HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-21, Page 4PACE roux--TIHE BLYTH STANDARD --MAY f, 1908.
Sale Notes a apeoialty, Ad mewl made
'to. turners on their own notes. No
additional secuvity required.
We offer every a000mtnodatiun eon.
,(stent with safe and oonservative
beukina principles.
To loan on Real Estate et lowest rates
of Interest,
Poreoua wishing to sell will do well to
plane their property on our list for
sale. Rents collected,
Of all Muds promptly attended to.
We represent the leading Firo and
Life Aesuranne companies, and respect•
fully solloft your amount,
OFFICE IHOURS: 10 e.nt. to rl P.Itf,
Business Cards.
glrc 3tjttt gttrntttri,
Batrieters, Sollettore, Notaries Public,
Etu. Offices—Those formerly occupied by
Meesro. Cameron and Holt, Goderiah. W.
Proudfoot, K.C. ; R. 0, Hays, 0. F. Blair.
0, E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S.
Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal
Cullege of Dental Surgeons. An honor
graduate of Toronto University. Office
over Jamoe Cutt's store, Pretoria block,
Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m.
Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Unl.
malty of Treaty College; M.D., Queen's
Tlolveretty; Fellow of Trinity Medical
College, and member of the College of
Phyetuians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor.
onerfor the County of Huron. Mee, one
door north of Conuuereial hotel, Queen
street, Blyth,
THURSDAY, MAY. 21, 1908
People We Know „pa�lt
CS1i" �I,
We are pleased to see Mr. \V. A,
Cartel' Out again after hie serious
Dr, D. '1', Snaith, of Omer, Afiehi-
gau, is visiliug with relatives in
Aion'ris and town.
Master Frank McCaughey, of
Lucknow, was a visitor et the Com
tuere(el Hotel for a week.
We are 801try to hear that Miss
Janet Dodds is tint improving as hast
as her many friends would like.
Mr. Wilford Weir accompanied by
Itis friend Air, Rowland Vincent, of
Clinton, were visitors in town over
Mi', Win. Davis left on 'Tuesday
morning for Hanover where he has
a situation on the steam shovel at the
Cement works.
The Clinton New Era of last week
says :—Mrs. A. J. Hoiloway was
called to 131yth, this week, owing to
her cousin, Miss Dodds haying sus-
tained a stroke of paralysis,
Mr. Bert. Townsend, it former
youth of town, and who has been
working on the 'Tiverton Watchman
was in town Saturday waiting for
train connections for Goderich.
Last friday Mr. J, J. McCaughey
of Chicago, a contractor for railroad
levee and 001(311 constructions, 51'rived
in town and spent a few days visit.
ing his cousin, Mr. J, J. McCaughey,
of the Commercial hotel. The
visitor was a big maw, weighing
300 pounds and standing 6 feet 2
inches in height. lie went to Luck.
now Monday to visit relatives and
passed through Blyth on Tuesday
eilroute fur his home,
Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at 'Tan STANDARD office, Blyth.
S. SSiC911"
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terme reasoable. Sales arranged for
At the office of THE STANDAR», Blyth.
Blyth Livery
Sale ntables
Pr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
0 00 00 00 0
First etaes Horses and pigs for hire at
reasonable rates.
Bost of aetommodatlon to Commorolal
Travellers and others requiring rigs.
Veterinary office at livery stable.
e¢ rag
tratford k\nt.
l . the le .ding business training school In
1Veetern Ontario. We give a thorough
practical training on commercial subjee s
baso Pitman's Shorthand. 'Pouch Type-
writing and In comatercIi l and rail:oad
operatna. Reek department le In tine
hands of experienced inetruotors, We
sestet students to petitions, Our gradu-
ates always succeed for our entrees are
the best. Get our tree catalogue and
learn more about us. You may enter
ELLIOTT & MaLACHLAN, Principals.
(A amfi Nance.
Next Sunday evening the pulpit
in the Methodist, church will be oc•
canted by Aliss McGuffon, of Toron-
to, Editor of the "Missionary Out-
Children Enjoy It
"I have used Coltsfoote Expectorant
with the greateet satisfaction with my
children, It is a wonderful cure for
colds and sore throat. I believe it ear
ed the life of my little eon, who was
very sick from. a protracted cold on his
Orangeville, Marsh 15, 1907,
"I am greatly pleased with the good
results we got from Coltsfoote Expec•
torant. I get great comfort with it for
my children,"
171 Argyle St., Toronto,
Coltsfoote Expectorant le the great.
est home prescription for all throat and
chest troubles in the world, No home
ehould be one hour without it. You
can have free sample by sending name
to Dr, T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. All
good druggists keep it. Price, 25e.
Bend for Free Sample Today.
tl. d *
The Synod of the Diocese of Heron
has been sunmmwed to meet in Lon-
don on May 20, three weeks earlier
than usual, on account of the great
congress in England.
The May meeting of the Godel'IC11
District was held in Goderleh this
week, Rev. S. Anderson and Atr.
Wm. Jackson attended the meeting
a8repesuntILives ofthe Ely th 9101110.
disc church.
At a recent meeting of the honed
of the First Methodist Church, Len.
don, Rev. Selborne, A. Anderson, of
Blyth, was invited to take charge of
the Richmond street and Kensing-
ton Missions, niter July L 'The
present pastor, Itev. .T. 13. Freeman,
will retire. Rev. Anderson 1199 ac-
cepted the invitation, subject to the
Stationing Committee.
a * *
The mutual meeting of the Isadies'
Aid Society of the Methodist church
was held on Tuesday, May 121),
The meeting opened with singing
and prayer by the praetor, Rev. Mr.
Anderson, The election of officers
was then in order, the pastor, pre-
siding. The election resulted as fol.
I01V5 :—President, Mrs. Wilford ; 1st
Vice, Mrs. lockstep ; 2nd Vice, gars.
AI. Young ; Treasure', • llrs. Slntee ;
Recording.Secretnry, Mt's.I. Brown ;
C(tepiaies, Airs. King (01d Mrs.
Maths ; Auditors, Mrs. Beene end
Mrs. Aloins ; organist, Mrs. Chellew ;
Assistant -organist, 'Mrs. Barging.
R. Stn1111 15 all smiles this week—
It is a daughter,
R. and Mrs, Young spent Sunday
with Brussels friends.
Miss Gilboa!' left this week for
her home in Glencoe.
Aliss Webber arrived here last
week from England to visit her
Aliss Lizzie Whitley is home from
her duties 10 London to take a
months' rest.
Tim Longue see(el held on Wed-
11eR(ley night wes a grand success.
Everyone enjoying themselves.
Rev, Dr, Stewart, of Clinton,
preached an excellent sermon here
in the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day last,
—Subscribe for 'Can STANDARD.
is headquarters for Fresh, Pure,
No. 1 Lure. Highest,reentuiends
given ae to the quality of it, hes-
tug proven it It Sol1 on Govern-
By purchasing front these kilns
you patronize .tome industry.
25c per bushel, delivered
Write or Telephone to
Retiring Sale
Vere are ,Bargains far
All lines of Jewelry,
Wall Paper, Crock-
ery, Fancy Goods,
Toys, Sleighs, Gaines,
Bibles, Prayer Books,
Etc., 25 per cent off'.
Watches 15 per cent off,
Many odd lines 35 to 50 per
cent elf.
Evert thing mush go. Coyne and see.
Jewelry and Stationery.
To Keep Young
Chicks Healthy
Keep away the lice, and lice
cannot remain where
le need ae directed, "most
effectual exterminator of Ileo on
the market" say those who hove
tried It. Large packages, 25e.
For sale by
Dr. W. J. Milne's
White City Drug Store
Any quantity of Eggs and
Butter at the highest cash
pi ICeS,
Standard Butter Sixes for sale.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Lotltoldera
of 13 yah Union Burying Ground will be
held In Industry hall at 8 p. m, on Pet -
day, May 22nd, 1908.
R083. SLATER, Secy.
A Former Blyth Girl Killed.
Lest Saturday morning the daily
papers announced the sad uew8 that
Mise Sarah hosed, of London, and a
burse at the Victoria hospital, had
been killed at a G. T. 11. railway
crossing; in (hat city.
The report states that Hiss Rowed
and Aiiss S. S. Sutherland, parses,
received permission to go to Dor-
ohester to visit ltev. Air, Gilmour,
who was seriously ill, and accent.
palled by the letter's cousin, Chas.
Cowan, They had only reached the
Egerton street crossing ol'the 0rand
Trunk when glias Rowed, terrified
by an approaching train, jumped In
fruut of the cars and was instantly
The late Aliss Rowed was the
daughter td' Mrs. Margaret Rowed,
156?; Princess avenue, who moved
tram Auburn to London and before
that lived in 131y'th in the house now
occupied by Wm, Bell, She was 22
year8 of age, had been it nurse in
teething three months at Victoria
hospital, anti was a very bright and
popular young lady. She is sur-
vived by her mother, three brothels
—Frank W. and George Edgar with
the National Drug Co,, and Samuel
il., a traveller ; and three sisters—
Mrs. J. E. Fawites, London ; Mrs, .7,
C. Cook, St. 'Phomas, and Airs (Rev.)
K, AleGowan, Dutton,
'I'fte funeral tools p ace on Sunday
afternoon to Woodland cemetery,
the service hong conducted by her
paster, Rev. Dyson 1111gtte, of the
Memorial church.
Among the wreaths wore tokens
from the nurses of Victoria hospital,
the hospital trust, Aliss Stanley, the
ebo(r of the Memorial church, Mies
S. Sutherland, Charles Cowan, the
office staff of the McCrory Alanuiac•
taring Co, the employees of the
N11010111 Drug Co,, the employees of
the London Printing and Litho.
graphing Co., Jatnes and Mrs. I''aw.
kes, Mrs. Audrew Ellis, Dr, John D.
1Vilsoo, Miss Edna Greene (Belle-
ville), 11 C. and 911'8, Mitchell (King.
sten), Aiiss Edith B, Treleaven, ,T.
M. and Airs. Dunes11, 1111'. and Airs.
Luseombe, Misses Jennie and Jessie
Watson,. John and Alt's. Watson,
Warren Watson, Charles and James
Percy, Mrs, Snelgtrore, john Otl-
nwt'e, Mr. and Airs. Madden, Mrs h'
i1.' Bile, Francis Turner, Fred Soper,
A. McKenzle and Air, and Airs.
Mayor Stevely, Trustee Judd,
Superintendent 1Ieard and Chairman
Screaton represented the hospital
trust at the funeral.
The pallbearers were George F.
Rowed, Stunue( Il. Rowed and Frank
W, Rowed, brothers of the deceased,
and J, 1), Fawkes, of London ; Rev.
Kenneth AlcGowau, of Dutton, and
John P. Cook, of St. Thomas,
Deceased was a cousin of Mrs.
(Rev.) Small of town.
tit000 ttttb gftootlr
The Zurich Bowling Club .net and
elected the following officers : —Pres-
ident, 13. A. Campbell ; See.t'eas.,
R. W. Williams ; Committee, E.
Zeller, A. 1'. Mess, C. Fritz, A, Ilei-
Fullowieg are the officers of the
Lucknow Baseball club :—President
John McGarry ; Vice President, R.
1t. McLeod ; Secretary, J;1'indlater ;
Treasurer, W, Johnston ; manager,
Toto Watson ; Captain, Pelt ;McCoy ;
Executive committee, George Smith,
R the Johnston,
'i'he first game of football in the
North Perth district in the inter-
mediate series of the W. P. A., was
players between Atwood and Brussels
on Victoria Park, Brussels, on Alen -
day eight resulting in favor of the
home team by a score of 3 to 0,
The 1(ne alp Wee RS follows : Brussels
—Goal, W. Young ; backs, W, Ale -
Donald, A. Anderson ; holt backs,
W. Stevenson, W, (Henderson, R,
Bowra ; right wing, W. Miller J, llc-
(31(11vray ; centre, G. McDonald ;
left wing J. ltowley, H. Lowry,
Atwood—Goal, 11, McNamara ;
)pees, 1'. Gray, W. G. Hamilton ;
half bank, 0. Hanna, A. Thompson,
J. Robb ; right wing, G. Brown, 3.
McFarlane ; centre, K. Struthers ;
left wing, G. Peebles, E. Switzer,
Referee—E, Moore, of Wingham.
DATER for examinations have
been fixed as follows : for entrance
to model school, June 23rd ; high
school entrance, ,Tune 24111, 25th
and 26th ; normal school entrance
and junior nl13rhcu(ation, June 29 ;
entrance to faculty of educe Oen and
sell 4011111p matriculation, July 211(1,
New Shapes, Sailors and Trimmings
arriving every week. Come in and see thein, they are the
kind you want.
There are two kinds of Millinery --the Fresh, New
Stylish Kind--and--the "Other Kind." Nearly all
the trouble comes from the "Other Kind." We haven't
any of the other kink. Our stock is New, with new goods
coming all the time,
DIvlsloN Court, Thursday, May
14th, at nine e, 01,
of Store in Blyth
Under and by virtue of the powers 0073•
tained in certain mortgage, which will be
produced at the time of hate, there will be
offered for sale by public auution by ,lames
Smith, Auctioneer, at the Commercial
Hotel to the Village of Blyth, on Satur-
day the 301,5 day of Mny 1908, at the hour
of 1.00 o'clock In the afternoon the follow-
ing property : The north half of Int num-
ber eleven, on Queen street in McDonald's
Survey in the Village of Blyth. This
property Is at present occupied as out 11:0-
plementshop. The looatlon Is central and
Terme : Ten per cent. In cash on the
day of sale and the het/thee In thirty days.
For further terms and particulars apply
to Joseph Combs, Blyth, or to William
Brydoue, Vendor's Solicitor, Clinton,
of Brick Store, Etc., in tho
Village of Blyth.
Under and by virtue of the powers con-
tained in certain mortgagee, whish will
be ptoduoed at the tme of We, there will
he offered for sale by public aueaon by
Janus Smith, Auctioneer, at the Cent.
meretai Hotel in the Village of Myth, ou
Saturdey the 30th day of May 1908, at the
hour of 1 30 o'clock in the afternoon the
following property : The northerly thirty -
thee fret of lot number sixty-one, oa
Queen street In McDonald's murvey in the
Village of Blyth. On this parcel le erect-
ed a two-storey Krick store occupied ssa
hardware store (.nd also an up-te.date
photograph gallery and rooms suitable for
a residoaee. The location Is central and
In every way deslrebte as a business
Terms : Ten per cent. in each on the day
of the sale and the balance In thirty days,
For further terms and pat Genial,. Reply
Rn Joseph Combs, Blvth, or to William
Brydone, Vendor's Sol(cltor, Clinton,
(10 CICNT9 gets 'Tilt STANDARD till
the end or the year for all new sub-
scribers in Canada. if you want
cheap rending look at our clubbing
The Standard 8100
The Standard and Weekly Adver-
tiser . 1 05
The Standard and Weekly Wit.
nese,..... . 1 80
l'he Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85
The Standard and Family Herald
aa(id Weekly Star 1 70
(Che Standard and Weekly Mail
and Empire 1 85
The Standard and Hamilton Sernl-
weeltiy Times 1 80
The Standard and Weekly Free
Pres,' 1 80
The Standard and Toronto Week-
ly Sun ... ... 1 80
The Standard and Hamilton
Twice-a•week Spectator......., 1 80
The Standard and Toronto Daily
Star 2 26
The Standard and Toronto Daily
News 2 25
The Standard and Partner's Advo-
cate 2 80
Tho Standard and Daily Adver-
tiser . 2 60
The Standard and Evening Free
Prasa 2 75
'.1'h"o Standard mid Toronto Daily
World 825
The Standard and Daily Free
Press 8 50
The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50
'Pito Siandard and Evening Mail
and Empire 8 50
The SIandard and Daily Mail
and Empire 4 50
The Standard and Daily Globe,4 50
Send all subscriptions direct to
Bargains in Parlor Suites
5 Piece Suite
Sofa, Recker, Arm Chair and 2 Small Chabs, covered in Wilton Rage, six Ir eh fringe
all around, worth X52.50, for $15.011.
5 Piece Suite
Polished Mahogany frames, covered In fancy figured voloree, worth 325.00, for 322,00.
Paint protection
You realize the necoor+ity of protecting your bowie with good paint,
but you do not ready the necessity of protecting yourself against
poor paint. It all looks alike in the can, but one kind comes ell',
the other stays on ; one kind soon looks shabby, the other keeps
mew. The kind that holds on strongest, looks new longest, is the
Sherwin-Williams' Paint
Varnishes, Stains, Carriage Paints, White
Lead, Linseed Oil, Roof and Bridge Paint,
Barn Red.
Itis the result of a goat ter of a century's paint -making experlei.ce ;
the product of the largest factory in the world. 1Vo sell it.
Hardware and Tinware - - BLYTH