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The Clinton News-Record, 1900-03-22, Page 5
Iturekia Earwigs 011 is the best prettervatiVe of new Wither and Om boot renovator 00 014 loather. It eilthataftenth Mateo oils and protein& Vele Eureka Harness .011 eit pier bed harnesti, your old tor tea, and your carriage tor, 411(1041 11,01 Mt, °Mr lack better but weal, Monett Sold everywhereitt tabs..441 Mims frem114111)Ints to Qvit melons. %Who tit itiOritto, Doug, • 1V1AROTi 22, 1900, THE ouNTox NEWS -RECORD 7 ,4141.411•47111101110114-6- - • •••••••••••• • Jackson 8 • • Headache • , are made to cure Read - g ache and they do it t000r tI else so many people would • • cot use thew - • 0 O 940eitt Powders • eiett 1 1 rtiLl 1 that to advocate a helf•lioliday in factor. liganeitteSeS. AUCTION SALE 0, OF mum STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS • • Mr. Henry Beacom hos !mitigated the under. • signed. to bell by public elation 011 Tuesday, March 0701. 190a, at Lot 17. ,yileld Line, God- crich township, the following mares, 1 home rising 4 y ars, 3 good COMi tbout to calve, 'heifer 2 'ro1d,2 heifers :Nita yeato, 1 t,teer rising two years, 2 valves rising one year. 7 sheep. I roma; Berkehire hOW. 1 wagou nearly new, louvered buggy nearly new, 1 •opeo t 3r,rs10 beg etrt.lsetsinlehaness ii?iie1a!hiiZliVlg'tiio;ii;1nit ltgiiigNsi 1litlb°,IoeoPp- I mower, 1 hay rake, 1 hay reek, 1 pair bob. sleighs,forks, rakes,and other articles too num. erous to mention . All will be sohl without re- eerve as the proprietor ims rented los farm Solent 3, o'cloelt sharp: lerths..-All sums sd 80, mid under, Nish ; ot,er that amount eight Iirangctigt?T'a1ttaPeet igci •for 1 in non of notes. HENRY BEACOM, THOS. BROWN, Proprietor. Goderich toweship, Mll orei% 1900. Auctioneer, 2 in a Package 5e AUCTION SALE or • OF CANTLE AND HORSES. O es : 12 in a nox 25o : 0 0 • e a o-efre • Q • : For most people one : 2 powder does the work. t: • 0 0 • • JACKSON'S s o • o e o Prescription Pharmacy, Phone 2. : • 0 00000000000000,00000000000 8e1iag 1,nagget'aif:argsl, elorinLoa 180. Tuckersinith, 1 incet. uorth of Brumfield. on. London Road, on Thursday,. March 2001,1000, commencing at ono o'cioelt p.m., the foe° witor lagoon grade tams rising 3 year old, 0 gond grade steers rising 2 years old, 3 good gmdo heifera risipg2 yeam old, 4 good -grade stems rising 1 year old, 1. good draft iiily rifting 3 ream old, 2 good draft colts year 1 general purposemare, t goueral purpose mare in foal, 3 pair of good werking horses, 1 bay 243W 474°%M'4 1 brownf?4O gore will be no reserve as Mr. Thoinlinson lo giving up this .farm which has had rented. • T1m814-7 mouths credit will be- given op furnisbing tl.pproved joint notes. • .6. discount of 6 per cont. er n on allow d f • I I> an i e or cos 1, ... .. .. .. - . . . . - . 2,1101192 GUNDR'ir, FRED TOMLINSON. • Auctioneer, . Proprietor, . Brileefiold P. 0.. March:12UL : e. 1 moveds ti . HOUSE .FOR SALE.. 1.. .... ....... .... ..... ..„... . . r Ott Victoria etreet. Near Organ . Factor 1 8309 will buy aroomy, comfortable house wit . t.`,°a;titticotroMly.rmyiegy acently occupied by march 7th. . W. BR1ZDONE, 13arrrister • G111111011 ligh AND WORK • Paper ROad hy Rev. S. AOhoriOn Of Kippon at tho Recent Meting of thee Pr oobytory of Ther011 Joe and butfineos places and thus give Noun) for recreation on Saturday ratite than on tho Lod' e Day would bo able - able. TUB 8011611E0. 1-T9008 the amount contributed to the $014°010(5 of UIQ Church bear a fair relation to the rneena of the eople ? In a few °risco It may, but. in the um- , jority it by no niettne doeit, so Deafly cctittreetoigt.ictoLr. Acenntipow,1411zilt,,;,zzoitonAost, your ?orally tiliantbey 'Iltere is greatior MeGREeitelte- EINSMANee-At tho leap. last parsonage, t:lintori, on :tlareh 150, by Rae, J. T. Murduelt,. Alex- ander MoGregor of (Wench to fare. Elinzboth Eineman of clinton. REEN-D1TEE.-At the reeidenct. Of es`e eerester - 'Example is Ilgter . Temptp 1 ze 110e $(2,Ve bf,lt the britle'o father int 7t1) by eeWes 00'2. aivaparlaa Held in (Minton. Itov. C. W. Bela& of Trowbrifig doags g:ct15. eta sea", Thousands of tesilmontals aiv examples of what Hoot s has done fop °tikes, and what It will do ft 3,00. ife-4(inegiT at7rcerAeonuce61 ffof f"°r* ot our people ought to contribute more 5. C t Q 100 ovin 5 Q our poop e DFiLL-CLoARTY.-At the Methodia, congregation ; also of any unfavorable condition. Nearly all alb seaeions risport in creased attendance at the regular aere vice on the Lord's Day ancl in a low eon- gregations at, tits usidsvvectit and coin. inumon services ; a greater number making profeselon of Faith in Christ, ex. colleen moral cliara.eter of the member-, ship as a wholo and generally speaking of the adherents, increaeed interest on the pert of many manifeeted. in liberal contributions for congregational and general work,in the deepening ot spiri- tual life, in consistent walk and conver• satiate, iu love for Bible study and a readiness to make IcpoWn the way of life to others. Untavorable ;In many in - amines it la very difficult to bring non. churchegoera under the power of the Gospel. A large peroen tageitoo, of our own members take little or no interest in the prayer, meeting ; in many cases ,not from lack of time, nor because the meetings are poor in quality, but through indifference or excessive atten- tion to things. which ehOuld be. made subordinate and subservient to higher interests. There are nobft few in all our 'Congregations who stens to be had, secular, indevent, impenitent, irrelig- loue. fhey do not hugger and thirst after righteousness. They allow the vvorld•too much room ie their hearts . . C OW FOR SALE, • They ere lovers of money or of worldly pleasure and gaiety more than of God. e.------ • • In some sections there are a few citron- Cow;inst calved for sale. Also a Thorobred Jei.sey Bull for sale, ic croakers, hypocritical faultfinders, 24t.h. JOHN HOLMES, Huron Road. also some keen business oonspatition elintoa P. 0, leading to unbrotherliness, untruthful - Across the Street :FARM FOR SALE The unaersignea offers for sale lot 8 on the Bsyttelcl Road, Stanley township, consieting of • 00010708. Upon the lot :311ere is a bank hogi 3ox.1,0 ft. -and frame house 20x3001. .The farm is wall a watered, and fended. and in a good etate of eel. tiVation. miles from Baygeld. Will bo pold• of Town Hall terms to suit the. purchaser.. For. furtherpar. deniers apply on tho premises to jan Igth 241* W. G. JOHNSTO1IF., • 0 8 Doors South • $ - • The subScriber offers for vale a very desirable 4 Successor to J. Biddlecombe. . . rgoligiYiiell -1,:r4 ritweteXfOgritiNgf°nifigUYO,1417.st:. . . . - . • :alb: ititeliseetanicliitsivocatleliegett4taelig. ..'lliereet ' TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE L. GRIGG :),,,,ilsbriliti:71,h:0,14147,..,itisatzlial Jeweler and Optician. . • _ _ SPECIAL NOTICE Cash prices until 10th Febtuary next. 7 bars good Soap, 25c Extracts, 8c per bottle Laundry Starch, 7e per lb. Corn Starch, 7c per lb. A lot of covered baskets cheap to `) clean out. Fair's Breakfast Food al - '.Ways on hand. Highest price for good Butter and Eggs. • G. J. STEWART W. JACKSON AGENT C. P. R. CLINTON Travellers to any part of the world should consult the above in reference to tickets,. fares, etc. • W. JACKSON AGENT 0. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC SETTLERS' ONE-WAY EXCURSION To Manitoba and Canadian North-W'ast will leave Toronto every TUESDA.Y during March and April. Passengers travelling without Live Stock ehould take the train leaving Toronto at 2 p.m. Passengers travelliug with Live Stock should take the train leaving. Toronto at 93,1.10, Colonist Sleeper will be ettached to, eaeh train. For full particulare and copy of "Settlers' Guide" apply to any Canadian Pacific. Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Glen. Pass:Agent. 1 King Si., East, Toronto. . XCool* Cotton nod Coniponnct Is anceessitilY Wet monthly by over 10,00 Ladies. Safe, effet3tual, Ladies ask your drriggist for litaiket Gotten Rot Ceat paned. Take no other us all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerots, Frites, No. 1.80.800 I,- x; No. 0,E; degrees stron ger,$3 per box. No. 1 e. 2, mailed en receipt of prim: and Wog -cent 5 smps The Cook 'company Windgor, Ont. ...W-Ncis. land 2 sold and recommeadedloy all xesponsible Draggling in Canada. Not and No 2 sold in Clinton by Sydney Jackson, Drtergist. o STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANYTIME. arreseete. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. , school that offers advantages hot found elsewhere in Cainitla. Large etatr of expert itstructore ; increased attendance up-to-date businesa training ; scores of students pItieed into good paying, positione ; stude»te in attend,. once who come from places in which aro located other business colleges. They want tho best, It pays in the end. New term now open. Enter Ammon ail possible. Write lo -day for our hand. some prospectus. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal 'beS01(1 at SCrdaSOnabid figure for cash or cash: and balance on tittle. ..Applv. to the • owner. on . thc promisee BiltS.• JOHN JUNOlt Clinton 9111. • 9 ness and dishonesty, • . - II -Any evidence of a • Missionary ,sspirit in the congregation ? . In a tow congregations of the Presby- tery there is a growing interest in the eBssionary schemes -not ao Much in the benevolent -manifesting Reel,' in hie creased contributions ; appreciation of the work done at „home and abroad,.001 greater relish for Missionary literature and addresseeof Miseionariesen the exe oellent work and liberality.of Woinen's Foreign'MisSionarY Societies and Mis- sion Bands, and in some cases of the Young People's Societies of .Christian Endeavor: We are sorry to state how- , ever, that in our cougregations there are men of wealth who are' very 'meagre and sparingin their oontributions, The stinginess of some of OliT people in aOl 'matters which concern God and religion is ene.of the great.e.vils of the day, and one of the' worst signs of the times, ' • • III -In the , contributions . ,t,o' the Schemes of the. Church. • • In some coxigregations' there has been . slight advance in contributions while inntliars there has been .a,little failing liackvvard:in conseqeenee of Vacancies, • rOraoval by death of,liberal contributors or a recent tonna for the 200.1 .0eritury Fund. Taken as a whole, however, we believe the offerings of our people.. aro somewhat .111 advance of. any previoos . . year, Seine farnilies.howeVer, are, yet LAND FORSAL. - The undersigned offers for sale that desire ole sixteen OM acres of laud south Of the Lotion Road Bridge. It s a beautiful s to for building and, will be sold an one -piece or in lots. My reeson for selling is that it is too far from town • to handle myself and it doesn't pay to hire help A. COUCH, Clinton lune 260.. *if The &sat Btfltish newly, Sold anti reetimmendea eV dragoon in Canada. Only relt able medicine teuseuverea. pczekaeor Oluttasneed to etre all foots o mutat Weettnetiessell (Meets ot or ott6A6.- mtliftil Worry, Extesaive use of To. 'baete,Opitia or gthittlatite, ort receipt of pries,. kokit or el, tax, $s. oat toingettoof oint meters. -Pamphlets free te ant addrese. The Wood. CoMpailly. WItIdebr, Ont. • FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STOCK. • • • • • The undersigned will keep for service at Lot 22; bon. 16, Goderloh township, the Shorthorn Bull, Captain Marlow,registered (20784) In the Dominion Hord 13oele. Norms, 81. • . . Also a Canada Improved Yorkshirelleg bred by the Ontario .Agrieultural College from tho sire Eavorite,brea by John fiord &Son, Ptirk- hill. This hog is registered. Terms, et,. to be paid at Unmet service, vvith Privilege ofretion- ing to Inig if necessary. • . • . . CHARLES BAKER. 20th Wood hontilietline It sold in Clinton by At GOOD' TEA .CHEAP, I have still left a few pounds of Tea which 1 ain selling al 15 cents per pound. It is cheap and at the same time I also keep in stock Raisins, Currauts, Dates,Figs,Prunes, Syrup, • Molasses, Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, Oyster. Shell . Grit, Etc., Etc. My expenses are small so that I can make the., profits the same. Do not miss the bar- gains I can offer. 'Try my Tea,. Always the hest Flour kept on hand, Ws DUNCAN, ' Next the Mason Home NOTICE HOLMESVILLE CHEESE& BUTTER MANUFACTURING CO. (LIMITED.) LETTING OF MILK ROUTES FOR SEASON OF 1000. • .. On Saturday, the 241.11 clay of March, Thee, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. nt Wilson's Hall, Holmesville, tint Ilolmeeville Cheese and But- ter Co. (Limited) will let by public auction, if passible, tho drawing of the milk on each of the following routes for did SeaKell of.1000 Route 1-COmmencing at C. Ilolland-s,Goderich township, and followiug said route south to J. Holland's, thence north, to Telephone road, thence west to con, 11, thorax ssoittli to Jos, . Daiwa's, thence north to Huron Road with all milk to be obtained oil said roads,' titeuee west to factory with all milk to bo • obtained on Foul& side of Heron Road, Route 2 -Commencing at 'William Weir's on Bayfield Lino, Goderith Tp, and following .naid route west to con. 11, thence south to E. 711071C1) north to factory with MI milk to be obtained on eald Baytiold Lino and con 11. Route 3 -Commencing at J, (1, Stoop's on con, 9, Goderich To, and following said route north to Cut Lino, thence east to fantory with all milk to be obtained on said con. 0. Route 4-CommencIng tit 0, Neabitt's, con.18, Ooderich To,, and following mid ratite soul to Huron Road, thence west to factory with all milk to be obtained on said con.16 and Huron Road as far as COM 14 and from them alt ini111 to be obtained on north side of Huron Road to factory, Route 0-Commeneing at north end of Maitland ron.,Goderich Tp., and following said route south to factory with all milk to bo obtained on said Maitlittal ton. Route 6 -Commencing at Wm. Haaltif's, ron Road, and followitignald route cast to inetory with all tnilk to be obtained on said Huron far from recognieing the obligation and enjoying the privilege of giving liberally to the Schemes of the Church- How to reach there effectually is a problem dif. ficult of solution, • (2) In seeking to gather in the non- nhureh.going population in your neigh- borhood. The nonschurch-golog popu- lation of this Presbytery he we are hap- py to state, not large. There are a number who cordially co- operate with pastors thistgood work, but there is much to learn and much to be ,desired in tbis respect. Many of our respect- able people, more irreligious than the heathen, might truly say of prbfessing Christians around them "No man cares for my soul." 11I -Any eviaenoe of growing reli- gimes interest among the young as seen. 1 -In a spirit of reverence for sacred things. Some sessions have been great- ly encouraged by the hearty interest taken by the young people in all that pertains to the welfare of the congregie Mon. The young people of alt our con- gregations, as a rule, attend churoh and show a becoming spirit in the services. Profanity is not indulged in to the same •exteet es in former dayst One session reports that while the yoeng people at., tend public services and are moral in conduct only a few are in full commun- ion with the church. It must be ade witted, hovvever, that there aro a few of who it may be said, they care for none of these things, They do not read God's Book. They <31:1 not reverence* His House. They do not honor His Day, And so long as there are homes where there is no family altar or read Bible, where ministers of the church and of- fice bearers are subjected to the most uncharitable anti senseless oritioisni,ated the services of tbe church are talked down, where the Lord's Pay its made a day of feasting and entertainment, SO long will the number of young people who lack reverence for divine things be raultiplied. 2 -In loyal support of their own eons gregation and church interest. Yes, more of the young people are oontribus ting to thumb purposes than ever be. fore. IV -la a kindly hiterest taken by the elders in the spiritual work of the Church and by the deacons or managers in its financial :Males ? Nearly all the seselotes of the Presbye tery report that the elders are an eX ample to the flock in good works, con. sistent living and in liberality, The &aeons or nsanagers attend well aa a rule to their department of the work de- vising liberal things and are largesheart- ed in their provision for the advance - Ment of God'e cause. Some eessitios admit thee while the elders are kindly in their interest they are pot very en- thusiastio in the Lord's work, A few el- ders geem to imagine that when they had officiated at the eoMMUnion they have fulfilled all their obligations to the Lord and 41 his church. mis SAIMA.T If , I -Mention any measure taken dur- ing the past year in support of the Sab- bath? A branch of the Lord's Day Alliance 13118 been formed in several towns. Spec- ial germane have been preached in all our ohurehes. The matter 18 often re- ferred to in the pulpits and the subjece discusaed in prayer meetings, Bible classes, Sabbath Schools and Endeavor 7, Goderich Tp, and following said route . Il -In what. eeepeet in the Sabbath' o Route 7 -Commencing est C. Whiteles on con. south to Jaa. Connolly's, thence north • to violated in your neighborhood? to ciitLite, thence east to faetory with an milk to be obtained on said made, bicycling, eongregating in parks, visit - Side Line, therm eastto con. 0, thence south In loafing, visiting, driving, boating, •Itoute 8 -Commencing at Win. Sterling's,ect. 1ng 0 80110101 res r . uoitIt to Cut ., no. thente east to istetory others•attend very irregularly, while a cured. also en Cut Lino Paton. O. large nu er open a great pat to Club Tine, thence east to ftietory with till Tx/moiler any 8,,xnest.tott you cou in ish coioniiiia, all the ties milk to be obtained on eald con, 7. ittrit...s„....,etizi-veed Goderieh Tp, tina ollocving Old ronte north ling and worldly eeneeeeemee, r. joseph M toter of Brit. • and timber or the Crovv's Nest Railway ispar y than in their absolute ability to give, showing that many could do better and - would need to do a great deal better than they do to give good evidenee that they have a proper sense of their being the Lord'a etewards. With Boma pro.. feesing Christians self appears to be the first and main consideration, If men would only honor the Lord with their substance as he prospers them, there would be abundance in the Lord's treas- ury for the carrying forvvard of His work. II -How fully does your Method of collecting for thesis elicit the liberality, of the.people ? Various methods are in vogue to elicit the liberality of the people. Plate col- leotions • on Sabbaths previously 'an- nounoed, contributions by envelopes and personal solicitations by the elders or collectors appointed for the purpose. The lest niethod generally provee the roost successful. There is ample op. portunity afforded to our people for gi v. ing, but the will to embrace ((IS not al- ways present. Any and overy methed seems to fail with some people. •.:et III -Are there any or matey noneson- tributors to the Schemee in the congre- getion ? • In a feits congregations there are poor people some of whom are dependent on the chureb for assistance. These are not able to centributa for the lurther- anee of the agressive work of the chard). In all mar eongregations there are those who have ability to give, but being small souled they hang on roost pareonage, Myth, on I'Vednesday, bfareli 703, by Rev. Wm, Peithall, Mr, Frank Bell to Miss Clementine, daughter of Mr. Jas. Cloakey, all of MULDOON-SlIOLDICE -At the rest - Morris. deuce of the bride's parents, (tree. .on Wednesday, March 14th, by Rev. G. J, Abey, George 11. Mut. *loon to Tillie E., daughter of illi.• and Mrs. Adam Slioldioe. NICHOIsSON-CLUFF.-At the rest. donee of the bride'a parente, Ash- field, on March 7111, by Rev, 0, L. Mills, Mr, James S. Nicholson of , Auburn to Letitia Alice, daughter ef Mr, Henry Cluif. PARKElt-IRWIN.-In East Waite. nosh on Meech 1.4th by 13,ev. A. McLean, Mr, Mex. Parker to Miss Margaret Irwin, both of East We- . wituoiths s EDWARD- 1\loVBTY.-A t the rnanse, Bruoeilelti,•on March 8.111, by Rev. B. II. Sawets, Mr, Wan Edwerti of 113rte•itgydeorif,Ttionkte,1„.strjo)itthi.iss Ellen Mo. BOLTON -PRICE .-A t the residence of the bride's father. McKillop, on Maroli 14111 by Rev, .A, O. Tiffin, ' Mr, John Scott Bolton to Miss Pally 1;erliccee,. eldest deughter of Mr. Thos, A8IITON-JACQUES.- A t the reel - donee. of the briee's parents on. Wednesday the 14tli inst., by. the . Rev. A. &Feeney, Miss Ida, claugh- . ter of Mr. J. W. Jacques, to Mr, •Robert, Ashton, all of Remick f SCO 17-DALGARNO. - On Wednesday a few congregations there is a good deal 'March 7the hY Rev. W. T. little ' ' • .elareli eltb, the wife of Dr. J. H. James Scott of' East Wa,vvanosh to of opposition to the aged and infirm Miss Dalgarno of Belgrave, Me0assy, lormerly of Belgrave, aged Minis'ter's Fund and to theWidow's and ao years and 0 thiVs. . Orphari's Fund, The people consider : PABNISSSAVAGE..7-Un March 1411), 141'W'. -In Vehitewa ter, lien, ,Feh 27th abunclainie from year:to yeer should lay 1 /107arti ohtyt et hseaval igeev, ,0 c 1(tiircebya r, SI Hobbs, llee, (1 eoritt, Law, native of Aber.•1 that ministers reeeiving suph a super.. at the Methodist parsonage, Wing-• ; deenshiee, Setaland, in his. :•iith up in store for old age and forthose vvho Mr. J. T. Gaeniss of Motels. to eliee. nifty be left without breucl:wieners. KERSISAKE-CANN.-At the mi. . . year, Preshytarian minister' of De. lerctine and Whitt water.; formerly kind tovecourrige total abstinence on Is...wheels being done of a specific , Emmet ettisemers. TE.3.11TRANCH. March, 71.11 by the nevi W .. J. Waid,, ni.te; rifei L.:nee...At 1;_irl:to!i, Mei tdi lOthd l'res4teritin minieter at Beigrave, dence. of the bride's parents oil Christian grouuds in the people ? Mary E. Qatin of Ushorne.: - the woe of Anginit Lretlimir, age dell, Mr, George Kerkslake to Miss 1,11ASElt-;-PABE,seAt . the reeidence . KING.es- en •If/ 11 ...1,:l'alleket), California 41 years, 3 months, ' • - ) Lessonson scientific Temperance are . . taught in the Public .Schools.. In sev- on. Mon kl.:y, Felt, 2tith, of the hride'e. parents. Elwin an the ju b le ed -e, et er: jet' , end Sabbeth Schools pledge cards are . • • ID,V0PQE20t1 ••••• "I VFW 170,3% and had, faisaires spew. liyopoya.la mid liangestion in peyoro form troubhat me. Vivo bottlea of Mao 13araarariliti undo me woll and strong.” Dina, W41.1,14t1 Vetivezetratevaen, Whitby, Ont, 00ort Kaestiollito - "Wo. have taken Ilood's sarsaparilla in our fentily as a s ring racaicine arid, reed Iloodta Pills tor pitousnoss and found both nualleinea very ?effective. Por impure blood wo ;mow Mod's. Sarsaparilla la a good nietlichae." R. El. Pamela, publieberlice, AtwRod. Oat* 4°-//‘-i)X21 b!,:7140791;fif .."-:irootit Fins cure liver lilt; thoieOritatinittimi -only catuartio t'(o Hood .f!atoop5,zilto, 'sena by Ne ales Se Co., Druggeste. • sIDES. ATM ItEICILSRD.--On the :hid .conceselon of Ilowiek Q11 :;:tturtlay, March 10t11, Joseph B. Reichard, eget! 20 years, 9 mouths en,/ 27 days, SPINES,- Ilowiels,on Tuesday night, MarCh 111th, Bhas .Spinks,. in his, . 41s1 year. &NJ:1E1180N. la leelturno on the Sth. inst., Fraticie eemit leen, aged OS - years, 7 menthe. II Aim- -In London. on March 10111, Richard 14, flat t, tic;ati 53 yeguq4, brother of Thome Ilea, Lower • Winghain, tenaciously to earthly treaeure. In not , MeGASSY.-In. Dayton Ohio, on 14th inst., by Rev. Is.. A, McLeod, "' s mu." 11''' used. In one congeegation there is a B D Alexander Fraser of-Spring- standingleonimittee on Temperance and B. a native of Out., ,agcd i. • field, Man „ to Miss Elizibeth y all tire, encouraged to sign the -pledge. e eel EtioN.- In Testily rry on • March well, daughter qf Mr, and 114 • John . ' • In several congregatine Royal Temp - P. )" k, 4t11) .:%.1t,Mantlee .esoneron, •oged te) Jars offer:opera-nee ; the Woman's G, I . Union and the Junior Tensperance. SIistDbiy0iNteSv-. .1,11.ENRvK 14E Cant sr cibe•si RODER, 1 8'.1'N. -In .Stood mi Tuesday, years. . r • • League are active, Suitable literature denote Miss• Isabella elerkley.to Air. ' ' . . . , • ' , :Unreel Deli Helen Lote neon be- ts distributed, public rneetinge are held and the subject is kept pronthiontly be • George. ••Simisoohse beth ' of Tueris ,I ..• eerts.m, loetel wi.e. et tee .t,,.. Peter hob- . 1 xa., tip';‘,.1 `s; peas end 0 fore the people. . .. , . .• ss,,•: bury, • • . • • , er oRDENe-BARBOUR. -At . the reai. - • ,. •. ' ... • . 11 -What 'effort -is being made lo i 6 r b b . .if01,1.,a., • In 1.4.,toe-el on , liftualli 7111, inst.: Mr. .1Vni. Worclen to • , , .., , special sermons are nreaehed,the young in tile coMinimity 7 ' Jennie -tliiiialiter oflIr James Bar- 1 mouto awl (12 (b'73 •, Besides the meens above:en-Optioned . be e r Ti.L,..- . . . : McCA Lite- -At thee tmee, lime., county.. people are: ine B Le -es eclel , 1•NON.-At the • rest- . . • ees„. e.t 1! , ,,,:,,i eel , r, e, , m -1.1,‘''s 91" .; ." ib ort. ' ' - . . '., on 43;in.,:,y, ....; to eh 11.h, Mra..1iinies , tructe'd in the. Sabbath le dmiee ot efe :. Doeale •McKin ton • ' • • ' s' ' ' V Scheols•and in. the Endeavor . meetings.. . • • .1 . ,) artf,a.:1.1, sot..;,:,..111.,y33 N Ili, on lii:arell Rev, III. • Mcguarrie, • Mr Arienie : -I 'I u' l'''''''''''' b ''l ' u ''''''' (' ' • ''1' ' Bell Sau owl to Miss Mer Mc- , - s . . .. • opportueity is presented, not only • in , r• a ? . .e, Y - : (use' Se- in eteeterie on .'..:arch 1.11.11 Kinnon• -- - • . - ; ' , ' - . - I strengthen the Temperance sentiment ene t e r e's parents en the hit s,.; Pastel's and Oliristieli Workers lte op tlie . 2 , , , . 1 r • , „ I mattet. before the people wheri suitable • ' • . • boo: 11 .• • 1 in personal dealing. Sermons and on the platform, but also , .ealsi.2011-,,G.-ILLIES.-.Atthe residence' ' ' "• ,v • rd Cee Heed ,e ant of thebride's father on Maeoli , , 14tb months. III -Is the liquor traffic in your dis- I .1 -111 8,teplien on the Sall inst„ trict gaining in influeuce or losing?. More than half of the sessions in the Presbytery believe that the traffic is losbag in influence, a few are tillable to deolde, they perceive little change, while one session fears ibis on the in- crease. There ism() doubt but all our congregations suffer from this fraffics. Members are everywhere giVing money for drink whieh is needed for thee up- lifting of hutuanity. • IV -Is the law at present existing well enforced or is it violated, and if not en- foreed what is the reason ? About half of our seasions believe that the law on the whole is well enforced, tt, nuisiber state that it is very often viola. ted, chiefly through the vendors and the laxity of the officials who. do little bet Vote for the Government and draw their pay. V-Whatis the state of Sooiety in our bounds in regard te chastity? As far as knovvn to sessions there is not much occasion for complaint. One eession, however,reports that therehave been some.glaring oases of vielation of moral law in the neighborhood. . VI -Is the sin of giving and receiving bribes or commisaiona In connection with politics, or besinees prevalent in your consmunity ? Whab is being done to expose ahd condelnn it? In a large part of the Presbytery ses- sions report that they are not aware of the exietence of this evil. One ses- sion states that as the congregation is located in a Grit lifive th ere 18 00 need of the Machine. It is admitted everywhere within the bounds that there is little business irregularity, but in some locali- ties political eorruption and bribery are a growing evil. The election courts ,the press and the pulpit are doing good work in exposing and oondenaniug it, VII -Is: the influence of the 0 burets being more deeply felt or less deeply by those who are outside it ? Mose scansions are of the opinion that as the years goby the influence of the Oherch (or good on the outside world is on the increase; Some are unable to decide. The old cry of the ineonsisten- caes of professing Christians Is heard still in the land. , Let it be out any prayer that the Holy Spirit may be poled out emon all saved and the Great Redeemer s king- dom advanced hi the world. Signed on behalf of the committee, SAMUEL ACETESON, our eongregations so t tat souls may be The Manse, Kippen, era nth, Convenor y , A. y, , . xan er . . • Rintol of West Wawanosh to Jen. Martha il ill, eldest daughter .of ehe . • meesecond. daughter of Mr. John S. , • .late Walter 11111, aged 36 years 2 •: , months awl -'0 days, ' .: . ' 'Gillies of Kiedoss. • • ,' . eseger ps,N In see • /heels% ea mot day, . • ' • --"t ''''.. '-'.. ' . . . .• :March 121/1,- Mari wy.,(1tuneron, re)- . • • . • 'let of' the lete John teanierone,West . Wewanosh, aged 85 youts. . CLEGG.-,-In Gorrie, on Tuesclity, Mar. . 13th, thewife of Mr. Richard Clegg ' : . :.• - '''''' ''''-- - . MANN. -In Wingbam on March 13th, of a son. . ' • • "OPPORYCNI'ISY, IS •• THE .CREAM Mrs. Mann of a son. • . OF TIME." •• LITNDY.--On Saturday, .. Metall 1011), Now 15 70111, 33193, ,:.t.t ail t ;7, Ther't.t is no mkisltolNyth, ths033nlit•h. • to Mr. . and, Mrs Ed,. Lundy of, 'time when the! . fiVst(.111 10 St) 11111011 in it;edielite, like llood'e ' March llth the vvife of Mr Nertnen- '4:in Mareh 9th, the the lwf'11 '4 IL m,(ra purifying, (.1114(.1n -or; and 'italizitig ilia ' . wife cif Mi., WM. Mason of a ion. . Sarhapat 11131. ,, and no • time i so stiseeptible lo 111.3 • 1,ent0ite:to be w,ten it is pATTE.rtso.y..4,., Bast waanosh on derived • fisini t uch a needu•ine • Hy -17°17310ST DIE, • SAID HIS PHYS/CIAN, SOUTH AMER. WAN ICIDalifY OCRS GAVE, THE DOCT- OR, THE Lig, Pr CURED BrOotere DISEASE, La Grippe will have its brend on the eveakenedspot. .A. bright youeg inan In a Weaterp Ontario city, son of a well known lumberman, found that the influenza, epidemic had developed in hina that most rota' of all kidney trettbles-13right's Disease, Local phet. sheens treated,. but to no purpose. lItt consulted speciallste, only to be WM. - that his life hung on •it slender thread, and recovery was inipossible. Bub he pinned his freith to the adage, while theretslifo there's hope. Ile began us. ing South Americen Kidney Cure, and in three months from. the day 1)0 001014 meneed using it, the Paine physician Ooderich Tr and 70n0Witlf7 Rai route er seen in attendance on outdid WorehiP, who stud he must die,pronottneed him with all milk to be obtained on sold con Gantt l 111.13 d t 't of the - Balite 9-1tonimencinie at Geo. Thuile's, eon. 7, Saered Day m gossiping, secular rend, tit Ilonte10-Commeneinrit Atm Mallova 0013,1, Or el. 101(70 er I sin a to Fisher's loftier. thence south to factory' . nit 1,420 1801110 and the press end thug - with an milk to be Obtained on ton. 1, to - THE DOCTOR'S WIFE. oomorne 're, and to levying said roue° west Letthere be faithful teachingin the pul. for Itllofica litott•Pell'Iletst bf roYelteee. Maitland river. ereate a healthy publio eentimene Renton-comment:in at (7,07. Wahine eon. 1, Give our people plainly to understand - °tided -eh 're,and fo loWing Raid route south that, the Sabbath in of, perpetual oblige - thence east to con. 4. r YEARS' CRIPPLE ACTITE to Teloplimie roan, thence north to Cut Line, theme east to tiOn,that it was made for man in the be. RetetutfATtele SOUTH AMERICAN factory with all inilk to be Obtained on rahl ginning And hag never boon annulled, 34st on- 1. Telephone road and 00(1.4 to (int Liae. ' 1EHMATIO CURE WAf3 THE '7110717The drawer is to return to each patron Ids 0010<18 to secure tett from all worldly eillYSICIAN'. cares anti avooationsao meet for a time Theperson arawine to be krona enough to the oUrrent 00 Ebel WOrhilY lifo 01' inept Airs, :r. U. Irnr01 r'r 2'23 c$111 Aare of Whey each day. properly handle all cane given to bla care. nOt Only lest their min& and bodies otreet, Toronto, wife cif Dr. Haile. aii • ni. Arat ean not to be lifted till 4) o'clock a. 110 ld be OverWotked but also that 0 °red severely from theinnatintn for five TTT Erieb tleawerhas to be at factory at or before Portunity sliouhl he fiffordecl for other . yettro. For four yon,rs elle could not Direetorn. t,bouots), that (-4.0(1 should b6 proper'. tunee the 1111.111t3 were intenne, and oho No drawer shrtli be eepeete.1 to wait at ntantl worshipped, lila Word duly studieu anti , .7, suffered tortureo, No remedy or tteat. tei the above ilatA) a rebate of 4 cenig per 100 ,.. „ , . . gnent gave any relief, ailln Wag indite* Pil to tey South Ailleriettll Ithemnatie forionk ionger teen five minutes. land taught and the 00111 brought' limier lb3. of nine win be returned" to all patrons and i tlin indluelltee. Ot tile tnings unseen tngi Cure. filgo tised four bottles and to.ilay - Reason ot las% . W. n. FORSTER, N''', S. LAWRENCE, Preekient. ' 0 n't0Odi a, To. default of which sublentalain to Mid higher interests to °out) ; vsithout the use of a, cane. At a fine the =Mont hit be fixed by t xo Board of et le r . • blOcul and toning up. the :43, 0111 i()Ott S Patterson pit, a daughter, • • u .....atrsapaiglirt :Awls yen for a whole year :of health . • • . • • -see SPRING BARGAIN -40-mws--SALE In Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Lamps, Etc, F Batman 8i Pilondafl APRIL ,6, & 9. There will be bargains, and make no mistake —but remember the above dates, ' Come and see for yourself. 'Tile earlier the better. Look over the . following list. Lots of other goods not mentioned can be seen on our.counters any day of sale marked in plain. figures and at greatly reduced prices. All Goods at Bargain Prices Strictly Cash. ardware 2 kegs 2 inch cnt steel nails e 21 1. f3., if 2 et.11 t, it tf it $2.00. per keg. A greab sun 1), . present value worth. $3,00. G. ate and barn. door hinges, regular priee 50 per lb., sale price... ..... 3e• 113 Iiitsp.ti and 'lit apleS wait Ific now • 8c st able brooms at, ..... 035e. fenee plyers • • 1303e 2 chid o el i‘a (tees; was' 75e, -now . 35e 3 long 11,111(11011 square -mouth • efilu()0c.1(;i13'4113i ion ga mien 13oes only '22c 2 (11;eell Pa ,1.50co- 2 gel itde t Ones, fixtuves romp., (etch'. lo • A. 35C t88 (O. :1)1 b. sees et we 1,01 is h, Was 10e rin, 7e. :l'oexee herneee di est; ing, por1,0„ An•ort 03:1(11 1) genges itad . angers et sthoot lutlf price, •• 2 sets gel% femme clamps pet' set18c • 133 t'illirz11.1t.t°fttrsefivohooks per doe Sc 5c3 7 doz. tinned ineaehooks, per doz„ 10c Curling tongs; per.paer • • • 5c Spectacles per pair. . t • 10e 4 large screter delvers.- ..,...111eand J80 3 pair towel brackets with rollers15c 4 hammers, regular price 50c, for, 38e . 4. • .• " 05e, for, 48e 11. plated towel racks ..... 10c 7 light cattle chains, each 14c Genet eoinfis for, each . • 50 combinationeurey combs, each20c 0 packages rannd head shoe nails8c 2 large wood planes was $1.40 for.; 70e a few tans of odd ',shades in mixed paint -cheap, to eletuf out. Clan openers, each-. 5e Clain pingand picnic forks per doz.. 10e Wood taps, regnlar 03c, for .. . .. 4c IIat and coat hooks per doz,..„5e & 10e 3 pair horse clippers, good value at, $1.50, sale price per pair '01 15 3 ft. champion x cut eaws each„$1.08 'Mose traps foe. . 50 5. household hammers,..each, „ 15e 1 only family meat, cutter $1.38 2 lemon squeezers, Was 20c, at__ 15c 8. • ' • " • .25e; at 20e • 4 razor strops, 'good, was 35c, at . 250, Olitilk lines, 2 for 5c packages shoemails, was 15e for 5e 1 case.13 anger bits,- regular price • $3,50, sale•price 3 flower pot brackets, was 35e, for., 4 boxwood spoke shavers 50e, fol',. 30c • .4 pair rubber anti rattler's, per Pali' 5c . Gimlet bets,' asserted sizes. .e, tic & Se 3 pair &impasses, regular 20e, for., 12e 1 only lever saw sett 50e, for . 30c 5 whip stiakets..was 10c for • ' 50 5 hand 80317520 inch,chenpat75c,ftir (1.)0 . 4. " 20 . " • • • (15c,foe 51t3 1 only )10330 sealedi bargain at 01:2 is) 2:(4 i:ney's 003111' g1'0}1.1 valt101:1:1, 2 gold medal sweepers,' slig1311Y: • damaged,regular price $3.50,for. $2.25 t plated hat racks, each, • .25c 1 fatally griodstone.,a, useful article, 75e • A few brass enetainemekesper Pair. 10c 3 sets.Mrs. Pott's per.set.,. 0�r- 2 bundles braided galr. wire,per Poi .3c 1 bundle flat strip fencing, per lb... •26 2 wire clothes baskets a good thing 40a . 2 vviravegetible baskets-.. . . .. • . 25c. . 7 packages disinfected pow.der.: : ' 5c 11. bottles English furniture polish., 12e ' • • " • • e . 5c 'A few ode shades in kalsornine and alabastine, per package,. 15e Large bottles shoe dressing: 20c Small " • • . . .• . 15e Phenyles the greet disinfectant • powder,th • • • 20c • Hand saw files for. ...-.... . . .. 5e , 5 braces, regular price 50c, for. 38e .• 4•braces,•$1'25.and ...... 00c Knitting needles by the gross, 2 set 5e • . 1 • • DISCHARGED TO DIE • ---- • , • eninetipatkiii ken !gal by lood's 112(7 g E t t D ' . • . • ITZ1 TI ICK T JOSE. - HOPE. Dn. Aneastv's Ovelet von THE mr. ,1,1 „pro y, said to - be ate ACCoMPLISHED WHAT 'THE PnystetAxe Ceutemer. • • • If the 'thousands of people who 'rush — to so worthY a remedy as a last resort, • For 0 v,r rft" Veers • wouiti go, tes it .as a f1rst re'sort, hoW , . mile 1 misery . and suffering. would . be .1)T11,A,..Wis:;•,Illsr.,s'•13r1.' 104 ia.".ta spn,,,ea, Mrs. 36hunizpatricit,of (4,,, am", ,o. 111i10,11, -1,3* Ine'.33..3., ter their. (gamma iniocilie, after belog treated 11. eitlint,i7t ii,Iii,ihittliltcntc.t3it,i)t:g: t.411 111,i;,,i1.33:1I:11., c3.1101;.1,1111-113.111...11.31.01113.10 PYt 11 lie GaYr•shslocashtilliit tisit tal If:aAes1 l'iltsvettinial.o' bode.. i(llei(s‘5'ist; a :a vsreue c(114:fritti l'f,tiel 1.):,1411:'!'st :icitil:i,7••fi7ii.t.f4li.y,101,I11.,,,:iit:'!:it'S.11?;.111,‘"i ,,'-„i'713.1',-•!:,II,2,:s.,,',11`-ilili:i11,-.: • Hove. tieseoor iit*I.,.; .-lor'ar a. it 3-3,11. a eh. De- sna. One dose relieved a very acute 1 ti 01;1‘1‘r(t.i.i.! 1i,r1 '.•11:01.. 1.iiIiiL.; 3, .,,,.., 1 0“:,f 1:-1:,,;,...1,!;iti;1,,, for the teart,she declared as it last re- . Wealthiest. man in.l'itrittfotti, is , .. . . . „ . .. The ladf procured 1)r. Agnew's ,thire Renti upon ii, mei iea ... .7(31I. i Ai .111iM1,' abellt . l). 1,1 ' .(11)14.111.111.,!i9,1.:111,: • il 4., t i)11)1 MA spasin in less than halts an fume, 400 energy 00 the w!,,,te . ,, :,,, .. ..1.,... wim4,1 three bottles cu ed her, ' • ettothing t4,, rep ' ft a...13bl 3%.13 It ...titilti.', 1.4 Idoi.t.. - ...-........-...-- , • . 02, the 01.1f, .1 mut 13C47. 7* wait. (111;* itg)lt4 01 1 of Ladysmit i 3,7111 return to Elugland ant the wo,fii." • ;L.11140 ;tea' 't!1,1:: for "SITs. sant, :aaltit 1 4.110 pry. entptio!) Oeticral •Nute, the gallant defender 1414 1{J \30 owing to Illneee. -2 • 1g.,xt,00tt:; 041700. Cutlery Platedware • 3 sets 'olives deloekttregolar75e,for:586 '71fleittcher knives, regular 25cefor.: 18e 3 •" • . • " • • . .$1.00,far 70e 5 • 20e, for,. t • ' "' ' -• " • • ' 50c,for 38c 4 '•• " Rogers, s regular , t . . : 75c,for 00c 30e, fors. - .. .. , ... - .... „ . ; . 22c $1.50, tor • . . ., $1.20 8 razors, lel and $1.25,slightly dron- 81(2: . 2 • . " . • Rogers, regular 4 bread knives 20e, for . 2 sets deserts, Rogers,reguler til.50, , , aged, for , for • $1.2fe 11 pairs scissors,was 35e and 40c,for 28c - .• , 3 ehildren's knives and forks, pair. I2c ft . tr . 50e, for......... 38e 7 only, forke .. 18c 6 ' • " ce 60d, for... ... .. 45e 1 5001 celluloid handle table knivee 3 doz, prated teaspoons, regular $1 slightly datuntred,regular $3,for.$2,00 , for, pee doz '750 . . I set plated table knives, regular 4 sets, ?I doz.each,white metal forks 50, for $2M0 regular 75q, for .. . . . . .. ., . .... e 45e 2 setschildren'splated knit.te's50e for 35e 2 sets plated forks, regula. r $1, for. 08e 1 set . " • 41 75c,for 40c 1 sets tineed•forksoser set. 250 1 • • " . " • 25c,for 20c , 11 plated mufflers, 2 for 5c 1 set carvers with steel $1,75, foe, $1.50 a few ocld plated bible spoons, each 20e 7 pairs carvers, your choice for.... 25c a few . " dessert, spoons, eitch 15e • 2 only oniek cut bread knives 18c 3 butter knives, thimaged 15e, Plat ed mustard & salt spoone, each , 8c 4 silver napkin rings 35c, for, eachitio 3 butter knives, regular 05c,for 45e 7 pickle forks $1,00 to .51.25, your 40c -choice for. ....... ...„,,, ..... ..... 0 ./c. . ---e- . ...es-. 14c YOU MAKE NO NI Tinware Wh ,on buy our FURNITURE fiesta lee ' Vero will give you good goods, welt made, Well lin:s'N,;i1 • awl pralC13 .11S. . . LOW as the leWest. • - ;•1• . We -are the t. aker . Our iii•ock com- plete in all the -different brenches.- .• Our p1 ice will bo found very moderato for- good work, ntockliolder?, who furnished milk during tho eternal•alui let. such teaching be every. le free Pram pain and elle doseN 11,11 Where supported by exemplary conduct signed. tesilnionir by retying; et am tmereutry, on the part of profeseing Christlank ontriely eared and can move aut, A boS villa Moe additi011 thie Aome inion g blit oly as over itg toy life." • Nighb and Sunday calls answered at, Itesideneo of onr Funeral Director, ,1 .W. Chitiley St., opposite •Foltisdry, BROA F T:' ©X- OO rs •dr« Itatesititteee Fee_ Cake Cuttees 2 foe 3 Setts ceveved pails, each... , . :1;1 strainer palls, each.. 1131T.vil?.Pails., each gt 15 /0.qt, " 12 t " 3 No. 0) boilers, each 23 dippers,at 0001 si fire shovels, each 2. Ippillon oilcans, each. , 4.1t1.)ilvetssitr)it)i.)cll bake pans, at each. flotir dredges, 'each 0 Men' sifters, was 20c, for..... Pepper boxes, each 3 cbildrenes trays was•50c, for fie- 13 small pressed waele bowls,10e for 70 ........... .40s initiitrued dish pans, each for ,, . 12e for 00 10 20e 7 medhun ' " , 20c - .. ' 63(5)ce 4*1"ileartates. for '4. 28e ' .Sc.and Ra Dc Patty pans per doz 5c and le .1 -le Angel peke tins.- e.... 106, .Oval pudding pans with rings..... 17e fel 48 " 'withoub 0 12e tto 2 toilet setts slightly damaged, . lc regular $2.50, sale pride."... , $1.50. „.. 48e 2 No.9 copper teakettlee each °Illy. $1 , . 85e 10 pressed tun pans for.......,$1, r. . ...., lac 3 chicken drinking fountains,20c Se 5 round bread bake pans ... . ..,.... 25e 15c Small dipper, our own make... ... . 4c • i 3c Tin dash egg beaters 4c to 1,06:. 30e Round tin padding pans • . _ el! McK1 N N r.I17.1111_ n,re. Ara- i AO) URTAING.— .1te.4 rT 11 0 . Ienconraged by the very large eitlee we mule Inet year in Carpette Cur. i tains and House Furaiehinge, i. NO - placed mir otgleve 1110. near! y doulde the A quentities foe tide year, They ere now in stook and ready for iospeetion, ✓ And although the pricesi have advanced from 10 to m per oent. ,./iiee we t. honght, we aviI1 sell them at old price. If you Want Catitais or Curl:tine 41 yon should Make yOuv selettions at once, When you eon gt,1 them at priceg ga like these : . • Lace °attains, 21 yares longe 26 inches web*, Wfriq It :..)4. int' UP. Lace: Curtains, 2?, yards 'long, 30 inchee wide, tepee( ekat,i, now O Worth Me for 20e. 0 Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 30 inehee svide,t aped Ogle eteieein.1 # Nottriam. Lace Curinine, 3 yttrtle leng, 50 inches; ivele, toe% es • stiff+ edges, worth 00(1%1,10e, es ei 0: ? 41 0 0) Graniteware (1) tert ots r gular 50c for P ; afle 5 wash basins, regttlar 80c, for...... ,2te :Itic , 25c for 20e 11 1 60e, for 0 1 51, for „ it 20e: for ...., 14e 0 3 ampere " , Mc, for 21e I 2 double cookers " $1,r, for..., fifte O 2 i'vater pails " 85e, for 68e 1 Ili $1.00, tor,,, Mc ,,,, o ilf 51 for 85e , 1 enspadore, regular 05ct foe 50e Z 1 teakettle No, 0, regular $1,50,for. 00e 11 tem drawer, ." 25c, for 20e 3 , •tipt, covered pails " $5c, for.- 28e 1 6 basting spoone, " 10e, for . it 80e, for.,. , . 21e 2 milk pans " 30e, for . . Mc ftc 0 ee-se, 0 g ' Lamps 01 0, 2 lampselecorated, regurar$1.25,for 08e 2 banquet, tamps, regnlar $3,50,fer 52.65 1 " , 0 $1.50,for $1.18 1 t, " $4.00,for 5320 1 11 . " ' $2.00,for $1.50 5parlorittulpe,shadeseomp$1.215,for 68e tt 11 " $2,50,for $1 88 3 hanging lamps,regular $3.50, tor. 2,50 2 hanging lamps " $1.00,for $3.25 2110,11 lamps " -$2.75, for . 1.50 , —..... Fine Nottingham Lace Curtaine at yards long, 501 inchea wide, lock stitch edges, worth $1.111 for nee, Fine N'ottitittitant Lace Ourtiting, iifi. 741.17134 Intim e0 ineheii wide, look etiteli edges, new &vigils, worth .A.,..) fta. :A. Fine Swing Curtain,e, lacey elreete. 3e yet& lone, leek etitstli Ogee. teem 50 to 00 itiellea wide, at, 0E25, 1,11.:311, 1,12, 14.50' ArtItluslino, lattice stripeft,ROtnetittin4 new, at lotel2"..e end 13e, se • and $3.59. ellOiline Curtains, 3 Ytuala lona, fancy dado at top and 1)311tont, knotted fringe, at $3, 133,tio. lout m 4, . Munn Carpete, yowl wide, new pattssene, 20e, 2011' nod 7317.. • Wool Ingram Cartuen, yard wide, bow desig_ltr ' tat ant .., . . 40.1 Tapeatry Carpets, new 31)Ti117( pattia.1131. at 8000. l•:ie, 00,. and 11e. V IIrilasela flat pete itp4o.ilit to pattertig, al, 73e and 01.03),(111 Linoleituie, m all welthe, new patteetee at old P141.11.1. ✓ (11111)00n MIL find nlatelhal free of Clititge. (44.4.4.....poaexere.4.,,r-caire„,...3,,:xe.„0.3*.elascairaft-t--ex..-.-,-.:4,.•:,..3;:r..,.)4-.....;-.3.......:-..,„•,-,..--..;.c 0' 0 A MoKINNON & 00at BI 0 Yrii e eis t , 3 • 31664t."*..>03.4t>6‘*40,43C.110.40<ifrC0110,4t`,44WAlikie4640<41,ii'Jtr4/<4"tAio .46,41'416, 4 Specials 1 only flee proof oafe, good value at $35.00, sale price $27.00 1 11 10 530.00, " 923.00 20 Whips a abeitt . balf"priee 7 cyclone sprievere, ib fleet -class artiele, regular mice "15n 51,00, sale price Barbed Wire, special for Gale days, Worth $1, only ,:,", • • ,eteeessee............,,aeseeeseesseesoesseeteteteeeetesesessesestes NOW is tbe chance to cure sonic cheap goods, We will hold another such sale but not until February, .1061, just be- ibre taking stock. IttliiiiiVintit THE OATES. HARLAND BROS.; IRON AND HARDWARE 44' STOVES AND TINWARE 1 "•