HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-21, Page 3tf4t}1.t0}olars,tt"Tofiaav,Q,0111'0158st9®.t 9'^®at0
}•ollaset}'olliaa1.t}oliltes$01 r tr\assOP"Oe.t}"G11►t}'i.t0
1.nraiu0 Lisle {caned forward PS the
carriage Hage rolled up the broad village
street that Sunday morning, and looked
with languid interest at the graceful,
'.Lith -0010d figure going in through the
door of the ivy -draped oriel -windowed
0111 .tone chre,,
"A village beauty:" eh( exclaimed.
"Who is she, granhu(rc?"
The handsome yilver1'haired old lady
au the appo _010 seat, who had just bow-
ed to "the village beauty," answered,
with a smile:
,.Site is• Vivian Vane, the young wife
of stir- nine 'rector, Paul Vane, She is
la'eutiful, as you say, and also very
oharrniag. 1 inn very fond of heti, and
h, a. .ler. bait, Ic'nd d (bol, gu'y ov(s,.
1,r^Ina". and a 'ilio' brown
ma n..lal u, that. 11111111.. Hate 10011 his pot
(entity from the tender (08)' he often
'1uo.Se4 it with a shapely white 11nud,
11e w']`o 1hir0 }ears old, and hadbr'ouglh
lovely 111,-iah to (.isle a bride ,lust one
year ago.
('11AP'TEF 11.
Pan i1) spite of his aniesement at her
fears, l,voly Vivian was nervous that
day Winn they started rel their walk to
:Arcady to call on the heiress of whom
eudl rumors were afloat that'
hikers were were quite dazed over her arrival.
She Was as rrrou(1 as a queen, and utter-
ly '.heartless, they said. Whispers hod
mime minims the sea of her conquests and
1 hope 5011 will be, too 1 001110 " her coquetry. 'She hail refused a hue,
The bean ifnl dark Mee of Mies {.isle rind lovers, it ons said, and out of them
looked a littlecomfit' at those words, (here 0500 elle who had gone mad and
slain himself for love of her hiring
Vivian had thought of this that peeve.
surprise. fel summer morning, when 111 1100 low
Seo you have. a new rector hero.. tory to the heat lady of the. neighbor.
Where, thou, is 1)oetor' Goodwin. sheIeced, lyes. lllIe, she luted vaus!ht the
glare of tlwse passionath dark ryes
fixed on her happy peaceful face. She
Lad .shivered, although she was out cold,
end whispered to herself:
"Is there then no dishonor
In the smile of a woman, when Wren,
gazing on her,
Can shudder and soy: '3v am' ample is
a grave?'"
The nest moment she hod stepped
across the tt1reseoki into tie, dim-oisled
charm, and found, to her dismay, that
site w11 late, She had let Paul go of
1(011e she, had stopped to see 11 sick child,
and now her stately husband, in his
flowing white gown, was reading the
litany over the bowed heads of the, you-
gee:ration, and :the proud black eyes
faded from her mind 011, stoning softly
to her pew. she stunk to her lances and
joined in the decoct responses:
"Oh, (loci, the Pother of beacon: have
mette5 upon us as miserable sinners]"
It was almost a week since 11001, and
one '1(1)111 put off a duty call no longer.
Vivian hand pondered amxeorsly in her
mind one• Hae nlonml1ous question of
what she sh0ahl wear to Aveady, Mrs,
I h0lr's 1),111 1f 10 place.
leer bridal finery (11,(5 a little passe,
lips, and her new blatl, .1110 was rather too
With her warm hair wound through my 1.11111 for midsummer.
finger-tips, "Anything1 00110w
W111 leek dowdy be-
1)rnininr her soul at one deep -drawn side her Worth gowns; so 1 shall wean'
kis,' 1sinea
Ile white ass"usual," she decided at
last; ,11x1 site did not know bow licuu•
,e is the most benuliful creature ,L,11x1
and pe01i0 she looked in the laser'
)11011( saw," the. reetor's with toll hien 11Lite '0101 drapcl les 11114 the 001)1 -
afterwht'd when they were discussing b)irnmcd OUite 1st, 11111) its droophag,
the now01rival, I1, palel0' 111111(011,
Taut V'aIle put his arm aa,0ut She fastened some heavy -headed pint:
1)015,w'aist and drew her before a air- roae.i at her holt, aid set ort 10isuely
roc. with her husband on (heir long walk,
"Perhaps ,you have never seen your -
for Anon), weis quite u. mile and 11 half
self, my darling," Ile said, fondly; and fro11,s001,),°,1 rectory at flu; upper cud of
though a wave of crimson rose up over '11))' main street
the white brow, Vivian looked as he "1 thiel: you will be'quite sorry that
bade her, and she saw a ffee and form 'o1) gint off your call so tomg,' Paull
that, though of a different type from f01) Vane said, after a glance of keen
1,oruine Lisle's, was no less lovely.111101'111 1)t her tasteful 111111111100 cos•
firs. Vara was of medium height, with ume., "L hoard to -day -that --Miss Lisle
11 100111 as slender and delicately mould- intended to 1111 Arcady with summer 515 -
ed as ever haunted an artist's dreams' 1tore, and that a hatch arrived y(ster.
Dud her 0100elnenta embodied the 'cry rya
pn•h'y of motion. Added to 1110',,)'
,1)t she dill not say whether or not she
would be fond of the new rectors wife.
She arched her slender dark brows in
Ile is dead, Have 500 forgotten,
Loraine? T wrote you of his death more
than a year ego,'' g0.1ndnrere answered,
with a glance of mild reproach,
"1 had quite forgotten," Miss Lisle an-
swered, as if it were a matter of no
moment.. She had been abroad- With
:English relatives four years, and had
ahnos.t lost interest in the affairs of ler
oil home in the village she- had quitted
1111 immature girl of seventeen, already
giving promise of that rare beauty
wilier) at twenty-one had developed into
the perfeetiou of 11 dazzling tropical
Yes, Loraine ':isle was gloriously
b(.au1i101 as she leaned indifferently
bail; in the enttiage, with the summer
sun -Lice of her Virginia hone full on
her eream•tinted, oval face, with its
low, broad brow shaded by silky wares
of blue-hlack hair, an0 lighted by large,
intensely dark eyes 11111 of slumbering
fire and passion, while full, dewy -red
lips, half parted in a smile, made one
t-himk of kisses that might, be lingering
there for some fortunate lover.
"I would
I were laid o1) her queenly breast, at her
chimes was an enchanting face, sweet
and piquant in the sane breath. ]l1) easily as those proud bitted. '
eyes 010
complexion was exquisitely talo ail looked ate over so keenly on Sunday,'
flushed with a sea -shell glow on cheeks
was the mulling reply; 1114 he thought,
111''''1100e Small, sWutglit nose is he gazed in the iron's, cullid1t4 face,
"So natter, deur. I. thinie l could
face a whole regiment of guests 110
W115 null in spite of its rogularr
ty, the large eyes had the '0l(,
purplish blue of rummer violets, 01111
drop within them lurked a mirthful
gleans tint matched the roguish dimples
in cheeks and 01in. She had dainty ptoloos Vivian for his onon,
hands and feet, and the graceful head "Call all your courage to your aid;
was covered with short rings of hair here we are at tele gate, he said laugh -
that, in the smilight was "1100e golden ingly; and it was strange that 110010n
gold," and lent to the piquant face, with should grow pale a moment 1)t those
its innocent white: brow, an expression I words --piquant \'reran, who had 110011'
of extreme youth, though she 100 quit0 Iaok,d before for the most graceful self.
old. She was clothed 1)l- 1 possession
that he Ind trine Y'nirst Hilt, in the
world. No 0710 could approach her in
beauty', 004 her 11,,111 was as jure and
fair 110 leer fate. 5)101)', he had been
fortunate above ail encu ill winning
twenty ye'a's ,. ,
most; always in pure, simple white, and ire 11X115 hand 111,11)1111 as arc 11)1)1
it made le, so lovely that surely Paul t it pleadingly on Ids
Vane was excisable for his incredulity lou will have to toll h: to " ,e1. she Paul, e ,
over another woman's superior loveliness. 1 and let me talk to 11011.. 'Lisle" ,t-
"Vl ' dolling, she could not be more 1 claimed, lightly, hut. with Latent carne.,
beautiful than you are," lie said. taking trees hr her mueicll tones.
her in his arms and kissing the Lair, CHAPTER 11I.
frank face so array tunes tint its lovely, Arcady was one of the most beautifil
delicate blushes deepened to a 0(1101on country homes fu alt Virginia—a hu'g',
glow. She flung her white 011100 about rambling, old stone mansion, with bay -
his neck and clung to him in an ecstasy windows and piazzas jutting,lbe•e and
of love, although presently she returned 1 there, and half embovvoged - in pict.ur-
to the subject by saying: esque ivy the some as the old stet c
"Yes, l know I am pretty. Paul, in a church, for both were built at the "tun 0:
babyish kind of way; but Miss Lisle is t time, a period dating a little after the
different, She is like her portrait up at Revolutionary War. At first the too
Arcady, only older and more beautiful. houses—:Arcady and Forest Church •.
She Inas a warm, southern type of beauty the latter of which was beep by u
.—la se
(—large black eyes, rich, dark hair, a Lisle for his family u.- was surmunt-
all red mmath, like a flower, n. face � ed by the Lowest primeval," but novo
Roll of scorn and passion. I luno' I shall a pretty, thriving village had gtow'n0L
be afraid of her, nod I am almost sorry quite, to the park gates. The nunniificeut
promised her grandmother that we estate, however. covered ground ex-
rvonld 1011 dais week." te11011'0 enough aur a city in itself, o
"'Vonstnse!" laughthe t o rr,ct o1,•. y1,•1 no Ire rural churn 1(n, at
oat )n bh,0 0:1104, 0l :-!hurt 111:V0110111e
at the girl's levity.
The e, heiress want- bac,) to iter soldierly'
looking norther. Colonel 1'111110, and re -
land wit11 great glee her cruel words,
"I have shocked ley der, simple
grnmlmer' by some new whim Peer day
since 1 conte hone," 011e laughed. "She
is dreadfully old-fashioned and goody.
goody'. 1)0 you 1no0, 1 have a mind to
Flirt with he saintly Paul Vane, just to
see her dismay."Colonel Fairlie smiled; lint he loweredhis ('0i", 011(1 replies{:
'limy are not going 11p to the house.
11 n Lisle is bringing them. this way."
1,1),ane 0nal:eh11 her racquet and flew
after the ball. She pretendedvo1 -to see
tli, guests until they hod been seated
several minutes in garden chairs under
the trees.
They lh
had ample time to observe ,
115 she flew lie' and thither with ane
nos gr100. f'nui Vaine saki the 1101)1.111
LOT, tae 111(1')) 1111111, tie S(•,rt111111 Oil)10
'y tee cu1'ced real lips that nis 11)10 had
compared to a flower. 1_e 00)4) not
gainsay hiss Lisle's sensuous, luring
"'Loy' will soon finish the game, then
1 will Intruduee you to them all,"' said
gentle old ]lis, Lisle; and she pointed
out rte menthe's of the part.
''he pretty brunette 111 green rad
shite is Miss Freda Xaoyz, of 1'hihr-
dalphia. ''the one in pink is Beryl .Area -
cows of New tort:, '1110 tall ire in
1111 O .h- ti 1111 n 1) 10 'dr al e), at gone'
1,14.11), Ilya 11 .A'1,( '101 1.. 0,11 i1..
Mel) /lee. Colonel Fairlie, AV-illie'genitors,
0 poet, Gordon 11a11, and the other o e,
Frank nl. Barre tt, is from Philadelphia."
V'1011111 4ured with interest at tin
11011001000 players, hut ho thought that
olonel 1agh,e and Loam Lisle were
the handsomest (amnia on the grounds.
.Cho colonel was -tall and broad -shoulder -
id, 11th a soldierly' face and forst, and
grave brown eyesthat avem r here this
:manila)) .000 had a look as if they lad
gazed o1) sadden scenes 4. well shnpld
1,001, Willi brown halt closely cut, 5)111)'
did features,
at a drooping brown
01omstaehe shading, a half stern mouth,
made up a most attractive ensemble, and
\' pian decided that he must be as old, if
not older, than her husband.
She wondered if Colonel Fairlie, 51)111
Loraine Lisle's love, and if she 0001)1
10tnen his devotion or raring his heath
Lis she had done so many' others..A sigh
br1ith'd over her lips at the thou tilt,
impair d
1,1 his way leas 011110 00 handsome 00 by N10 t')i'011hrl5 habitations
ter the war 1etwceo the Status that had
treed they shares, the 1,1sle5 were re-
•mrd0d as nunteycd pe.oplt 13ut the
1anIilrhaddeitindded'diaw1sA,u.w 101 e n\
i 1 r 11;1111
her Lcnntdu ) I. ,
Ir 11114 ) i
1h 11 .
01 old .1....00!.
a ea c..1) tit dl
tet rm)itx'd t t pt
1110 ac ❑0410 had ,(1,l 1111,' 1)l 011
death of Loraie's lathe who had 1 .0 111=ode(,,, abroad, 01', 1,1the, she taikel
a lonely wanderer over the face of the • 1., 110 rec1o0, for Vlvi,n 5)1111 but hart.
earth 100 mminy cents; hu{ since no ;:h' lei; 1')' husband tall, to S\rias 1 isle,
tidings came tit hhn, n ta10 b illeved Le a , she bad threatened she would, and
must, be dead, hew ✓n rcmu'm ,ed 1'.1oireV fu sunhng silence to the „tea,
lino noir bat his motile ul015 ti 1.1, i1 111.0„ 1110 which •no0 he'nnm
loair Ir d turned to sihvl n!ta.e is like+' ,,,,1111011 11114 social, and almost before
ruhl bargin;;i
fo• the ubsdatec,.mid Uunh� 'he. i'.ul 1c.tlized line it carne about, Vic.
on quietly act _lrcady, a gentle, Christian i,rn flaamul herself en111ag0d in playing
lady, respected by all and loved i}' 1110011 icnnis with the stately Colonel
Wooly—a tcplenl 1 ngmnr geut1evvmm�• ,,. i. , 1 • • husband hid 1G's
1',..111 111110 let
Paul Vane 11.114 itis Inn• young o ie ] ; ter 1 , ,tat
es 1000110 violets.'
Sunni neii• whim had emu' over beauli•
fel Loraine, She laid aside her air' of
I:aute1 Bad elc,Ittcd brightly and plca-
1 "village
and with rut
Vane n h
I tri 1
e She
mil 1)t as 111,11 called Mrs Vane.
:111;cd to them of her travels and her
1(ni,t,d o1) up bile ',1indut { i0(1 114 0)115 .,Old 111s. Liche looked on, well pleased
11101 led through a 1101,µh50 of !00111 is ' con,le etnsior, 11,,11) cun'lnd-
gfn 1,1010 and flowers, 10111 presenthy' a n1., ( s
0(1 tll,ht her. :.u0Ob„0lghter had 1)1)15
they heard noises unit laughter coining 1loon Ler 11. • hi'' nivel words
from the tennis court. When th(�y 011111111 ,01."1
1. 1 d J
in sight of it they saw some ladles 1114 1 ret"item 1,,r be feeuls," syn ,rill
4)1111emen playing a game, and lets, err eels ,1miht) 1, and certainly it
Lisle sitting on al garden chair serenely to r serf : h0 vroi ld ,aye yin wish.
soy -
watching them. She came contract wily 11,0101111 .r - sighing tlrougL the
a cordial welcome for the 1iait011i rhe snit bra 5111011 11 lou w aIle
ing, gently: tell pines urn0 ly,,
.house (i'itli you 11 )11min'. spoke 1.11 her ears in a foreign
I. will go into 101
while they. finish their game, ]'het be- tongue \vbrnat yvhispered that tills gold -
00111)1 11:01 exons' herself mid come to 1111 1)h' dray' w )s the hes+ruin„ of a h,)!_•
you" 1)h :1 thrur lira- —the bees 0t 110111101,
w Lisle 1leaae let 08 stay rind w'Rlh)1 Lurniue,. Paul Von'
and 100111,
„Oh, :Ors. 1 y
00te{t Aitem. It looks so pleasant out Viv{n::,
here under the trees!" enied V'Irian; erg- No ma, hoard that (101rd whisper i n
crit'; and the old iadv a0rentett ,10)11'), the pinta that sighed: "Woe, woe. wool"
o' she had been hart b' 1:01,11100 refu- 'Clu'it oav 5'0040, (bete 1)01101 18llehte ,
f n .lel 1
sale to cone at once to the call,re, div std rho sound. Viv uurwas food of
"You attest excuse 1)o to them, altd trnnis; 1\1'1(1.111'y
til4 Cuhou] lhaitfl' could m0k�
1 will come 1'[1011 1 have finished 1115' 1)105elf 0rh'n la,cinethag 110)11 h? those.
game,' she hail said, when 1e• 11110)11 on 11' chose now, Inc certainly it 1v1(5 001 HI
1(110 10(0)1'), to their canting. while exerting iiniseli for so fair a part.
"But, Lacune, it will seem rude." nor. And how quickly the dolor cane
"Nonsense! net if 1 'could neglect iny' and went on her cheeks, h:i'..
Ahoy guests for then), Why, in drug: 'sparkled with pleasure and keen 0p'1(r0-
land we did not consider the clergy' as (dation of the 100100)0 0nd 11(0 plea -:cit.
ranking very ,igb. fly 0011811), 1,ady ihings he know so well how' to say! Ili
_'age, used not to invite Belem to her said to himself that he hind neve' i 011 v11
grandest affairs --Duly to small parties." betoe {row bright and arch blue eyes
"l1, is quite different here in Virginia, mem he. A9'hilr 0he looked at Lim, he
Loraine, The. clergymen rank with the recalled t 11) m tat lo'1n
best. 'their patent of nobility {a 11,.m ^lwetc;t eyes! -law' '((101 i❑ 1.10\1'1102
Clod 1hlh0elf.
1,or0inc Lt •le toss)] her proud, dark
land in derision.
'T'he Vanes are great friends of mite,
and t 'Lnuld 111 e them toba nom do
:u' ae,a',''' this cede yid (1..l': vent: red,
almost pleadingly.
The proud beautc, who teres lonlfng
incomparably drizzling in a temps suit
of eca lot and ee,n1) color, made a moue
of disdain.
Goody-goody people are the Lust
ones 1 should. choose for my friends,''
she declared. They 'near}' ono with)
their saintly airs; and after all, 1 as-
sure yon, grandnwre, 11))5 1011 e0))erdlly'
ho hence 011011 Other people. 0101 Dat
find 11,01 out. AVhv, 1 0old. iliat with
your helar, 1f i hold out Illy little lin-
ger to high " she Jangler, roc 1)r ly,
:1:1;1' her grandmother, other, turned away n it11•
mns of m:) 1. for it se'11111d 511011 a fay for so no le
1 i. ,cif:, tall, finely formed, and graces The 1,0)110.',) 1 pelt had 1)101 ys boon I'1) 1„ .t man to suffer 1)t the hands of
fel. with a lead of thickly clustered, a'iStoeratic and wealthy; and even n - u heartless coquette.
des. Lisle went on to tell ('1001 that
these friends of Loraine were rich fash-
wiable people whose aequaintance she
had made when they traveled in Europe
the preceding summer,
She:nid they troudd •spend a month at
\r rly, and then— .lint here her (onfi-
d1uces were broken 1)p, for Loraine ap-
proached with a queenly air, and the
next home t the rate• and his lovely
wife had received an introduction to 210
heiress. Der guests followed in her
Woke. and many "lances of admiration
fell on Vivian, w -ho certainly looked 00
fair as the realization of a poet's dream.
1fr. Brewers, the dark -eyed young poet,
who alored blondes, gazed of her with
rapture, and whispered to pretty- hiss
'VOrdyz that -hes. Voile's eyes were "blue
Miss Mary Levesque, 303 Stadacina St, Hochelaga, Mon-
treal writes : "I have found Zam' Buk an excellent remedy for
skin eruptions. Up to this Spring I was bothered for almost
five years with a red rash, small pimples and sores on my imam! on
the scalp tiro' the hair, Nothing 1 used would clear this rash from the
skin until I began using Zam-Buk, This salve has effectually and 1
believe permanently taken al those unsightly pimples and 5010511001
both scrip and face. I shall recommend Zam•Buk mall my friends."
For healing eczem+ud attskin disease Zam•
rfuk is without equal: ;It is good for eh$5nu0tism
when well rubbed in. Piles also yield to Lam -link
All stores sad druggists, s.c. or Zam-Buk Co.,
it reuainedi 111 1.r 1ln0 to day the one bit-
ter deep in her full c0111 01 ,joy. the 0110
thorn among her roses, that she would
not, with all hey 111110015, dominate tri-:
one, unimpressionable 'meat,
She could not . r �atahtl withthe issuer's lovely wife, and it ceat•d
to la r I.., en ir chg., it
trifling w0 lwss pronounced til.r,1 n-:1111:
His glance log'reo ,,Ie0i1.1ogly 1111 111i
fait'filet) wiry its rxtlm llc cru-ll11!
tinting, aid in• lion) 00',:'01•;
to ii -len to 11-1. (—et"(
Loathers lips (0(1(d In aa1410' 1011101).
Slid he really ,,; 1.,1111( -'her, this village
hi -11111y?
The suspicion ranted it spasm of 10,11-
ous 1111111 10 0011,1 the bean1)''s heat, and
0 tinily of dielip, for AIrian Valle made
iteelf keenly 1(It at the till 1101 moment,
Hitherto she lied telt a darn ming ad-
miration for the '1)10:0 u'tfe's (V011400 -
fill beauty, so different 1)t 1:ype front her
own 11101:, glc 1 ung stype, hat now 11,
evoked secret anger,
.1 moment of fierce parr, 11ten came
the reassuring tlloeght1
",.h1) c is married. , Admire herall he
Inas, it ('01 0,me to ilothing. Besides,
l dare :sue he is only pretending mn tid-
e -Oration he doe not feel, hoping to vex
11'u14 Cuuc, .uu;e't01' goer(' 0f tennis
went on, ivondi 15 l why 1m11 wife lad
faneud 0I11'y 15'00111 find the heiress ''131.
find t. '
';she is nothing (t the Itind. She is
bright, re,relq 11.114 1.11)0: .11,'! 1111 '47 .00
1itth' 101111 of arrogance lit comes her
lovely," be decided, ander the glean of
the 0111101011119 black 1,11s she 8entlt1006
111i101 to, i111 thee, True he. sometimes
detected`a sombre gleam in them that ,thew older she trieleed to grew'wai.
excited iris 100111er: hut it passed quieli she was always pile and listless, suffer.
ly', nod 101'0(11: immediately becane ed front headaches, dizziness and 1iaflita-
;;aycr than rndore, seemingly 'interested tion of the heart. She 114 not nest est
in nothing hot the game and he' part. night, and would often toss and menu
111;).. 1hit whole night hi)alh' she had to
When he walked hone with F10ion discontinue going to school, and os'shu
in the cool of the twilight horn-, after 'tv11s ernitinnnlly taking doctors' !nedieban
(le ira:n. Airs, 1.isle's cordial invitatimt without benefit 1 41100' di courngeil, 11114
o •try 101' t''1, the 111)1)' cetyl. 08 Nov feared 1ve (1 ''14 lose her. Friends 1)10011
1'11e repeated cuhae0 11111 41,011100d it, 1)0am0 ono also of inte0st; was to rive hacDr. AWilliams Pint: Polis,
'lough yon snug a hundred peen'' 1 and pleasure, viewed i1) the. clear 116l1t and 1 finally decided to do so 115 the
Stell w
the hest one wound be
be this, 11111 Both bail enjoyed it time she had taken three bora'•, there
1 can liver it, of 0,0411 , F 1 ' ,- r,
vats 1,m improuuu'nt, 111111 n all:
'Twist my spirit -Veer 11111011 were all i,1i , \hiss l:1'11' he was whir to return 111, school. f`",:1.a
And Ilia earth anise intervene --re 1)t '
eteeee' did Might ght ( 1101 ort I1 • 1.au 00y1r had •1.1 1 i
A Cure far Allaernia '1 .,:1,.5 ;.: ,
ing f:et:,ark;.f.Ee 1x11111)1 to
In Stltbi-mt:1 r i1 Yl,
\\Lela the hely 1,,ef/1 PS sial: ruin 01111
lova, 111101 hear '1)1.1100!', 110.0,) err
N'rere illne-, , 00 100011lmtion of tile.',
blood 'could slots' it to lie veal: told
veatery, 7'11is c004itton is called 01010-
10111, which is the medical term for
"1,100111t ,naso." The common 0511'11
toms are paleness of the lips, gaits 110,4'.
cheeks, shortness of breath tind piipita-
tion 01 the heart after the slaghteet
(with», 41111 eyes and loss of appetite.
Anaemia itself is a dangerous disease
and runty gradually 11000 Into consump-
tion. 1t can filly be cored by treating
Its entree -5111111 111 the poor condition of
the blood, The blood I1)119t be made
richt, 1001 red, 1100reby enabling it to ea 0-
'y the neeesanry nourish,ne,nt to ('very
part of the body.
Dr. \\'illraa.IS' Pihh lily 1)e the great.
est ntedhrtne 1)t the world fm making
new, (toll blood and they hove been 'et 1'•
ing alatmta aced cher blood 1(1sytsee for
(0((015 n generation, 011(1 are now reeog-
mieod the world 0 1.110 1111 invaluable
household remedy.
Alts. 1), l:otabroolo, 13roo1-lyn lluad,,1c.
L., sits "My daughter Gertrude, who
is now in 1 e1. sixteenth year, %vas s`c115
from early childhood, Ice wore- constantly
doctoring fat• ho•, 'but it did not 1,1V)
to help her i1) the least. la fact, as she
Streetr (yes 1000 1)l inn 5°"111
Yes, they vole beautiful )'V'05 1,01.ghl,
,toed s you foreboded," the handsome !lent appmUte, slept well at n g15, ,nod i,
111.1, 1011, 1)) nr;11'1 011 11 1)1011/001111 now' us 1rer:111', 0 ':1)I r•- you 011'
Bund trunk, and untroubled, with the ane- ranee m;' 1'10+4
uv receive su.11e.t 11;11011 into A f hriieve tliat Dr. AVillia
shine of youth, i(l eecece amu ImCo1,00's ' "ere'500' saved Ler life, and as. a mother 1 '1m ,1
shining i1) {heir 1111011 deaths, Colonel hri,rLt
1 ' -o• she. was more. cotdtscealdlllg 001111 00cnum11011d 'bene 'irk to ,v 0y t,a.;:: , ai
',Arlie, as he looked into them, felt that,1ieb there etc yo,;ng (5101,
All mediehte d,,lees sell these pill • o1,•
you con get then by marl at 50'"'n.', at
when I looked at her 1 saw that she tins nuc n sir; bore for 02.511 from h' ;ll..
One of the mast v atiou.s ,end yet not 1 ,11110' 11111!) i' t ,,,, I n. I: (1110. cot.agnnsibF cxperl.nces that eve' comes 001.01111; me, 0101 I felt ars if Ale die
to a belle 11101 homy is to become in- iihe lee,"
ferest,01 in some men who aign.s,.n' b' A 1 L Turn About.
f Id lila ren(t1 to 11(.1 01111111th.
100 ,001 0101 (1 fair as her Inc,,.
011/105410 10.
expected; yet, sonehov, 1 010 afraid
of her still," confessed she. "I did nett
i talk- to her 0111(1 but 1ye•lal t 1 0S
13t1{liaut .110 1. ,10, in spite of lie 111-
10)11 115 n 11en!M al.er, had Lad a taste
mi this 1110ahnting experience, and t1:
nun 11110 had so piqued her w'a: colonel
Pall ll'.
_l. - 110)1 known ]aim a year, 1)0114 had
men lint time unuaierabl.. ale admired
Loraine its eve(yo!0 else dial.; 110 lust 1111
her subtle overtures toward a flirtation
with tiro ready response of a luau of the
world. Ile 1) 11 looked into her eyes
with the Most thrilling gaze; ,e had held
I,e' bund 111 0 clasp that suggested tdema-
tion: Le. lad adjusted her wraps with a
lingolong_ entpresemmrt that suggested u.
,'area 1. But Loraine 1(110 novel' (hundred
by this by' -play, whatever othe'5 might
:sbe keen, the signs of love. loo well to
be deceived by colonel 1 11iilie's 10001.1110
61101 king' ilnit 11011.110 01114' 10)01110(; (1111
his pulse never bent the faster for Iior
coming: that he was perhaps ,amused
when lie. sac' in her some slight sign of
pique at his c 110l00 nes 1 lingered her
(levity sometimes when she fancied that 1111 was repeatiut to me some 01111111
0 nto)swg ganm in. his magnetic brown flat h0 raid quit, described her. '.They'
eyes betrayed a suspicion. of her (eine
ran ,something like this," and she re -
fully guarded secret. Theo she would luntrd 1110 5110:11 expressively:
throw' herself with wild abandon into the
Pursuit of some more n00101404.1111111- I .,shO 1110 0 Loud as soft. and white—
But if she dreamed of mak1n; him
jealous by this last ]manoeuvre, Loraine
'always found herself mistaken. U0luual
1+'girlie mould turn calmly to sone other
beauty, content with her tln'oll, until
Lo) wte was ready to pick him up attain
like i glove II. had 1) c untari 1,$)
aside. het, strangely eiottgll, it seemed
to Loraine, in hen angry consciousness 1)l
1's secret amusement and hidiffeeuce,
he always managed to be sonewherc
neo her, and he had at'epted with nag•
e 110_. the 0111)11on to _Arcady. (el-
tanly, it lie did not love la bells 100.1110,
he had in her some )mysterious interest.
\rebut is it? 'Why does Eugene Hage•
near me so constantly, giving everyone
else ,the impression that he )rimes 000,
yet 11,1101 sp0nkmg 0110 Aword of love,
whit, in his fleeting, elusive glance:, I
sometimes rood a mockery that is almost
contempt? Chen the angry color flies
!lata 111' cheer 004 1 almost hate llm for
the muster, of his mind over Wine."
Loraine rine 5'0)1111 matte' this to herself'
sometimes in 0 futile rage, ladle her
splendid dark eyes would flash and her
smooth cheers burn tvith humiliation
ever' her (1000) iterl passion. But, try as
she would, she could not conquer it, :nod
\h, an ideal•" cried Paul V41111. 11''
Linked with ;ender pride into the foil'
fact, "Silo 1)10100,1 1110 you fel' the s011111
00115011 that yon looked at her. Doti]
:11.1. beautiful."
"I told you so!" \1yIFlll cried, With
pretty triumph She is 411.101)1115 b'nu-
tiinl, is she 11011. 1 aul'r"
"1 Lane 1(110(1 seen 0110011111 0111101))
Whom I thought as lovely as my'•lvifc;'
the 0eeto' said, gently. "But next to
you, wry darling, she is. certainly very
'1)1,1 you see me after the game was
nee Paul, sitting under the, cedar tree
with the handsome, (lark -eyed young
potty Ile 0a9 telling 100 about Hiss
Lisle's ta'ipinglis abroad, of her maple!.
ries and her enmities."
"D1i1 you thin]: it quite kind to dis-
"1olu1, you've bean drinking cin."
"What of it, Algia 7"
"You 5110'0 Ill for good has; y;eW,
Y'ear's day,"
"But that was four months ager. 1 r
111 C a. glass of writer, won't you. lee,
fully thirsty this morning."
"I shan't 4o it1"
"Yoe' won't Didn't ,you pcotnis1. `.!.'r -
in, that you n'onld love, 1001101' - 0)1)1 obey
"Yes, but that was tet yea's ago."
From Its Point of View.
The fly was crawling over the but ter.
"Fought" exclaimed the insect, !,.1.;t.
ply flying down on the tablecloth ..'d
trying to (dean its leos by wiping them
on its wings, ",that. staff's butt PI hi.,
(')(O'( your lost me'? euquhed 'lie 1,'1'- , It's got so nowadays that pm can'' he.
110e, 1110i 4(0(11' rebuke n his kindly ..sure of 1101' 011114 you eat. it'') .111 ndul
tone, aerat00!"
"I did not 1(egi11h it, 1 05011re yon, Looking o'ou'd foe son(thiug 11' 111
Paull; 0111, 11800 0.1, I suppose there 1 to its liking, ht found a shoot of g11 w'ir'e
0.05 1)o harm m what "'"0 )lid. Air. sticky flypaper and soot) became ,,, :per -
Bennetts knew her in England. and be otcl' stuck on that.
and she rather g111011d in lie• purer.
Take nue!
To hold it was n pure delight-
That 111110 hand will pierce thy heart
With deadlier sting than nettles' smart,
Or savage wartier' poison dart -
11e ware!"
Paul Vane shivered, despit0 the
warmly of the snmmcr' eve11:4, 1111)
words sounded 110 cruel. Were there
really lvoame11 who could thus exalt in
hymen pain? He lid heard of thein,
but they seemed 11110.0111 0)10111000, far
removed from his life.. flow could it be
trot of that iretutiful 110111110 `lower
';hose dark eyes hail looked so softly
into ills an host aigo? A \agar nicest
stirred in hint 0t the thought of her
"It is shocking, if it be true ' he said.
"What 0nit\ she ever went ad'ay from
her godly old rauldmnthcr into the
wicked wield that can applanl anything
so dreadful as trifling with human af-
fcelion, Can we not -help her, Vivian,
to Netter views of life and duty?"
Ile spoke earnestly', but the young
wife sighed 05 she answered:
"I should expect her to wither me
with those scornful eyes if I presumed
to hunt that elm was not perfection."
"Of course, m, darling, '0'e can not.
lake. bar 01011!) to tank. bat 111(0
111011y (('ayes 111 w'h{111 to 001010 len ,'t'•
'ivy cal 101int her gently, to a nobler life.
for 1111 own urd her grand(othet s sake
1 11111 intlresttd ice this young girl both
:old I hope soon to see •bet brought bite
the nlemelh, in spite of the stunning it:-
t:Mel- 111.ice she shows toward it now.""
"Yon are thinking of the power for
good er evil that 0.110 will meld in (10'
pan h when Mfrs: 1.101-e i5 dead said
Vivian ,earnestly. "Yes you areright;
rte must hey to bring her to 0 bettor
The ills of LabS'liood and childhood
are many and may prove serious if not
promptly mired. LI 11011100 triter. i-.,a,v's
Own Tablets are kept there Is a preinot •
cure at hard for such troubles as 1 (11i-
gestion, sour stomach, colic, 011)101 111 '101)),
diarrhoea, worms, teething troubles noel
other minor ailments and the Tobruk
ca) be administered as safely to .a new
born baby 1)H to the well grown Child.
.-its. Octave 10001111, Carnq)iet. .". 11.,
00)'!: "I have used Baby's Own '1'::b -
lets for hot, my little boy and gill for
the various ailments of childhood and
1000 fom111 then always n splendid med-
icine. No mother should be witho,', the
Tablets in the Home." Sold by hnelielne
dealers 00 by hail at 25 cent,, a 1,0,01
front The Dr. Williams' ,heli:ie' Pa,
Brockville, Ont.
view of lits She i5 rooting to-moriei"'
to her you preach, she told 1)e,"
10111 ,lad of that, 1 will try 1,
touch h,'rvl e u a with some gently spok-
e!) LamO-trutlis aid the earnest )e •
tor; and 10e was as good (IS 1,is 1Oe.
1'1'1 be continued.)
4.00 ---
Brides Older Than Bridegro0me.
'1110 'iter statistics prepared 1',
Clerk Fotwi.sle of Salem 'h 11. Pitt
during 1007 there were 470
licenses issued am; age solea 'thiced in
the city, which 0s eighteen fewer 111100
the previous tear. capn t 11'11- err _ ;and
rite oldest bridegroom
the eldest bride E0, ' 1)110 e
eat bridegroom 11115 1C, and the a.,,g-
est. bride 15 11 ,t1 one1, ^re
1,100 than the bridel,)l)01''
the Rnstq)t p1) h cr'111,
11- Precocity.
nest MogaiimO Editor—1 1ni:"r. my....
1)u to i erd mit for 1111 c lit00.
111111 1)l hula 1)l -A-'h, e
0 ifdit n rive' 111 1101 1 ,115 his
nem:, on he tame ,j,) 1 Yee., '.lin the
1. a to n1,10101(1' lav l e n
TO OIURE A 0oiq iR OhE
T t 1,0XA71yr 11(111(1 Q01 oho T'a.ela.
P veli t . re" 4l ro -n oy g1 It (1111ti 10 ,"j".r.
0,f 000''•,:g11,1,1,, 1- 1n 000!) b 1 rte.
to be et teeeneteful Unagrlrr..1111011
111114 1, 1e' 110 ,:vei? of 11'011,"10'0,1 tile
011 rt5s1 1.m(to, . "\nd n. censor hair
,;nn; , rt n[a. ,
of steal. I the
Ilaere Cnran.