are not eueere
and . Aunt Adeliza, patine's."
"Yoe could take mamma as well, ergetio. class who -begin early in April, son ef a Dutchmen, tended on ' the ened, ausweeed qutokly, "No, it is my
Island Of Sumatra in. 1449, the native •
the best things about Christ that ea
eel° so hatilY 1 halt lie has never let W e voice yolk once. heard 1 Oh "No, very far, indeed., feom being so. . and plan and systeraze their work, and • sister " Then the. witch, although brut
Bible.comes with! poor- grace from an
I thielg the criticism of raodera
times upon the immodesey of
- - th .
„ sounds. I have no marvellous expert-
- ences ; it h'as been • a plain story re
sights, X have heard n.o wonderful
patience on His part. and of
. . — until he Mall rouse himself from tbe en . - .
• horrible somnambulism, walking as -he
up now and shriek in that man's ear epeak,,* • ,
vileges I Oh, dead oepoetunities I wake- joy the .ro •. , . .,
ut -not al'ivays le
le or Mr Greatorex so to.
• • • mends itself, but .personally• I should'
• . not like it so much."
lor plan for those ta whom it coin- 1st comes around, they are seated ser- ,
"The t would Le diderent. A. super- , rush through it, and by the time May
Miss Gre-atztex laughed. Mr. Mark- .enely, w.ith hand.s folded,- and smiling
:' stuit o fa . su pTreibmeree" eoanrteenotoTat :72.ilo wislanan
of their land foot by foot. In the. be- ,
ginning of -the present century -the ea frightened she could neeinterfore when
dreiOn enough herself, scolded the trembling lit-
tle maiden. for her lie and 'changed herself
into eo terrible a • shape that Choate was
teeing him to her home on tho side of a
..tteve ever been written... Besides ehat, nee go. I haye seen no wonderful murdered hours 1 Oh, massacred pH-
, . At times I think. I should. enuCh en- Achlnese have combated the usurping
does, fast aeleep, within an inch oe •• ham left his seqnestered sea and mipesitnotliBrtiotil. illaVs,Titti , the witch ran off with her little .brother,
. age/ in whieh the writin•ga of George . UNWORTHINESS ON MY PART. ' ' '
"Oh dear, no 1—not nearly La.
distant mountain.
hell.- Oki that he might cry Out to- _ ways." • took one beside her ye thelittle sofa. would. not, think of doing any mph again the Actenese took . up • arms
- • Sand have come to their fortieth ede Thie old witch was .so ugly that no men
S.onee a my dear friande before me night : "Golden Sabbathe, Oome back I lady, "that you would 1 ail cleaning house, at this see- against the- Dutch invaders: Although would marry her. Sho had decided that
tune and Christians cannot get tot the. have had more rapturous experiences. co
mmunton masons, come . baokl - ' Miss Greatorex had a canary, which
peayeretneeting •because they have 0,hrist to them has been the Conquer- Wooings of the Holy Ghost, come at thia juncture began te sing With an hand V'. ike to take my thing
ellehat,". /emirs will .exclaim, "go -to oret in the • o - th" i
'when the Dutch can. get• the Achinege. her only course was to eapture.a husband,
• tickets for ftret-rate• seats at the Qr. on the whiee hcirse, or the Sun of batik I" But they will 'not come. air of the most uncontrollable merri- a "fl ilcianvge (:.prilifihntg tlita tNlicgi el; . w(II wweai:
' bl b . t and this was her reason for weintiug Sage
Righteousness ' setting everything 'Gone! Gone 1 Gone ! Sorrow will ment. Mr, Dialkham went to•ti neigio 'thi . pen ey nvaxia y ea
1C,00k. When she reached her cave, the
• "Black Crook." I think, however, as married," be continued after an inter- all the bother of cleaning and drag- them, the war continues in a desultory
ablaze with light, or the Bridegroom come, bot not.they. Temptation Will vaL "'this would ee my business. It ging. one's life Out at this time of the manner to -day, and. will only end when egan transforming the baby into a full .
far as I can see, be my. stupiditys 'that comieg with lanterns and torches.' To come, but not they. Eternity will boring drawer and produced thence a
cloth, with which he covered •the dated would be expected of me,' as it ist ut a. grown man, First she pulled at one limb,
there are thuage turned out upon the me, it 'has been a very quiet and un- dome, but not they. Oh l that you . year, when for four er,five months to • the lasf native of Sumatra has been then another, imtil each was the size of a •
• conunuoity to -day that hid fair. to do
something ,very sweet, but very. still• of your life, and consecrate them to . Wales to lay corner -stones," .. ., .follew doers 'am windows are to be killed in eaten. The number of Achi- man's. Finally Sage Cook, of a man's .
aim and' with 6, manes strength, stood be -
demonstrative experience. It has been might save- the. few remaining years "You are not eure whether you are hen. ta lay. eggs,' or .the . Prince • oi
. more damage than the Seaga a Solo- Christ 1 I have seen sad eights, X have: he•love.with me or no?" remarked the open all the thne, mit only to let in mese killed has never been known, but
air, bee all the aifting dust fronewith- the war has been a eery serious .drain fore het She at last had a husband. But
o How Mall I describe St ? .I have it "And then it would cease to please( '
mon. . itow : ".My. beloved is unto -me •aa a heard sad pounds ; but, I tell you, the young , lady,. es': the : bled 'ii indignatit eit would then become. detestable.
eut ' to clog up everything. Humph! . in spite of his elm -Sa.ge Cock in his heart • .
on the manhood of Holland, and maul' and brain. was still a baby and apt to do
Hear, DOW, one of his fresh. milt:ow Muster a camphire from the Vineyards -
ghastliest thing • outside. the getes 'of silence s-uoceeded -.to his„ previous And often lately "have .pietured- my7
No, indeed 1 •• Ng spring 'cleaning - foe
Bat, I 'remark further : :•this ' cam" bed.. Do you not feel to -night like Mr. Markliem came Leek- to the man-
. self as riding libme in the deepening
dusk of a •wintee's afternoon f rem me. I shall do mineln the fall, when of her best. soldiers weee. killed between the.samo foolish- things a baby would do. .
The witch had to teach :him to. hunt and
descriptions of Jesus. Ie • , I had of En-gecli." •• : • • the damned is- a backslider's death- irrelevant rhapsody.
phire-elant of • the text teas a symbol having applied •to your' sotil this Di-
telelece, •aud, having .readjusted his. or to fi d ' • 4 - t h - span, all theougb the winter." • struggle- was. very bitter. : . -
I know 'I can keep .things apiok and • the yeats 1873 and 1879, -when the
. - • fish and te. eat dried buffalo meat. .
twenty? yeare to preace,• I would like. • hunting, either with you by• my side .
to employ ten of them in 'bringing af Christ .in the -feet that it. gives eel- vine restorative V • Do you not feel like e , so ei le leao wit wor at . • et.Was net long after the kidnaping of
out to obserVatum those represeata- caring. From the Mediterranean to the crying out with David: "Restore un- back, he said in a low eolee, and look-. When I think • of it I nearly take a.
n you waitm.g or me a : ome.
their awn time and aceording to .their . Sage Cook before Turtle Dove had all the
W 11 b t- • - h. ' 1 k '
tiotis of Christ which have as, yet been eine head: -. - - _ . . .• : . _ at your feet." ' incline., lens, The good, •oldefashioned seneered Armenia to Turkey. the nem-
Sinee 1004, when .the Persians. sur-
seeds•she could cam, and:returning te the
GangeS, the .people of the East gath- to me the jeers of Tby saleatione" ing down at the very adjacent brown, hansom and' perm here to: lay ,myselt
..,"Why don't' you 1?"' • • • mous Soltaps of Turkey . have never
. ' - . • housekeeper wilL however,. look to do spot where sha had left :her children. she
erect le; .dried the leaves,. pulverized For - great sin, • egreat partial. For
the 1 t k •n Aprie. or the first in sheathed .their swords in. regard to •the • • • •
...passed- by. I do not know • why the. them,. and then. used -them as a dye deep wounds, omnipotent surgery, For
• "I admit - I . urn disaellointed." . '
1 the great Neer of housekeeping about , met •Ohoteu • mying, end was told what.
pulpit, should.. hover over a. few types for beautifying'. gaiments Or. their deaf ears, a Divine aurest. Por hlind • "For the. reasons 'detailed above. • former country, mere .in the Math of
own persons. It was that fact . that eyes e. hievenly mullet Foe - the • She looked up rather qUiekly.. •... picture "being reilised. and the subse- 3yr -", W" ' 1.. had happened. • .
In great sorrow, the mother started im. •
symbols ef Jesus ebat Mee never
been discoursed upon.. :Why 'should gave the, camphireeplaut of the text dead in sin, .the u.pheaval of a great
its commercial value in ' the time of resurrection.. But why ehotelge -. I
King. Solomon e a tyee of* my Lord partirealarize that ...Mass in this audi-
labia". • • - - • - '
could . be stUpid-,ib • is evidently pos-
"Bitterly*, I had no idea thzit .you• ,quent iliecomfort •• and inconv•enience.
' - - ' • .all my plans .for tthe rest of • the , ma-
lt would enttiii. an eneire •change of
' '• -. tak.e dawn all heavy .drapings, .as •por-
i Niro 1 neb - s t • d. I
L. is a. good plan, when possible. to
., • a • requin , e o., an . rep ace concert
again, when .matters are very Slow, in -.
the inhabitants. Tine,. eyere.now • and.
Europeaa .pelitice, some country be- . mediately on the long, hopeless search for -
Sage Cock • Her brother,. Eagle,' because.:
. of Christ when there are .so many
em. wi• .. some ing a la more in comes righteously ' ineignent end a • • '
he was a great traveler, offered to aid hee ..
pair of - lam curtains hung aver the • - •
sent - to tbe Sultan. Still the • fight,.
of Europe is milted and a note •
reetehe Visited a great deal of territory.
•eeping with - the heated season. • • •A • • . and by flyhig very swiftly and without •
we 'employ all Our time in' :examining Jesus, who .beeutieles wed adorns,. and ewe -When we need all tbis. restorative,- • • loon."' • . . - •
polours everything he. touches. I hose for we have all„. wandered -And.. gone •Frogre the motion. of Miss Greatoree, • .
a few lilies, whine the Bible' fa %great her. head -4 as they. would say' in. the Mr. .Markham started: • e• •• •
'But if vou .were not refused?" • . - k • • : -
'garden filled with fuschias, apd• with no 'faith in : that inan's.. conVersion, away ? - . . . . .. • .• . : • •
whose religion does. nob colmer his. en- - • 'phe 'last three or four weeks have
old books—impiied a note of inter- . folding doors,. a lam latiabrequin over: '
mg goes on—or, . rather, the buteher- •
witoh. - He did not 'then kilo*. that, . the '
But it was menthe before he spied the '
• • daffedils, and with emarenth,s, . and' tire . life, . It : was 'intended so • to '. do. been weeks of gkeat rejoicing. and • *alternative, 'but I did not lied it 'lose:.
"Oh, that Certatnly struck. me us an
the mantelpiece, will do Mitch toward ••- - '
LeAgt th b • ei 'f' • th resent •
e egin . ng o. . e p 'man. with hetwae Sage Co.*. • .
with evening primroses fer the close If - a man has the:grace 'Of Grid. in his thenksgiving be God on my part. Theeetegra•tion. . • • , . • • •- century -.Algiers fin.ally•• passed Into the •
"It is sit upid not to .imve grasped ,.
• • • . Marming. li I were Meepted. we should
on .a .wa d • - • ••• •
making -a roem look cool rind inviting ' • . -• • . .... . But :When he tOld eleuele• lecieeof whae .
- - he had seen olio started at -once with .Jelm..
Of the lile's day, asid cropuses .at the heart,sit ought. to ' Mew itself inl the inane that hem cermet° me frora Eng -
elle ttY• - ' - • • - ••• the rese t the French' nation has al- ' . , -
hands of Franca. From -that time tui •
, lifee•There Ought to -be this-",oltister land, and &attend, and Ireland, and. the. queatien, - i hese. for .quite: a'• len probably • get munied; and. how' dull
for the witch. s mountain, sure Oath the.
g. tor us:both it would subseqUently bd. • If .you will make coveringe far yoer • •P n •
foot of the snow -bank of sorroweance of eamPhirse en • the ledger, 'in the fteeye hare told raw by• letters, Wallet
ttme. knoWn.. that • I wee in rove.. with Whet I should really like would, be for- furni. tire, yeti will•eind it will .not only. h
'ways kept axe army- caps •of not lese man was -•tier • • bey transformed •be 'the .
.heiert:a ease thr the t•roubled, and. 'Pas- roll- a Government seeerities, •in • the . have no more.tiine to • read them, . of
'. • yoie to come and stay juse iii 'our pres- eavrai I- dereet deal; 'but yOU will find t• an fifty-four thousand Frorteh troops wicked magieof the witch he Would still •
'Sion -flowers"' planted at 'the- foot . of medital presoriptioin,. in'the • law -book .hoitt God has "been 61e4ed to .
. . . garrisoned there,. to fight'. ehe . Arabs . recognize her voice. What thetwo.enally e
eoti..." . •• •- • • .
: •• • ent eapacity at Markham, • say, • for - that the appearanee a -yeue Mime ie
'across, and **morning glciries" 'senate,
1, ' A reeigion is of no• value to .the !ere" ". .. BLESS MY. POOR. WORDS. . "Ever . sine's hind:mot:114
ePeehops not quite so long AS (hate .
' a year, yet woad walk. with. me,. rew Agreeable changsde - ' . .- . - .. - who. infest the 'hinterland And • raid the reached the neighborhood where tho witch •
chant unless it lieeris• hero.. f rem put- - • .. .. . . • With :me, fieh with me, hunt will .leel - lben again,. it Ls also an excellent.
• French.possessions at least ouce e yeer. had. previously • WM. 110011 • Turtle. pove
• tag out - wider the splendours • of .. the Beg • talee labels en. Ms .geods; or to..to the Salvetitin and conefort of' men ;
But certainly • ever since, ,Alreost •ever I would rend to you my tavorite bits of Mae :to tak.6 a igOod-sized ' piece • of Chief. among these' ere the. TOuaregto, .
°limbed. into a .tree and eriedaelud meet • .
breaking ear 'Some. weeks. , ego •I the plasterer- unless it. keeps 'him froin and so. from different •Pares of this. h f'g • •th half of th ir feces
mottaully; while . Eagle, '•frana anothei • •
dimoursed to you elbow ."the • eihite .10,4
• - tang :up. 0, *ening. whieh he 'knows' land, 'giving Me confidenee in that old eincee La.dy. Greatoree lett. the sooin,e ..• my . feverite 'authoreaand 'you •shotlizi. drugget wee "pleoe over eour tarots.
The, yoUng- lady laughed.: - . ' : e eeteliate with yotirs.- . I Can imagine it will 'eave an immense amount • of .-. • e .
*asked, and _fight • alvirayS to the" - _ . tree,- keenly watched the •effect on 'Sage.
heirs of Jesus," and Ihave b.een tem 'will' era* in six menthe ; or to the Ges:pel . which my.. father -.believed he
. •
Wae my. mother euch an Instance:
• - dothing so delightful, •I have already 'wear and • diet from workin In and • . DEATH. OR VICTORY.. , . . Pock, who hinnediately recognized the. •
delvde unless :it keeps: tine from lashe end which I'. lave tried, thoughein • •• e voice.arid-eried repeetedly to the witch, -"I
that sonienf the mewspapers supPos- Jug his hersee to eight miles en hoar much. feebleness of- soul, to eereach 'to •.. had you to- stey at Markham. bia there es nothing se destructive as dirt. Never once ,has, a Touareg been taken
eimmmipihme• alive, Franee eannot . subdue- them; hear ley mother! I hear my mother!" But-.
ecb it was a mere fa,ney of My own— eaben the thermometer is et ninety; You. •. Led I see trenight, rising up of • George Eilot's malge . prophet'. then Lady Greatorex end Sir Merma- • •,
HOeSEKEEPING 'SUGGESTIONS'. for if beaten' they fleeete thel..desert, the witch only -laughed and told him tO - .
the poor fools -not knoWing that en 'to the fernier unless. it keeps him from beyond. • this throng,' three hundred. . out her daughter" and. duke Mine; toe; end my. sister mole . ..-.•
hide in the stomach of • a mouritein sheep :
etending beh
Revela•tion, the first.. and the four- petting the only sound: pippins on the thousand Multi on tbls and 'the . other threatening what 'she will' be?' . down • to do , hostess. : We -Were- 'never : -. • • .. where - no trained army can . follow.
. , . •
teenth„ tee ' Bible speaks nf -. Christ- top of the barrel; or to the shoe- sidaeref the • Atlantio to whom these - , • • - - .
'I merely' meant :that the • .presence done except now Ana then for a. Oar- - To Wash Silk Stockings —Wase silk them. : e
ter' cif. ate hoer . of ' Mutual ' endeavor- stookings Oil .0°1d:wetter, and With ' • ' • .- • :which Was.lying Pear, a trophy of the boy' • .
el skill with • the 'arm and arrow
perdon, Wad pea;ce, and. love. Oh, men a A elaperen N• . incompatiole • wieh lug:, -• - • white soap,. rinse in • cold water,. then • The •Riffians, who are the • sco.urge esse
Obedient,. :Sage Cock crawled into • the- ' .
-"whoee head and whose haies are wh le tattoo - unless -.it • keeps bine 'from sub,• poor Words may , cane. as eneseages of
like Wool, as white as suliwe.-sylm-- , •stituting .brown paper. -for good lea- • • • • • .
.1zie them, .flat. in a clean torWel; roll :
of Morocco, resemble the Touaregs, i.n '
bolizing. - . . . ther in the Soled In other words ethe and, women, present or absent 1. 'Oh, .s.entiment." . • • ' • . , • : . • . "Thank. you," interjeatede'witlesome hat the also take and ive no uar- aheep.end the old %%etch fele:weed htm ' .
Turtle •and Eagle were. •-puzzled . at the
• THE ETERNITY Op JEetiS.: . .
. .
re.legion of Christ. is ,goed. for ev.ery-
... men and." --women jtidgenent-bound I
"1,'' . observed the youne ewimian; tisperity,..the lady. • .. .. . • tleem up tightly,' and let. there remain. he;rt of- the' Sahara, thevynifight fi e . dd
ter buj enstead of lig' :g . in q th
tthe two, bue had.
. Terraced. on the side of the moun--
.. _,• thing, Or it Is good. for nothing. The Ch.,I.nrilatte:ttlig•z=lili gteritsty-dreorsistieeell
d I do •• not.• mind - admitting . that. I. ans - "What I should like would be to : taigdihstePolernal;I: i
zignintitlein. instiewerior ., •
Osseo were tbe' vineyards of 'En-gede grecs of GOd .IneVer effects us by Oh
w,here . are yotir prayers 't where .are geiting emitted. You noW, . meat , .hrive- yotethus fore time all to myself,: till . teey aee dry: • • ;It you rub them . th,eir mountain„fortiesses end keep the
With .e. pie.ce of 'flannel eit will give ', workings -of • they deade
OM they were sweet' places:. It rom ; .
1Ciecemeal. If - the heert. is changed,
your . coteries for • mercy ? Do not that lor tiore : thane twenty .minetes you 'antigen: • X have. much More ;to' a.
You . would find nee neuch. nicer • than
...Lem - a LelaSei •IIII 'they -will na TO- •Su
Sultan of Morocco' in continual. dread..
Telitane?-eZ ""1:1111?"-iLn They wandered aimlessly about forsevel .
--tishelving of ha .„ the head is •clianged and. the liver . is
sem° oe you %eel that to -night ia the
you have tedored me '. Mr. Markham's. quere. :ironing.. Silk Stockings should Menthe' game fetttle the •
daye, when Eagle decider' thee the missing-
- • 'beautiful bent:gee .oeethe faces of:
. - : leaves; the grapes intoiricate with .
•r. own Wine; potnegranaes• with • and the haiads are changed,- and . the
changed, and "the • Muse is' °hinged,
feet are °hanged; and the- store is ago, you remainber that Ierrible scene
of snow from' the roof, and thoory of. 'moment •ag6 eloe eeemee .11111M .lio, erne look." : :
in this very building because of a•• slide exeggeratien tie this rhetwic, "and a..
showders appeered . to depremie• the-.
"You are not, in fact, euch a fooleeis .
• • washed quickly, and . rolled tip. .at • . , - would have to come out of their hiding for
• . • . • , . . L. . . etrangliolds.- .,. , • • .
• - ers of the . numerous semi -brazen
a quarrel with one 'of ' the'fitudaeholdg-I
Billing A Tern tyaspa,' 'IT
- • •
- - . . food. He killed trabble •andehune it.at
Nil! a baby, would soon be so hungry' they •
bemired, feet high, water eame flown time to •begin to - prey ? Some. weeks wonld think.. '•
me, .ea • th.e ' Yankees . say, .• than you,
•never be left in water • •they meet be pair, end particularly Sage COokewho Was
t • lamn•tE141114 • f°``'. ohari.gek and. the spleen : is. ehaeged,
fruits and flowers end aroniatic: woods. has any infliaence comes te a :complete
Yon gallery, there was - an 'outcry:ea .' "Not art.: elltsup.'iedhat bitunwissyu.11 liabtaetlyi, ev,r co:j.,,t.hal4s.dferdivtohl:uhstd.yin, t,e,ornritopntelocno.n..., A Bire6m Bage-WhoeVer has, hard- Puritan settlers from England landed'
Prom the day in 4020 vita the first,-
- juices bursting from. the - reed; all. and everything over which the. man
"fire" en . tho part of sortie .villain in doubt yourlove.." • . . • • . • " - . , . tfr. 31111kb:tin took • no notion What- once. . - - : .. . .,. the tep of a small pine tree, peeled the' tree. . .
as the ' -necessary 'denouement of tbll Choctaws, Greeke and Sioux :have been
driven:further and further -back, till.
todey but a compare -dm' few :remain..
. of 'its bark and limbs that It might . be
neat ' to itnpossible to climb 'it, andehon
watehed developments.- • - • . •
then the branch of a great tamarack ho.
appeared, as Eagle had expected. And
When.she saw the rabbit, which was ihe.'
neatest food' at hand, she begau a,wkwal de
It was but a few hours . before the witch
i ,camplare-plant of the. text. - Its • . .• - - - .•••••.-
-tem,olig the sweeteet of '. theta the
—graceful, tragrant, symbolical . of. •
flowers aTe in• Musters like wir lame • . , eNTOT.1 POT OF onzACINTH • .-
Jesus. -"For my Beloved Me • wile me
as -actuator of eemphire "from the
Vineyards. of Xln-gedi." - . • . -• and _tactical change, .., The religion of
the -Lord -jesus-Christ•is - • -
passerseby to look at, and to be ex -
to be set in a parlourbayswmdow for
ainined only by ourselves • when . eve
have company ; bue is to be e perfume
. . . • . - barer through the . building, and talked' y. a
as. • dead ' mete • and it. wee an an aS to whether I .wouid like to marrY frightened ;• I don't Mean to insist On. ' -
weinging ef bands, • and some beCame ain in •iore ; hat I . am• very uncerta,n.
imaginary- perit—ne, daieger aV all. the beteved objeet.e.
th.ose..of'us•who were here that night,
It you were eo .aliamed when the peril
We will 'never' • forget' that scene -e . ..
proper. e merely. mean that marridge: tering:Lord Mendip- with'• me."' . drawing it over a polished. floor, yeti
Miss Greatorex laughed. • . •.
"I lidmit it sounds, perhaps, nu-. .'VherleTreto. irrilhatil
• • _•• . • ki'prier engagement,' Yea need not . . g. , • • - populatem. Gradually the -Cherolgees .
dition I .-• will .come, Do not leek eheeede.
iffie,xfonir nye ..117 tthontleoemtleoe:etdh:siedebout: .
- 1m001••• ba a Of canton flannel made - •
wood or plainted floors to .keep. clean -
provide herself .with ••several •
Tient ' en•Anearican soil, intermiteent war has_
been waged by the whites. in -the Unit-
ed States against the original- Indian e
. ..
fillitig all the • mown of • the. heart • as.
being what is - called. in. love • seems-. to leesed what i he had been holding.. and - end inive• yourself 'the' Ureic:Me. stoop- Yet:even • now the government . deems
ly• climbing the tree: -So slow WOO she that
. 1.will carry out the idea of naptext, was. only imaginary, what .will be the "Lord Mendip!" 'Mr, Markham re- may gather ' up all the .dast and lint,'
- ' and. in. the first plate show fed. that "cluster of •camphire from' . the vine- condition of those who are unprepared it advisable . te 'keep a• body cif picketl
Eagla who had seen her emerge from the •
' this. cataphire-pla.nt• of • the text; Wm yards oe: Xn-gedi." The tiouble.' is,- for .eternity, when it Mall not. be a
'When there is no •geestion of being with something of • the air whereseith Moth. The beoom bag, toce is a great• troops .tre guai:d tite Indian • eerritory„
sheep, • had time to pull Sage Cock out of .
me • quite a '.- doebtfal • expedient:" - . laid it. back in the young lady% . tap ing necessetry to wile°, it • up . with a.
ranee. It I had. a bramb, . of it,- and them. - . The merchant- leaVes it'. out- rockerlimalyze -' A.lese *and A,ndes in • loiree' he. continued, relaxing ULM- one- puts down again upon the counter ad in • Cleaning house, 'in wiping the ' • for every now and again the old scalp-
ing, spirit-. breaks •out in • some yeung
a While the witch was granting and hug -
the sheep% paunch' and eavy hhn-. off, •
• seyeabol of Christ, because of its erne- men do not take. their neigh:In-with slide a sneer, but 'an•••avalenehe- Of •
. elleuld wave it in your midst, it side the :counter lest. it • disturb. . the crushieg into-deraolition.; and the con- self •by. a short walk teethe. other ond . at article that one basheen fingering dust- off the' wants, • It ewill take. up .
brave, and dire •would he. • the .resu. s
ging the tree, terdyee 'fixed on the. rabbit.
' would . fill ell the house with 'the ree .• goods, The housekeeper will not let flagretion of -the last day shall be of the room and back, el.think• mar- in a ealesroom when one_ discovers it the...dust „from matting an easily as• were he not subdued . • before other ,
above. Eagle ateried his prize to the 'earns -
,db.leace, Tee camphor, ae, we have it,. her • religions 'trail' its robes in . 'the kindled, .and .a thousand .million•voices
eine not ei bad .arrapgement. • At is is marked "So'ld." • He tesumerf his, from..e. painted :floor, and by. rinsing couldgether ,to follow him on the war -
spa under the sagebush from -which Sage •'•
. is offensive to smile; •hut the camphtre- .kitcheit on Washing-daye. - The. philo- on earth will- cry :• "Fire 1" :and my- then merely. a form ' a business parte- 'Position on' the hearth rug, but with-. out in . clear water oCcasionally does._ Path, • . • . .
- -vent of the text had a fragrancegract- sopher Will not. let .bie. religion come. rinds of voices ..in the. sky respottel nerthip, and now that. it has ceased t o out -again accommodating. his .back. 'to. exeellent service. • • - e Cook was stoleneand so soon es Sage Cook
touched' the .earth he waffle-
ouss to ail. Tne vineyards of. Exe.-gedi 'in ainid the batterlea, lest it get . a "tare I" and on the -land and. on ad be ine-oluble .. has no . special terrore:. the• mantelpiece. "It.. wase' he Yee To Clean- Hair Brushes.—Dissolve a
. The Northwest Mounted Pollee o . . • ,...,
bathed, Ln It—the branches,. the buds,. galvanic shock. • J3ut • I tell you, un- -sea., and above, and beneath, and ev-
But you and 1 .have nothing to gain marked. presently e'very nice of you .pieee at common:soda, the eize of. a Canada were raised, and are kept, for Pew a man.
typical of the sweetness of • Christ • where, it goes .nowhere. That 'retie fire 1" Oh, •• that Christ would t6 -
night lay hold of that man I -Speak, so are you. I do riot need. to marry' '. that way. You: can do things, when: water, dip the . bristles of the. brush • a Ike'. 13 rt e. 0 a' duous Os that of their had been when he had 'disappeared. As
l'k u p se • and although their stantly transforined into the ratite baby ht
Eagle's tracks were washed out by rain -
the blossoms, dripping witheweeeneus, , less. yea religion goestwith you every- eeywhere, it shall be.: eFire 1 - fire!
by that. I am exceedingly well ' oi.e. to interim :me • of your etigagemeni. in walnut in proportion to a quart -of •
for- position nor deryeu, -We neither • you try, very gracefully. A more American doubles, yet even they. are
r. dorms,. when the witch discaered her loss
' ht. wakes the dead I However calm end poesible-. Repeat this until the generally : busy. - .
No one. knowa when the first blood she -was enable to trace him. But she saw..
'"Ilow sweet the n•ame of. jeous sounds eon' was intended to coloue all. the Son of God—speak with that voice that briskly In and out of the Water again;
In. a believer's eat! • . heart and the life. of us need t'ci demand blood, like Ham- awkward woman might have told ms keep- the back and handles -as free as
wouinds, - colour. For the most part it was an. beush. teas clean, then dry the back feud began in Corsica, or when the • some feathers which she knew wore Ea -
And doses ,away his fear.'" ' s Orange .dye made of this eamphire. therm. and sisters .out of Christ, . I
thing to.. gain by ' me, and - I have to. -But' you- begged me- to wait, as. you and the handle, ediake well- to throw. first brigand set up shop. Nor ean any gle's, and at Mee divined what . had hap-
It soothes his - eorrows, heals his But, mark you, . it wes• a • brig placid' we may now. he. MY dear. bro- Iet's •aunt. • In • fine, as they 'say .- in...flatly. half an hour ago,"
plant, onei cie the most brilliant of all must tell you that you are in grinds one tell when .the .last will -put up his pened..
the 'Arabian Nights,' ' you have- no- "I 'woe going to tell 3,oti 'just now.
TAB mime of camel: means now° : shutters: Even in the time' of the Ro- • She decided to go to her grandfather, a.
ing need, in appaline peril. . ."Except materiel need of -anything you. •- can wished •to finish your delightful con- as• much wet as possible out of the
the name of leered enema oraelty,•
- - -- - - - -r: the colours: and so the • religion of a man be born again .he ' cannot—he supply to. me. Markham is just as fine versetion... I concluded that • you bristles, and set . in the 'sun. or near mans the inbabitante . wore too busy rettlesnake, thr protection' and for likened . e •
Jesus Christ casts- AO blackness .. eir cannot: see the kingdehe of God.° ' a .place as Greatorex Abbey, and not - thought you were shining.- After • fighting one another to care • vvheth- in 'avenging herself: Thavenerable rep -
gloom' upon the. soul.. It brightens up .. . •.
• ---.0... a bit finer. When ' I speak of be-. all, you, do not .affect to ignore your, the fire to ery. • •• ' - • -
Patching . Socks.—A correspondent erea foreige &raison was left on the We, Rattlesnake, with whom she was. ley
lest, •it brightene up everything. You e has discovered .. that she can patch island or .noe. Bet not a day goes by no means popular, was drowsing In a •
the name of Alexander means • con-
• . eloquence; the naune a Allieon means within. • I •sheuld like it to . Itecoine : • "I ain eure," he Mid, after the hrief- without several lives being sacrificed.. glare of sunshine on a big, flat rock, and, '.
quest; the men a Deitipethenes meene Ing. in hive it is purely a personal.sen- reputation . as a conversationalist.' -
who go with sombre countenance, pres •TO A. VIOLIN ' swim. more quickly' and just as serv-
poetry; the -name of lienjavem West chronic.. I really isnjoy being in lOve. est passable. pause, "you would be ex- in the cause of --some vendetta ; and 'vexed that sho had .awakened him, he teed '
, tending that- you - are better than. I iceably as she can dam them, not • to
meal361 Paull:Rig; the rinnle °I rhi11.118 am because. of ' Icier lugubriousness, What wondroue power from .heaven But if we got married].".• .- • . . _ • • tremele happy. That is certainly my es each life means the sacrifice in ber roughly, "Go awaye.I don't went to
, means sculpture; the name. of Beetho- ,cannot cheat me.. I know you, you upon thee wrought ? ' .- "You cannot anticipate your - loeee wish—that you may be ne happy as mention .saving her eyesight. She •
takes the sock in hand;trians the' edge! atonement of At least two. more there see you." 'But asehdatood there pleading;
is to -day hardly one Corsican •whose Eagle. appeared. She. was :badly frighten -
old hypocrite]. Pretty case. you' are • Wh.at prisoned Ariel 'within thee of the hole, cuts a patch from, the greed
life is not . wanted by a fellow coun-. ed, but as she did not lose her wits when '
for -a Man who pretends to. be more you deserve. Lordidendip's happiness, part a another, whips it down over
tryinan, and W110, ill running. away,,, is Itattleenake cried, "Hide, 'hider Mid
- veu. memia niusic; the name of Howard • standing that crucial test?"
means love! It is the sweetest name than conqueror! The mare. religion a M.aevel. of - harnen skill ' and human doubte. 'We liveSin a stkaightfors - interesting to' think* that he Wag Int'
Y. of course,. goes without saying, It is the hole on the Wrong side, then turns I
means retorm; bee the name -of ahriet " hroodel • • ' -
"I honestty a.dmit • •that. I have m
that ever melted' Iran. lip. t,o heart. man has, the . better and • the happier . thought, . ' • ward eget let me Make a clean breast . giandfather's fag it Etoo." - and does the same on the right. There i not also chasing some •othm person, jumped right into the old fellow's mouth
and slid down t,o hie middle, _which gave
As you opea an old chest that 'has. it makes him. It is net religion. Those Light 013 a dry leaf te the winter
of them. Do 'you, for instance,' like . "He told me It was yeur great- -are no seame to hurt the flesh, and! • t
long been closed, the firat thing that atm the kind of men to whom I like • moods 1 to talk at breakfast 9" the patch weaes as long as the darro ' • • old Rattlesnake such attain that he tagged
strikes, you is the perfurcie of the -"Not alvveys." -the witch to erawt out, and when she ta-
to lend money, for I never see them grandfather." ' BIRD POLICEMAN..
Ohl He is such main -pardoner; such he said he cried oufaok the depths 'of And out of chapel thy rare shape de,
able. A feeling of decency would pre— Leff Would.
who. has been dubbed Napoleon, pate
"I. never. If.., you were licensed by. "Ah! I think lee was- mistaken. My ToS.Ctean Dectuaters.--Get some old ; On a rlerfda ostrich. farmene oil t he •
i • fused, In hie paroxysms of anguish he
/leas that were packed:amid • the cloth- again! There is no -more religion in 'Thou mystic thing, all beautiful i • •
Leg,. ao there' are huteireds. a hearts reentierat than there. is in a -wedding; • • W.hat mine. . ..... . .
the cereiaohy a . marriage ' to inun- great-frandfather died quite two Pieces of blotting vapor, and soap them. dipped out of hts skin, leaving the witch •
here to-ntg•ht, w.hieheif opened,' woald no mere ' religion in tome than' ,in Conceived' thee. what intelligence be -
date me with raatutinal conversittion yeare before Lord Mendip was born, well, roll the bits up smell and pUt i b d t . - - t b•• ' Th h
ir seae s as wo e man. • is (atm
ftret offer to,you the na,mei of Jesus. emiles. • David was no better when gen ' - ' I. should be reedered at once miser-
. and he was not at Eton. Wheke there
is any disparity of years---" • about twenty little Pieces- into the within it.
Whee Eagle called but, "Whore are you,
a troubleesoother, such a. wciund-bead- hell, than he wits when ha said that .signed, . bottle to be cleaned,. then half fill the rola the .eamp, .git;ing at intervalh a . old witted' in a. threatening tone, she nii-
verit my skewing it ; I should sup- "Between Lord Mendip , and my- decanter with warm water. Let it cry which may .M said to, mean "AU s meted him derisively from. her• peaullai
er; such a graveehreaker, that the his .mouth Was tilled with laughter That delicate and perfect work of . stand five minutes and then 'shake -1 I -
,, we . . , epertera. moekina vvhat he had •saia.
fauftest pronunication of His name and his tong.ue with singing. The man 4 . Pre.ss it._ That suppression would at 1 ' If anything alarms him, he At As bl. it.iii. tY . 1..3 di:, to...hill:Ai III :,,,L&I itil
Pelf there la some dispatity."
rouees up all the incense of ehe gar- best men • that -I have ever known • • - • once destroy all openness between tea."
"You toke, I think," intertuPted more than eighty t" '
sid"eG.PiletasIL, tile ills onentro. ill lett' wwrg ford. awnsottehrearns• vilest
7. ntiOnduriat ;IW:101 . once communicates. It to. bis eompan- abode, she has lived there ever since, and,
-den and all the perfu,me of the tropics, have Witched the loudest. - Religion Across' ray hands thou Rest mute and dry it %Olt be beautifully clear ' and ions by a serum of yells as he advanceii • glorying in her seclusion, her voice is often
While the soul, tai eastasy of affec- wait Intended to brighten up all our Miss Greatorex,. "a morbid view, of .heard, alWays deriding aud mocking peo- .
" ' - • ' "He N but seventy-four." Chapped nands.—Insufficient drying _ to the attack.
• Napoleon muds nearly. 10 feet high pts, . -
tion, cries oat: "My Beloved ia. un- 'character. Take out the sprig of • still; .. -
Thou wilt • not lereathe to me. thy the duty .of conjugal confidence. You "Scarcely so much," • declared the bright. '
would -push it 'too far. Young lady, With admirable. temper.
the vineyards „of En-gedi." - : cluster oi eamphire firm the vineyards Thy matchless tones the eager aer shall
seoret fine ;
haps I do ; but that ue how it strikes
"My views are alvveys high. Per- •
"And he is a peer. It is better than
doessing table a ox o a Mon me
Os .the. cause lel most chapped hands.
It is .aii excellent idea. to keep on one's acid weights. upward of 400 pounds. Be '... ...• • -
is a savage bud, a unusual - intent- •
once A.t. n:ght he ig tutueuslii firo.i., A good nieny of the new' collars turn
to me as a cluster of camplare front cypress irons your coat end put in "a
of Christ's perdon to those who have . of pleasantness and all her patha are . To no entreaty . or 'command of too.
mine. • you at the breakfast table with the -
,Every morning I should sten
you will be a duke."
"As to that, when emir uncle dieei
I could bave offered you."
with a perforated e,over. When the ous, and oftem his keeper is obliged down .in jackets and. mantles ; but if
But•how Shell I talk a the eemetness• .of Enesediet Religion's "ways • are thrill •
comfort to those who have refused are hundreds in this house to -night _ unspoken terror that you were to sta.nd off. To see the keeper force .
they are high there is not allowed to
never fett tt; of the sweetness of •His peace.S I have iound it so, There handl sass dried with the towel, a lit -
Hie promise; of the sweetness of His are hundreds in this _house to -night But comes thy master, lot thou yield- about to converse I think it possi- . . Napoleon back to his pen in the morn- „
istake about it for they are
face to those who have 'turned their who haver tound it so. • ble. that you also like to talk in the
treat and is cabs?" ..
• Public event so little as his own de -
"Me. Uncle does not contemplate any Ile almond meiil dusted' over them
will complete the work of absorbing Ing with a large fork, is one of the want' in , •
. 'sights of the ostrich farm, . The - supported at the back by folds of rib -
many people may think thet elant of- the text was a symbol of Miss Greatorex asserted that such m ' KITCHEN 'HINTS, , -enormoua bird screeohes with rege and bon, or by a broad band of ribbon vet-.
back upon Ilia love? Now, a greet I remark, 'again; that the camphire, as
Passion and pathos, rapture and de- • .
est all,
ep r ; cease. And he is a year younger . - .
mentalism. Jonathan: Edwards was a Materative.- You. know -that there is e . • • sat down on a chair at some little diet -
was indeed the case. Mr. Markham "Yee, I thought of that; X took • c a i i b . -. .- • centre. Though it is often so very
- cities Po son ng WM axiom One night the !arm hands were
• the. while /dew's- givin,g way.
strikes' out. with his feet, but all of vet, with a large fancy buckle in the
• thaarnryLoargldMni.tiedip. • He will doubtless . '
this. Ls merely • Maly seal- Jesus Christ •because it is a mighty , To the- soul's need thy sea:thing voice
cloth cal
. ' • ' pan. . lady asserted, staring full Inta Mr. g , . . ,„ _sots of e um_ . . .
throe h a careless disregard for the . a.wakened by the roars of Na?oleon . cold this. month most of the short *-
cool Man; he was harsh in some of his nothing that litarts respiration so soon tn. language exquisite beyond come that into' consideration," the young
opinions • he was never afflicted with in one who hes fainted as camphor, as . "Exactly. Aiid to talk lie the train. au kets and the close fitting coats and
any eatimental ardour; and yet we have it, Put upon a sponge or Tin • •
. .. .. . .. .__t only makes me Iess • passionately Markham's face with an expression he eleanliness a the cooking uteneils or eon toe agonizing en"
rather failed to underatand. There of their perfent condition. As soon •
when the name of Christ was mon- handkeechief, the effects are almost into specon emanate at le.s angry than having to speak to any- being. • Ruohi.ng to the pena, they saw - be opened to. displo lace fronts .or
' ' timed, it • I immediate. Well, thiii camphire-plant Thou • Beeriest to break,. and thy body, above all to answer their quoit. eels,.
lions in a cab." • was aomething unusual, alsoobout her as a copper satiNman showe signs of ' the oetrich chasing anegro. The
buttoned over to conceal them.
: THREW HIM INTO A. TRANSd.'ORT os. the text, though somewhat differ- charmed listener hears
"Of course," being at al) worn it s ,
hould be re- Oman when the bird 'struck him a There are inany pretty knick-
negro Made an effort to get over the
ent from that which we have, Wee There was a alight sound behind
. tinned, and in any amt. nothing of 'an g whieh • knaoke of dress to be found in the
sick -room, after the doctors had held power of thine, d ' "No " Mei' 'th ' d t sine and lead vessels, The fame of Ms episode has naturally have come aoross are the plait colored
a Those of tin steel iron or tie- 6has'es - . light mauve, beautifulty embroidered
eipped• it OM and exposed the bone.
pheasant. thief would bleed to death.
For re time it was thought the poor
caused the pheasants' quarters to be
Laming blow on the thigh,
e ed bv other depredatore, •
--ea., ...-e• novetties in pocket handkerchiefs, I
cambries, light blue, light pink, and.
in white in the Anne open pattern that
is introduced on embroidered white
Paul Wag. a cool logician, with nerves The waking. echoes of the vanished 0
past, lady, wishing tor allttatYkit shops JUst now. Some of ehe prettiest
i erninente Of earth, and the tones of
darkneall ; yet the thought of Christ
Unshaken in the Mediterranean ship- • • A• PUNGENT AR,OMATIC
tvith the whole world against him, OM e
wreck, a granitic nature, comfortable
Int his tot in the foce .of the gov-
• k and -in that reepeet it becomes. a type
of_ our Lord Septa Chriiitt who,
mightiest of all restoratives. have
ed thie oanephire-Plailb Into the Aoross him,. swayed by that weir , he admitted, very Miss Greatoreie leaped to her feet. . poSe . , .
Is the . • Touching the sources cd gladness and . , , . .. Here, .. remarked. the young man, acid nature should be allowed to re -
And with bowed 'head he lets the edemical. I have never definitely
of .teatst•
sweet %VIM rCill • , . ;Weed. you- to be -my husband."
,, her friend, "you will recollect that
the present discussion is purelY Ike' opened door, "conies Lord Mendip
e attexirylillogf 116.1% e
looking over her head to the suddenly
self to • I • n ratulations in- vo regar o
rece ve my co g main in it while cooling. The. same
which are unsafe for tooking par-
wheitried hint. Seim Knox was unbend- • no hope and nothing more Could be Anil reverence and wonder fill his admired ou for not ushin. you ad- - . - .
d hahdkerchiefe. They look exceedingly
, thrilled him, transported him, over- their consultation and isaid there was, . IY, "I remember that. I have e
Y P , g ,. . . .. she cried, in a smothered Voice, . her, tete that it is better to use a . .•
Don't, for heaven's sake, don't!' 'kel are the safest to employ. Itemem- ' ' • .
done, and the flout brightened UP un- That . man's mention should be eo week you might have suggested it, was a lie. I did it to see if I could ENGLAND'S REWARD OF HONOBs
the rest of the toilette.
ass 4naire.; yet he.' Set down aa a oes la, 310 fever, no merasmus, no neural- . . soul
t and Heeven . alone knows whether I Lord Mendip ambled forward, with stirring milk or eoups, end that before • •.ed, to oaken and men who have per-
using baking pans you should greese teemed eonse,„,sig,nal net of valor or. Collars. end cuffs would seem to be
od ha f • t I he The Victories Cro.ss is only arwar .
ingsitt his nature, and, hard in some . vantage. Any day •within tne last dainty, and, ofocourse, should match.
respetas. der the spiritual restorative. There . divine. wo - en spoon t n one o toe a w n
shake you at all."
- The flesh of his indignetion
made the qtteen shtv
• er and the duck -
g a,. no consuinption, no disease of the could have rotund. It is vere 'map. cokeen old look in hie faded. eyes end mem inside thoeou hi...
help. I wish that twee every' bed • 'The ,panpreas Dowager .of China is • "You, almost tempt. me to try." els balisLearkeneresx.Pres61611 "(nit butter or lard. Ingorder to prevent
y either with • — —
deVotion. to their country in the pees coming in again. They naust be. per -
edged with late and finely ernbroid-
a CS gram of God will not ' . ciently firm,"
. batik thet I should We been sista. a much lb teeny straight, made in fine muslin -
wad burrows -tied by all palatial splen. 0 Yi A WRESTLING EMPRESS.
dour—his ships going out from Beton- • aln, wad through every hospital of "OongratUlations; ell I Who QM I. TO
4,. the tins ftom buroltig it is aa wen .senae .of an enemy. It tarries via
ered. They are selling in the shone'
set over a atiff lining of color, and
tle ohild at the feet of legit*. Solomon ' '
b d ' th t th
f cani hire from the, vine ards of En- ' 6 thing about congratulations. in per- to take the precaution of sprinkling tt a. epe,eial pe•iision of 010 a yeae, and
are- very. dainty arid pretty. Those who
gedi. Christ a hand is the [latest , Pent the gre;ater part a her life in
this. mast interceding 'conversation. eons. the, slicing of the oven with emit, should'the holder do some deed whielt
aro wearing fine °Toth gowna with lace
distr a we. nii ht min this "chiater , .
destoribad by an English lady, who.has . Mr. Markham raised his hand.
"Wait," he- cried, "Do emtgratulatel I think I heard some -
pillow., Christ's pardon is the atrengest remarkable woman than most En What I would wish :to express 14 e yes,.
let us finish
, e Mr. Merlfgradtil 14silegnhdeit heianyn.t V cr.° . of bake. Puddiaget, satins, etc., with would have .gitin.ed its another tar ts
A new Idea is to put the flavoring If be had not already won the. Noes
jabots in front find these a very suit.
Ober on voyages of three years,lring. m P
ing back all the wonders of the world. - es g it .
—his patka. afloat with myrrh and 6 „ P ,. . , Y
brought f Mtn foreign lanclae-;- the • Christ's conliort is the . "" this; that inarriage when ono is real- the butter.. The butter bade the atteched to fthe ribbon' by which the •
able addition, for they get well how-
, d rustle vela trees the Celestial •Empire, Mt a much more
mightiest anodyne, Christ's Activation painter, end her pietures an said to 13' in love seems to ane to Volger4v just proposed to Mimi Gnatorex and ,
"—eV never better than any other mediutie orosssis Suspended, This. baa' carries
ever high. the collar.
fratikineense an a
sits tieWn In thin paters. to think of is the grandemt restorative. Pt melee be admirable apecimena of Chitin* the A ituation. It makes, to me the she has been good enough to• accept Try Potatota, boiling, with a sharp, an additional a a year 'pension, .
y 'the traveller at thie clay. Solon:ton ropeans suppose. She is an. ardent
63 of hia stupendous gardens found stiniu1660
ChM, the altOgether lovely and the a men 01-e a P Ire O art. Strange ne M Y i — of a pleasure. Or, more ac. att.. i 4. thiaortzlietitarifedio. Iltgri agil4 naorte gil3 ', In the matter of evening dreasen.
• there are many dainty trifles. Met
• altogether fair; and whilst 'stated i tress. Nero t erred and ut Utah u s y I also Said to be lona of '-elYi aow interestire," Cried the „old' with a fork, which tints like a Wedge, WAR AtnomorilLts.
and foremost, of course, are the Mir.
iehtler th n his it ical di . • • • '' - ' it - a seem Her .
familiar expression, a business me ..
thefts tionms a breath of the. Vices] on the Christians of his day,.and then curately, to make Into a vulgar busie gentleman. .,/ mud adoir fabler and they will not ghoul where they SeVeral motoreyoles are being used rates rising tem" spew of ma.
ezia; entre:die. woods, and of- the blos-i
Noine, in through the palace window Woe
teit theta on tire,
the night . around about the la well read, is fond of European mus
that they might. illue
P P P Majeat. " tl 1 d I 8 in
wrestling, sant feequen y a u ge s .
this rather virile Windt intereise. hi: guarded from any. taint of busineee know, of the year thirty-nine. By .
/toss matter what should be jealously
euggestion." %VAS my frig et Eton—I'm takirO, yet* ore pierced.
. ....se In Sottth Africa for patrol and soout.
Ing work. Each la capable of 'going monde, but there are also little puffs
and lie cries eut: "My beloved is ims. palace; but while they were burning and has some skill,es edpianist. She joys', you're a lucky chats, Markheno.
and I do eongrattilitte yell." • veldt la specially suitable for rapid ..100-rei-esitte-nveteeior,ItattyftdeTiliSnl°tIg
$0 miles. an hour, .o.nd the Transvaal ee,1 wok eel 0 eo e e e e p
a telle witli an aigrette of the sixties
the Vineyards of Eititedi." Itoldee than all the lealle went up the iv he absolutely withont any ie._ f 1;1;J on
to Inc as s, clnater of eemphiee eve:eland the 'crowd 'beneath were jeering, la add both by her frien sett .: ws6 0_ ._____ _s_s
d melee "Your objections are, after 011,
Mr, Markham received theee felidte.• 4 vtri instt-7 Iv ,, , - - : motor traveling, good work is being -
t 0 Us fill un en tieiv • . .
arinompliehed, with the aid of theee . oVer with jet. These are placed ott the
0 rich and ram. extraleite and evere Mg of prate* and, triumph. from the fear, and, needle's!' tO 4!)", h,o iks6 bait .r1,.. 1 te the modern mar -
dons with some emotion, and sighed 61140' betWeee 'No noor etteings Whien
r. • . ether in the tniadle and workee ell
leettog perfatrael Sat it In every past dyingpartyrat John Bradford MM. , been attempted a nuraber of times. "I was riot," he confessed, "think- bigot, not seas, ewer. le not iniitable tO hang a picture in, machines. top of the head amid puffs of heir.