HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-21, Page 1(41: it VOL. XXI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1908. N0. 40. A Doctor's Statement Bale St. Paul, C.C., Que. March 270, 1907. "Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen:— My many thanks for Psyclitne and Oxomalsion. I have used them with very great satisfaction both 'itt my own ease and in that of my friends, It af- fords me much pleasure to recommend a remedy which is really good in cases for which it is intended, I am, yours very truly," ll DR. ERNEST A. ALLARD. Doctors recognize that Paychfne is one of the very beat remedies for all throat, loung and stomach troubles and all run down conditions, from whatever Cause. It is the prescription of one of the world's greatest specialists in dis- eases of the throat, lunge, and stomach, and all wasting diseases. Ask your druggist for it, at 50c and 1.00, or T. A, Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Belgrave. Mr, Stonehouse is recovering from an affection of one big toe, which hod to be taken off. Mr. and Mfrs. Carlisle have returned from their wedding tour and are nicely settled in Belgrave. Win, Hopper has had a yery bad at- tack of sciatica in his arta, which is not getting much better, Word has been received in Bolgrave Enter Any Day SUPERIORITY thoroughness, progressiveness, utility, enthusiasm, expertness are our watchwords, Commer- olal, Stenography, Telegraphy. Mall courses In any subject. No vacation. Wingham nosiness coliogo Geo. Spotton, Prin. White Mg Drug Store Spring Talk The season of the year le here when everyone turns their attention to clean- ing up the wrecks of winter and getting In shape for the busy time. We are right on the job with a fresh stock of— Formaldedyde 05% (Merk's) Zenolemun Copperas Chloride of Ltme Moth Balls Carbolic Acid Scotch Snuff Don't forget that we are sole agents for Dlatehford's Calf Meal and Empire Poul- try Duster, GET OUR PRICES. of the death of Henry MoVlttie, of Beget, Mattitoba, in the 75th year of his lige, Mr, MaVittie was a former ree(dent of Morris, and was wellk nown by the cider people of this section, John Pu'laud. has pnrebased the Ethel hotel, and he with with his fam- ily will stove there this week. Mr. Putlend and family just moved to Bel - grave last fall from Ripley where he was steeping hotel, and we are sorry to lose them 'in so short a time. A public meeting was held in the Foresters' Hallin this village on Fri- day evening of bast week in the int er- vets of the Conservative candidate, Mr. • Musgrove, ONE BAD MiSTAKE Dr. W. J. MI]LNE Is Frequently Made by the Wisest of Blyth People. It's a serious mistake to neglect. back- ache, Backache is the first sytnptom of kidney ills. Fatal complications may follow, Booth's Kidney Pills act quickly to overcome kidney ills, do not delay, until too late, it may mean Dia- betes, Bright's Disease. Head what a 13(yth residolt says. Mre. Alex, Hamm, of North street, Blyth, Ont,, says ; "I had suffered for over a year with a heavy, dull pain across the small of Illy back and sides, 1 would be unable to get up from a chair without• supporting myself with both my hands, If would end occa- sion to stoop or lift anything I ceuld scarcely straighten myself up, 1 had tried many different remedies but found little or no relief until on advice of a friend I procured Booth's Kidney Pills at Hr. Hamilton's Drug Store and commenced treatment, They quickly cured ane, the pains left my back and it strengthened. I have not suffered sines and feel grateful ih speaking highly of Booth's Kidney Pills," Sold by dealers, price 50 cents, The R.'1', Booth Co„ Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., solo Canadian agents. Goderich. The 0, C. I. boys havedecided t' hold their annual Spots on May 80tIt, The Menesetung Canoe Clnb will rim an excursion to Guelph oq Julie 2nd. An Intetrational Leatrue baseball match between Guelph and Niagara Falls has been arranged for the atter noon, and those wishing to see one of the most interesting games in the in- ternational schedule will have this splendid opportunity, On Saturday t e dwelling near the carding mill at Piper's dam caught fire and burned down, the brick walla only being left standing. The tenants had moved out of the house, soft was nn - occupied, and itis not known how the fire started. The property is owned by Robert Wilson, of town. The 8tst annual institute of the West Huron Teachers' Association will be held in Goderich Collegiate Institute next Thursday and Friday, May 21 and 22, The officers are :—President, H. R. Long, Dungannon ; vice president, Miss S. Gregory, Exeter ; sec, -trona., W. H, Johnston, Brucefield ; council- lors, J. W. Hogarth, Exeter ; T. 01. Field, B. A„ Miss I. Sharman, Gode- SNAPS IN ODD SUITS I11 going through our stock of Ready-made Clothing we find that after a big year's business we have many broken lines in Men's Odd Suits which we are going to clear at ridiculously low prices. V1e have these Suits in only odd sizes, but if there is one in the lot to fit you it will mean money saved in buying, for our loss is your gain. 25 Suits only, which sell regularly at from $10 to $12, to black and blue worsteds and seises, to clear at $5. 10 Snits only, which sell regularly at from $0 to $8, to clear at 53 to 83.10. 15 Youths' Suits, regular $5. to clear $2. Small Boye' Suits from $1,50 up, J' A few Meu'e Odd Pants, regular price $2, to clear at $1 and $1.25. Men's Overalls clearing at 00t and iD. A lot of Men's Silk ''les and Fine Colored Shirts to clear at half price. Don't forget to ask to see our Working Shlrte at 25r. Sults made to your measure, good cloth, good trimmings and good workman- ebip, $10 to $25. This is where a dollar does its duty. S. H. GIDLE4 • POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE rich : A. McLeod, Zurich ; Miss B. M. Anderson, St, Helens. Henson. There is considerable talk of the pur- chase of a line pipe organ for Carmel church. Mr. Beavers who has been clerking in J. \Velsmiller's for some time left for his house, Dashwood. He leaves for Edmonton, Alta., shortly. The following particulars have been taken from the assessment roll which H. Lipnhardt, assessor for Hay, re- turned to the Clerk lest week : Popu- lation, 8040; persons from 21 to 00, 1001; children from 5 to 21, 1118; business assessment, $8,847,500; in- come, 81,050 ; total assessment, 82,815,- 070. Thee is a gradual falling off in population, especially in the rural die- triets Magistrate Greb had a case in the hall, it being a case of assault with an axe, preferred by Henry Itrueger against Daniel Herlhefer, both reei- deuis of the 14th cot). The assault oc- curred on Monday while I{rneger was driving along the road, The defendant was found guilty and remanded to stand his trial at the next ponrt of competent jurisdiction, L'all"urns fnr- nished, which Will save Dana trip 00 the county town at present, Seaforth. John McKenzie and Oscar Sproat have purchased the Star moving pic- ture theatre from Mr. Cady and are now in possession. Agrant of 825 was donated by the Council to the Seaforth Amateur Atil- letio Association to enable theta to lease the recreation grdnnds for the season, and if the association proves a going concern an additional grant of 825 will be made at the end of the sea - 8011. Last Sabbath WAS a red-letter day in the Seaforth Presbyterian church when the pulpit was occupied at both ser- vices by Professor Kilpatrick, D. D., of Toronto, who is justly fanned as being in the front rank of Canadian preachers, Edge & Guttridpe's concrete gang returned from the C. P. R. Toronto and Sudbury line, having completed all concrete work in their contract on that line. The gang left last Wednesday morning for ., alko'ton where they will put 1 foundations, etc., for the C. P. R. buildings on the Proton to Walkerton line, The sporting committee of the Sons of Scotland ere making elaborate pre- parations for their big day on August 12t,h, Sanction has been obtained from the Canadian Amateur Athletic Asso dation to hold the usual amateur sports. The 48th Highlanders' Band of Toronto have been already engaged for the occasion, and the popularity of last y'ear's concert will undoubtedly bring a large crowd, T3 Y'111-1 Blood -Cleansing Recommended in the Spring Time IN THIS WAY THE SYSTEM IS STRENGTH- ENED AND BETTER HEALTH ASSURED From the earliest time it has been universally - acknowledged that the transitory period between winter and spring is the seed time of disease. Consequently it is necessary for tie all to take suihkble Medicine, A delay gives the germs and weak - nese a better chance to take hold. Don't wait, think of your ntnall re- sisting powers, and begin building up to -day. For weakness, overwork and debility 'the doctors prescribe Ferro - zone ; let it help you now. Vitality and power are instilled into the blood ; this means new strength for till weals organs. The fire of youth will fiance in your veins, and new foiled energy will in- crease your desire to work. Fe'rozoae s1511105 the nourishing and tissue -building, material your sys- tem lacks. Isn't this "it treason why 7" Frotn Combermere, Ont„ Mra, John Orntn writes as follows : "For a num- be' of years I was sickly in the spring- time. 1 felt tired, nervous fwd had headaches. My blood was weak and damp days brought on rheumatism, My nervous system was unstrung and I felt utterly worn out, Forrozone re- vived mein a short time. In two days my appetite increased, anti I could feet it building -up process going on, This great tonic made a new person of me and I don't think a tnore strengthening medicine for the spring oto be found." Wouldn't it be met fine for yon to get back your old-time spirits and vigor ? Easily done with Ferrozone ; commence to -day, Sold by all dealers, 500 per box or six boxes for 82.50. Andrew Porter, Conservative Candidate for Centre Huron. DRY GOODS I and MIILLINIRY RTAIN )G X11+GIALtl 1 6111111 PI() CI CI' See our new line of Lace Curtains and Curtain Muslins. It presents an opportunity for economical buying that you can't afford to miss. No question about the price being satisfactory. Nottingham Laee Curtains 5o pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, taped edges, splendid value at 750. Our special value at 9oc.' The Conservative Convention held et Clinton hist Thursday to organize for the now riding of Centre Burnt, WON well attended and quite enthusiastic. The following were elected its its officers : President, 11. Broderick, Seaforth Nottingham Lace Curtains Double thrsad, 3 yards long, over- stitched edges, splendid wearing curtain, extra value at 6oc per pair, Swiss Curtains See our special Swiss Curtains, 3 1-2 yards long, beautifully embroidered at $6,5o per pair. .Curtains at $1.19 Special Nottingham Curtains, extra wide, 3 1-2 yards long. New patterns at $1,19, Nottingham Curtains Nottingham Curtains at $1.65, $2,00, $2.25 and $3.9o. All special values and newest designs. Swiss Spot Muslins Swiss Spot Muslins, frilled, make splendid bedroom curtains, at 15c, 20C and 25C per yard. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. - ' BLYTH VinePreeldPnte, H. J. A. MicEtran and Robert McLean, Goderich ; Thos. Churchill, Goderich township. Secretary, Win, Campbell, Goder- ich Treasurer, Oliver Johnston, Clin- ton Vice:Presidents of mnnie,,ipallties. Clinton J, B. Hoover ; Seaforth, Mr, Turner ; Brussels, A. Bneker ' Colborne, 'Phomas Hamilton ; Hullett, J. Britton : C M1aI'illop, John Scarlett ; Grey, E, Bryans. Nominations for a candidate to eon test the riding in the coming election were made es follows : Andrew Porter, Goderich Rev. Joseph Elliott, Goderich Al. Broderick, Seaforth ; D, Cnntelon, Clinton. de his services as teacher end caretaker a sum not exceeding 825 in any one case, and where lie performs part of the duties a proportionate amount of $25, duct from the amount paid him for •••• ••• • • •• Tell it to the • • • STANDARD • An advertisement in THE STANDARD pays, n010'00'00000000` rr ;l !0n All retired except Mr, Porter, who was made the unanimous choice, Speeches were made by H. Eilhe', South Heron ; Mr. Spotton, of Wingham, and others, Brussels. Ethel will meet Brussels in a Foot- C Ball contest on Victoria Park, Friday evening. Annual excursion to Model Farm, Guelph, on the Kincardine lime will be ruts on Friday June let h. Misses Fanny Friendship and Irene Toole, of town, wore rewarded with $75 bonds for correctly ciphering 000 the 15 Williams puzzle. "Fugit Btu's," one of Alfred Baeker's roadster colts is in the hands of Jobe Hassard, of Listowel, told is in training on the track- there. It is a trotter of coneide'able promise, The polling booths in Brussels for the Provincial election on Mondtty,June 8th., will be as follows :—No. 1, 11, Gerry's building, next Standard Bank, W. L, Leatherdale, Deputy Returning Officer ; No. 2, 00011011 Chamber, Adam Somers, Deputy ; No. 0, Geo, ]site's house, D. A.Lowr,y, Deputy, 0 o 0 SCHOOL GRANTS FOR 1908. phe grants to Public Schools in the County of Huron, 1008, and payable in August, are according to the following scltetne :- 1. GRANTS ON SALARIES, Each school shall receive 40 per cent, of the amounts paid in teachers' salaries each year (beginning in August and mid ilig in ,Tune) over $000 fora principal and lit $100 for each assistant. Ir. GRANTS 00 THE 'POACHERS' QUALIFICATIONS. The following grants shall be paid on the basis of the grade of the teachers' professional certificate and length of hissuc,eesfnl experience 11 If the teacher's total exterieuce shill have been at least live yews in July the first 2(0x1 : (a) lion— a first-e.lesc certificate 510 (b) Fora second-classccrtifclue,,$0 (2) 1f said experience shall have been less then five years on the sante date— (a)) For a first-class certiticstey30 (h} Por a serold class certificate20 Where the teacher performs all the duties of caretaker the Inspector shall oe) Good Advertising Brings Dollars. "I want that article," er "I tram to know more about it," Either one of these is the only comment worth a button, as testing the value of advertising copy. Good copy is the tine plate glass through which to see tire: article advertised or it is the bels of the telescope that brings the object from it distance right up into view. 'CA Advertising is to business what steam and electrieit,y nasi are to machinery—the motive ?,r 1)04Vat'. f } S 0r •0•••••••••••••••: • • • • • • • •000• ••0••• ••••• ••••••••• While the Public 18 invited to make use of this column for the expression of personal views on public matters and public men, personalities are debarred and in all 0050s the suitability of the tom• muntcatton for publication 1s a matter to be decided by the Editor. 'Without differences of opinion there would, of course, be no correspondence, and for the opinion of our correspondents and their differences with our own Toa STANDARD must disclaim responsibility. ••••••••• ••••••••••• ••0••• •, • ••. START IN MAY • • orJune and finish a good course • • of training for stenographer or • • bookkeeper by November, when • • good positions are best obtained. • • Enter any day. No vacations. • • Free catalogue. • • • a Central Business College • • 4, Yonge and Gerrard Ste., Toronto. •• • W. 11. Shaw, Principal. • • i••••••• N•••••♦ ♦•••••••o BANK OF HAMILTO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT is the best investment for idle funds. It offers absolute safety, and pays interest four times a year. T. W. SCOTT AGENT ' v° MATH