HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-03-22, Page 8TEM CLINTON NEWERIE0011,D„ .4 4 4 11 11001011111 Ivo i 100101110011101 101 iIA 31r. D. A. Forrester Made a ehip• t. Mr. L. Barber of Toronto the gueet. Cf hie untie. Mr. john iou Some Reference Some Religious We have about 50 books. assorted as above, seree were .05e many were 250, some in cloth covers some ix) paper., Your choice 10c. Mr. Andrew IneEtvan of Ailea Craig Miss Effie all visited friends 1 is the guest of Me. IL P. Andrews, IsuctraloW au' past 'artat, Miss ()hallo. MeNaughton returned •Mitse Nellie Stewart rafted in Goats.* yesterday ham (loderich where _ rich talYntahIP 134 week - Mrs. Samuel Kerr visited her grand - had been spending a few days. daughter, Mrs. D. Cook of Olinton, laet Albert E.Moore,Winuipeg. son of Mrs. week. IS, Moore, town, has secured a good air, and Mre. Smith, who :have been Nit in the Weet as stenographer in connection with Miller &Miller, Por- tage La Vraleie. Mr„ and Mrs. R. 11. Cullis of London spent Sunday at the Rectory. Mr. Cullis hits been very successful in business in the city having gone there from Auburn about fourteen years ago a poor man. Ile is now the owner of a very flourishing gro- cery and provision store on Welling- ton street, OODERICH TOWNSHIP. Mr, John Parker had a setting of eggs hatched out on March Oth. Does anyone know of an earlier hatchlog than this, this year ? He hashed more come out since and expects his squats to over.run with chickens next sum. mess He makes it business of it and now has nearly seventy hens. Mrs. Henry Cook. an old resident of Agents Porker's Pea Weeks. she Oth concession has gone to live with her son Joshua in Clinton. It The W. D. Fair 0o, hasor sonil°ena.looitiine left a lasarrtiraheer,etgeointoe • join his brother who went to Van- • • couver, B. O., about two yeare ago. Often the Cheapest, Alwaysthe Vest. Miss Madge Maophy Visited her -...,.. . aunt, Mrs, W. Murphy of Clinton, last week, • • Mr, Samuel Bothwell has a sow New AdvertiserneiltS. wttic.h gave birth to a litter of nine- teen pigs. We have -frequently heard of twelve, fourteen and oceasionally sixteen, but not of nineteen before. If you want the news of Goderich township you must read TOR Nimes Rxeortn, A scholar in tbe school of a neighbor- ing township was asked to frame a sentence containing the verbs "to set" and "to :At," Willie atter a brief. de., liberation replied,: "The British Em- pire is a country on. which the sun never sets, aucl' no other country ever sits." The auction sale of the farm stock and implements of Mr. John Mc- Oartney was very largely attended and prices ruled high.. A colt rising three years sold for $151 to Mr. John 'Jenkins, and one a year younger to Mr. George Cantelon for $08. Cows went at from $40 to $52 and a binder in •use four sen - sons brought $70.50. The total receipts were $1800, Mr. George B.Hanley was clerk and Mr. Thos. Brown auctioneer. John afiller of the Oth has hited with Mr. William Oraig for the season. Thia is the second year which means that he is a good worker or 'his first would have been his last With William. , Better Corsots-Newcombe's Shoes Si and Oood-W. Taylor & Son 4 Spring Bargain Day -Harland. Bros 5 Carpets and Curtains -McKinnon 8c Co 5 0ood Tea Cheap -W. Duncan 5 Jaekson'sneadache Powders-S.Jaciltson5 Question of the liour-Court Clinton C.O.F8 Boy's•School Shim -Jackson Bros 8 Store to Ront-Karland Brea 4 X arm for Selo -D. .T. Cantelon - Kitchen Maid 'Wanted-lVirs, Gunn 8 Improvement of Stock -W. O. Elliott 8 About o 0.0 . . • • mrec----- People . WHERE THEY ARE AND WHAT 0 THEY ARE DOOM We litiow Miss Jean Matheson 'is visiting . her uncle. • Mr. S. S. Cooper was in Milton over Sunday. , Miss Ida Melville is. visiting Exeter . friends. . When the funeral of the late Mrs. Miss Susie Cock is visiting London .•Passmore, whieh left, the residence of friends, Mr. John Holmes of the Huron Road Mr. Frank Hodgens was in Toronto on Monday of hist weeloreached Brant, this week. - ford it was met by..a large number of • friends who extended.sympathy to the Mr, Israel Taylor. of Brampton spent bereaved_ relatives and accompanied Sunday in town. . , the cortege •to Greenwood cemetery Miss Birdie Heywood is visiting Blyth where the interment took. place. , The friends this week. • • . poll -hearers .frons the roilrvay station I. Prout and Will Moffat were in *Sea- to the cemetery were.: R. 0. Passmore, forth yesterday. .• - .. . • F. S. Passmore, S. F. Passmore, F. B. • - Quinn, J. T. Triggerson and A. Wall, Airs.McMullen of Belleville is the goest while the service was conducted by Mr. of Mrs' Alf' M'Ke'vtl• ' J. C. Bennett of.Brantford, an old and Miss Murray of Granton is the guest esteemed friend of the deceased The a Mrs. (Da) Thompson. •, service at the house in the morning Miss Gertie Farnham of Constance was was conducted by Mr. T. Xnechtel of. stun of $175. • • the guest ,of Mrs: Mcirittie, • Seaforth, while the pall -bearers from Mr. Alex. Sterling of Carlon moyed Miss Annie Young of Seaforth is the there to the G. T. R. station were:f • S. to Goderieh last Tuesday.' guest of Miss Lily McKeown. . 'T. Holmes and T. Knochtel, Sea orth ; s --s---, s--- . - •J. G. Boluses Whitechurch; W. J. Stimmerhill • Mr. and Mrs, George Swartz are visit-. Holmes, R. Baer and J:. Lindsay of • -.,-.... '• . . ing their son in Wingh,ana. . this township, Mr. W .• F. Egg of A very solemn an& impressive ser - miss Alive Cottle has been visiting Montreal accompanied Mr. and Mrs. vice was •held in St; Peter's chinch on . Seaforth friends fora week. , Holmes to Brantford and • they were Wednesday last when. His Lordship Mrs. Sainnel Kerr of the Nile was the 'nine's as reefs by me, R. 9, Holmes of Bishop Baldwin administered the rite guest of Mrs.D. Cooke jr., last week.. London. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes return- of confirmation to seventeen candi- is .ed borne on Wednesday evening. dates. The Bishop gave a very stirr- Rev Peter Straith of Colclough, ing address to the yeeng People and visiting his father,Mr. Peter Straith. Mr. and Mrs. William whose wadding took place recently in those who had the privilege of being Missen Tena Mathieson and Belle Hensall, are stopping at the Celclough present Will ever remernberthe solemn Paisley spent Sunday with Seaforth • homestead on the 13ityfield Line, Will's and vital truths so eloquently expres. friends. many friends are wishing him, all•Man- Sed. The incumbent was assisted in Mise Clara Hall returned yesterday to ner of good things. • . the service by the Rev. Mr. Parke of Goderich after ueveral days visit with Mr. Isaac Bothwell sold to a Clinton Clinton. Rev. Mr. Smith is considered Miss Hartwell. • . . . • buyer and delivered an' Tuesday seven by all to have been very successful in Misses Maagie and Tena Erwin of of the finest six -months -old pigs that this class, asthe number of cortnnuni- Bayfield were guests of Mrs., Cilias. we have seen for a long time. They cants m St. Peter's church will now be Stewart last week. • 'had an average weight of 202 pounds _ oboist doubled. Mr. R. J. Olaf was in Goderich on and brought the owner $5.10 per Cwt. • Monday and Tuesday attending • A lire arithmetic will 'enable anyone The Rev. F. E. Roy, missionary ilterii:. r, agent of the Diocese ot Huron, will of - Miss in the capacity of a juror. re)al IZIAW bowr11_y1V1 a these andI) ficiate in the Church of England at Miss Jessie Ford left Wednesday cross which Mr. Rattivvell faviree as and Dungannon and Port Albert on Suns morning for Detroit where she will lying length, breadth and depths day next. Sun - make her home with her cousin.. furnishing the packers with j t th us e , . Miss Nellie Allen of Alliston was the class of hogs they want. ; ' s" - " . • . - •••• . .• . MANI' 2'2, 1900. A prettbut quiet wedding took .1100VER-HOWSON- On March 21, cattle on Monday, They averaged 1870 d di the lth concession on Monday evening age, Clinton, by the Rev. W. G. Stnit tM$11 a a went of two earloade of ilue export . place at the home of Mr. ohnMeddof at the atten ury Wed parson. rya a an Were So o r. . . when his charming daughter, Alice, Howson, fattier of the bride, Miss __________ was united in the holy bonda of matri• Florence N. Hamm to Rev. J. 1-1, Hoover of Laming, 'Michigan, 011INVO)T 344.111COT REPOIMS . . niony to the man of her choice in the person of Mr. Charles B. Reid. The . , 17. IS, A.. (Correoted ovory Wedastelayintsreeels ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. gisamfaislowEtrivp_.At the home Wheat, ,,,,. ....... ....a.% 00 0014 to o 00 0055 : visiting in Hamilton, loronto, and oth- Copland, of LouReSboro in the Presence of the bride's parents in West G Wil i er pliteee this winter, mho nod to their, 'of only immediate relatives of the eon. Witwaeosh on March 14th, 17 Rev. Barley .......... ..... 0 $8 to 0 40 home here last week, looking well af- tracking parties. After the knot bad b 1 d th .p sent t r o r• • ear 0 o ans Peas 0 67 to 0 00 T. Keniseily, Emma, eldest, otteighs Oats"! 01.•# ..... 1.04 "46010 0 20 to 0 27 down to a suinptuous wedding dinner HoWett of Colborne, 0 .4(1 to e 40 ' , Rye which was in readiness. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Reid took train at. 011n• JOHNSTONE-I,OCKb11.04111, T -At the , Potatoes per bushel,,0 00 t•a 0 25 . . ton for Garda, Matt., where they will residence of the es e s pitrente in Butter loose in crock 0 15 to 0 10 Art ipunsnake thole future home. They will he Bast Wawanosh on March 14th, Butter in tub., .... ....... 00 1105 ttoo 00 1110 . much missed here where both have AtarY, eldest daughter of Mr. M. Eggs per doz Lockhart. Reeve of East Wawa- 'nay • • • • • ••• • • • 8 00 to 7 50 ilki been deservedly popular and. the very . , .. . hest wishes of all their friends go with nosh, to J. johnstone of Wingharn. Dried apples -per lb 0 05 to 0 05 thein to their far -away' home. May IRWIN-VN CAMP -At the reSis .0 12 to 0 18 • Wool Apples per owt 0 40 to 0 40 happiness and prosperity fall to their dence of the bride'e mother ni East I lot is tlae wish of everyone who knows them. ter their trip. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Tiffin and Son of Walton are at present visiting at Mr, John Tiffin's. A number from here attended the Patriotic concert at Dungannon last Thuesday night and reported e good entertainment. Soine•of the young people from here attended the literary contest biota in Oiulow last Friday evening, Mr. Anderson, who returned from Sonth Africa about a year ago and is now of Don.neybrook; helped Itla Hen. ington with the missionary services on his circuit on Sunday teat. He oreach- ed to a large congregation here in the evening. Regular preaching,seryices here next Sunday, in the morning at 10.80 o'clock and in the evening at 7. Sunday School is held in the afternoon a 2,80. Everybody is welcome. At the Epworth League meeting next Tuesday °veiling the subject will be "Growth of Methodism," taken by Be'. 11. Kellington. -• BAYPIELD LINE. . A large representation of the Line took in the Patelotio concert in Hay field Friday evening, The sale of Mr. henry 13eacom is set or Tuesday, Meech 27th. Mr, Beacom has a long list of articles for sale and farmers who are in need of any such articles on the farm could do no better than attend this sale, Mr. Joseph Switzer of Teeswater is vieiting friends on the Oth con, and also on the Beyfiela line this week,. Miss J. Irvin of Bayfield Sundayed on the line. The Epworth League of Cole,s church. was addressed, last Stinday evening by Mr.F.Elford of Hohnesville. Though the evening was rather stor my .4 goodly number turned oat. Mr. Elford spoke on"Christian Citizenship" and to say the least did great justice to the 153'.UJillent'Thompson has at last com- e • plefed his dtilies as assessor. Owing no doubt to the ' fact that this • is Mr. Thompson's second year at the business ha has beeu. able to finish much earlier than a year ago. • ' COLBORNE TOWN—SHUP. •• • — ' Quite a nuniber around here nt's on the sick list at present. Mr. Chas. Howson moVed his port- able saw mill to Mr. Hine' on the 2nd concession of Colborne on Sat- urclay,where he has got the contract of sawing three thonsana feet of logs. • Me. Albert Mitchell had a wood bee an Tuesday efterimon and gave , the young people • .party at night, when they hoed it down till the wee sma hours •of the morning. . • • Mr. Geo. Ounie has engaged Mr. Geo: James for the suns 'nor months. • alp Ectivard sold a fine tenni of .vorking herses on Monday to Mr, • Bert, Liedsay for the handsome guest of Miss Howson at the parson- Miss Alice Havter. who has"'theen age on Rattenbury St., over' Sunday.. visiting her sister, Mrs. James Mose,; Mr. John Walker of Dublin is visiting for the past, five weeks, returned to her his uncle, Mr., Sohn Layton of town, home in Stephen township on Sunday. and the Layton family in Tucker. Mr. W. Currie of the 7th coneession smith. . is having a bee drawing brick for his: house to be built next summer. • Mr. Heber Clement has gone to Hamill- Arthur, son of Joseph Currie of the ton where he has secured a -good concession, has had to remain position in Sandford's big clothing 7th home from the Clinton Collegiate for establishment. he pas t fortnight owing to illness. Mrs. A: 0. Pattison left on Saturday for Toronto and will visit friends — in that city and Buffalo for a Sauble'Ulle-staineY. fortnight or so. The Sunday School social held at Mr. Mr. R. Irwin has been in Toronto Drysdale's on theilth inst, proved to he this week attending the annual meet- a grand success although the night was ing of the Grand Lodge of the Cana. wet and stormy. dian Home Oircle. Mr. W. G. Johnston purchased a Sue Mr. John Scotchmere of Bayfield horse from Mr. Chas. Parker ot Bay - leaves to -day for Edo,• North field and W. G. says he is not afraid to Dakota. They were booked through draw against any other team on the by A. 0. Patttson, G. T, R. agent. Line. Mrs. 31. 3. Church visited the Line Mr, J. J. Mackenzie, who has just re- turned from South Africa, where he last week. was seeking for gold along with so many thousands of like venturesome spirits, was visiting his cousin, Mrs0, Wallis, this week. The following travelling Passenger Agents of Western times were in town last week : McCaskey of the Northern Pacific, 0. W. Greaves of the Great. Northerro and J. 3, Ben- nett of the Chicago and North West- ern. Mr, Frank Eastrnans late of Wood- stock,is now baker a Mr. 3,Na/tech- erty's, Mr, Frank Olatworthy, who has been with Mr. ateClacherty for some time goes to Collingwood to enter into businei3s for himself. Mr. Thos. Brow ,T3 auctioneer, Seaforth, was in town Wednesday of last week on his way to and from the MeCart• ney's sale in Goderith township Mr. Regus Ayott and son Chris. and wife intend leaving for Michigan short- ly after the sale of 19th inst. and Mr. Wm. Lacorse and wife also are going to Michigan, Mrs•Ayott sold his farm of 67 acres to Mr. Eli Dueharme for the fancy peke of 58200. Mr. Chas: Cleave intends leaving for Manitoba about the 20th inst. Charlie will be missed by his wetly friends who were entertained, by his readings, recitations, etc., at the parties•this sen - son, A number of the young people atten- ded the Bayfleld concert on Friday evening and report it the best of the season. Mr. Chas. Screenan's team ran away last week from Hayfield and scattered a. load of lumber, but no serious da.m- age-was done. • Thelake ice has been very unsetis- where he wielded the hatnmer so fotory for fishing owing to so many effectively its to realize) eonsiderably more than •the owner himself ex. peeted. Mr. R. Ransford of Clinton was in • town yesterday examining the Right - river saltplant and estimating what it would cost to get It in working order. The war has greatly lessened the supply of coarse salt shipped from England to Canada and there is a great shortage in that grade of atilt. If it does not cost too inuch,thesyndi. cote, controlli ng Itightniyer block will start it up. They have heretofore, paid the Rightrnyer estate to keep it n carine• BeyieW, Rev. S. G. Brown, 13. As, .Toronto,was the guest of Revs T. J. Murduek over Sunday. Mr, I3rown labored for eight years in the Mission Field in Ilindostan but hif,d to return to Corrado owing to the poor health of hie wire. Ile is now aetingits Foreign Missionary Secretary for the Baptist church and is applying hiniself to the duties of thatpositiori with the sante zee' and energy with which he labored to bring the friraloos under , the influence of Christianity. Mr. B.11. Mackenzierwho in '08 WaS for some time associiited with Mr. James', Scott, barrister, was at the depot on Tuesday everiing • on his way bolo from the Battle Creek, Said- tariurn where he had been under., going a, eouro of treatment for a cottede of months with beneficial re. /mite, Ile looks fleshier than evet before. This Saiiiterium is under the control of the Seventh Day Ad. veritiots Who have very striet rules as to diet, and exist and are happy upon two meals day. Flesh of ell kinds le strittly forbideleto 111e, Mackenzie nava thoee people Who eatne under his observation practised what they preached and were as strorig and hearty looking as if they feasted every day upon roast beet, pium pudding, etcetera, east winds which drove it out. Miss Rachel Wild left on Monday for her borne in North Dakota, Miss Leah Durand tbis week left for St. Stephen, North Dakota, where her brother e now live. Mrs. William W. Turner, retiirried last week from Goderich, where she has been visiting friends and relatives, Last Wednesday evening a number of our young folks took advantage of the good, sleighing and drove over to get the Bronson Line to the hoose of Mr. Charles Donaldson, where they enioye ras- ed a good part of the evening in trip- Assosa. ping the light fantastic, along with speeches, recitations, songs, and other amusements. The kind and genial rs-- manner of the this host and hostess OW.' made the young people feel as though they would be welcome again on such an oecasion. • St. Joseph saw mill Is running at full blast. Mr. Seeing° and family will spa leave for Bad Axe, Mich., this week, finr" where they intends to remain for some tune. Exeter North, on the 21st mat" cession, left this week for Carnduff, the Rev. 'Vinyard, Richard YeiloW Onnton.a/farolizist. XXVI. GUNN. n and r. 3. Oaten, Eliza,' oungest actugh- Flo 0 00 to 0 00 1 75 t 2 00 4 00 to 4 03 Wawanosh on March 14th by Rev. g Pork per cwt ter of rs. Gs an Vamp to G. . Mr. 1. Reynolds left OR Monday for Irwin of the 10th concession. Bran per ton Chicago and bought his ticket from 15 00 to 15 00 Shorts per ton 17 00 to 17 00 Mr. A. 0. Pattison, the G. T. R. agent HEIbaralepllaDre-At m. oe rt oufartelshe - ' • * " at Clinton.. 190h, by Rey. Mr Copland of Misses Moore and Stinson and Mr, Kitchen Maid Wanted. Smith of Ripley have been visiting at Londesboro, Charles B. Reid to Alice daughter of Mr. John Medd. Mr. T. Archer's, YBLLO:Vit-NO#THOOTT,-, At the ma a a ltaniteHrigtlitat% ortinlw Six members of the Reid family,who resioence or the bride a parents wagestb trustworthy girl. Apply to t have eo long residedon7thcon. Aisne where they will make a home. se swiss Jessie daughter of Mr. '•Vhey are i -Beni °hes, B. aud Thos.11., John Northeca. and Misses .A.nnie, Sarah and Maggie. They were always held in the highest HIGGINS-OEM-At the residence of the bride's parents. Exeter, on The Question regard and their departure is much . , regretted and wilt leave man/ gaps in the 2Ist inste by the Rev. C.MisW. f if 1 While Hollett loses Cainduff will Grace Oke. sral circles which will be ifficult to Brown, W11113,114 Higgins to s 6 the Hour, gain and we are all their well-wishers, FISIIER-KESTLE.-In Exeter on Where can I get the hest insurance May their future be just as bright as the 21st inst., by the Rev. 0. W. they can wish for. . Brown, Mr. Geoffrey Fisher of ese. at the least possible cost? Why, from Mr. Charles Keats. THE CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS home from visiting at Mr. E. Hodgens, Miss Millie Archer has just returned borne to Miss Martha, daughter of Attended tile wedding of Miss Phoebe TeinssEymiterky,, sMecro. nGdd1 e0,1guetgbieewr oat: 12: FItmiseciPur7elinumyieanadian. m 1 Hodgens of Clarideboye, Mr. and Mrs.Hodgens of Clandeboye late Wm. Sanders of Stephen town- No Death Alviston, and also with Miss Ethel JEWELL-SANDBRS.-In Exeter on . some Reasons elenkins of Loudon. While away she the 21st inst„ by the Rev. J. W. are visiting at the home Of the latter s ship. Assessments. Age limit— father, Mr. Wiggington, and also aKE-SQUIRES.-In Usborne, on the 18 to 45. called at Mr, Thos. Archer's. Mr.Jeenes Reynolds,sr.,lost one of the black team, which he purchased frOm Andrews Bros;of Clinton a few months ago. The.anirnal.was a valuable one, Mr. Reynolds keeps none other, for that matter. • , WIWI op. • Mr. Charles .Regleir has a Contract of hauling logs to the sawmill of Mr.John • Piennervies. • Charles Drager has • engaged with Mr. George Muldoon for the summer. Miss Emma 'Brown is visiting her .sister Mrs. Robert Pray; Mr:Robert Munn, blacksmith, Who moved from Beeehwood to 'Winthrop a short time ago, is bonding up a good. business at the latteaplam, • • Mr. A. McNab has been on the sick list recently but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Bacon, -who were mar- ried reeently,have moved to Manitoba. Mr. John Crawford, who : sold• his farm last fall, has gone to live with his father-in-law, ,Mr. -Thomas Souter. • A celebration on the .coming 125h of July in Seaforth has heen announced but we have been informed- that the .4st inst., by the Rey, J. Waddell, Mr. Walter John Oke to Miss L. 3. Gives $500, $1,000,$1,500 Squires, both of Usborne. or $2,000 Insurance. 4. Has a larger 'surplus on DIED. hand. for each $1,000 risk MOUNTAIN-InjiuIjebt on 31arch than any other Society of 19th, Thos. W. Mountain, aged 81 . the kind in Canada. ' years and 4 trionths. 5, Over $2,000,000 paid to . Browns Sale Register. members and their depen- Wednesday, April 11th. at 1 p. • dants since organization on lot 24, concession 2, Stanley, farm 6, No Order excels it in stock and implements without reserve. -Donald Smith, proprietor; Thomas Brown, auctioneer, Wednesday, April 28th, at 2 p, m. at D.• Stevens' residence, E osondville economy of nianagement, low cost of insurance to members, promptness in extensive sale of household furniture ' pavraent of claims. Stevens, proprietor ; Thomas Brown. auctioneer. 7. Invested in Government Saturday, April 7th, at 1 p. m. on the premises on William street Eg- Bonds, $100,000. Surplus mondville, choice dwelling and lots containing 2 acres, also household fur- niture. -W. 0, Clark, proprietor; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. Saturday, March, 81st, at 2 p. in. at Its 21st year, Mrs. Waugh's residence, Goderich members of some districts in Huron street, Seaforth,a, choice house and lot. • For full information regarding the county intend either going to St. -Mrs'. Waugh, proprietor; Thomas cost of joining COURT MAPLE LEA,P A/lavas or Kincardine which would Brown, auctioneer. • No, 10,0ANADIAN ORDER OF FOR - ,render the Seaforth display a failure. 24Fr concessioni Friday, Apri I h mcKn , atlipo.p,iimessiaIG monillot ESTERS, Clinton,o..R. wait foranotheyear? f.apply to How would it be if Seaforth were to north of Seaforth, extensive Sale of Tnos. McCraw, V. U. r farm stock and impleineots.-Robert J. J. FOSTER, C. D. Our genial friend, Mr. John Searlete; Govenlock, proprietor; Thos, Brown, attended the annual meeting of theWm. Jotuts, F. S. Grand Orange .Lodge of Ontario West auctioneer. • J. P. SHEPPARD, R. S. held in Gravenhurst last week. There was a 'large attendance of delegates and the proceedings were of a very hearty and unanimous nature. The different reports, financial and other- wise,show the Order to be in a healthy and progressive condition, . funds $837,261.66. Mem- bership over 36,000. Death rateonly 4.43 pere1,000 in .Blitevale. Miss Maggie Diment of Toront,o is • . home for A visit. Mrs. (Rey.) West returned from • Whitby last week. Miss Mary Collie is yery ill. • Mr, Kerr of Wingham occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sunday. Mrs. W. D. Gray, who has spentthe winter with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. Cleghorn of the 13luevele Road, has fiCYTQpRAP13.5.: FRE Special Offer for ONE DAY Upon MONDAY, MARCH 26th, I will give ABSOLUTELY FREE, one Cabinet picture of old gentleman over 60 years of' age. Two proofs will be taken, from which a choice may be had. This offer is for this date only—do not forget—March 26th. No money required. returned to her home at Wolsley, ,As. VIIFIIMI? MIMI? MIMI? . WWII? -- ...... . .._ ...- ...... NW.. 6,•••• 11CP... 1111.-. 461. - OW. 0 -1m5Abe4k..esibe4k.eat.e4smeibeibe-gba•vrAtt.sibemame.eib.eviet.e.iba ....- Our Famous Sive Departmerit• 0 0 • 0 0 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES 0 0 \ 0 2 Juet one year ago we placed on the market a boy's : ; school Shoe which we called the "Standard" and which ; 0 we claimed would be something extra good for the money. t 2 Our many customers who bought this Shoe during the I 1 past year tell us the same story, and they now insist upon ; 0 having this Shoe and no other. Owing to the advance in d 0 leather this shoe is costingus1.0c and 15e a pair more than 2 11111,.. t it year, but we have decided owing to the ;big sale of this # Mi•-• 0 line to leave the. price at the qld figure. With this con- I ...- cession it makes it -a Shoe that cannot be equalled, Hav- 1 140-. ing no expense in this department we are enabled to ken # ...... 0 at a small commission, The Standard is made from a 1 ...— ,...- ........ it strong,solid leather, no shoddy or paper fillings, bat good ro, MP* and heavy but still a shapely appearance. We have the f ow. 1 teStililOnY of a large number of people that there is no i Y.-. Mk.. q Shoe on the market to equal it. Go g The prices of the Standard are 51, 51.25 and $1.50. t All repairs promptly attended to. ; F. G. BURGESS, Successor t Foster, Clinton. 11?Ilf11! WWII? iffifflif 11/11111? rtrnit MIMI? MIMI? IlfiltiltM ac son ros. Departmental ON. SIP* 1100., a•-• Wm` 10;•.-y 1110.0 NO* IP* •10.-• Ob. 11P.. naucePint,o. A. very owl aceident lieppened in S. Waldron's bush north of here on Mon-- •=7. day. Two men from the village -John Postiewaite mid D. Itowet-were en wed In cutting wood, and while fell. ing a tiee it ;plit and flew back, strik. ing John Postlewaite and pinning him to the wound. Me, nowat having to saw a block off the tree to -free bite. Ile was brought to his home in the village and 'medical aid eummoned,but it was of no -avail, and he died *about three o'eloak in the nfterit000. Ito leaVeis a Wife and one child. The S. S.of the Coterie -street elinech will 'lave a review next Sundity, a sleigh tide Tuesday afternoon and. a • oeial the same evening. • Store •••••• •^.11, ••••• ••••111 +am "..10 • 0 The most popular and fashionable material for spring costones and skirts, They'll be worn not in spring only but right through the summer as well. There is no dress m aterial shoWn this spring that will equal them either for style or wearing qualities. We show an assortment that would. do credit to a store in a town three times the size of Clinton, exclusive styles and. patterns, confined to ourselves and in the entire lot no two lengths alike except itt plain goods, and, many of them are single patterns. You get a better choice if you buy early, 86 int& Homespun suiting% all wool, exact reverter:dons of the more expensive line, will give ex °silentim.E_ wear, in the loading shades 46 inch heavy cheviot serge, all pure wool, homespun finish, will make vory etylish costumes, blesik and ens, navy only Stylish Homespuns in plaids and shooks, m dime and small patterns, handeorne color combinations, no more fashionable fabrios for separate skirts,,showthis season, a good range of patterns, no two alike, at $3.75, $4 0,110 Elegant lionaespun saitinge, in the popular spring, -shading e and black, will make hanchion e tailor made oostumeEi and give no end of wear, each , 6.00 • Other Kinds of Dress Goods We are showing a great collection of everything that is popular and fashionable in Spring Dress Goods, both iii blacks ancl colors, and. no d.ress goods buyer should fail to see this stock If you are going to buy Black Goods ask for the "Gold Medal" brand. It keeps its appearance better and wears better than any other Make • - Silks. tor Waists . The handsomest lot of Waist Silks we'Ve' ever shown, new colorings, new pt tterns, and, a .stook to Wed froM you will . find it hard; to duplicate.. Prices lean vpry much your way. •. 1,... Flikey Stripe..Waist Silks, light ground with colored . w II" stripe, wilLmake a stylish waist.. • X0V Very handsome colorings and designs Stripe waist silk% fancy patterns, out, good weight and give excellent fancy English silks, will not not shown before, extra good wear, would be gond value et 75e. • quality, in . all the fashionable spring shades, special :Value at..... . special nt , . , . ...... ..... . .... 13104; Skirts Readyztozwear People who take advantage of our special March offer- ing of Skirts Ready-to-wear save money. The material first-class and. will wear well, and the skirts are made up in one of the most popular spring styles. There is it saving of at least the cost of makiia,g buying either of these. BUYING SEPARATELY BUYING SEPARATELY - • 32 55 Yards 44 inch tweed, 0153 75 ..,. 98 5 Yards linenette lining, 124o 68 10 14 Yards Canvas, 120.... . . 10 10 Yard Velvet, 500 . 10 19 Spools, Belt, to 1 50 Making, 1 50 $5 16 8036 Buying Ready Made Raying Ready Made We sell you the skirt complete for We sell you the skirt ready made 3 Yards, 54 inch Tweed, 85.3 5 Yards linenette lining, 124o.. 14 Yard Canvas, 124o....." • • Spools, Belting, etc.. . • a Yard Velvet, 50o Making $3.25 4t,csitt.eAsoma -164) -‘6.sobeAbiso064 ibisia-sistAila,a4mms6.0.0;6494.194b4s4b.svorg•esoggoseaboesKa.io.cii•warsigtosKs.a.awst.s.tawama. I Hatter? t Who's your t g Christy & Co. of London, Unglancl, are the best t 1! Flat makers in the world, This is conceded by people # • who know something about Hats, We are the sole agents 2 iin this place and we show a big representation of their ; goods. Their Stift and Soft Hats give more wear than 0 any other make. Our Spring shipment is here. The ' iShapes and Colors are new and they will be appreciated by good buyers. When you buy here you get exclusive 0 goods, goods that are not common and gods that give 2 i wonderful satisfaction. ; We sell hundreds of Boys and Girls School Caps # Boys' ' f q "; at 25e. This year we show hotter goods than. ever at this 2 0 S pric6. Wo earry a great many New York lines of Caps t t that are exelusive styles. Log& tia <4.4.4,...*oi,44.1.44411.4.4.4pliwco.464.*Iii.ii40.46,0qh,,0041.4.4., t ....... ...J.EW:kson Brothers WAWA 44U 4U 44U 4LUU&ADA AAA A Chance To Save Money On Gloves $1.25 Gloves Por 73g Some of our newkid glo-ves are in already. There are more to follow and we want this lot out of the way before they get here. That's why we make this special glove offering for the last week in March. Every pair is per- fect and all are standard makes and high grade qualities. They go on sale Saturday. Those who want best choice Will come then. 65 pairs colored kid gloves in shade e , of tan, browe and fawn, all lacing Perrins and Alexander's well known makes. Our etandard 431.25 qualities, ail sizes,* to 74, on sale 1,3e Saturday, your choice for $4.50 4._ Embroidery ,\ Remnants 10e and 20e » '6 We have still a good assort- raent of the 1 short ends of 4embroidery ad- vertised last week • at 100. Itt our stock we find Many ends to long to sell at 1.0c so have gathered these all together and they go on sale on Satur- day at your choke of the lot at 25c. If you are wanting embroideries there is raonby toobeessr leodtsb. uying from either f th Short ends of embroidery, 14 to 3 , yards lawn and cambric% narrow ule and mediura width, choice _Embroidery remnants, fine goods, end of 2 to 4 yard% genie of the beet we have, we want all short end e cleared out and have made,, the lot all one price, ahoiceX0C SPRING MILLINERY We are ready for business in the Millinery, Department. New goods are all in and early buyers will find complete stocks to select from. The date of our formal opening will be announced later. New Veiiings For March winds you'll be wanting veil - a ings. Some of the nobbiest veilings we have ever shown dame in last week. The very- new- est spring styles and all the latest colorings a , Plain and Chenille Spot Fishnet Veilings, black d 4 colors ..... .20e ail 250 Woven Silk Veiling!), with herder anti large Chenille epot in black, white, bine, black on %Thin), white on A. biaok, whitr on Mutat:old blue on whitisvery etylieh SSOC .••••tlYnotWonsniiiminl•• 24 Bargain in Rugs Good Rugs selling at bargain prices. hey are brand new and priced below value Large Sityrnit Rags, size 07x54 lobe!),reveraible, fringed sada, hit and OA rein patterne, assorted colors, opeolel while they choke, 1 FIROTHER 0 INT ' `1•NIWNWIAINWWWIll