HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-03-22, Page 4'nee, 4 iteneresease..... ezeozen,Mernentromeneletensanate .111 sac e olieteW 4 an. or iiIIPNBY'S DILL). .. , More theefontrtat soon Mr. Whitney, the leader of the Op- poeition in the Ontario Legislature, lion framed a bill with which he topes to do emnetbing to clip the claws of the Machine and afford the people of thet p ov ince seine assurance thettheir will con be made nacaiewitbly potent at the polls. Whether be can klhatue hiactineonade Legislature into letting it become law remains to be een. But it requires a Oaring party to defy pubs lie ilecency. One Important feature of the bill Is the rescue of the voter frotn the threat of the "numbered bal. lot." A ballot that is not ecret-even e a ballot which is popularly believed unti to be seeret-ts probebly worse than no ballot et all ; for it bides tbe • vote of the man who has sold his fran- chise and would be asttatned of it if ite bad to announce his choice before bis . fellow townsmen. The "numbered • ballot" enables the Government party to trace the vote of any bargain coun- ter Rumbas° they naay have made as well as that of any naan under their thumb directly or indirectly. That they would not stoop to such means to malte sure of their men, we leave those who bave not beard of the Maclaine to inaggine. When Mr, Whitney comes to the election machntery itself, he suggests a number or common-sense provisions evhicle it is hard to believe any majorn . tywill bave the hardihood to teject. • For instance, the returning officers,the • deputies and the polling clerks are to be residents of the districts they serve. 'What objection can be urged to this? Such a law would make it Impossible for the Machine to send an irrespon. sible ma.n from the 'outside to take ME CLINTON NEW5-RECORD ' 111,1,1 Ies, woe .1 111 al ht. teelens. iseetieeetenteteefet‘ 1 (Intended for last nem) Mr. George Aequith and grand. iktughtm, MnyI3 a1y, eturned home on Thursday after a few months visit with the daughter of the former at Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Thos. Saunders leaves on Tburs. day of this week with his farming out- • fit trona Whitechurch station tor Main itoba, but Mrs. Saunders will remain belaind for a couple of weeks. • We wish them every mucosa in their new home in tbe West, The voncertgiven last Friday even. ing in connection with the public lib - vary was a decided success. 111r. 3, O. Martin of the Goderich High School, a former teacher in this section, mu - pied the chair. Miss Wilson gave four line recitations. The home talent fur- nished some encellent music, besides taking other parts In the progeam, and Mr. R. D. Cameron of Lucknow gave an interesting address on South At - Mr. Wm. Oak of Whitby, who owns the foam late.ly occupied by Mr. Thos. Satinders, is In this vicinity at peesent, Miss A.ddison of Wingham is visiting with her sister, 111rs. Ben Mettler, Miss Spears of Ashtleld is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Thos. Dawson, Miss Wilson of Goderich remained over Sunday with ter sister, the teach- er of No. 4. Mr, Hugh McDonald, who last fall passed the Normal School exam. at Toronto and of late has been studying • at Goderich on his First? has secured a school in the North-West at a salary of $40 per month, and will leave in about two weeks for his now field of labor. We hope that much success may be bis as be seeks to enlighten the young the far West., chug° of a ticklish poll, and afterward Rev. R. Henderson of Auburn carry the ballot box honae with hii .. preached it verytouching sermon in for the night. No strangers could be the Presbyterian churoh, from the put in these positions of grave responwords.; "The Lord is Good." • sibility and tremendous • opportunity; The regular monthly meeting of the for they would have to be men of the W. F. M. S. will be held in the church neighbourhood, and, under another at 2,30 o'clock p: m. Whitney proyision, the names of Os A few days ago tbe sad news was re - deputies are to be announced on nomin- - ceived of the death of Mrs, George Ag. alma day. These are proposals that, ar of Manitoten.who leaves a husband -, can hamper no honest party, and can. and seven children, rittiging in age from 'not be rejected by any Legislature . a few weeks to about fifteen years. without creating disquieting presump- eer. Agar has written to his father and . time against the party which centrol.s mother, who live at Belfaet, asking its legislittion. .. . - them to go and help him now in his HA.PPENINGS OF A WEEK MARCH 2211000 GODERICH goaloc A. OKimmtQa * * Conftgraponrarsr Misdate. 4. very pleaeant timo wait spent at e re e C .,.__ ...., . . finuineed for 144 molt.) the \ residence of Mr. and Mrs. Den , teityon a recent evening when a goodly number deove front Drysdale and passed the merry hours in reading. • , „ • reciting, einging and speeches, and C with a handsoine purse as a alight 0000~0101AtenteentWAAtesenneAeitesaet etetniteetANVOIV1WAWAneeenteeWMAAAAA afterwards presenting Mr. Delgety Nantes° Contine's laut visit to tomb We forgot to mention that when • William Sharman, the extensive boot token for his able work in the Drys - last weelt, was re meet two gentlemen Mrs. Proviso called with subscription and shoe dealer who succeeded I. dale Presbyterian church. front Montreal on Friday or Saturday for Tun Mew-Re:cone> she brought us Downing. must have been to Chicago Mrs. W. hl. Johnston returned home by train, One of the gentlemen, a a lovely present from the farm. Our lately. He lion a bicycle ladder which from Maple Grove after being storm. millionaire, wore a magnnicent over- tbanks are also due Mrs. Anthony coat of South Sea seal with cults large Allen, Dunlop, for a like present. We enough to make a lady's cap of each. heartily appreciate the thoughtfulness The other gentleman is n wealthy and We ot both ladies. hotel keeper of Le Grand city. Niue We regret very mu& that Mrs. Con - close had better take care or these nom suffers so much. Medical skill wealthy Messieurs will pitch their eeems of little avail. She is at the ' camp here. Narcisse (tontine's family residence of her sister, Mrs. Symonds, used to live on corner of Ligbthouse • St. David street, late of 13(tyfield. Mrs, and Wellington steeets. but their °enemies the mother of Mrs. Reid, residence fronted on Lighthouse street, Inc notice in the Canadian Press a a large two-storey frame with beautis 1 sad and fatal accident at Collingwood. fin trees in front, facing tile present The Carmona, mast hose wintered resideuce of Ira Lewis,- tisq, The Were, for on the evening of March 12th nroperty is now owned by Cantata as Nelson Saunders was putting salt etaxter who has bought the 111).11(180nm inside the bulwark of the Garment), a residence built thereon by Mr. Wan man lime' working °upside driving lace. ' a hole through the boat with an in. Mr, E, Sweets drove Nareissa C'on. I strnment shaped like a hook. Sudden - tine and bis friends down in ono of his Iv it broke through and penetrated handsome livery sleighs. We saw the skull and brain of Saunders, In them pass on Filday p I% They did jerking the instrument bacn, Saunders' not forget, to spend quite a nice little • eye was pulled out. He was taken to Stun me many purchases in town, the boepital where he died, . He leaves. with which to spend St. Patrick's Day a widow and eight cbildren. principally, which poesitely eould not We learn that Mr.' John .Yule's two he obtained at joseples. That's sons, Artbur -and Willie, have been right, elessietirs, bele boom up the old chosen for Halifax. They are active, town when perhaps• linemen, was lithe young men.. It was Arthur who born, helped finisit the elevator chiinney, We had to content ourselves with and stood tin the top of it, leisurely • wearlog our Shamrock in our own surveying bilte, -river and town. Ar - home on St. Patrick's Day, but we thue ahead is level. George Mitchell, felt quite proud of being so well. son of Town Clerk Mitchell, has also however we sent it sprig or two to gone with them, game of our Mends. . We were very. pleased to team that Mr. Prose does not believe in put- our esteemed friend, Captain Gibson, ting all his money in whittle or out at was able to attend Knox church on interest, he uses a niee sum for borne. • Sacrament Sunday and partakeof tbe Last week he surprised hie iniosehold sacrament. by presenting Miss Prouse with a very The Young People's 'Guild of St. handsome six.octavo Bowmanville or- George's church at its meeting on Tues. gan, mahogany case, and of a beauti- day of hist week voted $5 to the Pat- ful tone, and to Mrs. Prouse a band- motic Fund, and the money was sent some veld watch and charm, a Mar- way next daye guterite with ruby calx. Who says a Brophy an Sons' furniture store .is farm doesn't pay A .good thorough being re-modelleee West street south works wonders. His store will be a dayed fat a few aye. orsets e "We pay particular attention to our model now that it has been painted Mr. David Dewar heti the tnisfor» tune to lose one of hie best two-yeae Corset stook. 'We select those brands which . • and renovated. Mr. George Wet herald left on Tees- heifers during the severe storm. ' in our opinion are the best. One thing cern day as cerement for Halifax. eloderice. may st ell be wand of its The Trauma the gaine on Monday nighb, 12111 -Met., chanapion hockey players who won At Delmont in south A.Triee. front the Sepoys of Lucknow. Face to face with the Boors, ,l'he British soldiers fought Nor retreated from their shots. • • Port Albert. . , - To the Transvaal wont to tight, Our bravo Canadian ecediers busy pressing hay in this section, * Mr, Robert johnstont 'Goderieln is Tolthl othpotbhaetitrionfnoeltitterhtteigrams. Mr. Gorr Thierlow and family tnov- e°filWayllitt toll:it:1i cev:M.:r auk am= ed to Go erich on Tuesday where he To their own beloved shoro. will reside for the future. A.ne. now that Kimberley's relieved down since the flood some five weeks And Ladysmititlikowise. OM' roller mill which has been shut ago, is again refining full time and oar wounded canselen boys. May tho blessing of Heaven Poon restore will be conducted after this by Mr.. John Sehoenbals, his partner, Con. Reis. havtng sold out to }nen. John is well known as a first-class miller so he witthea again to see all his old custom - ed in the village. era. 3, B. Hawkins spent Saturday • and for groceries. ohne elites. front. Lighted with Mrs. W. Murray, Gonerich, Sunday ' The largo brick store at present occupied by 1dr. John Seboenlatile took a flying particulars apply to . -- ,, Ogle•Cooper & (lo. Tho sterols well fitted up sundav with his wife and family. acetylene gas. Where a large trade has boon done and (moor the best stands in tows. For trip to Milverton last week. • h min' Mr. George Thurlotv's sale of stock • mesa mere HARLAND mos. was well attended, things selling high in price. He intends to move to °ode- . rich this week where ho will reside for tam no miserable, mean. Corsets can. enter here. We leave the trash to others. We are satisfied to handle only the standard, well - tested makes. It will be a satisfaction for you to know that here you will get, only the best. 11111MIMITIMMIMIT • , lilVa Srierlicrisort; (aged lt years) ''"ttrr Lino . Stanley, . • , ... - ... ,,........,iai .. • .,... 1 .1. .,. , ...,1 . .!,..., L STORE TO RENT - FARM FOR SALE - the future. The friends of • Mr, Geo. on To RENT. Thurlow took advantage' of the oppor- tunity of the party given by them on Friday night to present to them two easy chairs before they left our midst. The following address accompanied the chain and Wits read by Mr. John Tigert : lennit Mrie Ann Mew. Temo.now,- On the eve of your departure from Then the experience we la in e • time ofeneed. Mr. Agar erected a new farmer. gets rich... • Is waking up. amongst us to engage in duties else- • Dominion Federal election in West houselast summer .and was getting Mr, Allen. Spain, Victoria street Huron has probanny suggested. to ' eir. everything comfOrtable, but now God west, left for Toronto on Saturdo.y, St. Ja,mes Leonard, Elgin avenue, gladvt en we Genie r, where we, your friends of the congre- was gation of Christ church,• Port - Albert, . . • • We were h 1 d tif Whitney the further. safeguard with has celled his life partner away. • • Patrick's Day,on the early train, to about ngain after his bong confine. desire to express our sincere regret at regard to the ballots themselves. They . Mrs. John Cameron, the mother of take the position of foreman of the 'Went fo his room from a broken limb. the separation .which is about to take - are to be prin•ted on one • press only, Jessie who keepstbe post office, pass. Compensating inn organ factory action We have much pleasure in.noting that Piece. We cannot permit the occasion that of the Queen's Printer ; they . are ed away to the.Greae Beyond, about room. department in that It We are he nnw has it pernomennsituationat • to pass evithont. assuring you how, a . the Water Works, being chosen to site- sensible are of the ability, the tact, to be furnished with printed directions six o'clock an evening. lora quite pleased with the tippointinent eeed Mr -Ed. Beck eV the engine of the . the energy ahd the affectionate con - to the deputiee two days before. poll- Cameron Was 'inhere usual health Which bin Sperling bits It offered. • ing; they are to be counted in the pros- tbreughout the day and While her him, for it means further advancement Goderich Water•Worksi , stderation with which your efforts for • mem of the candidates • and . their daughter was in the office assorting.and it mew . e en' e ,. • I • • - (venire.; of the poll ; and at the close of . her but when she went . in she just • her et: Yeere, belfig-foretnan ofthe - ac - she heard fiee mother call been in the orgien factory for a onto- ageots, during the haJf hour before the the 11111.11,. • went of the result,. and • the agents , of • , fled. , nave.a few breaths and the spirit had tion making departine.nt fel- fiveeyetirs. the poll the deputy is to give a stitte-• the candidates- are to be allowed to How sudden does the messenger _ arid generin iriechanicateuperintencletit Sometimes come witholit a Moment's - oeee.tweeyears.We will be sorry to 'the envelopes after they have been notice. It gives us all alesson to be yelo so o. suchgoodcitizens as Mr. and .Mrs, . write their names itcrose the flaps of also ready for in such an hour . as :ye • Allen Sperling, but it will be for their ealculated.to make it more difficult for- - think not the Son of Man conieth. - . greatereinetistire and proeperity. Mr, . . •Sparling iso, member:of North street . sealed. These provisions are. each one ' ballot "switcherse and seiipere to• do *Methodist: church, steady and faithful- LONDESBOEQ. - to his ensiness, a, lover Of bis borne and their work. If forged ballots are in- . • - .troduced into the box, they should. be always cheerful and pleasant with his detected by the differeece in • the print- - —, . . . ing and by the fact. that the total Of. .The following parties left here on Ronald MeInnes, the old . gentleman. • (Intended for lastiasue.) . fellm. eraplOyees. - used and unused ballots is larger after Tuesdav. and were ticketed throughto. Whotie fall on tbe pavement we noted polling then there were clean ballotsto . their destinetion • by our agent,. Mn•lie sonie time ago, -suffered. se • inucle that. Captain J. Noblecelled.in the services of Dr. Whitely, who found thetethe old gentleman's thigh NVas broken. • . Miss Millie Campbell will,peeside at the organ of the • North 'steed Mahe - diet church until Mr, Glen •Canapbell. of•Mitehell can leave his .peeseet . posn begin with. • Heavy penalties are also provided for men convicted of bribery, and a clause is inserted, orderingthat persons -shown ot an election' trial to have been guilty of corrupt pretctices shall be proceeded against. et . once., Altogether the bill seems to be o com- xnonsense effort to minimize -the dang- ers to the sanctity 'of the ballot box, which recent events have:shriven to be real. It certainly ought to pass evitb- out snitch cavil, and nothing but the exigencies of party is likely to induce much opposition to its provisimisaIt - will be mieresting to see thetreittment e•-• "accorded ib by the new Ross Govern- "' ment. . . The House of Commons. lues.been in labouiefor about six weeks .and has brought forth praotically nothing. The Opposition claims to have most' complete and convincmg evidence that the Brockville and West Inured seats were stolen for the Government, • and. has asked to have thematter referred to the Committee On Privileges and Elections. It would take about five minutes for the House to refer the question to the committee if the Government were willingeand the committee 'might be examining witnesses while the House .is waiting for the Governnient to in- troduce some business. But the Gov- ernment has always an excuse ready to prevent the question being referred to the committee. It is becoming pain. fully evident that the Ministers are trying to postpone this investigation indefinitely. Their attitude is tanta- mount to a plea of guilty on behalf of the scoundrels who stole Brockville ' and West Huron, and to a plea of guilty knowledge on their own behalf. It is a great tactical blunder to at- tempt to screen the criminals in this case, seeing that so much has already been revealed identifying the Machine methods with the Liberal party. The electors can only see in the Mieisterial tactics a determination to "hug the Machine" to the very last. . t, B. Jeffrey: -Mr. Wanton Fairservice, Mr. Guy Fisher, Mrs. Albert McGreg- or, Cypress River, Man. ; Mr. J. Add- ison, Sanburn, North Dakota: Mrs, H. Riddell, Pearson, Mate.; Richard Bed- ford, Killarney, Manitoba. " bin Albert McGregor left for Cyp- ress River, Manitoba., with a car of settler's effects: His many friends wish him success in his new home in the West. Mr. Thos. Sampson has again been forced to give up his work and go un- der the doctor's care. Miss E. Adams has returned. home after a month'svisit in Toronto. Fred. Younghlut has returned from his visit in Tavistock. The weekly prayer meeting of the Methodist church was held in the home of Mr. Sohn Brunsdon on Thursday ev- ening of this week and was well attend- ed. .A ftet prayer service was over Mr. Wm. Moon requested Mr. and Mrs. Brunsdon to takea position in the tom) after -which he presented them with the following address and accompany - ins articlese-- Londesboro, March 13,1906. To Mr. JohnBrunsdon and wife: Dear Eirother.and Sister:-Tne Build- ing Committee of the Londesboro Methodistschurch, and through thein the congregation, desire to express their gratitude to you for your • untie - bag energy and unremitting watchful- ness of the many interests committed to your care during the progress of the building of our new church of which we all feel justly proud,and especially EMIT) the position it occupies of being free from all encumbrance. The work connected with your office as treasurer of the Building Committe, no doubt added considerable extra toil and an- xiety to you, so thatave deem It a priv- ilege to acknowledge your labor to- wards its success and would therefore ask you to accept the accompanying pen a,nd stand and also this easy chair aaa slight momento of your labor, and we -would also ask you to accept this easy chair on behalf of Mrs. Brunsdon, who though deprived of meeting with us to worship in God's House we know T. O. CURRIE'S REWARD her heart is still in sympathy with us and we assure you our hearts go out in th to her in hen affliction. tFrom the Ridgetown Dominion.) sY133"' 713 GI w o • d hh . Trusting t o , th e past as Readers of the Dommion will reso richly blessed us, will still enntinue member Mr. T. 0. Currie, Farmer, to pour upon us all heaven's choic- Patron and Democrat, who so ably est blessings and that you both may denounced the extravagance of the see the work of the Lord prosper in Conservatives, and who shortly after His House for many years to come is the advent of the Liberals to power the sincere wish of all, at Ottawa was revvarded for his services Sione. on behalf of the Committee in steering Independents into line by - WM being made a Dominion Ittonigration - . oon Agent. The report of the A.uditor. E. MoVITTIE General for the year ending June 80th 111r,Brundson woe taken completely by last shows that T.O.Currie, stntioned surprise, but made a very .nice reply at Stevens Point, Wis.,vvas given and thanked them for their kindness $1,200 in salary; $722.25 .for board and and after a pleasant time all retired • and lodging; $401.70 for fame; $82 25 feeling that the time was profitably for Palle -liens; $5 for service of cornet spent. band, and $1.50 for lettering windows. Mr. ()merle is now convinced of the • economy of a Liberal Government as East Wawanosh. contrasted with the extravagance practised by the Consevatives. • Mrs. 3, Young (nee Miss Bessie Dea- con) left on Tuesday for her home at Neepawe, Man., after spending several weeks with triends on the 10th. littutiock. Miss Matheson of Winghain public school staff was the geoid, of Miss Mr. Welter Cunningham had it suc- Lizzie Menzies on Saturday. mogul wood -bee on Friday afternoon. Wedding Bells, --On Wednesday last In the evening the young men brought a very pretty home wedding occurred their ledies and enjoyecl them selves in at the home of Mrs. G.VanClamp,when a social dance. her youngest daughter, Eliza, was one Mr.A, Thompson of Goderich town- ted ht marriage to Mr. G. IL Irwin of Obit+ spent a week at Mr. D. Beacons's. the 10th con. The ceremony was per. 4. sleigh load of young people from fornied by Rev. F. S. Oaten in the pres- the vicinity of winthrog spent. a ence of only the immediate relatives of pleasant titne at Ithertobt. Beattie's on the contracting parties, after which Friday night last. mimic justice was done to the supply -Mnitobt, Ferris spent a couple Of of good things provided to satisfy the days in Toronto the forepart of lest inner man, The remainder of the week. Ile was all through the lin- evening was spent in music, moose packing house ton just learned games and social coriversetioe. Mr. what kind of hogs commands the best and Mrs. Irwin will reside on the `10th pike, concession and hose the best wishes of We leftrn that Mr. Walter numerous friends for a long and happy Cunningham hag tented Mr. Kelly's onion, farm for it term of years, Mr. Jos. Johliston of Westfield has Mrs. Jas. Leiper, who has been Tenn disposed of his farm on the 12th con - ill, is recovering, cession to Mr. Mowbray of Zillion at a A large number (from Dario& took good figure, * in the Patriotie concert, in Londesboro bliss McOrtie of Belgrave spent 41 few on W'ednesdan evening and report a days at Ur. Perdue's. pleasabb time Ontendeafor teatime.) 111rie Clark and children of Guelph 11111sgreen. are vieiting friends in WA Vicinito. On Wednesday butt Mr. jaa, Scott On Monday last while Mr.john Odell- forsook the ranks of bachelorhood and rano and MnSarituel Reichert were en. joined the army of benediets, the per. gaged in cutting loge they had the . son of his choice being Miss Lizzie Dal - good fortune to capture two fine ree perm of Belgreve until recently a re- toons which delighted the boss very sidenb of this townablp. The cere- Medi, mony was performed in tbe presence .Mr. and Mrs. Wtel. Logan on Friday . of only the relatlyes of the contracting night tat% attended the oyster supper Minim On Titeeday everiltignir. and • *Well Wes held by the loortatere of Mee. Scott game te reception to about laPpen Court in honor of Mr. Logan two -hundred blends at their residence prior to his departure for the West, on con. 9 when a naotit enjoyable time Alf. jamas Hogan of Hay treated the was apent, boys to it shake -down lattb Thursday Mr, and Mies Scott and Mr jacket% . night. • of Peel Are I/fatting friends he this Mt. Sohn Curen intends denting for neighborhood. the Wesb on Tuesday, lie is Lak- jtug him horees and other tweet* eriee for farm work, Mr, Vanfluskirk, who has resigned, Rev. jatnes Anderson preached to Win. Logan mil family mOve the poeition of City Engineer of Strat. the ettilete and fialloonen on SurklitY this week to the West where Mr. Lop ford will acctpt timilar pOintien in /welling last, We would liked to have an has taken up land. Bottle/W. been preeent on that occation. Ite the young people's corner of the Mail anO Empire of March 15th (Weekly), there is a very pretty story entitled eA Colonial Maid," a `true story of 1814 frorn the, pen of Lloyd C. etodg. ins, Rectory, Seaforth. It is evell worth perusal. • Mr. Jim Andrews, electrieian, was round on /Kingston street putting some of tbe electric poles in order. ' Row busy Mr. Consigney nem to be polishing up his laundry. That is about all the attraction Kingston street furnishes us when we look out of our window. .eildr. John Prondfoot had it retorn of biskold lunabogo attack or something ot tient nature since going down to Georgia, bnt he had good care taken of him although htr from home and talk- ed away at his insurance business just the same. John is persevering and de- • serves success. • We had another attraction on Kings- ton street on VVednesday about 3 p, m. A volume of smoke issued from one of the chiinneys of Craig's hotel for about on etteur, No flames. Young Craig mounted the roof and threw something down the chimney, possibly salt, but it smoked away, until finally the soot burned itself out. Such coquettish weather Ntrednesday 14th inst. furnished. Lovely sunshine up to about 3.30 p. m then heavy fat/ of snow and a miniature storm, then oal sunshine the balance of the day, with blue sky for evening end the brightest of moons n unclouded sky Elrn logs are coining Kingston street way for the Harbor saw mill co. pos- sibly from the Huron Road. Huge logs they are. . Sausages are imported from Hamil- ton now by some of our meat merket men. They are nice too, highly sea- soned. The Orange Young Britons of Wel- lington, Huron, Bruce and Perth have organized a united county lodge. A deputation of Hamilton citizens requested on Thursday, March 8th, Mayor Teetzel to hoist the Union Jack on the city ball on March 17th instead of the Irish fittg a.nd beeacceeded, The Irish flag is in honor of St. Petrick, who sowed the seed of Christian re. ligion ir explaining the Godhead. What harm would a fiag in his honor do ? . Mr. Lashant last week had improved so Inc that he was able to sit up in bed. He has bad a very severe attack of rheumatism this time. So tunny of our people are leaving , the we are of our e ve towl this season to seek or accept Sunday school have been applied. Be - Be, fore parting we beg you to accept as a, etnp oymenb in the cities, Mr: Beck is the latest, having left for Lon- trifling, earnest token of the kindly re; don on Monday, the 12th inst. Mr. • collections with whirls we shall ever Beck has teen , appointed. engineer of tegard yoin work exiting us and of our the• Bennett furniture company. He appeecietion• and: esteem, these ..easy •charts. May they be a moment°. with is a good acquisition to the same fac- tory, beipg steady and faithful. Ah, you of the many pleasant yenta spent Ede how will you live without a • together. In &inclusion, dear friends, glitnese of Huron's sea with all its to united sympathy, purpose and ante, eteamere corning in and the spare time accent out best wishee for your future to that with the sailors .betimes. No happiness and welfare. May you long smilers in the stately Forest city.. Mrs. be spared to one another Anti to the work which it has been your pleasure Beck will rejoin Mr. Beck about Easter. Mr. John Proudfoot now writes that tossionlIdartoinly.beenhtriarolfa„.01.e. •Congrega; Ito bas (mite recovered from- his late. indispotition, and with taking care, be tion, v'teieen. lea nes' eneeet.ne;.. feels radically cured. Itis- very wenn . , • • ' • latelo from Cuba, must think Buren a March 1900:3:,°11x. in -Americus throtigla the day, btit cor- respondingly cool at night; On account elr• Thurlove made ..sbert, reply to of Mrse Hodge, ,Mrs.-Proudfoet's es - his friends for their kindness to him teemed mother, being. so great an in- valid at present, Mr. Proudfoons famand - ily &tuna' at present join him. Mrs. Mrs•Thorlew. Hodge bee been ill for some time. N. le, Rougvie, hardware meechant, growing county. -Wa. learn that he has purchased the businestrof A. B. D. Davison -of Dungeoriop; who will re- main as manager. • e The King's Daughters will bold an - At Horde on Friday. .evening of this week, ab the residence of Mrs. (Dr.) Whitely-. A good program and. re- freshments to. please the most fastidi- ous. Admission 15 cents: Tbe public axe invited. .Mrs. Whitely has lovely, large rooms and peopleWill thorough- ly enjoy the evening.. On Monday the spring 'session of the High 'Court of justice of the county of Huron opened in the coorthouse. The civil list was a hong one, • six jury and nine non -jury cases. We are sorry t0. learn of the Innen of Miss Maggie Burrows, so long en -- gaged at. W. Acheson •Ite: Son's estate. ' We trust she will not be laid uniting,' The Inc coats must:11SM suffered on Monday. Theylooked. to be dripping wet. People should. . Always. have • wateeproOfs at hand; no matter how .naany fur coats they mayown, frutt... On Sunda* last Mr. Downing. said . • his lost•good-boes to the members el The Tritekmen Get .4n -increase. St. George'saboir to which he belonnr• ed for *years.' He will be much .miseed. Montreal March 8. -The.. ':rrianage- as he was a: faithful chorister and tbe ment, of the Grand Trunk Railway possessor of a fine voice. At this writ. System bas issued instructions. makiog ing we do not know Where Mr. Down. effective on April 1 next an increase In ing intends to operi out. business, •hut the rate of pay to section tone:len o0. lye will know for the next issue. He lines in Canada at 10c per days and a has our thanks for all the kindness he like increase of ten cents per day has has shown us io giving us lodge notes, been granted to all track labourers - etc.. and we wish unbounded prosper. who are receiving one dolitte per .clay. ity to him. and his family. This increase will affect a large major ity •Johnston's floabor must have more of the section men on this portion of than a deer attraction for Mr. Harry the Grand Trunk system. -Hutson • when he spent four months there visiting friends. We did not . Spring Term. learn thab he brought any "deer" with bire. Perhaps he has made n timber The spring term in •the Central Busie contract. We also noted that Walter ness College, Stratford,. Out., opens on Shannon and E. Lynn had returned Monday, April 2nd. This college is front the 33race Peninsula, What. with now closing its winter berm which has the Bruce mines and Saalt Ste. Marie been the most successful in the history and Spanish River pulp mills people teethe school. Studeots-are nosy hi at - will get employment. • tendance from Canada; .United States and Netvfoundland. All interested in securing a business or shorthand edu- cation sbould write to Mr, W. .T. El- liott, Principal of the college, for a cat- alogue containing full information, : Stapleton. — • The saw mill is starting ma again with Mr.. William Clark of Goderich at the saw. This will help. to make things even livelier around the Block for a We are glad to hear• that Mr. Thos. Walker, who had been ill for the past six weeks, his inuch improved. The old gentleman's many friends will be delighted to see Win moving out and around again as. the weather moder- ates. Dishonest Apple Packers. Ottawa, March 12. -The Farmers' Institute of Portage lit Prairie petitionS Parliament, poineing out that Manito. ba principally derives Its supply of tip- ples from Ontario ; that the shipments last fall were of a most inferior charac- tenthe twO upper layers being good and conforming to order, the remainder be- ing so inferior as to barely pay the freight charges. The Institute asks Parliament to devise such it peen as will prevent the shipment of Inferior • cbeUsirs eArtilierie • The undersigned eters for sale 160 acres of prime land in the Q.IxrAppolle District, Afsa. giVol'ITIVigi`x,'Iithi:ItgAV:iiggivigI and 1- tboro is a store and Rost oflice tho adjoin. farm is well watered and all fenced in. Thoro s a louse stable on t lot. For furthot ing isection,onlv a undrod yards distant. The particulars apply to . D. J. CJANTELON, Clinton. Marc& 20th. at* .• Softie Price Information. 'Newcombe's half-clollar clorsee, made especially for us, in drab only, double side steels, Rabe° filbesie0(.7,1ipleerfpriotni rt, rbn a dveer ye I ra) pthy . v.) • IMPERIAL EMULSION • Our own."Specinl," niede of SA- . teen jean, extra long waist,side . Found on a, gravestone in a village churchyard in Sussex. Englancl, reads 1. -"It was a cough as carried her 'off ; it was a coffin they car- ried her off in." Now had the vir- ' tiles of our Etortision of .0ocl Liver Oil been known ahd elle prepara- tion used in this case, that 'epitaph might never have been written. Ms well known that Cod .Liver Oil is unequalled in the treatmeht of all affections of the throat and lungs, and CombeetErnolsion is a preparatien of Cod Liver Oil in its palitteable and agreeable form, eas- . • ily taken by the most delicate per- sons. It contains a, larger percent- age of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil than inostof the largely a•dver- • tised preparations. Large bottles 85 cts. ' MADE BIC • 'We heard that one of Mr, J. Platt's horses turnbled into the opening at, the harbor where ice was being cut. We did nob that they vvere hauling ice last week, but that was the rause of the accident, the wagon being backed up Ino near the harbnie The horse WAS pulled up by ropes -and •seemed none tote wotse foe the tumble 'into the icy We. are glad to learn thet Mrs. T. waters. Hamilton of Colborne has quite re. Le Grippe is going the rounds. Mr. covered from the painful accident she 'William Andrews had to call in the sustained before Chriatmas, in heving services of it medico. fle has heen ill had her arm dislocated Lathe shoulder. for a vveek, and his son was threatened Medical aid was summoned,' but unfree with typhoid fever, but the doctor got tunately some time tater her suffering it broken up. • being so geeansbe was broughtto town Miss Gilby is again engaged for this and Dr. Hamiltbn re-setber drin. She season by Smith Bros. as t e manager happened while feeding her very large • of their millinery business. Miss Gil - flock of turkeys tci min her foothold by's father died of paralysis at his and in falling caused the dislocation. htnne in Galt, while she had her holi- days. Miss Gilby gives much silent - We have much pleasure in returning thanks to Rev, S. J. Allin for sending tit_chttnioentito the patrons of this estab- his little daughter to present us on "b ..., At Mrs. Straitotes residence on Fri - Wednesday morning, 14th 'Mt,' With a tiny evening last a party was held in delicately colored hyacinth 1,0 full of aid ofthedenian Famine Pond, There lovely fragrance. We hope eve can were sump my young lads and lasses keep it from the frost. . and each guest brought five cents. (We have since received a letter from Two young lads brought 25e for thole Mrs. Mary M. Everts of the Hotel portion, They had dancing ittui an Garner, Chatham,. with regrete for exquisite luncheon. The party lasted out illness and hoping we received her frotn 7,30 to 11,80 p. m. "box of grace" safely. Mrs. Everts is Mr, Gavin Spence sang "my Ain the soul of generosity aria tboughtfal. Countrie" at the offertory at Kbott ness and has our sincere thanks.) church on Sunday evening. The church Well, St, Patrick's Day %yid ushered was ,crowded and the sermon was very in In the morning with storm and sun- (Inc. Mr. Spence was the Scottish shine. But the sunshine outlived the singer for Monday night, assisted by storm. through the morning and part of Miss Mabel Laing. the p. en . Ann the surpi•Ise we got I The judges a,t the eernival Were :- Going down to the St. Andrew last St. PLR. Watson,. W. Cattle and Alexaelc- Patrick's Day with our lovely letrge Ivor. The prize winners were :-.. Lad. ehamroclo Inc good • tuck to the first les fancy, Miss Nellie 1VIcKenzie,(Itain- large steamer that ever evintered in bowl ; she took Ist prize last year for it our harbor, was not it circurnstanee to ntinbow costume ; ladies' comic, Miss it. Atter the Ilea. in. train twrived the Wilson ;girls" fancy, Miss Delo Mose- exprese sleigh drove up and deposited by : girlte comic, Miss Emily VVIntely ; le box With the usual owl "Glass, limn gents' fancy, (life guardsman') Will Ole with care, 50c paid," rend our- ads Dietrich e.gents' eotnie, Doty &flows ; dress all written on game .card. We boys' fencv,Roberb Crnigie t boys' corn - cannot tell how where, but it canoe all to:Harry Welsh, right anyway,. with Win( and cake and ell the delicecies that geocei les keep, way deal is eh attain aid me. van We pray that our teond pittron, St. Horne saint the only. reason The old Guelph and Godev:bieihehrhaall.b Patrick, will send blessings upon the prevented the (3, P. It, helm taking oserteistlee(r)toi ear; adtetrise,tefeopr tvoyti; agurdeawberifteleri very great outlay of fohdo in the west, suffleient interest in the road is their glad that we can apprectitte the gift Crow's Nest, etc, now in tnore ways than one, Erin Go mr. John meow, wito old his Itooa rtroangbfitindaY kg n6 Vinorin, area Sunday *vetting, II.th inst., in order to byes to Victoria streetcongregation on church, the pastor. Rev. 1.1, J. Allin, departnext day for London ert route took for his topic "The candle of the for ilalifax, was in the choir nt his Lord." Quite it keno oongrogntion nt• usttal plates on Sunday ittet. John is tended and folly appreciated the pas. tall enough to sing in the choir, but tor's address. , not tall enough, for a soldier. We note that MisatexisSotherland, daughter of Captain Sutherland, has been appointed istetzgrapher for the organ tattoo'. Sale Register. Friday, March 30th, at one o'clock p. m, on lot 85, crtn. 9, Telephone Road, Goderich township, clearing sale of farm stock and implements. ----S, Swit- zer, proprietor; Thos, Brown, auction- eer. Friday, April Oth, at 1 p. in. en lot 25, con 4, McKillop, 1j miles north of Settforth, extensive sale of farm stock and implements, without reserve. - Robert Govenlock, Proprietor; John Brown, .Auctioneer. • H. B. OOMBE Chern.is t and Druggist. HOLIDAY FRUITS • We eine you to try our Rai - sine, Currants .and Peels. Our stock is new, and good, just what you want for • Holiday. baiting. Exeter Flour for Holiday Pudding. There is no better Picini. - made than this and none better value for the money. For Fresh Canned Goods try ours J. W HILL Oats Wanted Oats wanted in exchange for Oat- meal and the best Flour in the market as follows: 11 lbs. Oatmeal for I bushel Oats 15 lbs. Flour (Manitoba mixed) for 1 bushel Oats • SILVERWARE GIVEN AWAY Every purchaser, be the amount small orlarge, gets a Conpon,itud when a certain number is received the bolder will be entitled to it piece of Silverware' of their own -choosing. •Come and see the Silverware. 0. OLSON Butter and Eggs, Want ed e TO CURE A COLD IN ONEDAY Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab- lets. All -druggistsrefund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Di W. Grove's eignature is on each box • • 0111 weeds grove apace." Impueities in your blood will also grow unless you promptly expel them by tatting Hood's Sitreaparilla. Hello there WHERE ARE YOU GOING? WHY I'M GOING STRAIGHT TO Wm. Taylor & Son's There's where you can get the BARGAINS In You can get Ladies' Pine Kid ihittoned Boots for $1,100, it nice Kid Oxford for the SIMI° price, Gents'. rine Laced Roots for $1.00 or it pair of Mita% it you like them better. Then you ought to see our Boots -both Ladies and Gents, they aro Belling for $11,,,t3 and inetenetn, right up-to-date Ip style and guaranteed to give good wear. The Boys and Girls watts good School Roots for the sloppy weather WM. TAYLOR & SON bitve jut% the kind you Want, thirth buying, eeonotnical MenegeMent and Cash selling le the setret of the Low Priees, No trouble to show goods. AT THE OLD EEL/ABLE. litteitlitANCE OFFICE AT THE STORE. steels, silk floss tind lime trine inechwith. five clo,sps,e, bargain 75 at per pen. • • AthletieCorsensame as cunmade • of best, sateeo, filled. with tenth- • erbone,•incely trimmed and fin. ieherl, a very comfortable 1 -• • $ .0 0 corset, at per pair • . • . . • Child's, Waist, fhade of fine quell- \ ty jean, buttoned front, nicely • corded, will' give good Wean • 25e. special ers No, 172 B & 0, made of Freneh cantle, all filled with feather - bone and side steels, nicely rimmed with tace ,and ribbon, will give Al wear, weinented, •Perfect fitting, .our special. pb I nn. price per pair .ne No. 490 FleinGirdle Corset, made • , •• of nand cmality sateen, all filled -with featherbone, entre Ring - waist, .perfect fleting, per. $ p I 0 0 air Ladies' "Comfort" Corset Waists made of gond quality .Prench . entitle, bigh bust, long. waist, • $I 0 0 laced hips, buttoned. down Misses' sopoercsme tlsa, Ft e. of J.) e. a v y jean. 8.1: rows of cording, spring' • steel clasps, 4 hooks, trice shudder. straps, per pain,• • 40 Justthekind yau'll need for early Spring wear. Some malle of,Taffeta Silk, some of Nearsilk, others of Mercerized Sateen, makes no difference whioh you buy, you'll find them a little lower in prices than you usually pay elsewhere. • Ladies' Underskirts, made of •• -Roman Satirein colors of cerise and ceranodarge circular flou n ce • . trimmed with pleated frill, • very special at . $325 Ladies' Skirt, made •of extra heavy quality sateen, warrant- edfatt black, -circular • frill, • trimmed with four 'TOWS of cording, special. value, „at $ .00 • Ladies' Skireemade of mercerized - sateen, in colors of blue, white, mauve,and black stripesat tt 1 frn very serviceable skirt, at, na 1..u.0 Ladies' Underskirt,' retride of fine •.quality near silk, nicely trim- - reed with 3 rows colored cord around frileentin, f ull Skirt; 0 • •• good value at., .... .. I .95 Black Mercerized -Sateen etkirts,with lerge frill. triinneed .. with four rows of piping • • cord, Al value at $2 50 .131ack Taffeta Silk :Underskirt . made of soft finished'. silk, full circular flounce trimmed with . foup rows Piping at 4 • $4 60 .. Business Bringers: • SpQ..turclAy & Monday. '.600 Dress Goods .39c 3 pieces only 40 inch . wide black • dress goods. very neat designee extra hard finislewill give good- Wee:teem* regular prices Me and 00c,- • choiee on Sattu•day or 39e Monday •. --- Ladies' Skirts at 59c Ladies' Skirts, made of extra fine White cotton, tucked frill, re- • goiter, value 70e. Sattuday or g 9 Monday. Ladies' Aprons at 25c Ladies' agrous made of good qual- ity linen, some plain white. ' others with Morsel trimmiette well worth 85c and 400, clime 26e Saturday or Monday for. + Cashmere Gloves 16c Ladies' mid ehildren's black cash- mere glovee, very flue gnality, sives 310 7. To elem. on Salute t or Monday, at per pair.. ...... I U Cashmere Hose 26c Ladies' black ceshmere hostewar. ranted all wool, seamless feet. I i I , • • } Snap in Flannelettes . . . r2 •pleeeS onto pink • flenneletto. IEnglish make. extra heasv - twill, det inches wide. the bet4 - .12te quality. toelenr Sol Setter- I It uC 0,11' '1? Monitor at ii 300 Lustre tor 22c .38 Melt wide titeured testate VOA, tine q eloy ni neet designs. extra mud finish, our 1egal:1e Ant uelitenspettial for Sattuetto 2 Or . outlay nt . sizes See 9, fee • regular 'value of these stockings is eniceSaturilay na or Monday • LUC 33o Plaids for 25c ollecee ;.tilly 40 ineh wide" plaide ut eotore of garnet and green mixtures euitaltle foe • deosees, will neve good evear„ • our regular value le 3.3e. Settle- 0 ae day and Monday special at—, AM • • • •— iShirtincrs It I. 2b • c Best quality "Standard" Shirt- 1210 ' lugs warranted Indigo blue,.. , Oxford Shirtiugs, in light and I 1.0 • dark colors, our price 041•41141••••••••••11000004110•016011,1141•0111•6001000•41•4644110•11114, * mo, i LaTies' Dress Skirts for $1.913 f, .. • ., .• 6 only Skirts, made of fine quality plain and a, a a I; figurad lustre, nisely lined,bouud with good quality • • •velveteentlennihs -39, 41, 401 well worth, $9,75, to • , le "• fit go at . . , . $1.08 g ••••••••••••••••••1141114411011•110•4•00•041110•0•011•0•41141401100: eaoteiseetemswenteatetese INTON'w