HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-04-05, Page 1'1
• A
2Ist Year
Whole Nataber 1111.
Compare The News -Record witk any paper in Huron for quality and quantity of Local News and say if its claim to lead is Hot correct
Let Us
Show You
esisHEY are away above the average in designs,texture
11 and general excelleuce. The latest productions
of the leading manufacturers, and sold at the
price you would pay for much poorer stock if you were
to buy elsewhere. - •
We bave so many kinde that it will probably bother
you to make a decision, but that's the way people like
to be bothered.
• It isn't like the bother of going to several different
stores and then finding nothing suitable,
Few stocks in the West is as big as satire and none
more complete.
W. Cooper & Co.,
To our new
premises in
in the Searle's Block
• where we • shAll be.
• pleased to welcome
all onr old oustitmers
• and many new ones:•
Our stock is new and complete
and consists of e erything to
be fonnd in a well equipped
and up-to-date Grocery Store.
Cash for Butter and Eggs.
The Art
Of- satisfactory Watch Be
•'pairing is exemplified by me,
I am an expert Watch -re-
pairer, can repair all kinds
of Watches and Clocks. I
' know bow to do it properly.
• You don't have to take it to •
any one else when I set
through with it, because I do
it right, do it promptly, and
charge eou reasonably.
Fourteen years' experience
enables me to guarantee a
perfect job.,
Am I to do your NEXT
Repair Work ?
• P..
• Jeweler, Expert Watch Re-
pairer anel Optician.
getiReRia51)-5 t:gtisg-tstt-7S5*Ee-lt5
If you are going trav-
eling you can get a
°R Valise
• cheaper from me than •
any other place n
/jag TWO A.J'S,
Your Spring
Our new stock of Spring Hats has just arrived and is
bigger and better than ever. It includes a well•selectal
assortment from the best known English makers.
• Sackville, Wakefield, Leslie
• Who eta e the best hats on the English market.
An aluminium brush goes free with each hat of those makes.
•These are the latest and most stylish hats.
- Call early and make a selection..
• The prices we ask. only give•us a modest p. rat as we
would sooner make four sales at a small profit than one
sale at a big profit.
Special Fedoras .2t $1.28
OUR $4.00 MEN'S sum
have arrived. You will wonder how we can sell them
for that orice but we are doing so. Come and see them
They are lined with g ‘od farmers' satin
Your Last
A. J. Holloway.
Will you be one of the fortunate ones to take
advantage of the ocgasion. •
The balanee of our Winter Clothing must go. Prices
are a seeondaryeonsideration You will see from the following
list that is what we mem
We have In stock 25 Heavy Ulster Overcoats, waterproof lined,
Price was $0.00, is now $5 00
Fine Overeoate " 12.00, " 8 00
" 3,50, 44 1 05
.......... " 8.00, " 500
s " 4.50, " 2 95
" 3.75, " 2 00
Boy' e Overcoats .
Men's Suits at
toys' Sults at
290 pairs Ready -WOO Pants.
The 0. P. Saw Alla
Work upon the saw mill at the o. f.
may begin this week so that sawlog
may commence at as early a date as
poseible. The building will be allicriOand
will be equipped with machinery for
rapid work, It will be erected by S.S.
TUE NWS•RECIORD was very much
pleased to see Mr. D. B. Kennedy able
to be about again On Tuesday after be-
ing laid up for three weeks. He had a•
rather bad attack of • 006iich ibis and
though a httle of color is rapidly re-
gaining his usual good health, Mr.
Gilchrist is also improving but we ex•
pect to see little of him -until the wea-
ther moderates and becomes more
The Queens Will Change Hands.
Dir. Thos. Bell will retire frora the
management of the Queens Rotel at
the end of this month, He has done a
good bueiness down there, but inti-
mates that he has a touch of Western
fever and that nothing less than a trip
to the prairies will cure it. Mr.and Mrs,
C.Milne will takeover the hotel again
and, no doubt about it, maintain it at
• its high standard for furnishing good
acconamodation for both man and
An Evening With the Poets.
The Epworth League' of the Ontario
street church held a very interesttng
and instructive literary meeting on
Monday evening. The subjeet was
"Familier Poets and Writers." An
address on Kipling was given by Dr.
• Thompson and a selection from his
Writings read. A paper on Tennyson
was given by Miss Tibbett, one on
Wesley's hymns by Mrs. Seward and
another on Fanny Croeby by Miss
The Rattenbury Renovated. •
The Rattehbury House, which, since
the pioneer days, has been famous
throughout these counties for its honse-
like comfort, is being renovated from
top to bottom by the painters and pa-
perers. Mr. Jos., Copp has the contract
and his aides, Kaiser and Kennedy, are
making a good job of it. Be the wall
what it Will, it is surprising how many
yards they can lay during the course
.of one day ,As soon as the weather
moderates it is Mr. Ratteribury'sinten-
tiou to have the exterior of the House
re -painted and the north end re -sided.
When these improvements are com-
pleted. this Well-khown hostelry will
never have looked quite so well.
•07i Mason House Changes Hands.
., The. Mason House changed hands; on.
• The sale at these pfees will be continued till Afareh
g5th, when all will be cleaned out. We vvill be ready to show
these goods ori Saturday morning. These , goods are all first.
class AO w keep nothing but the best.
• , .
A,ND HATTER. siostartie ISid CLINTON,
Monday when Mr. Thomas Dowson
retired. He took possession in Sep-
tember 1 and during the three and
a half years that have intervened the
House has beep well and successfully
managed and did a constantly increas-
• ing trade. • Mr. Dowson is as "straight
as a string" and being in addition-sof_a
genial and unassurning dispesitionhir sate.Beadle, GRummell
Sr. Beadle, E. Carter
won a well-deserved popularity.
'Mr. and Mrs. Dowson have moved • to Court Deputy, J. W. Ohidley
the Babylon Line, Stanley, where he Coition Wedding.
some time since bought a farm 'upon On Monday in the presence of child
Which be will build a house next sum- ren and grand children MiSand Mrs. L.
mer. In the meantime they will take
up their residence at Mrs. Dowson's
parental home, Mr, john Bothwell's.
Success to them.
A iVew Church.
The good people of the Rattenbury
street Methodist church have been for
some tune discussing the advisability of
renovating their present place of wore
ebip or bulidios a new ehuroh and at
meeting of the Official Board on Tues.
day night it was decided to build, not
until next spring, however. In the
mea ntitne the sinews of war will be
Collegiate Notes.
The boys of the Collegiate intend to.
make their favorite game, teethe%
boom this year having medals to play
off with the Goderich C. I. and the
Hough Cup with the Seaforth Cone-
giate. The Cup will come to the
Hub this year if hard work can bring
it. The organization is not yet com-
plete, but they will give a full report
later. • The offices filled are the col-
lectors, who are :-4th Forrn, A.Alken-
head and Peter Baird ; 8rd Form, Char-
lie Porter ; 2nd Form, W, Irwin ; lst
Faun, J. W. MoKibbou.
Kb e Pell From the Scaffold.
Mr. Edward Octanes' life hung
• in a balance for several days
as the result of an accident vvhich beret
him on Thursday last while working
at Mr. S. S. Cooper's new house. He
was standing image scaffold and from
some cense or other fell and the dis
• tame to terra firma being about twen.
ty feet he alighted !leeway. He was
taken home at once and. the m,edical
man summoned and though the injur-
ies'were severe and it was nip and
tuck for a, time whether he would pass
. out or recover, at last reports he had
much improved and was out of danger.
The Lacrosse Club Clots Ready.
A, meeting of laerosse ;enthusiasts
was held at the Commercial Hotel on
Monday night when it WAS decided to
re -organize forl the seaeon. Mr. Thos..
Jackson, Jr., who takes a lively inter-
est in tbis forni of sport occupied the
chair and the following °facers were
elected for the season of 1900 :—
Honorary President, Lack Kennedy
• Honorary Vice, A.J. Morrish
• President, Bert Potts
• Vice; John Forrestei
CJaptain, Peter Matheson
Treasurer, Harvey Doherty •
• Secretary, Arthur Shepherd
Managing Committee, E.Dayinen t,J.•
Forrester and. F. Ker.
L P. P. Officers.
At last Thursday night's Meeting of
Court Clinton No. 470, L O. F. the.
following officers•were installed for the
current year :— •
Chiet Ranger, 0. ()rich
Past Chief, J. W. Chidley
Vice Chief, H. Pennabaker •
• Financial -Secretary, F. Ift.Hodgens
Recording -Secretary, Geo. Rodgers
Treasurer, 3, W. Irwin •
Chaplain., 0. flelyar
Court Physician, Dr. Graham
•• Sr. Woodward, •
Jr. Woodwerd, A. Tyndall.
The LicenseBoard Re -Organizes. •
The License Board of West Iluren.-.-;
the members being 3. Stevens,Clinten,
S. Sloan,Goderich, and R. McQuaerie,
Blyth, met in Inspector Paisley's of-
fice on Thursday last and re -organized .
for the year. •Mr. Stevens was again
chosen chairman, a position which he
has filled acceptably ever since his first
apptantment as conimissiener 'tome ten
or eleven years ago. Mr. Stevens- is a
strong' politician, but a square man
and will what he considers right and
just. The next meeting of the Board
will be held on April 19th when- appli- -
cations for licenses will be considered..
There are at present thirtythree tavern
and two shop licenses issued. 114r.S.Pike
is also an applicant which will make
thirty-four for the Board to consider.
During .the past year there have been
only three transfers, viz., Jost fen.
ey 'to John -Hamilton, Saltforl ;
O'Leary to Patrick Cummings'Wing-
ham ; and Thos. Dawson to. Reuben
Graham, Clinton. . One licensee, J.
Dinsley, Wingham, died during the
year. Alia widow is continuing the
.4 Narrow Escape. -
• The ruins of the Smith block. which
Was destroyed by fire nit Thursday
morning last; were the scene of great
excitement on Saturday • after noon
when for a short time it was leered.
that one or more precious lives had
been lost. What remained of the stock
of T. Beacom & Son had been removed
from the cellar and James Sheppard,T.
and W. Beacom, John McQuirt, John
McCool, Geo.flurnmell and Ed.Blacker
Were standitig together on the floor
when it gave way and precipitated
them into the cellar. Several lads,
among the nunsber, Jim and George
Finch, arney Copia, Kelso Wall, Jim -
milt Grimes, Elmer Beatotn, Norman
Webb and it couple more were also
etheding on thelloor and they, too,slid
below. To make matters worse
the wooden partitions fell In and trn.
pelsoned them. Matterslooked serious
and Mr. Robert Welsh, who happened
to be standing dote by, was, quicker
than can be related, in among the
debris to the rescue. Many willing
. hands rushed to the scene and by dint
ot 'niggles and lilting those below
were gotten out without sustaining
_ Verai• much injury, beyond bruises,
: scratches and torn clothes. As it Was
• not known just how many were upon
the floor when it gave way the war&
. continued for some time after the
above.Mentioned Were safe and in the
meentiose many a nervous spectator
feared threworst. Mr. 'Welsh, himself,
WO not a little apprehensive its his
own, son, oled of eight years, was In
the Vieinity, as he thought,of the ruins.
• When the aecident took place, and it
Wee 1108 Until Setiletitne afterwards
that he learned that he Was with life
,piaymates in another part of the town.
Manning celebrated the • fiftieth
anniversary of their wedding day. •
This worthy couple ha,ve resided in
town nine years, previous to this they
lived at Summerhill and in Colborne
township. To them have been born
six daughters and one son all of whom,
save two daughters were present at
the golden anniversary. • The daugh-
• ters who, accompanied by their • hus-
bands,helped celebrate the event were:
—Mrs. 0, fleacomi Suannerhill ; Mrs,
Jordan, Summerhill ; Mrs. McConnell,
Saltford ;and Mrs. Chas. Beata, 'Clin-
ton. Their only son, Mr. James Man-
tling of Colborne was present,also Miss
Emily. Jordan of Bayfield. The guests
presented Mr, and Mrs. Manning with
a purse containing a •handsome
amount and before the gathering dis-
persed a photograph of the group was
taken. This venerable couple are
till in good health and the hope is
expressed that they may celebrate
many more anniversaried of their wed-
ding day.
Little Locals. • • •
Mr. A. Forrester has taken an agens
cy for the Stearns bicycle. •
Miss Lily McEwan assisted New-
combe's' staff on bargain days,
Miss Couch entertained a number of
her friends on Monday evening.
Mr, W. Moore sold three Singer sew.
ing machines in one evening last week.
Mr, Reuben Graham, the new land-
lord of the Mason House,resembIes Mr.
Robert Welsh not a little and one has
not infrequently been taken for the
• Rev. Jasper Wilson of Goderich will
preach Educational sermons in the
.Rattenbury street church next Suuday
a. m, and evening. Pastor Howson
will take Mr. Wilson's • work for the
Monday night's meeting of the Wil-
lis Endeavor was presided. over by
Miss Mary Matlieson,vitho also took up
the question of the catechism. The
topic was very ably dealtivith by Miss
Mr, J. S. Jackson, son. of Mayor
Jackson, has launched out as an adver.
tising specialist in Wannipeg. At ad
building he is exceptionally clever and
we have no doubt but that he will be
ablo to make It. go." Success,
Mr, John A. Kin" has had insprove-
ments made upon his property, kit-
chen erilatged, etc., which raids to its
appearance and at the same time
Make it more tommodiouo Nr, P.
Ker did the work aud did it, as usual,
Mr. Peter Her has been appointed a
Deputy Counsel of the Woodnsett of
the World by the executive. The ap.
pointmeht is well merited by reason of
the interest Mr. Kee has taken in pre -
Inciting the interests of Wooderaft,
Clinton Camp in particular.
'ryndall Bros of llullett have o fine
span of horse, which they had Weigh-
ed on Tuesday. Before they were put,
on the Reales Mr. /. Itattenbury said s --
"Take off those heavy coders and
bridles and they Will weigh 3200."
With the big toilers oo the team tip.
ped the WM at80, a good geese.
Night Caps for the Amine POO, •
Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, who has been an
• pointed treasurer of the India Vanilla
Fund in connection withWillis church
was very nauoh pleased by receivin
one dollar from Miss Agnes Irwin,
little girl of only seven yeers of age
who eerned the mousy by makin
night-caps and. selling them to th
bald-headed gentlemen in town, Any
gentleman, bald-headed or otherwise
They Talked About aroollthie SVIVIMERNILL..• SIXTIt
' The Majority of the Rate iteerson High
• Street Petition the own Fathers
• for a Granolithic Walk. More
• Petitions to the Same Effect Are
• Expected for Next Meeting,
wishing a night cap, will be promptl
supplied by.plocing his order with lit
tle Miss Irwin.
• P
y• It begins to look as if the coming
Poll Prima Scatted.
• To fall from a scaffold Is rather a
serious matter, even if it only be at an
elevation of ten or a dozen feet. W. 3,
Robinson thought so on Monday when
he took a tumble at the house Chief
Wheatley is having built and as he
he carries much avoirdupois he struck
the bard earth with a resounding thud.
He was bruised and one leg sinceeasily
doubled its girth, but no bones- were
broken and he will be able th return to
work again shortly.
„ season would see much granolithic
sidewalk built in Clinton. Two
•J petitions to that effect have already
len presented and both are from
residential streets. The business part
of the town has yet to be heard frorn
and when one block leads the way
others will follow suit in short order
The petition presented at Monday
nightle meeting of the Own council
was from the following ratepayers of
High street :—'Mayor Jackson,
McTaggart, James Scott, R. 3. Cluff,
Richard Dovvna, T.jackson, Jr., James
Ferguson and Robert Downs. The
petition was received and will be pass.
ed through the usual channel.
The Clerk has been in receipt of
communications from cement pavers
asking for information as to the
council's plans for the season and
intimating that they would be only to
glad of an opportunity to compete for
any work to be awarded. In discuss-
ing the matter Cogncillor Sounson said
the council should query as to Cost and
durability 'of cement, etc, At this
juncture His 'Worship said. he had
samples in his office and would be
pleased to show them to whosoever
might call.
The finance report contains a charity
item of $8 for wood,but Old is likely to
be the last for some time. The only
dependent npon this fund was a poor
half -blind man who tried to make an
honest livelihood by Making.. baskets.
This was rather uphill work and cruets
rather than pastry were his portion,bet
the council helped him along. He had -
been only a short time a 'resident and
though, perlurps, he should have been
reterned from whence he 'came, still
the charity committee took the rciore
humane part.- As • Captain Combo
said' :—"We cannot let the poor fellow
• either freeze or starve now that be is
here." However, he left town a week
or so ago and before going shriek the
dust, eo to speak, of Clinton from off
his shoes for good.
• A communication was received from
Captain Camphell of the Salvation
Army asking for a grant, Same as last
year, 6f twenty-five dollars for the
Army Brass Band which has lately
increased in efficiency. The proposi-
tion is to give an open air concert once
each week during the summer sea-
son. The request was hung up
Skull vs. Band Saw.
Mr, Arthur Gook met with an 'acci-
dent on Monday wnieh he will remem
ber for some time. It happened sins -
ply enough but the results might have
been serious. He was operating a band
saw in Cooper's factory and in removing
some material allowed his head to
come in contract with the saw which
cut through his cap and more than
scratched his skull Which the medical
wanhad to sew up. The fra.etion of
an inch deeper and he would have
band -sawed no more.
The Patriots Won. •
The Excelsior Mission Band , of
Willis church met on Tuesday evening
when they had a very • interesting
debate. The Indian Famine. Fund was
represeuted by Edna Manning, Annie
Watt, and •Katie Scott, and
the Patriotic ' • Fund •by. R.
Stuart, G. Biggart and Lizzle Chidley
The arguments were quite apt and
the Patriotic won. The judges were,
Mrs. Coats and Miss 3 Tben
followed a chorus. by four little girls
and three boys and a duet by Misses
Tedford and Linnie Irwin .
Industrious Rena.
On Tuesday Mr. Jos. Retterib ury re
ceiVed from Fred. J. Kennedy, BelIe-
vilie a flve.doflar postal note the. pur-
clirise price of •a trio of Anclalusians
which will be shipped to their destina-
tion to -day. At this rate poultry rais-
ing ought, to pay well. Mr.Rattenbury's
partialityfor the Andalusians is based
upon good results frees his own coops
for though Morels was a cold month,
and his poultry house is nob an up, to
one, his twenty-six berm laid 34
dozen ofeggs. With the adventof
warm weather they will be much more
industrious, as a matter of course.
Mr. John Tom end Mr. 111.8oss have
returned from Stoke's Bay where they
have spent most of the winter fishing.
• Mr. James Ferguson left here Mon
day for Port Dover where he joins his
v essel. for the summer, •
Mr. A, Calling boa moved to Mr.
luiddleton's in Goder lob township
where he has secured work for the
year instead of to Mr. Westlake's as
stated last week. .
• Rev. Mr. Noble of Grovenhurst occu-
pied St. Andrew's church •pulpit last
Sunday morning and • evening • and
preached two able discourses.
%his Walwin and Miss Morgan have
returned from Detroit to visit their
mothers and other friends in town.
• Rev. E. ...Thompson of Tuckersmith
preached Educational sermons in the
Methodist church here and the other ap-
pointments last Sunday. •
Mr. John Fraser a.nd •wife spent a
few days last week in Lucknow visit-
• ing the latter's brother, Dr. Elliott.
They dfove by way of Goderich. '
•Mrs. Burns has purchased a cottage
in the eastern part of the village from
Ildr. Cleave and will move shortly.
• Mr. W. Brandon,our genial butcher,
has started his shop in operation again
after a winter's rest; arid is now doing
business at the old stand, •
We understand Mr. King intends
moving into the bake shop soon to be
vacated by Mr. Burns, when, it is rum-
ored he intends starting a bakery, his
old business.
We regret to report the sudden death
of Mrs. Jane Elliott, widow of the
late William Elliott of the Babylon
Line, Stanley, which, sad event took
place at the residence of Mr, George
Parke of Bityflekl on March 27t1i, Mrs.
Elliott had been in town on business
and WAIS on her way home when she
was taken suddenly ill on the road and
die & a few, minutes after being carried
into the house. The remains were in,
Leered in the Baydeld cemetery. De-
ceased was one of the pioneer settlers
of the township, was sixty years of age
and highly respected, by all who had
the pleasure of het acquaintance as a
genial, whole-souled neighbor and
friend. The family and friends have
the heartfelt sympathy of the whole
neighborhood in their sad and sudden
The plan of Sabbath serviees for the
Bayfield Methodist church for the
three months ending July 1st are as
follows r—Sabbath school 10 a. m., Hp -
worth League 11 a.m., to be followed
byclass meeting, preaching at 7 p, tn.
Mr. Willie itlettool Has a contract to
split ten cordsof wood for the rectory.
Wiilsis a worker.
Mr. Moore has morel into the house
lately occupied by Mrs, Bothwell,
Rev. F. Ityan of Durban), Grey
eounty, was in our burg on business
last week.
Me. George McKenzie, Who brie been
with Mr, F. Ildwards for sortie time,
took his departure from our midst for
a visit to friends In Kincardine.
We are sorry to learn of the contin-
ued illness in the family of Mr. Heard
of the Brownson Line,
Miss Stinvion, who has been the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sewn of the
Saul& Line, returned to her home in
Ripley lost Week.
for a roopth and o decision to turn
down or grant will possibly be made at
the next meeting.
ilequest was made for certain
•fixtures for the town hall stage. The
• amount they will cost is small and the
proper committee. was given povver to
have them added. • .•
On motion the Treasurer was author -
Ind to • transfer $5000 of the Stavely
money to the Free Library Board to
• faciliate his book-keeping.
Requests were wade for an addition-
al electric light but the Fathers decided
• for the time being to, raise several of
those they now have which, it is
•believed, will to some extent. do away
with the necessity for new Ones. The
Fathers hesitate about granting even'
one additional light as it would be
followed by further petitions, without
a doubt. • .
• The report of the Vinancecomnilttee,
Which was adopted, was as follows :—
Stock Scales • 1lEnEnPrn $ 18 05
Weigh Scales 13 40
Office Rent • 4 00
Cemetery 475
• Fire and Water
Davis & Rowland $ 5 56
Davis & Davis • 4 00
Guttapereha Rubber Co. 8 68
•2 00
Edward Grigg•
J. Miller, work on engine • 3 25
• Property ,
Davei Oa Rowland
S. Alexander
Repairs to snow plow
W. Steep, snow plow
C. Carter, work
R. Reynelds, salary
Charity '
• Electric Light
Electric Light Co,
D. K. Prior
JOhis Bean
• 6 48
18 00
85 10
15 05
Miss Annie Keyes of the Babylon
Line is learn ing dressonaking with Miss
IS. Keyes.
There is a general move in the east
end ot Varna this week. 3.Armstrong
has moyed to the house lately occu-
pied by 3 Herniae% and B. A. lita.
ins moves to the property lately pur-
chased from J. Armstrong S. Reid
also moves' into '13 A. Higgins'ihouse.
We welcome Mrs Reid to our midst, as
we know he will make a good citizen.
Owing to 3. McKie leaving town, N.
Fair and 0. Reid have to change board-
ing pla,cee. 0. Reid goes to I. Wan-
less' and N. Fair to L. Beattie's.
3, Voote Intends buildinga new
lime kiln tisie spring. t Otiving to the
rush of °Hera for lune, lie Will run the
tWo kilns for a while.
Turner and Atwood are also prepare
Ing for a big season's burning. There
are so many femme building this Sim-
mer thee the lime burners will be kept
Sap is running. Hurrah for taffy
pulls. 'V. M. Deihl is busy making the
tootheome liutd
Court Varna 0. O. P. will wee on
Friday evening nett, A 'ergo attend-
ance of the members is requested as
Important buitinest will be transacted,
An ed in The People's Paper, thetis
• Tut Naffs -Rowan, para
Mr. and Mrs. W. Routledge of the Mr. Ulises Ireland spent Sunday in
Hub were visiting at Mr. john John-
stone's on Sunda -els
Mr. and Mr. I. Brownlee spettb Sun -
to andMlaCtstZa"lrethivinttgalflon-
th r
Assine.boia. •
TbeW, jot. metliiIl'.
esn.M" arlaevening
Misses Sarah and AggieReid of Con-
stance were visiting at afrs, Noble
Lovett's last week, and this week they
take their departure for Caricluff,
• A,ssinaboia,
Mr. Nelson Bingham had a wood bee
on Thursday last, getting his year's
supply of fuel ready.
ttsdtyfo; thsaePurpose
On FridayMr. Jame:Mil hadthe
want for firewood next summer.
While helping to fell a tree at Mr.
•Jos. Repson's bee on Wednesday of
last week, a falling •limb struck Mr.
Robt. Draper on the side of the head
and inflicted a scalp wound so severe
that he had to go into town to have
the doctor sew up the cut. It's a pain-
ful wound, but Bob is thankful it is no
e. Walter Maine
Mhas been very ill
for a number of days, but we tsope to be
able Awn to report a complete recoV-
William Jordan of the 168h Goderich
• township has hired with ?dr. James
Cornish for theaummer months.
ltir, and Mrs. 0, 3. Nesbitt entertain-
ed a party of young people on Thurs-
day night last. Their guests report • a
very merry time and look forward with
• anticipation to another such party.
William Johnstone has hired with
Mr. Thomas Archer for the season.
Mr. Walter Manis intends giving up'
farming, but not until next fall, and m
• the meantime intend 's building.a house
on the old skating rink property on
Princess street East, Clinton, which
•he bought recently. Mr. Mains has liv-
ed nine years on his present farm and
was horn and [media Hallett. •
Miss Pearl Beacom of the 16th was
•visiting her cousins in the village last
• A progressive crokinole party was
given by Mr, and Mrs. George Hill on
Fridey evening last. There were
• shout forty guests and enjoyment
reigned supreme, as it always does
when the young people gather under
• the Hill roof tree. The first prize was
won by Miss Sarah Nesbitt and the
last prize by Tom Lindsday and Miss
Lavine Woodyard.
Mrs and Mrs. Thos. Murphy move
this week onto their own farm, Where
the clivelling has been renovated to.
• Petitions were circulated last week
in the townships ofGoderich and Mil-
let, adjacent to this •village, asking
• that Summerhill school he made a 'Un -
ton one. Both sides were almost un.
'aninsous and Messrs. Murphy and Nes.
bitt waited upon the township counc
of Goderich on Monday- to ask that it
take the necessary steps toward union.
The Hullett petition which asked that
1100 acres be detached • from S.
S. No 5 and added • to the
village section, was presented to
the council of that township on the
sa,nie day by Mr..losh.Hill. The change
asked for is not a radical one ae many,if
not most, of the ratepayers in the 1100
acres have been sending their children
to our school, But then two slices off
No. 5 *ill reduce that section very
touch, but we hear the intention is• to .
move tbe school over cleaver Londes.
bora. Indeed, there is likely eve long ,
to be a shuffle all around in •Hunett.
Probably there is no better time than
the present for doing it.
• The wedding of Miss Evelyn Ball and
Mr. Jas. Raithby, which took place at
Mr. M. Hill's on Wednesday evening
of la.st week, was attended only by rel-
atives of the contracting parties. The
ceremony wairperfornied by the Rev.
T.3. Murdock, the popular Baptist div-
ine of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Baithby
have not yet decided where they will
take up 'house, hut it may be in Lond-
esboro for a time. We wish them all
the compliments of the season-.
We understand that twice as many
logs have been delivered at Butt's mill
this season as last. •
Mr. and Mrs, 0. Beacom were in
Clinton on Monday assisting the lett-
er's parents, Mr, and Mrs Meaning, to
celebrate theic golden wedding.
Mr. W. M. Lowery will live at the
homestead while assisting Dr. • Fowler
of Clinton in his vetenary practice.
• Mr. John Smith bought e fine horse
at Mr. Henry Beacom's sale on
Tuesday of last -.week.
It is reported that Mr. Loft, formerly
of Goderich township but now of Sen-
ile° county, Mich., intends opening out
a blacksmith shop here.
Missionary services wil, be held to
St. Peters& church next Sunday even.
iug when the Rev. Me. Jennings of
Bayfield svill officiate.
Last Sunday was secrament Sunday
and. as nearly all of those who were
lately confirmed were present,the own.
ber of communicants was very large.
Using as his text Heti. 10:14, Mr.Smith
urged upon his bearers the necessity of
rembering the Death and Passion of
our Lord in His oWn appointed wey,
viz., by partaking of the emblems of
His Body and 'floodlit the sacrament
of the Holy Communion.
• idesReuben Graham of Bruceileld
took posseeston of the Mason House on
Bev. T. 3. liturcluck's sermon next
Sunday evening will be for the young
ladies, particularly.
Mr. D. Connell wilt build a house for .
Mr. James Sheppard on Orange street
and has also taken the contract of fin.
tilling the house Me. Jos. Wheatley
Is having built on Victorle street. .
,Mr.11iram 11111 has token the folio*.
i nee tontrects asecellars forE. Bamford,
IL Glazier and G, Rodgers, Will raise
Mies White's house on Itattenbury
street and pub et foundation under it,
coffer for T. Down, staatty, and '
betel foundatiou for /. Johns, Tucker.
Mrs. Dr. Tait is away On a vielt to
her parents In Munceye
Mr. Shane of Detroit, paid a visit
to relatives here last week. •
Mr. Lawrence of Welland formerly
a resident of this place, renewed AC.
quaintances with his friends here last
week. •
Mr. W.litelfry, vvho has been visit -
Ing his cousin,Muvey Shane,for the
past week returned to his honse in
Montreal last Friday.
McKinnon and On, and Anderson
and Elder will hold their Millinery
openings on Friday and Saturday
of this week.
The council held its regular meeting
in the Industrial Hull on Tuesday eve-
A meeting *as held in the Orange
Hall on Monday evening, at which ib
was decided to form a volunteer coni-
papy in this town. Mr. R..McOonnxn
ins and Capt. Rance will undertake
to teach the recruits the mystery of .
company drill. •
Mrs. Nation, Mount Iron,Minnesota,
el siting Blyth relatives. • Her many
friends are glad to see her looking so
Mr, T. Metcalfe, it former business
man of this place, moved his family '
to Galt last week.
The concert in the Industrial Hall
on Tuesday night in aid of the India
Famine Fund and held under the aus.,
pices of St. Andrew's church wits a
treat thoroughly eujoyecl by an app-
reciative if not a large audience. Mr.
Spense is an t entertainer, singing
Scotch songs aud reciting humorous
steries in it manner that captivates,
his listeners. Much disappointment
was expressed over the dancing being
cut out of the program. Our earnest
hope is that we may again have the
pleasure of having Mr. Spense and his
able assistant Miss Laing, return te
'Blyth at some future date. A bumper
house will be sure to greet Min.•
• On Monday Measrs, • Watson and
Ensigh shipped to Toronto, under the
care of Mc. George Smith, the largesb
steer which has been seen in these
parts for many a day. It Was Only
three•year•old and weighed somewhat
' Miss I. • Morgan held a successful
sale of her household effects on •Mon,
dayafternoon. ,
Many of our Citizens are indisposed .
with the annual . epidemic. viz., la
grippe. • • ••
The Missionary lecture in the Trin-
ity church on Wednesday night by
the Rev, Mr. Crawford was instructs
ive and ably given and was listened to
by a large audience.
• Intended for last issuo.t
• Mr. A. Denison spent Sunday at his
home near Seaforth.
• Brick contractors from Brussels are
at work. at the vault in the Bank of
A number of new books have been
added to the Public Library. They
are in great demand. ' • • . • •
Miss Baker has returned from , her
home in Walkerton to take charge' of
the millinery department ,at D. B. Mc-
Kinnons. •.
Miss Gertie Shane has returned from
visiting friends in Goderich..
• gists Howard, who has been visiting
at Mr. Slater's has returned to her
home in Exeter.
Mr. Harry • Kelly is home 'from
Louisonia State, winding up his affairs
prior to his moving his family to the
Mr. McPherson was the tined of Mr.
P. H. Douglas for a few days this
Mr. Denholm has shipped four car
loads of hay to Sinseoe during the
past week.
• Mr. T. Emigh and family of Gode-
rich were Blyth visitors on Sunday.
Mr. A. Babb and Mr. T, Bell of
Teeswater spent Sunday .avith friends
• Miss Ballantyne of Teeswater spent
Sunday under parental roof.
On Friday evening last a, meeting of
those interested in the game of foot-
ball was held for the purpose of re -or-
ganizing for the season of 1900. A.
chairman was appointed and the fol-
lowing officers elected:—
President, D. E. Munro
• Vice -President, Dr. RoSS
• Contain, Wm, Ferguson
Sec.-Treaes Win. A. Mole
Committees were appointed for the
purpose of securing grounds, ordering_
outfits, etc. It Was algTO decided that
there should be practice on Wednesday
and Saturday nights of each week.
Mr. It. Sprung of Goderich was
visiting friends in this neighborhood
last week.
Mr. J. Lawson returned home from
Pickering lad week.
Miss M. Pentland of Dungannon is
• the guest of Mrs. E. ..Nrunro at
Mr. Alfred Lawrence of Welland
was visiting reletives in this vicinity
last week.
111r. IL McGee is helping his mother
to move into the village this week.
Mr. Geo,Morshall Intends selling watt
books. We wish him success.
• Our barber has moved opposite Mr.S.
Aether's shee shop. tie is a fine fol.
low, an op-toelate barber, and we With,
him rinecess.
Mrs. Marshall extends a cordial invie
Whin to the ladies to attend the ltfile
linery °petting next Saturday, the 7th.
Mrs. Marshall has been in Toronto
where ithe has secured all the latest
styles for the season. She will have
What the fair ones Will much admire
and buy.
The school has been reseated
throughout and While the interior
Ionics better it is also vastly more corn.
forteble for the children. The desks
are of the Preston company make end
Were Itoughb through the W. Pole
Co Of Olitaten Who tare agents for thht