HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-03-08, Page 5•
MAWR 89 i900.
!Health, Strength
Come to those who use
: Diamond SarSatPDX/11a.
11 This preparation hes Made a
▪ • Fard name for itself throughout
• =eon County. Where taore
• are eases of Loss of Appetite,
la Indigestion or General Debility,
• It impArts sound health, better
•digestion and inoae vigorous ac-
• *
tivity This has been proven
• by many of my customers who
• have tried it, And to whom I can
* refer you in suppett of nay
• statements.
• It conthins the Iodides of
Potassium and Iron thus making
• it a most powerful blood pun-
* fier,
la I don't urge its We because
so• make it Myself. 1 recent:tend,
• It because knowing, all about it.
• 1 am thoroughly conyineed that
!I It is the best toedloine that can
• possibly be taken.
e• Price 74 per bottle
and satisfaction or your
money book.
• '
• •
e Preseription Pharmacy. Phone 2, •
• •
. An i i
$ muw e s
$ $
$ $
1 Across the Street
8 Doors South $
$ of Town Hall ' 0
$ t
iSuccessor Co J. Biddlecornbe. i $
Jeweler and Optician.
We ask you to try.our Rai-
sins, Currants and Peels.
Our stock is new and good,
Just what you want for
Holiday baking.
Exeter Flour for
'2 Holiday Pudding.
There is no better Flour
made than this and none
better value for the money.
for fresh Canned Goods
174 ours
°ash prices until 10th February next.
7 bars good Soap, 25c
Extracts, Sc per bottle
Laundry Starch, 7c per lb.
Corn Starch, 7c per lb.
A lot of covered baskets cheap to
clean out. Fair's Breakfast Food al-
wayson hand. • Highest price for Sood
Butter and Eggs.
Jan. 29th.
OF 1900.
On Saturday. the 20th day of March, 1909, at
the }mut of 2 o'clock p. m , at Wilson's Hall.
llohnesville, the Ifolinesvillo Cheese and But-
ter ('o. (Limited) will let by public audio% it
lioteiRde, thc draWing Of tho milk on each of the
sollowing routes or the season of 1900 ;
Route 1 -Commencing at 0 Hollataiss,Goderich
township, and following saki route eolith to
J. Holland's, theme north to 'Telephone road,
the, co west to ton, 14, theme south to don.
Izzard'e, thence north to Huron Road with all
milk to be obtained on said roads, thence
west to factory with all ntillt to be obtained
On eonth side of Huron Road,
Routo 2-Conintencing at William Weir's on
BaYfield Lino, Gocierieh To, and following
said route west to con. 11, thence south to E.
Wise's, thence north to fttetory with all milk
to be obtained on said Hayfield Line and
con IL
Route 3- Commencing at j. G. Stoop's on con.
0, Goderich Tu, aud following saiki route
north to Cut Line, thence east to factory
with alt milk to be obtained on said con. 0.
Route 4 -Commencing at 0. Nesbitt's, eon. 10,
thstiorich To , and following saki route south
to Huron Road, thence wog to factory with
all milk to be obtained on sodd con. le and
, Huron Road as far as eon 14 and frotn there
all milk to be obtained en north sideof Huron
Rood to factory.
Route 6-Comme00ing at north end of Maitland
con., Goderich Tp., and following said route
south to factory with all milk to be obtained
on said Maitland con.
Route Of -Commencing at Wm. Make's, Huron
Road, and followingeald route oast to faetory
hdall milk to be obtained on .saiti. uron
Route 7-Consnioneing at 0. Whitely's on con.
7, GoderIch Tp, and following std route
south to Us Connolly's, thence north to
Side Line, thence east to con. 9, thence south
to Out Lite, thence east to factory with all
milk to be obtaiped on said roads.
Route 8 -Commencing at Wm. Sterling's, eon.
0, Goderich To, and following, said route
north to Cut Line, thence east to factory
with all milk to be qbtained on said con °and
11150 00 Out Line to con. 9.
Route 9 -Commencing at Goo, Audio's, con. 7,
Goderich Tp, and following said route norlh
to Out Lino, thence oast to factory with all
milk to bo obtained oo said con. 7.
Route 10- Commencing at Mrs. 1V1alloy's, con.1,
. Colborne Tp, and following said mato west
te Fisher's Corner, thence south to factory
with all milk to be obtained on con. 1, to
Maitland river.
Route II -Commencing at T. a Wallis', con. 1,
.(loderich Tp, and following said route south
to Telephone road. therm) east to oon. 4.
thence north to Out Line, thence east to
factory with all milk to obtained on said
con. 1, Iola:Am° road and 000.4 to Out Line.
The drawer is to return to each patron his
share of whey each day, •
The person drawing to be strong enough to
-properly handle all cans. given to hie care.
The first can not to be lifted till 6 o'clock a.
Each drawer haa to be at factory at or before I
9 o'olook a, in. default of which subjects him to
a fine the amount to .be fixed by tho Board of -i
Directors. • •
No. drawer shall be expected to wait at stand
for milk longer than five minutes.
On the above date a rebate of 4 cont s% per 1000
lbs.. of milk will be returned to all patrons and
stockholders who furnished milk during tho.
season of 1899, • - •
President. Secretary.
Holmesville, March 6, 1900. ,
• Mr. John McCartney has instructed the under-..
signed to MA* for sale by public auction on
Wednesday, March 141h, 1900, at Lot 28, Con. '
• Goderich township, . the following: -1 general.
purpose mare rims 4 years, 1 gelding rising 3 -
years, 1 fillyrising 3 years. 1 gelding heavy
draughtrising 2 years, 1 gelding drodbr..eode-
rich chief rising 2 years, 1.8pring • helve colt, 2
newb, 'calved cows- with calves, 7 cows in calf,
heifer rising 3:years in calf, 2 steels rifting 3
• years, 4. heifers rising 3 years, 2 steers rising 2
years, 6 heifers rising 2 years, 8 calves, 13 goad
ewes. 1 -matter Jmb, 2 lumber wagons (1 nearly
now), 1 good democrat, 1 cart, 2 cutters, 2 . pair
• bobslei irs, 2 hay racket, 2 wood racks, L Massey
Harris indor .nearly new, 1 big- 11 mower. I
seed drill, 1 horse rake, 2 single plows,1•Verity
two.turrow gang plow, 1 Imperial gang plow,
2 sots iron harrows, 1 sprin -teeth cultivotor,
land roller. 1 iteufileri 1 2400 105 . null, 1 cutting
box, 1 wheel power and jack, 1 set single liar,
nese; I set light double harness, 1 set heavy hods
ness,2 sot plow harness,1 platform scales weighs
2000 lbS, 1 sugar kettle, a number. of Sap pails, .1
hand turnip drill, 3 set whifilettees. 1 grinding
stone, seythes,forks, chainsepades and shovels,
1 buggy Polo and whifflotreos. 1 cutter pole, 1
- pulper, 2 grovel boxes, 1 milk can and numer.
ous.Other articles. Sale to commence at one
o'clock sharp. Terms -All aunts 02 810, and un-
der cash; over that amount 8 months' credit
-will be given on furnishing. approved joint
notes: .5 per cent. per annum discount for cash
In lieu of notes.
Joust Mo.datereitv, Then: BROViN. • .
'Proprietor. Auction e es.
Travellers to any part of the
world should consult the
above in reference to tickets,
fares, ete.
'ftebre' Aftver* Wood's Dhosphodins,
" • The Great English Remedy,
Sold and recommended by el
druggists in Canada. Only reli
, Nova guaranteed to cure at
able medicine diecovered.
forma of Sexism Weakness, all effeCts Of abuse
or exeesS, Itent4 Worry. Excessive use of To.
baeco, °Muni or Stininlants. Itialled on receipt
of price, one package $1, six. $6. One will please,
signoilL curs. Pamphlets free to tiny address.
The Wood company. windsor,ont.
Wood's Phosphodino Is sold in Clinton by
Sydney Jackson, druggist
The subscriber offers for Palo a vot7 desirable
property on Tsetse street consisting of four lots
upon which there is a comfortable frame house
b ol of
73itt.hglocCtte= and nvectillagl. What:
on joremiSes. -she orchard, consisting of grapes
and apples, is a good ono. The property will
•hcsold at a reasonable (051110 201 cash or cash
and balance on time, ..&pply to the ownor on
the premises RS, JOHN JUNO&
Clinton May 9111
Found on a gravestone in a village
churchyard, in Sussex. •England,
reads t-a"It was a cough as carried
her off ; it was a coffin they car-
ried her offin." Now had the vir-
tues of °or Emulsion of Cod Liver
011 been known and the prepara-
tion %teed in this case, that epitaph
might never . have been written.
Itis welt known that Cod Liver
011 is unequalled in the treatment
of all affections of the throat and
lungs, and 00106 Emulsion is a
preparation of Cod Lieer Oil in its .
palaterible and agreeable term, eits:
tly taken by the most delicate per-
sons. It contains a larger percent-
age of pure Norwegian Cod Liver
Oil than mostof the Inrgely adver-
tised preparations. Large bottles
35 ets.
Chemist and Druggist.
The News-Reoord is a liv'e loe .1 newspaper
and caters to the reading wants of, all c ftisfog in t',t
com rnunity.
It Excels in Local News
While it excels in looal news and in well-written cot
respondence from all parts of the county. it contains
complete market reports, an interesting serial, news
of the day, not about the farm, and a 'Ethane ser
mon in every issue.
THU 01111 -Dail HEM.
The heart at e
Like the heart of a (lower,
VW a smile for the tam
And a tear for tho sheriff
Oh, innocent hours,
With wonder -beguiled!
Ob, heart like a newera
In the heart et a Midi
The heart of a child,
Lilse the heart of a bird,
With raptures of musio
la emitted and inbred.
Olt, sonsa without wordel
Oh, melodies wudt •
Oh, heart like a bird's
le the heart et a WW1
The heart of a child,
Like the heart of the spring,
IS full 01 0110 hope
Of whet summer shall bring.
ma glory of things
In a world -undefiled!
Oh, heart nue the spring's
In the heart 02 11 child!
,--Arther Austin -Jackson in London Speaker.
A story .of a vaunt rairre
Visit to insane Asylum ,..
Helen Dacy weft to Elgin not be-
cause she was Insane, but because she
'had a second cousin who was. Elgin
Is a beautiful town, but its street ear
service is not good, and Helen walked.
through the village up to the pleasant
park with which the state has sur-
rounded the asylum for the insane. It
is a walk of considerable length from
the gate of the grounda to the building,
and Helen was to encounter a melan-
choly sigia. As she went along the
serpentine patb a procession came to-
ward her. . There must have been a
hundred men in it, , and they moved
-slowly, and most of them walked with
bowed heads. Their feet appeared to
press the earth heavily. At first Helen -
thought It raust be a funeral proces,
sion, but it _moment later she percely.
ed that it was something more. dis-
tressing. It wasthe walk of those
who had survived their own death. In
other words„. It was a body , of insane
patients exeacising the bodies thathela
•their perished minas.- Helen shrank
aside• and stood fascinated while they
passed her.. •Some of them looked at
her curiously:or with lack -luster gaze
Or Wistfully.. A 'sudden appreciation
of her own youth and health. and sani-
ty -Came over her and made her- all. the
Mnaotrees.. pitiful toward these. unfortu• .
• • •
-The procession bad passed, and she
was about resuming her way to the
hospital when onu of the men quitted
the ranke and walked hureiedly . to-
ward her.. .None of the rest looked
.around. .The attendants had not no-
ticed hie desertion, . and his steps on
the award made .no seund. He. came
witb -glitlieg step toward Hel-
en, sheaving his teeth In a breed smile.
Helendecided that,. however imperti-
nent Ids intentions might be, at least
be wasin good:Min:tor.. This was -eon- a
'soling, but .it tlicl not keep her . hands
facet turning Cold: with' nervousdread.
As he approached he tifted• his Wit
.with a courtly,1r. It was evident that
the Peor wretch bed •Onpe been .ti gen-
tleman; but even the most gentlemanly.
of . lunatics • Was not a companion to:
choose, 'arid Helen moved hehind'a low
lilac bush. .She felt that she was white
• and twit her oaea were wide stretched
• but she tried not to show, her alarm.
'Confidence, she had always heard,- was..
needed in dealing:with the insane. The
man moved' more cautiously and 'fixed
an undeviating gaze upon Helen.
. "Madam," said •the man, In a particit
larly quiet voice, "it is a pleasant morn-
ing."• .. • ..
• Somethitig. in the Words suggested a
scene in "Hamlet" to Hetet, and she
bethought herselfot. an e.xperinient.
She would soon determine whether or
•not the .man had a gleam ot. reason.
"Is it?" she esked,turning tier eyes
to the .sky. "Way, Indeed, 1 thougbt
it Was raining!" * • . • •
• :The man.bad i lookin his face akin
to alty.• "Perhaps you are right," he
replied .gently. "It may be raining. It
is not always posialile for me to tell
except avben • I.• see people carrying
their, umbrellas." .
"Sensory nerves are quite. obtuse"
thought Helen: "I have beard -that it
Is eommOn with degenerates.".' *The
man thrived a little nearer, and Helen
;ventured to go still farthea'around. tbe
lilac hash. He stopped still, and they
faced each. .other vover the • low shrub.
bery. What an agreeable looking crea-
ture be vvas, with. his soft brown eyes,
hie. long, delicate face and his high
brawl He looked as if he. might have
been intended for a poet Probably
he had been, but had goneone step
further. Helen had not read Lombrct
so for nothing. • . •
"Do you ever write Poetry?" she ask-
ed, Witli 'genuine cutioity.
• The man blushed. Helen bed • not
dreamed a lunatic would blush. .
"When I found a fitting. subject" he
confessed. • .
And what should you consider.
& fitting subject?" •
"Why -you 1" The words came. out
explosively. They did notseem to be
meant for a compliment The . man
spoke pathetically. It seemed as if
there were tears in his eyes. • Helen
answered as if he were a•ehild: •
"Do I seem -ea sad to 'you?" she ask-
ed."Does it make -the. tore come in
your eyes to look at me, poor man?"
"Indeed it does," 10 replied . quite
simply. "I thInk you are the saddest
thing I ever save."
"I wouldn't die for anything," she ex-
plained, "I like to live. I flail plenty!
of things to,laugh at" And to convince}
his Wandering wits that this was the
truth she broke into a merry laugh,
watch astonished the melancholy spirit
of the place. •
"If I give you my band," said the
man kindly, "wilt you not walk back
with me to tbe house?"
To take his hand, to let hilt get
Will Continue to. improve
bold upon her -it was gbaatly: ..
moved toward her. nitre seemed noth
Ina for it but to run, and run she did,
speeding over tbe soft. lawn with a
rapidity that astonished herself. She
could hear hitri calling to her, but she
sped on till neatly a hysterical Im.
pulse, born of her fright and fatigue,
took hold of her. She began to laugh
again, and the musical, half weeping
laughter floated behind her as she tied.
Then, breathless, she stumbled In a
ground molo's tunnel and fell ilat. A
eeeond later two arms were about het;
and she wee lifted to her feet, She Strange Life DV Anttutflwit., . standing, or dist rosin* it allays meat-
. faced the lunette. They Were Of a ProfessorLaWrence Bruner, whospent Minn with 011ii applieation. Wu the
Iheight, and they stood looking at each the year 1808 investigating the grass- quitikest cure known air enema. and
other, both of them pale and trembling, Upper plague le &gamine, says that salt rlienna.aind will epee Mimi, Mewl -
his arm stilt supporting her. . • only Anstrilila could mewl) Argentina In leg oe Reining phial in farm 3 to 5
"Poor child." be murmured. "Hot! the singularity of ite life forms. It Is a nights, r3old by Watts -8c Uo.
sorry I tun that I frightened you. Pet- country where everything proteete it. ota aaara,,a tar,pas- Mamboed a
hal% I ought not to have run after you. self. "The trees have thorns. flte grail& meeting at Boston on Monday night in
aear Ivens cried be,
am siso a visitor. 1 also. came to visit
an acquabatance, with whom 1 was unT4_314,60N._43 the yoidenoe ot
walking a Moment since. 1 approach.
ed you to ask If YOU kaaw When tin Rev, John Ross. B. A., Mr, John
the brido's father on Fob. 2871 by
next train went to town, but when 1 G. Mil of Portage In Prairie, an,
addressed you I judged from your re.
ply that you were one of the lurnates." John Mason, 3rd on: Alan's.
Helen saulz gently down on the grass. BACON-CBUZIEIR.-On Feb. 2141 at
the roidence ol the bride by Rev.
"1 think 1 Must rest a moment," she
r. alusgreve, Mr. Jeniee Bacon
Raid. "1-1 am much surprised!" Iler
of Melita, alanitobe, to Mies Jelin'',
tone Indicated something more than
surpriee. lt confeimed to a great re- Olive Crozier, young,eet daughter of
' the late alr. John Urozier,a/elaillop,
lief. She paid her visit to the asylum,
and she and • Plater I45w, her lunette, NV4-GB°411 -ARMS MONO.- M the
Rev, P. Scott, Mr. Henry Wagborn
Mamie, Cron:nay,. on Feb, 21st by
To both of them the afternoon seemed
went laacii en the aame 003 together.
of tient/ell to Misa Elizabeth Arra-.
the most interesting of their lives, strong et Full
"Why were there tears In your eyes," altall.LLAN-PIER 'E. -ln the Catbo-
anon ,
Elbe asked before they parted, saviaen .•
lie church, Mitchell,by Rev. Father
yooliwtahlyedit wsietelimoiede :tot timrset ?tlat 1 had
. near Hensel', to Mise aitiggie,daughl-
Downey, Mr Daniel aloMillan
anevsehratetteroountmeriendo abneyytohuindg seoyebsadso_a0
MURRAY--CAllialtON.--At the bride s
ter of Mr. Henry Piero° at Si itohell
-please' pardon me -so bea..utiful as • resbienoe on Feb. 21s1, by Rev. A
'yours. I know I an) rude, but I must 'McKay, M. Alian Murray of Gode-
speak the truth, If yoll bad been mad,
rich to 1VIrs. Dunon Ciuneron of
1 should- have remenibered you with
HAINES-MeQUILLANa-At the rest.
aorrow all the days of MY 10."
"Being Sane, I suppose you will for.. , dweanvvoeanoofsthli,eobniiiFiee'sb.pa2riesntts4WIteesvt.
get me?"
George McQuillan of °outright,
But she knew well that he would not
brother of the groom, Mr, Edward
give himself the opportunIty. She was
-quite certain that she should see bins 1151008 of East Wawanaeh, to Miss
Often. ' it would have been a gratesque • • Quillen. .
Elise, dauahter of Mr. W. J. Ma -
anticlimax not to have met again after
HAMILTON- - FRYFOGAL. - At • the -
that afternoon. -St Louis Star. . • home of the bride 8 parents, Bel-
Howmore, on Feb. 21s1 by, the • Rev Mr.
Lows De It ott frre.el/v
"The old rule of eight hours' sleep la staarart/ gr. James Hamilton ot
Whigham to Mise Kate Frylogal
ebeer uonseuse," said a New Orleans
physician. "Natural sleep li arnnething STRAISE rilOWN "1 11' (1" ''
.- n bt. Vincent
' cl hte f Mr D F f I '
that can't be regulated by any formula.
• de Paul church, Mitchell, Feb, 27th,
The body takes what. It needs, be it by Rev, Father Downey, Mr. Joseph
much - or little, and the necessary P. Straube ef Treherne, Manitoba,
amount varies with the individual. In
a general. way I would say that four daughter of the late John Brown,
to Marguerite Telvett, youngest
hours Is the rainimum and ten hours Mitchell.
the. maximum for people in fair, health. HARRIS- WILLIS.--At the aesideacie
Either more or less Is a pretty sure of tbe bride's pertain; on Pi b, 27th,
. • bl Iyartrhies loitevB. Brandon, sign that something is out of gear-, . dMona,rtmina,n, Mr.oRxicishs,
usually something in the brain.
Mary, eldest.. daughter of Mr.
"I have Vivo patients who sleep only
four hours and keep in tolerably good dames Willis, Exeter North.
condition. Both are middle aged men,
and neither of them works very hard.
They are simply 'so coostituted that
nature can repair its losses 'in ' four FOSTER -1n Strathelair, Mahe. • on
• •
•hours of unconsciousness. In many
other people nearly three times as long
required,• The nerve cells 'work
more slowly; why, nobody knows.
"The queerest 'case that ever Came MoKAY.-In Waterloo township on
March 1st, Petee McKay, brother -
under • my personal. observation was
m -law of Alex. Kelley Turnberry,
that of. a- bookkeeper of this city' who , . / . • ,
aged 64 years.. -
used to sleep, two or three liOurs a • . '
CORNISH, -In Usborne on Feb, 26th,
higbt through the 'Week and • on Sun- •
• Sanauel C., infant, son. at Sarouel
day would catch up In a 20 hour nap.
Corniala aged 6 months, 26 days.
That is iiii exaggeration, but'an actual •
MoCURDY• -. In Thiborne on Feb, 24th,
fact well known. -to all his intimates. . . the infant son 'of MraArchibild Mc -
He. ponied to be able to store eway
nervous energy as a camel stores wa- Curdy, aged 1 n3onth. • -
ter. His general health during the 12 LEASA , -In • Logan on the a5th Feb ,
. Louisa. Lasea,,aged .73 yeate. '
Or 16 years I knew him was exaellent." WATT. -In. Mitchell on th. 26th Feb.,
-New, Orleans Times -Democrat. . • Wm. Witt aged 62 years,; 8 months
. / .
, . and 3 'days.. - ' • .
. ,
tO MISS Jennet. daughter of
••••••••,•••••• • •••••••••••••• ,
February 15th, Magdalene, wifetof
Mr. Robert Fostea, aged 85 years.
The deceased wasa daughter of Mr.
• •Valentine Diehl of Bruceitelcl. •
The Crescent. - GRIFFIN.- -At Carnduff, N. W. T., on
Tbe origin of the Turkish oreecent is Feb. 17111, Mrs. Charles Griffin, air-
iest in antiquity. As the emblem of wetly of Mitchell, aged 75 years
of tbe Phcenician Pantheon, who Ina.
Warship of Astarte, the chief goddess SYKES.-In Fullerton on the 1st lost.,
the wife of Mr. Win, Sykes, aged 26
and 5 .monihs.
progress and increase it figures in the
der various name WAS adored by ev-
ery Semitic race. Ot Is not, therefore, POUNDER. -At Dublin on the 27111
surprising that the crescent should be Feb., Francis Henry, only son of
Mr. Thomas Pounder, Jr., aged 2
the thosen emblem of a conquering and
spreading people. The hordes of Gen- monthe ana 7 days. ,
-In Morris on Feb
glilz Khan carried It on their banners MeCrtUaGullE2aYla, Mary, heioved wife of
from the great wail of Cthina to the
Indus and the Volga in the thirteenth Mr. John McCaughey, aged 70
century, yet tbese were Mongols and
enemies of the very people with whom
the crescent is generally associated. • .111arell and the Lion,
The Ottoman Turks, who lirst sot • . • • .
lands in Asia as nreward for assisting Something Better Than the Old
the Beljuks against the Mongols, seem saw.
from the first arrival In these regions .
to have displayed the well knewa sym- The saying • about the lion and the
bot It appeared on the banners of the lamb, i ii march often proves false, hut
Janissaries of the Sultan Orkhan, In there is another and A better one
the fourteenth century, and subse- . which is literally true. When March
conies in and rinds you taking Hood's
quently. -the, crusades fixed it in the Salem/a/411a to purify,. enrieh and eyes 02 of Christendom as the counter
emblem to the cross. 'It hi sometimes ILlize "" bi"d' "Li MaY exPea'
held- that the Turks'.borrowed the cres-
cent from the.. ByzantIne • Greeks, but
Otitis evidently not the case. On the
tontrary,athe 'Greeks bad probably at
an early period 'adopted it with other
religicnia symbole and. ideals foie the
east • • • •
• • The .Modern
Compare the oridition. of •our people
with that which pkevalled before tile
aggregation of wealth and Intelliganee
In -the developroent of industries,- when
ivealtb was. obtained by of/tamest, not
by industry, wilen -the masses had meat
but once a week. when their houses
were without .chimneys and without
windows, when their clothing and sur-
roundings were filthy-, when the death
rate was double wbat It is today, and
you go back to a time when the.nobia.
ity knew los of the world than the la-
boring man of today; when the present
necessities of the masses were luxuries
only for tbe deb, and you realize, that
the emancipation. proclamations were
written by -Watt and .Arkveright, Ste.
. Oman -and. Fulton, Franklin and
Morse arid Bessemer and the great or-
genizers, who have applied their die-
coaeries.and distributed the•benelits of
their inventions. to the Whele world.-"
•Charles IL Flint In Cassier's Magazine,
The Witat Folding sea.
"No invention of modern times so
when It gees out that it moll leave you
free from that tired feeling arid with
none of the boils, pimples and erup-
tions which menifest .themselves be-
cause of impure blood in the spring. If
you have not already began taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla foe your spring, we
advise you to begin today. We assure
you it vvia Make you feel better alr
through the coming sumnfer.
. The Goaernment has exti3ndea the
time Of private sale of binder twine:at
Kingston Perateutiary to March 20.
Mrs' Geo. I". Quackenbush, of 300
V ictoria. street, Torouto was gradually
breaking down under an attack of ex-
treme nervous prosti ation. Her ap-
petite had left ties; 5110 suffered 'trine
unit/mania. Here are her own winos
ISa ehe Wrote them " I took doctors'
niedicinee but got, tio benefit. "Amon
lisitig Staab • American Nerviue, end
three bottleir worked a inartellous
chauge in inc. Aly appetite came
, back, sleep souoilly, anti my gener-
al health ta as perfectas it, ever Wes.
It is a pleasure to recommend eo wet -
thy a remedy. Sold by Watts & (To.
Tlitt Montreal' City Cotincil has voted
$1200 to entertain the Members ot the
tilled the proverbial long felt want as atratheona Horde.
did the folding hal," said the head
the model rooms In the pateat office in
• ,ddl*IddIddYld
The particular model to which he re- /
ferred was a crude foam of a coliapaa 1N rrs ULUTCII.-boUTII Annaticas
hie bedstead. 130t that rude bed cut in Kinagy LitTER8NAPPEU OWE WE»
sections and hinged so that it"might atm maim Wm Wuotti AGMS.
fold into compact form contained the A young man, &son of 000 of Can-
gerra of an idea, and to that is owed aches weidtbieet citizene, two years
the useful cabinet folditig bed of today. ago coot meted kidney disease by tak-
The inventor of the folding bed was
one James A. Johnston, a western man,
to whom patent No. 17,281 was granted
on May 1.2, 1857, No provision was
made in the bed for storing of the Mat-
tress, pillows and bedclothes, as is
common in the folding bed of today;
also, unlike the modern contrivance,
which when folded resembles a. bureau,
ehiffonier or other smatar piece of fur-
niture, the folding bed patented by
Johneton made no pretense of looking
like anything other than Just what it
A company manufactured the John -
Ston patent, and it had quite a vogue in
Its day. Little by little improvements
were made on the bed, and within the
past score of years the piece of furni-
ture known today was evolved, and
there are several hundreds of varieties
patented.-NeW York Sun.
iug a cold plujigeili the lake. whet/ the
body was °vet lwated. Speentliste
could diagnose but could not tore the
malady, and when loaf the globe had
been travelled in hope of help and a
cure he raturned to bis home appar-
ently with but 8811(111 time 00 live, but
the printed testanony uta hautet boy
clay aquaintance attracted Min to
South American Kidney, Cure. Ile
pa.cueed it and persisted in its use, and
eh hough it WilS fittliti)01•11 C1180, kJ -
day he is well end healthy,. aiold by
Watts &
it The nom Comes Forth. fig),604..)0•0404freibilyafrepcoorao..Q-40.4ilkeimirwiesm.40,40,44-44.4),00,q).4.46.
With Point Forward."
The thorn point of disease
is an abe or pain. But Me
blood is the feeder of the
whole body. Purify it with
Hood's Sark/gm:144
Kidneys, fiver anti attend' win at
once respond? No thorn in this point.
Severe Paina-.."I had over* paths in
ray otomath. A form of neuralgia. My
mother untie Me to take Hood's Serape-
rilla and lt made me Well and itroug.
have also given it to ray baby with sat'. -
factory remain I sra PHI to re00mmer4
HMI'S Sarsaparilla to others," Mo.
Joint LA Pao, NO Church eltsTortinte,Ont.
C*11113100 CxhauatIon—H Mter treat-
ment in hospital, I was weak, hardly able •
to walk, My blood was thin. I took Hood',
Sarsaparilla until Well and gained 20 lbs.
It also benefited my wife." 41.1tTillin Mitts,
Dresden, Ont.
Notspe Pills ours liver ills.; tho non4rritanits and
only eathirtio sTith Hood's SareeParlia:
Sold by Watte & Co„ Druggists.
HUNTER -In Hullett on Feb, 27111,
Mrs, William Hunter, a son.
PALMER.-On Sunday, Feb 4t11, Mrs.
J. W. Palmer, wife of T. W. Pal-
mer, al, D., 776 Jefferson avenue,
Detroit, Mioh., of a son, Mother
and infant are both well.
Fred Payneof Barrie Was killed on
Monday by a taide while walking 00.
the railivity.
Persistent use of Dr. Agnew's Oint-
ineut will eredicate. almost ever v kind
of skin disease, No matter how. long
The News..neoord has been twice enlarged in
. . But 1 WaS afraid yoti Would leave the es and weeds tire provided with thornti aid of Um 13.10;ilt Soul It Air leen k mid.
grounds and come to some harm." • and sharp blades nil herbaceous WAWA *
as asoss.-s-s-
plained to 111111 that One need not Otatie Where raine are 'utmost, and natives Mno.W For Came Fifty Years
many years and now eontains more home news she would e hav'liked tO MVO ele Ire shielded with bars." Porests exist
than any paper published in Ifttron. ft is Vile 1),..o to harm outside of their grounds; but . gay •that sometimes When heavy rains used by millitms of inothera for their
fivrit0W'e 1-TooTtlitso BY nor has hose
/ perhaps it wins as well that she thought fail the trees die from too much mots- V:41(OutZtiPatt4ft,:11)1y.111g.g Alitrgilier4 '
pies Paper and five' correspondents have helped to :
otherwise. -She WOuld tell hitt) the ture. Some birds, belonging to the and crying wits sain or cuttuseKceth setseaD
- truth about herself. Perhaps he would Maine order rie our waterfowl. avoid .1 t h ttle of "Mr i Witisims'a Rooth-
- understand. Alt, what a pity thatIstich writet•. Many Argentina birds possess novo the pnor little nutoner immediately. lea
ngssaup for children Teething, It wilt re-
mind! tt. It cures Meridiem. rertiates the titontaelt
petal upon it, makes. theVe Vi no mistake about
an engaging face should hide a ruined spurs on their wings.
"You must try to understand," she AO0011tiriedifil ins.
d has °
Brown's Sale Itegister.
Wednesday, Mittel) 14th, at 1 p.
on lot 28 taoderich township, extensive
sale of farm stock and implements
without reserve. -John McCartney,'
proprietor; Thomas Brovve, auctioneer.
Friday, March 9th, at 113.m., on lot
20, con 9, IticKillop, one mile east of
Winthrop, cleering sale of. farm stock
mid implements. -James pro.
prietor • .Thoinas Brown, auctioneer.
Ttieedliy, March 13111, at 1.p. ro.,..on --
lot 8, con, 9, R. R S. Tuckeramith,
clearing sale of farm stock. and imple-
ments. -Donald McKellar, 'proprietor ; • . .
Thomas Brown, auctioneer.
Monday, March 12th, tit 1 .p, m. on
lot. 81„ con. 0, McKillop, farm stock,
without i eserve.---Mis, Ellen Dodds,
proprietreasa Thos.Brown, auct • -neer.
Tuesday, Mareit 20th, at 1 P.I0
Grabarn's hotels Brucefield, clearing
sale of horses, harness, buggies, cutter
and °thee, articles.- Reuben Graham,
proprietor; .Thereas Brown, auctioneer.
McKINNON & 00. 1
No matter what your business or culling is, you i
know the power ot cash in buying. You know now man. i
ufaeturers hunt for it, ilOW priCekl go down before it. You T
know what an advantage cash gives in the matter of dig. :
counts, You know the tremendous advantage of the big ,f
buyer, the man, who if he buss at*i, buys lirgely. You 1
) know there is a gleat difference between the prices quoted ;
to him and those quoted to the small buyer Now apply t
' these well known business coleditions to our business.
0 We buy for cash. We sell for colt always. We
3 buy large quantities. We sell larFe quantities.
.Anyone can see that by the ctowds we handle. Now
isn't it perfectly plain that we can and do, save money
3 t'or those who buy their goods at this store. i on't be sat-
isfied to stay away anctdoubt, come in and ,et,the benefits i
'our neighbors are gettIng. '
Ladies' Cloth jackets, regular price $5, for $2 50
Ladies' Fur -Lined Capes, worth $20, for 15 00 a
t Alen's Wallaby Fur Coats, worth 318.50, for #
Astrachan Jaekets, worth $25, for 21.03 0005 to
(0 1 The above goods will he cleared out regardless of cost, as we wi115184c005:65rrySlio 1
Aetrtieban Oapes, worth $18, for ...
Men's Fine Beever Overcoats, velvet' collars, $10 for
(0 Shorey's Flue Tweed Suits, worth $8, for •
goods over till another season,
eVii" se
t, t
• rgai,n..Dctys
The Methodist church al- Aiviston
has-been badly. damaged, by fire.
Big Spring Bargain Sale in Ilardware.Tmwarei
G-raniteware, Lamps eto. on Friday, Satur-
- day and Monday, April 6, 7 and 9, A lull list will
be published before days of Sale.
In order to give us more room for above sale
we havaselected
Tho.undersigned lute a quantity of Beardless
Barley for sale. • .
Goderich tovvnship. Clinton P, 0. .
Olt Victoria street. Near Organ Fao tory
9300 will buy aroomy, tnitnfortable hews) with
goo lot -the property recently occupied by
Frank Upshall. Apply to.
W. BRYDONE, Barrrister
March 7111.
The undersigned offers for' sale that desire ole
sixteen (10) aeres of land south of the London
Road Bridge It s a beautiful s to for building '
and will be sold in One piece or in lots. My
reason for selling is that it is too far from town
to handle myself and it doesn't pay to hire help
Tune 20th. A. COUCH, Clinten
Housekeeper wanted in a small family. Ad
dross Box S. Clinton. P.O.
Jan, 3rd. 35.*
Tho undersigned offers for Sale let, 8 on the
13 yfield Road, Stanley township, consisting of
00 acres. • Upon the lot. there is a bank b rn'30x40
ft. and frame holm 20x30 ft. The farm ie .we'd
watered and fenced and in a good state of Cul-
tivation. a tollea from Hayfield. 'Will be sold
On terms to suit the purchaser. For furtherpar-
tieulars•apply on tho proutisecto
- 2m*
Jan. -10th.
Oats Wanted
Oats wanted in exchange for Oats
meal and the beat Flour in. the
market as follows
41 lbs. Oatmeal for Ibushel Oats
i5 lbs. Flour (Manitoba mixed) for I
bushel Oats
Every purchaser, -be.. the amount.
tonall or bogy, gets a coup/la/Ind 'settee
(.P1 tain num her is received the holder
will be entitled to a, piece of !Silverware
of their own choosing.- Come and See
tbe Silverware.-
Butter and Eggs Wanted.
The cottage and property belonging to t Into
Wm. Merit:why, being lot, No. 4, west side of
Isms. street, in subslivisiou 11 02 15 Rat tettlinry
luirveY, is offered for sale. At present molded
brit. 11. hewn. It is a comfortable and well -
situated propertrond will ha sold on reason •
able terms. Apply to
or PETER DOUGLAS, Blake. Jan.16
To Manitoba and Canadian North-West will
leave Toronto everv TUESDAY during March
tint) April. Paasengers travelling without Live
titite the Until leaving Toronto at
2 p.m. Passengers teaselling with 1,1vo Stock
should. take the traitt leaving Toronto at 0 p.m.
Colonist:lice:ter will be attaehed to emit train.
Foy full parteulars and copy of s'llettlers'
Guide" amity.. to any Mundial: Pacific Agent
Or to A. 11. NOTAIAN, Aast. Gen. Pass. Agent,
1 Xing St , East, Torotito.
efiimeedgr,e ATe5er
, A oohedl tintroffert; nitwit:hum not found
elaewhere in Camilla. Large etstff of expert
itstenetera 1 inereased attendance : itrottrtlate
husinega tvalning Aroma or students Owed
into good paying position.; ; students in attend.
itnett who come from placea in which are located
other business collegea. 'They want the beet.
It pays in the end. New term now open, Enter
assoon aa possible. Write Motley for our bona.
nom prompeetull.
W. 14LL1OTT, Principal
make it b01
An Increasing List
and baweig, ettroG Woa softens the
Gions,redintetbillatitmation,tual giteatone and
OWS,. eoor ofiergY le the whole ssf•fein, "Mrs. Winslow is
Seld slowly, "that I do not live here in "If give you a slice of bread, will Soothing syrup" fin` tOctilitiA le weft.
n of the ehle4, heAt renal(' 01, it Ann
' (sant urine taste:Mil fa the pte..erlOtion of not
steadily Thereased under the present maninfe,nent and the -the building, you know, I eame to you eat the erust?"
The subscription list of TbfeN
is to•
visit rehttive who la here. It liberal "lama». An el yott glinme pieta% et aursiain the Unitt..114tatez. 1,1 s tue,ntriite
t -rig hi the county. We want, a pitasaat place. llama you been hers elierse. meant I'll eat a0 rind,s,...ciovo. cout oots a ba
ottle. seta he ail avereasts
the *ari." 'more and tusk for "Mrs.
day ainong 41
ionsr, bk Plain Imolor. IttstOW'ISSoollitiso Stitt P,
Busk& tiarnela 011 tbe best
preservative of neW leather
and the heat renovator of old
madam. It olla soften*, bleeks
Illnd Strada., I/84
Harness 00
oU year beet 10rtt4e; tette *Id has.
isis midis:for cantata istp.ited thOY
Will Mit *nit 513111 1301,81 latt WIlat
RAM WOW eTilt.rWit.r$ 00.1* -011
11$1141,7021 hair
is se tire ono*
issai w ritswerst ets00., Losiset.
11111 11111101d ill!,
For a Bargain. Sale in Wood. Cooking Stoves and
all kinds of Heatalg Stoves. it will pay to buy even
if not needed for another season.
All Stoves marked in plain figures.
This will give you an idea of the re luctions
$32 Stoves for $28 Cush I $7.00 Stoves for $5.90 Cash
$11 " 88.75 cash $20 " $17 Cash
*26 " $22 Cash $6-60 " $7.75 (Nish
$23.00 Stoves for $20.00 Cash.
Not necessary t have 'stoves taken away on day of sale,
by paying a deposit it can be kept until called for;
When you buy your FURNITURE from us We will
give you good gods, well made, well finished and at prices as
Low as the lowest. • '
We are the'Leteling Undertakers. Our stock is com-
plete in all the different branches. Our prices will be found
very moderate for good work.
Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our
Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley King St., opposite Foundry.
J.: V. Cbtildie37. Manager
A Tablet of Tonics\
The medicinal property of each of this list of.
herbs and barks is a specific for some particular
disorder in the human, system. The combination.
of all these curative properties in one tablet pro-
- duces a remedy for all diseases of the Liver,
Stomach, Blood or Kidneys which, for quick and
_ permanent results, has never been equaled.
is nature's grandest remedy. It contains 110 =ill-
eral substance, no morphine, opium or other false
stimulant. Every box is registered and num-
bered, and contains a guarantee that in case a
purchaser is not cured after using one box as
directed, the price of the medicine will be refunded.
Otn.NAT/VR IIRRBS is sold. itt tablets, also in
powdered form, at $r.00 a box, containing zoo
day's treatment. If.you can't get it at your drug-
- gists we wiiI mail it to you on receipt of price.
too ALONZO O. MASCO,. AU St. Paul Watt Mont/ea. Mirada,
Jailefealit .11111
There wih be kept 51 301 al, matt,
forth() improvement of stock 11. fine chester
beer. Terms, at to be paid at tinie et sett/ice
with tho pritimge of rotaro to hog if arrosvAary.
W. a. Menniala
Sceimerlini. Dee. Oth. am*
einv.:Itett ralvert for nate. Abe Thorehrea
jersey Bull for sale.
Itotalltia Moen need.
Jacina. -clinton P. tas
The untieraigned will keep for serriee at Lot
01 eon te, taiderietr township, the shorthern
Captain Marlow,relvistered OM» 111 the
lionlinion Herd Book, rerma et
Alas a Canada impreved Vorkshireltea teed
In? the Ontario Ageletiltittal College treat the
sieo isavorite,bre . by John Had &Son. Park-
hill. This hog is tegistersil.. Terms, h. to be
paid At. Milnerl'401'13e0,, nithptivilege et latii•ii•
ing to hog if necessary.
Jen, WWI.
VIIA111.1:8 DARER.