The Blyth Standard, 1908-05-14, Page 8Where is Your Hair? In your comb? Why so? Is not the head amuch better place for It? Better keep what is left where it belongs) Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, quickly stops falling hair. There is not a particle of doubt about it. We speak very posi- tively about this, for we know. Dsed ne! change the color of the hair. yornaL with aaeh bolos st Show it to your gers dootor l.k ham about it, thou do u ha *eye Indeed, the one great leading feature of our new Hair Vigor may well be said to be this -it stops falling hair. Then it goes one step further -it aids nature in restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for "the new kind." .•-,-Mad. by tOW, 0. Ayer co., Lowell. Yu8. You always pay too much when you pay too little Paradoxical but true, Particulmiy when buying Gro- ceries. Nearly every article of eatables can be adulterated, Many of them often are. Constant vigilance 3s required to keep undesirable goods from creep- ing into n grocery stock. i, '$ 's Ono oftl, most persistent sinners is Canned Goods. Thousands and thousands of then put up every year. S:.!nobody sells then], Somebody buys thein. Somebody eats them. This grade of canoed goods 3s very COn1111011. 11111 11119 store has neve' sold 0 Carl of it to a, customer in its life, anti it neves' will. Our wily is firsts or nothing in everything, always,;, CASK FOR ALL KINDS Oh' PRODUCE JAMES CUTT I3IfS TII (CANADIAN PACIFIC anawav TO TORONTO Goderioh Le. 7.00 a.m. 4.50 p. m. Auburn " 7,22 14 512 14 Blyth " 7.33 " ' 5,22 Walton " 7.49 " 5.55 Milverton ` 0.23 ' 6.09 Elmira,,..-. ' 8,50 ' 0.45 Guelph " 0.25 " 7.1.2 Toronto Ar, 11.10 " 9.15 FROM TORONTO, Toronto Lo, 8.00 a,m. 5 50 p. m. Guelph Ar, 10.00 " 7.50 " Elmira 10.21 " 8.14 ' lfllvertou " 11.03 " 8.50 Walton ' 11.19 " 9,25 " Blyth " 1152 " 9,30 " Aoburn " 12,02 " 0,49 " Goderich " 12,50 pan. 10,10 " GRAND TRUNi '11, EM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. BOUTM, am pal 6 411 3 30 643 33;3 652 ;344 705 850 714 401 7 47 4 28 805 439 815 447 $ 22 4 52 8 35' 5 05 840 515 8 5 526 p 05 0 30 0 12 5 37 p 21 5 40 0 20 5 54 905 558 9 37 0 00 9 45 6 10 100OTtr. 8111 0111 Wingllam 11 50 7 35 W Ingham .let. 11 48 7 25 Belgrave 11 40 7 13 Blyth 11 28 7 00 Londesboro 11 20 9 52 Clinton 10 15 11 05 635 Brueetleld 918 019 Klppen 9 50 (i 11 Ilensall 0 44 9 05 Exeter 9 30 b 54 Centralia 9 18 5 43 C(aedeboye 9 (2) 5 54 Luoan Crossing 9 95 5 30 Den)leld 8 55 5 25 Ilderton 8 45 5 11 Ettrick 8 35 5 07 Ilyde Park Crossing 8 29 5 02 Hyde Park Jot. 8 21 5 Ott London 815 4 50 Connections are made at Wingbarn for all stations on the Palmerston and Bin. cardine branch. Conneetioue are made at Clinton for all etatIons on branch, and alllBuffalo stattionefrom Stretford to Toronto. Connections are made at Lem Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line, PREPARE FOR POSITIONS paying from $35 to 5100 per month by ettepdh)g the popular ELLIOTT This school is noted far and near for the eupertor education given to the atm dente and for the remarkable success of its graduate$, college open the entire year. Begin now. Our training will make you independent. Write (today for catalogue, W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal, Cor, Yonge and Alexander ata„ Toronto, Walton. A bear 11/188 seep in the big swamp east of Isere by the railway section men the other day, Morris Township Council treated Welton villagers very squarely in the help to be re)dered t0 the proposed cement sidewalk beild)ng. 8260 or $240 will be forthcoming and with the surplus 3n hand will give about $375 toward the construction. it is said the wovk will be done 3aside the next month and whop completed a much needed and permanent imorovetueut will be secured. Quito a number of Liberals from this section atiellded the convention at Senfo'th on Tuesday, Popular Stallion Routes Cairnbrogie Hero Daniel MoGowati, Prop. Clydesdale, Will stand at his own stable, lot 30, eon. 3, East Wawanosh. Royal Celt McConnell 8.1311), Props. Clydesdale, Monday -Will leave lits own etoble, Morris Sr„ Myth, and proceed to (Nob 810117, lot 33, con. 1, Reit Wa- wanosh, tor noon ; then to David Wil. 8011'8, 1424, eon, 1, West WNwan08i, for night. Tuesday --Proceed to Anorew Kiri: e, lot 17, con, 2, West 1V6wonoeh, sur 11000 ; snap to Moentulu'e hotel, Duu- gemloo, for night, Wednesday -Proceed to Gilbert Graves', lot 22, con.7, West Wawanosh, for noun ; then to John Rud• 10011 S, Westfield, for night. 'l'hwrsday -Proceed to Goo. Fothergill'e, lot 34, con.) 0, 14100 Wawanoeh, for 810011; tbeu to Daniel Kelly's, lot '2, con. 7, Morrie, for night. Fridayy--Prooeed tofu. 31. Belly's, lot 9, con. 7, 'Morris, for noon ; then to his own stable, Morris S'„ Blyth, where 110 will remain until the following lion. day morning. Bankfield's Baron AfoConnell & Bell, Props. Shire Monday -Will leave his Own stable, Chas. Manning'0, 000, 13, Hullett, aid proceed to James l.oynotd'e, lot 22, con. 4, Hullett, for noon ; thou to Com. 111010 nl hotel, Canton, for night, Tues. day -Proceed to 'Phos. Mason's, lot 27, cop, 0, Hullett, for none ; then to has eau stable for night. 1Venueeday---Prooeed to Lawrence Plaeteors, Int 40, con. 14, Mullett, for noun ;thou to Henry Taylor's, lot 25, eon. 1, Went Wawanosh, for night. Thursday -Proceed to Patrick Kearney's, St. Augustine, for neon ; tl ala to henry Cooniney's, owl, 9, Etat Wawanosh, for night. Friday-Preeeeu(0 Geu, 13,uart• sous, oon. 10, L: nit Wawanosh, for noon ; then to hill's hotel, Belgrave, for night. Saturday --Prrceed to Comnlelclal hotel, Blyth, for mum ; then to his own stable where be will remain until the tullowlny SIouday morning. Imperial Wella Si: Murphy, Props, Clydesdale. Monday -Will leave hls own stable, lot 12, eon, 13, Hullett, nod go Of 10 1)0umlary, theta north to James Watt's, oon. 14, Hullett, for noon ; then west to Wm. Wear, eon, 14, Ilullett, fa night. Tueeduy-\Vest along boundary, to Mason's hotel, 1313 th, for noon ; then south to Frank Little'$, eon. 12, Hullett, for night. Wednesday -17101 to his owu 86uble where he will remain till Tuursdoy noon. , Thursday 0000- West to hotel, Lmdesboro, for night, Friday - 800111 and east to John Allen's, eon. 9, Hullett, for noon ; then east to James Delo'e, 000, 7, Hullett, for night/ Satur- day -North and east to Alex. Reld'o, oon, 11, Hullett, for noon ; then to his own stable where he will remain until the tot- looter; ol•lowIng Monday morning. Gervais. Blyth Pereberon Ass'n, Props. Monday --Will leave his own etable, S halt of E half lot 41, coo, 5, East \Vuwa• posh, and prooeed to Allen Scutt'e, oon, t) East Wawanosh, for noon; then to Win). Sutherland's, 00n, 13, East Wawa. nosh, for night. Tm"array-Proceed to Elieha Walker's, con. 12,11 tet Wawanosh, for anon ; then co Rolla. Taylors, oon. 1, Morris, for night. Wednesday -Proceed south to Robt. Sbeddan'e, cop, 4, Morris, for noon ; then south to Mlohtlel Rolly'e, CCM 7, Morris, for night. Thursday - Proceed to Leslie Fear's, eon, 9, Mmri', for noon ; then to the boundary for nlgnt. Friday -Proceed to Mason's hotel, Blytb, for noon ; then to Alex, Patterson's, can, 2, Rost Wawanosh, for night, Saturday -Proceed along 'Tor. Kernick's 832000ad to his own stable whore he will remain until the following :Monday morning. Lord Jim. A. Spuhl, Proprietor. Monday -Will leave lila own stable, Londeeboro, and prooeed to cos. 13, then 21 utiles west to Wm. D lea's for noon ; math to eon. 1.2, E-180 Wawanosh, and east 1* mllea, then north to Samuel \Welab'e, Iot86, eon. 5, for night, Tues- day -North to 6tti on. and 13 miles east, then north to Oth oon. and east to Bill's hotel, Belgrave, for noon ; south along gravel to Roht. Neebit'e, con. 7, Morrie, for night, 1Vedne0day-East l3 odes and 0nuth to 8th line, then along gravel to 111ason'a hotel, Blyth, for noon ; south to boundary and home to lila own etnble, Londeshoro, for night, Thursday-Pro- eeed to Wm. Sanderson's, con. 13, Hul- lett, for noon ; hien east ¢ 111110 mad south and west to hls own stable for night. Friday -West and south and west to Chas, Lovett's, Buse Line, for noon' south to Summerhill, then eaet00 gravel road and home to his own etahle where he will remain until the following Mpn• day morning. PACE EIGHT... THE T LYTH STANDARD.,..MA\' 14, Ig3$ OUR NATIONAL DANGER Time to Cry a Halt Before Coat. plate Wreck Results There are thousands, both men and women, who do not take tittle to ant properly. They rush through life, and a$ a result we hues an age of indiges- tion, nervousness, irritability, sleep- less slights and Morose disposition, Our notional danger is stomach weak- ness, due to the strenuous life. 1)10'))e. tablets strengthen the wells Of the 010mach and stimulate secret inn of the digestiveynihe9. 'rimy milk()the 8101116011 comfortable and cure indiges- tion, Sick headaches, palpitation, yellow Skill and coated tongue stye a few of the many distressing resultant indi- gestion that Mi•o-na never fails to Mire. J. 11, Hamilton sells alfi-o-na in 50 arms boxes, nod guarantee to refund the money 3f it does not give complete satisfaction, Minor Locals. Winghanl horse races will be 2)019 on June 10th and lith, Ghee 1)oulin1ol Gazette announces the appo1ututent. of Donald Kay as harbormaster at Godot ieli Another Great Discovery. A. well known gentleman in Bluclt Bay, Ont., ,Lutes Cawau, lots discover- ed an absolute specific for rheuuntt31m, and writes ; "1 was effected with 803. tttk e, and cl1'oui0 rheumatism which I contracted }'ears ago. Tide disease had n great hold in my blood and it. was hard to make any' impression of it. Reading of Perr0zole 1 WAS con- vinced of its Merit and it's certainly the best 1heve ever tried. \Why it just drove the disease away. Even stiffened old sufferers will experience gnidl results. '1110 reason is that L'err0zomo acts through the blood turd thereby destroys the manse of the di - sense. Price 50c per box at all dealers, ;The Postolrice Department will issue n net)' series of postage stamps to mark tile10otll anniversary of the founding of Quebec. Stamp et Rectors trill be o1 the lookout for them, and the Postuffice Department will increase its revenue, When Women Suffer. Look out for weakness or disease, Seo 3f there 3s not a sidoache, restless- ness and the "blues," '111000 symptou0 indica») that 40�00 need the gentle assist- ance of Dr, Iiamhlton's Pills, They ere w'011leri'e greatest relief, proven( derangements, rend)' the life of the blood, nitrify and clans the system 131rooghon0. No tonic, so potent, no results so narked es follow the 110e of ))r, Hamilton's Pills, Price 25c per box at all dealers The nmnnunrenlent 10 1nnd0, thonelt not officially, that 3t 3s decided that the 12111 of July will be observed through• out Cen"da 88 n ('abbe holiday. All public offices fund hanks will be rinsed, and services will be held in all church- es. The Deaf Made to Hoar. Deafness heranse 11011(4)40 duo to Cato 3s galte Otlt'able. Ill a thou- sand cases this is proved ah?olntely true, Soc10ss invariably attends ibo ase of Cetm'rhnznue which line mitred catarrhal dee inose of swears --fico y01,10 standing, Peuetratine throng}) the passe gee of the eat', the enotllitlg ‘-e1101' of Catarrhoz000 relieves the intim• matin0,destroys the seeds of Catarrh end thereby allows 0ature t0 re•nssist herself' Try Caterrhnz000 \morsel(, 26e anti 51 00 sizes sold by all dealers. An order•3lrrouncil 11110 (ren np• proved by the LieulenlwrGoveruor of Ontario, upon recommendation of the Minister of Puhlio Woks, providing thea residents of the province 130 pro- hibited from fishing in any provincial 14'rters, 0000)0 by hook and line. ft is a.3d tiler sort water cam he pro- du00d by running 0(1y common well or hard Water tlu'011gh a stream septu'atol', The soft water will COme out of the cream spout and the hard or heavier ranter will flow 0(10 of the m3111 spout, When Long Breaths Hurt, You know that troubles exist which need quick atteutiou. Propel' 8013011 consists in a vigorous rubbing of the chest and side with Nervline which sinks into the tissues where the pain is seated, and giy00 relief in a few ini,p- uses, No liniment so clean, so strong, so powerful. Results guaranteed with every 25c bottle of Poison's I' erviliue, Get it to -day, Did ,you ever Stop to reflect that it is one thing to talk about people 'utd an. other thing to have people talk about you 7 If those of us who use our ton- gues a little too freely, shout our neighbors, would stop and reflect about this Inn tter, and know the great evil that conies of too much gov8ip 0)113 tattling, we are sure we would cell a halt, Never Slit Your Boots. That, doss'nt rare the corm, ,rust ply the old standby, Putem's Corn •^frame'. It acts like magic. tulle 31 pain, Cures the corn, does it avitb- net burn or scar. Get the best -it's "Putnam's." Cure for Weak Lungs "I have used your Psychine for about six months, and have found it an ex- cellent remedy for pneumonia and weak lungs,°" Ronald Johnson, Farewell, Ont., April 15, 1907. "Psychine is one of the best medi• eines on the market, and for all throat and lung troubles is unexcelled." -A word from a man who has tested it. Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and all throat, lung and stomach troubles yield to Psychine. At all drug. gists, 50e. and 51.00, or Dr, T. A. Slooum, Limited, Toronto Morris. 11ovnship Council meets on the 29th inst. We are s0I'l;y to state that Abel Bradshaw, 4th line, has been on the .dais list but we hope 110 will soon be fully restored. 11 re. and Miss Parr, who have been living ie McKillop for 80111 time, have returned to Morris and are living in their house on the 41h line, 13 miles non 11 of Brussels. The many friends of Miss Lily Mooney are glad to see her able to get about once more and trust she will. shortly regain her acct10101111'd ('13001'. She lies been 0 prisoner to the house 10111 brnn0hWtl8 and n bad cold. -Subscribe for Tnia STANDARD, Catarrh Now Curable But Never by Medicines Swallowed, Snuffs, Sprays or Douches Catarrh is not a blood disease and (haat 38 lvhy 11, cannot lie cured by ally medicine taken into the stomach, Co• tarrh 3s a genii trouble contracted front the germ -laden air you breathe inward. These germs fasten 1(1emse1vee in the (100110 and air colla of the breathing organs, multiply by millions, cause sneezing, coughing, raising of mucous, discite'g0 from the nose, difficulty, in breathing, holu'segess, dryness and stoppage of the nose, tickling 3n the throat and other symptoms that can only be reached by the dry air pri1ci- ptt1 of Hvomei. It medicates the air you tweet he with the curative properties of the Austre- lian Eucalyptus forests where catarrh is 1711141(0%mi, The reason von get relief 3n a minute or two frorn Iiyoulei is becaese 1t de etroys every catarrhal sarin in the air von breathe, and its dry peneroting 0r0tml will reach the 11)1101'1110st renew• es 01(2)0)1818' ea881a0es, killing millions of germs it minute, Their destruction means freedom for nppressrd respira- tory organs, J, M, Iilun1ltou sells Hvmei ender n euarnWee of sat3sfec. 1(011 or money back, Price, $1.00, BOMAN LIME WORKS le headquarters for Froth, Pure, No. 1 Lina Illghestrcemmoods given as to the quality of 1r, hay. Mg proven ttselt No. 1 on Govern- ment Mt ldings. 13y purchasing froth these kilns you patronlzl home industry, 25c per bushel, delivered Write or Telephone to A. NiCHOLSON & SONS BELGRAVG $2.00 ROUNDTRIP G-ODERICH to DETROIT SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Returning Monday, June 22 STEAMER GREYHOUND E. H. AYER, Excursion Agent. Children Ordinary Half Fare Baggage Free For Goderich Leave Detroit for Goderlrh 8.00 a. no (Leave Port Huron 12 noon). Friday, June 19th Central time, arrive in Goderloh 0,00 p.m. Goderich Band Moonlight 8 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 For Detroit Leave Goderich for Detroit 830 a. m., Saturday, June 20th, Canada time, ar• rive in Detroit COO p. m. Return to Goderich Leave Detroit for Goderich 1.00 p. no, Monday, June 22nd, Central time. (2,00 p. m. Canada time), Return to Detroit Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.30 a. 111„ Tuesday, Juno 23rd, Canada time. WHITE STAR LINE, • Furniture Furniture House-cleaning is near at hand and we have been busy during the quiet month of February getting everything ready for a Bumper Spring Trade. We have the best stock of Furniture„ the best selected for the least money of any store in the County. We also carry a full line of House furnishings such as Carpets * Rugs * Oil Cloths * Curtains, Pianos, Organs * Sewing Machines * Furniture * coverings and draperies * 914 9T.T DoT la 30 11 2I'AI3,3CNC' * In this branch we handle the latest goods * and the prices are low. We have the * best outfit in the County and no extra 0 Charge. * WALKER & ROSS * Furniture Dealers & Undertakers, - - Clinton * Your Expenses paid b?th ways. 'Phone 28 etc * ************* *.*********** DONT FORCET Metcalf's Retiring Sale Thera are Bargains for Evergboi All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Gaines, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc., 25 per cent oft. Watches 15 per cern off. Many odd lines 35 to 5o per cent off. Everything must go, Come and see, FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Subscribe for TIM STANDARD, An advertisement in '1'1110 STANDARD plays. HOMESEEKERS' 2ND CLASS Round -Trip Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATES Ap,ll 14, 25 June 6, 21 Aug, 4, 15 May 12, lA July I, 21 Sept 1,16,21 Ttckda flood to Morn within 60 days VERY LOW RATES from all pointe M Ontario. Ranging j Winnipeg and return 132.00 betweeq ).Edmonton and relurn $42.60 Tickets issued to all North-West points, TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, oto, Berths should bo secured and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leave.. Rates and full information contained in free Homemakers' pamphlet. Ask near • est C.P,R, agent for a copy, or write to C. A. 605720, District Nu, Alb, 0,QL Tom), .1'a, ora.110,1 D,lerwatwI, J. DIcMURCII)14 Agent BLYTH L-_Pririting P• That We Are Proud Of !lave you noticed the samples of 1110 work turned out by our job printing. de(artmeut in the window of The Standard 7 No more artistic printing was ever done in Blyth, Thorough workmanship joined with promptness in tilling orders when promised have made this branch a busy one from the day that we commenced, If you have printing of any kind that you wish done, call at The Standard Or telephone No, 4 and one of our representatives will call 011 yell, In jot) work we guarantee to fill the hill in first elns9 style, whether it be large or 011)1)11, The Blyth Standard ! llallenialsomunewriseam