HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-03-29, Page 6IMMO 111111 111111[1. . •
Through Storni and Sunshine
'Ave you ill, gr. Doman," SIM ask.
He answered "Yee." and with un -
Steady steps he lett tbe roma.
"gow rattchohow worse then mad, I
lea. - anti" he cried. "Deur Ileaven, bow
"Wait a Minute Will," , Is It to endnaV', this love a nano V' ,
1'. ale saw no end to it but deatisi Well,
"Whet for
CHAPTER X. really Sorry. I Meet tell Sir Anion'. many a ramp d1e4 for lei.; many a mart
-"I Avant to get that bUnoh Of Wee. ' But it is foothill! of VOU to be .0ross had loved bis life through,and met
*Ob." Deprived a ber .aeoustomed Mott-
. (ions, Vivien, spent more time than as- about ift,,,_ydiviite: ou 1... ...it., ... with reward. Hie fate wee so Mites: -
Neil laid (hove bis fishingetackle tral in the library, quietly, without tb'-e. alt Ilse *Reait'lle";13 If r01 ail; 7r 14 to
ant. "Only let Me live, and, living,
ha love her I" he would .sey to /e.imeelf.
esti einang Over a fellee, Presently noise or unpleatiantness. Valerie had
"Never mind," saidaaer ladyship to. Re had never betrayed this love of
to return vvith a handful of flowers, •meteagld to take all authority tfrkeM
0 herself, "I have hurt ber ', but the vice bis. True, he had iu•ade her some ar- • AN INDIAN MURDERER'S FATE.
n bolw% Lor boer dB::: ubbatvsi nage never went
boo t ()ithat, rtog is istot a groat one, atter all," dent epeethes. Ile had talked of live
with their dainty coloring throWn 14
ferns. . did so, Lady • Nestle Invert.. .3:,s,kat, little incident /amply deepen -
,e,_ wife, while it increased la some vague to compliments -she was accustomed epeaking of primitive law among the
ing and dying for her, of thinking only pentosionent That Befell Ulm Ela 0
. alit by a background, of two or three when they
ably countermanded them. fla V rrleillf contempt for her father% of tier; but, then, AtiSfi Nestle was used Primitive Nealean Tribe.
"Yeteris a great fellow for, flowees. °V,I,ewalis tablWqei gfetbe Wel way Lady Neslie's awe of her,t tol homage. It was nothing SteW for Mexican Indians brings to mind a curious
- :letli, tboalforgeet Ci bitterly.aatll heiress There had been a slight disagree- h h 1.
"Oh, . they're net, for myself; buteer so meat that some one 'wee willing ease that was tele Inc some years age le
Mother's always 'crazy over wild ef Lancewood." raent over the jewels that Vivien% mo- to die foc her. There were arnee . the state of Oaxam by all old Zapoteca
ther had wore. At her mother's when she was inclined to think the thief who hadbecome a convort to Chris.
flowere." . Yet, though Lady Nestle asserted her death they were all looked away; but young secretary presumptuous -When ; tianity.
And all t hrough t he walk home, ,tatitherity, _ and Say Arthur upheld _lit.
: it was the right and 'privilege:. of the she thought he was tieing wores that I Ete said, that a long while ago an Amer.
dar'llalgslibbeir•:Ilyt! besteshei.aargetlener5Le reigning Lady Nestle to wear them,
notwithstAnding he was already well- v ' only those whom she considered her Mau botaniet was traveling through the
'a iota •Valerie was not Me to forego her equals should utie. It was but nettlemountains of Oaxaca studying the rare
- '
laden with rod and fiehing-basket, to her servente ; but, with the quick privtleges. Sir Arthur had spoken to el, she thought, that he should offer 1 and beautiful lima of that region. Ho had
Ned gave gan(i heed to his flowers, lustinot of their class, they saw tlaat her about the jewels, and sbe was all her what all the rest of the world gave with hira a IMMO from another plat of the
(Mee stoppino to wet his laandkerobief
young Mistress." She lathed the high
she was not a lady likei their "own anxiety to see them. It happened' iter -praise and homage. If any one °gantry,
that more than once Sir Arthur had
IQ wrap about tbe stems, that they
also spoken to his daughter (se them. had said to her that her father's sec- I .1Ie carried several goldplec,es sewed in .
might not suffer from the warmth of s
bred manner, the innate good taste,
rotary loved her with a love • that was the liningof his jacket, The mozo became
,,a hand he air of can:mane natural to one 'Theo are boons, adresemsa, be had
his . born to rule. She was affable and B -e aware of that feet, and one day, when the
overpowering in Its intensity, sl
ie -"As I have no wife to wear would have thougitt it an insult. As botanist got down on his knees to drink
"There she is in Wbile still at a courteous one day, haughty and im- them, you must wear . them, Vielen, it was, she had'. a kindly, feeling for
distaste': Ned spied his mother; and parlous the next, She was either too when you co of age." hisn. She platesta a certain amount of at a little spring, the mozo °MIAs. head off
L or too severe ; she did not 111 with a machete, took the goldpieces and
That promise he could . not keep, trust in helm .He would he' faithful
made a daelt toward her across the the least underatand the science of • Lady Nestle mentioued them when site to her, she thought, if ever she • re- fled to the higher sierras. -
lerge yard. Will, following more governing. ' • lied been. some days at Lencewood, quired fidelity. She knew that it Not long after the body was found be
slowle, saw him drop his rod, and take ' T'nere were Limes when she would "I should like to see therie Arthur," MmeZapoteca Indians who had •seen the
would be A plettsure to him to. serve
eft his hat as he offered the flowers '
'ain have consulted Vivien, or asked she said. "Perbaps some of the ea- botanist trt former days studying the 0ow-
tings are old-feshioned. If so, the her -no matter in what -manner-bat ers and pleats near their village, Thev.
with a bow and a =Ile. A. little stir her assistance, but that she feared
showing her ignorance. It was a stones must be reset." that be wee presumptuous enough . te . know that he was a harmless and good
ewe her she never dreamed,
of Pain was in Will's heart, as he saw t:aet that the beautiful, bright, court- .And one morning when a sudden . •
So he kept his 'hive In his heart, and inan because he loved, the flowers. All
them received' with a kiss and some ed • Lady goalie, mistress a Lances
it grew there' like a fair flower. A,
shower of rain prevented their going Mexican Indians love flowers. So they
words, evideetly loving ones, which he woed, stood .more in . awe of Sir Ar- put, Sir. Arthur asked his wife and took the body to the chief and told hint
daughter to join him: in the library, 'Men might hove been proud of sucti
could not -hear.
"Cotne round to the barn with your Al to look into the very depths of her
, . thur's daughter than of all the world
beide, Those darkeprouel eyes seem-. *here the carles were all arranged for SO entire, so utterly unsellisbi it wee sped.
devolimeolt was .so deep, NO genuine; what they had seen and found. The old
chief was very indignane "'What I". ho
inspection. They had , never been "Shall the kind stranger with the
touched since the Aloud Lady alealie had the love of au artist for his ideal, of a
traps, and then you can stay to sup- soul -they seemed to peree through all
, !closed them., and Sir Arthur remem- uausician for the most cherished off- white face whe loved flowers and sought
iter ; mother says so," • said Ned, re- disguises, all affectations. Sae felt un- , tot our goods nor in suttee our women come
easy in that fair, stately presence ; her bering that, looked gravely at them, spripg of hie brain. ,
Vivien felt it deeply. Ile did his best to serve ilea When e
to such a dog's death among us and not be
joining. nis friend. • ' '
"You're different trope Most boys," pretty airs and graces, which seemed
"Palm," she said, "I can be of no the news of Sir Arthur's meeting": avenged? •
said Wia ; and Ned colored a little, for so charming at other times, suddenly
use here. - Why did you send for -me?" Caine, no one felt it More keenly than .
, Re then dispatchecl Seer ewift Indian
Lie was inwardly a trifle afraid of his appeared vulgar; Vivien outshone runnerain difterent directions witla orders
"I thought you would assist 'Valerie he did. Ile would a thousand times
mother's dispiay of fondness prove's- her as the grand,. clear light of the
in selecting what should be reset -you re I her birve endured pain himself thee not to -return without the murderer. After
Mg ridicule from the boys.. • san outshines the Herne of a taper. It
have so much taste in such things."• have seen Vivien metier ; and he knew • a week's time they returned bearing the
"How ?" he asked, although know- • was the unconscious intlueneee of truth _
"I can suggest nothing." said Viv- that nothing could cause her such in- malefactor bound in their midst. A come .
al fing well what was 'meant. over falsehood, a a. nate souLever an
"They were my .mother's jewels. tensity of pain as this marriage. oil of old men was called and the case was
"Oh -that,' said Will.• with an Incas- ignoble one, of a lofty nature over a lee.
finite backward wed over his •shoul- If I were consulted, I should say, keep It was to eereen her from Sir Ar- • examined. .The guilt of the mozo was
proved, as 16 8.1 had with him the strange
mean one.
them. for her sake ijust as they are.. that's anger that he had worked so
der. "But I like it -I do, fealty." As time passed on, and their, mutu-
la dislike increased, Lady Neslie studa "'scrimps you are right," said Sir. bard to prepare • for tbe bride's come 'pieces of•gold. •
"I like it said Ned, his 'deepening Arthur, but Lady Neelle.crieds abrupt- ing home. • He had both sense and • Then the old oMef gave the sentence. It
color now due to feeling. . "Dona ed how, she opuld hurt and wound Sir
self-pout:rel. He knew that fighting was speedily performed. . They led the
know how rel get along if my 'moth- Arthur's daughter. One morning, Un- iy- . ,
"No, I cannot *ear them as they against fate was worse than • useless- trembling murderer to the center of ahis
er wasn't just that way. And; as Or amnia. slight pretext, she paid a vii" .
are. They: would not snit me. I should. it Vivien , showed her anger, it would little plaza. There four green stakes were
she is ,just that way, how can I belp 11 10 Vivien s apartments.- More than
once she had tried to obtain an entree, like these .pearls arranged as flowers, -bee all the worse for her. There was driven in the ground. The =Lederer was
being just that way, too / Of course
it comes natural that I should be."
might have smiled in,remernbeance of
the many lesson's it had taken to 111 they
mother, it isbe had heard this, but Miss Nestle would not •consent. She
had. a suite of rooms -oin the eastern comb made tato a. pretty tiara. T•hey
wing -rooms that she had chosen for
herself -and she was determined that
will not do for .me at .all as they aree
"Well, you shall please yourself., rat her have tiled 'than contracted this
himself over and over again,. "I would
: "Had I been Sir Arthur," ha said to
: done, ali and.feet in the.air among the four Ottawa
stripped sailed and stietthed by the yeriet'4
to.Which- he was lashed, • ' Then the 'B-
ritons made a great heap of unslaked lime
and this huge, old-fashioned diamond nO, course open to her but submisaion. '
Valerie," said. her husband. "They are marriage." Now thnt it was under the wretched man's' body, and when
culoa te the grace of politeness,. which they 'should be sacred 'frora all intro- .
yours to *ear during your life -time. -contention Was useless. . , . . the heap touched MI breast a,nd sides they
was now, indeed, le not natural, rapid- sion. As, Lady •Nesiie walked along
Vivien, is there anything • asnoogst He never 'thew whether his lei% gave - poured 'water over it. until the scalding
ly becoming second nature to the the broad corridor, she inet Joan Hab-
• . "Is Miss Nealie• in her room?" she .Tele 'girl's proud dark eyes' Were dins him, most pleasure or most pain. There steam of the burning lime had cooked all
was never a moment in which he d the.fiesh nolo the bones. Then -they took
ley, Vivien's. maid. • • thane that' you 'would like?" ' •
boy. •
"If I had a mother, I'd like to be
answer "Yes." . . fol to her to see what .had been her dared indulge it. • He dared not look the -bones and thecw them into A holoon
asked. And Joan. was conspelied 0 with tearas .• It was inexpressibly pain -
so," said Will. .
"Shall I say your ladyship. is here 'I" mother's taken possession of after this - long at the :face he loved • so well. If the mountain side,
"yell, it isn't only just mothers,
atike.d aoan, who knew how unweleorae fashion, • She took up a pretty little hie did so, horsing that it was unnotie. And seems the stain of the mierdered.
you know. That Is, of course, nobody
else can .be like your mother; out, 1 - . . ed, Misti Neelio would . say, "Did you men's • blood covered and . vengeance was
smell a vita would be. . - pearl pendent. wish to speak to • me, Mr. Derman ?" wrought by the Indituts in behalf of "the
mean you can be it toother folks -in
a way; to anybody in our home. They "NoeI will. go te Miss Neelie's bon- "The last time I saw my mother she She would not admit, even in the ut. white strenger who was .good and • lotted
all like it. • . iloir," said leer ladyship ; and Joan • won this. I •should like it, papa. 1 umet • de p ths cif her heart, the. faintest . flowers...
iothed after her with a darkening face. remember taking hold • of it, and she idea that her father's secretary Ore- . . .
Will burst Into •a laugh. ' ...
"Whet- id she • going there for -some told me to mind that I •did not injure Stkrbed tO leve het. • ' • . ' ' Elopement in ft Bread Basket.
? "Ail, hey I wish you . katiW my
piece .of mischief or spite ?" she asked the stones. I should like • this." , , ' " Once, as' sne was dressing the draw-. . The story runsthat Lord Campton fell
. .
Aunt Susan. 'But you will; for, now
Lady • leeslie, looking- up,' . saw the ingenomi. a Hower fell from h•er hair,. -in love with the only child of Sir John
we're getting settled, you must come herself.. • "Ah, well, please Heaven, it ..
will be my young lady's turn to kale softened eipression on her. 'husband% and. he eelieving teat she had not. these Spencer, ooe of the most 'opulent of •Lom
over. You'le• laugh at the. idea of it, lesteitened to. pith 'it up. Elli took it, 'don's merchant . princes, proverbially;
such doings for her. Why, .. if ' 1 some day !" • ' ' •• •
"Every • time he nes that on, his
Ince. ., • • .
in his band, when she turned. round known atihetime as,"rich Speucer. " A
should bring her a flower ' or take eitf • The • fact. was, that on • the, previous
my hat to her,. she •wouldn't know evening Lady Nealie• had overheara daughter's meek he will think *of her : witle. a Atha face, • and Beide- - • writer in The Pall Mall Megezinetellothe
mother," shesaidto herself; andegairi • "I will thank yea for my ,flower, Mr. story. Sir John, hp says,. by no means -apt..
what Co make, of it. .. She'd .think st Vivien. tal.kitire to her . tether about a
• . . • - • •
e tie crazy." diatant..relatit& ..Clarenee Howard -a a quick unreasonable . jealousy of the Dorman."' • ' •
' • • ' - proved Myosins of tae young eourt-
. . "Will you nee; let . me keep it ?" • he 'ler, and ' posttieelyhenised ids consent to
"I don't believe a," 'said Ned.. "That distant cousin of her Tnother's-whthe dead three over her. • . - • .
IM , if she's a gooe woixian, • And of photograph /led been sent to Miss Nese "YOU Will spoil the set if you take asked. The proud calm tieepeeece. the marelage. The course ef tame love;
that," she saitle quickly. • . "hbeg your peedon," she said, look- however, nev.er runnepg smooth, ' Lord
course,'" he added, in- quick politenees, lie. . She was. showing it to Sir Ar -
"your aunt must bee. thur and 'speaking et it when yalarie .Vivien laid the pendant downs • ina .at lilm wiLh clear, 'cold, pitiless Compton deeised a 'plan to outvvit Sir john
'Good I I guess slie is I She's so good. overheard them.. • . . . • , . e'l will not take anything, peptise she eyes -'I did. ncit understand." • • ' . and carry his ladylove. . •
herself she thinks there's no goodin • "It is a glorious face. papa,'" Vivien said, quietly., and fearful of betraying And. with those. proud eyes gazing . A bribe to the baker enabled him to die
• •
such a thing as a boy. I' believe she was 'saying, 'noble, thoughtful, high- how keenly ehe was host, she• quitted coldly at Min, he did not 'dare to re- . guise hie:itself. and denier the beeves One
peat the wools,- • With a .low. bow he morning. As tioots :as the 'basket was
thinks boys were only made to. be .a bred. . It is like my mother's- face- • •
"Some boys ate, I suppose." .. hers. • Have you, papa /" ••• ' the neer, .
"Teat was not very 'good -teetered,
torment to such as she.' . . . and .1 have -eeen- none so beautiful as Sir Arthur's face Blended over. • :. placed the (lower in her hand and left • emptied the lady got en, and Lore Comp-
. (To be continued,) • hoi•• ton boldly carrying hie presioue load
Will colored a little as he inwardly ' "No.' replied, Sir Arthur, that l little wile," he said; and .she, laid her • ..
• . .• down stairs when he Was met by Sir John,
realized that Aunt Susan might be certainly • have not." And Vivien was h•and coaxingly on his shoulder. -
- • - who, lucidly not recegnizing him,. gan
somewhitt justified in bolding isoch an; so delighted with the .reply that she "Wait until •you hear . why 1 'did it, i.. 1 . . .. •
opinion. - . • kissed him lovingly,. as of old, 'before. dear.. You do not know what a -ten- Lk him a sixpence tie a Teward. for 'being' se
early, observing that that was the.way lo
"Well," continued Ned,. "I thought the. young wife came • between thems der -hearted, earnest girl your datighe ' '' 1/1 onion s,- ..Advice
. ..•. • .• . thrive. On discovering the trutleSir John
all ladies liked flowers, and liked to "T.bat does any heaet . good, pepa,". ter is. Tithe had token 'that pendant, ee-.. . . • • • . was so angry -that •he disinherited • hie
be nicely treated, too. •And," he she said. "I thought you :had quite' every.time she wore. it she would havo. daughter, and the 'quaint was only med.
added stoutly, "I think go stilt.", . torgotten my mother. ,. been misereble ; believe me, . I did 'it TO SUFeERERS FROM NERVOUSNESS
. up through the intervention of Queen
take the trouble • to notice either near, earnestly, "when you know More understand I. -Mehl thought e yen - - • — • ' ' sca with her for a child, whom he prostate.
.. AND •HEADaDiEa. . . • . -
"I don't believe Aunt Susan.. would "fase deer Vivien," returned Sir Are from kindness. I knew she might •ina Elizabeth., who invited him to stand open -
flowers or nice behavior," • • ; replied of life, you will know that a man; neve would, . - Arthur, let us have a. beauti- .
... . . . ,
ed to adopt—to find It -was his COM grand -
Will. a torgets and -never ceases to love his tiro motets, or t ort Colborne, Tall, mew
tal penitent made for her—she willohe she rattail 4 Cur,' itdd Assert4 Me Re- DOD. • . • .. • ' -
"Have you ever 'tried?" • - first love," And Lady 'Neslie, over- pleased.". - - . - ' • ' .. • • • . . - .... ......
Boyd an not math in the habit of hearing the words, felt the 'bitterest "My dear; generous wife," said the on.L'irke i
'ar.istaitu.sellyteerS41.inte memoirs Win Care , : . , •
reading moral lectures to one anoth- hatred for the dead: mother and the
..• . . easily persuaded baronet, "I hardly Mrs, Daniel Robins, of Pert .CO1- ' •
enlarged on the subject, even. if tbey "I. should like to see what the face Rene .We will send the bider to Lon- neve .that when a -remedy for .disease ' All the colts at Vilinge farm are broken.
er, so it is not likely Ned would have living child. . • - • . gave you credit far so Mach considertie borne, 0.nt., Is one of those wise be- ' ' .
had not just then been ready to carry was like that he thought so beautiful," don ot onee,'” • - . . ' .. to harness as yeEiftings.
in their string of fish, to be duly ad- she said. And that:evening she call- Some weeks afterward a. beautiful hag been found, it is the dute.- alio. - It is said that 280 or the 2:16 perfo.ximers
mired by Ned's inotber..• ' ' • • ed her. maid to a solemn consulted*. pearl necklace and pepdante arrived for person. benefited to: make it known are out of untraced. dams. • . • ..
But Ned's lightly spoken, and. quick- "Marie," she said; "I event you to dise Vivien -but she never wore either; - in- order that other suffereka may also The Russian two mile =teed is now
ly by hint eorgottenquestiOne retutn- eeve.r .for me -first, whether, there is find the road to reriewed.health. Mrs. „
4:48, nuide•by Nominee, 2:173a, by Stout-
- CHAPTER XL • 'Roains . says: "In the spring of 1857 . Fla". ' • • ' .' ' ' '
ed to 'Will% mind, as, Otter, he walked a P01 ti wit of the 'late- Lady Nestle ; • • • , ---._ • . • ..
alone hi the ' direction . of his owe secondly, Where it es. You • can find • • • • - - • • my health gave . way and I 'became • Charles Derby, with nine. in 2.1130, has
home, - • . out ..by a few well -directed. •questions Though there were all the elements *completele prostrated, Nervoirsnese, three better than etle, an ' extrttordinary
;But," he gave. s little ..laugh, "the Earned to tell the "miladi" that there ple might surmise what thee would-, The nervous. trouble . was so severe as ;Will he the onlyeretter out this -year not
"Have, yotz ever. tried t" ,• '• in.. the earnests! hall." • ' . of strife in the household . at Lance- palpitation of the heart and ' severe
"Well, I haven't, that's a. • fact. • In twenty tainutes. erne Marie re- wood, yet all was perfectly calm. Peo- headaches were the thief synipthms. ' ..
It Is reniarked that • Bingen, -2:06ei,
Susan I Fancy her Stare I • She late Lady Nestle, and that • if hung an sibly they ranged themeelves oil oitlis dance. The least exertion, -such as ' 11 b e o t o 2.08 c ass.
Mr. John S. Bretton is credlted with
idett of bringing flowers to Aunt was a very liettatiful picture of the they itheW nothing for certain. insen- ' to border almost, upon St. • Vites' °ea . •
would not know what to 'make of Miss Nestielti bottdoir-it used, to be in er side -they became partisans either gOing up stairs for example, would having won 'nearly ' $10,000 in the show
graceful thought of his mother, and calm, and gay. - . rings at ICansas City, St, Louis,. Philaciel-
the Blue Room, but, when the pictures of Lady Neslie or of the heiress of Ieave me almoet breathless,. and my -
But the remembrance of Nitre were removed from there, Miss Nes- .Lancewood-but outwardly all Was heart would palpitate aiolentlye My•
Ile insisted on having it taken to her • appetite wee very fickle and I • was phia.and NeveYork in 189S. •
the sweetness of the caressing tenders apartments. • "Milt:WV . lategbed •a Only one person saw beneath the sure much recitu.ced • in flab. The usual Mr. C.. W-, • Williams is credited with
nese between Mother and son, had
touched the conscience as well as the mocking little laugh, and instantly face, and that was Gerald Dorman. Sir. • reniedies were tried, but did "not heirt ha.ving given standard records to over 200
made ttp her mind, that, II ie were pos- Arthur's maeleage had considerably in- trotters, which is said to bo snore than are
heart of the • motherless boa. Bible to give Miss Neslie something dis- creased his labors.. Before that Sae that I was unable to perform ine • credit of any other driver.' -
rae, and eventually I became so wea . te alas
. "It It wasn't flowers, I stippose it agreeable to think of, she would do so. -Arthur would at tinses answer a let- rattosottferiicolatnrohttaesis. lifoure Joittrotilitaertstirs
.mighi be something else. . She's' AS She was jealous -jealous of the dead ter, audit Iris accounts, give 'audience household .dutes, and the hen adobes I
stiff and proper as a -poker, and I Sue- wife who had been so dearly loved, and to his tenants, now he did none of : &littered from at times made me feel ' about 1 to 100. Among the nowconten for
pose a boy might 'smile, and bow, and whose child was heiress of that 'grand these 'things --they all fell ,upon the as though my head would burst. 1 1898 the ratio is floured at 1 to 55,
be polite • all his life and she'd never domicile. . .. . - . secretary. Sir Arthur was too deep- was feeling very discouraged when.e Mr. W, E.' Richniond.ca 13uffalo has Ottr-
know but that he ' was cutting up So, with a sharpened arrow in her ly engrossed with his wife.. He had to • cure in a case numb, resembling mine chased from D. Oetinaneja, of Mayfield,
some new kind of pranks. But, then, heart and a.tineile, on her lips,. she vvent attend to 'her Whims. and caprices. and through the use 'of Dr. Williams' Pink N. Y., the mare Epena, a half sisterto Mr.
but me. I Repeat, 9:15, They Will
siknow much about any boy not been go busily occupied for years, Pills tame •to my notice, and I de- Richmond's Intire
perhaps -it's no. wonder. She doesn't into Vivien% room,. She was so bland to escort her during her visite ; he had
guess she thinks all. they're good for inc she could be so • unkind. Yet, though his work was incessant, cided to give them a trial. After using be.drIven to pole,
two boxes I . found so Much re- ' The Honotionasa Sprague, the Bret prose
and stalling that it .was hard to Imag-
apolegies Vivien" she said. eI know •of events lief that I was greatly rejoiced to ident of theleational Trottbut association,
Is to carry mud in on their shoes, and 4.I ou•ght to offer you a thottsand Gerald found time to watch the .course
slam doors and leave the flyslereens
open, and he late to meals. But, that I aMl attracting, but I wanted to ge soon grew to dislike the new mis- 'know that I had found • a Medicine le livieg and in god health at Cowesett,
that would cure Me. I continued R. 1., about 15 milas from PrOeigenee.
say l -I've a great .mind to try Nod's ask you Li you would iv:commend. me ' tress of Lancewood ; beneath all ne
. r using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until / He. is 08 years old.
way ; that is, partly -just for the fun sorno really good book to read." . seBuideg" carelessness and light -heart- had taleen eight Or nine boxes, • when Mr. Truman els Avery, is wealthy citizen
, ot seeing how shell. take it." •With • Mien Was not pleased it the ine ed gayety, he saw malice and jealousy, I CaMindered My mire complete. The of Buffalo, le branching •out flog a breeder.
which 'determination • Will walked trusion, but a'ee was always polite. She Every elight, every trilling. insult, of, palpitation of the heart, nervousness eats hags farm at Hamburg, with quite e
around' the !Immo,. to find his aunt ap.. 'answered kindly- fered to Vivienmadehis blood boil, tie and headaches had disapaeared ; My lot of stock on it, pelficipally from the old
proaohing the 'side doter with a huge appetite was again good, and X lied jawed farm stallions.
.• "I do not know What your taste in had kept his word -without ever in- .
parcel in her 'arms. At any other literature is -I helm not seen you read trudtng, he had been her most faith- gained In weight nicely. I regard
meny books. ,Cr' one of Dickensa" ful frienel. • In a thousand ways that myself as completely restored and 1 ' bsetleamtud4oblyl- ItAlnireo,inJoi :riescoonnt1/,Tafglicerdtao
time ho Would not have troubled hire -
self about this, but now • he stepped "I will. What a pleasant room this no one.. save himself ' Understood he - would urge other women suffering as
'boudoir of, yoo re 'is! You have a shielded her. He was careful to show I• did to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills beatt:20. She trotted the last quarter in
up and opened the. deior for her. She
beautiful view from the window. Row her the greatest deference and re- at trial, and I am sure they will have 81te seconds, She Wria driven by C. E.
took little notice. of • him except to
' • fondeoware of flolvers I Your room le spent -mon, if possible, during this iseteseei
emeally good reason to sound their Newman, San Eremitic°.
"Do you know where Hiram Is ?" .
:ull of them." the time of her deem/all than:he had ' The Wang eons of Hatribletonien are
"I've been looking for hitn. I want
"Yes ; t love flowers," assented VIV- shown in her prosperity. He always There • are thotusands of • women namely: Aladdin' 24,
spoke of her and to her as though she throughout the Country. who suffer as said to be only II,
Alert 24, Chester Chief 27, Dean Sage 25,
"No, I don't." -
Brown's" .. ject to headatheit, heart palpitation lend 2'1,
Hambletenian's Lag 2e, Kensett 24, Le
Then Lady Nestle went' to the door, were still mistress of the Abbey. Mrs. Robins did, Who ate pale, sub -
to send this bundle down to Mrs.
She passed on through th hall as if ae though about to leave ; she lathed Whenever she wa.s not present; and he and dizziness, who drag along fro - 1110111 hi 23, Poloniue 20;
round the' walls. Sotild make an opportunity, he spoke nuently feeling that life is a burden. ' itichwood al and teir Welkin 28. They
"You have some nice pictures, sf her as betroth of Lanbewood. are mattered all over the country. -Turf,
speaking more to herself, than to any .
Dear me, Whet as trange face that is I For the seetet of this man's life wag Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial.
. To all such we would say give De, Field and Farm, .
Ot10 else. ,Will Was rushing tie to his
room Iwo Steps at a tittle, when he
suddenly paused- Is it a portrait I" ' . that he loved Vivien Nestle with the These pills rnake rich, red blood,. • The Foote In the Qum. .
"Fit take it to her, Aunt Susan." whole force of his heart and soul-lov- strengthen the nerves; bring the glow There was trouble of some kind reported
She was looking at the pictured face
She stopped and looked at him un, of Vivien'e mother. Vivien made no ed Scr sileyttly, desperately, hopelessly, of health to pale and sallow cheeke, on Desplaineteetreet the other isight, and
smilingly, conisluding at once in her answer. Lady Neslie walked up to itIle never dreamed ot any return -1, he and make the teeble and despondent the editor tohl the new reporter to go over
• .
owe Mind that ho had aorne business was content. to lavish his adoration on feel that life is once rnore worth liv- and get the detrital. Ile got them,. as may
of his owe that way, yet still surer's- "It is a Orange face," elle said, as . her, to pour out the love of his mil ing. The genuine aro. sold only in be seen front his account of the affair.
ed that ,he should be willing to include though studying it. "I do not like at her feet. Ho had never dared to boxes, the wrapper bearing, the .fulL which onut asfollows:
it; the expression is disagreeable, sul- raise his eyes with love to her face. name "Dr. Williams' - Pink Pills for
in it a Service, for her self, len, and prouctetthe eyes want Intel- Be worshipped her as pagans do the Pale People." "A man killed a dog beloeging to OW
• Id • ligence. I should not keep such epic- far-off bright stars, lie was not the dealers cie by mail at 60e. a box or
May be had frelai all other man. The eon of the man whose
"Well, if. it Won't bother you," she
ture In.ray room. Is this one a your of those who -delude themselves.. Ile six bons for $2.50, by addressing the dog was killed proceeded to whip the man
More Intercourse with Ned awaken- who killed the dog of the man he WWI the
ad in ..Vtrill a more honest resolution- bohsted Nestles-, Vivien 1" never said to himself that he had tat- Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.; tiroek, son of. The man who was the eon or the
*Vivien had grown white evert to the Onto, and that he would work until, villa, Ont.
to make the best Of hirneelf in the very lips; her anger was so great that by his suocess, he should win her. He man whose clog Wait killed was arrested
matter of 'grate of manner Hied be-
havior. It. is a pity that every boy she: was literally speechless. Lady raised for himself no such false, hopes, anoWni Or Man, ' . cc complaint of the man who was misault.
Nestle looked at her. he drowned no- foolish dreams, he nev- , ed by the ton ot the num wbose dog the
should not refitted how largely his er Imagined that. he should Win her; Authorities differ as to the rate of man who was assaulted had kIlled."-
coeduct influences Mosta among ":1,1ave I 1"E:03a Yell I" she Heidi but his love was so great thet he was growth of the human hair, and it is Chicago Nen/8
whotn he is thrown. Will ilthreased citt`6"Sr• "X• are SOI•ry. Surely ibis is
not the portrait of any One yeti care content to give all and look for moth,. said to be Very dissimilar in different • -
his Worth LO IVOid small artheyanees for a If SO, I am' sorry. I woald hot ing te return. It Was the very mad- individuals. The most usually aceepted The sycamore Ime been called the Egyp.
to hie aunt, and began showing her hen spoken of it had / known." ness of tovemit was too great, too en- calculation givee 0 1-2 inehes per an. tian fig tree, Thedate of Its beingplanted
Malt attentione, Which . sometitnes Vivian's anger WaS terrible. tire, to have, apy alloy of selfishness. num. A man's hair allowed . to grow In England is not known, but it Wee vote
woe for .him an approving SIMI& If the fair proud young heiress had te ite extraMe length rarely exceeds early. Mary,eueen of Scots, brought over
Ile began to feel totlehed and con, "Ladtliestie," she said, slowly, "that
that is my another's picture." bidden him lay himself at her feet, 12 inches or 14 inch* while that of from 'frame a young sycamore, which she
selence-sMitten at perceiving
that 'the might trample on hinti, be a woman will grow in rare instances planted in the garui,ns of Holyrood, and
"Your mother's, exelainied Valerie,
what he had begun In 'art unworthy would have done aor had she bidden to /0 inehelt or 75- Whoa, though the from this have ,sprung Alt the beautiful
average does not exceed 25 inehes to groves of sycamores now to be seen In
hint •give her his life, he Would have
laid It down with a smile on his face. 80 inches. , Scotland.
Ile gave her fill-ehe asked nothing; he
was eontent to live in her presence as
flowers live In the sun. He asked for
• nettling but permission to serve her,
to live and die for her. He Wtte 000»
lent If from time to time she gave him
A smile, a kind word,' or even a kind
look*If she allowed him to do some,
thing for her that required both time
and skill.
It WAN net a preauxaptuous love, for
her hart never dared to touch even the
a book, his hand touthed here, and it 1
hem of her (Irene. Onet, in givingter
seented to hint that ttiVeM that slight
touch drove him almost mad. Her
beautiful face often bent over the
elite page , with his ' own, her hair
, 4,Ike a mate Nixed with Itelta. glo rale.
trolled hie cheek; ne trembled then
Is absolute.ly ptire and uncolored.
eoe, per pound,
"How eorry, I am! Why did you not
spirli of fun abetild be making the
impression on Aunt soul( which Step 0101 RoW 60111d X knOW 1 X always
should belong With honest effort. It understood she was a beautiful wo.
was pleasant to the boy wheat home. lhalat" err
.1Ife was so lonely to find himself look, That le ray mother's portrait," re,
lag for Aunt Susan's smile and for Peated Vivien, "and you know it. You
the keened voice in which' she ans. are very clever, Lady Neelle, but you
were his good.morning. And otie are net clever enough to deceive Me,
day hes ran up to his room, and laugh. From some motive of your own you
tul by himself till he was Mit of have Male hero purpoxely to Insult Me
breath, through my dead Mother} you have
"f took off my hat to her as I met achieved your purpose. Wrill you
her on the Wieners and she aetuaily oblige Mb now by leaving .
turned red with astonishment." Lady Neelle turned searlet with
"More edlalrle forme that it Menai shame at hewing been deteeted,
take her oft her feet so," came with HT slims $60.''" she heksn.
0. soberer reflection. "If Pee done it"litteh I mild Vivien, calmly. "There
In far before, rii do it in earnest now. la no heed for furtl,er words,' That is
r think it pays for a boy to be de. my helo'red inothes/a picture -and she
tent51 his we, whether anybody was as 'Werth, Of honor and *Steam ge
titaletS 11 or not, /t trey" just in youi aro of eontstript."
flit feeling he has himself.” Slut Neale had recovered. her,
11/10DR5 DRESSES PRISONER White men are mid to bear up better
Mr. Rhodes fitted 011t the tattered agaiest intone° cold than againet intonee
prisonerof gititheriey With naw *tilts heat, the principal mason given being that
and traneformed them Into,clean and tjeoletotoilit Is leas tainted with the seeds
respectable membere of society,
On a tombstone In an old New Eng.
land churchyard there is an epitaph
which never fails to bring a amile to
the face of the reader:
To the memory of Ann Sophia anti
Oulia Hattie, his two wives, this StOUO
is oreetee by their grateful widower,
Janne 11, Rollins. . They made home
ea -
EVERY DAY adds to tho largo list of drinkors of
CEYLON TEA words may not mno eriyou, but a trai taie1417
LEAR PAOKAOKR. 20, 30,40, al and 01/0.
"Canada's Greatest Seed House"
Yielded 100 bush. 20 lbs. per acre at Brandon
EXperiMOntal Farm in 1889, ,
Tile improved ..lidgewo" Oat isn large, plump, white variety, with a branclfinci liead•
and stiff straw, a vigorous grower, very prolific, and exceedingly eat ly, it lis been grown and
tested at all the Experimental Farms, and has given as area= of four years' trial an aVerago
crop of 64 BUSH., 6 LBS. ?FAURE. With such favorable results a,. above reported by the
Dominion Experimental Farms, we were induced to procure a supply of seed stock from the ori-
ginal source in Prance, and now offer for the first time the Improved Ligowo Oats grown train n
imported stock. Price per lb., 25c. i • 51es, for $1. (post-paid); 34 bush., $1.251 bush., 42.00; fa
5 bush, lots and over, 41.90 per bush.; bags, 20c. each extra.
Very large Crain, Beet Quality, Strong Ettra.w
It is impossible to over-estimate the good qualities of this New White Branching Oat. It r
has been grown in this vicinity the past year with extraordinary results. The grain is of good size,
the hullo are thin, and the kernel le the largest In proportion
to the •IXes of the eat we haveyet seen,
making it the best variety grown for feeding and milling purposes. The Sensation . stools out
well, and the straw is very strong, and.does not lodge, even when others with a les weight of
head go down. It is a veryvigorous grower, quite noticeably so when seen growing beside other
varieties. It is bound to take a leading place, and will, no doubt, become a cry popular variety.
Price per lb., 15c.; 4 lbs., 50c. (post-paid); bush., $1; 6 bush. lots, 95e. per bush,; 10 bush. lots
and over, 90c, per bush.; bags, 20c. each extra. .
This splendid oat bits already: proved itself to be entitled to rank among the very first and
best varieties. It is a. heavy growing strong strawed variety, and is of such vigorous constitu-
tion as to be almost proof against rust _and other diseases. Tho grain is large, white, thin
bulled, and in every respect first-class. Price per bush., 75c.; 5 bush. lots and oVer, '70e, per
bush, 10 bush. lots and. over, 65c.; bags, 20ceach extra.
It is extremely hardy, grows withvigor and rapicfity, stands well, and adapts itself to almost
any soil. Grain veryblack, large and plump, Our seed is grown from imported stock. Price
per bush., 70c.; 5 bush. lots, 65cper bush.; 10 bush. lots and over, 60c. per bush.; bags 20c,
each extra.
STOCKS of these new and improved oats are limited ; order early and avoid
disappointment. The bud* prices are for shipment front Toronto.
' You Can get Steele, Briggs' Famous Garden and Flower Seeds from your Resident
Merchant, Or send for them direct. THE BEST SEEDS THAT GROW.
A Handsome Illustrated 112 Page Catalogue Free, send for one to -day.
he Steele, i
Brggs Seed LIMITED -
The cashier con eases Lhat he wreck-
the hank.
And didn't, Use aSSintarlt caShilkr
know anything about what was going
mil •
Certainly 1 He Was assisting the
A Bad Case of Asthma.
Mrs. Semuel Verndel, of Clements -
port, N.S., writes: "11 is with great
pleisure that I write you to tell of
the good I hava derived from the use!
of CatarrhozonA I am in my eight -a
lath steer now and from youth up I
have been troubled with Asthma, and
tnot until I used Catarrhozono, did I,
get relief. It has cured. my Asthma!'
in an incredibly short times fled
heartily recommend it to all," Ca1
tarrh-o-zone is sold by all druggists.
Trial outfit sent for 10e in stamps
by N. C. POLSON & CO., Hingst
Ont., Proprietors.
John, wrote a colored prisoner Lo his
SOU, did you know dat yo' daddy is ,
in a nice, steam -het jail, fer de wino
ter? Ef you didn't you knows it now,
by ilis letter, w'ich leaves rise well en i
hearty en teinkful ter Providence. De,
weather is col', but, John, I is ez :venni
ez a political meetin' I
Take Laxative ammo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money 11 11 falls to aura I
240. ig. W, Grove's signature 18 00 each ,boxi
The British soldier has not always,
Worn a red 'Uniform. White was the!
prevailing color under Henry VIII. !
and dark green or russet in the time'
of Elizabeth.
. Wi N8LoWS sooTiingu SYRUP his, been
ma by mother, for their children teething It soothes
tho child, softens the glints, aitare pain, cures wind
collo, and le the beat remedy for 'archive 21,. s boa.
Be. Bold by all druagiate throughout the world. Bel
gm arid ask for " M4 Winslow's Soothing Syrup,
She -They say the good die young.
Ile -It's a wonder you didn't die long
And she hasn't (Melded yet whether
he memo it for a compliment or a
' " PhEir aoh 10o." P=
What is a sausage? inquired the
sweet singer.
A sausage, grinned the comedian
boarder, is a ground hog.
Invliteretep sod Streinthens.
Sometimes, eaid Meandering Mike, 1
wishes had money.
Sometimes 1 echoed Plodding Pete.
Yes. Sometimes, but not often.
Dere's minibus of -dollar bills iesued by
de governmerit. What do we want
anytang. so common I
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
With LOCAL Af•PLICATIONS ne they eann,:t
resteh the sri at.Of the di- ( at wilt 1 , a beet
or ronnitutionel Memo, and se ceder to euto
it you mei take Internet remedlea. Hales
Catarrh Cure Is taken hi' many, and acts ch -
reedy -0u the blood and m11(10'116 A a rto trall'e
Catarrh Cure le net vIne.c k ntedtelne, If, wns
eporosu netrIrbeido rbyy en:, so, (taft table, bltergt01)1111eizuoitoashaIn
11 itteomposed of the best tonics known cern.
Wand With the beat, blood puriflera, net legit'.
redly in the 11111001101 surfaces. Thii -perfect
combination of the two ingrediente is what
tomato such Wonderful rentiltS in Outing
ClAttkrk.J. i•NAbl'Y.54t68tiftlOttl.,-i'Props.,latLVelede, Or
gold br druggists. price 76e.
ROB Family BIDS ate the beat.
So you studied the Russian len.
guago t
Yes. 7 make It a rule to learn genie.
thing of the language of every coml.
try 7 visit.
Did you make any provost
Yes. 7 got so 7 could telt whether
the brakeman on a railway train was
balling out the nom* of a station or'
Welling cold.
king Arthur was moved to tears.
Sir Galahtohe sobbed, is dead
t so, exolaimed tho court .
ter. Sayerather, he is enjoying a good
ithight'a rest.
MORiREAL HOTEL omeerone.
The ,4 Balmoral," Free Bus
$1.50 is up.
Hotel carsiake European Pim. R00011
01.T.R.Stistion, Meowed. Get.ittrattkikase-ro.,uProPL.
AVENUE ROUSE_1400111-0°1115e Avenue,
Family Rotel rates 1 fig
per day.
IT. JAMES' ROTEL...OppositeDepot,
blocks from 0 .IP
Iteihres. Vint -elan oommeroineuse medita.w.
013"eultata-5etee onderate.
Capt. Montmoreney'S Scouts bave
adopted the skull and crossbones as
their emblem.
P C 10116
CtilrbollO Disinfectants, Spans, flint.
extent, Tooth Po Pedlars, etc,. . hove been
awarded 100 medals Old 0114( ma4 for fotherthr
:Ig°1(1 ria Per; 1.41111r
supply. tests moth free en
carters ooLD ouRE Ito. Caren in a jiffy P,Mo
Comma 4.0o., Agents, NIOntreal,
THE 023 MOINES INOSBATOR-Bast anti chino -en
0. g
em ftSZl33EPilennnal '
rass oau
Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, NO.
Every Town can have a Band
• Lowest prices ever quoted. Vine ottani/no 500 Ill.."
nations mailed Inc', Write ma for anything in
Music or Musloal instruments.
WharToronto Ont andc I
Winnipeg, Mao.
.,ELJorliEs ' • NG.C9
‘8410i4tii TI 101R 5 NTo-
g#LCVNRIE Ohm -am,: FOlt SALE -4 bay two'-'
year-olds) 'coaching type; It eh. action ; size
fashionable breeding; Prices reasonable. AL 11. coon:
mom Rilburst Station, Que. .
ODIUM SENSE K1118 Seethes, Bed
8.1 Bugs, Rate andldloe. Bold be all
Druggists, or 881 Queen W. Toronto.
Catholic Prayer e°0%,,I,ciihigeptgli•
Rename Pictures, Statuary, and Chinon Ornemente,
Ed mations' Works, Kan orders receive prompt etten.
Lion. 3, & J. 8ADLIER & 00., Montreal,
Dyeing T. Weaning 1
For the yea beet send your work to the
Look for agent Ili your town or *end ann.
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec
HARRIS ratiapalf,Tirat.
Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephoniet729,
end other PRODUCE, to ensure beat inmate eo10
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,nsigh
eoe. west -Market & Colborne St., Toronto,
Michigan Land for Sale.
O rwr. These Linda ere Close to Enterprising New
NM ARUM 0000 FARMING LANDEbret soRkipoitatAtHofl:
umhot- rAOnkent.lobiltradalc 13.ttraplr,i0e, tiro.itgitgMfamollossoa trod
reasonable tenon. Apply 10 '
E. Mot% PIEWEll J. SATg el Eln l, Wed eBmaeyr eel, tjel oh.311°L
We Pant good, BBL/AMA exeitamte man In
"unrepresented dietrlets" throughout the Dominion to •
sell our stock for investluent. This atonic guaran teea
good dividends pay,blo half yearl, , or adding to invest.
mont; also to secure applications for goott loam. We
gay uborai COMI1118910118. Away,
Sun Sayings and Loan ComTpoanny.
The "Happy Thought" Range
• - 13a,le by
• , ORO:TF.01213, ONT.,
Is the best in the wood. For sale by leading dealers
To introduce Dr. Deit Tonal Pitts for Making blood
for polo gentile, mina% west:nuns, liter sot kidney
discaoguse , nervoutine.a, weakne4 or the eyetem, deo W.
rao(1811 your cholieo! 11:::1141 Pl6t1 V"gltin or ongsd, or n Gan::Watch, Ladle. or
The pdis are 35e per 10...-18.50 feria boxes Send
this Amount mut you will rewire 16 boxes and thit
0wItiintIgilitfori PeVaetrtyll'ilikwrt and cit.,.
THE Int 02EHAT4elFlati8
PILL 00.,
Our method Is sure and has Cured thousands -some pronOuneed
. Incurable. Write at once. Booklet and PrOof ott request. Address
'ThiSWISS•AMERICAN 00.1 Windsor, Ont., Canada
iTheSizeof it
YOU Want Paint enanty, rather then
euantity. Yen wears object to getting it
groasdeat for your money though; win you
now is
West welt and ItInk trell 41 Wes eonte MI Net itfa
entil-think 41 111
V et Aida IP all Itits6Clue Doles,
A PAM Wats, lenslotaliottea
41411V111, 0114111.00100.4